Popular Science (May 1934)
Scientific American ( Date unknown)
Machine For Visualizing
Economic Conditions
To one who is neither an engineer nor an economist, the relation
of the depression to thermodynamics is not exactly as clear as
hell. But to Dr. H.C. Dickinson of the Bureau of Standards, who is
both an engineer and a student of economics, there is little
difference, so far as methods of analysis are concerned, between
finding out what is wrong with the business world and with a
system which is intended to convert the heat of fuel into
mechanical work. Reduce the economic model to a working model and
you will see at once just why and when it is morking efficiently
and inefficiently.
When he wasn't testing automotive engines at the Bureau of
Standards, Dr Dickinson was devising such a machine at home. He
calls it an "Economonstrator" and talks about it now and then
before engineering societies. It is well to add that he has no
desire to become a member of the Brain Trust or to induce the
country to adopt some view of money or business peculiarly his
own. Engineer that he is, his one concern is to show how the
forces, now working with one another and how against one another
may be visualized, so that anyone of intelligence can see for
himself how our economic system works.
Five Economic Factors
Dickinson considers (1) products of labor which are distributed
for consumption, (2) property for use, such as personal property
owned outright, (3) capital goods entended to increase production
and wealth, (4) debts on which interest must be paid, and (5)
natural resources. The accompanying diagram, which is simpler than
it looks, shows clearly how the economonstrator juggles these five
to visualize any economic situation.
Money having a fixed value in terms of a fixed standard is
Dickinson's mesure of value for all salable products. he makes it
flow, symbolically, in the form of dyed water through a system of
pipes and reservoirs, all neatly balanced like a see-saw. Keep the
see-saw in equilibrium and all is well. Let it tilt to one side
and you have over-prosperity and the reason why...
... below that paid for old loans. You also see these old loans
(bonds) selling above par.
Instead of being discouraged, the economonstrator shows the
thrifty man actually spurred on. He makes an immediate apparent
profit because his bonds sell above par. Out of this flows the
conclusion that a tendency to oversave leads to a
speculation with profits -- a condition revealed when the
level in Tank 3 rises rapidly. Dickinson thinks that classical
economists have generally overlooked this vital fact.
Take our present situation. Tank 4 is full, meaning that excessive
debt has accumulated. Take 1 (payrolls) must be pumped full as
rapidly as possible or Tank 4 (debts) must be emptied. The
Administration finds that both procedures are necessary -- the
extreme case. So we see the government putting more men at work
and increasing ...
The Economonstrator
1934 Press Photo Dr. Dickinson, With His New Invention, The
Montana Butte Standard (Butte, Montana), Saturday, May 12,
1934, Page 11
The Economonstrator
It is called the "economonstrator," and when a switch is turned it
will stage a "sample depression" for you. A blue liquid,
representing' national resources, flows ...
Journal of the Washington Academy of Science, Volume v. 24,
p. 1934 (1911)
Popular Science (May 1934)
Machine Explains Business
To demonsrate the forces that bring about prosperity or
depression, Dr H Dickinson, engineer connected with the US
Bureau of Standards, has devised a curious machine that he calls
an "Economonstrator". With its aid, he declares, the entire
economocs of a nation's rise and fall can be explained
graphically. Two tiny electric pumps circulate colored liquid
through glass tubes, representing channels through which
commodities change hands and connecting sources of supply and
consumption. When the flow is interrupted by closing valves at
various significant points, the pivoted platform tilts, and the
shifting liquid shows just how the whole economic system is thrown
out of balance. This is done by measuring reservoirs that
represent economic activities.
The Economonstrator
The economonstrator, invented by. Dr. B. C. Dickinson of the
bureau. of standards, visualizes economic conditions to the extent
of showing.
Technical News Bulletin, Issue 205
Technical News Bulletin, Issues 177-250
F. G. Brickwedde
Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences
Vol. 24, No. 8 (August 15, 1934), pp. 360-367