Technotronic Psychotechnology
Via : zapatopi.net
-- "Serving the Paranoid since 1997", e.g. :
Chausovsky : Technotronic Psychotechnologist
by Lyle Zapato
Dr. Gregory Chausovsky is a senior researcher of Psychological
Science at the Zaporizhzhya National University in Ukraine. While
famous in the Russian-speaking world, he only gained momentary
attention in the West a few years ago thanks to his invention of a
musical condom. The true depth of his inventiveness was sadly
overlooked by English speakers.
Dr. Chausovsky's primary interests (as listed in his bios, here
and here) are in: "biofeedback, self-bioadaptive psycho-emotional
states, hardware diagnostics and correction of the mental and
emotional status of an individual, and electronic neutralization
of stress." Dr. Chausovsky describes his work as "technotronic
His field of study can be classified as positive mind control: the
use of mind control techniques (psychotronics, cerebrosonics,
psyoptics, etc.) to alter one's own mind for beneficial effects
(for example, see my own DePsych utility included with MindGuard).
Paranoids should, of course, be wary of devices designed by others
to control one's mind, but Dr. Chausovsky work is reproducible by
the average paranoid maker, allowing them to be sure their
homemade devices are safe. He even states in an interview:
"I do not have any trade secrets. Moreover, I openly publish
articles on the website with photos and a detailed description.
And there is no problem for anyone wanting to repeat my invention.
The copyright is, of course, a profitable thing, but when it comes
to health, you can not keep saving invention under the pillow."
His 2010 psychotechnic device pictured above (the
"kaleidoscopic-trance for self-correction of mental and emotional
state") synchronizes colorful LED kaleidoscope patterns to
the wearer's exhalation, as measured through a nose-adapted
microphone, which also provides aromatherapy with impregnation of
essential oils in its porous support surface. Furthermore, there
is a monaural earbud on the right side that provides
autosuggestion via whispered psychocorrective affirmations.
While obviously an experimental device given the use of
polystyrene cups, he later refined the form factor, adding
measurement of the user's torso contractions for enhanced
biorhythmic feedback and claiming various health benefits,
including "self-correction of individual vegetative status":
Kaleidoscopic Trance Induction
Some more of his inventions:
An earlier version of his experiments into
technotronic psychotechnologic stress reduction
Technotronic psychotechnologic behavioral prevention of
negative consequences from office work. A rig to train the user to
engage in healthy ergonomics while seated at work.
Technotronic psychotechnologic kaleidoscopic-trance
for self-correction of mental and emotional state
Technotronic psychotechnologic guided visualization to activate
the body's defenses.The user activates their body's defenses
against disease by striking an image of their ailment on a
computer screen with glowing biofeedback swords.
Technotronic psychotechnologic psychological personal rejuvenation
: Glasses with a photo of the user when they were young mounted on
the left and a mirror on the right. By looking back and forth
between the two, combined with breathing biofeedback, the user can
slow the aging process.
Many other of his inventions can be found on psyfactor.org
(a site that documents his work along with that of others; look
for the articles bylined ** ) including devices that help with
weight loss, insomnia, pain reduction, depression, phobias, and
keeping one's New Year's resolutions. You can also find there an
interview with him: "Gregory Chausovsky: last romantic inventor"
(in Russian, as are all his articles).
During a 2013 interview on Ukrainian TV, Dr. Chausovsky
demonstrated his most refined version yet of wearable
stress-reduction: the technotronic psychotechnologic mood ring,
with attached nosebud.
How long until Apple comes out with their own version?
TV Interview ( in Russian )
[ Machine-Translated Excerpts]
Technotronic Psychotechnologic
Self-Induction of the Trance State for Self-Health
Technotronic psycho self-induction of the trance state for
self-health applications
Psy is a novelty developed for the combined use of self-induction
of the trance state of instrumental techniques which provide
synchronized breathing rhythms, playing monotonous sounds of
different tone, torso twists and changes in dynamic scenes
rendered symmetrical colored patterns with monaural sound system
affirmations psychocorrective semantic orientation.
Constructive design developed psycho (see. Photo) realized in the
form of spectacles, which recorded two mirror prism with glass
balls on the ends. Spectacle-frame mounted miniature electronic
audio amplifier, included in the input electric circuit is a
miniature electret microphone is inserted into the user's nostril,
and included in the output electrical circuit of the amplifier
microtelephones inserted into the ear canal of the right ear of
the user. The development kit also includes a belt, which is fixed
an electric generator melodic sounds of different frequencies, the
consistent inclusion of which is carried out in a contactless
manner (by synchronized with the rotation of the body by the
movement of his hands with a magnetic ring along the outer surface
of the belt). On the back side of the belt fastened magnetically
reed, consistent electrical contact closure which is under the
influence of an external magnetic field of the ring, move users in
sync with the rotation of the torso. This provides a sound tones
change from low to high and vice versa depending on the direction
of rotation of the torso. At the same time, when the user turns
the body renders the synchronous changing scenes of colorful
symmetric patterns generated by fixed on eyeglass frame mirror
prisms and glass balls. Monotonous, synchronized with the turn of
a trunk, forming colorful symmetric patterns and musical sounds
helps induce trance states....
As noted above, attached to the eyeglass frame miniature
electronic audio amplifier provides the scoring breathing rhythm
user that introduces an additional component of the acoustic sound
of monotony in the process of forming the state of trance. At the
same time due to bone conduction acoustic user is able by
whispering to implement various affirmations monaural effect
autosuggestion (as, in particular, the information is presented
right ear, lateralized in the left hemisphere). Experimentally
validated (L. Tommasi, 2009), that task obtained through the right
ear, solved more quickly than their sound system through the left
ear. The effect of the right ear provides the activation of
attention to hear the information, development and improvement of
its memory (S. Scott, 2009).
Thus, "the effect of the right ear of" neuropsychological creates
preconditions for efficiency monaural autosuggestion techniques
with a view to the successful utilization of induced trance states
for government health applications.
Characteristically, the technical solution proposed psycho allows
a single device commonly available methods to realize the combined
use of these psycho:
- monitoring of the principle of rhythmic breathing
biofeedback;monaural autosuggestion by means of electronic sound
- dynamic meditation (formation colorful symmetric multi-colored
patterns in sync with the user's torso bends);
- polytouch trance induction (by the monotone, synchronized with
the breath user exposure to sound, light and tactile stimuli);
- forming an acoustic ("musical") anchor an emotional feeling
emotional balance.
Monaural autosuggestion allows utilization induced trance state in
order to implement a very important for the health authorities
following psycho:
- authorities stress;
- efficiency psychoimmunology methods in the treatment of cancer;
- elimination of bad habits;
- reduce the level of anxiety;
- self-correction of feeding behavior;
- neutralizing pain psychophysiological methods of alienation,
distraction, regression;
- self-correction of individual vegetative status;
- mobilize the body's defenses in the implementation of
comprehensive treatment programs to address the psychosomatic
Thus, the proposed technical solution enables psycho in a single,
publicly available on cost and operational capabilities, a
portable device to implement a set of efficient psycho, enabling
targeted samovliyaniya on the formation factors of mental
and physical health.
Psycho Technotronics vs the
Formation of Stress

According to WHO, about 70% of the diseases associated with
emotional stress, which inevitably leads to a decrease in
efficiency, poor quality of life, physical and mental state of the
person. Stress can serve as a basis for the development of
pathogenic neurological, cardiovascular, endocrine and other
diseases (K. Sudakov, 1976).
The main methods of forming stress is moderate exercise, breathing
exercises, contrasting temperature effects, methods of suggestion
and auto-training (Stegantsev A., 2009).
The novelty of this method of formation of stress is complex
implementation within individual means of Mental Health, made in
the form of points, polysensor biodaptivno-respiratory psycho
anti-stress. Created by the proposed method of individual
psycho-hygienic means - glasses can be used for preventive
formation stress and to neutralize post-traumatic stress symptoms.
Structural design of this method is in the form of dark points on
the inner surface of which are fixed the green LEDs. These local
sources of light include tactile sensor rhythmic diaphragmatic
breathing. To monitor rhythmic diaphragmatic breathing tactile
sensor is fixed to the wrist strap (when breathing tactile sensor
using your hands in contact with the front wall of the abdomen).
At the same strap secured another similar tactile sensor
comprising a synchronous rhythm of breathing "elektrovkusovoy"
stimulant. This promoter is in the form of two contacting with the
tongue taste receptors microelectrodes mounted on rods of plastic
food. On the stroke "inspiration" on microelectrodes applied weak
electrical potential, initiating the formation of specific
On the earpiece attached electronic amplifier acoustic signals
miniature microphone is equipped with anti-stress aromanositelem
orientation, inserted into the nostril user, microtelephones
amplifier is fixed to ear. This allows real-time monitor the
rhythm of the breath of his acoustic effects and at the same time
to implement elements of aromatherapy.
As a result of contact tactile sensor wrist strap to the front
wall of the abdomen that protrudes during inspiration and retracts
on exhalation, it is possible to monitor the principle of
biofeedback rhythmic diaphragmatic breathing in the form of
polytouch (gustatory, olfactory, tactile, auditory and visual)
sensations. Touching wrist strap with tactile sensors to the back
of the head or limbs allows a similar polytouch monitoring
synchronized with breathing various physical exercises associated
with the tilt of the head, bending the limbs, etc....
For example, the principle of monitoring polytouch biofeedback
performing synchronized breathing tilted his head improves the
efficiency of the implementation exercise for the "stretching" of
the cervical spine with a view to Antistress activation of
parasympathetic system.
The functionality of the method developed as part of the permit in
the form of individual points psychohygienic means comprehensively
implement the following psycho formation stresses:
- meditation on breathing with the help of "physiological mirror"
that reflects the rhythm of breathing in the form of five-sensory
(taste, olfactory, visual, tactile, auditory);
- neutralization anxiety, agitation, outbursts of negative
emotions using diaphragmatic - relaxation breathing bioadaptive
formed using polytouch self;
- arbitrary control psycho-emotional state of regulated breathing
techniques, initiating (short-breath and slowly exhale followed by
a pause) parasympathetic stimulation that promotes the
transformation of emotional stress in the state of mental
- the formation of the dominant competitor and distancing from the
stressful situation (A. Zhdanov, 2008) techniques polysensor
concentrating on the rhythm of breathing;
- polytouch stimulation driven rhythm physiological diaphragmatic
breathing, for the formation of anti-stress effects the receive
direction the touch of monotony;
- coordination of their own rhythms of the brain with the rhythm
polytouch external stimuli (assimilation brain slow rhythms,
multiple respiratory rate) in order to move the brain into a state
of low-level activity (Sandomirskiy M., 2001);...
- normalization of psycho-emotional state polytouch techniques for
monitoring the implementation of special physical exercises
associated with rhythmic tension of the neck muscles to "breathe"
(head tilted back, overcoming the resistance of hands with tactile
sensors on the back of the head) and the subsequent relaxation of
muscles to "exhale" (head tilted forward);
- the formation of anti-stress effects, methods of synesthesia
(overlapping time-synchronized with the breath of taste,
olfactory, tactile, auditory and visual sensations);
- decrease in neuroticism, psychoticism, personal anxiety,
depression forming psychological and emotional stability
(Golosheykin S. 2002) polysensor meditation techniques;
- prevention of maladaptive disorders by targeted respiratory
bioadaptive color stimulation;
- forming reaction calm, relaxation and techniques to optimize
vegetative regulation of respiratory bioadaptive light and sound
- deliberate self-correction techniques of individual vegetative
Profile respiratory elektrovkusovogo formation, on the basis of
biofeedback regulated breathing exercises (Chausovsky G., 2008);
- autosuggestive formation of optimal behavioral activity in
stressful situations, by sound (whispering) affirmations
antistress orientation (in development for the sound effects used
affirmations registration miniature bone conduction microphone
Technotronic techniques developed method of forming a focused
stress obtained by the audio-visual stimulation, synchronized with
the breath of the user, the following anti-stress physiological
- the activation of the central nervous mechanisms that regulate
the psycho-emotional state of the user, through targeted exposure
through visual and auditory analyzers cortical, limbic structures
and the reticular formation of the brain (J. Golub, 2008);
optimization of vegetative regulation of the use in- the methods
oftalmofotostimulyatsii pulse light emitters (LEDs), green
(Goldovskaya I., 1987; Petrov, K., 2008);
Thus, realized by developed the ability to combine the use of the
individual within the portable Mental Hygiene (special glasses)
complex psycho anti-stress orientation creates the preconditions
for non-drug public enhance the effectiveness of formation stress.
Technotronic Psycho Behavioral
Prevention of Negative Consequences of Office Work
According to WHO, each year about two million people in the world
die from diseases associated with lack of physical activity, and
every third office worker has any disease of the spine.
Characteristic for office work a sedentary lifestyle doubles the
risk of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, the cause of 10% of
deaths in the EU.
As a result of sedentary lifestyle (long sitting in the office, in
front of television, computer monitor), there is a failure in the
functioning of almost all human organs and systems.
A pooled analysis of results of experimental research into the
negative impact of inactivity on the integrated indicators of
health shows that a sedentary lifestyle contributes to:
- increased risk of various diseases by 37% (A. Dembo, 2010);
- formation of sarcopenia (I. Rosenberg, 2010), characterized by a
decrease in muscle and increase body fat;
- telomere shortening (Cherkasy L., 2010), which causes
accelerated aging by an average of 10 years;
- deformation of the spinal column (Serov A .. 2007), contributing
to the development of various diseases (sciatica, gastric ulcer,
gastritis, hemorrhoids, chronic bronchitis, mastitis);
- negative influence on metabolic processes and the resulting
activation of growth overweight (A. Patel, 2010), resulting in an
increase of 5% risk of obesity at daily stay seated about two
hours (Tremblay, M., 2010);
- an increase of 18% risk of death from cardiovascular disease (J.
Levin., 2010);
- increasing the threat of cancer (M. Tremblay, 2010);
- excessive strain eyes, muscles and joints, the formation of the
state of fatigue and depression, cognitive decline (Chellenor J.,
negative impact on the lymphatic and venous systems, the
development of cellulite and varicose veins.
To prevent "office diseases" have been developed previously by the
author fixed on the body of a variety of electronic sensor
systems, alarms incorrect posture of the user (Chausovsky G.,
2009). However, these sensor systems do not allow to generate
incentive signals for preventive breaks and the implementation of
various methods of locomotor activity after a certain period of
time spent in a sitting position, and the need to fix the
specialized sensors on the body of the user barely acceptable in
the real world production activities office workers.
The novelty is a tool developed psycho implementation of
continuous automatic control via fixed on the chair applicators
sensors like sitting posture, and for the integral indicator of
time spent in a sitting position and the formation of
"signal-stimulus" that excludes the possibility of ignoring the
need for user-chair of preventive interruptions in order to
neutralize the negative effects of prolonged sitting. At the same
time techniques developed psycho provide for the implementation of
a preventive tool training the eye muscles, hands and neck, as
well as the application of psychophysiological methods of
maintaining a high level of mental capacity.
Constructive design developed psycho (see photo) is implemented as
fixed on the outer surfaces of the working chair of any type of
miniature sensor applicators (mikrotaktilnogo sensor on the back
of the chair for continuous automatic control of posture and
sitting mikrotaktilnogo sensor on the seat chair for continuous
monitoring of the duration of time spent in user sitting position.
If any of sitting posture, located on the back of the chair
includes a microsensor mikrovibrator providing formation
imperceptibly signal information about the need for self-control
your posture.
Fixed at the seat of the chair mikrotaktilny sensor provides at
its mechanical contact with the body of the user switch miniature
electronic timer, including through pre-defined by the interval of
time (40-60 minutes) located outside the tiny chairs (vibrotactile
or acoustic) alarm. Placing signaling for armchair makes possible
his trip is interrupted only when sitting and standing up. Thus
the possibility of ignoring seated signaling the need to implement
preventive break for the implementation of different motor
techniques neutralize the negative effects of prolonged sitting.
According to the results of experimental studies (coma F., J.
Dunst, 2010), to neutralize the negative impact of a sedentary
lifestyle on human health must be maintained, even if minimal,
physical activity throughout the day (intermittent standing,
walking, etc.) . This is due to the fact that even the nightly
sessions in the gym can not fully offset the negative impact of
sedentary work on the human body.
Developed psycho also provides methods of preventing the
implementation of psycho-physiological reducing mental performance
of office employees with a special device, made in the form of
spectacle frames, which recorded a laser pointer and pull rods,
the ends of which are fixed to activate with a carpal expander LED
emitters (see. Photo ). The laser pointer allows the principle of
biofeedback for visual self-effectiveness of the prevention of
gymnastic exercises for the neck (head movement is accompanied by
a simultaneous appearance on the wall or ceiling of dynamic light
figures). It is known that physical exercise with cervical spine
help to eliminate headaches, mental states of discomfort and
Synchronization performing gymnastic exercises for the eyes (their
circular and horizontal motions) with simultaneous inclusion of
carpal expander using LED emitters, accelerates the process of
self-learning techniques of preventive eye-motor exercises and
helps to achieve the following effects:
- improve the processes of memorization of the processed
information, as experimentally confirmed (E. Parker, 2007), that
preventive horizontal eye movements when working with textual
information positively influence the processes of hemispheric
interactions and 15% improves short-term memory;
- the formation of the state of the autonomic balance through
implementation using carpal expander laterally Kinesiological
effects (Chausovsky G., 2010);
- prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome and eyestrain.
Techniques developed psycho also provide minimize the negative
impact of computer information-analytical work on the processes of
analytical thinking, which, according to the results of
experimental studies using magnetic resonance imaging (N. Carr,
2010), much worse with continued searching various information in
the Internet resources. Instrumental implemented within the
framework of the proposed method of automatic effect of prompting
the computer user do every 40-60 minutes prophylactic breaks,
helps to eliminate the negative impact of the above there
prolonged computer information and analytical work on the
efficiency of intellectual activity. Experimentally validated
(Davachi L., 2010) that even short breaks during prolonged stay in
a sitting position contribute to the activation of cognitive
Thus, the techniques developed psycho, based on the use of
specialized sensor heads for any type of chairs, create
preconditions not only to minimize the negative impact of a
sedentary lifestyle on virtually all human organs and systems, but
also contribute to better implementation of its intellectual
Usefulness developed psycho (constructive cost of registration
which does not exceed 8 USD) is obvious, since sedentary lifestyle
inherent in much of the population is not only the initiating
factor in the development of various "office diseases", but also
determines the likelihood of reduced life expectancy of office
employees (according to statistical studies, the risk of premature
death for people who spend sitting more than six hours a day, on
average 25% higher than those who do not ignore the need to
implement preventive practices motor activity).
Technotronic Psychotechnologic Guided
Visualization to Activate the Body's Defenses
The user activates their body's defenses against disease by
striking an image of their ailment on a computer screen with
glowing biofeedback swords.
Technotronic psycho guided visualization to activate the body's
Methods of guided visualization and purposeful formation
figuratively - sensory perceptions by stimulating the real
favorable physiological processes contribute to achieving the
following positive effects:
- activate the body's defenses (Rossi E., 1986; Leviticus M.,
- decrease in the intensity of pain (Shoyfet M., 2003);
- activation of the autonomic, endocrine and humoral correlates
- psycho-emotional profile (B. Rotenberg, 2004);
- correction of psychosomatic disorders (Linda N., 2004);
- decrease in the expression of feelings of powerlessness in the
course of the disease and achieving more
- quality of life of the patient (Etkin In .. 2006);
- reduce the level of anxiety (Komisaruk B., 2009);
- the formation of the image-sensory way of thinking, has a
- effect on the functioning of peripheral processes (Klassina S.,
- normalization of depressive states, initiated by various
diseases (Tsenev V., 2009);
- relaxation, stress relief of psycho-vegetative symptoms,
stabilization of the affective-tional state (Chausovsky G., 2010);
- empowerment of successful adaptation to the changed personality
disease micro- and makrosotsiumu (Umansky With .. 2011).
However, the successful implementation of guided visualization
techniques largely depends on the availability of skills of
relaxation, concentration, forming obrazno- sensory perceptions.
The novelty of the developed psycho is to enable accelerated
development of public guided visualization techniques for
self-correction of psychosomatic and emotional disorders,
activation of the body's defenses in various diseases.
Constructive design developed psycho (see. Photo) realized in the
form of two symbolic means of combating a disease of mental
discomfort, or - two plastic swords. The handles of swords fixed
mikrotaktilnye sensors that, when the compression stroke of the
user's hand when and "striking" of the symbolic image of mental or
bodily infirmity, the power supply circuit includes a sound
simulating the impact of the sword, and the glow of his blade with
the help of being in an optically transparent case LED emitters .
Technotronic Psycho Guided
Visualization to Activate the Body's Defenses
Methods of guided visualization and purposeful formation
figuratively - sensory perceptions by stimulating the real
favorable physiological processes contribute to achieving the
following positive effects:
- activate the body's defenses (Rossi E., 1986; Leviticus M.,
- decrease in the intensity of pain (Shoyfet M., 2003);
- activation of the autonomic, endocrine and humoral correlates
- psycho-emotional profile (B. Rotenberg, 2004);
- correction of psychosomatic disorders (Linda N., 2004);
- decrease in the expression of feelings of powerlessness in the
course of the disease and achieving more
- quality of life of the patient (Etkin In .. 2006);
- reduce the level of anxiety (Komisaruk B., 2009);
- the formation of the image-sensory way of thinking, has a
- effect on the functioning of peripheral processes (Klassina S.,
- normalization of depressive states, initiated by various
diseases (Tsenev V., 2009);
- relaxation, stress relief of psycho-vegetative symptoms,
stabilization of the affective-tional state (Chausovsky G., 2010);
- empowerment of successful adaptation to the changed personality
disease micro- and makrosotsiumu (Umansky With .. 2011).
- activation of the body's defenses
However, the successful implementation of guided visualization
techniques largely depends on the availability of skills of
relaxation, concentration, forming obrazno- sensory perceptions.
The novelty of the developed psycho is to enable accelerated
development of public guided visualization techniques for
self-correction of psychosomatic and emotional disorders,
activation of the body's defenses in various diseases.
Constructive design developed psycho (see. Photo) realized in the
form of two symbolic means of combating a disease of mental
discomfort, or - two plastic swords. The handles of swords fixed
mikrotaktilnye sensors that, when the compression stroke of the
user's hand when and "striking" of the symbolic image of mental or
bodily infirmity, the power supply circuit includes a sound
simulating the impact of the sword, and the glow of his blade with
the help of being in an optically transparent case LED emitters .
Simultaneously, the sensors provide simultaneous with the movement
of swords discrete launch a computer program gradually (with each
successive sweep of the sword) disappearance visualized on the
computer screen symbolic image of illness or mental discomfort. To
enhance the sensual imagery and visualization components
controlled technical solution development envisaged use fixed on
the user's body (above the projection of the problem area)
miniature mikrovibratora, which also include strokes synchronized
with swords and applying them "hits" on the symbolic image of the
disease, which is reflected on the screen of a computer monitor .
This allows for enhanced visualization of figurative
representation sanogennykh vibrotactile sensations in the problem
The implementation is based on the psycho-designed using the
principle of biofeedback (BFB), thus expanding the possibilities
of accelerated development techniques sanogennykh guided
visualization. This is carried out following the formation of the
complex biofeedback techniques:
- a reflection of achieving positive results in guided
visualization "physiological mirror" visually detected on the
computer screen effect gradually (under the influence of another
"attack" the sword of the symbolic image of an illness) reduce the
pathological focus symbolic and its subsequent extinction
- reflection of pictorial representation focused sanogennykh
impact on the pathological focus in the "physiological mirror"
vibrotactile effects, which generate in the problem area is
synchronized with the alternating strokes and "blows" swords of
figurative symbolism illness left and right hand users.
The technical solution design not only increases the realism of
perception purposefully initiated figurative sense-perception to
achieve positive results in the fight against disease, but at the
same time, to ensure the formation of a favorable background for
this psycho-emotional (neutralization of the state of stress,
fear, helplessness, etc.) . This is due to the fact that in the
process variable "attacking" the sword of the rendered image of
the symbolic disease left and right hand, implemented following
psychotechnics self-correction of psycho-emotional state:
elimination of stress disorders by harmonizing hemispheric
interactions laterally kinesiology techniques (cross-arm movements
during alternating "strike" swords of rendered symbols disease);
the formation of the effect of desensitization and reprocessing
eye movement by visualizing traumatic memories alternately
switched so LED emitters in optically transparent blades of swords
moving in the field of view when making a cross-arm movements
during the sweeps and "attacking" the sword of the symbolism of
the disease.
Thus, developed psycho allows:
empower the accelerated development of a public-driven
visualization skills and self-formation of the state of emotional
stability to activate the body's defenses in order to successfully
combat various diseases;
provide organic addition of various complex therapeutic programs
effective psychotherapeutic support, improves the quality of life
of patients and an increase in its duration.
Exterior structural design developed psycho (see photo):
1-top box to synchronize the launch of the software gradually
"erase" the symbolism of illness sweeps with swords; 2 plastic
swords with sound imitators strikes, LED emitters in hollow,
optically transparent blades and sensors on the handles; 3
mikrovibrator fixed to the body by the projection of the problem
Technotronic Psychological
Rejuvenation of a Person
Technotronic psychotechnologic psychological personal
rejuvenation. Glasses with a photo of the user when they were
young mounted on the left and a mirror on the right. By looking
back and forth between the two, combined with breathing
biofeedback, the user can slow the aging process.
Experimentally validated (E. Langer, 1979), that the psychological
age of the person (self-awareness of his age) is associated with
biological and "any change in the emotional state is accompanied,
consciously or unconsciously, the change in the physiological
state (Green E., 1999).
It is these aspects form the basis of the developed psycho
psychological rejuvenation person, the novelty of which is to
strengthen the emotional and mental components shaped "dive into a
state of youth" against the backdrop of a focused reduction of
traumatic visual perception of the natural negative age-related
changes in appearance.
Structural design of the development is realized in the form of
spectacle frames, fitted with external pull-rods, one at the end
of which is fixed photo best period of young users, and on the
other end of the rod is fixed mirror mikrovibratorom. On the
earpiece attached akustoprogrammiruemye miniature devices for
audio playback of pre-recorded affirmations, semantic orientation
which triggers the activation of the image-willed attitude to
"dive into a state of youth." Above the photo attached local
source of red, and above the mirror - Green light pulse.
Management mikrovibratorom mirror svetoimpulsnymi emitters and
sound reproduction devices affirmations by using fixed belt
tactile sensors - loggers rhythmic diaphragmatic breathing person.
On the stroke "inspiration" (eyes by facing a mirror), the green
LED mikrovibrator mirrors and sound source which voiced the word
"I". On the stroke "exhalation" (look at the photos by faces of
youth) and the red LED lights incorporating a sound reproducing
device which voiced affirmation: "Once again feel young, healthy,
strong, full of energy and optimism."
Repeated looked from the mirror to the photo of a young implements
psychotherapeutic method of desensitization and reprocessing eye
movement (EMDR) traumatic information (F. Shapiro, 1987).
Previously, author proposed a method of psycho use EMDR to reduce
traumatic perception of negative age-related changes mirror
reflection face (Chausovsky G., 2008). However, the effectiveness
of its use for applications psihologicheskogogo rejuvenation
greatly reduced because of the traumatic factor due visualization
mirroring the negative age-related changes in the face of the user
during repeated transfers his gaze with photos of youth in the
As already noted, novelty developed psycho psychological
rejuvenation is to strengthen the emotional-shaped components
forming sense of "immersion" in the state of youth by
automatically initiating microvibrations mirror to measure
"inspiration" (in translation by looking at the mirror). This
microvibration mirror helps visually detectable "erase" definition
mirroring the user's face, and thus the formation of figurative
sense of the "disappearance" of negative external signs of
age-related changes (wrinkles, age spots, etc.), which reinforces
the emotional - shaped component "dive in state youth "in repeated
looks from the mirror in the photo best period of his youth. This
creates a favorable background for the implementation of
psycho-emotional phenomena suggestive age regression - willed
settings to create a sense of rejuvenation.
Repeated series of eye movements by path "mirror - photos youth"
not only help to neutralize the traumatic mirror negative
information on age-related changes in appearance, but also form a
positive self-representation (positive belief) on the possibility
of a psychological rejuvenation. Thus the combined use of
psychotherapeutic techniques and EMDR tsvetoimpulsnoy light
stimulation (appearance soothing glow green when glancing at the
mirror) and activating the flow of red color (when looked at
photos of youth) can effectively generate the feeling of
rejuvenation process of cultivation. It is known (Domoratsky R.,
2003), that the integrated use of color therapy and EMDR
techniques greatly enhances their use for the formation of the
psychotherapeutic effects of desensitization and installations...
Using photos youth contributes to the effective design of visual
images in this age period, and by the emergence of the brain
electrical activity of the well-defined neural network that is
identical to an imaginary age period. This is due to the fact that
according to the neurophysiological studies (Bennett, D., 1989),
the creation of imaginary images accompanied by the initiation of
the electrical activity of specific neural networks, specific to
figuratively formed state.
The implementation techniques developed psycho thus minimizing the
impact on the emotional state by mirror rendered negative
age-related changes in appearance. It is essential to achieve the
goal of instrumental psychological rejuvenation, because "A person
ages, when the body begins to read information about their
condition with no reference image in the soul (youth and health),
and with the images that represent his mind" (The Lermantov ..
The proposed development within a single unit (glasses with a
belt), the value of which does not exceed $ 6 makes available to
the public receptions comprehensively implement the following very
important to decrease the psychological and biological age,
- Using the principles of biofeedback for the targeted control of
breathing rhythm in order to self-correction of individual
autonomic profile (by reflection rhythmic diaphragmatic breathing
and relaxation in the "physiological mirror" vibrotactile,
svetoimpulsnyh and acoustic signals);
- the combined use of techniques of neutralization traumatic
information in the form of visually recorded negative age-related
changes in appearance, EMDR techniques and color-pulse
- meditation on the breath;
- trance therapy;
- autosuggestivnye age regression techniques (by the synchronized
rhythmic diaphragmatic breathing, relaxation automatic scoring
affirmations "rejuvenating" semantic orientation against the
background of deliberately initiated by the state of relaxation
techniques method).
The above complex allows you to create psycho-emotional balance
and activate emotionally-shaped component autosuggestivnogo
phenomenon of age regression, which provides as part of the public
psychoprophylaxis premature aging techniques to achieve the
following effects:
- neutralization of the main psychological factors of aging
accelerators (emotional stress, psycho-emotional instability,
- psychological rejuvenation, helps reduce biological age
Technotronic Psycho Improvement of the
Efficiency of Figurative and Symbolic Visualization
( PsychoNeuroImmunology )
Currently it confirmed experimentally that the relaxation with
visual representation and management of the images allows
visualization purposefully influence the immune status of an
individual (K. Simonton, 1980).
Managed by the visualization of complex neurochemical processes
affect the human immune system (Rossi E., 1986), the level of
hormones (Antron Yu, 2001) and contributes to the stimulation of
the very real favorable physiological processes and activate the
body's defenses to fight the disease.
According to the results of experimental studies (Leviticus
Moscow, 1999), activation of the immune system is possible by
means of the central nervous system transmitters.
Obtained with the help of magnetic resonance imaging test data
(Eyppert F., 2009) indicate that the figurative and symbolic
visualization promotes the synthesis of endogenous opioids,
reducing the pain reaction.
Thus, the direction of figurative and symbolic visualization can
serve as an effective auxiliary devices using psychotherapeutic
techniques in treatment of various diseases.
However, the efficiency of image management visualization
techniques for therapeutic purposes depends largely on whether the
patient's self-formation skills figurative sense notions of
healing focus, relaxation, concentration and visualization, the
inherent specificity of individual representative system.
Earlier the author to extend the accessibility of using techniques
of figurative and symbolic visualization (applications for cancer
therapy) was offered respiratory fluorescence method (Chausovsky
G., 2008). However, this method is characterized by a limited
range of features in terms of formation of skills of concentration
and psychological anchor to achieve positive physiological
The novelty is the implementation of psycho-developed
image-symbolic visualization by slowing the formation of
synchronous acts of diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation
schematic plot healing focus on the background sound corresponding
to the plot of affirmations and worm-flavor, which is then used as
aromayakorya achieve positive physiological responses to visual
Hardware design developed psycho implemented as a belt with two
tactile sensors, including sync with the rhythm of diaphragmatic
breathing and relaxation by a miniature peristaltic pump device
and acoustic playback of pre-recorded (with the story of images
formed on the imaging paper) affirmations. The peristaltic pump is
in sync with the rhythm of breathing user supplies drops of
essential oil into the optically opaque sheet of paper, which
covers a schematic drawing of an unknown user storyline healing
semantic orientation, preformed therapist with the individual
psycho-emotional, intellectual and psycho-physiological profile of
the patient.
Oiling masking schematic drawing of the plot for the imaginative
visualization of optically opaque sheet of paper drops of
essential oil provides a gradual empowerment of its optical
transparency properties. This is because initially the paper
fibers together constitute an optically opaque structure, but the
essential oil by filling the gaps in the fibers of paper, provides
it with uniform properties and refraction of light, respectively,
the optical transparency. At the same time the process of gradual
appearance on paper plot scheme of the image visualization, the
user creates the state of concentration, and diaphragmatic
breathing triggers a state of relaxation. This creates a favorable
background for the application of psychophysiological techniques
suggestive influence on the visual representation of the
figurative sense load voiced affirmations and visualization of
image management for therapeutic purposes.
Technotronic Cancer Therapy
Efficiency of psychotherapy (psychoneuroimmune-logical) methods in
combination with other methods for the treatment of cancer
confirmed by long-term experimental studies (K. Simonton, 1980;
Gouler J., 1997).
According to the literature (V. Kondrashov, 2004), using the
method psychoneuroimmunology significant improvement or even a
complete cure is achieved in about 21% of cancer patients with
advanced disease...
Offered technotronic-technology allows publicly available methods
significantly enhance the ability of cancer therapy, as its design
tool provides the principle of biofeedback successful development
of skills of self-formation of special state of consciousness,
which includes elements of relaxation, concentration and
visualization. It is known (Shoyfet M., 2003, that it was a
special state of consciousness ("presence between sleeping and
waking, between reason and instinct, between the will and the lack
of will, between the conscious and the unconscious") creates the
preconditions for the successful introduction of the central
nervous system of a variety of therapeutic programs. This
emotional components shaped thoughts contribute to the initiation
of targeted changes in physiological systems (producing
predictable physiological responses healing direction).