Richard CROOKS,
et al.
June 27, 2013
Chemists Work to Desalt the Ocean for
Drinking Water, One Nanoliter at a Time
A prototype "water chip" developed by researchers at The
University of Texas at Austin in collaboration with a startup
By creating a small electrical field that removes salts from
seawater, chemists at The University of Texas at Austin and the
University of Marburg in Germany have introduced a new method for
the desalination of seawater that consumes less energy and is
dramatically simpler than conventional techniques. The new method
requires so little energy that it can run on a store-bought
The process evades the problems confronting current desalination
methods by eliminating the need for a membrane and by separating
salt from water at a microscale.
The technique, called electrochemically mediated seawater
desalination, was described last week in the journal Angewandte
Chemie. The research team was led by Richard Crooks of The
University of Texas at Austin and Ulrich Tallarek of the
University of Marburg. It’s patent-pending and is in commercial
development by startup company Okeanos Technologies.
“The availability of water for drinking and crop irrigation is one
of the most basic requirements for maintaining and improving human
health,” said Crooks, the Robert A. Welch Chair in Chemistry in
the College of Natural Sciences. “Seawater desalination is one way
to address this need, but most current methods for desalinating
water rely on expensive and easily contaminated membranes. The
membrane-free method we’ve developed still needs to be refined and
scaled up, but if we can succeed at that, then one day it might be
possible to provide fresh water on a massive scale using a simple,
even portable, system.”
This new method holds particular promise for the water-stressed
areas in which about a third of the planet’s inhabitants live.
Many of these regions have access to abundant seawater but not to
the energy infrastructure or money necessary to desalt water using
conventional technology. As a result, millions of deaths per year
in these regions are attributed to water-related causes.
“People are dying because of a lack of freshwater,” said Tony
Frudakis, founder and CEO of Okeanos Technologies. “And they’ll
continue to do so until there is some kind of breakthrough, and
that is what we are hoping our technology will represent.”
The left panel shows the salt (which is tagged with a fluorescent
tracer) flowing upward after a voltage is applied by an electrode
(the dark rectangle) jutting into the channel at just the point
where it branches. In the right panel no voltage is being applied.
To achieve desalination, the researchers apply a small voltage
(3.0 volts) to a plastic chip filled with seawater. The chip
contains a microchannel with two branches. At the junction of the
channel an embedded electrode neutralizes some of the chloride
ions in seawater to create an “ion depletion zone” that increases
the local electric field compared with the rest of the channel.
This change in the electric field is sufficient to redirect salts
into one branch, allowing desalinated water to pass through the
other branch.
“The neutralization reaction occurring at the electrode is key to
removing the salts in seawater,” said Kyle Knust, a graduate
student in Crooks’ lab and first author on the paper.
Like a troll at the foot of the bridge, the ion depletion zone
prevents salt from passing through, resulting in the production of
Thus far Crooks and his colleagues have achieved 25 percent
desalination. Although drinking water requires 99 percent
desalination, they are confident that goal can be achieved.
“This was a proof of principle,” said Knust. “We’ve made
comparable performance improvements while developing other
applications based on the formation of an ion depletion zone. That
suggests that 99 percent desalination is not beyond our reach.”
The other major challenge is to scale up the process. Right now
the microchannels, about the size of a human hair, produce about
40 nanoliters of desalted water per minute. To make this technique
practical for individual or communal use, a device would have to
produce liters of water per day. The authors are confident that
this can be achieved as well.
If these engineering challenges are surmounted, they foresee a
future in which the technology is deployed at different scales to
meet different needs.
“You could build a disaster relief array or a municipal-scale
unit,” said Frudakis. “Okeanos has even contemplated building a
small system that would look like a Coke machine and would operate
in a standalone fashion to produce enough water for a small
The fundamental scientific breakthroughs that led to this advance
were primarily supported by the Office of Basic Energy Sciences in
the U.S. Department of Energy. Okeanos Technologies is funded by
venture capital and grants from the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. The intellectual property is owned by The University of
Texas at Austin through the Office of Technology Commercialization
(OTC). In the event of eventual profits, patent holders, including
Crooks and Knust, will be paid according to the OTC’s standard
licensing agreement. Okeanos Technologies is also currently
supporting Knust’s stipend and tuition via a gift to UT.
For more information, contact:
Daniel Oppenheimer, College of Natural Sciences, 512 745 3353;
Richard Crooks, 512-475-8639,
Okeanos was formed in 2010 to develop a next-generation,
ultra-efficient desalination technology to address our planets
chronic and increasingly alarming fresh water shortages. Our
WaterChip™ platform represents a “solid-state” alternative to
present-day approaches for creating fresh water from seawater and
brackish aquifer sources.
Our Technology
We believe the evolution of desalination technology requires a
completely new way of thinking. Rather than reflexive, incremental
improvements to existing but fundamentally inefficient technology
platforms, we need to re-conceptualize the entire problem from
different scales of perspective, using entirely new approaches and
alternative modes of engineering.
Okeanos Technologies is the first to have done this.
The Okeanos WaterChip™ is a solid-state, Massively Paralleled
Desalination (MPD) platform that employs a newly characterized,
patent-pending micro-electrochemical process to desalinate with
radical energy-efficiency. We desalinate millionths of a liter at
a time – that is, we “Microdesalinate” – and we do this using tiny
microstructures, which are then massively paralleled to produce
useful water flows. Desalination in tiny volumes allows us exploit
a form of energy that simply cannot be generated in “macroscale”
(e.g. liters of space). This form of energy is called an
“electrochemical field gradient” and using it to do the “work” of
desalination is advantageous because this work is limited by
electron rather than ion-transfer kinetics, making it far more
efficient than those processes that function in the dimensions of
space you are used to thinking about - such as Reverse Osmosis,
Electrodialysis or heat/evaporative based methods.
To put all of this another way, we are in essence exploiting the
power of the electron to harness and redirect the built-in,
corrosive energy of seawater towards the useful task of
desalination, and we do this in very tiny volumes.
COST-EFFECTIVENESS – World-record desalination efficiency =
dramatic reduction in operational expenses.
RELEVANCE – Cost-effective desalination will provide profound
economic, political, environmental and humanitarian benefits
across the globe.
ELEGANCE – Operation without extreme hydraulic pressures, massive
electrical currents or intense heat sources make for simple,
compact installations with small system footprint.
CLEANLINESS – Operation on alternative energy sources, and/or
reduced burden on dirty, coal-powered grid energy results in
direct environmental benefits.
FEASIBILITY-- Pretreatment. No membranes means minimal
pretreatment required other than basic sedimentation. Elimination
of the need for chemicals, filters, treatment ponds etc. results
in massive capital and effective operational savings. Post
treatment. No post treatment required. Complete disinfection,
de-boronation, and heavy metals removal without the use of
chemicals, which have to be added and then removed with other
technologies in expensive (capex/opex) multi-stage processes.
Maintenance. No membranes also means no fouling and the
minimization of maintenance capital and labor.
SCALABILITY -- Operating expense scales linearly with output rates
– unlike other technologies which require massive operational
economies of scale and capital accessories (e.g. energy recovery
systems) to reach what might loosely be called “economic
competitiveness”. Highly modular framework – systems to address
from small to large scale (e.g. municipal) needs.
FLEXIBILITY – On demand programmability for seawater vs. brackish
waters means no need for source water dependent
configuration/equipment, further enhancing effective operating
SAFETY -- Bacteria, viruses and particulates are removed as
efficiently as salt, without the use of expensive and cumbersome
coagulants or chemicals -- On demand monitoring of system
performance in real time
DURABILITY – no moving parts, no extreme operating conditions
(e.g. hydraulic pressures or voltages).
MANUFACTURABILITY – recent advances in microelectronics
fabrication and proprietary designs translate into capital (e.g.
system purchase) expenses on par with today’s technologies.
Tony Frudakis, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Okeanos Technologies, LLC
2012 Callie Way, Suite 201
Union, KY 41091
1-866-991-1446 toll free
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Vol. 52 Issue 27
DOI: 10.1002/anie.201302577
19 JUN 2013
Electrochemically Mediated Seawater
Kyle N. Knust, Dr. Dzmitry Hlushkou, Dr. Robbyn K. Anand, Prof.
Ulrich Tallarek, Prof. Richard M. Crooks
Membraneless desalination: A simple power supply is used to apply
a 3.0 V potential bias across a microelectrochemical cell
comprising two microchannels spanned by a single bipolar electrode
(BPE) to drive chloride oxidation and water electrolysis at the
BPE poles. The resulting ion depletion zone and associated
electric field gradient direct ions into a branching microchannel,
consequently producing desalted water. Gnd=ground.
Disclosed are microfluidic devices and systems for the
desalination of water. The devices and systems can include an
electrode configured to generate an electric field gradient in
proximity to an intersection formed by the divergence of two
microfluidic channels from an inlet channel. Under an applied bias
and in the presence of a pressure driven flow of saltwater, the
electric field gradient can preferentially direct ions in
saltwater into one of the diverging microfluidic channels, while
desalted water flows into second diverging channel. Also provided
are methods of using the devices and systems described herein to
decrease the salinity of water.
[0001] This application claims benefit of U.S. Provisional
Application No. 61/740,780, filed Dec. 21, 2012, which is hereby
incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
[0002] This invention was made with Government Support under
Agreement DE-FG02-06ER15758 awarded by the U.S. Department of
Energy, and Contract EP-D-12-026 awarded by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. The Government has certain rights in the
[0003] This application relates generally to devices, systems, and
methods for the desalination of water.
[0004] The global demand for freshwater is growing rapidly. Many
conventional sources of freshwater, including lakes, rivers, and
aquifers, are rapidly becoming depleted. As a consequence,
freshwater is becoming a limited resource in many regions. In
fact, the United Nations estimates two-thirds of the world's
population could be living in water stressed regions by 2025.
[0005] Currently, approximately 97% of the world's water supply is
present as seawater. Desalination-the process by which salinated
water (e.g., seawater) is converted to fresh water-offers the
potential to provide dependable supplies of freshwater suitable
for human consumption or irrigation. Unfortunately, existing
desalination processes, including distillation and reverse
osmosis, require both large amounts of energy and specialized,
expensive infrastructure. As a consequence, desalination is
currently expensive compared to most conventional sources of
water, and often prohibitively expensive in developing regions of
the world. Therefore, only a small fraction of total human water
use is currently satisfied by desalination. More energy efficient
methods for water desalination offer the potential to address the
increasing demands for freshwater, particularly in water stressed
[0006] Disclosed are microfluidic devices and systems for the
desalination of water.
[0007] Microfluidic devices for the desalination of water can
comprise a desalination unit. The desalination unit can comprise
an inlet channel fluidly connected to a dilute outlet channel and
a concentrated outlet channel. The dilute outlet channel and the
concentrated outlet channel can diverge from the inlet channel at
an intersection. The desalination unit can further comprise an
electrode in electrochemical contact with the desalination unit.
The electrode can be configured to generate an electric field
gradient in proximity to the intersection where dilute outlet
channel and concentrated outlet channel diverge from the inlet
channel. Under an applied bias and in the presence of a flow of
saltwater, the electric field gradient can preferentially direct
ions in the saltwater into concentrated outlet channel, while
desalted water flows into the dilute outlet channel.
[0008] In some embodiments, the microfluidic device can further
include an auxiliary channel fluidly isolated from the
desalination unit. The auxiliary channel can be electrochemically
connected to the desalination unit via a bipolar electrode. In
these cases, the bipolar electrode can be configured to be in
electrochemical contact with both the desalination unit and the
auxiliary channel. Under an applied bias across the auxiliary
channel and the desalination unit and in the presence of a flow of
saltwater, the electric field gradient can preferentially direct
ions in the saltwater into concentrated outlet channel of the
desalination unit, while desalted water flows into the dilute
outlet channel.
[0009] In some embodiments, the auxiliary channel comprises a
desalination unit. In these embodiments, the microfluidic device
can comprise two desalination units, which can be of identical or
different structure. The first desalination unit can be
electrochemically connected to the second desalination unit by a
bipolar electrode. Under an applied bias across the first
desalination unit and the second desalination unit and in the
presence of a pressure driven flow of saltwater, the electric
field gradient can preferentially direct ions in the saltwater
into concentrated outlet channels of the first and second
desalination units, while desalted water flows into the dilute
outlet channels of the first and second desalination units.
[0010] A plurality of the microfluidic devices described herein
can be combined to form a water purification system. The system
can comprise a plurality of the devices described herein arranged
in parallel or fluidly connected in series. The systems can also
comprise a plurality of devices both arranged in parallel and
fluidly connected in series. For example, the device can include a
first pair of devices fluidly connected in series which are
arranged in parallel with a second pair of devices fluidly
connected in series. In such systems, the plurality of devices can
be fabricated in a single plane (i.e., as a 2-dimensional system)
or in three dimensions.
[0011] Also provided are methods of using the devices and systems
described herein to decrease the salinity of water.
[0012] FIG. 1A is a schematic drawing illustrating a
microfluidic device for the desalination of water.
[0013] FIG. 1B is a schematic drawing illustrating an
enlarged portion of the microfluidic device shown in FIG. 1A.
[0014] FIG. 1C is a schematic drawing illustrating a
microfluidic device for the desalination of water in combination
with a power supply configured to apply a potential bias across
the desalination unit.
[0015] FIG. 2 is a schematic drawing illustrating a
microfluidic device for the desalination of water. The device
includes a desalination unit and an auxiliary channel
electrochemically connected by a bipolar electrode.
[0016] FIG. 3 is a schematic drawing illustrating a
microfluidic device for the desalination of water. The device
includes two desalination units electrochemically connected by a
bipolar electrode.
[0017] FIG. 4 is a schematic drawing of a water
purification system for the desalination of water. The system
includes multiple desalination units configured to operate in
[0018] FIG. 5 is a schematic drawing of a water
purification system for the desalination of water. The system
includes multiple desalination units configured to operate in
[0019] FIG. 6 is a schematic drawing of a water
purification system for the desalination of water. The device
includes multiple desalination units configured to operate in
[0020] FIGS. 7A-7B are fluorescence micrographs
illustrating the flow of a solution of Ru(bpy) <2+> (a
fluorescent cationic tracer) in saltwater through the device
illustrated in FIG. 2. FIGS. 7A is a fluorescence micrograph of
the device taken before application of a potential bias. FIGS.
7B is a fluorescence micrograph of the device taken upon
application of a potential bias.
[0021] FIG. 8 is a fluorescence micrograph illustrating the
flow of a solution of Ru(bpy) <2+> (a fluorescent cationic
tracer) in Na 2SO 4 through the device illustrated in FIG. 2
upon application of a potential bias.
[0022] FIG. 9 is a graph of total current flowing through
the device illustrated in FIG. 2 (i tot, plotted in nanoamperes)
as a function of time (in seconds) during operation.

[0023] Disclosed are microfluidic devices and systems for the
desalination of water.
[0024] Microfluidic devices for the desalination of water can
comprise a desalination unit. The desalination unit can comprise
an inlet channel fluidly connected to a dilute outlet channel and
a concentrated outlet channel. The dilute outlet channel and the
concentrated outlet channel can diverge from the inlet channel at
an intersection. The desalination unit can also comprise an
electrode in electrochemical contact with the desalination unit.
The electrode can be configured to generate an electric field
gradient in proximity to the intersection where dilute outlet
channel and concentrated outlet channel diverge from the inlet
[0025] An example device comprising a desalination unit ( 100) is
schematically illustrated in FIG. 1A. The desalination unit
includes an inlet channel ( 102) fluidly connected to a dilute
outlet channel ( 104) and a concentrated outlet channel ( 106).
The dilute outlet channel ( 104) and the concentrated outlet
channel ( 106) diverge from the inlet channel ( 102) at an
intersection ( 107). An electrode ( 108) is positioned in
proximity to the intersection ( 107). The electrode ( 108) is
configured to form an ion depletion zone ( 109) at and downstream
of the electrode during device operation, resulting in the
formation of an electric field gradient in proximity to the
intersection. The example device further includes a fluid
reservoir ( 110) fluidly connected to the upstream terminus of the
inlet channel ( 102), a fluid reservoir ( 114) fluidly connected
to the downstream terminus of the dilute outlet channel ( 104),
and a fluid reservoir ( 112) fluidly connected to the downstream
terminus of the concentrated outlet channel ( 106).
[0026] The dimensions of the microfluidic channels in the
desalination unit ( 100) (e.g., the inlet channel ( 102), the
dilute outlet channel ( 104), and the concentrated outlet channel
( 106)) can individually and/or in combination be selected in view
of a number of factors, including the size and position of the
electrode relative to the microfluidic channels in the
desalination unit, the desired device flow rate, salinity of the
saltwater being treated using the device, and the desired degree
of salinity reduction.
[0027] In some instances, the dimensions of the inlet channel (
102), the dilute outlet channel ( 104), and the concentrated
outlet channel ( 106) are selected such that the sum of the area
of a cross-section of dilute outlet channel and the area of a
cross-section of the concentrated outlet channel is substantially
equal to the area of a cross-section of the inlet channel. In this
context, substantially equal can mean that the sum of the area of
a cross-section of dilute outlet channel and the area of a
cross-section of the concentrated outlet channel is with for
example, 15%, of the area of a cross-section of the inlet channel
(e.g., within 10% of the area of a cross-section of the inlet
channel, or within 5% of the area of a cross-section of the inlet
channel). In some embodiments, the dilute outlet channel, and the
concentrated outlet channel have substantially equivalent
cross-sectional dimensions, meaning that the height and width of
the dilute outlet channel are substantially equivalent (e.g.,
within 15%, within 10%, or within 5%) to the height and width of
the concentrated outlet channel.
[0028] The dimensions of the microfluidic channels in the
desalination unit ( 100) (e.g., the inlet channel ( 102), the
dilute outlet channel ( 104), and the concentrated outlet channel
( 106)) can be fabricated so as to have a variety of
cross-sectional shapes. In some embodiments, the microfluidic
channels in the desalination unit (e.g., the inlet channel, the
dilute outlet channel, and the concentrated outlet channel) have a
substantially square or rectangular cross-sectional shape.
[0029] In some embodiments, the inlet channel ( 102) has a width
of about 1000 microns or less (e.g., about 900 microns or less,
about 800 microns or less, about 750 microns or less, about 700
microns or less, about 600 microns or less, about 500 microns or
less, about 400 microns or less, about 300 microns or less, about
250 microns or less, about 200 microns or less, about 150 microns
or less, about 100 microns or less, about 75 microns or less, or
about 50 microns or less). In some embodiments, the inlet channel
( 102) has a width of at least about 1 micron (e.g., at least
about 5 microns, at least about 10 microns, at least about 15
microns, at least about 20 microns, at least about 25 microns, at
least about 50 microns, at least about 75 microns, at least about
100 microns, at least about 150 microns, at least about 200
microns, at least about 250 microns, at least about 300 microns,
at least about 400 microns, at least about 500 microns, at least
about 600 microns, at least about 700 microns, at least about 750
microns, at least about 800 microns, at least about 900 microns,
or at least about 1000 microns).
[0030] The inlet channel ( 102) can have a width that ranges from
any of the minimum dimensions to any of the maximum dimensions
described above. For example, the inlet channel ( 102) can have a
width that ranges from about 1000 microns to about 1 micron (e.g.,
from about 750 microns to about 5 microns, from about 500 microns
to about 10 microns, from about 250 microns to about 20 microns,
or from about 150 microns to about 25 microns).
[0031] In some embodiments, the inlet channel ( 102) has a height
of about 50 microns or less (e.g., about 45 microns or less, about
40 microns or less, about 35 microns or less, about 30 microns or
less, about 25 microns or less, about 20 microns or less, about 15
microns or less, about 10 microns or less, about 9 microns or
less, about 8 microns or less, about 7.5 microns or less, about 7
microns or less, about 6 microns or less, about 5 microns or less,
about 4 microns or less, about 3 microns or less, about 2.5
microns or less, or about 2 microns or less). In some embodiments,
the inlet channel ( 102) has a height of at least about 1 micron
(e.g., at least about 2 microns, at least about 2.5 microns, at
least about 3 microns, at least about 4 microns, at least about 5
microns, at least about 6 microns, at least about 7 microns, at
least about 7.5 microns, at least about 8 microns, at least about
9 microns, at least about 10 microns, at least about 15 microns,
at least about 20 microns, at least about 25 microns, at least
about 30 microns, at least about 35 microns, at least about 40
microns, or at least about 45 microns).
[0032] The inlet channel ( 102) can have a height that ranges from
any of the minimum dimensions to any of the maximum dimensions
described above. For example, the inlet channel ( 102) can have a
height that ranges from about 50 microns to about 1 micron (e.g.,
from about 45 microns to about 1 micron, from about 40 microns to
about 1 micron, from about 35 microns to about 1 micron, from
about 30 microns to about 1 micron, from about 25 microns to about
1 micron, or from about 20 microns to about 1 micron).
[0033] In some embodiments, the dilute outlet channel ( 104) has a
width of about 500 microns or less (e.g., about 450 microns or
less, about 400 microns or less, about 350 microns or less, about
300 microns or less, about 250 microns or less, about 200 microns
or less, about 150 microns or less, about 125 microns or less,
about 100 microns or less, about 75 microns or less, about 50
microns or less, about 25 microns or less, about 20 microns or
less, about 15 microns or less, about 10 microns or less, about 5
microns or less, or about 1 micron or less). In some embodiments,
the dilute outlet channel ( 104) has a width of at least about 0.5
microns (e.g., at least about 1 micron, at least about 2.5
microns, at least about 5 microns, at least about 10 microns, at
least about 15 microns, at least about 20 microns, at least about
25 microns, at least about 50 microns, at least about 75 microns,
at least about 100 microns, at least about 150 microns, at least
about 200 microns, at least about 250 microns, at least about 300
microns, at least about 400 microns, or at least about 450
[0034] The dilute outlet channel ( 104) can have a width that
ranges from any of the minimum dimensions to any of the maximum
dimensions described above. For example, the dilute outlet channel
( 104) can have a width that ranges from about 500 microns to
about 0.5 microns (e.g., from about 400 microns to about 1 micron,
from about 250 microns to about 1 micron, from about 150 microns
to about 5 microns, or from about 80 microns to about 10 microns).
[0035] In some embodiments, the dilute outlet channel ( 104) has a
height of about 50 microns or less (e.g., about 45 microns or
less, about 40 microns or less, about 35 microns or less, about 30
microns or less, about 25 microns or less, about 20 microns or
less, about 15 microns or less, about 10 microns or less, about 9
microns or less, about 8 microns or less, about 7.5 microns or
less, about 7 microns or less, about 6 microns or less, about 5
microns or less, about 4 microns or less, about 3 microns or less,
about 2.5 microns or less, or about 2 microns or less). In some
embodiments, the dilute outlet channel ( 104) has a height of at
least about 1 micron (e.g., at least about 2 microns, at least
about 2.5 microns, at least about 3 microns, at least about 4
microns, at least about 5 microns, at least about 6 microns, at
least about 7 microns, at least about 7.5 microns, at least about
8 microns, at least about 9 microns, at least about 10 microns, at
least about 15 microns, at least about 20 microns, at least about
25 microns, at least about 30 microns, at least about 35 microns,
at least about 40 microns, or at least about 45 microns).
[0036] The dilute outlet channel ( 104) can have a height that
ranges from any of the minimum dimensions to any of the maximum
dimensions described above. For example, the dilute outlet channel
( 104) can have a height that ranges from about 50 microns to
about 1 micron (e.g., from about 45 microns to about 1 micron,
from about 40 microns to about 1 micron, from about 35 microns to
about 1 micron, from about 30 microns to about 1 micron, from
about 25 microns to about 1 micron, or from about 20 microns to
about 1 micron).
[0037] In some embodiments, the concentrated outlet channel ( 106)
has a width of about 500 microns or less (e.g., about 450 microns
or less, about 400 microns or less, about 350 microns or less,
about 300 microns or less, about 250 microns or less, about 200
microns or less, about 150 microns or less, about 125 microns or
less, about 100 microns or less, about 75 microns or less, about
50 microns or less, about 25 microns or less, about 20 microns or
less, about 15 microns or less, about 10 microns or less, about 5
microns or less, or about 1 micron or less). In some embodiments,
the concentrated outlet channel ( 106) has a width of at least
about 0.5 microns (e.g., at least about 1 micron, at least about
2.5 microns, at least about 5 microns, at least about 10 microns,
at least about 15 microns, at least about 20 microns, at least
about 25 microns, at least about 50 microns, at least about 75
microns, at least about 100 microns, at least about 150 microns,
at least about 200 microns, at least about 250 microns, at least
about 300 microns, at least about 400 microns, or at least about
450 microns).
[0038] The concentrated outlet channel ( 106) can have a width
that ranges from any of the minimum dimensions to any of the
maximum dimensions described above. For example, the concentrated
outlet channel ( 106) can have a width that ranges from about 500
microns to about 0.5 microns (e.g., from about 400 microns to
about 1 micron, from about 250 microns to about 1 micron, from
about 150 microns to about 5 microns, or from about 80 microns to
about 10 microns).
[0039] In some embodiments, the concentrated outlet channel ( 106)
has a height of about 50 microns or less (e.g., about 45 microns
or less, about 40 microns or less, about 35 microns or less, about
30 microns or less, about 25 microns or less, about 20 microns or
less, about 15 microns or less, about 10 microns or less, about 9
microns or less, about 8 microns or less, about 7.5 microns or
less, about 7 microns or less, about 6 microns or less, about 5
microns or less, about 4 microns or less, about 3 microns or less,
about 2.5 microns or less, or about 2 microns or less). In some
embodiments, the concentrated outlet channel ( 106) has a height
of at least about 1 micron (e.g., at least about 2 microns, at
least about 2.5 microns, at least about 3 microns, at least about
4 microns, at least about 5 microns, at least about 6 microns, at
least about 7 microns, at least about 7.5 microns, at least about
8 microns, at least about 9 microns, at least about 10 microns, at
least about 15 microns, at least about 20 microns, at least about
25 microns, at least about 30 microns, at least about 35 microns,
at least about 40 microns, or at least about 45 microns).
[0040] The concentrated outlet channel ( 106) can have a height
that ranges from any of the minimum dimensions to any of the
maximum dimensions described above. For example, the concentrated
outlet channel ( 106) can have a height that ranges from about 50
microns to about 1 micron (e.g., from about 45 microns to about 1
micron, from about 40 microns to about 1 micron, from about 35
microns to about 1 micron, from about 30 microns to about 1
micron, from about 25 microns to about 1 micron, or from about 20
microns to about 1 micron).
[0041] The length of the microfluidic channels in the desalination
unit ( 100) (e.g., the inlet channel ( 102), the dilute outlet
channel ( 104), and the concentrated outlet channel ( 106)) can
vary. The length of the microfluidic channels in the desalination
unit can individually be selected in view of a number of the
overall device design and other operational considerations. In
some embodiments, the inlet channel ( 102), the dilute outlet
channel ( 104), and the concentrated outlet channel ( 106) each
have a length of at least about 0.1 cm (e.g., at least about 0.2
cm, at least about 0.3 cm, at least about 0.4 cm, at least about
0.5 cm, at least about 0.6 cm, at least about 0.7 cm, at least
about 0.8 cm, at least about 0.9 cm, at least about 1 cm, at least
about 2 cm, at least about 2.5 cm, at least about 3 cm, at least
about 4 cm, at least about 5 cm, or longer). The microfluidic
channels in the desalination unit can be substantially linear in
shape, or they can possess one or more non-linear regions (e.g., a
curved region, a spiral region, an angular region, or combinations
thereof) along the length of their fluid flow path.
[0042] With reference again to FIG. 1A, the dilute outlet channel
( 104) and the concentrated outlet channel ( 106) diverge from the
inlet channel ( 102) at an intersection ( 107). The orientation of
the dilute outlet channel ( 104) and the concentrated outlet
channel ( 106) with respect to one another at the intersection can
be varied. The angle formed between the dilute outlet channel (
104) and the concentrated outlet channel ( 106) in a device can be
selected in view of a number of parameters, including the size and
position of the electrode relative to the microfluidic channels in
the desalination unit, the desired device flow rate, salinity of
the saltwater being treated using the device, and the desired
degree of salinity reduction.
[0043] In some cases, the angle formed between the dilute outlet
channel ( 104) and the concentrated outlet channel ( 106) at the
intersection ( 107) is about 60 degrees or less (e.g., about 55
degrees or less, about 50 degrees or less, about 45 degrees or
less, about 40 degrees or less, about 35 degrees or less, about 30
degrees or less, about 25 degrees or less, about 20 degrees or
less, about 15 degrees or less, or less).
[0044] The electrode ( 108) can be fabricated from any suitable
conductive material, such as a metal (e.g., gold), metal alloy,
metal oxide, or conductive carbon. The electrode ( 108) is
configured so as to be in electrochemical contact with the
desalination unit ( 100), meaning that the electrode ( 108) can
participate in a faradaic reaction with one or more components of
a solution present in a microfluidic channel of the desalination
unit. For example, the electrode ( 108) can be configured such
that a surface of the electrode is in direct contact with fluid
present in a microfluidic channel of the desalination unit. The
device can be configured such that the electrode ( 108) can
function as either an anode, cathode, or anode and cathode during
device operation.
[0045] The position and dimensions of the electrode ( 108)
relative to the desalination unit can be selected in view of a
number of factors, including the size and configuration of the
microfluidic channels in the desalination unit, the desired device
flow rate, salinity of the saltwater being treated using the
device, and the desired degree of salinity reduction. The
electrode ( 108) can have a variety of 2-dimensional or
3-dimensional shapes, provided that the electrode ( 108) can be
integrated into the device, and is compatible with the formation
of an electric field gradient suitable to direct ions flowing
through the inlet channel ( 102) preferentially into the
concentrated outlet channel ( 106). In certain embodiments, the
electrode ( 108) is a conductive surface (e.g., a line, a
rectangular pad, or a square pad) substantially co-planar with the
floor of the inlet channel ( 102), and integrated into the floor
of the inlet channel in proximity to the intersection ( 107). In
other embodiments, the electrode ( 108) is a conductive surface
(e.g., a line, a rectangular pad, or a square pad) that is
fabricated onto/into the floor of the inlet channel in proximity
to the intersection ( 107), and which extends from the floor of
the inlet channel into the inlet channel. In these embodiments,
the electrode can be said to have a height, measured as the
distance from the floor of the inlet channel to the surface or
edge of the electrode within the inlet channel positioned at
greatest distance from the floor of the inlet channel.
[0046] With reference again to FIG. 1A, the electrode ( 108) can
be positioned in proximity to the intersection ( 107) so as to
form an ion depletion zone ( 109) at and downstream of the
electrode ( 108), and extending into the dilute outlet channel (
104) during device operation. The ion depletion zone ( 109) can
optionally extend into a portion of the concentrated inlet channel
( 106). In some embodiments, the electrode ( 108) is positioned
within the floor of the inlet channel ( 102) upstream of the
opening of the dilute outlet channel ( 104).
[0047] By way of exemplification, FIG. 1B illustrates an enlarged
view of the intersection ( 107) of the device shown in FIG. 1A.
The electrode ( 108) is positioned within the floor of the inlet
channel ( 102). The surface of the electrode ( 108) in
electrochemical contact with the desalination unit is positioned
approximately +-50 microns (measured as the distance from the
opening of the dilute outlet channel to the downstream edge of the
electrode, 130) upstream or downstream of the opening of the
dilute outlet channel ( 104).
[0048] In certain embodiments, the surface of the electrode ( 108)
in electrochemical contact with the desalination unit is
positioned upstream of the opening of the dilute outlet channel (
104), and within about 500 microns of the opening of the dilute
outlet channel (e.g., within about 400 microns, within about 300
microns, within about 250 microns, within about 200 microns,
within about 150 microns, within about 100 microns, within about
90 microns, within about 80 microns, within about 75 microns,
within about 70 microns, within about 60 microns, within about 50
microns, within about 40 microns, within about 30 microns, within
about 25 microns, within about 20 microns, or within about 10
[0049] In some embodiments, the surface of the electrode ( 108) in
electrochemical contact with the desalination unit is positioned
downstream of the opening of the dilute outlet channel ( 104), and
within about 100 microns of the opening of the dilute outlet
channel (e.g., within about 90 microns, within about 80 microns,
within about 75 microns, within about 70 microns, within about 60
microns, within about 50 microns, within about 40 microns, within
about 30 microns, within about 25 microns, within about 20
microns, within about 10 microns, or within about 5 microns). When
the surface of the electrode ( 108) in electrochemical contact
with the desalination unit is positioned downstream of the opening
of the dilute outlet channel ( 104), the length of the electrode
(as discussed below) must be sufficient such that at least a
portion of the electrode ( 108) in electrochemical contact with
the desalination unit extends beyond the opening of the dilute
outlet channel ( 104), and into the inlet channel (i.e., a portion
of the electrode must be located upstream of the dilute outlet
[0050] Again referring to FIG. 1B, the surface of the electrode (
108) in electrochemical contact with the desalination unit can
have a width ( 132, measured as the distance from one side of the
surface of the electrode to the other side of the surface of the
electrode along an axis perpendicular to the direction of fluid
flow through the inlet channel) and a length ( 134, measured as
the distance from one side of the surface of the electrode to the
other side of the surface of the electrode along an axis parallel
to the direction of fluid flow through the inlet channel). By way
of exemplification, in the example device to FIG. 1B, the surface
of the electrode ( 108) in electrochemical contact with the
desalination unit has a width ( 132) that is about equal to the
width of the dilute outlet channel ( 104) (50 microns), and a
length ( 134) of about 100 microns.
[0051] In some embodiments, the surface of the electrode ( 108) in
electrochemical contact with the desalination unit has a width (
132) of at least about 50% of the width of the dilute outlet
channel ( 104) (e.g., at least about 60% of the width of the
dilute outlet channel, at least about 70% of the width of the
dilute outlet channel, at least about 75% of the width of the
dilute outlet channel, at least about 80% of the width of the
dilute outlet channel, at least about 90% of the width of the
dilute outlet channel, at least about 90% of the width of the
dilute outlet channel, at least the width of the dilute outlet
channel, at least about 105% of the width of the dilute outlet
channel, or at least about 110% of the width of the dilute outlet
channel). In some embodiments, the surface of the electrode ( 108)
in electrochemical contact with the desalination unit has a width
( 132) that is less than about 150% of the width of the dilute
outlet channel ( 104) (e.g., less than about 140% of the width of
the dilute outlet channel, less than about 130% of the width of
the dilute outlet channel, less than about 125% of the width of
the dilute outlet channel, less than about 120% of the width of
the dilute outlet channel, less than about 110% of the width of
the dilute outlet channel, less than about 105% of the width of
the dilute outlet channel, or less than the width of the dilute
outlet channel).
[0052] The surface of the electrode ( 108) in electrochemical
contact with the desalination unit can have a width ( 132) that
ranges from any of the minimum dimensions to any of the maximum
dimensions described above. For example, the surface of the
electrode ( 108) in electrochemical contact with the desalination
unit can have a width ( 132) that ranges from about 50% of the
width of the dilute outlet channel ( 104) to about 150% of the
width of the dilute outlet channel (e.g., from about 75% of the
width of the dilute outlet channel to about 125% of the width of
the dilute outlet channel, from about 90% of the width of the
dilute outlet channel to about 110% of the width of the dilute
outlet channel, or from about 95% of the width of the dilute
outlet channel to about 105% of the width of the dilute outlet
channel). In certain embodiments, the surface of the electrode (
108) in electrochemical contact with the desalination unit has a
width ( 132) that is about equal to the width of the dilute outlet
channel ( 104).
[0053] In some embodiments, the surface of the electrode ( 108) in
electrochemical contact with the desalination unit has a width (
132) that is at least about 25% of the width of the inlet channel
( 102) (e.g., at least about 30% of the width of the inlet
channel, at least about 40% of the width of the inlet channel, at
least about 45% of the width of the inlet channel, at least about
50% of the width of the inlet channel, at least about 55% of the
width of the inlet channel, or at least about 60% of the width of
the inlet channel). In some embodiments, the surface of the
electrode ( 108) in electrochemical contact with the desalination
unit has a width ( 132) that is less than about 75% of the width
of the inlet channel ( 102) (e.g., less than about 60% of the
width of the inlet channel, less than about 55% of the width of
the inlet channel, less than about 50% of the width of the inlet
channel, less than about 45% of the width of the inlet channel, or
less than about 40% of the width of the inlet channel).
[0054] The surface of the electrode ( 108) in electrochemical
contact with the desalination unit can have a width ( 132) that
ranges from any of the minimum dimensions to any of the maximum
dimensions described above. For example, the surface of the
electrode ( 108) in electrochemical contact with the desalination
unit can have a width ( 132) that ranges from about 25% of the
width of the inlet channel ( 102) to about 75% of the width of the
inlet channel (e.g., from about 30% of the width of the dilute
outlet channel to about 70% of the width of the dilute outlet
channel, from about 40% of the width of the dilute outlet channel
to about 60% of the width of the dilute outlet channel, or from
about 45% of the width of the dilute outlet channel to about 55%
of the width of the dilute outlet channel). In certain
embodiments, the surface of the electrode ( 108) in
electrochemical contact with the desalination unit has a width (
132) that is about 50% of the width of the inlet channel ( 102).
[0055] In some embodiments, the surface of the electrode ( 108) in
electrochemical contact with the desalination unit has a width (
132) of about 600 microns or less (e.g., about 500 microns or
less, about 450 microns or less, about 400 microns or less, about
350 microns or less, about 300 microns or less, about 250 microns
or less, about 200 microns or less, about 150 microns or less,
about 125 microns or less, about 100 microns or less, about 75
microns or less, about 50 microns or less, about 25 microns or
less, about 20 microns or less, about 15 microns or less, about 10
microns or less, about 5 microns or less, or about 1 micron or
less). In some embodiments, the surface of the electrode ( 108) in
electrochemical contact with the desalination unit has a width (
132) of at least about 0.5 microns (e.g., at least about 1 micron,
at least about 2.5 microns, at least about 5 microns, at least
about 10 microns, at least about 15 microns, at least about 20
microns, at least about 25 microns, at least about 50 microns, at
least about 75 microns, at least about 100 microns, at least about
150 microns, at least about 200 microns, at least about 250
microns, at least about 300 microns, at least about 400 microns,
at least about 450 microns, or at least about 500 microns).
[0056] The surface of the electrode ( 108) in electrochemical
contact with the desalination unit can have a width ( 132) that
ranges from any of the minimum dimensions to any of the maximum
dimensions described above. For example, the surface of the
electrode ( 108) in electrochemical contact with the desalination
unit can have a width ( 132) that ranges from about 600 microns to
about 0.5 microns (e.g., from about 400 microns to about 1 micron,
from about 250 microns to about 1 micron, from about 150 microns
to about 5 microns, or from about 80 microns to about 10 microns).
[0057] The length ( 134) of the surface of the electrode ( 108) in
electrochemical contact with the desalination unit can be varied.
In some embodiments the surface of the electrode ( 108) has a
length ( 134) of at least about 10 microns (e.g., at least about
15 microns, at least about 20 microns, at least about 25 microns,
at least about 50 microns, at least about 75 microns, at least
about 100 microns, at least about 150 microns, at least about 200
microns, at least about 250 microns, at least about 300 microns,
at least about 400 microns, at least about 450 microns, or at
least about 450 microns). In some embodiments, the surface of the
electrode ( 108) has a length ( 134) of less than about 500
microns (e.g., less than about 400 microns, less than about 300
microns, less than about 250 microns, less than about 200 microns,
or less than about 100 microns).
[0058] The surface of the electrode ( 108) in electrochemical
contact with the desalination unit can have a length ( 134) that
ranges from any of the minimum dimensions to any of the maximum
dimensions described above. For example, the surface of the
electrode ( 108) can have a length ( 134) that ranges from about
10 microns to about 500 microns (e.g., from about 25 microns to
about 250 microns, or from about 50 microns to about 150 microns).
[0059] The height of the electrode ( 108) in electrochemical
contact with the desalination unit can also be varied. The height
of the electrode ( 108) can be selected in view of a number of
factors, including the height of the microfluidic channels in the
desalination unit. In some cases, the height of the electrode (
108) is approximately zero (i.e., the electrode is substantially
co-planar with the floor of the inlet channel). In some
embodiments, the height of the electrode ( 108) is less than about
1 micron (e.g., less than about 900 nm, less than about 800 nm,
less than about 750 nm, less than about 700 nm, less than about
600 nm, less than about 500 nm, less than about 400 nm, less than
about 300 nm, less than about 250 nm, less than about 200 nm, or
less than about 100 nm).
[0060] As shown in FIG. 1C, a power supply ( 140) can be
configured to apply a potential bias across the desalination unit.
A flow of saltwater ( 120) can be initiated from the inlet channel
( 102) to the dilute outlet channel ( 104) and the concentrated
outlet channel ( 106). Upon application of a potential bias, an
ion depletion zone ( 109) and subsequent electric field gradient
are formed near the electrode ( 108) in proximity to the
intersection ( 107). As a consequence, ions in the saltwater are
preferentially directed into the concentrated outlet channel (
106), resulting in a brine ( 122) flowing through the concentrated
outlet channel. Desalted water (i.e., water containing less salt
that the saltwater introduced into the inlet channel; 124) flows
into the dilute outlet channel ( 104).
[0061] In some embodiments, the microfluidic device can further
include an auxiliary channel fluidly isolated from the
desalination unit. An example device comprising a desalination
unit ( 100) and an auxiliary channel ( 202) is schematically
illustrated in FIG. 2. The desalination unit includes an inlet
channel ( 102) fluidly connected to a dilute outlet channel ( 104)
and a concentrated outlet channel ( 106). The dilute outlet
channel ( 104) and the concentrated outlet channel ( 106) diverge
from the inlet channel ( 102) at an intersection ( 107). The
device also includes and an auxiliary channel ( 202) which is
fluidly isolated from the desalination unit ( 100).
[0062] The auxiliary channel ( 202) can comprise, for example, a
single microfluidic channel. In these embodiments, dimensions of
the auxiliary channel (e.g., height, width, and length) can vary.
The dimensions of the auxiliary channel ( 202) can individually be
selected in view of a number of the overall device design and
other operational considerations. The auxiliary channel ( 202) can
be substantially linear in shape, or it can possess one or more
non-linear regions (e.g., a curved region, a spiral region, an
angular region, or combinations thereof) along the length of their
fluid flow path. The auxiliary channel ( 202) can optionally
possess one or more branch points. The auxiliary channel ( 202)
can further include additional elements, such as electrodes, fluid
inlets, fluid outlets, fluid reservoirs, valves, pumps, and
combinations thereof, connected to the auxiliary channel to
facilitate device operation.
[0063] The auxiliary channel ( 202) can be electrochemically
connected to the desalination unit ( 100) via a bipolar electrode.
In these embodiments, the bipolar electrode is configured so as to
be in electrochemical contact with both the desalination unit (
100) and the auxiliary channel ( 202), meaning that a first
surface of the bipolar electrode can participate in a faradaic
reaction with one or more components of a solution present in a
microfluidic channel of the desalination unit, and a second
surface of the bipolar electrode can participate in a faradaic
reaction with one or more components of a solution present in the
auxiliary channel. The device can be configured such that the
bipolar electrode comprises an anode in electrochemical contact
with the desalination unit and a cathode in electrochemical
contact with the auxiliary channel during device operation.
Alternatively, the device can be configured such that the bipolar
electrode comprises a cathode in electrochemical contact with the
desalination unit and an anode in electrochemical contact with the
auxiliary channel during device operation.
[0064] By way of exemplification, referring again to the example
device illustrated in FIG. 2, a bipolar electrode ( 204)
electrochemically connects the auxiliary channel ( 202) and the
desalination unit ( 100). A first surface of the bipolar electrode
( 206) is in electrochemical contact with the desalination unit (
100), and is positioned in proximity to the intersection ( 107).
The first surface of the bipolar electrode ( 206) is configured to
form an ion depletion zone ( 109) at and downstream of the surface
of the bipolar electrode during device operation, resulting in the
formation of an electric field gradient in proximity to the
intersection. A second surface of the bipolar electrode ( 208) is
in electrochemical contact with the auxiliary channel ( 202).
[0065] The first surface of the bipolar electrode ( 206) can
occupy the same position within the desalination unit, and have
the same dimensions as the surface of electrode ( 108) described
above with respect to the first desalination unit.
[0066] Referring again to FIG. 2, the example device further
includes a fluid reservoir ( 110) fluidly connected to the
upstream terminus of the inlet channel ( 102), a fluid reservoir (
114) fluidly connected to the downstream terminus of the dilute
outlet channel ( 104), a fluid reservoir ( 112) fluidly connected
to the downstream terminus of the concentrated outlet channel (
106), and fluid reservoirs ( 210 and 212) fluidly connected to the
termini of the auxiliary channel ( 202).
[0067] A power supply can be configured to apply a potential bias
across the auxiliary channel ( 202) and the desalination unit (
100). A flow of saltwater ( 120) can be initiated from the inlet
channel ( 102) to the dilute outlet channel ( 104) and the
concentrated outlet channel ( 106). Upon application of a
potential bias, an ion depletion zone ( 109) and subsequent
electric field gradient are formed near the first surface of the
bipolar electrode ( 206) in proximity to the intersection ( 107).
As a consequence, ions in the saltwater are preferentially
directed into the concentrated outlet channel ( 106), resulting in
a brine ( 122) flowing through the concentrated outlet channel.
Desalted water ( 124) flows into the dilute outlet channel ( 104).
[0068] In some embodiments, the auxiliary channel can comprise a
desalination unit. In these embodiments, the microfluidic device
can comprise two desalination units, which can be of identical or
different structure. An example device comprising two desalination
units is illustrated in FIG. 3. The device includes a first
desalination unit ( 100) electrochemically connected to a second
desalination unit ( 302) by a bipolar electrode ( 310). The first
desalination unit ( 100) is fluidly isolated from the second
desalination unit ( 302).
[0069] The first desalination unit ( 100) includes an inlet
channel ( 102) fluidly connected to a dilute outlet channel ( 104)
and a concentrated outlet channel ( 106). The dilute outlet
channel ( 104) and the concentrated outlet channel ( 106) diverge
from the inlet channel ( 102) at an intersection ( 107). The
second desalination unit ( 302) includes an inlet channel ( 304)
fluidly connected to a dilute outlet channel ( 306) and a
concentrated outlet channel ( 308). The dilute outlet channel (
306) and the concentrated outlet channel ( 308) diverge from the
inlet channel ( 304) at an intersection ( 307).
[0070] A bipolar electrode ( 310) electrochemically connects the
first desalination unit ( 100) and the second desalination unit (
302). A first surface of the bipolar electrode ( 312) is in
electrochemical contact with the first desalination unit ( 100),
and is positioned in proximity to the intersection ( 107). The
first surface of the bipolar electrode ( 312) is configured to
form an ion depletion zone ( 109) downstream of the surface of the
bipolar electrode during device operation, resulting in the
formation of an electric field gradient in proximity to the
intersection of the first desalination unit. A second surface of
the bipolar electrode ( 314) is in electrochemical contact with
the second desalination unit ( 302), and is positioned in
proximity to the intersection of the second desalination unit (
307). The second surface of the bipolar electrode ( 314) is
configured to form an ion depletion zone ( 309) downstream of the
surface of the bipolar electrode during device operation,
resulting in the formation of an electric field gradient in
proximity to the intersection of the second desalination unit. The
example device further includes fluid reservoirs ( 110 and 320)
fluidly connected to the upstream termini of the inlet channels of
the first and second desalination units, fluid reservoirs ( 114
and 322) fluidly connected to the downstream termini of the dilute
outlet channels of the first and second desalination units, and
fluid reservoirs ( 112 and 324) fluidly connected to the
downstream termini of the concentrated outlet channels of the
first and second desalination units.
[0071] The second desalination unit ( 302), as well as all of the
elements making up the second desalination unit (e.g., the inlet
channel ( 304), the dilute outlet channel ( 306), and the
concentrated outlet channel ( 308)) can have the same dimensions
and relative configurations as those described above with respect
to the first desalination unit. The first surface of the bipolar
electrode ( 312) and the second surface of the bipolar electrode (
314) can occupy the same positions within their respective
desalination units, and have the same dimensions as the surface of
electrode ( 108) described above with respect to the first
desalination unit.
[0072] A power supply can be configured to apply a potential bias
across the first desalination unit ( 100) and the second
desalination unit ( 302). A flow of saltwater ( 120 and 330) can
be initiated from the inlet channels of the first and second
desalination units to the dilute outlet channels and the
concentrated outlet channels of the first and second desalination
units. Upon application of a potential bias, ion depletion zones (
109 and 309) and subsequent electric field gradients are formed
near the first surface of the bipolar electrode ( 312) in
proximity to the intersection ( 107) of the first desalination
unit, and near the second surface of the bipolar electrode ( 314)
in proximity to the intersection ( 307) of the second desalination
unit. As a consequence, ions in the saltwater are preferentially
directed into the concentrated outlet channels of the first and
second desalination units ( 106 and 308), resulting in a brine (
122 and 334) flowing through the concentrated outlet channels of
the first and second desalination units. Desalted water ( 124 and
332) flows into the dilute outlet channels ( 104 and 306) of the
first and second desalination units.
[0073] The microfluidic devices described herein can further
include one or more additional components (e.g., pressure gauges,
valves, pressure inlets, pumps, fluid reservoirs, sensors,
electrodes, power supplies, and combinations thereof) to
facilitate device function. In some embodiments, the devices
include a pump, valve, fluid reservoir, or combination thereof
configured to regulate fluid flow into the inlet channel of the
[0074] The devices can include a salinometer configured to measure
the salinity of fluid flowing through one or more of the
microfluidic channels of the device. For example, in some cases,
the devices can include a salinometer configured to measure the
salinity of fluid flowing through the dilute outlet channel. The
salinometer can measure the salinity of the fluid via any suitable
means. For example, the salinometer can measure the fluid's
electrical conductivity, specific gravity, index of refraction, or
combinations thereof.
[0075] In certain embodiments, the devices include a salinometer
configured to measure the salinity of fluid flowing through the
dilute outlet channel, and a pump, valve, fluid reservoir, or
combination thereof configured to regulate fluid flow into the
inlet channel of the device. The devices can further include
signal processing circuitry or a processor configured to operate
the pump and/or valve connected to the inlet channel so as to
adjust fluid flow into the inlet channel of the device in response
to the salinity of fluid flowing through the dilute outlet
[0076] Systems
[0077] A plurality of the microfluidic devices described herein
can be combined to form a water purification system.
[0078] Water purification systems can comprise any number of the
devices described herein. The number of devices incorporated
within the water purification system can be selected in view of a
number of factors, including the overall system design, the
desired throughput of the system, salinity of the saltwater being
treated using the system, and the desired degree of salinity
[0079] In some cases, the inlet channels of two or more of the
devices in the system are fluidly connected to a common water
inlet, so as to facilitate the flow of saltwater into the inlet
channels of multiple devices in the system. Similarly, the dilute
outlet channels of two or more of the devices in the system can be
fluidly connected to a common water outlet, so as to facilitate
the collection of desalted water from the dilute outlet channels
of multiple devices in the system.
[0080] The system can comprise a plurality of the devices
described herein arranged in parallel. Within the context of the
systems described herein, two devices can be described as being
arranged in parallel within a system when fluid flowing from
either the dilute outlet channel or the concentrated outlet
channel of the first device in the system does not subsequently
flow into the inlet channel of the second device in the system.
[0081] By way of example, FIG. 4 is a schematic drawing of a water
purification system ( 400) that includes a first desalination unit
( 402) and a second desalination unit ( 404) arranged in parallel.
The example device further includes an auxiliary channel ( 406)
which is fluidly isolated from both the first and second
desalination unit. A first bipolar electrode ( 408)
electrochemically connects the auxiliary channel ( 406) and the
first desalination unit ( 402). A second bipolar electrode ( 410)
electrochemically connects the auxiliary channel ( 406) and the
second desalination unit ( 404). The example system can be
operated by applying a potential bias between the auxiliary
channel and the first and second desalination units.
[0082] FIG. 5 illustrates a second example water purification
system ( 500) that includes two devices arranged in parallel. The
system ( 500) comprises a first device which includes a first
desalination unit ( 502) electrochemically connected to a first
auxiliary channel ( 504) by a first bipolar electrode ( 506). The
system ( 500) further comprises a second device which is arranged
in parallel with respect to the first device, and which includes a
second desalination unit ( 508) electrochemically connected to a
second auxiliary channel ( 510) by a second bipolar electrode (
512). As illustrated in FIG. 5, a power supply can be configured
to apply a potential bias across both the first auxiliary channel
( 504) and desalination unit ( 502) and the second auxiliary
channel ( 510) and desalination unit ( 508).
[0083] The system can comprise a plurality of the devices
described herein fluidly connected in series. Within the context
of the systems described herein, two devices can be described as
being fluidly connected in series within a system when fluid
flowing from either the dilute outlet channel or the concentrated
outlet channel of the first device in the system subsequently
flows into the inlet channel of the second device in the system.
[0084] By way of example, FIG. 6 is a schematic drawing of a water
purification system ( 600) that includes two devices fluidly
connected in series. The system ( 600) includes a first
desalination unit ( 602) and a second desalination unit ( 604)
fluidly connected in series, such that the dilute outlet channel
of the first desalination unit is fluidly connected to the inlet
channel of the second desalination unit. The example device
further includes an auxiliary channel ( 606) which is fluidly
isolated from both the first and second desalination unit. A first
bipolar electrode ( 608) electrochemically connects the auxiliary
channel ( 606) and the first desalination unit ( 602). A second
bipolar electrode ( 610) electrochemically connects the auxiliary
channel ( 606) and the second desalination unit ( 604). The
example system can be operated by applying a potential bias
between the auxiliary channel and the first and second
desalination units.
[0085] If desired, the systems can contain a plurality of devices
both arranged in parallel and fluidly connected in series. For
example, the device can include a first pair devices fluidly
connected in series which are arranged in parallel with a second
pair of devices fluidly connected in series.
[0086] Methods of Making
[0087] The microfluidic devices and systems described herein can
be fabricated from any substrate material which is non-conductive,
and suitable for the flow of aqueous solutions through the
microfluidic channels of the device or system. For example, the
device or system can be fabricated, in whole or in part, from
glass, silicon, or combinations thereof. The device or system can
also be fabricated, in whole or in part, from a polymer and/or
plastic, such as a polyester (e.g., polyethylene terephthalate;
PET) polyurethane, polycarbonate, halogenated polymer (e.g.,
polyvinyl chloride and/or fluorinated polymer such as
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)), polyacrylate and/or poly
methacrylate (e.g., polymethyl methacrylate; PMMA), silicone
(e.g., polydimethylsiloxane; PDMS), a thermosetting resin (e.g.,
Bakelite), or a copolymer, blend, and/or combination thereof. The
device or system can also be fabricated, in whole or in part, from
a ceramic (e.g., silicon nitride, silicon carbide, titania,
alumina, silica, etc.).
[0088] In certain embodiments, the device or system is fabricated,
in whole or in part, from a photocurable epoxy. In certain
embodiments, the device or system is fabricated, in whole or in
part, from PDMS.
[0089] The microfluidic devices and systems described herein can
be fabricated using a variety of microfabrication techniques known
in the art. Suitable methods for the microfabrication of
microfluidic devices include, for example, lithography, etching,
embossing, roll-to-roll manufacturing, lamination, printing, and
molding of polymeric substrates. The microfabrication process can
involve one or more of the processes described below (or similar
processes). Different portions of the device or system can be
fabricated using different methods, and subsequently assembled or
bonded together to form the final microfluidic device or system.
Suitable fabrication methods can be selected in view of a number
of factors, including the nature of the substrate(s) used to form
the device or system, performance requirements, and the dimensions
of the microfluidic features making up the device or system.
[0090] Lithography involves use of light or other form of energy
such as electron beam to selectively alter a substrate material.
Typically, a polymeric material or precursor (e.g., photoresist, a
light-resistant material) is coated on a substrate and is
selectively exposed to light or other form of energy. Depending on
the photoresist, exposed regions of the photoresist either remain
or are dissolved in subsequent processing steps known generally as
"developing." This process results in a pattern of the photoresist
on the substrate. In some embodiments, the photoresist is used as
a master in a molding process. In some embodiments, a polymeric
precursor is poured on the substrate with photoresist, polymerized
(i.e., cured) and peeled off. The resulting polymer is bonded or
glued to another flat substrate after drilling holes for inlets
and outlets.
[0091] In some embodiments, the photoresist is used as a mask for
an etching process. For example, after patterning photoresist on a
silicon substrate, channels can be etched into the substrate using
a deep reactive ion etch (DRIE) process or other chemical etching
process known in the art (e.g., plasma etch, KOH etch, HF etch,
etc.). The photoresist can then be removed, and the substrate can
be bonded to another substrate using one of any bonding procedures
known in the art (e.g., anodic bonding, adhesive bonding, direct
bonding, eutectic bonding, etc.). Multiple lithographic and
etching steps and machining steps such as drilling can be
included. Carbon electrodes may be fabricated in place by means of
photoresist pyrolysis.
[0092] In some embodiments, a polymeric substrate, such as PMMA,
can be heated and pressed against a master mold for an embossing
process. The master mold can be formed by a variety of processes,
including lithography and machining. The polymeric substrate can
then be bonded with another substrate to form a microfluidic
device or system. Machining processes can be included if
[0093] Devices and systems can also be fabricated using an
injection molding process. In an injection molding process, a
molten polymer or metal or alloy is injected into a suitable mold
and allowed to cool and solidify. The mold typically consists of
two parts that allow the molded component to be removed. Parts
thus manufactured can be bonded to result in the device or system.
[0094] In some embodiments, sacrificial etch can be used to form
the device or system. Lithographic techniques can be used to
pattern a material on a substrate. This material can then be
covered by another material of different chemical nature. This
material can undergo lithography and etch processes, or another
suitable machining process. The substrate can then be exposed to a
chemical agent that selectively removes the first material. In
this way, channels can be formed in the second material, leaving
voids where the first material was present before the etch
[0095] In some embodiments, microchannels can be directly machined
into a substrate by laser machining or CNC machining. If desired,
several layers can be machined, and subsequently bonded together
to obtain the final device or system.
[0096] Electrodes as well as other electrical device components
can be fabricated within the devices and systems by patterning
suitable conductive materials on and/or within substrate materials
using a number of suitable methods known in the art.
[0097] In one or more embodiments, the conductive material
includes one or more metals. Non-limiting examples of suitable
metals include Sn, Zn, Au, Ag, Ni, Pt, Pd, Al, In, Cu, or a
combination thereof. Other suitable conductive materials include
metal oxides and conductive non-metals (e.g., carbon derivatives
such as graphite). Conductive materials can be deposited using a
vacuum deposition process (e.g., cathodic arc deposition, electron
beam physical vapor deposition, evaporative deposition, pulsed
laser deposition, or sputter deposition). Conductive material can
also be provided in the form of a conductive ink which can be
screen printed, ink-jet printed, or otherwise deposited onto the
surface of the substrate material to form an electrical device
component. Conductive inks are typically formed by blending resins
or adhesives with one or more powdered conductive materials such
as Sn, Zn, Au, Ag, Ni, Pt, Pd, Al, In, Cu, graphite powder, carbon
black, or other conductive metals or metal alloys. Examples
include carbon-based inks, silver inks, and aluminum inks.
[0098] When forming an electrical device component, such as an
electrode, in the devices or systems described herein, one or more
conductive materials will preferably be deposited or applied as a
thin film. In certain embodiments, the conductive layers are thin
metallic or carbon films which are about 50 microns in thickness
or less (e.g., about 40 microns in thickness or less, about 30
microns in thickness or less, about 25 microns in thickness or
less, about 20 microns in thickness or less, about 15 microns in
thickness or less, about 10 microns in thickness or less, about 5
microns in thickness or less, about 1 micron in thickness or less,
about 900 nm in thickness or less, about 800 nm in thickness or
less, about 750 nm in thickness or less, about 700 nm in thickness
or less, about 600 nm in thickness or less, about 500 nm in
thickness or less, about 400 nm in thickness or less, about 300 nm
in thickness or less, or about 250 nm in thickness or less).
[0099] Methods of Using
[0100] The microfluidic devices and systems described herein can
be used to decrease the salinity of water. The salinity of water
can be decreased by flowing saltwater through the desalination
unit of a device or system described herein, and performing a
faradaic reaction at the electrode positioned in proximity to the
intersection of the desalination unit. The faradaic reaction
generates an electric field gradient that directs ions in the
saltwater away from the dilute outlet channel of the desalination
unit, and towards the concentrated outlet channel of the
desalination unit. As a result, the salinity of water which flows
into the dilute outlet channel is lower than the salinity of the
saltwater flowing into the inlet channel.
[0101] In some embodiments, methods of decreasing the salinity of
water include providing a flow of saltwater through the inlet
channel of a device described herein or the water inlet of a
system described herein, applying a potential bias to generate an
electric field gradient that influences the flow of ions in the
saltwater through the desalination unit of the device or the
desalination units of the system, and collecting water from the
dilute outlet channel of the device or the water outlet of the
system. In these methods, the water collected from the dilute
outlet channel of the device or the water outlet of the system can
have a lower electrical conductivity than the saltwater flowed
through the inlet channel of the device or the water inlet of the
[0102] In some embodiments, the potential bias applied to generate
an electric field gradient is greater than about 1 volt (e.g.,
greater than about 2 volts, greater than about 2.5 volts, greater
than about 3 volts, greater than about 4 volts, greater than about
5 volts, greater than about 6 volts, greater than about 7 volts,
greater than about 8 volts, or greater than about 9 volts). In
some embodiments, the potential bias applied to generate an
electric field gradient is less than about 10 volts (e.g., less
than about 9 volts, less than about 9 volts, less than about 8
volts, less than about 7 volts, less than about 6 volts, less than
about 5 volts, less than about 4 volts, less than about 3 volts,
less than about 2.5 volts, or less than about 2 volts).
[0103] The potential bias applied to generate an electric field
gradient can range from any of the minimum voltages to any of the
maximum voltages described above. In some embodiments, the
potential bias applied to generate an electric field gradient
ranges from about 1 volt to about 10 volts (e.g., from about 1
volt to about 7 volts, from about 2 volts to about 7 volts, or
from about 2.5 to about 5 volts).
[0104] In some embodiments, the flow rate of the saltwater through
the desalination unit of the device or the flow rate of the
saltwater through each desalination unit of the system ranges from
about 0.01 to about 1 microliter per minute (e.g., from about 0.05
to about 0.5 microliters per minute, or from about 0.1 to about
0.5 microliters per minute). Suitable flow rates can be selected
in view of a variety of factors including the architecture of the
device or system, the salinity of the saltwater being treated
using the device or system, and the desired degree of salinity
[0105] The devices, systems, and methods described herein can be
used to decrease the salinity of saltwater having any measurable
concentration of dissolved sodium chloride. The saltwater can be
seawater (e.g., saltwater having a conductivity of between about 4
S/m and about 6 S/m). The saltwater can be brackish water (e.g.,
saltwater having a conductivity of between about 0.05 S/m and
about 4 S/m). In certain embodiments, the saltwater has a
conductivity of greater than about 0.05 S/m (e.g., greater than
about 0.1 S/m, greater than about 0.5 S/m, greater than about 1.0
S/m, greater than about 2.0 S/m, greater than about 2.5 S/m,
greater than about 3.0 S/m, greater than about 3.5 S/m, greater
than about 4.0 S/m, greater than about 4.5 S/m, greater than about
5.0 S/m, or greater than about 5.5 S/m).
[0106] The devices, systems, and methods described herein can be
used to decrease the salinity of saltwater by varying degrees. The
degree of salinity reduction can depend on a number of factors,
including the architecture of the device or system, and the
salinity of the saltwater being treated using the device or
[0107] In some embodiments, the conductivity of the water
desalinated using the devices, systems, and methods described
herein (e.g., the water collected from the dilute outlet channel
of the device or the water outlet of the system) does not exceed
about 90% of the conductivity of the saltwater flowed into the
device or system (e.g., it does not exceed about 80% of the
conductivity of the saltwater flowed into the device or system, it
does not exceed about 75% of the conductivity of the saltwater
flowed into the device or system, it does not exceed about 70% of
the conductivity of the saltwater flowed into the device or
system, it does not exceed about 60% of the conductivity of the
saltwater flowed into the device or system, it does not exceed
about 50% of the conductivity of the saltwater flowed into the
device or system, it does not exceed about 40% of the conductivity
of the saltwater flowed into the device or system, it does not
exceed about 30% of the conductivity of the saltwater flowed into
the device or system, it does not exceed about 25% of the
conductivity of the saltwater flowed into the device or system, it
does not exceed about 20% of the conductivity of the saltwater
flowed into the device or system, it does not exceed about 10% of
the conductivity of the saltwater flowed into the device or
system, it does not exceed about 5% of the conductivity of the
saltwater flowed into the device or system, it does not exceed
about 1% of the conductivity of the saltwater flowed into the
device or system, it does not exceed about 0.5% of the
conductivity of the saltwater flowed into the device or system, it
does not exceed about 0.1% of the conductivity of the saltwater
flowed into the device or system, it does not exceed about 0.05%
of the conductivity of the saltwater flowed into the device or
system, it does not exceed about 0.01% of the conductivity of the
saltwater flowed into the device or system, or less).
[0108] In some cases, water desalinated using the devices,
systems, and methods described herein (e.g., water collected from
the dilute outlet channel of the device or the water outlet of the
system) has a conductivity of less than about 2.0 S/m (e.g., less
than about 1.75 S/m, less than about 1.5 S/m, less than about 1.25
S/m, less than about 1.0 S/m, less than about 0.75 S/m, less than
about 0.5 S/m, less than about 0.25 S/m, less than about 0.1 S/m,
less than about 0.05 S/m, less than about 0.01 S/m, less than
about 0.005 S/m, less than about 0.001 S/m, less than about 5.0*10
<-4 >S/m, less than about 1.0*10 <-4 >S/m, less than
about 5.0*10 <-5 >S/m, less than about 1.0*10 <-5
>S/m, or less).
[0109] In some embodiments, the water desalinated using the
devices, systems, and methods described herein (e.g., water
collected from the dilute outlet channel of the device or the
water outlet of the system) is drinking water (e.g., the water has
a conductivity of from about 0.05 S/m to about 0.005 S/m). In some
embodiments, the water desalinated using the devices, systems, and
methods described herein (e.g., water collected from the dilute
outlet channel of the device or the water outlet of the system) is
ultrapure water (e.g., the water has a conductivity of from about
0.005 S/m to about 5.5*10 <-6 >S/m).
[0110] If desired, water can be treated multiple times using the
devices, systems, and methods described herein to achieve a
desired decrease in the salinity of the saltwater.
[0111] The devices and systems described herein can be used to
desalinate water with greater energy efficiency than conventional
desalination methods. In some cases, the devices and systems
described herein can be used to desalinate water with at an energy
efficiency of less than about 1000 mWh/L (e.g., at least about 900
mWh/L, at least about 800 mWh/L, at least about 750 mWh/L, at
least about 700 mWh/L, at least about 600 mWh/L, at least about
500 mWh/L, at least about 400 mWh/L, at least about 300 mWh/L, at
least about 250 mWh/L, at least about 200 mWh/L, at least about
100 mWh/L, at least about 90 mWh/L, at least about 80 mWh/L, at
least about 75 mWh/L, at least about 70 mWh/L, at least about 60
mWh/L, at least about 50 mWh/L, at least about 40 mWh/L, at least
about 30 mWh/L, at least about 25 mWh/L, at least about 20 mWh/L,
at least about 15 mWh/L, or at least about 10 mWh/L, or at least
about 5 mWh/L). In some embodiments, the devices and systems
described herein can be used to desalinate water with at an energy
efficiency ranging from any of the minimum values above to about 1
mWh/L (e.g., from at least about 1000 mWh/L to about 1 mWh/L, from
at least about 500 mWh/L to about 1 mWh/L, from at least about 100
mWh/L to about 1 mWh/L, from at least about 75 mWh/L to about 1
mWh/L, or from at least about 50 mWh/L to about 1 mWh/L).
[0112] In some cases, the saltwater is not pre-treated prior to
desalination with the devices and systems described herein. In
other embodiments, the saltwater can be treated prior to
desalination. For example, the removal of multivalent cations
(e.g., Ca <2+>, Mg <2+>, or combinations thereof) from
saltwater prior to desalination could reduce precipitate formation
within the device or system over long operation times.
Accordingly, in some embodiments, the saltwater can be pre-treated
to reduce the level of dissolved multivalent cations in solution,
for example, by contacting the saltwater with a suitable ion
exchange resin. If necessary, saltwater can also be pre-treated to
remove debris, for example, by sedimentation and/or filtration. If
desired, saltwater can also be disinfected prior to desalination.
[0113] If desired for a particular end use, water can be further
treated following desalination with the devices and systems
described herein. For example, water can be fluoridated by
addition of a suitable fluoride salt, such as sodium fluoride,
fluorosilicic acid, or sodium fluorosilicate. Water can also be
passed through an ion exchange resin and/or treated to adjust pH
following desalination with the devices and systems described
Example 1
Desalination Using a Microfluidic Device
[0114] A microelectrochemical cell comprising a desalination unit
and an auxiliary channel spanned by a single bipolar electrode
(BPE) was used to desalinate seawater along a locally generated
electric field gradient in the presence of pressure driven flow
(PDF). Seawater desalination was achieved by applying a potential
bias between a parallel desalination unit and auxiliary channel to
drive the oxidation of chloride at the anodic pole of the bipolar
electrode. At the cathodic pole, water reduction occurs to support
current flow.
[0115] The oxidation of chloride at the anodic pole of the BPE
results in an ion depletion zone and subsequent electric field
gradient. The electric field gradient directed ions flowing
through the desalination unit into a branching microchannel,
creating a brine stream, while desalted water continued to flow
forward when the rate of pressure driven flow was controlled.
Seawater desalination could thus be achieved by controlling the
rate of pressure driven flow to create both a salted and desalted
[0116] Materials and Methods
[0117] Fabrication of Microfluidic Device
[0118] A PDMS/quartz hybrid microfluidic device was prepared using
microfabrication methods known in the art. The structure of the
microfluidic device is schematically illustrated in FIG. 2. The
device comprises a desalination unit and an auxiliary channel
spanned by a single bipolar electrode.
[0119] A pyrolyzed photoresist carbon electrode was fabricated on
a quartz slide (1 in*1 in). Photoresist was spin coated onto the
slide at 3500 rpm for 45 seconds, and then soft baked on a hot
plate at 100[deg.] C. for 1 minute to remove excess solvent. The
device was then exposed to a UV lamp with patterned mask above to
reveal the electrode (100 [mu]m wide by 6.3 mm long) design. The
excess photoresist was then removed by development. The devices
were then placed in a quartz tube furnace with a forming gas of 5%
H 2 and 95% N 2 continuously flowing at 100 standard cubic
centimeters per minute to allow the photoresist to pyrolyze. After
pyrolysis, the device was cooled to room temperate.
[0120] A PDMS desalination unit (5.0 mm long and 22 [mu]m tall)
with a 100 [mu]m wide inlet channel and 50 [mu]m wide dilute
outlet channel and concentrated outlet channel was fabricated
parallel to an auxiliary channel (5.0 mm long, 22 [mu]m tall, 100
[mu]m wide) using a SU-8 photoresist mold patterned on a silicon
wafer. The separation between the desalination unit and the
auxiliary channel was 6.0 mm (center-to-center). The PDMS channels
were rinsed with ethanol and dried under N 2, then the PDMS and
quartz/electrode surfaces were exposed to an air plasma for 15
seconds, and finally the two parts were bound together with the
BPE aligned at the intersection where the dilute outlet channel
and concentrated outlet channel diverge from the inlet channel.
The PDMS/quartz microfluidic device was then placed in an oven at
65[deg.] C. for 5 min to promote irreversible bonding.
[0121] Evaluation of Desalination
[0122] Seawater collected from Port Aransas, Tex. was used to
evaluate desalination. To prevent obstruction of the microfluidic
channel, the seawater samples were allowed to undergo a simple
sedimentation process before sample collection. The seawater was
spiked with a cationic (20 [mu]M Ru(bpy) <2+>) tracer to
fluorescently monitor the movement of ions through the
desalination unit during desalination.
[0123] A solution height differential was created between the
fluid reservoir fluidly connected to the inlet channel ( 110; V 1)
and the fluid reservoirs fluidly connected to the concentrated
outlet channel ( 112; V 2) and fluidly connected to the dilute
outlet channel ( 114, V 3). In this way, a pressure driven flow
(PDF) from right to left was initiated.
[0124] Results
[0125] Using Au driving electrodes, E tot=2.5 V was applied to
reservoirs 212 and 210 while fluid reservoirs 110, 112, and 114
were grounded. The potential bias created a sufficiently large
potential difference between the poles of the BPE ( 204) to drive
water oxidation and reduction at the BPE anode ( 206) and cathode
( 208). See Eqn. 1 and 2, respectively. Moreover, chloride
oxidation occurred at the BPE anode ( 206; Eqn. 3) directly
resulting in an ion depletion zone near the BPE as chlorine was
2H 2O-4 e <-> [image]O 2+4H <+> (Eqn. 1)
2H 2O+2 e <-> [image]H 2+2OH <-> (Eqn. 2)
2C 1 <->-2 e <-> [image]Cl 2 (2) (Eqn. 3)
[0126] In addition, H <+> electrogenerated by water
oxidation (Eqn. 1) can neutralize bicarbonate and borate that can
be present in seawater, further contributing to the strength of
the ion depletion zone ( 109) and subsequently formed electric
field gradient. With PDF from right to left, seawater, and thus
the ions present is seawater, were transported toward the electric
field gradient formed at intersection where the dilute outlet
channel ( 104) and concentrated outlet channel ( 106) diverge from
the inlet channel ( 102).
[0127] The electrophoretic velocity ([mu] ep) of a charged analyte
is governed by Eqn. 4, where [mu] ep is the analyte's
electrophoretic mobility and V 1 is the local electric field
[mu] ep=[mu] epV 1 (Eqn. 4)
[0000] In all regions of the device depicted in FIG. 2, except
near the ion depletion zone formed by the anode of the bipolar
electrode in proximity to the intersection where dilute outlet
channel and concentrated outlet channel diverge from the inlet
channel, the transport of water and all dissolved species is
controlled by PDF. As a consequence, all neutrals and ions to move
generally in the direction of fluid flow (i.e., from right to
left) throughout the device. However, as ions approach the local
electric field gradient formed by the electrode in proximity to
the intersection, they experience an increasing [mu] ep as the
electric field strength increases. In the case of cations, this
gradient causes them to redirect toward the grounded reservoir in
the brine stream as a result of the local electrophoretic velocity
of the ions ([mu] ep) exceeding the mean convective velocity of
the fluid (PDF). To maintain electroneutrality with the
microchannel, anions are also redirected into the brine stream.
[0128] The flow of ionic species through the microchannels of the
device was monitored by observing the flow of Ru(bpy) <2+>
(a fluorescent cationic tracer) through the device. FIGS. 7A and
7B are fluorescence micrographs of the device taken before ( FIG.
7A) and after ( FIG. 7B) application of a potential bias. As shown
in FIG. 7A, when no potential bias was applied, ions flowed
through the inlet channel ( 702), and into both the dilute outlet
channel ( 704) and the concentrated outlet channel ( 706). Upon
application of a potential bias, an ion depletion zone and
subsequent electric field gradient are formed near the BPE anode (
708) in proximity to the intersection ( 710) of the dilute outlet
channel ( 704) and the concentrated outlet channel ( 706; FIG.
7B). As a consequence, ions, including the fluorescent cationic
tracer Ru(bpy) <2+>, are directed into the concentrated
outlet channel ( 706). Desalted water (which is non-fluorescent in
the micrograph due to the absence of fluorescent cationic tracer
Ru(bpy) <2+>) flows into the dilute outlet channel ( 704).
These results demonstrate that both cations and anions flow into
the concentrated outlet channel ( 706). The initial application of
2.5 V creates an oxidizing environment near the BPE anode which
causes partial dissolution of the Au anode.
[0129] To confirm that the formation of an ion depletion zone
resulted in the deionization of the fluid flowing into the device,
a similar experiment was conducted using a solution lacking
chloride ions. If all chloride ions are eliminated from solution,
one would not expect the BPE anode to induce formation of an ion
depletion zone and local electric field gradient (as in the case
of saltwater containing chloride ions). In the control experiment,
a solution of Na 2SO 4 was flowed through the device. As shown in
FIG. 8, upon application of 2.5 V, no decrease in fluorescence
intensity near the BPE anode was observed. This finding was
consistent with the seawater desalination being the result of an
ion depletion zone formed near the BPE anode.
[0130] FIG. 9 shows a representative plot of total current flowing
through the device (i tot) vs. time. The steady-state operating
current of the device was 65 nA. With a 2.5 V potential bias
driving the desalination process, the device operated at a power
consumption of only 162.5 nW.
[0131] Fluid flow rates through the dilute outlet channel could be
measured using non-charged beads. Fluid flow rates through the
dilute outlet channel could also be measured by tracking the
movement of fluorescent tracer after the 2.5 V driving potential
was turned off, in which case all mass transport was due to PDF.
[0132] The average operating fluid flow rate of the devices was
~400 [mu]m/s. At higher fluid flow rates, the ion depletion zone
does not extend as far into the dilute outlet channel.
Consequently, the desalination process becomes less efficient, and
ions begin to flow into the dilute outlet channel during device
[0133] Using the device operating at 162.5 nW, 34 mWh/L energy
efficiencies were achieved. This energy efficiency is orders of
magnitude higher than the current state-of-the-art seawater
desalination technologies. For example, reverse osmosis is
typically performed at energy efficiencies of approximately 5
Wh/L, and has only achieved maximum energy efficiencies of
approximately 1.8 Wh/L. This superior efficiency of the
microfluidic device relative to reverse osmosis is particularly
notable when considering that these reverse osmosis energy
efficiencies correspond to the efficiencies of industrial
desalination facilities (which are often higher than efficiencies
observed for the same process conducted on a smaller scale).
[0134] A reduction in device scale typically results in a decrease
in energy efficiency. As a consequence, these devices appear to be
extremely competitive for small-scale desalination use. Moreover,
because little equipment is required, and device operation only
requires a 2.5 V power supply, these devices can be used in water
stresses regions. In addition, because BPEs do not require a
direct electrical connection, it is possible to simultaneously
operate numerous devices in parallel using a simple power supply.
[0135] The devices, systems, and methods of the appended claims
are not limited in scope by the specific devices, systems, and
methods described herein, which are intended as illustrations of a
few aspects of the claims. Any devices, systems, and methods that
are functionally equivalent are intended to fall within the scope
of the claims. Various modifications of the devices, systems, and
methods in addition to those shown and described herein are
intended to fall within the scope of the appended claims. Further,
while only certain representative devices, systems, and method
steps disclosed herein are specifically described, other
combinations of the devices, systems, and method steps also are
intended to fall within the scope of the appended claims, even if
not specifically recited. Thus, a combination of steps, elements,
components, or constituents may be explicitly mentioned herein or
less, however, other combinations of steps, elements, components,
and constituents are included, even though not explicitly stated.
[0136] The term "comprising" and variations thereof as used herein
is used synonymously with the term "including" and variations
thereof and are open, non-limiting terms. Although the terms
"comprising" and "including" have been used herein to describe
various embodiments, the terms "consisting essentially of" and
"consisting of" can be used in place of "comprising" and
"including" to provide for more specific embodiments of the
invention and are also disclosed. Other than where noted, all
numbers expressing geometries, dimensions, and so forth used in
the specification and claims are to be understood at the very
least, and not as an attempt to limit the application of the
doctrine of equivalents to the scope of the claims, to be
construed in light of the number of significant digits and
ordinary rounding approaches.
[0137] Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific
terms used herein have the same meanings as commonly understood by
one of skill in the art to which the disclosed invention belongs.
Publications cited herein and the materials for which they are
cited are specifically incorporated by reference.
The present invention relates generally to the field of
microfluidics-based analysis and, more particularly, to system and
method for electrokinetic trapping and concentration enrichment of
analytes in a microfluidic channel.
Sample enrichment or preconcentration plays an important role in
chemical separation and analysis. In general, if molecules to be
detected (the analyte) exist in a chemical sample in high
concentrations, then it is easier to detect their presence.
However, many important analytes, especially biomoleculesa such as
DNA, proteins, antibodies, antigens, and polysaccharides, often
exist in minute quantities in real, unprocessed chemical samples.
Microfluidic devies typically consist of a network of channels,
which have cross- sectional dimensions of tens to hundreds of
microns, terminated with reservoirs the contain analytes. Various
approaches have been used to move analytes out of the reservoirs
and into the channel network, where the analytes are separated and
detected. Because the total fluid volume of a microfluidic device
is very small, the analyte must exist in a sufficiently high
concentration for there to be enough molecules present to be
Some methods are based on controlling the electrokinetic
properties of at least two plugs (zones of solution of limited or
defined length within a microchannel) of an electrolyte solution.
These methods, which include field-amplification stacking,
isotachophoresis, and micelle sweeping, require that neighboring
electrolyte plugs have different compositions.
However, this is a difficult condition to realize in a
commercially viable system. Other methods are based on the
principle of size exclusion, which is essentially a filtration
In this case, the analyte is larger than the pores of a filtration
membrane barrier and, as such, the analyte is retained by the
filter while small molecules (solvent and electrolyte) pass
According to one embodiment of the invention, a method for
chemical analysis includes providing a device having a drain
region, a source region, and a gate region disposed therebetween,
associating a buffer solution with the drain region and the source
region, causing a potential difference between the drain region
and the source region until a stable current is reached, replacing
the buffer solution in the source region with a solution
containing an analyte, and applying a negative potential to the
source region to create a forward bias.
Embodiments of the invention provide a number of technical
Embodiments of the invention may include all, some, or none of
these advantages. Some embodiments of the invention provide
devices and methods for the manipulation of charged analytes, such
as molecules, particles, beads, and the like, such that the
charged analytes may be trapped, filtered, fractionated, or
locally enriched in concentration. Having been so manipulated, the
charged analytes may be available for detection, reaction,
collection, or other processing, within the same device or upon
removal to another device or instrument.
The portion of the device responsible for trapping, filtering,
fractionating or enriching the concentration of the charged
analyte may be the sole functional aspect of the device, although
generally this portion will be just one component of an integrated
device, i. e. , a microfluidic device that is capable of
performing other operations in combination with, either preceding
or following, the operation disclosed herein as the subject
invention. Examples of other operations performed within
microfluidic devices include mixing, metering, binding,
incubating, thermocycling, reacting, electrophoresing, absorbing
or adsorbing and desorbing, extracting, etc. , employing
structures such as valves, channel networks, pressure actuators,
thermal sources and sinks, and pH, conductivity, temperature or
pressure sensors, which are known by and familiar to those skilled
in the art.
Some embodiments may provide a method for concentrating charged
analytes prior to further processing within an integrated
microfluidic device. Accordingly, one embodiment provides an
improved method of electrophoretic separation analysis of charged
analytes based on concentrating analytes as herein described and
then releasing the concentrated species into a separation channel.
Alternatively, further processing may involve releasing the
concentrated analytes from a first gate region and passing the
concentrated species via a fluidic network to another, second gate
region wherein the species may be again concentrated, collected,
detected or fractionated.
Some embodiments may provide a linear series of gate regions in
combination in a manner such that each gate region acts to
concentrate a subset of the charged analytes adjacent thereto,
while another subset passes through the gate channels of that gate
region and towards the next, wherein each successive gate region
presents a different threshold for passage based on
electrophoretic mobility and thus causing a different subset of
charged analytes to concentrate adjacent thereto.
Various embodiments of the invention may find general application
in microfluidic devices for a variety of purposes because the
method relies upon the balancing of physical forces and motions.
As such, the invention does not require, for example,
molecule-specific binding interactions in order to provide
trapping, filtering, fractionation or enrichment of the analyte.
Thus, the devices and methods are broadly applicable to a wide
range of analytes that are charged, or may be associated with
charge-bearing species, such as molecules or particles.
Other technical advantages are readily apparent to one skilled in
the art from the following figures, descriptions, and claims.
For a more complete understanding of the invention, and for
further features and advantages, reference is now made to the
following description, taken in conjunction with the
accompanying drawings, in which:
FIGURE 1 is a schematic of a system that illustrates a
principle of electrokinetic trapping and concentration
enrichment of analytes in a microfluidic channel according to an
embodiment of the invention;
FIGURE 2 illustrates a system for electrokinetic
trapping and concentration enrichment of analytes in
microfluidic systems according to one embodiment of the
FIGURES 3A through 3C are fluorescence micrographs of
a fluidic device used to demonstrate one embodiment of the
FIGURE 4 is a graph illustrating fluorescence
intensity as a function of time allotted for concentration
enrichment of DNA in an experiment used to demonstrate one
embodiment of the invention;
FIGURE 5 illustrates a system for electrokinetic
trapping and concentration enrichment of analytes in
microfluidic systems according to one embodiment of the
invention in which an enriched band of a mixture may be utilized
as an injection plug for electrokinetic separation;
FIGURES 6A and 6B illustrate systems for
electrokinetic trapping and concentration enrichment of analytes
in microfluidic systems according to embodiments of the
invention in which the location of an enriched band may be
controlled by applying a sequence of bias voltages with
well-defined temporal control; and
FIGURE 7 illustrates a system for
electrokinetic trapping and concentration enrichment of analytes
in microfluidic systems according to one embodiment of the
invention in which a mixture of charged molecules or objects may
be trapped, enriched, and separated using a series of gate
Embodiments of the present invention provide methods and/or
devices for the trapping and enrichment of charged analytes and,
as described herein, is based on a fundamentally new principle
that is broadly applicable to a wide range of uses. However, the
present invention contemplates that the principle is general and
versatile and should be applicable to any suitably charged
molecule or object, and to many other suitable forms of a device
in which the principle operates.
In the following detailed description, the term"analyte"is used in
a broad sense. On one hand, analyte means a discrete substance,
molecule, aggregate, polymer, bead, particle, cell or subcellular
component, bearing a charge, that is to be subjected to
manipulation or processing in a device or by a method. Analytes
include, but are not limited to, peptides, proteins,
polynucleotides, polypeptides, oligonucleotides, organic
molecules, haptens, epitopes, cells or parts of biological cells,
posttranslational modifications of proteins, receptors, complex
sugars, vitamins, hormones, and the like. Analytes may also be
inorganic compounds or particles, semiconductor particles, such as
quantum dots, polymeric beads or particles, etc. , provided the
material in question is small enough to be able to physically pass
through gate channels of a particular device (as described in
greater detail below) and thus be capable of performing according
to inventive methods described herein. For any of the above-listed
exemplary analytes, they must either have a net anionic or
cationic charge; though if not intrinsically charged, the
particular analyte may be modified or otherwise associated with
some other charged species such that it bears a charge when used
in embodiments of the invention. However, the term"analyte"is not
intended to refer to the ions that make up the supporting
electrolyte used in the buffer solutions.
On the other hand, and according to the context, "analyte"is also
used to mean a multicomponent sample used according to embodiments
of the invention. Used in this sense, the analyte contains a
plurality of distinct charged species, and each of the species
will respond differently in the operation of a device. Some of the
species may become concentrated, while others may not under a
given set of conditions.
FIGURE 1 illustrates a system 100 for electrokinetic trapping and
concentration enrichment of an analyte 111 according to one
embodiment of the invention. FIGURE 1 is meant to illustrate the
general principle of the invention, which relies on exerting
spatial control over the electrokinetic velocity of analyte 111.
In the illustrated embodiment, system 100 includes a drain region
or channel 102 having a first electrode 103, a source region or
channel 104 having a second electrode 105, a gate region 106
providing fluid communication between drain channel 102 and source
channel 104, a buffer solution 108 associated with drain channel
102, a second solution 110 containing analyte 111 disposed in
source channel 104, and a power supply 112 operable to impart a
potential difference, or bias, between first electrode 103 and
second electrode 105.
In the illustrated embodiment, gate region 106 is defined by a
plurality of gate channels 107 that span between drain channel 102
and source channel 104. The gate channel openings are pores that
are filled with electrolyte buffer solution 108. The size of any
one gate channel 107 (or pore opening) should be smaller than the
cross-sectional area of the channel section that gate channel 107
opens into (i. e. , the area of the gate channel/channel section
interface) in order to have a functional device. In one
embodiment, the combined area of the openings of all gate channels
107 is prescribed to be smaller than the cross- sectional area of
the interface between gate region 106 and the drain or source
channels, as further described below. The area of the interface is
in some embodiments equivalent to the cross-section of a channel
section as is generally the case when the channel sections lie
within the same plane.
On the other hand, the present invention also calls for the pore
openings to be larger than the size of the analyte that is to be
trapped, filtered, or concentrated using the device. As such, pore
openings, or gate channel widths, ranging in scale from about 2 nm
to 2 llm, or even 5 pm are contemplated. A range of 10 nm to 1000
nm may be more typical.
Accordingly, for a device with channel sizes on the order of 10 pm
to 1 mm, the relative width of the pore opening to the width of
the channel sections is at least a ratio of about 1 to 10, and may
be as small as 1 to 1,000 or 1 to 100,000. The size of opening
chosen depends on a variety of factors, such as the size, the
charge and mobility of the analyte, the viscosity and conductivity
of the buffer solution, the chemical nature of the gate region
material, and the anticipated rate of convective flow required
through the pores.
The latter consideration, the rate of convective flow, is a
significant factor in the operation of a device. Electroosmotic
(eo) flow is generated within a gate channel 107, as indicated by
arrow 109, when an electric field exists along that channel as a
result of there being a permanent charge on the wall of the
channel. Counterions predominate in the solution double layer at
the wall interface, and the electrokinetic movement of these
counterions in response to the electric field causes a net flow of
the bulk solution. In one operation of the device, convective flow
is required through gate channels 107 and, as such, channel walls
bearing a charge are a characteristic of the device. At least one
of either drain channel 102, source channel 104 or gate channels
107 of gate region 106 will have a charge- bearing surface. With
an eo flow generated in at least one of these sections there will
be a net convective flow (a combination of eo flow and
pressure-driven flow caused by the eo flow) of buffer solution 108
in gate channels 107, due to the requirements of mass balance,
subject to considerations such as the particular geometry of the
particular channel network in a device.
Electrodes 103,105 are said to be associated with their respective
channel sections 102,104. By this it is intended that a particular
electrode sets the electrical potential distribution in the
solution that is contained in its respective channel section,
proximal to gate region 106. The electrode may reside within the
channel, or within a suitable port or reservoir that communicates
with the channel. In the case of a device being comprised of a
network of channels, the electrode may be physically distant, and
may even be located on the other side of a different gate region.
However, for the gate region in question, the electrode is
considered associated with a channel section as long as the
channel section that the electrode sets the potential of is
proximal with respect to the gate.
With reference to FIGURE 1, an operation of one embodiment of
system 100 as it embodies a method for concentrating a charged
analyte is now considered. Drain channel 102 and source channel
104 of the microfluidic device are filled with electrolyte buffer
solution 108. The electrolyte provides ion conductors within the
fluid and in response to a potential bias supplied between
electrodes 103,105 supports the establishment of an electric field
along the channels. Analyte 111, specifically a negatively charged
analyte, such as a DNA molecule, is initially located in source
channel 104, typically in a port or reservoir that communicates
with the channel section, thereby associating it with the channel
section. A potential bias is imparted to electrodes 103,105 to
produce an electric field therebetween, wherein in this example
the source electrode 105 is negative and drain electrode 103 is
Accordingly, the electrokinetic motion of the DNA molecule under
the influence of the electric field is towards drain electrode
103, and thus towards the gate region 106. This motion is
characterized by an electrokinetic velocity that is the vector sum
of the intrinsic electrophoretic (ep) velocity of analyte 111 and
the convective velocity of buffer solution 108. Again, convective
motion of buffer solution 108 refers to motion that is either
electroosmotic flow or pressure-driven flow induced by the eo
flow, or a combination thereof. By providing wall sections of any
or all of the channels that bear a negative charge, the convective
velocity of buffer solution 108 within gate region 106 is opposite
in direction to the ep velocity of DNA in source channel 104. By
having a convective velocity that is larger than the ep velocity,
the DNA is not able to enter gate region 106 and instead
accumulates and concentrates at a location in source channel 104
adjacent gate region 106.
The location of the concentrated band that forms is typically near
the interface of gate region 106 with source channel 104.
As shown in FIGURE 1, the first requirement for trapping and
enriching DNA (i. e., analyte 111) is that the ep velocity of DNA
in source channel 104, which may be polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS),
must be larger than the eo velocity of buffer solution 108 in
source channel 104. That is to say, analyte 111 has a net
electrokinetic velocity in source channel 104 towards gate region
106. The second requirement for DNA trapping and enrichment is
that the local convective velocity of buffer solution 108 in the
gate channels 107 is greater than and opposite in direction to the
intrinsic ep velocity of analyte 111. Thus, fluid emanating from
the pores, or gate channels 107, exemplified by, for example, a
polyethylene terephthalate (PETE) membrane, effectively prevents
analytes 111 from entering. Accordingly, analyte 111 accumulate
near gate region 106 due to the opposing forces.
Because the eo velocity is equal to the product of the eo mobility
and the electric field, thus it follows that the eo velocity may
be modulated by changing the magnitude of the electric field.
Furthermore, the local eo velocity may be varied according to
position within a microfluidic network by simply changing the
cross-sectional area at that position. For example, having a gate
region comprised of gate channels having a smaller total cross-
sectional area compared to the interface of the gate region and
the source channel results in a higher local eo velocity through
the pores. Thus, changing the cross-sectional area ratio provides
a means for modulating the eo (convective) flow within a channel.
This flow rate modulation selectively traps those analytes having
an intrinsic ep mobility smaller than the local velocity of the
eo"jets"emanating from the gate channel, while passing those
analytes that have a ep mobility higher than the eo jet velocity.
Referring to FIGURE 1, in the case of analyte 111 being positively
charged, the particular parameters given in the above example
would need to be changed appropriately.
For example, the bias imparted would be reversed, with source
electrode 105 being positive and drain electrode 103 being
negative, and the walls would necessarily have a net positive
charge in order that an opposing convective flow be established
through gate channels 107.
Gate region 106 and gate channels 107 associated therewith are an
important part of the subject invention. In one embodiment, the
use of a porous membrane, more usually referred to as a nanoporous
membrane, is contemplated. Nanoporous membrane materials are an
area of interest, particularly for applications in filtration and
sensing. As a result, methods for controlling the pore size, the
composition, and the functional groups exposed within the pores,
and the use of materials that range from organic polymers to
semiconductors, ceramics and organic/inorganic composites, such as
epoxy-embedded carbon nanotubes are known in the art. Depending on
the material used, those skilled in the art will be familiar with
the various techniques used to prepare such membranes, such as
ion-track or ion-beam etching, anodic etching, microlithography in
combination with etching, laser ablation, templated chemical
assembly, sol-gel techniques, and the like. Nanoporous membranes
for use in some embodiments of the invention may be comprised of
at least one of the following: a polyester polymer such as PETE,
polyimide, cellulose, polycarbonate, carbon or carbon nanotubes,
semiconductors such as silicon or insulators such as silicon
nitride, silica, alumina, or other inorganic ceramic materials
such as titanates. Another class of nanoporous material, the
hydrogel, is also useful in the invention and is described in
further detail below.
FIGURE 2 illustrates a microfluidic system 200 chemical analysis
and separation in accordance with one embodiment of the invention.
In the illustrated embodiment, system 200 includes a drain
reservoir 202 having a first electrode 203, a drain channel 204, a
source reservoir 206 having a second electrode 207, a source
channel 208, gate channel 210, a power supply 212, and an imaging
device 214. Drain reservoir 202 may be any suitable size and shape
and contains a buffer solution 216. Drain reservoir 202 couples to
drain channel 204 in any suitable manner. Drain channel 204 may be
any suitable size and shape; however, in one embodiment drain
channel 204 as well as source channel 208 are polydimethylsiloxane
(PDMS) channels having an approximate cross-section of 100 um x 20
u. m. Source reservoir 206 also may be any suitable size and shape
and contains a second solution 218 containing one or more analytes
211. Gate channel 210 may be any suitable size and shape; however,
in the illustrated embodiment, gate channel 210 is a nanoporous
polyester membrane. For example, in a particular embodiment of the
invention, gate channel 210 is a polyester membrane formed from
PETE and having a 200 nm pore diameter, 10 llm thick, and 3x108
pores/cm2 manufactured by Osmonics. In other embodiments, gate
channel 210 may be a porous hydrogel polymer network.
First electrode 203 and second electrode 207 may be any suitable
electrodes and are immersed within their respective reservoir in
order to create an electric field inside drain channel 204 and
source channel 208. Power supply 212, which may be any suitable
power supply, is operable to apply a potential difference between
first electrode 203 and second electrode 207.
Imaging device 214 may be any suitable device that is operable to
create an image of analyte 211 within system 200. For example,
imaging device 214 may be an inverted fluorescence microscope
equipped with an imaging CCD camera. In one embodiment, imaging
device 214 is operable to obtain fluorescence micrographs of
analyte 211.
In operation of one embodiment of system 200, drain reservoir 202,
drain channel 204, source reservoir 206, and source channel 208
are filled with buffer solution 216. Buffer solution 216 may be
any suitable buffer solution and, in a particular embodiment,
buffer solution 216 is a TBE buffer solution (89mM TRIS base +
89mM boric acid + 2mM EDTA, pH 8.4) at reduced pressure. Buffer
solution 216 is conditioned by applying 100 V between first
electrode 203 and second electrode 207 until a stable current is
reached. That portion of buffer solution 216 in source reservoir
206 is then replaced with second solution 218 containing analyte
211. For example, in a particular embodiment of the invention,
analyte 211 is 10 llg/mL DNA (a 20mer ssDNA, 5'-labeled with
fluorescein, obtained from IDT of Coralville, IA). Although
analyte 211 is labeled with fluorescein in this example, any
suitable label may be used to label analyte 211.
After obtaining a fluorescence micrograph 300 (FIGURE 3A), a
forward bias (negative potential in source reservoir 206) is
applied between first electrode 203 and second electrode 207. The
resulting motion of analyte 211 (i. e. , DNA) is recorded using
imaging device 214. This eventually results in the formation of an
enriched band 220 of analyte 211 within source channel 208. Using
the conditions noted above, enrichment of DNA is apparent within
approximately thirty seconds and reaches an enrichment factor of
eleven within approximately sixty-eight seconds, as shown in the
fluorescence micrograph 302 of FIGURE 3B. The minimum width of
enriched band 220 is approximately 100 um. The formation of
enriched band 220 is a result of the general principle of the
invention, as outlined and described in FIGURE 1.
When the forward bias is reversed, analyte 211 is immediately
transported through gate channel 210, which indicates that
enrichment is not a consequence of size exclusion induced by gate
channel 210 (in this example the pores of the nanoporous
Transportation of analyte 211 through gate channel 210 is
illustrated by the fluorescence micrograph 304 of FIGURE 3C. The
transported analyte 211 is then trapped in drain channel 204 by
the same balance of ep and eo velocities that was initially
responsible for the formation of enrichment band 220 in source
channel 208.
FIGURE 4 is a graph 400 illustrating fluorescence intensity as a
function of time allotted for concentration enrichment of DNA in
an experiment used to demonstrate one embodiment of the invention.
As illustrated in FIGURE 4, the magnitude of DNA concentration
reaches a limiting value in the center of the enriched band within
a finite time (tconc). At t < tconc the enriched band has a
nearly constant length, but when t > tConc this enriched band
begins to expand longitudinally in the direction of the source
reservoir. Using the conditions noted above, for an initial
concentration of 10 llg/mL DNA and a 100 V forward bias, tronc is
approximately five minutes and the enrichment factor, calculated
from the relative fluorescence intensity is approximately thirty.
However, when the DNA concentration in the source reservoir is
reduced to approximately 1 llg/mL and 0. 1, ug/mL, the enrichment
factor is increased to 300 and 800, respectively. Considering the
simplicity and compactness of a microfluidic system, such as
system 200, these enrichment factors are significant.
FIGURE 5 illustrates a system 500 for implementing another
embodiment of trapping and enrichment of a negatively charged
molecule or object according to the teachings of the invention. In
the illustrated embodiment, system 500 includes a microfluidic
device having a primary microchannel 502 that has a section 504
with an enlarged width at the center, and a first reservoir 506
and a second reservoir 508 at either primary microchannel 502
Side channels 510,512 are also shown intersecting with first and
second channel sections 502a, 502b of the primary channel 502,
although these are optional and not critical to the concentrating
function of the device. The enlarged width section 504 is used to
hold a hydrogel plug 514 that serves as the gate region of the
A PDMS-glass microfluidic device similar to system 500 was
fabricated for testing using standard rapid prototyping procedures
and techniques. The microfluidic channel network formed had
primary microchannel 502 about 7 mm long whose ends were connected
to reservoirs 506,508, each 3 mm in diameter. This primary
microchannel 502 was approximately 100 um wide and 25 um deep,
except at center section 504 where it was approximately 200 um
wide for a length of about 400 urn. On either side of section 504,
that was to be the gate region, there was side channels 510,512
connected to primary microchannel 502 at arbitrary angles (~ 45 ).
The side channels 510, 512 terminate in reservoirs 520,522, each
about 0.5 mm in diameter. The cross-sectional dimensions of side
channels 510,512 were the same as those for primary microchannel
The gate region hydrogel plug 514 was prepared in situ by first
placing a hydrogel precursor solution comprising 1: 4 molar ratio
of acrylic acid (AA) to 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), 5 wt %
of a crosslinker, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) and 3 wt
% of a photoinitiator, 2,2-dimethoxy-2-phenyl acetophenone (DMPAP)
(all from
Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. St. Louis, MO), into primary microchannel 502
by capillary action. A UV beam of 365 nm (300 mW/cm2, EFOS Lite
E3000, Ontario, Canada) was projected onto the gate region for
about 200 s from the side port of a microscope (DIAPHOT 300,
Nikon) and through a lOx objective. A chrome mask was placed at
the confocal plane at the side port so that a well-defined pattern
of UV beam was created prior to projection and reduction through
the microscope optics. Unreacted precursor solution was flushed
out by introducing 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer solution (pH = 8.3) at a
rate of 10 pL/min through reservoirs 506, 508 for more than 10
min. As the anionic hydrogel plug 514 comes in contact with the
basic buffer solution, it expands and pushes itself against the
walls of microchannel 502.
Comparatively less swelling is observed in case of uncharged
hydrogel plug; still, it is enough to ensure that plug 514 remains
stationary even under the influence of electric field.
The enlarged width section 504 in the primary channel 502 is
advantageous for securing the position of hydrogel plug 514, and
the prevention of any movement or slippage of the plug along the
channel is desired. It is preferable to stabilize hydrogel plug
514 against the influence of high electric fields or other forces,
such as hydrodynamic flow either during device fabrication or
usage of the device. Alternatively, or in addition to the flange
provided by enlarged width section 504, the channel walls may be
treated to have a reactive chemical group (e. g. , a crosslinking
agent) that can chemically bond to hydrogel plug 514 in order to
secure its position.
Suitable hydrogel polymer plugs may be prepared from a wide
variety of monomers, crosslinking agents, and initiators. The
various components may be chosen for their degree of
hydrophilicity, net charge, ability to enhance or reduce swelling
or specific functional groups they may possess. However, the gel
should provide two basic properties: (1) an ability to act as a
porous ion conductor, and (2) the structural strength to withstand
the forces of the electric field and any pressure-driven flow to
which it will be exposed. In this regard, the amount of
crosslinker used is important. When the percentage amount is too
low the gel will not be rigid enough. Conversely, too high an
amount of crosslinker limits the ability to swell and form a
porous network. Thus, a percentage of at least about 5%, and no
more than about 10% is preferred. Likewise, the amount of
initiator used determines the properties of the gel produced.
Initiator present in the range of-1-5 wt % generally produces
hydrogels suitable for the present invention.
The hydrogel plug 514 may be preformed and added to the
microfluidic channel network, or it may be formed in situ. The
formation of the polymer may be photoinitiated or thermally
initiated. Photoirradiated regions may be determined by
interposing a mask or using a directed light source. On the other
hand, the location of the gel precursor solution may be defined
and thus determine the location and size of hydrogel plug 514.
These methods are also well known in the art. Another exemplary
method has been reported by Yu, et al. , in Anal. Chem. , 2002,73,
p. 5088-5096.
FIGURES 6A through 6D illustrate the preconcentration phenomena
observed in a microfluidic channel incorporating the anionic
hydrogel plug 514, illustrated by system 500, as imaged using the
microscope system previously described. After conditioning the
channel by applying a potential bias of 100 V for 10 min, the
potential was switched off and a 5 uM fluorescein solution was
introduced through reservoir 508 to replace the buffer solution in
channels 502b and 512. The solutions in all the reservoirs
506,520, 508,522 are kept at the same level to nullify any
hydrodynamic flows inside the channel. Two platinum electrodes
were inserted in reservoirs 506,508. A potential of 100 V was
applied between the electrodes using a power source (range 0-1067
V) operated by a suitable in-house computer program.
FIGURE 6A shows the fluorescence micrograph obtained before the
application of any potential bias. After applying a forward 100 V
bias (reservoir 506 at positive potential), the negatively charged
fluorescein ions migrate rapidly from reservoir 508 to reservoir
However, hydrogel plug 514 at the gate region acts as a barrier to
this movement, resulting in the concentration of fluorescein near
the hydrogel-solution interface. This is apparent from FIGURE 6B,
where concentration factors of 16 and 10 were achieved just inside
the hydrogel and in the solution just outside the hydrogel,
respectively, within 90 s. During forward bias, some fluorescein
was lost as a fraction of fluorescein solution (about 2-fold
concentrated) is directed towards floating reservoir 522. When the
potential bias is reversed (FIGURE 6C), fluorescein is rapidly
transported back towards reservoir 508. A minute amount of
fluorescein (about 0. 75-fold) was trapped inside hydrogel plug
514 even after the application of reverse bias for 120 s (FIGURE
As shown by a graph 650 of concentration vs. time in FIGURE 6E, a
higher preconcentration factor is observed inside hydrogel plug
514 (ROI 1) than in the solution (ROI 2). The enrichment factors
reach a limiting value of 16 and 10 respectively within 100s. At t
= 160 s, in the absence of potential bias, fluorescein
concentrated inside hydrogel plug 514 starts to diffuse back to
the solution, which in turn increases the concentration at ROI 2.
The above observation is likely caused by electrostatic repulsions
between the hydrogel backbone and the fluorescein molecules, which
become significant when the external bias voltage is turned off.
On applying a reverse bias at t = 180 s, fluorescein is
immediately transported back towards reservoir 508.
In a recent study of protein interaction and diffusion in
HEMA-co-AA hydrogels, it has been reported that negatively charged
protein Bovine Serum Albumin (Molecular weight 66 kDa and
hydrodynamic radius of 3.4 nm at 4 C) is able to diffuse
(diffusion coefficient of the order of 10-8 cm2/s) through the
hydrogel at swelling ratios of less than 2. This suggests that the
hydrogel pore size is greater than 3.4 nm. The calculated Debye
length for 10 mM buffer solution is about 3 nm. Thus, the hydrogel
pore size is sufficiently larger than the Debye length, giving
rise to considerable electroosmotic flow inside the pores. The
observed concentration phenomenon is consistent with the
explanation that an electroosmotic flow opposes the electrokinetic
transport of fluorescein ions, with a balance being achieved just
inside the hydrogel boundary where sample stacking, i. e. , the
formation of the band of fluorescein, is observed. Electrostatic
repulsion between the charged hydrogel and the anionic analyte is
also present, although experiments using uncharged hydrogel
display the same stacking, or concentration, phenomenon.
The trapping and/or enrichment principles illustrated and
described above in conjunction with FIGURES 1 through 6 may be
important in many applications. Some of these applications are
described in the embodiments illustrated in FIGURES 7 through 9.
FIGURE 7 illustrates a system 700 for electrokinetic trapping and
concentration enrichment in microfluidic systems according to one
embodiment of the present invention in which an enriched band of a
mixture may be utilized as an injection plug for capillary
electrophoretic (CE) separation. System 700 may be considered to
be similar to system 200 of FIGURE 2; however, in the embodiment
illustrated in FIGURE 7, system 700 also includes a separation
region 702 having a separation reservoir 704, a separation
electrode 706, and a separation channel 708, which is coupled to a
source channel 710. Assuming that an analyte 711 is a negatively
charged DNA molecule, a forward bias (negative potential in a
source reservoir 712 and a positive potential in drain reservoir
714) is applied for a particular period of time. As a result, an
enriched band 716 forms in a source channel 720 adjacent a gate
channel 718, in accordance with the principle described above in
conjunction with FIGURE 1.
When that bias is turned off, a bias is applied between a source
electrode 713 and separation electrode 706 immediately thereafter,
such that enriched band 716 is driven toward separation reservoir
704. Other embodiments for channel networks and the manner in
which separation channel 708 communicates with gate channel 718
are also included in the subject invention. The analyte 711
concentrated at gate channel 718 may be processed in a variety of
manners, such as, for example, to create a defined injection plug,
prior to being driven into separation channel 708. Methods and
devices for injecting sample plugs into microfluidic
electrophoretic separation channels are well known in the art; see
for example U. S. Patent Nos. 5,599, 432,5, 750,015, 5,900, 130,6,
007,690, 6,699, 377, which are herein incorporated by reference.
The separated analytes 711 may be collected at the end of
separation channel 708, further injected into a separate
instrument, or a detector may be positioned along or at the end of
separation channel 708 to record the passage of analytes 711 along
separation channel 708.
Detection may be optical (absorbance, fluorescence, shadowing),
electrochemical (amperometric, potentiometric), or by other
suitable methods. Note that separation channel 708 may be modified
to obtain a particular benefit; for example, the channel surface
may be treated to modulate and control eo flow, or the entire
channel may be filled with a separation medium, such as a sieving
polymeric matrix for the case of DNA separation, to improve
FIGURES 8A and 8B illustrate a system 800 for electrokinetic
trapping and concentration enrichment in microfluidic systems
according to an embodiment of the invention in which the location
of an enriched band 802 may be controlled by applying a sequence
of bias voltages with well-defined temporal control. In the
illustrated embodiment, system 800 includes a source reservoir 804
having a source electrode 806, a source channel 808, a first drain
reservoir 810 having a first drain electrode 812, a first drain
channel 814, a second drain reservoir 816 having a second drain
electrode 818, a second drain channel 820, a first gate channel
822, and a second gate channel 824.
In this embodiment of the invention, enriched band 802 forms by
applying a forward bias voltage between source electrode 806, and
first drain electrode 812. This forward bias is then switched off
and another forward bias is immediately applied between source
electrode 806 and second drain electrode 818. Enriched band 802
thus moves from a location adjacent first gate channel 822 to a
location adjacent second gate channel 824, as indicated in FIGURE
8B. Enriched band 802 moves to this new location via ep transport.
This type of manipulation of enriched bands containing highly
concentrated chemical reagents may be utilized in other suitable
applications. For example, using the illustrated technique to
bring two reactive reagents together to initiate a chemical
reaction or to bring together assay reagents for binding,
interacting, or reacting is contemplated by the present invention.
FIGURE 9 illustrates a system 900 for electrokinetic trapping and
concentration enrichment in microfluidic systems according to one
embodiment of the invention in which a mixtures of charged
molecules may be trapped, enriched, and separated using a series
of gate channels. As such, system 900 includes a source reservoir
902 having a source electrode 904, a first source channel 906, a
second source channel 908, a third source channel 910, a drain
reservoir 912 having a drain electrode 914, a first gate channel
916, a second gate channel 918, and a third gate channel 920. Gate
channels 916,918, and 920 have successively smaller
cross-sectional areas with respect to their adjacent source
channel to allow trapping, enrichment, and separation of a mixture
of charged chemicals or objects based on differences in their ep
mobilities. For example, based on the principles discussed above
in conjunction with FIGURE 2, after separation a first enriched
band forms in first source channel 906 adjacent first gate channel
916 and contains chemicals with the lowest average ep mobility,
whereas an enriched band 924 forms within third source channel 910
adjacent third gate channel 920 and contains chemicals with the
highest average ep mobility. In addition, an enriched band 926
forms in second source channel 908 adjacent second gate channel
918 and contains chemicals with an average ep mobility between
that of enriched band 922 and enriched band 924. A combination of
the pore size, number of pores, total area of pore openings and
pore surface charge of gate channels 916,918, and 920 may be
varied to achieve the proper balance of convective flow rate per
pore for each gate channel.
Device Fabrication
A microfluidic device generally has a thickness of 0.2 to 10 mm,
and a length and width that vary greatly depending on the purpose,
but are generally in the range of 2 to 20 cm, and 2 to 10 cm,
respectively. Devices for electrophoretic separations may be
longer. In some embodiments, devices fabricated wholly using thin
films may be used as devices and be as thin as about 0.1 mm
Devices according to the present invention may be fabricated in
any suitable manner.
A device body may be formed in plastic off of a
micromachined/etched positive rendition of the channels, chambers,
reservoirs and any other fluidic features. Suitable plastics
include acrylics, polycarbonates, polyolefins, polystyrenes and
other polymers suitable for microfluidic or electrokinetic
applications. A backing is preferably made of a nonconducting film
or body attached to the surface of the device body containing the
channels. One suitable material for a backing is a
polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) film. The backing is preferably
attached to the body by chemical, thermal, or mechanical bonding.
Ultrasonic welding (an example of mechanical welding) may also be
employed to fuse various parts together. Of course, the body of
microfluidic devices may be produced directly by etching the
intended structures in a substrate. In such instances, a cover
including wells or reservoir openings is preferably placed over
channels or trenches in the substrate to complete the device.
Alternatively, the channel features may be formed in the cover (or
film) by, e. g. , embossing, the film thereafter being attached to
a substrate that may feature wells. Other materials are also
contemplated, such as the exemplified material poly
(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), silicon, and glass. Further details as
to device construction may be appreciated by those skilled in the
In some embodiments, channels have a rectangular, trapezoidal,
or"D"-shaped cross- section. However, other cross-sectional
geometries may be employed. Preferably, the channels have a
substantially constant or uniform cross-section. It is also
preferred that channels have a surface finish that does not result
in irregular flow effects.
Devices may also be constructed in a multilayer fashion, wherein
the channels comprising the microfluidic network of the device do
not all lie within the same plane. One advantage of a multilayer
design is that thin porous polymer films or monoliths may be used
as the gate region, which may be incorporated into the device as a
layer interposed between substrate lamella in which channels,
reservoirs, etc. are included. In other words, the device may be
assembled by aligning, and sealing together, a channel substrate
layer, a gate region layer, and a second channel substrate layer.
U. S. Patent No. 6,623, 860 to Hu describes fabrication methods
and designs for multilevel flow structures useful for microfluidic
Material is generally added to or removed from devices at ports or
reservoirs. A reservoir is preferably sized to contain sufficient
material for performing a desired test or experiment and also may
be used for insertion of an electrode so that an external
electrode may be submerged into any fluid solution used in the
device and used to apply an electric field within portions of the
solution, e. g. , for applications requiring electrokinetic motion
(i. e. , employing either or both electrophoretic and
electroosmotic phenomena). Suitable materials for the electrodes
include platinum or other suitable conducting materials,
particularly those resistant to corrosion. The electrodes may be
connected to a programmable voltage controller for applying
desired voltage differentials across the channels.
Alternatively, electrodes may be integrated by directly
fabricating electrodes on the surface of the device. See, for
example, the disclosure of Zhao et al. in U. S. Patent Application
No. 20020079219, for a discussion of forming electrodes on plastic
microfluidic devices.
Methods for forming electrodes from metals or conducting inks on
glass or polyimide substrates are also well known in the art.
As is known in the art, voltages may be used to drive the device.
For example, U. S. Patent No. 6,010, 607 to Ramsey describes
information on the manner in which voltages may be applied in
order to operate the device. Although the present invention relies
upon electrokinetic phenomena, any device using the invention need
not rely exclusively on electrokinetic motivation throughout the
device. As is apparent to one with skill in the art, features as
described herein may be used in connection other components or
modules within the microfluidic device that is at least partially
pressure driven or otherwise motivated.
Although embodiments of the invention and their advantages are
described in detail, a person skilled in the art could make
various alterations, additions, and omissions without departing
from the spirit and scope of the present invention.