Dr. George W. CRILE, Sr.
& : Pre-Cancer Detection w/ the
Zuccala Lytic Test, &c.
George Washington Crile
Born November 11, 1864
Chili, Ohio
Died January 7, 1943 (aged 78)
Cleveland, Ohio
Nationality American
Fields Surgery
Alma mater Wooster Medical College
Known for Co-founding the Cleveland Clinic
George Washington Crile (November 11, 1864, Chili, Ohio –
January 7, 1943, Cleveland, Ohio) was a significant American
surgeon. Crile is now formally recognized as the first surgeon to
have succeeded in a direct blood transfusion.[1] He also
contributed to other procedures, such as neck dissection. Crile
designed a small haemostatic forceps which bears his name; the
Crile mosquito clamp. He also described a technique for using
opioids, regional anaesthesia and general anaesthesia which is a
concept known as balanced anaesthesia. He is known for co-founding
the Cleveland Clinic in 1921.
Crile graduated from Ohio Northern University in 1884,[2] and in
1887 received his M.D. from Wooster Medical College which merged
to form modern day Case Western Reserve University School of
Medicine.[3][4][5] He did further study at Vienna, London and
Paris. He taught at Wooster from 1889 to 1900. He was professor of
Clinical Medicine at Western Reserve University from 1900 to 1911,
and was then made professor of Surgery.[2] He was Chair of Surgery
at University Hospitals Case Medical Center from 1910 to 1924,[6]
and established its Lakeside Hospital.[6]
During the Spanish-American War, he was made a member of the
Medical Reserve Corps and served in Puerto Rico (1898). He was
made an honorable F.R.C.S. (London) in 1913. After America entered
World War I, he became major in the medical O.T.C., and
professional director (1917-8). He served with the B.E.F. in
France and was senior consultant in surgical research (1918-9). He
was made lieutenant-colonel in June 1918 and colonel later in the
He made important contributions to the study of blood pressure and
of shock in operations. Realizing that any strong emotion, such as
fear before operation, produced shock, he attempted to allay dread
by psychic suggestion, also endeavouring to prevent the subjective
shock which affects the patient, even when under general
anaesthesia, by first anaesthetizing the operative region with
cocaine for several days, if necessary, before operating. Thus
nerve communication between the affected part and the brain was
already obstructed when the general anaesthetic was administered.
For his work in shockless surgery he received a gold medal from
the National Institute of Social Sciences in 1914.[2]
Crile is the author of A Mechanistic View of War and Peace,
published in 1917.[7] He also wrote Surgical Shock (1897), On the
Blood Pressure in Surgery (1903), Hemorrhage and Transfusion
(1909), Surgical Anemia and Resuscitation (1914), The Origin and
Nature of the Emotions (1915), Man an Adaptive Mechanism (1916)
and The Fallacy of the German State Philosophy (1918).[2]
In World War II, the United States liberty ship SS George Crile
was named in his honor. The lunar crater Crile is also named after
him. He is buried in Lake View Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio.[8]
His son George Crile, Jr. was also a surgeon. His grandson George
Crile III was a journalist, author, and CBS producer. His
Great-Grandson is Rip Esselstyn, a former triathlete and
firefighter and the author of The Engine 2 Diet.
^ Grunfeld GB, George Crile performs the first direct blood
transfusion. In Great Events from History: Science and Technology
II edited by Frank N. Magill (Pasadena, CA: Salem Press 1991, pp.
^ a b c d e Wikisource-logo.svg "Crile, George Washington".
Encyclopędia Britannica (12th ed.). 1922.
^ http://www.case.edu/artsci/dittrick/cemetery/stop13.htm
^ a b http://www.casesurgery.com/residency/general/chair.htm
^ Crile, George W.,. A Mechanistic View of War and Peace.
Toronto, Canada: The MacMillan Company, 1917
^ Vigil, Vicki Blum (2007). Cemeteries of Northeast Ohio:
Stones, Symbols & Stories. Cleveland, OH: Gray & Company,
Publishers. ISBN 978-1-59851-025-6
Yentis SM, Hirsch NP, Smith GB editors, Anaesthesia and Intensive
Care A-Z, Elsevier Ltd, London, 2000
Kazi, R A (2003). "The life and times of George Washington Crile".
Journal of postgraduate medicine (India) 49 (3): 289–90. ISSN
0022-3859. PMID 14597804.
Hermann, R E (May. 1994). "George Washington Crile (1864-1943)".
Journal of Medical Biography (ENGLAND) 2 (2): 78–83. ISSN
0967-7720. PMID 11639241.
New York Evening Post ( 1936 )
Noted Surgeon and Scientist Sees All
Life as Manifestation Of "Radiant-Electric Energy''
DR. GEORGE CRILE, a surgeon and scientist of international
reputation, gives us the chance to find out a lot about ourselves
we probably had never suspected in his "The Phenomena Of Life,"
which is the current choice of the Scientific Book Club and a
volume that will undoubtedly receive serious treatment at the
hands of the pundits.
It is not a book to be hastily recommended to the general reader,
because its distinguished author makes no concessions to the
average understanding. His scientific vocabulary alone calls for
the free use of an unabridged dictionary, and the words one learns
about will not be of much use in ordinary conversation, I fear.
For those who have the patience to read it as it deserves to be
read, however, there will be rewards. Even for an unscientific
reviewer there were momentary glimpses of strange and exciting new
worlds in Dr. Crile's picture of the human body; brain included,
as a mass of infinitely tiny — ultrafurnaces in protoplasm, which
he calls Herschel Brickeii microscopic — units of radiogens and in
which combustion is constantly taking place, in other words, we
are water-cooled combustion engines for the manufacture of
electric energy, in the opinion of this seeker after truth, and I
hope he will forgive me if I have oversimplified his theory.
At any rate, this is what he writes about the operation of the
protoplasm of which we are made, the substance of our physical
beings: Since all matter is electrical in nature and since in the
final analysis all energy is radiant and electric energy, we
conceived that proptoplasm must be generated and operated by
radiant and electric energy.
Then he goes on — I am quoting from the General Summary, "The
Radio Electric Theory of Living Processes" — to outline the
logical steps from the statement just quoted: In accordance with
this conception, protoplasm would be a system of generators,
conductance lines, insulators and infinite numbers of infinitely
thin films for holding electric charges. Lightning and terrestrial
electricity which fix nitrogen form the nitrates. The nitrates in
the soil represent a pre-plant phase of living things. Solar
radiance added to the nitrates generates plants. Plants generate
animals. This solar radiation generates man.
The generation of radiant and electric energy in animals is made
through oxidation of the organic compounds of the plant; that is,
solar radiance is released in the animal by oxidation. Animals are
adapted to oxidation, just as a combustion engine is adapted to
Much of the body of animals, the lungs and the circulatory system,
is related to the fact that It is through oxidation in animals
that the sun's radiance is re-radiated in protoplasm; that is,
oxidation causes the sun to "shine" again in protoplasm. Animals,
like plants, grow by virtue of solar radiation and reradiate solar
The Sun Our Father
This sounds as if Dr. Crile had got around to saying
scientifically what the ancients decided without benefit of test
tubes and other laboratory apparatus, namely, that My Lord Sun is
really the source of all life. Poets and other people who never
had to prove anything have often hit upon truths that science will
be a long time establishing to its satisfaction, and one of the
most striking features of Dr. Crile's book is its record of a
painstaking scientific search for proof of the validity of a
His conclusions represent thousands of experiments over a ten-year
period, although he began work on his quest much longer ago than a
mere decade. More than 2,500 animals were used and the best
resources of physics, chemistry, biology, histology, cystology,
biophysics and so on were called upon.
What was learned in the various laboratories was then checked, Dr.
Crile explains, in the clinic, because the work has not been done
In the field of "pure" science; its results were meant to be
useful , to human beings as quickly as they could be determined
and made available. i Dr. Crile's own curiosity was I originally
aroused by the death of a medical student who was killed by the
shock of an accident, the trauma, and much of what he has learned
has been made 1 use of in helping to avoid "surgical shock" in
operations, another name for the curious deenergizing of the body
under certain abnormal conditions.
The Thyroid
In addition to this important development, Dr. Crile points out
that his researches and those of hii colleagues have also been
instrumental in putting into practice "the principle of
resuscitation by adrenalin and blood transfusion not only in the
treatment Of hemorrhage and shock but as a preventive against
shock in patients handicapped by old age, infection, anemia,
malignant tumors, degenerative disease, by the crisis of
hyperthyroidism, ttc."
The thyroid, about which we hear so much these days when
everybody's glands seem to be popular topics of conversation,
receives its due attention in Dr. Crile's book, and he even
remarks upon the brilliance of people whose thyroid works
overtime: So high is the scholastic record among patients with
hyperthyroidism and so many individuals of Phi Beta Kappa are to
be found among them that, although hyperthyroidism may appear
years after graduation, in a certain sense we may say that even
Phi Beta Kappa is a disease. Certainly there is no record of an
individual with myxedema (hypothyroidism, or subactivity of the
gland) attainingPhi Beta Kappa rank.
The thyroid, in Dr. Crile's scheme of things, is one of the three
principal regulators of reradiation of "sunshine" in the
protoplasm, the brain and the adrenal sympathetic system being the
other two; the control centers of health or illness.
Dr. George Crile and his Radiogen
We have only one more point to make which might further elucidate
the subject of biological transmutation. That point is taken from
the work of Dr. George Crile, years before Kervran's famous study
of Biological Transmutations. Dr. Crile carried out research into
the Bi-Polar phenomena of Life, specifically involving the
production of electrical currents in protoplasm by oxidation and
radiant energy. He came to believe that the living organism is
specifically adapted to the formation, storage and specific use of
electric energy and that the genesis of electric energy is due to
RADIANT ENERGY emitted (by ultra- microscopic units or FURNACES in
protoplasm. These furnaces he called RADIOGENS.
Crile postulates that the COMBUSTION OF THE PROTEINS is effected
by these microscopic units and that the SHORT WAVE RADIATION
EMITTED by this continuous combustion has two primary and
fundamental effects:
1) Short wave radiation knocks off electrons and thus disturbs the
electrical state of the protoplasm, especially of the infinitely
intricate network of the nervous system.
as to make atoms CHEMICALLY ACTIVE, thereby forming the basis for
RADIOGEN is the descriptive term which Crile adopted to denote the
theoretical units of protoplasm in which oxidation occurs and from
OXIDATION tooks place in the great mass of protoplasm outside of
these infinitesimal units or RADIOGENS. The RADIOGEN unit is
patterned after the Solar System or the atom; that the nucleus or
sun of this infinitely small solar system is an atom of IRON; that
these atoms of iron, bearing a sign of like charge, REPEL EACH
OTHER as do metals in colloidal suspension, and that by this
The element iron, in the position of a miniature sun, would be in
continuous oscillation thus producing a temperature of not less
than 5,000 degrees Centigrade, just as the element iron in the sun
is in continuous oscillation. The degree of this temperature is
indicated by the genesis of Ultraviolet, visible and infra-red
radiation; in other words, a RE- RADIATION OF THE SOLAR ENERGY
originally put into the organic molecule in the plant takes place
in the radiogen.
Enzymes are organic compounds able to accelerate in a pronounced
manner a number of chemical reactions. Enzymes are credited with
having NO ENERGY, but nevertheless with CONTRIBUTING VAST AMOUNTS
OF ENERGY. Enzyme activity increases in the springtime or as a
result of stimulation, or from a rise in temperature.
Here we can clearly see the analogy between the solar process
which provides for an interior fissioning on an extremely small
scale. We suggest you read anything you can find by Dr. Crile,
specifically; "The Phenomena of LIfe" published in 1936 by Norton
& Company. Try Health Research as they probably have a
A Radio-Electric Interpretation
Selected excerpts pertaining to radiant energy power generation
Of high electric significance are the exquisitely thin,
low-conducting lipoid structures which surround each of the
trillions of cells which compose the body. It is a well known
physical fact that an oil film has a high capacity for the
accumulation of electric charges and that the thinner the film the
higher its electric capacity. While the other essential
constituents of the organism might play a role in an organism
operated by some other form of energy, these lipoid structures are
of the highest significance in an organism which is operated by
electrical forces.
The animal organism as a whole is enmeshed in a network of highly
specialized electric conductors—namely, the nervous system. In its
physical composition, therefore, the body is not only highly
adapted to electrical processes but its constituents in their
inter-relations within the organism could not be of any
conceivable value in a mechanism operated by any other form of
energy. -- p. 48
The mechanism by which oxidation within the protoplasm of the cell
generates the electric charges that operate the cell and the
organism we postulate is due to the short wave radiation generated
and emitted by oxidation within protoplasm. According to this
conception this short wave radiation knocks off electrons. These
moving electrons charge up the intricate network of the nervous
system as well as the infinitely thin membranes that separate the
various units of structure and network within the cells. -- p.
The nucleus of the cell is comparatively acid. The cytoplasm of
the cell is comparatively alkaline. The nucleus and the cytoplasm
are separated by a semi-permeable membrane.
Therefore the cell is a bipolar mechanism or an electric battery,
the nucleus being the positive element, the cytoplasm the negative
element. The rate of oxidation in the nucleus is greater than the
rate of oxidation in the cytoplasm; and therefore as the electric
tension increases in the nucleus, the electricity passes through
the nuclear membrane; the electric potential in the nucleus falls
and in consequence the current is interrupted. Since the potential
is again immediately restored by oxidation, radiation and other
chemical activity, we conceive that an interrupted current passes
continually from the positive nucleus to the negative cytoplasm
and in consequence a charge is accumulated on the surface
membranes. As we have stated, these membranes of infinite thinness
and of high dielectric capacity are peculiarly adapted to the
storage and adaptive discharge of electric energy. -- p. 49
It was apparent that the variations in that form of radiant energy
which we call heat followed closely the variations in electric
conductivity, electric capacity and electric potential observed
under like conditions, thus indicating the fundamental nature of
these electric and radiant forces.
But it is not the long wave heat radiation but the short or
ionizing wave radiation that has hitherto escaped detection as the
energy that builds up protoplasm and generates the electric
changes and currents that operate protoplasm.-- p. 78
The long wave or heat radiation affects molecules but does not
affect atoms as far as the structure of the atom is concerned. To
build an organic compound it is necessary to have such a powerful
short wave radiation that it can affect or modify the structure of
the atom by knocking off electrons or by changing their paths,
thus altering the charge of the atom. When an electron is knocked
from an atom, the balance of charge is shifted toward the positive
side. Thus making the atom more positive and giving it a greater
affinity for other atoms. In other words, short wave radiation
gives chemical affinity to the atoms. Therefore to build such
organic compounds as those which make up plants and animals,
radiation of certain short wavelength is essential. -- p. 78-79
Since the interior of an animal receives no radiance directly from
the sun, an animal necessarily must use the sun’s radiance that is
stored in the atoms and molecules of the protoplasm of the plant.
Just as non-living, for example in coal and oil, the stored
radiance of the sun is present in the atoms of the carbon
compounds and is released as light and heat which in turn effect
mechanical activity, so in animals solar radiation is released
from the atoms of the plant food and produces light and heat
animal activity. Einstein’s Law of Equivalence should be cited
here, viz., that energy of an atom is given out in the same quanta
as those received by the atom, so it is not a figure of speech but
a fact that the sun shines again in the protoplasm of animals,
endowing them with the unique power of the sun.
Is radiation merely a waste product or is this radiation and
essential function of protoplasm? This question is answered in
part, for the nitrifying bacteria at least, by the following
quotation from a report of the U.S. Bureau of Chemistry and soils:
“There are various ways of rendering the inert nitrogen molecule
chemically active. Heat and electricity are effective when
properly applied, and results obtained in this bureau have
indicated that ultraviolet light having very short wavelengths is
an agency to this end. … Spectroscopy has recently furnished
detailed knowledge of the structure of the nitrogen molecule, and
it is now possible by means of ultraviolet light to alter the
structure, so as to render this exceedingly inert substance
chemically active.” -- p. 79
Since the energy that constructs and operates animal protoplasm is
derived directly from plant protoplasm and since the energy that
constructs and operates plant protoplasm is directly from solar
radiation, lightning, terrestrial electricity, and the nitrifying
bacteria, what the animal specifically obtains in his food is the
radiation or quanta of energy which has been packed into the atoms
of the plant protoplasm by sunlight, by lightning, by terrestrial
electricity, and by the nitrifying bacteria. -- p. 79-80
Thus modern physics has given us a simple conception of the source
of energy in animal protoplasm, since only short wave radiation
can knock off electrons and hence confer chemical affinity of the
high order demanded for synthesis and growth.
Short wave radiation accounts also for the origin of the electric
charges and currents in protoplasm. The same short wave radiation
which confers chemical affinity detaches electrons in infinite
numbers, thereby charging up the innumerable membranes and nerve
and electric circuits which are present everywhere in protoplasm.
This is the origin of the electric charges by which protoplasm is
operated. This is as simple as the operation of the photo-cell in
which short wave radiance falls upon an electrode and detaches
electrons, which in turn charge up the available circuits which
operate robots. In protoplasm are present compounds whose
electrons are detached with facility by ultraviolet, visible and
short infra-red wave radiation. It would thus seem that protoplasm
has the properties of a photo-electric cell. -- p. 80
In the animal battery as in the man-made battery, when as the
result of continuous action the contra-electric current equals the
primary current, then the electric circuit is inactive and dead;
the electric potential within the circuit and within the cells
coincidentally falls to zero—and the animal is dead. Such a death
is unique in that there is no struggle, there is only a continuous
loss of energy, until the animal or man stops living as
inconspicuously as a battery fades to zero. Just as a battery runs
down by virtue of polarization and is restored by opening the
circuit, so is the case of the billions of brain cells that run
down by virtue of polarization as the result of adequate
stimulation of the senses, if the stimuli are reduced below the
threshold of action, the nerve circuits are opened and
depolarization occurs. This is sleep. -- p. 126
The possession by protoplasm of a mechanism that can generate and
emit ionizing radiation interprets most simply that hitherto
unexplained phenomenon, the ionization of oxygen, since it
explains by what means oxygen is ionized, hence made chemically
active. It is the short wave radiation emitted by the radiogens
that ionizes oxygen. The atmospheric oxygen at the low level of
energy in the alveoli of the lungs, in solution in the blood
stream, in the hemoglobin, in the plasma that bathes the cells of
the body, in the electrolytic solutions within the cells
themselves, indeed throughout its journey from the atmosphere
until it reaches the ionization radiation emitted by the
radiogen—this atmospheric oxygen remains at its primary low energy
level and is incapable of performing its elementary fundamental
role of energizing the organism by oxidation. Ionization of this
element, oxygen, is accomplished instantaneously by the radiation
emitted from the molecular unit, the radiogen, just as the
ionization of the oxygen in the air is accomplished
instantaneously by lightning. -- p. 127
In between the long infra-red and ultraviolet rays comes the
visible by Dr. Glasser. He has found that when sodium chloride and
other crystalline salts are irradiated by radium and the x-ray,
they emit ultraviolet radiation and that this emission is
increased by exposure of the irradiated salt to visible light. --
p. 129-130
It would appear that the specific form of energy that builds and
operates protoplasm is radiant and electric energy; that radiant
end electric energy is released by oxidation; that radiant and
electric energy fabricates growth. It follows, therefore, that
excitation, depression and death can be measured in physical
terms.-- p. 167
There is evidence that in age and senility there is a lowering of
the oxidation, radiation and electric potential of the organism;
therefore it would be reasonable to expect that the one agent that
can control oxidation, radiation and electric potential, that is,
the thyroid hormone, if administered in suitable cases would tend
to ameliorate the feebleness and inertia of declining years. -- p.
As has already been stated, a cell can function only when under a
certain electrical strain, and this electrical strain is
constantly being regenerated by the radiant energy produced by
oxidation; in other words, oxidation, radiation, and electric
potential go hand in hand. Whatever interferes with oxidation
interferes with radiation and its consequent electric potential.
-- p. 189
Several types of photo-electric cells known to respond to
ultraviolet light have been employed as detectors. An improved
method of detection is a combination of the photo-electric cell
with the principle of the Geiger-Müller counter. Rajewsky, Frank
and Rodionow, Audubert, and Barth, who used this type of detector
for mitogenetic radiation, claimed that various materials,
including onion bulb, cancer tissue, frog sartorius muscle in
contraction, the peptic digestion of fibrin, and the oxidation of
FeSO4, gave an increase in the counts, indicating the emission of
rays. -- p. 346-347
Sodium chloride crystals previously irradiated with roentgen rays
have been found to release stored energy in the form of
ultraviolet light in the presence of visible light. Although this
radiation with an emission maximum at 2,450 A is extremely weak,
it can be detected easily with the photo-electric Geiger counter.
-- p. 348-349
Since all matter is electrical in nature and since in the final
analysis all energy is radiant and electric energy, we conceived
that protoplasm must be generated and operated by electric energy.
The generation of radiant and electric energy in animals is made
through oxidation of the organic compounds of the plant; that is,
solar radiance is released in the animal by oxidation.
Animals are adapted to oxidation, just as a combustion engine is
adapted to oxidation. Much of the body of animals, the lungs and
the circulatory system, is related to the fact that it is through
oxidation in animals that the sun’s radiance is radiated in
protoplasm; that is, oxidation causes the sun to “shine” again in
protoplasm. Animals, like plants, grow by virtue of solar
radiation and re-radiate solar radiation. -- p. 360
The intensity of the re-radiation of solar energy in animals is
increased by thyroxin, by adrenalin, by nerve impulses. The sun’s
radiance is dimmed at night and in the winter but the identical
solar radiation in animals shines as brightly at night as in the
day; as brightly in the winter as in the summer. -- p. 360-361
These considerations would lead our physicist to investigate the
chemical and physical nature of protoplasm and he would first note
that the surface films could not generate adaptively the intense
energy of radiation, and would consider what would be the physical
nature of a hitherto un-described molecular furnace.
Short wave radiation results from oxidation of nitrogen and carbon
compounds—an oxidation at high speeds as in the detonation of
explosives. It would be evident that there is in the protoplasm
the constant re-radiation of the energy put into the nitrogen and
carbon compounds; but the temperature of the protoplasm is at
almost a cold level, though higher than the environment.--
p. 363
Our physicist therefore would ask himself what would become of the
intense heat of combustion since it is not manifested in the
organism as a whole? He would see clearly that it is the great
preponderance of water which dissipates it. The physicist would
then see what the fuel that energizes protoplasm is. He would see
that protoplasm is water- cooled. He would see how it is made to
flare up adaptively. He would consider the number and size of
these generators of radiation—these radiogens. It would be clear
that if the radiogens should coalesce they would either extinguish
each other or would fail to be water-cooled. Therefore, the
radiogens would be spaced by some form of energy analogous to that
which spaces colloidal particles. The physicist, knowing that
animal protoplasm contains a constant but small amount of
iron—bound iron—and knowing that iron promotes oxidation, would
think that while cold iron like cold oxygen, cold nitrogen, cold
carbon, from the standpoint of energy is one thing, on the other
hand a molecule of iron at a temperature of from 3,000 to 6,000
degrees Centigrade would be “excited” iron and a vastly different
thing. Our physicist would then glimpse the fundamental role of
iron; namely, in the “excited” state the molecule of iron would be
the luminous sun of the radiogen—the center of the protein fire
which would hold the atoms of the proteins in its “energy field”
as the primary radiogen, the sun, holds in its “energy field” the
planets. And so the physicist would consider that these theoretic
radiogens would space themselves through the “energy fields,” thus
making a uniform distribution for the genesis of energy; and also
a uniform division of the water-cooled system.-- p. 363-364
At the very time we were first assembling the material for this
lecture, there came an announcement in the daily press of a
discovery by a modern physicist, Dr. George W. Crile, of the
Cleveland Laboratories, which practically fixed the seal of truth
upon every word we have uttered or shall utter in this lecture. It
was most startlingly corroborative of our exegesis. He announced
that he had discovered at the heart of every living organism a
tiny nucleus of energy, all aglow, with temperatures ranging from
3000 to 6000 degrees of heat, which he called "radiogens" or "hot
points." These, he said, were precisely akin to the radiant energy
of solar matter. He affirmed, in short, that a tiny particle of
the sun's power and radiance was lodged within the heart of every
organic unit! The light and energy that has life. What would be
Crile's surprise, however, if he were to be shown a sentence taken
from Hargrave Jennings' old book on the Rosicrucians, written over
sixty years ago: "Every man has a little spark (sun) in his own
bosom?" For this was one item in the teaching of the Medieval
Fire-Philosophers, and the reason they were styled such. They knew
what Crile has discovered, as likewise did the ancient
Bible-writers. They based their Sun-god religions upon it. Our
souls are composed of the imperishable essence of solar light! We
are immortal because we are Sun-gods.
Onions radiate electromagnetic waves
Eyes, fingers, blood emit rays which kill cells. As living things
die, they produce "necrobiotic" rays. All this several
investigators have demonstrated, and from their demonstrations
drawn a theory that all living matter radiates energy (TIME, July
4, et ante). But how does this go on? Cleveland's ingenious
Surgeon George Washington Crile, who long has been studying the
electronics of living things, last week offered his theory to the
Central Association of Science & Mathematics Teachers meeting
in Cleveland.
Every bit of protoplasm is loaded with multitudes of "hot points"
or "radiogens" which produce the rays, according to him.
Temperature of those points must be between 3,000° and 6,000° C.
"If one could look into protoplasm with an eye capable of infinite
magnification," he elaborated, "one might expect to see the
radiogens spaced like stars, as suns in infinite miniature." The
"interstellar" spaces absorb the intense heat of his radiogens, he
reasons. The nucleus of his theoretic radiogen "would
theoretically be a molecule of iron." Dr. Maria Takles, a Crile
associate, figures four billion radiogens in a cubic centimetre of
The great importance of radiogens in Dr. Crile's mind is that, if
they really exist, they may explain how plants add oxygen &
hydrogen to carbon dioxide to make sugar, how animals add oxygen
to sugar to form carbon dioxide — chemical reactions which require
access of considerable energy.
The phenomena of life;: A
radio-electric interpretation
George Washington Crile
Out of Print--Limited Availability.
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Product Details
Hardcover: 379 pages
Publisher: W.W. Norton; 1st edition (1936)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1135734755
ISBN-13: 978-1135734756
ASIN: B00085BN2Q
George Crile, Sr.
The famous physician who was one of the founders of the famous
Cleveland Clinic, worked for nine years formulating the all but
forgotten bipolar theory of living processes. The works he did on
the body's bioelectrical energies were truly monumental as was his
work on the cause of surgical shock. He established the technique
and value of the blood transfusion. During his long search for the
underlying causes of fatigue, exhaustion and death at work in the
University College of London, war hospitals in France, and the
Western Reserve University Medical School, his data made it
apparent that in order to understand the cause of surgical shock
and death, it was necessary to understand the body as an electric
That is, the maintenance of the acid medium of the nucleus and the
alkaline medium of the cytoplasm. His histological findings
concluded that the lipoidfilms surrounding the nucleus and
the cytoplasm offered a definite resistance to the positive
hydrogen ions and that in death this resistance is lowered.
Crile believed that the animal organism as a whole is enmeshed in
a network of highly specialized electric conductors - namely, the
nervous system. In its physical composition, therefore, the body
is not only highly adapted to electrical properties but its
constituents in their interrelations within the organism could not
be of any conceivable value in a mechanism operated by other forms
of energy... We may consider then that electricity keeps the flame
of life¯burning in the cell; and that the flame (oxidation)
supplies the electricity which is the vital force of the animal...
We may therefore consider the cell as a bipolar mechanism, the
nucleus being positive element, the cytoplasm the negative
element. The oxidation in the nucleus appears to be on a higher
scale than the oxidation of the cytoplasm; and therefore as the
electric tension increases in the nucleus, the current breaks
through; the potential in the nucleus falls and in consequence the
current is interrupted. Since the potential is again immediately
restored by oxidation, we conceive that the interrupted current
passes continually from the positive nucleus to the negative
cytoplasm and in consequence a charge is accumulated on the
surface films. These films of infinite thinness and of high
dielectric capacity are peculiarly adapted to the storage and
adaptive discharge of electric energy... There is no more energy
per mass in the living than in the non-living. In the living,
energy is captured and stored and made to run the organism - in
the non-living the same amount of energy exists, but is balanced;
equalized; inert; non-living.¯
His works and perceptions were nothing short of genius. What he
called the Quest in his book THE PHENOMENA OF LIFE, A RADIO
ELECTRIC INTERPRETATION (1936) was to find the cause and
correction of death by surgical shock. After ten years of
experimentation his states: According to our findings, the
maintenance of the acid-alkali balance between the nucleus and
cytoplasm of the cells - the electric potential - is essential to
life and furnishes the immediate driving energy of the living
process itself. Its reduction to zero or equilibrium is death...
In structure and function the unit cells which drive the organism
must be adapted to generate and to release radiation and
electricity... The mechanism by which oxidation within the
protoplasm of the cell generates the electric charges that operate
the cell and the organism we postulate is due to the short wave
radiation generated and emitted by oxidation within the
A Mechanistic View of Psychology
by G. W. Crile
[ PDF ]
Miscellaneous Papers
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George W. Crile 1926.
What are the underlying causes of chronic fatigue, exhaustion and
death? Well-known researcher (at least in alternative circles)
Crile gives us his conclusions based on studies begun in 1889 -
over a hundred years ago! These led him to a deep study into the
nature of life.
#B0008, 420pp, spiral bound ... $44.95
A Radio-Electric Interpretation
George W. Crile 1936 Follow the author's exploration into the
phenomena we call LIFE...With impeccable logic he shows how
oxidation produces radiant energy. Radiant energy generates
electric currents in the protoplasm. The normal and pathological
phenomena of life are manifestations of protoplasm. Therefore the
phenomena of life must be due to radiant and electrical energy.
#B0062, 380pp, spiral bound...$49.95
JAMA. 1936;106(14):1226
April 4, 1936
The Phenomena of Life: A
Radio-Electric Interpretation
Into this book the author has put most of the biologic
investigations and speculations that have interested him over a
third of a century. It is interesting reading, coming from a busy
surgeon, but not easy reading. Some doctors take to golf, others
to bridge, while Dr. Crile seeks his stimulation and recreation in
the profundities of biology. The radio-electric interpretation of
living processes may not appear very convincing to the biologists,
but the tale of Dr. Crile's quest "Why did William Lyndman die?"
is a charming one, and human even in its in compatibles and
contradictions. The basal metabolic rate does not drop 50 per cent
during sleep (p. 163). The human infant has no natural weapons for
attack, yet he seems to experience both fear and anger (p. 187).
It may worry the thoughtful to find worry defined as "interrupted
stimulation" (p. 189). ..
Zuccala Lytic Test
George Crile, an eminent American physician, once published a
memorable paper .... fact remains that the body produces a strange
phenomenon unlike a normal body . It ... blood tests made from
people of all walks of life and all ages.