Jacques Benveniste (March
12, 1935–October 3, 2004) was a French immunologist. In 1979 he
published a well-known paper on the structure of
platelet-activating factor and its relationship with histamine. He
was head of INSERM's Unit 200, directed at immunology, allergy and
Benveniste was at the center of a major international controversy
in 1988, when he published a paper in the prestigious scientific
journal Nature describing the action of very high dilutions of
anti-IgE antibody on the degranulation of human basophils,
findings which seemed to support the concept of homeopathy.
Biologists were puzzled by Benveniste's results, as only molecules
of water, and no molecules of the original antibody, remained in
these high dilutions. Benveniste concluded that the configuration
of molecules in water was biologically active; a journalist coined
the term water memory for this hypothesis. Much later, in the
nineties, Benveniste also asserted that this "memory" could be
digitized, transmitted, and reinserted into another sample of
water, which would then contain the same active qualities as the
first sample.
As a condition for publication, Nature asked for the results to be
replicated by independent laboratories. The controversial paper
published in Nature was eventually co-authored by four
laboratories worldwide, in Canada, Italy, Israel, and in France
[1]. After the article was published, a follow-up investigation
was set up by a team including physicist and Nature editor John
Maddox, illusionist and well-known skeptic James Randi, as well as
fraud expert Walter Stewart who had recently raised suspicion on
the work of Nobel Laureate David Baltimore [2]. With the
cooperation of Benveniste's own team, the group failed to
replicate the original results, and subsequent investigations did
not support Benveniste's findings either. Benveniste refused to
retract his controversial article, and he explained (notably in
letters to Nature) that the protocol used in these investigations
was not identical to his own. However, his reputation was damaged,
so he began to fund his research himself as his external sources
of funding were withdrawn. In 1997, he founded the company DigiBio
to "develop and commercialise applications of Digital Biology."
Benveniste died in Paris at the age of 69 after heart surgery. He
was married twice and had five children.
Nature publication and
investigation --Unusual conditions
Nature agreed to publish Benveniste's article in June 1988 with
two unusual conditions: first, that Benveniste obtain prior
confirmation of his results from other laboratories;[citation
needed] second, that a team selected by Nature be allowed to
investigate his laboratory following publication. Benveniste
accepted these conditions; the results were replicated by four
laboratories, in Milan, Italy; in Toronto, Canada; in Tel-Aviv,
Israel and in Marseille, France.[citation needed]
Unusual disclaimer
Following replication, the article was then published in
Nature, which printed an
editorial titled "When to believe the unbelievable" in the same
issue of the journal and attached the following disclaimer to the
article: "Editorial reservation: Readers of this article may share
the incredulity of the many referees. . . There is no physical
basis for such an activity. . .
has therefore arranged for independent investigators to observe
repetitions of the experiments." The last time such a disclaimer
had been added was in 1974 to an article on Uri Geller.
Critical investigation
A week after publication of the article,
Nature sent a team of three investigators to
Benveniste's lab to attempt to replicate his results under
controlled conditions. The team consisted of Nature editor and
physicist Sir John Maddox, American scientific fraud investigator
and chemist Walter Stewart, and skeptic and former magician James
The team pored over the laboratory's records and oversaw seven
attempts to replicate Benveniste's study. Three of the first four
attempts turned out somewhat favorable to Benveniste; however the
Nature team was not
satisfied with the rigor of the methodology. Benveniste invited
them to design a double blind procedure, which they did, and
conducted three more attempts. Before fully revealing the results,
the team asked if there were any complaints about the procedure,
but none were brought up. These stricter attempts turned out
negative for Benveniste. In response to Benveniste's refusal to
withdraw his claims, the team published in the July 1988 edition
Nature [3] the
following critiques of Benveniste's original study:
1. Benveniste's experiments were "statistically ill-controlled",
and the lab displayed unfamiliarity with the concept of sampling
error. The method of taking control values was not reliable, and
"no substantial effort has been made to exclude systematic error,
including observer bias"
2. "interpretation has been clouded by the exclusion of
measurements in conflict with the claim". In particular, blood
that failed to degranulate was "recorded but not included in
analyses prepared for publication". In addition, the experiment
sometimes completely failed to work for "periods of several
3. There was insufficient "avoidance of contamination", and, to a
large extent, "the source of blood for the experiments is not
4. The study had not disclosed that "the salaries of two of Dr
Benveniste's coauthors of the published article are paid for under
a contract between INSERM 200 and the French company Boiron et
5. "The phenomenon described is not reproducible". "We believe
that experimental data have been uncritically assessed and their
imperfections inadequately reported."
In the same issue of the journal
Nature, and in subsequent commentary, Benveniste
derided the
team's "mockery of scientific inquiry" and warned other scientists
not to permit such investigations into their own labs.[citation
needed] He claimed that such "Salem witchhunts or McCarthy-like
prosecutions will kill science." Some of his criticisms included:
1. "Lip service is paid to our honesty; yet accusation of cheating
was rampant". For example, the
team implied that the lab's partial funding from the homeopathy
industry was cause for concern, even though industry funding -
both homeopathic and non-homeopathic - of research is commonplace.
2. The team of non-biologists displayed "amateurism", failed to
"get to grips with our biological system", created an atmosphere
of "constant suspicion", and their member James Randi played
tricks and pulled stunts such as taping information to the ceiling
to prevent tampering.
3. The team arrived without a prior plan, and based on one week of
work "would blot out five years of our work and that of five other
4. The blinded attempts likely failed due to "erratic controls",
the excessive work-load, and the team's experimental design.
5. Benveniste totally rejected the team's allegations of
unfamiliarity with sampling error, and of the unreliability of his
control values.[3]
Attempts to replicate
Benveniste's results
Academy of Sciences
In 1991, Benveniste found the French Academy of Sciences willing
to publish his latest results, obtained under the supervision of a
statistician, in its weekly Proceedings. Eric Fottorino writing in
Le Monde relates how the remorseful Academy of Science noticed
that an earlier edition contained a study critical of the memory
of water. Seizing on this opportunity, the Academy ordered the
printing to stop and the already printed copies destroyed, so that
it could print a revised edition, in which Benveniste's article
was labeled a mere "right of reply" - downgraded from the status
of an article.
Although the new findings fell substantially short of confirming
the patterns previously claimed by Benveniste, writer Yves Lignon
quotes study co-author and statistician Alfred Spira, who said
that "the transmission of information persisted at high dilution",
and acknowledged that a "weakness in the experimental procedure
was possible".
Ovelgonne et al.
A group of Dutch researchers reported their failure to duplicate
the results in Experientia in 1992:
"In fact, in our hands no effect of extreme dilutions was shown at
all. We conclude that the effect of extreme dilutions of anti-IgE,
reported by Davenas et al., needs further clarification and that
in this process the reproducibility of results between
experimenters should be carefully determined."
Hirst et al.
A group of English researchers reported another failure to
duplicate the results in Nature in 1993:
"Following as closely as possible the methods of the original
study, we can find no evidence for any periodic or polynomial
change of degranulation as a function of anti-IgE dilution."
However, Benveniste in a 1994 letter to
Nature argued that the study neglected to
faithfully follow his methods. The study has also been criticized
on the grounds that its results were more favourable to
Benveniste's claims than the study authors acknowledged in their
Josephson and the APS
Benveniste gained the public support[6] of Brian Josephson, a
Nobel physicist with a reputation for openness to paranormal
claims. Time magazine reported in 1999 that, in response to
skepticism from physicist Robert Park, Josephson had challenged
the American Physical Society (APS) to oversee a replication by
Benveniste, using "a randomized double-blind test", of his claimed
ability to transfer the characteristics of homeopathically diluted
water over the Internet. The APS accepted and offered to cover the
costs of the test, and Benveniste wrote "fine by us" in his
DigiBio NewsLetter in response to Randi's offer to throw in the $1
million challenge prize-money if the test succeeded. However,
Randi in his Commentary notes that Benveniste and Josephson did
not follow up on their challenge.
Ennis et al.
An article published in
Research in 2004 brought new media attention to the issue
with this claim:
"In 3 different types of experiment, it has been shown that high
dilutions of histamine may indeed exert an effect on basophil
activity. This activity observed by staining basophils with alcian
blue was confirmed by flow cytometry. Inhibition by histamine was
reversed by anti-H2 and was not observed with histidine these
results being in favour of the specificity of this effect We are
however unable to explain our findings and are reporting them to
encourage others to investigate this phenomenon."[7]
Following up on a study they had published in 1999 in the same
journal, the researchers concluded that an effect did exist. Some
of the researchers had not been involved in homeopathic research
before, while others had, such as former Benveniste collaborator
Philippe Belon, Research Director at the homeopathic company
Boiron. It was Madeleine Ennis who received the most attention in
the media. Ennis led the activities at the British lab, with other
labs in Europe, running a variation of Benveniste's water memory
experiments. Ennis states that she began the research as a
skeptic, but concluded that the "results compel me to suspend my
disbelief and start searching for rational explanations for our
BBC Horizon
In 2002
BBC Horizon
broadcast its failed attempt to win James Randi's $1 million prize
to prove that a highly diluted substance could still have an
effect. Prominent spokespersons on both sides of the debate were
interviewed, including Benveniste. See water memory.
Digital Biology
With the support of Brian Josephson, increasingly odd experiments
continued, culminating in a 1997 paper claiming a water memory
effect could be transmitted over phone lines.[9] This culminated
in two additional papers in 1999[10] and another on
remote-transmission in 2000.[11]
Intrigued by Benveniste's claims that biological interactions
could be digitized, the US Defence Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) asked Dr. Wayne Jonas, homeopath and then director
of the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative
Medicine, to organize an attempt at independently replicating the
claimed results. An independent test of the 2000
remote-transmission experiment was carried out in the USA by a
team funded by the US Department of Defense. Using the same
experimental devices and setup as the Benveniste team, they failed
to find any effect when running the experiment. Several positive
results were noted, but only when a particular one of Benveniste's
researchers was running the equipment. Benveniste admitted to
having noticed this himself, and offered a variety of reasons to
explain away what appeared to be another example of experimenter
effect. The experiment is also notable for the way it attempted to
avoid the confrontational nature of the earlier Maddox test.[12]
The study implemented "A social and communication management
process that was capable of dealing with conflicting interpersonal
dynamics among vested parties in the research effort." One of
Benveniste's machines was used, and, in the design and pilot
project phase in 2001, Benveniste and other members of his DigiBio
lab participated as consultants. Interviews at the time indicated
study participants were satisfied with the way the study was being
conducted. In the end, the authors reported in the FASEB Journal
in 2006 that "Our team found no replicable effects from digital
The July 1989 edition of
reported that INSERM placed Benveniste on probation following a
routine evaluation of his lab. Although INSERM found that his
laboratory activities overall were exemplary, it expressed severe
discomfort with his high dilution studies, and criticized him for
"an insufficiently critical analysis of the results he reported,
the cavalier character of the interpretations he made of them, and
the abusive use of his scientific authority vis-à-vis his
informing of the public".[13]
Benveniste and homeopathy
Nearly all conventional scientists believe that there is no
credible evidence to support claims that homeopathic remedies
actually work, nor is there a plausible mechanism to explain how
homeopathy could work.[14] Indeed, skeptics often dismiss
homeopathy out of hand, citing internal inconsistencies in the
hypothesis, and the fact that biological reactions require the
presence of chemicals, whereas homeopathic remedies are so diluted
that they are equivalent to pure water. Homeopathists respond to
the latter that this is a straw man argument, since they have long
acknowledged the absence of chemicals in their products.
Homeopathists have instead based their claims on some other
yet-to-be-discovered mechanism.
Benveniste's 1988 article attracted attention in large part
because it hinted at a potential mechanism that could be used by
proponents of homeopathy to explain how homeopathy might work.
This is the idea that water may somehow retain a memory of a
substance that it no longer contains.
Conventionally, pure water is pure water, regardless of whether it
once contained a substance in the past. Benveniste challenged this
convention by claiming that water that had once contained
antibodies but had had them removed could affect a basophil just
as if the water still contained antibodies.
Benveniste has been awarded two Ig Nobel Prizes in Chemistry. They
are a parody of the Nobel Prizes. The first in 1991 describes
Jacques Benveniste as a "prolific proselytizer and dedicated
correspondent of Nature, for his persistent belief that water,
H2O, is an intelligent liquid, and for demonstrating to his
satisfaction that water is able to remember events long after all
trace of those events has vanished." The second in 1998 cites "his
homeopathic discovery that not only does water have memory, but
that the information can be transmitted over telephone lines and
the Internet."[15]
* Benveniste, Jacques (2005) Ma vérité sur la 'mémoire de l'eau',
Albin Michel. ISBN 2-226-15877-4
* Benveniste, Jacques. “Where is the Heresy?” Dec 1998
* Benveniste, Jacques. From "Water Memory" effects To "Digital
* Benveniste, Jacques, and Peter Jurgens. On the Role of Stage
Magicians in Biological Research The Anomalist 1998
* Benveniste, Jacques. Electromagnetically Activated Water and the
Puzzle of the Biological Signal INSERM Digital Biology Laboratory
(March 10., 1999)
* Benveniste, Jacques, J. Aïssa, and D. Guillonnet. The molecular
signal is not functional in the absence of "informed" water FASEB
Journal 13 (1999) A163
* Benveniste, Jacques. "Put a match to pyre review" Nature 396 Dec
10 1998
* Benveniste, Jacques. "Further Biological Effects Induced by
Ultra High Dilutions: Inhibition by a Magnetic Field", In P.C.
Endler, ed.,Ultra High Dilution: Physiology and Physics.
Dordrecht: Kluwe academic, 1994
* Benveniste, Jacques, et al.,"Activation of human neutrophils by
electronically transmitted phorbol-myristate acetate.” Medical
Hypotheses 54 2000
* Benveniste, Jacques, J. Aïssa and D. Guillonnet. “A simple and
fast method for in vivo demonstration of electromagnetic molecular
signaling (EMS) via high dilution or computer recording.” FASEB
Journal 13:A163 (1999).
* Benveniste, Jacques, J. Aïssa, P. Jurgens and W. Hsueh. “Digital
biology : Specificity of the digitized molecular signal.” FASEB
Journal 12:A412 (1998).
* Benveniste, Jacques, L. Kahhak, and D. Guillonnet. “Specific
remote detection of bacteria using an electromagnetic / digital
procedure.” FASEB 13:A852 (1999).
* Benveniste, Jacques, P. Jurgens and J. Aissa. "Digital
recording/transmission of the cholinergic signal." FASEB Journal
10:A1479 (1996) abstract
* Benveniste, Jacques, J. Aïssa, P. Jurgens and W. Hsueh.
“Transatlantic transfer of digitized Antigen signaling at high
dilution.” FASEB Journal A602 (1993)
* Benveniste, Jacques, "Transfer of Biological Activity by
Electromagnetic Fields." Frontier Perspectives 3(2) 1993:113-15.
* Benveniste, Jacques, "Molecular signaling at high dilution or by
means of electronic circuitry." Journal of Immunology. (1993
* Benveniste, Jacques, "Transfer of the molecular signal by
electronic amplification." FASEB Journal (1994 8:A398).
* Benveniste, Jacques, "Electronic transmission of the cholinergic
signal." FASEB Journal 1995 9:A683
* Benveniste, Jacques, "Direct transmission to cells of a
molecular signal via an electronic device." FASEB Journal 1995 9:
* Benveniste, J. & Didier Guillonnet (1999) "III -
Demonstration challenge, etc.", DigiBio NewsLetter 1999.2. Full
* Benveniste, J., B. Ducot & A. Spira (1994) "Memory of water
revisited", Nature, Letter to the Editor, 370(6488):322.
* Benveniste, J., Davenas, E. & A. Spira (1991) Comptes Rendus
de l'Académie des Sciences, January.
* Benveniste, J. (1988) "Dr Jacques Benveniste replies", News and
views, Nature, 334:291. Full text
1. Davenas E, Beauvais F, Amara J, et al. (June 1988). "Human
basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against
IgE". Nature 333 (6176): 816–8. doi:10.1038/333816a0. PMID
2. Maddox J (June 1988). "Can a Greek tragedy be avoided?". Nature
333 (6176): 795–7. doi:10.1038/333795a0. PMID 3133566.
3. a b Maddox, John; James Randi and Walter W. Stewart (28 July
1988). "‘High-dilution’ experiments a delusion". Nature 334:
287–290. doi:10.1038/334287a0.
4. Experiments past and future Some remarks on the Memory of Water
6. molecule memories: Letter to New Scientist
7. Cumps, J.; Belon P, Cumps J, Ennis M, Mannaioni PF, Roberfroid
M, Sainte-Laudy J, Wiegant FA (Received: 11 December 2002
Accepted: 12 November 2003 Published online: 21 April 2004).
"Histamine dilutions modulate basophil activation". Inflammation
Research (Birkhäuser Basel) 53 (5): 181–188.
doi:10.1007/s00011-003-1242-0. PMID 15105967.
8. Milgrom, Lionel (March 15, 2001). "Thanks for the memory".
Guardian Unlimited.
9. J. Benveniste; P. Jurgens, W. Hsueh and J. Aissa (February
21–26, 1997). "Transatlantic Transfer of Digitized Antigen Signal
by Telephone Link". Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
10. J. Benveniste; Aissa, J., Guillonnet. "The molecular signal is
not functional in the absence of "informed water"". Medical
Hypotheses 54 (A163 (abstr.)).
11. J. Benveniste; Thomas Y, Schiff M, Belkadi L, Jurgens P,
Kahhak L (2000). "Activation of human neutrophils by
electronically transmitted phorbol-myristate acetate". FASEB
Journal 13 (1): 33–39. doi:10.1054/mehy.1999.0891. PMID 10790721.
12. Jonas, Wayne B.; John A. Ives, Florence Rollwagen, Daniel W.
Denman, Kenneth Hintz, Mitchell Hammer, Cindy Crawford, and Kurt
Henry (January 2006). "Can specific biological signals be
digitized?". FASEB Journal 20 (1): 23–28.
doi:10.1096/fj.05-3815hyp. PMID 16394263.
http://www.fasebj.org/cgi/content/full/20/1/23. Retrieved
2007-06-05. — this paper includes an excellent references
13. Coles, Peter (1989). "Benveniste under review". Nature 340
(6229): 89. doi:10.1038/340089b0. PMID 2739750.
14. Report 12 of the Council on Scientific Affairs (A-97),
American Medical Association. Accessed 10 April 2006
15. Benveniste, J.; P. Jurgens, W. Hsueh & J. Aissa (1997).
"Transatlantic Transfer of Digitized Antigen Signal by Telephone
Link" ([dead link]). Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology -
Program and abstracts of papers to be presented during scientific
sessions AAAAI/AAI.CIS Joint Meeting February 21–26, 1997. Poster.
* BBC Horizon (2002) Homeopathy: The Test, first broadcast
November 26, 2002. Summary and transcript. Rebroadcast on ABC
Catalyst in 2003.[2]
* Beauvais, Francis (2007) L'Âme des Molécules - Une histoire de
la mémoire de l'eau, Coll. Mille-Mondes [3], Ed. Lulu.com, Text in
French, ISBN 978-1-4116-6875-1.
* Belon, P., J. Cumps, M. Ennis, P.F. Mannaioni, M. Roberfroid, J.
Sainte-Laudy, & F.A. Wiegant (1999) "Inhibition of human
basophil degranulation by successive histamine dilutions: results
of a European multi-centre trial", Inflammation Research,
48(13):17-8. Reference:[4]
* Burridge, Jim (1992) "A Repeat of the 'Benveniste' Experiment:
Statistical Analysis", Research Report 100, Department of
Statistical Science, University College London, England. (early
version of Hirst et al.)
* Chaplin, Martin (2000–2006) "Water Structure and Behavior London
South Bank University
* Davenas, E., F. Beauvais, J. Arnara, M. Oberbaum, B. Robinzon,
A. Miadonna, A. Tedeschi, B. Pomeranz, P. Fortner, P. Belon, J.
Sainte-Laudy, B. Poitevin & J. Benveniste (1988) "Human
basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against
IgE", Nature, 333(6176):816-18. Full text (source 1)(2)(3)(4)
* Fisher, Peter (1999) "The End of the Benveniste Affair?",
British Homeopathic Journal, 88(4). Full text
* Fottorino, Eric (1997) Le Monde, January 21, 22 & 23, 1997.
* Hammer, M. & W. Jonas (2004) "Managing Social Conflict in
CAM Research: The Case of Antineoplastons, ‘’Integr. Cancer
Therapy’’, 3(1)59-65.Full text
* Hirst, S.J., N.A. Hayes, J. Burridge, F.L. Pearce & J.C.
Foreman (1993) "Human basophil degranulation is not triggered by
very dilute antiserum against human IgE", Nature, 366(6455):527.
* Ives, John (2002) "Evaluating Unusual Claims and Devices Using a
Team Approach: A Case Study", Subtle Energies & Energy
Medicine, 13(1):39-59, based on Dr. Ives Keynote Address made at
the Twelfth Annual ISSSEEM Conference The Co-Creation Process in
Energy Medicine: A Synergy of the Sciences and the Healing Arts,
June 14–19, 2002. Abstract, Full text
* Jaroff, Leon (1999) "Homeopathic E-Mail: Can the 'memory' of
molecules be transmitted via the Internet?", Time, May 17. Full
* Jonas, W. B., J. A. Ives, F. Rollwagen, D. W. Denman, K. Hintz,
M. Hammer, C, Crawford & K. Henry (2006) "Can Specific
Biological Signals be Digitized?", The Federation of American
Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Journal,
20(1):23-28.Full text
* Jonas, W. B. & J. Jacobs (1996) Healing with Homeopathy,
* Lignon, Yves (1999) "L’Homéopathie et la mémoire de l’eau", Les
dossiers scientifiques de l'étrange, Chapter 21, Michel Lafon
Publishing. ISBN 2-84098-482-2. Full text in French
* Maddox, John (1988) "Waves caused by extreme dilution", News and
views, Nature, 335(6193):760-3.
* Maddox, John (1988) "When to believe the unbelievable", Nature,
* Milgrom, Lionel (1999) "The memory of molecules", The
Independent, March 19. Full text
* Ovelgonne, J.H., A.W. Bol, W.C. Hop & R. van Wijk (1992)
"Mechanical agitation of very dilute antiserum against IgE has no
effect on basophil straining properties", Experientia,
48(5):504-8. Abstract
* Park, Bob (1999) "The Challenge: Homeopathy Via the Internet",
What's New, May 14. Full text (source 1)(2)
* Park, Bob (1997) "Alternative Medicine and the Laws of Physics",
Skeptical Inquirer, 9/1/1997.Full text
* Randi, James. Commentary. January 26, 2001 "a Nobel Laureate
reneges"[5]. September 5, 2003 "Benveniste and Josephson on
Abandoning Science"[6].
* Targ, Russel & Harold Puthoff (1974) "Information transfer
under conditions of sensory shielding", Nature, 251:602-7.
* Thomas, Y., M. Schiff, L. Belkadi, P. Jurgens, L. Kahhak &
J. Benveniste (2000) "Activation of Human Eurtrophils by
Electronically Transmitted Phorbol-Myristate Acetate", Medical
Hypotheses, 54(1),33-39.Abstract
* Schiff, Michel. The Memory of Water: Homoeopathy and the Battle
of Ideas in the New Science (Thorsons, 1995)
* Vithoulkas, George (2003) The controversy with the BBC program
Horizon. Full text
* Walker, Martin (1993) "Dr Jacques Benveniste: The Case of the
Missing Energy", Chapter in Dirty Medicine, Slingshot
Publications, London. Chapter full text (source 1) (2)
81 rue Aristide Briand
78130 Les Mureaux France
fax : +33 1 30 22 22 62
e-mail: association (at)
Abstract -- A method and a device for transmitting and
processing a signal representative of the biological activity or
behaviour specific to a predetermined substance, from a first
carrier material having said biological activity to a second
material physically separate from the first and free at first of
any physical presence of said predetermined substance, as well as
the material resulting from such a method, are disclosed. The
method comprises amplifying the electrical or electromagnetic
signal transmitted by the first substance and sensed by a sensor,
and transmitting, to a transmitter, a signal representative of the
biological activity or behaviour of the first material, then
sensing in the second material a signal representative of the
biological activity specific to said predetermined substance, and
transmitted to said second material via high gain amplification
Present invention relates to a method and an apparatus of
transmission in the form of a signal of the biological activity or
specific biological behavior with a determined substance, starting
from a carrying first material presenting the aforementioned
biological activity, with a second initially free carrier material
of any physical presence of the aforesaid determined substance. It
also relates to an obtained product with such a method.
By “biological activity” one more conveniently understands any
activity capable to be exerted by a biological substance with
regard to an other substance refer target.
The target can be single or complex, such as for example a
molecule, a body, a living being, in particular when the
biological activity concerned does not imply the performing of a
stable chemical bond between substance and the target.
The specific biological activity can be that of a natural
substance or that of an artificial substance created by the man.
The expression “substance” such as it is used here for reasons of
convenience of language, should not be regarded as applying only
to one pure or individualized chemical molecule. It also must and
particularly to be heard as including any complex reagent capable
to express a biological activity which would be specific to the
whole of the elements of which the reagent could be made up.
Like indicated right now above, and in short, it thus results, by
what precedes that the expression “target” must as for it also be
taken in its widest direction, to be operable as well and,
according to case's, < as examples) for an individualized
molecule, for example a specific substrate of an enzyme, when this
one constitutes aforesaid “substance”, and for a body a living
being when it is in its connection that “the biological activity”
of “substance” to the study is tested.
The invention particularly finds an applying important although
nonexclusive in the field of the manufacture of homeopathic drugs
presenting a biological activity corresponding one at one or more
active principles.
The invention puts at profit an extraordinary property of the
material which was clarified by a certain number of experiments
whose results are further described, namely that it is possible to
transmit by electronic means or electromagnetic the expression of
a specific biological activity of a material presenting it at
another material not presenting initially the aforementioned
The physical base of the method in accordance with the invention
is still unknown. Perhaps it is explained by the following
assumption: the manifestation of any biological activity of
molecular origin would implement at the very least partially,
activity of an electrical or electromagnetic type.
Observations as the inhibition of the biological activity by a
magnetic field consolidate this assumption, [L.Hadji, B. Arnoux,
J.Benveniste (1991)
Effect off dilute histamine one coronary flow off guinea-pig
isolated heart. Inhibition by has magnetic field, Faseb J. 5:
A1583. See also: J.C. Weaver, R.D. Astumian (1990) Tea response
off living room concealments to very weak electric fields: thermal
tea noise limit.
247:459462 science; R. Pool (1990) Electromagnetic fields: tea
biological evidence. 249:1096 science - 1098; Smith C.W., Best S.
(1989) Tea
Electromagnetic Man. J.M. Tooth and Sounds Ltd., Avon,
The U.K.].
With this aim the invention proposes particularly a transmission
method in the form of a characteristic signal of the manifestation
of the biological activity or specific biological behavior with a
determined substance, starting from a carrying first material
presenting the aforementioned biological activity at a second
material physically separated from the first material and
initially free of any physical presence of the aforesaid
determined substance, this method comprising at the same time the
exposure respectively carrying first material, presenting the
biological activity, with a signal sensor electrical or
electromagnetic, and the exposure of the second electrical or
electromagnetic material to a signal transmitter, connected to the
sensor via transmitting means and of amplifying with high profit,
pendent a sufficient time to allow - amplifying of the
electromagnetic electrical signal collected by the sensor and the
transmission with the transmitter of a characteristic signal of
the manifestation of the biological activity or biological
behavior presented by the first material, - detection in the
second material of a characteristic signal of the manifestation of
the specific biological activity with the aforementioned substance
determined and transmitted to this second material via the
amplifying means with high profit.
The detection of the manifestation characteristic of the activity
or the specific biological behavior of determined substance is
révélable by the action which the transmitted signal can exert on
a substrate (organism or reagents) at the time the implementation
of a tentative protocol adapted to make identical or similar with
that normally allowing the setting in evidence of the presence in
the first material carrying of the aforesaid determined substance,
thanks to the action exerted by this last on the same substrate.
The transmitting means and of amplifying with high profit comprise
a medium or carrier medium suitable to convey a coherent flow of
information to electromagnetic or electrical characters. This
medium includes/understands for example a conducting cable of the
electricity or means allowing the exploitation of a light beam
carrier of coherent light.
By “amplifying means at high one sheathed hears characterized
means by a coefficient of amplifying of an electrical signal or
electromagnetic important, particularly great at 1000 and
preferably great to 10.000.
For example the tension is amplified of 100 microvolts to 6 Volts
and, simultaneously the intensity of 100nA with 150 my.
As an indication, one will mention that with such apparatuses of
transmission and amplifying with high profit, the higher durations
are at least about 10 mn, with preferably about 15 minutes.
Also advantageously the first and/or the second carrier material
are, or contain, of said solvents “protonic”, i.e. capable to
release and/or collect protons, such as for example water, the
ethanol or any product presenting a linked labile proton at an
electronegative atom, of formula of the type R - X - H.
Advantageously, the carrying first material and/or the second
carrier material are specifically of water, or the aqueous
It can (or they can) be consisted all impregnatable materials by
water, same if this one is present only in low proportions.
In the case of water, this one is advantageously consisted
distilled water, which previously was heated at a great
temperature with about 70 " C pendent a great time with about 20
Advantageously single of the electromagnetic signals are
collected, amplified and transmitted between the sensor and the
In an advantageous embodiment the method in accordance with the
invention is applied with the water treatment, for example with
the depollution of used or biologically contaminated water.
Still advantageously the second material is a living material, for
example a nonhuman body.
Advantageously the transmitted signal is stored in an intermediate
way (before being transmitted to the second material) on an
electromagnetic storage medium of known type in him same, like a
magnetic tape, or after processing by an analogue/digital
converter on a digital storage medium such as an optical disc, a
computerized memory etc
Also advantageously the transmitted signal is treated by known
methods of treatment digital or analogue into they-same, in order
to be modified and to thus correspond to the biological activity
of a substance presenting an active principle modified, optimized,
amplified, purified or without secondary effects.
One thus can and particularly to influence (to increase, to be
opposed, see removing) a determined biological activity.
To optimize or modify such signals in order to obtain a different
result of that obtained by the corresponding signal with the
initial active principle, one will proceed for example by testing
the active principle modified thanks to the implementation of
different tentative protocols known or easy to work out for the
person skilled in the art and whom it has at his disposal to
account for the activity of a determined or improved active
Advantageously the transmitted signal corresponds to that
transmitted by several present substances in the first material
and it is treated by known methods of treatment digital or
analogue into they-same, to analyze and measure of the aforesaid
substances among the others, such as for example the blood rate of
glucose or alcohol.
In an advantageous embodiment, the determined substance is present
in homeopathic amount in the carrying first material.
The homeopathic amount used is then advantageously optimized in
order to allow a manifestation maximum of the desired biological
effect, and this in a known way in it same, starting from numerous
treaties written and published in the species, such as for example
“the practical homeopathy” of Doctor C.BINET published with the
editings of ANGLES (1979).
In an advantageous embodiment the determined substance is present
in homeopathic amount in the carrying first material, with great
dilutions in extreme cases indicated by the number of Avogadro.
In an advantageous mode of performing, dilution is a dilution
about - log41M (theoretical).
Advantageously the second material is consisted homeopathic
The homeopathic granules are often containing impregnated lactose
of water molecules.
The invention also relates to a material in a volume finite and
carrying information characteristic of the specific biological
behavior to a determined substance, but in the total absence of
this determined substance in the aforementioned material, this
information being with electrical or electromagnetic character
because of its capacitance to being transmissible by electric
means or electromagnetic, this manifestation being normally
révélable by the action exerted by this material in finite volume
with regard to a specific substrate with determined substance in a
tentative protocol identical or similar with that which one would
implement to account for the presence of the aforesaid determined
substance in a medium which would contain it.
A method particularly advantageous for the producing of such a
carrier material is a method comprising the setting in electrical
or electromagnetic relation of the same material, however not
initially carrying the aforesaid information and free of any
physical presence of the aforesaid determined substance, with a
medium containing this last, via electromagnetic or electrical
signal transmission means comprising an apparatus provided with
receiver means, average amplifiers with high profit.
The invention also proposes an apparatus implementing the method
in accordance with the invention, comprising average electrical or
electromagnetic signal sensors transmitted by a first material and
characteristics of a specific manifestation of a biological
activity of a determined substance contained in this first
material, of the average amplifiers with high profit of the
aforesaid signals and of the emitter means suitable also to
transmit signals characteristics of the biological activity to a
second material otherwise deprived of any contact with the first.
In modes particular of performing, one has moreover recourse to
the one and/or the other of the following provisions - the average
amplifiers comprise an electronic circuitry of amplifying to high
profit, in the form of discrete elements or of the semiconductor
type; - the electronic circuitry of amplifying
includes/understands a mounted output transistor out of
common-emitter; - the sensor and the transmitter comprise
electromagnetic coils - the supply of the apparatus is done by
battery, which makes it possible to avoid the possible
perturbations of the sector.
But a supply starting from the alternating array 220 Volts
converted in low continuous tension, for example 9 Volts, is also
completely operable; - the apparatus includes/understands moreover
of average the electromagnetic storage medium of the transmitted
signals, of same known type in them, such as for example a
magnetic tape; ; - the apparatus comprises moreover of the average
converters analogue/digital of the transmitted signals and storage
means on a datum storage medium digital of the aforesaid signals,
such as for example an optical disc, a computerized memory etc T -
the apparatus includes/understands processing means digital or
analogue transmitted signal, to modify the said signal to make it
correspond to that of a substance presenting an active principle
modified, optimized, amplified, purified or without secondary
effects - the apparatus includes/understands processing means
digital or analogue arranged to analyze and measure the
transmitted signals corresponding one with a substance among
others, such as for example the rate of glucose in the alcohol
blood or rate - the second coil is arranged to emit towards a
living material, such as a nonhuman body.
The present invention will be included/understood better with the
reading of the description which follows of an embodiment given as
nonrestrictive example, and within sight of the examples and
results supplied hereafter in a nonrestrictive way.
Description also refers to the drawings which accompany it, in
which -
Figure 1 is a scheme of
the apparatus according to an embodiment of the invention.
Figure 2 is an electrical
scheme of the apparatus of transmission of figure 1.
Figure 1 watch an apparatus 1 of transmission of the specific
biological activity to a determined substance, for example of
histamine or ovalbumin, a carrying first material 2, for example
consisted distilled water placed in an ampoule preferably out of
glass 3 from 1 to 10 ml, with a second material 4 also consisted
water distilled and placed in an ampoule from 1 to 10 ml or a
container 5 for example of 500 ml, even more, also and preferably
out of glass.
Material 2 can comprise in its breast the physical presence of
determined substance, in or not homeopathic quantity, or can
simply comprise information characteristics of the activity or the
specific biological behavior with determined substance.
The physical presence can for example be revealed by a method of
the type spectrometry or spectrofluorometry.
Information characteristics of a manifestation itself
characteristic of the specific biological behavior to a determined
substance can, when with it, being normally révélable at the time
of the action which it can exert on a medium containing this
determined substance with regard to a target (organism or
reagents) implemented in a tentative protocol adapted to account
for the presence in this medium of the aforesaid determined
Material 4 is initially free in its breast of any physical
presence of the aforesaid determined substance, and is not
initially carrying information characteristics of the specific
biological behavior with determined substance.
Apparatus 1 includes/understands an electromagnetic sensor 5
comprising an housing 6, provided with a tray 7 on which ampoule 3
is deposited.
In the embodiment particularly described here, the tray is for
example made up out of transparent plastic with the
electromagnetic waves, of low thickness (for example 2
Inside housing 6 the electromagnetic sensor itself, for example
consisted a receiver coil 8 is as one will see it in reference on
figure 2.
Sensor 5 is connected, by electrical conducting cable, with a
circuit 9 amplifier with high profit placed in an housing 10.
Circuit output 9 is connected, also by electrical conducting
cable, with a sensor transmitter 11, of configuration similar to
sensor 5 but arranged for the transmission, and on the tray 12
whose is placed the ampoule or container 5 of retention of second
material 4.
Circuit 9 includes/understands means 13 of setting of the power
(potentiometer, dial, etc) and of powering 14 (switch) apparatus
known in themselves.
One represented accurately on figure 2 electronic circuitry 9 of
apparatus 1 according to the embodiment of the invention
particularly described here.
Circuit 9 is connected on one side to electromagnetic coil 8 to
high impedance (receiving) (for example a coil made up of
approximately 600 yarn coils enamelled of 5/100) belonging with
sensor 5, and other side with electromagnetic coil 15 with high
impedance (transmitting) (for example a coil made up of 100 yarn
coils enamelled of 20/100) belonging with sensor 11.
Circuit 9 includes/understands a filter cuts high 16 (for example
of 10khi) connected to coil 8 and one pre-amplifier 17 comprising
an amplifier transistor 18.
Pre-amplifier 17 is connected of outputted to the operational
amplifier 19 which can be connected directly to transmitter coil
15, or as represented on figure 2, via a mounted output transistor
20 out of common-emitter to generate an output current of stronger
Such a change makes it possible to treat the more important liquid
volumes in the same time, the alternating tension of outputted
being in addition and for example from 4 to 5 Volts peak with
If not the provision above guarantees to outputted equivalent
signal with a tension from 3 or 4V and a current from at least 20
In an advantageous variant the amplifier is with variable profit
for example of < lmV with > 3/4 V and of < 10
microamperes with > 20 my.
The supply of the circuit is done advantageously exclusively by
batteries (not represented), which makes it possible to avoid the
uncontrolled changes of the structure of the signal due to
unpredictable perturbations of supply network 50 Hz (sector).
One now will make reference, with illustrative titre, two specific
examples of transfer.
In the first case (example N " L), it was about a transfer
starting from water distilled, of the active principles of
ovalbumin (Ova) or the endotoxine of E.Coli (Endo) towards one
second distilled water material also made up, and in the second
case (example N " 2) of a transfer always between two materials
made up of distilled water, of the principles of the endotoxine of
E.Coli (Endo) or of histamine (Hista).
A summary table several experiments carried out by the inventors
to date, who thus could validate the method and the apparatus of
the invention, is also presented.
Detection method of the biological activity used in the
experiments carried out, of which those corresponding with the two
ciaprès examples, is the following one.
Male hearts of guinea-pigs of Hartley of approximately 400 G are
mounted on an apparatus known under denomination ANDERSON for
infusion of heart and perfusés at 37 " C with a buffer solution
Krebs-Henseleit (KHB into initial Anglo-Saxon for Krebs-Henseleit
Buffer) (lmN Ca2+) with a pH of about 7,4. The solution is
ventilated permanently with a mixing O2/CO2 to 95,5%.
The coronary flow is controlled permanently for example using an
apparatus of known automatic weighing in itself, connected to
computer means of processing and restitution of the measured
flows, in graphic form.
The maximum and minimum systolic contractions, the heart rate and
the values of dp/dt (speed of the muscular contraction) measured
and are recorded permanently via a transducer, for example a known
transducer under reference ELI-SO45-35 of company ENRA
Technologies: 53 bld of the General Martial Vallin - 75015 Stakes
The active principles (histamine, ovalbumin or endotoxine of
E.Coli) which made the object of a transfer, were diluted starting
from concentration of lmM with distilled water.
Between each dilution, the solutions were violently agitated in a
pendent vortex 15 S.
The solutions are injected at the base of the aorta with an
electrical syringe (6 ml 1 ml/mn).
The transfer of ovalbumin (Ova), endotoxine of E.Coli (Endo) and,
as control, of distilled water, out of sealed ampoules of 2 ml,
was carried out towards water sealed ampoule-girls distilled of 2
The concentration in theory active was in the “transmitting”
ampoules of 1 X 10-8 Moles per liter.
The ampoule-girls were then diluted to the 1/1000 and 20 ml of
dilutions were divided into tubes of 50 ml.
The tubes were tested at blind (in the order, from 1 to 12) on
July 11, 1992 out of two isolated hearts of pre guinea-pigs
immunized with ovalbumin.
The results are the following ones
Tubes Active principle % variation of the Active principle NR "
transferred coronary flow detected in (ampoule-mother) tube
Heart A Heart B
Heart A Heart B
1 Endo 50 17 +
2 Endos 55 21 +
3 Ova 75 93 +
4 H20Tr* O 0
5 Ova -50.-53 +
6 H20 ** 0 0
7 H20Tr O 0
8 H20 0 0
9 H20 0 0 10 H20Tr O 0 11 H20 11 10 12 Ova -37.-42 + * water
having received information water ** water of origin slightly
variable result but nevertheless
acceptable. I1 is probably explained by one
bacterial contamination of the tube, giving one
reaction of type endotoxine.
The effects of the 5 active tubes (water having received Ova
information or Endo) and the absence of effect of 7 controls
(water of origin or having received information water) are net and
One finds these differences on the mechanical effects (not shown
This experiment in accordance with the invention illustrates the
transmission of biological activities to water by an electronic
circuitry or electromagnetic.
The tubes were tested on September 23, 1992.
The operating conditions are identical with those of example 1.
The results are the following ones
Tubes Active principle % variation of the Active principle NR "
transferred coronary flow detected in
(ampoule-mother) tube receptor
(ampoule-girl) 1 H2OTR 0 1 H20TR heated O2 H2OTR 0 3 HistaTR -10 +
4 OvaTR -94 +
The following table gives the effects on coronary flow in % of
variation of the flow (in + or in -) on hearts of guinea-pigs
previously immunized to ovalbumin (in the presence of Alum like
adjuvant) at the end of October 1992.
C1: not transmitted water
C2: transmitted water, i.e. which has received one
neutral information (background noise of the apparatus)
Hist: water with transmitted histamine, i.e. which has
received information “Histamine”
Ova: water with transmitted ovalbumin, i.e. which has
received information “Ovalbumin”
Endo: water with endotoxine transmitted, i.e. which has
received information “Endotoxine”.
As one can note it coronary flows vary in a way significant and
systematic at the time of the corresponding information transfer
to histamine, ovalbumin or the endotoxine, whereas in the presence
of water (transmitted or not), of low variations or substantially
any variation are observed, which illustrates the present
The use of second material in which appears the transmitted
activity can be done for example by oral route, injection, even
same impregnation by contact between the skin of the individual to
be treated and a container containing the aforementioned second
As it goes without saying, and as it results besides from what
precedes, the present invention is not limited to the embodiments
of the invention particularly not described. It relates to on the
contrary all the variants of them and particularly those where: -
the carrier materials are not 1 'pure water, but of the aqueous
mixtures, or materials pasty or solid, - the sensors are not of
electromagnetic type but of the electrical type, i.e. they are
arranged to detect a difference in potential. They can then be
metallic plates connected between them via an amplifier to high
profit, the first and second materials or their containers being
particularly placed at contact with the sensors, - the active
principles are different those particularly tested. All types of
biological molecules capable to be contained in all natural
substance types or artificial acting on the living beings, species
animal or vegetal, are in fact concerned. They can be for example
present substances in the blood or any other liquid body or
biological tissue of the animals or in vitro men, ex vivo, in
The revelation of the presence of information corresponding one to
an active principle could then be done differently, in a known way
in itself by a person skilled in the art for the active principle
Also published as: JP2008500894 // FR2870993 // EP1756589
Abstract -- The invention
relates to a method and system for providing a substance (101)
with receptive and/or transmissive properties, which permit the
substance (101) to receive or transmit a signal, acquired by
receiving an electromagnetic field coming from a source substance.
The substance (101) is subjected to an electromagnetic field
and/or a sound (102), emitted at one or more given frequencies for
a given period. The invention permits the substance (101),
initially non-receptive and/or non-transmissive to be given
receptive and/or transmissive properties.
Method and device for avoiding
alteration of a substance having biological activities
Present invention relates to a method and a system allowing to
ensure, that after an application of a generated signal starting
from a field electromagnetic generated by a substance source, a
substance, especially of water, present an active characteristic
of the substance source.
It is known, especially patent FR 2783606, which it is possible to
produce a substance having an active characteristic of a substance
source, while applying to substance, initially inactive, a
generated signal to be left, and in function, electromagnetic
field generated by the substance source.
Such an active characteristic can be a chemical biological
activity and/or or a biological and/or chemical behavior.
It was observed that the application with substance of such a
signal does not guarantee that the substance, subsequently to this
application, will acquire the active characteristic of the
substance source. Large changes as for the capacity of a substance
to acquire an active characteristic of a substance source by
application of a signal are observed.
Especially, it happens that water subjected to a generated signal
to leave, and in function, electromagnetic field generated by a
substance active source present step of specific activity. The
signal then seems not to have acted on water so as to make it
active. Thus, the capacity of water to record, keep a trace of the
signal to which it is subjected thus varies experiment in
experiment from 0% to 100% same when it is a specific robot which
carries them out handlings. That poses especially an obvious
problem of reproducibility.
The invention solves this problem of reproducibility.
It consists in previously treating substance with the application
of the signal. For that, the invention relates to a method to
confer on a substance, especially of water, properties receptive
and/or diffusing making it possible substance to be informed
and/or to diffuse a signal, especially an acquired signal by
collecting an electromagnetic field coming from a substance
source, the aforementioned method comprising the step to subject,
using a transmitter, substance with an electromagnetic field
and/or an emitted sound at one or more included frequencies in a
pendent frequency spectrum predetermined one predetermined
Indeed, in accordance with the invention, the substance, initially
nonreceptive and/or nondiffusing, is made adapted to receive
and/or diffuse a signal.
According to other performings', the method comprises moreover a
step of agitation of substance, the aforementioned step of
successive or simultaneous agitation being with the step to
subject substance to an electromagnetic field and/or an emitted
The agitation especially makes it possible to decrease the
predetermined duration pendent which the substance is subjected to
an electromagnetic field and/or an emitted sound. This agitation
consists, for example, with the creation of a vortex in the
The invention also relates to a system to implement the method
like presented above, a substance made receptive and/or diffusing
according to a method of the invention and the use of such a
substance for the producing of a substance presenting an active
characteristic of a substance source.
Other characteristics and advantages of the invention will appear
with description made below, this last being carried out with
descriptive and nonrestrictive titre by making reference with the
drawings hereafter on which:
Figure 1 represents a
system in accordance with the invention.
Figure 2 is a diagram
illustrating the presence or not active characteristic in
substances obtained or not in accordance with the invention.
According to figure 1, a system in accordance with the invention
comprises a transmitter 102 to subject substance 101 to an
electromagnetic field and/or an emitted sound 104 at one or more
included frequencies in a pendent frequency spectrum predetermined
one predetermined duration.
The transmitter is for example an high speaker making it possible
to subject substance to an applied frequency in sound form.
It is also possible that the transmitter is a transmitter of
electromagnetic waves, for example an electromagnetic coil,
subjecting, for example, the substance with a field of frequency
50 Hz, 500 Hz or others: white noise…
The frequencies are selected in a frequency spectrum predetermined
by an electromagnetic generator 103 of field and/or sound 104.
It is possible to use one or of the given frequencies for the
electromagnetic field and/or sound 104.
The subjecting of substance, of water in the experiment, at random
frequencies covering at least the spectrum of the audible
frequencies (20 Hz - 20000 Hz) made it possible to obtain a
formatted said water, namely a water having a good receptivity
and/or good diffusing qualities at a signal coming from a
substance active source.
The random frequencies can especially be obtained by the diffusion
of a music piece.
Examples of predetermined duration are given below. Generator 103
allows a control of the predetermined duration. For example, the
water subjected to a music 104 pendent one present night a
receptivity and/or good diffusing qualities.
According to another performing of the invention, the system
comprises moreover means to agitate substance, for example of
swirling manner.
The creation of an agitation in substance especially makes it
possible to reduce the predetermined duration to which water must
be subjected to be formatted. For example, a correct formatting of
water and thus a good receptivity and/or good diffusing qualities
are observed when water is subjected to a music 104 pendent two
hours and successively agitated of swirling manner, for example
pendent twenty seconds. It is also possible to simultaneously
agitate water with the diffusion of the music piece.
A container 100 contains substance 101. This container is for
example a cylinder in transparent plastic.
Any other form (tube…) allowing to accomodate substance is
appropriate thus that any other material (glass, metal…) permeable
with the sound and/or the electromagnetic waves can be used.
Advantageously, the container is placed on transmitter 102 but any
other position making it possible substance to receive the
electromagnetic waves and/or sound 104 is possible.
In another performing, the transmitter can be placed within
substance, for example, immersed in water.
Figure 2 in accordance with the invention illustrates the action
of a method on the capacity of water to being informed by a
generated signal starting from an electromagnetic field generated
by a substance source possessing an active characteristic.
The hirudine is an acting anticoagulant by direct inhibition of
thrombin. At the site of action, the effect of the hirudine is
immediate. In the given illustration, the substance source is the
hirudine and the generated signal from electromagnetic field of
the substance source is called signal hirudine.
A said method of information making it possible to obtain an
informed substance, i.e. presenting the properties of an
anticoagulant such as the east the hirudine, is described in the
patent FR 2783606.
According to this method, the electromagnetic field coming from
the hirudine, substance source, is transformed into an electrical
signal using a transducer-receptor collecting the electromagnetic
field. The electrical signal is then applied with a substance by
means of a transducer-transmitter.
The substance to which the electrical signal is applied can or not
be subjected to the method in accordance with the invention.
The experiment consists in in accordance with the invention
comparing substances having undergone a method and others which
did not undergo it, previously with the application of the method
of information.
Like biological system allowing to reveal an anticoagulant effect
of the hirudine or signal hirudine, one uses a solution of water,
substance capable to undergo a method in accordance with the
invention, including thrombin. One mixture the solution
water-thrombin with a fibrinogen solution which, under the effect
of thrombin, ends in the formation of a fibrin clot, final step of
In order to measure coagulation, one measuring change according to
the time of the optical density of the solution resulting of the
mixture. Present figure 2 thus of the curves of optical density
(in ordinate).
Curve 201 represents the evolution of the optical density observed
after the adding of a solution of water including of molecular
thrombin in the absence of hirudine in a solution including of
fibrinogen. The solution of water including of thrombin is carried
out with a water which did not undergo any prior preparation (and
thus not formatted according to the vocabulary defined above). It
is checked that the optical density increases rapidly: there is
On figure 2, is represented curve 202 corresponding one with the
mixture of a solution of water including of the thrombin into
which molecular hirudine was introduced with a solution including
of fibrinogen. One observes only one low increase of the optical
density in time: it is checked that there is no coagulation.
Then, for the requirements of the comparing, several solutions
including of thrombin are prepared with water not having undergone
a method of formatting in accordance with the invention and having
undergone a method of information using the signal hirudine like
described above.
It is observed that the curves of optical density obtained after
mixture with a solution including of fibrinogen are sparingly
reproducible. Thus it is possible to observe curves near of curve
201, intermediate curve 202 or curves. For example curve 203 is
representative of a not formatted solution of water, not including
a molecular hirudine but to which a signal hirudine was applied.
The anticoagulant effect of the signal hirudine is not observed.
Also, for the requirements of the comparing, several solutions
including of thrombin are prepared with water having undergone a
method of formatting in accordance with the invention and having
undergone a method of information using the signal hirudine like
described above.
Curve 204 represents the results obtained with such solutions of
water including of molecular thrombin without hirudine but to
which a signal hirudine was applied.
Such a curve is obtained in a reproducible way.
Lastly, a similar curve with curve 201 is obtained with solutions
of water including of thrombin prepared with water having
undergone a method of formatting in accordance with the invention
and not having undergone a method of information using the signal
Measuring repeated on water samples having undergone a method of
formatting in accordance with the invention and on water samples
not having undergone a formatting before the application of a
signal of type hirudine shows an average anticoagulant activity
much higher for the sample formatted according to the method of
the invention. The table below watch measurement results of the
activity anti coagulating after application of a signal of type
hirudine with formatted water samples and not formatted water
samples. The reported results correspond to the percentage of
inhibition of thrombin at the end of thirty minutes. For
comparing, measurement results of the coagulating anti activity of
a solution of hirudine titrated with a M/L are presented. One thus
observes an average value raised for the hirudine (70. 6%), as
well as differential substantial enter the average observed for
the water samples formatted in accordance with the invention (21.
4%) and that observed for the not formatted water samples (9.6%).
Also published as: FR2783605 // WO0017638 // EP1116025 //
Abstract -- The invention
concerns a method, a system and a device for producing, from a
substance, electric signals characteristic of the biological
activity of an active element contained in the substance. The
method consists in: placing the substance in a zone subjected to a
specific electric, magnetic and/or electromagnetic excitation
field. The method further includes a step which consists in
transforming the fields resulting form the interaction between the
specific excitation filed and the substance, into signals, in
particular electric signals, using a first transducer receiving
the resulting fields.
[0002] The present invention relates to a method, a system and a
device for producing signals from a substance, in particular
electric signals, characteristic of the biological and/or chemical
activity or the biological and/or chemical behaviour of said
substance or an active element contained in said substance. The
invention also relates to a method and a system for controlling
said signals. The invention also relates to the applications of
said method, system and device in particular to the production of
active substances and to the detection of defined substances.
Finally, the invention relates to signals linked to a biological
and/or chemical activity thus produced by said method, system and
[0003] It is known from the research works of Jacques Benveniste,
in particular those described in the patent application WO
94/17406 published on Aug. 4, 1994, that one can pick up, from a
biological and/or chemical active element such as a chemical
compound, a cell or a micro-organism, or from a substance
containing this active element such as a purified preparation, a
biological sample, or a living being, an "electromagnetic signal
characteristic of the biological and/or chemical activity or of
the biological and/or chemical behaviour" of said substance and/or
said active element contained in said substance.
[0004] It is also known that it is possible to transform, in
particular by means of a transducer, such an electromagnetic
signal into electric signals. In the following text one also means
by "electric signals characteristic of the biological and/or
chemical activity or of the biological and/or chemical behaviour
of said substance or of an active element contained in said
substance" the electric signals derived by signal digitising
and/or processing. In this expression the word "characteristic" is
used in the meaning where the physical parameters of the electric
signals are specific to the substance or to the active element
contained in said substance and that the application of these
electric signals, via a transducer, to a biological control system
makes it possible:
[0005] (i) to induce a biological and/or chemical activity on said
biological control system relative to that of the substance of
origin or the active element it contains;
[0006] (ii) to reveal a characteristic of the substance or the
active element it contains, at the origin of said electric
[0007] The patent application WO 94/17406 published on Aug. 4,
1994, describes a method and a device for picking up "an
electromagnetic signal characteristic of a biological and/or
chemical activity or of a biological and/or chemical behaviour"
from a biological and/or chemical active element such as a
chemical compound, a cell or micro-organism, o r from a substance
containing this active element such as a purified preparation, a
biological sample, or a living being.
[0008] Since then the inventors have discovered that it is
possible to improve the quality of the electromagnetic signal
picked up as well as the reliability of the method for producing
these signals and that consequently it is possible to produce
characteristic electric signals appropriate for industrial
applications. The production of such characteristic electric
signals implies an exceptional industrial importance.
[0009] It thus becomes possible to detect and characterise active
elements present in low concentration or in very low concentration
in a substance. As examples, it is thus possible to monitor the
presence or absence of chemical compounds such as caffeine,
ionophoretic-calcium, ovalbumin, propranolol or micro-organisms
such as bacterium coli, streptococci, staphilocci whose presence
is looked for.
[0010] It thus becomes possible to carry out remote tests at
several thousands of kilometers since the characteristic signals
are electric signals which can immediately be transmitted to the
investigation centre of the control laboratory.
[0011] It is possible to modify the biological and/or chemical
activity or the biological and/or chemical behaviour of a
biological receptor system by submitting it to the effects of
characteristic electric signals. It also becomes possible to
produce new drugs such as solutions depending on signals from
arnica, bradykinin, caffeine, nicotine. New production techniques
for drugs can be implemented. For example, in the case of certain
drugs such as antibiotics, anti-viruses, anti-parasites,
anti-mitotics which, to act within bacteria, viruses or cells
(tumour cells in particular), must breach the defensive barriers
of the above, the signals of these drugs are applied directly into
the heart of the bacteria, viruses or cells. In fact, the
application of characteristic electric signals, via a n
appropriate transducer, generates magnetic fields which penetrate
into the bacteria, viruses or cells and modify their chemical
and/or biological behaviour.
[0012] It is possible to store the characteristic electric signals
in data banks, using computer techniques. Then, the spread of
therapeutic resources, from one point to the other on the planet,
is instantaneous according to needs.
[0013] The examples described above concern the medical domain.
The chemical industry also, such as electronic components, will
also be concerned by the new possibilities offered by the present
invention. The use of electromagnetic fields, emitted by
characteristic electric signals, to modify the behaviour of
molecules and promote chemical reactions will open up new
prospects concerning both the conception of new materials and
their methods of production. Thus, for example, it will be
possible to use them as catalysts able to influence the
stereochemistry of molecules.
[0014] The method according to the invention making it possible to
improve the performances of characteristic electric signals
comprises the stages:
[0015] of placing said substance in a zone submitted to a specific
excitation field of electric, magnetic and/or electromagnetic
[0016] of transforming the fields resulting from the interaction
of the specific excitation field and the substance, into signals,
in particular electric signals, by means of a first transducer
receiving said resulting fields.
[0017] In fact, the inventors have noted that, in a surprising
manner, the use of an excitation field such as for example an
electromagnetic field of uniform power spectral density over a
frequency spread (for example white noise of 1 Hz to 20 kHz) makes
it possible to improve the performance of characteristic electric
signals. As an example of such a first transducer, one can mention
very sensitive small copper wire bobbins with an impedance of 300
Ohms; internal diameter of 6 mm, external diameter of 16 mm,
length 6 mm, normally used as telephone receivers.
[0018] Preferably, the process according to the invention further
comprises the stage for processing said signals derived from said
first transducer, relative to second signals derived from a second
transducer receiving the specific excitation field, in the absence
of said substance. As an example, the processing can consist of
subtracting these two signals by using two receiver bobbins
connected in series and with opposite phases, one facing said
substance and receiving the electromagnetic field through said
substance and the other receiving the electromagnetic field
directly. Thus, the part of the signals really characteristic of
the biological and/or chemical activity or of the biological
and/or chemical behaviour of said substance or said active element
contained in said substance, is enhanced relative to that derived
from the first transducer alone.
[0019] As an example, according to another embodiment of the
invention, the processing can consist of recording consecutively
the signals coming from said substance and then the signals coming
from a neutral substance (water or physiological serum), then
subtracting the first signals from the second (which serve as
reference), this subtraction being carried out before or after
processing the signals as described below (subtraction of
amplitudes or power spectral densities).
[0020] Preferably, according to another embodiment of the
invention, the process according to the invention comprises the
stage of processing the signals derived from said first
transducer, in function of the characteristics of the specific
excitation field. For example, the signal processing consists of
calculating the power spectral density using a Fourier transform,
to narrow the useful frequency band (bandpass filter), to
normalise the specific excitation field relative to the power
spectral density, and to reconstitute a signal using an inverse
Fourier transform. As in the case of the preceding embodiment, the
part of the signals which are really characteristic of the
biological and/or chemical activity or of the biological and/or
chemical behaviour of said substance or said active element
contained in said substance, are thus enhanced relative to that
produced without processing.
[0021] Preferably, the specific excitation field has the
characteristic of having a uniform power spectral density over a
frequency band. As an example, the power spectral density is
uniform over a frequency band from 1 Hz to 20 kHz. Thus, said
substance is submitted to a neutral excitation field of the white
noise type.
[0022] Preferably, furthermore, the zone submitted to the specific
excitation field is insulated from parasitic fields from the
[0023] The invention also relates to the applications of the
signals produced. To this effect, the method further comprises the
stage of applying said signals from said first transducer to a
biological receiver, by means of a third transducer. In the case
where said signals are processed, it is the signals processed in
this way which are applied to the biological system receptor.
[0024] As an example, said third transducer will generate and emit
an electromagnetic field in the direction of biological system
receptors such as a carrier substance or a reactive medium
producing stereochemical molecules. This electromagnetic field
will modify the biological and/or chemical activity or the
biological and/or chemical behaviour of the biological system
receiver as a function of the nature of biological and/or chemical
activity or the biological and/or chemical behaviour of said
substance. Thus, for example, it is possible to send the message
for caffeine into a water-based beverage to produce a dietetic
drink or an alimentary supplement.
[0025] The invention also concerns the control of characteristic
electric signals. For this, the process further comprises the
stage for controlling the correlation between on the one hand, the
signal derived from said first transducer or the processed signal
and, on the other hand, the biological and/or chemical activity or
the biological and/or chemical behaviour of said substance or said
active element contained in said substance. This control is
carried out by applying, by means of said third transducer, the
signals derived from said first transducer to a biological control
system and by verifying that said biological control system reacts
in a specific manner to the signals from said first transducer. In
the case where said signals are processed, it is the signals thus
processed which are applied to said biological control system. The
reaction of said biological control system must be related to the
nature of the biological and/or chemical activity or the
biological and/or chemical behaviour of said substance or said
active element contained in said substance whose signals are
emitted from said first transducer. As an example, in particular
one can cite as a biological control system: an isolated
guinea-pig heart, a ligand/receptor couple in particular an
antigen/antibody couple, the skin of a guinea-pig or a live rabbit
which is submitted to a cutaneous injection test, isolated or
cultured cells.
[0026] Surprisingly, it was noted that the method according to the
invention for producing characteristic signals delivers
exploitable signals from an active substance whose active element
can even be contained in low or very low concentrations (less the
10<6 >moles per liter). The method according to the
invention can thus be applied to characterise the presence of an
active element at the trace level in a substance.
[0027] The invention also relates to a system for producing
signals, in particular electric signals, characteristic of the
biological and/or chemical activity or of the biological and/or
chemical behaviour of a substance or an active element contained
in said substance. The invention also concerns a system for
implementing the properties of said signals. Said system comprises
an emitter generating a specific excitation field of electric,
magnetic and/or electromagnetic nature in a zone where said
substance is located. As an example, one can cite an emitter with
the following characteristics: bobbin with internal diameter 50
mm, length 80 mm, R=3.6 ohms, 3 layers of 112 turns of copper
wire, field on the axis to the centre 44 Oe/A, and on the edge 25
Oe/A. Said system also comprises a first transducer receiving the
fields resulting from the interaction of said specific excitation
field and said substance, said first transducer transforming said
resulting fields into signals, in particular electric signals. As
an example, one can cite a transducer such as a very sensitive
little bobbin of copper wire with an impedance of 300 Ohms, of
internal diameter 6 mm external diameter 16 mm, length 6 mm,
usually used for telephone receivers. In the case of this example
the characteristics of the electric signals derived from the
transducer are as follows: amplitude of about 200 mV crest to
[0028] Said system also comprises means of emission for applying
said signals derived from said first transducer to a biological
system receptor. As an example of such means of emission, one can
cite a transducer with the following characteristics: bobbin with
internal diameter 50 mm, length 80 mm, R=3.6 ohms, 3 layers of 112
spirals of copper wire, field on the axis to the centre 44 Oe/A,
and on the edge 25 Oe/A. Examples of biological receptor systems
have been mentioned above.
[0029] Preferably, the system according to the invention further
comprises means for processing said signals derived from said
first transducer, in function of the signals derived from a second
transducer receiving the specific excitation field, in the absence
of said substance. Thus said processed signals are more
characteristic of the biological and/or chemical activity or the
biological and/or chemical behaviour of said substance or said
active element contained in said substance.
[0030] Preferably, according to another variant of the invention,
the system further comprises means for processing the signals
derived from said first transducer, in function of the
characteristics of the specific excitation field. In the case of
this variant embodiment also, said processed signals are more
characteristic of the biological and/or chemical activity or of
the biological and/or chemical behaviour of said substance or said
active element contained in said substance.
[0031] Preferably, said specific excitation field has the
characteristic of having a uniform power spectral density over a
frequency band.
[0032] Preferably, the system according to the invention further
comprises means for isolating said zone from parasitic fields from
the environment.
[0033] Preferably, the system according to the invention further
comprises control means for controlling the correlation between,
on the one hand, the signal derived from said first transducer or
the processed signal and, on the other hand, the biological and/or
chemical activity or of the biological and/or chemical behaviour
of said substance or said active element contained in said
substance. Said control means comprise a third transducer applying
the signals derived from said first transducer to a biological
control system. In the case where the signals are processed, it is
the processed signals which are applied to the biological control
system. Said control means further comprise means for verifying
that the biological control system reacts in a specific manner to
the signals derived from said first transducer, according to the
nature of the biological and/or chemical activity or of the
biological and/or chemical behaviour of said substance or said
active element contained in said substance from which the signals
derived from said first transducer are issued. As an example, one
can cite as biological control system: an isolated guinea-pig
heart, a ligand/receptor couple in particular an antigen/antibody
couple, an injectable substance provoking cutaneous reactions,
isolated or cultured cells.
[0034] Preferably, the system according to the invention is such
that said substance contains a low concentration or very weak
concentration of an active element.
[0035] The invention also relates to a device for producing
signals, in particular electric signals, characteristic of the
biological and/or chemical activity or of the biological and/or
chemical behaviour of a substance or an active element contained
in said substance. Said device comprises an emitter generating a
specific excitation field of electric, magnetic and/or
electromagnetic nature in a zone where said substance is located.
It also comprises a first transducer receiving the fields
resulting from the interaction of said specific excitation field
and said substance. Said first transducer transforms said
resulting fields into signals, in particular electric signals.
Said signals are characteristic of the biological and/or chemical
activity or of the biological and/or chemical behaviour of said
substance or said active element contained in said substance.
[0036] The device according to the invention further comprises
means for processing said signals derived from said first
transducer, relative to the signals derived from a second
transducer receiving the specific excitation field, in the absence
of said substance.
[0037] According to another embodiment variant of the invention
the device further comprises means for processing the signals
derived from said first transducer, in function of the
characteristics of the specific excitation field.
[0038] Preferably, said specific excitation field has the
characteristic of a uniform power spectral density over a
frequency band.
[0039] Preferably, the device according to the invention further
comprises means for isolating said zone from parasitic fields from
the environment.
[0040] The invention also relates to the applications of the
method, system or the device described above. More particularly,
the invention concerns the production of active substances in
particular the production of drugs. Said active substances are
produced by applying said signals derived from said first
transducer to a carrier substance. In the case where said signals
are processed, it is the signals thus processed which are applied
to the carrier substance.
[0041] The invention also relates to the application of the
process, system or device which has the aim of establishing a
table of correlation between the characteristics of a determined
substance or an active element contained in said determined
substance and the modifications they can induce on test biological
systems. Such correlation tables also enter into the framework of
the invention, as well as the use of such correlation tables for
detecting said determined substance or said active element
contained in said determined substance. This detection can in
particular be carried out remotely, after transmitting said
characteristic signal to a testing laboratory possessing test
biological systems. The correlation tables can also be used for
controlling the production of homeopathic products, by making it
possible to verify the activity of the latter during successive
phases of dilution.
[0042] The invention also relates to electric signals linked to a
biological and/or chemical activity, obtained through implementing
the method, the system or the device according to the invention.
It is possible to characterise these signals from the effects they
produce on a biological control system like that described above.
[0043] Other characteristics and advantages of the invention will
become clear by reading the description of the variants of
embodiments of the invention, given as indicative but non-limiting
examples, and also by reading the examples of experiments making
it possible to validate the method of production of characteristic
electric signals, the aim of the present invention, and which
refer to the attached drawings in which:
FIG. 1 shows a
diagram of an example of an embodiment of a system and a device
for producing characteristic electric signals, said system
comprising an applicator making it possible to apply the
characteristic signals to a biological system receptor,
FIG. 1a shows a
detailed view in perspective of a part of the device for producing
electric signals, showing the emitter of the excitation field and
the transducer receiving the resulting fields,
FIG. 1b shows in diagrammatic form the type of
micro-computer used either for generating the excitation fields,
or for recording and transmitting under digitised form the
characteristic electric signals, or for applying the
characteristic electric signals to biological system receivers
via transducers.
FIG. 1c shows a
detailed view in perspective of a part of the applicator
intended to apply the characteristic electric signals to
biological system receptors,
[0048] FIG. 2 shows a drawing of an example of an
embodiment of an applicator making it possible to control the
presence of the characteristic electric signals issued from a
solution of acetylcholine by applying them to a biological
control system constituted by an isolated perfused guinea-pig

FIG. 3 shows a
drawing of an example of an embodiment of an applicator making it
possible to apply the characteristic electric signals issued from
a solution containing as active biological element, Escherichia
coli K1, Streptococcus or an antibody directed against the
polysaccharidic antigen of Escherichia coli K1.
FIG. 3a shows a
black and white image of 320 pixels*240 pixels of precipitates
formed during the precipitation reaction between the
polysaccharidic antigen of Escherichia coli K1 and an antibody
directed against this antigen, after application of characteristic
electric signals coming from a biological system containing
FIG. 3b shows a
black and white image of 320 pixels*240 pixels of precipitates
formed during the precipitation reaction between the
polysaccharidic antigen of Escherichia coli KP1 and an antibody
directed against this antigen, after application of characteristic
electric signals coming from a biological system containing
Escherichia coli K1,
FIG. 3c shows a
black and white image of 320 pixels*240 pixels of precipitates
formed during the precipitation reaction between the
polysaccharidic antigen of Escherichia coli K1 and an antibody
directed against this antigen, after simultaneous application of
characteristic electric signals coming from a biological system
containing Streptococcus and coming from a biological system
containing Escherichia coli K1,
FIG. 3d shows a
black and white image of 320 pixels*240 pixels of precipitates
formed during the precipitation reaction between the
polysaccharidic antigen of Escherichia coli K1 and an antibody
directed against this antigen, after simultaneous application of
characteristic electric signals coming from a biological system
containing Escherichia coli K1, and coming from a biological
system containing a n antibody directed against Escherichia coli
FIG. 4 shows an
image of the sub-cutaneous allergic reaction of a skin of a
guinea-pig after injection of 0.1 ml distilled water, the
distilled water having previously been submitted to an applicator
of characteristic electric signals coming from a neuromediator
such as acetylcholine (ACh).
[0055] Below is described an example of an embodiment of a system
and of a device for producing characteristic electric signals,
with reference to FIGS. 1, 1a, 1b and 1c. In these figures, a
schematic drawing is given of a variant of an embodiment of a
system making it possible to produce characteristic electric
signals and to implement them for industrial purposes. The signals
are characteristic, in the meaning of the present invention, of
the biological and/or chemical activity or of the biological
and/or chemical behaviour of a substance.
[0056] The system comprises a device 10 for producing electric
signals characteristic of the biological and/or chemical activity
or of the biological and/or chemical behaviour of a substance 1 or
of an active element contained in said substance. In the case of
the variant described with reference to FIGS. 1, 1a, 1b, 1c, said
substance 1 is a solution of caffeine 10<-6 >M.
[0057] The device 10, located in Paris, for example, produces
characteristic electric signals which are digitised after
digital-analog conversion. The signals thus digitised are, in a
known manner, transmitted remotely, for example by a computer
communication network of the Internet type using radio links 11.
The digitised signals thus transmitted are received by an
applicator 12, located in New York for example, comprising 10
emission means 13. The emission means 13 make it possible to apply
the characteristic signals (after digital-analog conversion) to a
biological system receptor. In the case of the embodiment
described with reference toFIG. 1, 1a, 1b and 1c, the biological
system receptor is a dietetic beverage. The digitised signals can
be processed 27, recorded and stored 33, before their remote
transmission and/or before having been applied to a biological
system receiver.
[0058] The device for producing the signals 10 comprises a chamber
2 provided with electric and magnetic shielding isolating it from
parasitic fields from the environment. The shielded cylindrical
chamber is composed of three superposed layers: copper, soft iron,
permalloy, made from sheets 1 mm thick. The chamber has an
internal diameter of 65 mm, and a height of 100 mm. The chamber is
closed by a shielded lid 5. An emitter 4 is situated inside the
chamber. It generates a specific excitation field of
electromagnetic nature. The emitter is supplied by a generator,
14. In the chamber 2 is placed a glass container 3 with the
dimensions 10 mm*10 mm*4.5 mm. This container 3 holds 1 ml of the
substance 1. The emitter 4 comprises a bobbin advantageously
completed by a magnetic core in soft iron. The emitter bobbin 4
has an impedance of 300 ohms, an internal diameter of 6 mm, an
external diameter of 16 mm, and a length of 6 mm. The magnetic
core in soft iron is placed in contact with the external walls of
the container 3. Said substance is thus submitted to an excitation
field emitted by the emitter 4. The generator 14 is designed to
generate a low frequency signal especially square or sinusoidal
low frequency signals, of pink noise or, advantageously, white
noise. The spectrum of the excitation signal supplying the emitter
bobbin 4 corresponds closely to the spectrum of audible
frequencies (20 Hz-20,000 Hz). The generator 14 can be a generator
of an analog signal of known type, using for example a read-only
memory (ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM) containing the digital signal of
the desired noise. This memory is linked in a known way to a
digital-analog converter. A microcomputer 14 can also b e used,
provided with a sound card 25 comprising a digital-analog
converter 41. For example, one can use a computer 14 of the PC
type, operating under the WINDOWS(R) 95 operating system from
MICROSOFT and comprising, apart from the sound card 25 a
microprocessor 27, an input/output interface 29, a controller 31
for mass storage 33 and a video interface 35 linked by one or
several bus 37. The digital-analog converter 41 of the sound card
25 comprises an output terminal 8. The output terminal 8 of the
sound card of the microcomputer 14 is linked to the input terminal
8' of the emitter 4, via an amplifier 15 whose specifications are
the following: passband from 10 Hz to 20 kHz, gain 1 to 10, input
sensitivity +/-1 V. Among the sound cards 25 which can be used,
one can cite, for example the Soundblaster 16 card sold by the
[0059] The transducer 6, situated inside the chamber 2, receives
the fields resulting from the interaction between said specific
excitation field and said substance 1. The transducer 6 transforms
said resulting fields into electric signals. These electric
signals arrive at the output terminals 9' of the transducer 6
under the form of a variable difference of potential or of an
electric current of variable intensity. The transducer 6 comprises
a bobbin with a soft iron core. This bobbin has an impedance of
300 ohms, an internal diameter of 6 mm, an external diameter of 16
mm, and a length of 6 mm. The magnetic core in soft iron is placed
in contact with the external walls of the container 3.
[0060] Advantageously, the characteristic electric signals
available at the output from the transducer 6 are amplified by a
preamplifier 16. The amplifier-preamplifier 16 has the following
specifications: passband from 10 Hz to 20 kHz, gain 50 to 100 for
an input sensitivity of +/-100 mV or gain 500 to 2000 for an input
sensitivity of +/-5 mV (to be used in the case of an "opposition
series" connection of a second transducer). The characteristic
electric signals can b e recorded 31, stored 33, transferred 11,
29, remotely by implementing technologies of electronics,
computers and telecommunications known to those skilled in the
[0061] The recording of characteristic electric signals, or that
of electric signals derived after amplification or processing, can
be carried out in analog by a signal recorder, in particular o n
magnetic tape, adapted to the frequencies of the characteristic
electric signals at the output from the transducer 6. Since the
passband used corresponds to the audio band, one can i n
particular use a tape recorder. The output terminal 9' of the
device for producing signals 10 is linked to the microphone input
or to the line input of such a tape recorder. During play, the
characteristic electric signals recorded are collected at an
output terminal, in particular at the line output or at the
loudspeaker output of the tape recorder. Preferably, digital
recording of the characteristic electric signals is carried out
after analog-digital conversion of said signals. In order to d o
this, a micro-computer 17 is used, provided with a signal
acquisition card 25. For example, one can use a PC 17 type
computer, operating on the WINDOWS(R) 95 operating system from
MICROSOFT. This microcomputer can be of the same type as that used
to generate the excitation field. It can be the same
microcomputer. In this case it comprises, apart from the sound
card, an acquisition card 25, a microprocessor 27, an input/output
interface 29, a controller 31, a mass storage 33 and a video
interface 35 linked by one or several bus 37. The acquisition card
25 comprises a analog-digital converter 39 possessing, preferably,
a resolution higher than 12 bits, and advantageously equal to 16
bits, as well as a sampling frequency double the maximum frequency
one wishes to be able to digitise, for example 44 kHz. The output
9' of the transducer 6 is linked to the input 9 of the
digital-analog converter 39 via the preamplifier 16.
[0062] All links consist of shielded cable. All the apparatus is
[0063] Advantageously, in order to process the characteristic
electric signals or the signal derivatives, one uses the Matlab
software from the company "The MathWorks". The output of the
device 10 for producing characteristic electric signals is
connected to the input 9 of the analog-digital converter 39 of the
card 25 of the computer 17. One proceeds with a n acquisition of
characteristic electric signals for a length of time for example
of between 1 and 60 sec (for example 6 sec) and the digital file
is saved in a mass storage 33, for example under the form of a
sound file with the WAV format. This file can later undergo
digital processing, as for example digital amplification for
calibrating the signal level, filtering for eliminating unwanted
frequencies, or be transformed into its spectrum by a discrete
FOURIER transform, preferable by the algorithm of FFT "Fast
Fourier Transform".
[0064] The time length of the signal produced can be increased by
repeating several times in a file a fragment or the totality of
the sound file originally produced.
[0065] These processing means of characteristic electric signals
can be used to improve performances of said characteristic
electric signals. In the case of a first embodiment variant, a
second transducer of the first type described above is envisaged.
This second transducer transforms the excitation field into
electric signals, in the absence of said substance. These electric
signals are subtracted by an opposition series connection to the
signals derived from the first transducer. Thus one obtains
signals more representative of the interaction between the
specific excitation field and the substance. In the case of a
second embodiment variant, the processing means take into account
the characteristics of the specific excitation field and reprocess
the characteristic electric signals in the following way. First of
all one proceeds by calculating the spread of the PSD. Then this
power spectral density is contracted by conserving only the
frequency band ranging for example from 140 Hz to 14 kHz, and
reconstituting a signal from this PSD and randomly generated
phases, and finally calibrating the power of the signal thus
[0066] The characteristic electric signals available at the exit
of the output from the device constituted by the combination of
the emitter 4, the transducer 6 and if applicable the preamplifier
16 already themselves constitute products suitable for industrial
applications. They can be amplified, processed, saved, stored,
transferred remotely by implementing state of the art technologies
in electronics, computers and telecommunications. The industrial
applications for which they can in particular be implemented have
been noted.
[0067] The file of characteristic electric signals, recorded under
digital form as has just been described, possibly after
processing, can be transferred remotely by a computer
communication network. This network can comprise radio links 11.
The file of characteristic electric signals thus transmitted is
recorded by the mass storage of the microcomputer 18. For example,
one can use a computer of the PC type, operating on a WINDOWS(R)
95 operating system from MICROSOFT. This microcomputer 18 can be
of the same type as that used for generating the excitation field.
The file of characteristic signals thus transmitted and recorded
can be exploited, in known ways, to produce analog characteristic
electric signals. The possibly processed file is transformed by a
digital-analog converter 41 of the card 25 (or a separate card) of
the computer 18. The digital-analog converter 41 delivers analog
electric signals to its output 8 characteristic of the biological
activity of the substance from which they are issued. These
signals can be transformed, as described below, into
electromagnetic fields and applied to biological systems.
[0068] Referring to FIG. 1c, a description is given of an
embodiment of a system making it possible to apply characteristic
electric signals to a biological system receiver and to modify its
chemical behaviour. The flask 50 contains the biological system
receiver. This is constituted, for example, of 10 ml distilled
water for an injectable preparation (Biosédra or other brands) in
a 15 ml tube in polypropylene (Falcon, Becton Dickinson 2097).
This flask is set in an electromagnetic field radiated by a
transducer 51, typically a bobbin. The bobbin, for example, has a
length of 120 mm, an internal diameter of 25 mm, an external
diameter of 28 mm, with 631 turns of wire of 0.5 mm diameter and a
resistance of 4 ohms. The bobbin 51 is earthed. Without this
representing any limiting character, the bobbin 51 of the
transducer has a vertical axis making it possible to introduce the
flask 50 containing the receptor biological system. The input
terminals 8' of this bobbin 51 are linked, in the case of the
embodiment variant described, to the output 8 of the
digital-analog converter 41 of the microcomputer 18 via an
amplifier 19 with the following specifications: passband from 10
Hz to 20 kHz, gain 1 to 20, input sensitivity 250 mV, output power
RMS 60 W under 8 ohms, signal to noise ratio 80 dB. The voltage at
the terminals of the bobbin 51 has an amplitude of 5 Veff and the
signal is applied for 10 minutes. The input terminals 8' of the
applicator can also be, in the case of certain embodiment
variants, directly connected to the output of the preamplifier 16
or to the output 8 of the digital-analog converter 41 of the
computer 17.
[0069] The invention also relates to the methods making i t
possible to control the correlation between on the one hand, said
signal derived from the transducer 6 and on the other hand, the
biological and/or chemical activity or the biological and/or
chemical behaviour of said substance or said active element
contained in said substance. This control is carried out by
applying, by means of a transducer of the type described in
reference to FIG. 1c, signals derived from the transducer 6 to a
biological control system and verifying that said biological
control system reacts in a specific manner to the signals derived
from said first transducer. In the case where said signals are
processed, it is these processed signals which are applied to said
biological control system. The reaction of said biological control
system must be in relation to the nature of the biological and/or
chemical activity or the biological and/or chemical behaviour of
said substance or said active element contained in said substance
from which are issued the signals derived from said first
[0070] As an example of a biological control system, an d
referring to FIG. 2, a test will be described below derived from
that known under the test name of a perfused isolated guinea-pig
heart (or Langendorff experiment) and whose process is described
in the work entitled: "Methods in Immunology and Immunochemistry"
published by Williams and Chase, Academic Press 1976, particularly
page 68; or further in the work entitled: "L'experimentation
animate en cardiologie" INSERM Médecine-Science-Coll.
Flammarion-Author Bernard SWYNGHEDAUW-particularly Ch. 3.1 p.81
"Organe Isolé-Coceur Isolé selon Langendorff-Montage à pression
coronaire constante"; or further in the work entitled "The
isolated perfused Heart according to Langendorff" H. J. Döiring,
H. Dehnart-Biomesstechnik-Verlag March GmbH, D-7806 March. In FIG.
2 one recognises the diagram known from the Langendorff
experiment. The equipment described in these works has been
completed by a transducer in the form of a bobbin 60 of a
varnished copper wire of diameter 0.5 mm, with a diameter of 110
mm, a length of 40 mm and with an impedance of 4 ohms.
[0071] Three experiments were carried out with characteristic
electric signals coming respectively from the following
[0072] for the first, ionophoretic-calcium A 23187 (Sigma C-7522)
(I) at a concentration of 10<-6>M in distilled water for
injectable preparation (for example the Biosedra brand).
[0073] for the second, distilled water for injectable preparation
(for example the Biosedra brand). (E)
[0074] for the third, caffeine (Sigma C-0750) (C) at a
concentration of 10<-6>M in distilled water for injectable
preparation (for example the Biosédra brand). (E)
[0075] For each of these three experiments, the substances were
placed in the container 3 of the chamber 2 and their
characteristic electric signals were acquired in conformity with
the operating process described with reference to FIGS. 1, 1a and
[0076] The three characteristic electric signals produced as
described above were applied to the guinea-pig heart, connecting
the terminals 8' of the bobbin 60 to the output of the amplifier
19 of power 60 W. The three characteristic electric signals were
applied for 2 minutes under a voltage of 5 Veff.
[0077] The fraction collector collected the tubes making it
possible to measure the debit of the guinea-pig heart at the rate
of 1 tube per minute. The buffer solution crossing the heart had
the following composition: CaCl 2 mM, NaHCO3 25 mM, NaCl 118 mM,
MgSO4 1.2 mM, KHPO4 1.2 mM, Glucose 11 mM, Pyruvate 2 mM.
[0078] The table below shows (in ml) the quantity of the buffer
solution recuperated in the collector tubes during the time.
Time ionophoretic- Signal Signal
mins. No signal calcium water caffeine
1 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.3
2 4.3 4.3 4.5 4.4
3 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.4
4 4.4 4.3 4.5 4.5
5 4.4 4.2 4.5 4.2
6 4.3 4.9 4.4 4.0
7 4.3 5.2 4.4 3.6
8 4.4 5.4 4.5 3.4
9 4.3 5.4 4.5 3.2
10 4.4 5.2 4.4 3.0
11 4.3 5.0 4.5 3.0
12 4.4 5.0 4.4 3.2
13 4.3 4.8 4.4 3.4
14 4.4 4.8 4.5 3.6
15 4.3 4.6 4.4 3.8
20 4.3 4.5 4.4 4.0
25 4.3 4.5 4.5 4.1
30 4.3 4.5 4.4 4.0
[0079] This table shows that the guinea-pig heart reacted to the
characteristic electric signals coming from ionophoretic-calcium,
water and caffeine as it would have reacted to injections of each
of these three substances (see table below).
Time ionophoretic-calcium caffeine
minutes Water 10<-6>M
1 5.2 5.1 5.1
2 5.1 5.0 5.0
3 5.0 5.2 5.0
4 5.1 5.0 4.9
5 5.1 4.9 4.6
6 5.2 5.4 4.2
7 5.2 5.6 4.0
8 5.1 6.2 4.1
9 5.1 6.4 4.0
10 5.2 6.4 4.2
11 5.1 6.2 4.1
12 5.0 6.0 4.3
13 5.1 6.0 4.4
14 5.0 5.9 4.5
15 5.0 6.0 4.5
20 5.1 5.7 4.6
25 5.0 5.4 4.5
30 5.0 5.2 4.5
[0080] Next, as an example, a description follows with reference
to FIGS. 3, 3a, 3c and 3d of a precipitation test between the
polysaccharidic antigen of Escherichia coli K1 and an antibody
against this antigen making it possible to control the
characteristic electric signals of the biological activity of
Escheria coli. This test is defined below under the name of
precipitation test.
[0081] One tests the effects on a precipitation reaction between
the polysaccharidic antigen of Escherichia coli K1 and an antibody
directed against this antigen:
[0082] from the application of a characteristic electric signal of
the biological activity of an antigenic substance foreign to this
reaction such as the Streptococcus,
[0083] from the application of a characteristic electric signal of
the biological activity of the polysaccharidic antigen of
Escherichia coli,
[0084] from the simultaneous application of a characteristic
electric signal of the biological activity of Streptococcus and
the characteristic electric signal of the biological activity of
an antibody directed against Escherichia coli,
[0085] from the simultaneous application of a characteristic
electric signal of the biological activity of Escherichia coli and
the characteristic electric signal of the biological activity of a
n antibody directed against this antigen.
[0086] The acquisition of the characteristic electric signals of
the biological activities of Escherichia coli, of its specific
antibody and of the polysaccharidic antigen of Streptococcus was
carried out by means of the device 10 described with reference to
FIGS. 1, 1a, 1b.
[0087] The acquisition of the characteristic electric signal of
the biological activity of Streptococcus was carried out by
placing at the centre of the chamber 2 a container 3 holding 1 ml
of an aqueous suspension of Streptococcus bacteria previously
formalised (6.10<6 >cfu/ml).
[0088] The acquisition of the characteristic electric signals of
the biological activity of the specific antibody of Escherichia
coli and its specific antibody was carried out by operating in the
same manner, but using respectively:
[0089] a container 3 holding 1 ml of an aqueous suspension of
bacteria of Escherichia coli K1 previously formalised (6.10<6
[0090] a container 3 holding 1 ml of a suspension of particles of
a latex sensitised by a mouse monoclonal antibody specific of
Escherichia coli K1, coming from a PASTOREX(R) MENINGITIS kit
[0091] The tests were carried out using as reagents:
[0092] on the one hand, a solution of polysaccharidic antigen of
Escherichia coli K1 prepared by dissolving an antigenic extract
PASTEUR) in 1 ml of distilled and sterile water, then dilution to
1/7, 1/7.5 or 1/8 in physiological serum; and
[0093] on the other hand the latex sensitised by a mouse
monoclonal antibody specific of Escherichia coli K1 present in
this same kit, after dilution to 1/3 in physiological serum.
[0094] For each of these tests, the following protocol was used:
[0095] one places in an oven heated to 37[deg.] C. a transducer
151 constituted by a bobbin measuring 120 mm in length and 25 mm
internal diameter, with 631 turns and a resistance of 4.7 ohms and
linked by its input terminal 8' to the output 8 of the
digital-analog converter of a Soundblaster card and a computer 17
(one could also use a computer 18 remotely) reinserting the
recorded files constituted by the electric signals one wishes to
apply for the time required to bring this transducer to the
temperature of 37[deg.] C.;
[0096] one deposits on a slide 147 supplied with a capillary 149
in a serpentine shape (of the type of those provided in the
PASTOREX MENINGITIS kits), at a small distance from the opening of
the latter, a drop 145 (40 to 50 [mu]l) of the antigenic solution
as described in point b) above, together with a drop 143 (also
corresponding to a volume of 40 to 50 [mu]l), latex sensitised by
the antibody, taking care that these drops do not mix.
[0097] one applies, to the two drops of reagents thus deposited,
the electric signal or signals desired by placing the slide at the
centre of the transducer 151 for about 2 minutes and reinserting a
sound file with the aid of the computer 17 (or the remote computer
[0098] one mixes the two drops of reagents 143, 145 for about 10
seconds and then leaves the reaction mixture in the oven for about
13 minutes to migrate into the capillary and the precipitation
reaction to take place:
[0099] one takes the blade out of the oven and then proceeds to
read this precipitation.
[0100] This reading is carried out by analysis, by means of
analysis software and image processing on a PC type computer using
the WINDOWS(R) 95 operating system (MICROSOFT), of an image
acquired with the aid of a video camera positioned on an optical
microscope and connected to said computer by a video acquisition
card. The camera works in the grey shades. A first processing
increases the contrast, the threshold being set so that the
precipitates appear in black, while the zones without latex
particles or precipitates appear white.
[0101] Based on the analysis of two-dimensional space spread of
the dark zones of the image, the computer determines a
precipitation index (I) calculated according to the formula: ***
[0102] The precipitation index is accordingly higher when the size
of the precipitates formed during the precipitation reaction is
greater. The control test for the presence of a characteristic
signal of the biological activity of Escherichia coli is
considered as positive when, during an experiment, the application
of characteristic electric signals of the biological activity of
Escherichia coli and/or the biological activity of its specific
antibody leads to obtaining a precipitation index significantly
higher (by at least 40%) than the maximum of those obtained, under
the same conditions, and over for example 3 experiments, after
application of the characteristic electric signal of the
biological activity of Streptococcus.
[0103] Table A below shows the precipitation indexes obtained in a
first series of tests aimed at comparing the effects of the
application of characteristic electric signals of the biological
activity of Escherichia coli (E. coli) coming from a biological
system containing Escherichia coli with those observed after
application, under the same reaction conditions, of characteristic
electric signals of the biological activity of Streptococcus (St)
coming from a biological system containing Streptococcus and for 3
different dilutions (1/7, 1/7.5 and 1/8) of the polysaccharidic
antigen of Escherichia coli K1 used as reagent in the
precipitation reactions.
Dilution of the solution of Precipitation
index (I)
E. coli K1 antigen Signal St Signal
E. coli
1/7 11 173
6 52
16 154
1/7.5 58 141
32 117
12 107
1/8 10 113
6 37
8 21
[0104] Moreover, FIGS. 3a and 3b show, as examples, images of the
precipitates formed, on the one hand, after application of the
characteristic electric signal of the biological activity of
Streptococcus (FIG. 3a) and, on the other hand, after application
of the characteristic electric signal of the biological activity
of Escherichia coli (FIG. 3b). These images correspond
respectively to the precipitation indexes of 32 and 117 which are
recorded on line 5 of Table A.
[0105] As for Table B below, the precipitation indexes obtained in
a second series of experiments within the framework of which the
effects of simultaneous application of the characteristic electric
signal of the biological activity of Escherichia coli and the
characteristic electric signal of the biological activity of the
antibody directed against Escherichia coli were compared to those
of the simultaneous application, under the same reaction
conditions, of the characteristic electric signal of the
biological activity of Streptococcus and of the characteristic
electric signal of the biological activity of the antibody
directed against Escherichia coli, carried out for 2 different
dilutions (1/7 and 1/7.5) of the polysaccharidic antigen of
Escherichia coli K1 used as reagent.
Dilution of the Signal St + Signal
E. coli +
solution of Signal antibody Signal
E. coli K1 antigen anti-E. coli
anti-E. coli
1/7 18 94
71 247
1/7.5 48 212
93 1141
[0106] FIGS. 3c and 3d show, also as examples, images of
precipitates corresponding respectively to the precipitation
indexes 71 and 247 recorded on line 2 of Table B.
[0107] All these results demonstrate clearly the aptitude
presented by a ligand/receptor couple for revealing and
controlling the presence of a characteristic electric signal of
the biological activity of a ligand and/or its receptor. In fact,
in the presence of a specific characteristic signal of the
ligand/receptor couple or one of the elements of this couple, the
formation of complexes formed by the reaction between this ligand
and this receptor is amplified. This amplification is very
specific, since the characteristic electric signal of the
biological activity of a biologically active element, but foreign
to this reaction, does not itself produce this amplification
[0108] In the meaning of the present invention, the "ligand/
receptor couple" means any couple formed by two substances able to
recognise each other specifically, to link together and to act
together to form complexes. Thus, it can concern an
antigen/antibody couple, or hapten/antibody in which the ligand
(the antigen or the hapten) can be a biological compound (protein,
enzyme, hormone, toxin, tumour tag), a chemical compound (toxic or
medicated active principle, for example), or a cell or particle
antigen (cell, bacteria, virus, fungus, . . . ), the receptor
being able to be a soluble antibody or a membranous receptor. It
can also be a couple formed by an enzyme and its specific
[0109] These results show clearly that it is possible to use
ligand/receptor couples and, in general, test biological systems
to constitute a correlation table between the characteristic
signals issued from a determined substance or from an active
element contained in a determined substance and the modifications
they can induce on test biological systems, in particular such as
a ligand/receptor couple.
[0110] These correlation tables can be used later for detecting
active elements by analysing the effects of characteristic signals
coming from them on test biological systems recorded in the
correlation table.
[0111] As an example, with reference to FIG. 4, a presentation is
given below of the test known under the name of guinea-pig
cutaneous test and described in chapter 11 (p.346-351) in the
second edition of "Immunology" edited by Jean-Francois Bach, coll.
John Wiley & Sons; or further in the 3rd edition of "The
handbook of Experimental Immunology" edited by D. M. Weir, coll.
Blackwell, Ch. 21 "Passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA)" by W. E.
Brocklehurst; or further in the work edited by Williams &
Chase entitled "Methods in IMMUNOLOGY and IMMUNOCHEMISTRY"-Vol.
5-Ch. 19 "Anaphylaxis".
[0112] The guinea-pig is used when still alive, and is given a n
intravenous injection of a blue colorant (Evans blue-Sigma E 2129)
which fixes on the blood albumin. The albumin does not leave the
vessels, unless there is inflammation, and thus vasodilatation and
permeability of the vessels, the typical example of such a
reaction with man being urticaria.
[0113] The test is carried out by injecting under the skin of the
animal prepared in this way, 0.1 ml of the solution whose activity
is to be controlled. Nextone measures the diameter of the blue
marks appearing around the points of injection. In order to do
this the skin is scanned, and then the bitmap image file is
recorded. Finally the sizes of the blue marks due to the reaction
are evaluated.
[0114] In the example described, a control was carried out of the
presence of signals characteristic of the biological activity of
the acetylcholine neuromediator (ACh; Sigma A2661) in solution in
a physiological solution, by analysing the effects o n the skin of
a guinea-pig:
[0115] on the one hand, of an injection of 0.1 ml distilled water,
after applying to this distilled water a characteristic electric
signal of the biological activity of acetylcholine,
[0116] on the other hand, of an injection of 0.1 ml distilled
water, after applying to this distilled water a characteristic
electric signal of the biological activity of a product close to
acetylcholine but inactive: the mixture acetate/choline (A-C) (A:
Sigma S8625; C: Sigma C7017).
[0117] The acquisition of the characteristic electric signals of
the biological activities of acetylcholine and the acetate/choline
mixture was carried out by means of the device 10 described with
reference to FIGS. 1, 1a, 1b.
[0118] The acquisition of the characteristic electric signal of
the biological activity of acetylcholine was carried out by
placing in the centre of the chamber 2 a container 3 holding 1 ml
of a solution of acetylcholine in distilled water at the
concentration of 10<-6>M.
[0119] The acquisition of characteristic electric signals of the
biological activity of the mixture acetate/acetylcholine was
carried out by operating in the same manner, but using a container
3 holding 1 ml of a solution of acetate/acetylcholine in distilled
water at the concentration of 10<-6>M.
[0120] For each of the tests, the following protocol was used:
[0121] The bobbin 51 of FIG. 1c was used as applicator.
[0122] The numbers figuring in the first column of tables C, D and
E below correspond to the references in FIG. 4.
No. Distilled water solution injected Dia. in
200 After application 12
201 of the ACh signal 6
202 7
204 16
300 Without application 3
301 of the signal 2
302 4
303 3
304 1
305 0
306 1
[0123] Experiments numbered 200 to 204 show that the solutions of
distilled water injected after application of the ACh signal
setoff a significant cutaneous reaction (average 11 mm) compared
with the same solutions of distilled water injected without
application of the ACh signal. The latter d o not setoff a
reaction as shown in experiments numbered 300 to 306 (3 mm).
No. Solution injected Dia. in mm
310 ACh in 10<-6>M solution 23
311 25
312 23
313 21
314 18
[0124] Comparison of the experiments in tables C and D shows that
the injections of solutions of distilled water after application
of the ACh signal (experiments 200 to 204) have effects which are
less, but comparable, on the guinea-pig skin to those of
injections of ponderal ACh solutions (experiments 310 to 314).
No. Distilled water solution injected Dia. in
400 After application 2
401 of the A-C signal 2
403 3
404 1
410 A-C in solution at 10<-6>M 3
411 2
412 1
[0125] Experiments numbered 400 to 404 and 410 to 412 in Table E
are carried out from a product close to acetylcholine but
inactive: the acetate/choline (A-C) mixture.
[0126] Experiments 410, 411, 412, correspond to an injection of a
ponderal solution of A-C 10<-6>M. One notes that an
injection of distilled water solution after application of the A-C
signal (exp. 400 to 404) and that a ponderal injection (exp. 410,
411, 412) do not provoke any effect (diameter between 1 and 3 mm).
These injections show that the cutaneous reaction of the
guinea-pig is really specific to the nature of the substance in
solution because these injections, carried out under the same
conditions as the injections numbered 200 to 202, have no effect.
[0127] The experiments of tables C to E make it evident that the
guinea-pig skin test makes it possible to control the presence of
a signal coming from a substance with a biological activity such
as acetylcholine.
[0128] Below is described the method used for controlling the
following homeopathic products: arnica 7CH, acetylcholinum 7CH.
[0129] First of all one has to produce the characteristic signals
of the product to be tested. In the case where the homeopathic
product to test is a solution, one proceeds by registering a
sample of 1 ml as described in this patent. In the case where one
wishes to test homeopathic granules, first of all a solution is
prepared, for example 5 ml, by diluting 2 granules per ml of
distilled water for injectable preparation (for example the
Biosédra brand), and then one proceeds with the registering of a
sample of 1 ml according to the method described in this patent.
[0130] Nextone uses for example one or several of the three
methods described above (perfused isolated guinea-pig heart;
precipitation test of a ligand/receptor couple and cutaneous test
on a guinea-pig). Since the correlation between the reaction of
these biological control systems and the biological and/or
chemical activity of the product having served to produce the
homeopathic product has been demonstrated, a positive reaction of
the biological control system will show the presence of the
activity searched for in the homeopathic product tested. In the
same way, a negative reaction of the biological control system
will show the absence of the activity searched for in the
homeopathic product tested.
Product to be guinea-pig Detection
tested (diameter of marks in mm)
Neutral granules 0.6 +- 0.5 (n =
5) NO
Arnica 7CH 16.6 +- 2.9 (n = 5) YES
Also published as: FR2783606 // EP1116024 // AU5867299
Abstract -- The invention concerns a method and a system
for producing a signal, in particular an electric signal, or a
substance having a coagulating or anticoagulant effect. The method
is characterised in that it is based on a source substance with
coagulating effect, in particular, Ca<++> ions, or an
anticoagulant effect, in particular heparin. The method consists
in: transforming (10) the electromagnetic field derived from said
source substance located in the chamber (D), into a signal, in
particular an electric signal, using a transducer-receiver sensing
the electromagnetic field; applying (12) to a receiving substance
located in the chamber (E), in particular water or a water-ethanol
mixture or homeopathic granules, said signal derived from said
transducer-receiver, using a transducer-transmitter. After said
treatment, the receiving substance, initially inactive, has a
coagulating or anticoagulant effect.
Present invention relates to a process and a system to produce a
substance or a signal, especially an electrical signal, having a
coagulant effect or anticoagulant. The invention also relates to
such a therapeutic substance or such signal and their effects. The
invention also relates to a process and a system to test 1 '
coagulant effect or anticoagulant of a substance or a signal.
One knows, since the workings of Research of Mr Jacques
Benveniste, especially those described in patent application WO
94/17406 published on August 4, 1994, that one can collect
starting from a biological and/or chemical element active such as
a chemical compound, a cell or a microorganism, or starting from a
substance containing this active element, a “electromagnetic
signal characteristic of the biological activity and/or chemical
or biological and/or chemical behavior " of the aforesaid
substance and/or of the aforesaid active element contained in the
aforementioned substance.
One knows also that it is possible to transform, especially by
means of a transducer, such an electromagnetic signal in an
electrical signal.
In the continuation of the text, one understands also by "
electrical signal characteristic of the chemical biological
activity and/or or the biological and/or chemical behavior of a
substance or an active element contained in the aforementioned
substance " any electrical signal derived by digitization and/or
signal processing. In this expression, one employs "
characteristic " in the direction where the physical parameters of
the electrical signal are specific with substance or the active
element contained in the aforementioned substance. In other words,
the application of this electrical signal, via a transducer, a
biological system of control allows: (I) to induce a biological
activity and/or chemical on the aforementioned biological system
of control in ratio with that of substance of origin or the active
element which it contains, (II) to reveal a characteristic of
substance or active element which it contains, with the origin of
the aforesaid electrical signal.
Patent application WO 94/17406, published on August 4, 1994,
described a process and an apparatus to collect " an
electromagnetic signal characteristic of a biological activity
and/or chemical or a biological and/or chemical behavior to start
from a biological and/or chemical element active such as a
chemical compound, a cell or a microorganism, or starting from a
substance containing this active element such as a purified
preparation, a biological taking away, a living being.
The inventors have since exposed that it is possible to improve
the electromagnetic signal quality collected as well as the
reliability of the production method of this signal and that it is
consequently possible to produce a capable electrical signal
characteristic of industrial applications.
These developments were described in the French application FR 98
12.058 deposited on September 23, 1998. As a requirement, the
elements of this application, not yet published to date, useful
with the comprehension of the present invention, will be extracted
and inserted in the present application.
Process and system in accordance with the invention to produce a
substance having a coagulant effect or anticoagulant.
The process in accordance with the invention to produce a
substance having a coagulant effect or anticoagulant, starting
from a substance source having a coagulant effect, especially Ca++
ions, or anticoagulant, especially of heparin, comprises at least
the following steps.
Step 1 has as an object to transform the electromagnetic field
coming of the aforesaid the substance source into a signal,
especially a signal electrical characteristic, by means of a
collecting transducer-receptor the aforementioned electromagnetic
Step 2 has as an object to apply to a receiving substance,
especially from 1 ' water or a homeopathic mixture water-ethanol
or granules, the aforementioned coming signal of the aforesaid
transducer-receptor, by means of one transducer-emitter.
It is noted that after the treatment above defined, receiving
substance, initially inactive, present a coagulating or
anticoagulant activity.
The receiving substance thus treated will be refer hereafter the "
substance treated ".
Concentration of the active elements in the substance source,
especially concentration of the Ca++ ions having a coagulant
effect or heparin having an anticoagulant effect, can be about
IpM. It can too to be very low and to reach 10 '4 Mr. The
substance source could also be composed of homeopathic products,
diluted if need in 1 ' water for injectable preparation.
Preferably, to transform the electromagnetic field coming from the
aforementioned substance source in an electrical signal: one place
the aforementioned substance source in a zone subjected to one
excitation field of electrical, magnetic nature and/or
electromagnetic and, one transforms the resulting fields of the
interaction of the excitation field and the substance source into
an electrical signal, with means of a transducer-receptor
collecting the aforementioned resulting fields.
The system in accordance with the invention to produce a substance
having an effect coagulant or anticoagulant, starting from a
substance source having an effect coagulant, especially of the
ions Ca++, or anticoagulant, especially of heparin,
includes/understands at least the elements hereafter defined.
A transducer-receptor receives the electromagnetic field coming of
the aforesaid the substance source. The aforementioned
transducer-receptor transforms the aforementioned electromagnetic
field into a signal, especially an electrical signal.
An transducer-emitter makes it possible to apply the coming signal
of the aforesaid transducer-receptor to a receiving substance,
especially of 1 ' a homeopathic water or mixture water-ethanol or
After treatment implemented by the system above defined,
receiving, initially inactive, present substance a coagulating or
anticoagulant activity.
Preferably, the system in accordance with the invention
includes/understands moreover an emitter generating excitation
field of an electrical, magnetic and/or electromagnetic nature in
a zone where the aforementioned substance source is located. A
transducer-receptor, receiving the resulting fields of 1 '
interaction of the aforesaid excitation field and the substance
source, transforms the aforementioned resulting fields into a
signal, especially an electrical signal.
Substance in accordance with the
invention having a coagulant effect or anticoagulant
The invention relates to a substance also having a coagulant
effect or anticoagulant. The aforementioned substance, especially
1 ' a homeopathic water or mixture eauéthanol or granules, is
characterized in what it was treated by means of an electrical
signal or electromagnetic coming from a substance source having
coagulants effects, especially Ca++ ions, or anticoagulant,
especially of heparin.
The invention also relates to the therapeutic applications of such
a substance. The substance in accordance with the invention can be
used in the treatment of the embolic disease thrombo. It can be
also used to proceed to tests of exploration of coagulation.
Process in accordance with the
invention to test 1 ' coagulant effect or anticoagulant of a
The invention also relates to a process to test a substance having
a coagulant effect, especially Cl++ ions, or anticoagulant,
especially of heparin. The process comprises at least the
following steps.
Step 1 has as an object to transform the electromagnetic field
coming of the aforesaid substance, in a signal, especially an
electrical signal, by means of a transducer-receptor collecting
the aforementioned electromagnetic field.
Step 2 has as an object to apply to a sensitive biological system,
directly or indirectly, the aforementioned coming signal of the
aforesaid transducteurreceptor.
Preferably, according to 1 ' invention to transform the
electromagnetic field coming of the aforesaid substance into an
electrical signal:
one place the aforementioned substance in a zone subjected to an
excitation field of electrical, magnetic and/or electromagnetic
one transforms the resulting fields of the interaction of the
excitation field and the substance source into an electrical
signal, by means of a transducer-receptor collecting the
aforementioned resulting fields.
Advantageously, the sensitive biological system can be blood or
plasma to which one applique the aforementioned signal by means of
a transducteuremettor. One can also use rich plasma in platelets
Advantageously, according to another variant of performing, the
sensitive biological system is an animal, especially a rabbit, to
which one manages, especially under the language, a substance,
especially of 1 ' water, treated by the aforementioned signal by
means of an transducer-emitter.
The process in accordance with the invention to test the coagulant
effect or anticoagulant of a substance can be applied with the
control of production of homeopathic products.
Process and system in accordance with the invention to produce a
signal having a coagulant effect or anticoagulant.
The process in accordance with the invention to produce a signal,
especially an electrical signal or electromagnetic, having a
coagulant effect or anticoagulant, starting from a substance
source having a coagulant effect, especially Ca++ ions, or
anticoagulant, especially of heparin, comprises at least the step
to transform the electromagnetic field coming of the aforesaid the
substance source, in a signal, especially an electrical signal, by
means of a transducer-receptor collecting the aforementioned
electromagnetic field.
Preferably, to transform the electromagnetic field coming of the
aforesaid the substance source into an electrical signal:
one place the aforementioned substance source in a zone subjected
to an excitation field of electrical, magnetic and/or
electromagnetic nature,
one transforms the resulting fields of the interaction of the
excitation field and the substance source, in a signal, especially
an electrical signal, by means of a transducer-receptor collecting
the aforementioned resulting fields.
Preferably also, the process in accordance with the invention to
produce a signal, especially an electrical signal or
electromagnetic, having a coagulant effect or anticoagulant,
includes/understands moreover the step to control the correlations
between on the one hand, the coming signal of the aforesaid
transducteurreceptor and on the other hand, the coagulating or
anticoagulant activity of the aforesaid the substance source,
while applying, directly or indirectly, the aforementioned signal
with a biological system of control and by checking that the
aforementioned biological system of control reacts in accordance
with the coagulating or anticoagulant activity substance source
from which the signal results.
Advantageously, the biological system of control is blood or
plasma to which one applique the aforementioned signal by means of
a transducteuremettor. One can also use rich plasma in platelets
Advantageously, in another variant of performing, the biological
system of control is an animal, especially a rabbit, to which one
manages, especially under the language, a substance, especially of
1 ' water, treated by the aforementioned signal by means of an
Present invention relates to also a system to produce a signal,
especially an electrical signal or electromagnetic, having a
coagulant effect or anticoagulant, starting from a substance
source having an effect coagulant, especially ions Ca, or
anticoagulant, especially of heparin. The aforementioned system
includes/understands a transducer-receptor receiving the
electromagnetic field coming of the aforesaid the substance
source, the aforementioned transducer-receptor transformants the
aforementioned field electromagnetic in a signal, especially an
electrical signal.
Preferably, the system in accordance with the invention
includes/understands moreover an emitter generating excitation
field of an electrical, magnetic and/or electromagnetic nature in
a zone where the aforementioned substance source is located.
The aforementioned transducer-receptor, receiving the resulting
fields of the interaction of the aforesaid excitation field and
the substance source, transforms the aforementioned resulting
fields into a signal, especially an electrical signal.
Preferably also, the system in accordance with the invention
includes/understands moreover control means to control the
correlations between on the one hand, the coming signal of the
aforesaid transducer-receptor and on the other hand, the
coagulating or anticoagulant activity of the aforesaid the
substance source. The aforementioned control means
include/understand an transducer-emitter applying, directly or
indirectly, the aforementioned signal with a biological system of
control. The aforementioned control means include/understand
moreover verification means to check that the biological system of
control reacts in accordance with the coagulating or anticoagulant
activity substance source from which the signal results.
Advantageously, the biological system of control is blood or
plasma to which one applique the aforementioned signal by means of
the said transducteuremettor. One can also use rich plasma in
platelets advantageously.
Advantageously in another variant of performing, the biological
system of control is an animal, especially a rabbit, to which one
manages, especially under the language, a substance, especially of
1 ' water, treated by the aforementioned signal by means of the
said transducer-emitter.
Signal in accordance with the
invention having a coagulant effect or anticoagulant
Present invention relates to also a signal itself, especially an
electrical signal or electromagnetic, having a coagulant effect or
anticoagulant. The aforementioned signal is obtained starting from
a substance source having a coagulant effect, especially Cl++
ions, or anticoagulant, especially of heparin, by implementing the
processes or the systems described above. The aforementioned
signal is characterized in what a biological system of control
reacts, after direct application or indirect of the aforesaid
signal, in accordance with the coagulating or anticoagulant
activity substance source from which the signal results.
Advantageously, the biological system of control is blood or
plasma to which one applique the aforementioned signal by means of
a transducteuremettor. One can also use rich plasma in platelets
Advantageously in another variant of performing, the biological
system of control is an animal, especially a rabbit, to which one
manages, especially under the language, a substance, especially of
1 ' water, treated by the aforementioned signal by means of an
The invention also relates to the therapeutic applications of such
a signal. The signal in accordance with the invention can be used,
directly or indirectly via a receiving material, in the treatment
of the embolic diseases thrombo. It can be also used, directly or
indirectly via a receiving material, to proceed to tests of
exploration of coagulation.
Process in accordance with the
invention to test 1 ' coagulant effect or anticoagulant of a
The invention also relates to a process to test a signal having a
coagulant effect or anticoagulant. The aforementioned signal is
obtained starting from a substance source having a coagulant
effect, especially Ca++ ions, or anticoagulant, especially of
heparin, by implementing the processes or the systems previously
described. The process in accordance with the invention
includes/understands the step to apply the aforementioned signal,
directly or indirectly, with a biological system test and to check
that the biological system test reacts in accordance with the
coagulating or anticoagulant activity substance source from which
the signal results.
Advantageously, the biological system test is blood or plasma to
which one applique the aforementioned signal by means of an
transducer-emitter. One can also use rich plasma in platelets
Advantageously, according to another variant of performing, the
biological system test is an animal, especially a rabbit, to which
one manages, especially under the language, a substance,
especially of 1 ' water, treated by the aforementioned signal by
means of an transducer-emitter.
The process in accordance with the invention to test 1 ' coagulant
effect or anticoagulant of a signal can be applied with the
control of production of homeopathic products.
Other characteristics and benefits of the invention will appear
with the reading of the description of variants of performing of
the invention, given as indicative and nonrestrictive example,
like with the reading of the examples of experiments having made
it possible to validate the production method of a substance or an
electrical signal characteristic, having coagulants effects or
anticoagulants. Description refers to the annexed drawings in
Figure 1 represents a
scheme of an example of performing of a system making it possible
to produce an electrical signal characteristic, and to thus apply
the electrical signal characteristic product to a receiving
substance or a biological system of control or a sensitive
biological system, appear it represents it a detailed view in
perspective of a part of the device of production of the
electrical signal, showing the field emitter of excitation and the
transducer-receptor receiving the resulting fields,
Figure 1b represents in
the form of block diagram the type of microcomputer used either to
generate the excitation fields, or to record and transmit in
digitized form the electrical signal characteristic,
appear it represents it a detailed view in perspective of a part
of an transducer-emitter intended to apply the electrical signal
characteristic to a receiving substance or a biological system of
control or a sensitive biological system.
General scheme of the system
One now will describe, while referring on figures 1, lb and LLC,
an example of performing of an allowing system
(I) to produce
- to start from ions Ca an electrical signal characteristic having
a coagulants effect, or
- to start from heparin an electrical signal characteristic having
an anticoagulant effect and,
(II) to apply such a characteristic signal to a receiving
substance or a biological system of control or a sensitive
biological system.
The system includes/understands an apparatus 10 to produce an
electrical signal characteristic of the biological activity and/or
chemical or biological and/or chemical behavior of a substance 1
or an active element contained in the aforementioned substance. In
the case of the variant described while referring on figures 1, 1
A, I B and LLC, the aforementioned substance 1 is:
maybe of the Ca++ ions in solution with 1 M in 1 ' water for
injectable preparation (e.g. of Biosédra mark),
- is heparin with the concentration of 2. 5 U. I. /ml in the same
water quality.
Apparatus 10, localized with Paris for example, product an
electrical signal characteristic which is digitized after
analog-to-digital conversion.
The signal thus digitized is, of known manner in oneself,
transmitted remotely, for example by a computerized communication
network of type Internet implementing microwave links 11. The
digitized signal thus transmitted is received by an applicator 12,
located in New York for example.
Applicator 12 comprises emitting means 13. Emitting means 13 make
it possible to apply the characteristic signal (after
digital-analogue conversion) to a receiving substance or a
biological system of control or a sensitive biological system.
The means designed to remotely digitize and transmit the
electrical signal characteristic of the ion Ca++ or heparin are
not indispensable with the performing of the invention. They were
described to put in evidence the technical and commercial benefits
bound at the possibility produce an electrical signal
characteristic of the ion Ca++ or heparin having, as the
substances sources from which they result, of the coagulants
effects or anticoagulants.
In the case of the variant described while referring on figures 1,
1 A, I B and LLC, it receiving substance is 1 ' water or a
homeopathic mixture water-ethanol or granules, it biological
system of control or the sensitive biological system is blood or
I The apparatus of production of the characteristic signal of the
ion Cl++ or heparin
The enclosure
The apparatus of production of signal 10 includes/understands an
enclosure D, 2 provided with an electrical shield and magnetic the
insulating one of the parasitic fields coming from the
environment. The shielded cylindrical enclosure is made up of
three superimposed layers: copper, mild iron, mumétal, made out of
sheet metal of 1 mm of thickness. The enclosure has an inner
diameter of 65 mms and a height of 100 mms. The enclosure is
closed by a shielded cover 5. In enclosure 2 is placed a tank 3
out of glass or plastic having as a dimension 10 mms X 10 mms X 45
mms. This tank 3 contains 1 ml of substance 1. I.e.:
maybe of the Ca++ ions in solution with 1ru in 1 ' water for
injectable preparation (e.g. of Biosédra mark),
- is heparin with the concentration of 2. 5 U. I. /ml in the same
water quality.
The emitter of the specific
excitation field
An emitter 4 is located inside 1 ' enclosure. L generates a
specific excitation field of electromagnetic nature. The emitter
is supplied by a generator 14. Emitter 4 comprises a coil
advantageously supplemented by a mild iron magnetic core.
Transmitting coil 4 has an impedance of 300 ohms, an inner
diameter of 6 mms, an outer diameter of 16 mm, a length of 6 mms.
The mild iron magnetic core is placed in contact with the outer
walls of tank 3. The aforementioned substance 1 is thus subjected
to the emitted excitation field by emitter 4. The generator 14 is
designed to generate a signal low frequency especially square or
sinusoidal signals low frequency, pink noise or, advantageously,
white noise. The signal spectrum of excitation feeding
transmitting coil 4 corresponds substantially to the spectrum of
the audible frequencies (20 Hz-20 000 Hz). The generator 14 can be
a generator of analogue signal of known type, using for example a
read-only memory (ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM in Anglo-Saxon
terminology) containing the digital signal of the desired noise.
This memory is connected of known manner in oneself to a
digital-to-analog converter. One can also use a microcomputer 14,
provided with a card his 25 comprising a digital-to-analog
converter 41.
One can for example use a computer 14 of type PC, operative under
operating system WINDOWSX 95 of Company MICROSOFT and comprising,
in addition to the card his 25 a microprocessor 27, an interface
of input/output 29, a controller 31 of a mass memory 33 and one
interface video 35 connected by one or more bus 37. The analogue
digital converter 41 of the card its 25 comprises an output
terminal 8. Output terminal 8 of the card its of the microcomputer
14 is connected to input terminal 8 ' of emitter 4, via an
amplifier 15 whose characteristics are the following ones:
passband of 10 Hz with 20 Khz, profit 1 to 10, sensitivity of
inlet +-1 V. Among the cards his 25 that one can use, one can
quote for example the card Soundblaster 16 sold by CREATIVE
Company LABS.
The transducer-receptor
Transducer-receptor 6, located inside 1 ' enclosure 2, receives
the resulting fields of the interaction of the aforesaid specific
excitation field and substance 1. Transducer-receptor 6 transforms
the aforementioned resulting fields into an electrical signal.
This electrical signal present, with output terminals 9 ' of
transducer-receptor 6, in the shape of a difference in potential
variable or a variable electrical current of intensity.
Transducer-receptor 6 comprises a coil having a mild iron core.
This coil has an impedance of 300 ohms, an inner diameter of 6
mms, an outer diameter of 16 mm, a length of 6 mms. The mild iron
magnetic core is placed in contact with the outer walls of tank 3.
Advantageously, the electrical signal characteristic available
with the outlet of transducer-receptor 6 is amplified by a
amplificateurpreamplificator 16. The amplifier-preamplifier 16
present following features: passband of 10 Hz with 20 Khz, profit
10 to 100, sensitivity of inlet +-100 mV.
In the case of the variant of performing described while referring
to figures 1, lb, LLC it is envisaged an emitter 4 of excitation
field. The use of such an emitter 4 supports the production of an
electrical signal characteristic of the ion Ca++ or heparin.
However, one can also collect, by means of a transducer-receptor
6, a characteristic signal of the ion Ca++ or heparin, without
implementing an excitation field and using of shielded enclosure.
The recording of the electrical
signal analogue characteristic Recording
The recording of the electrical signal characteristic, or that of
the electrical signal which in drift after amplification or
treatment, can be carried out into analogue by a recorder of
signal, especially on magnetic tape, adapt with the frequencies of
the electrical signal characteristic to the outlet of
transducer-receptor 6. As the passband used corresponds to the
audio tape, one can especially use a tape recorder. Output
terminal 9 ' of transducer-receptor 6 is connected to the inlet
microphone or the inlet line of such a tape recorder. During the
reading, the electrical signal characteristic recorded is
collected with one output terminal, especially with the outlet
line or the outlet loudspeaker of tape recorder.
Digital recording
Preferably, one carries out a digital recording of the signal
electrical characteristic after analog-to-digital conversion of
the aforesaid signal. For this purpose, one uses a microcomputer
17, provided with a card of signal acquisition 25. Microcomputer
17 comprises moreover one microprocessor 27, an interface of
input/output 29, a controller 31 of one mass memory 33 and one
interface video 35 connected by one or more bus 37. One can for
example use a computer of type PC 17, operative under the
operating system Windows 95 of Company MICROSOFT This
microcomputer can be same type that that used to generate the
excitation field. It can be the same microcomputer. Outlet 9 '
transducer-receptor 6 or amplifier-preamplifier 16 is connected to
inlet 9 of the analog-to-digital converter 39 of card 25 of
computer 17. Preferably, the analogue converter digital 39 A a
great resolution with 12 bits. It is advantageously equal with 16
bits. Preferably also, the converter analog-to-digital 39 A a
double frequency of sampling of maximum frequency that one wants
to be able to digitize, for example 44 Khz.
One proceeds to an electrical signal acquisition characteristic
pendent one duration for example ranging between 1 and 60 S (for
example 6 dry) and one records the digital file in a mass memory
33, for example in the shape of a file its to format WAV.
All the connections are carried out in shielded cable. All the
apparatuses are put with the mass.
Electrical signal processing
For the electrical signal processing characteristic or signal
which in derives, one advantageously uses the Matlab software of
the company " Tea MathWorks ".
The digital file, recorded like it was described above, can
optionally undergo a digital processing, such as for example a
digital amplification for calibration of the signal level, a
filtering for the removing of nondesired frequencies, or be
transformed into its spectrum by a discrete transform of FOURIER,
preferably by the algorithm of rapid transform of FOURIER (FTT in
Anglo-Saxon tenninology). The duration of the generated signal can
be increased while repeating in a file several times a fragment or
the whole of the fichierson product in an original manner.
Processing means of the electrical signal characteristic can be
used to improve the performances of the electrical signal
In the case of a first variant of performing, it is envisaged a
second transducer-receptor of the same type that that previously
described. In the absence of the aforementioned substance, this
second transducer-receptor transforms the excitation field into an
electrical signal. This electrical signal is withdrawn by a branch
in series opposition with the signal coming from the first
transducer-receptor. One thus obtains an electrical signal
characteristic more representative of the interaction of the
specific excitation field and substance.
In the case of a second variant of performing, the processing
means take into account the characteristics of the specific
excitation field and reprocess the electrical signal
characteristic in the following way. One proceeds first of all to
the calculating of the distribution of spectral power (PSD). Then
one truncates this spectral power while not preserving that the
strip of the frequencies going for example of 140 Hz at 14 Khz,
one reconstitutes a signal starting from this spectral power and
of neutral phases, for example generated by chance, finally one
gauge the signal power thus product. By neutral phases, one
indicates phases not coming from a substance source presenting a
biological activity.
In the case of the variant of performing described while referring
to figures 1, lb, LLC, it is envisaged to digitize, record and
treat the electrical signal characteristic before applying it to a
receiving substance or a biological system of control or to a
sensitive biological system.
These operations are not indispensable to 1 ' exploitation of the
electrical signal characteristic of the ion Ca++ or heparin, same
if they support the bringing in work of it.
The electrical signal characteristic available with the outlet of
transducteurreceptor 6 and if necessary of preamplifier 16 already
constitutes in oneself a capable product of industrial
applications. One will see hereafter for which applications it can
be especially implemented by means of an applicator 12 making it
possible to apply them to a receiving substance or a biological
system of control or a sensitive biological system.
II. Remote transmission of the
electrical signal characteristic
The file of the electrical signal characteristic of the ion Ca++
or heparin, recorded in digital form as it has been just
described, optionally after treatment, can be transferred remotely
by a computerized communication network. This array can comprise
microwave links 11. The file of the electrical signal
characteristic of the ion Ca++ or heparin, thus transmitted, is
recorded by the mass memory of a microcomputer 18. One can for
example use a computer of type PC, operative under the operating
system Windows 95 of Company MICROSOFT. This microcomputer 18 can
be same type that that used to generate the excitation field. The
file of the electrical signal characteristic digitized, thus
recorded by remote microcomputer 18, can be exploited, of known
manner in oneself, to produce an analogue electrical signal
characteristic. The file, optionally treated, is transformed by a
digital-to-analog converter 41 of card 25 (or a separate card) of
computer 18. The digital-to-analog converter 41 delivers on its
outlet 8 an analogue electrical signal characteristic of the
biological activity of the ion Ca++ or heparin from which it
results. This analogue electrical signal can be transformed, as it
will be described hereafter, in electromagnetic and applied field
with a receiving substance or a biological system of control or a
sensitive biological system. in. The applicator of the
characteristic signal of the ion Cl++ or heparin
One now will describe, while referring to figure LLC, an example
of performing of a system allowing to apply the electrical signal
characteristic of the ion Ca++ or heparin to a biological system
receptor and to modify the chemical behavior of it.
50 récipent contains the biological system receptor. In the case
of the variant described while referring on figures 1, lb and LLC,
container 50 contain:
- a receiving substance such as 1 ' water or a homeopathic mixture
eauéthanol or granules, or
- a biological system of control or a sensitive biological system
such of the blood or plasma.
Container 50 is laid out in a radiated electromagnetic field by an
transducer-emitter 51, typically a coil. The coil has for example
a length of 80 mms, an inner diameter of 50 mms, an outer diameter
of 55 mms. It present 300 turns of a wire of diameter 0, 5 mms.
Its impedance is of 4 ohms. Coil 51 is connected to the mass.
Without that representing any restrictive character, coil 51 of
the transducer-emitter has a vertical axis allowing the
introduction of container 50 container the biological system
receptor. Input terminals 8 ' of this coil 51 are connected, in
the case of the variant of described performing, with outlet 8 of
the analog-to-digital converter 41 of microcomputer 18 via an
amplifier 19 having the following features: passband of 10 Hz with
20 Khz, profit 1 to 20, sensitivity of inlet 250 mV, output power
RMS 60W under 8 ohms, ratio signal on noise 80 dB. The tension
with the terminals of coil 51 has an amplitude of 10 effective
Volts and the signal is applied pendent 10 min.
Input terminals 8 ' of the applicator can be also, in the case of
certain variants of performing, directly connected to the outlet
of preamplifier 16 or outlet 8 of the digital-to-analog converter
41 of computer 17.
In order to illustrate a variant of performing,
- of a process and a system in accordance with the invention to
produce a substance having a coagulant effect or anticoagulant,
- of a substance in accordance with the invention having a
coagulant effect or anticoagulant,
- of a process in accordance with the invention to test 1 '
coagulant effect or anticoagulant of a substance and its
application to the production of homeopathic products,
- of a process and a system in accordance with the invention to
produce a signal having a coagulant effect or anticoagulant,
- of a signal in accordance with the invention having a coagulant
effect or anticoagulant
- of a process in accordance with the invention to test 1 '
anticoagulant coagulant effect of a signal and its application to
the production of homeopathic products, following experiments one
carried out.
Return of the effects of heparin
and the Ca' ions on the coagulation of the human plasma or
Heparin (25 000 U. I. /5 ml, Choay Laboratory, Sanofi Winthrop) is
an acting anticoagulant by inhibition of the transforming of
thrombin prothrombin. At the site of action, 1 ' effect of heparin
is immediate. It acts via a natural inhibitor called cofactor, or
antithrombin III.
Sulfate of protamine (10 000 U. I. /10 N it Laboratory Choay,
Winthrop) form a salt with heparin and involves a suppression unit
for unit of 1 ' anticoagulant effect of this one. 1 ml of solution
of protamine neutralizes the anticoagulant activity of 1000 units
of heparin.
The ion Cl++ calcium is an indispensable ion with coagulation.
Substances sources and hardwares
The electrical signals characteristics were recorded starting from
samples of 1 ml of the following solutions: - Ca++ in solution
with 1RM in 1 ' water for injectable preparation (for example of
Biosédra mark) - Mg++ in solution with read. M in the same water
quality, - heparin in solution with the concentration of 2. 5U. I.
/ml in the same water quality, - complex heparin + protamine
(respectively 2. 5 U. I. /ml and 0. 025 mg/ml), in solution in the
same water quality.
The used hardware was described while referring to the figures,
lb, LLC. The transducer-receptor 6 present described
characteristics. Transducer-emitter 51, making it possible to
apply the electrical signal characteristic to a receiving
substance or a biological system of control or a sensitive
biological system, is an electromagnetic coil having the following
- length: 80 mms,
- inner diameter: 50 min,
- number of turns: 300 turns,
- impedance: 4 ohms.
An evaluating of coagulation was made by using the following
- substantial coagulation: 2
- moderate coagulation: 1
- no coagulation: 0
Protocol N L. " In vitro " experiment: Action coagulating or
anticoagulant electrical signals characteristics on Plasma
Rich in Platelets (PRP).
This protocol has as an object to put in evidence that:
- of an hand, the process and the system described make it
possible to produce an electrical signal characteristic of the ion
Ca++ and heparin having respectively a coagulant effect or
anticoagulant, and
- of another hand, the process and the system described make it
possible to test an electrical signal having respectively a
coagulant effect or anticoagulant.
Like biological system of control making it possible to reveal the
electrical signal characteristic of the ion Ca++ and heparin, or
like sensitive biological system making it possible to test 1 '
coagulant effect or anticoagulant of an electrical signal, one
uses rabbit plasma (or human).
The blood of a rabbit " New-Zealand White " is taken with the
artery of the ear and is collected on an anticoagulant ACD (9
flight. sang/1 flight. ACD) whose composition is the following
one: citric acid 0. 8%, sodium citrate 2. 2%, anhydrous glucose 2.
After centrifugation (180 G, 15 minutes) at ambient temperature,
the blood is divided into 3 layers: of high into low, Rich plasma
in Platelets (PRP), the leucocytic layer and the base of red
globules. The PRP is taken with the pipette by mild suction.
Anticoagulant effect of a signal, anticoagulant effect of the
electrical signal characteristic of heparin 5 ml of PRP are placed
in a tube 50 at the center of an electromagnetic coil 51 to be
exposed to the pendent applied signal 10 mn with a tension of 10V
to the terminals of the coil.
Samples of 1 ml of PRP thus treated are placed in four tubes.
One delivers in each tube 20gel Ca (50, 100, 150 and 200 mms) to
obtain final calcium concentrations in the PRP of (1, 2, 3 and 4
mms). Then one lets incubate 15 to 20 minutes.
The results obtained are presented in the table hereafter:
<Tb> N: number of values; Moy: average; SD: deviation
It is observed that an application of the signal of heparin has an
effect of inhibition of the coagulation of the PRP. In the same
conditions, the nonexposed PRP with a signal or the PRP exposed to
a signal of control, such as for example that of complex the
héparine+protamine, present step of effect of inhibition. This
effect of inhibition of coagulation is particularly substantial
for a concentration in Ca++ ranging between 2 and 3 mms.
Thus thus, the biological system of control consisted rich plasma
in platelets makes it possible to control that the characteristic
signal of heparin has an anticoagulant effect.
Thus thus, the sensitive biological system consisted rich plasma
in platelets makes it possible to test if a characteristic signal
has an anticoagulant effect.
Coagulant effect of a signal, coagulant effect of the electrical
signal characteristic of the ion calcium (Ca++) 1 ml of PRP is
placed in a tube at the center of an electromagnetic coil to be
exposed to the pendent applied signal 10 mn with a tension of 10 V
to the terminals of the coil.
The results obtained are presented in the table hereafter
It is observed that an application of the signal of the Ca++
calcium has an effect of coagulation of the PRP comparable with
that of the Ca++ calcium itself.
It is observed that an application of the signal of induced the
Mg++ magnesium no effect of coagulation of the PRP.
Thus thus, the biological system of control consisted rich plasma
in platelets makes it possible to control that the characteristic
signal of calcium Ca++ for a coagulant purpose.
Thus thus, the sensitive biological system consisted rich plasma
in platelets makes it possible to test if a characteristic signal
has a coagulant effect.
Protocol N2. Experiment " in vivo ": Coagulating or anticoagulant
action electrical signals characteristics.
This protocol has as an object to put in evidence that:
- of an hand, the described process and the system allow
* to produce an electrical signal characteristic of the ion
Ca++ and of heparin, and
* to after apply this electrical signal to a receiving substance
presenting treatment respectively a coagulant effect or
anticoagulant, and
- of another hand, the process and the system described make it
possible to test a substance having respectively a coagulant
effect or anticoagulant.
Like biological system of control making it possible to reveal 1 '
coagulant effect or anticoagulant of treated substance, or like
sensitive biological system making it possible to test 1 '
coagulant effect or anticoagulant of a substance, one uses a
rabbit to which one manages, by sublingual path, of 1 ' water
treated by means of an electrical signal characteristic of the
substance source.
Water used is water for injectable preparation Biosédra out of
ampoules of 10 ml.
1. Water (10 ml) is placed in a tube 50 at the center of a coil
electromagnetic 51. Water is exposed to the characteristic signal
considered pendent 10 mn with a tension with the terminals of the
coil of 10 V.
2. One agitates then 1 ' water pendent 15 seconds with the maximum
rate of vortex.
3. One manages with rabbit by sublingual path 1 ml of 1 ' water
thus treated by the characteristic signal considered.
Blood samples (1 ml) are taken on glass tubes with the artery of
the ear, before administration, then 1, 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes
after administration of 1 ' treated water.
The results obtained are presented in the table hereafter
It is observed that a water administration treated by the
characteristic signal of heparin has an effect of inhibition on
blood coagulation pendent fifteen minutes. On the other hand, a
water administration treated by the signal of complex the
héparine+protamine product no effect of inhibition.
Thus thus, the biological system of control consisted an animal
makes it possible to control that a receiving substance treated by
the characteristic signal of heparin, especially of 1 ' water, has
an anticoagulant effect.
Thus thus, the sensitive biological system consisted an animal
makes it possible to test, by controlling the characteristic
signal of a substance (for example complex the
héparine+protamine), if this present substance a coagulant effect
or anticoagulant.
It is thus thus established that one can control the production of
homeopathic products by the use of substances with 1 ' known
effect (like heparin) and while controlling that homeopathic
products (granules, solutions,…) products starting from this
substance also present them, at the end of the chain, the
corresponding activity (in 1 ' example described, the activity of
The characteristic signal of a drug or a receiving substance
treated by the characteristic signal of a drug has the same
biological effects as the drug source of the signal considered.
Same manner, similar anticoagulant effects are obtained with the
hirudien on blood or plasma of rabbit or human. The signals coming
from 'hirudine present an anticoagulant effect more substantial
than those coming from heparin.
One will find hereafter the résulats obtained with hirudine and
blood of rabbit:
One will find hereafter the résulats obtained with 'hirudine and
human blood:
Also published as: FR2811763 // AU7852501
The invention concerns a method applied to a substance treated to
exhibit a biological activity, for example a coagulating or
anticoagulation activity. The treated substance has been obtained,
from a source substance having the biological activity, after a
treatment such that the treated substance does not contain any
molecule of the source substance in significant amount. The
treatment may consist in carrying out a high dilution process of
the type used for producing homeopathic solutions or granules. The
method is designed to diagnose potential alterations of the
treated substance by external factors. It comprises the step which
consists in: placing a reference substance sample in a zone (19)
protected from external influence; subjecting a sample of the
treated substance to external influence (20); comparing the
results of the tests carried out using a biological control system
respectively with the reference substance sample and the treated
substance sample. Thus, if the results of the tests are different,
the alterations of the treated substance by external influence
(20) are demonstrated.
In the patent NR WO 00/17638 publish on March 30, 2000 and have
for title " Method, system and apparatus to produce, starting from
a substance of signal, especially of electrical signal,
characteristic of biological activity and/or chemical of the
aforesaid substance ", that one can treat a substance receiving,
present initially no biological activity particular, especially of
1 ' water, so that it present after processing a biological
activity. The receiving substance after processing is called
hereafter the " Substance Treated " (or Informed Material). When
the receiving substance is water, the Treated Substance is called
L " 'Water Treated " (or of Informed Water). The substance having
a biological activity can be also appeared as preparation or
homeopathic granules.
It will be pointed out, later in the description of the present
invention, how one can produce of 1 ' Informed Water, starting
from a substance parent, especially a substance parent having an
anticoagulant effect such as heparin. This return will be carried
out by reference with the patent NR WO 00/17637 published on March
30, 2000 and having for titre " Method and system to produce a
substance or a signal having a coagulant effect or anticoagulant.
Therapeutic applications of the aforesaid substance or of the
aforesaid signal. “
Like that was described in patent NR WO 00/17637, to test a
Treated Substance, especially of Informed Water, one it applique
with a sensitive biological system to observe the effects of them.
For example, if one tests Informed Water having a coagulant
effect, or anticoagulant, one mixture respectively in the
following proportions (1/3,2/3) of Informed Water and the plasma.
Then one measuring times of coagulation.
Such tests are particularly sensitive with interfering phenomena.
The inventors noted of manner surprising and not explained that
certain individuals have an inhibiting effect or potentialisator
on Informed Water. For example, it is enough for them to approach
Water Informed to deteriorate the properties of them. Other
individuals on the other hand amplify the effects of the
properties of Informed Water.
It would be desirable to know, a priori, the individuals having
such capacities since, by their presence, they can act of positive
or negative manner on the properties of Informed Water. They can
thus compromise the implementation of the industrial applications
of this one. For example, the transport and handling, by such
persons, of Substances Traitées constitutes an obstacle (the
activity is faded) with the industrial development of these
substances. Such is thus the problem posed.
How to diagnose the persons having such effects of inhibition or
There is no state of the known art proposing a solution with the
problem posed. The reason in is single: on the one hand, until the
workings of search of the inventors, it was not known that one
could modify the activity of 1 ' water, on the other hand, one was
unaware of that unknown phenomena could remotely deteriorate the
biological properties of Informed Water.
The invention relates to a method to diagnose the potential
alterations of a substance having biological activities of a
substance source not being more present in significant amount.
The method is applied with a substance presenting a biological
activity, for example a coagulating or anticoagulant activity. The
substance was obtained, starting from a substance source
possessing the biological activity, at the end of a processing
such as substance does not contain a molecule of the substance
source in significant amount (the substance is called hereafter
the treated substance). The processing can especially consist in
implementing a method of high dilution of Mrs. nature that that
used to produce homeopathic solutions or granules. The processing
can also especially consist in implementing the method of Jacques
Benveniste, comprising several steps, as described in the patent
NR WO 00/17637 published on March 30, 2000 and having for titre "
Method and system to produce a substance or a signal having a
coagulant effect or anticoagulant. Therapeutic applications of the
aforesaid substance or of the aforesaid signal. “It
includes/understands the step to transform the electromagnetic
field coming from the substance source having a biological
activity, in a signal, especially an electrical signal, by means
of a transducer-receptor collecting the electromagnetic field. The
substance source has, for example, an effect on coagulation of the
blood and can, for example, to contain Ca++ ions or heparin. The
method includes/understands moreover the step to apply to a
receiving substance, not presenting initially any particular
biological activity, the signal coming from the
transducer-receptor, by means of a transducteuremettor. Thus, for
example, after processing above defined, receiving substance, not
presenting any particular, present biological activity initially
then a coagulating or anticoagulant activity.
The method is conceived to diagnose the potential alterations of
substance treated by outer influences and is characterized in what
it includes/understands several steps.
It includes/understands the step to place a sample of a reference
substance in a zone at the shelter of the outer influence making
the object of the diagnosis.
It includes/understands moreover the step to subject a sample of
substance treated with the outer influence making the object of
the diagnosis.
It includes/understands moreover the step to respectively compare
the results of the tests carried out by means of a biological
system of control with the sample of reference substance and the
sample of treated substance subjected to the outer influence.
Thus, if the results of the tests are different, the potential
alterations of substance treated by the outer influence are put in
Preferably, the reference substance is the treated substance.
Preferably, the sample of reference substance is calibrated by
means of the biological system of control, in the absence of the
outer influence.
Preferably, to place a sample of reference substance in a zone at
the shelter of the outer influence making the object of the
diagnosis, one protects it from the effects of the electromagnetic
Preferably, to protect the sample from reference substance of the
effects of the electromagnetic fields, one it place in an
enclosure surrounded by a magnetic shield carried out especially
out of soft iron or mumétal.
Preferably, the biological system of control is characterized in
what it reacts, in the presence of treated substance, in
accordance with the biological activity of the substance source.
Preferably, the biological system of control is blood or blood
Preferably, the outer influences can tre induced by the persons
located near treated substance.
The invention also relates to a system to diagnose the potential
alterations of a substance having biological activities of a
substance source not being more present in significant amount.
The system is applied with a substance presenting a biological
activity, for example a coagulating or anticoagulant activity. The
substance was obtained, starting from a substance source
possessing the biological activity, at the end of a processing
such as substance does not contain a molecule of the substance
source in significant amount (the substance is called hereafter
the treated substance). The processing can especially consist in
implementing a method of high dilution of Mrs. nature that that
used to produce homeopathic solutions or granules. The processing
can also especially consist in implementing the method of Jacques
Benveniste, comprising several steps, as described in the patent
NR WO 00/17637 published on March 30, 2000 and having for titre "
Method and system to produce a substance or a signal having a
coagulant effect or anticoagulant. Therapeutic applications of the
aforesaid substance or of the aforesaid signal
includes/understands the step to transform the electromagnetic
field coming from the substance source having a biological
activity, in a signal, especially an electrical signal, by means
of a transducer-receptor collecting the electromagnetic field. The
substance source has, for example, an effect on coagulation of the
blood and can, for example, to contain Ca++ ions or heparin. The
method includes/understands moreover the step to apply to a
receiving substance, not presenting initially any particular
biological activity, the signal coming from the
transducer-receptor, by means of a transducteuremettor. Thus, for
example, after processing above defined, receiving substance, not
presenting any particular, present biological activity initially
then a coagulating or anticoagulant activity.
The system is conceived to diagnose the potential alterations of
substance treated by outer influences and is characterized in what
it includes/understands several elements.
It includes a sample of a reference substance placed in a zone
with the shelter of the outer influence making the object of the
It includes moreover a sample of treated substance subjected to
the outer influence making the object of the diagnosis.
It includes moreover a biological system of control to
respectively carry out comparative tests with the sample of
reference substance and the sample of treated substance subjected
to the outer influence.
Thus, if the results of the tests are different, the potential
alterations of substance treated by the outer influence are put in
Preferably, the reference substance is the treated substance.
Preferably, the sample of reference substance is placed in a
protected zone of the effects of the electromagnetic fields.
Preferably, the sample of reference substance is placed in an
enclosure surrounded by a magnetic shield carried out especially
out of soft iron or mumétal.
Preferably, the biological system of control is characterized in
what it reacts, in the presence of treated substance, in
accordance with the biological activity of the substance source.
Preferably, the biological system of control is blood or blood
Other characteristics and advantages of the invention will appear
with the reading of the description of the variants of performing
given as indicative and nonrestrictive example and of figures 1
and 2 presenting a system making it possible to produce of 1 "
informed water ", starting from a substance parent having an
anticoagulant effect, especially of heparin, figure 3 presenting a
schematic view of the method and system, in accordance with the
invention, making it possible to diagnose the potential
alterations of 1 " water informed " starting from a substance
parent having an anticoagulant effect, especially of heparin.
One first of all will recall how one can produce of 1 " informed
water ", starting from a substance parent having an anticoagulant
effect, especially of heparin.
Figures 1 and 2 represent
a system in conformity with that described in the patent NR WO
00/17637 published on March 30, 2000 and having for titre " Method
and system to produce a substance or a signal having a coagulant
effect or anticoagulant. Therapeutic applications of the aforesaid
substance or of the aforesaid signal. “The system makes it
possible to produce, starting from a substance parent, electrical
signals, characteristics of its biological activity. In the
present case, the substance parent is heparin 1 having an
anticoagulant effect. The system includes/understands a
cylindrical enclosure 2, provided with an insulating shield 1 '
enclosure 2 of the parasitic fields coming from the environment.

Enclosure 2 is closed by an also shielded cover 5. A transmitter 4
is located inside the enclosure. It generates a determined
excitation field of electromagnetic nature. The transmitter is
supplied by a generator 7 designed to generate a signal low
frequency, especially signals square or sinusoidal low frequency,
pink noise or, advantageously, white noise. Like one represented
it, generator 7 takes the shape of a microcomputer 7, provided
with a card its comprising an analog-to-digital converter. The
converter comprises an output terminal 8. Output terminal 8 of the
card its of microcomputer 7 is connected to the input terminal 8a
transmitter 4, via an amplifier 9.
In enclosure 2 are placed a tank 3 into plastic containing lml
heparin as well as a transducer-receptor 6. Transducteurreceptor 6
receives the resulting fields of the interaction of the specific
excitation field and heparin 1. Transducer-receptor 6 transforms
these fields into electrical signals. These electrical signals are
presented, to outputted the 10 of transducer-receptor 6, in the
shape of a difference in potential variable or a variable electric
current of intensity. The electrical signals available to
outputted the 10 of transducer-receptor 6 are amplified by a
preamplifier 11. The electrical signals, after analog-to-digital
conversion, make the object of a digital recording. For this
purpose, one uses a microcomputer 7a, of Mrs. type that
microcomputer 7, comprising an analog-to-digital converter.
Outputted the 10 of transducer-receptor 6 is connected to the
input 10a analog-to-digital converter of the microcomputer 7a, via
preamplifier 11. Moreover, like one represented it on figure 2,
the system allows to produce of 1 " informed water ", starting
from the electrical signals, obtained thus that one described it
above. In a tank 14 into plastic is placed a receiving substance,
not presenting any particular biological activity initially,
especially of water.
This tank 14 is laid out in a radiated electromagnetic field by a
transducer-transmitter 13, in the present case a coil 13. Input
terminals 12 of coil 13 are connected to outputted the 12a of an
analog-to-digital converter of a microcomputer 15, via an
amplifier 16.
Microcomputer 15 contains in memory the electrical signals
digitized by means of microcomputer 7. The comprising
microcomputer the 15 analog-to-digital converter similar with
microcomputer 7, is previously described. The analog-to-digital
converter product of the electrical signals starting from the
digital recording.
Thus, by applying the electrical signals to receiving substance,
contained in the tank 14, by means of transducer-transmitter 13,
one obtains from 1 ' informed water presenting an anticoagulant
activity. Informed water thus obtained is capable industrial
applications, in so far as its properties are not faded. Like one
exposed it in the preamble of present description, certain
individuals have an inhibiting effect or, contrary,
potentialisator on 1 ' informed water, especially when they handle
a tube containing of 1 ' informed water.
Figure 3 presents a
schematic view of the method and system, in accordance with the
invention, allowing to diagnose the potential alterations of 1 "
informed water ". By potential alterations one indicates 1 '
inhibiting effect or potentialisator whom an individual 20 can
produce out of 1 ' informed water, by handling the tube which
contains it. A tube 17a and a tube 18a contain of 1 ' informed
water presenting an anticoagulant activity.
Informed water was previously produced like one described it
cidessus. The tube 17a is placed in an enclosure 19. Enclosure 19
is surrounded by a magnetic shield 19a, carried out out of soft
iron or mumétal.
Thus, the tube 17a is located at the shelter of the potential
alterations of individual 20. The tube 18a is subjected to the
influence of individual 20. For this making, individual 20 seizes
in his hand 20a the tube 18a, pendent one determined duration, for
example thirty seconds.
Like that was described in the patent NR WO 00/17637 published on
March 30, 2000 and having for titre " Method and system to produce
a substance or a signal having a coagulant effect or
Therapeutic applications of the aforesaid substance or of the
aforesaid signal ", one uses a biological system of control,
consisted plasma, to check that 1 ' water informed starting from
the heparin, contained in the tubes 17a and 18a, reacts in
accordance with the biological activity of heparin. To arrive to
this confirmation, one mixture plasma with 1 ' water informed in
the tubes 17a and 18a, then one lets incubate pendent 15 to 20
One measuring then the coagulation of the plasma in the tubes 17a
and 18a. If the speeds of coagulation observed differ, one deduces
from it that individual 20 deteriorated the properties of 1 '
informed water. Accurately, if the coagulation observed in the
tube 18a is carried out substantially rapidly than in the tube
17a, one deduces from it that the individual has a capacity of
inhibition of 1 ' informed water. Contrary, if the coagulation
observed in the tube 18a is carried out substantially slowly than
in the tube 17a, one deduces from it that the individual has a
capacity of potentiating of 1 ' informed water.
Also published as: FR2777656 // EP1073900 // AU3336299 (A)
The invention concerns a method for amplifying the formation of
complexes between the two elements of a ligand/receptor pair and
its uses for detecting the presence of a substance corresponding
to one of the two elements of a ligand/receptor pair in a sample
and the electromagnetic signal characteristic of a substance
biological activity corresponding to one of the two elements of a
ligand/receptor pair in an electromagnetic signal. Said
amplification method consists in: contacting the two elements of
the ligand/receptor pair in conditions ensuring their reaction;
prior to, simultaneously with or subsequent to said contacting,
applying to one and/or the other of said elements an
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of one and/or the other of said elements. The invention is
applicable to biological diagnosis in human and veterinary
medicine, bacteriological control in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic
and food industry.
The present invention refers to a method amplification of the
formation the complex ones between the two elements of a couple
ligand/receptor, with a method and with a detecting apparatus of
the presence, in a sample (hereafter “analytic sample”), of a
substance corresponding one to the one of the two elements of a
couple ligand/receptor, implementing this method of amplification,
with the applications of this detecting method, like a detecting
method of the presence has, in an electromagnetic signal,
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of a substance corresponding one to the one of the two elements of
a couple ligand/receptor, putting also in work the aforementioned
method of amplification.
To detect the presence of an analytic substance in a sample, one
proposed very numerous based methods on the capacity of this
substance specifically to be bound to another substance and to
react with it.
In particular, the properties of affinity which the antibodies
with respect to the antigens present are at the base of a large
number of immunologic methods of detection which have jointly to
use the formation of complex antigènesanticorps it sought
substance being able tre either the antigen, or it antibody-and to
detect, to even quantify, complex the thus formed ones.
As immunologic examples of methods of detection which are very
frequently used, one can quote the immunoprecipitation, the
agglutination reactions, dialysis with the equilibrium, the
extinction of fluorescence, the fluorescence polarization, the
immunoelectrophoresis, counterimmunoelectrophoresis or
électrosynérèse, proportionings radioimmunological (RIA),
enzymatic proportionings immuno- (ELISA) or the
These immunologic methods of detection, if they have large
qualities incontestably, do not give however completely
Initially, their sensitivity (which is defined by the minimum
concentration of sought substance that these methods detect) is,
in the majority of the cases, insufficient. Thus, BERZOFSKY and
BERKOWER (Antigen-Antibody Interaction, In: WE Paul, Fundamental
Immunology, RAVEN NEAR, New York, 1984,595) showed that,
concerning for example the detection of the antibodies, except for
the tests of neutralizing of the phages with which it is possible
to detect the presence of only one antibody molecule but of which
the use extrmement is extrmement limited, very sparingly of
methods have a low sensitivity with 10 ng of antibody per ml of
It is thus desirable to develop the new technical ones which makes
it possible to lower the detection threshold of a sought
In addition, all the immunologic detection methods suggested to
date include/understand a step which consists in incubating a
volume determined-which is generally at least 500 SSL-of the
taking away to be analyzed with a specific reagent and this, for
each sought substance. So they present the disadvantage of
requiring, as soon as the analysis of a door taking away on
several substance-like that is very often the case of the medical
analyses with diagnostic sight, a taking away of a relatively
substantial volume, which is not always well supported by the
patients, especially in the case of blood taking away.
Moreover, the fact that these detection methods requires, for
their implementation, to have of the taking away to analyze or, at
the very least, a sample of this one, is not without presenting a
certain number of constrained. Indeed:
- of an hand, it is frequent that taking away taking place given
with preserved analyses owe tre so that the reliability of these
analyses can tre subsequently controlled or that complementary
analyses can tre carried out. Thus, for example, the centers of
blood transfusion, the services of legal medicine and the tissue
centers of taking away preserve samples of all the biological
taking away which they are brought to carry out. This
conservation, which is carried out by congelation of the aforesaid
samples, in addition to having a nonnegligible cost, requires
equipments and the local adapt ones.
- of another hand, it is also frequent that taking away cannot tre
analyzed on the place where they were carried out and which it is
necessary to convey them to the loaded laboratory to carry out the
analysis of it. Gold, the routing of biological taking away, in
addition to that it is never very easy to implement because of the
low shelf life of biological substances in the absence of
congelation, poses a certain number of difficulties when these
taking away are potentially contaminating. Moreover, the duration
of such a routing differs from as much the obtaining of the
results of the analysis.
The problem is posed, consequently, to provide a method which
makes it possible to detect the presence of a substance in a
sample with, at the same time, a very large sensitivity and an
high specificity, while offering the possibility as many carry out
analyses as necessary starting from microsamples, free, moreover,
of constrained of conservation, forwarding and transport of the
taking away which present the methods currently used for detection
of a substance, and which can, moreover, tre implemented readily
and rapidly without requiring an heavy and expensive equipment.
Gold, in the frame of their workings on the transmission of a
biological activity in the shape of an electromagnetic signal, the
Inventors noted that the application, with the one and/or the
other of the elements of a couple ligand/receptor such as a couple
antigen/antibody, electromagnetic signal characteristic of the
biological activity of the one and/or the other of these elements
has, in a way completely surprising, for effect to amplify the
formation of complex between the two elements of this couple when
these last is put to react together and this, of very specific
manner, and had the idea to put at profit this effect to detect on
the one hand, presence of an analytic substance in a sample and,
in addition, the presence of the electromagnetic signal
characteristic of the biological activity of a substance in an
electromagnetic radiation.
The present invention has, therefore, for object a method of
amplification of the formation the complex ones between the two
elements of a couple ligand/receptor by reaction of these two
elements, which method is characterized in what it
put it in contact of the two elements of the couple
ligand/receptor under conditions suitable to allow their reaction,
and previously, simultaneously or subsequently to this setting in
contact, the application with the one and/or the other of these
elements of the electromagnetic signal characteristic of the
biological activity of the one and/or other of the aforesaid
Within the meaning of the present invention, one understands by "
couple ligand/receptor ", any formed couple by two substances
capable to be recognized specifically, to bind and react together
by forming the complex ones. Thus, it can be a question of a
couple antigen/antibody or hapten/antibody in which the ligand
(antigen or hapten) can tre a biological compound (protein,
enzyme, hormone, toxin, tumorous marker,…), a chemical compound
(medicinal active principle for example), or a cellular or
particulate antigen (cell, bacterium, virus, mushroom,…), the
receptor which can tre a soluble antibody or a membrane receptor.
It can also be a question of a formed couple by an enzyme and its
specific substrate.
In addition, one understands by " electromagnetic signal
characteristic of the biological activity " of an element, the
electromagnetic signal collected starting from a biologically
active element such as a substance, a cell or a microorganism,…,
or of a material containing this element such as a purified
preparation, a biological taking away, a body or a living tre,
like that was described in International application WO 94/17406
in the name of J. BENVENISTE. One understands also by "
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity "
of an element, the derived signals of a signal such as defined
above by digitization and/or signal processing. In addition, in
this expression, one employs the term “characteristic " in the
direction where the collected electromagnetic signal contains
information characterizing the fact that the material from which
is collected this signal present the biological activity in
question. The electromagnetic signal collected starting from an
hardware containing a plurality of biologically active elements
present the biological activity of each element which it contains.
According to a prefered first mode of implementation of the method
of amplification in conformity with the Invention, the reaction
between the ligand and the receptor is carried out by using two
reagents respectively containing the ligand and the receptor, and
one applique, with the one and/or the other of these reagents, an
electromagnetic signal to test and suspect to include/understand
the electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological
activity of this ligand and/or this receptor.
In what precedes and in what follows, one indicates under the term
of “réactif', any preparation whose composition is known, which
contains the ligand or the receptor in an amount also known and
present either in a dry form such as one was freeze-dried to
reconstitute in a solvent, or in a liquid form such as a solution
or a suspension, the ligand or the attached receptor being able
tre on a solid phase (particles or balls of latex, glass or
According to a first advantageous provision of this first mode of
implementation, the application, with the one and/or the other of
reagents, electromagnetic signal to be tested is carried out by
exposure of a solution or a suspension containing one and/or the
other of these reagents, with this electromagnetic signal.
In variant, the application, with the one and/or the other of
reagents, electromagnetic signal to be tested is carried out by
dilution of a solution or a suspension comprising one and/or the
other of these reagents, in a solvent having been previously
exposed to this electromagnetic signal.
Thus, for example, when the reagents which one wishes to use are
in solution or suspension in a liquid phase, it is possible to
apply the electromagnetic signal to them to be tested:
* is previously with their use: by exposing one and/or the other
of these reagents or aliquot of the one and/or the other of
these reagents with this electromagnetic signal, or in diluent one
and/or other of the aforesaid reagents or their aliquot in a
volume of one solvent having been previously exposed to the said
electromagnetic signal,
* is at the time of the implementation of the method of
amplification in conformity with the Invention: Zen exposing to
this electromagnetic signal aliquot of each one of these reagents,
after deposit of these aliquot on a support (blade for example)
but previously with their setting in contact, or mixing aliquot
first reagent with aliquot of second reagent on a support or in a
tube, and by exposing this mixture to the signal electromagnetic,
or by mixing aliquot first reagent with aliquot of second reagent
on a support or in a tube and into diluent this mixture in a
volume of one solvent having been previously exposed to that the
electromagnetic signal.
According to another advantageous provision of this first mode of
implementation, the application, with the one and/or the other of
reagents, electromagnetic signal to be tested is carried out by
dissolution or setting in suspension of this or these reagents in
a solvent having been previously exposed to this electromagnetic
signal. This present provision a very particular intért when the
reagents which one wishes to use, are in a form dehydrated such as
a lyophilisate, since it is then possible to apply the
electromagnetic signal to them to be tested simply by dissolving
them or by putting them in suspension according to case's, in a
volume of a solvent having been previously exposed to this
electromagnetic signal.
Advantageously, the electromagnetic signal to be tested is an
electromagnetic signal collected starting from a test sample and
suspect to contain this ligand and/or this receptor, this sample
being able tre as well resulting from a biological taking away
(blood, urine, milk,…) that of a nonbiological taking away (water,
food product, pharmaceutical product, cosmetic product,…).
In variant, the electromagnetic signal to be tested also can tre a
radiated electromagnetic signal by a source of electromagnetic
radiation, especially a source suspectée to emit an harmful
radiation for the living tre of the type line high-tension,
transformer, electric motor, furnace with microwaves, particle
accelerator, ray source X,… From Mrs., the electromagnetic signal
to be tested can come from the acquisition of a mechanical signal
like vibrations, of an electrostatic or different signal.
According to a second mode of implementation prefered of the
method of amplification in conformity with the Invention, the
reaction between the ligand and the receptor are produced by
putting in contact a test sample and suspect to contain the ligand
and/or the receptor, with a reagent containing either the
receptor, or the ligand (according to present substance suspectée
tre in the analytic sample with which one wishes to make react
this reagent), and one applique, with this sample and/or this
reagent, the of the aforesaid electromagnetic signal
characteristic of the biological activity ligand and/or of the
aforesaid receptor.
According to a first advantageous provision of this second mode of
implementation, the application, with the test sample,
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of the ligand and/or receptor is carried out by exposure of this
sample to this or these electromagnetic signals, or by dilution of
this sample in a solvent having been previously exposed to (X)
said (S) the signal (with) electromagnetic (S).
According to another advantageous provision of this second mode of
implementation, the application, with reagent intended to react
with the test sample, of the electromagnetic signal characteristic
of the biological activity of the ligand and/or the receptor is
carried out by exposure of a solution or a suspension containing
this reagent to this or these electromagnetic signals, or by
dilution of such a solution or suspension in a solvent having been
previously exposed to this or these electromagnetic signals, or by
dissolution or setting in suspension of this reagent in a solvent
having been previously exposed to (X) said (S) the signal (with)
electromagnetic (S).
In variant, one applique, with the test sample and reagent
intended to react with him, the electromagnetic signal
characteristic of the biological activity of the ligand and/or the
receptor, by exposure of a solution or a suspension containing
this sample and this reagent to this or these electro signals
magnetic, or by dilution of such a solution or suspension in a
solvent having been previously exposed to (X) said (S) the signal
(with) electromagnetic (S).
According to a provision particularly prefered of this second mode
of implementation, one applique, with the test sample and/or
reagent intended to react with him, at the same time the
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of the ligand and the electromagnetic signal characteristic of the
biological activity of the receptor. Indeed, the Inventors noted
that, if it is enough to apply, with the elements of the couple
ligand/receptor, the electromagnetic signal characteristic of the
biological activity of only one of these elements to obtain an
amplification of complex formed by their reaction, this
amplification is higher when one applique with these elements
simultaneously the electromagnetic signals characteristics of the
biological activity of each one of them.
Whatever the mode of setting of work of the method of
amplification in conformity with the Invention, the solvent having
been previously exposed to (X) the signal (with) electromagnetic
(S) is advantageously of 1 ' water or the physiological solute.
Capable reagents of tre used in the method of amplification in
conformity with the Invention and containing the ligand on the one
hand, and the receptor on the other hand, can as well tre of the
available reagents prts to employment in the trade as of reagents
especially designed and prepared for the implementation of this
method. In addition to the fact that, as mentioned herebefore,
these reagents can be presented in different forms (dry,
liquid,…), they can, in addition, tre coupled to a marker such as
a radioactive isotope, an enzyme, a fluorescent substance, a
coloured particle, biotin or a compound organometallic, suitable
to allow the detection and/or the measuring of the complex
ligands-receptors resulting of the reaction between the ligand and
the receptor.
The method of amplification advantageously includes/understands,
moreover, one acquisition step of the electromagnetic signal
characteristic of the biological activity of the one and/or the
other of the elements of the couple ligand/receptor.
As previously indicated, the electromagnetic signal characteristic
of the biological activity of the one and/or the other of the
elements of the couple ligand/receptor can come either from a test
sample and suspect to contain this or these elements, or of a
source of electromagnetic radiation or acquisition of a mechanical
signal (vibrations), electrostatic or different, or still of
reagents containing the ligand or the receptor in solution or
suspension in a solvent, according to modes' of implementations of
the method of amplification in conformity with the Invention.
Of manner particularly advantageous, the method of amplification
in conformity with the Invention includes/understands, also, a
step of recording and of playback of information representative of
the electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological
activity of the one and/or the other of the elements of the couple
ligand/receptor. Thus, the electromagnetic signal characteristic
of the biological activity of an analytic sample, once recorded,
can tre preserved indefinitely and used as many time as necessary.
Of similar manner, the electromagnetic signals characteristics of
the biological activity of the ligand and biological activity of
the receptor collected starting from reagents, can tre once
recorded for all and tre used to carry out a plurality of
reactions bringing into play this ligand and this receptor.
The method of amplification includes/understands advantageously,
moreover, a detecting step of complex resulting of the reaction
between the ligand and the receptor and, optionally, of measuring
of these complex. This step can be advantageously supplemented by
the comparing of the results obtained with those observed for a
reaction serving of " witness ", i.e. a reaction led with Mrs.
couples ligand/receptor and in reactional conditions Mrs., but
without application of an electromagnetic signal with the elements
of this couple, that it is previously, simultaneously or
subsequently to their setting in contact.
The detection and/or the measuring of the complex
ligands-receptors are capable of tre carried out by all the
methods conventionally used to reveal and quantify the formation
of such complex. Thus, in the case of complex antigen-antibodies,
it is possible to as well use a revelation by agglutination,
immunoprecipitation, extinction of fluorescence, fluorescence
polarization that a radioimmunological, immuno-enzymatic test or a
test of immuno-fluorescence.
According to a mode of implementation particularly prefered of the
method of amplification in conformity with the Invention, the
ligand is an antigen or a hapten, while the receptor is an
antibody or a membrane receptor directed specifically against this
Of manner particularly advantageous, the reaction between this
ligand and this receptor is a reaction revealed by agglutination,
because of its simplicity and of its speed of execution.
The present invention has, also, for object a detecting method of
the presence of a substance corresponding one to the one of the
two elements of a couple ligand/receptor in an analytic,
characterized sample in what it includes/understands the
implementation of a method of amplification such as defined
According to a first mode of implementation particularly prefered
of this detecting method, this one includes/understands:
put it in contact of two reagents respectively containing the
ligand and the receptor, under conditions suitable to allow their
reaction, previously, simultaneously or subsequently to this
setting in contact, the application, with the one and/or the other
of these reagents, of the electromagnetic signal characteristic of
the biological activity of the analytic sample, and
it detection and/or the measuring of the complex formed
ligands-receptors during the reaction enters the two reagents.
Thus, obtaining of an amplification of the formation of complex
ligands-receptors between two reagents compared to a " pilot "
reaction (such as previously defined) translated the presence, in
the electromagnetic signal of the biological activity of the test
sample, the electromagnetic signal characteristic of the
biological activity of sought substance and, by way of
consequence, translated the presence, in this sample, of sought
If such an amplification is obtained and where the analytic sample
is capable to not contain only one of the two elements of the
couple ligand/receptor, but these two elements, the presence, in
this sample, of sought substance can be confirmed by the comparing
of the results obtained with:
- is those observed for a reaction led in reactional conditions
Mrs. but with an application at the same time of the
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of the test sample and electromagnetic signal characteristic of
the biological activity of the ligand,
- is those observed for a reaction led in reactional conditions
Mrs. but with an application at the same time of the
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of the test sample and characteristic signal of the biological
activity of the receptor.
Thus, if the simultaneous application of the electromagnetic
signal characteristic of the biological activity of the analytic
sample and the electromagnetic signal characteristic of the
biological activity of the ligand results in an amplification of
the formation of the complex ligands-receptors compared to the
application of the single electromagnetic signal characteristic of
the biological activity of the aforesaid analytic sample, then
that means that this sample does not contain a ligand and thus
only the receptor contains. The absence of increase of the
formation of the complex ligands-receptors signing, it, the
presence of the ligand in the analytic sample.
Of similar manner, if the simultaneous application of the
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of the analytic sample and electromagnetic signal characteristic
of the biological activity of the receptor results in an
amplification of the formation of the complex ligands-receptors
compared to the application of the single electromagnetic signal
characteristic of the biological activity of the aforesaid
analytic sample, then it can in tre deduces that this sample does
not contain a receptor and thus only the ligand contains. The
absence of increase of the formation of the complex
ligands-receptors signing, it, the presence of the receptor in the
In order to avoid obtaining wrongfully negative results, i.e.
results which would not make it possible to reveal an effect of
amplification of the application of the electromagnetic signal
characteristic of the activity of the analytic sample and this,
although this last contains actually sought substance, the
concentrations of the ligand and the receptor put to react are
advantageously selected so as to tre sufficient lead to the
obtaining of complex the detectable in the absence of the
application of the electromagnetic signal characteristic of
biological activity of the aforesaid sample, but low
ligands-receptors with the concentrations capable to lead to a
saturation of the reaction between this ligand and this receptor.
According to a second mode of implementation prefered of this
detecting method, this one understands: put it in contact of the
analytic sample with a reagent containing is the receptor, if the
sought substance in the sample is the ligand, that is to say the
ligand, if the sought substance in the sample is the receptor,
under conditions suitable to allow their reaction, previously,
simultaneously or subsequently to this setting in contact, the
application, with this sample and/or this reagent, of the
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of the ligand and/or the receptor, and it detection and/or the
measuring of the complex optionally formed ligands-receptors, in
which case, the obtaining of complex ligands-receptors translates
the presence of sought substance in the analytic sample.
This second mode of present implementation prefered a very
particular intért to detect the substance in a sample presence,
which one knows that they are not detectable or that very
sparingly by the other available detection methods, because of
what these substances are generally present with very low
concentrations, even with the state of traces.
The detecting method of the presence of an analytic substance in a
sample conforms to the present Invention of numerous advantages.
Indeed, on the one hand, it makes it possible to detect the
presence of a sought substance with a very large sensitivity and
an high specificity. So in the case, for example, of a
bacteriological analysis, it makes it possible to remove the need
to insulate the different germs, to cultivate them, proceed to a
antibiogramme and to identify these germs by their biochemical,
morphologic and immunologic characters, and authorizes the
obtaining of results much rapidly than the immunologic detection
methods currently used in bacteriology.
In addition, insofar as it is enough to have a sample to the size
of a drop to acquire and record the electromagnetic signal
characteristic of the biological activity of this sample and
where, this signal, once recorded can be restored with the
application, this method offer the possibility carry out analyses
as many as one wishes starting from a microsample.
Lastly, 1 ' recording of an electromagnetic signal which can tre
preserved indefinitely, for example in the shape of a capable
computerized file of tre preserved on a single diskette or a
CD-Rom, and of tre transmitted of a place to another by any
transmission means the given digital ones, this method makes it
possible, moreover, to remove all constrained conservation, of
forwarding and transport of the taking away which present the
methods currently used for detection of a substance.
This method capable of being used to detect any substance capable
to bind specifically with another substance and to react with it,
being understood that the term " substance " such as it is used
here, a biological compound, a chemical compound indicates as
well, a cell that a microorganism of the type bacterium, virus or
mushroom, knowing especially that for any hapten, protein or
complex proteinaceous, it is possible to find on the market or to
make manufacture the corresponding antibodies. For this reason,
this method finds, especially, application in the biological
diagnosis, that it is in human or veterinary medicine, or for the
electromagnetic control characteristic of the biological activity
of a substance corresponding one to the one of the two elements of
a couple ligand/receptor, which method is characterized in what it
includes the implementation of a method of amplification such as
defined herebefore.
According to a mode of implementation prefered of this detecting
method, the electromagnetic signal to be tested is the radiated
electromagnetic signal by a source of electromagnetic radiation.
The Invention has, also, for object a detecting apparatus of the
presence of a substance corresponding one to the one of the two
elements of a couple ligand/receptor in an analytic sample, which
apparatus is characterized in what it in accordance with the
invention implements a method and in what it comprises:
a) receiving means of the analytic sample and a reagent containing
either the receptor, or the ligand, allowing their setting in
contact under conditions suitable to allow their reaction;
b) an electromagnetic signal source characteristic of the activity
of the ligand and/or receptor;
c) application means of the signal delivered by the aforementioned
electromagnetic signal source with the sample and/or the reagent;
d) detection means and/or of measuring of the complex formed
ligands-receptors during the reaction enters the sample and the
The Invention has, moreover, for object a detecting apparatus of
the presence of a substance corresponding one to the one of the
two elements of a couple ligand/receptor in an analytic sample,
which apparatus is characterized in what it in accordance with the
invention implements a method and in what it comprises:
a) receiving means of two reagents respectively containing the
ligand and the receptor, allowing their setting in contact under
the conditions suitable to allow their reaction;
b) acquisition means of an electromagnetic signal of the analytic
c) application means of the signal delivered by the aforementioned
acquisition means of electromagnetic signal to the one and/or the
other of reagents; and
d) detection means and/or of measuring of the complex formed
ligands-receptors in the course of the reaction enters the two
According to an advantageous embodiment of these apparatuses, the
detection means comprise detection means optical.
Of prefered manner, these apparatuses comprise an enclosure
provided with an electrical shield and magnetic surrounding the
aforementioned receiving means.
In addition to the provisions which precede, the Invention still
includes/understands other provisions which will arise from the
complement of description which follows, which refers to examples
of performing of apparatuses of acquisition, recording and signal
supplying capable of tre used in accordance with the invention
like with examples of experiments having made it possible to
validate the method of amplification object of the present
invention, and which refers to the drawings annexed in which:
Figure 1 represents a
scheme of a first example of performing of a capable apparatus of
signal acquisition of tre used according to the present invention;
Figure 2 represents a
scheme of a second example of performing of a capable apparatus of
signal acquisition of tre used according to the present invention;
Figure 3 represents a
scheme of a first example of performing of an apparatus of capable
recording of signal of tre used according to the present
Figure 4 represents a
scheme of a second example of performing of an apparatus of
capable recording of signal of tre used according to the present
Figure 5 represents a
scheme of an example of performing of a capable apparatus of
signal supplying of tre used in accordance with the Invention;
Figure 6 watch an image
black and white of 320 pixels X 240 pixels of the formed
agglutinats during an agglutination reaction enters the antigen
polysaccharidic of Escherichia coli Kl and an antibody directed
against this antigen, after application of the electromagnetic
signal characteristic of the biological activity of Streptococcus;
Figure 7 watch an image
black and white of 320 pixels X 240 pixels of the formed
agglutinats during an agglutination reaction enters the antigen
polysaccharidic of Escherichia coli Kl and an antibody directed
against this antigen, after application of the electromagnetic
signal characteristic of the biological activity of Escherichia
Figure 8 watch an image
black and white of 320 pixels X 240 pixels of the formed
agglutinats during an agglutination reaction enters the antigen
polysaccharidic of Escherichia K1 coli and an antibody directed
against this antigen, after simultaneous application of the
electromagnetic signals characteristics of the biological activity
of Streptococcus and the biological activity of an antibody
directed against Escherichia coli;
Figure 9 watch an image
black and white of 320 pixels X 240 pixels of the formed
agglutinats also during an agglutination reaction enters the
antigen polysaccharidic of Escherichia Kl coli and an antibody
directed against this antigen, after simultaneous application of
the electromagnetic signals characteristics of the biological
activity of Escherichia coli and the biological activity of its
specific antibody; and
Figure 10 represents a
scheme of an example of performing of an apparatus of detection
and/or measuring of the complex ligands-receptors capable of tre
used according to the present invention.
In Figures 1 to 5 and 10, one used references Mrs. to designate
elements Mrs.
In addition, each image of Figures 6 to 9 corresponds to a surface
of approximately 2 mms X 1,5 mms of the support on which the
agglutination reactions were carried out.
It owes of course, however, that these examples are given only as
illustrations of the object of the Invention and do not constitute
in any manner a limitation of it.
One refers first of all on Figures 1 to 5.
On Figure 1, one schematically represented a first example of
performing of an apparatus of acquisition of the electromagnetic
signal characteristic of the biological activity of a substance 1
laid out in a container 3, for example a test tube. A sensor 5,
typically a coil of type " telephonic sensor " marketed for tre
applied on an earphone telephonic and connected to a tape
recorder, is applied against container 3. Container 3 can tre also
consisted a biological wall, especially the skin of a living tre.
In such a case, the acquisition of the electromagnetic signal is
carried out of noninvasive manner.
The signal collected by coil 5, advantageously, is amplified by an
amplifier 7 and is available with an output terminal 9. Without
that present any restrictive character of 1 ' illustrated example,
a first end of coil 5 being connected to the input of
amplifier-preamplifier 7, the opposite end being connected to a
mass 11. In an example of performing, coil 5 is a telephonic
sensor of the trade having a length of 6 mms, an internal diameter
of 6 mms containing a metal core, an outer diameter of 16 mm and
an impedance of 300 Q.
On Figure 2, one accounted for 1 schematically ' prefered example
of performing of an apparatus of acquisition of the
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of a substance 1 contained in a container 3, in which the
apparatus includes/understands, preferably, in an enclosure 13
provided with an electrical shield and magnetic, a transducer 15
of irradiation of the aforesaid substance 1 supplied with a
generator 17. Transducer 15 comprises, for example, a coil,
advantageously supplemented by guides of waves, for example, an
air-gap (not represented) placed in contact with the outer walls
of container 3.
Generator 17 generates a sinusoidal signal low frequency, signals
square low frequency, pink noise or, advantageously, white noise.
The signal spectrum of excitation feeding coil 15 corresponds
substantially to the spectrum of the audible frequencies (20 Hz-20
000 Hz). Generator 17 can tre a generator of analogue signal of
known type or, for example, a read-only memory (ROM, PROM, EPROM,
EEPROM in Anglo-Saxon terminology) containing the digital signal
of the desired noise and which is connected to a converter
numeriqueanalogic, or the outputted line of a card sounds of a
microcomputer multimedia.
However, the implementation of upper frequencies does not leave
the frame of the present invention.
The sensor of acquisition 5 can comprise a like coil with coil 5
of the apparatus of Figure 1 or, advantageously, a coil of small
diameter connected by a guide of electromagnetic waves to the wall
of container 3.
Advantageously, the signal collected by sensor 5 is available with
an output terminal 9 of a amplifier-preamplifier 7.
The available signal on terminal 9 can tre directly applied with
or substances to be irradiated, especially with the ligand, the
receptor or the couple ligand/receptor (especially using the
apparatus illustrated on Figure 5 and described ciaprès).
The recording of the signal can tre carried out into analogue by a
recorder of signal 19 (Figure 3), especially on magnetic tape 21
adapt with the frequencies of the collected signal. For the
acoustic frequencies, one can especially use a tape recorder.
Output terminal 9 of the apparatus of signal acquisition of
Figures 1 or 2 is connected to the input microphone or the input
line of such a tape recorder. During the reading, the signal is
collected with an output terminal 9 ', especially with the
outputted line or outputted the loudspeaker of tape recorder 19.
Advantageously, one carries out a digital recording after
analog-to-digital conversion of the signal. One uses, for example,
a microcomputer 23 illustrated on Figure 4, provided with a card
of signal acquisition 25. It is for example about a computer of
type PC, rotating under operating system WINDOWSX 95 of Company
MICROSOFT and comprising, in addition to the card of acquisition
25, a microprocessor 27, an interface of input/output 29, a
controller 31 of a mass memory 33 and one interface video 35
connected by one or more bus 37. The card of acquisition 25
comprises an analogue converter 39 having, preferably, an upper
resolution with 10 bits, for example equal with 12 bits, as well
as a frequency of double sampling of the maximum frequency which
one wants to be able to digitize for the signal processing. In the
acoustic frequencies, the frequency of sampling is advantageously
substantially equal to 44 Khz. For the processing of these signal
types, one advantageously uses a card its for microcomputer, for
example the card Soundblaster 16 or the card Soundblaster 32 sold
by CREATIVE Company LABS. The computer 23 provided with the card
of acquisition of playback 25, especially of a card Soundblaster
32 can advantageously replace the generator of signal 17 of Figure
One connects outputted the 9 of the apparatuses of signal
acquisition of Figures 1 with input 9 of the analog-to-digital
converter 39 of card 25 of the computer 23; one proceeds to an
acquisition of the pendent signal one duration for example ranging
between 1 and 60 S and one record the digital file in a mass
memory 33, for example in the shape of a file its to the format.
WAV. This file can optionally undergo a digital processing, such
as for example a digital amplification for calibration of the
signal level, a filtering for the removing of nondesired
frequencies, or tre transformed into its spectrum by a transform
of FOURIER discrete, preferably by the algorithm of rapid
transform of FOURIER (FTT in Anglo-Saxon terminology).
The time of sound reproduction can tre increased while repeating
in a file several times a fragment or the whole of the file its
On order, the optionally treated file is transformed by a
digital-to-analog converter 41 of the card 25 (or of a separate
card), which delivers on outputted the 9 ' the analogue
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
to be applied, according to the method of amplification in
conformity with the Invention, for example to aliquot 43 of a
first reagent and to aliquot 45 of a second reagent, as
illustrated on Figure 5.
Advantageously, the application of the signal with these aliquot
is carried out previously with their mixture. The support on which
these aliquot are deposited, for example, a blade 47 provided with
capillary 49 in the shape of serpentine, is laid out in a radiated
electromagnetic field by a transducer 51, typically a coil whose
first end 9,9 ' is connected to outputted the 9 of an apparatus of
acquisition of
Figures 1 or 2 or to outputted the 9 ' of an apparatus of
recording of Figures 3 or 4.
The end of the coil opposed to connecting terminal 9,9 ', for
example, is connected to mass 11.
Without that representing any restrictive character, transducer 51
comprises a coil advantageously, of horizontal axis allowing the
introduction of blade 47. The coil has, for example, a length of
120 mms, an internal diameter of 25 mms, an outer diameter of 28
mms, present 631 revolutions of a wire of diameter 0,5mm and a
resistance of 4,7 Q.
Advantageously, the applied electrical signal on this coil 51 will
have an amplitude of 2 effective volts.
The method of amplification in conformity with the Invention was
validated by testing the effects, on an agglutination reaction
between the antigen polysaccharidic of Escherichia coli Kl and an
antibody directed against this antigen:
- of the application of the electromagnetic signal characteristic
of the biological activity of a foreign antigenic substance to
this reaction such as Streptococcus,
- of the application of the electromagnetic signal characteristic
of the biological activity of Escherichia coli,
- of the simultaneous application of the electromagnetic signal
characteristic of the biological activity of Streptococcus and the
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of an antibody directed against Escherichia coli, and finally
- of the simultaneous application of the electromagnetic signal
characteristic of the biological activity of Escherichia coli and
the electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological
activity of an antibody directed against this antigen.
1) Performing of the tests: a) Acquisition of the electromagnetic
The acquisition of the electromagnetic signals characteristics of
the biological activities of Streptococcus, Escherichia coli and
its specific antibody was carried out by means of the hardware of
recording of Figure 2.
The acquisition of the electromagnetic signal characteristic of
the biological activity of Streptococcus was carried out while
placing at the center of 1 ' enclosure a 13 tube containing 1 ml
of an aqueous suspension of previously formolized Streptococcus
bacteria (6.106 bactéries/ml).
The acquisition of the electromagnetic signals characteristics of
the biological activity of Escherichia coli and its specific
antibody was carried out into operative of Mrs. manner, but while
using respectively:
- a tube containing 1 ml of an aqueous suspension of bacteria
Escherichia coli previously formolized (6.106bactéries/ml); and
- a tube containing 1 ml of a particle suspension of a latex
sensitized by a specific monoclonal antibody of mouse of
Escherichia Kl coli, coming from a kit PASTOREXs MENINGITIS
(Reference 61709-SANOFI DIAGNOSES PASTEUR). b) Preparation of
reagents of the agglutination reaction:
The tests were carried out while using as reagents:
- of an hand, a prepared antigen solution polysaccharidic of
Escherichia K1 coli by dissolution of an antigenic extract coming
from a kit PASTOREXX MENINGITIS (Reference 61709-SANOFI
DIAGNOSES PASTEUR) in 1 ml of water distilled and sterile, then
dilution to the 1/7, 1/7,5 or 1/8 in physiological serum; and
- of another hand, the latex sensitized by a specific monoclonal
antibody of mouse of the antibody of Escherichia present K1 coli
in this Mrs. kit, after dilution to the 1/3 in physiological
serum. c) Application of the electromagnetic signals with the
agglutination reaction:
For each test, one used the following protocol:
one place in a drying oven heated at 37 C a transducer consisted a
coil measuring 120 mms of long and 25 mms internal diameter,
presenting 631 revolutions and a resistance of 4,7 Q, and
connected to outputted the 9 ' of the digital-to-analog converter
41 of a Soundblaster card of a computer 23 restoring the files of
recording consisted the electromagnetic signals which one wishes
to apply, time necessary to bring this transducer to the
temperature of 37 C;
one deposits on a blade provided with capillary in the shape of
serpentine (of type of those supplied in kits PASTOREX
MENINGITIS), at low distance from the opening of this last, a drop
(either 40 to 50 J. l) antigenic solution as described at the
foregoing point b), as well as a drop (corresponding one also with
a volume from 40 to 50, ul) of latex sensitized by the antibody,
by taking guard so that these drops do not mix;
one applique, with the two drops of reagents thus deposited, the
electromagnetic signals wished while placing the blade at the
center of the pendent transducer approximately 2 mn and by
restoring a file its using the computer 23 of
Figure 4;
one mixture the two reagent drops pendent approximately 10 seconds
and one lets pendent approximately 13 minutes in the drying oven
the reaction mixture migrate in the capillary one and the
agglutination reaction to occur;
one then leaves the blade the drying oven and one carries out a
reading of this agglutination.
Like visible on Figure 10, this reading is carried out by
analysis, by means of a software of analysis and image processing
implemented on a computer of rotating type PC 23 ' under operating
system VJNDOWSO 95 (MICROSOFT), of an acquired image using a video
camera 53 positioned on an optical microscope 55 and connected to
that the computer by a card of acquisition video 57. Camera 53
works in grey levels. A first processing increasing contrast, the
threshold being controlled so that the agglutinats appear into
black, while the zones deprived of latex particles or agglutinats
appear into white.
From the analysis of the two-dimensional spatial distribution of
the dark areas of the image, the computer determines an index of
agglutination (I) calculated according to the formula:
Surface occupied by the agglutinats of upper size to 60 pixels
Surface occupied by the agglutinats of equal or low size to 60
This index of agglutination is all the more high as the size of
the formed agglutinats during the agglutination reaction is more
The amplification is regarded as positive when, during an
experiment, the application of the electromagnetic signals
characteristics of the biological activity of Escherichia coli
and/or biological activity of its specific antibody led to the
obtaining of at least upper indices of agglutination of 40% to the
maximum index of agglutination obtained, in conditions Mrs., and
on for example 3 experiments, after application of the
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of Streptococcus.
2) Results:
Table 1 hereafter present indices of agglutination (I) obtained in
first series of tests aiming at comparing the effects of the
application of the electromagnetic signal characteristic of the
biological activity of Escherichia coli with those observed after
application, in reactional conditions Mrs., from the
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of Streptococcus, and this, for 3 different dilutions (1/7,1/7,5
and 1/8) of the polysaccharidic antigen solution of Escherichia K1
coli used like reagent in the agglutination reactions.
In addition, Figures 6 and 7 show, as examples, of the images of
the formed agglutinats on the one hand, after application of the
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of Streptococcus (Figure 6) and, on the other hand, after
application of the electromagnetic signal characteristic of the
biological activity of Escherichia coli (Figure 7). These images
correspond respectively to the indices of agglutination of 32 and
117 which are brought back to the 5th line of results of Table 1.
Table 2 below present, as for him, the indices of agglutination
(I) obtained in a second series of experiments in the frame of
which effects of the simultaneous application of the
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of Escherichia coli and the electromagnetic signal characteristic
of the biological activity of the antibody directed against
Escherichia coli, were compared with those of the simultaneous
application, in reactional conditions Mrs., of the electromagnetic
signal characteristic of the biological activity of Streptococcus
and the electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological
activity of the antibody directed against Escherichia coli and
this, for 2 different dilutions (1/7 and 1/7,5) of the
polysaccharidic antigen solution of Escherichia coli
K1 used as reagent.
Figures 8 and 9 show, also as examples, of the images of the
agglutinats which corresponding respectively with the indices of
agglutination of 71 and 247 brought back to the 2nd line of
results of Table 2.
All these results clearly put in evidence the ability that present
the electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological
activity of an element of a couple ligand/receptor, to amplify the
formation of complex formed by the reaction between this ligand
and this receptor and this, of very specific manner, since the
electromagnetic signal characteristic of the biological activity
of a biologically active, but foreign element with this reaction
product, him, not of effect of amplification.
They show also that this amplification is all the more marked as
one applique, with the two elements of the couple ligand/receptor,
at the same time the electromagnetic signal characteristic of the
biological activity of this ligand and the electromagnetic signal
characteristic of the biological activity of this receptor.
The intért of the use of the method of amplification conforms to
the Invention for the detection of a present substance in an
analytic sample was checked by carrying out a series of tests
aiming at comparing the effects of the application, on an
agglutination reaction between the antigen polysaccharidic of
Escherichia K1 coli and a monoclonal antibody of specific mouse of
this antigen identical with that implemented in 1 ' example 1
herebefore, of the electromagnetic signal collected starting from
a sample of a food product, in the species an apple compote,
previously contaminated by bacteria Escherichia coli, with those
obtained at the time of the application, in reactional conditions
Mrs., of the collected electromagnetic signal starting from a
control sample, i.e. not contaminated, of Mrs. food product.
1) Performing of the tests:
The acquisition of the electromagnetic signals of the apple
compote samples (contaminated control samples and samples) was
carried out by means of the hardware of recording of Figure 2,
while placing at the center of 1 ' enclosure 13:
- in the case of the control samples, a tube containing 1 ml of
compote previously diluted to the 1/2 with physiological serum,
- in the case of the contaminated samples, a tube containing 1 ml
of compote previously diluted to the 1/2 with physiological serum
and contaminated, by adding of bacteria previously formolized
Escherichia coli, at a rate of 3.106 bacteria per ml of diluted
The tests were carried out while using as reagents:
- of an hand, a suspension containing of the bacteria Escherichia
coli previously formolized in physiological serum, at a rate of
10 ' bactéries/ml, and
- of another hand, the latex sensitized by a specific monoclonal
antibody of mouse of the antibody of Escherichia present K1 coli
in this Mrs. kit, after dilution to the 1/3 in physiological
serum, and into following an operational protocol identical with
that described with the paragraph c) of 1 ' example 1 herebefore.
2) Results:
The Table 3 hereafter present indices of agglutination (I)
obtained in three series of tests.
Like visible on Table 3, the size of the formed agglutinats during
the reaction between the antigen polysaccharidic of Escherichia Kl
coli and its specific antibody is substantially higher if the
applied electromagnetic signal during this reaction were collected
starting from an apple compote sample contaminated by bacteria
Escherichia coli.
These results show that the method of amplification conforms to
the Invention can tre advantageously used to detect the presence,
in an analytic sample, of a biologically active susbtance such as
a bacterium, Mrs. when this sample present a complex composition,
i.e. it contains, as in the case of the apple compote samples, of
numerous others susbstances biologically active.
As that spring by what precedes, the Invention is limited by no
means to the forms of performing which come from tre described in
a more explicit way; it embraces of them on the contrary all the
variants which can come to mind from the technician in the matter,
without deviating from the frame, nor of the span of the present
The invention concerns a method for activating an inactive
solution with very low concentration of a specific biological
and/or chemical substance. The method comprises a step which
consists in subjecting said solution to a mechanical excitation
field, in particular generated by a vortex.
Present invention relates to a process of activation of an
inactive solution and to very low concentration of a biological
and/or chemical determined substance in a solvent. Present
invention relates to also applications of the aforesaid process of
One indicates under the term of " very low concentration ", of the
concentrations ranging between 10 - 6 and zero moles per liter
One knows methods of preparation of solution " highly diluted " by
dilution and successive agitation. One of the methods of
preparation employed traditionally in homeopathy (method of
Hannemahn) consists, starting from a relatively concentrated
solution carried out using a dyeing parent (of great concentration
with 10 - 6 M), to carry out a dilution of a factor 10 or 100,
then with a mechanical agitation (refer " dynamization "). Each
operation after is noted that the solution remained active in the
sense that it starts a reaction within a sensitive biological
As examples of solutions which were prepared by the described
method cidessus, one can quote all the homeopathic preparations.
As sensitive examples of biological systems allowing to test the
active character such solutions one can quote: the isolated heart
of guinea-pig (experiment of Langendorff) or the cutaneous test
carried out on the skin of a guinea-pig or a living rabbit.
The need to start from an active solution before carrying out a
dilution then with an agitation appeared impossible to circumvent
to obtain active diluted solutions. The dilutions carried out up
to 10 - 6 M and beyond that, without implementing this process of
successive agitation and dilution, did not allow until present
obtaining active solutions. L is not without interest to recall
either that technical agitation and of dilution bringing in work
by Hannemann was extrapolated without one being able until present
showing the vertues such high dilutions beyond factor 5 CH.
Gold the inventors, who are known for their workings on high
dilutions (Nature 1988: “Dégranulation of Basophilic human started
by a solution with high dilution of anti-IgE antibody”), noted of
surprising manner that it was of possible to obtain an active
solution starting from an inactive solution and with very low
concentration of a biological and/or chemical determined substance
in a solvent. They showed that a solution with very low
concentration whose activity is non-existent at the beginning, can
be made active by processes particularly single to implement.
Thus, they conceived a process which makes it possible to make
active of the solutions to very low concentration without it being
necessary to previously prepare them by technical traditional
successive dilutions and agitations.
They have thus resolved a problem whose industrial implications
are considerable. Indeed:
- it is from now on possible to detect biological and/or chemical
determined substances in solution with very low concentration in a
- it is from now on possible to design and carry out medicaments
implementing biological and/or chemical determined substances in
solution at very low concentration in a solvent,
- it is from now on possible to control the production of products
with very low concentration especially of the homeopathic
The present invention thus has as an object a process to activate
a solution with very low concentration of a biological and/or
chemical determined substance in a solvent. The aforementioned
process includes/understands the step to place the aforementioned
solution in a mechanical excitation field. The mechanical
excitation field could be created, for example, by one shock wave
being propagated in the solution, by ultrasounds or sound waves
diffused in the solution, by vibrations transmitted by the
container containing the solution. Preferably, the mechanical
excitation field results from an agitation forces especially
obtained by means of a stirrer of Vortex type made up of a disc
which turns rapidly until a vortex is formed in the liquid column
in the course of agitation. Preferably, the aforementioned
solution is subjected to a pendent mechanical excitation field at
least 15 seconds.
As examples of substances in solution which were activated by the
method described above, one can quote: arnica, ovalbumin,
acetylcholine, the calcium ionophore.
The process in accordance with the invention present of interest
only when the concentration of the aforesaid determined substance
in the aforementioned solution is low to 10-6 moles per liter.
Indeed with the top of 10-6 moles per liter the solution is
already active (traditional pharmacology). Preferably, the
concentration of the aforesaid determined substance in the
aforementioned solution is included/understood in a low with 10-6
moles per liter and great fork with
10-l6 moles per liter.
Preferably also the aforementioned solvent contains at least water
5%. It indeed appeared that in on this side certain proportion of
water in solvent the solution subjected to a mechanical excitation
field residue inactive.
It also appeared that an alcohol percentage from at least 2% in
the solvent causes that the solution pendent residue active a
longer period.
The process in accordance with the invention includes/understands
moreover the step to control the active state of the aforesaid the
solution by implementing an experimental protocol identical or
similar with that which one would implement to account for the
presence of the aforesaid determined substance in a medium which
would contain it.
As sensitive example of biological system allowing to test the
active character of the solutions of following determined
substances: calcium-ionophore, acetylcholine, histamine, ovalbumin
(in the animal made sensitive), arnica, bradykinin, anti-IgE
antibody, one can quote: the experiment of Langendorff (heart of
isolated guinea-pig) as well as the cutaneous test carried out on
a skin of guinea-pig or living rabbit. Thus for example, to
control the active state of the acetylcholine solution it is
checked that an injection of this one, under the skin of a
guinea-pig especially, causes cutaneous reactions.
Present invention relates to also the application of the process
with the detection of a determined substance, diluted in very low
Indeed since the solution is activated, it is possible to proceed
to tests of identification by implementing an experimental
protocol identical or similar with that which one would implement
to account for the presence of the aforesaid determined substance
in a medium which would contain it. As example of determined
substances that one can detect in solution, one can quote
following substances: calciumionophore, caffeine, nicotine, toxins
and endotoxines bacterial; and following tests of identification:
the experiment of Langendorff (heart of isolated guinea-pig) as
well as the cutaneous test carried out on a skin of guinea-pig or
living rabbit.
Present invention relates to also the application of the process
with the production of medicaments implementing biological
materials and/or chemical at very low concentration. Indeed, since
it is possible to prepare active solutions with very low
biological and/or chemical determined substance concentration, new
therapeutic applications of these substances become possible.
As example of medicaments which one can thus produce, one can
quote the following medicaments: coronary vasodilators (ex:
trinitroglycérinej, bétabloquant (propranolol), caffeine,
Present invention relates to also the application of the process
with the control of the production of products with very low
concentration, especially of the homeopathic products. Indeed, one
of the problems to be solved when homeopathic products are
manufactured is that of control in production of successive
dilutions. The process in accordance with the invention makes it
possible to test the activity of the homeopathic products at the
time of the different phases of their manufacturing process. As
example of homeopathic products which one can thus control the
production one can quote the following medicaments: arnica 5 to 30
CH, histaminum 5 to 30 CH, acétylcolinum 5 to 30 CH, apis
mellifica 5 to 30 CH.
Other characteristics and benefits of the invention will appear
with the reading of the description of variants of performing of
the invention, given as indicative and nonrestrictive example,
like with the reading of the examples of experiments having made
it possible to validate the process of activation, object of the
present invention, and which refer to the drawings annexed in
which: -
Figure 1 represents a
perspective view of a variant of performing of the system of
Figure 2 represents a
perspective view of a system making it possible to test the
activity of the solution (experiment of Langendorff).
Figure 3 represents an
image of the skin of a guinea-pig
One now will describe figure 1 which represents a perspective view
of a variant of performing of the system of agitation. A rubber 2
roller is mounted pivotal around a vertical axis. The rubber
roller is put in rotation around the vertical axis by an electric
motor (not represented), located inside case 3. The electric motor
is supplied by a cable 10. The rotational speed of the roller is
controlled by a potentiometer 4.
Tube 1 contains solution 6 of acetylcholine to the concentration
of lpM, having to be agitated violently. Operator 5 maintains the
end low 7 of the tube applied against roller 2 while supporting on
upper part 8 of tube 1. The low end 7 of tube 1 described a circle
9. It results from it that a vortex product within solution 6.
This vortex agitates and mixture violently the solution.
As example, one now will describe by referring on figure 2 the
test realized starting from a heart of isolated guinea-pig
perfusé, known since 1897 (under the name of 1 ' Experiment of
Langendorff) and described in the books of traditional
pharmacology, especially in The animal experimentation in
cardiology - Medicine - Science Inserm - Flammarion, Bernard
SWYNGHEDAUW, Chapter 3.1 P. 81 Isolated body: isolated heart
according to Langendorff. The collecting one of collecting
fraction tubes at a rate of a tube per minute and measurement thus
flow of the heart of guinea-pig minute per minute.
Here results coming from the experiments carried out with
following substances, after they vortexées (agitated) like it was
described while referring on figure 1, in a tube of 15 ml
containing 10 ml of solution: - for the first, a mixture of
acetate-choline (AC) lpM (sodium acetate 1 pM + choline 1 chloride
pM) vortexée pendent 15 seconds, - for the second, of the
acetylcholine (ACh) pendent IpM vortexée 15 seconds, - for the
third, of the acetylcholine (ACh) 1pM vortexée pendent 5 seconds -
for the third, of the acetylcholine (ACh) 1pM vortexée pendent 2
seconds - for the third, of the acetylcholine (ACh) 1pM vortexée
pendent 1 seconds
The buffer solution had the following composition: Ca 2+ 2mM,
NaHC03 25 mms.
The solvent employed in the five cases was water.
The table hereafter indicates (in ml) the amount of buffer
solution recovered in the header tubes in the course of time.
This table puts in evidence several things: a) in the experimental
protocol the solutions are tested before being vortexées in order
to check that they are inactive. The results of experiment 5
illustrate one of these tests. The solution is else inactive
before being vortexée. Indeed variation of flow of 0, 2ml/min
(min=3,6; max=3,8) corresponds to uncertainties of measurement and
the normal variations of flow of the biological system which is
the heart of perfusé isolated guinea-pig. b) the comparing of the
results of experiment 1 with the experiment 2 watch which the
action to agitate is not sufficient in itself: still it is
necessary that molecules to which the biological system is
sensitive are present. Indeed a very adjacent product of
acetylcholine, acetate-choline, prepared in the same conditions
which the acetylcholine, does not start of reaction (Exp 1). c)
the series of experiments 2,3, and 4 was carried out on the same
heart of guinea-pig and watch the influence of the time of
agitation using the Vortex on the activity produced in substance.
Thus for a 2 seconds agitation one obtains a maximum variation of
flow of 0,3 ml/min (min=3,5; max=3, 8) whereas for a 15 seconds
agitation one obtains a maximum variation of flow of 0,6 ml/min
(min=2, 8; max=3, 4)
As other examples here results coming from the experiments carried
out with like substance of the acetylcholine lpM, vortexée 15
seconds for different contents ethanol in solvent. The experiments
were carried out 9 days after the agitation of the solution.
This table puts in evidence that the content ethanol supports the
conservation of the activity in water.
One now will describe by referring on figure 3 the cutaneous test
in the guinea-pig
We use a living guinea-pig, to which one injects by venous path a
blue dye (blue of Evans) which fixed on blood albumin. The albumin
does not leave the vessels, except if there is ignition, therefore
vasodilation and permeation of the vessels, the typical example of
such a reaction at the man being urticaria.
The test is carried out by injecting under the skin of the animal
thus prepared 0.1 ml of the solution of which it is advisable to
control the activity. One measurement then the diameter of the
blue stains appeared around the injection points. For this purpose
one scanne skin, then the file bitmap is recorded. Then one
measurement dimension in pixels of the blue stains due to the
The numbers 3,4, 10,11 which appear in the first column of the
table hereafter correspond to the references of figure 3.
<Tb> - The injection number 3 watch that the vortexée
solution with very low concentration (1pM) of the neurotransmitter
acetylcholine (ACh) starts a substantial cutaneous reaction (1
949.103 pixels) compared to the same not vortexée solution which
does not start reaction like the watch the injection number 4 (43
103 pixels).
- The comparing of the injection number 3 (1 949.103 pixels) and
of the injection number 11 (1 154.103 pixels) watch that the
activity of a solution with very low vortexée concentration is
very with fact comparable with that of a not vortexée solution
with higher concentration (L, uM, usual concentration in
traditional pharmacology) - the injection number 10 is carried out
with a vortexée solution picomolaire (lpM) of a product near of
acetylcholine but inactive: the mixture acetate/choline (AC). This
injection watch that cutaneous reaction of guinea-pig is else
specific of the nature of substance in solution bus this solution
of acetate/choline vortexée in the same conditions that the
present injection number 1 no effect (25 103 pixels).
Method and device for
transmitting the biological activity of a carrier material as
a signal to another carrier material, and for processing said
signal, and product thereby obtained
The invention has as an object a new process of preparation of
homeopathic compositions starting from an initial solution
containing an active substance.
The invention also has as an object an automatic apparatus for the
bringing in work of the aforementioned process.
Until this day, the technical ones of manufacture used for the
preparation of composition homeopathic take as a starting point
those recommended by Hannemann and it act primarily of the
triturate, the impregnation and dilution (for example, centesimal
or decimal).
The technical one of dilution makes it possible to prepare
homeopathic dilutions which are capable to be used such as they
are or which are embedded with one excipient neutral for the
Galenic shaper which constitutes the finished drug.
With regard to the technical one of manufacture by centesimal
dilution, one can proceed in the following way
- one lays out a series of bottles and stoppers washed with water
and dried, from of corresponding number with the number of
centesimal dilution to obtain;
- one puts in the first bottle a part by weight of basic substance
supplemented at 100 parts by weight in volume by means of the
suitable carrier;
- 100 times at least are shaken; dilution obtained is the first
CH; one takes a part by volume of this first CH and one pours in
the second bottle containing 99 parts of the vehicle already;
- 100 times also are shaken; dilution obtained thus is the second
For decimal dilutions, one operates in an identical way, but
according to the decimal series.
The step of shake previously evoked constitutes dynamization.
This step of shake is also refer agitating or succussion, and it
is of fundamental importance, for the obtaining of active
homeopathic compositions.
To date, in an industrial way, the process of preparation of
homeopathic drugs rests on the use of two apparatuses: one is a
conventional apparatus of dilution and the second an apparatus of
agitating. Between each step, the solution to be diluted is
extracted from the apparatus of dilution and is bringing in the
apparatus of succussion, then again in the apparatus of dilution
for the following step.
The bringing in work of this process implies manual manipulating
of the tubes, which constitutes a loss of time and a possibility
of error.
One of the appearances of the invention is to provide a process of
preparation of homeopathic compositions in which the step of
succussion is simplified.
One of the appearances of the invention is to provide a process of
preparation which can be automated by reducing the losses of time
and the sources of error.
One still of the appearances of the invention is to propose a
machine wholly automated.
The process of the invention of homeopathic preparation of
composition starting from solutions of given dilution, themselves
coming from an initial solution containing an active substance, in
which the initial solution containing active substance undergoes a
series of steps of successive dilution, the first dilution of the
initial solution being obtained by taking away of a fraction or
whole of the initial solution, and the mixing of this fraction or
whole of the initial solution in a solution of dilution, which
gives the solution of the first dilution, the second dilution of
the initial solution being obtained by taking away of a fraction
or whole of the solution of the first dilution, and the mixing of
this fraction or whole of the solution of the first dilution in a
solution of dilution, to give the solution of the second dilution
and so on, until the solution of last dilution, each solution
going of the solution of the first dilution to the solution of
last dilution, constituting a solution of given dilution, is
characterized in what one proceeds to a step of agitating of the
solution of given dilution at least after all ten dilutions,
preferably after all three dilutions, advantageously after each
dilution, agitating being consisted a creating step of bubbles in
the solution of given dilution using blowing degaz ata sufficient
rate of agitating to create the formation ofa vortex in the
solution of given dilution to agitate.
By “vortex”, one indicates a vortex created in an intermediate
solution, by gas insufflated under a sufficient pressure.
By simplification, the expression “creation of bubbles” will be
indicated by the term “bullage”.
By “homeopathic compositions”, it is necessary to
include/understand the compositions obtained starting from
solutions of given dilution containing of active substances to
very low amounts, even to infinitesimal amounts and compositions
in which there is no more active substance.
Preferably, the first dilution is carried out by taking a part of
the initial solution, and each given dilution is carried out by
taking a part of the solution of previous dilution.
To fix the ideas, the homeopathic compositions coming from
solutions of given dilution obtained by the process of the
invention are such as active substance is low with 10-10 moles/l,
advantageously low with 10-12 moles/l, and preferably low with
10-14 moles/l, or do not contain any more active substance.
In the process of the invention, one simplified the step of
agitating by a step of bullage using gas blowing ata sufficient
rate of agitating to create the formation of a vortex in the
solution to be agitated.
According to a beneficial embodiment of the process of the
invention, the bullage is carried out after each dilution.
According to another embodiment of the invention, some of the
steps of agitating can be carried out manually for example while
placing the container containing the solution to be agitated on an
apparatus with agitating by eccentric.
One after can for example the first dilution, to manually agitate
the solution of the first dilution like indicated above, then to
use the bullage, in accordance with the invention.
The insufflated gas can be consisted nitrogen, advantageously by
To create the formation of a vortex in the solution to be agitated
via the bullage, the responsible gas of the agitating can be
insufflated with a pressure from approximately 5 with
approximately 6 bars.
According to an embodiment prefered of the process of the
invention, the appropriate rate of agitating is obtained by
blowing of air of an active volume of approximately of the third
to approximately once the volume of the solution to be agitated,
the insufflated volume of air being advantageously a volume from
approximately 100 1 to approximately 10 ml, particularly 500A1,
under a sufficient pressure, and such as the temperature
approximately 45 " C do not exceed.
According to another embodiment of the process of the invention,
one carries out, between two successive dilutions, a rinsing step
of the apparatus which allows the taking away of a fraction of the
whole of the initial solution and each intermediate solution and
the mixing of this fraction or whole in a solution of dilution.
The rinsing step between two successive dilutions (respectively
indicated by “dilution coming initially” and “dilution coming in
second place”) can be carried out between dilution coming
initially and the bullage of the solution of corresponding given
dilution, or can take place after the bullage, or can be
concomitant with each dilution.
In this last case, for this making, and as example relative with
the concomitant rinsing with dilution coming in second place, one
takes dilution initially coming an amount of this one with the
rinsed apparatus (in a concomitant way to dilution coming
initially), amount which one introduces into the tube intended for
dilution coming in second place, then one takes with the same
device approximately the half of the volume necessary to dilution
coming in second place, and one rejects it into the tube intended
for dilution coming in second place and one takes still
approximately the half of the volume necessary to dilution coming
in second place and one rejects it into the intended tube with
dilution coming in second place, which has for effect to twice
rinse the apparatus which has tracking the serving taking away to
carry out dilution coming in second place, and so on.
In what follows, the process such as defined cidessus will be
indicated by “process comprising the step of bullage”.
The invention relates to an automatic apparatus for the bringing
in work of the defined process above, comprising: - means to carry
out successive dilutions of an initial solution containing an
active substance, which dilutions lead to solutions of given
dilution, - means of bullage programmed to carry out the bullage
at least after all ten dilutions, advantageously after all three
dilutions and preferably after each dilution, - optionally of the
means of rinsing between each dilution.
The step of dilution is made up by what was indicated above, but
can be carried out in any other way for example according to the
method of
Korsakow out of single bottle, or else according to the method of
the 50 millésimales or according to the method by continuous
The initial solution and the solution of dilution can be alcoholic
solutions or of glycerin and are advantageously aqueous solutions.
The process of the invention of preparation of composition
homeopathic can also comprise a control of dilution and
contamination of solutions of given dilution.
The process of preparation of homeopathic compositions starting
from solutions of given dilution coming from an initial solution
containing an active substance, which process includes/understands
the control of the dilution and the contamination of the aforesaid
solution of given dilution, and is such as the initial solution
- sudden of successive dilutions, the first dilution of the
initial solution being obtained by taking away of a fraction or
whole of the initial solution, and the mixing of this fraction or
whole of the initial solution in a solution of dilution, which
gives the solution of the first dilution, the second dilution of
the initial solution being obtained by taking away of a fraction
or whole of the solution of the first dilution, and the mixing of
this fraction or whole of the solution of the first dilution in a
solution of dilution, to give the solution of the second dilution
and so on, until the solution of last dilution, each solution
going of the solution of the first dilution with the solution of
last dilution constituting a solution of given dilution, -
successive dilutions being such as at least one of the solutions
of given dilution contains active substance in amount low with
10-10 moles, advantageously low with 10-12 moles/l and preferably
low with 10-14 moles/l, or does not contain any more active
substance, the aforementioned solution of given dilution still
presenting an activity at great dilutions with that to which the
active substance disappeared, is characterised in that - one
introduces, before at least any of dilutions N, N being a great
integer with 0, in the solution of dilution n-l a soluble pilot
substance in the aforementioned solution and not interfering with
the solution of dilution n-l, and the pilot substance presenting
the property to disappear between dilution N - 1 + m and N + m, m
being the number of dilutions where is present the pilot
substance, and being included/understood particularly from 5 to 8,
- one proportions pilot substance at least once after dilution N,
preferably at least once in the interval going from dilution N at
dilution N - 1 + m and at least once in the going interval of
dilution N + m at dilution N + m + y, y being the range of
dilution libr
In this embodiment of the process of the invention, one uses like
pilot substance, of a substance which is easily detectable and
which is detectable until it disappears. In a beneficial way, one
uses a detectable enzyme by his chromogenic activity.
Presence of substance pilot in first the dilutions and its absence
in dilutions extreme, (i.e. great dilutions with the quatorzième
dilution and particularly with the twenty-third dilution) which is
nevertheless active, affirm the relation between the phenomenon
observed and the mechanism of high dilutions. Hand of an initial
solution containing an active substance and one it is diluted a
first time using a solution of dilution, which leads to a solution
of the first dilution, which with his revolution is diluted, to
give a solution of the second dilution, and so on to give
successive dilutions, until the solution of last dilution. Each
dilution leads to a solution of given dilution.
The process of the invention is such as it makes it possible to
control with each dilution (which gives place to a solution of
given dilution), if dilution were correctly made and if there is
no contamination. An improper dilution could, for example, to
consist of the forgetting of a front dilution or of the
introduction of a drop, container for example the active substance
with last detected dilution, or the use of a badly rinsed pipette,
which with such dilutions risk all to change.
The process is such as it makes it possible to control each
dilution and when the pilot substance is still present, to
quantify dilution by comparing the calculated theoretical amount
of pilot substance and the actually found amount. When there is no
more pilot substance, there is no more either of active substance
since the pilot substance disappears after the active substance.
After a certain number of dilutions one must expect not only the
active substance absence, but also the pilot substance absence.
Like indicated above, dilutions will be located by the first
dilution, the second dilution, the third dilution, nth dilution or
dilution 1, 2, 3, 4,… N. In an usual way, last dilutions are
dilutions 30 or 40 (decimal).
These dilutions can be made according to any scale, particularly
decimal or centesimal.
In all that precedes and all that follows, the quantified values
correspond, except opposite indications, with decimal dilutions.
But, the term “dilution” can apply to centesimal dilutions.
Progressively with dilutions, the diluted solution will be such as
it contains 10-10 moles/l, then 10-12 moles/l, then a low amount
with 10-14 moles/l. Generally audelà of this molar concentration
per liter it has there no more molecules in the solution, which
does not prevent the aforementioned diluted solution from still
presenting, and in a completely unexpected way, an activity.
Into the process of the invention, one can introduce pilot
substance before any dilution, i.e. in any solution of given
By “pilot substance not interfering with the solution of dilution
N - 1” one defines a pilot substance such as its presence does not
affect any the optional activity of the solution of dilution N -
When one introduced pilot substance with dilution N - 1 and that
one carries out the first dilution of the solution of dilution N -
1 container the pilot substance, one continuous then to dilute
until one reaches a dilution to which pilot substance disappears.
The process of the invention implies at least a proportioning of
pilot substance after dilution N. This proportioning preferably
takes place at least once in the interval going from dilution N at
dilution N - 1 + m, i.e. at least once of the first dilution of
pilot substance to the dilution to which the pilot substance
On the interval going from dilution N at dilution N - 1 + m of
pilot substance, one can make in theory a quantitative
proportioning since one after can each dilution of N with N - 1 +
m to proportion pilot substance and compare it with the calculated
theoretical corresponding value.
When the pilot substance is such as it is not present any more in
any solution of given dilution, it is also beneficial to make a
proportioning for example on three dilutions which follow that
from which the pilot substance disappeared, dilution pendant which
one does not add pilot substance.
This makes it possible to confirm that there no was contamination
compared to the dilution to which one notes that there is no more
pilot substance. In this case, it does not act more than one
quantitative control but of a qualitative control permitted by the
absence of pilot substance, the pilot subtance behaving then like
a negative control.
According to another embodiment prefered of the invention, one at
least twice introduces pilot substance, one of the two
introductions of pilot substance being carried out into the
solution of dilution N - 1, pilot substance disappearing between
dilution N - 1 + m and N + m, the other introduction is carried
out to more - early into the solution of dilution N + m, and
preferably into the solution of dilution N + m + y, N being a
great integer with 0, m being advantageously included/understood
from 5 to 8, y being advantageously included/understood from 3 to
This process corresponds to the fact that one introduces a first
time the pilot substance into the solution of dilution N - 1, one
dilutes until the obtaining of a solution of dilution in which the
pilot substance disappeared and without adding pilot substance
again before this one did not disappear, if not the proportioning
carried out on each dilution of the solution of dilution N to the
dilution in which the pilot substance disappeared would not have
any more a smell.
It is thus waited until the pilot substance disappeared to add
some again. One can again add pilot substance to the dilution
which immediately follows that for which the pilot substance
disappeared, but in a beneficial way, one again adds pilot
substance from 2 to 10 dilutions which follow the dilution to
which the pilot substance disappeared for the first time, and
advantageously starting from the third, fourth or fifth dilution
which follows dilution corresponding one to the disappearance of
pilot substance.
One can thus repeat the process of introduction of pilot substance
all the times that this one disappeared or while waiting for 3
dilutions with 5 dilutions after the dilution from which the pilot
substance disappeared.
In practice, according to the process of the invention, one can
reintroduce pilot substance has regular interval, and it is enough
for example to be able to detect pilot substance on 3 or 4
dilutions, to show that the reduction in pilot substance is
regular (thus that dilutions are correct) and that apart from the
zones where the pilot substance is detectable, there is no
According to an embodiment of the process of the invention, one
introduces pilot substance for the first time into the solution of
dilution N - 1, then one reintroduces pilot substance in the
solution of dilution which follows that which corresponds to the
disappearance of pilot substance introduced into dilution N - 1,
then one reintroduces second once the pilot substance in the
solution of dilution which follows that which corresponds to the
disappearance of reintroduced pilot substance and so on.
According to another embodiment of the process of the invention,
one introduces pilot substance for the first time into the
solution of dilution N - 1, pilot substance disappearing between
dilution N - 1 + m and N + m, m being included/understood
particularly from 5 to 8, one reintroduces pilot substance in the
solution of dilution N + m + y, y being included/understood from 2
to 10, advantageously from 3 to 5, and so on.
According to another embodiment one introduces pilot substance for
the first time into the solution of dilution N - 1, then every m
dilutions, m being included/understood from 5 to 15,
advantageously from 10 to 15, and advantageously still 10 or 15.
According to a beneficial embodiment, the process of the invention
is such as - the solution initial sudden of successive dilutions,
the first dilution of the initial solution being obtained by
taking away of a fraction or whole of the initial solution, and
the mixing of this fraction or whole of the initial solution in a
solution of dilution, which gives the solution of the first
dilution, the second dilution of the initial solution being
obtained by taking away of a fraction or whole of the solution of
the first dilution, and the mixing of this fraction or whole of
the solution of the first dilution in a solution of dilution, to
give the solution of the second dilution and thus of continuation,
until the solution of last dilution, - each solution going of the
solution of the first dilution to the solution of last dilution
constituting a solution of given dilution, - each solution of
given dilution undergoes a vigorous agitating, - successive
dilutions being such as at least one of the solutions of given
dilution contains active substance in amount low with 10-10 moles,
advantageously low with 10-12 moles/l and preferably low with
10-14 moles/l, or does not contain any more active substance, the
aforementioned solution of given dilution still presenting an
activity at great dilutions with that to which the active
substance disappeared, characterised in that:: - one introduces,
before at least any of dilutions N, N being a great integer with
0, in the solution of dilution n-l a soluble pilot substance in
the aforementioned solution and not interfering with the solution
of dilution n-l,
* pilot substance presenting the property to be detectable at
great dilutions with that from which the active substance is not
detectable any more, and
* the pilot substance presenting the property also to disappear
between dilution N - 1 + m and N + m, m being the number of
dilutions where is present the pilot substance and being
included/understood particularly from 5 to 8, - one proportions
pilot substance at least once after dilution N, preferably at
least once in the interval going from dilution N at dilution N - 1
+ m and at least once in the going interval of dilution N + m at
dilution N + m + y, y being the range of free dilution of pilot
substance and being advantageously included/understood from 3 to
5, - and of dilution N to dilution N - 1 + m one compares the
value of the concentration of pilot substance obtained and the
value of the concentration of pilot substance calculated according
to dilution, which makes it possible to control dilutions
quantitatively, and - dilution N + m with dilution N + m + y, one
checks that there is no more pilot substance, which makes it
possible to control on the one hand the quality of dilutions and
on the other hand the absence of contamination.
The pilot substance is endowed with the property to be detectable
to great dilutions with that from which the active substance is
not detectable any more, i.e. if it were introduced into the
initial solution before the first dilution of the starting
solution it disappears with a great dilution with that to which
the active substance is not detectable any more.
To fix the ideas, taking into account the available technical
means to date, a substance is detectable by the usual biochemical
means until an amount of approximately 106 moles/l.
In certain cases, the active substances can be detectable up to
10-12 moles/l. But, this implies very responsive detection
With regard to pilot substance, in a general way, it is detectable
until approximately 3x10-10-3x10-11 moles/l, which corresponds to
dilution 7 when the initial concentration is approximately 0,1
approximately 10 mg/l, particularly from approximately 1 mg/ml.
Amount in moles/l, until which the pilot substance is detectable
corresponds to the limit from which one considers that there is no
more pilot substance.
Gold, the usable active substances in the process of the invention
are detectable with concentrations of approximately lx10-3 with
1x10-6 moles/l, i.e. until approximately the third decimal
dilution, for an initial concentration of approximately lx10-3
According to a beneficial embodiment of the process of the
invention, the pilot substance is introduced with dilution N - 1,
and disappearing between dilution N - 1 + m and N + m, it is
reintroduced with dilution N + m + there the interval m + y + 1
being such as, - on approximately one of the two halves of this
interval dilutions are such as the corresponding solutions of
dilution are not active and - on approximately the other half of
this interval, one at least of the corresponding solutions of
dilution is active.
Represented on
Figure 1
- in dotted lines variation of the activity of the solution of
dilution according to dilution,
- in strokes full variation of the initial concentration of pilot
substance added at the beginning according to dilution, and
- in short dotted lines - long dotted lines, variation of initial
concentration of active substance according to the solution of
To fix the ideas, the initial concentration of pilot substance is
approximately 1 mg/ml, and that of active substance is
approximately 1 mg/ml.
On this figure 1, given with illustrative and nonrestrictive
titre, the pilot substance disappears between dilution 7 and 8,
the active substance disappears between dilution 4 and 5, the
interval of dilution on which the pilot substance is present is 0
to 8 dilutions. On the half of this interval it be-to saying from
0 to 4 dilutions, one notes that the present solution a certain
activity whereas on the other half of the interval, i.e. fourth
with eighth dilutions, the present solution more activity. On the
interval from 0 to 4 dilutions, the pilot substance is such as
there is an activity in the solution of corresponding dilution and
on the interval from 4 to 8 dilutions the pilot substance is such
as it does not have there only an activity of the solutions of
corresponding dilutions.
According to another embodiment, the present pilot substance the
property according to which if it is introduced into the initial
solution before the first dilution of the starting solution and if
the active substance disappears (is not detectable any more)
between dilution p and dilution p + 1, the pilot substance
disappears between dilution p + X and dilution p + X + 1, X being
included/understood particularly from 2 to 4, p being
included/understood particularly from 3 to 6.
In the know-indicated definitions, m corresponds to p + X, when
the pilot substance is introduced into the initial solution before
the first dilution of the starting solution.
According to another embodiment of the invention, the process
includes/understands the following steps: - one introduces pilot
substance into the initial solution containing active substance
before the first dilution of the aforesaid the initial solution, -
one carries out successive dilutions of the initial solution
containing active substance and pilot substance, the first
dilution of the initial solution being obtained by taking away of
a fraction or whole of the initial solution, and the mixing of
this fraction or whole of the initial solution in a solution of
dilution, which gives the solution of the first dilution, the
second dilution of the initial solution being obtained by taking
away of a fraction or whole of the solution of the first dilution,
and the mixing of this fraction or whole of the solution of the
first dilution in a solution of dilution, to give the solution of
the second dilution and so on, until the solution of last
dilution, the active substance disappears between dilution p and
dilution p + 1 and the pilot substance disappears between dilution
p + X and dilution p + X + 1, p being included/understood from 3
to 6, X being included/understood from 2 to 4, the solution still
presenting an activity for at least a dilution great or equal with
dilution p + 1, - after the first dilution, one takes for at least
a given dilution, starting from the obtained solution with the
exit of the aforesaid dilution an amount sufficient of solution to
proportion pilot substance, and preferably one proportions pilot
substance with each dilution of dilution 1 with dilution p + X and
preferably at least once of dilution p + X + 1 with dilution 1 + p
+ X + y, y being advantageously included/understood from 2 to 10,
advantageously from 3 to 5, and advantageously still with each
dilution of dilution p + X + 1 with dilution 1 + p + X + y, - and
of dilution 1 with dilution p + X, one compares the value of the
concentration of pilot substance obtained and the value of the
concentration of pilot substance calculated according to dilution,
what makes it possible to control quantitativemen
According to another embodiment one introduces for the first time
pilot substance before the first dilution, then one introduces
pilot substance for the second time into the solution of dilution
which follows that to which the pilot substance introduced for the
second time disappears, then one introduces third once the pilot
substance into the solution of dilution which follows that which
corresponds to the disappearance of introduced pilot substance the
second time, and so on.
In a beneficial way, each introduction of pilot substance takes
place from 2 to 10, advantageously 3 to 5 dilutions after that
which corresponds to the disappearance of pilot substance
previously introduced.
According to another embodiment one introduces pilot substance
before the first dilution and every m dilutions, m being
included/understood from 5 to 15, advantageously from 10 to 15,
and advantageously still 10 or 15.
According to another embodiment, one introduces pilot substance
for the first time into the initial solution, then all ten
dilutions starting from the initial solution.
According to another embodiment one proportions pilot substance
advantageously all 10 dilutions, and preferably with each
According to another embodiment the initial solution contains an
active substance at a rate of approximately lx10-3 with
approximately lx10-6 moles/l.
According to another embodiment, when the pilot substance is
consisted an enzyme, this one is selected among peroxidase, is
particularly the horseradish peroxidase, detectable by its
reactivity with the substrate D-phenylene diamine in medium H2O2.
The initial solution and the solution of dilution are aqueous
solutions, of pure alcohol, or glycerin, and a beneficial way of
the aqueous solutions.
The invention also relates to an automatic apparatus for the
bringing in work of the defined process above, comprising: - means
to carry out successive dilutions of an initial solution
containing an active substance, which dilutions lead to solutions
of given dilution, - means of bullage programmed to carry out the
bullage at least after all ten dilutions, advantageously after all
three dilutions and preferably after each dilution, - optionally
of the means of rinsing between each dilution, - means to carry
out the control of dilution and contamination of the solutions of
given dilution obtained repsectivement at the end of successive
The solutions of dilution given, obtained in accordance with the
defined process above comprising the step of bullage and
optionally controlled as for their dilution and with their
contamination can be used such as they are like finished drug, or
can be used as active solutions, for the preparation of
composition homeopathic Galenic solid.
With regard to the solid homeopathic Galenic compositions, one can
quote the granules or globules, which are made active by
impregnation in a solution of given dilution obtained according to
the defined process above comprising the step of bullage and
optionally controlled as for its purity and its contamination like
indicated above.
This example is relative with the control of the activation and
the inhibition of the achromasy of basophilic human, by using the
comprising process the steps of bullage and verification of
dilution and the contamination in accordance with the invention.
Accurately, in this example, one checks the effect of high
dilutions of an anti-IgE antibody on the basophilic human ones,
the solutions of high dilution prepared and being controlled as
for their dilution and with their contamination according to the
process of the invention.
I1 is carried out at subjects not presenting any recognized
allergy, neither hiv-positive individuals nor hepatitis-positive.
Twenty ml of blood of these donors are collected in two
glycerol-coated glass tubes containing each one 250 1 of
anticoagulant thus prepared
- To mix (1: 1) two solutions of EDTA-Na2 and EDTA-Na4 (Merck,
Darmstadt, FRG) 0,2 M, pH 7,40.
* EDTA-NaCl2 (PM=372,24): 3,7 G dissolved in 50 ml of water
distilled heated,
* EDTA-Na4 (PM=452,24): 4,5 G dissolved in 50 ml of water
distilled cold.
- A 100 ml of the mixing, one adds heparin without phenol (Choay,
Paris, France) to the final concentration of 40 U/ml (c.a.d. 4000
U in 100 EDTA ml of solution).
The tubes containing the anticoagulant (250 pl/tube) prepared with
the advance and are preserved at +4 " C.
One has two plugs
- a plug of washing, not containing calcium, necessary with the
preparation of the cells;
- a plug of dilution, container of calcium, necessary with the
preparation of dilutions.
These two plugs are prepared extemporanément starting from the
plug of Tyrode following stock 1. Plug of plugged Tyrode with 1 '
HEPES: “Tyrode
The products are dissolved hot by agitating in ultrapure water
(obtained after processing by a machine with reverse osmosis and
filtration). The pH is adjusted to 7,40 with NaOH 5N and 1N.Le
plug then is filtered (filter 2 clam, Costar, Cambridge, the USA)
under sterile hood and is preserved at +4 " C during 10 days
Source of the products
KC1, Nazi, Glucose, EDTA-Na4 are reagents for cellular culture,
Sigma Chemical Company, Saint
Louis, Missouri, the USA.
HEPES, Seromed S, Biochrom KG, Berlin, GDR.
2. The plug of washing
It is the plug of Tyrode-HEPES brought back to the temperature
ambient and adjusted with pH 7,40 extemporanément.
3. The plug of dilution
It is the plug of previous Tyrode, carried at temperature ambient
and adjusted extemporanément with pH 7,40 after addition of
a) Solution stock of CaCl, 220 mms
1,62 G of CaCl2 2H20 in 50 ml of plug of
Tyrode-HEPES with pH 7.40. The conservation takes place at +4 " C.
b) Plug of dilution
The final concentration in dilutions is of llmM: 5 ml of CaCl2 220
mms q.s.p. 100 ml of plug of
Tyrode-HEPES. To adjust with pH 7,40 with NaOH 1N or 0, lN.
Dilutions of ultrapure distilled water prepared and are not tested
systematically for all the experiments.
1. Anti-IgE antisérums and anti-IgG
I1 acts of a antisérum of human goat anti-IgG (specific Fc,
GAHu/IgG (Fc)) and of a antisérum of human anti-IgE goat (specific
GAHu/IgE (Fc))(Nordic Immunology, Tilburg, Tea
Netherlands) whose concentration in antibody is 1 mg/ml.
The antisérums freeze-dried are taken again by 1 aliquot ml of
water distilled ultrapure then out of tubes eppendorf (15 Al/tube)
and preserved at -200C.
The concentration in antibody is 1 mg/ml.
2. Dilution of the antisérums and ultrapure distilled water
Dilutions are done under the control of a seeker foreign at the
laboratory and responsible of the random processing of results
(INSERM U292).
They are carried out under hood with laminar flow on a
Programmable controller 222-401E Gilson (Gilson
Medical Electronics, France) by using sterile tubes new pulleds up
with the fate of 5 ml out of polypropylene (Greiner). The plug of
dilution used is plug of Tyrode-HEPES containing of calcium 11 mms
and adjusted with pH 7,40.
One dilutes initially ultrapure distilled water, then the
anti-IgG, then the antione. A cycle of rinsing is programmed at
the beginning and fine of each range of dilutions. Those comprise
29 tubes going from dilution 1 X 102 with dilution 1 X 1030 of
distilled water ultrapure or the solution of antisérum anti-IgG or
anti-IgE starting.
As enzymatic tracer allowing to judge good practice of dilutions,
one adds peroxidase (Sigma) at the same time as water distilled or
the antisérum anti-IgG or anti-IgE. The peroxidase solution
prepared to 1 mg/ml, aliquotée out of tubes eppendorf (15 Al/tube)
and was preserved at -20 C.
Performing of a range of dilutions
The 29 tubes of the range, voids and supporting the corresponding
number with their dilution labeled with the felt, are placed on
portoir it automatic apparatus
In the first tube, corresponding one with dilution 1 X 102, 10 1
of distilled water or anti-IgG or the antione (1 mg/ml) and 10
peroxidase p1 (1 mg/ml) are added to 980 p1 plug of Tyrode
containing of calcium 11 mms (plug of dilution). The tube is
stopped and agitated pendent 30 dry on a Vortex.
Dilution 1 X 102 made manually is replaced on portoir it and the
automatic programme of dilution is then committed. After a cycle
of rinsing with the plug of dilution, a syringe of 500 1 (piston
stainless) takes 100 pl dilution 1 X 102 and aspires 400 it plug
of dilution. The whole is rejected into the following,
corresponding tube with dilution 1 X 103. Five hundred lil of plug
of dilution are still aspired and rejected into the tube of
dilution 1 X 103, which ensures the rinsing of the syringe. The
agitating of dilution is ensured by a suction-delivery of 500 Tl
of air, 5 times of continuation, with maximum of rate of delivery.
Does the needle take then 100 p1 dilution 1 X 103, aspires 400? L
then 500 pl of plug of dilution according to the same process that
previously to obtain dilution 1 X 104 and so on de.
With dilution 1 X 1030, the apparatus stops automatically and
engages a cycle of rinsing. A new range can then be bringing in
Scheme of the process of dilution automatic of the anti-IgE
This scheme makes the object of figure 2, on which one represented
the automatic process of dilution in which the steps of agitating
mentioned by “bullage” are made in accordance with the process of
the invention and in which the step of agitating which follows the
first dilution is made manually on an apparatus with agitating by
3. Coding of the tubes of dilutions of distilled water and
During an experiment “activation”, one tests
- ponderal dilutions 1 X 102 to 1 X 104 the antiones and control
anti-IgG and/or distilled water;
- high dilutions 1 X 1021 to 1 X 1030 (audelà of the limited
number of molecules calculated thanks to the number of Avogadro)
the antione and control anti-IgG and/or distilled water. Any part
of the range of dilution beyond the given limit by the number of
Avogadro can be used;
- inner witnesses controlling the sensitivity with calcium of
basophilic and corresponding one to the plugs of Tyrode without
calcium and Tyrode with calcium.
a) Performing of the code
In this protocol “activation”, all the tubes are tested into
The foreign seeker at the laboratory and controlling the
performing of the experiments allots to each tube, following a
table of randomization
- a number ranging between 1 and 30 when the experiment compares
the effectiveness of dilutions the antione and anti-IgG;
- a number ranging between 1 and 43 when the experiment compares
the effectiveness of dilutions of distilled water, anti-IgG and
For this making, the numbers corresponding one with dilutions and
labeled with the felt on the tubes are unobtrusive with alcohol
and of the labels supporting a code number are stuck on the tubes.
Example: in the case of a code ranging between 1 and 30, the coded
tubes will be
- tubes of dilutions lx102 to 1x104 the anti one
IgG (3 tubes) and of anti-IgE (3 tubes);
- tubes of dilutions 1 X 1021 to 1 X 1030 of anti-IgG (10 tubes)
and anti-IgE (10 tubes);
- inner tubes of controls: 1) plug of dilution, Tyrode with
calcium (2 tubes); 2) plug of washing, Tyrode without calcium (2
b) Diluting of the coded range from 1 to 30 or 1 to 43
Of each coded tube, one takes 200 iil (Pipetman 200) which are
deposited in tubes of agregameter of 1 ml. The tubes are stopped
and carried by the person having made the code for a proportioning
of optional, subsequent and independent control, immunoglobulines
being able to be contained in dilutions (proportioning by
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) or any other appropriate
control (mass spectrometry etc…).
Before proceeding to the obtaining of an enriched suspension into
basophilic starting from the blood collected on the anticoagulant
heparin-EDTA (paragraph I), one determines the number of
basophilic present per mm3 of total blood of the subject.
1. Coloring and counting of basophilic on total blood
The basophilic ones are counted thanks to their property of
metachromatic coloring with the blue one of toluidine.
a) Solution of coloring: the blue one of toluidine
Hundred mg of blue of toluidine (Toluidine Blue, HEREINAFTER N0
52040 C15 H16 CIN3 S, PM=305,84, Fluka, Mulhouse,
France) are dissolved in 100 ml of ethanol 25% and adjusted with
pH 3,20-3,40 with 80-100 p1 of glacial acetic acid. The solution
is preserved at ambient temperature out of hermetically closed
bottle and at the shelter of the light.
b) Coloring
It is carried out by mixing 90 1 of colorant and 10 p1 of total
blood in the well with round bottom of a plate of microtitration
(Costar). The mixing is immediately and gently agitated by 5 to 6
suctions and deliveries using the pipette (Pipetman 200) having
been used to deposit the colorant.
c) Counting of the basophilic ones
Five to 10 minutes after the mixing of the blood and the colorant,
this one again gently is agitated and immediately deposited in a
chamber of Fuchs
Rosenthal (3,2 mm3) using a pipette (Pipetman 200).
The blade is deposited in moist atmosphere (in one limps closed
and humidified) to avoid its drying. After 3 to 5 minutes
corresponding one at time necessary so that the suspension
coloured deposited in the chamber of the hemocytometer, one
carries out counting on a Olympus microscope with the enlargement
G X 10 X 20.
The basophilic ones are the single cells having a coloured
cytoplasm. They appear red and are very easily identified on a
pale bottom. In case of doubt, it is necessary to modify the focus
in order to else distinguish the cytoplasms coloured into pink-red
from basophilic from those of the other cells which remain
transparent. The cores of the other leucocytes are slightly
coloured into blue.
Generally, on total blood, one counts on average 7 to 15
basophilic per chamber of Fuchs
Rosenthal, their number which can go from 2-3 to 30-35.
2. Obtaining of an enriched suspension into basophilic
When 10 the 1 necessary ones with the counting of basophilic on
total blood are taken, of the Dextran
T500 4, % (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden) is added at a rate of a
volume for five blood volumes. The tubes are inclined and
progressively sedimentation (20 min approximately with 1 X G at
ambient temperature), one collects the rich plasma in leucocytes
as well as red globules in suspension. The presence of these last
reinforce the coloring of basophilic by the blue one of toluidine
(viewing empirically made at the laboratory during the
experimental tests).
The sedimentation is collected in 2 plastic tubes of 10 ml to
which one adds plug of washing (Tyrode-HEPES without calcium, pH
7,40). After centrifuging (150 X G, 10 min), the bases of
leucocytes (+ red globules) are joined together in only one tube,
suspended in 10 ml of plug of washing and again centrifuged (150 X
G, 10 min). The rich plasma in leucocytes is initially separate in
2 tubes in order to better wash the cells.
The base is finally included in aliquot of the same plug, between
400 and 900 p1 approximately, according to the number of wells to
be deposited (10 p1 suspension X time the number of wells + 40 to
60 1 additional for the losses on the walls of the tube).
One represented on figure 3 the scheme of the cell preparation.
After the preparation of dilutions of antisérums anti-IgG and
anti-IgE (and, for about fifteen experiments, dilutions of
distilled water) and their coding, after obtaining of the enriched
suspension into basophilic, one proceeds to the test itself, under
hood with laminar flow. The process is identical in the case of
the code with 30 tubes and the code with 43 tubes.
1. Protocol
- Ten iil of plug of washing (Tyrode without calcium) are
deposited at the bottom of 30 (or 43) wells at round bottom of a
plate of sterile microtitration (Costar), by avoiding the
peripheral wells where the risks of contamination and evaporation
are larger,
- twenty 1 of each coded dilution (code from 1 to 30 or 1 to 43)
is then deposited at the bottom of these same wells,
- the plate is preincubated 5 min at 37 " C, under Scotch tape and
lid to avoid the evaporation of the contents of the wells,
- ten iil of enriched suspension are then added,
- the plate is then gently agitated by slow rotary motions in
order to homogenize the contents of each well; it is substantial
that this agitating is mild in order to avoid any contamination
from one well to another,
- the plate is then incubated 15 min at 37 C, under adhesive tape
and lid to avoid any evaporation,
- after incubation, 90 1 of blue of toluidine are added to each
well and immediately agitated by 5 to 6 suctions and deliveries
with a pipette multichannel. One changes cones between each row of
- after coloring, the plate is ribbon adhésifée and preserved one
night at +4 " C before carrying out the reading. On cells, washed,
the coloring is more homogeneous after several hours.
2. Scheme of plate
10 L plug of washing (Tyrode without Ca++)
+ 20 p1 coded dilutions (1 to 30)
PREINCUBATION 5 min at 37 " C
+ 10 y1 suspension rich into basophilic (+
red globules)
INCUBATION 15 min at 37 " C
+ 90 toluidine p1 blue
CONSERVATION one night at +4 " C then READING
3. Reading with the optical microscope. Counting of the basophilic
The basophilic ones are counted the following day the
experimentation consequently person who has prepared the cells the
sleep. The technical one is identical with that of the counting of
basophilic in total blood (IV-l-c paragraph).
When the number of basophilic is substantial (great to 100 on a
whole chamber of Fuchs
Rosenthal), it is possible not to read (for all the wells) only
one half-chamber. So more than 150 basophilic appear on a
half-chamber of Fuchs-Rosenthal, it is preferable to deposit the
contents of the wells in the chamber of a hemocytometer of
Malassez (1 mm3).
Three to five minutes are necessary to count the contents into
basophilic of a chamber of hemocytometer. A trained experimenter
can prepare 3 to 4 hemocytometers at the same time with the
proviso of storing those in one limps humidified in order to avoid
their drying. In case of doubt about an account, it is possible to
redeposit the contents of a well in a chamber of Fuchs-Rosenthal
to proceed on a new account. Be born it is recommended not to
renew this operation more twice for a same well because it seems
that the taking away repeated with agitating can damage the sample
and involve erratic results then.
The numbers of basophilic are deferred in a table to the image of
the scheme of the plate.
4. Control quality of dilutions of antisérums anti-IgG and
anti-IgE: Proportioning of peroxidase
The peroxidase is proportioned day-same experimentation,
independently, by the second person taking hand with the protocol
and not having made the experiment this day. The purpose of I1 is
controlling the process of dilution and detecting an optional
contamination of high dilutions by ponderal concentrations of
antisérum, contamination which would be then responsible
biological activity observed with high dilution.
It is a proportioning by spectrocolorimetry with 490 Nm based on
the reactivity of peroxidase with the substrate
O-Phenylene-Diamine in medium H2 2
a) Preparation of the plugs and solutions
- Plug citrate pH 5,0
It is a mixing of 20,5 ml of a solution 0,1M of citric acid
(PM=210,1) and 29,5 ml of a solution 0,1M of sodium citrate
- Solution d10-Phenylene-Diamine (OPD)
Eight mg of OPD (Sigma) are dissolved extemporanément in 10 ml of
plug citrate pH 5,0.
The solution is preserved at the shelter of the light under
aluminium sheet.
b) Proportioning
In the wells of a plate of flat-bottomed microtitration 96 wells
(Costar), one deposit successively
- 50 1 of each coded dilution (from 1 to 30 or 1 to 43) and of
uncoded dilutions (1 X 105 to 1 X 1020) of the ranges of distilled
water, anti-IgG and anti-IgE (Pipetman 200).
- 50 1 of OPD with 8 mg/10 ml (pipette saddle jib crane
- 10 H2 iil 2 30 flight. (pipette saddle jib crane eppendorf).
One observes a coloring yellow-orange of the corresponding well to
the most concentrated dilutions.
To let the reaction be made pendent 10 minutes with the shelter of
the light, under aluminium.
To add 50 A1 (pipette saddle jib crane eppendorf) of H2 S04 9% (H2
concentrated S04, diluted 10 times, 3% final in the well). The
coloring previously observed is accentuated (coloring
To see immediately to 490 Nm with a spectrophotometer-reader of
automatic plate (Dynatech Laboratories). The results are
automatically recorded and printed.
Scheme of plate
Example in the case of a code from 1 to 30
5) Results “activation”
The results (numbers of basophilic + proportioning peroxidase) are
given each day to the person having made the codes.
The tubes corresponding one with each experiment are locked up in
an envelope sealed and dated and preserved at +4 " C, with fine of
subsequent controls.
a) Interpretation of the results
It will be made after an independent statistical analysis, on the
experiments selected according to following criteria's
1. Number of basophilic in the witnesses great with 35. The
witnesses correspond to dilutions of distilled water, anti-IgG and
with the inner witnesses (plug of Tyrode with and without Ca++).
2. Anti-IgE activity with ponderal amount great to 40% of
achromasy compared to respective ponderal dilutions of distilled
water or anti-IgG.
(The anti-IgG with ponderal amount can theoretically involve a
achromasy of basophilic compared to same dilutions of distilled
water or the witnesses “Tyrode with calcium”. One can call upon a
recognizing of the slight chains of IgE by the anti-IgG or a
anaphylactic reaction IgGdépendante).
3. In the presence of single calcium, i.e. without addition the
antione, the number of basophilic should not vary of more than
25%. This is checked by comparing the number of basophilic put in
the presence of Tyrode-calcium plug with that of basophilic put in
the presence of plug of Tyrode without calcium.
The achromasy is thus given
Nb basos of the pilot well - Nb basos of the well test00
Nb basos of the pilot well basos = basophilic
For each experiment selected according to criteria's
1) calculating of the difference between the average of the number
of basophilic counted in the wells containing the anti-IgE
solution and the average of the number of basophilic counted in
the wells containing the pilot solution (distilled water or
anti-IgG), for all the dilutions ranging between 1 X 1021 and 1 X
2) Research, also, for high dilutions the antione, presence of at
least a peak of achromasy from 3 to 4 significant successive
points according to given abacus (paragraph VI-2).
b) Representation of the results
It is made after opening of the codes, at the end of 18
interpretable experiments of activation (c.a.d. answering the
criteria of selection).
The number of experiments necessary was given after statistical
analysis of the supplied results by preliminary experiments.
The results are represented in the following way
Dilutions (anti-IgE, anti-IgG or distilled water) logarithmic are
spans in abscissae while the number of basophilic is carried in
Each graphic corresponds to an experiment. I1 comprises
1) a curve which represents the variations of the number of
basophilic according to dilutions the antione;
2) one (or two) curve (S) control (S) appearing the variations of
the number of basophilic according to dilutions of distilled water
and/or anti-IgG.
According to the average number of basophilic obtained for pilot
dilutions of distilled water and for the witness “Tyrode with
calcium”, one defines a limit of significativity corresponding one
in the number below which the effect of 1 ' anti-IgE (or the
anti-IgG) will be regarded as significant. This limit generally
corresponds to approximately 20% of achromasy. It is given by an
abacus (cf. figure 4) and is represented in dotted line on the
graphic ones.
The lower the number of basophilic is by comparing with the
average of the witnesses, the more the effect observed is
One represented on figure 4 the abacus to determine the
significativity of the achromasy of basophilic human.
The abacus indicates the significativity (p < 0,05) of the
achromasy observed for the basophilic ones. Example when 70
basophilic is counted in the well controls, 56 basophilic, at
most, must be counted in the well test so that the achromasy is
This protocol is practised either at the same time as the protocol
“activation” when the number of basophilic in the total blood of
the donor is sufficient (great to 15 on a chamber of
Fuchs-Rosenthal), or independently of the protocol “activation”,
on the blood of another donor.
1) Principle
The modulator effect of dilutions of Apis mellifica of 15 with
20CH (Centesimal Hahnemannienne) is tested comparatively with
corresponding control, NaCl 137 mms 20CH on the achromasy of
basophilic in the presence of ponderal dilutions the antione. The
effect Apis mellifica and of NaCl 137 mms is tested, as control,
on the basophilic ones put in the presence of the single plug of
dilution of anti-IgE, without anti-IgE.
2) Dilutions of Apis mellifica and NaCl 137 mms
They are supplied by the Boiron laboratories
L.H.F. (Lyon, France) out of sterile ampoules of îml, in NaCl 137
mms. The contents of the ampoules are transvased in new sterile
tubes of 5 ml out of polypropylene, under hood with laminar flow.
The tubes are progressively stopped and agitated pendent 30
seconds on a Vortex.
Identical ampoules are addressed to an outer laboratory in order
to control the quality of the products by mass spectrometry.
3) Coding of dilutions of Apis mellifica and of
NaCl 137 mms
In this protocol, we studied the modulator effect of dilutions 15
with 20CH d'Apis mellifica comparatively with a control, dilution
2OCH of
NaCl 137 mms.
All these dilutions are tested into blind. An arbitrary code
number ranging between 1 and 8 is allotted randomly to each
dilution (6 dilutions 15 with 20CH d'Apis mellifica and 2
dilutions 20CH of NaCl 137 mms) by the foreign seeker at the
laboratory which controls the process and is responsible random
interpretation of the results.
For this making, a label supporting a code number is stuck on each
tube containing corresponding dilution. The code is changed with
each new experiment, of new labels supporting a new number
replacing the previous ones.
The coded tubes are preserved of one experiment at the other at +4
" C under pendent aluminium sheet 2 weeks. After this time, a new
procedure (transfer of the ampoules in the tubes and coding) is
carried out and this, pendant all the duration of the experimental
4) Ponderal dilutions the antione
Dilutions (1 X 102 to 1 X 104) are prepared manually out of plug
of dilution (plug of Tyrode
HEPES + final Ca++ 11 mms, pH 7,40), under hood with laminar flow,
out of sterile tubes of polypropylene 5ml, starting from antisérum
of anti-IgE goat human (1 mg/ml of antibody) aliquot out of tubes
eppendorf and preserved at -20 C.
Ten p1 the antione (1 mg/ml) are added to 990 1 of plug of
dilution. The tube is stopped and agitated pendent 30 seconds on a
Vortex: dilution 1 X 102 is obtained.
Hundred 1 is taken and added by it to 900 p1 of plug of dilution
contained in a second tube.
This one is stopped and agitated with its pendent revolution 30
seconds on the Vortex. One obtains dilution 1 thus X 103 and one
proceeds in the same way for dilution 1 X 104
5) Protocol itself
Initially were thus prepared
- dilutions d1Apis mellifica,
- dilutions the antione,
- the suspense cellular ion enriched into basophilic (paragraph
The test
- Ten 1 of each of 8 coded dilutions are deposited at the bottom
of the wells at round bottom of a plate of sterile microtitration
(Costar). Each dilution is as many deposited once as of amounts
the antione to inhibit and once for the plug of dilution. In this
protocol, coded dilutions of Apis mellifica and NaCl 137 mms are
thus deposited 4 times (anti-IgE 1 X 102, 1 X 103, 1 X 104; plug
of dilution).
- Ten Ctl of suspension rich into basophilic are then deposited in
each well.
- The plate is delicately agitated by very mild rotation in order
to homogenize the contents of the wells and is left 30 minutes at
ambient temperature, under adhesive tape and lid in order to avoid
any evaporation.
- After this time of preincubation of basophilic with products 20
p1 the antiones with dilutions 1x102 lx103, lux104 and 20 it of
plug of Tyrode-HEPES containing of calcium 11 mms (and without
anti-IgE) are added to the wells for each coded dilution of Apis
mellifica and NaCl 137 mms.
- The plate is gently agitated to homogenize the contents of the
wells and is placed 15 minutes at 37 " C under adhesive tape and
lid in order to avoid the evaporation in the wells.
- After incubation, 90 Cl of blue of toluidine are added to each
well and immediately agitated by suctions and deliveries, using a
pipette multichannel. One changes the cones between each row of
- After coloring, the plate is covered with an adhesive tape and
is preserved one night at +4iC before carrying out the reading.
The coloring of the washed cells is more homogeneous after several
Scheme of plate
The witnesses “Tyrode without Ca++” (*) are added, as well as in
the protocol “activation”, to control the sensitivity of
basophilic with calcium.
6) Reading with the microscope and account of the basophilic ones:
The principle identical with that is described for the activation
of basophilic (V-3 paragraph).
7) Results
The accounts the basophilic ones are deferred in a table to the
image of the scheme of the plate and are given for each experiment
to the person having made the code.
a) Interpretation of the results
The experiments, after decoding, are retained for random
interpretation only if they answer 3 criteria
1. Number of basophilic in the witnesses great with 35 (basophilic
preincubated with of NaC1 137 mms or Apis mellifica and not having
been put in the presence of anti-IgE).
2. Spontaneous sensitivity of basophilic with single calcium low
with 25% of achromasy by comparing on the one hand the basophilic
ones which, preincubated with NaCl 137 mms, are, in the absence of
very anti
IgE, put in the presence of Tyrode-calcium plug with, in addition,
those put in the presence of plug of Tyrode without calcium.
3. Presence of at least an amount the antione presenting a
achromasy ranging between 40 and 60% of basophilic which,
preincubated with NaCl 137 mms, are put in the presence of
anti-IgE 1x102 at 1x104 compared to those put in the presence of
plug of Tyrode-Ca++ without anti-IgE. This is based on preliminary
studies which showed that below 40%, the achromasy of basophilic
is too low so that the study of inhibition can be carried out.
Above 60%, it is too strong to be able significantly to be
modulated by agonists with high dilution.
The achromasy of basophilic is thus given:
Nb basos of the pilot well - Nb basos of the well tests100
Nb basos of the pilot well basos = basophilic
b) Representation of the results
Three types of results (of number of basophilic) are obtained and
must be compared
- the corresponding wells with basophilic put in the presence of
Apis mellifica or of NaCl 137 mms but without anti-IgE give the
maximum number of basophilic. They are the witnesses of reference.
- the corresponding wells with basophilic put in the presence of
NaCl 137 mms and of anti-IgE without Apis mellifica give the
minimum number of basophilic (maximum achromasy).
- the corresponding wells with basophilic put in the presence of
Apis mellifica and of anti-IgE give a number of basophilic on
which the optional modulator effect of the product is evaluated.
The more this number will approach the maximum number of
basophilic, the more the inhibiting effect will be large.
Conversely, more this number will approach the minimum number of
basophilic, more the inhibiting effect will be low or null. If it
becomes low with this minimum number, the effect is activator.
The graphic representation
For each amount the antiones tested, dilutions of Apis mellifica
and dilutions controls of NaCl 137 mms are spans in abscissae
while the number of basophilic is carried in ordinates.
Each graphic comprises
1) a curve which represents the variations of the number of
basophilic in the presence of anti-IgE according to dilutions of
Apis mellifica and of NaCl 137 mms;
2) a curve which represents the variations of the number of
basophilic in the presence of Tyrode-Caw plug without anti-IgE
according to dilutions of Apis mellifica and of NaCl 137 mms.
c) Statistical analysis of the results
The modulator effect of dilutions of APis mellifica is studied
statistically by a test of rank of
Whitney-Wilcoxon at the end of a series of about fifteen
independent experiments. One will compare, for each dilution of
APis mellifica, the number of basophilic put in the presence of an
amount of anti-IgE with the number of basophilic preincubated with
NaCl 137 mms and put in the presence of the same amount of
These studies are carried out independently by the responsible
persons of the control of the experiments and the random
interpretation of the results.