$25,000 Rejuvenation Pill (and
Scientists claim they've harnessed the fountain of youth in a
pill. But hang on to your hat - the price to turn back the clock
might turn your hair grey.
Bill Andrews is an avid runner who works hard to stay fit. So when
he heard about the new anti-aging pill, he wanted in on the
action. "I wasn't going to just sit back and watch it be studied.
I want to get in it."
The 55-year-old scientist understands how the pill works and hopes
it's worth the cost.
TA Sciences Founder Sciences Founder Noel Patton says, "The price
is $25,000 for a one year protocol. That includes this product,
other nutritional supplements and five series of medical exams."
The product is TA-65 - a single, purified molecule extracted from
a Chinese herb.
"We have a molecule; it's the first in the history of the world
that actually rejuvenates cells," says Patton.
The makers of TA-65 claim it works by protecting cell chromosomes.
Patton says, "Cells, every time they divide, the ends of the
chromosomes called the telomeres get shorter."
As they get shorter, the cell gets older and eventually dies. The
process has been linked to aging. The owner of TA Sciences claims
TA-65 activates an enzyme that restores the ends of chromosomes to
reverse the cell's age.
Patton says, "So if, for example, we made cells ten years younger,
I'm not saying that we do, but if we made cells ten years younger,
it would then take them ten years to get that old again."
The manufacturer's trial of TA-65 shows positive anti-aging
Dr. Jochem Kumm says, "There's a very tantalizing result here that
shows that this product actually improves a number of functions
and makes you more youthful."
Time will tell if TA-65 truly is time in a bottle. An unpublished
study suggests that TA-65 improves the immune system, skin
condition, eyesight, and male sexual function. The pills are now
available, but you'll have to travel to New York to get them and
sign up for a year-long protocol...

A. tragacantha
Astragalus tragacantha ssp. vicentinus
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Faboideae
Tribe: Galegeae
Subtribe: Astragalinae
Genus: Astragalus L.
Astragalus is a large genus of about 3,000 species of herbs and
small shrubs, belonging to the legume family Fabaceae and the
subfamily Faboideae. It is the largest genus of plants in terms of
described species.[1] The genus is native to temperate regions of
the Northern Hemisphere. Common names include milkvetch (most
species), locoweed (in North America, some species)[2] and
goat's-thorn (A. gummifer, A. tragacanthus). Some pale-flowered
vetches are similar in appearance, but vetches are more vine-like.
Astragalus species are used as food plants by the larvae of some
Lepidoptera species including many case-bearing moths of the genus
Coleophora: C. cartilaginella, C. colutella, C. euryaula, and C.
onobrychiella feed exclusively on Astragalus, C. astragalella and
C. gallipennella feed exclusively on the species Astragalus
glycyphyllos, and C. hippodromica is limited to Astragalus gombo.
Traditional uses
The natural gum tragacanth is made from several species of
Astragalus occurring in the Middle East, including A. adscendens,
A. gummifer, A. brachycalyx,[3][4] and A. tragacanthus. Also
Astragalus propinquus (syn. A. membranaceus) has a history of use
as a herbal medicine used in systems of traditional Chinese
medicine[5] and Persian medicine. [6] In traditional Chinese
medicine A. membranaceus has been used to reinforce qi and
strengthen the superficial resistance, and promote the discharge
of pus and the growth of new tissue.[7]
Biotechnology firms are working on deriving a telomerase activator
from Astragalus. The chemical constituent cycloastragenol (also
called TAT2) is being studied to help combat HIV, as well as
infections associated with chronic diseases or aging.[8] However,
the National Institutes of Health states: "The evidence for using
astragalus for any health condition is limited. High-quality
clinical trials (studies in people) are generally lacking. There
is some preliminary evidence to suggest that astragalus, either
alone or in combination with other herbs, may have potential
benefits for the immune system, heart, and liver, and as an
adjunctive therapy for cancer".[9]
Research at the UCLA AIDS Institute focused on the function of
cycloastragenol in the aging process of immune cells, and its
effects on the cells' response to viral infections. It appears to
increase the production of telomerase, an enzyme that mediates the
replacement of short bits of DNA known as telomeres, which play a
key role in cell replication, including in cancer processes.[10]
Supplement use
Extracts of Astragalus propinquus ( syn. A. membranaceus)
are marketed as life-prolonging extracts for human use. A
proprietary extract of the dried root of A. membranaceus, called
TA-65, "was associated with a significant age-reversal effect in
the immune system, in that it led to declines in the percentage of
senescent cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells after six to
twelve months of use".[11] There are mixed data regarding
Astragalus, its effects on telomerase, and cancer. For example,
although 80% of cancer cells utilize telomerase for their
proliferation—a factor that might theoretically be exacerbated by
Astragalus — the shortening of telomeres (resulting from such
factors as stress and aging and possible contributors to
malignancy), might also be mitigated by Astragalus. Thus, short
telomeres result in chromosome instability, and the potential for
telomere lengthening as a protection against cancer is
possible.[12] Additionally, scientists recently reported that
cancer cells may proliferate precisely because of the lack of
differentiation occurring via damaged or shortened telomere
length. They propose that "forced" elongation of telomeres
promotes the differentiation of cancer cells, probably reducing
malignancy, which is strongly associated with a loss of cell
Side effects and toxicology
Astragalus may interact with medications that suppress the immune
system, such as cyclophosphamide.[9] It may also affect blood
sugar levels and blood pressure.[9] Some Astragalus species can be
toxic. For example, several species native to North America
contain the alkaloid swainsonine, which may cause "locoism" in
livestock.[9] The toxicity of Astragalus taxa varies.[13]
Cycloastragenol is a molecule isolated from various species in the
genus Astragalus that is purported to have telomerase activation
activity. A single in vitro study done in 2009 led to claims that
cycloastragenol may activate telomerase, leading to controversial
claims for its role in reducing the effects of aging.[1]
Cycloastragenol was studied by Geron Corporation and sold to T.A.
Sciences in early 2013 who are developing it as a product named
TA-65. Bill Andrews of Sierra Sciences has done testing on the
anti-aging aspect of TA-65,[2][unreliable source?] however quality
trials on the benefits of the product are lacking, and there are
no high impact journal articles reviewing the efficacy of the
TA65-MD, or indeed cyclostragenol.
In late 2013, RevGenetics released their conclusions on TA-65 that
showed it is the single molecule cycloastragenol used in
TA-65.[3][unreliable source?] More recently, on May 15, 2014
RevGenetics released a press release where they provide new
information about a public UK government application where TA
Sciences state (among other things) that the active ingredient in
TA-65 is cycloastragenol.[4]
Potential pharmacology
Its method of action is to activate the hTERT gene,[citation
needed] thereby activating the enzyme telomerase.
Cycloastragenol intake improved health span (not lifespan) in
mice,[5] however the researchers did not investigate the extension
of lifespan in the studied laboratory mice as this was not the
focus of the project (it was associated aging diseases). Although
the first TA Sciences study was done in 2005 for supplement based
telomerase activators, in the 8 years since the first study, there
has been no study done that shows a telomerase activator taken as
a supplement has extended lifespan.
As part of a study sponsored by RevGenetics, the cycloastragenol
based product TA-65 was tested by UCLA scientist Rita B. Effros
and RevGenetics[6] scientist Hector F. Valenzuela. The small study
(6 participants) found that TA-65 activated telomerase in all
samples of subjects tested, while another telomerase activator did
not.[7] The clinical significance of this work is uncertain.
Toxicity testing has shown it to be safe for human consumption.
TA-65 was shown to improve biological markers associated with
human health span through the lengthening of short telomeres and
rescuing of old cells, although the significance of these findings
in actual life expectancy is unknown.[8] Publications in
high-impact peer-reviewed journals are lacking however, and much
of the online documentation supporting its use is sponsored by its
As disordered telomerase function is a feature of almost all
cancers,[9] there is an unknown, but theoretical risk of
oncogene-mediated cancer promotion through the use of telomerase
The Journal of Immunology, 2009, 182, 90.30
Cycloastragenol extends T cell proliferation by increasing
telomerase activity
Hector F. Valenzuela, Thomas Fuller, Jim Edwards, Danielle
Finger and Brenda Molgora
All normal human somatic cells have a finite number of times that
they can divide and when this limit is reached cells are described
as cellular senescent. Telomere shortening has been attributed as
a main mechanism for cellular aging and for the lack of cellular
functions associated with aging. Unlike what is seen in most
somatic cells, in activated T cells telomerase activity is
upregulated, resulting in increased telomere length. However, this
brief period of telomerase induction only delays cellular
senescence. Naturally, there is a great deal of interest in
finding inducers of telomerase that may help delay the onset of
cellular aging. There are various nutraceuticals that claim to
both increase the health of individuals and delay the onset of
cellular aging. We tested the nutraceuticals resveratrol and
cycloastragenol for their ability to enhance T cell functions in
vitro. In this study we evaluated the effect of these compounds on
cellular proliferative capacity, levels of telomerase activity,
surface markers and cytokine secretion of human CD4 and CD8 T
cells. Our results show that cycloastragenol moderately increase
telomerase activity and proliferative capacity of both CD4 and CD8
T cells. These preliminary results suggest that nutraceuticals
inhibit the onset of CD4 and CD8 cellular senescence.
TA-65 -- The Anti-Aging Revolution
TA 65® causes Telomerase to become active in targeted cells in the
human body. Active Telomerase not only can increase the longevity
of the cells, but it can also improve the quality of your life.
This is part 1 of a video presentation from a Longevity Conference
in 2009. The presenter is Dr. Bill Andrews, the owner of
Sierra Sciences. He was a researcher at Geron Corporation and
helped in the discovery of Telomerase and of the cloning process
of the hTERT gene that activates Telomerase production in human
Volume 10, Issue 4, pages 604–621, August 2011
DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-9726.2011.00700.x
The telomerase activator TA-65 elongates
short telomeres and increases health span of adult/old mice
without increasing cancer incidence
Bruno Bernardes de Jesus, Kerstin Schneeberger, Elsa Vera,
Agueda Tejera, Calvin B. Harley and Maria A. Blasco
Here, we show that a small-molecule activator of telomerase
(TA-65) purified from the root of Astragalus membranaceus is
capable of increasing average telomere length and decreasing the
percentage of critically short telomeres and of DNA damage in
haploinsufficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) that harbor
critically short telomeres and a single copy of the telomerase RNA
Terc gene (G3 Terc+/- MEFs). Importantly, TA-65 does not cause
telomere elongation or rescue DNA damage in similarly treated
telomerase-deficient G3 Terc-/- littermate MEFs. These results
indicate that TA-65 treatment results in telomerase-dependent
elongation of short telomeres and rescue of associated DNA damage,
thus demonstrating that TA-65 mechanism of action is through the
telomerase pathway. In addition, we demonstrate that TA-65 is
capable of increasing mouse telomerase reverse transcriptase
levels in some mouse tissues and elongating critically short
telomeres when supplemented as part of a standard diet in mice.
Finally, TA-65 dietary supplementation in female mice leads to an
improvement of certain health-span indicators including glucose
tolerance, osteoporosis and skin fitness, without significantly
increasing global cancer incidence.
TA-65: Telomerase Activator – TA-65
According to other studies on telomerase activation, telomerase:
Lengthens Short Telomeres
Repairs DNA Damage
Rejuvenates Aging Immune Systems
Increases Bone Density
Improves Biomarkers that Decline with Age
TA-65: Telomerase Activator.
Price: $100.00
Rejuvenation Research. Feb 2011; 14(1): 45–56.
doi: 10.1089/rej.2010.1085
PMCID: PMC3045570
A Natural Product Telomerase Activator As
Part of a Health Maintenance Program
Calvin B. Harley, Weimi n Liu, Maria Blasco, Elsa
Vera,William H. Andrews, Laura A. Briggs, and Joseph M.
Most human cells lack sufficient telomerase to maintain telomeres,
hence these genetic elements shorten with time and stress,
contributing to aging and disease. In January, 2007, a commercial
health maintenance program, PattonProtocol-1, was launched that
included a natural product-derived telomerase activator (TA-65®,
10–50 mg daily), a comprehensive dietary supplement pack, and
physician counseling/laboratory tests at baseline and every 3–6
months thereafter. We report here analysis of the first year of
data focusing on the immune system. Low nanomolar levels of TA-65®
moderately activated telomerase in human keratinocytes,
fibroblasts, and immune cells in culture; similar plasma levels of
TA-65® were achieved in pilot human pharmacokinetic studies with
single 10- to 50-mg doses. The most striking in vivo effects were
declines in the percent senescent cytotoxic (CD8+/CD28-) T cells
(1.5, 4.4, 8.6, and 7.5% at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months, respectively;
p = not significant [N.S.], 0.018, 0.0024, 0.0062) and natural
killer cells at 6 and 12 months (p = 0.028 and 0.00013,
respectively). Most of these decreases were seen in
cytomegalovirus (CMV) seropositive subjects. In a subset of
subjects, the distribution of telomere lengths in leukocytes at
baseline and 12 months was measured. Although mean telomere length
did not increase, there was a significant reduction in the percent
short (<4 kbp) telomeres (p = 0.037). No adverse events were
attributed to PattonProtocol-1. We conclude that the protocol
lengthens critically short telomeres and remodels the relative
proportions of circulating leukocytes of CMV+ subjects toward the
more “youthful” profile of CMV- subjects. Controlled randomized
trials are planned to assess TA-65®-specific effects in humans.
People take dietary supplements with the intent to preserve
mental, physical, and emotional health and vigor into old age.
Although drugs and surgical procedures that target diseases of the
elderly will hopefully arrest or partially reverse tissue damage
caused by aging and chronic stress, measures to maintain health
are arguably a better approach to lengthening our healthy life
span. Most dietary supplement programs include combinations of
vitamins, antioxidants, and other constituents, some of which have
been shown to have significant health benefits in controlled
clinical studies, whereas others may show adverse effects,1–6
underscoring the need to assess functional effects of combination
products. This paper presents initial data from an ongoing
observational study of a novel dietary supplement program,
PattonProtocol-1, which includes a natural product-derived
telomerase activator targeting a fundamental aspect of cellular
Telomerase is an enzyme that synthesizes the specific DNA sequence
at telomeres, i.e., the terminal DNA at the ends of all
chromosomes.7,8 Telomeres are essential genetic elements
responsible for protecting chromosome ends from being recognized
as “broken DNA.” Because telomeric DNA cannot be fully replicated
by conventional DNA polymerases, and because telomeres undergo
degradative processing and are a “hotspot” for oxidative damage,9
telomeres will gradually shorten with time and cell division
unless there is sufficient telomerase activity to maintain
telomere length.
Telomerase is activated in fetal development, thus protecting
telomeres from significant loss during this period of dramatic
cell expansion.10,11 However, telomerase is repressed before birth
in most somatic tissue, and, as a consequence, birth marks the
beginning of telomere erosion in most tissues throughout life.
Tissues with continual cell turnover or periods of rapid
proliferation are “telomerase competent” in that they upregulate
telomerase during early phases of progenitor expansion.12,13 All
adult somatic stem cells appear to be capable of activating
telomerase during tissue regeneration. However, these periods of
activation are insufficient to prevent telomere loss, and this is
compounded by a decreased ability to activate telomerase during
aging and stress.14–16 In addition, stress can accelerate telomere
loss by increasing cell turnover and the amount of telomeric DNA
lost per cell division.17,18
In cross-sectional studies, humans lose telomeric DNA at a very
modest rate of about 15–60 bp per year, likely reflecting the
small numbers of stem cells that are actively dividing in
proliferative tissues compared to the total stem cell reserve, and
the quiescent state of cells in other tissues. Telomere shortening
has been investigated in human cells in culture, in human genetic
diseases with mutated telomerase, and in animal models of
telomerase deficiency.13,19–26 These studies point to a causal
relationship between telomere loss, cell aging, reduced tissue
regeneration, and loss of tissue structure and function. In
support of this causal relationship, epidemiological studies show
that short telomeres in humans are a risk factor for
atherosclerosis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer
disease, infections, diabetes, fibrosis, metabolic syndrome,
cancer, and overall mortality.18,24,25,27–30
Chronic viral infections such as cytomegalovirus (CMV) and human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) accelerate telomere loss and
premature aging of the immune system, especially the
virus-specific cytotoxic T cells31–36 responsible for killing
infected cells. In addition to telomere loss, these cells often
lack expression of the co-stimulatory receptor CD28 and have
reduced proliferative capacity, reduced ability to secrete
antiviral cytokines and chemokines, increased resistance to
apoptosis, and compromised ability to lyse infected cells. About
50% of the U.S. population is infected with CMV as judged by
circulating CMV-specific antibodies, but after an initial 30%
seropositivity rate by age ˜10, there is ˜1% annual seroconversion
rate throughout life leading to ˜90% seropositivity by the ninth
decade. This linear increase has made it difficult to distinguish
the effects of pure immunosenescence from those that can be
attributed to this extremely common virus.37,38
Here we report initial findings from a dietary supplement program
which includes TA-65, a purified small-molecule telomerase
activator derived from an extract of a plant commonly used in
traditional Chinese medicine. Telomerase activation and functional
studies on a related molecule (TAT2) from the same plant have been
previously reported for human skin keratinocytes and immune cells
in culture.36 Effects of TAT2 in tissue culture studies with CD8+
T cells from HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
subjects included increased replicative capacity, improved
cytokine and chemokine responses to antigens, and increased
killing of autologous HIV-infected CD4+ cells...
TA-65, exclusively licensed to TA Sciences from Geron Corporation,
is a >95% pure single chemical entity isolated from a
proprietary extract of the dried root of Astragalus membranaceus
and formulated into 5- to 10-mg capsules with inert excipients.
Starting doses of 5–10 mg/day were considered safe on the basis of
historical usage of extracts. Some subjects increased their dosage
after several months on the product to 25–50 mg/day. Cumulative
dose consumed during the year was recorded for each subject and
used for preliminary dose–response analysis....
TA-65® activated telomerase in cultured human cells at
concentrations seen in the plasma of subjects on the protocol.
Paradoxically, although ˜40% of subjects showed an increase in
mean telomere length over time, on average across all subjects
there was a nonsignificant decline in mean telomere length.
However, we speculate this effect is explained by cell dynamics
and the fact that telomerase preferentially lengths the shortest
telomeres.62–64 Rescue and selective expansion of near-senescent
cells with short telomeres could lead to a reduction in the
population mean telomere length despite some lengthening of
telomeres in all cells. Because detrimental effects of telomere
loss are primarily driven by short, dysfunctional telomeres, and
loss of tissue function and disease onset in proliferative tissues
have been associated with telomere lengths <4 kbp,25,65 we
believe that our observed reduction in telomeres <4 kbp in
subjects on PattonProtocol-1 is a significant, positive response,
and that TA-65® contributes to the apparent benefit of the dietary
supplement. In support of this, studies with TA-65® given orally
in old mice showed similar reductions in percent cells with short
telomeres and positive functional effects on tissues (Blasco et
al., submitted) and preliminary dose–response analyses showed an
increase in salutary effects with TA-65® doses up to 20–30 mg per
day average compared to the initial 5- to 10-mg per day dose (data
not shown). Finally, analysis of additional biomarkers of aging in
subjects on PattonProtocol-1 suggest improvements in the
cardiovascular system, metabolism, and bone mineral density, which
will be further studied and reported elsewhere. Independent
randomized controlled studies with TA-65® alone are planned.
TA-65 Reviews – A Collection From Around
The Internet
( Astragalus / Longevity )
Anti-Aging Formulations
A dietary supplement based on blue green algae, phycocyanin and
phenylethylamine is fortified with one or more of curcumin,
silymarin, resveratrol, astragalus root extract, astragoloside IV,
vitamin D3, vitamin C, anhydrous trimethylglycine and brewer's
yeast to stimulate stem cell production and reduce the rate of
telomere reduction or shortening. This can result in the repair of
existing body cells and enhance longevity by stimulating the
production of new stem cells and maintaining the telomeres on new
stem cells as well as existing cells. The dietary supplement
supports an increased life span by enhancing metabolic function,
activating SIRT-1 anti-aging genes, and encouraging the production
of new cells with longer telomeres.
Many attempts have been made to develop treatments and
formulations to extend the human lifespan. To date, few, if any of
these attempts have produced superior results, as few approaches
fully recognize the basis or causes of aging. It is important to
know the causes of aging, because as with treating a disease, one
must first understand the problem, so that a precise remedy can be
Some of the current theories of aging may be a result of other
older conventional theories. Many of these theories are
interlinked, in the same complex way that biological processes of
the body and the many factors affecting these processes are
Approaching any one or a combination of the following theories
with a specialized treatment protocol may address and treat the
aging problem on different levels, and help to slow down and
eradicate some of the causes of aging. In order to appreciate the
diversity of thought on the causes of aging, some of the current
theories of aging are outlined below.
The DNA and Genetic Theories
Some scientists regard the DNA and genetic theories as planned
obsolescence theories because they focus on the encoded
programming within DNA. DNA is the blueprint of individual life
obtained from one's parents. Humans are born with a unique code
and a predetermined tendency to certain types of physical and
mental functioning that regulate the rate at which one ages.
This type of genetic clock can be greatly influenced with regard
to its rate of timing. For example, DNA is easily oxidized and
this damage can be accumulated from diet, lifestyle, toxins,
pollution, radiation and other outside influences. Thus, each
individual has the ability to accelerate DNA damage or slow it
One recent theory regarding gene damage is the telomerase theory
of aging. A telomere is the repetitive DNA sequence located at the
end of a chromosome which shortens progressively with each cell
division and limits the replicative potential of normal human
somatic cells. It is now understood that telomeres, the sequences
of nucleic acids extending from the ends of chromosomes, shorten
every time a cell divides. This shortening of telomeres is
believed to lead to cellular damage due to the inability of the
cell to duplicate itself correctly. Each time a cell divides it
duplicates itself a little less accurately or worse than the time
before. This eventually leads to cellular dysfunction, aging and
Further research indicates that telomeres can be repaired by the
introduction of a relevant hormone. Telomeres and their subsequent
processes affect each other. Once we know what each telomere is
responsible for, we may precisely introduce the necessary hormone
and aid genetic repair, as well as hormonal balance.
Another key element in rebuilding the disappearing telomeres is
the enzyme telomerase, an enzyme so far only found in germ and
cancer cells. Telomerase appears to repair and replace telomeres
helping to re-regulate the clock that controls the lifespan of
dividing cells.
The Neuroendocrine Theory
This theory of aging elaborates on wear and tear by focusing on
the neuroendocrine system. This system is a complicated network of
biochemicals that govern the release of hormones which are altered
by the walnut sized gland, the hypothalamus, located in the brain.
The Free Radical Theory
The term free radical describes any molecule that has a free
electron. This property makes the free radical molecule react with
healthy molecules in a destructive way. Because the free radical
molecule has an extra electron, it creates an extra negative
charge. This unbalanced energy makes the free radical bind itself
to another balanced molecule. In so doing, the balanced molecule
becomes unbalanced and thus a free radical itself. It is known
that diet, lifestyle, drugs (e.g. tobacco and alcohol) and
radiation are all accelerators of free radical production within
the body and can influence the rate of aging.
The Membrane Theory of Aging
According to this theory, it is the age-related changes of the
cells' ability to transfer chemicals, heat and electrical
processes that impair the integrity of the cells.
As one grows older the cell membrane becomes less lipid, less
watery and more solid. This impedes its efficiency to conduct
normal cell functions. In particular, this can lead to a toxic
accumulation within the cell. This cellular toxin is referred to
as lipofuscin and as one grows older lipofuscin deposits become
more present in the brain, heart and lungs and also in the skin.
Some of the skin age-pigments referred to as liver spots or age
spots are composed of lipofuscin. It is known that Alzheimer
disease patients have much higher levels of lipofuscin deposits
than compared to their healthy control groups. The cells'
declining efficiency also means that the essential and regular
transfer of sodium and potassium is impaired, thus reducing
cellular communication. It is also believed that electrical
conduction and heat transfer is also impaired by this cellular
The Hayflick Limit Theory
The Hayflick Limit Theory of aging suggests that the human cell is
limited in the number of times it can divide. Part of this theory
may be affected by cell waste accumulation (which is described in
the Membrane Theory of aging). It is theorized that the human
cell's ability to divide is limited to approximately 50 times,
after which it simply stops dividing (and hence dies). It has been
shown that nutrition has an effect on cells, with overfed cells
dividing much faster than underfed cells. As cells divide to help
repair and regenerate themselves the DNA & Genetic Theory of
Aging may play a role. Each time a cell divides it may lose some
blue-print information. Eventually (after 50-odd times of
division) there is simply not enough DNA information available to
complete any sort of division.
The Mitochondrial Decline Theory
The mitochondria are the power producing organelles found in every
cell of every organ. Their primary job is to create adenosine
triphosphate (ATP). They do so in the various energy cycles that
involve nutrients such as acetyl-L-carnitine, CoQ10 (idebenone),
NADH and some B vitamins. As the mitochondria decline, aging
The Cross-Linking Theory
The Cross-Linking Theory of aging is also referred to as the
glycosylation theory of aging. In this theory, it is the binding
of glucose (simple sugars) to protein, (a process that occurs
under the presence of oxygen) that causes various aging problems.
Once this binding has occurred, the protein becomes impaired and
is unable to perform as efficiently. Living a longer life leads to
the increased possibility of oxygen meeting glucose and binding
glucose to protein. This can lead to cross-linking disorders
including senile cataracts and the appearance of tough, leathery
and yellow skin....
Traditional Chinese medicine extract and preparation method
The invention relates to a natural medicine composition, a
preparation method thereof, and an application thereof in
preparing an attenuating and synergic medicine used in cancer
chemotherapy. The natural medicine composition is composed of a
Mongolian milkvetch root and Baikal skullcap root water decoction
concentrate extract, astragalin, Baikal skullcap root total
flavonoid, and baicalin according to a ratio of 2-5:2-6:3-7:4-7.
The composition provided by the invention has an excellent
treatment effect against cancer-chemotherapy-related diarrhea, and
provides a synergetic effect for cancer chemotherapy
Method for separating astragalus polysaccharide and
astragalin astragaloside by ultrasonic film chromatography
The invention discloses a method for separating astragalus
polysaccharide and astragalin astragaloside. The method is
characterized by adopting the process combining the separation of
an ultrasonic film separator and the separation of reversed-phase
preparative column chromatography. The whole technological process
is simple, quick and large in processing amount and purifies two
active ingredients, namely the astragalus polysaccharide and the
astragalin astragaloside, at the same time. The obtained product
has high purity. The method has the advantages of simple process,
high automation control degree and simple industrial application.
The invention discloses a method for separating astragalus
polysaccharide and astragalin astragaloside. The method is
characterized by adopting the process combining the separation of
an ultrasonic film separator and the separation of reversed-phase
preparative column chromatography. The whole technological process
is simple, quick and large in processing amount and purifies two
active ingredients, namely the astragalus polysaccharide and the
astragalin astragaloside, at the same time. The obtained product
has high purity. The method has the advantages of simple process,
high automation control degree and simple industrial application.
Method for extracting and separating astragalin from plant
Mesona chinensis Benth
The invention provides a method for extracting and separating
astragalin from the plant Mesona chinensis Benth. The method
comprises the following steps: using the water-acetone solution
for Mesona chinensis Benth for extraction, concentrating and
drying the extract to obtain a crude extract, performing
chromatographic separation to the crude extract with a macroporous
adsorption resin column, collecting eluent, concentrating and
drying the eluent to obtain a fine extract, processing the fine
extract through high performance liquid chromatography to separate
and prepare an astragalin pure product with the purity of 99%. The
raw material of the invention is cheap and accessible and barely
causes environmental pollution; the technology is simple,
practical and fast; and the obtained astragalin has high purity
and suitable for mass industrial production.
PURPOSE: A method for preparing astagalin by enzyme reaction from
astragalin precursor is provided to ensure high productivity and
to promote industrial application of astagalin. CONSTITUTION: A
method for preparing astagalin comprises: a step of obtaining oil
from green tea seeds and adding 5-20 times volume of water to
residue; a step of heating at 50-80 celsius degree and adding
amylase at 60-65 celsius degree for less than 12 hours; a step of
filtering the enzyme reactant and removing moixture; a step of
powederizing; and a step of adding methanol and dissolving soluble
ingredient. The strain producing amylase is Aspergillus aculeatus.
The amount of the crude amylase is 0.001-1.0%(w/w). The tea tree
providing green tea seed is Camellia oleifera.
Separation and preparation method of
patuletin-3-O-glucoside and astragalin
The invention relates to a separation and preparation method of
patuletin-3-O-glucoside and astragalin. The method adopts counter
current chromatography to separate and prepare the
patuletin-3-O-glucoside and astragalin from alcohol reflux
extracts of plant flaveria bidentis; a solvent thereof comprises
three components, namely ether or n-alkane or fatty ester,
acetonitrile or fatty alcohol or aliphatic ketone and water; the
volume ratio is as follows in sequence: 30 to 10:1:30 to 10; and
the method is applicable to prepare the monomeric
patuletin-3-O-glucoside and astragalin by various types of counter
current chromatographs, and can be directly filled with large
amount of crude products or synthetic mixtures with the separation
purity of more than 95 percent.
A method for preparing astragalin is provided to mass-produce
the astragalin from a plant by selectively removing saccharide
from a plant extract containing kaempferol glycosides using an
enzyme. A method for preparing astragalin represented by a
formula(1) comprises the steps of: (a) extracting a plant with
water or an organic solvent to obtain a plant extract comprising
camelliaside A or camelliaside B; and (b) isolating the astragalin
from the extract using an enzyme capable of removing saccharide
selectively such as rhamnosidase, galactosidase, pectinase,
xylosidase, hesperidinase, naringinase, and cellulase. Further, a
reaction time of the enzyme is 10 to 60 hrs and a reaction pH of
the enzyme is 4.0 to 9.0.
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a food having enhanced
stability of astragalin, which is a main flavonid included in an
extract of persimmon leaves. SOLUTION: This food is obtained by
formulating one or two or more sugar alcohols selected from a
group consisting of lactitol, mannitol, palatinit and maltitol to
the extract of persimmon leaves. The food is further formulated
with one or two or more kinds of perfumes selected from a group
consisting of perfumes of lemon, menthol, peppermint and
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a food having enhanced
stability of astragalin, which is a main flavonid included in an
extract of persimmon leaves. SOLUTION: This food is obtained by
formulating one or two or more sugar alcohols selected from a
group consisting of lactitol, mannitol, palatinit and maltitol to
the extract of persimmon leaves. The food is further formulated
with one or two or more kinds of perfumes selected from a group
consisting of perfumes of lemon, menthol, peppermint and
The invention relates to a natural medicine composition, a
preparation method thereof, and an application thereof in
preparing an attenuating and synergic medicine used in cancer
chemotherapy. The natural medicine composition is composed of a
Mongolian milkvetch root and Baikal skullcap root water decoction
concentrate extract, astragalin, Baikal skullcap root total
flavonoid, and baicalin according to a ratio of 2-5:2-6:3-7:4-7.
The composition provided by the invention has an excellent
treatment effect against cancer-chemotherapy-related diarrhea, and
provides a synergetic effect for cancer chemotherapy.
Method for detecting medicine material astragalus quality
The present invention discloses the fingerprint method for
detecting the quality of astragalus medicine material and its
extract. The fingerprint method includes: adopting octodecyl
silane bonded silicon gel as filler, acetoitrile-water as flow
phase for gradient elution and astragalin A dissolved in methanol
as contrast; taking detected astragalus sample through crushing
astragalus root, methanol extracting and other steps; detecting
the astragalus sample in high efficiency liquid phase
chromatographic process to obtain the fingerprint of the detected
astragalus sample; and comparing the fingerprint of the detected
astragalus sample and the standard fingerprint for similarity
degree over 0.90.
Preparation and application of astragalus flavonid and
total astragalin composition
The present invention relates to compound preparation with
astragalus flavonid and total astragalin composition as main
component for treating cardiac and cerebral vascular diseases. The
astragalus flavonid and total astragalin composition contains
astragalus flavonid and total astragalin in 1-99 wt%, and
sowthistle-leaf ixeris flavonid and saponin, general peony
glycosideor, or seabuckthorn flavonid in 1-99 wt%, and is
compounded with pharmaceutically acceptable supplementary material
to prepare pharmaceutically acceptable preparations. The medicine
of the present invention is used in preventing and treating
cardiac and cerebral vascular diseases, senile dementia, and other
Composition containing effective parts of astragalus root
and Acanthopanx senticosusharm and its use thereof
The present invention relates to a compound containing
astragalus effective component astragalin and acanthopanax
effective component eleutheroside. It said compound other
medicinal material effective component can be added. Said compound
can be used for curing angiocardiopathy and cerebrovascular
disease, regulating immunity and resisting tumor.