The Self Balancing Monorail
Mayo Man Invents Gyroscopic Monorail 1909
The Brennan Gyro-Monorail
The Brennan Gyro-Monorail was developed by the
Irish-born Australian inventor Louis Brennan. (1852-1932) It was
40 feet long and weighed 22 tons, and was designed to carry 10
tons. Speed on the level was 22 mph. The vehicle was balanced by
two vertical gyroscopes mounted side by side, and spinning in
opposite directions at 3000 rpm. Each gyroscope was 3.5 feet in
diameter and weighed 3/4 of a ton each. They were enclosed in
evacuated casings to reduce air-friction losses. The rotational
axes were horizontal.
In the Gillingham tests the vehicle was fitted with two petrol
engines. A small 20 hp unit powered the gyroscopes, drove an
air-compressor (for braking?) lighted the car, and propelled it
at slow speeds. A larger 80 hp engine was used for high-speed
Brennan patented the concept in 1903; see patent No 27,212, with
the unsensational title "Improvements in and relating to the
Imparting of Stability to otherwise Unstable Bodies, Structures
or Vehicles"...

The Louis Brennan gyroscopic monorail, demonstrated to the
press at Gillingham. Kent, on 10th November, 1909
. Note the soldiers standing on the rear platform-
apparently 40 of them.
The sleepers of the test track were 3.5 ft in length, laid 2.5
feet apart without ballast. The steepest gradient on the track
was 1 in 13, and the sharpest curve had a radius of only 35
Note the double-flanged wheels to prevent slipping off the rail.

The first model was a very simple proof-of-concept of the 1903
patent. It was 2ft 6in long, 12in wide, and 10in long, with the
whole of the internal space being taken up by the gyroscopes,
motors and accumulators. No photographs of it are known to
The second model was a one-eighth scale version of a proposed
prototype for a monorail system, and still exists. It was used
to demonstrate the gyroscope principle to the Royal Society in
1907. The electrically-powered model travelled along a single
wire 6 feet above the ground, using grooved wheels, and
maintained its balance despite its forward motion being
repeatedly stopped, and the wire violently swung. On the
strength of this, Brennan was granted a subsidy by the War
Office to build the full-scale machine.
The Brennan model in
action, using just one of a pair of rails.
The model was 6 ft long and 18 in wide, with a total weight of
about 175 pounds. The accumulators to power the electric motors
can be seen at the back of the load-deck...
How the two gyroscopes were
mechanically coupled to utilise the precession forces.
When the car tilted, each gyroscope would try to precess by
rotating round a vertical axis. This would not in itself stop
tilting, as the torque is in the direction of steering rather
than tilting. However, two gyros spinning in opposite directions
produce precession forces in opposite directions, and when these
are geared together as shown the result is a reaction on the
horizontal shaft that counteracts the original tilt. Here the
gyroscope axes are pointing out of the page.,,

The Brennan model, carrying Brennan's daughter on an aerial

The Brennan model in the National Railway Museum at York.
...In the right foreground can be seen one of the electric
motors, with its reduction gearing. At the bottom can be seen
the coupling rod between the two wheels. The two dials on
vertical shafts look as though they were for controlling speed
(left) and forward/stop/reverse (right). The function of the
handwheel above the motor pivot is unknown; possibly it
controlled some sort of friction damper. The accumulators were
mounted where the green-baize table thingy is. This is the back
end. The gyroscope assembly is at the far (front) end.

The Brennan model in the National Railway Museum at York.
This is the front end, with the two white gyroscopes at the
left, and the geared traction motor at right. The white label
says "Traction motor" but it is actually stuck on the reduction
gear casing. The coupling rod between the two wheels can be
clearly seen.
The thing at extreme right appears to be a headlight, mounted
with horizontal springing, for some reason. It seems to be
fitted in the picture of the model carrying Brennan's daughter.
Once again the function of the handwheel above the motor pivot
is unknown; possibly a friction damper.
Picture kindly provided by Stephen Holland.
brennan's gyroscopic mono-rail car

Photograph of the Brennan Gyrostatic Mono-rail car at the
White City (Willow’s airship visible in background)
Science Museum Group

Model Gyroscopic Mono-Rail car, scale 1:8, built by Brennan.
The inventor Louis Brennan (1852-1932) built this working model
in about 1907 to demonstrate his ideas for a single-tracked rail
vehicle stabilised by two linked gyroscopes. Brennan's daughter
became a guinea-pig and was enlisted to help him conduct tests
and demonstrations to prove the stability of his invention.
Brennan had patented the Gyroscopic Mono-Rail design in 1903 and
was commissioned by the United Kingdom's War Department to
create a full size prototype. He built his full size version in
1909, and it was 40ft long, weighed 22 tons and could carry a
load of up to 15 tons. Demonstrations to the Press took place as
well as an exhibition at the White City in 1910, where fifty
passengers were driven around a circular track - one of the
passengers was Winston Churchill who showed considerable support
for the invention. Despite this, investors were not convinced
and the Mono-Rail was not adopted.

Gyro monorail
The gyro monorail, gyroscopic monorail, gyro-stabilized
monorail, or gyrocar are terms for a single rail land vehicle
that uses the gyroscopic action of a spinning wheel to overcome
the inherent instability of balancing on top of a single rail.
The monorail is associated with the names Louis Brennan, August
Scherl and Pyotr Shilovsky, who each built full-scale working
prototypes during the early part of the twentieth century. A
version was developed by Ernest F. Swinney, Harry Ferreira and
Louis E. Swinney in the US in 1962.
The gyro monorail was never developed beyond the prototype
The principal advantage of the monorail cited by Shilovsky is
the suppression of hunting oscillation, a speed limitation
encountered by conventional railways at the time. Also, sharper
turns are possible compared to the 7 km radius of turn typical
of modern high-speed trains such as the TGV, because the vehicle
will bank automatically on bends, like an aircraft,[1] so that
no lateral centrifugal acceleration is experienced on board.
A major drawback is that many cars – including passenger and
freight cars, not just the locomotive – would require a powered
gyroscope to stay upright.
Unlike other means of maintaining balance, such as lateral
shifting of the centre of gravity or the use of reaction wheels,
the gyroscopic balancing system is statically stable, so that
the control system serves only to impart dynamic stability. The
active part of the balancing system is therefore more accurately
described as a roll damper.
Brennan monorail.png
Harmsworth Popular Science (c.1913, Vol.3,
The image in the leader section depicts the 22 tonnes (22 long
tons; 24 short tons) 22 tonne (unladen weight) prototype vehicle
developed by Louis Brennan.[3] Brennan filed his first monorail
patent in 1903.
His first demonstration model was just a 30.0 by 11.8 inches
(762 by 300 mm) box containing the balancing system. However,
this was sufficient for the Army Council to recommend a sum of
£10,000 for the development of a full-size vehicle. This was
vetoed by their Financial Department. However, the Army found
£2,000 from various sources to fund Brennan's work.
Within this budget Brennan produced a larger model, 6.0 by 1.5
feet (1.83 by 0.46 m), kept in balance by two 5.0 inches (127
mm) diameter gyroscope rotors. This model is still in existence
in the London Science Museum. The track for the vehicle was laid
in the grounds of Brennan's house in Gillingham, Kent. It
consisted of ordinary gas piping laid on wooden sleepers, with a
50 feet (15 m) wire rope bridge, sharp corners and slopes up to
one in five. Brennan demonstrated his model in a lecture to the
Royal Society in 1907 when it was shown running back and forth
"on a taught and slender wire" "under the perfect control of the
Brennan's reduced scale railway largely vindicated the War
Department's initial enthusiasm. However, the election in 1906
of a Liberal government, with policies of financial
retrenchment, effectively stopped the funding from the Army.
However, the India Office voted an advance of £6,000 (equivalent
to £675,267 in 2021) in 1907 to develop the monorail for the
North West Frontier region, and a further £5,000 (equivalent to
£555,391 in 2021) was advanced by the Durbar of Kashmir in 1908.
This money was almost spent by January 1909, when the India
Office advanced a further £2,000 (equivalent to £221,795 in
On 15 October 1909, the railcar ran under its own power for the
first time, carrying 32 people around the factory. The vehicle
was 40.0 by 9.8 feet (12.2 by 3 m), and with a 20 horsepower (15
kW) petrol engine, had a speed of 22 miles per hour (35 km/h).
The transmission was electric, with the petrol engine driving a
generator, and electric motors located on both bogies. This
generator also supplied power to the gyro motors and the air
compressor. The balancing system used a pneumatic servo, rather
than the friction wheels used in the earlier model.
The gyros were located in the cab, although Brennan planned to
re-site them under the floor of the vehicle before displaying
the vehicle in public, but the unveiling of Scherl's machine
forced him to bring forward the first public demonstration to 10
November 1909. There was insufficient time to re-position the
gyros before the monorail's public debut.
The real public debut for Brennan's monorail was the
Japan-British Exhibition at the White City, London in 1910. The
monorail car carried 50 passengers at a time around a circular
track at 20 miles per hour (32 km/h). Passengers included
Winston Churchill, who showed considerable enthusiasm. Interest
was such that children's clockwork monorail toys, single-wheeled
and gyro-stabilised, were produced in England and Germany.[5][6]
Although a viable means of transport, the monorail failed to
attract further investment. Of the two vehicles built, one was
sold as scrap, and the other was used as a park shelter until
1930. ..
US1183530 [ PDF
US1019942 [ PDF
Improvements relating' to methods of and means
for imparting stability to and maintaining stability of bodies
such as single track vehicles or vessels
Improvements in and relating tothe imparting of stability
to otherwise unstable bodies, structures or vehicles
CA131336 (A)
CA92599 (A)
CA76586 (A)
Improvements in Lubrication of Bearings for Gyrostats.
GB190930417 (A)
Improvements in and relating to the Suspension and
Running Gear of Single Track Vehicles.
GB190929579 (A)
Improvement in Means for Imparting Stability to Unstable
GB190926034 (A)
Improvements in and relating to the Imparting of
Stability to otherwise Unstable Bodies, Structures or Vehicles
GB190327212 (A)