Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleotide, also called a
nucleoside triphosphate, is a small molecule used in cells as a
coenzyme. It is often referred to as the "molecular unit of
currency" of intracellular energy transfer.[1]
ATP transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism. Most
cellular functions need energy in order to be carried out:
synthesis of proteins, synthesis of membranes, movement of the
cell, cellular division, transport of various solutes etc. The ATP
is the molecule that carries energy to the place where the energy
is needed. When ATP breaks into ADP (Adenosine diphosphate) and Pi
(phosphate), the breakdown of the last covalent link of phosphate
(a simple -PO4) liberates energy that is used in reactions where
it is needed.
It is one of the end products of photophosphorylation, aerobic
respiration, and fermentation, and is used by enzymes and
structural proteins in many cellular processes, including
biosynthetic reactions, motility, and cell division.[2] One
molecule of ATP contains adenine, ribose, and three phosphate
groups, and it is produced by a wide variety of enzymes, including
ATP synthase, from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or adenosine
monophosphate (AMP) and various phosphate group donors.
Substrate-level phosphorylation, oxidative phosphorylation in
cellular respiration, and photophosphorylation in photosynthesis
are three major mechanisms of ATP biosynthesis.
Metabolic processes that use ATP as an energy source convert it
back into its precursors. ATP is therefore continuously recycled
in organisms: the human body, which on average contains only 250
grams (8.8 oz) of ATP,[3] turns over its own body weight
equivalent in ATP each day.[4]
ATP is used as a substrate in signal transduction pathways by
kinases that phosphorylate proteins and lipids. It is also used by
adenylate cyclase, which uses ATP to produce the second messenger
molecule cyclic AMP. The ratio between ATP and AMP is used as a
way for a cell to sense how much energy is available and control
the metabolic pathways that produce and consume ATP.[5] Apart from
its roles in signaling and energy metabolism, ATP is also
incorporated into nucleic acids by polymerases in the process of
transcription. ATP is the neurotransmitter believed to signal the
sense of taste.[6]
The structure of this molecule consists of a purine base (adenine)
attached by the 9′ nitrogen atom to the 1′ carbon atom of a
pentose sugar (ribose). Three phosphate groups are attached at the
5′ carbon atom of the pentose sugar. It is the addition and
removal of these phosphate groups that inter-convert ATP, ADP and
AMP. When ATP is used in DNA synthesis, the ribose sugar is first
converted to deoxyribose by ribonucleotide reductase.
ATP was discovered in 1929 by Karl Lohmann,[7] and independently
by Cyrus Fiske and Yellapragada Subbarow of Harvard Medical
School,[8] but its correct structure was not determined until some
years later. It was proposed to be the intermediary molecule
between energy-yielding and energy-requiring reactions in cells by
Fritz Albert Lipmann in 1941.[9] It was first artificially
synthesized by Alexander Todd in 1948.[10]...
Adenosine is a chemical that is present in all human cells. It
readily combines with phosphate to form various chemical compounds
including adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and adenosine triphosphate
(ATP). People use it for medicine.
AMP is taken by mouth for treating shingles (herpes zoster
infection) and a blood disorder called porphyria cutanea tarda.
ATP is used under the tongue to increase physical energy. It is
also given intravenously (by IV) for treating acute kidney
failure, multiple organ failure, high blood pressure in
lungarteries (pulmonary hypertension), cystic fibrosis, lung
cancer, weight loss associated with cancer, and controlling blood
pressure during anesthesia and surgery. It is also used for
cardiac stress tests.
Healthcare providers give adenosine intravenously for treating
surgical pain and nerve pain, pulmonary hypertension, and certain
types of irregular heartbeat. It is also given for controlling
blood pressure during anesthesia and surgery and for heart tests
called cardiac stress tests.
Adenosine is injected into the space around the spinal cord to
treat nerve pain.
Adenosine phosphate is given by injection into the muscle
(intramuscularly) for treating varicose veins, bursitis, pain and
swollen tendons (tendonitis), itchiness, multiple sclerosis (MS),
neuropathy, shingles (herpes zoster infection), cold sores and
genital herpes (herpes simplex infections), and poor blood
How does it work?
Adenosine blocks faulty circuitry in the heart, which causes
irregular heart rhythm. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) might prevent
changes in energy metabolism that cause weight loss in people with
advanced cancer.
Uses & Effectiveness
Effective for:
Treating certain kinds of irregular heartbeat (as a
prescription-only intravenous medicine).
Possibly Effective for:
Treating weight loss in people with advanced cancer. Intravenous
ATP seems to improve appetite, food intake, and quality of life in
people with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer and other tumors.
Wounds, usually in the legs, due to poor circulation (venous
stasis ulcers). Intramuscular AMP might relieve fluid retention,
itchiness, swelling and redness due to venous stasis ulcers.
Insufficient Evidence for:
Shingles (herpes zoster infection). Early research suggests that
AMP given by injection into the muscle might be effective for
treating herpes zoster (shingles) infection and for preventing
nerve pain that follows these infections. Intramuscular AMP might
also be effective for treating other kinds of herpes infections,
according to limited research.
Lung cancer. Developing studies suggest that ATP is not effective
for treating non-small-cell lung cancer.
Other conditions.
More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of adenosine for
these uses.
Side Effects & Safety
Adenosine appears to be safe for most people when given by
injection by qualified healthcare givers. It can cause breathing
problems and chest pain, particularly when given at high doses.
Headache, heart pounding, low blood pressure, nausea, sweating,
flushing, lightheadedness, sleep problems, coughing, and anxiety
can also occur.
Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of
adenosine during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe
side and avoid use.
Gout: ATP can raise the level of uric acid in the blood stream and
in the urine, and this might trigger a case of gout. Gout causes
red, hot, tender, swollen joints. The joint that is most often
affected is at the base of the big toe.
Heart disease: ATP can cause reduced blood flow to the heart and
chest pain. It might worsen symptoms in patients with heart
diseases such as chest pain and heart attack...
J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2012; 9: 48.
doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-9-48
Adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP)
supplementation improves low peak muscle torque and torque
fatigue during repeated high intensity exercise sets
John A Rathmacher
Intracellular concentrations of adenosine-5’-triphosphate (ATP)
are many times greater than extracellular concentrations (1–10 mM
versus 10–100 nM, respectively) and cellular release of ATP is
tightly controlled. Transient rises in extracellular ATP and its
metabolite adenosine have important signaling roles; and acting
through purinergic receptors, can increase blood flow and
oxygenation of tissues; and act as neurotransmitters. Increased
blood flow not only increases substrate availability but may also
aid in recovery through removal of metabolic waste products
allowing muscles to accomplish more work with less fatigue. The
objective of the present study was to determine if supplemental
ATP would improve muscle torque, power, work, or fatigue during
repeated bouts of high intensity resistance exercise...
No differences were detected in high peak torque, power, or total
work with ATP supplementation; however, low peak torque in set 2
was significantly improved (p < 0.01). Additionally, in set 3,
a trend was detected for less torque fatigue with ATP
supplementation (p < 0.10).
Supplementation with 400 mg ATP/d for 15 days tended to reduce
muscle fatigue and improved a participant’s ability to maintain a
higher force output at the end of an exhaustive exercise bout...
J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2012; 9: 16.
doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-9-16
PMCID: PMC3441280
Adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP)
supplements are not orally bioavailable: a randomized,
placebo-controlled cross-over trial in healthy humans
Ilja CW Arts
Nutritional supplements designed to increase adenosine
5′-triphosphate (ATP) concentrations are commonly used by athletes
as ergogenic aids. ATP is the primary source of energy for the
cells, and supplementation may enhance the ability to maintain
high ATP turnover during high-intensity exercise. Oral ATP
supplements have beneficial effects in some but not all studies
examining physical performance. One of the remaining questions is
whether orally administered ATP is bioavailable. We investigated
whether acute supplementation with oral ATP administered as
enteric-coated pellets led to increased concentrations of ATP or
its metabolites in the circulation.
ATP concentrations in blood did not increase after ATP
supplementation via enteric-coated pellets or naso-duodenal tube.
In contrast, concentrations of the final catabolic product of ATP,
uric acid, were significantly increased compared to placebo by
~50% after administration via proximal-release pellets (P = 0.003)
and naso-duodenal tube (P = 0.001), but not after administration
via distal-release pellets.
A single dose of orally administered ATP is not bioavailable, and
this may explain why several studies did not find ergogenic
effects of oral ATP supplementation. On the other hand, increases
in uric acid after release of ATP in the proximal part of the
small intestine suggest that ATP or one of its metabolites is
absorbed and metabolized. Uric acid itself may have ergogenic
effects, but this needs further study. Also, more studies are
needed to determine whether chronic administration of ATP will
enhance its oral bioavailability...
Nutritional supplements designed to increase adenosine
5′-triphosphate (ATP) concentrations are commonly used by athletes
as ergogenic aids. ATP is the primary source of energy for the
cells, and supplementation may enhance the ability to maintain
high ATP turnover during high-intensity exercise. ATP is also
released from cells to act as a local regulator of
neurotransmission, inflammation, and nociception via interaction
with purinergic receptors [1,2]. ATP is present in substantial
concentrations in a number of foods (e.g. meat, soy, mushrooms)
[3] and in breast milk [4,5]. Furthermore, capsules containing ATP
are currently registered in France for the treatment of low back
pain of muscular origin, and supplements containing ATP are
marketed on the internet for various purposes including the
restoration of energy.
Oral ATP supplements have beneficial effects in some but not all
studies examining physical performance. In an experimental study
by Jordan et al.[6], three groups of nine healthy men received ATP
(150 or 225 mg) or placebo for 14 days. Physical performance and
muscular strength were positively affected. Another study
investigated the effects of supplementation with an ATP-containing
registered drug for 30 days (Atépadène®, 90 mg daily) [7,8]. The
questionnaire-based outcome indicated that it provided benefit to
patients with subacute low back pain. In contrast to these
beneficial findings, Herda et al. [9] found no improvements in
muscle strength, power output, or endurance after supplementation
of 24 healthy men with a commercially available treatment intended
to increase ATP. The authors suggested that the lack of an effect
in this double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial, might be
caused by breakdown of ATP in the gastrointestinal tract. Because
they did not collect blood samples from the participants, the
authors could not verify whether ATP concentrations in the blood
circulation had been altered as a result of supplementation [9].
Evidence on the oral availability of ATP supplements is limited.
In the study by Jordan et al. [6], no changes in whole blood and
plasma ATP concentrations were detected, but the dosages
administered were modest (225 mg or less). Animal studies
reporting alterations in cardiac, vascular and pulmonary function
after 30 days of oral ATP supplementation, also found no increases
in systemic concentrations of plasma or erythrocyte ATP [10,11].
However, the concentration of ATP in plasma taken from the portal
vein of rats increased rapidly up to a 1000-fold after
instillation of ATP in de small intestine [11]. The identification
of a number of nucleoside transporters in the small intestine
further suggested that orally administered ATP may be absorbed and
utilized by the human body [12].
We have previously shown that ATP is bioavailable after
intravenous administration in humans [13]. ATP concentrations in
erythrocytes increased in a dose-dependent manner by ~60% after
24 h of continuous infusion. We now report the results of a
randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial in 8 healthy
humans, designed to assess the oral bioavailability of an ATP
nutritional supplement. The ATP was administered as a single dose
that was high enough to enable its detection in whole blood
(5000 mg). Furthermore, an acid-resistant enteric coating of the
multi-particulate supplement was used to prevent the degradation
of ATP in the acidic environment of the stomach. As a comparison,
ATP was also directly instilled in the small intestine via a
naso-duodenal tube....
Portable extracting device of adenosine triphosphate
Inventor(s): WAN DONGYUN +
The invention relates to a novel extracting device of cell
adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The portable extracting device of
the adenosine triphosphate aims to overcome the defects of a
chemical extracting method and a physical extracting method in the
existing bioluminescent analysis method and provides the novel
extracting device of the adenosine triphosphate. Based on a boiled
extraction principle, by means of exquisite designs of an
extractor structure of the adenosine triphosphate, a heating
system and the like, the portable extracting device of the
adenosine triphosphate achieves convenient operation of extraction
of the adenosine triphosphate, and has the advantages that the
required samples are less, the operation is simple, people do not
need to worry about that the concentration of the adenosine
triphosphate is influenced by outflow of steam due to boiling, the
steam influences the laboratory environment and the like, and the
defects that inhibition of decomposing enzyme of the adenosine
triphosphate and protection of luciferase can not be achieved
together in the chemical extracting method are overcome.
The present invention relates to a novel cell Adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) extraction device. This device provides a new
adenosine triphosphate extraction device for the shortcomings of
the existing bioluminescence analysis methods, the adenosine
triphosphate chemical extraction method and the physical
extraction method. The device is based on the principle of boiling
extraction, through the careful design of adenosine triphosphate
extractor structure, heating system, etc., to achieve the cell
adenosine triphosphate extraction of the deliberate operation,
with less sample, simple operation, do not worry about boiling
lead to steam spill effects of samples of adenosine triphosphate
And the impact of steam on the laboratory environment and many
other advantages, but also to overcome the chemical extraction
methods exist on the inhibition of adenosine triphosphate enzyme
inhibition and luciferase protection can not have both drawbacks.
Technical field
The present invention belongs to the field of biochemical
analysis, and more particularly to a novel cell adenosine
triphosphate extraction device and method.
Background technique
Microbiological testing is of great importance both in clinical
testing and in industrial applications. At present, the detection
of microbes mainly uses the traditional plate culture counting
method, which takes a long time to cultivate the microorganisms
under certain conditions, and then the plate count to obtain the
concentration of microorganisms. The method steps cumbersome,
time-consuming, often difficult to meet the requirements of the
rapid detection of the scene. Adenosine triphosphate
biofluorescence detection method has been developed in recent
years, a new microbial detection method, it has a fast, accurate,
sensitive and many other advantages.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as an important energy molecule
exists in all organisms, by determining the amount of adenosine
triphosphate under certain conditions, can indirectly infer the
number or concentration of microorganisms. The adenosine
triphosphate biofluorescence assay utilizes the complex
biochemical reactions between adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and
fluorescein-luciferase in the microbial cells to produce
bioluminescence, and then the fluorescence intensity is measured
by a fluorometer or a liquid scintillation tester. In the case
where the external conditions such as fluorescein, luciferase,
temperature, and pH are the same, the fluorescence intensity is
proportional to the amount of adenosine triphosphate.
Before performing the above-mentioned photo-light reaction to test
the amount of adenosine triphosphate, it is first necessary to
break the cell wall and the cell membrane to release adenosine
triphosphate by certain physical and chemical means. At present,
taking into account the factors conducive to the operation,
usually the use of chemical means to release adenosine
triphosphate. Commonly used chemical release agents, including,
for example, surfactants, acids, bases, and even organic solvents.
In addition to the release of the release of adenosine
triphosphate in the release of the purpose, but also should have
the following two effects: First, should be quickly passivated
release process of the cell's own adenosine triphosphate protease
(ATPase), reduce or eliminate its adenosine triphosphate Of the
decomposition; the second is not the follow-up of light in the
reaction of luciferase adverse effects. The above two requirements
for the release of the liquid to meet the two opposite effects of
the biological enzyme lead to the choice of the release fluid is
difficult to complete, usually taking into account the two
components after the compromise, thereby reducing the sensitivity
of bioluminescence detection, No technology to completely avoid
the above shortcomings.
Physical means is another option for the extraction of adenosine
triphosphate, such as mechanical extrusion, ultrasound, boiling,
etc., but some of these shortcomings have led to its lack of
access to widespread use, such as mechanical extrusion,
ultrasound, etc., and can not make ATPase , It will hydrolyze the
microbial adenosine triphosphate, affecting the detection
sensitivity; although the heating method can make ATPase
denaturation, extraction rate is high, but there are cumbersome,
repeatability is not good, will produce steam effects of sample
size and laboratory environment and other shortcomings. Therefore,
it is very important to find a more convenient and effective
method for the extraction of adenosine triphosphate with both
ATPase inhibition and luciferase protection, which is important
for the improvement and promotion of bioluminescence analysis.
The contents of the invention
The object of the present invention is to provide an effective and
simple extraction device for the problems existing in the physical
and chemical release means of adenosine triphosphate in the
presence of adenosine triphosphate biofluorescence detection. The
device should have the advantages of easy to use, less sample
consumption, good repeatability, and almost no steam spillover.
In order to achieve the above object, the technical solution of
the present invention is to provide a portable extraction device
for adenosine triphosphate, which comprises a three-step adenosine
triphosphate extractor, a heating system, and a temperature
control system.
Boiling is a good way to extract the microbial adenosine
triphosphate, the extraction rate is high, and can be extracted
with adenosine triphosphate at the same time, making ATPase
denaturation, inhibition of adenosine triphosphate hydrolysis, but
commonly used tube, beaker and other boiled containers (extractor)
is usually used external contact heat transfer (Such as resistance
wire furnace, etc.), it is difficult to precisely control the
boiling time, resulting in a large change in extraction rate,
sample test repeatability is poor; the same time, test tubes,
beakers and other boiling containers for the open state, resulting
in steam spill, the impact of extraction of adenosine triphosphate
sample concentration The
In view of the above-mentioned drawbacks, the present invention
adopts and combines the following three ways to precisely control
the boiling time: 1) the use of infrared radiation heating, far
infrared penetration is strong, in sufficient high radiant heat
state, can achieve almost instantaneous boiling; (3) small sample
pool (<0.3mL capacity spherical container); 4) in the heating
system outside the set of infrared reflection system to improve
the effective utilization of infrared radiation heat. The above
method allows the heat to reach and focus quickly on the sample
position, so that the sample is almost instantaneous boiling, will
be heated to boiling time is almost reduced to zero, reducing the
calculation of boiling time error in order to improve the precise
control of adenosine triphosphate extraction rate.
In view of the shortcomings of the sample, the slender sample is
the self-condensing system, and the additional condensing tube is
not attached to ensure the sufficient condensation of the sample
steam. And back to the sample cell, maintaining the sample
uniformity of the volume and concentration of the contents. At the
same time, in order to ensure the self-condensation effect, the
heating system of the extraction device will only focus the
heating position of the sample pool position, almost no heat from
the self-condensation section.
The above heating system and adenosine triphosphate extractor, in
the sample microbial adenosine triphosphate accurate and rapid
extraction at the same time, to ensure that the concentration of
adenosine triphosphate concentration is consistent and repeat the
The detection step of the high sensitivity bioluminescence
detection method provided by the invention is:
1) With a pipette to accurately measure a certain amount of
samples, into the adenosine triphosphate extractor;
2) Start heating system heating for a certain time, such as 2min;
3) With a pipette to accurately measure a certain amount of
samples, mixed with fluorescein - luciferase bioluminescence
The adenosine triphosphate extractor is an infrared transparent
material, which is derived from crystalline silicon, crystalline
germanium, MgF2, CsI, silicate glass, aluminate glass, gallate
glass, chalcogenide glass, borate glass, quartz Glass, Al2O3
transparent ceramics, yttrium oxide transparent ceramics,
polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, ABS
resin, EVA resin, PET resin, PBT resin, polyurethane,
polyphenylene sulfide, polyphenylene ether, poly Formaldehyde
resin, polystyrene, polycarbonate, polyamide, plexiglass, nylon,
polyvinylidene fluoride, polytetrafluoroethylene, polysulfone and
the like.
Wherein the bottom of the sample is a spherical sample cell and
the upper part is a helical self-condensing tube. The bottom of
the spiral self-condensing tube is connected with the top of the
spherical sample cell, and the top of the sample cell is connected
with the inside of the spiral self-
Wherein the inner spherical diameter of the bottom spherical
sample cell is 5 to 10 mm and the wall thickness is 0.01 to 1 mm;
the expansion length of the upper spiral condenser is 1 to 1000
cm, the inner diameter of the cross section of the condenser tube
is 0.1 ~ 5mm, wall thickness of 0.01 ~ 1mm.
The adenosine triphosphate extractor is charac
terized in that the amount of each treated sample is 0.03 to 0.3
The heating system is characterized in that the heating mode is
mainly heated by infrared heat radiation with a power of 50 to
The infrared ray emitting material is made of graphite, carbon
fiber, carbon nanotube fiber, graphene, silicon carbide, alumina,
silica, zirconium boride, zirconium boride, mixed oxide infrared
radiation material, tungsten oxide ceramic , Infrared radiation
enamel selected.
The heating system is characterized in that the heating system is
spherical and concentric with the sample cell and allows the cell
of the adenosine triphosphate extractor to be partially inserted,
with a gap between 0 and 100 mm.
The heating system is characterized in that the periphery of the
heating system comprises an infrared reflecting system which is
spherical and concentric with the sample cell and the heating
system. The infrared reflecting material is selected from the
group consisting of metallic aluminum, copper, nickel and
Description of the drawings
Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of a self-made adenosine
triphosphate extraction device.
Figure 2 shows the fluorescence intensity at different
extraction times using a self-made adenosine triphosphate
extraction device.
Figure 3 shows the results of comparison using a self-made
adenosine triphosphate extraction device with a conventional
chemical extraction method.
Detailed description
The features and advantages of the present invention will be
further described below with reference to specific embodiments. It
should be understood, however, that these examples are merely
illustrative of the invention and are not to be construed as
limiting the scope of the invention. The test methods not
specified for the specific conditions in the following examples
are generally in accordance with conventional conditions or in
accordance with the conditions recommended by the manufacturer.
The invention has the advantages that:
In the existing bioluminescence analysis method, the method of
chemical extraction of adenosine triphosphate in the presence of
passivation of adenosine triphosphate decomposing enzyme and
protection of luciferase is difficult to take into account. The
physical extraction method is cumbersome and reproducible, and the
amount of steam and the laboratory environment Shortcomings,
provided a new adenosine triphosphate extraction device. The
device is required to use less sample, at least 0.03mL; easy to
operate, only need to inject the sample adenosine triphosphate
extractor, start the heating system, a short extraction time can
be (2min); each time the sample test repeatability; Compromise
inhibition of ATPase and luciferase protection; there is no need
to worry about the effects of steam spillage on the concentration
of adenosine triphosphate and the effect of steam on the
laboratory environment...
Method for extracting compounds from Chondrus ocelltus
Inventor(s): GEFEI ZHOu, et al.
The invention relates to a method for extracting compounds from
Chondrus ocelltus, and belongs to the technical field of medical
plant chemical extraction processes. A method for separating and
preparing a monomer component from Chondrus ocelltus comprises the
following steps: extracting Chondrus ocelltus with ethanol,
carrying out extraction of the extract with petroleum ether, ethyl
acetate and n-butanol, subjecting the n-butanol extract to silica
gel column chromatography, eluting with a mixture of chloroform,
methanol and water at a ratio of 7:3:0.1, collecting section by
fractioning according to color and Rf value, combining same parts,
concentrating under reduced pressure to obtain seven fractions
C1-C7, wherein C2 is subjected to silica gel column chromatography
again and eluting with a mixture of chloroform, methanol and water
at a ratio of 9:2:;0.1 to obtain five fractions, and C2-C4 are
loaded on an Sephadex LH-20 column and eluting with a mixture of
chloroform and methanol at a ratio of 1:1 to obtain white powered
material adenosine triphosphate with a purity higher than 98%.
The present invention relates to a method for extracting compounds
from the red algae, which belongs to the technical field of
chemical extraction of pharmaceutical plants. The extraction of
carrageenan by ethanol was carried out. The extract was extracted
with petroleum ether, ethyl acetate and n-butanol. The n-butanol
phase extract was treated with silica gel column The elution was
carried out with chloroform: methanol: water = 7: 3: 0.1, and the
same fraction was collected according to the color and Rf values.
The fractions were concentrated under reduced pressure: C1-C7.
Where C2 was again chromatographed on silica gel, chloroform:
methanol: water = 9: 2: 0.1 to give five fractions. Wherein C2-4
is eluted with Sephadex LH-20 column via chloroform: methanol = 1:
1 to give adenosine triphosphate as a white powder, with a purity
of more than 98%.
A method for extracting compounds from the red algae
Technical field
The present invention relates to a method for extracting compounds
from the red algae, which belongs to the technical field of
chemical extraction of pharmaceutical plants.
Background technique
Carrageenan, red algae, cedarae, carrageenan, intertidal seaweed,
commonly known as sea fungus. "Chinese marine drug dictionary"
records <[2]>: Carrageenan all edible,
medicine, with laxative, and blood swelling, analgesic myogenic
effect, attending chronic constipation, fractures, bruises, etc.
disease. Carrageenan contains a variety of antibacterial and
antiviral ingredients, not only can prevent colds, and can
eradicate a wide range of infectious diseases, influenza B and
mumps have a strong ability to suppress the virus. With the
deepening of the pharmacological activity of natural products,
carrageenan many physiological activities were found, has
attracted domestic and foreign scholars and product research and
development personnel attention.
Carrageenan is an important economic algae, mainly used for the
production of carrageenan (also known as carrageenan). But so far,
the study of the active ingredients of carrageenan is limited to
the routine analysis of the basic components and some of the early
isolated compounds. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out more
in-depth study on the chemical composition of carrageenan.
The contents of the invention
It is an object of the present invention to provide a method for
extracting adenosine triphosphate from a red algae and a method
for extracting the present invention. The present invention
further studies the chemical composition of the carrageenan by
comparing the nutritional components of the carrageenan at
different locations in the same season The use of modern
spectroscopy techniques for the identification of the structure of
the extract, and anti-bacterial and immune activity of the study,
aimed at the development and utilization of carrageenan A certain
The present invention is achieved by the following technical
A compound extracted from the red algae, specifically in that the
compound is named adenosine triphosphate having the chemical
formula of the following structure:
A method for extracting adenosine triphosphate from the genus
Cabbage, which is characterized by the following steps:
(1)The red algae carrageenan powder placed in 3-5 times the
quality of its solvent in the cold leaching extract to ensure that
the solvent concentration after soaking 80% -90%, filtered to
remove algae residue, combined extract, evaporated under reduced
pressure Solvent, dark green oily extract;
(2) Followed by petroleum ether, ethyl acetate and n-butanol
extraction extract concentrate;
(3) The n-butanol phase extract was purified by silica gel column
chromatography eluting with chloroform: methanol: water = 7: 3:
0.1. TLC thin layer chromatography was used to track the samples
according to Rf and color. The Rf and color The same part,
concentrated under reduced pressure seven mixture fraction C1-C7,
take C2 spare;
(4)C2-2, C2-3, C2-4, C2-5; after a large number of screening, take
the two, then take the silica gel column chromatography, with
chloroform: methanol: water = 9: 2: 0.1, C2-4 was eluted with a
Sephadex LH-20 column via chloroform: methanol = 1: 1, where C2-4c
was repeatedly washed with chloroform to give a white powdery
According to the detector ultraviolet spectrum, the same samples
were collected and the same samples were obtained for each
chromatographic peak obtained, and the monomer substance adenosine
triphosphate with purity greater than 98% was obtained.
The specific steps of the above extraction process are as follows:
(1)The red algae carrots powder placed in 3-5 times the quality of
its solvent at room temperature cold soak 7-10 days to ensure that
the solvent concentration after soaking 80% -90%, continuous
solvent for 3-5 times, that is, 3-5 times for extraction;
Said solvent is ethanol; normal temperature is generally 20-30 °
(2) The extract in step 1 is filtered to remove the algae residue,
and the above-mentioned 3-5 times of the extract is added. The
solvent is evaporated under reduced pressure, that is, the alcohol
in the extract is evaporated under reduced pressure to obtain a
dark green oily extract;
(3)The dark green oily extract obtained in step 2 was first
suspended by water and then extracted with the same amount of
petroleum ether as the suspension for 4-8 times. The petroleum
ether phase was combined and concentrated under reduced pressure
to obtain a dark green extract.
(4)The aqueous phase obtained in step 3 is added to the same
amount of ethyl acetate as the aqueous phase at room temperature
for 4 to 8 times, the ethyl acetate phase is combined and
concentrated under reduced pressure to give a brownish extract;
(5)And the aqueous phase obtained in step 4 is then added with the
same amount of n-butanol as the water for 4 to 8 times, the
n-butanol phase is combined and concentrated under reduced
pressure to obtain a yellow extract;
(6), take 100-200 mesh silica gel, activated at 110 ° C ± 5 ° C
for 25-35 minutes, mixed with petroleum ether, ultrasonic to
bubble, and then wet into the column, the column size: 50 × 600mm
, Packed column height: 400mm, standing 60-80 hours;
(7)The n-butanol phase extract in step 5 was collected, dissolved
in methanol, triturated with three times its mass of 60-100 mesh
silica gel and dried on a dry basis with chloroform: methanol:
water = 7: 3: 0.1 Gradient elution, collected in 50 mL tubes, 45
mL per tube, collected by TLC thin layer chromatography, segmented
according to Rf and color, combined with Rf and the same color,
and concentrated under reduced pressure to obtain seven mixtures
fraction C1 -C7; C1: No. 1-6 pipe merged; C2: Section 7-19 tube
merged; C3: Section 20-34 tube merger; C4: 35-47 tube merger; C5:
48-61 tube merger; C6: 62- 72 pipe merger; C7: 73-89 tube merger;
(8), take silica 200-300 mesh, according to the process of step 6
after the activation of the wet column, column size: 20 × 400mm,
loading column height: 280mm;
(9), take step 7 to separate the resulting fraction C2, dissolved
with methanol, with three times its mass of 60 to 100 mesh silica
gel sample, dry loading, chloroform: methanol: water = 9: 2: 0.1
Gradient elution, with 20mL test tube segment collection, each
tube collection of 18mL, the use of TLC thin layer chromatography
tracking detection, according to Rf and color segmentation,
combined Rf and the same color parts, concentrated under pressure
five mixture fraction C2 -1, C2-2, C2-3, C2-4, C2-5;
C2-1: the first 1-3 tube merged; C2-2: the first 4-12 tube merged;
C2-3: 13-21 tube merged; C2-4: 22-29 tube merged; C2-5: 30 -39
tube merge;
(10) Take Sephadex LH-20 gel column, column size: 15 × 800mm;
loading column height: 700mm, take step 9 to separate the
fractions C2-4, with chloroform: methanol = 1: 1 dissolved, Eluted
with chloroform: methanol = 1: 1, collected in 10 mL tubes, 5 mL
per tube, analyzed by TLC thin layer chromatography, segmented
according to Rf and color, merged with Rf and the same color, -17
tube for the C2-4c, a white solid precipitation, repeated washing
with chloroform to get white powder material, the detection of
adenosine triphosphate.
The method comprises the following steps: firstly, extracting the
carrageenan with ethanol, the extract is extracted with petroleum
ether, ethyl acetate and n-butanol, and the n-butanol phase
extract is obtained by silica gel column Chromatography with
chloroform: methanol: water = 7: 3: 0. 1, eluted according
to the color and Rf values, and the same fraction was combined and
concentrated under reduced pressure to give seven fractions:
C1-C7. Where C2 was again chromatographed on silica gel,
chloroform: methanol: water = 9: 2: 0.1 to give five fractions.
Wherein C2-4 was eluted with Sephadex LH-20 column via chloroform:
methanol = 1: 1 to give adenosine triphosphate as a white powder
with a purity of more than 98%.
The invention further studies the chemical composition of the
carrageenan, extracts and separates the physiologically active
substances in the carrot with modern separation means, uses the
modern spectroscopic technique to identify the structure and
conducts the research on the antibacterial and immunological
activity , For the development and utilization of carrageenops to
provide a basis.
Description of the drawings
Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the solvent distribution of
the ethanol extract of the red algae
Figure 2: Separation flow chart of n-butanol phase extract
of red algae.
Hereinafter, specific embodiments of the present invention will be
described with reference to the accompanying drawings for a
further explanation of the constitution of the present invention.
Example 1
(1)The red algae carrageenan powder placed in 3 times the quality
of its solvent at room temperature for 10 days to ensure that the
solvent concentration after soaking 85%, continuous solvent 4
times, that is, 4 times to extract;
Said solvent is ethanol; normal temperature is generally 20-30 °
(2) The extract in step 1 is filtered to remove the algae residue,
and the above four times of the extract is added. The solvent is
evaporated under reduced pressure, that is, the alcohol in the
extract is evaporated under reduced pressure to obtain a dark
green oily extract;
(3)The dark green oily extract obtained in step 2 was first
suspended by water and then extracted with the same amount of
petroleum ether as the suspension at room temperature for 6 times.
The petroleum ether phase was combined and concentrated under
reduced pressure to obtain a dark green extract.
(4)And the aqueous phase obtained in Step 3 was further added with
the same amount of ethyl acetate as the aqueous phase at room
temperature for 6 times, and the ethyl acetate phase was combined
and concentrated under reduced pressure to give a brownish
(5)And the aqueous phase obtained in step 4 is added with the same
amount of n-butanol as the aqueous phase at room temperature for 6
times, the n-butanol phase is combined and concentrated under
reduced pressure to obtain a yellow extract;
(6), take 100-200 mesh silica gel, 110 ° C ± 5 ° C activation for
30 minutes, mixed with petroleum ether, ultrasonic to bubble, and
then wet into the column, the column size: 50 × 600mm, installed
Column height: 400mm, standing 60-80 hours;
(7) The n-butanol phase extract in step 5 was collected, dissolved
in methanol, triturated with three times its mass of 60-100 mesh
silica gel, and dried in the chromatographic column of step (6) in
chloroform, Methanol: water = 7: 3: 0.1 gradient elution, with
50mL test tube segment collection, each tube collection of 45mL,
the use of TLC thin layer chromatography tracking detection,
according to Rf and color segmentation, combined Rf and color the
same part, And the mixture was concentrated under reduced pressure
to obtain seven mixture fractions C1-C7; C1: No. 1-6 pipe merged;
C2: Section 7-19 tube merged; C3: Section 20-34 tube merger; C4:
35-47 tube merger; C5: 48-61 tube merger; C6: 62- 72 pipe merger;
C7: 73-89 tube merger;
(8), take silica 200-300 mesh, according to the process of step 6
after the activation of the wet column, column size: 20 × 400mm,
loading column height: 280mm;
(9), the fraction F2 from the step 7 was separated, dissolved with
methanol, mixed with 60 to 100 mesh silica gel with its mass of 60
to 100 mesh, and dried in the chromatographic column of step (8)
Methanol: water = 9: 2: 0.1 gradient elution, with 20mL test tube
segment collection, each tube collection of 18mL, the use of TLC
thin layer chromatography tracking detection, according to Rf and
color segmentation, combined Rf and color the same part, The
mixture was concentrated under reduced pressure to obtain five
mixture fractions C2-1, C2-2, C2-3, C2-4, C2-5;
C2-1: the first 1-3 tube merged; C2-2: the first 4-12 tube merged;
C2-3: 13-21 tube merged; C2-4: 22-29 tube merged; C2-5: 30 -39
tube merge;
(10) Take Sephadex LH-20 gel column, column size: 15 × 800mm;
loading column height: 700mm, take step 9 to separate the
fractions C2-4, with chloroform: methanol = 1: 1 dissolved,
Eluted with chloroform: methanol = 1: 1, collected in 10 mL tubes,
collected 5 mL per tube, analyzed by TLC thin layer
chromatography, segmented according to Rf and color, merged with
Rf and the same color, -17 tube for the C2-4c, a white solid
precipitation, repeated washing with chloroform to get white
powder material, adenosine triphosphate.
Example 2
(1) The red algae carrots powder placed in 5 times the quality of
its solvent at room temperature for 10 days to ensure that the
solvent concentration after soaking 85%, continuous solvent for 5
times, that is, 5 times to extract;
Said solvent is ethanol; normal temperature is generally 20-30 °
(2) The extract in step 1 is filtered to remove the algae residue,
and the above five times of the extract is added. The solvent is
evaporated under reduced pressure, that is, the alcohol in the
extract is evaporated under reduced pressure to obtain a dark
green oily extract;
(3)The dark green oily extract obtained in step 2 was first
suspended by water and then extracted with the same amount of
petroleum ether as the suspension at room temperature for 8 times.
The petroleum ether phase was combined and concentrated under
reduced pressure to obtain a dark green extract.
(4 The aqueous phase obtained in Step 3 was added to the same
amount of ethyl acetate as the aqueous phase at room temperature
for 8 times, and the ethyl acetate phase was combined and
concentrated under reduced pressure to give a brownish extract;
(5)And the aqueous phase obtained in step 4 was added to the same
amount of n-butanol at room temperature for 8 times. The n-butanol
phase was combined and concentrated under reduced pressure to
obtain a yellow extract.
(6), take 100-200 mesh silica gel, activated at 110 ° C ± 5 ° C
for 35 minutes, mixed with petroleum ether, ultrasonic to bubble,
and then wet into the column, the column size: 50 × 600mm, Column
height: 400mm, standing 60-80 hours;
(7) The n-butanol phase extract in step 5 was collected, dissolved
in methanol, triturated with three times its mass of 60-100 mesh
silica gel, and dried in the chromatographic column of step (6) in
chloroform, Methanol: water = 7: 3: 0.1 gradient elution, with
50mL test tube segment collection, each tube collection of 45mL,
the use of TLC thin layer chromatography tracking detection,
according to Rf and color segmentation, combined Rf and color the
same part, And the mixture was concentrated under reduced pressure
to obtain seven mixture fractions C1-C7; C1: No. 1-6 pipe merged;
C2: Section 7-19 tube merged; C3: Section 20-34 tube merger; C4:
35-47 tube merger; C5: 48-61 tube merger; C6: 62- 72 pipe merger;
C7: 73-89 tube merger;
(8), take silica 200-300 mesh, according to the process of step 6
after the activation of the wet column, column size: 20 × 400mm,
loading column height: 280mm;
(9), the fraction F2 from the step 7 was separated, dissolved with
methanol, mixed with 60 to 100 mesh silica gel with its mass of 60
to 100 mesh, and dried in the chromatographic column of step (8)
Methanol: water = 9: 2: 0.1 gradient elution, with 20mL test tube
segment collection, each tube collection of 18mL, the use of TLC
thin layer chromatography tracking detection, according to Rf and
color segmentation, combined Rf and color the same part, The
mixture was concentrated under reduced pressure to obtain five
mixture fractions C2-1, C2-2, C2-3, C2-4, C2-5;
C2-1: the first 1-3 tube merged; C2-2: the first 4-12 tube merged;
C2-3: 13-21 tube merged; C2-4: 22-29 tube merged; C2-5: 30 -39
tube merge;
(10) Take Sephadex LH-20 gel column, column size: 15 × 800mm;
loading column height: 700mm, take step 9 to separate the
fractions C2-4, with chloroform: methanol = 1: 1 dissolved,
Eluted with chloroform: methanol = 1: 1, collected in 10 mL tubes,
5 mL per tube, analyzed by TLC thin layer chromatography,
segmented according to Rf and color, merged with Rf and the same
color, Tube for the C2-4c, a white solid precipitation, repeated
washing with chloroform to get white powder material, adenosine
Example 3
(1 30 kg of red algae carrageenan powder placed in 4 times
the quality of its solvent at room temperature for 7 days, to
ensure that the solvent concentration after soaking 90%,
continuous solvent 4 times, that is, 4 times to extract;
Said solvent is ethanol; normal temperature is generally 20-30 °
(2) The extract in step 1 is filtered to remove the algae residue,
and the above four times of the extract is added. The solvent is
evaporated under reduced pressure, that is, the alcohol in the
extract is evaporated under reduced pressure to obtain a dark
green oily extract;
(3) The dark green oily extract obtained in step 2 was first
suspended by water and then extracted with the same amount of
petroleum ether as the suspension at room temperature for 6 times.
The petroleum ether phase was combined and concentrated under
reduced pressure to obtain a dark green extract.
(4)And the aqueous phase obtained in Step 3 was further added with
the same amount of ethyl acetate as the aqueous phase at room
temperature for 6 times, and the ethyl acetate phase was combined
and concentrated under reduced pressure to give a brownish
(5)And the aqueous phase obtained in step 4 is added with the same
amount of n-butanol as the aqueous phase at room temperature for 6
times, the n-butanol phase is combined and concentrated under
reduced pressure to obtain a yellow extract;
(6), take 100-200 mesh silica gel, activated at 110 ° C ± 5 ° C
for 25-35 minutes, mixed with petroleum ether, ultrasonic to
bubble, and then wet into the column, the column size: 50 × 600mm
, Packed column height: 400mm, standing 60-80 hours;
(7) The n-butanol phase extract in step 5 was collected, dissolved
in methanol, triturated with three times its mass of 60-100 mesh
silica gel, and dried in the chromatographic column of step (6) in
chloroform, Methanol: water = 7: 3: 0.1 gradient elution, with
50mL test tube segment collection, each tube collection of 45mL,
the use of TLC thin layer chromatography tracking detection,
according to Rf and color segmentation, combined Rf and color the
same part, And the mixture was concentrated under reduced pressure
to obtain seven mixture fractions C1-C7 : C1: No. 1-6 pipe merged;
C2: Section 7-19 tube merged; C3: Section 20-34 tube merger; C4:
35-47 tube merger; C5: 48-61 tube merger; C6: 62- 72 pipe merger;
C7: 73-89 tube merger;
(8), take silica 200-300 mesh, according to the process of step 6
after the activation of the wet column, column size: 20 × 400mm,
loading column height: 280mm;
(9), the fraction F2 from the step 7 was separated, dissolved with
methanol, mixed with 60 to 100 mesh silica gel with its mass of 60
to 100 mesh, and dried in the chromatographic column of step (8)
Methanol: water = 9: 2: 0.1 gradient elution, with 20mL test tube
for segment collection, each tube collection of 18mL, the use of
TLC thin layer chromatography tracking detection, according to Rf
and color segmentation, combined Rf and color the same part ,
Concentrated under reduced pressure to obtain five mixture
fractions C2-1, C2-2, C2-3, C2-4, C2-5;
C2-1: the first 1-3 tube merged; C2-2: the first 4-12 tube merged;
C2-3: 13-21 tube merged; C2-4: 22-29 tube merged; C2-5: 30 -39
tube merge;
(10) Take Sephadex LH-20 gel column, column size: 15 × 800mm;
loading column height: 700mm, take step 9 to separate the
fractions C2-4, with chloroform: methanol = 1: 1 dissolved,
Eluted with chloroform: methanol = 1: 1, collected in 10 mL tubes,
5 mL per tube, analyzed by TLC thin layer chromatography,
segmented according to Rf and color, merged with Rf and the same
color, Tube for the C2-4c, a white solid precipitation, repeated
washing with chloroform to get white powder material, adenosine
The compound of the present invention, which is extracted from the
genus Cabbage, is a coenzyme. Have improved the role of body
metabolism, involved in body fat, protein, sugar, nucleic acid and
nucleotide metabolism, but also the main source of energy in the
body. Applicable to cell damage caused by cell damage after the
disease. Animal test found that the goods on the electrophysiology
of cardiomyocytes have a significant effect, can inhibit the slow
reaction of calcium influx cells flow, block and extend the
atrioventricular node back to the loop of the forward conduction,
high dose can block the compartment The way of reentry, with the
role of enhanced vagus nerve, available ventricular
tachycardia. ATP may be used as a nanotechnology and
irrigated energy. Artificial pacemakers may benefit from this
technology without the need for battery power.
In poultry farming: 1. For broiler, meat duck, pig, beef cattle,
sheep, fish, shrimp and other fleshy animal fertility, promote
growth; For the disease caused by animal drinking water, feed
intake decreased, and quickly replenish the body energy level; The
use of this product can promote the rapid recovery of animal
disease after the onset; Applicable to animals due to disease,
drugs, toxins and other pathogenic factors caused by liver damage,
kidney damage, intestinal mucosal injury, fallopian tube injury
after repair.
The method for increasing efficacy of extracting adenosine
triphosphate from the muscular tissues of the meat of the
slaughtered animals consisted in the loading the minced meat into
the maceration tank followed by extraction of adenosine
triphosphate. The area of the actual contact between the
extractant and the raw material increases due to the fluidized
state of extraction process. With this aim, the tank is rotated
with the angular speed that is optimal for specific raw material
and the extant of its mincing.
Inventor(s): SUGIZAKI MASAHITO, et al.
PURPOSE:To extract effectively adenosine triphosphate contained in
microorganism in active sludge at room temperature with a simple
operation in a short time by adding trichloroacetic acid solution
to the active sludge slurry as an extraction agent.
CONSTITUTION:Trichloroacetic acid solution is added to an active
sludge slurry as an extraction agent so as to extract adenosine
triphosphate contained in microorganism in the active sludge. This
method can be carried out at room temperature, furthermore, its
operation is simple, its operation time is short and an efficiency
in extracting adenosine triphosphate is high.
Inventor(s): SUGI TAKUMI, et al.
PURPOSE: To make it possible to measure number of
microorganism even in a system having a few number of
microorganism because of much extraction amount of the
microorganism or ATP by using a specific alkylene oxide adduct of
an alkylamine as an extracting agent.
CONSTITUTION:The aimed ATP-extracting agent for extracting
adenosine triphosphate(ATP) from bacterium, filamentous fungus,
Basidiomycetes, yeast, algae, etc., containing an alkylene oxide
adduct of an alkylamine expressed by the formula (R is 8-22C alkyl
or alkenyl; m, n, p and q are each 0 or integer and m+p=0-20,
n+q=1-20 and m+n+p+q>=2; addition of alkylene oxide may be
block addition or random addition and when it is block addition,
either one of ethylene oxide block and propylene oxide block may
be first added to the alkylamine).
The present invention relates to an ATP extractant for extracting
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) without destroying cells from
microorganisms. [Related Art] In recent years, analytical
instruments have been developed in which ATP is extracted from
microorganisms and the amount of ATP is quantified from the amount
of luminescence generated by the reaction with
luciferin-luciferase to measure the number of microorganisms in a
short period of time . Here, in order to measure low concentration
of microorganisms, an ATP extracting agent that extracts
microorganisms efficient efficiency <ATP is required.
Conventionally, surfactants such as ethylene oxide adducts of
alkylphenols, ethylene oxide adducts of alkylamines, ethylene
oxide adducts of quaternary ammonium salts and the like are known
as ATP extractants for extracting ATP from microorganisms
(Japanese Patent Publication No. 62 -4120). However, with the
conventional ATP extractant, the amount of ATP to be extracted was
small, so the detection limit of the number of microorganisms was
about 10 '/ -. Therefore, when measuring the number of
microorganisms of a system having a small number of microorganisms
such as cooling water or white water of the pulp and paper
industry, for example, there is a problem that the measurement
method utilizing the ATP amount can not be applied in many cases.
DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION Problems to be Solved by the Invention
An object of the present invention is to solve the above problems,
and it is an object of the present invention to provide a
microorganism capable of measuring the number of microorganisms
even in a system with a large extraction amount of ATP extracted
from microorganisms and a small number of microorganisms In order
to obtain an ATP extractant. [Means for Solving the Problem] The
present invention is an ATP extracting agent comprising an
alkylene oxide adduct of an alkylamine represented by the
following general formula (1). (In the formula, R represents an
alkyl group or alkenyl group having 8 to 22 carbon atoms, m, n, p
and q are each 0 or a positive number, m + p = o to 20.n + q =
1-20, m + n + p + q ≧ 2 The alkylene oxide adduct may be a block
adduct or a random adduct, and in the case of a block adduct,
either an ethylene oxide block or a propylene oxide block may be
added to the alkylamine in advance. In the present invention, the
alkylamine to which the alkylene oxide is added is represented by
the following general formula (Il) RNH, ... (n) wherein R is as
defined above. Specific examples thereof include octylamine,
decylamine, dodecylamine, tetradecylamine, hexadecylamine,
octadecylamine, eicosylamine, oleylamine and the like. The
alkylene oxide added to such an alkylamine is propylene oxide,
propylene oxide or ethylene oxide, but other alkylene oxides may
be added together with these alkylene oxides, as represented by
the above-mentioned general formula (1) , In the present
invention, it is possible to use those obtained by adding both
ethylene oxide and propylene oxide to alkylamine, or those to
which propylene oxide is added singly, but it is preferable that
both are added.
The addition form is not particularly limited and may be a random
adduct randomly added with an alkylene oxide or a block adduct in
which an alkylene oxide is continuously added blockwise. In the
case of a block adduct, , Ethylene oxide may be added first or
propylene oxide may be added first. In general formula (1), 1 m
and p, or n and q may be the same or different from each other It
is good. The alkylene oxide adduct of the alkylamine represented
by the general formula (1) can be obtained by adding propylene
oxide alone to the alkylamine represented by the general formula
[1], or by adding propylene oxide and ethylene oxide randomly or
arbitrarily In the following order. The ATP extractant of the
present invention contains an alkylene oxide adduct of an
alkylamine represented by the above general formula (I), and an
alkylene oxide adduct of alkylamine may be used alone, or another
component may be blended In any case, it can be dissolved in a
solvent such as water to prepare a solution, which can be
contacted with a microorganism to extract ATP. In the present
invention, examples of microorganisms subject to ATP extraction
include bacteria, filamentous fungi, basidiomycetes, yeasts,
deformed bacteria. Algae, protozoans and the like. The ATP
extractant of the present invention can extract ATP with a high
extraction rate without destroying cells of microorganisms and
does not inhibit the enzymatic activity of luciferase. Therefore,
the ATP extractant of the present invention extracts ATP from a
microorganism, reacts this ATP with luciferin-luciferase, measures
the amount of luminescence generated, quantifies the amount of
ATP, and measures the number of microorganisms from the amount It
can be used for measuring the number of microorganisms. In order
to measure the number of microorganisms using the ATP extracting
agent of the present invention, the ATP extracting agent of the
present invention is added to a solution containing a
microorganism in an amount of 0.01 to 2% by weight of the compound
represented by the general company (1) Add 0.05 to 0.3% by weight,
bring it into contact for about 10 seconds to 2 minutes to extract
ATP, add luciferin and luciferase, measure the amount of
luminescence using a luminescence amount measuring instrument As
shown in FIG. The system for measuring the number of
microorganisms using the ATP extracting agent of the present
invention is not particularly limited as long as it is a system
containing microorganisms, and industrial products such as white
water system, cooling water system, aqueous adhesives and the like
in one pulp and paper mill, various fermentation Equipment,
activated sludge apparatus and the like. When the ATP extracting
agent of the present invention extracts ATP from the
microorganisms in large amounts and the ATP extracting agent is
used for measuring the number of microorganisms utilizing the
amount of ATP, the amount of luminescence by the
luciferin-luciferase reaction increases, and 104 A / - to the
number of microorganisms.
Therefore, even in a system with a small number of microorganisms
to which this method could not be applied conventionally, the
number of microorganisms can be measured using the amount of ATP.
According to the present invention, since an alkylene oxide adduct
of a specific alkylamine is used, an ATP extractant capable of
extracting ATP from a microorganism with high extraction rate is
obtained. Therefore, by using the ATP extractant of the present
invention, it is possible to measure the number of microorganisms
using ATPm even in a system with a small number of microorganisms
which could not be applied to date.
White water (PH 6, 5, microorganism number 2.4 X 10 '/ / * * fl)
0.1 - collected from the paper valve plant and 0.2% by weight
aqueous solution of the ATP extractant shown in Table 1 0.10 was
placed in a cuvette and allowed to stand for 1 minute to carry out
ATP extraction operation from microorganisms. An enzyme solution
containing luciferin-luciferase was added to this solution, and
after 10 seconds, the amount of luminescence was obtained using a
biocounter M2O10 (manufactured by Rumac). The results are shown in
Table 1. Table 1 14B: propylene oxide addition (block working
meat) after addition of ethylene oxide. -50: Simultaneous addition
of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide (random adduct). * 6 C 5 H 1
s o - 0 - (CH * 201 ° e e 1 m, p indicates 1, 1 Akebono 4 K
(summer) m, p. -2 n, q represents nm Q of the general formula (1).
-3 A: Addition of propylene oxide, addition of ethylene oxide
(block L um 1 m). 70: 30 (! Mixture of IJ Mu υ. From the results
in Table 1, it can be seen that the ATP extractant used in
Examples has a higher luminescence amount than the ATP extractant
used in Comparative Example, and exhibits a good ATP extraction
effect. Example 8, Comparative Example 5 Bacteria (Pseudos + onas
sp,) separated from a cooling water system were cultured to obtain
a culture solution with a bacterial count of 10 "4 g / -. This
culture solution was centrifuged, and the separated bacteria were
suspended in sterilized water, and further diluted with sterilized
water to obtain a bacterial suspension having a predetermined
concentration. 0.1 mM of this bacterial suspension and 0.1 - 0.4%
by weight aqueous solution of the following ATP extractant were
placed in a cuvette, and 30 seconds later, an enzyme solution
containing luciferin-luciferase was added. After 10 seconds, the
amount of luminescence was determined using the biocounter M2O10.
The relationship between the number of bacteria (1) in 1 - and the
relative luminescence (RLLI) is shown in FIG.
As the ATP extractant, the following ones were used. Example 8
Randomly added 3 moles of propylene oxide and 2 moles of ethylene
oxide to 1 mole of cxmozJ <.
1 Mole of CUS! 'I <2> with 2 mol of ethylene oxide added. As
can be seen from the results in FIG. 1, with the AT'P extractant
used in the comparative example, there is no difference in the
relative luminescence amount with the number of bacteria of 105 /
- or less, it is not possible to measure the bacterial count from
the relative luminescence amount In the ATP extraction used in the
example, there is a correlation between the bacterial number and
the relative luminescence amount up to 10 '/ -, and it is possible
to measure the number of bacteria in a system with a small number
of bacteria as compared with the conventional product Is possible.
Brief Description of the Drawings
FIG. 1 is a graph showing the results of Example 8 and
Comparative Example 5.
Process for the preparation of a mixture of nucleotides
containing predominantly adenosintriphosphate
[ PDF ]
GB1182280 / US3432487
Process for Extracting Hydrophilic Substances
A process for a hydrophilic substance, particularly adenosine
triphosphate, from a material containing the hydrophilic substance
bound or sequestered to a water-insoluble substance comprises
preparing a mixture of the material with water and an organic
liquid extractant, the water being partially soluble in the
extractant and the extractant being present in an amount
sufficient to dissolve part but not all of the water, whereby
there are formed as separate phases an aqueous phase containing
the dissolved hydrophilic substance and an organic liquid
extractant phase, separating the phases and recovering the aqueous
phase. The process is particularly applicable to hydrophilic
substances found in living organisms, e.g. nucleotides,
nucleosides, flavins or watersoluble cofactors. Specified
extractants are 1-butanol, 2-butanol, t-butyl alcohol, n-amyl
alcohol, t-amyl alcohol and 3-pentanol, anhydrous 1-butanol being
preferred. Example describe the extraction of adenosine
triphosphate from a culture of Escheriahia coli.
We, E.I. Du PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY, a corporation organised
and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, United
States of America, of Wilmington, State of Delaware, United States
of America, do hereby declare the invention, for which we pray
that a patent may be granted to us, and the method by which it is
to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the
following statement:-
This invention relates to a process for obtaining aqueous extracts
of various hydrophilic substances from biological or nonbiological
materials in a manner which also provides any desired
concentrations of these extracted substances in the aqueous
solutions obtained.
A more specific aspect of this invention relates to a process for
obtaining aqueous extracts and for concentrating aqueous solutions
of biological hydrophilic substances, i.e. hydrophilic substances
which can be found in living organisms, such as nucleotides (e.g.,
adenosine triphosphate, hereinafter referred to as ATP),
nucleosides, flavins, water-soluble vitamins, and watersoluble
Hydrophilic substances are frequently present in a material in
combination with various water-insoluble substances. The
water-insoluble substances may be linked to or sequester the
hydrophilic substances so as to render them relatively
inaccessible for aqueous extraction. For example, ATP is present
in biological cells in which membrane and other material prevent
its quantitative extraction by water alone.
ATP is a nucleotide which is present in all living organisms. By
determining whether there is ATP present in a certain environment.
it is possible to detect the existence of living organisms in that
environment. Thus by monitoring for the presence of ATP, the
existence of microorganisms may be determined. This determination
is useful in the detection of biological warfare agents; in the
determination of background levels of microorganisms in the
environment such as air, water, food, clean assembly areas,
hospital rooms and germ free areas, and the detection of any
increased contamination in any of these enviroments; and in
monitoring the effectiveness of sterilization procedures and the
sterilization of compounds and apparatus. Further, the
determination of ATP is useful for the study of cell aggregates,
for example tissues of higher animals.
One method for determining the presence of ATP is by means of the
phenomenon of firefly bioluminescence-i.e. by the reaction of ATP
with firefly lantern extract. In practicing this method, a sample
of the environment to be tested or assayed for living organisms,
such as an aqueous extract of the material which is suspected to
contain living organisms, is mixed in the presence of oxygen with
firefly lantern extract. If a biological material is present in
the sample, this fact will be indicated by the emission of light.
The amount of bioluminescent light which is emitted is directly
proportional to the amount of ATP present in the material being
tested. However, since the ATP is, to some extent, sequestered by
or linked to other substances, the total ATP is not available
quantitatively in an extracellular free state for reaction in the
firefly bioluminescent assay.
In testing for the presence of biological material, since the
amount of bioluminescent light which is emitted is directly
proportional to the amount of intracellular ATP in the material
tested, it is desirable to bring about as high a degree of release
of the ATP contained within the material suspected of
containing biological material as possible.
ATP is the primary energy donor for all metabolic processes and is
also useful, in and of itself, in biochemical research, in
inhibitS ing enzymatic browning of potatoes and as a
pharmacological agent. However, the extraction of ATP from
biological material is difficult.
One method by which ATP has been extracted from biological
material is disclosed in U.S. Patent 2,472,130. This method
involves treating finely comminuted cells with a water-soluble
agent such as ethyl alcohol, discarding the alcohol and
subsequently extracting the ATP from the residual cell material
into water. However, this procedure is inconvenient since it must
be performed in a plurality of separate steps and, moreover, since
it does not provide a convenient means for concentrating ATP in
the aqueous phase.
According to the invention a process is provided for extracting a
hydrophilic substance from a material containing the hydrophilic
substance bound or sequested to a water-insoluble substance. The
process comprises preparing a mixture of a material containing the
hydrophilic substance, water and an organic liquid extractant
which will liberate the hydrophilic substance from the material in
which it is contained. The water in the admixture may be initially
present (e.g., when the material containing the hydrophilic
substance is in the form of an aqueous preparation), or the water
may be added at the time the admixture is prepared. The organic
liquid extractant is chosen so that a portion of the water in the
admixture will be dissolved in the extractant. The extractant is
used in an amount sufficient to dissolve part but not all of the
water. There is thereby formed a separate aqueous phase in a
quantity less than that originally present in the admixture. This
aqueous phase contains dissolved therein the hydrophilic material
which has been released from the substance in which it was
originally contained. The aqueous phase may then be separated from
the organic liquid phase and recovered. The aqueous phase may be
used as such (e.g., aqueous extracts of ATP may be assayed as
hereinafter described) or the hydrophilic material may be
recovered therefrom, such as by evaporation of the water.
The practice of this invention may be used to extract
water-soluble, hydrophilic substances from a material containing
the same using an appropriate organic liquid extractant which is
not completely miscible with water and which will act to liberate
the hydrophilic substance from the material.
Such organic liquid extractants include compounds such as ketones,
alcohols, aldehydes, esters, nitroparaffins, phenols or
derivatives of any of such compounds which are substituted with
groups or atoms such as fluorine, 1 chlorine or phenyl. In a
preferred embodiment of this invention, the process is employed to
extract biological hydrophilic substances (hydrophilic substances
found in living organisms), such as neucleotides, nucleosides,
flavins, water-soluble vitamins or watersoluble cofactors, from
materials containing such substances. We use the term "favin"
herein to mean isoalloxazine, quercetin or one of a group of
yellow plant pigments such as lacto flavins, lumi flavins, protein
flavins, purine flavins and carbohydrate flavins.
Thus, by the practice of this invention, aqueous extracts of the
following may be obtained: low molecular weight organic compounds
such as acetic acid from petroleum using an ester such as ethyl
acetate as the liquid extractant; water-soluble pesticides such as
2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid from soil using a nitroparaffin
such as nitroethane; inorganic compounds such as sodium iodide
from dimethylsulfoxide using an alcohol such as 1-butanol;
nucleotides such as ATP from tissue cells using 1-butanol;
nucleosides such as adenosine from reaction products resulting
from the synthesis of the same, using an aldehyde such as
butyraldehyde as the extractant; flavins such as riboflavin from
spinach using an alcohol such as 5-fluoro-l-pentanol;
water-soluble vitamins such as ascorbic acid from citrus using
phenol; and water-soluble cofactors such as coenzyme R from egg
yolk using a ketone such as 3-pentanone.
This invention will be further described with specific reference
to the extraction of ATP from a biological material although it is
to be understood that the invention is not restricted thereto.
The biological material from which ATP may be extracted and
concentrated may be obtained from tissues taken from a living or
recently living animal, from a bacterial or viral culture,
suspensions of microorganisms, blood, urine, water or beverages
suspected of contamination, tissue cells, patient exudates, air
suspected of containing microorganisms, food or other contaminated
Organic liquids which may be used as extractants include, for
example, monohydric alcohols containing from four to seven carbon
atoms. These are well known compounds and include 1-butanol,
2-butanol, tbutyl alcohol, n-amyl alcohol, t-amyl alcohol, and
3-pentanol. Anhydrous 1-butanol is the preferred alcohol and is
advantageously used in an amount sufficient to give a water:
alcohol ratio of from 1 1 to 1:5.
The method of preparing the admixture of sample material
containing (or suspected to contain) biological material, the
alcohol and water is not critical. Thus, the sample material may
be added to a mixture of the alcohol and water or it may be added
first to one of these components and then the other component
added. It is generally preferred that an aqueous suspension of the
sample material first be prepared and that the alcohol be added to
this suspension.
Where the number of cells per test volume of the sample and,
consequently the amount of ATP, is below the limit of
detectability, a preferred method of operation is to filter an
adequate volume of an aqueous suspension of the cells through a
suitable filter, such as a membrane filter of the submicron size.
The filter, together with the material retained on it, is then
placed into an appropriate container to which an appropriate
quantity of the organic liquid extractant is added. The mixture is
shaken and then allowed to stand for from one to several minutes.
Sufficient water is then added and mixed with the organic liquid
to saturate the latter and create the desired volume of aqueous
The mixture may then be centrifuged if further phase separation is
desired. The ATP will now be in the aqueous phase. Aliquots of the
aqueous phase can be removed by syringe or other means and used
for assay in the firefly bioluminescent reaction. Thus, the cells
contained in relatively large volumes of suspension can be
collected, extracted, and the ATP concentrated for assay.
The relative amounts of organic liquid extractant and water used
in the practice of this invention are important. Sufficient
organic liquid is used to bring about the release of the ATP
contained in the cells and sufficient water is used to provide the
separate aqueous phase in which is carried the ATP released from
the cells. The amount of organic liquid must be sufficient to
dissolve part, but not all, of the water. If it is desired to
obtain more concentrated solutions of ATP, lesser amounts of water
and greater amounts of organic liquid may be used, provided that
sufficient water remains undissolved in the organic liquid so as
to provide the separate aqueous phase.
The organic liquid extractant in the admixture apparently
dissolves lipids or other materials in the cell membranes, thereby
making them permeable to the ATP contained in the cells. The ATP
is then extracted almost completely into the aqueous phase.
Moreover, the organic liquid reduces the volume of the aqueous
phase by dissolving a portion of the water but not the ATP. Thus,
by appropriate adjustment of the amount of organic liouid used,
the desired concentration of ATP in the aqueous phase can be
The separation of the aqueous phase from the organic liquid phase
occurs when the admixture is allowed to stand for a short period
of time. However, if it is desired to speed up the separation,
this may be accomplished by centrifuging the admixture.
By the practice of this invention, the ATP content of biological
material may be recovered substantially quantitatively so that it
is available for participation in the lightproducing response of
the firefly bioluminescent reaction. This invention also provides
a mechanism for concentrating the ATP to increase the sensitivity
of the overall assay method.
The aqueous extract may be assayed by means of the firefly
bioluminescent technique by contacting an aliquot of the extract
in the presence of oxygen with firefly lantern extract, which
extract contains luciferin, luciferase and magnesium, and
monitoring for the emission of light. The aqueous reaction medium
will generally contain enough oxygen to allow the bioluminescent
reaction to take place. The amount of light emitted may be
measured to determine the amount of ATP present. This provides a
measure of the number of cells present.
The firefly bioluminescent reaction may be carried out utilizing
crude firefly lantern extracts or the purified constituents
therefrom which participate in the bioluminescent reaction. A
sufficiently high degree of sensitivity may be attained using the
primary extract of the firefly lantern. Lyophilized firefly
lantern extract may be obtained commercially. This material may be
prepared for use by dissolving it in distilled, deionized water to
the desired concentrations. The extracts used in the examples
which follow, are obtained by dissolving 70 mg. of lyophilized
firefly lantern extract in 5 ml. of water. The lyophilized
preparation also contains MgSO4 and potassium arsenate in amounts
sufficient to result in concentrations of 0.OlM and O.05M,
respectively. The pH of such a solution is 7.4. The solutions may
be further diluted to give any desired concentration of firefly
lantern extract. The firefly lantern extract which may b_ used may
also be prepared in the laboratory from dessicated firefly tails.
The firefly tails are first ground to a fine powder with a mortar
and pestle with a small amount of washed silica. The powder is
then extracted with 0.05M potassium arsenate-0.O1M MgSO4 at pH
In order to observe and record small amounts of light produced by
a positive response between the material to be assayed and the
firefly lantern extract and to make quantitative measurements of
the amount of light emitted, instruments which will sense and
record the intensity of the emitted light may be used. In order to
detect and record the intensity of emitted light, one procedure
consists of injecting the aqueous extract prepared in accordance
with the practice of this invention into a cuvette containing the
firefly lantern extract. The extract is held at pH 7.4 with
potassium arsenate buffer. The light emitted as the result of the
reaction between any ATP in the aqueous extract and the firefly
lantern extract strikes the photosensitive surface of a
photomultiplier tube giving rise to an electric potential which
can be measured and recorded by either an oscilloscope photograph
or a chart recorder.
A convenient unit for measuring the response produced by the
intrument is the millivolt.
Because the response (i.e., light emission) is almost
instantaneous when the aqueous extract contaiinng ATP is contacted
with the firefly lantern extract, the firefly lantern extract
should be positioned in front of the light detection system prior
to the introduction of the material to be assayed. The
bioluminescent response with ATP is determined by measuring the
maximum intensity of the emitted light, which after reaching this
maximum value, decays logarithmically. With all -other factors
constant, the maximum intensity is directly proportional to the
concentration of ATP.
The instrumentation necessary for the quantitative measurement of
bioluminescence consists of a photomultiplier tube for the
conversion of light energy into an electrical signal, a device for
determining the magnitude of the signal, and a light-tight chamber
for presentation of the bioluminescent reaction to the
photomultiplier tube.
In one system, part of the assembly consists of a composite
sensing and reaction chamber which contains a photomultiplier
tube, with appropriate circuitry, and a rotary cylinder mounted in
a block of aluminum in a manner which permits removal of the
reaction chamber without exposing the phototube to light. A
section of the cylinder wall is cut out to accommodate a standard
rectangular cuvette. Immediately above the cuvette holder is a
small injection port sealed with a replaceable light-tight rubber
plug. The entire unit is painted black to reduce light reflection.
The photomultiplier converts the light energy into an electrical
signal. An oscilloscope, which records the magnitude of the signal
from the photomultiplier, is provided with an adjustable vertical
deflection scale which will allow an adjustment in system
sensitivity. There is a multiple switching arrangement at the
oscilloscope input which makes it convenient to adjust the system
zeros and balances. The differential input to the oscilloscope
provides a means to balance the dark current output of the
phototube. The response to the firefly luminescent system
displayed on the oscilloscope screen is recorded with a camera
which mounts directly onto the front of the oscilloscope. To
observe and record the reaction, the cuvette containing the
necessary reagents is positioned in the cuvette - carrier without
exposing the phototube. Rotation of the carrier positions the
cuvette in front of the phototube. The extract presumed to contain
ATP is then added through the injection port and the magnitude of
the response, if any, is recorded by the camera. The procedure for
assaying aqueous extracts prepared according to the practice of
this invention utilizing electronic apparatus to detect and record
the intensity of the bioluminescent reaction, which procedure is
employed in the examples, is described below:
One tenth ml. of a 0.5% buffered aqueous solution of commercially
available lyophilized firefly lantern extract is placed into a
cuvette which is then positioned in a light detection chamber. The
extract contains luciferase, luciferin and magnesium. Sufficient
dissolved oxygen for the bioluminescent reaction is present in the
solution. Ten microliters of the aqueous extract to be assayed are
then drawn into a hypodermic syringe and immediately injected
through the light-proof seal into the cuvette. The reaction
reaches maximum light intensity in less than one second and then
decreases logarithmically for several minutes. The entire
procedure can be executed and the response through its maximum
amplitude recorded in less than 2 minutes.
In order to make quantitative determinations of the amount of ATP
present, the instrument used to measure the light response may be
calibrated using known concentrations of ATP. A calibration may be
plotted by injecting 1/100 ml. portions of known concentrations of
ATP through the lightproof seal into the cuvette by means of a
hypodermic syringe. The light response in millivolts is plotted
against the ATP concentration. A straight linear function is
obtained. For example, if the response from 10-1 gamma of ATP is
20,000 millivolts, and that from 10-2 is 2,000 millivolts.
In order that the invention will be fully understood, the
following Examples are 110 given by way of illustration only.
A culture of Escherichia coft is incubated for 24 hours. To 1 ml.
portions of the resultant aqueous suspension of bacterial cells
115 are added the amounts of anhydrous 1butanol set forth in Table
1. The mixtures are shaken for 1 minute and centrifuged in a
clinical centrifuge for one minute to separate the aqueous phase
from the butanol phase. Ten microliters from both the butanol and
the aqueous phases of each example are assayed for ATP content as
previously described and the results are set forth in Table 1.
Amount Response (MV) Example Butanol Aqueous Phase Butanol Phase
1... 2 ml. 1220 No response 2... 3 ml. 1900 No response 3... 4 ml.
2700 No response Upon the addition of approximately 5 or more ml
of butanol, no aqueous phase remains.
A 24-hour culture of Escherichia coli is prepared. To a 1 ml.
portion of the culture, there are added 4 ml. of anhydrous
1-butanol. The mixture is shaken for 1 minute and allowed to stand
for 15 minutes to separate the aqueous phase from the butanol
phase. A 10 microliter portion is assayed for ATP content as
previously described. A response of 2600 MV is obtained.
By way of contrast, another 1 ml. portion of the culture is
admixed with 4 ml. of distilled water; the mixture is subjected to
ultrasonic oscillation for 1 minute (another means used for
releasing ATP content from cells) and a 10 microliter portion of
the mixture is assayed for ATP. A response of only 46 MV is
This example illustrates the advantage of using anhydrous
To a 1 ml. portion of a 24-hour culture of Escherichia cali, there
is added a 4 ml. portion of 1-butanol which is saturated with
respect to water. To another 1 ml. portion of the same culture,
there is added a 4 ml. portion of anhydrous 1-butanol. The two
mixtures are shaken for 1 minute and then centrifuged to separate
the aqueous phase from the alcohol phase. Three 10 microliter
aliquots from each aqueous phase are assayed for ATP content as
previously described. The results are set forth in Table 2.
Response (MV) of Aqueous Extracts Taken from Mixture with:
Water-Saturated Butanol Anhydrous Butanol 170 180 960 1080 1000
EXAMPLES 6 TO 8 A 24-hour culture of Escherichia coli is suspended
in distilled water to give approximately 1.3Ux10 cells/ml. In each
example, a 10 ml. portion of the cell suspension is filtered
through a membrane filter having a diameter of 1 inch and a pore
size of 0.45 micron. Each filter is then immersed in 1 ml. of
anhydrous 1-butanol, shaken for 1 minute and then the amounts of
water indicated in Table 3 are added. The mixture is again shaken
and centrifuged for 1 minute and the aqueous phase is recovered.
The volume of the aqueous phase obtained in each example is set
forth in Table 3. A 10 microliter aliquot of the aqueous phase
obtained in each example is assayed for ATP as previously
described. The results are set forth in Table 3.
Vol. Water Vol. of Added to Resulting Butanol Extract Aqueous
Phase Response Example (ML.) (ML.) (MV.) 6... 0.25 0.10 4,800 7..
0.20 0.04 10,200 8... 0.20 0.04 9,600
These examples illustrate the variety of alcohols which may be
used as the organic liquid extractant. A 24-hour culture of S
Escherichia cali is suspended in distilled water to give
approximately 2.4x 10 cells/ ml. In each example, a 10-ml. portion
of the cell suspension is filtered through a membrane filter
having a diameter of one inch and a pore size of 0.3 micron. Each
filter is then immersed in 5 ml. of one of the anhydrous alcohols
listed in Table 4. shaken for one minute and sufficient water
added to give an aqueous phase of 0.1 ml. Each mixture is again
shaken and centrifuged for one minute and the aqueous phase is
A 10-microliter aliquot of the aqueous phase obtained in eich
example is assayed for ATP as previodsry described. The results
are set forth and-compared in Table 4.
Example Response (MV) No. Alcohol Aqueous Phase 9... 1-butanol
7500 10... 2-methyl-2-propanol 3000 11... 1-pentanol 2900 12...
3-pentanol 3200 13... 2-methyl-1-butanol 6600 14...
3-methyl-2-butanol 1900 15... 1-hexanol 5800 16...
1,1-dimethyl-l-propanol 3900 17... 1-heptanol 3300
Production of composition with high ATP N-glycosidase and
immunomodulatory activity, useful as antiinfective or
anticancer drug, comprising material from marine sponges, e.g.
Axinella polypoides
Inventor(s): SCHATTON WOLFGANG, et aL
Production of a composition (I) with high adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) N-glycosidase activity and a broad immunomodulatory spectrum
involves collecting specific classes of marine sponges; and
processing the collected product (without isolation of individual
compounds) to give pharmaceutical, cosmetic or nutritional
supplement compositions or biochemical reagents. Production of a
composition (I) with high APT-N-glycosidase activity and a broad
immunomodulatory spectrum involves collecting marine sponges of
the Hyalospongiae, Demospongiae, Hadromeridae, Peociloscleridae,
Haploscleridae, Spongiidae, Clionidae, Axinellidae, Raspailiidae,
Esperiopsidae, Halichondriidae, Mycaliidae or Myxillidae classes;
and processing the collected product (without isolation of
individual compounds) to give pharmaceutical, cosmetic or
nutritional supplement compositions or biochemical reagents.
Independent claim is included for an immunomodulatory or
antiinfective pharmaceutical or cosmetic composition, biochemical
reagent or nutritional supplement composition, comprising an
aqueous homogenate of sponges of at least one of the above
classes, from which components have not been removed by organic
solvent extraction followed by chromatography.
The present invention relates to the simple process described in
the claims for the preparation of a composition with high
ATP-N-glycosidase activity from marine sponges, agents containing
these and their use. In particular, according to the invention,
individual substances are not isolated but the collected sponge
material is used. An agent which exhibits particular
anti-infective, immunomodulatory effects can thus be obtained.
Specifically, sponges of the classes Hyalospongiae, Demospongiae,
Hadromeridae, Peociloscleridae, Haploscleridae, Spongiidae,
Clionidae, Axinellidae, Raspailiidae, Esperiopsidae,
Halichondriidae, Mycaliidae and Myxillidae are collected and the
collected product is isolated into pharmaceutically / cosmetically
acceptable compositions without isolating individual compounds
Extracts, processed. Thus, an ATP-N-glycosidase, determined for
the first time in the animal kingdom, Enzyme activity which is
also suitable for food supplements, for organ targeting or also as
a catalyst in the production of phosphorylated products.
Background of the invention.
The basic principle of anti-infective therapy, which is
acknowledged as the state of knowledge, is the principle of
selective toxicity of anti-infectives established by Paul Ehrlich:
when micro-organisms, such as Gram-positive or Gram-negative
bacteria, are specifically stained, as Robert Koch had shown ,
There should also be substances which inhibit or kill
microorganisms in growth without the host organism, (Eg, humans,
plants or animals) (cf. Mutschler, E. et al. "Drug Effects" 2001,
B. Auflage, WVG, Stuttgart).
[1] Based on this, the selective toxicity of the anti-infectives
currently used therapeutically is based on the attack on
structures which are not present in the host organism or at least
in a substantially different form than in the pathogenic
pathogens. There are currently four basic mechanisms for the
action of anti-infectives: 1. Inhibition of cell wall synthesis,
Eg by beta-lactam antibiotics, glycopeptides, fosfomycin, 2.
Disturbance of the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane, eg.
For example by polypeptide antibiotics, polyene antibiotics, 3.
Blockade of protein biosynthesis, For example by aminoglycosides,
tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, macrolides, lincosamides, 4.
Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis, Eg by rifampicin,
sulfonamides, gyrase inhibitors, flucytosine, antiviral polymerase
inhibitors. 1. Inhibition of cell wall synthesis, Eg by
beta-lactam antibiotics, glycopeptides, fosfomycin, 2. Disturbance
of the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane, For example by
polypeptide antibiotics, polyene antibiotics, 3.
Blockade of protein biosynthesis, For example by aminoglycosides,
tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, macrolides, lincosamides, 4.
Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis, Eg by rifampicin,
sulfonamides, gyrase inhibitors, flucytosine, antiviral polymerase
inhibitors. 1. Inhibition of cell wall synthesis, Eg by
beta-lactam antibiotics, glycopeptides, fosfomycin, 2. Disturbance
of the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane, For example by
polypeptide antibiotics, polyene antibiotics, 3. Blockade of
protein biosynthesis, For example by aminoglycosides,
tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, macrolides, lincosamides, 4.
Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis, Eg by rifampicin,
sulfonamides, gyrase inhibitors, flucytosine, antiviral polymerase
inhibitors. 1. Inhibition of cell wall synthesis, Eg by
beta-lactam antibiotics, glycopeptides, fosfomycin, 2. Disturbance
of the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane, eg. For example
by polypeptide antibiotics, polyene antibiotics, 3. Blockade of
protein biosynthesis, For example by aminoglycosides,
tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, macrolides, lincosamides, 4.
Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis, Eg by rifampicin,
sulfonamides, gyrase inhibitors, flucytosine, antiviral polymerase
The field of action of the modern anti-infectives extends to
bacterial infections, mycoses, protozoa and diseases.
A serious drawback of the present selective toxic therapy with
anti-infectives is the great problem that in the course of the
therapy of the disease exciter adaptations to the selective
principle of action, which lead to resistances against the
anti-infektivum. Many antibiotics have already become ineffective
in the course of the years of their application, since resistant
germs have formed during the therapy cycles.
Therefore, new anti-infectives with new as possible mechanisms of
action are required, especially those with a low risk of
resistance formation. Such new principles are also being studied,
especially in marine ecosystems, especially in organisms that live
like sea squids in symbiotic communities with fungi, algae and
microorganisms. This is therefore promising as effective
mechanisms of exchange-based growth control and controlled
survival have evolved over the course of evolution. This is
usually done by low molecular weight secondary metabolites.
Summaries can be found in various reviews, B. Krebs, H.Chr. Recent
Developments in the Field of Marine Natural Products with Emphasis
on Biologically Active Compounds, 1986, Progress in the Chemistry
of Organic Natura) Products 49, 151-363, or Sarma, A. S. et al.
Edit. Secondary Metabolites from Marine Sponges, 1993, Ulstein
Mosby, Berlin.
As can be seen from this, marine sea swamps form numerous
secondary low molecular weight metabolites with some new complex
lead structures which are difficult to access by classical
chemical methods.
The () describes isolable chemical compounds of the group of
substituted azepines, which are known as protein kinase C, from
various sponges such as Phakellia flabellate (Great Barrier Reef,
Australia), Hymeniaeiidon aldis (Okinawa), Axinella verrucosa
(Mediterranean) and Acan thella aurantiaca (Red Sea) Inhibitors
have in particular anti-viral and anti-tumor properties. Such an
effect is based on the kinase-specific activity of the energy
supply of the cells by the elimination of phosphate from the
adenosine triphosphate (ATP). If this cleavage - The known ATPase
reaction - Is inhibited by appropriate inhibitors as mentioned
above, an interruption of the signal transfer in the cell occurs.
After the (), discodermolide compounds (terpene lactones) from
Discodermia disoluta are described which are used to modify the
immune system and inhibit tumor growth. The substances are
recovered analogously as above by extraction with methanol /
toluene, distillation between water / ethyl acetate and
chromatography of the acetone phase.
In the (), spongistatins are lactones) (2,3,5,7,8,9) by isolation
from Spongiidae, Demospongidae (2,3) and Spirastrella spirulifera
by extraction with an organic solvent such as alcohol, methylene
chloride, toluene, distributing the organic phase between water /
organic solvent and chromatographic purification of the organic
phase. The substances are said to show antitumor activity.
The above-described methods are distinguished by the fact that
certain chemical substances of the group of azepines, lactones
from the mentioned marine organisms are isolated with organic
solvents and chromatographic methods and these are then used as
pharmaceutical active ingredients. Several cleaning methods have
to be used. The isolated compounds act via the known inhibition of
the phosphate cleavage (ATPase reaction) and the interruption of
the energy supply of the cell caused thereby. However, this
mechanism is not specific, as can cells which are not to be
switched off from the power supply, such as, for example, B. Host
cells in infections or benign cells in tumor diseases.
It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide a
pharmaceutical, cosmetic, or even a food or supplementary agent or
biochemical reagent with the aid of a simple method with which the
supply of the cell is changed efficiently and specifically, in
particular the energy supply of, Eg by infection or tumor growth,
can be interrupted without the metabolic processes of the host /
the healthy cell being substantially impaired or, on the other
hand, with an effective dietary supplementation in patients, Eg
with pathogenically colonized intestinal flora.
This object is achieved according to the invention by the fact
that in particular sponges of the classes of Hyalospongiae,
Demospongiae, Hadromeridae, Peociloscleridae, Haploscleridae,
Spongiidae, Clionidae, Axinellidae, Raspailiidae, Esperiopsidae,
Halichondriidae, Mycaliidae, Myxillidae (such as, For example,
described in Rupert Riedel, Fauna and Flora of the Mediterranean
Sea, Verlag Paul Parey 1983), and without isolation of individual
compounds, the collected product as such can be processed into
pharmaceutically / cosmetically acceptable agents, food
supplements, biochemical reagents.
Surprisingly, it has been found that products which, in contrast
to the substances described so far, have an extremely active novel
ATP-cleaving enzymatic activity, are obtained here, see Examples 1
and 2.
The incubation of aqueous or, For example aqueous alcoholic
preparations of sponges or Sponge homogenates catalyze the
cleavage of the ATP substrate directly into adenine without any
dephosphorylation step. The incubation also provides directly
D-ribose 5-triphosphate, which has never been described as a
metabolic ATP product, see also Table 1.
Accordingly, the method according to the invention provides a
composition whose novel effect is based on the previously unknown
catabolic metabolic pathway for ATP which is present in sponges.
This activity can be attributed to an enzyme (protein) that
catalyzes the hydrolysis of the N-glycosidic binding of ATP. ATP
N-glycosidase can be mentioned in this respect, and the products
according to the invention thus have an ATP N-glycosidase-
Although various enzymes are known to cleave the N-glycosidic bond
between adenine and ribose, it has not yet been shown to decompose
ATP in its most energetic form directly into adenine and D-ribose
According to the present invention, an enzyme which has hitherto
been unknown in the animal kingdom has been found for the first
time in a readily available product, Activity attributable to the
presence of an ATP N-glycosidase found in the lowest animal cell
organisms, sea floes. Surprisingly, it has been found that the
enzymatic activity is such that N-glycosidic bonds of adenosine
nucleotide in its most energetic form (ATP), which is the most
widespread and ubiquitous adenine-containing cell component, are
ATP plays a role as a transmitter in cell-cell communication, in
humans, among other things. In the central nervous system and in
the area of the smooth or transverse muscle (see Fig.
On the other hand, ATP provides the body with the energy required
for life. The surprisingly found new enzymatic activity-
Completely in contrast to the known ATPase activity, which
gradually provides the metabolism energy to the cell by
elimination of phosphate residues, All ATP-energy-dependent
metabolic processes of the cells can be selectively solved with
very high enzymatic activity within a very short time.