Agriculture Articles
Companion Plants ~ Insect-Repellant Plants ~ Beneficial Insects
Companion Plants
Amaranth -- Corn, Onion, Potato
Angelica -- Incompatible with Dill
Anise -- Beans, Coriander /// Incompatible with Basil, Rue
Apple -- Chives /// Incompatible with: Potato
Asparagus -- Basil, Marigold, Nasturnium, Parsley, Tomato /// Incompatible with Mint, Onion
Basil -- Beans, Cabbage, Marigold, Pepper, Tomato -- Incompatible with Rue
Beans -- Beets, Borage, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery, Collards, Corn, Cucumber, Nasturnium, Petunia, Potato, Squash, Strawberry, Summer Savory, Sunflower, Tomato /// Incompatible with Chives, Onion, Garlic, Fennel, Gladiolus, Leek
Bee Balm -- Tomato /// Incompatible with Field Mustard
Beets -- Basil, Bush beans, Cabbage, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Onion, Sage, Tomato /// Incompatible with Pole beans, Mustard
Borage -- Squash, Strawberry, Tomato
Broad Beans -- Corn /// Incompatible with Kohlrabi
Broccoli -- Beans, Celery, Chamomile, Dill, Mints, Nasturtium, Onion, Oregano, Potato, Rosemary, Sage /// Incompatible with Lettuce, Strawberry, Tomato
Brussel Sprouts -- Beans, Celery, Dill, Hyssop, Mints, Nasturtium, Potato, Rosemary, Sage /// Incompatible with Strawberry
Cabbage -- Aromatic herbs (repel Cabbage Worms), Bush Beans, Beets, Celery, Chamomile, Dill, Geranium, Hyssop, Lavender, Marigold, Mint, Nasturnium, Onions, Oregano, Potato, Rosemary, Sage, Tansy, Thyme, Tomato /// Incompatible with Dill, Grapes, Mustards, Rue, Strawberries, Tomatoes
Calendula -- Tomato (Repels tomato worms, asparagus beetles)
Caraway -- Peas /// Incompatible with Fennel
Carrots -- Chervil, Chives, Leaf lettuce, Leeks, Onion, Peas, Radish, Rosemary, Sage, Tomato, Wormwood /// Incompatible with Anise, Dill
Cauliflower -- Beans, Beet, Celery, Chamomile, Dill, Hyssop, Lavender, Mints, Nasturtium, Onion, Oregano, Radish /// Incompatible with Dill, Strawberries, Tomatoes
Celery --Beans, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Leek, Onion, Spinach, Tomato /// Incompatible with Corn
Chamomile -- Cabbage, Mint, Onion, Squash
Chervil -- Carrots, Radish
Chives -- Carrots, Grapes, Parsley, Tomato /// Incompatible with Peas, Beans
Collard Greens -- Tomatoes
Coriander -- Anise, Potato /// Incompatible with Fennel
Corn -- Amaranth, Beans, Cucumber, Geranium, Lamb's Quarters, Melons, Morning Glory, Peas, Potato, Pumpkin, Sow Thistle, Squash, Sunflower /// Incompatible with Celery, Tomato
Cucumbers -- Beans, Broccoli, Celery, Corn, Lettuce, Marigold, Nasturnium, Onion, Peas, Radish, Savory, Sunflower, Tomato /// Incompatible with: Potato, Rue, Sage
Dill -- Cabbage, Lettuce, Onion /// Incompatible with Carrot, Tomato
Eggplant -- Amaranth, Beans, Peas, Spinach, Tarragon, Thyme
Fennel -- Incompatible with Beans, Caraway, Dill, Fennel, Kohlrabi, Tomato, Wormwood
Fig -- Incompatible with Rue
Flax -- Carrot, Potatoes
Garlic -- Beets, Carrots, Chamomile, Lettuce, Raspberry, Roses, Tomato, Summer savory /// Incompatible with Beans, Cabbage, Peas, Strawberries
Grapes -- Clover, Geranium, Hyssop, Oregano /// Incompatible with Cabbage, Radish
Hyssop -- Cabbage, Grape
Kohlrabi -- Beets, Cucumber, Onion /// Incompatible with Pole Beans, Pepper, Strawberry, Tomato
Leek -- Carrots, Celery, Onions /// Incompatible with Beans, Broccoli
Lettuce -- Beet, Cabbage, Carrot, Clover, Corn, Cucumber, Melon, Onion, Peanuts, Peas, Radish, Strawberry, Sunflower
Lovage -- Beans
Melons -- Corn, Nasturnium, Radish
Mint -- Cabbage, Tomatoes /// Incompatible with Chamomile, Parsley
Nettle -- Increases the oil production of herbs
Onions -- Amaranth, Beets, Cabbage, Carrot, Celery, Chamomile, Leeks, Lettuce, Pepper, Potato, Roses, Sow Thistle, Strawberry, Summer savory, Tomato /// Incompatible with Beans, Peas
Oregano -- Cabbage, Cucumber
Parsley -- Asparagus, Carrot, Chives, Onions, Roses, Tomato /// Incompatible with Mint
Petunia -- Beans
Peanuts -- Squash, Corn
Peas -- Aromatic herbs, Beans, Carrots, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Lettuce, Potato, Radish, Spinach, Turnips /// Incompatible with Garlic, Gladiolus, Leek, Onion, Potoato, Shallots
Peppers -- Basil, Carrot, Lovage, Marjoram, Onion, Oregano /// Incompatible with Fennel, Kohlrabi
Plum -- Horseradish
Pole Beans -- Radish // Incompatible with Beets, Sunflower
Potatoes -- Amaranth, Beans, Corn, Cabbage, Eggplant, Flax, Horseradish, Lettuce, Lima Beans, Marigold, Onion, Petunia /// Incompatible with Cucumber, Pumpkin, Radish, Raspberry, Sunflower, Squash, Tomato
Pumpkin -- Corn, Dastura /// Incompatible with Apple, Potato, Raspberry, Rosemary, Tomato
Radishes -- Beans, Beets, Carrots, Chervil, Cucumber, Lettuce, Melons, Nasturnium, Parsnips, Peas, Spinach, Squash /// Incompatible with: Brussels sprouts, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Grape, Hyssop, Kohlrabi, Potato, Turnips
Raspberry -- Tansy /// Incompatible with Potato
Rhubarb -- Columbine, Garlic, Onion, Roses
Rose -- Beans, Cabbage, Carrot, Sage /// Incompatible with Potato
Rosemary -- Beans, Cabbage, Carrots, Sage /// Incompatible with Potatoes
Rue -- Figs, Raspberry, Rose, Strawberry /// Incompatible with Basil, Cabbage, Sage
Sage -- Beans, Cabbage, Carrot, Marjoram, Peas, Rosemary, Strawberry, Tomato /// Incompatible with Cucumber, Rue
Savory -- Beans, Onions
Southernwood -- Cabbage
Sowthistle -- Corn, Onions, Tomato
Soybeans -- Everything
Spinach -- Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Eggplant, Onion, Peas, Strawberry
Squash -- Beans, Corn, Cucumbers, Icicle radishes, Mint, Nasturnium, Onion /// Incompatible with Potatoes
Strawberries -- Beans, Borage, Comfrey, Lettuce, Onion, Spinach /// Incompatible with Broccoli, Brussle Sprouts, Cabbage, Califlower, Kohlrabi
Sunflower -- Cucumber /// Incompatible with Cabbage
Tansy -- Fruits, Peppers, Potato, Rose, Raspberry
Thyme -- Cabbage
Tomatoes -- Asparagus, Basil, Bee Balm, Carrot, Celery, Chives, Garlic, Lemon Balm, Onions, Marigold, Mint, Nasturtium, Parsley, Peas, Sage /// Incompatible with Cabbage, Cauliflower, Corn, Dill, Fennel, Kohlrabi, Potato
Turnip -- Peas
Insect-Repellant Plants
Basil -- Flies, Mosquitoes, Asparagus Beetle
Borage -- Tomato Worm
Calendula -- Asparagus Beetles, Tomato Worms
Catnip -- Ants, Aphids, Cockroaches, Flea Beetle, Japanese Beetles
Chrysanthemum -- Mexican Bean Beetle
Cosmos -- Mexican Bean Beetle
Coriander -- Aphids
Dandelion -- Colorado Potato Beetle
Dead Nettle -- Potato Beetle
Fennel -- Fleas
Flax -- Potato Beetle
Garlic -- Aphids, Apple Scab, Borers, Japanese Beetles, Peach Leaf Curl Disease, Spider Mites
Geranium -- Cabbage Worm, Red Spider Mite
Henbit -- General insect repellant
Horseradish -- Potato Beetle
Hyssop -- Cabbage Moth
Lavender -- Mice, Ticks, Moths
Marigold -- Mexican Bean Beetle, Nematodes
Mint -- Ants, Aphids, Cabbage Moth, Fleas, Mice
Mole Plant -- Mice, Moles
Nasturnium -- White Flies, Squash Bugs, Striped Pumpkin Beetle, Wooly Aphid (apple)
Oregano -- Cabbage Butterfly, Cucumber Beetle
Parsley -- Beetles
Pennyroyal -- Fleas, Flies, Mosquitoes
Pot Marigold -- Asparagus Beetle, Tomato Worm
Radish -- Cucumber Beetle
Rosemary -- Bean Beetles, Cabbage Moth, Carrot Fly
Rue -- Flies, Japanese Beetle, Cats, Dogs
Sage -- Bean beetle, Cabbage Moth, Carrot Fly, Slugs
Southernwood -- Cabbage Moth
Sunflower -- Armyworm
Tansy -- Ants, Fleas, Flies, Japanese Beetle, Moths, Striped Cucumber Beetles, Squash Bugs
Thyme -- Cabbage Worm
Wormwood -- Animals
Beneficial Parasitoid Wasps and Hoverflies are attracted to: Alyssum, Buckwheat, Cilantro, Fennel, Mustard, Phacelia, and Yarrow (J. Luna, et al., Organic Farming Research 6:7-9)
"Pollen and Nectar plants" that attract beneficial predator insects: Carrot, Catnip, Coneflowers, Daisy, Dill, Fennel, Goldenrod, Lemon Balm, Mint, Parsley, Peppermint, Spearmint, Thyme, Yarrow.
Beneficial Insects
Assassin Bug -- Caterpillars, Flies
Big-Eyed Bug -- Aphids, Caterpillars, Leafhoppers, Mites; attracted by Clover, Goldenrod, Soybeans.
Braconid Wasp -- Aphids, Armyworm, Cabbageworm, Cornborer, Codling Moth, Elm Bark Beetle, Horn Worm; Attracted by Dill, Parsley, Yarrow.
Damselbug -- Aphids, Caterpillars, Leafhoppers, Thrips; Attracted by Alfalfa.
Ground Beetle -- Caterpillars, Cabbage Maggot, Colorado Potato Beetle Larvae, Cutworms, Slugs, Snails; Attracted by Clover.
Honeybee -- Pollinator
Hover Fly (Syrphid Fly) -- Aphids
Ichneumon Wasp -- Beetle larvae, Caterpillars, Sawfly,
Lacewing -- Aphids, Corn Earworms, Mites, Thrips
Lady Beetle -- Aphids
Minute Pirate Bug -- Leafhopper nymphs, Spider mites, Thrips
Predatory Mite -- European Red Mites, Spider Mites
Praying Mantis -- Also predates beneficials
Rove Beetle -- Aphids, Cabbage Maggot, Flies, Mites, Springtails
Soldier Beetle -- Aphids, Beetle larvae, Caterpillars, Corn Rootworm, Cucumber Beetle, Grasshopper eggs ; Attracted by Goldenrod, Milkweed, Hydrangea
Spined Soldier Bug -- Caterpillars, Sawfly larvae
Tachinid Fly -- Caterpillars
Tiger Beetle -- General predator
Yellowjacket -- Flies, caterpillars