Jeffrey JONES / AmeriScience
AS10 Rejuvenation
May 27, 2012
Elixir of youth? NASA invents drink
that reverses signs of aging!
A "space drink" developed by NASA to protect astronauts from
radiation can also reduce wrinkles and reverse the telltale signs
of ageing in just four months, say researchers, following a human
trial. A team at Utah University has found in its research that
the concoction, known as AS10, dramatically reduces wrinkles,
blemishes and sun damage after four months.
The drink can apparently reduce signs of aging in just four
months: At the start of their trial, the researchers took visia
photographs -- which reveal the condition of the skin below the
surface by using different types of light exposure -- of 180
participants. They again took the photos after four months of
drinking two shots of AS10 a day. By the end UV spots were reduced
by 30 per cent and wrinkles by 17 per cent, the 'Daily Mail'
AS10 was developed as a nutritional supplement for astronauts to
protect them from the damaging effects of high levels of radiation
outside the Earth's atmosphere. The drink contains a blend of
fruits including cupuacu (a Brazilian fruit from the cacao plant
family), acai, acerola, prickly pear and yumberry, which all
provide vitamins and phytochemicals -- compounds known to block
the harmful effects of radiation. Other ingredients are grape,
green tea, pomegranate and vegetables.
NASA slams spaced-out media claims it
developed 'wrinkle reducing' superfruit drink
Ben Bouckley
The North American Space Agency (NASA) has told BeverageDaily.com
that it has nothing to do with wonder ‘space drink’ AS10, but the
brand’s UK distributor insists the agency did co-develop a 'NASA
Quintet’ of superfruits used in the beverage.
A rash of stories in outlets as august as the New York Daily News
in the US and The Mail in the UK this week copied the same claims:
that non-existent University of Utah research into the NASA
beverage showed ‘miraculous’ results in reversing UV spots and
Drinking just two shots of the drink daily cut UV spots by 30% and
wrinkles by 17%, The Mail gushed, while the paper also quoted
‘University of Utah nutritional scientist’, Dr Aaron Barson,
comparing free radicals to ‘Pacmen’ taking bites out of molecules
in cells.
University of Utah denies involvement
But beyond the glut of news articles, BeverageDaily.com was unable
to locate any reference to any University of Utah research study
published online.
A University of Utah spokeswoman told BeverageDaily.com on Friday:
“Dr. Aaron V. Barson, Jr. was a volunteer/adjunct clinical
assistant professor at the University of Utah from 1988 through
She added: “He currently has no affiliation with the University of
Utah and the research attributed to him in the story that ran
originally in the New York Daily News titled ‘Space drink’
concocted by NASA helps reduce wrinkles is in no way connected to
the University of Utah.”
AS10 was developed as a nutritional supplement for astronauts to
protect them from high radiation levels outside the Earth’s
atmosphere – The Mail claimed – modestly priced at £30 (€37) per
750ml, pictured left.
The paper published “startling images [that] may prove that a
fruit drink developed NASA to protect astronauts from radiation
can rejuvenate the skin”, and cited a “groundbreaking study”
showing that the AS10 beverage “dramatically reduces wrinkles,
blemishes and sun damage after four months”.
According to its UK brand website, replete with astronaut imagery
, AS10 fuses “next generation super fruit” cupuacu, acai, acerola,
prickly pear and yumberry mixed with “five top ingredients from
our joint research with NASA Johnson Space Centre”.
'Not a NASA food product'
But William Jeffs from NASA’s Johnson Space Centre in Houston
(which runs the agency’s Advanced Food Technology Project), told
BeverageDaily.com on Friday: “In short, the ‘AS10’ drink substance
mentioned in this news story is not a NASA food product.”
He added: “NASA has not used any material or food substance
described in these various news stories, nor are we conducting any
research related to the claims made in these news stories.”
However, David Wilson, AmeriSciences UK Master Distributor, told
BeverageDaily.com that The Mail story “has been picked up by
other agencies across the world who have not reproduced it
naturally”, with neither the University of Utah or NASA involved
in Aaron Barson’s “small study”.
Media misreporting blamed
Wilson said he was “extremely frustrated” by media misreporting,
and that PR agencies sent data (not seen by BeverageDaily.com)
omitted to say that it a ‘NASA Quintet’ of five ‘super fruits’
added to AS10 that accounted for its effects, whereas astronauts
took the quintet in gel capsule form.
“It really is the responsibility of the media to ensure their
content is correct. NASA didn’t develop the AS10 drink itself,”
Wilson said. “But as you can see they were involved in joint
research to develop the active ingredients in the drink.”
By way of evidence, Wilson sent us a link to a 2011 paper
published in the journal Radiation Research , reporting increased
survival rates for female mice exposed to ionizing radiation and
fed a fruit and vegetable AmeriSciences/NASA antioxidant premix,
compared to a control diet.
The lead NASA research contact for that study was one Dr Jeffrey
Jones , Wilson said, and the firm’s NASA collaboration stemmed
from a 2005 Space Act Agreement to co-develop nutritional
supplements for astronauts.
Houston-based AmeriSciences’ website is currently offline, and
Wilson said the company was currently undergoing a restructuring
process “that will hopefully be finished soon”.
AS10 Combination
What is unique about the AS10 Combination?
Why take supplements based on space research?
Based on joint research with NASA / Johnson Space Centre -
the AS10 Combination is a combined multi-vitamin and anti-oxidant
Civilian formulas based in part on joint research between
AmeriSciences® and NASA/JSC are now available in the UK. These
products are the AS10 drink, the AS10 Fusion healthy energy drink
and AS10 Life.
Astronauts Test Use of Nutritional Supplements in Space
After nearly four years of joint research of Houston-based
AmeriSciences® and NASA / Johnson Space Center (JSC), a senior
NASA medical officer has confirmed that two of the resulting
nutritional supplement formulas were used and tested in space by
the astronauts of mission STS-125 of May 11, 2009 and the mission
STS-127 of July 15, 2009 and are now in use and testing aboard the
International Space Station.
This marks a milestone in the advancement of a project between
AmeriSciences® and NASA/JSC to develop nutritional supplements for
the astronauts to meet the needs of long-duration space flight as
well as conditioning here on Earth. Commenced through a Space Act
Agreement between AmeriSciences® and NASA/JSC back in the fall of
2005, this joint research effort has now progressed to in-flight
testing as well as clinical ground studies to determine safety and
effectiveness of the resulting formulations.
"NASA/JSC has always had to push forward with new technologies to
meet the extreme conditions of outer space ... nutritional
supplementation is another one of those areas of technology in
which NASA can make a significant contribution to society as a
whole while promoting the health of the participants in their
space program," comments Lou Gallardo, Chairman of AmeriSciences®.
"We a proud to be working closely with NASA/JSC on this project
and combining all of our expertise to create the best products
possible for the astronauts."
The years of preparation and research by experts from both
AmeriSciences® and NASA has led to the use and testing of
antioxidant and multivitamin formulations aboard the Space Shuttle
and International Space Station. The commencement of use and
testing of these formulas on Space Shuttle mission STS-125 was
important to said research as this mission to repair the Hubble
Space Telescope presented extra physiological challenges.
Prolonged Extra-Vehicular Activities (EVAs or "space walks") and
the high-orbit location of the telescope exposed the astronauts to
an increased risk of higher levels of radiation and other medical
"This is just the first step towards preparing for the rigours of
long-duration space flight on the human body," explains Gallardo,
"the good news is that the results from this research can impact
everyone's health here on Earth”.
AmericSciences Patents
Radiation - oxidative exposure treatment compositions comprise a
mixture of micronutrient multivitamin and trace elements, a
mixture of antioxidants and chemopreventative agents, and
optionally a mixture of fatty acids. Micronutrient multivitamin
and trace elements mixtures include vitamins A, Bp, Bl, B2, B3,
B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E and K; inositol; calcium, iodine,
magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium,
molybdenum, potassium, boron and vanadium. Mixtures of non not
essential antioxidants and chemopreventative agents include
bioflavins, alpha lipoic acid, N- acetyl-L-cysteine, lutein,
lycopene, astaxanthin, plant sterols, isoflavones, garlic extract,
which provides allicin; green tea extract, cruciferous vegetable
extract, fruit extracts, ginkgo biloba extract, coenzyme Q-10, and
resveratrol. Fatty acid mixtures include eicosapentaenoic acid and
docosahexaenoic acid. Methods of treatment of a subject exposed to
a radiation source or an oxidative stress with the radiation -
oxidative exposure treatment composition include the step of
administering to the subject a daily dose of the radiation -
oxidative exposure treatment composition such that the life
shortening effects induced by the radiation source or the
oxidative stress are ameliorated.
[0001] Statement Regarding Federally Sponsored Research or
[0002] Pursuant to an assignment to Jeffrey A. Jones, a former
U.S. Government Employee, the U.S. Government retains, pursuant to
15 U.S.C. 3710d(a), a nonexclusive, nontransferable, irrevocable,
paid-up license to practice the invention or have the invention
practiced throughout the world by or on behalf of the U.S.
1. Field of the Invention
[0003] The field of invention relates to compositions and methods
useful for pre- treating and treating a subject exposed to
radiation. More specifically, the field of invention relates to
compositions and methods for reducing the risk for and
ameliorating the radiation- induced life shortening effects from
exposure to a radiation source.
2. Description of the Related Art
[0004] Oxidative damage is the result of the human body
metabolizing oxygen so that the cells can produce the energy that
runs all the chemical reactions that sustain life. During this
critical process, the body produces dangerous molecules that react
with cell proteins and DNA to cause irreversible damage.
[0005] Oxidative damage is well documented during many activities,
including space flight, lunar exploration and space walks.
Exposure to oxidative insults occurs to astronauts during
extravehicular activities (EVA), including increased oxygen
exposure (hyperoxia), radiation, and exercise. Risks from
increased oxidative damage include increased muscle fatigue,
increased risk for cataracts, macular degeneration, cardiovascular
disease, and many forms of cancer, as well as a number of other
chronic diseases. Currently there is no effective countermeasure
to mitigate oxidative damage during these activities. As humanity
contemplates lunar missions, with greatly increased EVA frequency
and durations, mitigating oxygen-related health risks is
[0006] Ionizing radiation induces nuclear DNA strand breaks, which
initiate a transfer to the mitochondria of both pro-apoptotic and
anti-apoptotic molecules. The molecular events that occur early in
the initiation of apoptosis originate at the mitochondrial
membrane. The events include molecular sequelae of both oxidative
and nitrosative stress, which produces rapid depletion of
antioxidant stores. Antioxidant depletion at the mitochondria
associates with disruption of cytochrome C binding to cardiolipin,
mitochondrial membrane disruption, and leakage into the cytoplasm
of cytochrome C. These disruptions and ruptures initiate a cascade
of molecular events that eventually lead to apoptosis.
[0007] There are many sources of oxidative stress in the lives of
workers, whether they work in nuclear power facilities, on the
front lines of international conflicts, in hospitals, or in the
reaches of outer space. The exposure dose can vary substantially,
but at minimum will accelerate the aging of their organ systems,
and at worse could result in acute exposure syndromes that may be
fatal. A common thread of the oxidative stress exposures is
reactive oxygen species (ROS)-binding to critical cellular
organelles and molecules, which can result in cellular
dysfunction, mutation of nucleic acids, or even apoptotic cell
death. Currently there are no proven countermeasures for these
exposures, aside from a clinical agent, amifostine, which reduces
mucositis and other side effects from radiation therapy dose in
cancer patients, and Iodine in the form of potassium iodide
tablets, which reduces the likelihood of thyroid exposure to
radioactive iodine.
[0008] Radiological terrorism, nuclear accidents, and astronauts
outside of the earth's protective atmosphere are instances where
acute radiation events can expose humans to radiation-based
injuries. The long-term effects of acute radiation exposure
include cataract formation, carcinogenesis, neurological
degeneration, and other biomarkers of radiation- induced aging.
[0009] Radiation - oxidative exposure treatment compositions
comprise a mixture of micronutrient multivitamin and trace
elements, a mixture of antioxidants and chemopreventative agents,
and optionally a mixture of fatty acids.
[0010] Mixtures of micronutrient multivitamin and trace elements
includes amounts of vitamin A, some of which is beta-carotine;
vitamins Bp, Bl, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E and K. The
mixture also includes an amount of inositol. The mixture also
includes amounts of calcium, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium,
copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, potassium, boron and
vanadium. [0011] Mixtures of non-essential antioxidants and
chemopreventative agents include bioflavins, which include rutin,
quercetin, hesperidin; alpha lipoic acid (ALA), N-acetyl-L-
cysteine (NAC), lutein, lycopene, astaxanthin, plant sterols,
isoflavones, garlic extract, which provides allicin; green tea
extract, which provides epigallocatech gallate; cruciferous
vegetable extract, which provides glucosinolates; fruit extracts,
ginkgo biloba extract, coenzyme Q-10, and resveratrol.
[0012] Mixtures of fatty acids when included in a radiation -
oxidative exposure treatment composition provides essential
omega-3 fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
[0013] Methods of treatment of a subject exposed to a radiation
source or an oxidative stress, or both, with the radiation -
oxidative exposure treatment composition include the step of
administering to the subject a daily dose of the radiation -
oxidative exposure treatment composition such that the life
shortening effects induced by the radiation source or the
oxidative stress are ameliorated.
[0014] In some methods the administration of the daily dose of the
radiation - oxidative exposure treatment composition occurs on a
continuing daily basis for at least 7 days before exposure to the
radiation source or oxidative stress. In some other methods, the
administration of the daily dose of the radiation - oxidative
exposure treatment composition occurs on a continuing daily basis
after exposure to the radiation source or oxidative stress.
[0015] Some methods include the step of administering to the
subject an amount of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD)
plasmid DNA in liposome at least 24 hours before exposure to the
radiation source.
[0016] The daily dose of radiation - oxidative exposure treatment
composition can be administered proportionally during the 24-hour
period such that the sum of the proportional amounts totals the
daily dose.
[0017] These and other features, aspects, and advantages of the
present invention are better understood with regard to the
following Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiments,
appended Claims, and accompanying Figures, where: [0018] Figure 1
is a graph showing percentage overall survival of the members of
four groups of mice receiving 9.5 Gy of radiation for a period of
450 days after initial exposure; and
[0019] Figure 2 is a graph showing percentage condition survival
of the of the members of the four groups of mice receiving 9.5 Gy
of radiation for the period of 30 days after initial exposure to
450 days after initial exposure.
[0020] The Specification, which includes the Summary of Invention,
Description of the Drawings and the Detailed Description of the
Preferred Embodiments, and the appended Claims refer to particular
features (including method steps) of the invention. Those of skill
in the art understand that the invention includes all possible
combinations and uses of particular features described in the
Specification, including all of those features specifically
described. For example, in describing a feature as part of an
embodiment or an aspect of the invention, one of ordinary skill in
the art understands that the described feature can and is used, to
the extent possible, in combination with or in context of other
features described as part of other embodiments and aspects of the
[0021] Those of skill in the art understand that the invention is
not limited to or by the description of embodiments as given in
the Specification. Those of skill in the art also understand that
the terminology used for describing particular embodiments does
not limit the scope or breadth of the invention.
[0022] Because acute radiation sickness (ARS) occurs within a very
short period, the opportunity to treat or mitigate the effects of
high-dose irradiation is limited. As an augmentation to treatment,
prophylactic measures can be a more effective strategy to address
acute radiation-induced phenomenon. Preventing the onset of ARS
may also minimize other biological consequences of ionizing
radiation, which is an additional benefit.
[0023] Developing countermeasures for radiation injury has a long
history and is very challenging. Joint research with NASA has
postulated that that the era of high-dose single counter-radiation
agents is ending. Development of a multi-pathway defense strategy
via comprehensive dietary ingredient cocktail is a successful
approach to protect the human body against either acute or chronic
sources of oxidative damage or radiation exposure. Oxidative
damage in humans working or living in extreme environments is
widespread and affects many cellular components. Clinical research
shows downstream biological effects from this damage are variable,
based upon host factors, dose quality, magnitude and rate, as well
as the presence or absence of countermeasures.
[0024] There is accumulating evidence for a role of oxidative
stress in both the acute and chronic effects of ionizing
radiation. Administration of organ- specific targeted antioxidant
therapies, including manganese superoxide dismutase plasmid DNA in
liposome (MnSOD-PL) gene product, can increase survival rates due
to a decrease in acute and chronic toxicities of single-fraction
and fractionated irradiation. Systemic administration of
antioxidant agents, including amifostine, GS-nitroxide and
superoxide dismutases (SODs), also decreases acute and chronic
[0025] With respect to late effects of ionizing radiation, two
categories of studies exist. Prior studies report improved
conditional survival of MnSOD-PL-treated high-dose- irradiated
animals for acute radiation events. Other studies describe
improved conditional survival effects of antioxidants in low-doses
or partial-body-irradiated animals; however, these studies use
very high dosages of antioxidants such that they are toxic to the
[0026] Certain antioxidants (e.g., a-tocopherol, ascorbic acid,
beta-carotene, etc.), have properties that protect cells from
oxygen free -radical toxicity, and therefore can decrease the type
of oxidative damage observed among subjects exposed to radiation,
particularly astronauts exposed to radiation or hypobaric
hyperoxia. Additionally, antioxidants can reduce oxidative damage
associated with prolonged hyperoxic environments, among other
culprits of oxidative damage.
[0027] Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant capable of reversing
endothelial dysfunction caused by increased oxidant stress. Though
it seems likely that vitamin C supplementation would mitigate
hyperoxia-induced oxidative damage among extravehicular activities
(EVA), it is debated whether vitamin C could act as a pro-oxidant
when iron stores are elevated. Vitamin C can also act as a
pro-oxidant in large doses as a single-agent. Treatments with
vitamin A, C, or E can protect rats exposed to acute hyperoxia
(80% oxygen) against oxygen toxicity by elevating glutathione
concentration. Vitamin E supplementation to rabbits can decrease
lipid peroxidation and diminish increases in pulmonary antioxidant
enzymes induced by in vitro 100% oxygen exposure. These increases
likely contribute to symptoms of oxidative stress, a-tocopherol is
also effective in preventing hyperoxia- induced DNA fragmentation
and apoptosis. Flavonoids appear to exhibit more antioxidant
effects than a- tocopherol in healthy adults. In addition to a
plethora of other tested agents (e.g., a-lipoic acid, folic acid,
co-enzyme Q10, selenium, beta carotene, glutathione, and N-
acetylcysteine), there are a large number of plant extracts that
have antioxidant properties, including strawberry and blueberry,
curcumin, and green tea.
[0028] Quercetin, a plant bioflavanoid, appears to be a powerful
antioxidant and free radical scavenger while also demonstrating
desirable anti-carcinogenic, neuroprotective, antiviral, and
cardio/vascular protective properties. Quercetin also appears to
help prevent cataract formation and exhibit positive effects on
cognitive performance and immune response. In vitro experiments
suggest it may be beneficial in protecting against bone loss.
Furthermore, recent studies suggest having a protective mechanism
against viral illness after exertional stress in athletes and
synergistic properties with other micronutrients such as Vitamin
C, B3, and omega- 3 fatty acids.
[0029] Additionally, supplementing animals exposed to carcinogens
and ionizing radiation with omega-3 fatty acids and fiber can
reduce the risk of cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids show a benefit of
improving lipid parameters in those individuals with unfavorable
total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein ratios. Combinations
of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
other fatty acids appear to show efficacy in improving cognitive
performance and mood in test subjects with affective disorders,
traumatic brain injury, and exposure to environmental stress.
[0030] Oxidative stress may be involved in the pathogenesis of
several conditions leading to declining functionality, both in
normal as well as diseased individuals. Dietary antioxidants can
play a role in neutralizing free radicals caused by factors
including exposure to radiation.
Radiation - oxidative exposure treatment compositions
[0031] Compositions comprising low levels of each of the most
effective micronutrient multivitamins, trace elements,
antioxidants, chemoprevention agents and optionally certain fatty
acids, allows for a broad range of cellular protection and
bioavailability without the toxicity usually associated with high
single doses of particular vitamins, elements, antioxidants,
chemoprevention agents, and lipids. [0032] Radiation - oxidative
exposure treatment compositions comprise a mixture of
micronutrient multivitamin and trace elements, a mixture of
antioxidants and chemopreventative agents, and optionally a
mixture of fatty acids.
[0033] The radiation - oxidative exposure treatment compositions
include a mixture of micronutrient multivitamins and trace
elements. The low levels of each of the most effective protection
molecules allows delivery to a subject, such as a human, without
the toxicity associated with high-dose, oral single agents, and
with conceivably better efficacy. Most micronutrient multivitamins
and trace elements are at the levels of federally Recommended
Daily Allowance. Some vitamins with antioxidant capacity are at
slightly higher but safe dosage levels (i.e., well below levels of
any adverse effect).
[0034] The radiation - oxidative exposure treatment compositions
comprise a mixture of antioxidants and chemopreventative agents.
The non-essential natural antioxidants and chemoprevention agents
derive from natural foods and herbal sources. Many of the
nonessential natural antioxidants and chemoprevention agents
demonstrate antioxidant effects. Previous studies in scientific
peer-reviewed journals report doses as such safe, including the
NIH consensus conference on dietary supplements. Recommendations
by the National Cancer Institute/Chemoprevention Branch for
possible reductions in cancer development risk, epidemiological
reviews, and testing in randomized, placebo-controlled studies
provide additional support for their safe use.
[0035] Optionally, the radiation - oxidative exposure treatment
compositions include a mixture comprising fatty acids, including
omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty acids, specifically fatty acids
obtained from fish oil, have been found to have a number of
beneficial health effects. It is understood that oil from fish
contains EPA and DHA. These are classified as omega-3 fatty acids.
These omega-3 fatty acids derived from fish oil are known to keep
blood triglycerides in check and may inhibit the progression of
atherosclerosis. EPA and DHA are believed to have
anti-inflammatory activity and are sometimes used as dietary
supplements with inflammatory conditions, such as Crohn's disease
and rheumatoid arthritis. It is believed that the omega-3 fish oil
fatty acids may balance other fatty acids. When fatty acids are
out of balance in the body, the body may release chemicals that
promote inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids are needed for
prostaglandin. Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that
regulate dilation of blood vessels, inflammatory responses, and
other critical body processes. DHA and EPA are also believed
essential for nerve and eye functions. DHA comprises about 60
percent of the outer rod segments of photoreceptor cells that are
used to see with by humans. Brain tissue has a substantial
component of fat composed of DHA. It is believed that fish oil
omega-3 fatty acids and, specifically, DHA and EPA, are useful in
wet macular degeneration since these fatty acids help heal and
support blood vessel walls. Studies show that eating fish several
times a month may reduce the risk of developing AMD.
[0036] Pharmacopeial compendia, including the United States
Pharmacopeia and National Formulary (USP 32-NF 27), give the
materials and specifications for micronutrient vitamins (e.g.,
ascorbic acid, cholecalciferol), trace elements (e.g., potassium,
zinc), and other coenzyme and non-botanical constituents (e.g.,
coenzyme Q-10, choline bitartrate, N-acetyl cysteine) for the
radiation exposure treatment compositions.
[0037] The supplier's specifications and current Good
Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) provide the standardized protocols
for extracting, isolating, or producing ingredients of a botanical
nature not subject to pharmacopeial monographs (e.g., quercetin,
astaxanthin, fruit extracts).
[0038] All starting, intermediate and finished materials are
appropriate for food use. U.S. Food and Drug Administration lists
all the starting, intermediate, and final materials as "GRAS"
(Generally Recognized as Safe).
[0039] The supplier verifies each mixture comprising micronutrient
multivitamin and trace elements, antioxidants and
chemopreventative agents, and fatty acids for homogeneity, assay,
particle size, microbial specifications, density, humidity and
other applicable measures of quality.
Micronutrient vitamin and trace element mixtures
[0040] The first mixture comprises micronutrient vitamins and
trace elements. The first dietary supplement can contain various
vitamins important for the dietary requirement of animals,
including mammals, and especially humans (homo sapiens), including
Vitamins A, Bp, Bl, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E and K.
Some of the vitamins also have antioxidant properties.
[0041] There may be more than one source for micronutrient
vitamins. Vitamin A palmitate and beta-carotene, and combinations
of the two, are sources of Vitamin A. Choline bitartrate is a
source of choline. Ascorbic acid is a source of Vitamin C. Sodium
ascorbate is also a source for Vitamin C. Cholecalciferol is a
source of Vitamin D. D-alpha tocopheryl succinate and mixed
tocopherols, and combinations of the two, are sources of Vitamin
E. Natural and mixed carotenoids are preferred sources of Vitamin
E. Phytonadione is a source of Vitamin K. Thiamine can originate
from thiamine mononitrate, which provides Vitamin Bl. Riboflavin
is a source of Vitamin B2. Niacin can originate from inositol
hexanicotinate, which provides Vitamin B3. Pyridoxine
hydrochloride is a source of Vitamin B6. Folate can originate from
folic acid, which provides Vitamin B9. Cyanocobalamin is a source
of Vitamin B12. Biotin is a source of B7. Pantothenic acid can
originate from d-calcium pantothenate, which provides Vitamin B5.
[0042] The first dietary supplement also contains inositol.
Although no longer considered a Vitamin B complex on its own, many
vitamin supplement formulations still include inositol for its
general bioactivity. Inositol hexanicotinate is the
niacin-esterified version of inositol. Inositol and inositol
hexanicotinate, and combinations of the two, can provide inositol.
[0043] The first dietary supplement can also contain various trace
elements important for the dietary requirement of mammals,
especially humans, including calcium, iodine, magnesium, zinc,
selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, potassium,
boron and vanadium.
[0044] There may be more than one source for trace elements.
Calcium carbonate and dicalcium phosphate, and combinations of the
two, are sources of calcium. Kelp is a source of iodine. Magnesium
oxide and chelate, and combinations of the two, are sources of
magnesium. Zinc chelate [monomethionine], zinc oxide and zinc
gluconate are sources of zinc. Zinc oxide provides the most
concentrated form of elemental zinc. 1- Selenomethionine is a
source of selenium. Copper amino acid chelate, copper oxide and
copper gluconate are sources of copper. Manganese amino acid
chelate is a source of manganese. Chromium polynicotinate is a
source of chromium. Molybdenum amino acid chelate is a source of
molybdenum. Potassium citrate is a source of potassium. Boron
chelate is a source of boron. Vanadyl sulfate is a source of
[0045] Units of measure for Tables 1-6 include "IU", which
represents "International Units", an understood metric in the art
for measuring the active amount of particular species, especially
vitamins (e.g., Vitamins A, D, and E). Milligrams ("mg") are
1x10-3 grams. Micrograms C^g") are 1x10-6 grams. [0046] Table 1
shows the composition range of components for useful micronutrient
multivitamin and trace element mixtures for use with the daily
dose radiation and oxidative exposure treatment compositions.
Table 2 shows the daily dose of a useful mixture of micronutrient
multivitamins and trace elements for use with radiation and
oxidative exposure treatment compositions.
Ingredient Daily Dose Units of Range Measure
Total Vitamin A 2500 - 10000 IU
Vitamin A (pre-formed) 0 - 1000 IU
Beta-carotene (as part of total Vitamin A) 0 - 1000 IU
Vitamin C 60 - 500 mg
Vitamin D 400 - 2000 IU
Vitamin E 30 - 400 IU
Vitamin K 45-85 Mg
Thiamine (Vitamin Bl) 1.5-50 Mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 1.7-50 mg
Niacin (as inositol hexanicotinate, niacin or 20-50 mg
Vitamin B6 2-50 mg
Folate 200 - 800 [mu]
Vitamin B 12 6-50 [mu]
Biotin 150- 1000 [mu]
Pantothenic acid 10-100 mg
Calcium 0 - 1200 mg
Iodine 15 - 130000 [mu]
Magnesium 0-400 mg
Zinc 15-80 mg
Selenium 70 - 200 [mu]g
Copper 0-5 mg
Manganese 1-10 mg
Chromium 0-600 [mu]g
Molybdenum 0-100 [mu]g
Potassium (as potassium citrate) (7.5 mEg) 0 - 3500 mg
Choline (as choline bitartrate) 0-500 mg Inositol 0 - 300 mg
Boron 0 - 5 mg
Vanadium 0 - 300 [mu]
Table 1: Composition range for daily doses of useful
micronutrient multivitamin and trace element mixtures for use
with radiation and oxidative exposure treatment compositions.
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Table 2: Daily dose of a useful mixture of micronutrient
multivitamins and trace elements for use with radiation and
oxidative exposure treatment compositions.
[0047] In some embodiment mixtures of micronutrient multivitamins
and trace elements, the amount of Vitamin A for the daily dose is
about 750 IU.
[0048] Vitamin C is arguably the most important water-soluble
biological antioxidant. It can scavenge both reactive oxygen
species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species thought to play roles
in tissue injury associated with the pathogenesis of various
conditions. By virtue of this activity, it inhibits lipid
peroxidation, oxidative DNA damage and oxidative protein damage.
It helps preserve intracellular reduced glutathione
concentrations, which in turn helps maintain nitric oxide levels
and potentiates its vasoactive effects. In addition, vitamin C may
modulate prostaglandin synthesis to favor the production of
eicosanoids with antithrombotic and vasodilatory activity.
[0049] The mechanisms underlying the immune effects of zinc are
not fully understood, though some of them may be accounted for by
its membrane- stabilization effect. Zinc is also believed to have
secondary antioxidant activity. Although zinc does not have any
direct redox activity under physiological conditions, it
nevertheless may influence membrane structure by its ability to
stabilize thiol groups and phospholipids. It may also occupy sites
that might otherwise contain redox active metals such as iron.
These effects may protect membranes against oxidative damage. Zinc
also comprises the structure of copper/zinc superoxide dismutase
(Cu/Zn SOD), a very powerful antioxidant. Additionally, it may
have secondary antioxidant activity via the copper-binding protein
[0050] Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate ester) is hydrolyzed by a
pancreatic hydrolase and combined with bile acids and other fats
prior to its uptake by enterocytes in the form of micelles. It is
then re-esterified and secreted by the enterocytes into the
lymphatic system in the form of chylomicrons. These chylomicrons
enter the circulation via the thoracic duct and undergo metabolism
via lipoprotein lipase. Most of the retinyl esters are then
rapidly taken up into liver parenchymal cells and again hydrolyzed
to all-trans retinol and fatty acids (e.g., palmitate). All-trans
retinol may be then stored by the liver as retinyl esters or
transported in the circulation bound to serum retinol binding
protein (RBP). Serum RBP is the principal carrier of retinol,
which comprises greater than 90% of serum vitamin A. It is
believed that RBP in association with transthyretin or prealbumin
co-transport proteins are responsible for the transport of retinol
into target cells. All-trans retinol is delivered to the cornea
via the tears and by diffusion through eye tissue. Retinol is
oxidized to retinal via retinol dehydrogenase. Retinal is
metabolized to retinoic acid via retinal dehydrogenase. The
metabolites of retinol and retinoic acid undergo gucuronidation,
glucosylation and amino acylation. They are excreted mainly via
the biliary route, though some excretion of retinol and its
metabolites also occurs via the kidneys.
[0051] Intestinal absorption of vitamin C occurs primarily via a
sodium-dependent active transport process, although some diffusion
may also come into play. The major intestinal transporter is SVCT1
(sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter 1). Some ascorbic acid may
be oxidized to dehydroascorbic (DHAA) acid and transported into
enterocytes via glucose transporters. Within the enterocytes, all
DHAA is reduced to ascorbic acid via reduced glutathione, and
ascorbic acid leaves the enterocytes to enter the portal and
systemic circulation for distribution throughout the body. The
transporter SVCT2 appears to aid in the transport of vitamin C
into the aqueous humor of the eyes. Though it cannot itself cross
the blood-brain barrier, ascorbic acid may be oxidized to DHAA and
be transported to the brain tissues via GLUT1 (glucose transporter
1), where it can then be reduced back to ascorbic acid for
utilization. Metabolism and excretion of vitamin C occurs
primarily via oxidation to DHAA and hydrolyzation to
diketogulonate, though other metabolites such as oxalic acid,
threonic acid, L-xylose and ascorbate-2-sulfate can also result.
The principal route of excretion is via the kidneys.
[0052] Vitamin D is principally absorbed in the small intestine
via passive diffusion. It is delivered to the enterocytes in
micelles formed from bile acids, fats, and other substances. Like
vitamin A, vitamin D is secreted by the enterocytes into the
lymphatic system in the form of chylomicrons and enters the
circulation via the thoracic duct. It is also transported in the
blood bound to an alpha globulin known as Vitamin D-Binding
Protein (DBP) and the group- specific component (Gc) protein. Much
of the circulating vitamin D is extracted by the hepatocytes to be
metabolized to 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] or calcidiol via the
enzyme vitamin D 25 -hydroxylase. 25(OH)D is then metabolized in
the kidney to the biologically active hormone form of vitamin D,
calcitrol [l,25(OH)2D], via the enzyme 25-hydroxyvitamin
D-l-alphahydroxylase. Calcitrol may undergo further hydroxylation
and metabolism into 24,25(OH)2D and l,24,25(OH)3D. These
metabolites, as well as vitamin D are excreted primarily via the
biliary route. The final degradation product of l,25(OH)2D is
calcitroic acid, which is excreted by the kidney.
[0053] Much of the pharmacokinetics of zinc in humans remains
unknown. Zinc is absorbed all along the small intestine, though
most appears to be assimilated from the jejunum. Zinc uptake
across the brush border appears to occur by both a saturable
barrier- mediated mechanism and a non-saturable non-mediated
mechanism. The exact mechanism of zinc amino-acid chelates (such
as the zinc-methionine used in AmeriSciences OS2) transport into
the enterocytes remains unclear, but evidence demonstrates greater
bioavailability than other supplemental forms. Zinc transporters
have been identified in animal models. Once the mineral is within
the enterocytes, it can be used for zinc-dependent processes,
become bound to metallothionein and held within the enterocytes or
pass through the cell. Transport of zinc across the serosal
membrane is carier-mediated and energy-dependent. Zinc is
transported to the liver via the portal circulation. A fraction of
zinc is extracted by the hepatocytes, and the remaining zinc is
transported to the various cells of the body via the systemic
circulation. It is transported bound to albumin (about 80%),
alpha-3-macroglobulin (about 18%), and to such proteins as
transferin and ceruloplasmin The major route of zinc excretion
appears to be the gastrointestinal tract via biliary, pancreatic
or other gastrointestinal secretions. Fecal zinc is also comprised
of unabsorbed dietary zinc as well as the sloughing of mucosal
Antioxidant and chemopreventative agent mixtures
[0054] The antioxidant and chemopreventative agent mixture is a
combination of botanical extracts, carotenoids, flavonoids, and
other ancillary compounds, which can provide antioxidant activity
and some measure of protection against oxidative stress.
[0055] Antioxidant and chemopreventative agent mixtures contain
non-essential natural antioxidants and chemopreventative agents,
including rutin, quercetin, hesperidin, alpha lipoic acid (ALA),
N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), lutein, lycopene, astaxanthin, plant
sterols, isoflavones, garlic extract, green tea extract,
cruciferous vegetable extract, fruit blends, ginkgo biloba
extract, coenzyme Q-10, and resveratrol. Soy extract is a source
for isoflavones. Bulb garlic is a source for garlic extract. Green
tea leaf is a source for green tea extract and epigallocatech
gallate. The green tea leaf extract is standardized to 95%
polyphenols and 50% epigallocatech gallate (EGCG). Broccoli
sprouts are a source for cruciferous vegetable extract.
Strawberries, escobillo, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries,
grapes, and pomegranates are sources for fruit blends. Ginkgo
biloba leaves are a source for ginkgo biloba extract.
[0056] Quercetin, rutin and hesperidin are flavonols with a phenyl
benzo(c)pyrone- derived structure. Extraction of the quercetin
glycosides, primarily rutin, from plants, produces commercial
quantities of quercetin. Citrus peel, apples, onions and Uncaria
leaves are useful for the isolation and synthesis of quercetin.
Preferably, the starting material for the flavonols for the
non-essential natural antioxidants and chemoprevention agents is
immature sun-dried Fava d'Anta beans (Dimorphandra mollis or
Dimorphandra gardeneriana). The manufacturing process for
quercetin includes the aqueous extraction of rutin from the plant
source, release of the aglycone via hydrolysis through the
addition of an acidic aqueous solution, and neutralization to
produce a crude crystalline quercetin product. Several
purification processes to the resultant quercetin product yields
purified quercetin crystals.
[0057] Green tea extract originates from the leaves of Camellia
sinensis. Gently washing, drying, shivering, compacting and
keeping the leaves at controlled room temperature under low
humidity conditions occurs prior to extract processing. Extraction
takes place in a reactor using purified water at about 90 [deg.]C.
Processing at high pressure and lower temperatures concentrates
the intermediate extraction product. Food processing appropriate
solvents assist in providing a filtered and crystallized extract.
Drying and powdering to specification completes the production
[0058] Antioxidant and chemoprevention agent mixtures contain a
blend of fruit concentrates and extracts having elevated
antioxidant values. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Database
for the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) lists
antioxidant values. Processing whole fruits of F. ananassa
(strawberry), E. vaccinium (blueberry), R. rubus (blackberry) and
E. vaccinium (cranberry) for use in the non-essential natural
antioxidants and chemoprevention agents mixture includes washing
and treating only with water. Drying and blending into powdered
fruit concentrates completes the processing of the fruits.
[0059] Percolation processes can produce extracts from M. glabra
(Escobillo), V. vinifera (grape) and P. granatum (pomegranate)
using solutions of water, ethanol or combinations of both as a
solvent. Homogenization of the extracts occurs in a two-stage
process with heated transfer lines. A spray dry tower powders the
[0060] All fruit-sourced materials undergoes visual inspection and
metal detection scanning before blending and combination.
[0061] Brassica oleracea italia seed has perceived health benefits
and high antioxidant values attributed to its content of
sulforaphane. Collections of the seeds are the precursor for
growing and cultivating broccoli sprouts in pesticide-free
conditions. The harvesting of florets of young broccoli occurs to
maximize glucosinolate content. Processing technology controls
endogenous myrosinase enzymes to prevent sulforaphane digestion.
The process does not use solvents. Approximately 20 pounds of
broccoli sprouts yield 1 pound of cruciferous vegetable extract
material (i.e., a 20: 1 concentration). [0062] Resveratrol
(3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene) is a polyphenolic compound of the
class of stilbenes. Some types of plants produce resveratrol and
other stilbenes in response to stress, injury, fungal infection
and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. Resveratrol- 3- Obeta- glucoside
is a piceid. Vitis vinifera, Carignane and Cinsault varieties are
whole red grapes from the Rhone Valley in Southern France. Grape
seeds and skins collected from wine fermentation vessels form the
extraction material. A multistep process involving water
extraction and purification of polyphenols on adsorbent resin
ensures high purity and reproducibility. Prior to blending and
release, standardization, quality assurance testing and metal
detection scanning occurs. Approximately 500 to 750 pounds of red
grapes yields 1 pound of the standardized extract.
[0063] Isoflavones are polyphenolic compounds commonly found in
legumes, including soybeans. The most common and abundant soy
isoflavone aglycone is genistein, followed by daidzein and
glycitein. The soy isoflavone isolate starts off with non-GMO
soybeans that undergo extraction with water and ethanol,
filtration, elution with a resin, concentration and a second round
of filtration. Drying, pulverizing, assaying, diluting, and
blending the extract achieves standardization specifications.
[0064] Astaxanthin is a carotenoid with known antioxidant
properties and documented effects on immunology, muscular
endurance, visual acuity, reduced rate of macular degeneration,
and reactive oxygen species (ROS). The algae Haematococcus
pluvialis, cultivated in Hawai'i, is a starting material for
astaxanthin extract. Washing, drying, and pulverizing occur after
harvesting. Effused supercritical C02 extracts a dried biomass
intermediate. The product forms from mixing the resulting
oleoresin extract intermediate with stabilizing ingredients
generally recognized by the Food and Drug Administration and then
spray dried. Milling and chilsonating the end product occurs to
the specified mesh size to finish the product.
[0065] Table 3 shows the composition range of components for
useful antioxidant and chemopreventative agent mixtures for use
with radiation and oxidative exposure treatment compositions.
Table 4 shows the daily dose of a useful mixture of antioxidant
and chemopreventative agent mixtures for use with radiation and
oxidative exposure treatment compositions.
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Table 3: Composition range for dailv doses of useful antioxic ant
and chemopreventative agent mixtures for use with radiation and
oxidative exposure treat ment compositions
Ingredient Dailv Dose Units of Measure
Quercetin (as quercetin dihydrate and/or citrus peel) 800 mg
Rutin (citrus peel) 25 mg
Hesperidin (citrus peel) 5 mg
Green Tea Polyphenols (green tea extract (leaf)) 450 mg
Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) (green tea extract) 250 mg
Alpha lipoic acid 400 mg
N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) (synthetic) 600 mg
Lycopene (tomato extract 5%) 5 mg
Astaxanthin (Haematococcus Algae Extract 2%) 1 mg
Lutein (Mary gold Extract 5%) 10 mg
Phytosterols (Soy and Avocado) 250 mg
Isoflavones (Soy and/or Avocado Extracts) 25 mg
High-Potency Garlic Extract (bulb) 275 mg
Allicin (from garlic extract) 7.25 mg
Cruciferous Vegetable Extract (Brassica spp.) (plant)) 100 mg
Glucosinolates (from cruciferous veg. extract) 4 mg
High ORAC fruit extract (strawberry, escobillo, 100 mg blueberry,
blackberry, cranberry, grape, pomegranate)
Ginkgo biloba extract (leaf) 60 mg
Coenzyme Q-10 100 mg
Resveratrol (phytoalexin from grape juice/seed extract 5 mg (incl:
flavonoids, polyphenols, proanthrocyanins))
Table 4: Daily dose of a useful mixture of antioxidant and
chemopreventative agent mixtures for use with radiation and
oxidative exposure treatment compositions.
[0066] In some embodiment mixtures of antioxidants and
chemopreventative agents, the amount of green tea extract for the
daily dose is about 250 mg.
[0067] Astaxanthin has both lipo- and hydrophilic antioxidant
activity, working both inside as well as outside cell membranes.
Astaxanthin is known to cross the blood-brain barrier and
effectively work inside retinal tissues. Evidence suggests it
inhibits the neurotoxicity induced by peroxide radicals or serum
deprivation; reduces the intracellular oxidation induced by
various reactive oxygen species (ROS). Furthermore, astaxanthin
reduced the expressions of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE)-modified
protein (indicator of lipid peroxidation) and
8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG; indicator of oxidative DNA
damage) in animal models. These findings indicate that astaxanthin
has positive effects against cellular damage in-vivo, and that its
protective effects may be partly mediated via its antioxidant
[0068] Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) forms a redox couple with its
metabolite, dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) and may scavenge a wide
range of reactive oxygen species. Both ALA and DHLA can scavenge
hydroxyl radicals, nitric oxide radicals, peroxynitrite, hydrogen
peroxide and hypochlorite. ALA, but not DHLA, may scavenge singlet
oxygen, and DHLA, but not ALA, may scavenge superoxide and peroxyl
reactive oxygen species.
[0069] ALA has been found to decrease urinary isoprostanes, O-LDL
and plasma protein carbonyls, markers of oxidative stress.
Furthermore, ALA and DHLA have been found to have antioxidant
activity in aqueous as well as lipophilic regions, and in both
extracellular as well as intracellular environments. ALA is also
involved in the recycling of other biological antioxidants such as
vitamins C and E, as well as glutathione.
[0070] Alpha lipoic acid pharmacokinetic data demonstrate that its
absorption takes place from the small intestine, followed by
portal circulation delivery to the liver, and to various tissues
in the body via systemic circulation. Alpha lipoic acid readily
crosses the blood brain barrier, and is readily found (following
distribution to the various tissues) extracellularly,
intracellularly and intramitochondrially. It is metabolized to its
reduced form, dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) by mitochondrial lipoamide
dehydrogenase, which can in turn form a redox couple with lipoic
acid. ALA is also metabolized to lipoamide, which forms an
important cofactor in the multienzyme complexes that catalyze
pyruvate and alpha- ketoglutarate, both important aspects of
cellular respiration and energy production via the Krebs cycle.
ALA can also be metabolized to dithiol octanoic acid, which can
undergo catabolism.
[0071] Carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin appear to be more
efficiently absorbed when administered with high-fat meals. They
are hydrolyzed in the small intestine via esterates and lipases,
and solubilized in the lipid core of micelles formed from bile
acids and other lipids. They can also form clathrate complexes
with conjugated bile salts. Both of these complexes can deliver
carotenoids to the enterocytes, where they are then released into
the lymphatics in the form of chylomicrons. From there, they are
transported to the general circulation via the thoracic duct.
Lipoprotein lipases hydrolyze much of the triglyceride content in
the chylomicrons found in the circulation, resulting in the
formation of chylomicrons remnants, which in turn retain
apolipoproteins E and B48 on their surfaces and are mainly taken
up by the hepatocytes. Within the liver, carotenoids are
incorporated into lipoproteins and they appear to be released into
the blood mainly in the form of HDL and - to a much lesser extent
- VLDL. Astaxanthin is distributed throughout the body, with
muscle tissue seemingly receiving larger concentrations based on
tissue/plasma ratio at 8 and 24 hours after oral ingestion. Lutein
appears to undergo some metabolism in-situ to meso- zeaxathin.
Xanthophylls as well as their metabolites are believed to be
excreted via the bile and, to a lesser extent, the kidney.
Fatty acid mixture
[0072] Fatty acid mixtures contain fatty acids, including
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Preferred fatty acids are essential omega-3 fatty acids. The
omega-3 fatty acids can derive from small feeder fish typically
found at or near the bottom of the food chain, including sardines,
anchovies, and mackerel. These marine species are advantageously
devoid of the contaminants typically associated with more
predatory, higher marine species.
[0073] Molecularly distilled fish body oil that is highly
purified, concentrated and standardized can provide specific
amounts of essential omega-3 (n-3) poly-unsaturated fatty acids
(PUFAs), including docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic
Acid (EPA).
[0074] Table 5 shows the composition range of components for
useful fatty acid mixtures for use with radiation and oxidative
exposure treatment compositions. Table 6 shows the daily dose of a
useful mixture of fatty acids for use with radiation and oxidative
exposure treatment compositions.
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Table 5: Composition range for daily doses of the components
for useful fatty acid mixtures for use with radiation and
oxidative exposure treatment compositions
[0075] In some embodiment mixtures, the total amount of omega-3
fatty acids in the fatty acid mixture is about 1200 mg.
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exposure treatment compositions [0076] In some embodiment mixtures
of fatty acids, the amount of EPA for a daily does is about 720
mg. In some other embodiment mixtures of fatty acids, the amount
of DHA for a daily does is about 480 mg.
[0077] Following ingestion, EPA and DHA undergo hydrolysis via
lipases to form monoglycerides and free fatty acids. In the
enterocytes, reacylation takes place and this results in the
formation of triacylglycerols, which are then assembled with
phospholipids, cholesterol and apoproteins into chylomicrons.
These are then released into the lymphatic system from whence they
are transported to the systemic circulation. Here, the
chylomicrons are degraded by lipoprotein lipase, and EPA & DHA
are transported to various tissues of the body via blood vessels,
where they are used mainly for the synthesis of phospholipids.
Phospholipids are incorporated into the cell membranes of red
blood cells, platelets, neurons and others. EPA and DHA are mainly
found in the phospholipid components of cell membranes. DHA is
taken up by the brain and retina in preference to other fatty
acids. DHA can be partially and conditionally reconverted into
EPA, and vice- versa, although the process is thought to be
less-than-efficient and may be adversely affected by age.
[0078] Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
are essential omega-3 fatty acids and both play a role in the
formation of anti-inflammatory and immunemodulating eicosanoids.
As such, they have several actions in a number of body systems.
Both play an important role in the maintenance of normal blood
flow as they lower fibrinogen levels. DHA is vital for normal
neurological function throughout life. Several mechanisms are
believed to account for the anti-inflammatory activity of EPA and
DHA. Most notably, the two competitively inhibit the conversion of
arachidonic acid to the proinflammatory prostaglandin E2 (PGE2),
and leukotriene B4 (LKB4), thus reducing their synthesis. EPA and
DHA also inhibit the synthesis of the inflammatory cytokines Tumor
Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-a), Interleukin-1 (IL-1) beta. EPA and
DHA inhibit the 5-LOX (lipoxygenase) pathway responsible for the
conversion of arachidonic acid to inflammatory leukotrienes in
neutrophils and monocytes and can suppress phospholipase
C-mediated signal transduction, also involved in inflammatory
events. EPA is the precursor to series-3 prostaglandins, series-5
leukotrienes (LTB5) and series-3 thromboxanes (TXA3). This could
account in part for its microvascular and anti-inflammatory role.
Furthermore, EPA is a precursor of resolvins (Rv) such as RvEl and
RvDl which may help reduce tear gland inflammation, increase tear
volume and ocular lubrication. [0079] EPA and DHA have both
similar and dissimilar physiologic roles. EPA appears to be more
important in those roles where the eicosanoids are involved such
as inflammation as well as tear gland function and tear
production, whereas DHA seems to play its most important role in
offering structural protection to the retina and other
neurovascular structures such as corneal nerves.
[0080] Blending in suitable devices combines the components of
each mixture. For example, mixing can occur in a V-type blender.
One of ordinary skill in the art can determine the devices and
apparatuses best suited for combining the components of the
mixture comprising nonessential natural antioxidants and
chemoprevention agents.
[0081] Radiation - oxidative exposure treatment compositions,
which comprise micronutrient vitamins, trace elements,
non-essential natural antioxidants, chemoprevention agents and
optionally fatty acids, can ameliorate the chronic,
life-shortening effects of radiation exposure after exposure.
Treatment with radiation - oxidative exposure treatment
compositions can also ameliorate organ- specific late radiation
injuries, which may include pulmonary fibrosis, renal failure,
hepatic fibrosis and central nervous system damage, which can
result in neuro-cognitive impairment. As well, treatment with
radiation - oxidative exposure treatment compositions can also
ameliorate the acute effects of total-body irradiation.
Administration of the radiation - oxidative exposure treatment
[0082] The radiation - oxidative exposure treatment compositions
as described, which contain amounts of micronutrient multivitamin,
trace elements, non-essential antioxidants, chemopreventative
agents, and optionally fatty acids, are useful for pre- or
post-exposure treatment to radiation sources or sources of
oxidative stress, or both, that impact a subject. Exposure to
either or both of these damaging sources can induce
life-shortening effects. Daily administration of the radiation -
oxidative exposure treatment compositions can ameliorate these
post-exposure life-shortening effects. The composition can be
effective for subjects exposed to radiation in outer space.
[0083] The administration of the radiation - oxidative exposure
treatment compositions can be self-introduced, making oneself the
subject of the daily administration of the treatment. Examples of
self-introduction include orally consuming the composition with
meals or as capsules, injecting oneself with a solution comprising
the composition, and applying an ointment comprising the
composition to one's skin. Examples of administration of the
radiation - oxidative exposure treatment compositions to a subject
not oneself include feeding a subject a foodstuff comprising the
composition as part of a daily meal and injecting a subject with a
solution comprising the composition. One of ordinary skill in the
art can device numerous methods of administering radiation -
oxidative exposure treatment compositions to various subjects to
effect the proper daily dose. These can include time- release
capsules, orally ingested liquids, intraperitoneal, intravenous,
subcutaneous, sublingual, transcutaneous, intramuscular, and other
well-understood forms.
[0084] "Subjects" include, without limitation, animals, which
include mammals, which also include dogs, cats, mice and humans
(homo sapiens).
[0085] The radiation - oxidative exposure treatment compositions
are "daily dose" amounts. That is, the radiation - oxidative
exposure treatment compositions as described represent the amount
of radiation - oxidative exposure treatment compositions that are
for administration during a 24-hour period or on a daily basis to
a subject to ameliorate the life shortening effects of radiation
exposure or oxidative stress, or both.
[0086] The radiation - oxidative exposure treatment composition
can be administered or introduced to a subject as a pure or
refined material. Typically, the composition is dilution by
blending with other materials for ingestion or injection,
including foodstuffs (water, drinks, meals, chow mixes) edible
solids, gels; palatable liquids and solutions; salines and fluids
for intramuscular administration; and inert binding materials.
[0087] Oral consumption is the preferred method of administration
since digestion metabolizes many of the component mixtures,
especially antioxidant compounds, into their active and protective
forms. Oral consumption is also a comfortable and palatable
delivery vehicle for introduction of the radiation - oxidative
exposure treatment compositions versus more invasive means. Forms
of the radiation - oxidative exposure treatment composition for
oral administration, either in pure or diluted form, include
lacquered or coated tablets, unlacquered or uncoated tablets,
caplets, hard capsules, liquid-filled capsules, hard gelatin
capsule, hard vegetable-based capsule, elixir, soft-chew, lozenge,
chewable bar, juice suspension, liquids, time-release
formulations, and foodstuffs.
[0088] The daily dosage can be administered in the form of one or
more capsules. The formulation of an individual capsule is
determined based on the amount of the essential ingredients that
are required to be present in each capsule to total the amount of
essential ingredients. For simplicity, during the remaining
portion of this description, the form of administration, whether
lacquered tablets, unlacquered tablets, caplets, or capsules, will
be referred to as "capsules" without distinguishing among the
various forms.
[0089] An example foodstuff that includes a daily dose of the
radiation - oxidative exposure treatment composition for oral
administration comprises 0.024% of the micronutrient multivitamin
and trace elements by total weight of the foodstuff and 0.023% of
the antioxidant and chemopreventative agent mixture by total
weight of the foodstuff, with the remainder of the foodstuff used
for blending down the radiation - oxidative exposure treatment
[0090] If a foodstuff or other material for oral consumption is
used for administering the radiation - oxidative exposure
treatment composition, it is preferable that components of the
foodstuff or other materials do not react with, interfere with the
processing or absorption of, or negate the desirable properties of
the radiation - oxidative exposure treatment composition.
[0091] The entire daily dose of the radiation - oxidative exposure
treatment composition does not have to be administered in a single
dose during a 24-hour period. The radiation - oxidative exposure
treatment composition sub-divided and proportionally administered
more than once per day. The daily dose appropriately apportioned
reflects the number of administrations to occur during the day.
For example, it may be easier to administer the daily dose of
radiation - oxidative exposure treatment composition as three,
one-third portions three times a day. In this example, tri-daily
consumption of one-third portions of the radiation - oxidative
exposure treatment composition can occur with three regularly
scheduled meals and effects the daily dose for the subject.
Dividing the daily dose into smaller, more frequent
administrations can improve the habit of self- administration,
make it easier to audit to determine if proper dosage has
occurred, and make the consumption of the radiation - oxidative
exposure treatment composition more tolerable to those with
highly-sensitive taste. The sum of the proportional amounts of the
administered composition during the 24-hour period should total
the daily dose of the composition.
[0092] The radiation - oxidative exposure treatment composition
mixtures can be administered separately to effect the proper daily
dose of the radiation - oxidative exposure treatment composition.
For example, the antioxidant and chemopreventative agent mixture
can be provided for in separate capsules from the fatty acid
mixture and the micronutrient multivitamin and trace element
mixture. In another example, the antioxidant and chemopreventative
agent mixture and the micronutrient multivitamin and trace
elements mixture can be compounded together and the fatty acid
mixture provided as a separate mixture. One of ordinary skill in
the art can devise a variety of dosage schedules and partitions of
the mixtures comprising the radiation - oxidative exposure
treatment composition to effect the proper administration of the
daily dose.
[0093] The radiation - oxidative exposure treatment composition
mixtures can be subdivided and proportionally administered during
a 24-hour period to effect the proper daily dose of the radiation
- oxidative exposure treatment composition. For example, the daily
dose of the radiation - oxidative exposure treatment compositions
can be administered through three capsules of a micronutrient
multivitamin and trace elements, each capsule containing a third
of the daily dose of the micronutrient multivitamin and trace
elements mixture; three capsules of antioxidants and
chemopreventative agents, each capsule containing a third of the
daily dose of the antioxidant and chemopreventative agents
mixture; and two soft liquid-filled capsules containing fatty
acids, each containing half of the daily dose of the fatty acids.
One of ordinary skill in the art can devise a variety of dosage
schedules and partitions of the radiation - oxidative exposure
treatment composition mixtures to effect the proper administration
of the daily dose. The sum of the proportional amounts of the
administered mixture during the 24-hour period should total the
daily dose of the mixture, and the sum of the proportional amounts
of radiation - oxidative exposure treatment composition should
total the daily dose for the composition.
[0094] Research suggests that fat soluble antioxidants such as
carotenoid lutein are best absorbed when combined with fat (e.g.,
oils). The fatty acid mixture comprises molecularly distilled fish
oil as a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which also acts as a
carrier and solubilizer for these carotenoids. This reduces the
need to take the capsules with a fatty meal. Nevertheless, it is
believed that combining the dose with the intake of a small meal
containing a healthy portion of fat (i.e., olive oil, salmon, etc)
may further help in the proper assimilation of the active
components. It is preferable to avoid taking at the same time as
foods rich in oxalic or phytic acid (e.g., raw beans, seeds,
grains, soy, spinach, rhubarb), as they may depress the absorption
of minerals like zinc; however, it is not necessary to avoid these
foods for the composition to still be effective.
[0095] A delayed-release mechanism through enteric coating of soft
liquid-filled capsules can be provided. Such a coating helps to
reduce gastroesophageal reflux and fishy odor. The capsule can be
coated in order to enhance the bioavailability of the dosage by
maintaining the integrity of the fatty acids, minimizing their
exposure to the gastric environment, and maximizing the capsule's
disintegration upon its arrival at the duodenum.
[0096] The active ingredients of radiation - oxidative exposure
treatment composition may be presented in a variety of forms.
Additionally, the method of manufacturing may take a variety of
forms and a number of inactive ingredients may be added to provide
longer shelf life, to make the capsule more palatable or
presentable, and to aid in the ease of manufacturing process. The
capsules may be blended with any desired inactive ingredients, so
long as the blend is uniform and the appropriate composition is
reached for each capsule. The capsules may be coated or they can
be contained in a carrier, such as mineral oil, to produce a soft
[0097] The actual capsules containing parts or all of the
radiation - oxidative exposure treatment composition mixtures may
contain somewhat more than the total amounts specified as the
daily dose since the active ingredients may degrade over time.
Consequently, in order to assure that the active ingredients are
present in the minimum amounts required at the time the capsules
are actually ingested, may require increasing the dosage beyond
the minimum amounts required in order to account for and
compensate for degradation over time. Some of the essential
ingredients degrade faster than others, which can result in
different percentages of excess in each capsule for one essential
ingredient as compared to a different essential ingredient.
[0098] Prior animal-based studies also show that 7-10 days of oral
administration of diets rich in antioxidants result in significant
elevations in levels of micronutrients. Although not intending to
be bound by theory, it is believed that administering radiation -
oxidative exposure treatment compositions on a continuing daily
basis for at least 7-10 days before exposure to a radiation source
maximizes the concentration of beneficial components for radiation
exposure treatment in the subject at the time of radiation
[0099] Animal-based studies also suggest that administration of
combinations of vitamins, trace elements, non-essential natural
antioxidants, and chemopreventative agents during and after
exposure to a radiation source provides a source of continual
antioxidant bioavailability that improves both acute as well as
long-term survival due to the reduction in radiation-induced life
shortening caused by total-body irradiation. Although not
intending to be bound by theory, it is believed that this effect
also works for oxidative stress-induced damage. The period for
continuing daily administration of the daily dose of radiation -
oxidative exposure treatment compositions can be in a range of
from about 1 day after exposure to the end of the subject's
lifespan. The experiment shows beneficial administration of a
radiation - oxidative exposure treatment composition for up to 450
[00100] Experimental models demonstrate the use of radiation -
oxidative exposure treatment compositions in ameliorating the
acute effects of radiation. These models show strongly imply that
the long-term effects are transferable to other animal species,
including other mammals, and especially to humans (homo sapiens).
[00101] Methods of pre- or post-exposure treatment can include the
additional step of administering manganese superoxide dismutase
plasmid DNA in liposome (MnSOD-PL) gene product intravenously in
conjunction with receiving daily doses of radiation - oxidative
exposure treatment compositions. The additional step can further
decrease radiation-induced cellular apoptosis, tissue injury, and
improve the survival rate in organ- specific and total-
body-irradiated rodents.
[00102] Administration of a MnSOD-PL injection at least 24 hours
prior to total-body irradiation not only improves survival from
the LD50 dose of 9.5 Gy in C57BL/6HNsd mice but also ameliorates
the late radiation-induced life shortening in male mice. Radiation
- oxidative exposure treatment compositions also improves the
long-term survival rate in acutely irradiated mice by reducing
radiation-induced life shortening effects.
[00103] Intravenous injection of MnSOD-PL (at a dilution of 100
[mu]g of plasmid DNA to 100 [mu]L. of liposomes) gene product at
least about 24 hours before irradiation can provide some
protective benefit. The injection amount is about 0.004 grams
plasmid DNA per kilogram subject body weight.
[00104] Test mice receiving a MnSOD-PL injection prior to
irradiation and demonstrating improved survival after the LD50/30
dose also show amelioration of radiation- induced late effects.
Although not intending to be bound by theory, it is believed that
these results are attributable to a decrease in radiation-induced
aging in a non-specific sense rather than a decrease in the
frequency or type of radiation-induced tumors or evidence of
neurodegenerative disease. Since radiation-induced life shortening
associates with biomarkers of aging, including fur graying in
rodent models, organ failure, osteoporosis and fibrosis, many
animals in these prior studies do not show specific causes of
death. Additionally, prior studies indicate antioxidant MnSOD-PL
treatment does not increase tumor frequency or lethality.
[00105] Examples of specific embodiments facilitate a better
understanding of radiation - oxidative exposure treatment
compositions and their use in ameliorating radiation- induced life
shortening effects after exposure to a radiation source. In no way
should the Examples limit or define the scope of the invention.
Mice and Animal Care
[00106] The mammal models are 160 female C57BL/6NHsd mice, aged 8
weeks. There are four groups of 40 mice each. Each mouse weighs
approximately 22.5 grams.
[00107] The University of Pittsburgh Institutional Animal Care and
Use Committee approves all experimental protocols. The University
of Pittsburgh Division of Laboratory Animal Research provides
veterinary care. The model animals are C57BL/6HNsd female mice.
Each cage houses five mice during the study. Maintenance and
housing of the mice occurs according to the protocols of The
University of Pittsburgh Division of Laboratory Animal Research.
Experimental Protocols
[00108] For the experiment, an "experimental" chow mix with
dietary supplements sustains two of the four groups of 40 mice.
The diet of chow mix in combination with the dietary supplement
sustains these two groups from 7 days before the before
irradiation until conclusion of the experiment. A "house" chow mix
maintains the other two groups of 40 mice for the same period for
control purposes. The chow portion per mouse per day is 5,000 mg.
[00109] The base chow mix is "Lab Diet rMH 3000 (5P00)" (Cat. No.
1812877) from TESTDIET (Richmond, Indiana).
[00110] The house chow mix comprises 0.12% hydrogen silicon
dioxide by total weight of the house chow mix and the remainder is
base chow mix. The silicon dioxide, which is inert and not harmful
to the mice, compensates for any potential changes in the weight
of the mice due to the addition of the dietary supplement.
[00111] Table 7 shows the constituents of both the first dietary
supplement mixture comprising micronutrient vitamins and trace
elements and the second dietary supplement mixture comprising
non-essential natural antioxidants and chemoprevention agents.
AmeriSciences LP (Houston, Texas) supplies the first dietary
supplement mixture as "AmeriSciences/NASA Premium Multivitamin
Premix". AmeriSciences LP also supplies the second dietary
supplement mixture as "AmeriSciences/NASA Fruit and Veggie
Antioxidant Formula Premix".
[00112] Units of measure for Tables 7 includes "IU", which
represents "International Units", an understood metric in the art
for measuring the active amount of particular species, especially
vitamins (e.g., Vitamins A, D, and E). Milligrams ("mg") are
1x10-3 grams. Micrograms C^g") are 1x10-6 grams.
[00113] Table 7 also shows dietary supplement mixture amounts for
both model mice (-22.5 grams) and the equivalent human daily dose
for the two dietary supplement mixtures. The table also provides
information regarding Human UL ("tolerable upper intake level")
and Human NOAFL ("no observed adverse effect level") levels for
the micronutrient vitamins and trace elements mixture.
Dailv dose Equivalent Human Human UL*
(19-70 vo group)
Vitamin A (30% as vitamin A palmitate and 70% as beta-carotene)
0.2451 IU 750 IU 10,000 IU 10,000 IU
Beta-carotene (part of Vitamin A total) 0.3431 meg 1.05 mg NEJ 25
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 0.0817 mg 250 mg 2000 mg >1000 mg
Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol) 0.3921 IU 1200 IU 4000 IU 800 IU
Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate and mixed tocopherols)
0.0653 IU 200 IU 1490 IU 1200 IU
Vitamin K (as phytonadione) 0.0261 meg 80 meg NE 30 meg
Thiamine (vitamin B1) (as thiamine mononitrate) 0.7352 meg 2.25 mg
NE 50 mg
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0.8332 meg 2.55 mg NE 200 mg
Niacin (as inositol hexanicotinate) 9.802 meg 30 mg 35 mg 500 mg
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 0.9802 meg 3 mg 100 mg
200 mg
Folate (as folic acid) 0.1960 meg 600 meg 1000 meg 1000 meg
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 0.0029 meg 9 meg NE 3000 meg
Biotin 0.1470 meg 450 meg NE 2500 meg
Pantothenic acid (as d-calcium pantothenate) 4.901 meg 15 mg NE
1000 mg
Calcium (as calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate) 0.1634 mg 500
mg 2500 mg 1500 mg
Iodine (from kelp) 0.0098 meg 30 meg 1100 meg 1000 meg
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide and chelate) 65.35 meg 200 mg 350 mg
700 mg
Zinc (as zinc chelate [monomethionine]) 4.901 meg 15 mg 40 mg 30
Selenium (as L-selenomethionine) 0.0327 meg 100 meg 400 meg 200
Copper (as copper amino acid chelate) 0.0588 meg 0.18 mg 10 mg 9
Manganese (as manganese amino acid chelate) 0.6535 meg 2 mg 11 mg
10 mg
Chromium (as chromium polynicotinate) 0.0653 meg 200 meg NE 1000
Molybdenum (as molybdenum amino acid chelate) 0.0183 meg 56 meg
2000 meg 350 meg
Potassium (as potassium citrate) 94.75 meg 290 mg NE NE
Choline (as choline bitartrate) 16.34 meg 50 mg 3500 mg NE
Inositol (as inositol and inositol hexanicotinate) 16.34 meg 50 mg
Boron (as boron chelate) 0.3267 meg 1 mg 20 mg NE
Vanadium (as vanadyl sulfate) 0.0163 meg 50 meg 1800 meg NE
Rutin 8.036 meg 25 mg
Quercetin 257.1 meg 800 mg
Hesperidin 1.607 meg 5 mg
Alpha Lipoic Acid 128.6 meg 400 mg
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) 192.9 meg 600 mg
Lutein 3.214 meg 10 mg
Lycopene 1.607 meg 5 mg
Astaxanthin 0.3214 meg 1 mg
Plant Sterols 80.36 meg 250 mg
Isoflavones (from soy extract) 8.036 meg 25 mg
Garlic Extract (bulb) 88.39 meg 275 mg
Green Tea Extract (leaf) 80.36 meg 250 mg
[standardized to 95% polyphenols and 50% epigallocatechin gallate
Cruciferous Vegetable Extract (Brassica spp.) (plant) 32.14 meg
100 mg
Fruit Blend 32.14 meg 100 mg
(strawberry, escobillo, blueberry, blackberry, cranberry, grape,
pom egranate)
Ginkgo Biloba Extract (leaf) 19.29 meg 60 mg
Coenzyme Q-10 32.14 meg 100 mg
Resveratrol 1.607 meg 5 mg
+ Note: Each mouse weighs an average of 22.5 grams.
*UL: Dietary Intakes' "Tolerable Upper Intake Levels." The maximum
level of daily nutrient intake that is likely to pose no risk of
adverse effects. Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine,
National Academy of Science. **NOAEL: "No Observed Adverse Event
Level" is a level that should be considered safe and requires no
application of a safety factor to determine a safe intake, based
on the most sensitive subgroup.
[phi][Nu][Epsilon]: None Established
Table 7: Dietary supplements containing micronutrient vitamins
and trace elements and nonessential natural antioxidants and
chemoprevention agents.
[00114] The experimental chow mix that sustains the other two
groups of 40 mice includes both the first and second dietary
supplement mixtures with the base chow mix. The experimental chow
mix comprises 0.024% "AmeriSciences/NASA Premium Multivitamin
Formula" by total weight of the experimental chow mix, 0.023%
"AmeriSciences/NASA Fruit/Veggie Antioxidant Formula" by total
weight of the experimental chow mix, and the remainder base chow
mix. The experimental chow mix contains 1.22 mg per day of
AmeriSciences/NASA Premium Multivitamin Formula and 1.13 mg per
day of AmeriSciences/NASA Fruit Veggie Antioxidant Formula. Based
upon an average weight per mouse of 22.5 grams, each mouse ingests
at a rate of 0.05 grams of AmeriSciences/NASA Premium Multivitamin
Formula per kilogram subject bodyweight per day and 0.05 grams of
AmeriSciences/NASA Fruit Veggie Antioxidant Formula per kilogram
subject bodyweight per day.
[00115] There are no other additional ingredients for either the
house chow or the experimental chow mixes. The Purina Corporation
combines all the additives and forms both chow mixes into feed
pellets of similar size and shape.
[00116] Intravenous injection of MnSOD-PL (100 [mu]g of plasmid
DNA in 100 [mu][Epsilon] of liposomes) gene product occurs about
24 hours before irradiation into one of the two experimental chow
mix diet groups (40 mice) and into one of the two house chow mix
diet groups (40 mice) according to methods known in the art. Given
the average weight of a mouse in the experiment is 22.5 grams, the
injection amount is about 0.004 grams plasmid DNA per kilogram
subject bodyweight. The feed schedule and mixes for both groups
remains unchanged.
[00117] A J.L. Shepherd Mark I cesium irradiator exposes all
models to a 9.5 Gy total- body radiation dose at a rate of 70
cGy/min 24 hours after the two MnSOD-PL injected mice receive
their injections and after 7 days of feeding with either the house
or experimental chow mixes. "Gy" is a gray, which is the
absorption of one joule of ionizing radiation by one kilogram of
matter. Statistical Evaluation of Experimental Models
[00118] Evaluations of the models are for survival, overall
survival and conditional survival. "Overall survival" is the time
from the date of irradiation to the date of expiration for any
model under study. "Conditional survival" is the time from the
date of irradiation to the date of expiration for all mice that
survive 31 days or longer after irradiation.
[00119] The two-sided Fisher's exact test compares model 30-day
mortality between any two different diet and injection status
groups. The two-sided log-rank test compares two different diet
and injection status groups having models surviving 31 days or
longer. Comparative P-values of less than 0.050 are significant.
SAS software (SAS Institute, Inc; Cary, North Carolina) provides
statistical analysis and computational results for the studies.
[00120] Mice on the house chow diet compared to experimental chow
diet did not show any differences in body weight over the 450-day
post-irradiation period. This indicates that the experimental chow
diet containing the micronutrient vitamins, trace element,
nonessential natural antioxidants and chemoprevention agent diet
is similarly palatable to the mice as the house chow.
[00121] Table 8 provides statistical analysis information
regarding 30-day mortality and average survival rates for the
models surviving more than 30 days after exposure to the acute
radiation source for each of the four groups and comparatively.
<img id="imgf000033_0001" he="65" wi="150"
file="imgf000033_0001.tif" img-format="tif" img-content="table"
orientation="portrait" inline="no" pgnum="0005" frnum="0001"
Fisher's exact test
Log-rank test
Table 8: Thirty day and long-term mortality rates after 9.5 Gy
total body irradiation of mice in relation to experimental chow
mix diet and injection of MnSOD-PL gene product versus house mix
diet. [00122] Figures 1 and 2 and their description facilitate a
better understanding of overall survival and conditional survival
for the members of the four model groups in the experiment. In no
way should either Figure 1 or 2 limit or define the scope of the
[00123] Figure 1 is a graph showing percentage overall survival of
the members of four model groups receiving 9.5 Gy of radiation for
the period of 450 days after initial exposure. Figure 2 is a graph
showing percentage condition survival of the members of the four
model groups after receiving 9.5 Gy of radiation during the period
of 30 days from initial exposure to 450 days after initial
MnSOD-PL Administration Improves Survival after LD50/30
Total-Body Irradiation
[00124] Table 8 indicates that mice receiving intravenous
administration of MnSOD- PL gene product show improved survival
compared to mice in the control group (house chow diet) after 9.5
Gy TBI exposure. The data in Table 8 confirms and demonstrates
decreased 30-day mortality in the MnSOD-PL gene product
injection/house chow group compared to the no injection/house chow
control: 20% mortality in the MnSOD-PL group compared 45% in the
control (P = 0.031). Figure 1 also shows this increased survival
rate from the acute exposure.
[00125] Table 8 shows mice receiving the no injection/experimental
chow diet did not show an improvement in survival up to the thirty
day mark, having a mortality of 50%, compared to 45% for the no
injection/house chow control (P = 0.82).
[00126] Thirty-day mortality is significantly lower in MnSOD-PL
gene product injection/experimental chow group compared to the no
injection/house chow control and no injection/experimental chow
diet: 17.5% for the antioxidant diet + MnSOD-PL group compared to
45% mortality in no injection/house chow control and 50% in the no
injection/experimental chow diet (P = 0.015 and 0.004,
respectively). These results establish that the experimental chow,
which contains the first and second dietary supplement mixtures,
does not negatively affect the radio-protective effect of MnSOD-PL
gene product against total-body irradiation.
Antioxidant Diet Improves Conditional Survival and Ameliorates
Radiation-Induced Life Shortening
[00127] Evaluation for late effects of radiation (conditional
survival) occurs for mice surviving beyond 30 days after
irradiation. Figure 2 and Table 8 shows that the conditional
survival of mice on the experimental chow diet significantly
improves over the remainder of the 450 days of observation period
compared to that of those on the house chow diet control group (P
= 0.040). Mice on the house chow diet also receiving the MnSOD-PL
gene product injection show improvement in conditional survival
rates compared to the house chow diet control group with no
injection (P = 0.020). The MnSOD-PL gene product
injection/experimental chow group also show improvement in
conditional survival compared to the no injection/house chow diet
control (P = 0.010). There is no significant difference in
conditional survival between the MnSOD-PL gene product
injection/experimental chow group and both the MnSOD-PL gene
product injection/house chow group or no injection/experimental
chow diet group.
[00128] Among the irradiated mice surviving 31 days or longer,
Table 8 shows the conditional median survival time is 213 days for
the no injection/house chow diet controls, 328 days for the
MnSOD-PL gene product injection/house chow group, 309.5 days for
the no injection/experimental chow group, and 322 days for the
MnSOD-PL gene product injection/experimental chow group.
[00129] The conditional survival results establish that the
supplement mixture comprising micronutrient vitamins and trace
elements and the supplement mixture comprising non-essential
natural antioxidants and chemoprevention agents ameliorate
radiation-induced life shortening. The results support the concept
of abating continuing oxidative stress in the post-irradiation
cellular microenvironment of tissues, organs and organ systems
with mixtures of micronutrient vitamins and trace elements,
non-essential natural antioxidants and chemoprevention agents.
[00130] The experiment shows the composition comprising the
micronutrient vitamins, trace elements, non-essential natural
antioxidants and chemoprevention agents improves conditional
survival in total-body-irradiated female mice. A significant
therapeutic effect of the experimental chow diet is in conditional
survival. In animals surviving the acute effects of radiation, the
diet containing the micronutrient vitamins, trace elements,
non-essential natural antioxidants and chemoprevention agents
ameliorates radiation-induced life shortening.
[00131] Where a range of values is provided, it is understood that
each intervening value, to the tenth of the unit of the lower
limit unless the context clearly dictates otherwise, between the
upper and lower limit of that range and any other stated or
intervening value in that stated range is encompassed within the
invention. The upper and lower limits of these smaller ranges may
independently be included in the smaller ranges is also
encompassed within the invention, subject to any specifically
excluded limit in the stated range. Where the stated range
includes one or both of the limits, ranges excluding either or
both of those included limits are also included in the invention.
[00132] Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific
terms used have the same meaning as commonly understood by one of
ordinary skill in the art to which this invention belongs.
Although any methods and materials similar or equivalent to those
described can also be used in the practice or testing of the
invention, a limited number of the exemplary methods and materials
are described.
[00133] As used in the description and in the appended claims, the
singular forms "a", "an", and "the" include plural referents
unless the context clearly dictates otherwise.
[00134] All publications mentioned are incorporated by reference
to disclose and describe the methods or materials, or both, in
connection with which the publications are cited. The publications
discussed are provided solely for their disclosure prior to the
filing date of the present application. Nothing is to be construed
as an admission that the invention is not entitled to antedate
such publication by virtue of prior invention. Further, the dates
of publication provided may be different from the actual
publication dates, which may need to be independently confirmed.
[00135] It should be apparent to those skilled in the art that
many more modifications besides those already described are
possible without departing from the inventive concepts. The
inventive subject matter, therefore, is not restricted except in
the spirit of the disclosure.
[00136] In interpreting the disclosure, all terms should be
interpreted in the broadest possible manner consistent with the
context. In particular, the terms "comprises" and "comprising"
should be interpreted as referring to elements, components, or
steps in a nonexclusive manner, indicating that the referenced
elements, components, or steps may be present, or utilized, or
combined with other elements, components, or steps that are not
expressly referenced.
[00137] Where reference is made to a method comprising two or more
defined steps, the defined steps can be carried out in any order
or simultaneously (except where the context excludes that
possibility), and the method can include one or more other steps
which are carried out before any of the defined steps, between two
of the defined steps, or after all the defined steps (except where
the context excludes that possibility).
Patents Utilizing Cupuacu
Facial cream containing type I collagen
Multifunctional Cosmetic Composition, Process For Preparing
Said Cosmetic Composition and Cosmetic Product
Cosmetic composition comprising cupuacu extract
GB2321644 (B)