RF Electricity Collectors
GB 157263
Process and Apparatus
for Converting Static Atmospheric Electrical Energy into
Dynamic Electrical Energy of any Suitable High Periodicity
Abstract -- Atmospheric
electricity, utilizing; influence machines.-Static atmospheric
charges are converted into alternating-currents of any desired
frequency by rotary machines, the stator and rotor elements of
which form condensers having a capacity which varies during the
revolution as described in Specincation 157,262. In the simplest
form, Fig. 2, the curved stator plates 2, 1 are connected to earth
E2 and the aerial A which collects the atmospheric charges and is
earthed through a safety spark gap F. The rotor is motor-driven
and consists of concentric plates 3, 4 joined through slip-,rings
(not shown) to an inductance 9 shunted by a condenser 5. With a
given aerial polarity, rotation of the plates 3, 4 causes current
reversals on the circuit A, 1, 9, 2, E@, whereby oscillations are
set upon the circuit 9, 5, these being tapped by leads 11, 12. The
condenser 5 may consist of concentric tubes rotating with the
rotor or of two juxtaposed wound spirals having capacity. The
stator and rotor condenser plates may extend over nearly a
semicircle in place of the quadrants shown in Fig. 2 and the rotor
may comprise two consecutive cylindrical plates or coil condensers
each divided into halves, the inner half of each being connected
to the outer half of the other. Fig. 7 shows a form in which rings
1, 2, mounted in a casing comprising upper and lower parts
insulated from each other, are connected to the stator condenser
plates at intervals. The rotor plates 3, in equal number, are
connected to slip-rings 5, 6 from which alternating-current is
taken by brushes when the rotor is motor-driven. The rings 1, 2
are respectively connected to the aerial collector and earth E2.
Several methods of grouping the stator-rotor condenser pairs and
the components of the oscillating circuit are described. The
oscillatory current in the rotor circuit may react through a
transformer on the main charging current and two pairs of stator
and rotor plates 1, 2, 3, 4, Fig. 13, may be employed arranged on
diameters at right-angles, the oscillatory circuit in this case
consisting of a mutual inductance 5 having capacity and a portion
of an adjustable inductance 9 in the stator earth connector E2. By
suitably proportioning the stator and rotor plates, 'resonance may
be established, whereby undamped waves may be produced. In the
form shown in Fig. 15, for high-frequency oscillations, the aerial
A and earth wire are tapped at points between the stator plates 1,
2 and condensers 16, 18 which are joined through an inductance 9.
The rotor current is conveyed to the power circuit 11, 12 through
transformers 10, 10<a>. The members composing the stator and
rotor plates may be slotted, as shown in Fig. 8, with holes 1 for
attaching them to the frame, or they may have spiral slots in
their surfaces. Alternatively, they may be formed by embedding
spiral wires 3 in a vulcanite mass 1 so as to give a smooth
surface as shown in Fig. 11.
French Patent #
Apparatus for Capture of Electric Currents in the Atmosphere
Patent # 565,395
Combined Apparatus for Capture of Atmospheric Electric
Currents with Immediate Implementation

US 28793
Electric Apparatus
Abstract -- An aerostat
for obtaining atmpspheric and terrestrial electricity...
US 126356
Improvement in Collecting
Energy for Telegraph
Abstract -- A tower for
the purpose of receiving and imparting natural electricity, so as
to be in constant contact with the upper stratum of electricity
which surrounds the earth, by tapping which a never-failing supply
is formed when brought into contact with the earth.
US 129971
Telegraph Power
Abstract -- Utilizing
natural electricity and establishing an electrical current without
the aid of wires, batteries, or cables...
US 674427
Collecting Atmospheric
Abstract -- An appartus for colecting and driving
or conducting atmospheric electricity which renders it practicable
to obtain material quantities of teh same in serviceable form.
US 911260
Collecting Atmospheric
Abstract -- A method of
colecting electricity from a strata laden with electricity at high
altitudes in the atmoshere, through the medium of a wire cable
suspended from one or more balloons ...
US 1014719
Collecting Atmospheric
Abstract -- A method of
colecting electricity from a strata laden with electricity at high
altitudes in the atmoshere, through the medium of a wire cable
suspended from one or more balloons ...
US 1540998
Conversion of Atmospheric
Electric Energy
Abstract -- Method of
obtaining atmospheric electricity by means of metallic ballon
GB 149,917
Improvements in & Relating to Radio Communication
-- Radio transmission and reception through the use of
living vegetable organisms such as trees, plants, and the like.
US 1826727
Radio Apparatus
US 2143437
Radiant Energy System
Abstract -- An apparatus
for receiving and transmitting radiant energy within a wide range
of frequencies without necessity of a source of local energy.
US 2813242
Powering Electrical
Devices with Energy Abstracted from the Atmosphere
Abstract -- A convenient
and economical provision of power for the operation of electronic
circuits and devices using transistors, and of other electrical
devices hving modest power requirements.
US 3205381
Ionospheric Battery
Abstract -- A method and
apparatus for tapping the enormous reservoir of energy existing in
the ionosphere...
US 3273066
Apparatus for
Detecting Changes in the Atmospheric Electric Field
Abstract -- A cloud
detector and or an apparatus for sensing electrostatic conditions
in the earth's atmosphere...
US 3760257
EM Wave Energy Converter
Abstract --
Electromagnetic wave energy is converted into electric power with
an array of mutually insulated electromagnetic wave absorber
elements each responsive to an electric field component of the
wave as it impinges thereon. Each element includes a portion
tapered in the direction of wave propagation to provide a
relatively wideband response spectrum. Each element includes an
output for deriving a voltage replica of the electric field
variations intercepted by it. Adjacent elements are positioned
relative to each other so that an electric field subsists between
adjacent elements in response to the impinging wave. The electric
field results in a voltage difference between adjacent elements
that is fed to a rectifier to derive d.c. output power. The
element pairs may be arranged in a two-dimensional array to
provide power conversion of randomly polarized electromagnetic
waves, such as sunlight.
US 3931577
Radio Receiver Protection
Abstract -- A receiver
protection arrangement in which a voltage dependent on aerial
voltage and a voltage dependent on aerial current are aggregated
and applied to means responsive to a predetermined aggregate level
to effectively short circuit the aerial lead. Additional means may
be provided to dissipate energy in the input stage of a protected
receiver to cause a reduced impedance to be reflected across the
output of the protective arrangement.

US 4,628,299
Seismic Warning System Using RF Energy
Abstract -- The ambient
broadband radio frequency field strength from broadcast
stations is monitored (Figure 4) by periodic sampling (50,
52). A warning indication is provided if the field strength
drops significantly. Drops in such field strength have been
correlated empirically with the occurrence of seismic
activity, usually several days later. Thus the indication
serves as an early warning of an impending earthquake. In one
preferred embodiment, a broadband, horizontal, very long
monopole antenna (40) was connected to a rectifying and
smoothing circuit (Figure 3) to provide a dc output
proportional to the ambient rf field...