[ Chernetski / Chernetsky ]
Self-Generating Discharge Plasmatro
press release 03NTO-890717CM04 (17 July 1989 )
Spec. Sci.
Tech. 13(4), 273 (1990).
by Andrei Samokhin
The model of a plasma generator which can convert physical-vacuum
energy into electricity has been developed under Prof. Alexander
CHERNETSKI at the Moscow Georgi Plekhanov Institute of the
National Economy. Such generators could lay the groundwork
for the future environmentally-benign power industry.
Classical physics cannot explain what happens when a plasma
discharger placed in the Chernetski circuit is started: for no
apparent reason the ammeter pointer shows triple
strength-of-current increase [sic] and energy output is several
times above input. The plant's efficiency is much more than
No magic is intended. Additional energy outputs at specific
plasma discharges are fixed in several independent expert
reportsby the Lenin All-Union Institute of Electrical
Engineering. This effect has been checked by different
methods. Whence this mysterious energy?
Self-generating discharge
Prof Chernetski, the author of the first ever study paper on
plasma-diagnotics equipment (he has been in this field fro 40
years now) and 20 inventions, never knew what he was probing into
specific unstable plasma states at strong-current discharges could
have led to. In the early 70s, he and fellow-researcher Yuri
Galkin worked on a basically new type of high-frequency plasma
generator which could at high power do without unwieldy energy
converters. In one test, they discovered input-output energy
gap. [sic]
"I knew electron drift begins in plasma and sought to deduce a
combination of variables in which fluctuating plasma instability
emerged in discharge," Chernetski says. "Gas discharge was
meant to serve as a powerful stimulator of electromagnetic modes
and, all of a sudden and in defiance of the law of conservation of
energy, a strange energy imbalance was produced. Repeated
experiments with different circuits proved energy output to be
always greater than input."
The mysterious discharge stimulating additional energy extraction
was called the "self generating discharge (SGD)". Measurements
showed that part of the discharge power went back into the network
as if two series-connected electromotive forces were at work.
In a bid to try to explain the experimental data, the researchers
actually tried to prove the impossible. One of their proofs
was very "strong". The one-megawatt substation of the Moscow
Aviation Institute, where Chernetski and Galkin were staging an
experiment with a powerful plasma unit, burned out. When the
dischrage currents reached criticality, superstrong current was
"born" in the generator and went back into the network, playing
havoc with the safety devices calculated for short-circuit.
Later on, they read in books that earlier in the century the power
plant of prominent Yugoslav electrical engineer Nikola Tesla
caught fire under similar circumstances in the United
States. Chernetski and Galkin were sure that Tesla was
making such experiments, but did not publish the results.
They are also sure that vacuum energy can explain this mysterious
A Vacuum-Powered Lamp
The researchers relied on the present-day quantum physics idea of
"zero-point oscillations" in physical vacuum. Such
oscillations signifying the birth and annihilation of virtual
pairs -- the particle and anti-particle, distinguished from the
normal elementary particles by a negligibly short life, a mere
8.10/-21[sic] sec. Emerging below the zero energy level from
"nothing" and returning to "nothing", virtual particles as if defy
the law of conservation of energy. Quantum electrodynamics
explains this paradox through the Heisenberg uncertainty
principle. Under it all the precise particle characteristics
cannot be learnt simultaneously and, therefore, one must not
require from nature "punctual" abidance by the law during such a
short time as the life of virtual pairs. The observer fails
to notice anything, while every virtual pair is more than real,
carrying an energy of more than half a million electron-volts
during its lifetime. The potential energy in the electric
bulb vacuum is enough to boil the earth's oceans, Americans John
Wheeler and Richard Feynman have calculated.
Until recently the vacuum energy idea was only a daring hypothesis
bordering on science-fiction. The lamp powered by vacuum in
Chernetski's basement laboratory in the center of Moscow made it a
This is how he explains his miraculous experiment: "The
self-generating discharge emerges when the discharge current reach
a definite critical density, when the magnetic fields they create
ensure magnetisation of plasma electrons and they begin to perform
mostly cycloid movements. The interaction of currents with their
magnetic fields forces the electrons to deviate to the
cylinder-shaped discharge axis and the electrical field emerges.
It has proved to 'switch on' the physical vacuum: in this field
the vacuum is polarised and consequently the virtual pairs begin
to move in a definite direction, instead of chaotically. The
virtual positrons accelerate plasma electrons, giving them part of
their energy. The current in the circuit builds up and additional
energy is discharged on the resistor switched into the discharge
circuit. Clearly, only part of the tremendous vacuum energy is
"We've developed several circuit versions which can find
application. In the later experiment with an input power of
700 watts, that extracted by the generator loads resistance was
three kilowatts, or nearly five times more. This is by far not the
limit and with more powerful plants and the corresponding
calculations megawatts of free electricity can be produced from a
minimal power source."
Plasmatron and Space Travel.
Yuri Galkin looks at the future of their discovery: "Its
applications are wide-ranging. For example, engines based on the
self-generating-discharge plasmatron. Until now all attempts to
use plasmatrons as engines failed, because strong electron and ion
bombardments rapidly burnt out the electrodes. Self-generating
discharge leaves them inatct and such engines can be used in
aircraft, trains and autos. It would be logical to create a new
environmentally-wise power industry. Portable hydros, wind power
plants and solar batteries boosted by self-generating discharge
could become an enormous source of electricity. With time, they
could edge out the costly and hazardous fuel-firing and hydraulic
[hydroelectric?] facilities. Already now we can build a plant
which would supply electricity for a township or factory. A
vacuum power station comparable to giant facilities could be
designed today. Our discovery can revolutionise cosmonautics."
Laboratory experiments have proved the possibility of using the
kinetic effect of self-generating discharge for accelerating
bodies in space. Galkin has calculated the parameters of a
self-generating-discharge plasmatron that could serve as the
propulsion engine of the future, replacing the present unwieldy
rocket engines. Powered by a minor ten-volt source, it can deliver
power enough for the takeoff of a large spaceship. Tapping the
ambient space vacuum, it could fly eternally.
Unknown Waves
"We didn't think of only industrial applications," Chernetski
recalls. "Self-generating discharge turned out to produce wave
radiation which was hitherto unknown, but evidently existent at
all times. Like sound waves, its waves have a longitudinal
electric field component and a high penetrability through
condcutive mediums, including metals. It turned out that these
single waves, 'awakening' the hidden vacuum energy, can alter
substance structure. "The experiment staged at the Burdenko
Institute of Neurosurgery in Moscow several years ago showed that
directional SGD radiation accelerated nuclear beta-decomposition
by 5%-6%. This is only one example. We supposed that, like
SGD-generator radiation, longitudinal electric-field component
waves could also be produced by living beings, man in particular.
Comparative experiments were staged to prove the impact on men
with extrasensory perception and of our device on different
objects. In both cases parallel impact on the high-stability
quartz generator made its frequency 'drift' by several orders of
magnitude. The filament resistance of the incandescent lamp
decreased considerably. Probably we are on the road to explaining
such mysterious things as extrasensory perception, telekinesis and
The experimentally-verified concept of Chernetski claims to be a
theoretical breakthrough in the basic quantum-physics idea of the
energy structure of the Universe. It is generally recognised among
physicists that all elementary particle interactions, and hence
every existing phenomenon, occur with the help of virtual-particle
exchange. How does it come about?
"Full annihilation of virtual pairs cannot take place in the event
of partial energy extraction in self-generating discharge, because
a 'certain' virtual dipole must emerge -- two separate charges
with a
common negative energy. This means that together with energy
extraction vacuum structurisation and ordering takes place.
Actually, our concept is a return to the idea of the universal
ether at an entirely new level. We say that the ordered dipole
vacuum, or ether, is an all-penetrating energy medium in which
processes occur which are related to virtual dipoles and subject
to the uncertainty principle of modern physics."
Chernetski asks: if vacuum structurisation is a constant process,
isn't this an opportunity to state the law of conservation of
entropy in the Universe in opposition to the idea of its steadfast
What if this work helps to clear up the nature of gravitation,
which is as dim now as it was in the times of Newton? What his
concept of the vacuum shows the road to the long-awaited
explanation of the Grand Unification theory?
"As as experimental physicist I won't say our theory is 100
percent correct," Chernetski declares. "It's much more an
opportunity now to have indisputable experimental data to prove
the opportunity of creating a basically new power industry."
Only a rapid switch to new energy can save human civilization from
ecological catastrophe. The research program must be
developed immediately and a center set up to coordinate
cooperation between world scientists. Natural and unlimited vacuum
energy is at our doorstep.
Self-Generating Electrical Discharge
Alexander V. Frolov
I would like to present my comments on well-known paper by
Alexander V. Chernetsky «About physical nature of biological
energy phenomenons and its modeling» that was published in 1989
[1]. He showed clear analogy between physical nature of
telepathy and his discovery named as electrical «self-generating
discharge» SGD.
The SGD produce longitudinal electromagnetic wave that is not
accepted in classical physics since it can be created only in some
substance like the sound wave can be created in air. But it is the
experimental fact and the substance we have to talk about is the
ether or the material space. Alexander Chernetsky used the term
«physical vacuum» to show principal difference between his
«structured vacuum» and «vacuum as nothing». The waves we'll
discuss are the energy density waves created locally in
space so there is some volumetrical density of this energy. In
other words, the space is product or result of some process and
its energy density is depend of the parameters of the process.
When we'll get the way to generate the wave it means to create
some local change of the space or material object structure
located in the area of the wave. The experiments proved it.
The development of biological energy science is important
direction of medical research in strength of the possibility to
correct biological field of the object and it is the correction of
the reason of the disease. Many scientists present the
biological field like some special kind of the field but others
think it is electromagnetic one. Academician Vernadsky
developed the conception of global energy and information field of
our planet that was named as «noosphere» and it is the result of
any processes for all biological objects. In this case the
biological field should be high penetrating field through any
barrier or screen. Also it should be self-sustaining energy
process to keep the information for a long time. By
Chernetsky the energy field of biological objects can be produced
by longitudinal electromagnetic waves and they are generating by
means of movements of electrical charges (plasma) in energy
centers and channels of human, animal or plant [2]. The
electrical plasma of SGD he investigated is similar to biological
plasma and it demonstrate the negative electrical
conductivity that is the condition for self-sustaining energy
mode. So, the medical topic we started is connected with «free
energy» topic also, i.e. the wave must be getting energy from
surrounding medium to exist and this method can be developed in
fuel-less source of energy technology. By this way of
operation the space itself is the source and it become locally
more «thin» or more «rare» when the energy is extracted directly
from it. The term «rare» is connected with some frequency of the
process and I would like to note once more: the space can be
considered as some periodical process of some frequency and its
energy density is depend of the frequency. The mechanical analogy
is some «free energy system» that is taking energy from invisible
rotation of surrounding substance. From my point of view, this
frequency can be considered also as local rate of time flow
and the «time machine» technology is not impossible idea and it
does not require some tremendous power input but it is the
secondary effects of the free energy device if it is an
«extractor» of power from the process of the existence of the
material space.
One of many experiments by Chernetsky was dedicated to
investigation of biological nature of the longitudinal
electromagnetic wave. The experiment was made in Moscow by
V.I.Dokutchaev [3], in Novosibirsk by Y.V. Tornouev, and in Moscow
by A.V. Chernetsky. Small animal was killed and just at this
moment the electrometer detected the changes of electrical field
gradient. The animal was submitted in metal box so classical
transverse electromagnetic wave (Hertz wave) should be screened
and only longitudinal electromagnetic wave (Tesla wave) can
penetrate the screen. I have to note the analogy with
N.A.Kozyrev's experiments [4]. He investigated the wave that is
produced by any non-reversible process, for example by dissipation
process or by deformation of elastic matter. The wave was detected
by several methods: electrical component of the wave was detected
by electrometer. The mechanical effect was detected by special
rotational weight system. The wave produce changes of
structure and electrical conductivity of a matter and it can be
detected by any balanced electronics circuit when one element of
the circuit is placed in the area of the wave. N.A.Kozyrev named
the waves as «density of time rate waves». He detected this wave
also for the process of fading of the part of a plant. So, the
seasonal and daily changes in the energy density of space were
described by many scientists as changes of the ether density
can be explained by the changes in biological activity. For some
applications it is useful to consider the same wave as the flow of
some particles, named as «chronons» by Academician Albert I.
Veinik [5]. He detected local changes of the rate of the time by
means of two equal quartz oscillators when one of them was
submitted in the area of the generated «flow of chronons». Really,
we have to talk about some changes in the matter structure (up to
inter-atom distance) of the quartz that produce detected frequency
difference. The same experiment was described by N.A.Kozyrev for
his «wave of the density of the time». To use some common
term let's name this wave as the Energy Density Waves (EDW) in
difference from electromagnetic wave (EMW). It is the
longitudinal wave, i.e. the energy density is modulated in the
direction from the generator to infinity. The velocity of the wave
is the question of investigation but if the space (the ether) is
considered as some solid state matter there are no any
doubts to take it as super-luminal or instantaneous velocity.
Let's take an example: when one push the table at the same moment
all points of the table are moving and the velocity is
instantaneous. It is corresponding to Kozyrev's theory and he
proved it in the experiments to detect real and imagine positions
for a star. He got information about visible star position
by means of electromagnetic waves are spreading with limited
velocity of light and the real position was detected by the
trajectory of «wave of density of time» that is instantaneous
information signal without any spreading.
In other words, we have to use four-dimensional view to consider
three-dimensional world as the system of some density of energy
and when one create the changes of the density this
four-dimensional wave is not spreading along some spatial
dimension but it is created in all points of the Universe at
the moment of creation. Sure, the value of the change near of the
generator and far from generator is different so it is local
changes in some sense.
N.Tesla investigate the standing wave of electrical nature like
the wave he observed in process of natural storm. In 1932 he
wrote: «...I showed that the universal medium is a gaseous body in
which only longitudinal pulses can be propagated, involving
alternating compression and expansion similar to those produced by
sound waves in air.» [6]. Now we have few different views to
the ether: Is it absolutely solid state body or the gaseous one?
There is fine solution to solve the problem and this approach is
proved experimentally by A.M.Mishin, St.-Petersburg [7]. He
published the results of long-time measurements he produced in his
home laboratory. The equipment included special detector
made as auto-oscillating electromechanical system with some
biological element to get electrical signals from changes of
biological plasma state. By Mishin, the system detected all
turbulent disturbances (the temperature) of the ether, anisotropic
properties (direction and polarization) of the ether and the ether
fluxes (the ether winds). His conclusion is: the ether exist in
different states and the state depend of the parameters of the
turbulent disturbance. For ether-1 it is solid state body, ether-2
is dense superfluid liquid, ether-3 is connected with molecular
motion and it is gaseous body, ether-4 is stellar plasma state and
ether-5 correspond to galactical processes. By this view the
Tesla's understanding of the ether is true for certain energy
level of process in the space. Kozyrev's instantaneous interaction
by means of active properties of time is possible in solid state
Let's consider the technology of SGD by Chernetsky to show the
source of energy for it. At first, we have to suppose zero point
oscillation reality, i.e. vacuum structure is some process of
transformation from photons to virtual electron-positron pairs and
from electron-positron pairs to photons. When strong electrical
field is created on surface of the plasma the vacuum structure
should be polarized and by this reason the movement of virtual
particles acquire certain direction to increase electrical field
intensity and to accelerate plasma electrons. By this way
Alexander V. Chernetsky explained his over-unity experimental
results. [1, p.16]. He wrote about some kind of radiation that is
created in biological over-unity energetics process like SGD, so
by his opinion the global energy-information field of the planet
(noosphere) is created as superposition of these self-sustaining
waves. Also he noted some telekinetic facts can be explained by
the hypothesis of vacuum structuring if human brain can produce
quite powerful image of some object and this image will get energy
from vacuum to interact with real object [1, p.21].
Let's note the term «holography» that is useful for any case of
information reproduction when some small part of the
interferention structure include information about all sources of
the waves. Since the global information field is produced by
energy density waves we discussed above the interferention image
will be four-dimensional structure and the notion of «part of
image» is different from ordinary holography. In a few words:
three-dimensional holography is result of interferention of
electromagnetic transverse waves and the information is submitted
in thickness of the photography emulsion so any point of
surface of holographical plate can be used to reproduce all image.
It is necessary to use some coherent source of electromagnetic
waves (laser). Similar technology can be used to reproduce
information from four-dimensional interferention structure but it
is necessary to use some coherent source of the energy density
waves. Also there is the difference: information can be reproduce
from any point of three-dimensional holography plate since there
is some thickness of the plate, and information can be reproduces
from any point of four-dimensional holography structure if we'll
use some period of time. The time axis is the analogy for
thickness in this case. This hypothesis include supposition
about some elementary period of reproduction for all material
structure of the Universe. The Planck constant and discrete laws
of quantum world allow to calculate the period of time that is
minimal part of four-dimensional structure to reproduce it at
whole image. From this point of view any process that is creating
the energy density wave also it is production of the «recording»
into global energy-information structure. Medical application of
this theory is quite simple: it is necessary to produce some
compensation «recording» to remove the disease or aging process.
If three-dimensional holography image is copy of real material
object that create the interferention structure of electromagnetic
transverse waves in thickness of the plate, so four-dimensional
holography is copy of real energy process that create
interferention structure of energy density waves in
structured vacuum. When three-dimensional holography is reproduced
it is possible to see image without real material object. When
four-dimensional holography is reproduced the energy process can
be detected without material structure of a «generator» that
is connected with original process. The power of reproduced
process is depend of used coherent source of energy density waves.
Technical aspects of experimental SGD device were not detailed by
Chernetsky in [1] but he explained the ways to get SGD. By his
definition, self-generating discharge is special type of
electrical arc that can be created at certain value of density of
discharge current. Since volt-ampere diagram of any arc consist of
decreasing and increasing part, Chernetsky noted two ways for
self-sustaining electrical oscillations: at first, small current
way on the decreasing part of the diagram when the resistance of
the arc is negative, and at second, great current way on the
increasing part of the diagram when the arc plasma electrons are
interacting with strong magnetic field of plasma (so called
pinch-effect was found by Chernetsky in 1960th). First way
seems me as most simple and effective way and there were produced
some simple experiments to prove it [8]. But Alexander V.
Chernetsky used the second way to get the self-sustaining
oscillation in plasma. He noted: the pinch-effect produce the
radial electrical field in the arc and corresponding radial
magnetic field. In development of his explanation let me note:
since the primary source create axial movement of changed
particles between electrodes, the reason of radial
separation and additional energy of the plasma particles is
well-known Lorenz force. Positive feedback in this circuit is the
next: pinch-effect compress the plasma in radial direction, then
radial electromagnetic field interact with axially moving
particles of plasma to increase radial separation, so the energy
of plasma particles is increasing up to change of electrodes
polarity that stop the arc process. The change is produced by
plasma particle and the source is direct current source only. The
changes of electrodes polarity are possible only if the energy of
the particle is increased in process of the movement in the arc
gap between electrodes. Capacity and inductive parameters of
experimental device define the resonance frequency of the
oscillations. Chernetsky tested 3MHz oscillations and duration of
pulses was about 30 microseconds. He used voltage 600VDC
(direct current source). The plasma was created in
hydrogen at pressure about 0.1 T.
To consider the mechanism of creation of longitudinal
electromagnetic wave Alexander Chernetsky used Dokutchaev's theory
of «charge equivalent» [3]. The effect is explained as result of
relativistic changes of distances for two groups of electrical
charges those are in relative motion. The distances between moving
charges are less than the distances between charges in rest. This
change in distances is equivalent to some additional electric
charge and it is proportionally to the velocity of motion. The
effect was tested in superconductivity circuit that was submitted
in metal box (Faraday screen) and when the current was created in
it the changes of electrical field were detected out of the box.
It is possible only for longitudinal electromagnetic wave to pass
through metal screen [3].
I have to note some connection with gravity experiments by
Podkletnov who is experimenting with superconductivity circuit.
The changes of weight he detected can be explained by interaction
with longitudinal electromagnetic wave. The wave is the energy
density wave and in area of the wave all material things
will change the structure and the weight. Sure, it can be used for
gravity drive design.
Dokutchaev's «charge equivalent» can be created both in
superconductivity state metals and biological plasma, Chernetsky
wrote. For the self-generating discharge the reason for
longitudinal wave is radial component of the current (charges are
moving both in axial direction between electrodes and they are
oscillating in radial direction). Most important point is property
of the wave to get energy from substance where the wave is
created. It is based on negative conductivity of the substance
Chernetsky calculated for the longitudinal wave. By this reason,
the second law of thermodynamics can be discussed: if the vacuum
consist of so called «virtual dipoles» so the structure of space
can be ordered (structured) or disordered (unstructured).
Chernetsky noted: the entropy is increasing in material world but
this changes always is compensated by decrease of entropy
(structuring) in physical vacuum. N.A.Kozyrev consider the same
balance as changes of «density of time»: if some process, for
example, crystallization or dissipation is created in matter, the
corresponding compensation changes were detected in space
near of the process [4, page 386].
The waves are generated by biological plasma produce the same
structuring of the space and these «mind-forms» can demonstrate
interaction with real material objects since the energy density
wave are real energetically independent self-sustaining objects.
Experiments were produced by A.V.Chernetsky, Y.A.Galkin,
S.N.Kolokoltzev [1, p.84] to find changes in resistance of
electronic circuit element if the element was submitted between
plates of capacitor of self-generating discharge device. The same
experiment was organized to show the changes of the oscillating
frequency for quartz oscillator. The frequency was changed in 1000
times and more. It is necessary to note that the changes were
unreversible after the structure of the elements was changed by
the energy density wave. Other interesting aspect is long-time
structuring of the space that was experimentally proved by
Chernetsky: the area of space between the plates of the capacitor
produced the same effects to change the structure of matter after
the capacitor was removed or disconnected from self-generating
discharge device.
In this short review I tried to join some things to show real
perspective ways for new technologies in most important
applications for energetics, spacecraft industry, medicine and
telecommunication. No matter if one consider it as far future
fantastic perspective. It is reality and all you need is to create
the arc by Alexander V. Chernetsky technology.
1. Chernetsky A.V., About physical nature of biological
energy phenomenons and its modeling, Moscow, publ., by All-Union
Correspondence Polytechnical Institute, 1989, ISBN 5-7045-0179-6.
2. Chernetsky A.V., Systems of electric charges separation
and biological energetics, 1981, Magazine «The problems of medical
electronics», number3, Taganrog.
3. Dokutchaev V.I., Theoretical investigation and
interpretation of some problems are connected with movement of the
electromagnetic energy, dissertation, Moscow Area Pedagogical
Institute, 1970.
4. Kozyrev N.A., Selected works, 1991, Leningrad, Leningrad
5. Veinik A.I., Thermodynamics of real processes, Minsk,
Nauka i technique, 1991.
6. Nikola Tesla, «Pioneer Radio Engineer Gives Views on
Power», New York Herald Tribune, Sep.11, 1932. Also the concept is
developed by Thomas E. Bearden, Gravitobiology, Tesla Book
Company, CA, USA, 1991.
7. Mishin A.M., The Ether Model as Result of the New
Empirical Conception, Proceedings of International Conference «New
Ideas in Natural Sciences», p.95, by edition of Smirnov A.P.
and Frolov A.V., St.-Petersburg, 1996, publ., by «PiK»,
St.-Petersburg 1996.
8. Frolov A.V., The work is created by means of potential
field, Proceedings of International Conference «New Ideas in
Natural Sciences», p.371, by edition of Smirnov A.P. and
Frolov A.V., St.-Petersburg, 1996, publ., by «PiK», St.-Petersburg
From: "" <>
But the reason I'm writing about this, is because of a fascinating
discovery made in Russia by Alexander Chernetski and tentatively
called the PLASMATRON. In our past meetings we have discussed
MagnetoHydroDynamics (MHD) and the possibilities it presented as
an over-unity device. An ionized gas that was 'supercharged'
with high density magnetic flux seems to exhibit certain
properties which Chernetskii claims to take advantage of.
His description of the process;
"The self-generating discharge (SGD) emerges when the discharge
current reaches a definite critical density, when the magnetic
fields they create ensure magnetisation of plasma electrons and
they begin to perform MOSTLY CYCLOID movements. The
interaction of currents with their magnetic fields forces the
electrons to deviate to the cylinder-shaped discharge axis and the
electrical field emerges. It has proved to 'switch on' the
physical vacuum; in this field the vacuum is polarized and
consequently the virtual pairs begin to move IN A DEFINITE
DIRECTION, instead of chaotically. The current in the
circuit builds up and additional energy is discharged on the
resistor (that is) switched into the discharge circuit
(load). Clearly, only part of the tremendous vacuum energy
is extracted."
Note if you will, once the cycloid pattern is achieved, a specific
direction of thrust is generated to force all loose electrons to
be thrown off at whatever happens to be in its path, in the
Chernetskii case, an energy collector absorbs the energy and then
switches out the excess energy toload, such as a motor, light bulb
or other device that performs a useful service. So, this is
the same process as the inertial drive, except instead of using
the rotation of a MECHANICAL part, we are using the spinning of
the plasma, and instead of a weight, we are using a magnetic flux
File Name : FROLOV1.ASC | Online Date : 09/09/95 | | Contributed
by : InterNet | Dir Category : ENERGY | | From : KeelyNet BBS |
FAX : (214) 324-3501 | | KeelyNet * PO BOX 870716 * Mesquite,
Texas * USA * 75187 | | A FREE Alternative Sciences BBS sponsored
by Vanguard Sciences | | InterNet email
(Jerry Decker) | This superior file was placed by Alexander Frolov
on the InterNet and is the first detail I have seen of the early
experiments of Chernetskii and Avramenko. Frolov links the
experimental results of these two researchers with the high
voltage stress principles used in the Testatika. Please note, this
is early Chernetskii work, before he creating the cycloid pattern
in the plasma as discussed in PLASMAFE.ASC on KeelyNet. Avramenko
discovered a means of transmitting power through a single wire.
The wire could be cut, tied in a bow and power would still move
across the wires. The inventor claimed he used a 'monovibrator'
with a transmitter at the power side and a receiver at the load
side. I have tried to clean up the file to some degree for a
clearer understanding. It is an excellent file with many
clues.........>>> Jerry
From: "alex"
Subject: Potential-Power transformation
Date: 2 Sep 1995 14:16:58 +0400
Organization: Alexander V. Frolov, Private Account
Theory and
V. Frolov
P.O.Box 37, St.-Petersburg, 193024, Russia
The present article discusses the extraction of excess power by
means of an electric discharge (an arc). This extraction
technique relies on the application of a field of electric
potential (rather than current) for the creation of power.
DEFINITIONS Energy is the ability to do work. Power is the
process of work per unit of time. Potential is the value of
energy that can be used to make the work.
It is clear that any experimental data can be interpreted in the
light of different conceptions. Nikola Tesla's research work for
wireless power transmission from the point of view of energetics
can be described as the transformation of high-voltage and
high-frequency electric field energy as output power to make
produce useful work in a load. The direction of some of Tesla's
patent research [1] was the derivation of excess power from
electric discharges. Towards the end of the 1960s Prof.
Alexander V. Chernetsky and Uri A. Galkin, Institute of
Electrical Engineering, Moscow, carried out experiments using
strong arc currents and observed a phenomenon they called, the
"self- generating discharge".
Figure 1 shows the voltage U and current I for this special case
of arc.
Figure 1
_ _
/ \ current I
/\ \
/ \ \
_ / \ \ _ _
----------------\--------------------------- t
\ --
\ / \
\ _/ voltage U
Note that for part of the cycle the current is
increasing while the voltage is decreasing.
dI/dt>0 for dU/dt<0 F.1
Negative resistance takes place
R = U/I F.2
This fact means that in the process of the self-generating
discharge, by Chernetsky, the power
P = I U F.3
is the inflow into the system from an outside source. Detailed
description of Chernetsky's experiments were published in
English in [2] and [3]. Power output was up to 500 Kwatts and
the proof of a reverse current from the experimental system into
the electric station was detected. The Swiss M-L converter
described in [4] and [5] uses a high potential source like the
Wimshurst machine where it is connected to "spark gap
cylinders". These devices are capacitors which have spires
between the cylinders to create a "slow electrical arc" between
the inner and outer cylinders.
Let us find what is the common observations we can extract
from all the above technologies. Chernetsky's scheme was
published in the magazine Energy and Ecology '86 in Russian,
along with the following circuit:
Figure 2
I L1 I
I________/\ /\ /\ ______I
\/ \/ \/
___ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ ___
I \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ I
I L2 I
__I__ _I_
_____ C1 I I (R1 is the Load consisting of
I I I R1 5 lamps in series)
I arc gap I___I
I__________ ___________I
I Sw1 I
I____/ _____I
Figure 2
A.V. Chernetsky used 5 lamps for 220 AC in
series as the load. So, the stepup transformer was rated at
220/1000 Volt, at 50 Hz. The discharge gap had carbon
electrodes. When switch Sw1 is open the power in the load is
increasing. I used a hand-made stepup transformer rated at
28/2800 VAC at a 5 KHz input and using a high-voltage lamp as
the load and metal electrodes. The gap was 2- 3 mm. A voltmeter
and ammeter were used to check the input power. You will find in
this experiment that the output power is increasing when the arc
is energized, while the power in the primary circuit is
decreasing. You can check that the Conservation Law is right:
when Sw1 is closed and the current of conductivity is in force,
the connection to the load will lead to an increase of the power
consumed. So, the "plasma element" in the circuit allows for the
extraction of additional power from OUTSIDE of the system and
NOT from the primary source. Now let us consider another simple
experiment that is closely connected with the scheme above. A
more detailed description of it is published in [6].
Use a high voltage metal piece, for example a screw-driver and
create an arc between the end of it and one wire of a
high-voltage transformer.
Figure 3
high I L1 I
voltage I_ /\ /\ __I
transformer \/ \/ \/ _____________
================ ______________[ \
__/\ /\ /\ ____________ I metal [ insulator /
\/ \/ \/ arc I______________[ \
L2 [_____________/
Figure 3
Check the power input and be sure that the power process of the
arc is free from the input source. (I think he means no direct
short) There will be no power consumption increase despite the
powerful arc, which is sufficient to heat up the screwdriver.
The next version of the experiment is possible if you have a
single-polarity potential at the end of the wire for a pulsed
current transformer. You will note that with a positive
potential on one wire the arc is more powerful than for the
other wire. This difference is not demonstrated using an AC
transformer. Both ends of an AC coil can be used for creation of
the arc. This difference will show the nature of this type of
free power arc. Positive potential on the wire will provide for
the attraction of free electrons from the metal of the
screw-driver. It is not the current of conductivity that you are
witnessing, but the DISPLACEMENT CURRENT.
Application of the above effect into a useful form can be made
like the well known Avramenko-Zaev-Lisin experiments [7].
The scheme is
Figure 4
I L1 I VD1
I /\ /\ /\ I ____|/|_____
\/ \/ \/ \/ I |\| I
================== A I _I_
_/\ /\ /\ /\____________I I I
\/ \/ \/ I I I R (load)
L2 I I_ _I
Figure 4
The alternating potential as measured at point
A is sufficient to establish a current of conductivity in the
closed circuit of VD1-VD2-R. This diode pair configuration is
called 'Avramenko's plug'. I used for this scheme a 30 VAC
hand-made generator (variable oscillator) to supply the input
for L1, at a frequency of 10 KHz. The transformer was rated at
30/3000 Volts and the diodes rated at 1.5 KV. The ammeter can be
used as load R. Note that an ammeter placed between the
transformer and point A does not show any current drain.
CONCLUSIONS These circuits have experimentally proved the
possibility of producing power in a load by means of POTENTIAL
ONLY! Using a similar approach, mechanical motion, rotation and
even a propulsion force can be created. So, free energetics can
be formulated as the transformation of potential into power or
Energy-Power Transformation. Since the power is a process, the
question is the parameters of the process only. Alexander V.
Frolov REFERENCES 1. Speculations in Science and Technology,
Vol.13, Number 4, 1990, p.249, Donald Kelly, A Review of the
Free-Energy Scenario. 2. EFE-Denver Report, p.94-B22-02, Vacuum
Energy Developments, Andrew Michrowski, Published by Planetary
Association for Clean Energy, Inc., 100 Bronson Av., Suite 1001,
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6G8, Canada. Order by email 3. A.V. Chernetsky, About physical
nature for bioenergy, Moscow, 1989, in Russian. 4. Newsletter of
Space Energy Association, Vol.2 p.3 Published by SEA/US, P.O.Box
11422, Clearwater, FL 34616, USA. 5. Dr. Patrick G. Bailey,
Proceeding of Denver'94 Conference, "Other voices: A Summary of
Research not Present. Re: Paul Baumann's Methernitha Free-Energy
Machine. Institute for New Energy email address:
6. The single-wire electric power transmission, A.V. Frolov,
published by New Energy News, December 1994, p.13-14. P.O.Box
58639, Salt Lake City, UT 84158-8639, USA. Email
7. N.E.Zaev, S.V.Avramenko, V.N.Lisin, "The measuring of
Conduction Current that is stimulated by Polarization current,
Journal of Russian Physical Society, No.2'1991, in Russian.
Vanguard Note... If
what this paper purports is true, then Bearden is correct in his
theory that potential alone can drive a useable load. Many
people have had problems with this claim, including me, because
every power appliance we use requires current and not just
potential (voltage). From my admittedly limited understanding of
the matter, any energy can be 'translated' into a scalar form,
which can be thought of as a stress soliton (bubble) in space,
rather hyperspace. That soliton can simply exist in one
location, can be 'thrown' like a ball, or sequentially streamed
in a wavetrain to a given location where a receiver captures the
solitons and translates them back into 3space. The nature of the
energy sent using this method can be totally different from the
nature of the energy received. Once translated to the 'base
medium' of a scalar bubble (soliton), it can be re-translated
from hyperspace to 3space in a form which is determined by the
receiver characteristics. For instance, you could use magnetic
energy to create the stress wave, send it to a receiver and
re-translate it back into 3space IN THE FORM of light,
electrical current, sound, heat, physical vibration, whatever
you choose. To quote from an old book 'Light, when properly
resisted, can be made to yield sound', from 'Dweller on Two
Planets', available for about $18 from Health Research, PO BOX
70, Mokelumne Hill, CA 95245. Ask for one of their superb
catalogs. It is interesting to note the work of Hooper, who used
a moebius form to produce what he called a 'motional field', a
PURE ELECTRIC FIELD or wave if streamed in a wavetrain. Would
not a pure electric field be pure potential? Such a signal is
INVISIBLE to matter and normal instrumentation, therefore can be
transmitted vast distances without loss of energy by inductive,
capacitive or resistive sapping. I think there is a distinct
possibility that a pure motional (electric) field is in fact, a
scalar stress bubble! Our friend Peter Kelly, of Georgia, also
indicates this by claiming 'information as energy' where the
signature of a mass is held in a pure electric field. To alter
(transmute) a mass, you must suppress the magnetic to allow
access to the electric. Once the changes have been made in the
electric field, you restore the magnetic and the mass slowly
transmutes to fit its new pattern. So, the potential which
Frolov refers to, is probably a pure electric field which is
'translated' from its hyperspace form to CURRENT. Over the past
couple of years, I have been toying with the idea that
electricity is nothing more than a resistance to the flow of
magnetic force and that electricity simply would not exist
without resistance to its flow. But that's another tall
tale.....have fun and please share your findings should you
decide to experiment in this
area!...............................thanks...>>> Jerry
"Application of Ether
Longitudinal Waves
for Telecommunication Systems"
Alexander V. Frolov
Scientific Expert of the Russian Physical Society
P.O.Box 37, 193024, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Tel: 7-812-2747877
By the ether concept, space is a physical substance that has a
known (electric constant e and magnet constant m) and unknow, as
of yet, properties. In any substance can be created so called
longitudinal waves. In a general case, these are oscillations of
the energy density in the direction of the wave spreading. In
Alexander Chernetsky's paper "On the Physical Nature of Bioenergy
Phenomenons and on their modeling", published in 1989, is
described the properties of longitudinal waves which are created
in so called "working bodies" (superconducting metal, plasma
(electric discharge) and biological plasma). The theory of 1960,
named as the "charge equivalent theory" was proposed by
V.I.Dokutchaev, Russia (1932 - 1990). Relative motion of charges,
according to Lorentz scale transformations, make the change of
distance between charges of a moving frame of reference equivalent
to an increase in charge density of the current. In a moving
system there is created an additional equivalent charge:
q = (q0 / 2) (u2 / C) by Dokutchaev
where q
0 is the charge in a motionless system, u is the
velocity of the system and c is the velocity of light.
Dokutchaev's dissertation of 1970 described some experiments:
superconductors were placed in an electromagnetically screened box
(Faraday cage) but some signal was detected outside of the box
when current was created in superconductor. The main conclusion
is: longitudinal waves can be created in space (in vacuum) by
means of electric energy and such sort waves is not screened by
metal screens. Alexander Chernetsky also described some
experiments in which longitudinal waves were created. In his
version "the working body" is an electric discharge. There is a
known pinch - effect (interaction between the electric current and
magnetic field of this current) that leads to high frequency
oscillations of the plasma. Radial components of the density
current oscillations is responsible for longitudinal waves which
are spreading in radial direction also [ 1 ]. More than 60 years
ago Nikola Tesla wrote: " I showed that the universal medium is a
gaseous body in which only longitudinal pulses can be propagated,
involving alternating compressions and expansions similar to those
produced by sound waves in the air. Thus, a wireless transmitter
does not produce Hertz waves, which are a myth, but sound waves in
the ether, behaving in every respect like those in the air, except
that, owing to the great elastic force and extremely small density
of the medium, their speed is that of light." It is part of
N.Tesla's article "Pioneer Radio Engineer Gives Views on Power",
published in New York Herald Tribune, Sept. 11, 1932, [ 2, p.94].
American scientist Thomas E. Bearden explained this statement of
Tesla in this way: An ordinary receiver uses so called "precessia
of electrons" a phenomenon that is result of interaction between
the electron gas of antenna metal wires and longitudinal waves [ 2
]. Tesla wrote about a great mistake of modern science: "The Hertz
wave theory of wireless transmission may be kept up for a while,
but I do not hestitate to say that in a short time it will
recognized as one of most remarkable and inexplicable aberrations
of the scientific mind which has ever been recorded in history",
article "The True Wireless" [ 2, p.95 ]. The technology of Tesla
requires high potential sources (up to millions of Volts) that
produce high frequency oscillations. The terminals that creates
the longitudinal waves are spherical metal surfaces (sphere
capacitor). The synthesis of Tesla's scheme and Dokutchaev's
concept allows us to make the conclusion: longitudinal waves are
generated by means of a changing energy density (electric charge
density). Let's call it the function r(t). In a Hertz transmitter
there is a changing energy density also, but it is linear density
1(t): the density of electric current in the wire of
the antenna. It is a one-dimensional density of energy. In Tesla's
sphere capacitor there is a change of charge value that is placed
on the surface of the capacitor. So, it is a two-dimensional
density of energy r
2(t). N.Kozyrev [ 3 ] created so
called "waves of density of time" by means of non-electrical
methods: rotation plus axial vibrations of a gyroscope,
deformation of a material body, diffusion and dissolving or
crystallization of the matter, fading of plants and so on.
Different detectors for such sort waves were used: the electrical
component of the was were detected by means of a galvanometer, the
gravitational component of the wave was detected by means of the
weighing-machine, the chronal component of the wave was detected
by means of an electronic scheme that used so called "Winston
bridge" since electrical properties of the electronics components
are changing in the wave area. These three methods showed the
next: any type of change of matter structure that can be presented
as r(t) (i.e. a change of density of energy) is the method for
generation of the longitudinal wave. For example, if it is a
change of volume density of matter, we can write the
three-dimensional density function r
3(t). It is
connected with the well-known Poisson equation for gravitation.
There are more complex methods for longitudinal wave creation. R.
Ziolkovsky, Physical Review A, vol.39, p.2005, wrote in the paper
"Localized Transmission of Electromagnetic Energy" about his
experiments. Before the electromagnetic version, R. Ziolkovsky
created an analogy in liquid to study the properties of wave and
to create an optimum antenna system. What method of the energy
density modulation is the best for telecommunication systems? Some
experiments prove the possibility that living biosystem create
longitudinal waves [ 1 , p. 50 ]. By this analogy there is the
possibility for creation of a technical system.
References: 1. Alexander Chernetsky, "On The Physical
Nature of Bioenergy Phenomenons and on Their Modeling", published
in 1989 by Moscow Politechnical Institute. 2. T.E. Bearden,
Gravitobiology, 1991, published by Tesla Book Company, P.O. Box
121873, Chula Vista, CA 91912, USA. 3. N.Kozyrev, collection of
papers, published by Leningrad University, 1991.
Potential Field to ..
STINET (Scientific Technical
Information Network) -- the Defense Technical Information Center
Accession Number : AD0643932
Title :
Personal Author(s) :
V. ; Skoblo, Yu. A. ; Chernetskii, A. V.
Report Date : 29 AUG 1966
Abstract : The article
introduces the results of work on sources with uninterrupted and
pulsed regimes. Special attention is devoted to obtaining a well
focused ion bundle and significant densities of the ion flux on a
collector that is some distance (from several tens of centimeters
to several meters) from the source. The source was used for
probing the plasma with beams of fast particles. (Author)
-- “Theory of Harvest”
Prof . V. M. Kovalev
Controlling the live organisms
and systems while using the low energy factors
...In our investigations for increasing the functional activeness
of plants, the quantum resonance radiator was used (Kovalev,
Kalashnikov, Belov, 1998). The the field generated by the hydrogen
gas discharging generator (HGG) has definite energy informational
characteristics (power, frequency, periodicity and duration of
radiation, wavelength), the change in the parameters of which
ensures the address ness of its action and optimization of
physiological biochemical processes considering the genetic
features of the organism. The power of HGG flow onto the object
constitutes - 0.5 – 1.5 W/m 2 in the field of invisible radiation
with maximum 200 – 300 hm and frequency of waves from 10 to 100
This electrophysical generator of action (patent of Russian
Federation: No 2033200 dt 28.07.94, No 2045881 dt 28.11.94, No
2057552 dt 19.04.95) presents an electron block, the purpose of
which is the creation and maintenance of plasma of high frequency
arc discharge (effect, invented by A. V. Chernetskii, 1989) in the
mode of oscillatory arc discharge in hydrogen plasma, leading to
the creation of electric field of larger intensities, directed
perpendicular to the axis of discharge. The discharge is realized
inside the ceramic bottle of cylindrical shape (discharge lamp).
The acting factor, leading to the increase in the functional
active ness of live organisms, shall be the signal of special form
(SSF)*, which is translated with the help of informational –
acting complex, presented as a device on the base of a LAPTOP type
computer with original soft ware. The device has the provision of
recording system and transfer of primary action of generator in
time and space. The form, orientation and properties of reproduced
space of primary action – such as, of initial field.
in Nonuniform Magnetic Fields
A. V.
Aviatsionnaia Tekhnika,
vol. 19, no. 3, 1976, p. 110-114.)
Soviet Aeronautics, vol. 19, no. 3, 1976, p.
81-84. Translation.
Publication Date: 00/1976
Bibliographic Code: 1976AvTek..19R.110C
See also re: Correa --
8 ( 1996 ) : "POWER
Rising ( June 2002 )
... A focus on the East must include the late Professor Aleksandr
Chernetskii of Moscow. He developed a plasma generator said to
convert vacuum energy into electricity. A press release at the
time quoted Chernetskii as saying experiments with different
circuits proved that the energy output was always greater than the
input. The mysterious effect was called the self-generating
discharge. One experiment with a powerful plasma unit burned out
the huge megawatt electrical substation of the Moscow Aviation
Institute. The discharge had reached a critical point in which
superstrong current flowed from the generator and back into wires
to the substation. In an experiment with an input of 700 watts,
the generator produced nearly five times as much.