Harmonic Resonance

by Randall Cole ROFFE

     The application of the principles of one science into another is often neglected. Today we have a massive and growing volume of experimentally proven information that certainly does not always find its every application. In the real world, we can work from scientific theory, through experimentation, into an engineered result, but just as often we work via reverse engineering, from the result back into the origin.

     To view and contemplate the entire known electromagnetic spectrum as a whole, and in terms of music and acoustics, or of color theory, is not a new concept. It has found expression in the “music of the spheres” and other fanciful philosophies. The new concept here is to actually delineate the considerable volume of information about the vibration rates of all things in their various
     states, and simply see if there is a pattern.

      There is a pattern and a grand one. An apparently never-ending symphony on a cosmic scale, arranged in fifty or more octaves, literally and constantly forms, maintains, and destroys the universe. Various octaves both above and below the fundamental red alpha-line vibration of hydrogen are the constants of proton spin and precession, mitochondrial vibration, as well as the
     Earth’s fundamental resonance, and a score of other octaves with applications in every field of the sciences. Significant harmonics of these hydrogen octaves determine calcium, sodium, and other  ion vibration frequencies, the fluorescence of metals and more, in a pattern related to the periodic table.

      Today, we have statistical demonstration of at least some of the principles of harmonics and multivariant analysis, which are identical with those of acoustics and music. The twelve-fold division of phenomena into fields or realms is very popular among all cultures, because twelve is the most harmonically practical way to divide the circle. We have twelve notes in the chromatic scale, twelve months and signs, and twelve meridians and twelve categories of medicines in the traditional Chinese medical system. In the probability theory of multivariant analysis there are “some-teen” variables or constants possible, other values being determined from that limited number. Likewise we see, almost universally, five primary protagonists active within the twelve-fold  field, and seven, or perhaps sometimes nine, total protagonists counting lesser ones. Thus the five or seven notes, planets, metals, days, electron levels, or particles.

      If we take a good look -- and listen -- at the whole of manifestation, and apply the principles of acoustics and music, and of the color wheel, the grand pattern that emerges is self-evident. More than this, a possible explanation of a medium of transmission of a universal electrogravitational influence, as a plenum far more fundamental than an ether, becomes apparent. With this realization a whole new understanding of physics also emerges, with awesome possibilities.

     Some Harmonic Resonance Researches

     Albert Szent-Gyorgi, the famous Vitamin C researcher, published the frequencies of light under which pharmacologically or nutritionally active substances fluoresced, in the early 1960s. He found  that all stimulants fluoresced red, sedatives blue or violet, and so forth. The earlier researches of Royal Rife, although popularly misconceived today, supported these findings, that different  substances and organisms have specific color or frequency associations.

     Toftness and other researchers in the 1970s found that specific points in the bodies of plants and animals, and specifically in human patients, emitted specific wavelengths of microwaves, for  example 69.5 gigahertz, and that these frequencies changed in specific ways, in states of different diseases and injuries. Although the Toftness device has been exposed as unscientific, that should not discredit the findings regarding microwave frequencies.

     In other words, every part of every body has a “color” which is in octave relationship with the red to violet spectrum. Although not literally red or yellow or green, the “color” is in harmonic relations to the visible color spectrum just as notes of music are in octave or fourth or fifth or other relationship to each other.

     Geometric Structural Basis of Harmonic Resonance of Cosmos

     By dividing the circle of the plane of existence, and the circles of the properties of the substances within it, we can arrive at the harmonic basis of all phenomena. This is the principle of harmonics, expressed in a theoretical system of causality. In this theory of causality, there are certain basic principles.

     All ellipses can be expressed as apparent circles, not only visually but also mathematically. Likewise, all spherical trigonometry of three dimensions can, in some applications, be further reduced to the two dimensions of greatest movement, and even further to only one dimension of greatest movement.

     This geometry, taken alone, lends itself to qualitative variation as a pure result of form. Further qualitative variables can be expressed in a matrix of nine, twelve, or sixteen variables. The electron levels, planets, organs, or archetypal characters form these kinds of matrices.

     The primary circle of existence spirals constantly through coordinates of space and time, and it contains within itself innumerable subharmonic spirals. These spiraling ellipses can be expressed mathematically, and reduced to apparent circles, in two dimensions or one. This reduction can only be made because, by a considerable magnitude, the movement is greatest in only that one dimension.

     If we reduce to one dimension for ease of mathematical application, we have an infinite circle in the abstract. The geometry of the system gives us several natural zero points derived from the forms of the various subharmonic spirals, and where they intersect with the primary plane. These zero or reference points determine the equinoctial points and the solstitial points of the seasons of the year, as well as describe the bonding points of the electron levels and electron probability distributions.

     The Zero Reference Points have been observed to have properties of their own, relating to what happens in physics with the seasonal changes of the year. In the dominant  northern hemisphere, spring starts the warming cycle, autumn counterbalances by starting the cooling cycle, summer receives maximum light and warmth, and winter receives the least. All the  intermediate points on the circle have their own qualitative properties which can be expressed mathematically as degrees, and they are the result entirely of their geometric angular weather-dependent relationship to the four directions established by the Zero Reference Points. The twelve most important intermediate points form the Multivariant Harmonic Matrix Values or MVHs.

     The octave of the Color Wheel lends itself very easily and obviously to association with the circle of the seasons, as in the chart below. Note the visual spectrum in a rainbow is not equal to the psychological sense of color. The yellow and blue regions have much more space on the rainbow!

     MVH 1: Frequency of infrared/visible red boundary and its octaves in all regions of the electromagnetic spectrum = vernal equinox and first point of Triple Warmer meridian.

     MVH 2: Frequency of red-orange and its octaves = midspring and first point of Gall Bladder meridian. Quincunx relation to autumn/green.

     MVH 3: Frequency of yellow-orange (“peach/pink”) and its octaves = late spring and first point of Lung meridian. Quincunx relation to winter/sky blue.

     MVH 4: Frequency of purest lightest yellow (“white”) and its octaves = summer solstice and first point of Stomach meridian.

     MVH 5: Frequency of golden yellow and its octaves = midsummer and first point of Heart meridian.

     MVH 6: Frequency of chartreuse/olive green and its octaves = late summer and first point of Small Intestine meridian.

     MVH 7: Frequency of deeper leaf green and first point of darkening (“black”), and its octaves = autumnal equinox and first point of Kidney meridian.

     MVH 8: Frequency of deep aqua and its octaves = midautumn and first point of Heart Protector (Sex/Circulation) meridian. Quincunx relation to spring/Blood Red.

     MVH 9: Frequency of blue-green and its octaves = late autumn and first point of Liver meridian. Quincunx relation to fiery orange-red.

     MVH 10: Frequency of pure deep sky or ice blue = winter solstice and first point of Large Intestine meridian.

     MVH 11: Frequency of deep blue violet and its octaves = midwinter and first point of Spleen meridian.

     MVH 12: Frequency of indigo/magenta and its octaves = late winter and first point of Bladder meridian. Quincunx relation to autumn/green.

     Thus also, every point on the ecliptic has a corresponding frequency in octave relationship to the visible light spectrum. This reasoning can be further extended to include the entire electromagnetic
     spectrum as well as the auditory spectrum, which spans several octaves of sound vibrations. For many years I have used a system which gives the F# pentatonic scale or “black keys only” scale
     for the fundamental tone scale of the planet Earth, corresponding to winter and the North direction.

     Of course, objectively speaking, the true nature of things is a chromatic untempered scale! That means that every possible note, like a slide guitar or a trombone can make, is possible. Further, in
     actuality, the system also must be modulated to be applicable to objective reality. The required modulation factor, long researched by Heleus and others, will be discussed later. Without the
     modulation factor, interesting and relevant music can be devised, but the objective means to manipulate matter for good or ill remains, perhaps serendipitously, elusive.

     Thus, the seasons are in reality Multivariant Harmonic Matrix Values, expressions of qualitative values in terms of quantities, as are all numbers which can be expressed in a
     circle or octave. Thus also are the electron energy levels, the elements of the periodic table, the notes of any musical scale, indeed, the entire electromagnetic spectrum. In this book the
     Multivariant Harmonic Matrix Values are expressed as MVH 1 – 12.

     Every one of these systems is circular and each of them has a zero point. For the seasons the MVH 1 is the Vernal Equinox. For the elements as well as the colors the zero point or MVH 1 is
     hydrogen and the red of the Hydrogen-alpha Line. Although we have assumed that the zero point or MVH 1 of the musical scale is the note A, and often the note of C is used as such by
     musicians, in reality of course a “sliding scale” of MVH values is used, as musicians transpose keys. In fact, the real Primary Multivariant Harmonic Matrix Value in music, the real universal
     fundamental tone, is a slightly sharped B note.

     Although other harmonics can be used, the twelvefold system is by far the most useful and finds its application in music, the months and the periodic table; and this sytem of twelve divisions is far
     from arbitrary. Thus there are eleven other MVH values in these octave systems, and within the twelve there are also generally around seven MVH values that are most active at any given time.

     The Octave of Visible Light

     Referring to the accompanying chart, we see that the frequency response of the retina and visual cortex ranges from sensitivity to approximately 420 nanometers (4200 angstroms) to sensitivity to
     approximately 700 nanometers (7000 angstroms). The frequency response follows a bell curve with peak response at approximately 560 nanometers (5600 angstroms). Thus the bell curve
     covers a sensitivity range of twice 140 nanometers or 280 nanometers total. This is the “octave” of human visual sensitivity.

     The obvious question is why is this less than a full octave? One might expect that the range would be from 420 to 840. Or to correlate more closely with the auditory spectrum, perhaps even
     from 440 – the musical note of A below middle C – to 880. One would expect something close to a doubling of wavelengths (halving of frequencies), perhaps the other example of 350 to 700.
     The most plausible could be the range of 385 nanometers to 770.

     First, the musical analogy is impertinent here because the 440 number is purely a coincidence. The fact is that the region of 600 to 700 nanometers is the region of longer wavelength and thus red
     (bordering on infrared), and the region of 420 to 500 nanometers is the violet (bordering on ultraviolet) region.

     Second, we must remember that these numbers follow curves of doubling to represent octaves! This is a key to understanding, something that neither the esotericists nor the physicists have yet
     seemed to fully grasp. In other words, we cannot think in terms of linear numbers alone.

     From 770 nanometers down to 560 is 210, then from 560 down to 385 is 175! This leaves a discrepancy of 35 nanometers over an octave range. An analogous problem is encountered in music
     and in all other fields of knowledge and endeavour that use octaves.

     It is my view that Gurdjieff alone explained this problem in his theory of the octave or the Heptaparaparshinokh, the Octave or the Seven, in interaction with the Triad or Triamazikamno in a field
     of omnipresent Okidanokh. He explained that we must understand the universe and the octave in terms of one or two “shocks” within each octave accounting for the “extra” frequencies.

     A cosmological system that addresses these problems also provides a basis and nexus for reconciliation of the fundamental question(s) of unity, duality, trinity (we are getting almost theological
     here?), and three elements (tridosha), four elements, five elements, twelve to seventeen variables, and so forth. This leads ultimately to the questions of multivariant analysis and number matrix
     theory, and its applications in the analysis of vortices. Everything we are dealing with here is in reality a vortex when viewed from the point of view of time!

     Any theorist who fails to reconcile theory with observable phenomena is vulnerable to serious criticism. A theoretical framework for microcosm/macrocosm relationships that does not address
     this issue is not keeping up with the times, so to speak. In other words, if the system is too neat and perfect it is probably a purely theoretical system, sounding good but in real life not working, or
     perhaps working too approximately. More on these “disturbing” inconsistencies later. For now let us assume that somewhere “outside” the 700 nanometer point is the frequency and wavelength
     corresponding to the vernal equinox and thus the first point of the Triple Warmer meridian, and that somewhere “outside” the 420 nanometer point is the frequency and wavelength corresponding
     to the last point of the Bladder meridian.

     Please bear with me and do not immediately object that Triple Warmer and Bladder do not connect sequentially! From the radial pulse positions’ perspective they DO connect! Recall that Triple
     Warmer (or Temperature Regulator) radial pulse is posited at the highest, most rarified point on the right wrist; it is considered a “solid” organ. Also recall that the Bladder radial pulse is posited
     at the highest and most rarified point on the left wrist, and that it is considered a “hollow” organ. I am fully aware that most practitioners and theorists in acupuncture and meridian studies will
     adhere to the classic five-element “Traditional Chinese Medicine” of the Yellow Emperor and his followers. The object of this treatise, however, is to proceed from a fresh perspective based on
     modern physics and physiology of harmonics.

     We will correlate whenever possible with Traditional Chinese Medicine five-element theory. We will also examine Tibetan, Ayurvedic, Cherokee and other element systems with a view toward
     some kind of synthesis. But ultimately we will develop a new concept based more upon objectively verifiable knowledge developed in the past few decades in the fields of physics and
     physiology. Many TCM practitioners will vehemently oppose this and will stridently object that it is mere speculation. Only those who have studied multiple systems with a view toward a deeper
     understanding will be able to follow my reasoning without reactionary objections.

     Ultimately, any new theoretical system must be evaluated scientifically, and perhaps one may recall that the experimental method of controlled studies must be applied. Most fields of knowledge
     within medicine of any kind have not met this standard, least of all traditional medicine systems, but perhaps there can be developed a basis for such a truly objective evaluation. I am at this point
     only suggesting a framework for such experimental observations.

     Also please bear with me for now when I state that each octave is inversible within itself, and that each perfect fourth and fifth is also a potential octave within itself. This gives us a framework for
     possibly understanding the “internal signs” of harmonic astrology, and the interrelationships of the various meridian points, in relation to music.

     Is it not a supreme irony that in so many ways the art of music, and the science of acoustics, are more scientific and objectively verifiable than medicine or many other fields in the sciences?
     Moreover, music is more undeniably emotional than any other medium; we do not know exactly “why” minor keys sound sad or plaintive, why certain musical pieces sound courageous or sexual
     or humorous, but we all do agree that they do. We agree about these things more than we do about almost any other field of human endeavour!

     Let us return to the 560 nanometer point, the middle point of the bell curve of human visual sensitivity to light, the point of maximum sensitivity. Soon we will look at other usable reference points,
     usable numerical constants, in the electromagnetic spectrum, in the auditory spectrum as well, and in the other spectra or theoretical spectra of the universe, including that of gravity. We will
     examine the spectra of the stars, as well as the spectra of the reflected/emitted light from the planets and moons. We will examine the frequencies of the nerve systems of humans and other
     animals, as well as the frequencies emitted by living organisms of various kinds, with special attention to pathogens as well as beneficial organisms.

     We will look at the frequencies of the various elements, the metals and other groups, and of the various chemical compounds, inorganic and organic, that are significant to living organisms, with
     special attention to various types of toxins as well as the compounds essential to nutrition. We will examine the frequencies of the Northern Lights and other frequencies of the Earth itself. So
     many have been looking so long for a “Unified Field Theory,” for a truly new paradigm, that the necessity for the numbers to speak for themselves has been forgotten!

     Recall our opening references to the research of Dr Albert Szent-Gyorgi. He found that bioactive compounds fluoresced under specific wavelengths of light. Stimulants universally responded to
     various red wavelengths. Sedatives responded to various blue or violet colors. Further, each compound had its own color response. Nutritive substances were in the yellow region, that which
     corresponds to the main spectrum of our Sun and the main spectrum of our visual systems’ sensitivity.

     It is useful to refer here also to the various books of New Zealander Bruce Cathey, “Harmonic 695” and other works. He claimed to have discovered interesting fundamental frequencies in the
     field of the Earth itself while he was a pilot who had observed unusual aerospace phenomena. Although his conclusions are difficult to follow, the basic theoretical foundation we are laying is well
     elaborated by him. All this is the realm of the controversial HAARP technology, although I rather doubt that the HAARP researchers have as yet elaborated the electromagnetic spectrum
     adequately to understand the broader picture.

     If we take the 560 nanometer point of brilliant yellow-white light as a constant, we can apply the octave principle and arrive at a complete tabulation of octaves in harmonic relation to that
     frequency. Thus:

     17.5  nanometers
     560  nanometers approximate midpoint of visible light
     573440  nanometers

     And so forth “ad infinitum.” Here we go “up” only ten orders of wavelength and “down” only five. It will be necessary for us later to adjust these scales of octave correspondences, and to
     account for the “shocks” and where to place them, as well as adapt these octaves to other observable constants and to the “wheel of time” and of the seasons, and to the meridians.

     The mathematics for the octaves of 400 (violet) and 700 (red) nanometer visual sensitivity boundaries is easier to picture:

     12.5 --- 21.875
     25 --- 43.75
     50 --- 87.5
     100 --- 175
     200 --- 350
     400 nanometers --- 700 nanometers
     800 --- 1400
     1600 --- 2800
     3200 --- 5600
     6400 --- 11200
     12800 --- 22400
     25600 --- 44800
     51200 --- 89600
     102400 --- 179200
     204800 --- 358400
     409600 --- 716800

     The reader will probably notice the numerical correspondences of the 700 series with the 560 series. Perhaps this is a basis for some kind of inner logic within the system. However, for now, let
     us regard all these numbers as arbitrary until we further establish our constants. When we have established a complete field of all the relevant constants then we can test our numbers in the
     laboratory, with the spectroscope and the oscilloscope, and then we can test our numbers clinically.

     The Harmony of the Human Body

     For twentyfive years this practitioner has been developing and practicing an integrated system of twelvefold meric chiropractic spinal, cranial and extremity articulation corrections correlated with
     traditional Chinese medicine, Tibetan medicine, Native American traditional medicine and Ayur Veda with a view towards finding the underlying common principle. The human body is the same
     in all these systems, and yet there is relatively little held in common by them.

     I do not find myself in agreement with all that is presented in the field of light therapy, but the body of clinical evidence suggests that there is definitely some basis for further research.

     Now we can begin to rectify the harmonic correspondences of the seasonal twelvefold division of the ecliptic macrocosm that we call the astrological signs, and correlate these signs with the
     microcosm of the cell and the body of living creatures, based on basic sciences research into the fundamental frequencies of light and preferential absorption of wavelengths into the meridians.

     Remember that the seasons of the year are rooted fundamentally in cycles of differing degrees and angles of warmth and light.

     Note that the actual size of living cells corresponds exactly with the wavelengths of visible light, in other words, living cells themselves range from 350 to 700 nanometers in diameter.

     Recall the apparent coincidence of the one-decimal point difference of the 700 (red) nanometer series with the 560 (brilliant yellow-white-green) nanometer series. Taking this together with the
     fact that many people can actually see further into the ultraviolet spectrum than others, measurably as far as 350 nanometers, we have established a basis for using the octave of 350 to 700
     nanometers as being the most usable octave to correlate with the meridians and the seasons. This gives us a scale of correspondences that is very usable though acknowledgably remains clinically
     as yet unproven. However, it is far more useful than the various arbitrary frequencies used in “radionics” which serious clinicians consider scientifically unfounded. Perhaps future clinical
     researches will prove these correspondences. The frequencies of light found to be clinically efficacious by various light therapists can be clinically correlated.

     Thus, we now have the following twelvefold scale of wavelengths:

     MVH 1. Vernal Equinox --- Triple Warmer --- approx.700 to approx. 671 nanometers
     MVH 2. Midspring --- Gall Bladder --- approx. 671 to approx. 642 nanometers
     MVH 3. Late Spring --- Lung --- approx. 642 to approx. 613 nanometers
     MVH 4. Summer Solstice --- Stomach --- approx. 612 to approx. 583 nanometers
     MVH 5. Midsummer --- Heart --- approx. 583 to approx. 554 nanometers
     MVH 6. Late Summer --- Small Intestine --- approx. 554 to approx. 525 nanometers
     MVH 7. Autumnal Equinox --- Kidney --- approx. 525 to approx. 496 nanometers
     MVH 8. Midautumn --- Heart Protector --- approx. 496 to approx. 467 nanometers
     MVH 9. Late Autumn --- Liver --- approx. 467 to approx. 438 nanometers
     MVH 10. Winter Solstice --- Large Intestine --- approx. 438 to approx. 409 nanometers
     MVH 11. Midwinter --- Spleen --- approx. 409 to approx. 380 nanometers
     MVH 12. Late Winter --- Bladder --- approx. 380 to approx. 350 nanometers

     This researcher would also be so bold and iconoclastic as to suggest that perhaps the entry and exit points of the meridians should be re-evaluated. When you look at the emerging pattern you
     will understand the reasons for this suggestion.

     Fundamental Frequencies of the Earth and the Sun

     We will now attempt to find the correlative basis for a number of significant octave relationships based on the terrestrial Schumann Resonance and the solar hydrogen-alpha fundamental

     The Schumann Resonance consists of a “chord” of subaudible infrasound extreme low frequencies of the Earth itself resonating with the uppermost atmosphere. Its fundamental tone or tonic note
     oscillates slightly around the frequency of 7.8 Hertz (cycles per second). It also has overtones that oscillate around the frequencies of 14, 21, 26, 33, 39, and 45 cycles per second. Although
     these are seven “notes,” they do not really form an octave, but are rather ranged in from five to seven cycles per second steps. These frequencies can be correlated with the auditory spectrum
     and the visible light spectrum.

     The fundamental tone of 7.8 Hertz is reported to be in harmonic with the alpha brain wave frequency, thus should theoretically appear at some significant point in our meridian frequency wheel.

     The octaves of 7.8 Hertz are 15.6, 31.2, 62.4, 124.8, 249.6, 499.2, 998.4, 1996.8, 3993.6, and so on up through auditory sound and then into the electromagnetic spectrum. The frequencies
     of 246.9, 493.8, 987.6 and so forth are the note B in the even-tempered scale of music, thus the Schumann resonance is an ever so slightly sharped “B” note. Remember that B is correlated
     tentatively with the Lung meridian in our cosmology.

     The frequency of 14 has octaves of 28, 56, 112, 224, 448, 896, 1792, 3584, 7168, and so forth. The frequencies of 220, 440, 880 and so forth are the musical note A, thus the first Schumann
     overtone is a slightly sharped “A” note. This tentatively correlates with the Temperature Regulator or Triple Warmer meridian and the vernal equinox.

     The second Schumann overtone of 21 has octaves of 42, 84, 168, 336, 672, 1344, 2688, 5376, 10752, and so forth. The note of E is 329.6 and 659.2 and the octaves thereof, and the note of
     F is 349.2 and 698.4 and the octaves thereof. Note therefore that the second Schumann overtone is close to a third of the way up between E and F in the musical scale.

     The third Schumann overtone of 26 has octaves of 52, 104, 208, 416, 832, 1664, 3328, 6656, 13312 and so forth. This is very close to G#, actually a very slightly flatted G sharp, because G
     sharp is 415.3, 830.6 and their octaves. This correlates tentatively with the Bladder meridian.

     The fourth Schumann overtone is 33 and has octaves of 66, 132, 264, 528, 1056, 2112, 4224, 8448, 16896, and so forth. This is only slightly sharper than the note C, 261.6 and 523.2 and
     octaves, and thus tentatively correlates closely with the Stomach meridian and the summer solstice.

     The fifth Schumann overtone is 39 and has the octaves of 78, 156, 312, 624, 1248, 2496, 4992, 9984, 19968, and so on. The note D# is 311.1 and 622.2 and their octaves, thus there is a
     close correlation between autumn and the Kidney meridian.

     The sixth or highest generally reported Schumann overtone is 45 Hertz which has the octaves of 90, 180, 360, 720, 1440, 2880, 5760, 11520, 23040, and so forth. This is about halfway
     between the musical notes of F and F# in the musical scale, which have the frequencies of 349.2, 698.4 etc. and 370, 740 etc.

     To summarize, we have the following Schumann “notes” and their tentative correlations with the meridians. We say tentative because we do not yet know if there is any objective basis for
     correlating the seasons with the musical notes as we have done in our system. Nor, except for the clinical observations which have not yet been fully analyzed statistically, do we yet know
     absolutely that there is a basis for correlating the seasons with the meridians.

     7.8 Hertz (249.6, 499.2) --- B natural (246.9, 493.8) difference = 2.7,5.4 --- Lung --- Midspring
     14 Hertz (224, 448)  --- A (220, 440) difference = 4,8 --- Triple Warmer Vernal Equinox
     21 Hertz (336, 672) --- E “sharp” (E is 329.6, 659.2) d = 6.4, 12.8 --- (Heart Protector/Liver – Midautumn / Late Autumn)
     26 Hertz (416, 832) --- G sharp (415.3, 830.6) d = .7,1.4 --- Bladder Late Winter
     33 Hertz (264, 528) --- C (261.6, 523.2) d = 2.4, 4.8 --- Stomach Summer Solstice
     39 Hertz (312, 624) --- D sharp (311.1, 622.2) d = .9, 1.8 --- Kidney  Autumnal Equinox
     45 Hertz (360, 720) --- F “double sharp” (F is 349.2 and 698.4, F# is 370 and 740) d = 10.8 or 10 --- (Liver/Large Intestine – Late Autumn / Winter Solstice)

     Thus, we have a pentatonic scale of B, C, D#, G# and A, with the intermediate notes of E “halfsharp” and F “doublesharp.” This scale, although perhaps not comfortable to classically trained
     musicians and certainly not playable on the piano keyboard, might be a little more accessible to serious students of blues halfsharps, doublesharps and halfflats. It is even more accessible to
     students of the raga, of Northern Indian classical music, which uses many of these kinds of notes in its scales, and which also uses a tonic or fundamental around the note of B in the western
     scale. This is the “raga of the Earth” in literal physics of vibrations.

     The red hydrogen-alpha line is the most easily referenced of several solar/stellar emission frequencies in the visible light spectrum.  There are also calcium, potassium and other visible light
     emissions. When we bring the high frequency of visible light down the octaves we can correlate it with notes of the auditory spectrum. The red hydrogen-alpha line has a wavelength of 656.3
     nanometers, a deep red not too far from the approximate 700 nanometer boundary of visible red and infrared, or our tentative Vernal Equinox and first point of Triple Warmer. This wavelength is
     the same as .0000006563 meters. By doubling the wavelength we halve the frequency.

     .0000006563 m Hydrogen-alpha wavelength
     .0000013126 m Hydrogen --- 2nd octave
     .0000026252 m H-3
     .0000052504 m H-4
     .0000105008 m H-5
     .0000210016 m H-6
     .0000420032 m H-7
     .0000840064 m H-8
     .0001680128 m H-9
     .0003360256 m H-10
     .0006720512 m H-11
     .0013441024 m H-12 (approx. 1.34 mm)
     .0026882048 m H-13 (approx. 2.7 mm)
     .0053764096 m H-14 (approx. 5.4 mm)
     .0107528192 m H-15 (approx. 10.8 mm)
     H-16 (approx. 21.6 mm)
     H-17 (approx. 43.2 mm)
     H-18 (approx. 86.4 mm)
     H-19 (approx. 172.8 mm)
     H-20 (approx. 345.6 mm)
     H-21 (approx. 691.2 mm, or .6912 meters)
     H-22 (approx. 1382.4 mm, or 1.3824 m)

     The notes of the even-tempered scale are agreed to be thus:

     220 Hertz  A3 (3rd octave above the lowest usable auditory A note)
     233.1  A# (Bb)
     246.9  B
     261.6  C
     277.2  C# (Db)
     293.7  D
     311.1  D# (Eb)
     329.6  E
     349.2  F
     370.0  F# (Gb)
     392.0  G
     415.3  G# (Ab)
     440  A4 (4th octave and the standard reference tone in acoustics)
     466.2  A# (Bb)
     493.8  B
     523.2  C
     554.4  C# (Db)
     587.4  D
     622.2  D# (Eb)
     659.2  E
     698.4  F
     740  F# (Gb)
     784  G
     830.6  G# (Ab)

     The 21st octave of the hydrogen-alpha wavelength is approximately .6912 meters, which is a frequency of 490 Hertz. Going back to our musical scale, 490 Hertz is a very slightly flatted B
     natural note, and when we remember that we approximated our wavelengths for mathematical convenience, we note that this note is really even closer to natural B! Thus, surely beyond
     coincidence, the hydogen-alpha wavelength correlates very closely with the fundamental Schumann tonic frequency! Thus also the deep red of the hydrogen-alpha line establishes the note of B,
     rather than A, as being the best starting point of the Vernal Equinox and the Triple Warmer meridian. Or should we leave it with the point of Late Spring and the Lung meridian? For now, let us
     consider both arrangements as being potentially valuable. Both arrangements are of tremendous use in elaborating the unfolding cosmology of this “glass bead game.”

     Fundamentals of Universal Harmonic Resonance

     Every kind of energy, and every form of matter, vibrates at a specific signature complex of frequencies. Each organizational level of energy/matter interaction in the scalar potential matrix, from
     particle to person to planet, adds specific frequencies to the signature chord. The signature chord can be modulated, within certain limits, according to variables of temperature or pressure, or
     other likewise vibratory effects, but normally remains in relative tuning.

     Some organizational levels of matter as known are particle, atom, molecule, crystal, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, and organism. There are other organizational levels. A particle has the simplest
     vibration, its spin and its precession, normally absolutely constant factors. The scalar potential matrix has certain constants or standing waves, which define spin and precession of particles, as
     well as of planets. The constants of spin and precession determine the constants of inertia and gravitation. Mass is a specific numeric harmonic relationship to the spin/precession constant, and to
     the Schumann/hydrogen octave axis.

     Gravitation is assumed to be an attractive force by most people... even physicists. But today, many consider it to be a push rather than a pull, a centripetal force resultant from the sum total of
     immense omnipresent centrifugal energy potential of the big bang. A massive object would shield the omnipresent centrifugal radiation from below, and thus there would always be a pressing
     down from above. This downward pressure would, however, depend on the particle spin and precession of the object remaining in constant harmonic resonance with the omnipresent centrifugal
     radiation, of which the hydrogen-alpha frequency is a primary manifestation. The omnipresent centrifugal radiation, the big bang, in over forty levels of octaves and harmonics, thus creates the
     localized centripetal constant known as gravity.

     Atoms and ions have their own characteristic vibratory rates, variable with temperature. Each cell has its own vibration rate which is related to its size and its color, the rates of its organelles,
     especially its mitochondria and nucleus, of the various ions and molecules, and of course always the fundamental frequencies of particle spin and precession. Thus a living organism has nine main
     levels of vibration from particle to person, the individual human, or other higher organism, being able to generate another tenth level, and possibly beyond. This tenth level constitutes the individual
     signature of a person. All the other nine levels in every person are virtually the same, a normal human species signature, although varying in health and disease.

      Heretofore, the vital signs of a patient have been temperature, pulse, respiration rate, and blood pressure, all rates of vibration. Vital signs are normally in harmonic relation to each other, and to
     the Schumann/hydrogen fundamental. Now we know that there is a whole spectrum of vital signs of normal activity of organs, tissues, cells and organelles, in turn dependent on a spectrum of
     normal vibrations of crystals and colloids, molecules, atoms and particles. Some of these frequencies are known, many of them are conjectured about, but most of these frequencies are not
     clearly established.

     Particle: frequencies of spin and precession.
     Atom or Ion: frequency related to atomic weight, which is induced in the scalar constant by the sum total effect of the constituent particles and their geometry/color.
     Molecule: frequency of molecular weight and geometry/color.
     Crystal or Colloid: frequency of crystalline or colloidal matrix geometry.
     Organelle: frequency of primary chemical reaction(s) of organelle and color.
     Cell: frequency of size, geometry and color.
     Tissue, Organ, Organism: frequencies related to size, color and geometry as well as
     the sum total of predominant frequencies of all the first six constituent levels.

     The universe, the bang,  would be a huge discordant chaos, were it not that most of these key vibrations are in harmonic relationship to each other. Indeed, as we shall examine, the most
     important ones are in octaves, within two percent of accuracy. The majority of significant resonant frequencies in the next section, which fall into twelve or thirteen functional groups, are in octave
     relationship to the Schumann Resonance and the Hydrogen-alpha Line, with numerous other interesting resonances as well.

     Most of the octaves above the Schumann Fundamental Resonance and below the Hydrogen-alpha Wavelength, as well as their harmonics, exhibit special resonance properties pertaining to
     gravitation, cohesion of masses, ion resonance, proton precession, and zero point scalar technology. At the same time, these octaves and harmonics exhibit the same resonant properties at
     various levels with human brain waves, cells of all organisms, mitochondria, and the physical body form.

     Some of the octaves are unremarkable at this stage of research, but may have hidden properties. The first octave above the Schumann Fundamental, the 25th suboctave of hydrogen, is less
     remarkable or has hidden properties. The second and third octaves are heard as deep and subaudible bass. The fourth, fifth, and sixth octaves (22nd, 21st, and 20th suboctaves of hydrogen) are
     ordinary audible sound octaves, of most music and voices. The audible but high frequency seventh octave (19th suboctave), the tenth and eleventh octaves (16th and 15th suboctaves), and the
     thirteenth through the twentieth octaves (13th through 6th suboctaves) each include resonant frequencies of numerous organisms in the Rife system. Most of these, with a few exceptions to be
     noted, are not arranged in any octave or obvious harmonic pattern. There is either no harmonic pattern to most of these Rife frequencies, or their patterns will be discovered in the future. The
     22nd octave (4th suboctave) also is reported to affect microbial growth, as well as humans when in contact with an electrical ground.

     The Schumann Fundamental itself, and its second, third, sixth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twenty-first, twenty-third, twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth octaves all exhibit remarkable resonance properties.
     These are identical with the twenty-sixth, twenty-fourth, twenty-third, twentieth, eighteenth, seventeenth, fourteenth, fifth, third, second and first suboctaves of the Hydrogen-alpha frequency
     equivalent. This pattern is itself a larger scale harmonic pattern as well.

     Throughout much of the complete spectrum, the previously mentioned two percent of deviation from an exact octave doubling is noted. The Schumann rate, actually a non-steady rather variable
     tone, is usually around two percent sharp to the lower octave of the absolutely constant Hydrogen-alpha Line. What causes this two percent variation?

     Perhaps more interesting yet is that there are other areas of the spectrum, certain bandwidths, where all the key harmonic relationships line up nicely, only if we can shift the frequencies by two
     percent. Again two percent! It is as if the entire universe is an immense, and immensely detailed, clockwork but everything is exactly two percent off! Actually, in some regions of bandwidth it is
     exactly one and one half percent. Why? Following are the twelve key harmonic relationships according to a hierarchy of octaves from the Schumann Resonance up through the Hydrogen
     Suboctaves. Frequencies are listed in Hertz (cycles per second). In some entries the corresponding wavelength is given in meters or another equivalent. Most entries also give the corresponding
     musical note, or Multivariant Harmonic (MVH) equivalent by extension of the octaves.

     The Schumann Fundamental Earth / Brain Wave Resonance  (Suboctave 26)

     7 Hz --- Mass aggregate frequency, alleged to rupture organs at intensity
     7.65625 Hz --- 26th suboctave sound of hydrogen-alpha wavelength, approx 44.2368 meters
     7.83 Hertz --- fundamental Schumann resonance
     7-8 Hz --- optimal human brain wave healing frequency

     The most immediately significant resonant relationship is that of human brain waves with the Earth itself and its ionosphere. Although waking activity causes brain waves to become more rapid,
     and thus resonate more with the higher overtones of the Schumann Resonance, the state of meditation gradually brings the brain waves down in tune with the Schumann Resonance fundamental
     itself. This is actually a range of vibration only two octaves below normal human hearing sensitivity. This state of attunement thus puts the person into octave resonance not only with the Schumann
     fundamental subsonic vibration of the Earth, but also with the fundamental photonic vibration of the Sun and all other stars, the Hydrogen-alpha red light frequency, which is about forty octaves
     higher. For some reason the Earth’s fundamental tone, although variable in pitch, is usually a bit “sharp” or higher in pitch compared to the lower octave of the Solar Hydrogen-alpha wavelength.
     This is large enough to be a significant difference; it would certainly be an audible pitch difference if it were in the audible range. It probably makes a difference in meditation if the brain waves are
     attuned to the slower solar lower octave brain waves at around 7.65625 cycles per second. Experienced meditators know that unusual things can occur when this happens, although usually it just
     means one has fallen asleep, and one’s brain waves “fall” well below seven cycles.

     Meditators also know that it is more difficult to train the brain to “sing on pitch” below the alpha frequency than it is above it in the beta range. Experienced meditators also report complete
     dissolution of consciousness and/or apparent reflexive increase of neuronal firing of brainwave frequencies back up into alpha or beta range when efforts to slow the brain toward seven cycles or
     below are made. The brain definitely usually avoids the seven cycle frequency range. The reported dissolution or de-aggregation of matter at seven cycles is reported from other harmonics
     researchers but has not been independently confirmed. The Earth frequently vibrates at this ultralow frequency but not for sustained periods nor at any great amplitude. Similarly, the human brain
     cell membranes may vibrate at this frequency but usually only briefly as one is falling asleep.

     Throughout the octaves, there exists a discrepancy between the octaves of the high Hydrogen-alpha frequency and the low Schumann frequency. The difference at this level is 0.17375 Hertz,
     with the Schumann frequency slightly higher, but of course is proportionally greater in the higher frequency realms. This discrepancy is approximately two percent of the Hydrogen-alpha
     frequency, an error well within statistical significance.

     The 2nd Octave, 4th & 5th Overtone Sodium & Calcium Resonances
     (Suboctave 24)

     30 Hz --- upper range of human brain wave healing frequency --- Vernal Equinox
     30.625 Hz --- 24th suboctave sound of H-alpha wavelength, approx 11.0592 m  ---  “
     31.2 Hz --- second octave of Schumann fundamental  ---  “
     33 Hz --- fourth Schumann overtone --- Midspring (MVH 2)
     33.33 Hz --- at 50 µ T, the resonance frequency of Na+  --- (MVH 2)
     38.7 Hz --- at 50 µ T, the resonance frequency of Ca+  --- Summer Solstice (MVH 4)
     39 Hz --- fifth Schumann overtone --- Midsummer  (MVH 5)

     The human brain waves and the Earth’s stronger harmonic overtones extend upward in frequency perhaps two octaves, almost up into audible sound. That is why it is almost true that one can
     hear oneself think, or hear the music of the spheres. We certainly do hear the highest overtones which reach into audible range although they are very attenuated, very faint.

     Between these ranges of the subsonic and the audible are the resonance frequencies of ions, for example sodium at 33.33 Hertz, and calcium at 38.7 Hertz (cycles per second). Remarkably, the
     sodium frequency is almost exactly the same as the fourth Schumann overtone, and the calcium ion vibrates at almost exactly the same tone as the fifth Schumann overtone. 33.33 is also an
     octave of early midspring if we accept the Hydrogen-alpha frequency as corresponding to the Vernal Equinox, and sodium and sulphate are considered to be the corresponding ions. Just as
     elegantly, 38.7 is an octave of the Summer Solstice, and calcium and fluoride/chloride are considered to be the relevant ions. It will be interesting to see if resonance frequencies of the other ions
     similarly match their attributes. If so, we would then expect the potassium ion to vibrate at a frequency within the ranges defined by the octaves of the Vertnal Equinox, Late Spring or Late
     Summer. Magnesium would be within an octave of Midsummer, and we know that at least when in the ring of the chlorophyll molecule, doing its role in photosynthesis, it does indeed vibrate in
     resonance with visible light at peak frequencies in the yellow-white or “gold” part of the spectrum.

     At this octave, 0.575 Hertz is the difference between the Schumann and the Hydrogen-alpha frequencies, remaining the same statistically significant approximate two percent.

     The 3rd Octave, 6th Overtone Resonances of Unspecified Weird Effects
     (Suboctave 23)

     45 Hz --- sixth Schumann overtone --- MVH 7, 8
     46.98 Hz --- (use with 62.64 and 70.47) Useful for weird effects --- MVH 8
     61.25 Hz --- 23rd suboctave sound of H-alpha wavelength, approx 5.5296 m --- MVH 1
     62.4 Hz --- third octave of Schumann fundamental --- MVH 1
     62.64 Hz --- (use with 46.98 and 70.47) Useful for weird effects --- MVH 1
     66.66 Hz --- at 50 µ T, octave of resonance frequency of Na+ --- MVH 2
     70.47 Hz --- (use with 46.98 and 62.64) Useful for weird effects --- MVH 3

     In the lower audible range there is a group of notes in a “yod” or quincunx pattern, 46.98 cps and the “finger of God” notes of 62.64 and 70.47 cps. Although not fully researched, these notes
     together have a strange effect mentioned but not described by gravity and acoustics researchers.

     Caution is advised until further research is done, although experimentation to date indicates that the effects may be due to unusual effects on the human auditory perception system, which seems
     to be sensitive to these harmonics. The significant point is that one of the notes is in fairly exact octave relationship to the Schumann Resonance, and is thus a three-octave overtone.

     The 6th Octave B Natural Superconductor Motor Resonance Range
     (Suboctave 20)

     490 Hz --- 20th suboctave sound of H-alpha wavelength, approx .6912 m
     B natural (246.9, 493.8 Hz)
     499.2 Hz --- sixth octave of Schumann fundamental
     500 Hz --- one type of measured human energy field range
     500-900 Hz --- estimated rpm of Podkletnov superconductor & Moray motors

     The 4th Octave of 5th Overtone D Sharp Keely Frequencies
     (Suboctave 20 Scale)

     620 Hz ---  Keely Frequency (use with 630 and 12000) --- (MVH 4/5)
     622.2 Hz --- D# (Eb) --- (MHV 5)
     624 Hz --- fourth octave of fifth Schumann overtone --- (MHV 5)
     630 Hz --- Keely Frequency (use with 620 and 12000) --- (MHV 5)

     In the audible range of approximately B natural (493.8 cps), almost exactly twenty octaves below the solar hydrogen-alpha sound, and six octaves above the Schumann Resonance, begins the
     realm of frequencies implicated in the most promising of gravity research. The controversial nineteenth century gravitational harmonics and acoustics researcher John Keely used another triad of
     notes to produce legendary but unduplicated levitation and transportation effects witnessed by the US Army.

     Two notes of the triad were dissonant notes very close to D sharp at 622.2 cycles per second, which is almost exactly the same note as the fourth octave of the fifth Schumann overtone, an
     octave of the fifth note in the hydrogen-alpha scale. The third note used by Keely was a high 12 kilohertz.

     T. Henry Moray developed a type of motor that would run on the zero point energy he was able to extract from the ambient scalar environment with his devices based on harmonic principles of
     high voltage omnipresent electricity utilization.  The motor would operate without any apparent generation of heat of friction at over 500 revolutions per second, indicating a natural omnipresent
     ambient electricity harmonic of that frequency. 500 revolutions per second is an exact octave of the Schumann Resonance and the Hydrogen-alpha Resonance as well!

     The latest controversy is the research of Yevgeniy Podkletnov, who claims to have produced apparent levitation effects over a rapidly spinning superconductor disc, again rotating at the high
     speed of over 500 rotations per second, in the same range as the Moray and Keely frequencies. Some researchers claim to have duplicated the Podkletnov effect yet others are unconvinced.
     One wonders if the inability of some other researchers to duplicate the effect has something to do with the exact speed of the spinning disc to create a resonance effect, in harmonic with the Earth
     and Sun.

     Also noted are the claims of many researchers in the psychic field that there is a peak in the human energy aura at around 500 Hertz as well, slightly sharp of the high B natural.

     “Sometimes B sharp, never B flat, always B natural.” (B.J. Palmer)

     The 8th Octave, 6th Octave of 4th Overtone Proton Precession Cell Tuning Range
     (Suboctave 18 and Scale)

     1960 Hz --- 18th suboctave sound of H-alpha wavelength, approx 172.8 mm ( MVH 1 )
     1996.8 Hz --- eighth octave of Schumann fundamental ( MVH 1 )
     2000 Hz --- Dotto Ring cell self-tuning frequency range ( MVH 1 )
     2008 Hz --- Bacillus X & Y. Cancer MOR Rife/Stafford, cancer sarcoma ( MVH 1 )
     2025 Hz --- Proton precession/water resonance ( MVH 1 )
     2112 Hz --- sixth octave of fourth Schumann overtone (MVH 2
     2127, 2128 Hz --- Bacillus X & Y. Cancer MOR Rife/Stafford, carcinoma ( MVH 2 )

     The sixth octave of the fourth Schumann overtone is approximately one chromatic step higher in pitch than the eighth octave of the Schumann fundamental. The inventor of the Dotto Ring
     bioelectric detector claims to have detected a universal cellular frequency range of around 2 KHz, exactly at just that eighth octave. Slightly sharp of that at 2025 cps is the frequency of proton
     precession, one of the most fundamentally important and ubiquitous resonant frequencies in the universe. Many theorists think that proton precession is related to inertia and gravitation, and that if
     it were to be possible to alter proton precession one could alter inertia and gravity itself. It is thought that by altering proton precession it could be possible to achieve reactionless propulsion. It is
     also claimed that water behaves unusually at this resonance, displaying anomalous inertial behavior.

     Royal Rife found that the mortal oscillation rates of what he believed to be cancer viruses were at much higher frequencies, but researchers who worked with him in the 1950s including Dr.
     Stafford arrived at lower frequencies, some of which were at this same pitch. These were presumably fundamentals of the higher harmonics, such as 2008 cps for the sarcoma virus and 2127 and
     2128 cps for the carcinoma virus. The latter frequencies were close to the sixth octave of the fourth Schumann overtone. Rife and his followers also found a number of mortal oscillation rates for
     a variety of pathogenic microorganisms ranging up into the megahertz frequencies, but only some of these “MOR”s seem to follow an apparent harmonic pattern. See the tables of alleged Mortal
     Oscillation Rates for more on this question.

     The 9th Octave Magnetic and Mitochondrial Range
     (Suboctave 17 Scale)

     3920 Hz --- 17th suboctave sound of H-alpha wavelength, approx 86.4 mm
     3930 Hz --- Harmonic associated with the Earth's magnetic fields (Cathey)
     3993.6 Hz --- ninth octave of Schumann fundamental
     4096 Hz --- HighTone therapy devices increase # and vol of mitochondria

     The 12th Octave Secondary Mitochondrial Range
     (Suboctave 14 Scale)

     31360 Hz --- 14th suboctave sound of H-alpha wavelength, approx 10.8 mm
     32768 Hz --- HighTone devices increase # and vol of mitochondria

     Both the frequencies used by the German HighTone therapy device to increase the number and volume of mitochondria are slightly sharp to the ninth and twelfth octaves (17th and 14th
     suboctaves) of the Schumann Resonance and the Hydrogen-alpha Resonance. The HighTone frequencies are exactly three octaves apart and are approximately four percent higher in frequency
     than the hydrogen suboctaves, but only 2˝ percent higher than the Schumann octave.

     Bruce Cathey, the New Zealand pilot and UFO researcher, claims that the 3930 harmonic, also very close to the ninth octave, is associated with the Earth’s magnetic field. It is not clear,
     however, if this number is meant to represent Hertzian frequency or a radian measurement.

     The 21st Octave Rife/Priore Frequency Range
     (Suboctave 5 Scale)

     15.8 MHz --- AM-modulation of pulsed 9.4 GHz UHF-signal by Priore --- MVH 12 / 1
     16,056,320 Hz --- 5th suboctave H-alpha sound, approx .0000210016 m --- MVH1
     17,033,662 Hz --- Bacillus X & Y. Cancer MOR Rife 2nd metric --- MVH1
     17.045 MHz --- add’l   2nd metric (17.6 m wavelength) --- MVH 1
     17, 17.6 MHz --- 2nd AM-modul pulsed 9,4 GHz UHF-signal of Priore --- MVH 1 / 2

     Gustav Priore developed a technology that, like Rife’s, showed well-documented results with cancer and trypanosomiasis and other aspects of microbial control systems. Priore used an even
     more complex system than Rife to generate his frequencies, modulating pulsed 9.4 gigahertz UHF waves with AM frequencies flanking the 21st octave of the Schumann Resonance, also known
     as the fifth Hydrogen-alpha sound suboctave. One of his frequencies is very close to two of Rife’s cancer treatment frequencies. Also, the two Priore “notes” are just that, the equivalent of one
     “half-step note” apart from each other in an even-tempered twelve-tone scale, the equivalent of very high B and C notes.

     The difference between the lower of the two Priore frequencies and the hydrogen-alpha suboctave is 256,320 Hertz, which is less than a two percent error. However, the higher of the two
     Priore frequencies differs by 1,543,680 Hertz and this is almost ten percent of error. There is 1.8 megahertz difference between the two Priore frequencies.

     Could Priore have been simply approximating the octave of the hydrogen-alpha or Schumann frequencies, empirically shooting in the dark? The Schumann octaves continue at 7987.2 Hertz
     being the tenth octave, 15974.4 the eleventh, 31948.8 the twelfth, 63897.6 the thirteenth, 127795.2 the fourteenth, 255590.4 the fifteenth, 511180.8 the sixteenth, 1022361.6 the seventeenth,
     2044723.2 the eighteenth, 4089446.4 the nineteenth, 8178892.8 the twentieth, and 16357785.6 Hertz the twentyfirst octave. The difference between the Hydrogen-alpha and the Schumann
     octaves here is 301,465.6 Hertz which is, as expected, within two percent of error. Priore’s first frequency is about two percent lower in frequency than the Hydrogen-alpha octave and the
     Schumann frequency as always, is about two percent higher. 16.7 megahertz is the median value between the two Priore therapeutic frequencies, this midpoint frequency being only slightly higher
     than the twenty-first Schumann octave, almost exactly within two percent of error!

     Not only is the two percent error range statistically significant, we see that exactly this margin of error appears repeatedly, which is in itself statistically significant! It is as if the entire spectrum of
     Schumann and of most other values needs to be downshifted two percent in order to be in octave resonance with the hydrogen-alpha values. This could be a form of distortion imposed
     universally upon all the standing waves of reality by the spin/precession constants. Interestingly, two percent of a circle is a little over seven degrees, 7.2 to be exact, which can be considered to
     be a reasonable “orb of influence”. We also see within each octave a possible necessity of a downward shift of vibration rates of absorption and emission spectra for metals, of mitochondrial
     activity, mortal oscillation rates for microbes, and various rates in the human energy field. It is as if a consistently slight downshift would bring almost the entire spectrum in perfect harmony.

     It would also bring the principles of seasonal thermodynamics into virtually universal correlation within two percent of error. This would tend to prove the aspects dealt with in these researches, to
     be more scientific (statistically accurate) than many of the less exact sciences! Actually, is it not rather that this is the missing link that has the potential to make the inexact sciences exact?

     This question of the downward shift, or perhaps in the light of the earlier discussion of Gurdjieff’s concepts of universal octaves and multiple levels of hydrogens, the upward shock, is crucial.
     Were there not the two percent shift or upward shock, there might not be any gravitation or inertia, or even time, at all! This two percent constant could be a crucial expression of the very fabric
     of creation, or it could simply be an inexactitude in measurement. However, these measurements were in fact quite exact and gathered quite independently. The two percent constant deviation,
     like the universal Schumann/hydrogen metaoctave, is literally the breath of the Creator, Omnipresent and Omnipotent. Nothing would exist without its keynote signature vibration, which is always
     some harmonic of this Holy Spirit metaoctave.

     All things resonate at the Particle Spin and Precession Level, which is within 1.5% accuracy of the eighth Schumann octave. Most substances also resonate at a complex chord of the constituent
     atom and molecule frequencies, and often at various crystal and colloid frequencies as well. Ions or atoms resonate in the second octave and also in the three octaves of infrared, visible light and
     ultraviolet. Thus the qualities of all substances are determined by these and possibly other vibration rates.

     Change these rates and you transmute the substance. Change the vibration wavelengths of lead from 405.8, 368.3, and 364.0 nanometers (interestingly, within the Winter Solstice and Midwinter
     octaves!) to 312.3, 274.8, 267.6 and 242.8 nanometers, and you have gold. (As we shall see, gold resonates at the1/2, 4/5 and 6/7 cusps but primarily in the octave of 5 or Midsummer.) In
     most cases the color of a substance is clearly consistent with its twelvefold seasonal color wheel octaves.

     Living things resonate at all these frequencies in varying amplitudes depending on their constituent ion and molecule concentrations, which in turn also affect the colloidal states that are crucial to
     life. Resonance of life also occurs at levels of organelles, the mitochondrial resonances at the ninth and twelfth octaves of the Schumann/hydrogen frequency being of particular importance.
     Specific resonances of cells are reported to occur throughout the 12th through 19th octaves, and nuclei and viruses resonate at 19th through 21st octaves. Specific tissues and organs have
     specific resonance ranges as yet uncatalogued.

     The 23rd Octave: Nuclear Magnetic Human Resonance
     (Suboctave 3 Scale)

     47 MHz --- resonant freq (E-orientation) typical man on conductor --- MVH 6
     60 MHz --- NMR Wavelength --- 5 m --- MVH 11
     64,225,280 Hz --- 3rd suboctave H-alpha soun, approx .0000052504 m --- MVH 1
     70 MHz --- resonant frequency (E-orientation) typical man --- MVH 1/2
     80 MHz --- resonant frequency (E-orientation) typical woman --- MVH 3/4
     95 MHz --- resonant frequency (E-orientation) typical child --- MVH 6
     54-88 MHz --- VHF-TV band
     88-108 MHz --- standard FM-radio broadcast band

     As researched extensively by the US Air Force and others, the physical human body has a natural resonant frequency as well, very close to the nuclear magnetic resonance. This frequency
     decreases if the person is touching a good electrical conductor or is grounded. Interestingly, the typical tall adult male has a resonance within the Spring Equinox (1) range, and average height
     men within the Midspring (2) range. Shorter men and taller women resonate within the Late Spring (3) range, the “unisex” sign. Most women resonate within the Summer Solstice (4) range. Most
     youths in adolescence or puberty resonate within the Midsummer (5) range, and a typical child (unfortunately, age or height unspecified in the Air Force researches) within the Late Summer (6)
     range. E-orientation is assumed to be the standing position; resonant frequencies change in different postures. Interesting implications for yoga!

     Unfortunately, these resonances also are the ranges used by VHF television and FM radio. The potential biological effects of this need to be researched further. We definitely know that it is not
     safe to live or work near a broadcast tower! Such broadcasts may adversely affect health or subtle aspects of human psychology.

     As noted, nothing would exist without its keynote signature vibration, which is always some harmonic of this Holy Spirit metaoctave. Thus the human species shows all the aforementioned
     resonances shared with all substances and with all living things, and its own particular physical signature resonance near the 23rd octave, and unique brain wave signature resonance near the first
     two Schumann octaves. In addition to this, each individual person resonates not only at all these frequencies shared with all other humans, but also in the 24th and 25th octaves where are found
     the unique signature resonances of individuals as researched by Nrunori and Cazzamalli.

     Thus one can readily understand the sheer volume of information required to describe all the frequencies involved in a human being, not to mention the fact that we probably even now as yet
     know only a fraction of them. One would have to list the frequencies of spin, of precession, of several dozen atoms/ions at proper amplitudes, of many hundreds of organic molecules and colloids
     at proper amplitudes, as well as of tissue types and organs and the various geometries of the physical form, and of the brain waves and signature resonances unique to the individual. Then
     perhaps one could truly call someone without needing a phone number.

     The 24th Octave Nrunori Human Radiation Frequency
     (Suboctave 2)

     128,450,560 Hz --- 2nd suboctave H-alpha sound, approx .0000026252 m --- MVH 1
     129 MHz --- Nrunori human radiation 2.33 meters --- MVH1

     Nrunori investigated effects on humans and found another resonance in octave relationship with the Schumann/Hydrogen (First Multivariant Harmonic) octaves. Interestingly, this wavelength is
     somewhat larger than the typical human height, by at least a foot (.33 meters). This is about the size of the reported human aura.

     The 25th Octave Cazzamalli Skull Resonance Human Harmonic Range
     (Suboctave 1 Scale)

     246 MHz --- poss. Tesla car frequency (from 3” metal rods) --- MVH 11/12
     256,901,120 Hz – 1st suboctave H-alpha sound, approx  .0000013126 m --- MVH 1
     258 MHz – Nrunori human radiation octave --- MVH 1
     300 MHz – upper range of Cazzamalli hallucination waves --- MVH 3
     300 MHz – lower range of human skull resonance --- MVH 3
     380 to 500 MHz – range of individual human aggression resonances --- MVH 6 - 12
     387 MHz - Nrunori human radiation 3rd harmonic --- MVH 7
     388 MHz - Alleged to cause damage/disruption of humans --- MVH 7

     One octave higher, the Italian researcher Cazzamalli found that people experienced powerful hallucinations and other psychological effects when exposed to this frequency range. Each individual
     has a specific range of response unique to that person, as unique as a fingerprint or a signature. These ranges also correspond to those of human skull resonance. These, like many other
     frequency ranges, can be dangerous if used recklessly!

     The 27th Schumann Octave (First Hydrogen-alpha Octave)

     1,027,604,480 Hz --- 1st octave H-alpha sound, approx 328.15 nm --- MVH 1
     1.057 GHz --- Magic window  (Little is known about these higher octaves) --- 1

     The Infrared, Visible and Ultraviolet Octaves

     Somewhere around 750,000 gigahertz, or approximately 420 nanometers, there is a gap or special zone in the violet portion of the visible spectrum. This seems to be a sort of octave shock or
     adjustment bandwidth. Below this frequency range, including most of visible light and all of infrared, we can see a partial pattern of correlation of octaves with absorption and emission spectra of
     metals, if the wavelength values are increased proportionately by approximately 20 nanometers in a sort of red shift. This is approximately three percent of this particular octave’s frequency

     The apparent pattern is that at some octaves or bandwidths, a two to three percent downshift (or seven to ten degrees of arc) is required in order to match the frequencies with their appropriate  multivariant expressed qualities, whereas at other frequency ranges or octaves this downshift should not be applied. Whether an unequal distortion effect due to the spin/precession constants of inertia and gravitation, or to unequal resonance patterns of space/time bending post big bang, or both, or unknown causes, there definitely seems to be a pattern of alternation of zones of  downshift with zones of surprisingly exact correspondence. Much of this question, as well as the question of the values for calcium, magnesium and potassium that do not follow expected patterns so well as the values for the metals proper do, will be doubtless elucidated with complete internal sign harmonics analysis.

     Infrared (with red shift correction of approximately 20 nanometers):

     874 nm --- Multivariant Harmonic 9 (MVH 9)
     8543 A --- Calcium line stellar  (MVH 8 if shifted 20 nm)
     (Calcium sulfate is the MVH 8 salt)
     Visible Light (with red shift correction of approximately 20 nanometers;
     complete known absorption and emission values):

     405-480 THz --- red --- 625-740 nm  (115 nm range)
     716.800 nanometers visible octave red boundary
     711.0 nm --- MVH 12
     656.3 nm Hydrogen-alpha solar emission line --- MVH 1 (red to red-orange)
     628.956 nm --- MVH 2 (reddish orange to peach orange)
     480-510 THz --- orange --- 590-625 nm (35 nm range)
     601.61 nm --- MVH 3 (peach to pure yellow)
     510-530 THz --- yellow --- 565-590 nm (35 nm range)
     589.0 nm – Sodium absorption, emission (MVH 2 if shifted) MVH 3
     (Sodium sulfate is the MVH 2 salt)
     574.264 nm --- MVH 4 (yellow to green)
     573.440 nanometers visible octave peak sensitivity --- MVH 4
     530-580 THz --- green --- 520-565 nm  (45 nm range)
     553.6 nm --- Barium absorption & emission green --- MVH 4
     (Barium remains within MVH 4 even if shifted)
     546.918 nm --- MVH 5 (green)
     580-600 THz --- cyan --- 500-520 nm  (20 nm range)
     519.572 nm --- MVH 6 (cyan to deep turquoise)
     5172 A --- Magnesium b-line stellar (MVH 5 if shifted) --- cyan --- MVH 6
     (Magnesium phosphate is MVH 5 salt)
     600-670 THz --- blue --- 450-500 nm  (50 nm range)
     492.226 nm --- MVH 7 (turquoise blue to royal blue)
     464.88 nm --- MVH 8 (blue violet to violet)
     459.3 nm --- Cesium absorption
     455.5 nm --- Cesium absorption
     4528.91 A --- Aluminum III stellar
     4512.54 A --- Aluminum III  stellar  blueviolet, blue
     670-790 THz --- violet --- 380-450 nm  (70 nm range)
     4481.13 A --- Mg II  stellar   blueviolet
     4479.89 A --- Aluminum III stellar
     437.534 nm --- MVH 9 (violet)
     429.0 Chromium absorption line
     427.5 Chromium absorption and emission
     425.4 Chromium absorption and emission
     422.7 nm --- Calcium absorption, emission  (MVH 8 if shifted) --- MVH 9
     (Again, calcium sulfate is the MVH 8 salt)
     421.6 nm --- Rubidium absorption
     420.2 nm --- Rubidium absorption

     Violet and Ultraviolet (approx. transition zone of octave shock; henceforth without red shift correction; complete known absorption and emission values):

     410.118 nm --- MVH 10 (deep violet)
     409.600 nanometers visible violet boundary octave
     405.8 nm --- Lead emission
     (Lead and MVH 10 correlation)
     404.4 nm --- Potassium absorption
     403.1 nm --- Manganese absorption and emission
     396.2 nm --- Aluminum absorption and emission far violet
     3933.7 A --- Calcium K-line stellar   violet
     (Calcium phosphate is considered the MVH 10 salt)
     382.842 nm --- MVH 11 (far violet)
     372.0 nm --- Iron emission
     368.3 nm --- Lead absorption
     364.0 nm --- Lead absorption ultraviolet
     (Lead and MVH 11 correlation)
     360.5 nm --- Chromium absorption and emission
     359.4 nm --- Chromium absorption and emission
     357.9 nm --- Chromium absorption and emission
     355.496 nm --- MVH 12 (ultraviolet)
     352.7 nm --- Cobalt absorption
     (Iron and cobalt are considered MVH 12 minerals due to correlation with hemoglobin and cyanocobalamin metabolism)
     352.5 nm --- Nickel absorption
     351.5 nm  --- Nickel absorption
     350.1 nm --- Barium absorption uv
     347.4 nm --- Cobalt absorption
     346.6 nm --- Iron, Cobalt absorption
     346.2 nm --- Nickel absorption
     345.4 nm --- Cobalt emission
     341.5 nm --- Nickel absorption and emission
     338.3 nm --- Silver absorption
     337.0 nm --- Nickel absorption
     330.2 nm --- Sodium absorption

     Far ultraviolet (many insignificant values omitted; a very slight violet shift of 1˝  nanometers or slightly more may need to be applied):

     328.4 nm --- Copper absorption --- close to exaltation frequency of MVH 2 within MVH 12
     (Far ultraviolet octave of red)
     328.15 nm  Hydrogen-alpha octave --- MVH 1
     328.1 nm --- Silver absorption and emission  uv
     (Silver, Argentum, MVH 1 and Vernal Equinox correlation)
     327.4 nm --- Copper absorption and emission
     314.45 --- MVH 2
     312.3 nm --- Gold absorption
     300.75 --- MVH 3
     287.05 --- MVH 4
     274.8 nm – Gold absorption
     (Gold and MVH 5 correlation if very slight upshift)
     273.35 --- MVH 5
     267.6 nm – Gold absorption and emission
     (Gold and MVH 5 or Midsummer correlation)
     259.65 --- MVH 6
     257.5 nm --- Aluminum absorption
     256.8 nm --- Aluminum absorption
     253.7 nm --- Mercury absorption and emission
     (Mercury and MVH 6 correlation)
     245.95 --- MVH 7
     244.2 nm --- Copper absorption
     (Copper and MVH 7 correlation)
     242.8 nm --- Gold absorption uv
     232.25 --- MVH 8
     219.9 nm ---  Tin absorption
     (Tin and MVH 9 correlation if very slight upshift)
     218.55 --- MVH 9
     208.9 nm --- Boron absorption
     (Boron and MVH 10 bone hardening correlation)
     205.3 nm --- Lead absorption
     (Lead and MVH 10 correlation if very slight upshift)
     204.85 --- MVH 10
     202.2 nm --- Lead absorption
      (Lead and MVH 10 correlation)
     197.2 nm --- Arsenic
     193.7 nm --- Arsenic
     191.15 --- MVH 11
     189.0 nm --- Arsenic
     177.45 --- MVH 12
     164.075 nm  Hydrogen-alpha 2nd octave --- MVH 1

     The Schumann Terrestrial Resonance is the more objective of the audible sound frequencies, but not as constant as the Solar Hydrogen Alpha Line, i.e., it varies or oscillates around the lower subaudible octaves of the stated frequencies. The other audible sound even-tempered scale frequencies are quite arbitrary, and are merely for convenience, as they correlate closely with the  notes used in the Western even-tempered musical scale, and are thus easier to produce with a synthesizer or other musical instrument if calibrated with an oscilloscope or other precision device.
     A precision oscilloclast may be the best choice ultimately.

     It may certainly well be that harmonics other than the dwadasamsa or the twelvefold are significant, and can be used to refine further the system in the future. For now the dwadasamsa seems to be the most significant.

     In the near future the values for biologically significant microwave and other frequencies (“Harmonic 695” for example) will also be determined, and these may possibly be of greater therapeutic value. The question then becomes, “What is the most therapeutically effective way to deliver these frequencies, or rather perhaps to restore their natural presence in the organism?”

     It may well be that the best eventual use of these frequencies will be to simply monitor their presence or absence, and thus check the efficacy of chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture or other meridian stimuli, and dietary and pharmacological ministrations, as well as to rapidly monitor a range of biological functions, in a kind of “Star Trek” method of biological systems monitoring,  much as one would check the tuning of a musical instrument. There are many more potential applications of this multivariant harmonic analysis system in chemistry, physics, and other sciences and

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