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Rhysmonic Cosmology

A Brief History on the Development of Rhysmonic Cosmology

( 4-20-2005 )

A. The Early Years

While I had always been interested in technology and cosmology, my Rhysmonic Cosmology really got started with some observations noted in the early 1960’s in Dover Publications-released reprints of two classical volumes (1, 2). Max Planck in his volume noted (as an aside!) the existence of Natural Units, while Sir William Bragg noted that crystalline structures could be developed from the closest packing of spheres. Both of these notations appeared to e to possibly be related to a structure for an aether-type substrate underlying our sensible everyday Universe! I could work on these concepts only intermittently, but by about 1970 the essentials of my Rhysmonic Cosmology had been pretty much worked out.

At about that time I became aware of R. mark’s book (3), amplifying somewhat on the closest packing of spheres and it bode well for the basis of my cosmology. When at about 1975, I became acquainted with a book on R. B. Fuller’s work by R. B. Fuller and R. Marks (4), I was struck by how similar that work was to my own concepts and thus it complemented my views quite well! Therefore, I accepted much of Fuller’s terminology and insights, the only differences I had were that in rhysmonics, (a) a plane could be finite, (b) a circle could contain only 360°, and (c), the Universe was Euclidian in basic structure! I recommend that volume, especially the Chapter on Energetic-Synergetic Geometry!

B. The Monograph

In late 1984, Radio-Electronics magazine showed interest in my article on Gravitational Waves. This was eventually published in edited form later in 1988 (5). While I released much material (in the previous years) to a very few colleagues, I had worried (at that time) that a general release to a much larger readership could raise doubts and questions. That proved to be true since Radio-Electronics was quite overwhelmed with reader responses to that article! By the way, the response was mostly favorable!

Therefore, for that reason, I decided to pre-release my efforts in a short Monograph (6). I released that volume well before the R-E article appeared! I had only about 60 copies of the Monograph made and about 15 of those copies were sent gratis to some well-known professional researchers in this area. The only response I ever received was from the editor of the Amateur Scientist column in the Scientific American magazine! He mentioned that he was interested in my material but he would never be able to get it past the magazine editor!

C. In  Retrospect

I had originally termed the rhysmonic basic cell structure hexagonal after Bragg, but it was more generally known as the cubo-octahedron in crystallography! Fuller’s Vector Equilibrium was more descriptive and I adopted it for that reason. But a word of caution here: The Universe in rhysmonics is a very dynamic structure and thus the crystalline effects are only seen of the universe is stopped in time! Yet, all these crystalline structures Fuller showed to be possible would still be there (in its many phases) at each instant of time!

The Universe (in Rhysmonics) is in a continuous vibratory mode established by the Planck frequency, f*, which is about 1.86 x 1043 Hertz. At various sub-harmonic resonances and under the proper environmental and energy conditions, the Universal Energy of the Universe (i.e., the G-fields) could result in microscopic and macroscopic crystallizations of all types; determine atomic and molecular structures; determine inorganic and organic structures; and even the highly complex bodily life structures and their functions! I have shown over the years the many aspects of the physical interactions possible with verifiable and repeatable results! There is so much more to be learned here (by others). Planck, Fuller, and I hope I may have shown the way --- ?

D. Conclusions

I know that many others have considered a mechanical (4th dimension) universe, and possibly some colleagues, but it appears to me that the Rhysmonic Cosmology version has been proven to be viable. However, it needs further development. My past efforts are now being made available on the Internet ( I hope that now many others will become involved in this effort!

E. References

(1) Max Planck: The Theory of Heat Radiation; Dover, 1959.

(2) Sir William Bragg: Concerning the Nature of Things; Dover.

(3) Robert W. Marks: The New Mathematics Dictionary and Handbook; Bantam Books, 1967.

(4) R.B. Fuller and R. Marks: The Dymaxion World of Buckminster Fuller; Anchor Books, 1973.

(5) G. Hodowanec: "All About Gravitational Waves"; Radio-Electronics (April 1986).

(6) G. Hodowanec: Rhysmonic Cosmology (August 1985)