Arie Melis De GEUS
ZPE Generator
Wanted Dead or Alive :
The Internet Resurrection of Saint Arie DeGeus
...[T]he entire thing including the papers and books has apparently only been opened and uploaded 19 days ago. This is remarkable, as I had read in several sources that Arie M. DeGeus had been found dead in his car in an airport parking lot in November 2007 or somewhere around then... Unless he also invented back-from-the-dead technology, it seems quite difficult to open a personal page and upload papers 8 years after one's death...
... While looking into that I came across several mentions on different for a of a "Aries DeGeus" who according to some did things with plasma (As in his "PlasmaVolt" device I presume), and some even link to your page on him. It was clear that the info was copied from one forum, as the same misspelling of the name occurred in every instance. Anyway, this was what reminded me of Arie Melis DeGeus, and brought me back to the snippets of his patents that you have on your site. So I searched for his patents again. And finally did find them via Espacenet, but you really have to search for "Geus Arie Melis De". I found that the English references all seem to direct back to the original Dutch patents, and the coolest ones have no English version at all. Which is a pity, because to be honest I find his patents well written, clear, and containing some of his underlying theory as well as some decent criticism of "established science" ...
Arie Melis DeGeus
Delft University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Alumnus
Michelson-Morley Experiment Revisited - Calculating the Velocity of the Aether Wind
This document originally formed Appendix 1 of the author's book Fluidum Continuum Universalis. It is now being provided as a stand-alone document, due to its significance in helping to demonstrate the existence of the Fluidum Continuum.
A number severely flawed assumptions led the Michelson-Morley experiment of1887 to wrongly conclude that "aether" does not exist. This incorrect conclusion has subsequently led mainstream physics astray for over a century. This document provides a mathematical method for calculating the incoming velocity of the aether-wind, as part of a broader endeavor by the author to provide a comprehensive description of Fluid Mechanical Physics.
American Antigravity InterviewT. Bearden: A Curious Coincidence?
Arie DeGeus Interview
Audio Interviews
( Published 03/15/2006 )
Date: March 15th, 2005
File Size: 6.47mb (19kbps)Overview: We’re joined by Arie DeGues, an independent inventor, scientist, and theoretician who's not only rewritten the book on nuclear & particle physics, but has also used his theory's predictive powers to build a startling array of breakthrough energy technologies, including an IEC fusion generator & ZPE electrical generator...
This is a very special interview over three-years in the making. Arie was originally recommended by us by the late Dr. Eugene Mallove, who had repeatedly attempted to publish DeGeus research in “Infinite Energy Magazine” before DeGeus was ready to come forward.
One of DeGeus most remarkable inventions is a device called the “plasmavolt” – an IEC fusion generator that supposedly uses a rotating plasma-vortex to create fusion between light-metal nuclei (Lithium, Beryllium, and Boron). The cathode containing these metals is the device's fuel, and experimental tester Michael McDonnough claimed that not only did it produce 80-watts of output energy for only 50-watts input, but that after running it on an oscilloscope for several months straight, the reaction byproduct that it generated was 6-grams of pure Potassium 40-19.
We also discuss some of DeGeus other remarkable innovations, including several processes that he claims extract zero-point energy to produce useable electrical energy, and a form of cold-current that reverses the thermal-gradient of an electrical current to actually remove heat from a circuit, causing it to run cold.
Because of the proprietary patent & intellectual property issues surrounding DeGeus research, his work is known only to a few --- but among those who know him he’s considered to the leader in contemporary new-energy & alt-science research.
Link: Arie DeGeus Interview (Windows Media 10):
A Curious Coincidence - Was It Suppression Of The Self-Powering Battery?
T. E. Bearden
The Incident
An incident that occurred in the Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina earlier this month is at least a curious coincidence, or it may possibly even represent assassination and suppression of another highly important "energy from the vacuum" (EFTV) invention. At least such a possibility should be considered, and then if all the facts warrant questioning the autopsy finding of death from natural causes, the incident should be more deeply investigated.
The victim's name was M. DeGeus. DeGeus was found slumped in his car in the long term parking area of the airport, totally unresponsive. He was rushed to the hospital, and was pronounced dead very quickly, according to <http://www.wbtv.com/>http://www.WBTV.com
The resulting autopsy indicated heart failure, and thus concluded "death from natural causes". Hence police are not investigating it any further, and they are not considering it as a possible homicide.
Some Background on the Victim and His Invention
DeGeus was in fact the inventor of a thin wafer-like material/device that somehow specially aligned the atoms or electron currents ongoing in that material, so that the wafer produced a constant amperage at a small voltage continuous real power, or in other words a strange kind of "self-powering battery". It is actually powered by the ongoing and continuous tremendous exchange of energy by the active vacuum with the charges of any material. This exchange is exceptionally powerful, and normally our electromagnetic systems and devices only use just a tiny bit of it.
But as is known in physics, even simple materials (such as a simple short piece of ordinary copper wire) have extraordinary symmetrical cross currents ongoing perpetually, even when no ordinary "net" current is flowing since normally there is no asymmetry. E.g., quoting Swann:
"Think of the cables which carry the telephone current in the form of electrons. In the absence of the current the electrons are moving in all directions. As many are moving from left to right as are moving from right to left; and the nothingness which is there is composed of two equal and opposite halves, about a million million amperes per square centimeter in one direction, and a million million amperes per square centimeter in the other direction. The telephone current constitutes an upsetting of the balance to the extent of one hundredth of a millionth of an ampere per square centimeter, or about one part in a hundred million million million. Then if this one part in a hundred million million million is at fault by one part in a thousand, we ring up the telephone company and complain that the quality of the speech is faulty." [W.F.G. Swann, Physics Today, June. 1951, p. 9.]
However, if by special alignment of atoms and basic constituents one does provide an EM asymmetry in this naturally occurring "opposing huge EM power currents" always ongoing laterally in the matter itself, then a net lateral direct current (real EM power) can be freely provided by that altered material at a resulting voltage (indicating the asymmetry) because every charge in the material is continually involved in an enormous energy reaction with its local active vacuum.
This continual giant energy interaction of every charge with the seething vacuum is already well-known in modern quantum field theory. E.g., quoting Aitchison:
"...the concept of a 'single particle' actually breaks down in relativistic quantum field theory with interactions, because the interactions between 'the particle' and the vacuum fluctuations (or virtual quanta) cannot be ignored." [I. J. R. Aitchison, "Nothing's Plenty: The Vacuum in Modern Quantum Field Theory," Contemporary Physics, 26(4), 1985, p. 357.].
A Little Corroborating Information
Indeed, I found an obscure bit of information that seems directly related to proving the concept. We urge other investigators to further investigate this effect. Quoting:
"infrared Tourmaline is the only mineral to show permanent electricity on the earth and is also a natural (non-manufactured) source of negative ions and far infrared (FIR) rays.
Around 1986, it was found in a research station in Japan that, even though tourmaline was broken down in smaller pieces, a positive and a negative electrode existed on both ends of the crystal, and the electrodes never disappeared unless tourmaline was boiled near 1000°C.
In addition, when the positive and the negative electrodes of a tourmaline crystal were connected to each other, it was proven to show low electricity of 0.06mA."
We suspect that the vast new phenomena uncovered in nanocrystalline research will also probably have similar "self-powering DC battery" capabilities in some cases.
At any rate, altering the layering characteristics of the wafer material used by DeGeus provides a broken symmetry in its usual equal-and-opposite cross currents. This asymmetry results in the little DeGeus solid state wafer pouring out a net steady lateral DC current at a given steady voltage. In short, it becomes a "perpetual battery" type of device, gating and pouring out steady and directly usable net DC power, and fed by energy from the seething vacuum reaction due to that organized broken symmetry.
Proposed Explanation of the "Self-Powering Battery"
Physics already tells us that, when we have a broken symmetry, then something previously virtual becomes observable. So when we have a power supply using the normal proven asymmetry of opposite charges (its dipolarity), it will be receiving input energy from the virtual state vacuum, cohering it to quantum size, and emitting it as real, observable EM energy. E.g., quoting Nobelist Lee:
"the violation of symmetry arises whenever what was thought to be a non-observable turns out to be actually an observable." [T. D. Lee, Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory, Harwood Academy Publishers, Chur, New York, and London, 1981, p. 181.]
DeGeus Wafers and the Purpose of his Planned Trip
DeGeus appears to have readily achieved different voltages and currents (different levels of power) by grouping, multiple-layering, etc. much like connecting or grouping individual batteries. The novelty was that the inventor had discovered how to build these wafers extremely cheaply couple bucks each for a small one, with an assembly of them for greater power just requiring multiples of the basic cost.
He is believed to have been from a well-to-do European family with significant assets in South America. His family is reported to have claimed the body and officially tied up all his assets, effects, records, etc. The legal ongoings are likely to permanently suppress any and all technical lab notes, descriptions, etc.
Unknown to the authorities investigating his death, DeGeus was on his way to Europe to receive very substantial funding to put his invention into mass production and marketing.
Importance of the DeGeus Invention
As an example of the importance of this probably-now-lost "free energy from the vacuum" invention, consider an electric car with a much smaller DeGeus wafer assembly "battery pack" using self-powering "batteries" taking all their energy output continually from the seething vacuum. As can be seen, suddenly one has eliminated the recharging of batteries for the electric car, and is now using a "permanent, self-powering battery" instead. Thus one has achieved the dream of a "self-powering electric auto", taking all its input energy cleanly from the active vacuum environment itself, without need of burning physical fuel to run the car or recharge the battery. In short, a car also without harmful emissions that damage and pollute the biosphere and contribute to global warming.
Use of a larger DeGeus battery, together with an alternator, would also produce a self-powering unit capable of powering the average home with AC power. Many other applications are obvious, as is also the tremendous impact of such a developed technology upon our present consumption of hydrocarbon fuels, nuclear fuel rods, etc.
If Assassination, Explanation of How It Was Done
So a question arises as to whether this was just a simple "accidental" heart attack, or whether it could have been a very professional assassination to suppress the inventor and his invention. While we cannot definitively answer that question, we can explain exactly how such an assassination could have been done, which would have given the victim a massive heart attack or stroke or both, resulting in his death.
The standard method of assassination to provide a certified autopsy report of "death by natural causes" is the little EM beam "shooter" using the Venus ECCM technique -- i.e., warping of its wavefront -- to destroy the body's control of its heartbeat. There are two basic sizes: One is about the size of a dime-store pocketbook, and has an effective range of something like 30 feet or so. The other is the size of a bazooka (shoulder-held rocket launcher) and its beam is effective at a range of about 200 feet or so. It also is often used with infrared sighting, to fire through a wall at a person (say, in a room on the second floor) by aiming at his infrared change and signature detected outside the building.
A person struck by this Venus-technique warped wavefront beam has a sudden interruption of all control of his heartbeat, and so his heart goes into instant, uncontrolled, and violent fibrillation. Exposure to the main beam for 10 seconds or more is almost certain to result in death of the individual, by a resulting massive heart failure, stroke, or both.
My colleague Ken Moore and I were struck with just such a beam from a small Venus beam shooter, in the inside breast coatpocket of the assassin, in a restaurant here in Huntsville several years ago. We both felt the beam and the instant fibrillation. I personally saw the assassin, about 20 feet away from us and well-dressed in suit and tie, pull back his coat front and point that book-sized shooter at us. Fortunately we were seated right beside the emergency exit from the dining room, and I knew about Venus technique shooters and their drastic effects. So we just immediately jumped right through that exit, setting off all the alarms, but getting out of the beam in just a few seconds. So we lived to tell the tale.
If this were indeed used in the DeGeus death case, it would have been very simple for the assassin to simply approach him while he was still sitting in his just-parked car, hit him with the beam and hold it on him for, say, 30 seconds to a minute, then close his coat and simply walk away. And no one would have been the wiser, till the victim was found by someone in his car, either dead or dying.
There is the information for the reader's review. The reader will have to make up his own mind as to what probably really happened, and whether it was truly an act of nature (a normal heart attack) or a deliberately induced heart failure (an assassination using the standard Venus shooter).
Other Similar Incidents
There are of course other incidents similar to this. Stan Meyer, a well-known inventor who apparently got his watergas working well, rushed from a restaurant and shouted "They're killing me!" (Some reports stated he shouted "They're poisoning me"), and then collapsed and died. Simply Google on the web, for many articles on Stan Meyer, his invention, the threats to his life, and his strange death.
An Australian researcher and friend of mine also had a colleague who was assassinated in an upstairs room by a shot from the street below, using the larger bazooka-sized Venus shooter. The other persons there actually observed the assassin load the bazooka-shaped shooter back into his vehicle and speed away.
In Conclusion
All we can state for certain is that (1) lots of inventors of successful watergas, self-powering systems, etc. have been severely warned or in some cases killed. (2) Many other "free energy from the active medium" inventors have been threatened, bought out, or killed or experienced a mysterious death (we tell neophytes to be careful, else one can have a "sudden suicide" on one's way to the supermarket!) (3) The Venus electronic countermeasures technique is well-known and established. (4) I have personally experienced just such an assassination attempt, with my good friend Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Ken Moore with me and also experiencing the weapon effects and our very rapid escape in the nick of time. So I have a corroborating witness.
Nonetheless, the interested reader will have to take it from there and draw his or her own conclusions about the DeGeus incident. Was it just a curious natural heart attack, or was it a deliberate assassination?
Hopefully, time will tell.
http://www.pesn.com/2007/12/05/9500463_self-powered_battery_inventor_dead/Free-Energy Battery Inventor Killed at Airport?
Official statement cites "natural causes" but others familiar with the disruptive potential of the inventor's technology to the existing power structure consider it a probable assassination.
by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News 2007WBTV reported death as "most likely not a homicide."
On Nov. 11, inventor of a revolutionary, affordable, clean energy technology, Arie M. DeGeus was found slumped in his car, totally unresponsive, in the long-term parking lot of the Charlotte Douglass International Airport in North Carolina. He was taken to the hospital and died a short time later. The autopsy suggested heart failure, so officials were saying the death was a result of a medical problem or natural causes, and not likely to be a homicide. (Ref.; ref.)
Those who were involved with his research are doubtful, citing, among other things, that he had been in good health at around age forty five. The timing is also suspicious. He was apparently on his way to Europe where he was to secure major funding for the development and commercialization of his technology, which could make oil obsolete.
Charlotte Macklenburg Police detective, M. Conner, said that it would be a while yet before the toxicology report comes in on this case.
Tom Bearden, a well-known figure in the cutting-edge, clean energy technology industry, wrote a lengthy report on the inventor, his death, and his technology. He said:
"DeGeus was the inventor of a thin wafer-like material/device that somehow specially aligned the atoms or electron currents ongoing in that material, so that the wafer produced a constant amperage at a small voltage – continuous real power, or in other words a strange kind of “self-powering battery”.
Bearden also speculates about the cause of death, citing a technology that shoots an electromagnetic beam that destroys the body's control of its heartbeat. He said there are two basic sizes of the Venus ECCM technique. One has a range of around thirty feet, and the other, about the size of a bazooka, has an effective range of around 200 feet.
Bearden claims to have been hit with such a device along with his colleague Ken Moore while at a restaurant several years ago. They felt the fibrillation and saw the would-be assassin about 20 feet away, with his suit coat pulled back, exposing a book-sized shooter. Fortunately, they were near an emergency exit and were able to get away before a lethal dose was received.
DeGeus had been in Salt Lake City a couple of weeks ago, demonstrating the technology to some people who were also seeking to raise money for its advancement. That group said that DeGeus was not the only person who knew how the technology works, and they hope to see it go ahead even though DeGeus is no longer around.
The above information has been brought to the attention of the Charlotte media and police.
News Video : ---
Patents by A. M. DeGeusMethod and Aparatus for the Production of So-Called Fractional Hydrogen and Associated Production of Photon Energy
WO0208787EC: C01B3/00; G21K1/00; (+2) IPC: C01B3/00; G21K1/00; H05G2/00 (+6)
Also published as: WO0208787 / EP1322547 / AU7886601
Abstract --- An enclosed system, which generally may be of tubular shape, in which plasma of hydrogen is induced, or is being created and in which this plasma is being maintained. Said system comprising of an anode at one end of the enclosed system and a cathode at the other end; optionally, means for electromagnetic focusing (e.g. by means of Helmholtz pairs) surrounding said enclosed system; coiling, screen(s) or strips, which may have a variety of shapes, positioned within said enclosed system and being located between said anode and said cathode, but not being connected to either and which may consist of a material (e.g. W), which promotes the conversion of molecular hydrogen into atomic hydrogen and which further facilitates the molecular hydrogen into atomic hydrogen and which further facilitates the ionization of hydrogen; said coiling, screen(s) or strips, which may have a variety of shapes, optionally being hooked up to a minute electric power source, which preferably has a relatively high frequency.
An enclosed system, which generally may be of tubular shape, in which plasma of hydrogen is induced, or is being created and in which this plasma is being maintained. Said system comprising of an anode at one end of the enclosed system and a cathode at the other end; optionally, means for electromagnetic focusing (e.g. by means of Helmholtz pairs) surrounding said enclosed system; coiling, screen(s) or strips, which may have a variety of shapes, positioned within said enclosed system and being located between said anode and said cathode, but not being connected to either and which may consist of a material (e.g. W), which promotes the conversion of molecular hydrogen into atomic hydrogen and which further facilitates the molecular hydrogen into atomic hydrogen and which further facilitates the ionization of hydrogen; said coiling, screen(s) or strips, which may have a variety of shapes, optionally being hooked up to a minute electric power source, which preferably has a relatively high frequency.An enclosed system, which may be of tubular shape, in which plasma of hydrogen is induced, or is being created and in which this plasma is being maintained. Said system comprising of an anode (5) at one end of the enclosed system and a cathode (8) at the other end; optionally, means for electromagnetic focusing surrounding said enclosed system; coiling, screens or strips, which may have a variety of shapes, positioned within said enclosed system and being located between said anode and said cathode, but not being connected to either and which may consist of a material, which promotes the conversion of molecular hydrogen into atomic hydrogen and which further facilitates the ionization of hydrogen; said coiling, screens or strips, which may have a variety of shapes, optionally being hooked up to a minute electric power source (7).
The background of this Invention relates mostly to astronomical observations, some of which are of the last few decades.
It has been noted that when looking at the Abundancy
Curve of the elements, which are known to exist in our universe, that the elements Li, Be and B are very scarce in relation to their location in the Periodical System. (See
Fig. 1; the Abundancy Curve of the elements). There must be reasons for this. The factors: pressure, temperature and other parameters e. g. certain configurations in their respective nuclei, whereby these named elements are being converted, apparently are occurring rather frequently in many locations in the universe, wherefore we can assume that the values of the factors which allow conversions of these elements, either'upwardly'via nucleo-synthesis processes into heavier elements, or'downwardly'by means of fission to hydrogen or helium or isotopes thereof (He2, He2, H3, HI2, Hl) are favorable for such conversions to take place. Also it became clear to Inventor that certain isotopes of Li, Be and B can act as catalysts in certain processes. Whereas these elements carry few electrons, their nuclei are easily approachable by elementary "particles", e. g. protons. In this Invention use is made of the properties of certain isotopes of Li, Be and B, which carry an extra neutron, in a function as"nucleonic catalysts". This is a new concept; so far catalysts always only referred to actions by electrons in the outer shell of atoms.
Furthermore in a different category of astronomical observations in deep space, (in numerous locations by now) but also in solar flares in the corona of the sun, spectral lines were found which can be attributed to hydrogen in the extreme left W and in the Soft X-ray areas. These lines correspond with photon energies which are greater than those we are familiar with in the Lyman series. We hereby refer to observations which were made by Labov and Bowyer and by Golub and Pasachoff; (See: Labov, S., Bowyer, S., 1991,"Spectral Observations in the extreme Ultra-Violet background", The Astrophysical Journal, 371, pp. 810-819) and also: Golub, L., Pasachoff, J. M., 1997, The Solar
Corona", Chapter 9.3 and in particular p. 294 (Table 9.4),
The Cambridge University Press, all of which corroborate hydrogen lines in the extreme UV and Soft X-ray areas.
Insertion'of these newly found energy data into the Rydberg formula, show correspondence with values for n, which are to be fractions instead of whole numbers. (n is the quantum level number). The Rydberg formula is shown herewith:
<img class="EMIRef" id="015185857-00020001" />
wherein R = 109.7cm-1 and nf > ng whereby n=1 wherein P p =1, 2,3,......... (p is in whole numbers). In this formula m=9. 1xl0-3'kg, e=1. 6x10-'9Coulomb, Z=atomic nr. (=lfor hydrogen), #0 = 8.85#10-12 Farad / m and h = P1 anck's const. =6. 62xlO-34Joulesec The fractions correspond with quantum-levels below the so called"ground-state"and for the forms of hydrogen whereby its electron is at quantumlevels below the"ground-state"a new name has come into place for the whole group, namely"fractional hydrogen''.
See Inventor's book Fluidum Continuum Universalis, Part I,
Chapter 4. publicized by www. qreatunpublished, com # 270. The energies of the electron of hydrogen are given by the Bohr equation:
Eelectr. = - Z? (3), wherein 8##0aHn aH=Bohr radius. Eelectr.=-Z x 2.18x10-18 Joule, Eelectr=-13.6eV (4). n n
For the "fractional states", n=1/p, whereby p=1,2,3,etc. p (whole numbers). For the electron-proton distance as function of the quantum-level is valid: aH=. 053xn2x10-9m and for the orbit velocity as function of the quantum-level we have: v(n)=e 1 = 2.2x106x1m.sec-1. (5)
2h#0 n n
Laboratory runs with the processes, which are the subject of this Invention indicate that a mixture of various "fractional states''is simultaneously being formed and also that those states appear to be very stable. This was proven in many lab experiments during the second half of the year 2000. Therefore we can say that the"ground- state''is that stable state with the highest possible energy. (The "excited states" have still more energy, but they are not stable). If various"fractional states"exist together or are brought together in process, then reactions between those states can occur, which result in further ionization and further lowering of quantum-level, while photons are being produced. The following general formulation for these reactions is: H ("J)(".)+"+'+/ (6) wherein ni#n and nk < ni and nk < nj
The phenominae of these processes as are described above and of the processes under this Invention in general, are novel. Neither fission, nor fusion or chemical reactions take place. This Invention shows the formation of photon energy in a frequency range, which is safe for all biological life forms, including for humans. The processes involve conversions of hydrogen, whereby in ultimo the net produced photon energy comes at the expense of the constitutional energy'of the electron itself. The constitutional energy'of the electron in the"groundstate''is about 511,000 eV. For the fractional states" this energy becomes less as the state is a lower one. (See book: Fluidum Continuum Unversalis, Part I, Chapter 4). At this time numerous laboratory runs have been made (more than 1,000 hours), during which fractional hydrogen and photon energy were being produced. To date, neither Gamma rays, nor Beta radiation, nor Alpha particles were ever observed with running these processes. The produced radiation in its totality is from Blue-Violet to Extreme
UV-Soft X-ray. This process technology has been certified by the well known national laboratorium: Applied Technical
Services Inc., address: 1280 Field Parkway, Marietta, Ga., 30066, USA. The report number is M14343 and is dated March 01, 2001. This report is made part of this patent application as Exhibit A. The composition of the totality of the radiation depends on the various parameters to the process, including materials compositions of certain parts of the apparatus. Inside the enclosed reactor system, which contains hydrogen at pressures generally lower than atmospheric pressure, plasma is being formed, preferably in the presence of Tungsten (W) after the establishment of a certain electro-static and electro magnetic field combination between the cathode and the anode. The Tungsten, which is being applied as a catalytic item, can have a variety of shapes: e. g screen, (either length-wise or cylindrically length-wise), or as a plurality of strips, or as in the shape of a coil, which gave the best results. The plasma in the reactor tends to mostly stay within the coil. Better ionization can be obtained by applying a high frequency AC voltage of minute power to the Tungsten coiling. However in the second half of the year 2000 it became clear that by placing the ends of the coiling close to the cathode and anode, there was sufficient induction in the coiling (caused by the electromagnetic field component), that satisfactory ionization resulted. The application of coiled Tungsten also eliminated the need for electro-magnetic focusing by means of so called Helmholtz pairs. The start-up of the discharge through the reactor requires a voltage which is higher than the voltage which is in existence during normal operation.
When more plasma gets formed (this takes only seconds in case of applying Be as"nucleonic catalyst", but many minutes if B is used for the same function in the cathode assembly), then the voltage differential is lowered to a level, which is just sufficient to maintain a continuous discharge, which means continuous operation of the reactor.
As temperatures rise in the reactor system and all processes run easier, then a further gradual decline of the voltage differential is possible; this calls for a voltage control, primarily based on temperature.
In common'discharge tubes'the protons travel to the cathode where they pick up free electrons at the cathode surface by which atoms of"ground-state"hydrogen are being formed again, or even"excited-states" (n > 1) in case of plentiful available energy; (high temperatures and or high voltage differentials within such'discharge tubes'). However if: (a) a more or less pulsed DC voltage is being applied, the character timefunction of which is important and (b) an additional component is made part of the cathode or is at least present in the surface of the cathode and which component causes so called"electro-negative"areas, which attracts protons (provided that they are at close proximity) without the need of an electric field whatsoever, then a totally different course of events takes place. If'bonding'to the ""electro-negative''areas, which are an inherent part of the additional component in the cathode, takes place by a certain percentage of the protons, which arrived at close proximity of the cathode surface, then after the point in time when the voltage differential is minimal or zero (which is caused by the intermittently existing electrostatic/electro-magnetic field) when the field returns in full force, it will take more energy for free electrons to bond with those protons which are held by the"electronegative''areas of the additional component. To'free' these protons more attractive force needs to be exerted by the free electrons, which can only be achieved by moving in closer to those protons (the force increases with the reciprocal of the square of the distance between electron and proton) then the orbit of the ground-state".
Therefore the electrons must'fall'through one or more quantum-levels. The energy conversions which take place correspond with the Rydberg formula, whereby then "fractions''e. g. n=-, 3,. etc are to be inserted in this formula in order to find the photon energy levels. This 'falling'through quantum-levels produces energy levels of the photons which correspond with the'depth'of the 'fall'.
When"fractional hydrogen"is being formed then this mostly occurs as a simultaneous formation of various states. A Table, which shows a number of-'fractional states''together with their energy levels and energy differentials between the states as well as the corresponding wavelengths has been taken up herein and is shown as Fig. 2. Reactions between"fractional states''also occur simultaneous with first time formation of "fractional states"out of protons, whereby further ionization, photon emission and"lower""fractional states''result. The related formulation is equation (6).
If for instance a reaction between fractional states" takes place, whereby one"fractional state''is
<img class="EMIRef" id="015185857-00070001" />
1.24x10"* the wavelengths as function of AEare : ,,="-7-(7)
For all practical purposes"fractional hydrogen"is inert and cannot react with Oxygen anymore. It has been observed that when an electron'falls'to a lower quantum-level, sometimes a second electron can attach to the same proton, but then at a different quantum-level (to satisfy the "Pauli exclusion principle"). In this manner"Bi- electronic hydrogen''is being formed, the ions of which are negatively charged
<img class="EMIRef" id="015185857-00070002" />
See: Fluidum Continuum Universalis, Part I, Chapter 4.2.
According to the website of Blacklight power Inc. of
Cranbury, N. J., this firm is active in the research and development of new materials, which are based on negatively charged hydrogen ions, which this firm obtains via a different process method. The discovery of"Bi-electronic hydrogen''might also become a matter of major advance in chemistry.
The negative hydrogen ion is presently subject to research in a number of labs around the world (e. g. reporting about 'Vacuum-UV spectroscopy of the negative hydrogen ion', refs.: P. Balling et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 77,2905 (1996);
H. H. Andersen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 79,4770 (1997)).
Inventor expects that as result of the launching of the
FUSE satellite, which occurred on June 24,1999 (FUSE stands for: Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer) much insight will be obtained with regard to the occurrence and frequency levels, which go with these occurrences of the high energy lines in the spectrum of hydrogen, which have been called herein :"fractional hydrogen''lines. A report on the mission of the FUSE program and description of the
IDS Computer which commands the FUSE instruments, has recently been given by B. K. Heggestad and R. C. Moore of
Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Lab., Laurel,
Maryland, 20723-6099. Other institutes involved in FUSE related research are: Center for Astrophysics and Space
Astronomy, University of Colorado, Boulder, Co., 80304 and
Space Sciences Lab of University of California, Berkeley,
Ca., 94720. Inventor expects that after practical applications of the process (es) as described in this
Invention, which center on fractional hydrogen", will be publicly known, there will be frantic research relative to "fractional hydrogen''by labs worldwide. Inventor has indicated in FCU, Part I, Chapter 4, that theoretically 83 quantum-levels or states of"fractional hydrogen''are
Possible. However, the reaching of very low quantum levels with terrestrial experiments is unlikely; very low states are being reached in certain locations in the cosmos.
Protons can be bound to so called"electro-negative areas''in or at the outer perimeter of nuclei. Neutrons, being"cigar-like"in shape are equally negative at one end as they are positive at the other end. Nearly always the neutrons have their negative end more or less pointed towards the"geographical center''of the nucleus, whereby this negative end functions in keeping two protons attracted and located in close proximity of this negative end, which means that two protons can be kept in close proximity of each other in a nucleus. No need for a "Strong Force". This is the mechanism by which nuclei exist and whereby many positive charges/protons are kept together in a small location. The so called"Strong
Force"is non-existing and is a physical artifact from the 1930-ties, which came into being by way of assumption and because of a lack of understanding of nuclear structure.
"Electro-negative areas''are such areas in or at the perimeter of nuclei, where there is a need for energy inflow; this inflow can be provided by a proton or by the positive end of a neutron and if the scenario of this mechanism is enacted then the proton or the neutron (with its positive end) is more or less strongly bound to this electro-negative area. See FCU, Part II, Chapter 10, 'Nucleosynthesis and the Elements'. Part II will be published by www. qreatunpublished. com during the winter of 2001-2002. In the event that a neutron is bound to an "electro-negative area" (which is with its positive end), then the negative end of said neutron points outwardly and away from the center of the nucleus. This negative end then can easily function as a proton catcher. Use is made of this characteristic for the workings of the process of this
Furthermore for nuclei to be approached by protons, it is important that the element has as few electrons at its outside/perimeter as is possible. Logically the elements: Li, Be, B fulfill this requirement and these elements also have isotopes which have an extra neutron to their nuclei.
These isotopes are resp. Li3, Be9, Bs'and nature apparently agrees with the theory of nuclear structure as mentioned above, because it shows that these isotopes are the prevailing isotopes in the compositions of these elements as they are found in nature. The respective prevalences are: Li3-92. 6% ; Be9-~ 96% ; and BS'- : 1. 5%.
These isotopes have in fact the extra neutron attached so that the negative end is pointed outwardly, wherefore these elements react so easily with other protons or neutrons, which in turn explains the relative scarcity of these elements in our universe. For the better understanding of the fluid-mechanical structure of the neutron and of the nuclei of named isotopes Li3, Be4, Bsl reference is made to Fig.
3 and Figs. 4a, 4b and 4c. These structures are logical results of fluid mechanical physics considerations. The likelihood of these structures are also indicated by A. G.
Gulko in Vortex Theory (1980). A number of analogies also exist in the work of M. Planck; (see: F. Winterberg, 1990 in Z. Naturforsch. 45: Planck Aether Model of a Unified
Field Theory and Z. Naturforsch. 46: A Model of the Aether comprised of Dynamic, Toroidal Vortex Rings. There are also numerous publications, which carry elementary physics subject matters, which show some aspects which relate to the theoretical work of this Inventor.
Reference be also made to publications by; T. H. Boyer (1975), M. B. King (1994), B. Haisch (1996) and R. N. Mills (1998) and others.
Inventor has greatly expanded Fluid Mechanical Physics and has been able to determine the dimensions and energies of the rotational, irrotational and helical component flows of the elementary"vortex toroid''. The latter is the basic"Closed Vortex Entity". Composites thereof, which are known as the particles", are built up and constituted by"vortex toroids''. Also the dimensions, energies and other factors as charge and spin of the muon neutrino, electron, positron, proton, neutron and meson have been determined by Inventor. A listing of the energies, charge and spin characteristics of some of the here named "particles''is taken up herein and shown as Fig. 10.
Inventor also laid a"bridge"to some aspects of the (unnecessary) Quark Theory, which comprises other artificial conceptions.
Referring to Fig. 3: The neutron is a composite particle, consisting of a proton and an electron, which are held together and simultaneously kept apart by an anti-neutrino.
More detailed description is in FCU, Part I, Chapter 4.3 and in Part II. Referring to Figs. 4a, 4b and 4c, which show the nuclei of Li37, Be49, Bs', the reader note the positioning of the extra neutron to the nucleus; how it is attached and how it is pointed outwardly, so that a positively charged entity, as the proton and the positive end of the neutron, can be attracted. Referring to Figs. 5 and 6: these show the double-vortex-ring structures (or vortex pairs) of the proton and the electron. See FCU, Part
I, Chapters 3.3 and 3.4.
Existing, accepted physics clearly has problems in certain areas of application of the Bohr Theory and also z with the Schrodinger equation. Sub. Bohr:With--=F, then at T =OK, the orbital energy would be 0 and the electron would spin into the proton and the charges would be annihilated. This does not happen; wherefore Bohr is certainly wrong in the low temperature range. Also citing a formulation as set up by M. Planck:
<img class="EMIRef" id="015185857-00120001" />
we see that at T = OK, that there is a remaining energy being equal to hv -. This is in full accordance with Inventor's work and this 2 energy equals the total of the rotational, irrotational and helical component flow energies of the electron, which is also its basic constitutional energy, which is 511KeV.
Fig. 7 shows a detail drawing of a proton being in a "bound''status to an 11 electro-negative end''of a neutron, while it is being approached by a"free electron''. Note the"fluid flows'' ; in order to overcome the"binding energy''with which the considered proton is bound to the"electro-negative end''of the extra neutron in Be4 ; it must come closer to the proton than with the normal bonding in the"ground-state''. Therefore this electron must"cross"or"fall through"one or more quantum levels, which causes the creation of fractional hydrogen''and a photon of related energy. Since the ""fractional hydrogen''atom has a smaller size, it is more difficult to contain ;"Lower fractional states''can leak through certain energy barriers or"walls". It was observed by Inventor in lab runs with the process of this
Invention, wherein"fractional hydrogen"was being formed, that the pressure inside the totally sealed reactor lowered somewhat even while the temperature had increased.
The possibility for"fractional hydrogen"to react with other elements e. g. O and N is virtually nill. For all practical purposes, the"fractional states"of hydrogen are inert. However'-fractional states''can react with each other, which is reflected in the foregoing, by formula (6). Research and development is being done by Blacklight
Power Inc., a New Jersey, US company, with regard to reactions involving"fractional states"as well as reactions with"Bi-electronic hydrogen, the ions of which were named hydrino's by Blacklight Power Inc. An invention, patented under US nr 6,024,935 by R. N. Mills et al. shows that the invention and methods which are mentioned therein are very different and in a different area when compared with this Invention and this application for patent.
Blacklight Power Inc.'s technology which is disclosed in US pat. nr. relates primarily to electro-chemistry and in particular to electrolytic processes with potassium complexes.
In lab runs with the process of our Invention it has been shown that"fractional states"react with each other, which also results in further production of protons, which in turn minimizes the need for electric power for the purpose of ionization, which is an objective and which makes that process-'over-unity''is reached rather easily.
In the following there is a comparison of energy yields between the process of this Invention with: a. Thermo-nuclear Fusion b. Conventional Combustion of hydrogen with oxygen.
Assume"fractional hydrogen"is being formed from the "ground-state" to "state" n=1/6 ; then photon energy is emitted of about-KeV and if the"state"of n=-were
2 9 reached then about l. lKeV is emitted. E. g. if an electron were to go from n=-on=-then roughly 1KeV=1.6#10-16 Joule energy becomes available. Considering: Thermo-nuclear
Fusion in the sun: (See many publications on this subject matter, e. g. in Scientific American, by John Bahcall of
Cal. Tech) reactions which likely take place are: proton+proton#deuterium+positron+420KeV, proton+electron+proton > deuterium+1. 44 Me V.
This shows that the energy yield of the process of this
Invention is in the 1/1000x category compared to the yield of thermo-nuclear fusion in the sun and which after many years of research and billions of dollars of expenses has never been copied on any sustainable basis on earth.
Considering: Conventional Combustion of hydrogen with oxygen. The energy produced by molecular hydrogen combustion is 51,600 BtulLb, which is 118,700 kSlkg. One mole of hydrogen contains 6X1023 molecules (Avogadro nr.); molecular weight of hydrogen being 2, means that that the energy per hydrogen atom is 118.7 kJ/gr, divided by 6x1023, which is 1.2516per hydrogen atom. The conclusion is that the process of this Invention is in the category of producing 500-1000x more energy per atom of hydrogen than the combustion process can produce, wherefore the technology of this Invention provides for a'quantum leap' in progress for the production of energy. Recent lab runs show substantial overunity Outgoing electric power and heat together are substantially (e. g. > 4 x) greater than the required ingoing electric power. Two control mechanisms are desirable: a. The intermittent addition of hydrogen be controlled by the pressure and possibly also by removal of "fractional and bi-electronic hydrogen''for temporary storage for later use purposes. b. The voltage differential between cathode and anode be controlled majorly by temperature and minorly by the pressure. In a newer further improved process version, no addition of hydrogen during operations is needed, because of a secondary and simultaneously running nuclear transmutational process which produces protons. Also protons are produced if some "fractional states''convert into lower fractional states''according to formula (6), although this last named process would not produce enough protons to keep the process continually going, wherefore the need for the nuclear transmutational process.
In the event that fractional and bi-electronic hydrogen''are removed during process operations, then a secondary evacuating pump and storage are needed. Such a sub-system is shown in Fig. 9."Fractional hydrogen can react again with"ground-state"in a reactor with cathode and anode and having a voltage differential between those and produce radiative energy. Bi-electronic hydrogen can (upon ionization to negatively charged hydrogen ions) form new molecules/materials hitherto unknown.
One can logically assume that process conditions vary widely as to which"nucleonic catalyst"is being used.
Furthermore many dimensional parameters and alloy composition parameters greatly influence the energy production.
Energy is being produced in two locations: a. In the cathode area 40-80% of the total energy.
Radiation is Soft X-ray, extreme W and some violet to blue. This radiation can be directly converted into electrical power by using the photo-electric effect, wherefore there are a photo-cathode and a photo-anode around the cathode. The wavelengths of this radiation is such that the surface-exit-energy" (is the "workfunction") of the electrons in certain metals, e. g. Cs, Rb, Na, K, Ba, Srhas been surpassed.
The first and second fractional series" radiation can also free electrons out e. g. Cu and
Zn. b. In the ionization area 20-60% of the total energy. Radiation is from the blues to pink. This radiation is best used as heat, either directly or for powering a thermo-dynamic cycle, including a Stirling cycle.
With reference to a., two modes of construction have proven to be possible. One is featuring a chamber around the cathode area from which it is separated by a radiation transmitting material, e. g. quartz. Inside the chamber are the photo-cathode as a shield against the outer wall of this chamber and the photo-anode, which can be either against the sides of said chamber or be a screen diametrically inside of the photo-cathode. The photo-anode be made of an electro-conductor. If the photo-cathode is covered with an element with a relatively low energy "workfunction", e. g. Cs, Rb, Na, K, Ba, Sr, then this chamber must be void of oxygen, wherefore it must be first evacuated and then filled with an inert gas, e. g. Ar. The second mode of construction, which was discovered in the fall of 2000 is by bringing the photo-cathode and photoanode inside the reactor, but being electro-magnetically isolated from the electro-static and electro-magnetic fields which exist between the cathode and anode in the reactor. This isolation is established by constructing a so called Cage of Faraday''around the cathode assembly, which allows sufficient space for the electro-static and electro-magnetic fields, so that protons can approach the cathode unhindered at all locations. The openings in the "Cage of Faraday''as well as the openings in the photoanode are sufficiently large and best also aligned with each other, so as to allow that radiation from the cathode can easily reach the photo-cathode. In operation small voltage differentials are in effect between the photocathode and photo-anode, respectively"Cage of Faraday".
Substantial electric currents then result if sufficient radiation of short enough wavelengths is available. This electric power is electronically converted to a DC status at a voltage level, so that it can be directly used for powering the primary electrical circuit (of which the cathode and anode are part) and/or be stored into the intermediate electric power storage (small battery). If the electric power production is greater than the electric power use ("overunity"), then the excess power is available for whatever use. Also electric power can be substantially produced from that part of the radiation in the ionization area, which is in the 400nm-900nm range, by using GaAs/Gephoto-voltaic cells. The electrical output efficiency runs up to 20% of all radiation in the ionization area which is in the 400nm-900nm range. The remaining 80% becomes available as heat.
Some heat is produced in the cathode area although most radiation in this location is of sufficiently short wavelengths that direct photo-electric conversion can take place; the majority of the heat (80% plus) is produced in the ionization and anode areas. This heat can be used either directly or for powering a cycle system (e. g. a
Stirling system). Fig. 8 shows a reactor system with an annular space surrounding its cathode area, from which photo-electricity is being produced and a jacket around the ionization area for the collection of the convective heat, which is produced by this area. Fig. 9 shows a reactor system, which has a diametrically enlarged cathode area in which the"Cage of Faraday''and photo-cathode and photoanode are located and from which the photo-electricity is being produced as well as a jacket around the ionization area for the collection of the convective heat, which is produced by this area. Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 have corresponding legends, which are indicated as Fig. 8a and
Fig. 9a.
Referring to the laboratory layout as shown in Fig. 8:
By means of variac (variable tranformer) (1), transformer (2), bridge rectifier or'half'rectifier (diodes) (3) and 'filter' (4), a wide range of more or less pulsed DC is available between cathode and anode (5). The ionization area (6) is shown with a Tungsten coil and high frequency power source (7). The latter feature is optional. (if the ends of the Tungsten coil are placed close to anode and cathode, then electric induction takes place, which has proven to be sufficient for the further promotion of the ionization of hydrogen.
Cathode (8) is surrounded by reactor tube section (9), which is preferably made of quartz, which allows high transmissivity for UV. The annular space around (9) is indicated by (10); inside it has at its outer perimeter the photo-cathode (11), which may be made of Cu or CulZn.
These materials allow the'photo-electric'effect to occur from the first"fractional series"of hydrogen on down.
For better utilization of some longer wave-lengths in the
UV an inner surface layer (11) made up of suitable element (s) e. g. Ba, K, Rb, Cs is applied. The photo-anode (s) (12) are shown imbedded in the sides of the annular space, but (12) can be placed as a concentric screen (inwardly from the photo-cathode) as well. Because of the low values for the"ionization constant"of the elements e. g.
Ba, K, Rb, Cs the annular space is filled with an inert gas e. g. Ar, after first having been evacuated. Both the reactor system (00) and annular space (10) are hooked up to vacuum-pump system (13). The mV gauge (14); the mAmp gauge (15) and Watt-integrator (16) are part of the photoelectric circuit; the voltage for this circuit is being supplied by potentiometer (17); this voltage needs to be regular fairly constant DC, wherefore a'filter'might be taken up in this circuit. Volt-meter (18), Watt-meter (19), recorder (19a) and mAmp.-meter (20) are part of the primary electrical circuit of reactor system (00). The pressure sensor-gauge and motorized valve (21) can cause hydrogen to be supplied to the reactor system at a controlled pressure level. This hydrogen can be supplied by either an electrolysis unit (22) or by a bottle (23). Thermocouples (24) give read-outs at (25), which is also connected to voltage control (25a). A jacket type heat exchanger is positioned around reactor system (00) and is indicated by (26). This jacket can be extended to include the anode area as well, so as to utilize most of the produced heat.
OPERATION (The operation described below refers to the laboratory set-up as is shown in Fig. 8 and with the use of Be4 as nucleonic catalyst). (The data given herewith differ from data given in an prior patent application with regard to a largely similar patent application in the USA, which involves the same Invention. Reason for the different data is, that with the high tempo research program, which is connected to the patent application of this Invention, several process parameters were already altered, particularly with regard to cathode and anode compositions, which makes for different and more up-to-date process data).
After evacuation of the reactor system (00) and the multiple purgings with hydrogen, hydrogen is let into the reactor system at the'early'operating pressure of 1500 mT. Also the annular space is evacuated and then filled with Ar.
After applying a DC voltage differential of 500-550 Volts and a simultaneous super-positioned AC voltage of specific character of about 900 Volts, plasma is formed and shows in all sections of the reactor system. After a few minutes the
Voltage can be regulated back by 50-100 Volts DC. After this, the pressure is allowed to -increase to 2500-3000mT. A current establishes itself in the range of 2-5 mAmps. This means a power consumption of the reactor system of 1-3 Watts. In the ionization area the plasma colors from deep pink, to light pink, light blue into violet. In the cathode area there is blue (and violet if the element Ti is part of the composition of the cathode), furthermore in the (invisible for the eye) extreme left UV and soft X-ray there are the first and second fractional series" (n =-resp. n =-in the
Rydberg formula).
With output voltages of 2-4 Volt between photo-cathode and photo-anode and about 1.5 Volt between photo-cathode and Cage of Faraday''and mAmps ranging from 3-20 mAmps, in total about 20-120 mW photo-electricity was produced in the test with ATS in Marietta, Ga. These results have been improved on in April 2001 by a factor 100% plus.
(These results were obtained with a photo-cathode existing of Cu only). With using elements on the photo-cathode surface, which have a much lower ionization constant", the photo-electricity can greatly increase, e. g. a factor of lOx. Heat production in the ionization and anode areas has been far over-unity"; for a section of the ionization area alone, a value from the test referred to, shows a 2.19 ""over-unity''versus the power input as a whole. In a test in April, 2001, about 5/1 heat"over-unity''was measured.
Total heat and electric"over-unity''with a newer test unit, which has several parameters substantially improved, should exceed 7/1. Referring to the laboratory lay-out as is shown in Fig. 9: Better results were obtained with it. For the identification of the components of the layout of Fig. 9, consult the legend: Fig. 9a.. Less power input is required with closer proximity of anode and cathode and with proper electric induction in the Tungsten coil for the production of the same power output. It was recently established that after extending runs into many hours, the overall production of heat as well as of electricity increased substantially. The reason for this is that gradually more"fractional hydrogen''of the first "fractional series"reacts with"ground-state"hydrogen according to formula (6) and forms fractional hydrogen" of the second and third"fractional series''. In these conversions there is much more photon energy becoming available: respectively 108.8 and 204.0 eVper atom of hydrogen. For the further utilization of heat produced in the ionization area, particularly if the temperature difference over the reactor wall exceeds 20 C a special
Stirling system can be employed (Rentz system), which is relatively quite effective if only low temperature differentials are available. This Stirling system then in turn provides for shaft power. Inventor however has opted for the utilization of GaAslGe instead, whereby a photoelectric conversion efficiency of 20% or better can be guaranteed. The Boeing, Spectrolab Division has already reached a maximum conversion efficiency level of 33.2%.
Fig. 9 also shows a secondary vacuum pump system (12), which is there for the purpose of collecting samples of ""fractional hydrogen''and or of bi-electronic hydrogen" into storage tank (13), for the purpose of further testing, either for energy generation or for new materials research and development.
Clearification on the subject"Electro-negativity" "Electro-negativity"is that characteristic of a nucleus of an atom, which expresses itself as a location at or in the nucleus where there is a need for fluid energy inflow.
According to Fluid-Mechanical Physics, the Introduction to which is described in Fluidum Continuum Universalis, Part I, which is a book written by Inventor (this book is available at www. qreatunpublished. com # 270), electrons have a strong need for axial/polar fluid inflow.
The electron is also part of the neutron, in that a neutron is composite entity which consists of a proton at one end and an electron at the other end, both of which are being kept apart as well as together by an anti-neutrino.
Neutrons are quite unstable when on their own (11 minutes half-life), but when bound in nuclei, which is via their negative end, which can attract one or two protons simultaneously, neutrons are stable. All areas at or in nuclei which have an electronic end exposed, which is not supplied with fluid energy by a closely located proton are ""electro-negative''areas. If these areas are accessible by protons then bonding with protons will occur. This process is one of the two which are active and responsible for nucleo-synthesis. Particularly the isotopes Li7, Be4B51 have extra neutrons to their nuclei, which provide for a greatly exposed negative end; these nuclei have few electrons attached and can easily be approached by protons.
The elements: Cd, In, As, Sb have prevailing isotopes, which also have electronegative areas, however they are less exposed when compared with Li, Be, B ; such is the case with the elements Pd, Pt, they have even more than one electronegative area in their nuclei, but they are not exposed.
Method and Apparatus are for Stimulation of Zero-Point Energy in and Absorbed by Tissue...
NL1029476CEC: A61N1/40; A61N2/06 IPC: A61N2/02; A61N2/06; A61N2/00 (+2)
2007-01-09Abstract --- The method and apparatus are for stimulation of zero-point energy in and absorbed by tissue in a plant, animal and human being and involves a primary permanent magnetic field introduced through the tissue with a superimposed variable electro-magnetic field further fed through the tissue for creation of considerable health advantages. The variable electro-magnetic field is of a cyclic nature, which is wave-form, sinusoidal, triangular, trapezoidal or rectangular, dependent upon the passage of time. Its amplitude and frequency are variable and adjsutable. A living cell (0) is present in a tissue matrix (1), has cell walls (2) and a moving free electron (3). It has a spirally shaped movement trajectory (4), positively charged ions (5) which surround a more or less tunnel-shaped induction zone (6). The symbols (PM) and (EM) indicate the directions of the primary permanent magnetic field and the electro-magnetic field. Fringe fields (C1,C2) are the cell limitations shown as capacitor plates of a cell and there is a more or less tubular area (7) with a self-inductance (Lc). The ohmic resistance in the cell is indicated (R) as is the field strength of the permanent magnetic field (H).
Method has Evolving Physical and Chemical Processes with Three Energy Conversions from Zero-Point Energy to Permanent Magnetic Energy...
NL1029488CEC: H01M14/00 IPC: H01M6/00; H01M6/00; (IPC1-7): H01M6/00
2006-08-14Abstract --- The method has evolving physical and chemical processes with three energy conversions from zero-point energy to permanent magnetic energy, to electro-chemical energy, to electrical direct current, with a resulting durably available electrical energy source. In a layout of the processes, the regenerative mode is seen next to the discharge mode, whilst in fat both modes are located adjacently at inter-atomic distance. In the conversion into electro-chemical energy at the location of the permanent magnetic field, the two electrodes, together with the intervening membrane, are permeated by an electro-chemical cell. The electrode pair and the intervening membrane are located in an electrolyte, which can be a liquid, a gel, or fine powder. The conversions occur in an energy cell, in separate sections, next to each other. The electrons can flow through connectors provided between the separate sections. The sections are positioned at inter-molecular or atomic spacing.
Nuclear Transmutational Processes
WO0231833EC: G21B3/00 IPC: G21B3/00; G21B3/00; (IPC1-7): G21B1/00
http://v3.espacenet.com/textdoc?DB=EPODOC&IDX=WO0231833&F=0Abstract --- The invention relates to a method of generating energy, comprising the steps of: a. introducing hydrogen in a reactor vessel, the vessel comprising a cathode, an anode and an ionization element, the cathode comprising a primary and a secondary transmutational element, the transmutational elements having in their nucleus a number of neutrons which is larger than the number of protons, and wherein at least one neutron has a preferred orientation; b. Ionizing at least a part of the hydrogen with the ionization element to form a plasma, c. Applying a voltage differential across the cathode and the anode, causing protons to travel to the cathode and to induce a transmutation of the transmutational elements which combine to form an element of higher mass number than the mass number of said transmutational elements under the release of energy; and d. collecting heat and/or on other energy formed in step c. In a preferred embodiment the primary transmutational element comprises formula (i) or any combination thereof, whereas the secondary transmutational element comprises formula (ii) or any combination thereof.
Electrische Energie uit Fusie van Edele Gassen.
Methode en Apparaat voor energie produktie door middel van Fusie van He met Be.
Warmte Generator
EC: IPC: G21B3/00; G21B3/00
Method and Aparatus for the Production of So-Called Fractional Hydrogen and Associated Production of Photon Energy
Método para incrementar a energia cinética de elétrons utilizando uma combinação de campos magnéticos e eletromagnéticos permanentes
Mechanisme ter modernisering van het oogsten van bomen
Brandstof voor Verbrandingsmotoren en Gasturbines met daaraan toegevoegde Nukleair Fuserende Component.
Omzetting van Nulpunt-Energie in toegevoegde Kinetische Energie van elektronen.
Turbine elektrische generator