Martin DEMUTH, et al.
Titanium Disilicide Photocatalyst
Sep 25, 2007
Splitting Water with Sunlight
Hydrogen is one of the most important fuels of the future, and the
sun will be one of our most important sources of energy. Why not
combine the two to produce hydrogen directly from solar energy
without any detours involving electrical current? Why not use a
process similar to the photosynthesis used by plants to convert
sunlight directly into chemical energy?
Researchers from the German Max Planck Institute have now
developed a catalyst that may do just that. As they report in the
journal Angewandte Chemie, titanium disilicide splits water into
hydrogen and oxygen. And the semiconductor doesn’t just act as a
photocatalyst, it also stores the gases produced, which allows an
elegant separation of hydrogen and oxygen.
Researchers from the German Max Planck Institute have now
developed a catalyst that may do just that. As they report in the
journal Angewandte Chemie, titanium disilicide splits water into
hydrogen and oxygen. And the semiconductor doesn’t just act as a
photocatalyst, it also stores the gases produced, which allows an
elegant separation of hydrogen and oxygen.
“The generation of hydrogen and oxygen from water by means of
semiconductors is an important contribution to the use of solar
energy,” explains Martin Demuth (of the Max Planck Institute for
Bioinorganic Chemistry in Mülheim an der Ruhr). “Semiconductors
suitable for use as photocatalysts have been difficult to obtain,
have unfavorable light-absorption characteristics, or decompose
during the reaction.”
Demuth and his team have now proposed a class of semiconductors
that have not been used for this purpose before: Silicides. For a
semiconductor, titanium disilicide (TiSi2) has very unusual
optoelectronic properties that are ideal for use in solar
technology. In addition, this material absorbs light over a wide
range of the solar spectrum, is easily obtained, and is
At the start of the reaction, a slight formation of oxide on the
titanium disilicide results in the formation of the requisite
catalytically active centers. “Our catalyst splits water with a
higher efficiency than most of the other semiconductor systems
that also operate using visible light,” says Demuth.
One aspect of this system that is particularly interesting is the
simultaneous reversible storage of hydrogen. The storage capacity
of titanium disilicide is smaller than the usual storage
materials, but it is technically simpler. Most importantly,
significantly lower temperatures are sufficient to release the
stored hydrogen.
The oxygen is stored as well, but is released under different
conditions than the hydrogen. It requires temperatures over 100°C
and darkness. “This gives us an elegant method for the easy and
clean separation of the gases,” explains Demuth. He and his
German, American, and Norwegian partners have founded a company in
Lörrach, Germany, for the further development and marketing of the
proprietary processes.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2007, 46, No. 41,
doi: 10.1002/anie.200701626
A Titanium Disilicide Derived
Semiconducting Catalyst for Water Splitting under Solar
Radiation—Reversible Storage of Oxygen and Hydrogen
Martin Demuth et al.
Divide and separate: Photocatalytic splitting of water into
hydrogen and oxygen is achieved with a catalyst which is formed on
the surface of titanium dicilicide (see picture). The two product
gases are reversibly physisorbed by the catalyst. Desorption of
hydrogen occurs at ambient temperature, but oxygen is entirely
stored up to 100?°C in light and can be released upon heating at
this temperature in the dark, which allows convenient separation
of the gases.
Metallic or non-metallic silicides for
photo-electrochemical decomposition of water...
Electricity is generated simultaneously or separately from water
decomposition. In the case where only electricity is produced, the
silicide is illuminated but there is no contact with water.
Otherwise contact is made with water, under illumination. Metallic
and non-metallic silicides are used. The silicides have the
molecular formula RSi. R is an organic, organometallic, and/or
inorganic radical (or a mixture). Si represents silicon. In listed
formulae, R is present as one or more atoms of Ti, Ni, Fe, Th, B
(silicon tetraboride), Co, Pt, Mn, CSi/poly-CSi, Ir, N, Zi, Ta, V
and Cr. The silicide contains at least one silicon atom with
increased electron density. The silicide acts as a catalyst and
receiver of artificial and solar light. The light participates in
a photo-electrical process e.g. water decomposition, and/or a
photovoltaic process generating electricity. The silicides serve
as electrodes in a conductive-electrolyte system. They are
connected with one or more opposite electrodes. Current is
generated, with or without water decomposition. The opposite
electrode is conductive. It is a: metal, transition metal, metal
oxide, transition metal oxide, non-metallic structure and/or mixed
structure. The two types of operation, photoelectric and
photovoltaic, proceed separately or in combination. The silicide
is in crystalline form and the artificial light and/or sunlight is
concentrated and/or diffuse. With silicide electrodes connected to
conductive opposite electrodes, each with suitable doping,
electrolyte can be dispensed with and the electrodes are in direct
connection. The light sources and/or additional thermal energy
sources emit energy in the waveband 200-15000 nm. Silicide light
absorption is increased by one or more dyes. These are coupled,
complexed, coated or bonded to the silicide. The dyes are
perylenes and their analogs. High temperatures and light
concentrations enhance reaction. Energy introduced for this
purpose comes from e.g. electrical-, microwave- and/or geothermal
heating. Other oxide semiconductors are listed as agents actively
assisting the process. The silicides are immobilized in e.g.
listed polymers or glasses. These are conductive. Numerous
possible electrode dopants are listed.
[0001] The present invention relates to a process for the
photoelectrochemical production of hydrogen and oxygen from water
and of electricity, this in the presence of silicides (silicides)
in general and especially in presence of metal silicides and
nonmetallic silicides, such as borosilicides, carbon-containing
silicides and nitrogen-containing silicides, i.e., compounds
containing silicon and having the composition RSix. R represents
in this connection an organic, metallic, organometallic,
non-metallic or inorganic residue and Si stands for the element
silicon (silicon) with an increasing number of atoms X>0. In
the following text, these classes of substances are named
silicides. The silicide subunits of these substances are
characterized by enhanced electron density. The silicides in the
aforementioned processes catalytically active wherein these
processes can occur with or without light. However, when
illuminated, using artificial light and sunlight, an increase of
gas evolution is observed. Higher reaction temperatures are often
accelerating the reaction. Silicides are mostly semiconductor
[0002] The silicides are used as electrode materials
(alternatively as anode or cathode), coupled with a counter
electrode (e.g., a metal, a metal oxide or another conducting
material and/or as a light-harvesting material as a part of a
photoelectronic/electrical process. In this way, they can be
employed as part of a photovoltaic system. The silicides serve to
(a) produce hydrogen and oxygen from water in the presence of
light and (b) to also simultaneously or separately produce
electricity (electrical energy). In case of (b), liquid and/or
non-liquid electrolytes are employed and for the purely
photovoltaic application, with suitable doping of the electrodes,
electrolytes can be eliminated entirely.
[0003] Furthermore, it was found that coupling or complexing of a
dye, such as perylenes or analogs thereof, to the silicides is
favorable for the light absorption of these substances as well as
the charge separation and hence the reactivity of the silicides.
[0004] Further, it was found that reactions with silicides for
splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen in presence of light for
the purpose of generating hydrogen and oxygen but also for
generating electricity can be performed also with immobilized
silicides, i.e., with silicides which are located on or in
polymeric materials and/or on or in glasses or glass-like
materials as well as on or in electrically/electronically
conducting materials. This applies also to the photovoltaic
application of the silicides. The process of the invention
delivers aside from hydrogen and oxygen also electricity, i.e.,
electric energy.
[0005] For carrying out photochemical reactions to produce
hydrogen and oxygen from water with metallic catalysts, several
processes have been disclosed. These are lanthanide-like
photcatalysts such as, for example, NaTaO3:La, catalysts from rare
earth metals, such as R2Ti2O7 (R=Y, rare earth metal), or
TiO2-derived semiconductor systems, so-called tandem cells,
wherein up to now no use of silicides has been disclosed for the
application according to the title.
[0006] The processes for production of hydrogen and oxygen from
water are based on reduction and/or oxidation of water with
semiconductor materials and light. Such processes are also named
water splitting processes. The hitherto disclosed processes use UV
light. Although in some cases an appreciable development of
hydrogen and oxygen has been found, the required illumination
conditions are not suitable for solar-based application of the
process. In addition, the production of the catalysts is laborious
and requires the use of uneconomically high temperatures, starting
from expensive basic materials of extremely high purity.
Furthermore, for performing the aforementioned processes the use
of very pure (triple distilled) water is required. In most cases
there is no mention with respect to long-term applicability and
the related stability of the catalysts.
[0007] The only promising approach so far employs silicide powder
wherein the semiconductor itself splits the water into hydrogen
and oxygen gas in presence of light. Oxygen has to be separately
removed from the system. All these systems can be used only to
split water and not for simultaneously or separately occurring
production of electric power (photovoltaic principle).
[0008] Silicides have so far not been used for the configuration
of photovoltaic systems. Only in individual cases (i.e., IrSi2 and
beta-FeSi2) electrical and optical properties of films were
[0009] Surprisingly, it has now been found that these
disadvantages can be avoided when using silicides (silicides),
i.e. metal silicides and non-metallic silicides such as
borosilicides, carbon-containing silicides and nitrogen-containing
silicides, i.e., compounds that contain silicon and have the
composition RSix, when these processes are carried out according
to a photoelectric principle, i.e., when the silicides are used as
light absorbers and/or electrode. R can be an organic, metallic,
organometallic or inorganic moiety and Si stands for the element
silicon (silicon) with an increasing number of atoms X>0. In
the following text these classes of substances are named
silicides. The silicide subunits of these compounds are
characterized by an enhanced electron density, i.e., a negative
charge density, or they have a negative charge.
[0010] Non-metallic silicides such as borosilicides,
carbon-containing silicides and nitrogen-containing silicides are
also called silicon borides, silicon carbides and silicon
nitrides, respectively.
[0011] Examples of silicides, metal silicides and non-metallic
silicides, such as borosilicides, carbon-containing silicides and
nitrogen-containing silicides are nickel silicide (Ni2Si), iron
silicide (FeSi2, FeSi), thallium silicide (ThSi2), borosilicide,
also called silicon tetraboride (B4Si), cobalt silicide (CoSi2),
platinum silicide (PtSi, Pt2Si), manganese silicide (MnSi2),
titanium carbon silicide (Ti3C2Si), carbon silicide/polycarbon
silicide or also named silicon carbide/poly-silicon carbide
(CSi/poly-CSi or SiC/poly-SiC), iridium silicide (IrSi2),
zirconium silicide (ZrSi2), tantalum silicide (TaSi2), vanadium
silicide (V2Si), chromium silicide (CrSi2), beryllium silicide
(Be2Si), magnesium silicide (Mg2Si), calcium silicide (Ca2Si),
strontium silicide (Sr2Si), barium silicide (Ba2Si), aluminum
silicide (AISi), gallium silicide (GaSi), indium silicide (InSi),
hafnium silicide (HfSi), rhenium silicide (ReSi), niobium silicide
(NbSi), germanium silicide (GeSi), tin silicide (SnSi), lead
silicide (PbSi), arsenic silicide (AsSi), antimony silicide
(SbSi), bismuth silicide (BiSi), molybdenum silicide (MoSi),
tungsten silicide (WSi), ruthenium silicide (RuSi), osmium
silicide (OsSi), rhodium silicide (RhSi), palladium silicide
(PdSi), copper silicide (CuSi), silver silicide (AgSi), gold
silicide (AuSi), zinc silicide (ZnSi), cadmium silicide (CdSi),
mercury silicide (HgSi), scandium silicide (ScSi), yttrium
silicide (YSi), lanthanum silicide (LaSi), cerium silicide (CeSi),
praseodymium silicide (PrSi), neodymium silicide (NdSi), samarium
silicide (SmSi), europium silicide (EuSi), gadolinium silicide
(GdSi), terbium silicide (TbSi), dysprosium silicide (DySi),
erbium silicide (ErSi), thulium silicide (TmSi), ytterbium
silicide (YbSi), lutetium silicide (LuSi), copper-phosphorus
silicide (CuP3Si2, CuP3Si4), cobalt-phosphorus silicide (Co5P3Si2,
CoP3Si3,) iron-phosphorus silicide (Fe2PSi, FeP4Si4, Fe20P9Si),
nickel-phosphorus silicide (Ni2PSi, Ni3PeSi2 NiP4Si3, Ni5P3Si2),
chromium-phosphorus silicide (Cr25P8Si7), molybdenum-phosphorus
silicide (MoPSi), tungsten-phosphorus silicide (WPSi), titanium
phosphorus silicide (TIPSi), cobalt-boron silicide (Co5BSi2),
iron-boron silicide (Fe5B2Si), nickel-boron silicide (Ni4BSi2,
Ni6BSi2, Ni9B2Si4), chromium-boron silicide (Cr5BSi3),
molybdenum-boron silicide (Mo5B2Si), tungsten-boron silicide
(W2BSi), titanium-boron silicide (TiBSi), chromium-arsenic
silicide (CrAsSi), tantalum-arsenic silicide (TaSiAs),
titanium-arsenic silicide (TiAsSi) or mixtures thereof. Notably,
the elemental compositions given in parentheses (empirical
formulas) are exemplary only and the ratios of the elements
relative to each other are variable.
[0012] Silicides are abundant and easily accessible materials
(mostly semiconductor materials) and so far have not been applied
for the applications according to the title in
photoelectrochemical as well as photovoltaic application.
[0013] Silicides are mainly semiconductor-like materials with high
electron densities (negative charge densities) at the silicon,
carbon, nitrogen and boron. The claimed processes for the
production of hydrogen and/or oxygen by means of silicides proceed
efficiently with light. The employed light energy can be in this
connection artificial or solar-generated (emission range:
200-15,000 nm) and can be of diffuse or concentrated nature. The
thermal energy which accompanies photonic energy of a light source
or also thermal energy in general can accelerate the gas-producing
claimed processes. In general terms, the application of higher
temperatures as well as higher light concentrations can lead to a
higher efficiency of the claimed processes. This applies not only
to water splitting into hydrogen and oxygen but also to the
production of electricity via photovoltaics, i.e., electric
energy, which can proceed jointly or separately with water
[0014] The silicides are applied as electrode materials
(alternatively as cathode or anode) in these photoelectrochemical
and photovoltaic processes and are coupled to one or several
counter electrode(s) (alternatively as anode(s) or cathode(s)) in
an electrically conducting manner. The counter electrodes have to
be of metallic or non-metallic but electrically conducting nature.
In this arrangement an electrolyte is used between the electrodes.
For the purely photovoltaic application of the silicides, with
suitable p-/n-doping of the electrode materials the presence of an
electrolyte is not necessary and the electrodes can be brought in
direct contact.
[0015] When used as part of a photovoltaic device undoped or doped
silicides (see doping examples below) are used that are brought
into electrically conducting contact. In this connection, also
other photoelectrically/photovoltaically active materials can be
employed; this also external to the system as a light absorber.
[0016] The silicides absorb themselves usually enough solar or
artificial radiation energy without requiring larger surface
modifications in order to effect splitting of water for generating
hydrogen and oxygen or for simultaneously or separately occurring
generation of electricity (photovoltaics).
[0017] Surprisingly, it was found also that the quality and purity
of the employed water is not important or can be neglected for
carrying out the processes according to the title, i.e., relative
to the oxidation and reduction of water and/or the simultaneously
or separately occurring generation of electricity (photovoltaics).
[0018] The reactivity of the silicides with respect to water
splitting claimed in this application for generation of hydrogen
and oxygen and/or the simultaneously or separately occurring
generation of electricity (photovoltaics) is primarily of a
catalytic nature.
[0019] Further, it was found that the processes that are performed
with the silicides for water splitting to produce hydrogen and
oxygen and/or simultaneous or separate generation of electricity
(photovoltaics) can also be conducted with silicides in
immobilized form, i.e. the processes can also be performed with
compounds that are bound/fixed on or in polymeric surfaces or
materials as well as on or in glasses or glass-lice materials as
well as on or in other solid surfaces or also on nano particles,
and especially also when these materials are electrically
conducting, i.e., are charge-conducting. Further, the silicides
can be existing as a solid composite, preferentially crystalline,
but can also be of amorphous constitution.
[0020] The processes described above can be conducted at higher or
lower temperatures than room temperature and high as well as low
light intensities.
[0021] In case of the production of electricity, it is also
possible to eliminate the use of an aqueous/liquid electrolyte and
instead a viscous, solid and/or gel-type electrolyte can be used.
In case of suitable p-/n-doping of the electrodes, the electrolyte
can also be eliminated and the electrodes can be brought into
direct contact.
[0022] Further, it was found that
coupling/complexing/attaching/bonding of a dye or an agglomeration
of dyes on silicides is favourable for the light absorption and
charge separation and, in turn, for the reactivity of these
compounds (so-called dye-sensitized reactions with
semiconductors). Especially suited for this purpose are dyes such
as perylenes and analogs thereof. These dye-complexed silicides
can also be used in thermally conducted reactions, even at higher
temperatures, because perylene dyes are thermally stable.
[0023] The higher temperatures mentioned above can be achieved
electrically, by geothermal energy, light energy, solar energy,
heating devices, microwave discharge or any other source of
thermal energy.
[0024] Further, it was found that the silicides can be used for
the applications according to the title individually or in
combination of two or more silicides. It is also possible to carry
out the title processes with one or more silicide(s) together with
application of additional semiconductor materials that are not of
silicide-type structure such as e.g. ruthenium dioxide (RuO2),
manganese dioxide (MnO2), tungsten trioxide (WO3) and generally
other semiconductor material in order to assist/enhance the
processes according to the title.
[0025] Furthermore, it was found that the processes according to
the title can be enhanced that are with silicides
doped/combined/alloyed with lithium, sodium, magnesium, potassium,
calcium, aluminum, boron, carbon, nitrogen, silicon, titanium,
vanadium, zirconium, yttrium, lanthanum, nickel, manganese,
cobalt, gallium, germanium, phosphorus, cadmium, arsenic,
technetium, alfa-SiH and the lanthanides up to 50 percent by
weight (relative to the silicides and the silicide-type
compounds). As dopant (p- and n-doping) generally the elements
usually applied in photovoltaics are conceivable that have a
chemical valance that is different from the surrounding material.
[0026] This new technology, based on the applications of silicides
described above, can be employed in the following fields: New
heating systems, fuel cell technology and/or production of
electricity in general. There will be also applications in
terrestrial and extra-terrestrial area for moving as well as
static constructions and devices; this to replace, support or
supplement these constructions and devices that up to now are
driven by devices that utilize conventional fossil energy sources.
Example 1
[0027] Crystalline titanium disilicide (TiSi2) in solid form
(“sputtering target”, 5 cm in diameter) is placed into a vessel
(cylindrical shape and coolable and with free gas space, reaction
temperature: 25-30° C.) and electrically connected with a counter
electrode (e.g., IrO2 or RuO2).
[0028] A membrane, e.g. of nafion or Teflon that is permeable for
hydrogen and oxygen is placed between the electrodes. An
electrolyte is added to the water phase (e.g., acidified with
sulphuric acid to pH 2) and irradiation is done along the
longitudinal axis of the cylindrical apparatus (white light,
500-1,000 W or sunlight); the silicide is irradiated in doing so.
The gas analyses are conducted by gas chromatography. The employed
water used can be purified by ion exchange material; but normal
water can be used also. The silicide in this arrangement serves as
a cathode (hydrogen generation) and the transition metal oxides as
anode (generation of oxygen). An appreciable electrical current
can be measured in addition.
Example 2
[0029] Instead of the silicides mentioned in example 1, other
silicides were employed such as cobalt silicide (CoSi2), platinum
silicides (PtSi, Pt2Si), titanium carbosilicide (Ti3C2Si),
carbosilicide/poly-carbosilicide (also named silicon
carbide/polysilicon carbide (CSi/poly-CSi or SiC/poly-SiC)),
zirconium silicide (ZrSi2), or chromium silicide (CrSi2). The
reactions were carried out in analogy to example 1. In principle
any silicide is suitable in this application.
Example 3
[0030] Same experimental set-up as in example 1, but titanium
disilicide (TiSi2) serves as anode and platinum as counter
electrode (cathode). Less oxygen and hydrogen are formed but a
higher electrical current is measured that can be used for example
for drives and other energy-dependent systems.
Example 4
[0031] If in the processes described in experiments 1 and 2, TiSi
is employed as cathode material, no gas evolution is observed but
a significant electrical current is measured.
Example 5
[0032] Example 4 can also be conducted without water contact In
this connection, instead of the aqueous sulphuric acid as
electrolyte, an electrolyte gel has to be used between the
electrodes as a contact.
Example 6
[0033] When in the processes described in experiments 1 and 2,
higher reaction temperatures are applied (45-100° C.), a more
vigorous gas evolution is observed. Practically, such temperatures
can be reached upon use of flat-bed solar reactors and sunlight as
a radiation source.
Example 7
[0034] A perylene such as
N,N′-bis-phenyl-ethyl-perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxyl-diimide (2
g) which is soluble in chloroform (but not in water), is dissolved
(in chloroform, 5 ml), 5 g of titanium silicide (TiSi2 or Ti5Si3)
are added, and the shiny stirred and irradiated (see example 1) at
room temperature for 2 hours.
[0035] After removal of the solvent in vacuum the residue is used
for further reaction according to the conditions as described in
example 1. A higher hydrogen and oxygen development was measured
in this connection.
Example 8
[0036] As an alternative to the reaction conditions that have been
described in connection with examples 1 and 2, flat-bed solar
reactors or a sunlight concentrator system (parabolic troughs or
Fresnel optics) can be used.
[0037] Heating of the silicide to, for example, 200° C. under
these conditions is no problem for the success of the reaction
according to the title and even process-promoting. This applies
also to the use of concentrated light energy.
Example 9
[0038] The silicide (e.g., TiSi2) was provided with (doped)
according to standard techniques with Pt and a reaction carried
out in analogy to example 1. A higher gas yield and higher
electrical current compared to example 1 were measured.
Example 10
[0039] Both water splitting for generating hydrogen and oxygen as
well as the production of electricity is achieved upon external
use of a silicide (e.g., as a plate) electrically connected to the
platinum electrode and a transition metal electrode as a counter
electrode. In this connection, the electrode spaces can be
separated for water splitting by a membrane (nation or Teflon) and
an electrolyte, as mentioned in example 1, can be used
Example 11
[0040] For the production of electricity (photovoltaics) water
contact can also be eliminated and an electrolyte-gel in analogy
to example 5 is used between the electrodes.
Example 12
[0041] Carried out as in example 11, but with several electrodes
in series (connected electrically) and provided with an
electrolyte (as in examples 5 and 11) As electrodes
TiSi/beta-FeSi2/RuO2)alfa-FeSi2) were employed.
Example 13
[0042] Upon suitable p-/n-doping of the electrodes the use of an
electrolyte is not necessary and the electrodes can be brought
into direct contact upon electrical connection. For p-doping
aluminum on TiSi2 and for n-doping phosphorus on TiSi were chosen
and the two layers were brought into contact. A considerable
electrical current was measured. It is also possible to bring
several layers into contact wherein a significantly higher current
flow was measured when this arrangement was exposed to artificial
light as well as solar radiation.
Generation of hydrogen and oxygen from
water and storage thereof with silicides
Also published as: DE102005040255 / EP1928782 / JP2009505927 /
CA2619515 / WO2007036274
The invention relates to a method for the photo- and
thermochemical generation of hydrogen and/or oxygen from water in
the presence of silicides, silicide-like compositions,
metallosilicides and non-metallic silicides such as borosilicides,
carbosilicides and nitrosilicides, i.e. all compositions
containing silicon and being of the molecular formula RSix and/or
RSixOy wherein R represents an organic, metallic, organometallic
and/or inorganic residue and/or oxides thereof, and Si being
silicon and specifically a silicide moiety with X > zero and O
representing oxygen with Y zero. The silicide moieties in these
compositions exhibit characteristically a high electron density on
silicon all of which can also be oxidized. The silicides and
silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof can react
catalytically in these aforementioned processes proceeding with or
without light. However, upon irradiation of the reactions an
increase of gas evolution is observed, this notably applying to
artificial light as well as sunlight. Higher reaction temperatures
are often favourable for these processes. Silicides and
silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof are mostly
semiconductor-type materials. Furthermore, these compositions are
able to absorb/desorb hydrogen and oxygen reversibly wherein
oxygen absorption/desorption is favourable but can occur
simultaneously with hydrogen absorption and desorption. The
desorption of hydrogen and oxygen can occur at ambient or higher
temperatures, especially the processes concerning hydrogen,
depending on the nature of the silicides and silicide-like
compositions and/or oxides thereof employed.
The present invention relates to a process for the photo- and
thermochemical production/generation of hydrogen and/or oxygen
wherein water is brought into contact with silicides and
silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof.
Several procedures for the oxidation and/or reduction of water to
yield hydrogen and oxygen by the aid of metallic catalysts have
been disclosed. The catalysts employed so far for this latter
purpose are lanthanide-type photocatalysts, such as NaTa03:La,
catalysts based on rare earth metals, such as R2Ti207(R = Y, rare
earth), or Ti02-derived semiconductor materials arranged in a
so-called tandem cell. Notably, in these procedures no mention of
the use of suicides and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides
thereof has been made for the title applications.
The processes for the generation of hydrogen and oxygen from water
comprise reduction and/or oxidation processes using semiconductors
and light. These processes are also called in summa water
splitting processes. The hitherto disclosed procedures employ UV
light. Although in some cases remarkable amounts of hydrogen and
oxygen evolution is observed, the irradiation conditions are not
suitable for solar applications. Further, the preparations of the
catalysts are laborious and require uneconomically high
temperatures, starting from expensive materials of very high
purity. Furthermore, these processes require water of very high
purity, i.e. tri-distilled water. Of the cases no indication
concerning longer time applications including the consequences for
the stability of the catalysts is made.
Therefore subject matter of present invention is a process for the
photo- and thermochemical production/generation of hydrogen and/or
oxygen wherein water is brought into contact with suicides and
silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof., i.e.
compositions all containing silicon and oxides thereof and being
of the molecular formula RSixOywherein R represents pure or mixed
organic, metallic, organometallic and/or biochemically derived
residues and/or inorganic residues, and Si being silicon and
specifically a suicide moiety with X > 0 and O is oxygen with Y
0. The suicide moieties in these compositions exhibit
characteristically a high electron density at silicon. The
suicides and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof can
react catalytically in these aforementioned processes proceeding
with or without light. However, upon irradiation of the reactions
an increase of gas evolution is observed, this notably applying to
artificial light as well as sunlight. Higher reaction temperatures
are often favourable for these processes. Suicides and
silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof are mostly
semiconductor-type materials. Furthermore, these compositions are
able to store/release and/or absorb/desorb hydrogen and oxygen
reversibly wherein oxygen storage/release and/or
absorption/desorption is favourable but can occur simultaneously
with hydrogen storage/absorption and desorption/release. The
release/desorption of hydrogen and oxygen can occur at ambient or
higher temperatures, especially the processes concerning hydrogen,
depending on the nature of the suicides and silicide-like
compositions and/or oxides thereof employed.
Furthermore, it was found that
coupling/complexing/attaching/binding of a dye such as perylenes,
perylene dyes and perylene congeneers/analogs to suicides and
silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof is favourable for
the light absorption and hence reactivity of the suicides and
silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof.
Further, it was found that the reactions using suicides and
silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof for the purpose
of water reduction and/or oxidation to yield hydrogen and/or
oxygen, respectively, can be carried out by employing the suicides
and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof in
immobilized form, i.e. when these compositions are attached/fixed
onto or in a polymeric surface or material, as well as onto or in
a glass or glass-like material, especially when the polymeric
and/or glass-type material is electrically conducting.
Further, it was found that the storage/release and/or
absorption/desorption of hydrogen and/or oxygen using suicides and
silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof when these
compositions are immobilized, i.e. when these materials are
attached/fixed onto or in a polymeric surface and/or glass and/or
glass-like material, this in processes carried out with or without
Furthermore, processes wherein oxygen is transformed to polyoxygen
of the formula On(n > 3) and/or hydogenpolyperoxides of the
formula H2On(n > 2) including the back reactions to form oxygen
again have not been described in literature so far, but have been
found experimentally here; theoretical studies based on
calculation predicting a shallow energy minimum and hence low to
questionable stability for polyoxygen and hydrogenpolyperoxides in
the gas phase. However, the experienced stability of polyoxygen
and hydrogenpolyperoxides is seemingly due to stabilization in
solution and/or by a metal.
Description of the Invention
Surprisingly, it has now been found that these disadvantages can
be avoided by employing silicides, silicide-like compositions,
metallosilicides and non-metallic silicides such as borosilicides,
carbosilicides and nitrosilicides, i.e. compositions all
containing silicon and being of the molecular formula
RSixOywherein R represents an organic, metallic, organometallic or
inorganic residue, and Si being silicon and specifically a suicide
moiety with X > zero and O is oxygen with Y zero (this ensemble
of silicide-type compositions is in the following text named
silicides and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof).
The suicide moieties in these compositions exhibit
characteristically a high electron density at silicon, i.e. higher
than in the parent silicon atom.
The non-metallic silicides such as borosilicides, carbosilicides
and nitrosilicides are also called silicon borides, carbides and
nitrides, respectively.
Examples of silicides, silicide-like compositions,
metallosilicides and non-metallic silicides are silicides of the
formula RSixOywherein R represents an organic, metallic,
organometallic, biochemically derived and/or inorganic residue,
and Si being silicon and specifically a suicide moiety with X >
zero and O is oxygen with Y zero wherein a choice of R can be
lithium, beryllium, sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc,
rhodium, scandium, rubidium, gallium, selenium, rhodium,
palladium, cadmium, lead, osmium, antimon, iridium, tungsten, tin,
strontium, barium, titanium, nickel, iron, thallium, boron,
cobalt, platinum, manganese, titanium, silicon, carbon, carbon in
form of nanotubes, iridium, molybdenum, nitrogen, zirconium,
tantalum, vanadium, chromium, silver, gold, lanthanides,
actinides, organic residues such as dyes, i.e. perylenes, alkoxy
residues and/or oxides of these residues R as well as mixtures of
these residues R. Selected examples are titanium silicides (TiSi2,
Ti5Si3), nickel suicide (Ni2Si), iron silicides (FeSi2, FeSi),
thallium suicide (ThSi2), borosilicide or also silicon tetrabohde
named (B4Si), cobalt suicide (CoSi2), platinum suicide (PtSi,
Pt2Si), manganese suicide (MnSi2), titanium carbosilicide
(Ti3C2Si), carbosilicide/poly-carbosilicide or also silicon
carbide/poly-silicon carbide named (CSi/poly-CSi or SiC/poly-SiC),
iridium suicide (lrSi2), nitrosilicide or also named silicon
nitride (N4Si3), zirconium suicide (ZrSi2), tantalum suicide
(TaSi2), vanadium suicide (V2Si) or chromium suicide (CrSi2)
and/or oxides thereof, perylene titanium or vanadium silicides,
methoxy or ethoxy titanium or vanadium or iron silicides and
oxides thereof. The silicides and silicide-like compositions
and/or oxides thereof are cheap, abundant and have so far not been
claimed for the use with respect to the title applications. They
have been used for transistor technique and photovoltaic devices
and applications thereof.
The silicides and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof
can be used for the generation of hydrogen and/or oxygen from
water by conducting the reactions with or without light, i.e.
photonic and/or thermal processes, respectively.
The silicides and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof
are materials containing also silicon atoms with enhanced electron
densities as compared to elemental silicon. Such effect happens
when silicon is brought into contact with other elements and/or
oxides thereof which can be of metallic and/or non-metallic
It is also important to note that silicides and silicide-like
compositions oxidize upon contact with water, oxygen and other
oxidizing media to various degree, i.e. 0-100% dependent on the
reaction conditions.
Silicides and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof can
be prepared by bringing into contact the individual elements
and/or the oxides thereof in various ratios in solution/suspension
as well as in solid and/or melted and/or gaseous form.
The silicides and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof
are mainly semiconductortype materials with high electrondensities
at silicon, carbon, nitrogen and boron, respectively. The claimed
processes for the generation of hydrogen and/or oxygen using
silicides and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof can
be achieved with or without light, but are significantly more
efficient when running under irradiation. The light and thermal
energy can be artificial or of solar origin (200 - 15000 nm
emission of the light and thermal source) and can be diffuse or
concentrated. The thermal energy being produced by the light
source, besides the photonic energy and heat in general, can
accelerate the gas evolution processes. In general, higher
reaction temperatures are usually promoting the processes rather
The silicides and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof
are mostly absorbing sufficient solar or artificial radiation by
themselves without the need for major surface engineering to
effect reduction and/or oxidation of water to generate hydrogen
and/or oxygen, respectively. Furthermore, the herein claimed title
processes are occurring concomitantly, but can be steered by
temperature and the nature of silicides and silicide-like
compositions and/or oxides thereof.
Surprisingly it was also found that the water quality and purity
is of minor importance or even negligible for carrying out the
title processes, i.e. oxidation and/or reduction of water as well
as storing/abrorbing and releasing/desorbing hydrogen and oxygen,
respectively, using silicides and silicide-like compositions
and/or oxides thereof.
It has also to be noted that the herein claimed activity of the
silicides and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof for
the purpose of water reduction and/or oxidation to yield hydrogen
and/or oxygen, respectively, is predominantly of catalytic nature,
this refers to dark reactions as well as to reactions using light
(artificial and/or solar light).
Further, it was found that the reactions using silicides and
silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof for the purpose
of water reduction and/or oxidation to yield hydrogen and/or
oxygen, respectively, can be carried out by employing the
silicides and silicide-like compositions in immobilized form, i.e.
when these materials are inbedded in, attached/fixed onto a
polymeric material (such as polyamid, macrolon or plexiglass) or
surface or glass or glass-like material, especially when the
polymeric and/or glass-type material is electrically conducting.
The reactions such as described above can also be conducted at
elevated temperatures.
The formation of the oxides of the silicides and silicide-like
compositions can be carried out in water and/or oxygen containing
atmosphere or in presence of other oxidants wherein the speed of
oxide formation depends on the reaction conditions, such as
temperature, presence of inert gas, pH of the reaction media and
other physical conditions such as stirring, shaking or not moving
the reaction media at all. The growth of the oxide layers (0-100%)
can conveniently be followed and analyzed by XPS and XRD
spectroscopy. The same types of analyses are applied when bringing
into contact already oxidized elements and components prior to
reaction and employing these silicides and silicide-like oxides
and/or partially oxidized compositions for the above described
Furthermore, it was found that
coupling/complexing/attaching/binding of a dye or an agglomeration
of dyes to silicides and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides
thereof is favorable for the light absorption and hence reactivity
of these compositions (so-called dye sensitized semiconductor
reactions). Most favorably dyes such as perylenes and analogs
thereof are employed. These dye-complexed silicides and
silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof can also be
applied when running thermal reactions, this even at elevated
temperatures, since the perylene dyes are thermally stable.
Additionally, it was found that the silicides and silicide-like
compositions and/or oxides thereof can store/release and/or
absorb/desorb hydrogen and/or oxygen reversibly. The
storage/release and/or absorption/desorption of oxygen is therein
most favourable but can occur together with the storage/release of
hydrogen. The release/desorption of hydrogen and oxygen can occur
at ambient temperatures, especially the release/desorption of
hydrogen, but these processes are more favourable at higher
temperatures. The rates of these processes depend on the reaction
temperature and the nature of the semiconductor-type material
employed, i.e. of the silicides and silicide-like compositions
and/or oxides thereof.
The higher temperatures stated above can be created electrically,
by earthem temperature, solar energy, furnaces, microwave
discharge or any other source of thermal energy.
Further, it was found that the reactions using silicides and
silicide-like composrf/<'>ons and/or oxides thereof for the
purpose of water reduction and/or oxidation to yield hydrogen
and/or oxygen, respectively, can be carried out by employing the
silicides and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof in
immobilized form, i.e. when these compositions are attached/fixed
onto or in a polymeric surface or material, as well as onto or in
a glass or glass-like material, especially when the polymeric
and/or glass-type material is electrically conducting.
It was also found that the storage/release and/or
absorption/desorption of hydrogen and/or oxygen using silicides
and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof when these
compositions are immobilized, i.e. when these materials are
attached/fixed onto or in a polymeric surface or glass or
glass-like material, this in processes carried out with or without
The photochemical and thermal processes stated above can be
conducted with silicides and silicide-like compositions and/or
oxides thereof in catalytic amounts.
Both, the photochemical and thermochemical processes stated above
can be conducted at elevated temperatures which is even beneficial
for the course of the processes. The processes stated above
leading to storage/absorption of oxygen are concomitant with the
storage/absorption of hydrogen but it is found that the
selectivity and the speed of such processes are dependent on the
reaction conditions, such as temperature, concentration, pressure,
light vs. dark reactions, pH, physical conditions such as
stirring, ultrasound treatment, shaking etc. The presence of other
gas storage material can help to improve the selectivity and speed
of the absorption/desorption of hydrogen and/or oxygen on and/or
in the silicides and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides
thereof. Absorption and/or adsorption (storage) of oxygen is found
in most cases to be very efficient and even more efficient than of
The processes stated above leading to the release/desorption of
hydrogen are concomitant with the release/desorption of oxygen but
are found to be predominant dependent on the reaction conditions
applied (such as nature of the suicide or silicide-like
composition and/or oxides thereof used, temperature and pressure):
E.g. when processing with titanium suicide at ambient temperature
and pressure. At higher temperatures and in light the
release/desorption of oxygen can be forced.
Furthermore, it was found that the silicides and silicide-like
compositions and/or oxides thereof can be employed for the title
applications individually or in combinations of two or more
silicides or silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof. It
is also possible to conduct the title processes with one or more
of the silicides or silicide-like compositions together with
additional semiconductor materials of non-silicide structures such
as ruthenium dioxide (Ru02), manganese dioxide (Mn02), tungsten
trioxide (W03) and other semiconducting materials in order to
enforce the title processes. The ratio of hydrogen-to-oxygen
evolution and storage thereof varies with the semiconductor
mixtures, temperature and pressure employed. The same is true for
silicides or silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof
which are doped (see below).
It was also found that storage/release and/or
absorption/desorption of hydrogen and/or oxygen using silicides
and silicide-like compositions is active when the contact of the
silicides and silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof to
water is disrupted or cancelled, i.e. when the storage device was
attached to the reaction vessel externally via a pipe.
Further, it was found that the title processes can be forced by
doping/mixing/alloying the silicides and silicide-like
semiconductors and/or oxides thereof with any of the previously
mentioned elements/residues for the choice of R and/or oxides
thereof as well as mixtures thereof in the third paragraph of this
chapter. The silicides and silicide-like compositions and/or
oxides thereof can be prepared by bringing into contact the
individual elements and/or the oxides thereof as well as other
derivatives thereof, all in various ratios in fully or partlially
oxidized form or in non-oxidized form, this in solution,
suspension as well as in solid, e.g. by milling or by
alloying/melting, or in liquid or any other chemical and/or
physical form.
Polyoxygen of the formula On(n > 3) and/or hydogenpolyperoxides
of the formula H2On(n > 2) are formed in the above described
reactions from oxygen and preferentially under light and in
connection with the above described catalysts reversibly. These
methods can also include biochemical transformations such as the
application of a peroxidase. Examples of polyoxygen and
hydrogenpolyperoxides, i.e. a selection of ring size and chain
lengths, show UV-absorptions with maxima in the region of 221
(016), and 202 nm (H08) (both species with tailing up to 350-400
nm), respectively, and mass peaks/fragmentation peaks in mass
spectroscopy at m/z 256 (O[iota]6), 129 (H08), 97 (H06), 81 (H05)
and 32 (02) in water.
The novel technology based on the use of silicides and
silicide-like compositions and/or oxides thereof as stated above
can find applications e.g. for the purpose of novel heating
systems, in fuel cell technology which will be ultimately applied
for and in terrestrial and nonterrestrial traffic and static
constructions and devices replacing or supporting or supplementing
such constructions and devices driven so far by devices based on
the use of conventional fossil energy.
Note, in all examples the silicides and silicide-like compositions
are oxidized by water and/or oxygen to various degrees (0-100%)
dependent on the reaction conditions. But in most cases oxidation
stops at a layer size of 1-5 nm depth which protects the catalyst
from further (rapid) oxidation. Such effects can be controlled for
example by temperature and pH as well as by other physical and
chemical conditions. The same or silmilar effects can be achieved
by bringing into contact individually oxidized (0-100%) elements
and components of the catalyst's compositions prior to reaction.
Analyses of the state of oxidation of the catalysts and the
respective components have been performed by XRD and XPS
Example 1: 3-5 g of a titanium suicide (TiSi2or Ti5Si3) are
stirred in 200 - 400 mL of water (filtered over ion exchange
resin, a slightly lower gas yield was determined when using plain
water without purification) in a vessel which is transparent for
solar radiation or radiation of an artificial light source. As
light source served a Heidelberg irradiation system with lamps
having emission maxima at 415, 525, or 660 nm and emission ranges
from 300-550, 490600 or 610-700 nm, respectively, or halogen lamps
with emossions in the range of 350-800 nm. This reaction set-ups
yield 25 mL and more of hydrogen and oxygen per day at room
temperature (gas evolution and ratios depend on the nature of the
catalyst used, temperature and pressure). Most of the oxygen is in
such reactions absorbed by the catalysts to give hydrogen/oxygen
molar ratios of 2/1 up to 20/1. The oxygen and hydrogen evolution
is measured volumetrically in conjunction with gas chromatography
and mass spectrometry. The experiment can be continued up to at
least 3 months if the gas volume of the reaction vessel is emptied
and flushed with air after periods of 2-3 days. Alternatively, a
solar flatbed reactor made of macrolon or plexiglass and sunlight
irradiation can be employed.
Example 2: Instead of the silicides mentioned in example 1 , also
nickel suicide (Ni2Si), iron silicides (FeSi2, FeSi), thallium
suicide (ThSi2), boron suicide (B4Si), cobalt suicide (CoSi2),
platinum suicide (PtSi, Pt2Si), manganese suicide (MnSi2),
titanium carbosilicide (Ti3C2Si), carbosilicide/poly-carbosilicide
(also named silicon carbide/poly-silicon carbide (CSi/poly-CSi or
SiC/poly-SiC), iridium suicide (lrSi2), nitrosilicide or also
named silicon nitride (N4Si3), zirconium suicide (ZrSi2), tantalum
suicide (TaSi2), vanadium suicide (V2Si) or chromium suicide
(CrSi2) can be employed. The reactions are carried out as
described in example 1.
Example 3: Same experimental set-up as in example 1 , but using
nickel suicide (Ni2Si). A hydrogen/oxygen molar ratio of approx.
20/1 was measured.
Example 4: If in reactions given in examples 1 and 2, higher
temperatures (30-45 degrees Celcius) were applied, more vigorous
gas evolution was observed. Conveniently this temperature can be
reached by using solar flatbed reactors and sunlight.
Example 5: The same conditions as in examples 1 and 2, but without
the application of light gave at higher reaction temperatures
(30-40 degrees Celcius) more vigorous gas evolution.
Example 6: A chloroform soluble perylene (but not soluble in
water), such as N,N'-bisphenyl ethyl
perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic diimide (2 g), was dissolved (in
5 mL of chloroform) and stirred with a titanium suicide (3 g,
TiSi2or Ti5Si3) during 2 hours at room temperature. The solvent
was then removed in vacuo and the residue subjected to the
conditions stated in example 1. An increase of hydrogen and oxygen
evolution (> 30 mL per day) was observed.
Example 7: Alternatively to the reaction conditions stated in
example 1 , a flatbed reactor made of macrolon or plexiglass can
be employed wherein the reactor material macrolon or plexiglass
was heated (50-100 degrees Celcius) prior to the reaction and in
the presence of the semiconductor material (Ni2Si) to achieve
immobilization of the catalyst on the polymer surface of the
reactor. Otherwise the experiments were conducted as in 1.
Example 8: If for reactions such as stated in example 1 , a closed
reaction vessel was employed, storage of hydrogen and oxygen is
exercised when opening the vessel after two weeks. Vigorous
release of hydrogen and oxygen (20/1) at room temperature is
observed and the amount of gas collected and measured corresponded
to a continuous experimental set-up which includes the collection
of the gases repeatedly after 2-3 days. The reason for a lack of
oxygen in these reactions has been identified. Oxygen is
continuously consumed under the given reaction conditions to form
polyoxygen and hydrogenpolyperoxides of the formula On(n > 3)
and H2On(n > 2), respectively. Polyoxygen and
hydrogenpolyperoxides can be converted back to oxygen by treatment
with metal oxides (such as with mixtures of Mn02, CuO and suicide
oxides) and light or thermal activation.
Example 9: The same reaction set-up as in example 1 was employed
here, but 1 g of W03was added to the reaction slurry. A more
vigorous gas evolution than in example 1 resulted (> 30 mL per
Example 10: 3 g of TiSi2were doped with Pt using standard
techniques. A reaction run according to example 1 gave a higher
yield of gases than in the latter example (> 25 mL per day).