Xeros Ltd's washing machine uses less than 2 percent of the water
and energy of a conventional machine.
A new washing machine that uses just a cup of water, a pinch of
detergent, and about 1,000 small plastic chips to clean clothes
may be available for consumers in the UK next year.
Researchers at Leeds University designed the machine, which will
be marketed by a spin-off company called Xeros Ltd (which means
"dry" in Greek). Company founder Stephen Burkinshaw, a professor
of textile chemistry, explains that the machine will reduce both
water and energy consumption.
Currently, washing machine use accounts for 13 percent of daily
household water consumption in the UK, or about 21 liters (5.5
gallons) of water per day, according to the UK organization
Waterwise. Besides saving water, the Xeros machine uses just 2% of
the energy of a conventional washing machine. And since clothes
come out nearly dry, they don´t require the use of a dryer.
"We have shown that it can remove all sorts of everyday stains,
including coffee and lipstick, while using a tiny fraction of the
water used by conventional washing machines," Burkinshaw said.
When doing a load of wash, users throw their clothes in like a
normal washing machine. Then a cartridge in the back of the
machine adds plastic chips - about 45 pounds (20 kg) of them - to
the load. Next, a cup of water containing the detergent is added.
After the water dissolves the dirt, the chips absorb the water,
without the need for a rinse or spin cycle. When finished, a grill
at the bottom of the machine opens to collect the chips.
According to Xeros, the chips can last for about 100 loads of
laundry, or about six months for an average family. The company
has not yet provided details on what the chips are made of, or how
easily and safely the chips can be disposed of or recycled.
Working with Leeds University´s commercialization partner IP
Group, Xeros has secured an investment of almost 500,000 pounds
($984,400) for the project. The price of the Xeros washing
machines for consumers is "not expected to be dramatically
different from (conventional) washing machines," according to the
At first glance a Xeros washing machine appears no different to a
conventional machine. Access via the unmodified door, the full
colour controller display, and the general appearance are all
reassuringly familiar. The proprietary technology that allows the
machine to handle Xeros polymer beads as part of its wash process
is hidden from view. The capability for bead storage, transport,
and crucially, addition and removal from the wash load, is all
built in.
Beads are stored in a wet sump mounted low in the machine, which
is decoupled from the wash drum housing to aid machine balancing
during high speed extract. The internal structure of the sump is
specially designed to allow easy removal and transport of the
beads up into the drum. Storage of the beads in this way also
enables their cleaning during long term use of the machine, and
easy hygiene control.
Also mounted low in the machine is the bead pump which during the
wash cycle moves the beads to the top of the machine in a small
amount of transport water. This bead/water mixture then enters a
proprietary separator device, which passes the beads into the wash
drum, whilst returning the transport water directly back down to
the sump where it is used to move the next bead pulse. Crucially,
the addition of beads to the drum is via another proprietary
system, which allows the machine door access to remain unhindered
during use.
The Xeros polymer beads are then intimately mixed with the wash
load in the drum, and the combination of their gentle and uniform
mechanical action plus their tailored chemistry helps generate
outstanding stain removal, with excellent fabric care.
During the wash phase, the beads continuously fall through holes
in the drum wall, and return to the sump, where they are again
pumped back up to the separator device to continue the washing
process. Hence, the beads are flowed through the wash load during
washing, allowing stain removal and transport away – so generating
excellent greying control. The rate of bead flow through the drum
is one of the key parameters to the Xeros process, and various
process control features ensure this is tailored to give optimum
Xeros uses a spray rinsing system to further deliver on its
promise of low water consumption. This too is a proprietary piece
of technology, and it delivers excellent rinsing performance
versus conventional processes. During rinsing the bead pump is
switched off, and the combination of low and high speed extracts
enables the last few beads remaining in the wash load to fall
through the drum, and return to the sump. The wash load is then
ready to be removed, and the machine is ready for its next cycle.
New machine by Xeros cleans clothes with beads and a tiny amount
of water and may cut household bills by 30%
The Xeros washing machine uses up to 90% less water than a
conventional one.
"Dry" cleaning is set to become a domestic activity with a washing
machine that uses 90% less water than a normal laundry cycle and
could be available by the end of 2011. The device, developed by
Leeds-based Xeros Ltd, replaces water with tiny plastic beads that
suck up stains and its producers claim it will shift stubborn
pounds from household energy bills as well.
The Xeros process uses 3mm-long nylon beads that can get into all
the crevices and folds of clothing and can also be re-used
hundreds of times. The beads flood the machine's drum once the
clothes are wet and the humidity is at the right level. After the
washing cycle is complete, the beads drain away in the same way as
water in a conventional machine.
The chief executive of Xeros, Bill Westwater, said: "The net
saving in water, detergent and electricity and including the cost
of the beads, we calculate, is about a 30% cost saving for the
user." He claims the machine has been tested successfully on a
range of fabrics stained with everything from mud, red wine and
curry stains to ink from ballpoint pens.
According to the Energy Saving Trust, just under one-third of
household energy is used to heat water. Laundry washing also
accounts for 15% of all household water consumption; meaning if
everyone in the UK converted from normal washing to the Xeros
system, the carbon emissions saved would be the equivalent of
taking 1.4 m cars off the roads. Another perk of the device is
that it should allow many delicates to be "dry" cleaned at home.
Xeros has already received research and development funding from
Yorkshire Forward and has just returned from a
government-sponsored "Clean and Cool" trade mission to the United
States, aimed at securing investment from venture capitalists in
Silicon Valley in California.
The idea for polymer-based cleaning came from Stephen Burkinshaw,
a polymer chemist at Leeds University who spent 30 years working
out how to improve the dyeing of plastics used in fabrics. A few
years ago he realised that the stains on clothes acted in a
similar way to dyes, and he wondered if he could use plastics to
attract away the stains.
After experimenting with a range of plastics, he settled on nylon.
Thanks to a natural property of the material, nylon beads attract
stains to their surface and, in 100% humidity, the molecular
structure of the plastic becomes amorphous, so the stains diffuse
into the centre of the beads. "Not only are you able to suck the
stain off the clothes, you're also able to ensure there's no
deposition back onto the clothes," said Westwater.
When the beads are at the end of their life, saturated with dirt
and stains, they can be collected and recycled into, for example,
dashboards for cars. Eventually Westwater wants to design a
closed-loop recycling system for his washing machines, where
saturated beads can be refreshed and re-used in Xeros machines.
Westwater has already built a prototype washing machine and aims
to have a product ready for the commercial laundry market by the
end of next year, with a consumer version coming to market shortly
afterwards. "There is more of a technical challenge [in
development] as you compact the system. But it's not just about
that - there's also consumer inertia. For millenia, people have
been washing their clothes with water and a bit of detergent and
suddenly we're coming along and saying that most of that water can
be replaced by these beads. That's a big leap in the consumers'
Claire Cunningham, a spokesperson for the government-backed
Technology Strategy Board, said Xeros had an "interesting and
innovative product" and the environmental and financial savings
were of particular interest when it was selected to take part,
along with the 18 other British clean technology companies, in the
Clean and Cool trade mission.
[GB] Applicant: UNIV LEEDS
EC: C11D11/00B2A; C11D11/00B2D; (+3)
IPC: B08B3/10; B08B7/02; D06L1/00
Also published as: WO2012035343 //
CN103189492 // CA2811267 // AU2011303607
-- The invention
provides a method and formulation for cleaning a soiled substrate,
the method comprising the treatment of the moistened substrate
with a formulation comprising a multiplicity of polymeric
particles, wherein the formulation is free of organic solvents.
Preferably, the substrate is wetted so as to achieve a substrate
to water ratio of between 1:0.1 to 1:5 w/w. Optionally, the
formulation additionally comprises at least one cleaning material
and, in this embodiment, it is preferred that the polymeric
particles are coated with the at least one cleaning material.
Preferably, the cleaning material comprises a surfactant, which
most preferably has detergent properties. Most preferably, the
substrate comprises a textile fibre. Typically, the polymeric
particles comprise particles of nylon, most preferably in the form
of nylon chips. The results obtained are very much in line with
those observed when carrying out conventional dry cleaning
processes and the method provides the significant advantage that
the use of solvents, with all the attendant drawbacks in terms of
cost and environmental considerations, can be avoided.

Field of the Invention
[0001] The present invention relates to the aqueous cleaning
of soiled substrates, specifically textile fibres and fabrics,
using a cleaning system comprising polymeric particles. More
specifically, the invention is concerned with a system wherein
the polymeric particles include antimicrobial agents which
prevent mould and bacterial growth on the particles which may
occur after repeated uses in washing procedures.
Background to the Invention
[0002] Aqueous cleaning processes are a mainstay of both
domestic and industrial textile fabric washing. On the
assumption that the desired level of cleaning is achieved, the
efficacy of such processes is usually characterised by their
levels of consumption of energy, water and detergent. In
general, the lower the requirements with regard to these three
components, the more efficient the washing process is deemed.
The downstream effect of reduced water and detergent
consumption is also significant, as this minimises the need
for disposal of aqueous effluent, which is both extremely
costly and detrimental to the environment.
[0003] Such washing processes, whether in domestic washing
machines or their industrial equivalents (usually referred to
as washer extractors), involve aqueous submersion of fabrics
followed by soil removal, aqueous soil suspension, and water
rinsing. In general, the higher the level of energy (or
temperature), water and detergent which is used, the better
the cleaning. The key issue, however, concerns water
consumption, as this sets the energy requirements (in order to
heat the wash water), and the detergent dosage (to achieve the
desired detergent concentration). In addition, the water usage
level defines the mechanical action of the process on the
fabric, which is another important performance parameter; this
is the agitation of the cloth surface during washing, which
plays a key role in releasing embedded soil. In aqueous
processes, such mechanical action is provided by the water
usage level, in combination with the drum design, for any
particular washing machine. In general terms, it is found that
the higher the water level in the drum, the better the
mechanical action. Hence, there is a dichotomy created by the
desire to improve overall process efficiency (i.e. the
reduction of energy, water and detergent consumption), and the
need for efficient mechanical action in the wash. For domestic
washing in particular there are defined wash performance
standards specifically designed to discourage the use of such
higher levels in practice, in addition to the obvious cost
penalties which are associated with such usage.
[0004] Current efficient domestic washing machines have made
significant strides towards minimising their consumptions of
energy, water and detergent. EU Directive 92/75/CEE sets a
standard which defines washing machine energy consumption in
kWh/cycle (cotton setting at 60[deg.]C), such that an
efficient domestic washing machine will typically consume
<0.19 kWh/kg of washload in order to obtain an 'A' rating.
If water consumption is also considered, then 'A' rated
machines use <9.7 litres/kg of washload.
[0005] Detergent dosage is then driven by manufacturer
recommendations but, again, in the domestic market, for a
concentrated liquid formulation, a quantity of 35 ml (or 37 g)
for a 4-6 kg washload in soft and medium hardness water,
increasing to 52 ml (or 55 g) for a 6-8 kg washload (or in
hard water or for very dirty items) is typical (see, for
example, Unilever pack dosage instructions for
Persil<(R)> Small & Mighty). Hence, for a 4-6 kg
washload in soft/medium water hardness, this equates to a
detergent dosage of 7.4-9.2 g/kg whilst, for a 6-8 kg washload
(or in hard water or for very dirty items), the range is 6.9-
9.2 g/kg.
[0006] Energy, water and detergent consumptions in the
industrial washing process (washer-extractors) are
considerably different, however, and usages of all three
resources are less constrained, since these are the principal
factors in reducing cycle time - which is, of course, more of
a consideration than in the case of domestic use. For a
typical industrial washer extractor (25 kg washload rated and
above), energy consumption is 0.30- 1 .0 kWh/kg, water is at
20-30 litres/kg, and detergent is much more heavily dosed than
for domestic washing. The exact level of detergent used will
depend on the amount of soiling, but a range of 20-100 g/kg is
[0007] Thus, it can be taken from the above discussion that it
is the performance levels in the domestic sector which set the
highest standard for an efficient fabric washing process, and
that these are: an energy consumption of <0.19 kWh/kg, a
water usage of <9.7 litres/kg, and a detergent dosage of
approximately 8.0 g/kg. However, as previously observed, it is
becoming increasingly difficult to reduce the water (and,
hence, energy and detergent) levels in a purely aqueous
process, due to the minimum requirement to wet the fabric
thoroughly, the need to provide sufficient excess water to
suspend the soil removed in an aqueous liquor and, finally,
the necessity to rinse the fabric.
[0008] Heating of the wash water is then the principal use of
energy, and a minimum level of detergent becomes necessary in
order for an effective concentration to be reached at the
operating wash temperature. Means to improve mechanical action
without increasing the water level used would, therefore, make
any aqueous wash process significantly more efficient (i.e.
yield further reductions in energy, water and detergent
consumption). It should be noted that mechanical action itself
has a direct effect on the detergent level, since the greater
the level of soil removal which is achieved through physical
force, the less that is required of the detergent chemistry.
However, increasing the mechanical action in a purely aqueous
washing process has certain associated drawbacks. Fabric
creasing readily occurs in such processes, and this acts to
concentrate the stresses from mechanical action at each
crease, resulting in localised fabric damage. Prevention of
such fabric damage (i.e. fabric care) is of primary concern to
the domestic consumer and the industrial user.
[0009] In the light of these challenges which are associated
with aqueous washing processes, the present inventors have
previously devised a new approach to the problem, which allows
the deficiencies demonstrated by the methods of the prior art
to be overcome. The method which is provided eliminates the
requirement for the use of large volumes of water, but is
still capable of providing an efficient means of cleaning and
stain removal, whilst also yielding economic and environmental
[0010] Thus, in WO-A-2007/128962, there is disclosed a method
and formulation for cleaning a soiled substrate, the method
comprising the treatment of the moistened substrate with a
formulation comprising a multiplicity of polymeric particles,
wherein the formulation is free of organic solvents.
Preferably, the substrate is wetted so as to achieve a
substrate to water ratio of between 1 :0.1 to 1 :5 w/w, and
optionally, the formulation additionally comprises at least
one cleaning material, which typically comprises a surfactant,
which most preferably has detergent properties. In preferred
embodiments, the substrate comprises a textile fibre and the
polymeric particles comprise, for example, particles of
polyamides, polyesters, polyalkenes, polyurethanes or their
copolymers but, most preferably, are in the form of nylon
[0011] The use of this polymeric cleaning method, however,
presents a requirement for the cleaning particles to be
efficiently separated from the cleaned substrate at the
conclusion of the cleaning operation, and this issue is
addressed in WO-A-2010/094959, which provides a novel design
of cleaning apparatus requiring the use of two internal drums
capable of independent rotation, and which finds application
in both industrial and domestic cleaning processes.
[0012] In co-pending WO-A-201 1/064581 , there is provided a
further apparatus which facilitates efficient separation of
polymeric cleaning particles from the cleaned substrate at the
conclusion of the cleaning operation, and which comprises a
perforated drum and a removable outer drum skin which is
adapted to prevent the ingress or egress of fluids and solid
particulate matter from the interior of the drum, the cleaning
method requiring attachment of the outer skin to the drum
during a wash cycle, after which the skin is removed prior to
operating a separation cycle to remove the cleaning particles,
following which the cleaned substrate is removed from the
[0013] In a further development of the apparatus of WO-A-201
1/064581 , there is disclosed in co-pending WO-A-201 1/098815
a process and apparatus which provides for continuous
circulation of the polymeric cleaning particles during the
cleaning process, and thereby dispenses with the requirement
for the provision of an outer skin.
[0014] Further benefits in terms of reduced power and
consumable requirements for the cleaning method originally
proposed in WO-A-2007/128962 have been disclosed in copending
GB Patent Application No. 1018318.4, where the technology has
been refined to achieve at least equivalent cleaning
performance whilst employing significantly reduced levels of
detergents and much lower process temperatures.
[0015] The apparatus and methods disclosed in the foregoing
prior art documents have been highly successful in providing
an efficient means of polymeric cleaning and stain removal
which also yields significant economic and environmental
benefits. The move to much lower wash temperatures has been
particularly beneficial in this regard. As a consequence of
the achievement of such lower temperatures, however, the need
to control hygiene in the washing machine has become
significantly more important. Hotter wash temperatures
(>60[deg.]C) can provide some level of hygiene control via
thermal disinfection, since heat is an efficient destroyer of
mould and bacteria, and higher temperatures are increasingly
beneficial. When these polymeric cleaning processes are run at
lower temperatures (<40[deg.]C), however, hygiene
considerations are magnified compared to the equivalent
aqueous process, due to the presence of the polymeric
particles. Said particles provide a large additional surface
area contained within the washing machine, on which mould and
bacteria can grow. The growth here can be accelerated by the
fact that the particles remain moist for a considerable time
after each wash process has been run, and the overall levels
of mould and bacteria reached can be further increased if the
machine remains unused for extended periods of time.
[0016] The hygiene problem in the polymeric cleaning machine
can, of course, be controlled by similar means to that used in
conventional aqueous domestic or industrial washing, namely
the use of higher wash temperatures as noted above, and/or
chemical additives in the wash water used. Suitable additives
include chlorine derived bleaches (e.g. sodium hypochlorite)
or oxygen derived bleaches (e.g. hydrogen peroxide), but the
use of these materials has drawbacks in that they can decolour
some garment types, and generally promote fabric damage
through chemical attack. The oxygen derived bleaches also
become less effective at lower wash temperatures
(<40[deg.]C), even when used in combination with suitable
activators, e.g tetraacetyl ethylene diamine. Other additives
based on chloro compounds (e.g. liquid chlorophenols) can also
be used, but with similar drawbacks. Possibly the most benign
means of achieving antimicrobial performance in the wash water
is via the addition of silver-containing materials (e.g.
silver-containing zeolite materials). Such approaches are
expensive to consider, however, as they are effectively
applicable for single wash use only. Furthermore, as in all
cases with chemical additives in the wash water, there are
effluent treatment considerations to take into account.
[0017] In looking to further develop the method of the
cleaning process from WO-A- 2007/128962 and co-pending GB
Patent Application No. 1018318.4, therefore, the present
inventors have now sought to provide a process which allows
the aforementioned hygiene deficiencies with polymeric
cleaning to be overcome, particularly at low wash temperatures
(<40[deg.]C). Hence, in the presently claimed invention,
the inventors, by means of the addition of an antimicrobial
agent to the polymeric particles, seek to provide a process in
which lower levels of mould and bacterial growth occur within
the washing machine at all times. The introduction of the
antimicrobial agent in this way overcomes the drawbacks which
would be associated with single use addition into the wash
water (i.e. fabric damage, expense and effluent treatment
considerations), and the action of the antimicrobial agent is
continuous over the lifetime of the polymeric particles, which
are reused many times in subsequent washes, as is common
practice with this technology.
Statements of Invention
[0018] Thus, according to a first aspect of the present
invention, there is provided a method for aqueous cleaning of
soiled substrates, said method comprising the treatment of the
moistened substrate with a formulation comprising a
multiplicity of polymeric particles, wherein said polymeric
particles comprise at least one antimicrobial agent.
[0019] Said substrate may comprise any of a wide range of
substrates, including, for example, plastics materials,
leather, paper, cardboard, metal, glass or wood. In practice,
however, said substrate most preferably comprises a textile
fibre or fabric, which may comprise either a natural material,
such as cotton, or a synthetic textile material, for example
nylon 6,6 or a polyester.
[0020] Said antimicrobial agent inhibits the growth of
microbes such as mould and bacteria, and may comprise any
readily commercially available product which is suitable for
such purposes, and which would be well known to the skilled
person. Particularly suitable agents include solid
chlorophenol derivatives, such as 5-chloro-2-(2,4-
dichlorophenoxy)phenol, which is commercially available as
Triclosan or Microban<(R)>, or its derivatives, and
silver-containing materials, most particularly
silver-containing zeolite materials, including products from
the Bio-Gate<(TM)> Irgaguard<(R)> or
HyGate<(TM)> ranges including, for example,
Bio-Gate<(TM)> BG-Tec Plus, Irgaguard<(R)> B 5000,
Irgaguard<(R)> B 7000, HyGate<(TM)> 4000 and
HyGate<(TM)> 9000.
[0021] Said polymeric particles may comprise any of a wide
range of different polymers. Specifically, there may be
mentioned polyalkenes such as polyethylene and polypropylene,
polyesters and polyurethanes. Preferably, however, said
polymeric particles comprise polyester or polyamide particles,
most particularly particles of polyethylene terephthalate,
polybutylene terephthalate, nylon 6, and nylon 6,6, most
preferably in the form of beads. Said polyesters and
polyamides are found to be particularly effective for aqueous
stain/soil removal, whilst polyalkenes are especially useful
for the removal of oil-based stains. Optionally, copolymers of
the above polymeric materials may be employed for the purposes
of the invention.
[0022] Specifically, the properties of the polymeric materials
may be tailored to particular requirements by the inclusion of
monomeric units which confer desired properties on the
copolymer. Thus, the polymers may be adapted to attract
particular staining materials by comprising co-monomers which,
inter alia, are ionically charged, or include polar moieties
or unsaturated organic groups. Examples of such groups may
include, for example, acid or amino groups, or salts thereof,
or pendant alkenyl groups.
[0023] Furthermore, the polymeric particles may comprise
either foamed or unfoamed polymeric materials. Additionally,
the polymeric particles may comprise polymers which are either
linear or crosslinked, and said particles may be solid or
[0024] Said antimicrobial agent is most conveniently
introduced into said polymer particles during extrusion of
said polymer. Thus, the antimicrobial agent is especially
preferably added to the molten polymer prior to extrusion. In
an alternative embodiment, said polymer particles may be
coated with said antimicrobial agent after extrusion.
[0025] Preferably, said antimicrobial agent is added to said
polymer at a level of 0.1 - 5.0%, (w/w), most preferably
0.5-2.5% (w/w), especially preferably 1 .5-2.0% (w/w).
[0026] Whilst, in one embodiment, the method of the invention
envisages the cleaning of a soiled substrate by the treatment
of a moistened substrate with a formulation which essentially
consists only of a multiplicity of polymeric particles which
comprise at least one antimicrobial agent, in the absence of
any further additives, optionally in other embodiments the
formulation employed may further comprise at least one
additional cleaning agent. Preferably, the at least one
additional cleaning agent comprises at least one surfactant.
Preferred surfactants comprise surfactants having detergent
properties and said additional cleaning agents preferably
comprise detergent formulations. Said surfactants may comprise
anionic, non-ionic, cationic, ampholytic, zwitterionic and/or
semi- polar non-ionic surfactants. Optionally, said at least
one additional cleaning agent comprises at least one enzyme
and/or bleach. Preferably, said at least one additional
cleaning agent is mixed with said polymeric particles but, in
an alternative embodiment, each of said polymeric particles is
coated with said at least one additional cleaning agent.
Further additives may be incorporated with said additional
cleaning agent, as appropriate; said additives may include,
for example, anti-redeposition additives, optical brighteners,
perfumes, softeners and starch, which can enhance the
appearance and other properties of the cleaned substrate.
[0027] As previously stated, various polyester and/or
polyamide homo- or co-polymers may be used for the polymeric
particles, including polyethylene terephthalate, polybutylene
terephthalate, nylon 6 and nylon 6,6. Preferably, the nylon
comprises nylon 6,6 homopolymer having a molecular weight in
the region of from 5000 to 30000 Daltons, preferably from
10000 to 20000 Daltons, most preferably from 15000 to 16000
Daltons. The polyester will typically have a molecular weight
corresponding to an intrinsic viscosity measurement in the
range of from 0.3-1.5 dl/g as measured by a solution technique
such as ASTM D-4603.
[0028] The ratio of polymeric particles to substrate is
generally in the range of from 0.1 :1 to 10:1 w/w, preferably
in the region of from 0.5:1 to 5:1 w/w, with particularly
favourable results being achieved with a ratio of between 1 :1
and 3:1 w/w, and especially at around 2:1 w/w. Thus, for
example, for the cleaning of 5 g of substrate, typically
textile fabric, 10 g of polymeric particles, optionally coated
with surfactant, would be employed in one embodiment of the
invention. The ratio of polymeric particles to substrate is
maintained at a substantially constant level throughout the
wash cycle.
[0029] The polymeric particles are of such a shape and size as
to allow for good flowability and intimate contact with the
soiled substrate, which typically comprises a textile fibre or
fabric. A variety of shapes of particles can be used, such as
cylindrical, spherical or cuboid; appropriate cross-sectional
shapes can be employed including, for example, annular ring,
dog-bone and circular. In preferred embodiments of the
invention, said particles are in the form of beads and, most
preferably, comprise cylindrical or spherical beads.
[0030] The particles may have smooth or irregular surface
structures and can be of solid or hollow construction.
Particles are of such a size as to have an average mass of 1
-50 mg, preferably from 10-30 mg, more preferably from 12-25
mg. [0031] In the case of cylindrical beads, the preferred
particle diameter is in the region of from 1.0 to 6.0 mm, more
preferably from 1.5 to 4.0 mm, most preferably from 2.0 to 3.0
mm, and the length of the beads is preferably in the range
from 1.0 to 5.0 mm, more preferably from 1 .5 to 3.5 mm, and
is most preferably in the region of 2.0 to 3.0 mm.
[0032] Typically, for spherical beads, the preferred diameter
of the sphere is in the region of from 1 .0 to 6.0 mm, more
preferably from 2.0 to 4.5 mm, most preferably from 2.5 to 3.5
[0033] The method of the invention may be applied to a wide
variety of substrates, as previously stated. More
specifically, it is applicable across the range of natural and
synthetic textile fibres and fabrics, but it finds particular
application in respect of nylon 6,6, polyester and cotton
[0034] Prior to treatment according to the method of the
invention, the substrate is moistened by wetting with water,
to provide additional lubrication to the cleaning system and
thereby improve the transport properties within the system.
Thus, more efficient transfer of the at least one cleaning
material to the substrate is facilitated, and removal of
soiling and stains from the substrate occurs more readily.
Most conveniently, the substrate may be wetted simply by
contact with mains or tap water. Preferably, the wetting
treatment is carried out so as to achieve a substrate to water
ratio of between 1 :0.1 to 1 :5 w/w; more preferably, the
ratio is between 1 :0.2 and 1 :2, with particularly favourable
results having been achieved at ratios such as 1 :0.2, 1 :1 ,
1 :1 .2 and 1 :2. However, in some circumstances, successful
results can be achieved with substrate to water ratios of up
to 1 :50, although such ratios are not preferred in view of
the significant amounts of effluent which are generated.
[0035] Suitable examples of apparatus for the execution of
this method are disclosed in WO-A-2010/094959, WO-A-201
1/064581 and WO-A-201 1/098815. In preferred embodiments of
the invention, the claimed method additionally provides for
separation and recovery of the polymeric particles, which are
then re-used in subsequent washes.
[0036] As a consequence of employing the cleaning method of
the present invention, excellent cleaning performance may be
achieved whilst using significantly reduced levels of
detergents and much lower process temperatures. Thus, cleaning
operations according to the invention, whilst possible at
temperatures up to 95[deg.]C, are typically carried out at
temperatures not exceeding 65[deg.]C, and optimum performance
is generally achieved at 5- 35[deg.]C. It is at this lower end
of the operational temperature range that the antimicrobial
polymeric particles ensure improved hygiene in the washing
machine used.
[0037] According to a second aspect of the present invention,
there is provided a formulation for aqueous cleaning of soiled
substrates, said formulation comprising a multiplicity of
polymeric particles, wherein said polymeric particles comprise
at least one antimicrobial agent.
[0038] Said substrate may comprise any of a wide range of
substrates, including, for example, plastics materials,
leather, paper, cardboard, metal, glass or wood. In practice,
however, said substrate most preferably comprises a textile
fibre or fabric, which may comprise either a natural material,
such as cotton, or a synthetic textile material, for example
nylon 6,6 or a polyester.
[0039] In one embodiment, said formulation may essentially
consist only of said multiplicity of polymeric particles which
comprise at least one antimicrobial agent, but optionally in
other embodiments said formulation further comprises at least
one additional cleaning agent. Preferably, the at least one
additional cleaning agent comprises at least one surfactant.
Preferred surfactants comprise surfactants having detergent
properties and said additional cleaning agents preferably
comprise detergent formulations. Said surfactants may comprise
anionic, non-ionic, cationic, ampholytic, zwitterionic, and/or
semi-polar non-ionic surfactants. Optionally, said at least
one additional cleaning agent also comprises at least one
enzyme and/or bleach.
[0040] Said formulation is preferably used in accordance with
the method of the first aspect of the invention, and is as
defined in respect thereof. Additional additives may be
incorporated in said formulation, as appropriate; said
additives may include, for example, anti-redeposition
additives, optical brighteners, perfumes, softeners and starch
which can enhance the appearance and other properties of the
cleaned substrate.
[0041] The formulation and the method of the present invention
may be used for either small or large scale processes of both
the batchwise and continuous variety and, therefore, find
application in both domestic and industrial cleaning
processes. Excellent performance can also result from the use
of fluidised beds, and this is particularly the case when the
method of the invention is used for carrying out wet cleaning
Brief Description of the Drawings
[0042] Embodiments of the invention are further described
hereinafter with reference to the accompanying drawings, in
Figures 1 (a) and (b) show an apparatus suitable for use in
the performance of the method of the invention.
Detailed Description of the Invention
[0043] As previously noted, the antimicrobial agent is most
conveniently introduced into the polymer particles during
extrusion of said polymer and is then added in a suitable
amount to the molten polymer prior to extrusion. Particularly
suitable agents include solid chlorophenol derivatives, such
as 5-chloro-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)phenol, which is
commercially available as Triclosan or Microban<(R)>, or
its derivatives, and silver-containing materials, including
products from the Bio-Gate<(TM)>, Irgaguard<(R)>
or HyGate<(TM)> ranges including, for example,
Bio-Gate<(TM)> BG-Tec Plus, Irgaguard<(R)> B 5000,
Irgaguard<(R)> B 7000, HyGate<(TM)> 4000 and
HyGate<(TM)> 9000. Preferably, said antimicrobial agent
is added to said polymer at a level of 0.1 -5.0%, (w/w), most
preferably 0.5-2.5% (w/w), especially preferably 1.5-2.0%
[0044] In alternative embodiments, the polymer particles may
be coated with the antimicrobial agent after extrusion in
which case the particles are suitably placed in a container
with an appropriate amount of the antimicrobial agent, and the
preferably sealed container is agitated for, typically, 15-30
minutes at temperatures at or just above ambient temperature.
The coated particles are then removed from the container and
are ready for use in cleaning processes.
[0045] In a typical operation of a cleaning cycle according to
the method of the invention, soiled garments are first placed
into a rotatably mounted cylindrical cage of a cleaning
apparatus according to the method described in WO-A-201
1/098815. Such an apparatus is illustrated in Figures 1 (a)
and 1 (b), wherein there is seen an apparatus comprising
housing means (1 ) having a first upper chamber having mounted
therein a rotatably mounted cylindrical cage in the form of
drum (2) (perforations not shown) and a second lower chamber
comprising sump (3) located beneath said cylindrical cage. The
apparatus additionally comprises, as first recirculation
means, bead and water riser pipe (4) which feeds into
separating means comprising a bead separation vessel (5),
including filter material, typically in the form of a wire
mesh, and a bead release gate valve which feeds into feeder
means comprising bead delivery tube (6) mounted in cage entry
(7). The first recirculation means is driven by pumping means
comprising bead pump (8). Additional recirculation means
comprises return water pipe (9), which allows water to return
from the bead separation vessel (5) to the sump (3) under the
influence of gravity. The apparatus also comprises access
means shown as loading door (10), though which material for
cleaning may be loaded into drum (2). The main motor (20) of
the apparatus, responsible for driving the drum (2), is also
[0046] Following loading of the soiled garments into said
apparatus, the polymeric particles and the necessary amount of
water, together with any required additional cleaning agent,
are added to said rotatably mounted cylindrical cage (2).
Optionally, said materials are introduced via the first
recirculation means (4) into the cylindrical cage (2), which
is located in a first chamber of said apparatus.
Alternatively, said polymeric particles may, for example, be
pre-mixed with water and added via the separating means (5)
located adjacent said cylindrical cage (2).
[0047] During the course of agitation by rotation of the cage
(2), the fluids and a quantity of the polymeric particles exit
through perforations in the cage (2) and into the second
chamber (3) of the apparatus. Thereafter, the polymeric
particles may be recirculated via the first recirculation
means (4) such that they are transferred to the separating
means (5), from which they are returned, in a manner
controlled by control means, to the cylindrical cage (2) for
continuation of the washing operation. This process of
continuous circulation of the polymeric particles continues
throughout the washing operation until cleaning is completed.
[0048] Thus, the polymeric particles which exit through the
perforations in the walls of said rotatably mounted
cylindrical cage (2) and into said second chamber (3) are
recirculated and reintroduced through said separation means
(5) and, by operation of control means, through the feeder
means (6), back into said cage (2), thereby to continue the
cleaning operation.
[0049] Typically, a wash cycle according the method of the
present invention comprises the steps of:
(a) introducing polymeric particles, additional cleaning agent
and water into a second chamber of a cleaning apparatus of the
type described in WO-A- 201 1/098815;
(b) agitating said polymeric particles, additional cleaning
agent and water;
(c) loading at least one soiled substrate into the rotatably
mounted cylindrical cage of said apparatus via access means;
(d) closing the access means so as to provide a substantially
sealed system;
(e) introducing said polymeric particles, additional cleaning
agent and water into said rotatably mounted cylindrical cage;
(f) operating the apparatus for a wash cycle, wherein said
rotatably mounted cylindrical cage is caused to rotate and
wherein fluids and polymeric particles are caused to fall
through perforations in said rotatably mounted cylindrical
cage into said second chamber in a controlled manner; (g)
operating pumping means so as to transfer fresh polymeric
particles and recycle used polymeric particles to separating
(h) operating control means so as to add said fresh and
recycled polymeric particles to said rotatably mounted
cylindrical cage in a controlled manner; and
(i) continuing with steps (f), (g) and (h) as required to
effect cleaning of the soiled garments.
[0050] Optionally, said polymeric particles, additional
cleaning agent and water may be introduced into said rotatably
mounted cylindrical cage via recirculating means. More
preferably, however, said polymeric particles, additional
cleaning agent and water are introduced into said rotatably
mounted cylindrical cage via dosing means such as, for
example, a fixedly mounted nozzle. Most conveniently, said
nozzle may be fixedly mounted on said access means.
[0051] Additional cleaning agents are advantageously employed
in said method, as further discussed below. Said additional
cleaning agents may be added to the second chamber of said
apparatus with said polymeric particles and introduced, via
the first recirculation means, into the cylindrical cage.
Alternatively, an additional cleaning agent is pre-mixed with
water and added to said cylindrical cage via the separating
means during step (e). More preferably, however, said
additional cleaning agents are added to said cylindrical cage
via said dosing means. The method of the invention facilitates
the use of reduced quantities of said additional cleaning
[0052] In preferred embodiments of the invention, said
additional cleaning agents may be added to said cylindrical
cage in multiple dosing steps during the cleaning operation,
rather than in a single dosing step.
[0053] Preferably, pumping of said fresh and recycled
polymeric particles proceeds at a rate sufficient to maintain
approximately the same level of particles in said rotatably
mounted cylindrical cage throughout the cleaning operation,
and to ensure that the ratio of particles to soiled garments
stays substantially constant until the wash cycle has been
[0054] On completion of the wash cycle, feeding of polymeric
particles into the rotatably mounted cylindrical cage ceases
and the speed of rotation of the cage is gradually increased
in order to effect a measure of drying of the cleaned
substrate. Some polymeric particles are removed at this stage.
Typically, the cage is rotated at a rotation speed of between
100 and 800 rpm in order to achieve drying; for a 98 cm
diameter cage, a suitable speed of rotation would be around
300 rpm. Subsequently, rotation speed is reduced and returned
to the speed of the wash cycle, so as to allow for final
removal of the polymeric particles. After separation, the
polymeric particles are recovered in order to allow for reuse
in subsequent washes.
[0055] Optionally, following initial drying at high rpm, said
method may additionally comprise a rinsing operation, wherein
additional water may be added to said rotatably mounted
cylindrical cage in order to effect complete removal of any
additional cleaning agent employed in the cleaning operation.
Water may be added to said cylindrical cage via said
separating means, by said dosing means, or by overfilling the
second chamber of said apparatus with water such that it
enters the first chamber and thereby enters into said
rotatably mounted cylindrical cage. Following rotation at the
same speed as during the wash cycle, water is removed from
said cage by allowing the water level to fall, as appropriate,
and again increasing the speed of rotation to, typically,
100-800 rpm in order to achieve a measure of drying of the
substrate; a speed of rotation of around 300 rpm would, once
again, be appropriate for a 98 cm diameter cage. Said rinsing
and drying cycles may be repeated as often as desired.
[0056] Optionally, said rinse cycle may be used for the
purposes of substrate treatment, involving the addition of
treatment agents such as anti-redeposition additives, optical
brighteners, perfumes, softeners and starch to the rinse
[0057] Said polymeric particles are preferably subjected to a
cleaning operation in said second chamber by sluicing said
chamber with clean water in the presence or absence of a
cleaning agent, which may be selected from at least one of
surfactants, enzymes and bleaches. Alternatively, cleaning of
the polymeric particles may be achieved as a separate stage in
said rotatably mounted cylindrical cage. After cleaning, the
polymeric particles are recovered such that they are available
for use in subsequent washes.
[0058] Generally, any remaining polymeric particles on said
garments may be easily removed by shaking the garments. If
necessary, however, further remaining polymeric particles may
be removed by suction means, preferably comprising a vacuum
[0059] The method of the invention is principally applied to
the cleaning of substrates comprising textile fibres and
fabrics, and has been shown to be particularly successful in
achieving efficient cleaning of textile fabrics which may, for
example, comprise either natural materials, such as cotton, or
man-made and synthetic textile materials, for example nylon
6,6, polyester, cellulose acetate, or fibre blends thereof.
[0060] The volume of wash water added to the system is
calculated so as to achieve a fabric to wash water ratio which
is preferably between 1 :0.1 and 1 :5 w/w; more preferably,
the ratio is between 1 :0.2 and 1 :2, with particularly
favourable results having been achieved at ratios such as 1
:0.2, 1 :1 , 1 :1.2 and 1 :2. Most conveniently, the required
amount of water is introduced into the rotatably mounted
cylindrical cage of the apparatus after loading of the soiled
substrate into said cage. An additional amount of water will
migrate into the cage during the circulation of the polymeric
particles, but the amount of water carry over is minimised by
the action of the separating means.
[0061] As previously stated, preferred embodiments of the
method of the invention envisage the cleaning of soiled
textile fibres or fabrics by treatment of the moistened fibres
or fabrics with a formulation which include a multiplicity of
polymeric particles and further comprise at least one
additional cleaning agent. Said at least one additional
cleaning agent preferably comprises at least one detergent
[0062] The principal components of the detergent composition
comprise cleaning components and post-treatment components.
Typically, the cleaning components comprise surfactants,
enzymes and bleach, whilst the post-treatment components
include, for example, anti-redeposition additives, optical
brighteners, perfumes, softeners and starch.
[0063] However, the detergent composition may optionally
include one or more other additives such as, for example
builders, chelating agents, dye transfer inhibiting agents,
dispersants, enzyme stabilizers, catalytic materials, bleach
activators, polymeric dispersing agents, clay soil removal
agents, suds suppressors, dyes, structure elasticizing agents,
fabric softeners, starches, carriers, hydrotropes, processing
aids and/or pigments.
[0064] Examples of suitable surfactants may be selected from
non-ionic and/or anionic and/or cationic surfactants and/or
ampholytic and/or zwitterionic and/or semi-polar nonionic
surfactants. The surfactant may be present at a level of from
about 0.1 % to about 99.9% by weight of the cleaning
composition, but is usually present from about 1 % to about
80%, more typically from about 5% to about 35%, or from about
5% to 30% by weight of the cleaning compositions.
[0065] The detergent composition may include one or more
detergent enzymes which provide cleaning performance and/or
fabric care benefits. Examples of suitable enzymes include,
but are not limited to, hemicellulases, peroxidases,
proteases, other cellulases, other xylanases, lipases,
phospholipases, esterases, cutinases, pectinases, keratanases,
reductases, oxidases, phenoloxidases, lipoxygenases,
ligninases, pullulanases, tannases, pentosanases, malanases,
[beta]-glucanases, arabinosidases, hyaluronidase,
chondroitinase, laccase, and amylases, or mixtures thereof. A
typical combination may comprise a mixture of enzymes such as
protease, lipase, cutinase and/or cellulase in conjunction
with amylase. [0066] Optionally, enzyme stabilisers may also
be included amongst the cleaning components. In this regard,
enzymes for use in detergents may be stabilised by various
techniques, for example by the incorporation of water-soluble
sources of calcium and/or magnesium ions in the compositions.
[0067] The detergent composition may include one or more
bleach compounds and associated activators. Examples of such
bleach compounds include, but are not limited to, peroxygen
compounds, including hydrogen peroxide, inorganic peroxy
salts, such as perborate, percarbonate, perphosphate,
persilicate, and monopersulphate salts (e.g. sodium perborate
tetrahydrate and sodium percarbonate), and organic peroxy
acids such as peracetic acid, monoperoxyphthalic acid,
diperoxydodecanedioic acid, [Nu],[Nu]'-
terephthaloyl-di(6-aminoperoxycaproic acid),
[Nu],[Nu]'-phthaloylaminoperoxycaproic acid and
amidoperoxyacid. Bleach activators include, but are not
limited to, carboxylic acid esters such as
tetraacetylethylenediamine and sodium nonanoyloxybenzene
[0068] Suitable builders may be included in the formulations
and these include, but are not limited to, the alkali metal,
ammonium and alkanolammonium salts of polyphosphates, alkali
metal silicates, alkaline earth and alkali metal carbonates,
aluminosilicates, polycarboxylate compounds, ether
hydroxypolycarboxylat.es, copolymers of maleic anhydride with
ethylene or vinyl methyl ether, 1
,3,5-trihydroxybenzene-2,4,6-trisulphonic acid, and
carboxymethyl-oxysuccinic acid, various alkali metal, ammonium
and substituted ammonium salts of polyacetic acids such as
ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid and nitrilotriacetic acid, as
well as polycarboxylates such as mellitic acid, succinic acid,
oxydisuccinic acid, polymaleic acid, benzene 1
,3,5-tricarboxylic acid, carboxymethyloxysuccinic acid, and
soluble salts thereof.
[0069] The detergent composition may also optionally contain
one or more copper, iron and/or manganese chelating agents
and/or one or more dye transfer inhibiting agents. Suitable
polymeric dye transfer inhibiting agents include, but are not
limited to, polyvinylpyrrolidone polymers, polyamine N-oxide
polymers, copolymers of N- vinylpyrrolidone and
N-vinylimidazole, polyvinyloxazolidones and
polyvinylimidazoles or mixtures thereof.
[0070] Optionally, the detergent formulation can also contain
dispersants. Suitable water-soluble organic materials are the
homo- or co-polymeric acids or their salts, in which the
polycarboxylic acid may comprise at least two carboxyl
radicals separated from each other by not more than two carbon
[0071] Suitable anti-redeposition additives are
physico-chemical in their action and include, for example,
materials such as polyethylene glycol, polyacrylates and
carboxy methyl cellulose.
[0072] Optionally, the detergent composition may also contain
perfumes. Suitable perfumes are generally multi-component
organic chemical formulations, a suitable example of which is
Amour Japonais supplied by Symrise<(R)> AG.
[0073] Appropriate optical brighteners fall into several
organic chemical classes, of which the most popular are
stilbene derivatives, whilst other suitable classes include
benzoxazoles, benzimidazoles, 1 ,3-diphenyl-2-pyrazolines,
coumarins, 1 ,3,5-triazin-2-yls and naphthalimides. Examples
of such compounds include, but are not limited to, 4,4'-
,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]stilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid, 4,4'-
,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]stilbene-2,2'- disulphonic acid,
disodium salt,
4,4'-Bis[[2-anilino-4-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-1 ,3,5-
triazin-6-yl]amino]stilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid, disodium
salt, 4,4'-bis[(4,6-dianilino-1 ,3,5-
triazin-2-yl)amino]stilbene-2,2 -disulphonic acid, disodium
salt, 7-diethylamino-4- methylcoumarin,
,3,5-triazin-6-yl)amino]-2,2'- stilbenedisulfonic acid,
disodium salt, and 2,5-bis(benzoxazol-2-yl)thiophene.
[0074] Said agents may be used either alone or in any desired
combination and may be added to the cleaning system at
appropriate stages during the cleaning cycle in order to
maximise their effects.
[0075] The method of the present invention may be used for
either small or large scale batchwise or continuous processes
and finds application in both domestic and industrial cleaning
[0076] As previously noted, the method of the invention finds
particular application in the cleaning of textile fibres and
fabrics. The conditions employed in such a cleaning system do,
however, allow the use of significantly reduced temperatures
from those which typically apply to the conventional wet
cleaning of textile fibres and fabrics and, as a consequence,
offer significant environmental and economic benefits. Thus,
typical procedures and conditions for the wash cycle require
that fibres and fabrics are generally treated according to the
method of the invention at, for example, temperatures of
between 5 and 35[deg.]C for a duration of between 5 and 45
minutes, optimally in a substantially sealed system.
Thereafter, additional time is required for the completion of
the rinsing and bead separation stages of the overall process,
so that the total duration of the entire cycle is typically in
the region of 1 hour.
[0077] It is at these lower wash temperatures that the
efficacy of the presently claimed invention is greatest. The
inventors have sought, by addition of an antimicrobial agent
to the polymeric particles used, to provide a process in which
lower levels of mould and bacterial growth occur in the
washing machine at all times. The introduction of the
antimicrobial agent in this way, overcomes the drawbacks
associated with single use addition into the wash water (i.e.
fabric damage, expense and effluent treatment considerations),
and its action is continuous over the lifetime of the
polymeric particles, as said particles are re-used many times
in subsequent washes, as is common practice with this
[0078] The invention will now be further illustrated, though
without in any way limiting the scope thereof, by reference to
the following examples and associated illustrations.
[0079] Approximately 80 kg of nylon 6,6 beads were supplied by
Rhodia Operations, Aubervilliers, France - grade 24FE3. This
material was divided into individual samples of approximately
20 kg, each of which was then dried for 3[1/2] hours at
80[deg.]C in a desiccator. The polymer beads and the
appropriate amounts of a silver zeolite antimicrobial agent
(Bio Gate<(TM)> BG-Tec Plus) when used, were intimately
mixed by shaking them together in a sealed container, prior to
extrusion using a Rondol 21 mm diameter twin screw extruder at
Smithers-RAPRA, Shawbury, UK. The four samples of polymer
beads produced contained 0% (as a control, comparative
example), and 1 .0, 1 .5 and 2.0% w/w levels of the Bio
Gate<(TM)> BG-Tec Plus respectively. The twin screw
extruder was operated with a screw speed of 400 rpm, and with
8 sequential temperature settings down the barrel, namely:
zone 1 @ 240[deg.]C, zone 2 @ 250[deg.]C, zone 3 @ 260[deg.]C,
zone 4 @ 265[deg.]C, zone 5 @ 265[deg.]C, zone 6 @ 265[deg.]C,
and zone 7 @ 265[deg.]C. The die plate (zone 8) was also
maintained at 265[deg.]C. The extruded lace was then passed
through a water bath to cool and form a continuous solid
strand, before being cut to form polymer beads of approximate
dimensions 4.0 x 1 .7 x 1.7 mm.
[0080] In order to test the antimicrobial efficiency of these
beads, 25 g aliquots of each bead sample were inoculated with
6 ml of either pseudomonas aeruginosa (pa) at approximately
3.1 x 10<3> cfu/ml (colony forming units/millilitre), or
aspergillus brasiliensis (ab) at approximately 1.4 x
10<3> cfu/ml. The inoculated beads were then stored at
(31 +-1 )[deg.]C for the duration of the study, and at various
time points (t), samples of the beads representing 1 ml of the
inoculum (i.e. 5.17 g of beads/inoculum mixture) were removed
to 9 ml of diluent and shaken vigorously. The resulting
suspensions were tested using a standard plate count method.
Incubation was for 5 days at (31 +-1 )[deg.]C for the pa based
suspensions in tryptone soya agar growth medium, and for 5
days at (24+-1 )[deg.]C for the ab based suspensions in
sabouraud dextrose agar growth medium. The results are shown
in Table 1 . Bead Sample Count (cfu/ml) Count (cfu/ml) Count
(cfu/ml) Count (cfu/ml) Count (cfu/ml) at t = 0 at t = 24
hours at t = 4 days at t = 7 days at t =14 days
24FE3 control pa = 3.1 x 10<a> pa = >10<b> pa =
>10<b> pa = >10<b> pa = >10<b> ab =
1.4 x 10<3> ab = 1.5x10<3> ab = Not ab = 2.1
x10<4> ab = 1.8x10<4>
24FE3 + 1 .0% pa = 3.1 x 10<a> pa = 1.3x10<s> pa =
>10<b> pa = >10<b> pa = >10<b> w/w
ab = 1.4 x 10<3> ab = 1.5x10<3> ab = Not ab =
1.4x10<2> ab = 10 Plus
24FE3 + 1 .5% pa = 3.1 x 10<a> pa = 2.1 x10<s> pa
= 5.3x10<s> pa = 3.6x10<s> pa = >10<b>
w/w BG-Tec
ab = 1.4 x 10<3> ab = 1.3x10<3> ab = Not ab =
1.6x10<2> ab = <10 Plus
24FE3 + 2.0% pa = 3.1 x10<a> pa = <10 pa = <10 pa
= <10 pa = <10 w/w BG-Tec
ab = 1.4x10<3> ab = 1x10<3> ab = Not ab =
1.5x10<2> ab = <10 Plus
TABLE 1 pa and ab cfu/ml Results for the Inoculated Bead
[0081] As can be seen from Table 1 , there is a pronounced
antimicrobial effect from the 24FE3 beads extruded with the
2.0% w/w BG-Tec Plus antimicrobial agent. This has resulted in
suppression of mould and bacterial growth in repeated use
washing with these antimicrobial beads in apparatus as
described in WO-A-201 1/098815.
[0082] Throughout the description and claims of this
specification, the words "comprise" and "contain" and
variations of them mean "including but not limited to", and
they are not intended to (and do not) exclude other moieties,
additives, components, integers or steps. Throughout the
description and claims of this specification, the singular
encompasses the plural unless the context otherwise requires.
In particular, where the indefinite article is used, the
specification is to be understood as contemplating plurality
as well as singularity, unless the context requires otherwise.
[0083] Features, integers, characteristics, compounds,
chemical moieties or groups described in conjunction with a
particular aspect, embodiment or example of the invention are
to be understood to be applicable to any other aspect,
embodiment or example described herein unless incompatible
therewith. All of the features disclosed in this specification
(including any accompanying claims, abstract and drawings),
and/or all of the steps of any method or process so disclosed,
may be combined in any combination, except combinations where
at least some of such features and/or steps are mutually
exclusive. The invention is not restricted to the details of
any foregoing embodiments. The invention extends to any novel
one, or any novel combination, of the features disclosed in
this specification (including any accompanying claims,
abstract and drawings), or to any novel one, or any novel
combination, of the steps of any method or process so
[0084] The reader's attention is directed to all papers and
documents which are filed concurrently with or previous to
this specification in connection with this application and
which are open to public inspection with this specification,
and the contents of all such papers and documents are
incorporated herein by reference.