Timothy MILLER, et al.
Aluminum - Seawater Vortex Combustor
See also : Supercavitation
A Next-Generation AUV Energy System Based
on Aluminum-Seawater Combustion
Timothy F. Miller, et al.
Summary Of The NASA Future Strategic
Issues and Warfare Circa 2025 Document
Dennis M. Bushnell - Chief Scientist NASA Langley Research
Center -
Warfare Strategy Document - The Future Is Now
[ Excerpt -- Supercavitating Torpedoes, &c ]
Warp Drive Underwater
Advanced Propulsion Systems
Most existing and anticipated autonomous supercavitating vehicles
rely on rocket-type motors to generate the required thrust. But
conventional rockets entail some serious drawbacks - limited range
and declining thrust performance with the rise of pressure as
depth increases. The first of these problems is being addressed
with a new kind of high-energy-density power-plant technology; the
second may be circumvented by using a special kind of
supercavitating propeller screw technology.
NEUTRALIZING MINES. Everyone has seen action-movie heroes avoid
fusillades of bullets by diving several feet underwater. The
bullets ricochet away or expend their energy surprisingly rapidly
as a result of drag and lateral hydrodynamic forces. When the
Office of Naval Research was asked to find a cost-effective way to
stop thousand-dollar surface mines from damaging or destroying
multimillion-dollar ships, they turned to supercavitating
projectiles. The result was RAMICS - the Rapid Airborne Mine
Clearance System, which is being developed for the U.S. Navy by a
team led by Raytheon Naval & Maritime Integrated Systems in
Portsmouth, R.I. Operating from helicopters, RAMICS will locate
subsurface sea mines with an imaging blue-green lidar (light
detection and ranging) system, calculate their exact position
despite the bending of light by water refraction, and then shoot
them with supercavitating rounds that travel stably in both air
and water. The special projectiles contain charges that cause the
deflagration, or moderated burning, of the mine's explosive.
"Getting up to supercavitation speeds requires a lot of power,"
says researcher Savchenko. "For maximum range with rockets, you
need to burn high-energy-density fuels that provide the maximum
specific impulse." He estimates that a typical solid-rocket motor
can achieve a maximum range of several tens of kilometers and a
top speed of perhaps 200 meters per second. After considering
propulsion systems based on diesel engines, electric motors,
atomic power plants, high-speed diesels, and gas turbines,
Savchenko concluded that "only high-efficiency gas turbines and
jet propulsion systems burning metal fuels (aluminum, magnesium or
lithium) and using outboard water as both the fuel oxidizer and
coolant of the combustion products have real potential for
propelling supercavitating vehicles to high velocities."
Aluminum, which is relatively cheap, is the most energetic of
these metal fuels, producing a reaction temperature of up to
10,600 degrees Celsius. "One can accelerate the reaction by
fluidizing [melting] the metal and using water vapor," Savchenko
explains. In one candidate power-plant design, the heat from the
combustion chamber would be used to melt stored aluminum sheets at
about 675 degrees C and to vaporize seawater as well. The
resulting combustion products turn turbine-driven propeller
This type of system has already been developed in Russia,
according to media reports there. The U.S. also has experience
with these kinds of systems. Researchers at Penn State's Applied
Research Laboratory are operating an aluminum-burning "water
ramjet" system, which was developed as an auxiliary power source
for a naval surface ship. In the novel American design, powdered
aluminum feeds into a whirlpool of seawater occurring in what is
called a vortex combustor. The rapid rotation scrapes the
particles together, grinding off the inert aluminum oxide film
that covers them, which initiates an intense exothermic reaction
as the aluminum oxidizes. High-pressure steam from this combustion
process expands out a rocket nozzle or drives a turbine that turns
a propeller screw.
Tests have shown that prop screws offer the potential to boost
thrust by 20 percent compared with that of rockets, although in
theory it may be possible for screws to double available thrust,
Savchenko says. Designs for a turbo-rotor propeller system with a
single supercavitating "hull propeller," or a pair of
counterrotating hull props that encircle the outer surface of the
craft so they can reach the gas/water boundary, have been tested.
He emphasizes, however, that "considerable work remains to be done
on how the propeller and cavity must interact" before real
progress can be made. ...
Assessment of the Office of Naval
Research's Undersea Weapons Science and Technology Program
Research is also being conducted using thermal units to provide
low-rate energy sources. The thermal conversion activities include
the development of a small, closed-cycle Stirling engine coupled
to a lithium-sulfur hexaflouride thermal-energy source. A novel
wick combustor is being developed for this unit using capillarity
to distribute the liquid metal.
High-rate energy sources are being evaluated for potential use in
torpedoes and in countermeasure applications. There are two main
ONR activities in this field, HYDROX, a hydrogen and oxygen
producer and combustor, and an aluminum-water vortex combustor for
a water ramjet.
The HYDROX energy system produces gaseous oxygen from liquid
lithium perchlorate and hydrogen from the reaction of water and a
lithium-aluminum alloy. The gaseous hydrogen and oxygen produced
are burned in a combustion chamber to produce steam for a closed
Rankine-cycle system. The same gas source could provide the
hydrogen and oxygen for a fuel cell. The gases could also be used
in a combined system utilizing a low-power unit for low-speed
search and a high-power unit for high-speed operations. The
innovative wick system to distribute liquid metal is being
developed for use in the SCEPS (lithium-sulfur hexafluoride)
A novel vortex combustor is being developed for the water ramjet
that would propel the high-speed supercavitating vehicle. Aluminum
particles are burned in a vortex arrangement in a reaction with
water. This unit, although potentially useful as a source of
high-density energy for the supercavitating ramjet, could be used
in other applications. The production of large volumes of gaseous
hydrogen from the aluminum-water reaction could, perhaps, be
utilized to increase the energy density.
The high-rate-wick Stirling engine can be employed in torpedoes
and manned undersea vehicles and/or UUVs to enhance range, speed,
and endurance. The HYDROX system could be used in high-rate,
low-rate, or hybrid modes to enable smaller vehicles or superior
performance. The aluminum-seawater vortex device could provide
very high speed in special applications. These innovative
approaches are good examples of revolutionary technology from ONR
Other propulsion S&T efforts include those on electrochemical
energy sources, including fuel cells at the Naval Undersea Warfare
Center (NUWC), Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division
(NSWC/CD), and several small academic and industrial contractors.
The electrochemical area is the largest component of the undersea
weapons 6.1 budget ($2 million in FY99). Another effort is that on
underwater propellants at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian
Head (NSWC/IH).
Finding: The program on propulsion at the Applied Research
Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University (ARL/PSU) is exemplary
and offers technologies for both weapons and vehicles that could
be used in future systems. Closed-cycle engines are among the
increasingly attractive options as the importance of stealth and
endurance increases...
Numerical Analysis to Study the Effects of
Solid Fuel article Characteristics on Ignition, Burning, and
Radiative Emission
Thomas A. Marino
Advanced Technology (AT) | technology, concepts &
modeling (tcm)
Aluminum Combustor
The Technology, Concepts and Modeling Department (TCM) develops
technology for power system modeling, optimization, and
integration as well as energy production from a wide range of
chemical fuels and oxidizers. TCM advances technologies that
enable the development of innovative concepts such as a hybrid
unmanned undersea vehicle that geometrically morphs or changes
shape in response to a range of requirements for storage,
elimination of waste volume, and enhanced mission endurance.
Applied chemistry
Combustor design and testing, including:
Aluminum-burning vortex combustion research
Molten alkali alloy combustion research
Turbine design and testing
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Finite Element Analysis and mechanical design
Conceptual power plant and system modeling
Walter Ethan Eagle, Master of Science, 2007
1.4 Objectives and Approach
The objective of this thesis is
to estimate the power output
and overall efficiency of the
Rankine Cycle propulsion system
outlined in Figure 1.4. It is
based on the exothermic reaction of
aluminum powder with sea water
and a prototype of the system
is presently being constructed by
ARL for DARPA. The prototype is
intended for use in small (10,000lb)
Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) like the Sea Horse.
The basic operation of the
system is as follows : Aluminum powder is
suspended in a small flow of gaseous hydrogen and transported to a
combustor where it reacts exothermically with
steam to form Al2O3(s) and H2.
Additional water injected into the reacting flow cools
the hot products, producing steam. The combustion products
pass through a separator to remove the solid Al2O3. Most of the
steam hydrogen mix is then passed to a
turbine that drives an alternator. A
small fraction of the steam/hydrogen is diverted from
the separator, cooled to 900F
by a small amount of fresh
sea water, compressed, and returned
to the entrance of the
combustor to sustain the reaction
with incoming Aluminum powder. Enthalpy
remaining in the flow exiting the
turbine is recovered using a heat exchanger and pre-heats
the combustor cooling water. The steam is finally
condensed and separated from the
H2. The water is recycled
through a pump which draws in
an appropriate amount of fresh
water to make up for that
spend during combustion. The hydrogen
gas is compressed and fed back into
the fuel feeder, thus completing the cycle.
The approach taken to estimate
the system’s performance is to develop
thermodynamic models for each individual component in the system,
and then to assemble the individual models to create a model of
the entire system. This is accomplished using a
specialized software package called Numerical
Propulsion System Solver (NPSS) [37],
which was originally developed by the NASA Glenn
Research Center as a generalized
design and analysis tool for
developing gas turbine engines
although it is equally well-suited
for Rankine Cycle analyses. The
principal advantage of NPSS is that
it takes care of the mathematical
difficulties associated with solving
systems of interacting thermodynamic
components, enabling the focus to
be placed on developing appropriate
component models. NPSS creates
generalized data structures for
passing information between components and implements
a Newton-Rhapson solver to find stable operating points.
Other important advantages of NPSS
are its graphical user interface
with extensive libraries of pre-defined components, the
ability to develop new components and add them
to the library, and a very high degree of flexibility in the types
of component models that it can
accept. For example, a
turbine could be modeled in
NPSS either by writing a module in C that
incorporates the simple governing equations found in a
textbook (with overall efficiency as a
parameter), by using a
multi-dimensional turbine map, or by
linking to an external 3D CFD
simulation. It also facilitates the
evaluation of many design changes
without having to perform an
experiment. The solver is capable of
incorporating thermodynamic elements in a time-varying or steady
state operating mode.
A full description of NPSS and the NPSS system model will be
presented in chapter 2 of the thesis.
While the NPSS model is a powerful design tool that can be used to
explore a very wide parameter space, this type of modeling effort
poses its own challenges and trade-offs. In particular, when
combining many different levels of model fidelity
among different model elements
(combustion, cooling, separation, etc)
additional considerations must be made and a
“multi-disciplinary design optimization” or MDO should be
considered [38].
NPSS allows the user to
perform low level ‘sensitivity
analyses’ that are a first
step in this process. However the
present work focuses on the
development of the basic NPSS model and
only presents results from a very narrow range of the parameter
space that is centered around the ARL prototype design. A
complete MDO of the propulsion system is a worthy objective but is
beyond the scope of this thesis.
An engine that oxidizes aluminum with water to produce electrical
and/or mechanical power. The engine can include a fuel made at
least partly from aluminum powder that flows like liquid under
high pressure. The engine can also include a steam supply system,
a combustor, a fuel feed system, a fuel injection system, and a
water supply system.
[0001] This application claims priority of United States
Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 61/325,995 filed April
20, 2010 and United States Patent Application Serial No.
13/084,905 filed April 12, 2011, the contents of both are
incorporated herein by reference.
[0002] This invention was made with government support under
Contract No. N0024-02-6604/0031 awarded by the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency. The Government has certain rights in the
[0003] The present invention is related to an aluminum combustion
power system, and in particular an aluminum combustion power
system that reacts water with aluminum powder to produce molten
aluminum oxide droplets, heat, steam, and hydrogen.
[0004] The use of internal combustion engines, batteries, jet
propulsion, and the like to provide power to underwater vehicles
is known. In addition, the use of batteries has exhibited limited
success, however the energy density of battery powered systems has
been less than desirable.
[0005] As an alternative, the chemical reaction of aluminum with
water, fresh or salt, is known to be highly energetic and has been
proposed as a basis for an energy producing system. The basic
reaction between aluminum and water is
2A1 + 3H20→ A1203 + 3H2 Equation 1 with the products of this
reaction exhibiting temperatures up to 3800°F. However, such
temperatures and products have heretofore proven to be impractical
for power systems that can provide a steady and sustained flow of
energy. Therefore, even though the above chemical reaction is
extremely energy favorable, the use of aluminum as a fuel to
provide a reliable source of energy has proven evasive. Therefore,
a power source that reacts aluminum with water and provides
reliable power would be desirable.
[0006] The present invention discloses an engine that reacts
aluminum with water to produce electrical and/or mechanical power.
The engine can include a fuel made at least partly from aluminum
powder that flows like liquid under high pressure. The engine can
also include a steam feedback system, a combustor, a fuel feed
system, a fuel injection system, and a water supply system.
[0007] The combustor can have an inlet, an outlet, and a combustor
wall, and the fuel feed system is operable to pump the fuel from a
fuel tank to the combustor. The fuel injection system can mix
steam that is fed back or recirculated from the combustor
discharge via a small compressor or generated from a recuperator
with the fuel and then spray the fuel and the steam mixture into
the combustor. The water supply system can spray water into the
combustor and the water can react with the aluminum powder to
produce molten aluminum oxide droplets, heat, steam, and hydrogen.
In addition, the water can solidify the molten aluminum oxide
droplets before they contact the combustor wall and thereby
prevent clogging of the combustor.
[0008] The aluminum powder can be coated, for example with a film
of methysiloxane, such that the coated aluminum powder can be
pumped through tubing having a length to diameter ratio of greater
than 1000. In addition, the fuel feed system is operable to
provide a steady flow of the coated aluminum powder at high
pressure to the combustor. The mixture of aluminum powder and
steam reacts with water in the combustor to produce the molten
aluminum oxide droplets, heat, additional steam, and hydrogen. The
water supply system can include a plurality of spray nozzles that
can spray water into the combustor and cool the combustor wall. In
addition, a high temperature separator downstream from the
combustor can separate solidified aluminum oxide particles from an
aluminum oxide particle- steam mixture that exits the outlet of
the combustor. In this manner, steam without harmful and/or
erosive aluminum oxide particles can be provided to a steam
turbine to produce electrical and/or mechanical power.
[0009] Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of an aluminum
combustion power system according to an embodiment of the
present invention;
[0010] Figure 2a is a side cross-sectional view of a
combustor for an aluminum combustion power system according to
an embodiment of the present invention;
[0011] Figure 2b is an end cross-sectional view of section
2b-2b shown in Figure 2a;
[0012] Figure 3 is a schematic diagram of an aluminum combustion
power system that employs the combustor shown in Figure 1 ;
[0013] Figure 4a is a side cross-sectional view of a fuel
supply system according to an embodiment of the present
[0014] Figure 4b is an enlarged view of a piston region for
the fuel feed system; and
[0015] Figure 5 is another embodiment of a fuel feed system
for the aluminum combustion power system according to an
embodiment of the present invention.
[0016] The present invention provides an engine that reacts
aluminum with water to produce electrical and/or mechanical power.
As such, the present invention has use as a power source.
[0017] The power system can include a combustor that is operable
to accept aluminum powder mixed with steam. In addition, the
combustor can have water sprayed thereinto, the water reacting
with the aluminum powder to form molten aluminum oxide droplets,
steam, heat, and hydrogen. In addition, sufficient water can be
provided to the combustor such that excess steam is provided and
used to drive/power a steam turbine as is known to those skilled
in the art.
[0018] The aluminum powder can be coated such that it flows like a
liquid and can be provided from a fuel container to the combustor
using a fuel line having a length to diameter ratio of greater
than 1000. In addition, the aluminum powder can be mixed with the
steam prior to entering the combustor such that the mixture
expands like a gas upon entering a combustion zone. Aluminum
particles can then react with water within the combustion zone via
the chemical reaction of Equation 1 and as described in greater
detail below. Water can also be introduced into the combustor such
that it cools the walls thereof and solidifies molten aluminum
oxide droplets formed by the reaction of the aluminum powder with
the water. Cooling of the molten aluminum oxide droplets before
they come into contact with the combustor wall prevents their
accumulation thereon and thus prevents clogging of the combustor.
As such, aluminum oxide particles plus steam exit the combustor
and enters a high temperature separator that affords for the
removal or separation of solidified aluminum oxide particles from
the steam. Thereafter, the steam can be provided to a steam
turbine which rotates to provide mechanical and/or electrical
power. It is appreciated that a recuperator, condenser, low
temperature separator, steam compressor, etc., can also be
included as part of the power system in order to increase power
output, efficiency, safety and the like. [0019] A reaction in
which excess water can be included to regulate the product
temperature of aluminum reacting with water can be:
2A1 + 3H20 + XH20→ A1203 + 3H2 + XH20 Equation 2 where X moles of
excess water can be included to regulate the temperature of a
system that burns aluminum in this manner. In some instances, the
X moles of excess diluent water can appear in the products as X
moles of superheated steam and the steam can be used to provide
energy, for example through the use of a steam turbine. It is
appreciated that the number of moles of excess water required can
depend on the product discharge temperature and the temperature of
liquid water added to the reaction. For example, a product
temperature in the vicinity of 1500°F will result in a gaseous
mixture of 97.5% steam.
[0020] While Equation 2 is relatively simple and energetically
favorable, sustaining such a reaction using readily available cold
seawater can be difficult. In particular, solid aluminum does not
appreciably react with cold water. As such, and as discussed in
more detail below, the present invention affords for high
temperature steam to be provided to the reaction of aluminum with
water. The aluminum can readily react with the high temperature
steam in order to provide sufficient heat to maintain the
A1203-H20 reaction and drive a steam turbine, preheat cold
seawater, and the like. In some instances, more or less than 3
moles of steam might be supplied per every two moles of fuel with
evaporating diluent water serving as reactant water if necessary.
[0021] Turning now to Figure 1, a "black box" illustration of an
inventive aluminum combustion power system is shown generally at
reference numeral 10. The power system 10 can include an input of
aluminum 110 and liquid water 120. Reaction of the aluminum 110
with the liquid water 120 results in the production of aluminum
oxide 140, hydrogen gas 150, and heat 160. In addition, mechanical
or electrical power 170 can be produced from the power system 10,
for example through the use of steam to drive a steam turbine.
[0022] It is appreciated that if the system 10 is used underwater,
only aluminum 110 is needed to be stored since liquid water 120
can be provided by the environment. Such a system is analogous to
a motor vehicle or an airplane carrying a liquid hydrocarbon fuel
and using oxygen/air from the surrounding environment.
[0023] In addition to maintaining the reaction of aluminum with
water, the aluminum oxide 140 can be formed as molten liquid
droplets with a melting/solidification temperature approaching
3800°F. Such droplets can impinge on a surface of the system 10
and cause accelerated corrosion, slagging, and the like. In
particular, slagging can result in the buildup of aluminum oxide
on internal surfaces of the system 10 and thereby result in
clogging of the power system 10.
[0024] Referring now to Figure 2a, an inventive aluminum combustor
that can prevent clogging of a power system is shown generally at
reference numeral 200. The aluminum combustor 200 can include a
combustor can 220 with an injection tube 210. Aluminum 110 and
steam 122 can be premixed within the injection tube 210 and
allowed to react within the combustor can 220 to provide a
stoichiometric combustion cloud 240. The combustor can 220 can
have a combustor interior wall 222 which provides a physical
barrier to the combustion cloud 240. In order to prevent
overheating and/or slagging of the combustor interior wall 222,
one or more water sprayers 230 can provide coolant 232, e.g.
water, to cool the combustor interior wall 222 and quench aluminum
oxide droplets that have formed in the combustion cloud 240. In
some instances, the combustor can 220 can be cylindrical shaped
with a plurality of sprayers 230 spaced apart and providing liquid
spray 232 as shown in Figure 2b.
[0025] For example, and for illustrative purposes only, Figure 2b
illustrates a cylindrical combustor can 220 with six liquid
sprayers 230 operable to provide liquid spray into the combustor
can 220 and thereby cool the combustor interior walls 222 and/or
quench liquid aluminum oxide droplets before reaching the interior
walls 222. It is appreciated that the liquid spray 232 can also
provide water which can be heated and evaporated into steam and
thereby provide a steam shroud 250 within the combustor can 220.
Additional water spraying nozzles 260 may or may not be provided
to enhance the cooling of the combustor interior walls 222 and/or
evaporation of water. As shown in the figure, hot gas and fly ash
in the form of aluminum oxide particles 280 can exit the combustor
can 220 through an exit 270. It is appreciated that the combustor
220 can provide pressurized and/or superheated steam which can be
used to power a steam turbine, extract heat therefrom, and the
[0026] Turning now to Figure 3, a schematic diagram of an aluminum
combustion power system is shown generally at reference numeral
20. In addition to the combustor 200, which can in fact be a
compact superheated steam generator, a high-temperature separator
300 can be located downstream from the combustor 200 and afford
for separation of more than 99% of the aluminum oxide particles
from the oxide particle-steam mixture exiting the combustor 200.
In addition, any remaining particles can be less than one-half
(0.5) micron in diameter and thereby pass through a turbine 310
safely. The turbine 310 may or may not have a direct drive with a
high-speed alternator 320, the alternator 320 operable to generate
alternating current which can be rectified and otherwise
conditioned to provide a regulated direct current voltage. In some
instances, the turbine 310 and alternator 320 can be water cooled
and use water lubricated hybrid bearings.
[0027] It is appreciated that exhaust from the turbine 310 can
contain considerable energy content and, as such, a recuperator
330 can be used to transfer heat from the turbine exhaust to
liquid water in the form of incoming seawater, freshwater and/or
water condensed from the exhaust steam. By preheating water
supplied to the combustor water sprayers 230, more water can be
added to the combustor 200 in order to maintain a desired
combustor discharge temperature. The additional water added to the
combustor 200 can be converted into steam and thereby increase
steam flow from the combustor 200 and through the turbine 310. In
this manner, the output power from the turbine 310 and the overall
efficiency of the system 20 can be increased. It is appreciated
that the hydrogen flowing out of the recuperator represents a
considerable potential energy source and in certain instances may
be directed to a secondary combustor, electrochemical fuel cell of
other conversion system to enhance overall system efficiency.
[0028] Cooler steam leaving the recuperator 330 can be condensed
in a condenser 340 to liquid water and thereafter discharged to a
low-temperature separator 350. The low-temperature separator 350
can separate gaseous hydrogen which may or may not be pumped
overboard with any residual aluminum oxide. In some instances, a
portion of hydrogen compressed in the low-temperature separator
can be retained for feed system use. In addition, a water pump 360
can pump surrounding seawater, freshwater and/or steam condensate
from the low-temperature separator 350 and raise the pressure of
the liquid to above the pressure in the combustor 200 for use in
the water sprayers 230.
[0029] A steam compressor 400 can also be included and provide
high-temperature steam for combustion of the aluminum powder. In
some instances, clean steam can be taken from the high-temperature
separator 300, passed through the steam compressor 400, and mixed
with aluminum powder from the fuel feed system 100. In addition,
temperature(s) of the aluminum powder fuel and steam from the
steam compressor 400 at the inlet 210 of the combustor 200 can be
controlled and/or reduced by addition of liquid water.
[0030] Referring specifically to the flow of the aluminum powder,
Figures 4a-4b illustrate an embodiment of the fuel feed system
100. It is appreciated that the flow of aluminum particles under
pressure can be an area of concern for an aluminum power system
with uneven flow rates, clogging of fuel lines and the like known
to be problem areas. However, the fuel feed system 100 having
aluminum particles 110 can include treatment of the particles with
a silane, e.g. methylethoxysilane, such that polarizable surface
groups such as hydroxyl groups can be replaced with siloxane
groups or other non-polarizable, hydrophobic terminal groups and
result in the: (1) elimination and/or reduction of van der Waals
forces; (2) elimination and/or reduction of susceptibility to
triboelectric augmentation of cohesion between the particles;
and/or (3) suppression of cohesion due to capillary condensation.
[0031] The treatment can include providing a monolayer thick film
of siloxane onto the surface of the aluminum particles and placing
the particles in the cylinder of a piston-cylinder device. A
piston 104 that has a funnel shape on one face and a flat shape on
an opposite face can be forced, e.g. by gas pressure, into the
fuel 110. The conical face of the piston 104 can then move into
the fuel, thereby forcing the fuel to flow through a screen 108.
In addition, inert gas can be forced into the fuel 110 through an
inlet line 102, and as the piston 104 moves into the fuel 110 and
the fuel passes through a fuel line 106, the inert gas in the
interstitial spaces of the fuel can expand and provide a
dense-phase fluidized particulate flow.
[0032] In some instances, a coiled flexible fuel line 106 having a
s-inch diameter with a i6-inch bore can be used to provide
aluminum powder to the combustor 200. For example and for
illustrative purposes only, such a fuel line 106 can provide
sufficient aluminum powder fuel for a 100 hp/75 kW turbine output.
In addition, a metal rod can be used to move with the piston 104
so that a position of the piston can be known as a function of
time, thereby allowing for a fuel flow rate to be calculated.
[0033] An alternative embodiment of a fuel feed system is shown in
Figure 5 at reference numeral 500. The fuel feed system 500 can
have a container 505 with a bladder 510 that has aluminum powder
fuel 110 therewithin. Pressure can be applied to a back side of
bladder 510 in the region 540 and a feeder transport 520 can be
used to provide the aluminum powder 110 to an exit orifice 530. In
some instances, the feeder transport 520 can have a shaft 524 with
an arbor plate 522, the shaft 524 and arbor plate 522 acting as a
screw drive to transport the powder 110 from within the bladder
510 to the exit 530. In addition, aluminum oxide particles that
exit from the combustor 200 can be separated from the steam/fly
ash mixture and placed in the area 540 around the back side of the
bladder 510 which was previously occupied by the aluminum powder
110. In this manner, the aluminum oxide particles can be stored on
or within an underwater vehicle.
Some Vortex Combustor Patents --
Advanced vortex combustor with flow deflectors
The utility model discloses an advanced vortex combustor with flow
deflectors. The advanced vortex combustor consists of a front
blunt body, a concave cavity, a back blunt body, the flow
deflectors and an air inlet channel, which are arranged in a
combustor channel, wherein the front blunt body and the back blunt
body are arranged in the combustor channel; the concave cavity is
formed by the front blunt body and the back blunt body; the front
wall surface of the front blunt body is flush with the channel;
the back blunt body has a projecting expansion open structure; two
flow deflectors are symmetrically arranged on the upper side and
the lower side of the front blunt body; the air inlet channel
consists of an upper small channel air inlet and a lower small
channel air inlet. The advanced vortex combustor has the
beneficial effects that the combustion performance is remarkably
superior to the conventional blunt body combustor, the flame
holding in the concave cavity and fuel gas blending are
facilitated, the combustion efficiency is increased greatly, the
outlet temperature distribution is improved, and NO discharge is
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a combustor improved in flow rate
balance in split air flows.SOLUTION: A combustor 1 in which air
flow 10 supplied from the upstream side is split in a damping
chamber 21, and the split air flows 10a, 10b are supplied to a
combustion chamber 18 from an outer peripheral-side flow channel
16 and an inner peripheral-side flow channel 17, respectively,
includes: a pre-diffuser 6 composed of an inner peripheral nozzle
plate 6a and an outer peripheral nozzle plate 6b, and supplying
the air flow into the damping chamber; suction holes 11
respectively formed on the inner peripheral nozzle plate and the
outer peripheral nozzle plate of a speed reducing portion 8
projecting into the damping chamber of the pre-diffuser; a cowl 15
disposed in the damping chamber in opposition to the pre-diffuser
and having a convex curved surface; and a plurality of burner
nozzles arranged at equal angular pitches and injecting a fuel
into the combustion chamber. A part of the air flow colliding with
the cowl is separated so that standing vortex is formed in the
damping chamber, and a part of the standing vortex is sucked into
the speed reducing portion through the suction holes.
Vortex energy-saving combustor
The invention relates to a flat seam vortex energy-saving
combustor and belongs to the technical field of domestic gas
stoves. According to the flat seam vortex energy-saving combustor,
the defects that an air door combustor structure of a traditional
domestic gas stove is low in flame temperature and prone to
backfire. The flat seam vortex energy-saving combustor is mainly
characterized in that the air forms rotation air flow in the gas
tangential direction after passing through a flat seam vortex
device and is mixed with gas, mixing conditions are better and
complete combustion is ensured. The structures of the combustor
include the A type structure, the B type structure, the C type
structure and the D type structure. The flat seam vortex
energy-saving combustor has the prominent advantages of being high
in flame temperature, little in waste gas, capable of saving
energy and time, convenient to use, safe and sanitary.
Fuel mixing arragement and combustor with such a fuel
mixing arrangement
The present application relates to a fuel mixing arrangement (100)
for mixing fuel and an oxidizing medium for combustion in a
combustor of a gas turbine, with a flute fuel injection system
comprising at least two streamline bodies (22) with at least one
fuel nozzle wherein the streamline bodies (22) comprise either
vortex generators or lobes and at least one body (22) is arranged
parallel to the flow direction of the oxidizing medium. A better
mixing is achieved by arranging the at least second other
streamline body (22) inclined to the first one. A perpendicular
arrangement of the streamline bodies (22) is preferred, so that a
square arrangement occurs.
Embodiments of the present application include a combustor
assembly (25). The combustor assembly may include an annular
trapped vortex cavity (116) located adjacent to a downstream end
(106) of a bundle of air/fuel premixing injection tubes (102). The
annular trapped vortex cavity (116) may include an opening (124)
at a radially inner portion of the annular trapped vortex cavity
(116) adjacent to the head end (104) of the bundle of premixing
tubes (102). The annular trapped vortex cavity (116) may also
include one or more air injection holes (126) and one or more fuel
sources (128) disposed about the annular trapped vortex cavity
(116) such that the one or more air injection holes (126) and the
one or more fuel sources (128) are configured to drive a vortex
(130) within the annular trapped vortex cavity (116).
Low-emission trapped-vortex combustor with
rich-burn/quick-quench/lean-burn combined with lean pre-mix
A low-emission trapped-vortex combustor with
rich-burn/quick-quench/lean-burn combined with lean pre-mix
pre-vaporization comprises a diffuser, casing parts of an
aeroengine, a diversion device, a cavity and a combustion liner.
Air enters the combustor through the diffuser, the casing parts of
the aeroengine comprise an outer casing part of the aeroengine and
an inner casing part of the aeroengine, the air is divided into
by-pass airflow and main airflow through the diversion device, the
cavity comprises an inner annular cavity body and an outer annular
cavity body, cavity front wall air inlet holes and cavity rear
wall air inlet holes are formed in the cavity, and a plurality of
cooling holes and blending holes are formed in the combustion
liner.; The low-emission trapped-vortex combustor with
rich-burn/quick-quench/lean-burn combined with lean pre-mix
pre-vaporization further comprises a main airflow pre-vaporizing
device and a flame connecting device, wherein the main airflow
pre-vaporizing device is used for pre-vaporizing fuel and
stabilizing flames, and the flame connecting device is used for
delivering flames. The low-emission trapped-vortex combustor with
rich-burn/quick-quench/lean-burn combined with lean pre-mix
pre-vaporization further comprises a main burning level fuel
manifold and an on-duty level fuel manifold which provide fuel for
the inner annular cavity body and the outer annular cavity body.
Rich-burn/quick-quench/lean-burn low-emission
trapped-vortex combustor
A rich-burn/quick-quench/lean-burn low-emission trapped-vortex
combustor comprises a diffuser, casing parts of an aeroengine, a
diversion device, a cavity, a combustion liner, and a quenching
device. Air enters the combustor through the diffuser, the casing
parts of the aeroengine comprise an outer casing part of the
aeroengine and an inner casing part of the aeroengine, the air is
divided into by-pass airflow and main airflow through the
diversion device, the cavity comprises an inner annular cavity
body and an outer annular cavity body, cavity front wall air inlet
holes and cavity rear wall air inlet holes are formed in the
cavity, and a plurality of cooling holes and blending holes are
formed in the combustion liner. The
rich-burn/quick-quench/lean-burn low-emission trapped-vortex
combustor further comprises a fuel manifold which provides fuel
for the cavity and swirl injectors. A part of the by-pass airflow
enters the cavity from the cavity front wall air inlet holes and
the cavity rear wall air inlet holes and form a tapped vortex to
conduct rich burn, the other part of the by-pass airflow enters
the combustion liner from the cooling holes and the blending holes
of the combustion liner, and the main airflow enters the
combustion liner through the flow area of the quenching device.
Single-cavity trapped vortex combustor
A single-cavity trapped vortex combustor comprises a pressure
expander, an inner cartridge receiver, an outer cartridge
receiver, a flame tube, a flow guide device, a pre-evaporation
device, an oil supply system and a high-energy spark plug, wherein
airflow at an inlet of the combustor enters the combustor through
the pressure expander, the flame tube is of a single-cavity
structure, the inner cartridge receiver, the outer cartridge
receiver and the flame tube form an inner duct and an outer duct
of the combustor, the flow guide device separates the main flow
from the air of the outer duct, air is decelerated and pressurized
through the pressure expander, is divided into four paths through
the flow guide device and the pre-evaporation device, and
respectively enters the main flow, the pre-evaporation device, the
inner duct and the outer duct, and the high-energy spark plug is
arranged at the bottom of the cavity. The combustion area of the
single-cavity trapped vortex combustor is divided into a trapped
vortex area and a main combustion area, and the single-cavity
trapped vortex combustor further comprises a flame joint
supporting plate which transmits flames from a cavity to the main
Hydrogen-Rich Gas Combustion Device
A combustion device for hydrogen-rich gas is provided. Before
entering a chamber, fuel and air are non-premixed for avoiding
flushback. A vortex generator and a fuel sprayer are combined to
mix fuel and air for enhancing burning effect. Vortex flame is
generated with stabilizing aerodynamics of flow provided through
vortex breakdown. A flameholder is formed downstream an injector
to maintain stable combustion. Cooling air is introduced from a
sheath to cool down a high-temperature gas, which leaves the
combustion chamber and drives a turbine for turning a power
generator. Thus, the present invention effectively mixes fuel and
air, avoids flushback and prevents combustor damage.
Special vortex flame combustor for combustion engine
A special vortex flame combustor for a combustion engine relates
to a thermotechnical technology, and comprises a combustion
cylinder (1) and a vortex device (2), wherein the vortex device
(2) is fixedly arranged in the combustion cylinder (1), and a
deflection plate (2-1) is arranged in the vortex device (2). The
length of the combustion cylinder (1) is L1, and the diameter of
the combustion cylinder (1) is D1; the diameter of the vortex
device (2) is D2, the length of the deflecting plate (2-1) is L3,
and the deflection angle is X. L1 is equal to 3D1; D2 is equal to
the difference between D1 and 1 cm; L3 is equal to D1; and X is
equal to 60 degrees. The combustion cylinder (1) is made of
special corrosion-resistant metal. The vortex device (2) and the
combustion cylinder (1) are welded together by the same composite
metal material of the vortex device (2). The special vortex flame
combustor has the advantages of simple structure and lower cost,
and can completely solve the worldwide problem that alcohol-based
fuel can not be fully combusted in the combustion engine, thereby
achieving environmentally-friendly emission and high heat
utilization rate, and further obtaining favorable
environmentally-friendly and energy-saving effects.
Gas turbine engine combustor having trapped dual vortex
A gas turbine engine combuslor has a trapped dual vortex cavity
defined between aft, forward, and bottom walls. Air injection
first holes are positioned in the forward wall. Air injection
second holes are positioned in the aft walls. Fuel injection holes
in the forward wall are located between the bottom wall and a
cavity opening located at a top of the cavity. First angled film
cooling apertures are disposed through the bottom wall. Second
angled film cooling apertures are located in the forward wall
between the fuel injection holes and the bottom wall. Third angled
film cooling apertures are located in the forward wall between the
fuel injection holes and the cavity opening.
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a trapped vortex combustor that
creates a stable vortex within a trapped vortex cavity and
effectively mixes fuel and air. ;SOLUTION: The trapped vortex
combustor 14 includes the trapped vortex cavity 40 having a first
surface 42 and a second surface 44. A plurality of fluidic mixers
46 are disposed circumferentially along the first surface 42 and
the second surface 44 of the trapped vortex cavity 40. At least
one fluidic mixer 46 includes a first open end receiving a first
fluid stream 48, a coanda profile in the proximity of the first
open end, a fuel plenum to discharge a fuel stream over the coanda
profile, and a second open end for receiving the mixture of the
first fluid stream 48 and the fuel stream and discharging the
mixture of the first fluid stream 48 and the fuel stream in the
trapped vortex cavity 40. The coanda profile is configured to
enable attachment of the fuel stream to the coanda profile to form
a boundary layer of the fuel stream and, to entrain the incoming
first fluid stream to the boundary layer of the fuel stream to
form a mixture of the first fluid stream 48 and the fuel stream. ;
Vortex combustor for low NOx emissions when burning lean
premixed high hydrogen content fuel
A trapped vortex combustor. The trapped vortex combustor is
configured for receiving a lean premixed gaseous fuel and oxidant
stream at a velocity which significantly exceeds combustion flame
speed in a selected lean premixed fuel and oxidant mixture, thus
allowing use of high hydrogen content fuels. The combustor is
configured to operate at relatively high bulk fluid velocities
while maintaining stable combustion and low NOx emissions. The
combustor is useful in gas turbines in a process of burning
synfuels, as it offers the opportunity to avoid use of diluent gas
to reduce combustion temperatures. The combustor also offers the
possibility of avoiding the use of selected catalytic reaction
units for removal of oxides of nitrogen from combustion gases
exiting a gas turbine.