Gravitational Spacecraft
Fran de Aquino
Professor Fran De Aquino's
Webpage --
Physics Department, Maranhao
State University
Gravitation and
Electromagnetism : Correlation and Grand Unification
Fran De Aquino
(Maranhao State University, Brazil)
It is demonstrated that gravitational and inertial masses are
correlated by an electromagnetic factor. From the practical point
of view this is very important because it means the possibility of
electromagnetic control of the gravity. Some theoretical
consequences of the correlation are:
incorporation of Mach's principle into Gravitation Theory;
new relativistic expression for the mass ;
the generalization of Newton's second law for the motion;
the deduction of the differential equation for entropy directly
from the Gravitation Theory.
Another fundamental consequence of the mentioned correlation is
that, in specific ultra-high energy conditions, the
gravitational and electromagnetic fields can be described by the
same Hamiltonian, i.e., in these circumstances, they are unified !
Such conditions can have occurred inclusive in the Initial
Universe, before the first spontaneous breaking of symmetry.
JLN Labs
March 21th, 2000
Email :
JLN Lab's eGroup at : if you are a team
The Gravitational SpaceCraft from Fran De Aquino
the deep space...
Fran De Aquino
It is known that photons have null inertial mass (mi = 0 ) and
that they do not absorb others photons (U = 0 ). So , if we put mi
= 0 and U = 0 in Eq.(1.04), the result is mg = 0. Therefore
photons have null gravitational mass. Let us consider a point
source of radiation with power P , frequency f and radiation
density at distance r given by D = P /4p r2
Due to the null gravitational mass of the photons, it must be
possible to build a shield of photons around the source, which
will impede the exchange of gravitons between the particles inside
the shield and the rest of the Universe. The shield begins at
distance rs from the source where the radiation density is such
that there will be a photon in opposition to each incident
graviton . This critical situation occurs when D = hf 2 / Sg ,
where Sg is the geometric cross section of the graviton. Thus rs
is given by the relation, rs = (rg / f )( P/h)1/2

We then see that the ELF radiation are the most appropriate to
produce the shield. It can be easily shown that, if f <<
1mHz , the radiation will traverse any particle . It is not
difficult to see that in this case, there will be "clouds" of
photons around the particles inside the shield. Due to the null
gravitational mass of the photons , these "clouds" will impede the
exchange of gravitons between the particle inside the "cloud" and
the rest of the Universe. Thus, we can say that the gravitational
mass of the particle will be null with respect to the Universe,
and that the space-time inside the shield (out of the particles)
becomes flat or euclidean . It is clear that the space-time which
the particles occupies remains non-euclidean.
In an euclidean space-time the maximum speed of propagation of the
interactions is infinite
because , as we know, the metrics becomes from Galilei.
Therefore, the interactions are instantaneous . Thus , in this
space-time the speed of photons must be infinite, simply because
they are the quanta of the electromagnetic interaction. So, the
speed of photons will be infinite inside the shield.
On the other hand , the new relativistic expression for mass,
shows that a particle with null gravitational mass isn’t submitted
to the increase of relativistic mass, because under these
circumstances its gravitational mass doesn't increase with
increasing velocity .i.e., it remains null independently of the
particle's velocity. In addition , the gravitational potential
or the particle will be null and, consequently , the component
of the metric tensor will be equal to -1.
Thus , we will have
where t' is the time in a clock moving with the particle , and ds2
= c2 dt2 where t is the time indicated by a clock at rest ( dx =
dy = dz = 0 ).
From the combination of these two equations we conclude that t' =
t .This means that the particle will be not more submitted to the
relativistic effects predicted in Einstein's theory. So, it can
reach and even surpass the speed of light . We can imagine a
spacecraft with positive gravitational mass qual to (m) kg , and
negative gravitational mass ( see System-G in appendix A) equal to
- (m - 0.001) kg . It has a shield of photons , as above
mentioned. If the photons, which produce the shield , radiate from
the surface of the spacecraft , then the space-time that it
occupies remains non-euclidean ,and consequently , for an observer
in this space-time , the total gravitational mass of the
spacecraft, will be
. Therefore , if its propulsion system produces F=10N (only) the
spacecraft acquires acceleration
( see Eq.(2.05)).
Furthermore, due to the "cloud" of photons around the spacecraft
its gravitational interaction with the Universe will be null , and
therefore, we can say that its gravitational mass will be null
with respect to the Universe. Consequently, the inertial forces
upon the spacecraft will also be null, in agreement with Eq.2.05 (
Mach’s principle ).This means that the spacecraft will lose its
inertial properties . In addition, the spacecraft will can reach
and even surpass the speed of light because , as we have seen , a
particle with null gravitational mass will be not submitted to the
relativistic effects.
Fran De Aquino, April 20th, 2000
JLN Labs
The System-G from Fran De
Aquino : Engineering the device...
Fran De Aquino and Steve Burns
March 17th, 2000
The System-G experiment has been performed successfuly by Fran De
Aquino on January 27th, 2000 at the Physics Department of Maranhao
State University in Brazil.
In the System-G torus, the ELF energy generated by the dipole
antenna must be fully absorbed the atoms of the annealed iron
lamina. The ELF energy is done by this equation below :
The curve below, shows that a System-G weight ( 35 Kg ) can be
nullified at 60Hz with a current of 400 Ampere.
The use of the power grid for the basic System-G experiment has
been conducted easily by using the power grid frequency ( 60 Hz,
in Brazil ), this was energy consumming ( about 11 KW ). But for
improving the efficiency of the whole apparatus, Power Input Vs
weight lifted, its seems much adapted to use a lower frequency
than previously for the ELF signal as shown on the table below :
You notice that, to levitate a 100 Kg weight apparatus,
at 60 Hz we need 61 KW and for the same results, only 632 W is
required at 1 Hz.
You may notice on the diagram above that only 1460 Watts are
required to levitate 50 Kg at a frequency of 5 Hz...
The plot above, shows the phase velocity reduced wavelength for an
ELF antenna
in seawater (published by the US Navy in 1960's), in air and also
in a pure iron powder (for the System-G).
The System-G Equations Solver
v 1.05
by J-L Naudin
[ ZIP ]
: You must have the JavaScript enabled in your Internet
browser. This very helpful tool will allow you to find quickly
the good setup for building your own System-G. You need only
to enter the specifications of your components in the green
areas and the solver will give you the calculated values in
the red areas. The preset values are the parameters used by
Fran De Aquino during his historical System-G experiment on
January 27th, 2000, so you will able to check by yourself that
the calculated values are close to the experimental values
measured by Fran De Aquino.
When all your parameters are entered, you need
only to press the "Calculate" button . To restart again the
calculation, the "Restore" button will reset all the datas
fields to their initial values.
Good Engineering,
Jean-Louis Naudin
by Means of Electromagnetic Field Through Gas or Plasma
at Ultra-Low Pressure
Fran De Aquino
[ PDF ]
A Gravitational
Shielding Based on ZnS:Ag Phosphor
Fran De Aquino
It was shown that there is a
practical possibility of gravity control on
elelectroluminescent materials. We present here a type of
G-SHielding based on an EL phosphor, namely zinc sulfide
doped with silver ( ZnS:Ag ) which can reduce the cost of
the G-Motor previously presented...

How to Extract Energy Directly from a Gravitational
Fran De Aquino
Gravity is related to
gravitational mass of the bodies. According to the weak
form of Einstein’s General Relativity equivalence
principle, the gravitational and inertial masses are
equivalent. However recent calculations (gr-qc/9910036)
have revealed that they are correlated by an adimensional
factor, which depends on the incident radiation upon the
particle. It was shown that there is a direct correlation
between the radiation absorbed by the particle and its
gravitational mass, independently of the inertial mass.
This finding has fundamental consequences to Unified Field
Theory and Quantum Cosmology. It was also shown that only
in the absence of electromagnetic radiation this factor
becomes equal to one and that, in specific electromagnetic
conditions, it can be reduced, nullified or made negative.
This means that there is the possibility of control of the
gravitational mass by means of the incident radiation.
This unexpected theoretical result was recently confirmed
by an experiment (gr-qc/0005107). Consequently there is a
strong evidence that the gravitational forces can be
reduced, nullified and inverted by means of
electromagnetic radiation. This means that , in practice
we can produce gravitational binaries, and in this way to
extract energy from a gravitational field. Here we
describe a process by which energy can be extracted
directly from any site of a gravitational field.
De Aquino's Webpage
Physics Department, Maranhao
State University
For several years, physicist Fran De Aquino worked as
Senior-Researcher at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
- INPE (National Institute for Space Research - INPE , Brazil)
(INPE Registration Number 02844 CRN, SIAPE Registration Number
0024730). He was also Director of the INPE's Space Observatory in
the city of São Luís, since the installation of this observatory
until 1997.
Currently, physicist Fran De Aquino is a professor at the
Universidade Estadual do Maranhão- UEMA (State University of
Maranhao, Brazil), (UEMA Registration Number 5155). He also works
as Consultant in Science & Technology for international
companies. Fran De Aquino's publications list includes several
scientific articles and books.
His research involves many relevant aspects of Gravitation and
Cosmology. After thirty years of research, professor De Aquino
discovered that the gravity can be quantized, starting from the
generalization of the known action function. In discovering the
quantization of gravity, Fran De Aquino made true an old dream of
the Quantum Physicists - to obtain a Quantum Theory for Gravity.
This Quantum Theory of Gravity unifies Einstein's Theory of
General Relativity with the Quantum Theory and, furthermore, it
leads to an equation of correlation between gravitational mass and
the inertial mass, which opens doors for gravity control
technologies and the G ENERGY , the energy of the future that
possibly it will change the paradigms of energy generation,
transportation and telecommunications.
The theory shows that there is a revalidation of the strong
equivalence principle, and consequently Einstein's equations are
preserved. Thus, De Aquino's Quantum Theory of Gravity does not
invalidate Einstein's Theory, on the contrary, it just complements
this theory, in such a way as Einstein's theory has complemented
Newton's theory.
The Einstein's equations are deduced directly from De Aquino's
theory. Moreover, a generalized equation for inertial forces is
obtained , which incorporates the Mach's principle into
Gravitation, explainning therefore the origin of inertia, and
yielding a new expression for gravitational forces which includes
the Newton's attraction law, and shows that the graviton must have
spin 1 and not 2. The theory also allows the deduction of the
Entropy's differential equation; the Hamiltonian for a particle in
an electromagnetic field and the reciprocal fine structure
constant. It is also possible to explain the Inflation Period and
the Hidden Matter, without assuming the existence of vacuum
fluctuations. Similarly, it is possible to obtain the Casimir
force, whithout assuming the existence of zero-point field.
Another fundamental consequence of De Aquino's theory is the
possibility of control of the gravitational mass. In addition, De
Aquino's Quantum Theory of Gravity shows that, in specific
ultra-high energy conditions, the gravitational and
electromagnetic fields can be described by the same Hamiltonian,
i.e., in these circumstances, they are unified. Such conditions
might have occurred inclusively in the Initial Universe, before
the first spontaneous breaking of Symmetry. Therefore, this
Kinetic approach to Quantum Gravity will allow us to understand
some crucial matters in Quantum Cosmology, including the early
stages of the Big Bang. For some physicists, this theory might be
it the Holy Graal of Modern Physics because it can complete the
unification of all fundamental laws of Physics.
Now, it is possible for the first time to write down a single
equation (Eq.1 of Mathematical Foundations of the Relativistic
Theory of Quantum Gravity. See T-shirt below) that can explain all
the laws of physics( including the Einstein's equations), all the
forces of nature - the proverbial "theory of everything". This
grand unified theory comprhends Philosophy, God (including
feminine aspects), and the Soul. It is not restricted only to the
material world it includes not only force particles and matter
particles, not only general relativity and Quantum Gravity, but
also a theory of consciousness. ( Record #
595902 )
Mathematical Foundations of the Relativistic Theory
of Quantum Gravity
Fran De Aquino
[ PDF ]
Abstract: Starting from
the action function, we have derived a theoretical background that
leads to the quantization of gravity and the deduction of a
correlation between the gravitational and inertial masses, which
depends on the kinetic momentum of the particle. We show that
there is a reaffirmation of the strong equivalence principle and,
consequently, Einstein's equations are preserved. In fact, such
equations are deduced here directly from this approach to Gravity.
Moreover, we have obtained a generalized equation for inertial
forces, which incorporates the Mach's principle into Gravitation.
Also, we have deduced the equation of Entropy; the Hamiltonian for
a particle in an electromagnetic field and the reciprocal fine
structure constant. It is possible to deduce the expression of the
Casimir force and also to explain the Inflation Period and the
Missing Matter, without assuming the existence of vacuum
fluctuations. This new approach to Gravity will allow us to
understand some crucial matters in Cosmology.
The Journal of New Energy
(Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, ISSN: 1086-8259)
Gravity Control by Means of Electromagnetic Field through
Gas or Plasma at Ultra-Low Pressure
Fran De Aquino
Abstract : It is shown
that the gravity acceleration just above a chamber filled with gas
or plasma at ultra-low pressure can be strongly reduced by
applying an Extra Low-Frequency (ELF) electromagnetic field across
the gas or the plasma. This Gravitational Shielding Effect is
related to recent discovery of quantum correlation between
gravitational mass and inertial mass. According to the theory
samples hung above the gas or the plasma should exhibit a weight
decrease when the frequency of the electromagnetic field is
decreased or when the intensity of the electromagnetic field is
increased. This Gravitational Shielding Effect is unprecedented in
the literature and can not be understood in the framework of the
General Relativity. From the technical point of view, there are
several applications for this discovery; possibly it will change
the paradigms of energy generation, transportation and
1. Gravity Control Cell (GCC)
2. Gravitational Motor
3. Gravitational Spacecraft
4. Decreasing of inertial forces on the Gravitational Spacecraft.
5.Gravity Control inside the Gravitational Spacecraft.
6. Gravitational Thrusters.
7. Artificial Atmosphere surround the Gravitational Spacecraft.
8. Gravitational Lifter.
9. High Power Electromagnetic Bomb (A new type of E-bomb).
10. Gravitational Press of Ultra-High Pressure.
11. Generation and Detectation of Gravitational Radiation.
12. Quantum Gravitational Antennas. Quantum Transceivers.
13. Instantaneous Interstellar Communications
14.Wireless Electric Power Transmission using Quantum
Gravitational Antennas.
15. Method and Device using GCCs for obtaining images of Imaginary
The Gravity Control Cell
A device called, the Gravity Control Cell, which has the property
of reducing, to annul, to invert and to intensify the intensity of
the local gravity, has been developed starting from the discovery
of the quantum correlation between the gravitational mass and
inertial mass published in the article " Mathematical Foundations
of the Relativistic Theory of Quantum Gravity ", Copyright ©
2002-2008 by Fran De Aquino, available at: arXiv -
physics/0212033. In this article, it was shown that any body
submitted to the action of an electromagnetic field has its
gravitational mass reduced and that the gravity acceleration in
any traverse direction to the body is reduced at the same
proportion in which the gravitational mass of the body it was
reduced. According to this principle, here called of General
Principle of Gravity Control, the change in the gravitational mass
of the body, and in the gravity acceleration in any transverse
direction to the body, is directly proportional to the product of
the refraction index by the density of electromagnetic energy
applied upon the body, and inversely proportional to the mass
density of the body (q.v. "Mathematical Foundations of the
Relativistic Theory of Quantum Gravity"). The use of gas or plasma
at ultra-low pressure in the Gravity Control Cells elapses from
the fact that the gases or plasmas have low mass density and, as
smaller the smaller pressure also the mass density of the gas or
plasma. The Gravity Control Cell is a device absolutely
unprecedented in the literature. From the technological viewpoint,
there are several applications for this invention; possibly it
will change the paradigms of the energy generation ( G ENERGY ),
transportation and telecommunications. As shown in the article
"Gravity Control by means of Electromagnetic Field through Gas or
Plasma at Ultra-Low Pressure", Copyright © 2007 by Fran De Aquino,
available at: arXiv - physics/0701091, the Gravity Control Cells
can be used to convert gravitational(G) energy into rotational
mechanical energy. Thus, starting from this Gravitational Motor it
is possible to get electric energy by means of a conventional
electric generator coupled to the Gravitational Motor. The Gravity
Control Cells can also be used to yield thrust. In this case the
thruster system, called of Gravitational Thruster can produce
several Kilonewtons. These Gravitational Thrusters can be used as
basic elements of propulsion in the most of transport systems, and
certainly they will have applications in the most several
industrial processes; this technology probably will find several
applications in other areas of the human activity. They can still
be used in the construction of a Gravitational Press of Ultra-high
Pressure, as detailed in the article "Gravity Control by means of
Electromagnetic Field through Gas or Plasma at Ultra-Low Pressure
". In aerospace spacecrafts (Gravitational Spacecrafts) they will
have a lot of applications, for example, to produce artificial
gravity inside the spacecraft. As a consequence of General
Principle of Gravity Control, and of the advent of the "Gravity
Control Cells" arises then a new concept of spacecraft and
aerospace flight, it also appears a new benefit for the area of
the telecommunications with the possibility of building
transmitters and receivers whose operation are based on the method
of gravity control here described. These systems can be also
projected for wireless electric power transmission. (q.v. "Gravity
Control by means of Electromagnetic Field through Gas or Plasma at
Ultra-Low Pressure")...
A New Approach To The System-G Test by Fran De Aquino
Generalizes All Electrogravitational Force Tests
Jerry E. Bayles
Electrogravitational Research Project
November 09, 2001
Recently I have analyzed the torus test done by Fran De Aquino
that showed a significant weight loss according to his published
results. My recent analysis of his test involves the quantum
aspect of uncertainty rather than the extreme low frequency
electromagnetic absorption of energy by iron atoms as proposed in
his paper, "Gravitation and Electromagnetism; Correlation and
Grand Unification," gr-qc/9910036.
It is an established fact that macroscopic systems cannot be
expected to exhibit quantum effects since the uncertainty
associated with a large mass is very small as is shown by the
following equation:
m = --------------- (Assume the
mass to be several kilograms.)
2*pi *dv*dr
h = Planks constant, dv is the uncertainty in the velocity and dr
is the uncertainty in radius all in S. I. units.
Therefore, it is very unlikely that your car will 'leak' out of
the garage due to a quantum action unexpectedly! However, on the
quantum scale of a single atom, uncertainty really does rule since
absorption and emission occur via quantum 'bits' of energy. Albert
Einstein established this fact (circa 1905) when he described this
action to explain the photoelectric effect: it was not the amount
of radiation that caused electron emission from a metal but the
frequency. The higher the frequency, the more energy the electron
absorbed and the faster it was ejected from the metal. Thus was
established the famous equation E = hf where E is the energy
related to the absorption or emission while (f) is the related
frequency and (h) is Plank's constant.
My Analysis:
I propose that what is occurring in Fran's torus test is a large
increase in the spin and magnetic moment uncertainty of the
iron atoms. Thus, a phase change occurs related directly to the
spin uncertainty of the electrons in the iron atoms. This phase
change works to reduce the electrogravitational action force...
3. Quantization of Velocity ( c the Universal Reference Speed)
4. Quantization of Time (quantized spacetime—space and time being
granular, not continuous, at its smallest scales)
5. Correlation Between Gravitational and Inertial Masses
6. Generalization of Lorentz's Force
7. Gravittoelectromagnetic fields and Gravitational shielding
8. Gravitational Effects produced by ELF radiation upon the
electric current
9. Magnetic Fields affect gravitational mass and the momentum
10. Gravitational Motor
11. Gravitational Mass and Earthquakes
12.The Strong Equivalence Principle
13. Incorporation of the Mach's Principle into Gravitation Theory
14. Deduction of the Equations of General Relativity
15. Gravitons: Gravitational Forces are also Gauge forces
16. Deduction of Entropy Equation starting from the Gravity Theory
17. Unification of the Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields
18. Elementary Quantum of Matter
19. The Casimir Force is a gravitational effect related to the
Uncertainty Principle
20. The Shape of the Universe and Maximum speed of Tachyons
21. The Hidden Mass and explanation for red-shift anomalies
22. The Expanding Universe is accelerating and not decelerating
23. Gravitational and Inertial Masses of the Photon
24. What causes the fundamental particles to have masses?
25. Electron's imaginary masses
26. Transitions to the Imaginary space-time
27. Superparticles ( hypermassive Higgs bosons) and Big-Bang
28. Deduction of Reciprocal Fine Structure Constant and the
Uncertainty Principle
29. The Inflation Period
30. The Origin of the Universe
31. A Solution for the Black Hole Information Paradox.
32. A Creator's need
33. The Origin of Gravity and Genesis of the Gravitational Energy
34. Explanation for the anomalous acceleration of Pioneer 10
35. New type of interaction
36. Allais effect explained
John Xydous
" ... we can use almost any welding transformer to drive the
antenna ... "