Stan DEYO, et
Harmonic Energy Exchange Device ( HEED )
Via http://wwwkeelynet.com
Jerry Decker <jdecker@keelynet.com>
To: Patrick G Bailey <patrickgbailey@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Stan Deyo, Trumps uncle & Tesla
Date: Jan 30, 2017
Hola Patrick et al!
Big heads up on this from Stan Deyo, please pass it around. I'm
waiting to see if he writes back that he has actually tested the
theory and has a prototype since the patent app was 3 years
ago...watch the video dated Jan 29, 2017; President Donald Trump's
uncle Professor John Trump;
"I (Stan Deyo) interviewed President Donald J. Trump's uncle,
Professor John G. Trump in 1982. We discussed Nikola Tesla's
secret - left behind in the safe of the Hotel New Yorker in 1943.
It was the secret to limitless, clean energy from the solar wind."
Harmonic Energy Exchange Device
Inventor(s): DEYO HAROLD, et al.
This invention converts inertial impulses into electric currents.
Specifically, it converts impulses created by the impacts of
high-energy particles from the Sun and other cosmic sources into
the Earth's Magnetosphere and the varying D, E, F1 and F2 layers
of its Ionosphere to controlled electric currents. This invention
presents a new method of utilizing energy from the Sun and other
sources of high energy articles as a virtually, inexhaustible,
alternative-energy source for the world.
[0001] 1. Field of Invention
[0002] This invention relates to the conversion of impact energies
created by the collision of high-speed cosmic particles and
electromagnetic radiations with "Earth's Outer Layers" to produce
inertial waves in the dielectric Troposphere which are
subsequently converted into electricity by this invention.
[0003] The term "Earth's Outer Layers" refers to: Earth's
Magnetosphere, Van Allen Belts, Ionosphere, Mesosphere, and
Stratosphere as illustrated in FIG. 2
[0004] 2. Description of the Prior Art
[0005] One day while reading an old scientific magazine I saw a
small article on the research of Dr. John Trump of MIT (the basis
for an electrostatic generator patented later by Onezime P.
Breaux in U.S. Pat. No. 4,127,804). The article talked about
a series of experiments which Dr. Trump had performed with a
2-plate, capacitor in a vacuum dielectric. Briefly, he discovered
that by varying the distance between the two plates one could
produce current flows in one direction or the other between either
of the plates and ground.
[0006] The Solar Wind strikes "Earth's Outer Layers" constantly as
do many other cosmic particles. At any given instant of time, the
vector product of these impacts produces either a net pressure
increase or decrease in the Troposphere. This creates random waves
of pressure in the "Earth's Outer Layers" as one charged "plate"
moves in relation to the oppositely-charged Earth's surface as the
other "plate". This variation of pressure in the "Earth's Outer
Layers" is equivalent to moving an outer "plate" back and forth
toward the Troposphere and the Earth's surface as the inner
"plate"-thus giving rise to variations in voltage on both
"plates". In this case the Troposphere (see FIG. 2) acts as the
dielectric medium instead of the vacuum in the Trump experiments.
Furthermore, the Troposphere, itself, is also compressed and
decompressed by these random waves of pressure on the "Earth's
Outer Layers". Thus, I reasoned if one could create a charged
envelope or field of sufficient voltage within the Troposphere,
one could convert these random pressure waves in the dielectric
Troposphere into current flow on the Earth's surface.
[0007] As "Earth's Outer Layers" surround the planet, any impact
waves propagate throughout all of them when they are present-even
to the nighttime side of the planet. Thus, I also reasoned one
could extract power from these impacts anywhere on Earth's surface
or in its atmosphere whether it be day or night. The pressure
waves on the dark side of Earth would be less energetic than those
occurring on the daytime side because the nighttime layers of the
Ionosphere are compressed so much that the D-Layer of the
Ionosphere disappears at night and the F1 and F2-Layers of the
Ionosphere combine into one F-Layer. I calculated the available
energy from these impact waves would be significantly less by
30-45% depending upon one's location on the night side of the
planet in respect to the terminator.
[0008] Many years ago around 1900 Dr Nikola Tesla built and tested
a device to extract energy from the Sun using an apparatus which
forms part of my own invention (see U.S. Pat. Nos. 685,957
and 685,958 dated 5 Nov. 1901).
[0009] Subsequently, Dr. Thomas Henry Moray, another inventor and
student of these Tesla patents made a device which apparently
accessed the same source of energy but with a method different
than my own. As Dr. Moray was never granted a patent for his
device I cannot be certain that his work is considered prior art
but I list it here as part of my due diligence. Apparently, he had
trouble explaining the source of energy his device was converting
to the patent reviewer and was, thus, not granted a patent for his
impressive work. Dr. Moray's public disclosure of certain aspects
of his invention are public knowledge through his published
lectures and his book, "The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth
Floats'-published in 1931.
[0010] Since the beginning of the 20th Century mankind has been
looking for new sources of electric power to feed the
ever-increasing energy demands of the human population. In the
last half of the 19th Century coal, whale oil, human and animal
labor, moving water, wind and wood were main sources of energy.
However, in the first quarter of the 20th Century mankind began to
use more electricity produced by hydroelectric generators and
other generators producing electricity by combustion of fossil
fuels. With increasing use of gasoline engines and the increasing
use of electrical appliances the demand for electricity
accelerated the addition of heat and greenhouse gases into the
Earth's ecosystem.
[0011] In the last half of the 20th Century many forward-thinking
individuals began looking for alternate energy sources to reduce
the emissions of greenhouse gases. All of the alternate energy
systems investigated and/or developed in the last 56 years have
had significant drawbacks to their usage as the main energy supply
for the needs of humanity.
[0012] Some of those alternate energy systems were nowhere near as
efficient as the existing systems. Some of the alternate energy
systems still introduced extra heat into the environment like the
existing fossil fuel and nuclear energy systems. And, yet, others
produced even more greenhouse gases than the existing energy
systems. Some of the new systems used food resources to produce
combustible fuels which, consequently, reduced the food resources
of the planet. Among the leaders in the new energy sources was and
is nuclear energy which produces extra heat, toxic wastes and
materials which can be used in nuclear weapons. Hydroelectric
energy sources do not add heat to the ecosystem but they are not
an inexhaustible resource as they depend upon rainfall which is
diminishing as global warming increases. Wind energy resources do
not add heat to the ecosystem but they are not constant and
require expensive conversion and storage equipment.
[0013] The ideal energy source for mankind will not add heat to
the planet's ecosystem, will not produce by-product green house
gases; will not deplete our food and water resources; will not
produce toxic wastes; however, it will be portable,
self-replenishing and constantly available in real time anywhere
on Earth and in useful quantities.
[0014] Our major source of natural energy on Earth is the Sun.
Energy from the Sun enters the Earth's ecosphere by particle
bombardment, radiated electromagnetic energy, gravitational
variations and magnetic processes. Mankind has developed various
methods of capturing energy from the Sun already. Silicon-based
solar cells convert light in a narrow bandwidth into electron
flows. These cells are-at most-only 50% efficient and only work
when the Sun is shining on them and at an optimum angle. Wind
turbines only work when there is wind to power them and are-for
the most part-not portable. Devices to convert wave action in the
oceans only work when there are waves created by the wind and
tidal effects caused by gravitational variations; and they are not
portable enough to be used in common transportation devices.
[0015] I concluded if mankind could find an inexpensive method of
obtaining electricity from the Sun in some form that worked both
day and night and which was already flowing into the Earth's
ecosystem, we might be able to develop a clean and
self-replenishing energy source which would add no extra heat to
our ecosystem, would not alter our planetary albedo and might well
be made in a portable form.
[0016] The Harmonic Energy Exchange Device (or "HEED") offers an
interim solution to Earth's dwindling fossil fuel resources. It
utilizes a previously untapped energy resource which exists
throughout the known Universe. By the very nature of the
invention, it only interrupts the flow of energy from the Sun and
all the other cosmic sources of high-energy particles on their
normal journey to the Earth by way of The Outer Layers.
[0017] The invention does not add energy to the normal
thermodynamic equilibrium of the planet and its associated outer
layers. The invention does not produce wastes-toxic or otherwise.
It does not produce harmful gases; and in some embodiments it
could even assist in the rebuilding of our thinning ozone shield.
Use of this invention will eventually remove mankind's dependence
on fossil fuels and create new occupations. It will be cheap
enough that homeowners will be able to install their own HEED and
sell back energy to the grid until such time as every home has
their own HEED and civilization has completely weaned itself from
the use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy in its current form.
[0018] FIG. 1: Is the preferred embodiment of the circuit
diagram of my invention incorporating references to external
stimuli which are used to activate the circuit. It represents a
parallel tuned circuit to store the energy.
[0019] FIG. 2: Is an illustration of the Earth and it
immediate environment as a global capacitor where The Outer
Layers form one plate and the Earth's surface form the other
plate and both are separated by the Troposphere as a dielectric
[0020] FIG. 3: Is an alternate embodiment of the circuit
diagram of my invention incorporating references to external
stimuli which are used to activate the circuit. It represents
the use of a series tuned circuit to store the energy.

[0021] Be it known that I, Harold Stanley Deyo, Jr, a citizen of
both The United States of America and The Commonwealth of
Australia, residing in the community of Pueblo West in Pueblo
County, Colorado have invented an Harmonic Energy Exchange Device
which converts dynamic pressures in the ambient media around Earth
to controlled electric currents.
[0022] This invention as represented in FIG. 1 is unique in that
it is designed to extract electricity from random pressure waves
propagated in the Troposphere 14 by impacts of the solar wind and
other cosmic particles with the Earth's "The Outer Layers" 22 of
FIG. 2.
[0023] In FIG. 1, the Troposphere 14 in its rest state is
represented by the line of "+" marks 14. The convergent or
compression state 12 of the random waves in the Troposphere 14 is
represented by the lower line of dots while the divergent or
decompression state 13 of the random waves in the Troposphere 14
is represented by the upper line of dots. The preferred embodiment
of my invention FIG. 1 is a method of coupling a parallel,
resonant, electrical circuit to these random pressure waves to
extract electricity from them.
[0024] As Dr John Trump's research and Onezime P. Breaux's U.S.
Pat. No. 4,127,804 show, when one plate of a charged capacitor is
moved closer to or farther from the other plate of that capacitor
a voltage change appears on both plates of that capacitor.
Furthermore, the electric field gradient between those plates
changes as the plates are moved in this manner. Thus they have
described a method of converting mechanical energy into electrical
current by simply varying the plate spacing over time which can be
expressed as ds/dt where "ds" is the change in spacing and "dt" is
the change in time.
[0025] As illustrated in FIG. 2, The Outer Layers can be viewed as
one plate of a capacitor comprised of the Earth's surface itself
as one plate 21 and Earth's outer layers as the other plate 22
where the Earth's Troposphere 23 serves as the dielectric medium
separating the two plates. There is a charge between these plates
which varies extremely rapidly but not with a constant period. At
any given instant, the vector product of all the impacts by the
cosmic particles with The Outer Layers 22 will create a pressure
wave in The Outer Layers 22 which will manifest in the Troposphere
23. Whatever that vector product is, it will alter the field
gradient in the dielectric Troposphere 23. That alteration will
either increase or decrease the effective spacing between "plates"
22 and 23.
[0026] In order to capture and convert the resulting voltage
variations produced at or near the Earth's surface 21 of FIG. 2,
this invention creates its own, localized stress field 3 of FIG. 1
established in the Troposphere 23 of FIG. 2 with a charged,
conductive surface 1 of FIG. 1 which is encased in high-voltage
insulation 2 of FIG. 1 and extending into the Troposphere 23 of
FIG. 2.
[0027] In FIG. 1, a series of high-voltage, starting pulses is
applied across points 4 and 6 on opposite sides of a capacitor 5
to create the localized stress field 3. As these high-voltage
starting pulses are applied, the parallel resonant circuit formed
by inductor coil 7 and variable capacitor 11 both referenced to
ground 8 is stimulated into resonance within the bandwidth
determined by the values of these circuit components. Tuning of
this circuit is effected through variable capacitor 11. The high
voltage charge on conductive surface 1 of FIG. 1 is maintained by
the parallel tuned circuit formed by inductor coil 7 and variable
capacitor 11.
[0028] Then as the random, pressure waves propagate throughout the
Troposphere 23 of FIG. 2, the localized stress field 3 of FIG. 1
is oscillated by the compression wave front 12 and the
decompression wave front 13-both of FIG. 1 which creates voltage
changes on capacitor 5.
[0029] In FIG. 1, the resulting voltages changes on capacitor 5
will add energy to the parallel resonant circuit formed by
inductor coil 7 and variable capacitor 11 which acts as a tank
circuit to store the energy which has been passed to it. As energy
builds in the parallel circuit the voltage of the circuit rises
until a spark discharge occurs across the gap 9 also referenced to
ground 8. The current will only discharge in one direction as
determined by diode 10. The circuit will work without diode 10 but
a diode is used here as one method to keep from draining all the
energy from the tank circuit when a discharge occurs.
[0030] This resonant circuit can be tuned to various bandwidths to
maximize the efficiency of the conversion process depending upon
location of the device, time of day, temperature variations,
relative humidity and other variables in the ambient Troposphere
23 of FIG. 2 around the conductive surface 1 of FIG. 1. A
resistive load to extract power from the resonant circuit can be
used instead of the spark gap 9 of FIG. 1.
[0031] This preferred embodiment uses a parallel, tuned circuit to
access a wide range of frequencies usually to be found in the
range of 4.5 to 7 MHz. This range encompasses the major,
naturally-occurring, resonant frequencies found in the ionosphere.
[0032] A second embodiment of this invention as shown in FIG. 3
replaces the parallel tuned circuit formed by inductor coil 7 and
variable capacitor 11 in FIG. 1 placed in parallel to each other
and referenced to ground 8 in FIG. 1. This second embodiment forms
a series tuned circuit formed by inductor coil 7 and variable
capacitor 11 in FIG. 3 placed in series to each other and
referenced to ground 8 of FIG. 3. It differs from the preferred
embodiment only in the placement of variable capacitor 11 of FIG.
3 so that it is in series with coil 7 of FIG. 3.
[0033] This embodiment limits the frequency range and, hence, the
energy the system will store when compared to the preferred
embodiment. It produces higher voltages across the spark gap 9 of
FIG. 3 than those produced in the preferred embodiment across the
spark gap 9 of FIG. 1.
Electrostatic energy conversion system
Inventor(s): BREAUX ONEZIME, et al.
Two inversely ganged variable capacitors having a common movable
element varying the capacities such that when one capacitor is at
maximum capacitance, the other is at minimum capacitance, have,
after initially charging, a substantially constant contained or
trapped charge distributed between the two capacitors. As the
capacities of the capacitors are varied, a potential difference is
developed between the fixed plate of one capacitor and the fixed
plate of the other. When these two potential points are connected
to a load, charge is transferred from one capacitor to the other
as a current flow through the load. The total charge is not
diminished, the energy supplied the load being the energy expanded
on moving the movable charged plates. As the movable plates are
moved in a cyclic manner an alternating current is provided to the
The field of the invention is in electrostatic machines.
Electrostatic machines have been well known for many years. The
Toepler-Holtz and the Wimshurst machines were early electrostatic
generators. Now their usage is mainly for demonstrations in the
Physics Laboratory. The only remaining electrostatic machine to
remain in extensive usage is the Van de Graaff type electrostatic
generator. It is presently used to generate extremely high voltage
potentials for atomic research. Substantially all of the prior art
devices are direct current type machines.
The following publications may be helpful in further understanding
the art. Electrostatic Sources of Electric Power, John G. Trump,
Electrical Engineering, Vol. 66, No. 6, June 1947, pages 525-534;
U.S. Pat. No. 2,810,878 to patentee N. Felici, and U.S. Pat. No.
3,094,653 to patentees D. B. LeMay et al.
Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy
Nikola Tesla
It is well known that certain radiations such as those of
ultra-violet light, cathodic, Roentgen rays, or the like possess
the property of charging and discharging conductors of
electricity, the discharge being particularly noticeable when the
conductor upon which the rays impinge is negatively electrified.
These radiations are generally considered to be ether vibrations
of extremely small wave lengths, and in explanation of the
phenomena noted it has been assumed by some authorities that they
ionize or render conducting the atmosphere through which they are
propagated. My own experiments and observations, however, lead me
to conclusions more in accord with the theory heretofore advanced
by me that sources of such radiant energy throw off with great
velocity minute particles of matter which are strongly
electrified, and therefore capable of charging an electrical
conductor, even if not so, may at any rate discharge an
electrified conductor either by carrying off bodily its charge or
My present application is based upon a discovery which I have made
that when rays or radiations of the above kind are permitted to
fall upon an insulated conducting-body connected to one of the
terminals of a condenser while the other terminal of the same is
made by independent means to receive or to carry away electricity
a current flows into the condenser so long as the insulated body
is exposed to the rays, and under the conditions
hereinafter-specified an indefinite accumulation of electrical
energy in the condenser takes place. This energy after a suitable
time interval, during which the rays are allowed to act, may
manifest itself in a powerful discharge, which maybe utilized for
the operation or control of mechanical or electrical devices or
rendered useful in many other ways.
In applying my discovery I provide a condenser, preferably of
considerable electrostatic capacity, and connect one of its
terminals to an insulated metal plate or other conducting-body
exposed to the rays or streams of radiant matter.
It is very important, particularly in view of the fact that
electrical energy is generally supplied at a very slow rate to the
condenser, to construct the same I use, by preference, the best
quality of mica as dielectric, taking every possible precaution in
insulating the armatures, so that the instrument may withstand
great electrical pressures without leaking and may leave no
perceptible electrification when discharging instantaneously. In
practice I have found that the best results are obtained with
condensers treated in the manner described in a patent granted to
me February 23,1897, No. 577,671. Obviously the above precautions
should be the more rigorously observed the slower the rate of
charging and the smaller the time interval during which the energy
is allowed to accumulate in the condenser. The insulated plate or
conducting-body should present as large a surface as practicable
to the rays or streams of matter, having ascertained that the
amount of energy conveyed to it per unit of time is under
otherwise identical conditions proportionate to the area exposed,
or nearly so. Furthermore, the surface should be clean and
preferably highly polished or amalgamated. The second terminal or
armature of the condenser may be connected to one of the poles to
any conducting body or object whatever of such properties or so
conditioned that by its means electricity of the required sign
will be supplied to the terminal. A simple way of of a battery or
other source of electricity generally convey a positive charge to
the first condenser-terminal, which is connected to the plate or
conductor above mentioned, I usually connect the second terminal
of the condenser to the ground, this being the most convenient Way
of obtaining negative electricity, dispensing with the necessity
of providing an artificial source. In order to utilize for any
useful purpose the energy accumulated in the condenser, I
furthermore connect to the terminals of the same circuit including
an instrument or apparatus which it is desired to operate and
another instrument or device for alternately closing and opening
the circuit. This latter may be any form of circuit-controller,
with fixed or movable parts or electrodes, which may be actuated
either by the stored energy or by independent means,
My discovery will be more fully understood from the following
description and annexed drawings, to which reference is now made,
and in which Figure 1 is a diagram showing the general arrangement
of apparatus as usually employed. Fig. 2 is a similar diagram
illustrating more in detail typical forms of the devices or
elements used in practice, and Figs. 3 and are diagrammatical
representations of modified arrangements suitable for special
As illustrative of the manner in which the several parts or
elements of the apparatus in one of its simplest forms are to be
arranged and connected for useful operation, reference is made to
Fig. 1, in which 0 is the condenser, P the insulated plate or
conducting-body which is exposed to the rays, and P another plate
or conductor which is grounded, all being joined in series, as
shown. The terminals T of the condenser are also connected to a
circuit which includes a device R to be operated and a
circuit-controlling device d of the character above referred to.
The apparatus being arranged as shown, it will be found that when
the radiations of the sun or of any other source capable of
producing the effects before described fall upon the plate P an
accumulation of electrical energy in the condenser C will result.
This phenomenon, I believe, is best explained as follows: The sun,
as well as other sources of radiant energy, throws off minute
particles of matter positively electrified,which,impinging upon
the plate P, communicate continuously an electrical charge to the
same. The opposite terminal of the condenser being connected to
the ground, which may be considered as a vast reservoir of
negative electricity, a feeble current flows continuously into the
condenser, and inasmuch as these supposed particles are of an
inconceivably small radius or curvature, and consequently charged
to a relatively very high potential, this charging of the
condenser may continue, as I have actually observed, almost
indefinitely, even to the point of rupturing the dielectric. If
the device be of such character that it will operate to close the
circuit in which it is included when the potential in the
condenser has reached a certain magnitude, the accumulated charge
will pass through the circuit, which also includes the receiver R,
and operate the latter.
In illustration of a particular form of apparatus which may be
used in carrying out my discovery I now refer to Fig. 2. In this
figure, which in the general arrangement of the elements is
identical to Fig. 1, the device at is shown as composed of two
very thin conducting-plates 2ft, placed in close proximity and
very mobile, either by reason of extreme flexibility or owing to
the character of their support. To improve their action,they
should be inclosed in a receptacle, from which the air may be
exhausted. The plates 25 are connected in series with a working
circuit, including a suitable receiver, which in this case is
shown as consisting of an electromagnet M, a movable armature a, a
retractile spring, and a ratchet-wheel 10, provided with a
spring-pawl 1 which is pivoted to armature a, as illustrated. When
the radiations of the sun or other radiant source fall upon plate
P, a current flows into the condenser, as above explained, until
the potential therein rises sufficiently to attract and bring into
contact the two plates 25 t, and thereby close the circuit
connected to the two condenser-terminals. This permits a fiow of
current which energizes the magnet M, causing it to draw down the
armature a and impart a partial rotation to the ratchet-Wheel to.
As the current ceases the armature is retracted by the spring,
without, however, moving the wheel. With the stoppage of the
current the plates t t cease to be attracted and separate, thus
restoring the circuit to its original condition.
Fig. 3 shows a modified form of apparatus used in connection with
an artificial source of radiant energy, which in this instance may
be an arc emitting copiously ultra-violet rays. A suitable
reflector may be provided for concentrating and directing the
radiations. A magnet and circuit-controller d are arranged as in
the previous figures; but in the present case the former instead
of performing itself the whole work only serves the purpose of
alternately opening and closing a local circuit, containing a
source of current B and a receiving or translating device D. The
controller, if desired, may consist of two fixed electrodes
separated by a minute air gap or weak dielectric film, which
breaks down more or less suddenly when a definite difference of
potential is reached at the terminals of the condenser and returns
to its original state upon the passage of the discharge.
Still another modification is shown in Fig. 4, in which the source
S of radiant energy is a special form of Roentgen tube, having but
one terminal 70, generally of aluminium, in the form of half a
sphere,with a plain polished surface on the front side, from which
the streams are thrown off. It may be excited by attaching it to
one of the terminals of any generator of sufficiently high
electromotive force; but whatever apparatus be used it is
important that the tube be exhausted to a high degree, as
otherwise it might prove entirely ineffective. The working or
discharge circuit connected to the terminals T T of the condenser
includes in this case the primary 19 of a transformer and a
circuit controller comprising a fixed terminal or brush t and a
movable terminal 25 in the shape of a wheel, with conducting and
insulating segments, which may be rotated at an arbitrary speed by
any suitable means. In inductive relation to the primary wire or
coil 19 is a secondary s, usually of a much greater number of
turns, to the ends of which is connected a receiver R. The
terminals of the condenser being connected, as indicated, one to
an insulated plate P and the other to a grounded plate P, when the
tube S is excited rays or streams of matter are emitted from the
same, which convey a positive charge to the plate P and
condenser-terminal T, while terminal T is continuously receiving
negative electricity from the plate P. This, as before explained,
results in an accumulation of electrical energy in the condenser,
which goes on as long as the circuit including the cult is closed
owing to the rotation of the terminal t, the stored energy is
discharged through the primary 19, this giving rise in the energy,
comprising in combination, a condenser, secondaries to induced
currents, which oper ate the receiver R.
It is clear from what has been stated above that if the terminal T
is connected to a plate supplying positive instead of negative
electricity the rays should convey negative electricity to plate
P. The source S maybe any form of Roentgen or Lenard tube; but it
is theory of action that in order to be very effective the
electrical impulses exciting it should be wholly or at least
preponderately of one sign. If ordinary symmetrical alternating
currents are employed, provision should be made for allowing the
rays to fall upon the plate P only during those periods when they
are productive of the desired result. Evidently if the radiations
of the source be stopped or intercepted or their intensity varied
in any manner,as by periodically interrupting or rhythmically
varying the current exciting the source, there will be
corresponding changes in the action upon the receiver R, and thus
signals may be transmitted and will respond to or be set in
operation when a predetermined amount of energy is stored in the
condenser may be used in lieu of the device specifically described
with reference to Fig. 2
Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy
Nikola Tesla
It is well known that certain radiations such as those of
ultra-violet light, cathodic, Roentgen rays, or the like possess
the property of charging and discharging conductors of
electricity, the discharge being particularly noticeable when the
conductor upon which the rays impinge is negatively electrified.
These radiations are generally considered to be ether vibrations
of extremely small wavelengths, and in explanation of the
phenomena noted it has been assumed by some authorities that they
ionize or render conducting the atmosphere through which they are
propagated. My own experiments and observations, however, lead me
to conclusions more in accord with the theory heretofore advanced
by me that sources of, such radiant energy throw with great
velocity minute particles of matter which are strongly
electrified, and therefore capable of charging an electrical
conductor, or even if not so may at any rate discharge an
electrified conductor either by carrying bodily its charge or
My present application is based upon a discovery which I have made
that when rays or radiations of the above kind are permitted to
fall upon an insulated conducting body connected to one of the
terminals of a condenser, while the other terminal of the same is
made by independent means to receive or to carry away electricity,
a current flows into the condenser so long as the insulated body
is exposed to the rays, and under the conditions hereinafter
specified an indefinite accumulation of electrical energy in the
condenser takes place. This energy after a suitable time interval,
during which the rays are allowed to act, may manifest itself in a
powerful discharge, which may be utilized for the operation or
control of mechanical or electrical devices or rendered useful in
many other ways.
In applying my discovery I provide a condenser, preferably of
considerable electrostatic capacity, and connect one of its
terminals to an insulated metal plate or other conducting body
exposed to the rays or streams of radiant matter. It is very
important,particularly in view of the fact that electrical energy
is generally supplied at a very slow rate to the condenser, to
construct the same with the greatest care. I use by preference the
best quality of mica as dielectric, taking every possible
precaution in insulating the armatures, so that the instrument may
withstand great electrical pressures without leaking and may leave
no perceptible electrification when discharging instantaneously.
In practice I have found that the best results are obtained with
condensers treated in the manner described in a patent granted to
me February 23, 1897, No. 577,671. Obviously the above precautions
should be the more rigorously observed the slower the rate of
charging and the smaller the time interval during which the energy
is allowed to accumulate in the condenser. The insulated plate or
conducting body should present as large a surface as practicable
to the rays or streams of matter, I having ascertained that the
amount of energy conveyed to it per unit of time is under
otherwise identical conditions proportionate to the area exposed,
or nearly so. Furthermore, the surface should be clean and
preferably highly polished or amalgamated. The second terminal or
armature of the condenser may be connected to one of the poles of
a battery or other source of electricity or to any conducting body
or object whatever of such properties or so conditioned that by
its means electricity of the required sign will be supplied to the
terminal. A simple way of supplying positive or negative
electricity toy the terminal is to connect the same either to an
insulated conductor, supported at some height in the atmosphere,
or to a grounded conductor, the former, as is well known,
furnishing positive and the latter negative electricity. As the
rays or supposed streams of matter generally convey a positive
charge to the first condenser-terminal,which is connected to the
plate' or conductor above mentioned, I usually connect the second
terminal of the condenser to the ground, this being the most
convenient Way of obtaining negative electricity, dispensing with
the necessity of providing au artificial source. In order to
utilize for any useful purpose the energy accumulated in the
condenser, I furthermore connect to the terminals of the same a
circuit including an instrument or apparatus which it is desired
to operate and another instrument or device for alternately
closing and opening the circuit. This latter maybe any form of
circuit-controller, with fixed or movable parts or electrodes,
which may be actuated either by the stored energy or by
independent means.
The rays or radiations which are to be utilized for the operation
of the apparatus above described in general terms may be derived
from a natural source, as the sun, or may be artificially produced
by such means, for example, as an arc-lamp, a Roentgen tube, and
the like, and they may be employed for a great variety of useful
My discovery will be more fully understood from the following
detailed description and annexed drawings, to which reference is
now made, and in which Figure 1 is a diagram showing typical forms
of the devices or elements as arranged and connected in applying
the method for the operation of a mechanical contrivance or
instrument solely by the energy stored; and Fig. 2 is a
diagrammatical representation of a modified arrangement suitable
for special purposes, with a circuit-controller actuated by
independent means.
Referring to Fig. l, O is the condenser, P the insulated plate or
conducting body, which is exposed to the rays, and P another plate
or conductor, all being joined in series,as shown. The terminals T
T of the condenser are also connected to a circuit including a
receiver R, which is to be operated, and a circuit-controlling
device which in this case is composed of two very thin conducting
plates t t', placed in close proximity and very mobile, either by
reason of extreme flexibility or owing to the charater of their
support. To improve their action, they should be inclosed in a
receptacle from which the air may be exhausted. The receiver R is
shown as consisting of an electromagnet M, a movable armature a, a
retractile spring b, and a ratchet-wheel w, provided with a
spring-pawl r, which is pivoted to armature a, as illustrated. The
apparatus being arranged as shown, it will be found that when the
radiations of the sun or of any other source capable of producing
the effects before described fall upon the plate P an accumulation
of electrical energy in the condenser C will result.
This phenomenon, I believe, is best explained as follows: The sun
as well as other sources of radiant energy throw off minute
particles of matter positively electrified, which, impinging upon
the plate P, communicate an electrical charge to the same. The
opposite terminal of the condenser being connected to the ground,
which may be considered as a vast reservoir of negative
electricity, a feeble current flows continuously into the
condenser, and inasmuch as these supposed particles are of an
inconceivably small radius or curvature, and consequently charged
to a relatively very high potential, this charging of the
condenser may continue, as I have found in practice, almost
indefinitely, even to the point of rupturing the dielectric.
Obviously whatever circuit controller be employed it should
operate to close the circuit in which it is included. Thus in Fig.
when the electrical pressure at the terminals T T' rises to a
certain predetermined value the plates t t', attracting each
other, close the circuit connected to the terminals. This permits
a flow of current which energizes the magnet M, causing it to draw
down the armature a and impart a partial rotation to the
ratchet-wheel w. As the current ceases the armature is-retracted
by the spring b without, however, moving the wheel w. With the
stoppage of the current the condenser has reached the desired
magnification the plates t t" cease to be attracted and separate,
thus restoring the circuit to its original condition.
Many useful applications of this method of utilizing the
radiations emanating from the sun or other source and many ways of
carrying out the same will at once suggest themselves from the
above description. By way of illustration a modified arrangement
is shown in Fig. 2, in which the source S of radiant energy is a
special form of Roentgen tube devised by me having but one
terminal k, generally of aluminium, in the form of half a sphere
with a plain polished surface on the front side, from which the
streams are thrown. It may be excited by attaching it to one of
the terminals of any generator of sufficiently high electromotive
force; but whatever apparatus be used it is important that the
tube be exhausted to a high degree, as otherwise it might prove
entirely ineffective. The working or discharge circuit connected
to the terminals T T of the condenser includes in this case the
primary p of a transformer and a circuit-controller comprising a
fixed terminal or brush t and a movable terminal t' in the shape
of a wheel with conducting and insulating segments which may be
rotated at an arbitrary speed by any suitable means. In inductive
relation to the primary wire or coil p is a secondary s, usually
of a much greater number of turns, to the ends of which is
connected a receiver R. The terminals of the condenser being
connected as indicated, one to an insulated plate P and the other
to a grounded plate P', when the tube S is excited rays or streams
of matter are emitted from the same, which convey a positive
charge to the plate P and condenser terminal T, while terminal T'
is continuously receiving negative electricity from the plate P'.
This, as before explained, results in an accumulation of
electrical energy in the condenser, which goes on as long as the
circuit including the primary p is interrupted. Whenever the
circuit is closed, owing to the rotation of the terminal t', the
stored energy is discharged through the primary p, this giving
rise in the secondary s to induced currents which operate the
receiver R. It is clear from what has been stated above that if
the terminal T is connected to a plate supplying positive instead
of negative electricity the rays should convey negative
electricity to plate P. The source S may be any form of Roentgen
or Lenard tube; but it is obvious from the theory of action that
in order to be very effective the electrical impulses exciting it
should be wholly or at least preponderatingly of one sign. If
ordinary symmetrical alternating currents are employed, provision
should be made for allowing the rays to fall upon the plate P-
only during those periods when they are productive of the desired
result. Evidently if the radiations of the source be stopped or
intercepted or their intensity varied in any manner, as by
periodically interrupting or rhythmically varying the current
exciting the source, there will be corresponding changes in the
action upon the receiver R, and thus signals may be transmitted
and many other useful effects produced. Furthermore,it will be
understood that any form of circuit-closer which will respond to
or be set in operation when a predetermined amount of energy is
stored in the condenser may be used in lieu of the device
specifically described with reference to Fig. l, and also that the
special details of construction and arrangement of the several
parts of the apparatus maybe very greatly varied without departure
from the invention.
Radiant Energy Circuits - Tesla 1901 -
Patent No. 685958
My test results for 2 months on the basic concept. Special thanks
to all those who pushed forward towards harnessing natural
(radiant) energy. YouTube squashed my first release of this video
after getting almost 6k views, a bunch of likes and comments after
only 5 days... guess YouTube doesn't like anyone posting stuff
about this lost patent...
Nikola Tesla's Radiations and the Cosmic
Andre Waser