Nelson CAMUS, et al.
Urine-ATP Battery / Neltron

Give Pee a Chance ! Better to Light an LED than to Curse the Darkness ! 5 gallons of #1 Tinkle can generate 5 kw for 24 hours...

The human urine organic code was used to build the World's First Lithium Battery at the 80s. Today, it provides the power to run an Electric Vehicle.
tratando de replicar el motor de Nelson Camus - YouTube
September 3, 1993
Striking Gold In California: Inventors Unveil Urine Battery

PASADENA, Calif. - Three men who said they invented an electric battery that runs on urine are seeking investors with $5 million. At least one doubting scientist said he wouldn't give 5 cents for the thing.

And other scientists said they were highly skeptical of the inventors' claims, in particular without knowing what other materials were used and the chemical reactions purported to produce the power.

That's a secret, said the inventors, Nelson Camus, Edgar Aguayo and Ismael Valle, partners in a company they named Nel Nithium Electronics and run out of a home in a Los Angeles suburb.

But "without more information, it would be impossible to determine if there is anything here or not," said Robert Osteryoung, an electrochemist at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, N.C. He's the one who wouldn't part with a nickel for the device.

Camus, a 45-year-old electronics engineer from Chile, discovered the compound that makes the battery work, Aguayo said. They call it Nelson's lithium - or nithium for short.

They need investors to refine the device, which they say could run anything from a watch to a home power plant. In the meantime, a prototype will be displayed at the Invention Convention showcase running through Labor Day at the Pasadena Convention Center.

Chemist Gary Henriksen, in charge of advanced battery development at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois, called the idea "off-the-wall."

Said the promoters: "Everybody stops laughing when they see our demonstration."
Exotic Research Reports ( April - June 1998 )
Lightning Key to Natural Cold Fusion

Nelson Camus’s study of lightning and it’s effects led to his discovery of the Neltron - tiny negative particles of matter smaller than electrons. The Van Allen Magnetic belts discharges tiny negative particles into the part of the year where helium ( 0.07 percent of the air ) resides, generating the first natural cold fusion reaction in the air. Alpha particles ( helium ) transmute nitrogen ( 74.8 percent of the air ) into hydrogen plus oxygen. ( a Rutherford discovery of 1919 )

This constant transmutation of the nitrogen goes to the clouds, and a strong chain reaction generating the junction of H - O forming water. The drops of water from clouds are charged at positive polarization and the H - O from the transmutation of nitrogen are negative. The collapse of positive and negative plans to use the first spark generating water from H - O going with the cloud dreops together in large mass of rain down.

When the Neltrons are in contact with the drops of water, they bond with the electrons of the hydrogen and oxygen ( water ) creating different polarization in the clouds, thus generating a storm with strong power in sound, plus light rays, discharge, and rain. The lightning reflect electrons at 300,000 kilometers per second. A ray of lighting comes from the earth in a discharge of ions going to the clouds and the clouds reflect them down at 300,000 kilometers per second.

Neltron Turbo Battery

One of Nelson’s early projects delved into the conversion of the human urine salts into lithium using as special transmutation process. This research led to the discovery of Nithium and the development of a cold fusion cell. Further research along these lines to lead to the Neltron Theory. One of the applications developed from Dr. Nelson Camus’s discovery and theory is the Neltron Turbo Battery.

The Neltron Turbo Battery consists of multiple reverse ion fuel cells, with positive and negative electrodes, separated by a solid polymer membrane. Single fuel cells are bound together in the Neltron cabinet to provide electric power like a battery. It is initially more expensive than a battery because platinum is used as a catalyst.

The catalyst promotes separation of electrons and protons. After separation, electrons cannot pass through the membrane and are conducted as electrical current. The protons migrate through the membrane to the cathode.

The platinum catalyst prompts a reaction with oxygen from the air and the electrons to form a hyperconductive air mass. This vapor is charged with multiple ions, creating spark crowns on the piston’s surfaces. It uses a platinum catalyst. The catalyst promotes separation of electrons and protons.

Enhanced Combustion

It is an exact man-made duplication of the natural lightning storm. By using platinum style catalyst and a Nithium style driver, transmutation of some nitrogen from the air creates a hyperconductive mass of hydrogen and oxygen mixed with gasoline in the cylinder. When it is on, this incredible device causes the hydrogen and oxygen to be converted to hydrogen peroxide gas.

Whereas in normal ignition there is a steady ignition pattern, ignition using this mixture cause spark crowns to appear over the surface of pistons causing a more complete combustion of the carbon.

Internal combustion engines don’t burn gasoline and presence of sparks, they only transform the gasoline into different types of gases like CO, CO2, HC, NO2. The expansion energy comes directly from this conversion. Heat is generated because the carbon atoms of the gasoline have a slow motion, while the hydrogen and oxygen atoms have high speed motion during the conversion. More hydrogen and oxygen from the hydrogen peroxide produces ultrafast conversion in gases, obtaining more expansion with less heat during the combustion because more the carbon is converted in CO2 ( carbon dioxide ) with less HC ( hydrocarbons).

Cold Fusion Reactions

When the four atoms of hydrogen isotope called deuterium gets pushed together in just the right way, they and form an atom of helium. That’s called a fusion reaction; the by product is to release of energy. Because there are no radioactive waste products like in conventional nuclear power ( fission - the splitting of uranium atoms ), fusion has long been attractive to scientists. The only problem is that conventional fusion reactors occur under enormous temperatures and pressures, the kind of conditions found in nature only in the center of the sun, other stars, and in nuclear weapons.

In 1988, two electro-chemists, Pons and Fleischmann disclosed evidence of nuclear reactions in solids at room temperature using a process called electrolysis, a way of making chemical reactions occur by passing electric current through a liquid. The nuclear reaction occured with palladium and lithium metal in a foil form surrounding the Pb electrode. The Pd cathode used in the electrolysis with an electrolyte, the surface layers of lithium metal and palladium lithium alloy have precipitated upon the surface of the palladium electrode with positive neutron affinity. During the reaction, large amounts of neutrons suffer the conversion into tritons with the generation of 2.7 micro electron volts fusing with hydrogen before losing its energy and stopping in the range of 1>10um. The anode of the electrolytic cell converts itself into another substance. Nelson calls this “Trapped Neutron Catalytic Fusion”.

Cold Fusion Reasearch

Researchers and technical people with some knowledge in nuclear physics and chemistry are working with different metals, in combination with various electrolytes and different types of accelerators ( cyclotron, plasma, magnetic fields, laser, etc. ) to fully explored this newly discovered phenomenon. Hal Fox from the Cincinnati Group in Salt Lake City got artificial transmutation from his sodium anode into gold, using his own clusters ( electrons in command ). The amount of energy to produce this fusion reaction on was the order of one watt.

Nelson Camus’s own research in this field has resulted in the development of the urine battery, using human urine as the “fuel”. About 5 gallons of human during per day can produce 5 kilowatt hours of electricity for 24 hours. The urine battery was demonstrated at the Exotic Research Conference in July of 1998.

The Neltron Way

If other researchers were to adopt the 'Neltron' way, transmutation on the order of microwatts would be possible. The Neltron weight is only 1/1,000,000 times the electron weight, as faster than the speed of light, and is easy to trigger.

When in the hydrogen atom, the Neltron can be moved out from the top of the electron so that the positron ( positive opponent particle to the Neltron ) will shoot out from nucleus to maintain the stabilization of the atom. If you excite the Neltron too fast, the positron does not have enough time to get out of the nucleus. The positron will be forced down and lose its position at the center of the circular uniform notion of the atom.

The electron loses its neltron, and because of the reduced mass, the electrons speeds up, collapsing the nucleus in forming a cold fusion reaction. The hydrogen is converted into helium. This is a natural phenomenon that occurs infrequently in natural lightning storms.

The energy requirements are small... On the order of microwatts. This puts it in the energy range of the human brain. This can cause problems on rare occasions.

Sometimes our brain excites the Neltron in our body’s hydrogen atoms, thus converting them into helium and some parts of the human body disappear... spontaneous combustion of the human body.

Using the Neltron process, large amounts of hydrogen can be produced from water with very little power. If similar process was developed by Pacheco, a Bolivian man who used empirical methods to produce hydrogen from sea water. He ran his experimental motor boat fueled with sea water ( no gasoline ) for more than eight hours in a demonstration on the US Eastern seaboard back in the early 1970s.

Neltrons are truely the way of the future.
CAMUS Nelson
Né en 1948 à Valparaiso, au Chili, il a d’abord occupé dans les années 1968 différents postes d’ingénieur en électronique informatique à Buenos Aires. En 1975, il étudie la physique nucléaire à l’Université de Princeton, puis au MIT à Boston. En 77 avec John Aristoles Philips, il présente dans une salle de l’université le premier appareil artisanal de 50 Kilotonnes.
1977 : Première émission FM en stéréo à Iquique, Chili, avec démonstration des possibilités d’antenne de l’ananas.

1978 : Démonstration à Miami, en Floride, du premier téléphone cellulaire.

1979-81 : Directeur pour l’Amérique du Sud de Ruby Light Electronics Co, filiale de Westinghouse

De 1981 à 1992, il mène ses recherches sur la batterie à Urine dans sa propre société à Valparaiso.

1991-1992 : Au Salon Consommateur et Electronique de Las Vegas il fait des démonstrations du premier processeur sonore bio-tech au monde utilisant un supraconducteur à température ambiante

En 1993, il obtient un prix à la convention sur l’Invention à Pasadena (CA ) et il est depuis lors P. D.G. de Nel Nithium USA, Inc.

Depuis environ deux ans, Nelson vient en Suisse à l'Instituts für Neue Energietechnologien . Le 20/01/99, Nelson Camus s’y est rendu pour contrôler le fonctionnement de son Solar Neltron Trigger (qui double l’efficacité d’une installation solaire) et de son réacteur à Fusion Froide placés à l’INET.
Théorie de Nelson Camus : THE NELTRON

C’est l’exacte reproduction de l’éclair dans un orage. La lueur de l’éclair provient de la terre dans une décharge d’ions allant jusqu’aux nuages qui les réfléchissent vers le sol à la vitesse de 300.000 km/s. La ceinture magnétique de Van Hallen libère de minuscules particules prises à la surface de la terre et allant dans l’air. C'est ce qui produit le bombardement de l’élément de plus faible poids - l’hélium - présent dans l’air à 0,07 % et la première réaction de Fusion Froide naturelle dans l’air.

Les particules alpha (hélium) transmutent l’azote, présent à 74,8 % dans l’air, en hydrogène plus oxygène (comme Rutherford l’a découvert en 1919). Cette transmutation constante de l’azote va jusqu’aux nuages, dans une puissante réaction en chaîne qui produit la jonction de H – O formant l’eau.

Les gouttes d’eau venant des nuages ont une polarisation positive et les H-O venant de la transmutation de l’azote sont négatifs. L’effondrement des ions + et – produit la première étincelle qui donne de l’eau à partir de H et de O et qui vont, avec le nuage tomber, sous forme de pluie.

Lorsque les minuscules particules sont en contact avec les gouttes d’eau, elles se lient aux électrons de l’hydrogène et de l’oxygène (de l’eau) en créant une polarisation différente dans les nuages produisant l’orage, le tonnerre, les éclairs (qui réfléchissent des électrons à 300.000 km/s) et la pluie.

Réacteur à fusion froide C.F.R.

C’est la deuxième machine au monde à transformer le fluide électrostatique en fluide électrodynamique sans utiliser de matières radioactives contrairement à Testatika qui, selon certains chercheurs, utiliserait du chlorure de radium (?) Cette machine à sur unité annoncée utilise directement l’azote de l’air avec le Nithium et ne nécessite pas d’arrêts dus au nettoyage périodique réclamé par la batterie à urine. Nikola Tesla était prêt à la réaliser, mais il a seulement fait le générateur à électricité statique.

Le Neltron CFR est sur le marché depuis fin 1998 pour utilisation médicale.

La batterie à Urine de Nelson Camus

L'urine humaine fraîche ou concentrée fournit de l'ATP (Adénosine Triphosphate). La batterie fonctionne comme une véritable réplique du métabolisme humain avec un générateur d'ammoniaque, (vieux procédé inventé par Geber) et des réactions chimiques. Le carburant est le phosphocarbonate.

Le composé secret Nithium est un produit biochimique non nocif, non polluant qui combine des sels organiques et inorganiques. Le principe chimique de la batterie réside dans une forte oxydation du zinc de l'anode par une importante qyuanttité d'oxygène qui produit de l'électricité. Le courant vient du carburant par conversion de l'ATP en ADP (Adénosine Diphosphate) qui transporte les électrons.

Avec un peu moins d'un litre d'urine on produit de 720 watts à 1 kWh. 7,5 litres produisent de 5,6 à 7 kWh. En utilisant un injecteur contrôlé, on obtient respectivement 100 watts / heure pendant 8 à 10 heures et 1 kWh pendant 6 à 7 heures. Avec 23 litres de mélange, on peut produire 120 kWh pour la consommation d'une famille pendant une semaine et il est possible de tripler le rendement en consommant beaucoup d'ail et d'oignons !

D'autres applications du Nithium :

Batteries rechargeables et / ou tous usages au Nithium, Produits de nutrition au Nithium, Chargeur de batterie au Nithium à charge rapide, Sous haut-parleur de basses au Nithium pour le cinéma chez soi, Processeur - Son au Nithium, Produits de beauté au Nithium, Vidéotéléphone au Nithium à mouvement rapide 60 images / seconde, Micro-Ondes Nithium avec contrôle laser, Supraconducteur au Nithium pour les télécommunications, supérieur aux fibres optiques, moins cher et possédant plus de caractéristiques, Cellules solaires au Nithium ( Solar trigger 12)

La TurboBatterie / Superchargeur (commercialisée)

S'adresser à

 Endotronic GmbH, Argenbühl-Siggen D 88260 Tél : 0049/7566/465 et aussi au NET-Journal Thalrichstr.808, Postfach CH 4622 Egerkingen
Performances de la TurboBatterie dont le retour sur investissement est inférieur à deux ans. Conçue sur la base de 22 g de Nithium, elle peut produire 1 ampère avec une tension de 1,38 V, alors qu'un élément de carbonate de lithium de même poids produit une tension plus élevée de 3 volts mais génère seulement un courant de 50 mA. C'est donc une différence de 1,38 watts / 0,15 watts soit un facteur de 9,2.

Economie de 42 % de carburant sur les véhicules à injection d'essence dont l'arrivée est réduite de 50 % à l'injecteur.

Economie de 52 % sur des moteurs à carburateurs dont on réduit de moitié le diamètre du gicleur.

Dans les deux cas, il est important que le moteur ne fatigue pas. Tous les 960 km, il faut mettre 28,4 cm 3 de liquide Neltron.

C'est l'exacte reproduction de l'éclair d'orage naturel.

En se servant du platine comme catalyseur et du nithium comme conducteur, on produit une transmutation d'une certaine quantité d'azote de l'air en obtenant une masse hyperconductrice d'hydrogène et d'oxygène mélangées à l'essence en présence de l'étincelle.

En position ON , l’hydrogène et l’oxygène se transforment en peroxyde d’Hydrogène H 2 O 2…carburant de la fusée Discovery. Des couronnes d’étincelles apparaissent à la surface des pistons.

C’est parce que les moteurs à combustion interne ne brûlent pas l’essence en présence des étincelles que, seule l’essence est transformée en diverses sortes de gaz tels CO, HC, NoX, l’énergie en expansion provenant directement de cette conversion. Il y a production de chaleur parce que les atomes de carbone de l'essence ont un mouvement plus lent que n'ont pas l'hydrogène et l'oxygène pendant la conversion .

Une plus grande quantité de H et de O provenant du peroxyde d’hydrogène produit une conversion extrême dans les gaz, ce qui donne plus d’expansion et moins de chaleur pendant la combustion, car le carbone est transformé en une plus grande quantité de CO 2 (dioxyde de carbone) avec moins de HC.

Independent and self-sustained ultra efficient hybrid power generation and storage system method  


The present invention relates to an independent and self sustainable power generation and storage system.

In addition, the present invention relates to a solar panel to be used in the above power generator and storage system and method .

Such systems, composed of known solar panels, rechargeable batteries and control circuitry, are known and have been around for quite some time. However, even with large solar panels and large rechargeable batteries, these known systems, considering the modest amount of storageable energy, require too much time for recharging, thus preventing their breakthrough for some applications or even barring them from many intensive energy applications such as powering vehicles or aircraft.


According, it is an object of the present invention to provide an independent and self-sustainable highly efficient power generation and storage system. One aspect of the present invention, this object is achieved by a system for capturing, storing and delivering energy, comprising: capture means for capturing energy; storage means for storing captured energy; and charging means for charging said captured energy into said storage means; said capture means, charging means and storage means being appropriately associated to each other; and wherein said storage means may be connected to a load withdrawing energy from said storage means, characterized in that said capture means provides electrical energy and said storage means is an electrolyte-based rechargeable battery in which the electrolyte comprises adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

The addition of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to the regular rechargeable battery greatly reduces its internal resistance. ATP is an important molecule in the energy metabolism of human cells. The ATP molecule stores energy which can be released in its transition to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). The ATP/ADP conversion is reversible and thus lends itself to applications involving redox processes in rechargeable batteries.

In a preferred embodiment, the electrolyte is based on sulphuric acid, preferably a self-cohesive electrolyte, more preferably a hard-gel electrolyte. This is a low cost, well established battery system. The highly viscous hard-gel electrolyte prevents battery problems if the battery is shaken or tilted.

In another preferred embodiment, the above electrolyte is based on uric acid rather than sulphuric acid. This type of battery can be easily prepared from urine.

Preferably, the electrolyte comprises only dry silica rather than the gel. In this way, the battery can be activated by simply adding water.

Advantageously, the electrolyte further comprises silver/tin alloy salts further improving the battery characteristics.

In a further preferred embodiment, the rechargeable battery is a multicell battery. With each rechargeable battery being composed of a suitable number of cells connected in series, several battery voltages may be achieved.

In another preferred embodiment, each battery cell comprises a porous sheet in the top portion of its housing above the electrolyte, said porous sheet preferably being a glass-type material such as a fiber glass tissue. This sheet prevents water from leaking out of the battery while being permeable to gases such as hydrogen, oxygen or nitrogen which have to be absorbed or released by the battery in some cases. The porous sheet may also be a carbon-based material such as graphite or fullerenes.

Advantageously, said charging means is a battery charger located in a nitrogen containing atmosphere together with said rechargeable battery, said battery charger comprising in its charging line a light emitting element emitting at least part of the frequency spectrum of a black body radiator. This light emitting element, which may be powered by the battery charger, emits photons interacting with the nitrogen in the surrounding atmosphere causing the nitrogen molecules to split into nitrogen atoms which, under the influence of .alpha.-particle (helium nuclei) bombardment from the sun and outer space, disintegrate to form hydrogen and oxygen atoms as summarized by the following equation:

N+He.fwdarw.O+H (1)

These two elements will then enter the inventive battery through the above described porous sheets while chemically combining to form water molecules. This process speeds up the battery charging and thus contributes very favorably to the charging process. The nitrogen acts as a "fuel".

More particularly, said light emitting element is an incandescent bulb emitting a continuous emission spectrum which is very effective in stimulating the above splitting of nitrogen.

Preferably, this type of bulb is located close to the porous sheet of each battery cell. In this way, most of the hydrogen and oxygen is formed close to the battery, thus improving the favorable contribution to the charging process.

In some cases, it is appropriate that during the charging process said rechargeable battery and said light emitting element are placed in a pressurized chamber containing gaseous nitrogen. With this higher density of nitrogen molecules/atoms available, the above transmutation of nitrogen yields more hydrogen and oxygen ultimately forming water and entering the battery to be charged.

In a further preferred embodiment, said battery charger comprises a capacitor and a control circuit for controlling an intermediate charging and discharging process of said capacitor, wherein, during the battery charging process, said capacitor is controlled such that it accumulates charge from a charging source during a first period, which charge is then discharged from said capacitor into the rechargeable battery in the form of at least one pulse during a second period much shorter than said first period, this process being repeated periodically until the rechargeable battery is sufficiently charged.

This pulsating charging process causes "clusters" of electrons to be pumped into the battery which again speeds up the charging process and contributes to a fully charged battery.

Preferably, said capacitor is a carbon-aluminum capacitor with aluminum electrodes and carbon material sandwiched therebetween in intimate contact with said electrodes. Again, under the influence of .alpha.-particle bombardement, the aluminum atoms of the electrode material of this capacitor are prone to disintegrate into carbon and nitrogen atoms according to the following equation:

Al+He.fwdarw.C+N (2)

where the aluminum serves as a "fuel" just as the nitrogen does in the previous equation.

Advantageously, said carbon material has a porous structure which communicates with the surrounding atmosphere. In this way, after the transmutation of one aluminum atom to one carbon atom and one nitrogen atom, the carbon atom remains in the porous carbon structure whereas the nitrogen atom may exit that porous structure while probably recombining to nitrogen molecules and eventually undergoing the transmutation according to equation (1). In this manner, the aluminum "fuel" both directly and indirectly contributes to the above battery charging.

In a further preferred embodiment, said battery charger comprises a spongy battery having a first electrode of a first material, a second electrode of a second material and spongy material moisted with ATP wherein the electrodes are sandwiched therebetween and in intimate contact with said spongy material. This spongy battery also contributes favorably to the charging process.

Preferably, said first material is a metal under the 14th position of the periodic table of the elements and the second material is a metal over the 14th position of the periodic table of the elements.

Also, said first material may be an alloy of metals with the main metal under the 14th position of the periodic table of the elements and the second material may be an alloy of metals with the main metal over the 14th position of the periodic table of the elements.

In a further preferred embodiment, said capture means comprises at least one solar panel provided with solar cells. This provides an independent energy source.

According to another aspect, the present invention provides a solar panel, preferably for being used in a system as defined in the previous paragraphs, characterized in that it comprises reflectors directing reflected photons onto the panel.

These reflectors enhance the effective light capturing area increasing the number of photons impinging on the solar cells and thus increasing the power output of the panel through an increase of the output current, the output voltage of the panel being fairly constant and depending primarily only on the materials of the pn-junction, the doping levels involved and the junction temperature.

Preferably, said reflectors are a pair of reflector wings hinged to opposite edges of the panel. In this way, the reflector wings may be turned to an optimum angle with respect to the solar panel in use and may also be folded down onto the panel if not in use, thus providing protection against mechanical damage of the panel and making it less bulky for transportation and handling.

Preferably, said reflectors consist of a transparent layer covering a reflecting layer thereunder, such as glass layer with its bottom surface covered with a silver-tin alloy coating.

In a preferred embodiment, said solar panel has a reduced thickness and its back surface covered with a reflecting material such as aluminum, having a low thermal resistance. Due to the reflecting material, photons which did not interact with the pn-junction during their first passage of the reduced thickness solar cell medium may still interact during their second passage, increasing the overall illumination intensity to electrical power conversion efficiency of the solar panel.

In a further preferred embodiment, said back surface is equipped with an electrically powered cooling device in intimate contact with the aluminum layer. As mentioned above, the solar cell junction output voltage decreases with an increase in temperature. Also, and probably worse, the solar cell conversion efficiency drops off with increasing cell temperature. Due to the uniform cooling of the entire solar panel the output voltage on the one hand and the conversion efficiency on the other hand are maintained.

Advantageously, said cooling device is a thermocouple junction operated as a Peltier cooler. This type of "miniature refrigerator" is very compact in size, basically maintenance free and, last but not least, does not involve any environmentally harmful fluorohydrocarbons.

Preferably, said cooling device is powered by part of the electrical output of the solar panel.

The solar panel according to the present invention may be integrated in at least one wall of a refrigerator box with the solar cell on the outside surface of the wall and the cooling device on the inside surface of the wall.

According to yet another aspect, the present invention provides a method for charging energy into a rechargeable battery of a system described above, comprising: a capture means providing electrical energy; a battery charger having a capacitor and a control circuit for controlling an intermediate charging and discharging process of said capacitor; said method comprising the steps of:

a) during a first period, charging said capacitor to a predetermined level;

b) during a second period much shorter than said first period, discharging said capacitor into said rechargeable battery in the form of at least one pulse;

c) repeating steps a) and b) until the rechargeable battery is sufficiently charged.

This pulsating charging method speeds up the charging process of the battery.

Very good results in speeding up the battery charging are achieved when using a high wattage light bulb or even several such bulbs connected in series or in parallel in the charging line, preferably close to the rechargeable battery having a porous cover sheet. As explained above, atmospheric nitrogen under the influence of the intensive photon radiation from the bulb(s) as well as under the influence of cosmic .alpha.-particle bombardment very favorably contributes to the accelerated battery charging.

Even better results are achieved if the capacitor of the battery charger is a carbon-aluminum capacitor. Again, under the influence of cosmic .alpha.-particle bombardment the aluminum serves as a "fuel" providing additional energy for the battery charging.

In summary, the above system for capturing, storing and delivering energy, with the above solar panel being used as the capture means and using the above method for charging energy into the rechargeable battery of the system constitutes a truly hybrid system for capturing energy, since it captures "solar" energy in a broader sense:

1) photon energy from solar (classically speaking) radiation;

2) nuclear energy from nitrogen and aluminum nuclei activated by solar .alpha.-particles.


ATP battery electrolyte:


Version 1) - sulphuric acid (gravity 1.300): 70.5%

- silver/tin alloy salts: 2.5%

- adenosine triphosphate* (ATP): 12.0%

- dry silica (optional): 15.0%

Version 2) - concentrated urine

- bicarbonate

- sodium sulfate

- potassium hydroxide

- adenosine triphosphate* (ATP)

- dry silica (optional)

*in dynamic equilibrium with adenosine diphosphate (ADP), with ATP/ADP

ratio depending on degree of battery charging

The added ATP/ADP minimizes the electrical resistance of the electrolyte.

The hard-gel electrolyte due to the dry silica may be diluted, as required, with distilled water to get a liquid of the required viscosity that can be filled in each cell of the battery, each cell yielding approximately 2 volts.

The thin sheet of fiber glass tissue in the top portion of each battery cell, covering the total upper surface of the cell just in direct contact with the positive and negative plates minimizes the escape of hydrogen and oxygen gases with the reformation of water inside each cell during the charging and discharging cycles.

Battery charger

The battery charger (Hyper Booster Controller) uses rectifier silicon diodes in the electronic circuitry, improving the battery charging efficiency during a time delay of 6 seconds followed by the electron cluster discharge into the ATP battery and also maintains the internal (supportive, auxiliary) batteries totally activated all the time. The discharge of electron clusters to the storage battery every 6 seconds with the help of samll (supportive) batteries pushes down the current from the solar panels.

Each rectifier silicon diode produces a voltage drop of 0.45 volts, maintaining the current in the electronic circuitry constant. Preferably, several rectifier silicon diodes are connected in series to maintain the RMS average power in the electron flow in order to charge respective batteries.

The internal carbon-aluminum capacitor is connected in parallel with the terminals of the internal small (auxiliary) batteries and/or the external small batteries used in the control circuitry. In addition, they are connected to the positive output of the solar panel together with the anode terminal of the series of rectifier silicon diodes whose final cathode terminal of the series is directly connected to the positive terminal output of the control circuitry. All the negative terminals of each component are connected together.

The electronic circuitry is to detect the storage status of the battery to be charged, adjusting by itself the time delay and lapse of time in the discharge of the electron flow clusters (pulses).

The spongy battery composed of the flat sandwich of the two different alloys of metals separated with a thin spongy paper moisted with ATP can be activated by any existing source of electric power.

The battery charger using the light charging principle has one rectifier diode of 600 V.p.e.p./ 3 amps connected in series with one or more incandescent light bulbs having a power consumption of more than 10 watts and a nominal voltage of 10 to 400 volts at 50 to 60 Hz AC, also in series with the battery to be formed or charged, closing the circuit with the 110-220 V.A.C. supply from the utility grid. This set-up of the light battery charger more than doubles the efficiency of the battery during the discharging cycle. Particularly, it reduces the heat dissipation and bubble formation in the surface of the liquid lead acid battery during the formation process in the factory, reducing production costs and minimizing health hazards to factory workers.

Further advantages of the present invention are:
reducing the manufacture and shipment costs of the power generation and storage system
maximizing existing solar electric conversion efficiencies
reducing the risks involved in transporting
hazardous materials such as liquid lead-acid batteries
reducing battery manufacture costs
preventing the deterioration of food
providing dependable computer back-up
providing efficient source for daily and/or emergency power lights, television and radio receivers and transmitters,
compensating for extended interruptions of utility power

The present invention as set forth above and in the appended claims as well as additional features, advantages and applications thereof will be best understood from the following description of preferred embodiments when read in connection with the accompanying drawings.


FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a reflector wing type solar panel according to the present invention;

FIG. 1-A is a perspective view of another wing-equipped solar panel;

FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a solar panel with a thermo-couple Peltier cooler mounted thereon;


FIG. 3 shows a lateral cross section of a further solar panel with a thermo-couple Peltier cooler;


FIG. 4 is a front perspective view of a solar refrigerator comprising four thermo-couple Peltier coolers and one blower;

FIG. 5 is a front perspective view of one single cell of an ATP (adenosine triphosphate) battery according to the present invention, with its housing partly broken away, showing a thin sheet of fiber glass tissue covering the upper surface of the cell directly contacting the negative and positive plates;

FIG. 6 is a simplified schematic wiring diagram of a battery charger including a continuous spectrum light emitting element according to the present invention;

FIG. 7 is a simplified schematic wiring diagram of another battery charger including an external energy source (e.g. small battery), a capacitor for intermediate charging as well as charging control circuitry;

FIG. 8 is an exploded view of a spongy battery with three spongy papers moisted with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) alternating with two metal sheets (positive and negative), each of which consisting of a different metal or metal alloy; and

FIG. 9 is a lateral cross sectional view of the spongy battery of FIG. 8.


Referring to FIG. 1, a solar panel 1 having a right reflector wing 2, a left reflector wing 3 and a frame 4 is shown. The right reflector wing 2 forms a right aperture angle 5b and the left reflector wing 3 forms a left aperture angle 5a with respect to the plane defined by the solar panel 1. Both reflector wings 2, 3 concentrate more solar power/intensity (number of photons per unit area) onto the solar panel 1, thus enhancing its electrical power output.

Referring to FIG. 1-A, another solar panel 9 having a right reflector wing 6 and a left reflector wing 7 is shown. In addition, this solar panel 9 has a flat aluminum sheet 8 having a thickness of 3.2 mm (1/8"). The reflector wings 6, 7 are hinged to the solar panel 9 by metal hinges 10a, 10b, 10c and 10d, 10e, 10f, respectively. Aluminum being a good thermal conductor, the aluminum sheet 8 contributes to a uniform temperature distribution over the solar panel 9, preventing internal voltage differences which might cause damage to the solar panel due to internal currents.

Referring to FIG. 2, yet another solar panel equipped with an aluminum sheet having a first side 11 and a second side 12 is shown. A thermo-couple junction 13 is attached to the second side 12 of the aluminum sheet 11, 12 by an adhesive contact 14. The thermocouple junction 13 is operated as a Peltier cooler with its cold side attached to the aluminum sheet. Thus, due to its good thermal conductivity, the aluminum sheet 11, 12 acts as a heat sink cooling the solar panel. Again, the thickness of the aluminum sheet is 3.2 mm (1/8").

Referring to FIG. 3, a cross section of a further solar panel 15 is shown. A thick piece of aluminum 16 extends across the panel, providing thermal contact between the Peltier cooler and the solar panel 15. The aluminum sheet 17 is arranged on both sides of the solar panel 15.

Referring to FIG. 4, a solar refrigerator having four walls each with a Peltier cooler 18a, 18b, 18c and 18d is shown. In addition, one of the four walls has a blower 19 mounted thereon. At least one of the four walls is provided with a solar panel to power the four Peltier coolers and the blower.

Referring to FIG. 5, a front perspective view of one single cell of an ATP (adenosine triphosphate) battery according to the present invention is shown, with its housing partly broken away, showing a thin sheet of fiber glass tissue 19A covering the upper surface of the cell, directly contacting the positive plate 19C and the negative plate 19E of the cell. The negative electrode terminal 19B extends through the fiber glass tissue cover 19A and the positive electrode terminal 19D is connected to the housing of the single cell ATP battery.

Referring to FIG. 6, a simplified schematic wiring diagram of a battery charger including a rectifier diode 20 for half wave rectification and a high wattage light bulb 21 emitting a continuous spectrum of light is shown. The battery to be charged 22 is an ATP battery as shown in FIG. 5. The inventive ATP battery which may have an electrolyte based on sulphuric acid, uric acid or a similar acid, can be more rapidly charged with the inventive light battery charger if the light bulb 21 is on. Of course, the inventive battery charger could have a more sophisticated rectifier unit permitting full wave rectification, smoothing, etc.

Referring to FIG. 7, a simplified schematic wiring diagram of another battery charger (Hyper Booster Controller) including a carbon-aluminum capacitor 23 for intermediate charging, a small battery 24 as an internal and/or external supportive energy source as well as charging control circuitry 25 is shown. In addition, a rectifier silicon diode 26 is provided in the power input line to the charging control circuit 25. A solar panel (not shown) as a major energy source is connected with its output to the positive input terminal 28. The ATP battery to be charged (not shown) is to be connected to the positive and negative output terminals 27 of the charging control circuit 25. The control circuit 25 causes periodic charging of the ATP battery. Each period is composed of a first period and a second period. During the first period, the carbon-aluminum capacitor 23 is charged from the solar panel through the control circuit 25. During the subsequent second period, the carbon-aluminum capacitor 23 is discharged in one or more pulses into the ATP battery again through the control circuit 25. All negative terminals of each component are connected together.

Referring to FIG. 8, an exploded view of a flat sandwich-type spongy battery (Electron Organizer) with three spongy papers 29a, 29b, 29c moisted with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) alternating with two metal sheets 30, 31 (negative and positive), each of which consisting of a different metal or metal alloy, is shown. The metal sheet 30 is formed of a metal under the 14th position in the periodic table and acts as a negative pole whereas the metal sheet 31 is formed of a metal over the 14th position in the periodic table and acts as a positive pole.

Referring to FIG. 9, a lateral cross sectional view of the spongy battery of fig. 8 is shown with the negative plate 30, the positive plate 31 and the ATP moisted spongy papers 29a, 29b, 29c surrounding the plates 30, 31.