Our Darling of the Month ( June 2024 ) :
George PIGGOTT : Electrostatic Electro-Gravitation
Excerpts from : Electrical Experimenter (July 1920) ; Reprinted in/from Richard A. Ford: Homemade Lightning -- Creative Experiments in Electricity; McGraw-Hill; ISBN 0-07-137323-3)
Overcoming Gravitation
by George Piggott
For some time past there has been quite a controversy going on regarding the subject of interplanetary communication by means of electric waves. I have been very much interested in the above on account of experiments which I have made and data collected pertaining to gravitation effects on high frequency oscillations and electronic discharges in general. A series of experiments which I conducted during the year 1904, caused me to formulate the theory that interplanetary transmission of electrical impulses was an impossibility on account of the sun’s resisting and absorbing influence which virtually isolates our planet from all other electrical vibrations of a lesser tension or power.
Gravitation Suspended in Experiments
The above theorem was arrived at after I had succeeded in sustaining a metallic object in space by means of a counter-gravitational effect produced through the action of an electric field upon the above object. A strong electric field was produced by means of a special form of generator and when the metallic object was held within its influence it drew up to approximately a distance of 1 mm from the center of the field, then was repelled backward toward an earthed contact, going within 10 cm of the same when it was again attracted toward the field’s center but this time getting no nearer than 5 cm from the polar nucleus. This backward and forward movement contained for some time until the metallic object at last came to a comparatively stable position, about 25 cm from the field’s center where it remained until the power was shut off. While the metallic object was suspended, I was able to study the effect of the surrounding field and found by means of a powerful microscope, assisted by the insertion of a vacuum tube within the field, that the metallic object (having of course a certain electrical capacity) became fully charged and gave off part of said charge to and against the surrounding field which tended to hold said object in space, apparently without any other sustaining influence. Around the outside of the metallic object and extending to a distance of about 1/2 cm was a completely dark belt or space in which there appeared to be no electrical agitation due, possibly, to neutralization caused by the contact of the large incoming energy supply from the field’s center of with the small oscillating radiations from metallic object. The ever-changing action of attraction and repulsion resulted in the overcoming of gravitation. Going farther I will state that the dark belt above mentioned after many tests gave no sign of electrification, inasmuch as its width was but 1/2 cm. In fact, a dark line was shown in the vacuum tube when it was introduced between metallic object and center of field. It is my firm conviction that somewhere on the outer confines of our planet there exists a similar counteracting belt through which naught but the gravitational vibrations of the sun penetrate, and these vibrations absolutely annihilate or absorb all other less powerful ones.
Therefore, after making many experiments to ascertain as nearly as possible the absolute facts and conditions as they exist, I have come to the conclusion that all electrical disturbances not due to our own radio oscillations, on this globe are due to the sun’s electrical activities in semi-inductional contact with our polar extremities.
Details of ‘Defying Gravity’
Figure 1 shows the general scheme of arrangement of devices. In the lower left hand corner is shown the ‘ground contact’, which can be turned around and placed in any position found necessary; in fact, when a metallic object is in suspension, this ground can be entirely eliminated.
"I have found that any substance within the limits of my experiments can he held in suspension, viz: water globules, metallic objects, and insulators being among those tried. Some materials such as cork and wood exhibit peculiar properties when suspended; a piece of green maple would not rest in one position in the field, but oscillated backward and forward, continuously, going to the field’s center, then back to ground. Heated materials exhibited equally peculiar characteristics: A silver ball 11 mm in diameter when heated, remained farther away from the field’s center than when at normal temperature; upon cooling it gradually drew up to the position it would occupy if unheated. .. The electric field produced for suspension experiments is very powerful and intense, being detectable with a vacuum tube at a distance of over 6 meters (19.68 ft). "
The total power required to operate the generator motor was about 1/4 KW; and the machine voltage was about 500,000... The electrostatic charge left on the suspension electrode retained the average object in space for a short length of time, about 1-1/4 seconds after the machine ceased rotating. Some objects such as copper and silver balls when falling toward the earth after power had been shut off, seemed to slow down when they nearedearth, and hovered about 2 cm above contact for approximately 1 second before striking the ground... The silver balls used in these experiments had an actual gravitational weight of 1-3/10 gram (nearly 0.05 oz., avoirdupois)
The aura near suspended silver balls extended about 1 cm and covered about one-half of the upper hemisphere and a trifle more of the lower hemisphere. This bluish emanation appeared to be made up of numerous infinitesimal dots or darting particles, each apparently separated from the other by a very narrow, glowless belt. Everything was, however, in a constant state of agitation and it was quite impossible to get an absolutely perfect view microscopically, of an individual particle. Different substances have different auras both in length and breadth, and also in luminosity.
The largest object suspended was a cork cylinder 10 cm long by 4 cm diameter (approximately 4 by 1-9/16 inches) which had a copper wire pushed through its center, and extending beyond its ends to a distance of 3 mm. The weight of the above cylinder was 3/4 grams (0.002645 oz., avoirdupois)... silver and copper balls floated very steadily on one position and when the suspending electrode was revolved, would follow and turn slightly axially, but would not revolve entirely around same, there being a peculiar slipping effect not entirely accounted for.... the silver balls actually used having weighed 1.3 grams. The diameter of the balls was 11 mm.
George S. Piggot (July 1920) designed, built, and utilized a fantastically potent electrostatic machine with which he observed powerful electrogravitic effects. The device was heavily encased and "dried out" with high-pressure carbon dioxide gas. With this dramatically dehumified static generator, Mr. Piggot observed a strange electro-gravitational effect. It was first seen, the result of accidental occurrences while performing unrelated electrical experiments.
Mr. Piggot was able to suspend heavy silver beads (112 inch in diameter) and other materials in the air space between a charged sphere and a concave ground plate when his generator was fully charged at 500,000 electrostatic volts. The levitational feat was only observed when the charged sphere was electropositive.
The Piggot effect was clearly not a purely electrical phenomenon. If it were, then the presence of the grounded plate would have destroyed the effect. The very instant in which a discharged passed to ground, every suspended object would have come crashing down. But, without the ground counterpoise, the levitational effect was not observed. Mr. Piggot believed that he was modifying the local gravitational field in some inexplicable manner, the effect being the result of interaction between the static field generator and some other agency the ground.
Piggot further stated that heated metal marbles fell further away from the field center than cold ones. These suspended marbles remained in the flotation space for at least 1.25 seconds even after the static generator ceased rotating. The marbles fell very slowly after the field was completely removed; a noticeable departure from normal gravitational behavior.
Mr. Piggot stated that suspended objects were surrounded by a radiant "black belt". The surrounding space was filled with the ephemeral electric blue lumination common with very powerful electrostatic machines. Many academicians explained such phenomena away. Employing electro-induction theories, it was stated that the effects were "simple outcomes of highly charged conditions in conductive media". The suspension of matter in Piggot's experiment was explained by academes to be the simple result of charge attraction and gravitational balance. Accordingly, charged metal balls would achieve their own balancing positions as long as the field was operating.
Piggot stated that tiny blue spots could be seen running all over the suspended metal marbles, evidence of electrical discharging into the air. This being the case, no net attractive charge could ever develop, simply leaking away with every second into the surrounding air. Considering that the intense field was "grounded" to a concave electrode plate, no consistent charge condition could develop in such a space. Obvious similarities are noted when considering all these cases, the electrogravitic action being stimulated by intense electrostatic fields. Effects developed by Piggot were entirely similar to those observed by Nikola Tesla, who employed high voltage electrostatic impulses.
The Piggot device certainly discharged its tremendous charge in a rapid staccato-like fashion to the ground plate. The rate of this disruptive unidirectional field would be determined by considering the parameters of the sphere and the concave ground plate. Judging from the actual capacities involved, and the sizable free air space, certainly it was a very rapid impulse rate.
( 1911-10-24 )
The radiant electrical generator or transmitter preferably comprises a suitable inclosing casing 15, which is made of insulating material and is preferably shellacked inside and outside and which is mounted upon insulating blocks 16 of hard rubber or other suitable substance. Within the casing 15 are mounted a pair of uprights 17 of hard rubber or other suitable insulating material which are secured rigidly to the bottom of the casing. Between the upper ends of uprights or standards 17 is fixed a 70 shaft 18, preferably of steel upon which are mounted the revoluble disks 19. Disks 19 are arranged, as shown in pairs, any number of which may be employed in accordance with the desired capacity of the machine and 75 the separate disks of each pair are driven by suitable gearing in opposite directions. Each disk is preferably mounted (see Fig. 3) upon a hub 20 of hard rubber having a tubular brass core and is clamped in position 80 thereon between disks 21 of hard rubber which are securely fastened to the hubs 20 by right and left hand screw threads. Upon the outer end of each hub is threaded a beveled gear 22 which is preferably formed 85 of raw hide and, as shown, the gears connected to each pair of disks 19 face in opposite directions. "
The disks 19 are rotated from a main drive shaft 23 suitably journaled between 90 the lower ends of the uprights 17. This shaft is preferably driven through gears 24 by a small electric motor 24 mounted inside and upon the base of the casing 15 and the metallic parts of which are well insulated. Main drive beveled gears 25 fixed upon shaft 23 mesh with beveled pinions 26 fixed upon the lower ends of vertically disposed counter-shafts 27, and beveled pinions 28 and the upper ends of the counter-shafts 27 engage the beveled, pinions 22 connected, as above described, to the disks 19. Gears 25, 26, 28 and 22 are, for the sake of perfect insulation, preferably made of raw hide. Counter-shafts 27 are preferably formed of 105 hard brass and are journaled in hard brass bearings 29 fixed to the end uprights 17 and to an intermediate upright or uprights 30 (see Fig. 1).
of which may be employed in accordance with the desired capacity of the machine and 75 the separate disks of each pair are driven by suitable gearing in opposite directions. Each disk is preferably mounted (see Fig. 3) upon a hub 20 of hard rubber having a tubular brass core and is clamped in position 80 thereon between disks 21 of hard rubber which are securely fastened to the hubs 20 by right and left hand screw threads. Upon the outer end of each hub is threaded a beveled gear 22 which is preferably formed 85 of raw hide and, as shown, the gears connected to each pair of disks 19 face in opposite directions.
The disks 19 are rotated from a main drive shaft 23 suitably journaled between 90 the lower ends of the uprights 17. This shaft is preferably driven through gears 24 by a small electric motor 24 mounted inside and upon the base of the casing 15 and the metallic parts of which are well insulated. 95 Main drive beveled gears 25 fixed upon shaft 23 mesh with beveled pinions 26 fixed upon the lower ends of vertically disposed counter-shafts 27, and beveled pinions 28 and the upper ends of the counter-shafts 27 engage the beveled, pinions 22 connected, as above described, to the disks 19. Gears 25, 26, 28 and 22 are, for the sake of perfect insulation, preferably made of raw hide. Counter-shafts 27 are preferably formed of 105 hard brass and are journaled in hard brass bearings 29 fixed to the end uprights 17 and to an intermediate upright or uprights 30 (see Fig. 1).
As above stated, any number or pairs of disks 19 may be employed (two sets being shown in the drawings) and by the gearing described, the disks of each pair or set will be driven in opposite directions. The disks 19 are formed of suitable dielectric material, such as glass or hard rubber, but preferably of the former and these disks are preferably provided with a coating of shellac. Thin metal contact plates or sectors 31 are cemented to the outer faces of each set of disks 19 by shellac or other suitable adhesive. These contact plates are preferably formed of aluminum and are preferably divided into two or more parts, the sectors shown in 15 the drawings being divided into two parts.
Separate sets of contact brush holders 32 extend through the top and bottom of the casing and outside of each set of disks 19. These brush holders are, as shown in Figs. 1 20, and 2, arranged at diametrically opposite points and extend radially toward the center of the disks 19 and at an angle of about 70 degrees to the horizontal. Each holder 32 is provided with two or more contact brushes 33 of aluminum wire which are adapted to contact with the faces of disks 19 and with the sections of the divided contact plates 31. The brush holders 32 are formed of brass or aluminum rods and are held in 30 place by soft rubber plugs. 34 inserted in openings in the top and bottom of the casing 15 and snugly fitted in such openings to prevent leakage of air.
It is desirable to maintain dry air under 35 pressure within the casing 15 and for that reason the brush holders 32 and other parts which extend through the casing, are suitably sealed so. that the casing may be substantially air tight Brush holders 32 are 40 provided at their outer ends with slotted metal balls so that the upper and lower sets may be electrically connected by a metal rod 35 set within the slotted balls and held in place by screws 3 6. The upper and lower 45 rods 35, connected respectively to the upper and lower sets of contact brush holders, are electrically connected by coiled insulating conductors 37. To hold the brush holders 32 securely in place against the outward pressure of the air within the casing 15, the soft rubber plugs 34 are preferably provided with flanges 34 which engage the inner face of the top and bottom of the casing.
Condenser brush holders 38 are arranged. 55 in a horizontal plane extending through the center of the disks 19 and at diametrically opposite points. These holders are formed of aluminum or brass tubing and at each side are threaded into a common metal support 39 having a central shouldered projection 40 which extends through the end of the casing and which is firmly held in place by a ball 41, preferably of brass, which is threaded upon the end of the projection 40. 65 A Washer 42 between the ball 41 and the casing renders the joint practically air tight. The brush holders 38 are arranged in pairs on the outside of each pair of oppositely rotating disks 19 and are provided with brushes 38a of fine aluminum wire which extend toward, but do not contact with the disks.
To each support 39 for the condenser brushes, is threaded or otherwise suitably fixed, a tubular rod 43 of aluminum which 75 extends upwardly through the top of the casing. The upper end of the tubular rod is plugged to prevent leakage of air and is connected by a short piece of metal tubing with a brass ball 45. A hard rubber so thimble 46 and a washer'47 between the ball and the top of the casing seals this joint. A metal rod or tube 49 is mounted to slide horizontally through a bore in the ball 45 and may be held firmly in any adjusted position therein by a screw 50. A similar rod 49 is connected in a similar manner to the other side of the machine and the inner ends of these rods are provided with sparking or discharge terminals or balls 51, while the 90 outer ends of the rods are provided with handles 52 which may be grasped to adjust the position, of the sparking terminals and which are of hard rubber, preferably corrugated as shown. Between the sparking terminals or balls 51 and in line therewith, is preferably located a large metal discharge ball 53 preferably of brass which is secured to the top of the casing.
A short circuit connects the opposite sides 100 or poles of the machine and consists of bent pieces 54 (see Fig, 3) of brass or aluminum which are secured to the balls 41 at the ends of the machine. The bent pieces 54 are preferably covered with insulating material 105 and the end balls or terminals 55 of the shunt circuit are inclosed in receptacles 56 of hard rubber or other suitable material. The receptacles 56 are mounted upon a bracket 57, preferably of insulating material secured to the casing 15, and the opposing faces of the receptacles 56 are provided with small openings 58 in line with which normally extends a shiftable conductor con-nected to the signaling key...
The discharge balls 51 and 53 may be of 60 any suitable size, but good results have been obtained with the discharge terminals 51 of about an inch and a half in diameter and with the intermediate discharge ball of three to four inches in diameter. When a signal is to be transmitted the negative terminal 51 is preferably adjusted to a position quite close to the intermediate discharge ball 58 while the positive discharge terminal 51 is placed about an inch away from the center discharge ball so that a heavy strong spark yo occurs between the positive sparking terminal and the center discharge ball. The sections of the shifting conductor or switch 66 may be readily adjusted to correct position to prevent a discharge between the terminals 75 until the signal key 59 is depressed.
To prevent leakage between the condenser brushes and the central steel shaft of the machine, the ends of the brush holders 38 are preferably provided with blocks 38b of g® insulating material.
The efficiency of the machine is found to be considerably increased by maintaining air under pressure within the substantially air-tight casing 15 which incloses the generator disks, plates and brushes and preferably the air within the casing is maintained as dry and as free from moisture as possible. For this purpose a small air pump 69. (see Fig. 6, the oscillating type of pump being illustrated in the drawings) is driven from a suitable electric or other motor 70 and supplies air under pressure to the upper end of a casing 71 through a flexible pipe 72. The casing 71, which is preferably upwardly flaring is shown, is provided with a grating 73 at its lower end upon which is superposed a layer 74 of cotton wool which serves to filter the air. Above the layer of cotton wool is placed a layer 75 of anhydrous 100 calcium chloride which removes all moisture from the air. The lower end of the casing 71 is provided with a drain cock 76. A valved outlet nozzle 77 near the lower end of the casing is provided with a screen and 105 is connected by a flexible pipe 78 with an inlet valve 79 (see Fig. 2) on one side of the machine casing 15. An outlet valve 80 is provided on the opposite side of the casing and is set to maintain a pressure of about 110 thirty pounds within the same. By thus maintaining dry air under pressure within the machine, the efficiency of the latter is found to be considerably increased and the machine is not atfected by the varying atmospheric conditions. The sides 81 (see Fig. 2) of the casing 15 are preferably removably held in place by screws 82, rubber packing being provided between the sides and the edges of the casing to produce a 120 tight joint...
[ Got Guillot ? : ]
The coherer or variable resistance apparatus comprises a tubular casing 93 preferably of hard rubber within opposite ends 40 of which are threaded hollow plugs 94 also of hard rubber. The inner ends of the plugs 94 abut, as shown within the casing 93 and they are securely, held and clamped in position by lock nuts 95 of hard rubber. The 45 conducting plugs 96 are adjustably threaded through the hollow plugs 94 and are provided on their ends with thumb nuts 97 by which suitable conductors may be connected thereto. The conducting plugs 96 are preferably formed of silver 500 to 600 fine and partly of nickel. The inner end of one of the plugs is provided with a cylindrical extension 98, while the inner, end of the opposite plug is provided with a cylindrical depression or recess 99 slightly larger in diameter than the extension 98. The filings 100 intermediate the ends of the conducting plugs are preferably of soft iron, medium fine, mixed with about two per cent, of platinum filings. Preferably, to increase the sensitiveness of the coherer, the soft iron filings are first placed under magnetic influence or tension before they are put into position between the conducting plugs 96...