Charlene BOEHM
DNA Frequencies
dnafrequencies.com List
Charlene Boehme : Frequencies
of Rife-related Plasma Emission Devices
C. Boehme : US7280874 --
Methods for determining therapeutic resonant frequencies
C. Boehm-et-al -- Patent
Infringement Lawsuit
C. Boehm : Prostate Cancer DNA
Frequencies -- The Rife Forum
What we offer
Sets and packages of DNA-related pathogen frequencies are offered
for sale on a consulting basis for experimental use. Because these
life forms are sometimes in a state of evolution, or as our
knowledge of them is widened, the sets of numbers will
occasionally be expanded or updated.
Many times, it's not initially known what strain of bacteria or
virus may be involved in a pathogenic infectious situation. For
that reason, some sets are offered which are designated "general".
Those sets contain numbers that relate to more than one species or
strain of an organism.
If you would like to see something of interest to you included on
these pages that you cannot currently find, please contact us.
Frequency sets for common human
Available @ dnafrequencies.com
Bartonella general
Brucella general
Childhood viruses -- Includes items from measles (red measles)
virus, mumps virus, Rubella (German measles) virus, and Chickenpox
virus (human herpesvirus 3)
Dental pathogens general -- Includes items from Streptococcus
mutans, Treponema denticola, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and
Fusobacterium nucleatum
Ehrlichia general
HPV (Human papillomavirus) cervical, general
HPV (Human papillomavirus) skin, general
Respiratory viruses general, non-influenza
Acanthamoeba castellani
Achromobacter xylosoxidans
Acinetobacter baumanii general
Acinetobacter lwoffii
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans -- Renamed: Aggregatibacter
Adenovirus type 14 (human)
Adenovirus type 36 (human)
Aeromonas hydrophila
Aeromonas veronii
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans -- Previously known as
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
Alcaligenes faecalis
Anaerococcus prevotii
Anaplasma phagocytophilum
Ancylostoma duodenale & Necator americanus
Angiostrongylus general
Aspergillus flavus
Aspergillus fumigatus
Aspergillus niger
Atopobium vaginae
Avian erythroblastosis virus
Avian leucosis virus
Avian myelocytomatosis virus
Babesia bovis
Babesia microti
Bacillus anthracis general
Bacillus cereus
Bacteroides distasonis
Bacteroides fragilis
Bacteroides vulgatus
Barmah forest virus
Bartonella bacilliformis
Bartonella clarridgeiae
Bartonella grahamii
Bartonella henselae
Bartonella quintana
Bartonella tribocorum
Bartonella vinsonii
Bayliascaris procyonis
BK virus general
Blastocystis general
Blastomyces dermatitidis
Bordetella pertussis & parapertussis
Borna disease virus
Borrelia afzelii
Borrelia bissettii
Borrelia burgdorferi
Borrelia duttonii
Borrelia garinii
Borrelia hermsii
Borrelia miyamotoi
Borrelia parkeri
Borrelia recurrentis
Borrelia spielmanii
Borrelia turicatae
Borrelia valaisiana
Brucella abortus
Brucella canis
Brucella melitensis
Brucella suis
Brugia malayi
Burkholderia cepacia & cenocepacia
Burkholderia multivorans
Campylobacter jejuni
Campylobacter rectus
Candida albicans general
Candida glabrata
Candida parapsilosis
Candida tropicalis
Capnocytophaga ochracea
Chikungunya virus
Chlamydia muridarum
Chlamydia trachomatis general
Chlamydophila caviae
Chlamydophila pecorum
Chlamydophila pneumoniae general
Chlamydophila psittaci
Citrobacter freundii
Citrobacter koseri
Clonorchis sinensis
Clostridium botulinum general
Clostridium difficile
Clostridium perfringens
Clostridium ramosum
Clostridium tetani
Coccidioides general
Coronavirus, MERS
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Corynebacterium urealyticum
Coxiella burnetti
Coxsackievirus A, types 1-12
Coxsackievirus A, types 13-24
Coxsackievirus B, type 4
Coxsackievirus B, types 1-6
Cryptococcus neoformans
Cryptosporidium hominis
Cryptosporidium parvum
Dengue virus, general
Dialister invisus
Dictyostelium discoideum
Dientamoeba fragilis
Diphyllobothrium latum & nihonkaiense
Dirofilaria immitis
Eastern equine encephalitis virus
Ebola virus
Echinococcus general
Echovirus type 11
Echovirus type 7
Ehrlichia canis
Ehrlichia chaffeensis
Eikenella corrodens
Encephalitozoon cuniculi
Entamoeba histolytica
Enterobacter cloacae
Enterobacter sakazakii
Enterobius vermicularis
Enterococcus faecalis
Enterococcus faecium
Enterococcus general
Enterovirus 68 (human)
Enterovirus 71 (human)
Epidermophyton floccosum
Epstein Barr virus
Escherichia coli (E. coli), general
Fasciola hepatica
Finegoldia magna
Francisella tularensis
Fusobacterium necrophorum
Fusobacterium nucleatum
Gardnerella vaginalis
Giardia lamblia (aka Giardia intestinalis)
Gordonia bronchialis
Granulicatella adiacens
Haemonchus contortus
Haemophilus influenzae general
Hantavirus (aka Hantaan virus)
Helicobacter hepaticus
Helicobacter pylori general
Hendra virus
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B virus general
Hepatitis C virus general
Hepatitis G
Herpes simplex 1 virus
Herpes simplex 2 virus
Histoplasma capsulatum
HIV-1 (Human immunodeficiency virus 1), general
HTLV-1 (Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1, aka Human T-cell
leukemia virus type 1)
HTLV-2 (Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 2)
Human endogenous retrovirus HRES-1
Human endogenous retrovirus K
Human endogenous retrovirus W
Human foamy virus (aka Human spumaretrovirus)
Human herpesvirus 1
Human herpesvirus 2
Human herpesvirus 3
Human herpesvirus 4
Human herpesvirus 5
Human herpesvirus 6A
Human herpesvirus 6B
Human herpesvirus 7
Human herpesvirus 8
Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1), general
Human mouse mammary tumor virus
Human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16
Human papillomavirus (HPV) type 18
Human papillomavirus (HPV) type 3
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) type 31
Human papillomavirus (HPV) type 5
Human papillomavirus (HPV) types 1 & 2
Human papillomavirus (HPV) types 3, 10, & 28
Human papillomavirus (HPV) types 38, 41, & 49
Human papillomavirus (HPV) types 4, 27, 29
Human papillomavirus (HPV) types 6 & 11
Human parvovirus B19
Human spumaretrovirus (aka Human foamy virus)
Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), aka Human T-cell
lymphotropic virus type 1
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1), aka Human T-cell
leukemia virus type 1
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 2 (HTLV-2)
Hymenolepsis diminuta
Influenza A general
Influenza B general
Japanese encephalitis virus
JC virus
Kingella kingae
Klebsiella oxytoca
Klebsiella planticola
Klebsiella pneumoniae subspecies pneumoniae
Legionella pneumophila general
Leishmania braziliensis
Leptospira general
Listeria monocytogenes
Loa loa
Louping ill virus
Malassezia sympodialis
Measles virus (red measles, rubeola)
Merkel cell polyomavirus
MERS coronavirus
Methanobacter smithii
Micrococcus luteus
Microfilaria general
Microsporum canis
Mobiluncus curtisii
Molluscum contagiosum virus
Moraxella catarrhalis
Morganella morganii
Mortierella verticillata
Mumps virus
Mycobacterium abscessus
Mycobacterium avium
Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis
Mycobacterium bovis
Mycobacterium general
Mycobacterium intracellulare
Mycobacterium kansasii
Mycobacterium leprae
Mycobacterium paratuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis general
Mycoplasma arthritidis
Mycoplasma fermentans
Mycoplasma general
Mycoplasma genitalium
Mycoplasma hominis
Mycoplasma penetrans
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Necator americanus & Ancylostoma duodenale
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria mucosa
Neorickettsia sennetsu
Nocardia farcinica
Nocardia general
Norovirus / Norwalk virus, general
Novosphingobium aromaticivorans
Ochrobactrum anthropi
Onchocerca volvulus
Opisthorchis felineus - common name: cat liver fluke
Pantoea ananatis
Parachlamydia acanthamoeba
Paragonimus westermani -- Also known as Oriental lung fluke
Parvovirus B19, human
Pasteurella multocida
Pediculus humanus capitus -- Common name: human head louse
Penicillium marneffei
Peptostreptococcus anaerobius
Peptostreptococcus stomatis
Photorhabdus asymbiotica
Plasmodium falciparum
Pneumocystis jiroveci -- formerly called Pneumocystis carinii
Poliovirus general
Porphyromonas endodontalis
Porphyromonas gingivalis
Powassan virus
Prevotella intermedia
Prevotella melaninogenica
Prevotella nigrescens
Prevotella tannerae
Propionibacterium acnes
Propionibacterium propionicum
Proteus mirabilis
Protochlamydia amoebophila
Providencia alcalifaciens
Providencia stuartii
Pseudomonas aeruginosa general
Pseudomonas fluorescens
Ralstonia pickettii
Respiratory syncytial virus general
Rhizopus oryzae
Rhodococcus equi -- Formerly called Corynebacterium equi
Rickettsia africae
Rickettsia felis -- Causes spotted fever in humans; carried by
Rickettsia prowazekii
Rickettsia rickettsii
Rickettsia typhi
Rift Valley fever virus
Ross River Virus
Rothia dentocarios
Rubella virus (German measles) -- This set is not related to
measles virus (aka red measles or rubeola)
Salmonella enterica, serovars typhi & paratyphi
Salmonella typhimurium -- This species associated with food
Schistosoma haematobium -- common name: human blood fluke
Schistosoma japonicum -- common name: Oriental blood fluke
Schistosoma mansoni -- common name: human blood fluke
Schistosoma mekongi
Serratia marcescens
Shigella general
Simian parainfluenza virus 5
Simian virus 40 (SV40)
Simkania negevensis
Chlamydia family organism
Solobacterium moorei
Spiroplasma mirum
Sporothrix schenckii
St. Louis encephalitis virus
Staphylococcus aureus general
Staphylococcus epidermidis general
Staphylococcus general
Staphylococcus haemolyticus
Staphylococcus saprophyticus
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Streptococcus agalactiae general
Streptococcus anginosus
Streptococcus constellatus subspecies pharyngitis
Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis
Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus
Streptococcus gallolyticus
Streptococcus gordonii
Streptococcus intermedius
Streptococcus mitis
Streptococcus mutans
Streptococcus oralis
Streptococcus parasanguinis
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus porcinus
Streptococcus pyogenes
Streptococcus salivarius
Streptococcus sanguinis
Streptococcus suis
Streptomyces griseus
Strongyloides stercoralis
Swine influenza A, 2009
Taenia general
Taenia hydatigena
Taenia solium -- common name: pork tapeworm
Tannerella forsythensis
Tick-borne encephalitis virus -- aka FSME virus ("Fruhsommer
Meningoenzephalitis Virus"), or Early summer meningoencephalitis
Toxocara canis & Toxocara felis -- Common names: dog roundworm
and cat roundworm
Toxoplasma gondii
Treponema denticola
Treponema pallidum
Treponema vincentii
Trichinella spiralis
Trichomonas vaginalis
Trichophyton general
Trichuris trichiura -- common name: human whipworm
Tropheryma whipplei
Trypanosoma brucei gambiense
Trypanosoma cruzi
Ureaplasma parvum
Ureaplasma urealyticum
Varicella zoster virus -- aka Human herpesvirus 3
Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus
Waddlia chondrophila
Chlamydia family organism
West Nile virus
Western equine encephalitis virus
Wolbachia endosymbiont of Brugia malayi
Wuchereria bancrofti
XMRV (Xenotropic MuLV-related virus)
Yellow fever virus
Yersinia enterocolitica
DNA Pathogen Frequencies
An abridged version of the longer one published in 1999 by
Charlene Boehm, the inventor of the DNA frequency method. Some
text from that original paper has been removed from this version
because it is outdated, redundant, or not specifically related to
the DNA frequency method.
A Look At the Frequencies of Rife-related
Plasma Emission Devices
by Charlene Boehm
This is a story of an exploration with numbers.
The origin of the MORs (Mortal Oscillatory Rates of bacteria and
viruses), originally discovered by Royal Rife during the first
half of the twentieth century, has perplexed many people since
that time. While it is generally acknowledged that some type of
resonance phenomenon destroyed or debilitated the organisms, it
has been difficult at best to pinpoint any association of specific
frequency with what is physically affecting these life forms
during the time of their debilitation or demise.
What exactly might be the destructive mechanism that is affecting
each organism? Is it a resonance related to its full size, or
perhaps that of the nucleus, mitochondria, or capsid? Is it a
correlation with some type of biochemical resonance? Why does each
organism seem to need a specific frequency? Could the phenomenon
be related to its DNA, and if so, what is the resonance
relationship? These questions and more have kept folks that use or
explore Rife-related technologies awake into the wee hours of the
morning on many occasions, and have been the focus of endless
animated discussions.
This paper will explore some possibilities that might assist in
shedding light on the resonance relationships.
These mechanisms of action require that some type of physical
parameter be available that can be converted into frequency. Two
major physics relationships, that of converting a length into
frequency (or wavelength, to be more accurate); and that of
converting mass into frequency, will be looked at in some detail.
While it is acknowledged that some of the concepts presented in
this paper will be open to dispute, it was felt that the sheer
number of correlations found with the audio frequencies currently
being used begged a closer look. For that reason these ideas are
being offered to the community of serious researchers as a
springboard for further discussion. The concepts and frequencies
discussed in this paper, and any materials eventually offered in
conjunction with this paper, are in no manner intended to suggest
treatment or cure for any disease or condition. Furthermore, this
writer cannot assume any responsibility for enhancement of or
degradation to physical health arising from use of the information
presented in this paper.
The complete genome.
The developments in the past thirty to forty years in the field of
genetics and molecular biology has resulted in an explosion of
information available to anyone that cares to take a look.
Information is widely available in medical and scientific
journals, and extensive databases can also be accessed on the
The length of any object can be thought of as having a resonant
frequency by virtue of correlation with a wave-length. For
instance, a person’s height has its own resonant wavelength and
resultant frequency. Is it possible that an organism’s entire DNA
genome could also possess a resonant wavelength and frequency
related to its total length? Is there a way to calculate the
entire length of an organism’s DNA genome? Thanks to explicit
analysis of DNA structure, it is now accurately known how far
apart the base pair molecules are spaced in that helix. If one
knows exactly how many base pairs are contained in the complete
genome, finding the entire length is a simple matter of
multiplying the number of base pairs times the spacing. [For an
explanation regarding structure and base pairs of DNA, see L.
Stryer, Biochemistry, 4th ed., (W.H. Freeman, 1995), p. 75 ff.,
ISBN 0-7167-2009-4]
As a point of discussion, it must be pointed out that advanced
x-ray analysis of crystallized DNA has shown that base pair
spacing is not always consistent. There are some very localized
areas that contain “squeezing” or “spreading” of the base pairs.
However, for the purpose of this analysis, the classic
Watson-Crick model of base pair spacing will be used, which is
actually an average spacing over the entire length of the DNA
genome. To use any other model for this discussion would make it
hopelessly complex for these purposes. For further discussion on
this subject, see Stryer, p. 788.
The dimensions of the B-helix, which is by far the most common DNA
form for bacterial and eukaryotic life forms, tells us that:
a.One complete turn of the helix spans a distance of 35.4
angstroms on its axis.
b.There are 10.4 base pairs in each helical turn. [These
measurements are given in Stryer, p. 791].
Therefore, the spacing of the individual base pairs on the axis
would be 35.4 angstroms divided by 10.4, which equals 3.403846
angstroms. In scientific notation, this can be written as 3.403846
e-10 meters. The use of meters will now make it possible to
convert this total length (or wavelength) to frequency.
Looking at an example from a real organism, the Rubella measles
virus contains 9755 base pairs in its entire DNA genome. (For
access to base pair information on viruses, go to
9755 base pairs x the base pair spacing of 3.403846 e-10 meters =
3.32045 e-06 meters total length. This is a figure that can be
used as a possible wavelength for the Rubella viral DNA.
To convert this wavelength to frequency, we turn to the physics
velocity / wavelength = frequency
[See J. Cutnell & K. Johnson, Physics, 2nd ed., (John Wiley
& Sons, 1992), pg. 698, ISBN 0-471-52919-2, or any good
physics text].
In this instance we will use the speed of light: 299,792,458
meters per second as a velocity. (Further comments regarding the
use of this velocity follow shortly).
Substituting the numbers into the forumla, we get 299,792,458
meters/second divided by 3.32045 e-06 meters = 9.02866 e+13 hertz.
This would be a possible theoretical resonant frequency for the
Rubella DNA genome. It is interesting to note that this frequency
falls at the high end of the infrared section of the
electromagnetic spectrum (near visible light), and in the general
area of the spectrum that Royal Rife had under consideration in
his microscopic work.
To access this frequency in the audio range, an accurate and
resonant way to accomplish this it is to repeatedly divide the
frequency by 2. In music, this would be called going to a lower
octave. Because there is no comparable term to “octave” in
electromagnetic frequency terminology, the word “octave” will be
used from this point onward to designate this /2 relationship (or
x2 for an upper octave). It is a calculation that will be used
often. Furthermore, dividing a frequency by 2 (i.e., translating
it into the immediate lower octave) can also be visualized as
doubling its wavelength in an exact and exceedingly precise
Therefore, dividing the original Rubella resonant frequency of
9.02866 e+13 hz down by many octaves (i.e., doubling the
wavelength many times) eventually brings us to a frequency at a
representative octave low in the audio range: 164.23045 hz. This
could be a possible resonant frequency of the Rubella genome in
this low audio range.
To “debilitate” this frequency, the following mathematical
relationship was considered: multiplying this resonant frequency
by the square root of 2 (1.4142136).
A note is perhaps in order to the general reader: while these
ideas are being presented in a manner to reach as wide an audience
as possible, a brief explanation follows (involving the square
root of 2 relationship) which will get slightly technical. One can
proceed to the section following the starred line (if desired),
with no interruption in content.
The general physics formula for the velocity of electromagnetic
(EM) radiation through any medium equals the inverse of the square
root of the product of the electrical permittivity and the
magnetic permeability. The formula reads (in the case of EM
velocity through a vacuum, and also a good approximation for air):
velocity = 1/v (e0µ0)
where e0 is the electrical permittivity, and µ0 is the magnetic
The permittivity and permeability are commonly known physics
permittivity e0 = 8.85418782 e-12 farads/meter
permeability µ0 = 1.2566370614 e-6 henrys/meter
[D. Lide, ed., Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 76th ed., (CRC
Press, 1995), p. 1-1].
Applying these constants in the above formula indeed results in
the velocity of light through a vacuum: 299,792,458 meters per
second. Having this velocity figure makes it possible to compute
electromagnetic frequencies (if the wavelength is also a known
However, the next question arises: do electromagnetic waves travel
through biological tissue at this velocity? Perhaps a new velocity
can be computed from the formula above, using values for
permittivity and permeability through biological media.
A representative figure for permittivity (e) through body tissue
is: 71 e-12 farads/meter. [See E. Hecht, Physics, Vol. 2,
(Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., 1996), p. 664].
And the permeability (µ) through body tissue is for all practical
purposes, the same as that of a vacuum: 1.25663706144 e-06
henrys/meter. [See R. T. Hitchcock & R. Patterson,
Radio-Frequency and ELF Electromagnetic Energies, A Handbook for
Professionals, (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1995), chart on page 27].
Applying these numbers to the above physics formula, the result
is: velocity = 1 / v [(71 e-12 F/m) x (1.2566370614 e-06 H/m)] =
105,868,288.9 meters per second as a representative velocity of
electromagnetic energy through body tissue.
How does this figure compare with that of the speed of light
through a vacuum?
Putting these two figures into a ratio gives:
299,792,458 meters per sec. / 105,868,288.9 meters per sec. =
If that ratio is divided in half, the result is 1.4158747,
extremely close to 1.4142136, the value for the square root of 2.
The next logical step would then be to explore the use of this
ratio in computing possible frequencies for use in conjunction
with body tissue (i.e., multiplying a frequency obtained with
speed-of-light velocity by the square root of two).
The possible low-octave DNA resonant frequency for the Rubella
virus (using the speed of light velocity) was 164.23045 hz, and
multiplying that number by v2 = 232.256 hz. (The frequencies that
are arrived at using the v2 multiplier will henceforth be referred
to as a “debilitating frequency”).
Now if one uses the representative EM velocity through body tissue
(105,868,288.9 meters per second), and recalculates the frequency
associated with the Rubella viral genome wavelength (using the
formula: velocity / wavelength = frequency), and then divides down
by octaves as usual, one will come up with nearly the exact same
frequency as would be arrived at by using the speed of light
velocity, dividing the high frequency down by octaves, and
multiplying the low octave by the square root of 2. (105,868,288.9
meters per sec / 3.32045 E-06 meters = 3.188371724 E+13 hz, which
divided down by many octaves comes to 231.9845 hz, and is
extremely close to the 232.256 hz debilitating frequency using the
speed of light and v2 method).
Now, if we multiply the frequency 232.256 up by just one octave
(x2), we get 464.5 hz. Interestingly, one of the frequencies used
for Rubella with the plasma beam devices is 459 hz, only 4.5 hz
Because the plasma beam devices present the frequencies using a
square wave (which contains a very strong showing of odd-numbered
harmonics), it was thought that perhaps some of the early odd
harmonics (such as 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, etc.) of a currently used
frequency might also show a mathematical correlation with the DNA
debilitating frequency suggested above. Such correlations could
easily be determined using a computer spreadsheet. Here is one
such example.
One of the frequencies used for “general” measles is 745 hz. Its
5th harmonic falls at 3725 hz (745 x 5 = 3725), which when divided
down by 4 octaves (divide by 16) gives 232.8 hz. This is extremely
close to the above debilitating frequency of 232.256 hz.
One could also look at it in this manner: multiplying the original
DNA debilitating frequency up by four octaves, 232.256 hz x 16 =
3716.1 hz. This is close to the fifth harmonic of 745 hz (3725
hz). So at this juncture we might ask, is the fifth harmonic of
745 hz hitting an octave of the DNA “debilitating frequency” as
described above, or at least very close to it?
The Rubella viral organism was used to present the basic concepts
and procedures being used in this methodology. Another organism
that gives even more information is Borrelia burgdorferi, which is
associated with Lyme’s disease.
For convenience however, the formula for finding the
genome-related debilitating frequency is recapitulated:
[299,792,458 m. per sec / (# of base pairs) x (3.403846154 E-10
m.)] = frequency
which, when divided down by many octaves to the low audio range,
and then multiplied by v2, yields a baseline “debilitating
The entire genome of Borrelia burgdorferi sains 910,724 base
pairs. Using the spacing length of 3.403846 e-10 meters, this
gives us a total genome length of 3.09996 e-04 meters, which
converts to a frequency (using speed of light as velocity) of
9.670835558 e+11 hz. Dividing this down by octaves into the low
audio range gives us 112.58 hz, and then multiplying by v2 yields
a debilitating frequency of 159.217 hz.
Multiplying this number up by 2 octaves (x4) gives 636.87 hz. One
of the frequencies currently being used for Lyme’s is 640 hz
(under “hatchlings/eggs” in the frequency list website given
Another frequency currently used for this condition is 254 hz, and
its 5th harmonic is 1270 hz, which divided down by 3 octaves
(divide by 8) = 158.75 hz, almost exactly falling at the Borrelia
representative debilitating frequency (abbr. “df”) of 159.217 hz.
Remember, it is possible that a debilitating frequency may occur
for an organism at any octave location up and down the entire
Yet another frequency being used for Lyme’s is 432 hz and its
upper octave 864 hz. The third harmonic of 432 hz = 1296 hz, which
divided down by 3 octaves (divide by 8) gives 162 hz, also fairly
close to the df of 159.217 hz.
Once again these are two more examples of the odd harmonics of
currently used frequencies correlating with an upper octave of the
debilitating frequency. It could also help to initially explain
why more than one audio frequency is effective at targeting an
At this point it also must be stated, there will always be
variation in nature, now and forever. Organisms constantly adapt
to their surroundings, and this is reflected in (or initiated by)
changes in their DNA structure. Therefore, one can never assume
that frequencies computed on the basis of genome wavelength will
always and forever give accurate, hard and fast results. The
numbers should be used only to guide us into the ballpark, so to
Another aspect of Borrelia burgdorferi that turns out to hold
considerable interest is that of the plasmids that the organism
harbors. Plasmids are small, freely-circulating independent pieces
of usually circular DNA that often (but not always) program
information relating to the pathogenicity or virulence of the
organism, and are present in nearly all (if not all) types of
bacteria. After looking at the base pair information of 11
Borrelia plasmids thus far, the following frequency correlations
have shown up (to save time and space, the entire mathematical
procedure will be shortened):
1. Plasmid cp26 containing 26,498 base pairs. Debilitating
frequency (df) is at 171 hz, one octave up is at 342 hz, near
currently used Lyme frequencies of 338 and 344 hz.
2. Plasmid cp9 containing 9386 base pairs, df is at 241.4
hz, one octave up is 482.8 hz, near currently used frequencies of
484 and 485 hz.
3. Plasmid lp28-1 containing 26,921 base pairs, df is at
168.3 hz, one octave up is 336.6 hz, very near currently used
frequency at 338 hz.
4. Plasmid lp28-2 containing 29,766 base pairs, df is at
152.2 hz, next 2 octaves up are at 304.5 and 608.9 hz, near the
currently used frequencies of 306 & 610 hz.
5. Plasmid lp28-3 containing 28,601 base pairs, df is at
158.4 hz, two octaves up falls at 633.6 hz, near the currently
used frequency of 630 hz.
6. Plasmid lp28-4 containing 27,323 base pairs, df is at
165.8 hz, two octaves up falls at 663.4 hz, near the currently
used frequency of 667 hz.
7. Plasmid lp36 containing 36,849 base pairs, df is at 245.9
hz, one octave up falls at 491.9 hz, near the currently used
frequency of 495 hz.
8. Plasmid lp54 containing 53,561 base pairs, df is at 169.2
hz, one octave up falls at 338.4 hz, almost exactly the same as
the currently used frequency of 338 hz.
Charlene Boehm
August 6, 1999
Methods for determining therapeutic resonant frequencies
Methods are provided for readily and efficiently determining
resonant frequencies that can be used therapeutically or
beneficially, for debilitation of specific types of genomic
materials, including DNA and/or RNA, genes, and gene sections. The
methods can be used in a variety of circumstances related to
various human and animal diseases and conditions. Methods allow
determination of therapeutic resonant frequencies for use in
various media having different refractivities. Therapeutic or
beneficial resonance frequencies thus determined are adapted for
use with currently available frequency-emitting devices by
shifting resonant frequencies to electromagnetic ranges capable of
generation by such devices.
[0001] This application claims priority to applicant's co-pending
application having U.S. Ser. No. 60/181,460, filed Feb. 10, 2000.
[0002] The present invention relates to methods for determining
resonant frequencies having therapeutic uses in a variety of
settings. In particular, the present invention provides methods
for efficiently determining therapeutic resonant frequencies for
complete genomes or partial genomic materials, for use in various
media having different refractivities.
[0003] Resonant frequency therapy (RFT) is a non-invasive
treatment that has been reported to offer significant relief to
sufferers of a variety of ailments and medical conditions. The use
of RFT for human and animal therapeutic purposes began in the
early 1900's, and experienced accelerated development through the
research of Royal Rife and his associates in the 1930's and
[0004] Using new microscope technology he developed, Rife
discovered that plasma waves could be used to transmit radio and
audio frequencies, which were tuned to the frequencies of specific
microorganisms, and that each microorganism responded to its
unique frequencies. For example, Rife found that staphylococcus,
streptococcus, microorganisms associated with tuberculosis,
typhoid, and leprosy, as well as cancer particles, and other
disease-causing agents succumbed when exposed to certain
frequencies peculiar to each organism or particle. See, Siedel, R.
E., and M. E. Winter, The New Microscopes, Smithsonian Annual
Report 1944, pp. 193-200.
[0005] Using the principles of Rife's discoveries, various
researchers developed devices for emitting frequencies designed to
treat a range of diseases and conditions. For example, Dr. Abraham
Ginsberg used an apparatus which produced intermittent bursts of
high energy in the short wave spectrum. Ginsberg's modality was
found to stimulate the reticuloendothelial system without
undesirably heating tissue. Using his device, Ginsberg reported
successfully treating patients with various clinical conditions,
including chronic Staphylococcus infections, acute inflammatory
middle ear, chronic ulcerative colitis, bronchitis, rheumatoid
arthritis, gout, flu, and thrombophlebitis, among others. See,
Cominole, B., Clinical Impressions and Speculations on the Use of
High-Frequency Pulsed Energy, The Dr. Abraham J. Ginsberg
Foundation for Medical Research Symposium, Jun. 29, 1959.
[0006] Research utilizing resonant frequencies and therapeutic
modalities implementing such frequencies have proliferated over
the past ten years. A recent example of the use of resonant
frequency therapy is the Christchurch Resonant Frequency Therapy
Centre in Dunedin, New Zealand. While the Centre emphasizes that
resonant frequency therapy is not intended to replace treatment
regimens and medication prescribed by physicians, it does report
successful treatment of a range of clinical conditions, including
arthritis, tinnitis, blood pressure, cataracts, headaches,
shingles, and psoriasis. Arthritis patients report particular
success with pain reduction and greater mobility. See The
Christchurch Press, Frequency Therapy Offers Relief, Independent
Newspapers Limited, Oct. 28, 1999.
[0007] Thus, the use of audio, radio, and light waves to inhibit
microbial growth and to treat diseases and affected tissue is well
known in the art. Effective therapeutic resonant frequencies have
been identified through various means. Trial and error approaches
with resonant frequencies have been used to obtain therapeutic
responses. Devices for applying electromagnetic energy to living
tissue are disclosed, for example, in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,876,373,
4,524,079, and 5,091,152. Effective resonant frequencies have also
been identified through the use of frequency scanning with
electronic devices capable of detecting a frequency response from
a bacterial, viral, and/or tissue sample. Such devices for
detecting frequency response are disclosed, for example, in U.S.
Pat. Nos. 5,552,274, 5,981,182, and 6,004,257. Thus, there exists
a need for more efficient and accurate methodology than trial and
error, to determine therapeutic resonant frequencies for specific
target materials, such as microorganisms.
[0008] Therapeutic resonant frequencies may be used to inhibit, or
debilitate, and/or stimulate a biophysical event. The efficacy of
such frequencies, whether for stimulation or for debilitation,
depends to some extent on the type of frequency delivery system
used, including variables such as power levels, waveform, harmonic
content of the wave, and other factors. Once therapeutic resonant
frequencies are determined, the user must choose which devices and
delivery systems are most effectively used in conjunction with
those frequencies. To increase efficacy, an easier, quicker, and
more accurate way of determining therapeutic resonant frequencies
is needed.
[0009] Despite both historical and increasing recent interest in
use of resonant frequency therapy, mechanism(s) of action
underlying the use of known therapeutic resonant frequencies is
not fully understood. While it is recognized that some type of
resonance phenomenon debilitates or destroys microorganisms, the
biophysical and/or biochemical mechanism(s) associated with use of
specific resonant frequencies and that lead to microbial
inhibition are not completely known.
[0010] Before now, there has never existed a methodology that
links effective therapeutic resonant frequencies to a biophysical
or biochemical event, process, or structure. The electronic
scanning devices and methods currently commercially available
provide no explanation or insight regarding which physical
structure or process is influenced by the frequencies used.
[0011] There is a need for methodology to more readily and
efficiently influence genomic materials, by more precisely and
efficiently determining therapeutic resonant frequencies that can
be easily and accurately adjusted to ranges used by currently
available devices. It is to these perceived needs that the present
invention is directed.
[0012] The present invention provides methods for determining
resonant frequencies having therapeutic uses in a variety of
settings. In particular, the present invention provides methods
for efficiently and accurately determining therapeutic resonant
frequencies for complete genomes and partial genomic materials,
for use in various media having different refractivities.
[0013] Methods of the present invention utilize biophysical and
biochemical properties of genomic materials to determine
therapeutic resonant frequencies. For example, the length of any
object can be considered as having a resonant frequency by virtue
of correlation with a wavelength that manifests itself into a
surrounding medium. On that basis, the length of biomolecular
chains of DNA and RNA can be calculated, and thus can provide
wavelength-matching information unique to a specific strand of
genomic material.
[0014] DNA or RNA chains are constructed in such a way that
negatively-charged molecular ions (the PO4 groups) run the entire
length of the molecule on the outer surface of the chain in a
helical fashion, causing the molecule to contain a relatively
large negative charge on its surface. Thus the chain is highly
electro-sensitive to the influences of resonant oscillating
electromagnetic fields. Resonance is defined as the increase in
amplitude of the natural oscillation or frequency of a system,
when exposed to a periodic force whose frequency is equal or very
close to the natural frequency of the system. The natural
oscillation of a system or part of a system is defined as its
"natural resonant frequency".
[0015] In radio science, the length of an antenna will largely
determine how effectively the antenna responds to the wavelength
energy of an incoming transmission. Methods for determining
therapeutic resonant frequencies of the present invention utilize
the principle that the length of a DNA or RNA helical chain can be
electromagnetically resonated in similar fashion.
[0016] Methods of the present invention allow precise correlations
between resonant frequencies and the length of the genomic
material under consideration. If a resonant frequency is generated
in air (or a vacuum) while the target material resides in a
different medium, in this invention's method a refractive
adjustment is made to insure that the wavelength traveling from
the air or vacuum medium transforms to the length of the target
material in the surrounding medium. By accounting for an
appropriate electromagnetic refractive index for the surrounding
medium, such as water or tissue, methods of the present invention
provide the advantage of determining a resonant frequency that
would be more closely related to the length of the genomic
material and its natural resonant frequency, and thus would be
more appropriate, or therapeutic, for the genomic material in that
specific medium.
[0017] The natural electromagnetic resonant frequencies for
genomes fall for the most part in the infrared region of the
electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. The natural resonant frequencies
for genes and smaller portions of DNA or RNA appear in the near
infrared, visible, and near ultraviolet regions of the spectrum.
For many currently available frequency-emitting devices, the
natural resonant frequencies such as those associated with genomic
material are not achievable due to the technical limitations of
the device. Indeed, particular devices often are capable of
generating frequencies in only narrow ranges. To overcome such
limitations, methods of the present invention adjust resonant
frequencies upward or downward. For example, to determine an
appropriate lower range frequency in accordance with the present
invention, the therapeutic resonant frequency is divided by the
number 2, as many times as necessary, until a frequency in the
frequency-generating range of a device is reached. The power of 2
by which a therapeutic resonant frequency is factored will depend
on the range of the electromagnetic spectrum within which a
frequency delivery device operates.
[0018] In music, a similar adjustment would be termed moving to a
higher or lower octave. Moving to a higher octave would in effect
cut the wavelength in half, while moving to a lower octave would
double the wavelength. In accordance with methods of the present
invention, therapeutic resonant frequencies of genomic material
"shifted by octaves," to a lower octave in the electromagnetic
spectrum, by dividing the therapeutic resonant frequency by some
power of the number 2. The lower octave of a therapeutic resonant
frequency, while having a much longer wavelength, will resonate
with the first therapeutic resonant frequency, just as musical
octaves resonate with and amplify each other, but only when the
octave shift is exact.
[0019] The present invention comprises methods for determining
therapeutic resonant frequencies of electromagnetic radiation for
influencing a target genomic material, where the genomic material
is surrounded by a medium. Embodiments of these methods include
the following steps: (1) determining a velocity of electromagnetic
radiation through the medium surrounding the genomic material; (2)
determining the length of the genomic material; (3) determining a
first resonant frequency of the genomic material in one
electromagnetic frequency range by dividing the velocity of the
electromagnetic radiation through the surrounding medium by the
length of the genomic material; (4) dividing or multiplying the
first resonant frequency by a factor of a power of two to obtain
at least one resonant frequency in another electromagnetic
frequency range; (5) programming a frequency-emitting device to
emit at least one resonant frequency in the other electromagnetic
frequency range selected in step 4; and (6) selectively
influencing the target genomic material with at least one resonant
frequency in the selected electromagnetic frequency range, when
the frequency-emitting device emits at least one resonant
frequency in the selected electromagnetic frequency range into the
medium surrounding the target genomic material.
[0020] Methods of the present invention further comprise
determining the length of the genomic material by determining the
number of base pairs in the genomic material (in the case of
single-stranded genomic material, this step would comprise
determining the number of bases); using the spacing between
adjacent base pairs or bases; and multiplying the number of base
pairs or bases in the genomic material by the spacing between
adjacent base pairs or bases. In a preferred embodiment, the base
pairs or bases are spaced apart by an average spacing, which is a
known value, and determining the length of the genomic material
comprises determining the number of base pairs or bases in the
genomic material, and then multiplying that number of base pairs
or bases in the genomic material by the known value for the
average spacing between base pairs or bases.
[0021] In a typical environment, genomic material exists in
living, or in-vivo, tissue. In methods of the present invention,
the velocity of electromagnetic radiation through in-vivo tissue
is determined by accounting for the electrical permittivity of
in-vivo tissue in relation to velocity, such that the
velocity=1/[square root of]([epsilon][mu]), where [epsilon] is the
electrical permittivity of in-vivo tissue, and [mu] is the
magnetic permeability of in-vivo tissue. With this measurement of
in-vivo velocity, a refractive index of electromagnetic radiation
through in-vivo tissue is determined by dividing the velocity of
electromagnetic radiation, or the speed of light in a vacuum, by
the speed of light in in-vivo tissue. Then by dividing a
therapeutic resonant frequency determined for the genomic material
in an air medium by the refractive index for in-vivo tissue, a
therapeutic resonant frequency for the genomic material surrounded
by in-vivo tissue is determined.
[0022] In other embodiments, methods of the present invention
include multiplying therapeutic resonant frequencies in a range
adaptable for use in frequency-emitting devices by a positive
integer to determine harmonic frequencies; or dividing therapeutic
resonant frequencies in a range adaptable for use in
frequency-emitting devices by a positive integer to determine
subharmonic frequencies. By programming a frequency-emitting
device to emit the harmonic and subharmonic frequencies, target
genomic material is selectively influenced with the therapeutic
resonant frequencies and the harmonic and subharmonic frequencies,
when the frequency-emitting device emits these frequencies into
the medium surrounding the target genomic material.
[0023] Features of methods for determining therapeutic resonant
frequencies of the present invention may be accomplished
singularly, or in combination, in one or more of the embodiments
of the present invention. As will be appreciated by those of
ordinary skill in the art, the present invention has wide utility
in a number of applications as illustrated by the variety of
features and advantages discussed below.
[0024] Methods of the present invention provide numerous
advantages over prior efforts to identify therapeutic resonant
frequencies. For example, the present invention advantageously
provides methods for determining resonant frequencies effective
for stimulation and/or debilitation of specific types of DNA
and/or RNA genomes, genes and gene sections.
[0025] Another advantage of the methods of the present invention
is that they provide means for readily and efficiently determining
therapeutic resonant frequencies using widely available data.
[0026] Another advantage is that the present invention provides
methods for readily and efficiently predicting resonant
frequencies that can be used therapeutically or beneficially in a
variety of circumstances related to treatment of various human and
animal diseases and conditions.
[0027] Another advantage is that the present invention provides
methods for readily and efficiently determining therapeutic
resonant frequencies that take into account an appropriate
electromagnetic refractive index for a surrounding medium. In so
doing, the present invention has the advantage of determining a
more precise therapeutic resonant frequency for the genomic system
in a particular medium.
[0028] Still another advantage is that the present invention
provides easier and more efficient methods for determining
resonant frequencies that significantly enhance the therapeutic
benefit and cost-effectiveness of currently existing
electromagnetic, magnetic, plasma, audio, or other
frequency-emitting devices.
[0029] Another advantage over prior approaches to identifying
resonant frequencies is that the present invention provides the
advantage of methods that utilize a simple biophysical model for
explaining and understanding why specific resonant frequencies are
[0030] As will be realized by those of skill in the art, many
different embodiments of methods for determining therapeutic
resonant frequencies according to the present invention are
possible. Additional uses, objects, advantages, and novel features
of the invention are set forth in the detailed description that
follows and will become more apparent to those skilled in the art
upon examination of the following or by practice of the invention.
[0031] The present invention comprises methods for determining
resonant frequencies having therapeutic or beneficial uses in a
variety of settings. In particular, the present invention includes
methods for efficiently and accurately determining therapeutic
resonant frequencies for specific complete genomes, or partial
genomic materials. Methods of the present invention also comprise
means for determining a more precise, and thus more therapeutic
resonant frequency for the genomic system in a particular medium
by accounting for an appropriate electromagnetic refractive index
for the surrounding medium. Complete Genome
[0032] As described above, an object has a natural resonant
frequency by the correlation of the length of the object with a
wavelength that manifests into its surrounding medium. For
example, the length of a DNA or RNA chain provides a wavelength
measurement that can be used to determine a resonant frequency. In
embodiments of the present invention, the spacing of nucleotide
base pairs in a DNA double helix is used in the mathematical
process to determine frequency. The entire length of a piece of
genomic material, is determined by multiplying the number of base
pairs or bases in the genomic material times the spacing length
between base pairs or bases.
[0033] It is known that base pair spacing in strands of DNA is not
always consistent. Localized areas contain "squeezing" or
"spreading" of base pairs in various ways. In embodiments of the
methods of the present invention, the classic Watson-Crick model
of base pair spacing is used. The Watson-Crick model of base pair
spacing is an average spacing over the entire length of the DNA
molecule. Use of an average base pair spacing allows for accuracy
sufficient to determine therapeutic resonant frequencies in
accordance with the methods of the present invention.
[0034] The B-helix is the most common in-vivo DNA form in
bacterial and eukaryotic life forms, and is used herein as
illustration in the methods of the present invention. In the
B-helix, one complete turn of the helix spans a distance of 35.4
angstroms on its axis; and there are 10.4 base pairs in each
helical turn. Therefore, the spacing of individual base pairs on
the axis would be 35.4 angstroms per turn divided by 10.4 base
pairs per turn, which equals 3.403846 angstroms spacing between
each base pair. In scientific notation using SI units, the base
pair spacing length is expressed as 3.403846 e-10 meters. This use
of meters allows conversion of the total length (treated as
wavelength) into a frequency.
[0035] By way of illustration using a pathogenic microorganism,
the DNA genome of Borrelia burgdorferi strain B31 contains 910,724
base pairs. To determine its length, 910,724 base pairs times the
base pair spacing of 3.403846 e-10 meters=3.09996 e-4 meters total
length of the genome. As described above, the length of an object
can represent the object's wavelength; in this case, the length of
the Borrelia genome represents its wavelength.
[0036] To convert this wavelength to frequency, the following
common physics relationship is used:
velocity/wavelength=frequency (1)
[0037] If the DNA under consideration was in a medium of air,
velocity would be the speed of electromagnetic radiation, or
light, in air. For purposes of comparison, if Borrelia burgdorferi
was in an air medium, according to methods of the present
invention, the velocity of electromagnetic radiation through air
(299,792,458 m/s) would be used in determining a therapeutic
resonant frequency. Dividing this velocity by the Borrelia
burgdorferi genome wavelength: (299,792,458 m/s/3.09996 e-4
meters)=9.6708492 e+11 Hz, the therapeutic resonant frequency for
Borrelia burgdorferi in an air medium.
[0038] However, genomic material including that of Borrelia
burgdorferi, generally exists in a medium of living tissue. The
velocity of electromagnetic radiation through a general in-vivo
tissue medium is equal to the inverse of the square root of the
product of the electrical permittivity and the magnetic
permeability of the medium. The formula for velocity of
electromagnetic radiation through a typical in-vivo tissue medium
is given as:
velocity =1/[square root of]([epsilon][mu]) (2)
where [epsilon] is the electrical permittivity and [mu] is the
magnetic permeability of the medium.
[0039] The magnetic permeability ([mu]) through in-vivo tissue is
known to be the same as that in air: 1.2566370614 e-6
henrys/meter. However, electrical permittivity in live body tissue
is not the same as for air. A representative value for electrical
permittivity through in-vivo tissue is 71 e-12 farads/meter.
Applying these figures to formula (2) above, the result is:
velocity=1/[square root of][(71 e-12 F/m)*(1.2566370614 e<-6
> H/m)]=105,868,288.9 meters per second, a representative
velocity of electromagnetic radiation through in-vivo tissue.
[0040] Thus, in this method of the present invention, to obtain an
in-vivo therapeutic resonant frequency of the Borrelia burgdorferi
DNA genome having a length of 3.09996 e-4 meters, formula (1)
above (velocity/wavelength=frequency) is used: 105,868,288.9
meters per second/3.09996 e-4 meters=3.41515016 e+11 Hz.
[0041] Using the results of the above steps, a general refractive
index of electromagnetic radiation through in-vivo tissue can be
determined. A refractive index (n) is given by the ratio of the
speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in the medium
under consideration. This ratio is stated as:
n=speed of light in a vacuum/speed of light in a medium. (3)
According to the steps given above, a refractive index of
electromagnetic radiation through in-vivo tissue would be:
(299,792,458 m/s)/(105,868,288.9 m/s)=2.831749.
[0042] Then, by dividing a therapeutic frequency determined for a
particular genomic material in an air medium by the refractive
index for in-vivo tissue, a therapeutic resonant frequency for the
genomic material in an in-vivo tissue medium is quickly
determined. Following the example above, dividing the resonant
frequency of Borrelia in air (9.6708492 e+11 Hz) by the refractive
index of electromagnetic radiation through in-vivo tissue
(2.831749), gives the in-vivo resonant frequency for the Borrelia
burgdorferi genome (3.41515016 e+11 Hz).
[0043] The steps described above for the methods of the present
invention can be adjusted to correlate with any medium surrounding
the genomic material under consideration, as long as an accurate
electromagnetic velocity through the medium is known or can be
[0044] The 3.41515016 e+11 Hz in-vivo therapeutic resonant
frequency determined above for the Borrelia burgdorferi genome
appears in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum. In
embodiments of the present invention, methods allow access to
corresponding resonant frequencies in the lower audio range. For
example, to determine an accurate resonant frequency in the audio
range corresponding to first therapeutic resonant frequency, the
first resonant frequency is divided by the number 2, as many times
as necessary, to reach a frequency in the audio range. In musical
terms, as described above, frequencies that are related by a
factor of 2, or a power thereof, are known as octaves. In the
example of the in-vivo Borrelia burgdorferi genome, a multi-octave
shift to audio range can be reached by dividing the first
therapeutic resonant frequency by 2<29> , which gives a
corresponding second therapeutic resonant frequency of 636.12 Hz,
which is in the audio range. This process of dividing (or
multiplying) any resonant frequency transposes it into a different
octave by doubling (or halving) its wavelength in an exact and
precise manner, allowing a resonant correlation with the length
under consideration in a specific medium. Thus, in the present
invention, an octave-shifted therapeutic resonant frequency will
have a precise correlation with the first therapeutic resonant
[0045] In the example above, an in-vivo therapeutic resonant
frequency of the Borrelia burgdorferi genome is 3.41515016 e+11
Hz. Corresponding therapeutic useful resonant frequencies in a
different electromagnetic range, determined by dividing by
appropriate powers of 2, results in Borrelia burgdorferi in-vivo
therapeutic resonant frequencies in the audio range at: 636.12 Hz,
1272.24 Hz, 2544.5 Hz, 5088.9 Hz, etc.
[0046] As another illustration, if Borrelia burgdorferi were in a
different medium such as water at 40 degrees centigrade, according
to methods of the present invention, the velocity of EM radiation
through water at that temperature (225,319,768 m/s) would be used
in determining therapeutic resonant frequencies. Dividing this
velocity by the genome length: (225,319,768 m/s)/(3.09996 e-4
meters)=7.2684734 e+11 Hz, which would be the therapeutic resonant
frequency of Borrelia burgdorferi DNA in water at 40 degrees
[0047] To determine corresponding therapeutic resonant frequencies
in a different electromagnetic frequency range, again in this
instance the audio range, the resulting resonant frequency above
is then divided by appropriate powers of 2. This gives therapeutic
resonant frequencies in the audio range for Borrelia burgdorferi
in a 40-degree centigrade water medium of: 676.9 Hz, 1353.9 Hz,
2707.7 Hz, 5415.4 Hz, etc.
[0048] In an alternative embodiment of the present invention,
methods for determining therapeutic resonant frequencies for
genomic material under consideration use the numerical constant
4,526,016.44 as follows: 4,526,016.44 divided by the number of
base pairs or bases in a chain=frequency. As such, this method
provides an efficient means for determining frequency by
ascertaining the number of base pairs or bases in the genomic
material, and dividing that number into the aforementioned
constant. For example, if there are 250 base pairs, or bases in a
DNA chain, 4,526,016.44/250=18,104.07 hertz. For 5,000 base pairs
or bases in a DNA chain, 4,526,016.44/5,000=905.20 hertz. For
22,000 base pairs or bases in a DNA chain,
4,526,016.44/22,000=205.73 hertz.
[0049] As described above, in methods of the present invention,
therapeutic resonant frequencies are also determined for a
different electromagnetic range, for example in the audio range,
by dividing (or multiplying) by appropriate powers of 2. Using the
example of a 250-base pair DNA chain above, 18,104.07
Hz/2=9,052.035 Hz. Repeated division of the resulting frequency by
a factor of 2, such that 9,052.035 Hz/2=4526.017 Hz/2=2263.008
Hz/2=1131.504 Hz/2=565.752 Hz, quickly determines frequencies in
the range capable of generation by typical frequency-emitting
devices. To further shorten the process, dividing 18,104.07 hz by
32, or 2<5 > (2 to the power of 5), yields a frequency of
565.752 Hz. Multiplying or dividing by an appropriate factor of 2
(2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 526, etc.) will accurately convert
therapeutic resonant frequencies to a desired range for use in
currently available frequency emission devices. Shifting
frequencies by factors of 2 produces a frequency event that is an
octave-related resonant frequency and wavelength.
[0050] As described above, many currently available
frequency-emitting devices are not capable of producing
therapeutic resonant frequencies in the infrared range, as that
determined for the Borrelia burgdorferi genome. To overcome such
limitations, methods of the present invention adjust resonant
frequencies downward (or upward) by dividing (or multiplying) by a
power of 2, until a frequency in the frequency-generating range of
a device is achieved.
[0051] Certain frequency devices emit not only a basic frequency
(also referred to as the "fundamental" frequency), but also many
harmonics of that frequency. A "harmonic" is defined as a positive
integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. On this basis, in
methods of the present invention, additional frequencies can be
determined and programmed into a frequency-emitting device such
that a harmonic of a frequency corresponding to a first
therapeutic resonant frequency of a target genomic material, would
be emitted along with the fundamental frequency. Similar
additional frequencies can be determined by dividing the
therapeutic resonant frequency by a positive integer, resulting in
a "subharmonic" frequency. Subharmonic frequencies corresponding
to a first therapeutic resonant frequency of a target genomic
material could also be programmed into a frequency-emitting
device, and be emitted along with the fundamental frequency. In
this manner, a group of resonant frequencies corresponding to the
first therapeutic resonant frequency can be emitted
simultaneously. As a result, effectiveness of a particular device
can be enhanced.
[0052] As an example, one in-vivo Borrelia burgdorferi therapeutic
resonant frequency in an audio-range octave is 636.12 Hz. When
this therapeutic resonant frequency is divided by the positive
integer 2, the resulting subharmonic frequency is 318.06 Hz. When
this subharmonic frequency is programmed into a harmonic-rich
output device and emitted, the audio-range therapeutic resonant
frequency 636.12 Hz is emitted simultaneously, increasing the
likelihood that a therapeutic resonant frequency will impinge a
target Borrelia burgdorferi genome. In like manner, when dividing
the audio-range therapeutic resonant frequency 636.12 Hz by the
positive integer 3, the resulting subharmonic frequency is 212.04
Hz. A harmonic-rich output device programmed with this subharmonic
frequency would also emit the 636.12 Hz therapeutic resonant
frequency, further increasing the likely efficacy of the
[0053] The in-vivo therapeutic resonant frequency determined in
the audio range for the Borrelia burgdorferi genome (636.12 Hz) is
very close to a frequency (640 Hz) commonly used for lyme disease,
which is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi. The accuracy of the
methods of the present invention may be confirmed by comparing the
resultant therapeutic resonant frequencies produced by these
methods, with many known and publicly available therapeutic
[0054] In another example using a different pathogen, the Rubella
measles RNA virus contains 9755 bases in its entire genome. (9755
nucleotides)*(the spacing of 3.403846 e-10 meters)=3.32045 e-6
meters total length. This length is used as the wavelength for the
Rubella viral genome. To obtain the in-vivo therapeutic resonant
frequency of this wavelength, formula (1) above is again used:
(105,868,288.9 meters per second)/(3.32045 e-6 meters)=3.188371724
e+13 Hz. A shifting of this near-infrared frequency to audio range
by dividing by 2<36> , gives a frequency of 463.97 Hz. A
known therapeutic frequency for the condition of Rubella measles
is 459 Hz, which is another close match to the therapeutic
resonant frequency determined by the methods of the present
[0055] A number of favorable responses have been reported by
individuals using previously unknown therapeutic resonant
frequencies determined by methods of the present invention. For
example, one person who often experienced severe outbreaks of
herpes simplex virus used the genome-related therapeutic resonant
frequencies derived by the methods of the present invention for
several strains of herpes simplex viruses. This individual
reported a much faster healing process than what is usually
experienced. Another example involves a person suffering from
cancerous cervical warts. After use of previously unknown
therapeutic resonant frequencies relating to the genome of a
strain of papilloma virus derived by the methods of the present
invention, this person reported disappearance of the warts. Still
another example is a person infected with the chickenpox virus,
who used a previously unavailable therapeutic resonant frequency
derived by the methods of the present invention and associated
with the varicella virus genome. This person reported rapid
disappearance of blisters and symptoms associated with this
[0056] In addition, in-vitro laboratory testing demonstrated that
exposure of a strain of Escherichia coli to a genome-related
resonant frequency produced a statistically significant reduction
in the number of colonies in cultures. Genes and Gene Sections
[0057] Methods of the present invention for determining
therapeutic resonant frequencies as described above can also be
applied to sections of DNA and/or RNA, as in genes, for example.
Using genetic coding information, methods of the present invention
for determining therapeutic resonant frequencies may also be
utilized with other sub-components of genomic material, such as
the coding associated with enzymes, immune factors, oncogenes,
oncogenic growth factors, and other proteins.
[0058] In embodiments of the present invention, therapeutic
resonant frequencies are determined using basic information about
a protein, for example, how many amino acids are in the protein
chain. Because an amino acid is always coded by three bases in the
messenger RNA, the number of bases for use in determining resonant
frequencies can be ascertained by multiplying the number of amino
acids in a protein chain by 3. For example, if there are 100 amino
acids in a protein chain, there would be 300 bases in the final
messenger RNA related to that protein. Thus, according to methods
of the present invention, a therapeutic resonant frequency can be
easily determined: 4,526,016.44/300 bases=15,086.72 Hz. Using a
factor of 2<5 > to determine a corresponding therapeutic
resonant frequency in a lower octave within the acoustic range as
described in the methods of the present invention above, the
resulting therapeutic resonant frequency would be: 15,086.72
Hz/32=471.46 Hz. which is a frequency that currently available
frequency-emitting devices are capable of generating.
[0059] As an example, the int-1 mammary oncogene contains 4522
base pairs of DNA. A therapeutic resonant frequency for this
oncogene determined by the methods of the present invention above
is 2001.77 Hz. This therapeutic resonant frequency is very close
to 2008 Hz, a commonly used cancer-related frequency. Furthermore,
the messenger RNA associated with the final form of the
transforming protein of the int-1 mammary oncogene contains 1112
bases. A therapeutic resonant frequency for this transforming
protein determined by the methods of the present invention above
is 2035.08 Hz, which is also in a range of cancer-related
frequencies currently in use.
[0060] As another example, the messenger RNA for the
cancer-associated enzyme human tyrosine kinase contains 3151
bases. A therapeutic resonant frequency for this enzyme's
messenger RNA, as determined by the methods of the present
invention above, is 2872.7 Hz. This frequency is very close to the
cancer-related frequency 2876 Hz, which, along with its related
octaves, have been used throughout most of the twentieth century
in association with certain cancer therapy modalities.
[0061] Another example is a precursor gene for Borrelia
burgdorferi outer surface protein A (ospA), which contains 822
base pairs. A therapeutic resonant frequency for this gene
determined by the methods of the present invention above, after
being factored by powers of 2 to the audible range, is 344.13 Hz.
A previously known frequency currently used for therapy related to
lyme disease is 344 Hz, nearly an exact match.
[0062] As can be seen, therapeutic resonant frequencies for genes,
gene sections, and constituent components of genomic material can
be determined more readily and efficiently by methods of the
present invention than for example, by trial and error.
[0063] Favorable responses have been reported from the use of
previously unavailable therapeutic resonant frequencies determined
by methods of the present invention, relating to genes, components
of genes, and/or messenger RNA coding associated with certain
proteins. For example, an individual diagnosed with lung cancer
used therapeutic resonant frequencies related to certain growth
factors and the K-ras oncogene, which is associated with his type
of tumor. It is reported that this individual experienced
eradication of lung tumor material. Another example is a student
experiencing symptoms of both lyme disease and ehrlichiosis, who
was unable to attend school for a year and half due to the
severity of symptoms. The student used previously unavailable
therapeutic resonant frequencies as determined by methods of the
present invention, for certain membrane and antigenic proteins
associated with the organism Ehrlichia chaffeensis. Within two
weeks of beginning therapy with those therapeutic resonant
frequencies, this student was well enough to return to school.
[0064] While the present invention has been described with
reference to several specific embodiments, those skilled in the
art will be able to make various modifications to the described
embodiments, for instance, by factoring therapeutic resonant
frequencies to electromagnetic ranges to other than audible
ranges, and by adjusting for various media, without departing from
the spirit and scope of the invention. It is therefore to be
understood that within the scope of the appended claims the
invention may be practiced other than as specifically described
Dec 5, 2013
Frequencies - The Rife Forum