Agriculture Articles
AstroMeteorology & Agriculture
Robert Nelson
"All things have their season, and a time to every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to reap". (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2)
Many biodynamic cultivators plant and harvest with respect to lunar phases and planetary aspects, and they swear by the results. Almanacs and calendars offer traditional lore for the consideration of farmers. Some of these practices are ancient and universal, occurring with variations in many cultures around the world.
Many of these beliefs are grounded in fact. The sun, moon, and planets are surrounded by magnetospheres which trail behind them for millions of miles like wakes behind ships. These fields affect life on earth by modifying atmospheric electrical field conditions and the geomagnetic field.
In 1938, Dr Harry Marvis announced the discovery that stars exercise a daily influence on terrestrial weather. Sidereal air pressure, or barometric variations in relation to the positions of stars, is sometimes as high as 3% of that occurring in common storms.
The zodiacal signs exert a fruitful or barren influence upon Earth through the channel of Luna, according to the nature of the sign through which the moon is passing. The time to plant is when the Sun and Earth’s horizon (the Ascendant or Rising Sign) are in favorable signs (Figure 1). The optimal day for planting is when the Moon also enters that sign.
Leafy vegetable crops that grow above ground should be planted during a new or waxing moon in Pisces, Taurus, Cancer or Scorpio. Trees and crops requiring longer than one year to produce should be planted during a full or waning moon in Taurus. Subsoil crops (potatoes, peanuts, carrots, etc.) should be planted under a waning moon.
Figure 1: Astrological Ascendant Calculator ~
Figure 2: Lunar Phases & Plant Growth ~
As indicated in Figure 2, seeds that have a short (up to 7 days) or extra-long (one month) germination period should be sown two days before the new moon, up to 7 days later.
During the first week of its cycle, the moon’s light increases, and its gravitational pull decreases. The relative influence of terrestrial gravity increases at that time, stimulating balanced growth of leaves and roots. In the second week, lunar gravity increases, and its light increases to a maximum. Leaf growth increases during that period. During the third week, both moonlight and lunar gravity decrease, and root growth is enhanced accordingly. Transplant at that time. In the fourth week, lunar gravity increases, and moonlight decreases. Both leaf and root growth decrease during this rest phase.
Traditional sources suggest that flower seeds should be plants during the crescent moon unless seeds are desired; in that case, sow just before the Full Moon. Seeds planted when Luna is in Capricorn produce rapid growth, but poor yields. Seeds planted under an Aquarian moon will rot or produce watery fruit.
Cancer and Scorpio are fruitful signs which prompt germination and assure abundant yields. Leaf growth is greater when water signs are effective. Root growth is best in Earth signs. The Fire signs stimulate the rapid growth of seeds and fruit. Air signs promote the growth of lowers.
Prepare the soil, pull weeds, and fight pests during the new moon phase in a barren sign (Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Aquarius). Lay mulch under the Full Moon, and turn manure and compost piles during the waning moon. Apply it at the new or half moon. Irrigate and feed plants when the moon is in a Water sign.
Harvest under a full or waning moon in a barren sign. If timber is cut under the full moon in Leo, it will last longer than wood cut at any other time, and it will not become worm-eaten. Trees planted under a waxing moon will produce more fruit, while trees planted during the dark phase of the moon will produce better quality fruit.
Astro-Meteorology ~
Weather prediction by astro-meteorology is a highly refined area of sidereal science which has claimed an amazing 90%-plus record of accuracy for both short- and long-term forecasts of weather patterns. This system is an accumulation of tried-and-true observational data going back several millennia.
The subject was widely popularized by Joseph Goodavage in his book, Our Threatened Planet (1978, Simon & Schuster), in which he represented the work of pioneers such as Dr Irving Krick, Dr Andrew Douglass, George McCormack and others. According to Goodavage, the sun has entered a period of prolonged and violent instability with which we must cope. Modern astronomy has confirmed Goodavage’s prediction.
Classical horoscopic weather prediction is based on forecasts of the influences of the planets in solstice or equinox horoscopes. Each zodiacal sign colors the characteristics of the planets occupying that region. For instance, a "wet" planet such as Luna indicates extra-wet weather when it is located in a water sign; much drier conditions are indicated when Luna is in a fire sign.
Half of the total influence of a weather horoscope should be judged from the 4th house cusp and planets therein, and their aspects. The 4th house governs the locale.
One quarter of the total influence of ingress weather charts should be judged from the first house, from its occupying planets and their aspects, from the sign on its cusp, and from the planet ruling the cusp sign, the sign it is in, and its aspects.
One-eighth of the influence of a weather chart is judged from the planet for which the chart is erected. Sol = temperature, Luna = moisture, Mercury = air. For example, if Sol is in Aries, then Mars, the ruling planet of Aries, and its aspects also must be considered.
One-eighth of the influence on weather is to be judged by the planets in angular houses, their aspects, and the signs they occupy.
The temperature chart gives an average indication of the weather, but indications of storms should be compared with both air and moisture charts for that time.
The primary mutual aspects are the conjunction, opposition, square and trine, but even the minor aspects are effective. Trines and sextiles are not necessarily beneficial, but they tend to exert a more gentle influence than the inharmonious aspects (square and opposition). Interpretation depends on the planetary positions in the signs and houses, and the aspects and parallels of declination to other planets, and the ascendant of the chart and the aspects to it by transiting planets. Table 1 lists indicators of weather attributes of the planets and signs.
Table 2 is Dr Adam Clark’s system for predicting the weather throughout the lunations forever. It foretells the weather that is most likely to occur during each phase of the moon.
The nearer to midnight that the moon changes its phase in the full and last quarter, the better the weather will be for the seven days following. The time span for this calculation of from 10 pm to 2 am.
The nearer to noon (from 10 am to 2 pm) that the moon changes phase, the more wet weather may be expected for the next week. These observations are for the summer season, though they also are adaptable to spring and fall observations. Changing phases of the moon occurring from 4 pm to 10 pm may be followed by fair weather, depending on the wind, as indicated in Table 2.
Table 1 ~ Astro-Meteorology
Planet ~ Temperature ~ Wind ~ Moisture
Sun ~ warm ~ still ~ dry
Moon ~ cool ~ breeze ~ wettest
Mercury ~ cold ~ windy ~ dry
Venus ~ pleasant ~ light ~ rain
Mars ~ hot/cold ~ still/storm ~ wet/drought
Jupiter ~ warm ~ calm, light ~ dry
Saturn ~ cold ~ still/storm ~ wet/drought
Uranus ~ cold snaps ~ gusty ~ dry, lightning
Neptune ~ cool ~ still/storm ~ mist, fog
Pluto ~ cool ~ windy, extremes ~ moist, sleetSign ~ Temperature ~ Wind ~ Moisture
Aries ~ hot ~ windy ~ dry (1st or 4th moon: violent)
Taurus ~ moderate ~ calm ~ wet
Gemini ~ cold ~ fickle windy ~ dry
Cancer ~ cold ~ calm, zephyr ~ steady rain
Leo ~ hot ~ still ~ dry
Virgo ~ cold ~ cutting wind ~ dry
Libra ~ cool, windy ~ dry
Scorpio ~ cold/hot ~ violent ~ drier/wetter
Sagittarius ~ warm ~ moderate ~ dry
Capricorn ~ extremes ~ increasing wind ~ wet
Aquarius ~ cold ~ moderate ~ dry, lightning
Pisces ~ cool ~ calm ~ rainTable 2 ~ Dr Adam Clark’s System of Astro-Meteorology
Time of Change
Between ~ In Summer ~ In Winter12 midnight-2 am ~ fair ~ frost unless wind S or W
2-4 am ~ cold, showers ~ cold, storm
4-6 am ~ rain ~ rain
6-8 am ~ wind, rain ~ stormy
8-10 am ~ change by 6 pm ~ cold if wind W, snow if E
10-12 noon ~ showers ~ cold wind
Noon-2 pm ~ rain ~ rain, snow
2-4 pm ~ changing ~ fair
4-6 pm ~ fair ~ fair
6-8 pm ~ fair if wind SW ~ frosty if wind N or NE
8-10 pm ~ rain if wind SW ~ rain, snow if wind S or SW
10-12 midnight ~ rain if wind SW ~ fair, frostyReferences ~
Marvis, Dr H. B.: Journal American (NY), 1 Oct. 1938
Goss, M.: J. Geophysical Reviews, March 1953.
Jevons, W. S.: Nature, 14 Nov 1878.
Hove, Jim Ten: Astrological J. 15 (3): 17-23
Luby, W. A.: Popular Astronomy, Dec. 1940.
Nelson, John H.: Cosmic Patterns: Their Influence on Man and His Communications; 1974, American Federation of Astrologers.
Nelson, J. H.: RCA Review, April 1951.
Nelson, J. H.: J. Geocosmic Research, Summer 1974.
Abbot, C. G.: Scientific Monthly, April 1946.
Clough, H. W.: Monthly Weather Review, April 1946.
Gillette, H. P.: Water & Sewage Works, June 1946.
Gree, Joseph: Astrological Almanac; Pyramid Communications, NY