Electrolyzed Water in Agriculture
September 18, 2015
Tasmanian researchers investigate using
electrolysed water on crops
By Sallese Gibson
Tasmanian vegetable farmers could soon be using electrolysed water
on their crops as an alternative to some chemicals, if tests
confirm suspected benefits.
Electrolysed water works as a surface sanitiser, and is produced
by passing an electrical current through salt water.
Researchers said it has been used extensively in some overseas
countries as a cleaning agent, but little is known about its
effectiveness in production horticulture.
The Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association (TFGA) has
partnered with the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture to
investigate its use in the vegetable industry.
The institute's Professor Roger Stanley said he was confident
electrolysed water had potential.
"The future here is probably very good," Professor Stanley said.
"We can use it to extend the shelf life of food.
"The other use could be as a field sanitiser, for controlling the
fungal bacteria infection in crops.
"It's a contact sanitiser so it doesn't have systemic effects but
will prevent the infection from getting into the plant."
TFGA expects 'broad applications'
Karine Cadoret from the TFGA agreed.
"The applications really are quite broad and they can stretch from
in-field use, right the way through to packaging," Ms Cadoret
"Electrolysed water technology [could be used for] disease
suppression in-field or cleaning of equipment perhaps for
biosecurity purposes, right the way through washing fresh produce
to extend the shelf life."
She said she hoped the technology would reduce the industry's
reliance on chemicals.
"Disease in production systems is obviously a big issue," she
"We do have, in conventional farming, an array of chemicals that
can be used - but obviously there are risks associated with that.
"So to have another tool, part of the array of the things that
[they] can use to ensure that their production will yield good
results has obviously got a lot of potential benefits."
Professor Stanley said he hoped the move would help the industry
move away from some chemicals.
"At the moment, a lot of crops develop around spray programs using
fungicides and insecticides," he said.
"[Electrolysed water] has the potential to lower the use of
fungicides by preventing the infection in the first place.
"It's a novel and innovative use of an old technology and we
really want our farmers to be up and taking advantage of these new
Agronomist backs electrolysed water
Mark Parkinson has been using electrolysed water in his agronomy
business in Queensland for the past two years.
"It's made a big difference in helping me getting my farmers to
point A to point B, without getting crucified with diseases," he
Mr Parkinson said he found it effective in reducing the occurrence
of white rot in onion crops.
"Instead of a 90 per cent destruction of the paddocks, it's been a
90 per cent keepsake or more, 95 per cent.
"I don't believe in golden bullets and this is not a golden
bullet, don't get me wrong, but it's pretty close."
He said it was a much cheaper alternative to most chemicals.
"The inputs in agriculture... [are] beginning to cripple the
farming industry," he said.
"[Electrolysed water] costs three cents a litre to make.
"So you can throw on your $150 or $100-a-hectare chemicals, they
just don't work.
"This is three cents a litre, at 750 litres a hectare, and it does
Karine Cadoret agreed.
"In terms of production, it's got great, sort of productivity and
cost reduction ... applications," she said.
She said she believed it could also further enhance the reputation
of Tasmania's agriculture industry.
"The clean and green and safe image of the Tasmanian produce would
definitely benefit from having technology like this," she said.
"The technology has actually been certified for organic production
systems and it's safe for the environment, as well as being safe
for humans."
Nathan Richardson is a farmer on Tasmania's north-west coast.
He said he was excited at the prospect of using electrolysed water
as part of his farming enterprise.
"As soon as I heard about it I thought 'right, does that work in
my poultry operation, for either sanitisation or water consumption
for the animals?'" he said.
"I care about the soil and the environment and the people that are
eating our food.
"Anything we can do to lessen the impact on the flora and fauna
through the use of pesticides has got to be a great thing."
Handbook-Agricultural Practice using
Functional Electrolyzed Water
This handbook was translated from the original Japanese some years
ago. Written by a gentleman named Hiromu Kohno, it outlines his
Organic Agricultural experiences with Functional Electrolyzed
Water, or Super-Electrolyzed Water.
It is entitled “Organic Agriculture made possible by the Power of
“Agricultural Practice using Super-Electrolyzed Water”
Organic Agriculture-Introduction & Table of contents
Organic Agriculture-Chapter 1-Using Super Electrolyzed Water for
Organic Agriculture
Organic Agriculture-Chapter 2-The Mechanism of Electrolyzed Water
Organic Agriculture-Chapter 3-Production & Safety of FEW
Organic Agriculture-Chapter 4-Maximising FEW Usage
Electro Water -- The Most Powerful Water on
Ionized Water. Alkaline Water. Electrically Activated Water.
Ionized Alkaline Water. Anti Microbial Ionized Water. Functional
Electrolyzed Water.
These are just a few of the many names being used to describe the
next generation of water technology. The first generation of water
products produced only clean water. Water filters, water
purifiers, ion exchange or water softeners, distillers – all just
removed contaminants or constituents from water.
This website will help to inform the reader of the History and
Science behind the Technology of Functional Electrolyzed Water.
Water technology has now evolved to Ionization. A water ionizer is
a form of water technology that can actually alter the properties
of the water.
This alteration in water is creating “Functional Electrolyzed
Water”(FEW) – a different kind of water. This is not simply clean
water, but water that has acquired very different properties that
give it powerful functionality or uses at different levels of
Functional Water technology is available now and can significantly
impact your efficiency, operational effectiveness, environmental
footprint and bottom line.
The technology behind Functional Electrolyzed Water (FEW) is based
on the science of Electrolysis, the origins of which date back to
the 19th Century when the prominent Scottish scientist Michael
Faraday first began experimenting with water and electricity.
What is Functional Electrolyzed Water (FEW)?
Restructured water produced through a controlled electrolysis
process is referred to as Functional Electrolyzed water.
Based upon electrolytes and the application of electrical current
to tap water, the controlled electrolysis process transformed tap
water into a functional agricultural water.
The term “functional” describes a newly-designated
descriptor. The term describes the ability of the generic
element or component to possess secondary benefits that were
previously unknown. When an element that triggers a
beneficial result is researched and found, this mechanism is
designated as a “functional” contributor to the beneficial result.
As an example, grapes are commonly known to be small, round and
juicy berries found in clusters, growing on a grapevine.
Grapes have been historically consumed as a fruit or known to be
the key element in the production of an alcoholic beverage, Wine.
In recent years, it has become scientifically known that wine, a
by product created from grapes, possessing valuable antioxidant
elements, polyphenols, provides valuable antioxidant properties
effective in their controlling of excess of free radical damage
within the human body.
Based upon the finding, grape and wine are now considered to be a
“functional” fruit and a “functional” beverage, in other words and
effective “functional” medium that collaterally provides a benefit
as an end result
Likewise, resulting from the unique properties that are instilled
into tap water, through the controlled electrolysis process, we
have been able to produce a “functional” water capable of
controlling mildew and fungus, along with serving as an effective
soil nutrients and plant wellness and medium. And the end
results that are attained are larger yields, more effective root
systems, stronger plants and minimal usage of chemicals
Applications of Functional Water in
There are significant applications of FEW in the agricultural
arena. FEW has been in use in Japanese dairy farms for many years,
the measurable results have long been accessible on the Internet.
The increase in milk production ranging from 18-20%, and the
decrease in hormones, and antibiotics in the animal feed received
major attention when the data was first published on line in 1996.
A small study was conducted in Colorado in 2002, which bore out
some of the milk production statistics. In 2008, EAU, an American
publicly traded Company, in conjunction with the University of
Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine conducted and published
a significant study on the effects of their Empowered Water on a
Holstein dairy herd. Empowered Water has the same characteristics
as FEW...
What is also significant is the use of Anti Microbial Ionized
Water (AMI) Water on livestock. Due to it’s anti-microbial
properties, (AMI) Water is used as a foot rinse, anointed on
wounds, cuts, abrasions etc, with a high degree of effectiveness.
Wounds appear to heal much faster than using typical veterinary
Due to its’ characteristics, it is not harmful to the animals,
there no long term effects, which can be experienced with the use
of antibiotics.
Here are some Agricultural Applications of FEW
Dairy applications,
Hog applications,
Poultry applications,
Equine applications,
Bovine applications.
Sterilization of agricultural devices.
Silage Making.
In addition to Animal husbandry, there are areas in crop
production where FEW is used to great effect
Pesticidal and insecticidal reduction on plants.
Potato Blight removal.
Rice Fungus application,
Vegetable seed germination,
Plant growth acceleration,
Plant growth control,
Applications of Electrolyzed Water in
Agriculture & Food Industries
Muhammad Imran AL-HAQ, et al.
Microbial control of postharvest diseases has been extensively
studied and appears to be a viable technology. Food safety must be
ensured at each postharvest processing step, including handling,
washing of raw materials, cleaning of utensils and pipelines, and
packaging. Several commercial products are available for this
purpose. The time is ripe for developing new techniques and
technologies. The use of electrolyzed water (EW) is the product of
a new concept developed in Japan, which is now gaining popularity
in other countries. Little is known about the principle behind its
sterilizing effect, but it has been shown to have significant
bactericidal and virucidal and moderate fungicidal properties.
Some studies have been carried out in Japan, China, and the USA on
the pre- and postharvest application of EW in the field of food
processing. EW may be produced using common salt and an apparatus
connected to a power source. As the size of the machine is quite
small, the water can be manufactured on-site. Studies have been
carried out on the use of EW as a sanitizer for fruits, utensils,
and cutting boards. It can also be used as a fungicide during
postharvest processing of fruits and vegetables, and as a
sanitizer for washing the carcasses of meat and poultry. It is
cost-effective and environment-friendly. The use of EW is an
emerging technology with considerable potential.
Full Article ( PDF ) :
Application of Electricity Functional Water
in Agriculture
XU Wei-zhong,ZHU Li-xia,CHEN Jian-hua
This article introduced a kind of physical treated water called
electricity functional water,which could sterilize the bacteria
and promote plant growth.A systematic analysis was made on the
formation,mechanism and biological effect of electricity
functional water.It described the application of electricity
functional water in agriculture,including sterilization,soil
improvement,storage technology,agricultural products processing
and seed treatment.The importance and prospects of electricity
functional water in the production of nuisance-free agricultural
products were also discussed.
Application of Electrolyzed Strong Acid
DONG Tie You, et al.
The basic principle for producing electrolyzed strong acid water
and the fundamental mechanisms of its sterilization effect are
discussed.The possible application of electrolyzed strong acid
water is pointed out.It is an urgent,and good for everyone,work in
China to develop and utilize electrolyzed strong acid
water.Especially it is good for the environment protection in
China and for preventing the spreading of the aids and other
Basic Structure and Parameters of Batch
Typed Three-cell Electrodialysis Stack for Strong Oxidized
Water Making
HONG Yan, et al.
A method of producing strong oxidized water using three-cell
electrodialysis stack by membrane electrodialysis was
proposed.Operating priniciples and processing data were
provided,and the selections of composition materials were
discussed.Depending on the experiment,the optimal conditions for
producing strong oxidized water were obtained,i.e.when the
distance of electrode pairs is 10 cm,the concentration of NaCl is
5.32% and the voltage is 32V,the efficiency for producing strong
oxidized water with this kind of device is the highest.The
relation between operation current density and current efficiency
was also discussed.
Study on Extracting Humic Acid from Peat by
Two-step Method with Electrolytic Water
Li Liang, et al.
The method extracting humic acid with NaOH is used widely at home
and abroad, while it has some short-comings. Electrolytic water
not only is an especial and functional water with sterilization,
deodorization, activation and oxidation, but also is economical
and environmental-friendly, and easy to be produced. In this
paper, multi-experiments were designed to analyze the extracting
effect and rule from peat using two-step method, i.e., pretreated
with acidic electrolytic water fi rstly, and then extracted with
alkaline electrolytic water. Some optimal parameters were defi ned
finally, such as the initial concentration of NaCl in electrolytic
water was 5%, the ratios of acid-peat and alkaline-peat were 10∶1
and 15∶1, and the reaction temperature and reaction time were 40
℃and 3 h, respectively. This paper also analyzed the practical
value of this method, and would provide references for industrial
The Effect of Electrolyzed Water on Chinese
Cabbage Seeds Germination
Deng Lixin, et al.
For the special efficacy of electrolyzed water and the status that
electrolyzed water is less studied on leafy vegetables,in order to
provide basis for electrolyzed water used in the cultivation of
Chinese cabbage and other leafy vegetables,the effect of soaking
Chinese cabbage seeds with electrolyzed water was studied under
laboratory conditions.The results showed that pH value of the
electrolyzed water was an important factor that affected the
Chinese cabbage seeds germination.The acidic electrolyzed water of
pH 3.30 could accelerate seeds germinating and raise fresh weight
of shoots significantly;strong acidic electrolyzed water and
alkaline electrolyzed water would slow down the speed of seeds
germination and inhibit both germination rate and fresh weight of
shoots;besides,neutral electrolyzed water have no clear effect on
germination potential,germination rate and fresh weight of
shoots.Preliminary view was that,In addition,the results also
showed that 2h of soaking time was appropriate;when soaking time
was too short,the electrolyzed water could not have any effect,and
soaking too long would have a negative effect on the seeds
Effect of Electrolyzed Water on Growth and
Development,Nutritional Quality of Chinese Cabbage
HOU Meng-shi, et al.
In order to provide basis for using electrolyzed water in the
cultivation of Chinese cabbage and other leafy vegetables,the
effect of electrolyzed water on photosynthesis,growth and
yield,nutritional quality of Chinese cabbage was studied under
laboratory conditions in present paper.The results showed that the
photosynthesis,the growth and yield,the nutritional quality of
Chinese cabbage treated with electrolyzed at different pH water
differed significantly.Acidic electrolyzed water could enhance the
leaf Net Photosynthetic Rate(Pn).The chlorophyll accumulation,leaf
number and yield of Chinese cabbage were increased by sprinkle
irrigation acidic electrolyzed water and alkaline electrolytic
water on the roots.Alkalin electrolyzed water irrigation on the
root could increased the Vc content of Chinese cabbage.
Effect of Soaking Cucumber Seed with
Different Concentration Acidic Electrolyzed Water on Seed
Germination and Seedling Quality
Gao Xinhao, et al.
The effect of soaking cucumber seed with different concentration
acidic electrolyzed water was studied. The results showed that the
acidic electrolyzed water with appropriate concentration could
accelerate seed germinating and raise seedling quality. The
optimum acidic electrolyzed water characteristics for cucumber
seed soaking should be about: pH 2.40,ORP 1150mv,concentration of
available chlorine 25 mg/L.
Journal of Food Science, Volume 71, Issue 6, pages
M168–M173, August 2006
DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2006.00064.x
Effects of Ultrasound, Irradiation, and
Acidic Electrolyzed Water on Germination of Alfalfa and
Broccoli Seeds and Escherichia coli O157:H7
Hyun Jung Kim, Hao Feng, Mosbah M. Kushad andXuetong Fan
ABSTRACT: The ability of power ultrasound, acidic electrolyzed
water (AEW), and gamma irradiation to inactivate Escherichia coli
O157:H7 inoculated onto alfalfa and broccoli seeds was examined.
The treatment conditions under which the alfalfa and broccoli
seeds treated with sterile deionized water (SW), AEW, ultrasound
cleaning tank (UST), ultrasound probe (USP), and irradiation (IR)
would retain a germination percentage of >85% were first
determined for each disinfection hurdle. E. coli O157:H7
inactivation tests were then conducted with the experimental
conditions determined in the germination tests to find out the
maximum inactivation ability of each disinfection hurdle. AEW
treatment at 55 oC for 10 min reduced E. coli O157:H7 population
by 3.4 and 3.3 log CFU/g for the alfalfa and broccoli seeds,
respectively. IR at 8 kGy resulted in a 5-log reduction with seed
germination of >85% for both seed types, but a reduction in the
length and thickness of the sprouts was observed. None of the
ultrasound treatments achieved over a 2-log reduction in E. coli
O157:H7 population without lowering the germination to below 85%.
The results of this study demonstrated that AEW and ultrasound,
when applied individually or in combination with thermal treatment
at 55 oC, were not able to deliver a satisfactory inactivation of
E. coli O157:H7. A combination of several hurdles must be used to
achieve a complete elimination of E. coli O157:H7 cells on alfalfa
and broccoli seeds.
The preservation of fresh grape by the
acidic electrolyzed water
WU Long1, et al.
The fresh grape was processed by tap-water and different kinds of
Acidic Electrolyzed Water(AEW). The microbe total number, mold
total number, decay ratio and shedding ratio were evaluated. The
results showed that the microbe total number and loss ratio of the
grape dipped with different AEW were reduced remarkably. It was
also showed that the strong acidic electrolyzed water had the best
effect. The commercial value and edible safety of fresh post
harvest grape could be enhanced by processing with the acidic
electrolyzed water.
Plant Disease, July 1999, Volume 83, Number 7, Pages
Comparison of Effects of Acidic
Electrolyzed Water and NaOCl on Tilletia indica Teliospore
M. R. Bonde, et al.
Definitive identification of free teliospores of Tilletia indica,
causal agent of Karnal bunt of wheat, requires polymerase chain
reaction (PCR)-based diagnostic tests. Since direct PCR
amplification from teliospores has not been reliable, teliospores
first must be germinated in order to obtain adequate DNA. We have
routinely surface-sterilized teliospores for 2 min with 0.4%
(vol/vol) sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) to stimulate germination and
produce axenic cultures. However, we observed that some spores
were killed even with a 2-min NaOCl treatment, the shortest
feasible duration. Decreasing the NaOCl concentration in our study
from 0.4% to 0.3 and 0.2%, respectively, increased teliospore
germination, but treatment times longer than 2 min still
progressively reduced the germination percentages. In testing
alternative methods, we found “acidic electrolyzed water” (AEW),
generated by electrolysis of a weak solution of sodium chloride,
also surface-sterilized and increased the rate of T. indica
teliospore germination. In a representative experiment comparing
the two methods, NaOCl (0.4%) for 2 min and AEW for 30 min
increased germination from 19% (control) to 41 and 54%,
respectively, by 7 days after treatment. Because teliospores can
be treated with AEW for up to 2 h with little, if any, loss of
viability, compared with 1 to 2 min for NaOCl, treatment with AEW
has certain advantages over NaOCl for surface sterilizing and
increasing germination of teliospores of suspect T. indica.
Food Control, Volume 22, Issue 8, August 2011, Pages
Application of electrolyzed functional
water on producing mung bean sprouts
Liu Ruia, et ak.
Electrolyzed functional water possesses a wide variety of
antimicrobial activities. Electrolyzed functional water, which
used to take place of tap water in producing mung bean sprouts,
was studied in this paper. The results showed that electrolyzed
water can not only reduce the quantity of microorganism on the
surface of mung bean sprouts, but also promote the growth of
sprouts. Further research showed that electrolyte leakage rate of
mung bean soaked in electrolyzed water was the lowest, while the
catalase’s activity of mung bean soaked in electrolyzed water was
the highest. All of these contribute to the high activity of mung
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a technique suitable for use in
an electrolyzed water producing apparatus that can efficiently
produce weakly acidic or weakly alkaline electrolyzed water.
SOLUTION: The electrolyzed water producing apparatus 10 includes:
an anode chamber 20 equipped with an anode electrode 22; a cathode
chamber 30 equipped with a cathode electrode 32; an intermediate
chamber 40, provided between the anode chamber 20 and the cathode
chamber 30 for storing an aqueous electrolyte solution, an anion
exchange membrane 24 for partitioning the anode chamber 20 and the
intermediate chamber 40 from each other; and a cation exchange
membrane 34 for partitioning the cathode chamber 30 and the
intermediate chamber 40 from each other. The anode chamber 20 and
the cathode chamber 30 are in communication with a communication
hole 52 provided on a partition wall 50. The electrolyzed water
producing apparatus 10 is preferably applied to apparatuses in
which sterilization is necessary, for example, water purifiers.
Some related articles ( among many ):
Application of electrolyzed water in the food industry
Journal of Food Protection®, Number 5, May 2001, pp.
Decontamination of Lettuce Using Acidic Electrolyzed Water
International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 130,
Issue 2, 31 March 2009, Pages 88–93
Efficiency of slightly acidic electrolyzed water for
inactivation of Salmonella enteritidis and its contaminated
shell eggs
Food Control, Volume 20, Issue 3, March 2009, Pages 294–297
Disinfection efficacy of slightly acidic electrolyzed water
on fresh cut cabbage
Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 91, Issue 4, April
2009, Pages 582–586
Physicochemical properties and bactericidal efficiency of
neutral and acidic electrolyzed water under different storage
International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 139,
Issue 3, 15 May 2010, Pages 147–153
Effectiveness of low concentration electrolyzed water to
inactivate foodborne pathogens under different environmental