Distilled Water &
Allen E. Banik : The Choice Is Clear
Dr Elmer Carey : Distilled Water and
Dr. Chester Handley : The Importance
Of Distilled Water In Aging
Dr. Lee Rozelle & Dr. Ronald
Wathen : Consumption of Low TDS Water
Dr. Siedlecki : Why Distilled Water!
The Choice Is Clear
byDr. Allen E. Banik
The amazing discovery I am about to unfold to you had its
beginning some 40 years ago. Just why I did not receive the impact
then I will never know. A few short months ago the truth finally
revealed itself to me. At first I found it difficult be
comprehend, but little by little the facts began to blend until I
saw it all in its entirety, and The Choice Was Clear.
Only One Possible Cause For All Aging Diseases?
Imagine one common possible cause for nearly all diseases! Can it
be that arthritis, kidney stones, gall stones, arteriosclerosis
(hardening of the arteries), enlarged hearts, emphysema, obesity,
constipation, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, all stem from one
common cause? Unbelievable! But possibly very true!
Can This Be True?
We all use it every day-from the baby's first cry to the old man's
last breath. Water! The one element you need the most and suspect
the least. If this shocks you, do not be surprised, as millions of
Americans are still unaware of this "aging process," and indulge
in it freely. Multitudes suffer from all the above diseases, and
unknowingly contribute to this cause daily. Somehow the shots,
pills, vitamin capsules and balanced diets add only brief spurts
to well-
The arthritis can get a little worse, the arteries a little
harder, the gall stones and kidney stones a little larger, the
eyes a little dimmer, the hearing more complex, sugar starts to
appear in the urine, digestion slows down, constipation calls for
stronger laxatives-and waist lines get a little larger. It's a
never-ending cycle of feeling just a little worse than the day
There Is Hope Ahead
Let me cheer you up-there is good news in store for youhappy years
are now ahead of you - far into your nineties - even more. Your
stiff joints may begin to loosen, arteries become more elastic,
blood pressures can become more normal, heart action firmer and
more powerful. Your lungs can expand with fresh air-kidney and
gall stones can gradually dissolve, never to appear again. That
lost appetite can also reappear, and those aggravating stomach
pains somehow can vanish.
Dr. Brown Landone And Captain Diamond Proved It
Let me quote a few authenticated case histories-just to prove what
has already taken place in the lives of two famous individuals.
One was an associate named Dr. Brown Landone who lived to the
splendid age of 98. His patient, a Captain Diamond, lived
vigorously to the fantastic age of 120 years.
Dr. Landone had a heart condition at the age of 17. Today it would
have meant a heart transplant or other dangerous surgery. His
doctor allotted him three months to live at the most. His heart
chambers and valves were coated with mineral depositsmuch like his
mother's teakettle. Dr. Landone was determined to live. After
devising a special treatment (I will go into details later), he
returned for his second heart examination two years later. His
doctor pronounced his heart perfect. All aglow with life, young
Landone enrolled in a medical college and received the degree of
Doctor of Neurology. He practiced this profession for 50 years,
then turned his talents to writing. His average working day was
from 18 to 20 hours. At the age of 98, he could have been mistaken
for a man of 50!
The Amazing Age of Captain Diamond
During Dr. Landone's years in practice, he met Captain Diamond,
who was bed-ridden with arthritis and hardening of his arteries at
the age of 70.
Dr. Landone suggested his treatment. Five years later he was
teaching classes in physical culture. At the age of 103 he walked
from Sacramento to New York. At the age of 110 he danced an night
with a 16-year-old. He died at the fantastic age of 120!
The Secret of Longevity
'Water" is what I will be writing about, from the very first page
to the last word. I will attempt to show facts about water that
will startle you. And from now on, until the day you draw your
last breath, you will remember what I have written on these pages.
AR Water Is Not The Same
There are at least nine different kinds of water. Some kinds can
harden your arteries, form gall stones and kidney stones, bring on
early senility, and all the diseases I mentioned earlier. Other
kinds of water works in reverse. What one type of water carries
into the system, the other carries out. Let me classify these nine
kinds of water. They are hard water, raw water, boiled water, soft
water, rain water, snow water, filtered water, de-ionized water
and distilled water. All are kinds of water-but remember this:
only one of these nine kinds of water is good for you. Let me
describe them briefly.
Hard water is water containing excessive lime salts, that is,
carbonates and sulfates of calcium and magnesium. Sodium, iron,
copper, silicon, nitrates, chlorides, viruses, bacteria,
chemicals, and many other harmful inorganic minerals and chemicals
may also be present. Most all the water we drink comes from public
water systems or private wells. These are hard waters. Any water
that has run through, or over, ground is hard water to some
degree. The longer it filters through the soil, the harder it gets
and the more harmful it may become for you.
Some cities take water from rivers and lakes or mountain
reservoirs. They call it soft water. But soft water from such
sources is soft only in comparison to water which is harder. I
recall that each year the earth's rivers carry to the sea five
billion tons of dissolved minerals and other unnumbered millions
of tons of carbon compounds and factory pollutants. "And ocean
life is on the decrease," according to Jacques Cousteau.
A False Type Of Water
There are also the hard waters which are called "mineral waters"-
that is, waters from certain mineral springs-well known for their
medicinal effects. Practically all kinds of "bottled" water is
hard water.
The reason mineral waters have this so-called medicinal effect is
because the body tries to throw off the excess minerals which
invade it as intruding foreign deposits. Actually, a form of
dysentery exists, as the organism tries to eliminate and expel
this unusual condition. To subsist on this type of water could be
Raw water is water which has not been treated in any way. It may
be hard or soft - as hard as lime water, or as soft as rain water.
Raw water contains millions of viruses and bacteria, and is
densely inhabited in every drop. Chemicals dumped into our rivers
may cause cancer, according to the Environmental Protection
True, properly chlorinated water kills most germs and viruses, but
it can also kill the cells in our bodies. The only safe rule to
follow individually is to distill drinking water, which will
eliminate both chlorine and pathogenic organisms.
Boiled Water Is Not The Answer
Boiled water is advised by some health authorities. Boiling
removes none of the inorganic minerals, although it does kill the
bacteria in raw water if boiled at least 20 minutes. But the dead
bodies of these germs are carried into the system when the boiled
water is used. Such dead materials furnish a fertilized soil for
rapid and lusty propagation of germs already in the body. By
drinking boiled water one may avoid live disease germs, but still
takes on bacterial soil for the growth of other bacteria.
While raw water is an aquarium filled with deadly microorganisms,
boiled water is a graveyard of dead germs.
The Impurity Of Rain Water
Rain water, which has been distilled by the heat of the sun,
should contain no mineral matter and no germs. But when it falls
from the clouds as rain, it falls through air filled with
bacteria, dust, smoke, chemicals, mud and minerals. By the time it
reaches the earth as rain water it is so saturated with decaying
matter, dirt and chemicals that its color becomes a
If rain water is allowed to stand it becomes filthy because of the
rotting animal matter in it. I discuss it only because some
"nature faddists" are so ignorant that they advise the use of rain
water on the basis that it is "natural."
Snow Is Unclean
Snow water is melted snow. It, too, picks up minerals, chemicals
and radioactive fallout such as Strontium 90. Snow is frozen rain.
Freezing does not destroy bacteria. Snow looks white and clean but
it contains as many germs, minerals and pollutants as rain water.
Remember the dirt left from melting snow in the spring? How the
dirt of what has melted forms on top of the snow which is not yet
melted! Try melting the cleanest snow, then note the filth in the
water. Each snowflake contains some form of air pollution.
Filtered Water Can Be Dangerous
Filtered water is water which has passed through a very fine
strainer, activated carbon or some other mechanical barrier. The
use of filtered water is still rather popular. Some people think
that water which has passed through a filter is purified. They
believe that the filter keeps the waste substances and disease
germs of the water in the filter. While it is true that chlorine,
some suspended substances and many synthetic chemicals are removed
in the filter by filtering, there is no filter made which can
prevent bacteria or viruses from passing through its fine meshes.
Each pore of the finest filter is large enough for millions of
germs to pass through, even those containing silver!
Moreover, decaying matter collects on the bottom of every filter.
This forms an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. After a
filter has been used for a few days, the filtered water often
contains more disease germs than the water which is put into the
filter. Bacteria are multiplied by the millions by the collected
wastes at the base of some filters, and washed through with
filtered water, according to Dr. Brown Landone.
De-ionized Water Can Cause Virus Infections
Water processed by the de-ionized method effectively removes
minerals, and compares to distilled water in this respect.
However, it does become a breeding ground for bacteria, pyrogenic
matter and viruses. The fault in this system lies in the resin
beds which can become notorious breeding grounds. Therefore it is
not wise to have this possibility exist in your drinking water.
Furthermore, deionization does not remove synthetic chemicals such
as herbicides, pesticides, insecticides or industrial solvents.
The Miracle Of All Water-Distilled Water!
Distilled water is water which has been turned into vapor, so that
virtually all its impurities are left behind. Then, by condensing,
it is turned back to "pure" water. Distillation is the single most
effective method of water purification. It is God's water for the
human race.
In a manner of speaking, distillation is nature's way. The weather
of the world is created in the tropics, where half the heat
reaching the earth falls on land and water masses. Here heat
energy is stored within water vapor through the process of
evaporation, nature's distillery. When the jet streams return
ocean water to inland areas, they do so without sea salts and
minerals, all of which have been left behind.
Nowadays you will hear a lot about reverse osmosis. In this
process, water is purified by forcing a portion of the raw water
through a semi-permeable membrane. Reverse osmosis removes a high
percentage of the dissolved solids as well as other contaminants,
and when new the result often approaches the purity of distilled
water. The degree of purity in any case varies widely, depending
on the types and conditions of the equipment used, much as with
filter equipment, and the effectiveness lessens with use.
Sometimes drastically!
Nature's Natural Distilling Plant
Distilling water turns it into vapor, and then through
condensation, back again into pure water. Rising vapor cannot
carry minerals and other dissolved solids - it will not carry
disease germs, dead or alive. The secret is that the vapor rises
between all the suspended particles and chemicals in the air. When
this condensation occurs as falling rain, it picks up airborne
pollutants! Not so in a vented distiller where most of them are
If pure distilled water is boiled in a teakettle, no calcium or
minerals of any kind will collect to coat the inside of the
kettle, even though you used the same kettle for ten years.
The World's Greatest Secret
Distilled water then is water of the purest kind. It is odorless,
colorless and tasteless. The divine purpose of water is to
regulate temperature and to act as a solvent. In nature, water in
evaporation is so fine that your eye cannot perceive it as it is
drawn up into the clouds. Then it falls as rain, keeping the earth
from being parched and burned.
As a solvent, it dissolves rocks and soil. It figures in the
transport of nutrients into plant life. In the human body, water
fills similar functions. It regulates the temperature of the body
by helping take off extra heat resulting from an intake of some
3,000 calories of food each day.
Water keeps the body from burning up. It carries waste products
from the body.
The Greatest Function Of Distilled Water
Distilled water acts as a solvent in the body. It dissolves food
substances so they can be assimilated and taken into every cell.
It dissolves inorganic mineral substances lodged in tissues of the
body so that such substances can be eliminated in the process of
purifying the body.
Distilled water is the greatest solvent on earth-the only one that
can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues.
By its continued use, it is possible to dissolve inorganic
minerals, acid crystals, and all the other waste products of the
body without injuring tissues.
Inorganic Mineral Deposits Must Be Removed
For purification, distilled water is the solvent of choice. After
mineral deposits are dissolved, gentle muscular exercise can force
the dissolved poisons and wastes from the tissues into the blood
so that blood can carry wastes to the excretory organs. Then,
these organs can squeeze and pour the wastes out of the body.
Remember that great scientists now not only admit but assert that
all old age, and even death- unless by accident-is due to waste
poisons not washed out of the body. The legendary Dr. Alexis
Carrel made heart tissue apparently immortal by regularly washing
away the wastes of the cells.
Now you have learned about the nine different types of water. Let
me repeat them again so you will never forget them: hard water,
soft water, raw water, boiled water, rain water, snow water,
filtered water, de-ionized water and distilled water. It is wise
to remember these nine different types of water, but there is only
one water you must always remember -- distilled water! Dr. Paul
Bragg, a life-time advocate of distilled water, lived to age 94,
the span of life others only lecture about. He and others with
track records say this is your lifeline to a long, happy, carefree
span of life.
Your Secret Enemy At Work
Hard water then is your greatest enemy. It will destroy every fond
hope you have by striking you down when you should be enjoying the
fruits of your labors. Crippled joints, repeated surgeries,
enlarged hearts, hardened arteries, gall stones, kidney stones,
hearing problems, forgetful minds, all draw your activities from
the great out-of-doors into creaking rocking chairs, and finally
into bed-ridden old people's homes. Why all this, when the body
and mind was divinely designed to live forever! Dr. Alexis Carrel
proved that! Captain Diamond lived a long merry life.
Let us trace the course of hard water, the cause of our ills. It
begins in the clouds. As it falls it collects minerals and
poisonous chemicals. It is good water, except for what it picks up
as it falls. When it reaches the'ground it is divinely designed to
do one thing, to pick up minerals.
These inorganic minerals are wonderful, but only for plants. As
the water picks up minerals, it distributes them evenly to plant
life. Plants would never grow if these minerals were not supplied
to their roots. Water then acts as a carrier of some minerals,
namely anion nutrients. But alas, chemicals have now polluted our
pure air. To clean the air, and make' t fit to breathe, nature
designed water to absorb these poisons.
The Fault Lies In Inorganic Minerals
We have never realized that these collected minerals from the air
and in the ground are all inorganic minerals, which cannot be
assimilated by the body unless they are chelated into organic
molecules. The only minerals the body can utilize are the organic
minerals. All the others are foreign minerals and must be disposed
of or eliminated. Herein lies the problem we have never suspected
as the possible cause of nearly all our aging diseases.
Only Plants Need Inorganic Minerals
Water, as a carrier of minerals, is fine for the plant. The plant
in turn converts the inorganic to organic minerals. Now, our
bodies can assimilate them. We have worked this process in
reverse. We consume hard water saturated with calcium, magnesium,
iron, copper, silicon, not realizing the body is unable to
assimilate these nutrients efficiently. So nature tucks them in
the joints as arthritis, in the intestinal walls as constipation,
and along the arteries, causing them to harden. The kidneys and
liver roll up the mineral deposits into little stones until they
get too large for the ducts. Sometimes the "filters" of the
kidneys become so mineral clogged that kidney transplants become
Heart Conditions Can Result From Mineral Deposits
Calcium deposits in the heart chambers and valves become so
cemented into place with mineral deposits that heart surgery
becomes necessary. Calcium deposits in the inner ear cause
deafness. Skilled surgeons can now remove these deposits and in
many cases restore hearing again. Should these deposits occur on
the nerve, then total deafness can result. Since water is a
carrier of inorganic minerals, harmful to the body functions, we
now wisely remove virtually all trace minerals, chemicals and
foreign particles through the process of distillation. Then, and
only then, is water odorless, colorless, and tasteless and fit for
I realize that there have been a few university study results that
seem to deny these observations. And it may be possible - in rare
circumstances-that water can contain organically complexed
minerals that are assimilable. But these are rare situations,
especially on our now polluted planet. I am also aware of a study
that tends to correlate heart health with hard water areas. Full
scrutiny of these data, however, poses more questions than it
answers. Not answered at all is how people are to get unpolluted
water in the first place.
Pure Water Is Your Lifeline
We have now learned that water is a carrier of inorganic minerals
and toxic chemicals of organic synthesis. But through the process
of distilling, the water is separated from virtually everything it
carries, and is now pure water. As it enters the body, it again
picks up mineral deposits accumulated in the joints, artery walls,
or wherever such deposits occur, and begins to carry them out.
Gall stones and kidney stones get smaller and smaller until they
can safely pass through their ducts. Little by little arthritic
pains become less as joints become more supple and movable.
Arteries gradually become more elastic as blood pressures tend to
become more normal. Gradually the outlook on life becomes a little
more youthful-ambitions begin to return, while the squeaking
rocking chair will give way to the web covered golf clubs.
The startling fact to remember is that water attracts chiefly
inorganic minerals. Organic minerals stay in the tissues, where
they belong. This is a marvelous feat of Divine Reasoning. We were
not born to die-we were born to live! This fact is easily proved.
X-rays of the arteries will never show unless there are calcium
deposits along the artery walls. Doesn't this prove that we have
mineral deposits even along swift moving blood channels? So hard
water carries inert minerals into the body, and distilled water
carries them out-it's just as simple as that.
There is then only one way you can purify your body and help to
eliminate your chronic aging diseases and that is through the
miracle of distilled water. A sludge-filled motor cannot operate
smoothly unless the sludge is removed. Neither can a body be
supple and ageless unless the joints, arteries, cells and nerve
tracts are free of mineral deposits!
The Appalling Truth
The average person drinks about a gallon of water per day. Adding
up the cups of coffee, tea, soft drinks, food and water, this
gallon isn't too much. Many men drink much more. At a gallon a
day, the average person drinks up to 450 glasses of solids during
a life span. These same solids are found in your humidifier, and
in grandmother's teakettle. Think of it - 450 glasses of mineral
solids in your system during a lifetime.
What does the body do with these foreign materials? Nature does
the very same thing you are now thinking. It tries to eliminate
them. Do you recall the water spots on your windows from your
water sprinkler? Ever try to remove them? It takes lots of vinegar
and lots of rubbing to dissolve the deposits.
This same reaction takes place in our bodies. It begins by putting
a thin film along our intestinal walls. As soon as one film is
laid, it attracts another film much easier, until it begins to
build up and one of the first results is constipation, a plague to
millions of people. Other deposits occur where blood flows the
slowest, such as in the joints as arthritis and gout, along the
arteries as hardening, in the veins as varicose, in the lungs as
emphysema. It often coats the crystalline lens of the eyes with a
fine film possibly resulting in cataracts. Glaucoma, the dreaded
eye disease, can be another result of hard water. The tiny vessels
film up with mineral deposits, which result in a build-up of
pressure in the eye. There has never been a known cause for
glaucoma. It might be the mineral deposits.
In all my years of experience as a practicing optometrist-all my
glaucoma patients drank water with extreme hardness. Distilled
water as a possible preventative is still the best long-range
program to follow.
Heart Attacks Unknown
Bantu African tribesmen are known to have the cleanest arteries,
as well as the most elastic ones. They dig no wells, but catch
rain water. Although this water is contaminated with bacteria, it
is still almost free of minerals. The air and water pollutions,
such as we have here, have not as yet affected them as much. This
is a tremendous testimony for mineral-free water. Even the
Europeans have far less cholesterol in their arteries than we do.
They of course drink more wine than we do. Wine is comprised of
distilled water. All water that passes through the roots of
plants, converts the inorganic minerals to organic minerals, and
distills the water at the same time. When juices contain minerals,
they contain them as complexed organic molecules.
The True Function Of Cholesterol
Cholesterol is very important to our system. We get it in certain
foods. The largest part originates in saturated fats, and this
type can be harmful. The liver also manufactures its own
cholesterol. Cholesterol is an oil or lubricant. It keeps the
blood oily so the blood can flow easily through the arteries and
veins. If it were not for cholesterol, the friction along our
artery walls would soon wear them through. Nature is not so
stupid. Everything is planned to work. But as inorganic mineral
deposits adhere to the artery walls, cholesterol collects,
narrowing the diameter of the arteries, risking possible
occlusion. The Bantu Africans did not have this problem. The best
time to avoid mineral deposits is at an early age. This reasoning
is logical,
My Personal Experience
About forty years ago I felt the impact of the effects of drinking
hard deep well water. I never gave it much thought until recently,
perhaps, because I was not concerned about longevity then.
This particular fanner had a most distressing health problem. I
doubt that he weighed a hundred pounds. At intervals he would be
unable to eat. If he did, he would belch, vomit and double up with
pain. I thought each day would be his last. Finally his doctor
advised him to leave his farm. Upon arriving in California, a kind
neighbor suggested he drink distilled water with several small
glasses of wine in between. A month later symptoms vanished and he
could eat heartily. Today at the age of 88 he is still hale and
hearty, an example of good health. It was the iron and magnesium
in his well water that could have spelled an early death for him.
I Followed The Same Path
I still remember how I used to enjoy drinking ice cold water from
his deep well, not realizing I was consuming three glasses of
solids per year. That I too was a candidate for hardening of the
arteries, arthritis, cataracts, gall stones, diabetes, obesity and
other aging diseases never crossed my mind.
I then recalled another experience during my teen-age years. I was
born and reared in a small South Dakota town. In those days we had
a town well to supply our drinking water. It was good cold hard
water. (It did a wonderful job in corroding my mother's
teakettle.) The city electric plant was located near the well, but
I noticed the plant manager drank distilled water. Being curious,
I asked him why he drank that filthy water with such good tasting
well water nearby.
I can still feel the indignation that suddenly swelled up within
him. He then softened his words by saying, "Some day when you grow
up, you will find out." Somehow this always bothered me. I knew he
didn't want to take the time to explain it to a mere kid. All the
while I knew he had his reasons. It took me all these years to
find out.
The truth of drinking distilled water is not new. It is just that
the public has never caught on. Today, many progressive doctors
prescribe distilled water for their patients. All the kidney
machines operate on the purest distilled water. It is now time to
shake our sickly population out of their lethargy and languor.
Thousands of American cities have potential health hazards in
their drinking water and millions of farm wells should be
The Dark Clouds Are Gathering
Not only are we concerned about the minerals in our water, but we
must also add the deadly nitrates and anthracenes which are
seeping into our lakes, rivers and wells. The sewer wastes, and
factory pollutions, detergents included, travel upstream
underground at the rate of a half mile every six months.
Our President Shocked
Our presidents realize that through pollution we could destroy
ourselves within the next few decades. Only through the backing of
our government and by spending billions of dollars can we even
begin to cope with this insurmountable problem.
What our presidents don't realize is that the first step to take
is to purify our drinking water. According to government
statistics, 10 parts per million of nitrates in water can kill a
newborn baby. This is serious! To put filtering plants in our
cities would take millions of dollars. The quickest solution to
our drinking water problem would be to distill and bottle water
for delivery to our homes.
My Personal Problem Solved
I investigated this product and found distilled water was selling
for about fifty cents per gallon a few years ago. It is higher
now. I then began a search for a home still. There were many on
the market for our laboratories, but the plumbing and the upkeep
would be expensive, as well as a cleaning problem. Also most
stills were not made for drinking purposes.
As luck would have it, I found an all-electric automatic still
which just answered my purpose. The size of the still depends on
the number of gallons needed. They are automatic and attractive in
appearance, operate on pennies a day, and usually pay for
themselves in nine months. It solved my immediate drinking problem
for me and my family. I can now enjoy the purest water at its
We Are Our Own Worst Enemies
Now I can fight pollution. I can enter government programs raising
my voice at town meetings against pollution in the soil, in the
air and in the water. Today, the newborn baby doesn't have a
chance if there are nitrates in its first bottle of water. Blue
babies are the results of nitrates. How many babies are crying
today when the hidden cause lies in the water, food, and the air
they consume. Any mother would sacrifice her life for that of her
child - yet unknowingly, through pollution-she becomes a hazard to
her own child.
We Must Declare War On Pollution
The fight to end pollution calls for the combined efforts of every
man, woman and child. The farmer must watch the insecticides and
the toxic chemicals in his soils. The manufacturer must bottle up
his waste products and eliminate deadly monoxide gas. The air must
be made free and clean of all harmful particles. Pollutants are
serious today-very serious.
Although I have solved my own problems so far as polluted and
mineral saturated water is concerned, what about the millions of
people in our cities who are unknowingly drinking water saturated
with toxic chemicals and inorganic minerals? What about our rural
people, who consider deep wells the epitome of good drinking
water, not realizing the surgeries and aging diseases that may lie
Water Is Never The Same
True, our officials inspect and test our city water periodically,
but water is never the same at all times, neither are wells in the
same locations. Water can vary every day. Sometimes chemicals in
water can become excessive; at other times negligible; but at all
times the minerals will be there. We are looking for a mineral
free and chemical-free water. This is the only kind of water our
bodies demand. Only through the process of distillation can we
achieve this purity.
Water: A Carrier Of Disease
I recall a Dr. T. R. Van Dellen, who made the statement that even
foul water carries the germs of hepatitis. In one ten-year time
frame while I practiced in my profession, there were 1,700 cases
of hepatitis due to contaminated water. Life is too precious to
victimize so many innocent people.
House Beautiful magazine once made this statement: "You may still
be able to drink water from your tap, but chances are it's not as
pure as it could - and should-be. The pollutants in much of our
water include chemicals from industry, such as lethal chlorinates,
obnoxious phenols and tannins, plus commercial chemical
fertilizers, weed killers, poison pesticides washed into streams
by runoff or put into the water by injudicious overspray.
"Radioactive materials may one day be our most serious pollutant.
Should atmospheric testing be resumed, this would be a menace.
Also present is radioactive cesium-137 and even benzene-5, a known
"What can we do about it? We can improve our own home water
supply. Water from our municipal systems has been treated to kill
contagion, but still may not be appetizing. It comes from a
sewage-polluted river or lake, it may be cloudy. It may be so hard
that soap won't lather, but instead forms curds that puts a dirty
ring around our bathtubs and turns our white clothes gray. If our
water comes from a well, it may have all these faults and more. If
you have a well, you may be floating on a sea of sewage.
"Now the day is coming [for many it is already here] when we, too,
must face up to the question of whether we want to drink our water
as it runs from the tap. Stopgap measures could correct some of
its evils. But only some. The real answer lies in our rivers, our
lakes and in our soil-and in what we do to protect them against
befoulment. If we do nothing, a scourge of major proportion may be
our legacy." So wrote David X. Manners.
This will give you some idea of how serious our water problem is!
To clean it will take years. The answer lies in what we do now for
our own protection. La Vista, Nebraska, had a severe water problem
midway during my practicing career. The tap water collected in
jars was rust colored and murky. Mrs. Carol Petersen, a local,
said: "We had a lot of other neighbors who wanted to come here
this morning, but they couldn't because they had to stay home with
their children who had diarrhea from drinking the water."
Since water is a carrier of minerals and chemicals, let me list
some of them found in our water:
Chlorine Copper Sodium Zinc Magnesium Lead Sulphur Selenium
Calcium Cesium Potassium Uranium Bromine Molybdenum Carbon Thorium
Strontium Cerium Boron Silver Silicon Vanadium Fluorine Lanthanum
Nitrogen Yttrium Aluminum Nickel Rubidium Scandium Lithium Mercury
Phosphorus Gold Barium Radium Iodine Cadmium Arsenic Chrome Iron
Cobalt Manganese Tin.
Our bodies need many of the above-mentioned elements, but only in
their organic state. They must first pass through the roots of our
plants before our bodies can assimilate them. Herein lies the big
error. Nature has a tremendous distilling plant. As the vapors
rise. all impurities are left behind. Only as the clouds
recondense the water does it again pick up the elements left
behind. Now it becomes harmful to us, but beneficial to plants.
There is a big difference between powdered iron filings and the
iron found in plants. It takes no chemist to tell the difference.
Why Should We Grow Older?
The body is designed to feel younger-at any age. To feel one day
older has always plagued the thinking of humanity and added
worries to everyday living. New wrinkles add up to deeper
lines-gray hair begins to crop out-while deaths occur at younger
ages. All this need never be. Youth should remain youth-age is
just a postponement-it need never come. The government is planning
to educate 10,000 additional doctors to take care of the diseases
for which we already have the natural cure. Why not attack the
water problem, and prevent the host of diseases, without the need
of additional doctors-who will die of the same diseases they
attempt to cure! There is no need to have a heart so corroded with
calcium deposits that surgery becomes necessary.
What A Price To Pay
One morning two patients came to my office. One had a ruptured
blood vessel due to hardening of the arteries. He also had polar
cataracts. The other patient had a severe nosebleed which resulted
in the loss of a pint of blood. When he arrived at the hospital
the doctor diagnosed his condition as arteriosclerosis, or
hardening of the arteries. Had his nosebleed not relieved his
pressure, it could have resulted in a stroke. Both patients lived
on a farm, drank water excessively from hard water wells. Is it
worth the price?
What Lies In Store For Us?
Could all these aging, crippling diseases have been avoided? What
do we have to look forward to? Crippled joints and massive
strokes? Do we want medical costs to wipe out our life savings?
What lies in store for most of us?
The Rewards of Prevention
Now is the time to shout the truth from our mountain tops. It's
time for the press, radio and television to splash this possible
secret to longevity on their front pages, through the air and on
our television screens. Let every man, woman and child become
alerted to one of the greatest discoveries of mankind. Let our
medical schools and practitioners turn their attention to
prevention. Vital organs are not meant to be removed, but to
function! Prevention, not drugs, is the answer to our aging
Water Is Deceiving
What is in a sparkling glass of water may look pure, taste pure,
smell pure, but you will still have to drink it at your own risk.
Here are pertinent suggestions:
1. The water must flow from the purest possible source. Adequate
safeguards must prevent pollution of this source.
2. Frequent surveys must be made to detect potential health
3. An enforceable system of rules and regulations must prevent
development of health hazards.
4. Proper safeguards must protect water quality from source to
5. Only qualified personnel may operate the water supply system.
6. The water source must have enough reserve to meet peak demands.
7. Bacterial monitoring must be continuous.
8. Only specified, scientific tests may determine water quality.
9. Water with bacterial levels above precisely stated limits must
be considered unsafe for public consumption.
Consider, for example, Cleveland, which dropped thousands of
pounds of nitrates and phosphates into Lake Erie, part of its
metabolism. These wastes originated from homes, hotels,
laundromats and offices. These wastes included, among other
things, phenol, iron, zinc, sulfuric acids, ammonia, and
hydrofluoric acid (which incidentally eats through glass). All
this created complicated drinking water problems for Cleveland.
And for most industrial cities.
It's Time To Become Alarmed
We do not know from day to day just what pollutions may exist in
our own water. There is, however, one way to be sure, and that is
to distill your own water. You are then sure that you will get the
purest water possible.
A Twin Cities Problem
I remember reading about a Coon Rapids, Minnesota, housewife who
telephoned the state health department to report that water from
her home well had a peculiar "foam" on it. That was the first sign
of a problem that later became one of concern to several million
people in the Twin Cities area.
The "foam" came from surfactants, the active ingredient in
detergents. Surfactants do not occur in nature. Thus, when they
are found in an underwater supply, their origin can be traced
directly to sewage discharge.
Nitrates become hazardous to formula-fed infants. Boiling water
does not make the water safer, it only increases the concentration
of the nitrates.
Nitrates - A Nebraska Problem
Nitrates fed to our Nebraska soils-to increase our food supply
along the Platte Valley-have become a health hazard to the
longest-lived people in the nation. Since the water table is high,
nitrates filter into the water supply for drinking purposes. Since
10 parts per million can be fatal to a newborn child, it is time
to become concerned. Our luscious valley, with its tall, waving
corn, is rapidly becoming a death trap.
Today, mankind has destroyed our soils, our water and our air. The
lure for wealth has over- shadowed our gift of life. Through our
soils we have opened the doorway to hosts of new insects and plant
diseases. Through our contaminated waters we are killing our
wildlife and our babies in their cribs. The air is unfit to
breathe. Life today is not living. It is merely existing. Where
will it all end? Is it a problem for one of us, or all of us?
"If our soils are sick, our plants are sick. If our plants are
sick, our animals are sick and if our animals are sick, we humans
become sick," says Paul Brinkman.
Behind The Curtain
Americans during any year eat millions of pounds of beef from
cattle that had "cancer eye," or similar tumorous disorders.
Thousands of cattle carcasses checked by federal inspectors are
held in meat plants until tumorous parts are whittled out. The
remainder of the meat is put on the market.
Millions of cattle carcasses are detained briefly in meat plants
while parts are cut out because of other diseases and injuries
ranging from adhesions to tuberculosis. The rest is just "fine"
for consumption.
In the meantime, federal regulations continue to permit meat
processors to carve out infected or damaged portions of animals,
condemn the cancerous parts of cattle, and sell the rest of the
meat on the market.
Since the meat processors do not want to lose their profits, they
would much rather feed this cancer-ridden meat to the unsuspecting
public as "U.S. Choice."
I am happy to report that a new form of clean agriculture is
gaining a toehold in the United States. It is being called
eco-agriculture by the publisher of Acres U.S.A.-a journal layman
and farmer alike ought to read-and it relies on scientific
principles as well as the practical experience of organic growers.
Science has proved that plants with balanced hormone and enzyme
systems provide their own protection against insect and fungal
crop destroyers. The seat of this balance is soil fertility,
starting with a pH managed by keeping calcium, magnesium,
potassium, and sodium in proper equilibrium. The trace minerals
also figure since they are keys to proper functioning of plant
The full package known as eco-agriculture can and does produce
more abundant bins and bushels, and does it while improving
nutrient quality in food for animal and human consumption. What a
boon to agriculture and to the health of our nation.
The people of Hunza do not use toxic chemicals. They grow from two
to three crops per year. There are no insects or diseases. Why not
channel our research and educational dollars where they will do
some good?
The Wheel Of Health
We live by the law of transformation. Transformation from the soil
to the plant-from the plant to the animal or human, then back to
the soil again, forming an everlasting cycle of health. The dust
of the earth then becomes the cells in our bodies. We live by the
law of interdependence. No soul or body is an island by itself. It
is a part of something else always.
Therefore, we must first consider the soil, which is the mother of
us all. We must become concerned about the air above us, from
which we cling to the "breath of life." The water around us must
be pure and free of all inorganic minerals and chemicals. Every
cell in our bodies must be bathed in the purest water. Life is
purity. We cannot live by "bread alone."
Air, water and sunshine are responsible for life and growth. Each
of these gives something to the other.
Paul Brinkman, a former president of Queen Ann School of
Cosmetology, so ably expressed himself in these words: "Water
cannot be destroyed, but it can be made sick! Man with his
additives has defiled the laws of God. You can always expect
something unnatural whenever you violate something natural."
Mr. Brinkman became interested in distilled water especially since
he was concerned about his diabetic condition. Imagine his
surprise when he checked out sugar free. It likewise surprised his
doctor. According to any edition of Merck's Manual, the exact
cause of diabetes is not known. The cause lies in the inadequate
production of insulin by the beta cells of the islets of
Langerhans. The cells are alive; it is just that they do not
function. My inspiring teacher, Dr. Landone, stated that the
mineral deposits enclose the cells with a mineral film so they are
unable to function. I am inclined to believe his conclusions
because there has to be a cause. Whether distilled water will cure
diabetes is not for me to say. It is not within my field to
diagnose; however, with the knowledge derived from my study of
distilled water, I feel quite emphatic about its merits.
There is much to learn about water. I have merely touched on a few
pertinent facts of water in its relations to vibrant health and
longevity. The facts I gathered have proved themselves to me. When
men can live to the age of 120, 1 become alert! There has to be
some cause. I am convinced that the inorganic minerals and
chemicals in water become a hazard to every man, woman and child.
The body must be free of sludge to operate efficiently. The
eliminating organs cannot expel all the deposits, so nature does
the next best thing and tucks them wherever she can. Since water
is the greatest solvent known, it becomes the best agent to carry
out that which is brought in.
The test is very simple. Place a mirror or glass under a dripping
faucet. Let it dry, and observe the water spots. Then place this
glass in distilled water. The distilled water will dissolve the
water spots. This is what the whole story is about-this is the
cause of all our aging diseases. Dr. Landone cured his heart
condition. Captain Diamond cured his arthritis and lived to the
splendid age of 120 years. Could distilled water be the answer? If
it is, how different living in this world could be. Since we live
but one, therefore. should. we not live wisely? The choice is
clear-it is now up to you,
Disease does not exist without cause. It begins where cause begins
and persists where cause persists. Chronic disease means chronic
provocation. Cure cannot take place until the cause of disease is
removed. Symptoms may subside or be palliated and suppressed; a
crisis may pass, but disease persists so long as cause is ignored
or unrecognized.
Distilled Water and
Dr Elmer Carey
When a piece of wood it; immersed for a period in certain mineral
waters, the wood cells thru a chemical action similar to that
observed in electro-plating, are replaced by molecules of
minerals, and petrifaction ensues. In petrified wood,the form and
markings of the original are distinctly seen. At rare intervals
surgeons find a human kidney that has actually become petrified -
a stone kidney - sometimes in post mortem examinations veins are
found which are brittle, and which crumble at the touch. In old
age the various organs are partly petrified - ossified is the term
used in the text books . But petrifaction is the proper term. The
cells of the muscles, arteries, etc., are not replaced by osseous
deposits, but by mineral matter.
What is the cause of old age, and how may it be prevented? Old age
is not an inevitable condition; it is an accidental state caused
by ignorance and wrong living. The daily press recently chronicled
the case of a Russian peasant who had baptismal and marriage
records to prove that he was 200 years old. The United States
census report for 1900 gives the names of two persons over 150
years of age. I instance these cases to show that there is no
reason why death should occur from old age, per se. If one person
can live to be one hundred or two hundred years old, why not
another? If the human race lived strictly under a rational
hygienic dispensation, death would never occur from old age, under
several hundred years.
Suggestion is now mainly responsible for keeping the limit of life
at about eighty years. For thousands of years man has been taught
that he would die at about the age of 70; consequently when in the
neighborhood of thia age, man begins to look for death - to expect
death - to believe in death-and he is never disappointed. The
mineral salt deposits in the body commence to manifest themselves
between 40 and 50 years of age. These salts are derived mainly
from ordinary drinking water, altho cereals contribute their
share. The presence of an excess of lime retards the functions of
all organs; all processes are hindered; the various bodily systems
act slowly; this favors the additional deposits of more salts. The
functions of the organs are still more restricted. We say the man
is "aging rapidly." As the body becomes weaker the organs become
weaker, and mineral deposits quickly accumulate. The victim is
rapidly becoming petrified. All organs are clogged; the vital
powers are lowered, and as the petrifaction proceeds, death
approaches; finally the muscles of the heart become so dense that
their elasticity is gone and death ends all. When one dies from
"old age," he dies because his body is partially turned to stone.
If we can keep the percentage of water in the body at 80 or 85, we
will never die of old age. To maintain the proper proportion of
aqueous elements in the system, no liquids but distilled water
should be used for drinking or cooking; and furthermore, foods
containing a high percentage of mineral salts, 88 cereals5 should
be eaten sparingly. When the ideal hygienic race conditions
prevail, man will live on distilled water, nuts and fruits; and he
will understand the art of mastication; he will breath pure air
twenty-four hours out of the day; he will spend many hours daily
in the sunshine; he will take enough exercise to keep the body
supple, and his mind will be free from worry, care and anxiety; he
will not expect death at any particular year or time, nor will he
think ·about dying; children will not read the deadly suggestion
about "three score and ten years," and they will be taught how to
build and mould the body by mental processes; all suggestions will
be for health, strength and vigor. Bulletins from the bedside will
be abolished, and "drugs" will exist only in the dictionaries of
the antiquarian.
The firat step in the physical regeneration of the race is a
crusade against ordinary or "raw" drinking water. When distilled
water is universally used humanity will take a long step forward.
It is the duty of the state to see that only perfect drinking
water is used; we look after cesspools, drains, noxious odors,
plumbing, adulterated food, etc., and the water supply is more
important than all these. If distilled water was in every home the
board of health would have to go out of business.
"But a German doctor stated that distilled water is injurious,"
remarks a reader. He did, but his statement is false. His remarks
in substance are as follows: "By 'chemically pure water' we
usually understand perfectly fresh, distilled water, whose
behavior and properties are well understood. It withdraws the
salts from the animal tissues and causes the latter to swell or
inflate. Isolated living organic elements, cells, and all
unicellular organisms are destroyed in distilled water - they die,
since they become engorged therein. They lose the faculty, upon
which life depends, of retaining their salts and other soluble
cell constituents, and consequently these are allowed to diffuse
throughout the water.
"Distilled water is, therefore, a dangerous protoplasmic poison.
The same poisonous effects must occur whenever distilled water is
drUnk. The sense of taste
is the first to protest against the use of this substance. A
mouthful of distilled water, taken by inadvertence, will be spit
out regularly. The water once in the stomach, the superficial
stratum of epithelium experiences a powerful distension, the cells
are leached by their salts, die, and are cast off. This local
poisonous effect of distilled water makes itself known by a
sensation of uneasiness, belching, etc., furnishing all the
symptoms of a catarrh of the stomach on a small scale.
"The harmfulness of the process so much resorted to today, of
washing out the stomach with distilled water, is acknowledged; and
we find the physicians who formerly used that agent are now
turning to the 'physiological solution of cooking salt, or 'water
with a little salt,' or the mineral waters recommended for the
purpose. The poisonous nature of absolutely pure water would
scarcely. have been recognized and felt long since, were it not
that its effects in their most marked form can seldom occur; for
through a train of circumstances 'absolutely pure' water can
rarely be found."
The attack on the daily use of distilled water by an alleged Dr.
Koppe was inspired by the owners of mineral springs in Europe; and
it has been stated- that Dr. Koppe is- a myth. The statements
credited to him are a tissue of falsehoods - there is not a word
of truth in any of them. Distilled water has no deleterious action
on living tissue; distilled water is not poisonous, but the only
elixir of life that will be discovered. It is quite true that
microrganisms will die if placed in pure water; they die because
there is no refuse for them to feed on. This is one of the
strongest arguments in favor of distilled water. When all the
fluids of the body are made up of distilled water there will be no
fear of germs - a disease germ cannot live in a system that is 80
per cent aqua pura. The mythical doctor's statement that
absolutely pure water can rarely be found is as false as the
others. In every large city of the United States absolutely pure
water is delivered to your door at prices varying from six to ten
cents per gallon, while in thousands of homes are small stills
which make an abundance of absolutely pure, aerated and appetizing
water. All health specialists of the advanced and rational schools
of nature-therapy today advocate the drinking of water, from two
to three quarts daily; it is conceded that perfect health is
impossible without an abundance of water.
It does not need an argument to show that this water should be
pure, and if an argument were needed the United States army and
navy have supplied that argument beyond cavil.
The great, ever present danger in "raw" water is not germs-it is
the mineral matter which is not needed in the human body, as
sufficient cell salts are furnished in a natural form by the solid
food. The earthy material is simply refuse; it makes additional
work for the excretory organs, and all of it cannot possibly be
eliminated. Hence, the gradual clogging of the system, which
brings on a condition known as "old age."
Knowing that the daily use of distilled water in the army and navy
has been attended by the most gratifying results, letters were
addressed to the government medical departments asking for
definite and authoritative statements as to the health giving
qualities of absolutely pure water. Sailors have been under daily
observation by medical officers for years; army officers have had
ample opportunity to study the drinking water question at short
range at home and in Cuba, China and the Philippines, and the
result is that sufficient evidence has been collected to settle
for all time the desirability of distilled water as a daily drink,
and its value in preserving health.
One of the first labors of the medical department of the army in
the Philippines was the erection of distilling plants in the city
of Manila; from these plants distilled water was supplied t_o all
the camps and garrisons in and around the city, and it is not an
exaggeration to say that today every soldier in the Philippines is
within reach of a barrel of chemically pure drinking water; and
just as surely as he departs from this barrel in quenching thirst,
just as surely does he invite disease and death. While thousands
of our soldiers have died in the tropirs from cholera, dysentery,
typhoid and various intestinal disorders, the sailors of the navy
are practically free from zymotic disturbances. Why? Sailors drink
pure water, and the pure water is distilled water.
Mr. Elmer Ellsworth Carey, #4020 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago,
Sir: In answer to .your letter of March 28, 1903, I am directed by
the Acting Surgeon General to state that existing orders in the
Philippines require all drinking water used by United States
Troops to be distilled, or at places where this cannot be done, to
be boiled twenty minutes. It is not too much to say that this
precaution has saved an enormous number - of lives during the
prevalence of cholera and has prevented many cases of typhoid
fever, dysentery and intestinal parasites. Cases of cholera among
troops in the Philippine Islands have been repeatedly traced to
drinking impure water in violation of this order. No deleterious
effect of any kind has been attributed to the daily use of
distilled or boiled water...
From the bureau of medicine and surgery, navy department, was
received the following clear cut and decisive letter:
Mr. Elmer Ellsworth Carey, Editor, Suggestion Publishing Co., 4020
Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, Ill.
Sir: Replying to your letter of the 28th ultimo, requesting an
expression of opinion as to the value of distilled water in
preserving health and preventing disease, as derived from the
experience gained in its use in the Navy, I have to state that
there can be no two opinions as to the protection distilled water
affords to crews of vessels and to stations of the Nayy against
infection from such diseases as are water-borne. When only
distilled water is used for drinking and other purposes diseases
of this class, as for example, cholera and typhoid, are little
feared. It is conclusively proven that a large number of diseases
to which human beings are a prey are introduced into the economy
by means of contaminated water used for drinking purposes.
Distilled water, as prepared and stored for use in the Navy, is of
course free from infectious agents, and its general use is a
source of great comfort to the Medical Officers who have the
maintenance of the health of the many men in . their charge. When
the water supply is under control, as on board vessels of war,
little apprehension is felt of the introduction of cholera,
typhoid, etc. The numerous animal parasites that prey upon mankind
and that are known to be waterborne find little place in the
medical statistics of the Navy.
In conclusion I would say that the general use of distilled water
in the Navy is considered one of the principal factors in
establishing the high standard of health that is maintained in the
Navy of today.
And to show that the daily use of distilled water extending over a
long period was beneficial, another letter was addressed to the
bureau of medicine and surgery, navy department, to ascertain how
long this "dangerous protoplasmic poison" has been in use, and
some may be surprised to learn that our Jack Tars have been
drinking the deadly ( ?) product for twenty years or longer.
Regarding the length of time distilled water has been in use in
the navy, the following letter speaks for itself:
Elmer Ellsworth Carey, Esq.,April 9, 1903. Sir: Replying to your
letter of the 6th instant, I have to state that there is no record
to determine the exact date upon which distilled water began to be
used in the Naval Service. !t ia probable that, to a greater or
lesser degree, it has been in uae since the introduction of steam
aa a motive power in the Navy. My experience covers a period of
twenty years, and in that time distilled water has been employed
with a growing field of usefulness. Respectfully, J . F. URIE,
Acting Chief of Bureau.
According to the Journal of the American M cdical Association, the
remarkable increase in the demand for distilled water has called
forth an article by one Dr. Koppe, which has been traced to having
been written in the interests of the Carlsbad Springs of Europe;
and a wide circulation has been given to it in this country by
certain mineral springs and filter companies. Scientific and
medical journals have only noticed it to contradict it. Two short
quotations will give the tenor of their replies. The first is from
Homer Wakefield, M. D., of Bloomington, Ill., who is the author of
several works on water. He says:
Arthur R. Reynolds, :M. D., commissioner of health, Chicago, uses
the following language: "The inference that water deprived by
distillation of 'organic elements, cells and all unicellular
organisms' is unwholesome is preposterous. W c are not expected to
extract organic nourishment from the water we drink or from the
bacteria therein contained. This remarkable article deduces that
distilled water is a 'dangerous protoplasmic poison,' because of
the absence of inorganic clements. It should be added here that
rain water as is falls from the clouds is aerated distilled water;
it is the most healthful known...
Rain is nature's production of water free from impurities. Any
amount of it can be taken into the !')"stem without fear of
detrimental results. Physicians know that it is the best solvent
of inorganic secretions in the body, and engineers know it is the
best boiler compound, following the use of hard water and the
consequent formation of incrustations. Extreme purity is a virtue,
not a fault, of water. Beware of an author who contends that
contaminated water is conducive to health."
The other is from Dr. J. H. Kellogg, the physician-in-Chief of the
Battle Creek Sanitarium, who, in replying to the Koppe article, in
Good H ealtk Magazine for June, 1899, says of distilled water:
"It is free from germs, free from injurious salts, from lime and
other substances with which they are found in combination, if not
always of the same uniform quality. It is a pity that such an
unscientific and misleading statement should be allowed to appear
before the public."
Apropos to the above remarks, the following from H ealtk Culture
is interesting reading:
"Any chemist will confirm the statement that the mineral salts in
water are inorganic in structure, and that no inorganic substances
can undergo the process of digestion and assimilation in the human
system. The soil in which our grains and vegetables grow is also
inorganic in form, but the wheat and potato which the soil produce
arc organized food materials. One might eat a peck of the richest
loam three times a day and yet starve his bones, muscles and
tissues for want of nourishment. The mineral salts in water are
nothing more nor less than the disorganized soil. They not only
fail to supply any part of the body with nourishment, but cause
serious trouble."
"Distilled water is the acme of purity. Nothing can be purer than
that which is absolutely pure. For medicinal purposes, the highest
authorities are agreed that pure water is preferable to the
so-called l!ledicinal spring waters. The latter all contain more
or less impurities in the form of earthy salts or organic matter,
which is not the case with distilled water. For flushing the
kidneys, stimulating the sluggish liver, eliminating waste matter
from the system; indeed for all affections in which medical waters
are believed to be efficacious, pure distilled water furnishes the
long-sought desideratum."-Dr. R. N. Tooker, Chicago.
Dr. C. W. DeLacy EVJLlls, surgeon to St. Savor's Hospital, London,
says: "The combinations of lime held in solution in the water we
drink, when taken into the stomach are soon distributed throughout
the system and deposited in all the tissues exactly as they are
precipitated and form incrustations on the bottoms of kettles in
which water is boiled. The result is general induration, partial
and often, in some organs and tissues, complete ossification.
The bones become brittle, the joints and muscles stiff and
rheumatic; gravel and stones form in the bladder, the kidneys,
liver, heart, nerves and brain become indurated and sluggish in
their action, all the bodily functions are impaired, the nerves
weaken, the mind loses its vigor, the memory fails, senility and
death creep on.
"Used as a drink distilled water is absorbed directly into the
blood, the solvent properties of which it increases to such an
extent that it will keep in solution salts already existing in the
blood, prevent their undue deposit in various organs and
structures, favor their elimination by the different excreta, and
tend to remo:ve those earthy compounds which have already
accumulated in the body.
"There is no doubt as to the high value of distilled water used
freely as a retarder of the ossifying conditions which appear to
constitute the conditions of old age."
Health Commissioner Reynolds of Chicago authorizes the following
statement :
The public 'should be instructed frequently of the dangers that
lurk in the use of impure water. They should be taught that most
of the lakes and streams in the country are polluted already, and
as the population multiplies the danger of further pollution will
greatly increase. They should be taught that water that comes from
wells and springs is not necessarily pure, for it may flow from a
soil that is polluted. They should be taught that filtration nor
boiling does not remove all the poisons, while neither removes the
lime or any of the salts it may contain.
It may safely be taught that the only absolute pure water is that
purified by distillation. Instruct the public how distillation can
readily and cheaply be done. It furnishes a fruitful field for the
genius that will devise a small distilling apparatus for the use
of every family.
It would be safe to teach that the generous use of pure water both
within and without the body has never yet done any harm; that the
functional ailments that afflict the great host of mankind, are in
a great part due to the fact of the imperfect elimination of
wa!!te matter, and that generous libations of pure water is a most
potent agent to flush them from the body, through the skin, the
lungs, the Jddneys and the bowels. The diseases caused by impure
water are numerous and fatal."
The Importance Of Distilled
Water In Aging
Dr. Chester Handley
As our body begins to age, there are several things that happen.
Cells don't produce as well, the body doesn't digest as well, the
body does not absorb as well and the body does not eliminate as
well. And areas of the body begin to feel pain and have sore spots
that we never had before.
One of the major causes of pain is the over consumption of grain
in older people. It is softer, easier to eat and appears to be
more easily digested. Well the true reality is that it is no
benefit to the aging body at all and leaves an acidic residue that
gets deposited in the joints which is the number one reason for
arthritic pain.
Many years ago when I was doing research on distilled water, I
discovered that contrary to all the stories out there, distilled
water does not take a single thing out of the body that the body
needs. It never takes anything out of a cell. Everything that is
cellularly locked remains within the body, but it is the greatest
tool in the world for cleaning out the bloodstream, which is the
only function water really has...to wash out, cleanse and purify
the bloodstream. Remember that the bloodstream is primarily an
organ of transport. People think of it as a liquid rather than an
organ, but it is an organ. It transports nutrients, oxygen and red
blood cells throughout the body and carries away waste products
and carbon dioxide.
Distilled water has been evaporated into a vapor, split apart into
a molecule of hydrogen and oxygen, turning them into a gas that
rises up into the atmosphere, then cooled back down and condensed
back in to water. The same process happens in a distillery when it
distills water. It heats up the water in to a gas, all the
impurities are left behind, all the waste products are left
behind, then it is condensed and turned back into pure water and
becomes the ultimate pure water because of one very important
factor that is not present in any other water...it is molecularly
unstable. It means that when it goes in your bloodstream it breaks
apart easier and latches on to debris, waste products and unwanted
materials that are floating around in your bloodstream.
It is also one of the best ways there is for reducing blood
pressure. I made up two charts years ago when I was doing my
studies on body detoxification with distilled water, from 1865 to
1965. In 1865, diseases that ranked in the high 30's and low 40's
became the first four killers in 1965...and they were all
cardiovascular. I then made another chart from 1865 to 1965 to
show the reduction in the use of drinking rainwater. The two
charts were virtually biometrically opposite. As people quit
drinking rainwater, cardiovascular diseases went up. When the
blood vascular system is clean you have less headaches, you have
less pain, you have more oxygen and nutrients available for the
body and more healing capacity for the body.
It has been almost twenty years ago now that a man came down to my
office that had arthritis so bad he could hardly get out of a
straight-backed chair. His pain was excruciating. We put him on
the detoxification program, took him off of all grain in his diet,
instructed him to eat only fruit, vegetables, protein and meat
products, and put him on distilled water every half hour while he
was awake. It is hard to believe a month later this same man was
out working in his garden having the time of his life.
I cannot emphasize enough the importance of drinking distilled
water for cleansing the blood stream, for reducing arthritic pain
and lowering blood pressure. It has also been known to reduce
cholesterol and triglycerides. In fact, the only effect on the
body is health.
There are rules of thumb on how much water to drink. The rule of
thumb on a normal day is one half your body weight in ounces per
day. If you are sweating and exerting yourself you should drink
more, not less. We have a tendency to grab pop, coffee, Kool-Aid
and juices, but we need to get back to the habit of grabbing
distilled water.
To give you an example of what this means, if you are a man and
you weigh 200 pounds, you should be drinking a minimum of 100
ounces of distilled water throughout the day. There is an
interesting side note for people that like to study. Job, which is
the oldest book of the bible, I believe it is in the 36th chapter,
said God took up the water, distilled it, and poured it out
abundantly on man. The logical argument is who knows better what
we need than the creator, and he gave us distilled water."
Consumption of Low TDS
Dr. Lee Rozelle & Dr. Ronald Wathen
(NOTE: DISTILLED WATER falls under the category of "LOW TDS
The term "LOW TDS WATER" means water with a low Total Dissolved
Solids count. Distilled Water is in the category of "LOW TDS
WATER" because it generally has
a count of zero parts per million of dissolved solids.)
With Review By Dr. Lee T. Rozelle and Dr. Ronald L. Wathen, M.D.
MARCH 1993
Since the beginning of time, water has been both praised for good
health and blamed for human ills. We now know the real functions
of water in the human body are to serve as a solvent and medium
for the transport of nutrients and wastes to and from cells
throughout the body, a regulator of temperature, a lubricator of
joints and other tissues, and a participant in our body's
biochemical reactions. It is the H 2 0 in water and not the
dissolved and suspended minerals and other constituents that carry
out these functions. -
Low TDS water is defined in this paper as that containing between
one and 100 milligrams per liter (mg/L) of total dissolved solids
(TDS). This is typical of the water quality obtained from
distillation, reverse osmosis, and deionization point-of-use water
treatment of public or private water supplies that are generally
available to consumers in the world.
Highly purified (distilled) water is believed by some to help
"cure" arthritis by "washing out" excess calcium and other
minerals from deposits in joints. Along with this reasoning, some
people speculate that drinking highly purified water, treated by
distillation, reverse osmosis, or deionization, "leaches" minerals
from the body and thus causes mineral deficiencies with subsequent
ill health effects.
An isolated report, a summary of Russian studies available through
the World Health Organization, has recommended that fluid and
electrolytes are better replaced with water containing a minimum
of 100 mg/L of TDS. However, this may pertain more to situations
in the human body during heavy exertion and sweating. It is the
market for sports drinks which are formulated to help replace the
sugar compounds, glucose in the blood and glycogen in the muscles
that are burned in prolonged exercise. Sports drinks are
formulated to help replace the sugar compounds - glucose in the
blood, glycogen in the muscles - and electrolytes, salt, calcium,
and potassium that keep cells in proper electrical balance - that
may be burned and depleted after an hour or more of hard exercise.
This situation does not have anything to do with low TDS or
demineralized water for normal drinking and cooking purposes. Even
in warm weather exercise, the greatest danger is that of
dehydration, and the proper advice to ward it off is to drink lots
of plain water.
The scope of this paper is limited to answering whether low TDS
water contributes to the loss of minerals from body tissues,
producing associated harmful side effects. The types of minerals
-- e.g., calcium versus sodium, or hard water versus soft water --
and the toxicity of minerals -- e.g., lead, cadmium, brackish, or
saline waters-- are not an issue in this report. Information on
the body's homeostasis mechanisms, community water supplies with
natural TDS less than 50 mg/L, historic use of distilled water
with less than three mg/L TDS on board Navy ships, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency's response to this issue, and
other evidence are presented to demonstrate that the consumption
of water with low levels of minerals is safe.
A review was conducted of the United States, Canadian, World
Health Organization (WHO) and European Community (EC) drinking
water standards. None of them has minimum limits or optimum levels
of total dissolved solids. The U.S. recommended maximum level is
500 mg(L, the Canadian guideline suggests less than 1,000 mg/L,
and the EC maximum admissible concentration (MAC) is 1,500 mg/L
(for "dry residues").
The EC standards also list numbers for calcium (guide level of 100
mg/L) and magnesium (guide level of 30 mg/L., and MAC of 50 mg/L),
and a minimum for hardness (minimum required concentration for
softened water of 60 mg/L as Ca), and alkalinity (minimum required
concentration for softened water of 30 mg/L HC0 3 -). However,
there is no health criteria documentation for these advisories.
These levels are listed as aids to operation for water supply
systems, i.e., suggested parameters for laying down a passivating
film of scale in municipal distribution mains. Calcium, magnesium,
hardness, and alkalinity conditions are not necessary for judging
the safety of drinking water. It is understood that the
association of European water suppliers, Eureau, is moving to
exclude these parameters from the European legally enforceable
A better understanding of the effect of low TDS water on the human
body requires a basic understanding of the body's mechanism in
this respect. Following is a description of the relevant
Homeostasis is the maintenance of static or constant conditions in
the internal body environment. This natural process controls the
mineral (ion) and the water concentrations in the body fluids
within narrow limits inside and outside all the cells in all the
organs and tissues of the body. The kidneys are most important in
maintaining constant ion concentrations (including sodium,
potassium, calcium, etc.) through elimination and reabsorption.
In homeostasis, three body fluids are involved: plasma
(approximately 3/5 of the blood volume); interstitial fluid (the
fluid between cells); and intracellular (fluid inside the cells)."
The concentration of sodium ions is highest outside the cell and
that of potassium ions is highest inside the cell. When the
osmotic pressure is high on one side of the cell membrane (high
concentration of ions) and low on the other side, water moves
across the cell membrane from the dilute side toward the other
side to equalize the osmotic pressure. This phenomenon is known as
osmosis. [This is unlike reverse osmosis which occurs when outside
pressure is applied to the concentrated side, pushing the water
back to the dilute side.] The normal osmolality (concentration of
ions) of all these fluids is about 300 milliosmoles per liter
(mOsm/L (- 9,000 ppm).
Any changes from normal in ion concentration across the cell
membrane is corrected in one minute or less because water moves
quickly through cell membranes. Thus, small changes in osmolality
from drinking purified water (0 to 100 mg/L TDS) are quickly
brought to equilibrium.
The kidneys control the overall concentration of the constituents
of body fluids. It filters about 180 liters (165 quarts) of water
per day, but over 99% is reabsorbed and only 1.0 to 1.5 liters are
eliminated as urine. If the osmolality of the fluid to be filtered
by the kidney is lower than normal (low solute concentration -
such as low TDS water) nervous and hormonal feedback mechanisms
cause the kidney to excrete more water than normal and thus
maintain the ion concentration in the body fluid to normal values.
The opposite is true if the ion concentration of the fluid to be
filtered is higher than normal. This kidney homeostatic mechanism
keeps the body fluid osmolality normal. The osmolality of the
fluid to be filtered by the kidney is controlled to + 3% to
maintain it at the normal level of 300 mOsm/L. The three basic
hormonal and nervous control systems triggered by abnormal ion
concentration in the body fluids to be filtered by the kidney are
antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from the pituitary gland, aldosterone
from the adrenal glands, and thirst (as osmolality rise of about
1% causes thirst).
Because of these kidney control mechanisms, drinking one liter of
water would cause the urine output to increase about nine times
after about 45 minutes (due to absorption of water in the gut) and
continue for about two hours. Thus, the concentrations of solutes
in the blood and other body fluids are quickly maintained by the
kidney through homeostasis. These control mechanisms keep the
sodium concentration at ± 7%. Calcium secretion is controlled by
parathyroid hormone to + a few percent in the extracellular body
Also, saliva increases the ion concentrations during water intake.
The concentration of sodium chloride in saliva is typically 15
milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L) or 877 mg/L; that of potassium
ion is about 30 mEq/L (1170 mg/L). As low TDS water is consumed,
it is combined with saliva which increases the TDS before it
reaches the gut to be absorbed, (e.g., each one milliliter of
saliva can increase the TDS level in eight ounces of water
consumed by about 10 mg/L).
Thus, based on the above highly credible and up-to-date textbook
knowledge* it is evident that consumption by a healthy person of
low TDS water alone cannot cause unhealthy systems.
['Healthy p e r s o n ~ means free of disease, hormonal problems,
etc., and not necessarily a healthy diet.] Of course, homeostasis
is maintained by diet as are other body functions. If homeostasis
is not maintained because of major diet deficiencies, disease, or
hormonal dysfunction, consuming low TDS water would be a minor (if
any) factor in any observed symptoms. It is apparent that disease,
physiological dysfunction, or major nutritional deficiencies may
cause a "leaching'' problem, but not consuming one to two liters
of low TDS water on a daily basis. *Guyton, Arthur L., M.D.
Textbook of Medical Psychology Eighth Edition, W.B. Saunders
Company, Philadelphia (1991).
During the last 12 months, several literature searches have been
undertaken to bring out studies, reports, reviews, and related
information that may be of value to reach conclusions that would
be scientifically supportable. These searches can be outlined as
Request of expert review by U.S. EPA, Dr. Lee T. Rozelle, and Dr.
Ronald L. Wathen of an annex (Appendix) attached to a report
submitted to WHO prepared
in 1980 by two Russians, G.I. Sidorenko and Y.A. Rachmanin, on the
general subject of desalination.
Letters sent out to various experts ·and informed parties,
including inquiries sent to the World Health Organization (WHO),
U.S. EPA, and U.S. Department of
the Navy.
A comprehensive search of the Medline medical literature database
for articles related to low TDS water and homeostasis.
A search of WATERNET database for articles with key words
describing low TDS waters and salt "leaching," etc. (No articles
were found.)
Review of published information regarding the levels of TDS in
many public water supplies.
A review of the literature has shown that there is very little
information published in western scientific literature that
relates the consumption of low TDS water to physiological effects
on the human body. A report "Guidelines on Health Aspects of Water
Desalination" prepared by G.I. Sidorenko and Y.A. Rachmanin of
Russia in 1980 and submitted to the World Health Organization
contains an annex (Appendix), 6V2 pages long, reviewing work that
has been reported in the Russian literature. The present
literature search did not unearth any official translation of any
of the articles cited in that annex. The annex concludes that
consumption of water with less than 100 mg/L disturbs the body's
water/salt balance, promoting the release of sodium, potassium,
chloride, and calcium ions from the body of animals or humans,
imposing a stress on the mechanism of homeostasis, promoting
changes in the gastrointestinal muscles and mucosa, and reducing
the thirst quenching capacity of the water.
This annex has been intensively reviewed by many scientifically
oriented individuals, including Dr. Lee Rozelle and Dr. Ronald L.
Dr. Rozelle summarized his review:
The data for their conclusions, summarized in Annex 8 of the WHO
unofficial guidelines, are not very convincing from a scientific
viewpoint. The volume of
water consumed per day was not indicated and the length of time of
the experiment for the human "volunteers" was not indicated (one
year for rats). The
physiological changes reported apparently were based on rat and
dog studies. For dogs, the same physiological changes were
observed for water containing 50 mg/L and 1,000 mg/L.
The conclusion of a minimum TDS of 100 mg/L is confusing and thus
not very convincing.
In the human studies, diuresis was observed particularly on the
second day of the study (the increase in urine output reported to
be 18%). The volume of water in the body from the "distillate" was
reported to be 50 to 100% higher than the "other groups." The
Russians also reported increased elimination of sodium, potassium,
chloride, calcium, and magnesium in the urine, and the specific
gravity was reduced. In the blood serum, the sodium was increased
and the potassium decreased. Then it was reported that the
"tendency" for similar changes were observed after consumption of
100 mg/L TDS and 1, 000 mg/L TDS. The water intake (based on
thirst) of various TDS waters was not clearly reported. In some
cases it was difficult to determine if the data were from animals
or humans.
In summary, the Russian studies, as reported in Annex 8 of the WHO
document appeared not to be rigorously scientific.
Dr. Wathen reviewed it from a medical point of view and wrote the
The Annex VIII of the report is an alleged "review" of water and
salt balance under the influence of a variety of water and salt
intakes, in a variety of animals, including humans, exposed to a
variety of conditions. The review is long on deductions, but very
short on (re) presentation of solid data. Moreover, probably only
a handful of references cited in this review (assuming they are
cited correctly) may be from creditable scientific journals, that
is, journals which demand proper scientific methodology and
peer review of all work, prior to publication. Many of the cited
articles may be from journals of "personal opinion": being
versed only in English, it is impossible for me to establish the
credibility of the cited work.
This review cited observations on the organoleptic features of
water (i.e., consumer appreciation of taste, odor, and color
qualities) to underscore precise,
physiologic thirst slaking with specific levels of TDS --
containing water in response to volume depletion. To begin with,
the quoted electroencephalographic
studies probably indicate only that a maximum number of receptor
sites (taste buds) have to be recruited through stimulation to
provide a maximum brain (alpha) wave response and that the TDS
level in water providing the maximum response was between 200-600
mg/L of salt.
One would expect such a response; one might also imagine that
receptor response (sensitivity) is considerably tempered by prior
salt and mineral exposure for the individual. Organoleptic
features are very, very unlikely to define whether a given water
source is healthful on non-healthful or that the amount imbibed is
appropriate to need. Moreover, taste receptor electrical activity,
being unlikely to reveal preference by the consumer, means the
consumer must be asked whether he or she prefers a given type of
water. More often than not, preference reflects prior experience
(learned behavior).
The review refers to exposure to desert and exercise conditions
for humans and how water lost in sweating should be replaced, not
with purified water but with salt water. Who would disagree with
this conclusion? With Gatorade, for example, selling to extremely
large U.S. and world markets, one hardly needs to be reminded in
this day and age that volume and salt losses encumbered with the
sweating of heavy exercise are best replaced with a fluid whose
constituents are more aligned with extracellular fluid in the
human. Gatorade, though billed a being "low sodium" on its label,
is in fact rather high in salt content (both sodium and potassium)
and it provides a rapid, convenient, and safe way to promptly
reconstitute vascular volume after heavy exercise. Dizziness, even
syncope (passing out), from volume depletion are thereby avoided
and strength of the individual is better sustained, due both to
volume replacement and the glucose contained within Gatorade.
Gatorade is a water source to be taken only to replace severe
fluid losses accompanying sweating; it generally averts the need
for supplemental salt tablets.
GatoradeR, in an opinion which may not be shared by the Gatorade
Company (Chicago, IL), is not a source which should be used to
replace normal fluid and electrolyte losses any more so than pure
water should be used to accommodate severe volume losses. In the
presence of salt accompanying usual dietary food intake (4-8
gm/day of sodium in U.S.), Gatorade might conceivably lead to
volume excess. A 64 oz. serving of Gatorade contains: 880 mg of
sodium; 200 mg of potassium; and about 400 calories, as
carbohydrate (112 grams). There is no magical solution; one should
drink what's appropriate to the circumstance.
Replacement of the large fluid losses accompanying heavy exercise
or thermal exposure, therefore, has nothing to do with using
purified water for normal
drinking and cooking purposes, the latter being paired with normal
food intake to meet salt and mineral needs. In normal day-to-day
activity not associated with extremes in sweat loss, the salt and
minerals accompanying normal food intake more than meet daily
dietary needs of such elements, whether consuming potable water
(e.g., TDS of up to 500 mg/L) or purified water (e.g., TDS 100
mg/L) or pure water (e.g., 0.111 mg/L TDS).
Salts and minerals are not "leached" from the human body; they are
preferentially retained or excreted, either of these events
occurring relative to whether or not one is surfeit in water or
salt or both. In short, the human body is not a lead or copper
pipe which "leaches" in the presence of purified water. The Annex
VIII review is very misleading in this regard.
I also think it is incredible to suggest that, in the absence of
abnormal water loading experiments, consumption of demineralized
water will cause distortion of the mucosal cells lining the GI
tract. Besides, in the normal human setting, such water is often
combined with other elements (e.g., coffee, tea, fruit juices,
soft drinks, etc.) which raises its TDS prior to consumption.
But, even if the TDS is not raised by some external means, through
the additions of saliva, gastric secretions, and small intestine
secretions beyond the stomach, there is an internal elevation in
TDS of any dilute fluid one might drink. It would be my opinion
that the adsorptive portion of the GI tract, that is, the small
intestine, in the absence of extreme water loading, never sees a
hypotonic solution sufficient to cause the mucosal cells to swell
or to appear damaged. There is a tendency in this review to draw
conclusions from observations in anhidrotic (non-sweating)
laboratory animals (dogs, rats, and rabbits) and apply them to the
very hidrotic (sweating) human. That is, the review often draws
conclusions from fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base studies in
"non-sweaters" and seems to transfer these conclusions to the
"sweaters." It is imprudent physiologically, if not scientifically
erroneous, to do so. I found the reported physiological data to be
very confusing, often at right-angles to prior knowledge. One
wonders if the responses to various levels of salt in water were
confused when citing data from the actual papers used in the
I personally have never heard of osmorceptors being present in the
gut which might serve to regulate fluid adsorption. And certainly,
I have never heard of the liver being a repository of salt to be
released to reconstitute salt levels in the vascular compartment.
This statement, I think, is borderline preposterous. The
literature cited here has been misconstrued or is comprised of
essentially factitious observations. Salt in all body fluid
compartments redistributes bidirectionally in attempts to off-set
excesses or insufficiencies in extracellular fluid constituents,
particularly in the vascular (blood volume) compartment.
The following responses have been received from different experts
in many different fields: WHO's Dr. Galal-Gorchev states that WHO
has "no information that such (low TDS) water would have and
adverse effect on mineral balance".
U.S. EPA's Dr. Edward V. Ohanian, Chief of Human Risk Assessment
Branch wrote, Drinking water supplies a number of minerals that
are important to human health.
However, drinking water is normally a minor source of these
Typically, the diet is the major source of these beneficial
minerals. I am not aware of any data adequate to support the
conclusion that water with low levels of minerals is unsafe.
The U.S. Navy has used distilled water with less than three ppm
TDS aboard ship for more than 40 years. Surface ships while on
shore take on water from shore sources, but it is common for
submarines to provide nothing but purified water for months at a
time, all with no reported ill effects. This was confirmed with
separate sources at the David Taylor Research Center in Annapolis,
the Naval Sea Systems Command, the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery,
and the Navy Environmental Health Center. Finally, the Surgeon
General directed the Navy to address the subject formally in 1972.
The conclusion was that drinking distilled water is not harmful.
The University of Illinois Health Sciences Library's ONLINE
SERVICES department was contracted to search the MEDLINE database
for the several key word groups back to 1980. That search produced
18 articles, but only two relevant ones, both supporting the
proposition that the physiologic mechanisms of homeostasis are
more than adequate to permit routine drinking of purified water.
Article 1 described experiments in which dogs were given large
amounts of distilled water to lower the blood osmotic pressure
while monitoring very closely the pH and C0 2 of arterial blood
and the breathing rate. They found that the blood osmolality has a
direct effect on breathing in addition to the known effects on
kidney function. Thus, homeostasis appears to be controlled while
intentionally consuming low TDS water.
Article 2 described experiments with rats which had had their
pituitary glands removed ("hypophysectomized rats)", and which
therefore should show some damage to the hormonal control system.
They found that the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system worked
well even without a pituitary, suggesting an additional control
system leading to the maintenance of homeostasis.
None of the 18 articles, including these two, showed any direct
information about the subject matter of interest, but only that
the homeostasis mechanism in living beings has significant
abilities to adapt to different situations and inputs.
There are no known scientific data which clearly demonstrate that
the consumption of low TDS water by humans will or will not lead
to harmful effects on the human body. However, a number of field
experiences can be cited which support the premise that the
consumption of such water by humans does not cause such harmful
effects. There are no known documented experiences which show that
consuming low TDS water will create any long-term health effects.
The U.S. Navy has used distilled sea water for human consumption
for approximately 40 years. TDS levels below 3 mg/L have been
reported and consumption of this water for months at a time is
common on submarines. No health problems have been reported by the
Navy and they feel low TDS water is safe to drink.
The U.S. Army uses reverse osmosis units to provide drinking water
for soldiers in the field.
They do not consider low TDS water to be a problem and have no
minimum standard.
The U.S. EPA conducted a project in San Ysidro, New Mexico in
which the TDS was dropped from 800 mg/L to a range of 40 to 70
milligrams per liter. No health effects were observed during the
one year test.
Possibly the largest field study of human consumption of low TDS
water is within the United States where municipal systems are
delivering water in this category. Millions of people currently
consume such water, and this practice has gone on for decades.
Exact data are difficult to obtain due to seasonal changes, use of
blended water from multiple sources, and changes of sources.
However, the following levels have been reported:
Boston, MA
Portland, OR
Baltimore, MD
Lake Tahoe, CA
San Francisco, CA
Seattle, W A.
Denver, CO
New York City, NY
64 mg/L
23 mg/L
89 mg/L
50-64 mg/L
27-154 mg/L
34-47 mg/L
39-216 mg/L
41-283 mg/L
In addition to these areas, thousands of private wells, as well as
numerous small municipal systems in the U.S., produce low TDS
water. No known health effects or problems have been reported as a
result of this widespread practice.
Thousands of TDS reduction devices have been sold residentially in
the United States for decades. No reports of mineral depletion or
health effects are known as a result of the consumption of this
In Plains, Texas, where the drinking water was brackish at
1500-2000 mg/L TDS, a change was made to desalinated water and the
residents experienced temporary diarrhea. Because of the high
initial TDS and because of blending, the treated water exceeded
100 mg/L TDS, which is above the definition of low TDS water
established for this report.
In Montreal, a study compared the gastrointestinal disorders of
two groups; one consumed tap water, while the other consumed
reverse osmosis water. The group consuming the tap water had a
higher incidence of GI infections. While neither of these
experiences can be considered conclusive, no evidence of mineral
leaching, the topic of this report, was reported in either case.
NASA has reported no ill effects from the consumption of
approximately .05 mg/LTDS water on board space craft. It appears
that the possibility that this could have been a problem was never
seriously considered by NASA.
In a field test in Boulder, Colorado with about 50 families, an
experimental, zero discharge water system provided drinking water
containing about .05 ppm TDS. No ill health effects were caused as
a result of drinking this water.
In conclusion, the field experiences cited suggest that there are
no long-term ill health effects, specifically the mineral leaching
from human tissue, due to the consumption of low TDS water.
It has been concluded that the consumption of low TDS water,
naturally occurring or received from a treatment process, does not
result in harmful effects to the human body. This is based upon
the following points:
• No public health organization with authority over the drinking
water quality anywhere in the world has enacted or even proposed a
minimum requirement for total dissolved minerals in drinking
The human body's own control mechanism (homeostasis) regulates the
mineral content of the body fluids and the discharge of different
types of ions from the
body of normal health individuals drinking water with low or high
mineral content.
Several types of scientific literature searches have found no
harmful effects to the human body attributable to the consumption
of low TDS water.
Review of the Soviet report has shown that the scientific methods
used are questionable and the conclusions are either vague or
unsupported by the data.
Many examples of real-world situations in which large populations
have been and continue to be provided exclusively with low TDS
water without any reported unusual or ill health effects,
establishes the safety of consuming such waters by human beings.
Why Distilled Water ?
Dr. Siedlecki
The three primary substances needed for life are:
1. Water
2. Oxygen
3. Calcium
The importance of water is paramount, but as crucial is providing
the proper type of water in proper proportions within the proper
time frame. There are a number of waters available for purchase.
Of these only one assures that the body’s metabolic environment is
at its best hydration, and that is distilled water.
Water in the human body acts as a solvent, carrying nutrients to
every living cell, and transporting waste material out of the
cells for removal. Efficient absorption of nutrients and efficient
elimination of wastes through the kidneys and liver is only
possible when water, the transport medium, is clean.
Distilled water removes poisonous substances and inorganic mineral
matter from the human body.
This process will be impeded if the water you drink is already
Dr. Carey Reams, world-renowned expert on body pH, was trained in
mathematics, biophysics and biochemistry and had six PhD’s to his
credit. Dr. Reams is best known for developing the Biological
Theory of Ionization, a system used to measure energy in the body.
Reams’ analysis of measuring and balancing body chemistry has been
used for over fifty years with astounding success. According to
the research of Dr. Reams the best water to drink is distilled
water! Distilled water provides the most energy in the body.
Distilled water reacts with the extremely acid stomach contents
without activating any buffering systems or affecting the body pH.
Distilled water does not travel through the body “wreaking acid
havoc” as some would have you believe. In fact, according to Dr.
Theodore A. Baroody, author of “Alkalize or Die”, only distilled
water produces a completely negative ion reaction in the system.
Negative ions are alkaline-forming. These negative charged ions
draw the positively charged acid waste products, flushing them
into the elimination channels of the body for excretion. So even
though distilled water tests slightly acidic, because of its
negative charge, a more alkaline internal systemic environment is
created in the body when distilled water is consumed.
Water is needed first by the liver; it is best that it be a high
energy water, such as distilled. The body is approximately 75%
water. In fact, the body operates under a water vapor or steam
Without the proper water, enzyme structure and energy reactions
will be interfered with. In a recent article about the vibrations
of the DNA, author Stefi Weisburd cites research showing how DNA
changes its configurations depending on the environment it is in…
“changes in the environment of DNA such as temperature, acidity,
salt level and water content can drive transformations between DNA
structures…When the mode softens, the amplitude of vibrations
grows so large that the original structure is destabilized and the
molecule is driven into a new geometry.”
Keep this information in mind. It will help you understand how a
change in the body chemistry, as reflected in the equation, is an
energy loss that distorts frequency and micronage. Such changes
interfere with proper form, function and maintenance of the DNA as
well as the cells themselves. Water is crucial to DNA form and
function. If DNA is destabilized the form and function of the body
is also destabilized, effecting our ability to build healthy cells
and maintain health.
The body is the sum of its parts, those parts are the basic
elemental building blocks we call minerals – congealed light
energy. Minerals are tiny electrical generators. As they interact,
building and bonding, with other minerals they become part of the
electro-magnetic plating of the human organism. This
electro-magnetic plating of the body is the building process that
sustains life and wellness. It is one of increasing
electro-magnetism resulting in increasing Reserve Mineral Energy
(vital force) or maintaining high Reserve Mineral Energy.
If mineral energy is lost out of basic molecular structure or is
not supplied, the line of resistance will be altered at that
point. Resistance = energy. If this happens, the electrical flow
is altered. When the electric flow is altered, the magnetism will
also be altered. Hence, as magnetism is changed, the mineral
plating will be affected. This is where the build up of reserve
mineral energy is interfered with, high-level wellness is reduced,
and the person will be annoyed with greater and greater number of
Energy is produced by resistance. Resistance is a term used to
refer to the friction of reaction. In other words when two
elements come together (i.e. Hydrogen & Oxygen) they are not
moving at the same energy levels. They have different energy
potentials. In order for them to interact and combine, each must
go through a synchronization process which will allow each to give
off enough energy so they can co-ordinate their electromagnetic
fields to bond into a new molecular arrangement (i.e. H 2 O). The
synchronization of Hydrogen and Oxygen gives off a tremendous
amount of energy. Energy potentials can be divided into units
called anions and cations. These Millhouse units have specific
values 1-999. When discussing frequency we refer to the atomic
weight of an element to determine its energy ratio. By taking a
ratio and knowing whether it be anionic or cationic we are able to
calculate the average energy value for an atom of any substance.
Incidentally, the average energy value of water, if one were to
consider the water at a high energy it would become a “heavy
water.” By the same token if one were to take the opposite extreme
or low energy values for anions and cations the water molecule
would have low energy. This is called “light water.” Heavy water
is wet water and light water is dry water. A practical example of
“Light” water is hard water. The mineral in hard water has taken
the energy away from the water molecule in order for it to be
carried in the water molecule. “Wet” water would be soft, low in
mineral, high in energy, and heavy. Steam distillation of water
makes “wet - soft” water because it adds energy. This is what
makes it catalyze energy reactions in the human system so well.
Distilled water is shown to be more important than ever in playing
a vital part in controlling conductance and other electrical
phenomena in the human body.
The highest energy water comes from the steam distillation
process. No other type of water is able to carry mineral into the
system as easily as steam distilled water. Distilled water in the
human, enhances the movement of mineral into the liver. And
because the liver has to put water, like all types of food energy,
on the body’s frequency, it is much easier to convert high energy
water than low energy water. There are only two sources of natural
distilled water. One is rain water, but it is too polluted to use
today. The other source is glacier water – this is the water
consumed by the Hunza people of the Himalayas who are noted for
their long life span.
There is an ever-increasing popularity and use of mineral waters.
The dangers of water with a high mineral content are being totally
ignored. Why should the mineral waters containing minerals, which
are essential for human health, be damaging for the body
chemistry? To understand the harmful effect of mineral water is to
understand cytology, or the cells structure and function. The
elements of the mineral kingdom cannot be assimilated directly by
the animal cell. They must go through a process of linking with
amino acids first. Found in the plant kingdom is the link for
getting mineral into human life the most efficiently.
Plants take in mineral directly, once in the plant, the minerals
become a part of the cell structure after going through a
recombining process in the energy cycles of the plant
(photosynthesis). These energy cycles convert the mineral into a
chelated form. The mineral ends up linked with amino acid
complexes in the plants structural tissue. When man eats the
plant, the mineral complexes in the plant amino acids can then be
easily converted by human enzyme activity into molecular
structures on the human frequency.
Drinking water, containing a large amount of inorganic mineral
(i.e. spring water, purified water) whether hard or soft, can be
compared to doing your dishes in dirty water. If the water comes
in already loaded up, it will not be able to take the debris and
waste out of the system without first leaving behind what it
brought in.
Most people don’t realize that the minerals found in mineralized
water are inorganic and in salt (electrolytic) form, not in the
organic carbon-based form that your body needs. These inorganic
minerals are deposited in the body and add to the overloading of
electrolytes that the body has to remove and also increases
mineral and heavy metal deposits that develop weakened tissue
and/or areas of poor circulation and chronic inflammation.
On the other end of the spectrum we find deionized water - water
that is stripped of its minerals and electrical potential. Do not
purchase deionized water for drinking – it is sold labeled
“purified water.” Deionized water is not for consumption within
the human body. It is deionized water, it is ok for your steam
iron, however, deionized water will pull usable minerals out of
your body over a period of time. It is called a “hungry water.”
According to French Hydrologist, Vincent Roujon, “the lesser the
microwatt potential in the drinking water the better.”
What creates the microwatts in water is inorganic minerals. Only
distilled water fits the criteria of low mineral, low microwatt,
plus it is low surface tension, high energy and wetter water. The
use of distilled water is preferred, not because of the lack of
mineral so much as, because of the higher energy. Distilled water
moves through the system and especially the liver better than low
energy water. Your body is 60-80 % water; water is the chief
catalyst and medium for all the energy reactions that take place.
Using higher energy, wet, distilled water assures that the body’s
metabolic environment is at its best hydration.
[1] Science News, Vol. 125, page 362
[2] "Principles and Techniques of Ionization as Applied to Human
Nutrition”, Dr. Alexander F. Beddoe
[3] Roujon, Lucien, Vincent Bio-Electronics-Theory and
Application, Ottingen, Germany
What leading authorities have to say.
"If you decide on bottled water, make sure it's distilled. The
'gold standard' for purifying your water is a system that distills
your water and filters it. You have the comfort of knowing there
is no chlorine, fluoride, bacteria, viruses, pesticides, or lead.
You get nothing but H 2 O." - Maximum Health. Dr. Robert D.
Willix, Jr., M.D.
"Let me classify the nine kinds of water. They are hard water, raw
water, boiled water, soft water, rain water, snow water, filtered
water, de-ionized water, and distilled water. All are kinds of
water - but remember this: only one of these nine kinds of water
is good for you. Distilled water is water which has been turned
into vapor, so that all its impurities are left behind. Then, by
condensing, it is turned back to pure water. It is the only water
which is pure - the only water free from all impurities". The
Choice Is Clear - Dr. Allen E. Banik
"Distillation provides us with the purest water obtainable... by
all means make the smart choice in the type of water you drink.
There should only be one choice - PURE! And pure means distilled."
Fit For Life II: Living Health - Harvey & Marilyn Diamond
"Tap water invariably contains a variety of poisons such as
chlorine, chloramine, asbestos, pesticides, fluoride, copper,
mercury, and lead. The best way to remove all these contaminants
is by distilling." How To Save Your Teeth: Toxic- Free Preventive
Dentistry - Dr. David Kennedy, D.D.S.
"Distillation is the best method and provides the only pure water.
It is the only reliable water purification method. " Fluoride: The
Aging Factor - Dr. John Yiamoyuiannis, Ph.D.
"Water hardness (inorganic minerals in solution) is the underlying
cause of many, if not all, of the diseases resulting from poisons
in the intestinal tract. These (hard minerals) pass from the
intestinal walls and get into the lymphatic system, which delivers
all of its products to the blood, which in turn, distributes to
all parts of the body. This is the cause of much human disease."
The Mayo Clinic - Dr. Charles Mayo
"Let me state emphatically that, in my opinion, the misery of
arthritis is caused by hard water saturated with inorganic
minerals and an unbalanced diet, forming acid crystals in the
moveable joints, plus inactivity of the body in general. Only
distilled water removes these inorganic minerals. The greatest
damage done by inorganic minerals - plus waxy cholesterol and salt
- is to the small arteries and other blood vessels of the brain
(75% water). Hardening of the arteries and calcification of blood
vessels starts on the day you start taking inorganic chemicals and
minerals from water into your bodies." The Shocking Truth About
Water - Dr. Paul Bragg, N.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Allen E. Banik, M.D., who spent much of his life researching
the effects of water on the human body reported the following in
his publication The Choice Is Clear: "The only minerals that the
body can utilize are the organic minerals. All other types of
minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be
eliminated. Distilled water is the only water that can be taken
into the body without damage to the tissues.”
"The body's need for minerals is largely met through foods, not
drinking water." - The American Medical Association "Distillation
involves the process of vaporizing water by boiling it. The steam
rises, leaving behind most bacteria, viruses, chemicals, minerals,
and pollutants from the water. The steam is then moved into a
condensing chamber where it is cooled and condensed to become
distilled water . . . We believe that only steam-distilled water
should be consumed." Prescription for Nutritional Healing - James
F. Balch, M.D. & Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C.
"The only type of water that seems to be fit for consumption is
distilled water, which is water that is absolutely free of any
minerals or chemicals. Distilled water is made pure by first being
heated to the point of vaporization, so that all of the
'impurities' are left behind. Then, the water vapor is condensed.
The process results in water that is in its purest form.
Distillation is the single most effective method of water
purification." A Diabetic Doctor Looks at Diabetes - Peter A.
Lodewick, M.D.