Alexey Chekurkov
Anti Gravity Invention by Alexey Chekurkov
Alex Flying Craft
Alexey Chekurkov Lift Craft with Circuit
This video presentation described how I applied Mechanics,
Electrostatics, Electro-Magnetics, Electronics, to interpret,
quantify the flight of the Alexey Chekurkov Lift Craft. With
circuit analysis, the H.V. and L.V. Power Supply Circuits, and
Demagnetizer Circuit were reconstructed, completed with parts
lists, by calculations, verified its voltage, current, force,
conditions of levitation...
by Walter M. Nowosad, Jr.
September 24, 2018 / October 15, 2018
Just prior to publishing this page, I received an e-mail from
one of my YouTube viewers, who provided a text file containing the
full Russian to English translation. It has already helped
one of our engineers in his efforts to build The Alexey Device.
A friend off mine – Aidar Mukhametzhanov – is a full-time
student and moving company business owner, who legally immigrated
to the United States from Kazakhstan a few years ago. He was
good enough to invest a few hours of his time on a weekend to help
me understand what Alexey says in this video. He helped
clarify the meaning of one component, which was confounding us;
and, you'll read about it in the SOUND section of this page.
My recreation of Alexey's Electrical schematics was
interpreted from the video recording of his pencil drawing.
I’ve omitted component values and their units-of-measure from the
diagram; because, his labeling was either unclear and difficult to
read, or altogether missing; and, I didn't want to be the

They appear to be lightweight pancake motors, akin to computer
cooling fans. The lower motor could be a bathroom
ventilation fan.
Symbols for electrolytic capacitors appear in circuits that
may, or should be, some flavor of AC. Unless my memory from
electronics school fails me, these types of capacitors are
intended for DC-only circuits. If it's pulsed DC may be
another issue to consider. It was difficult to read the
polarity for C2. If it’s on an AC circuit, then the
wrong capacitor symbol was used.
The few resistor values appearing in Alexey's schematic were
relatively easy to read; however, not all resistors included a
value or unit-of-measure – ? vs. K? vs. M?, etc. so, I've
omitted the values.
The schematic contains six transistors. Two numbers appear
near one transistor at the base of the Tesla Coil's L2. One
is a Russian transistor part number (KT819) and the other number –
250843 – could either be read as 2508Hz or 250843. During
the team's Skype call (notes to below), we came to a consensus
it’s 250,843, which would roughly represent 250 KV or 250
KHz. Two more Russian transistor part numbers KT838 and KT
815 appear beneath the transformer I've labeled TR1. This
website shows equivalent Western part numbers. I’ve provided links
to transistor data sheets, below. I was unable to locate a
Western equivalent for KT838 and discovered some of them are
KT815 / BD165
KT819 (Same as KT 818G, but with n-p-n structure) /
BDY20, BDY23
The voltage values scribbled on the left could be 24V and 12V
– can’t say for sure. The flavor of waveform Alexey applies
is not specified; however, given images appearing in his video,
the Tesla Coil L1 may be receiving a square wave from a switching
power supply.
Throughout the video and in the comments section, I see
repeated references to the “Katcher”. My best guess is that
the power supply and circuit feeding the Tesla Coil is the
"Katcher". In fact, you'll find imprinted on the black box
“Switching Power Supply”.
Alexey says, “And this lead is only powering high-voltage
power supply”. His schematic indicates two sources of high
voltage from two different power supplies. Perhaps the 12 V
Starter Battery is feeding the two white boxes. See the
white text against a green field, “Two Boxes for powering
discs”. We are unable to see all sides of them to determine
interconnections. What’s contained inside is unknown.
Later, the video shows Alexey disconnecting a white lead from the
12V / 44 Ah / 360 CCA starter-battery. The video whip-pans
to reveal his device hanging in the sky for several seconds until
everything discharges; and, it drops to the ground.
Source voltage values are difficlut to identify from Alexey’s
pencil drawing. Have I incorrectly interpreted the top right
source to be 24V? Should it be a 12 VDC starter
battery? Is the starter battery we see the sole source of
power for all three circuits?
1) Two motors & a piezoelectric ultrasonic sound generator
sharing one circuit;
2) one Tesla coil primary feeding stepped-up high voltage via its
secondary to the center fixed disc; and,
3) a “magnifying” circuit, which sources high voltage to the
spinning plates.
What is the purpose of the circuit that contains transformer
TR2? What is the function of the spark gap connected to
TR2’s secondary, when its primary sees a 12 V DC signal from a
Battery? My friend, who translated Alexey’s Russian, says
this circuit powers a piezoelectric ultrasonic sound
generator. When the sound interacts with the "special metal"
(textured metal), you have levitation. The sound of a
beetle’s beating wings interacts with the rough under-texture of
its wing covers, which levitates the bug; so, the special metal
– rough, textured, and bumpy – represents the beetle's
rough under-surface, and the ultrasonic sound generator represents
the beetle's vibrating wings. This is Alexey's nod to
Viktor Grebennikov. Alexey doesn’t say what kind of metal it
is or where it came from.
The ultrasonic sound generator is most likely physically
positioned above the top motor and hidden under what appears to be
a plastic dome, which could be a reflector scavenged from a large
Could the dome we see on top be an inverted ultrasonic piezo
speaker? I searched the Internet and found several; but,
none of them resembled Alexey’s dome. We simply don’t know
what’s underneath.
Could the Alexey device operate on sound alone? If so, could
it operate in a vacuum? Not likely. What else could be
used in place of sound - perhaps UV light, as suggested by William
R. Lyne in his book, Pentagon Aliens, 3rd Edition? Note the
external arching waves (left), analogous to sound waves – are
these U.V. light resonators?
According to my Russian-English interpreter friend, Alexey says
the device's voltages, frequencies, and ultrasonic sound must be
in resonance.
When Alexey says he uses special metal, the metal is
considered special because it’s textured.
One of our engineers recommended William R. Lyne’s book, Pentagon
Aliens, 3rd Edition – and I can’t put it down. In it, he mentions
quilted aluminum, which apparently was the crisscross ridge
patterns of early stealth technology developed by the Germans
during for their WWII U-boats, and adapted to the saucers.
Friends of the author described seeing this pattern on UFOs.
This brought Alexey’s mysterious metal to mind. A few
seconds on Google; and, voilà! I find rigidized metal: Some
suppliers call it Stucco metal.
I've overlaid a closeup image of the Device's special metal with
Sample 1SLG. They look similar. According to this
website, this texture is available in stainless steel and other
The contacts (a strip of copper) provide a conductive
path to carry a single polarity high-voltage pulsed charge to the
spinning discs (positive on the top disc; and negative on the
bottom disc).
How much voltage should the brushes be feeding the upper and lower
rotating discs? According to my friend who translated
Russian to English, the circuit following TR1's secondary
Alexey’s drawing shows magnets mounted to one disk only; but,
the device has magnets mounted to both discs. My drawing
shows this. I assume north poles face each other. The
functional purpose of the magnets are unknown - perhaps to channel
the electric and magnetic fields into a spinning vortex?
While he admits he may not be using the right words in his
explanation, Alexey rationalized the lower spinning disc should be
negatively charged ~ to Earth. He continues by describing
vortex fields spinning upward and downward from the rotating
disks, which excludes it from Earth’s gravity; but, he stops short
of describing the magnets' orientation.
The middle stationary plate – charged by the Tesla coil – may
act as an electric barrier to separate fields created by the
high-voltage charged upper and lower rotating plates. One of
our team members speculates its purpose may be to prevent the
opposing polarities and fields from mixing and being
neutralized. Alexey says everything must be in resonance –
all three charged plates and the ultrasonic sound or vibration.
Alexey features at least two devices on his YouTube
channel. The one pictured here is not the same used in his
indoor and outdoor video demonstrations. It is smaller in
diameter, lighter weight; and, the discs are not made from a
“special metal”. According to my translator, they’re CDROM
At the time Alexey recorded the schematics video, this device was
still in construction. Both discs appear opaque, as if
coated with something; yet, in a higher camera angle; the disc
appears to be transparent. Is this a trick of light and
With a copper contact in direct contact with the upper and lower
rotating CDROM discs. We speculated the foil aluminum
encased in the layers of polycarbonate may interact with the high
voltage charge.
Since the copper brush is not in direct contact with a conductive
plate, assuming the disc is not coated or sprayed with conductive
materials and the only conductor present would be sandwiched
between 1.2 mm of polycarbonate plastic (an insulator), if the
goal is to apply a high voltage charge to the extremely thin layer
of embedded aluminum, would breakdown voltage of 1.2 mm of
polycarbonate material need to be taken into consideration prior
to testing? How will the aluminum react to the pulsed
charge? Will it heat up, expand, and cause the disc to come
The upper rotating disc appears to be transparent from the high
camera angle. If you’ve ever purchased sleeves of CDs or DVDs,
you’ll know they ship with a clear plastic packaging insert at the
top and bottom of the sleeve, which does not contain
aluminum. Is that what Alexey is using here? If so,
how will the rotating polycarbonate plastic discs receive a high
voltage charge?
A set of black and white wires and connection blocks are on
top. The piezoelectric ultrasound device is absent.
These four wires could be feeding power to both motors and the
Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Sound Generator. Note the black
triangles bolted to the lower stationary plate. Could these
be insulators electrically restricting the high voltage charge to
the center stationary disc?
Alexey says his next video will show how he tunes the
circuits. As mentioned in an other video, it takes Alexey
thirty to sixty minutes to tune the device.
During my Russian to English translation session I also got this:
Too much high-voltage can prevent levitation. Who knows what
other variables factor into the equation?
TEAM SKYPE CALL: September 15, 2018
During our call, we had another long-time pod member join us;
and, we stepped through Alexey’s circuit and how we think it’s
designed to. We discussed wave forms, such as a pulsed
half-wave riding on an offset DC signal – positive at the upper
and negative at the lower. The waveform could be square, or
other. It could be in phase, or a number of degrees out of phase.
We simply don’t know.
The signals at all three plates receive some flavor of pulsed DC.
Power source values are in question.
We pondered how Alexey’s circuit, as drawn, would be tuned for
resonance or adjusted to ascend and descend.
Based on his circuit, it appears voltage and current values are
the only adjustable variables. VR1 would vary current.
My transistor knowledge is a little fuzzy; but, as I recall,
depending on how the transistor is biased, changes in current
and/or voltage affects frequency – the relationship may be
inversely proportionate – as current increases, frequency
decreases; and as current decreases, frequency increases.
The amplitude of the signal varies with adjustments, as well; not
to mention, the transistors would have to be capable of
accommodating certain voltages, current, frequencies, etc.
Again, I’m rusty on this stuff.
We pondered, what’s missing? Is Alexey hiding
something? Is he concealing other control knobs or
circuits? It was suggested as workaround to his circuitry:
Rather than constructing your own Tesla coils, buy one
off-the-shelf. For your High Voltage source leading to the
rotating plates, it was suggested a neon sign transformer and a
Variac – to enable tuning – could be used.
We attempted to identify electrical components appearing in one of
Alexey’s previous videos. As shown here, there were four
boxes – a black-colored metal box referred to as a “Katcher”
(switching power supply), which apparently drives the Tesla coil;
a white thing sporting a large dial (a dimmer / pot); a white and
blue plastic thing; and a “throwback” (I think that's what it's
called) from a television. How Alexey interconnected them to
his device is unclear.
If you'd like to send me something:
PO BOX 5450
OCEANSIDE, CA 92052-5450
Antigravity Demonstration Using Counter-Rotating
Magnet-Electrostatic Fields From Russia
Re: RUSSIAN Alexey Chekurkov MAGNET HIGH
November 23, 2018, 10:54:41 AM »
Zoltan has published this in 2003 on electro-statics and now it's
in a pdf document.. Alexi has all four components in his lifter
and electrostatics is just one aspect here to make this lifter
Inconsistencies in EM Theory - the Kelvin
Polarization Force Density Contradiction
by Zoltan Losonc
Calculations of resultant electrostatic force on a charged
spherical or cylindrical capacitor with two sectors of different
dielectrics, based on the classical formulas of electrostatic
pressure, Kelvin polarization force density, and Maxwell stress
tensor predict a reactionless force that violates Newton's 3rd
law. Measurements didn't confirm the existence of such a
reactionless thrust, thus there is an apparent inconsistency in
the classical EM theory that leads to wrong results.[/font]
The practical concept of reaction-less force and Newton’s 3rd law
Before starting the description we should clarify briefly the
issue, what does the violation of Newton’s 3rd law mean, and
define the concept of reaction-less force. According to our
everyday experiences, forces are exerted upon a body either by
physical matter through direct mechanical contact, or by force
fields that are originating also from physical matter. Thus the
force-field acts as a mediator medium between the two bodies made
of physical matter and it develops an action and reaction in
distance, but the forces seem to be the same as if the bodies
would act upon each other through direct mechanical contact.
Newton’s 3rd law declares that if a physical body acts upon a
second physical body with force a F then the second body will also
act upon the first body with a force of same magnitude but
opposite direction –F. That means, if there is an active force
tending to accelerate a body then there must also exist another
reaction force of same magnitude and opposite direction acting on
a second body, and there cannot exist an active force without a
reaction force.
If there would be such force then we could call it a reaction-less
force, since it does not require any reaction force, or the
presence of a second body (to react) in order to be active and
accelerate a physical body. According to this interpretation if we
measure a unidirectional electrostatic force (developed by the
E-field) upon a thruster, we can call it reaction-less since it
does not develop any reaction force upon physical matter and it
does not require the existence of a second physical body in order
to be active and be able to accelerate the thruster. This active
force is originating from the electric force field and thus we
might expect that consequently the reaction force should be
transferred to the physical matter that creates this field (to
electric charges, and from them to the atoms of a body); the law
of action-reaction between physical bodies should still remain
valid. However, in the case of E-field thrusters the sources of
the accelerating E-field are the same charges that are present on
the surface of the electrodes and the reaction force would act on
these charges counteracting the active accelerating force. Thus no
resultant thrust would exist on a thruster without the presence of
external force fields and physical bodies. If we still prove that
a resultant unidirectional thrust can exist upon a thruster that
does not originates from external medium then it is justified to
call it reaction-less since from a physical and practical point of
view the reaction force does not manifest in the perceived rough
physical dimension.
The force fields are special manifestations, energetic states of
the background ether, and they are part of the ‘ether sea’ in
which all matter flows. Thus they can lean upon this subtle fluid
substance that represents a reaction background to interact with
physical matter. Now we could say that we have found the reaction
background and the law of action-reaction is still valid, since
the force-field (i.e. the ether) bears the reaction force that
should have the same magnitude as the action force upon the
thruster. However, the substance of the reaction background (the
ether) belongs to a more subtle dimension, and it is not a rough
physical matter that would have the same characteristics as the
well known physical matter. Therefore from practical point of view
we can still call the discussed thrust ‘reaction-less’ within the
rough physical dimension (or frame of reference) to differentiate
it from the usual forces that always invoke a reaction force upon
physical bodies.
Antigravity Demonstration Using
Counter-Rotating Magnet-Electrostatic Fields From Russia
Special thanks to Walter Nowosad for sharing this.

"Special Metal" is unknown. It looks like hammered tin, or
an aluminum/bismuth alloy, hand-forged. It looks coated;
plated, and easy to machine. It is known that the disks may
become magnetized, meaning it is a ferrous alloy. It won't
work when the disks are magnetized, probably causing a problem
with spinning, or otherwise electrical disruption due to homopolar
motor effects back-feeding into the external high voltage power
He does have a lot of that metal on hand, however. He has
made other apparatus from that metal, as per links below. It
resembles an iron / tin allow for corrugated roofs with perhaps, a
galvanized zinc plating.
It would most probably be a standard type of easily-acquirable
Also note the power supply in the video below, using a Tesla
resonance transformer. His standard power supplies however
are using "positive energy," rather; whereas these metal disks are
essentially rotating air capacitors. Being able to conduct
magneto-electrostatic fields and usage of the Tesla resonance
transformer denote that they are charged as a field at high volts,
using non-standard electromagnetic (positive) energy; and the
electromagnetic energy from the transformers would be going toward
powering the motors that spin the disks, not using homopolar motor
Note the blending of the energies of magneto-electrostatic and
electromagnetic in high volts.
Furthermore, he uses neodymium magnets in the positions of the
utrons near the outsides of his lower disk. The magnetic
field near the outside while spinning them, denotes the
electromagnetic collapse of magnetism toward the center -- in that
field geometry.
This begs the question of the utrons being magnetic, whereas the
outer electromagnets of the X1 collapse somehow in timing with the
passing utrons, and a coil around the utrons could be built to
handle that collapsed energy in polarity opposite of the
utron-magnet, to deaden or cancel the utron's magnetic field in
order to pass through the electromagnetic gate.
Aside from that complex structure, a homopolar motor design with
electrostatic rotating disks may actually be able to handle
rotating magnets spinning in the opposite direction of one of two
counter-rotating field disks; it seems that the rotating magnetic
fields are only traveling in one direction.
It's easy to see the device comprised of two capacitor sets, one
on top (with lower rotating disk), and one on the bottom, with
lower rotating disk with magnets. He is NOT using homopolar
motor technology, and he's using an external Tesla coil power
supply, instead of integrating that into his design, although it
is using a conductive hollow "hat" similar to a Tesla
tower. Also note the static disk, rather the disk that
is not moving, with the frame "landing legs" sticking through it.
Note the bottom rotating disk is wider than the upper rotating
disk, keeping to principles of the magnet and dielectric layers,
using a wider magnet on bottom and on upper magnet, in less width,
in adherence with the Townsend Brown in a vacuum test shown on the
pdf file on the Construction page in the Townsend Brown section.
Part of it is powered through a Tesla resonance coil.
Here are some of Alexey's comments:
"A new lightening disk was made and a video was shot. But someone
influential complained and yutub blocked the roller. But one user
managed to download and reapply but again called feykovy flight.
He decided that if the terminal with akamulyatora removed means
fake. But I explained that from time to time you need to remove
the power from the TDX to prevent the magnetization of the disks
and prevent the subsidence of the parameters. If you have not seen
the movie, I'll throw the link."
"This corrugated aluminum with an anodized coating structure
similar to the beetle fenders. So successfully
Guess I need to mention Alexey mentioned in a comment on one of
his bug wing videos what the material is -- the anodized
corrugated aluminum. I spent hours translating Russian into
English and searching.
This represents the first successful testing of the rotating and
counter-rotating charge antigravity craft, able to lift a
considerable amount of weight, and when applied in an air-tight
resonance cavity hull may also work in a vacuum.
So now we know that the rotating and counter-rotating charge
principle of physics DOES WORK.
I want to take some still-shots of the videos, and notes, to have
a photo reference, just in case, because Alexey mentioned that his
prior videos were removed from YouTube in order to suppress the
He uses modified high voltage power supply from switching power
supply for his original test. The first disk is powered up
using a standard motor, plugged into a wall socket (power strip)
which gets it to spin, as is the second disk. The disks are
mounted to stationary frame (stationary disk), which the two
motors are bolted to. The disks are arranged as capacitors,
so the presence of unmoving disks in the engine will not cause it
not to work.
After the two disks (the one on the very bottom, and the second
one from the top) are spinning in opposite directions, most
definitely. You can adjust your video settings for high
quality to see better. The next step is to connect the high
voltage power supply (after all, as I've said before, all forms of
electrogravity use high voltage). In the OTC-X1, that is
achieved through high volt flyback from the electromagnets.
Okay. The high voltage is plugged into the stationary disks
by the looks of things, and the rotating disks picks up one
polarity of the dielectric charges, but both stationary disks are
on top of the rotating disks, so the orientation typically used is
positive up and negative on bottom. If using positive on the
bottom, it would be repulsive to the Earth surface charge, and not
achieve significant height, in my opinion.
The orientation of negative on bottom and positive on top
effectively means that the co-counter-rotating disks are spinning
positive against negative, looking at this in the form of
capacitor geometry. His high voltage source is the typical
high voltage transformer from a CRT tube and improvised voltage
multiplier (positive energy high volts, just like most people do
with their electrostatic lifters). You can hear the
zzzzzaping when he plugs in the voltage multiplier.
High voltage supply is the box in the middle photo.
Multiplier is the hand-held device on the floor in the right
He says the high voltage performs the "magnetization of
sectors." It's in Russian, but there is an English
Voltage and speed (inertial frequency).
The bottom left is levitating. Bottom middle is side
profile. Bottom right is the bottom of the engine, and those
are the 6 neodymium magnets.
Okay so here is the successful test model version 2.
The mess on the left is the power supply. Tesla resonance
transformer, and immediately to its right is the power supply for
it. The box on the far right is the independent power supply
for the transformer block, and the little white box on top of the
big white box is the high volt power supply. It's all
connected to the 12 volt battery. I'm recording this for
posterity, just in case.
Alexey continues to explain that a conflict of sequences steps
caused his previous model to fall down, and he has to do a lot of
fancy adjustments to get the craft to go up in the air, and
sometimes it may take 30 minutes to balance everything
correctly. Basically he explains that his power supply
system has to be charged up in a certain order, probably due to
resonance, like how a capacitor has to be charged first in a basic
LC circuit (see the article below), and then when resonance starts
to break down, he needs to provide an input to the capacitors, but
it ends up going to the wrong place (the transformer instead of
the capacitors), and his high voltage signal starts to degrade.
I don't want to speculate here too much about his power system,
though. Not yet.
The second device, his working prototype is impressive, and
obviously upgraded from the first, yet still having the same
overall characteristics, and using better field geometry.
We know now that he is using corrugated aluminum with an anodized
coating, which was the same material he used for the CSE beetle
(sound resonance cavity) experiments, from the Russian etymologist
years ago who discovered that effect. The piece he is
touching is the upper rotating disk. This is awesome!
It's like a TR-3B engine (1 of 3 on the triangular hull's
tips). Just think how this style can be adopted to use a
homopolar motor design instead of dipole standard electric motors.
Here below is a better view of the whole top. The special
field is theorized in different ways. One theory is a
positive and negative electrical mass cancellation.
Otherwise it's not very well known how it works to be
honest. If you consider electromagnetic spin reverses on
either side, up and down, left and right within orientation to
electric fields relative to a plane of gravity, then the spin one
way and spin the other way seems to cancel gravity, along the
middle and much wider disk plane.
Magnets are involved, however. In fact, the article below
this one showing the little diagram of the outer electromagnets in
homopolar motor configuration spinning two disks in opposite
directions is similar but I REALLY LOVE the concept of the
centralized wider disk in Alexey's application. Similar to
magneto-electrostatic, or just static electricity with the two
counter-rotating disks creating electrostatic friction on the
central wide disk. The two rotating disks appear similar in
If you notice also where the high volt top disk is, it is
connected via frame to the central disk, but later on it shows
Alexey touching the legs of the device during levitation, and
touching the bottom middle.
He uses three wires: one high volt from the Tesla resonance
transformer, and two wires from the rotating disks. I would
say he is using a homopolar motor design in this version, due to
only two wires to handle the rotating disks, and the third as the
high volt magneto-electrostatic feed.