Michael EMME
Earth Battery
The 3 Kilowatt Earth Battery -- Patrick
Groundbreaking Storage Battery by M. Emme - Ground
Power Generator
...Emme has found that if a series of galvanic couples were
inserted in a body of ground so that a straight line will pass
transversely through the several couples and the space between
the several couples was made large comparatively to the distance
between two couples, then the couples may be joined for series
in the same manner as if they were contained in independent
vessels. Otherwise his patent is just about classical galvanic
soil batteries with all their drawbacks, not to say about
pollution of soil with heavy metals - so it has nothing to do
with overunity.//
Electrical Engineering, Volume 1, p. 445
US495582 -- Earth Battery
Michael Emme
56A / 54 V
[ PDF ]
US728381 -- Storage Battery
[ PDF ]
SourceIEEE Xplore
Experimental study of earth batteries
N. Khan, et al.
[ PDF ]
Abstract -- We report successful design,
construction and operation of an earth battery as an alternate
energy source for low power electric supply applications.
Different combinations of metallic and non-metallic solid,
liquid and gas electrodes were investigated for maximum
potential difference. In view of robust and cost effective use
of this natural power technology by unskilled village consumers
most suitable combinations of the commonly available metals were
selected for further detailed characteristic studies.
Combinations of Magnesium anode and Coke cathode; Zinc anode and
Graphite cathode; Aluminum anode and Carbon cathode; Zinc anode
and Copper cathodes gave 2.05, 1.40, 1.10 and 0.9 volts per
cell. Typical rated power of a single Zn-Cu cell was measured to
be few tens of microamperes. Small power electronic devices such
as calculators, electronic watches, baby toys and cell phones
and white light LEDs were operated on site. The voltage level
was found to increase linearly by connecting multiple earth
battery cells in series like commercial lead acid battery. The
load current was found to increase by connecting earth cells in
parallel. The source current capacities were also found to
increase by increasing surface areas of the electrodes. However,
single cell voltage was found to remain constant irrespective of
the electrode sizes. This paper reports detailed characteristic
study of the most cost effective and accessible metal electrodes
earth batteries. Operation of earth battery as a free
electricity source was demonstrated successfully.
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G. Dieckmann
US160152 --
Earth Battery
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W. Snow
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-- Earth Battery for Electric Clocks
D. Drawbaugh