... Since 1992, the Russian company
Elate Intelligence Technologies, Inc. has demonstrated its ability
to radio-control rainfall on demand over an area of 200 square
miles. The corporate slogan is "Weather made to order". An Elate
weather-control system is in operation at Moscow's Bykovo Airport.
The New York Times (Sept. 24, 1992) reported that some
Russian farmers were using the technology to improve their crops.
Elate executive Igor Pirogoff was quoted in the Wall Street
Journal (Oct. 2, 1992) as saying that his company could have
transformed Hurricane Andrew "into a wimpy little squall".
The method of atmospheric ionization
to modify weather was first patented by William Haight in 1925
(British Patent # 251,689). He actually constructed two electrical
rain-making towers in California. Haight claimed that the earth
contains a positive charge of static electricity and the
atmosphere has a negatively-charged region. Between the two is an
insulating region of dry air that prevents the positive and the
negative charges from combining to produce a lower temperature
that would cause clouds to condense and rain to fall. By
discharging high frequency alternating current into the insulating
layer, electrical contact is established between the positive and
negative layers. The temperature drops in the clouds, causing them
to condnese and rain.
The technique can be adapted to
produce clouds where none exist, or to disperse fog by forming
clouds. The insulated apparatus was not grounded, so as to
discharge only into the atmosphere. He used a 5 kilowatt generator
to produce a 150-200 KHz signal (1200-2000 meters) that could
control the weather within a radius of 5 miles. (Figures 10 &
In September 2002, Russia's Emergency
Situations Ministry announced that it had drawn rainclouds to
Moscow and produced rain with a large ionizer. The device was
described by Mikhail Shakhramanian, the director of the ministry's
research institute, as "a metal cage crisscrossed by tungsten wire
[that] emits a vertical flow of oxygen ions that stirs the air and
raises humidity".
[0016] FIG. 6 illustrates
another embodiment of the apparatus aimed at reduction of the
mixing of the ascending moistened and the incoming fresh air
[0017] Under certain conditions atmospheric vapor may be out of
aerostatic equilibrium, which results in an upward force being
exerted on a volume of air (Makarieva et al., 2007). Conditions
for this process include (1) evaporation that is sufficiently
intensive, in particular to saturate vapor through the atmospheric
column up to a sufficiently high altitude; and (2) the atmospheric
temperature lapse rate [alpha]=[partial differential]T/[partial
differential]z (reduction of temperature T with altitude z) being
greater than a critical value [alpha]o=TsMwg/Qw, where Ts is the
absolute dew point temperature at the surface of the Earth,
Mw=1.8*10<-2 >kg mol<-1 >is the molar mass of water,
g=9.8 ms<-1 >is the acceleration of gravity, and Qw=44 kJ
mol<-1 >is the molar latent heat of evaporation for water.
At sea level, standard temperature Ts=288[deg.] K. (+15[deg.] C.),
the value for [alpha]o is 1.15 K km<-1 >and [alpha]o does
not typically exceed 1.3 K km<-1>. The condition
[alpha]>[alpha]o is satisfied in most cases of ambient values
of [alpha] and T, even for absolutely stable layers
([alpha]o<[alpha]<6 K km<-1>) when convection
typically does not occur.
[0018] At any altitude, actual vapor pressure eventually cannot
exceed the pressure of saturated vapor as any moisture excess in
the air is removed by vapor-to-liquid and possibly vapor-to-ice
phase transition processes. This limitation on vapor pressure,
governed by the vertical temperature profile where
[alpha]>[alpha]o, assures that at any altitude the partial
pressure of vapor is greater than the pressure of vapor mass in
the atmospheric column above this altitude, bringing the vapor out
of aerostatic equilibrium. In terms of differential equations this
means that the vertical gradient of the partial pressure of vapor
is greater than the weight of a unit volume of vapor at any
altitude. This difference appears as a force acting on a volume of
moist air, causing an updraft.
[0019] The abovementioned removal of excess moisture in a volume
of air by phase transitions occurs when the partial pressure of
vapor at an altitude initially exceeds the vapor saturation
pressure at a temperature determined by a given temperature
profile. The air becomes supersaturated with vapor and thus
subject to a phase transition. Condensation of vapor into liquid
water starts on atmospheric aerosol particles acting as
condensation nuclei, which grow into liquid droplets at the
expense of vapor until the air is no longer supersaturated. Areas
of droplet-laden air appear as clouds. Droplets may further be
merged, via the collection of smaller droplets by a larger droplet
(collector) that is moving, usually due to the force of gravity.
This process, known as coalescence, causes droplets to grow until
they are large enough to fall as rain.
[0020] At temperatures below the freezing point for water (0[deg.]
C.), droplets are super-cooled, i.e. they may remain in a liquid
state down to extremely low temperatures (as low as -39[deg.] C.).
Some super-cooled droplets may freeze and further grow by freezing
the vapor onto ice, via a process known as deposition. Deposition
of vapor is a phase transition process, in this sense analogous to
condensation. Ice particles may also merge with super-cooled
droplets and drops, causing the latter to freeze. This process of
collecting ice and liquid water particles into larger ice
particles, called riming, in this sense is analogous to
coalescence, but is also a phase transition (liquid water to ice)
process. These processes of supersaturated moisture removal and
release of latent heat at temperatures below the freezing point of
water will be additional to the condensational moisture removal
and latent heat release. Furthermore, such ice-related processes
may be dominant over condensation in forming the updraft under
consideration as vapor deposition pressure in the presence of ice
particles is lower than the vapour condensation pressure in the
presence of liquid droplets, and particle collection via riming,
in contrast to coalescence of droplets, is accompanied by the
release of additional latent heat. The produced ice-based
particles may fall as solid precipitation or as rain if they melt
before reaching the surface of the Earth.
[0021] Latent heat released in the removal of excess moisture by
phase transitions increases the buoyancy of air and thus augments
the initial updraft caused by the discussed aerostatic
non-equilibrium of vapor. Maintaining this process requires a
continuous and sufficient supply of vapor from the surface of the
Earth. In contrast, if the atmosphere is stable and, at the same
time, the intensity of evaporation on the surface is insufficient
to maintain the above process, which is often the case, an updraft
is not produced.
[0022] Accordingly, an apparatus is disclosed for providing a
continuous upward vapor flux to produce or augment an updraft of
vapor. To achieve this, the instant apparatus causes extraction of
the vapor from the air at lower altitudes to moisten the air at
higher altitudes.
[0023] Without being bound by theory, it is believed that a
mechanism of selectively transporting the water vapor component of
atmospheric air, which is responsible for such modification of the
vertical humidity profile, is as follows. Air molecules acquire a
momentum transferred from a moving ion by scattering. In the
absence of an electric field, this process is random (Brownian)
and the average macroscopic momentum transfer is zero. However, if
the motion of ions is organized to be in the same direction, e.g.
by having unipolar, i.e., predominantly of the same sign, ions
driven by a sufficiently strong electric field, this
ion-to-molecule momentum transfer appears on a macroscopic scale
as a force exerted on the air by the applied atmospheric electric
current, causing the air to flow. This phenomenon is known as "ion
wind" generation.
[0024] Applicants have unexpectedly discovered that, under certain
conditions, the generated "ion wind" accelerates water vapor to a
degree significantly higher compared to other air components. In
contrast to molecules of other air components, a molecule of water
(H2O) possesses its own electrical dipole moment. Therefore, when
colliding with a charged particle, it experiences a
charge-to-dipole interaction additionally to the short-range
Van-der-Vaalse interaction which is common to all air molecules in
collision processes. In this regard, water molecules behave
differently during collision (scattering) events on atmospheric
ions, and this difference is described in terms of the collision
cross section.
[0025] Trajectories of water and non-water molecules are shown in
FIG. 1, illustrating the effect of the increased collision
cross-section for a water molecule, moving parallel to axis X at a
distance r from it (scattering distance) towards an air ion of
radius R. Non-water molecules moving parallel to the axis X at a
distance r from it can be scattered only if r<R, so R is their
maximum scattering distance. In contrast, due to the additional
attractive charge-to-dipole electric force, water molecules with
the maximum scattering distance [rho] can also be scattered at
R<r<[rho]. The effective cross-section for water molecules
determined by [rho] is larger than that for other molecules
determined by R as [rho]>R.
[0026] The collision cross-sections ratio of water to non-water
molecules, called enhancement factor EF, for a range of air ion
sizes has been estimated by Nadykto et al., (2003). For ions with
diameters 0.6 nm and 1.2 nm, the values for EF were found to be 7
and 2.2 respectively. For the average diameter of air ions of
about 0.9 nm, EF 4. For water molecular clusters with dipole
moments larger than those of the water molecule H2O, such as water
dimer (H2O)2 and others ((H2O)n, n>2) which appear in higher
concentrations when vapor is closer to saturation, the values for
EF are found to be even higher.
[0027] The larger the ion-to-molecule collision cross-section, the
larger the number of air molecules that collide with a moving ion
and the larger the total momentum transferred to the molecules
from the ion per unit of time. The total momentum transferred to
molecules of a volume of air per unit of time is the macroscopic
force exerted on this volume of air. As the collision
cross-section for water molecules is greater (EF>2), and
therefore the ion-to-molecule momentum transfer is also greater,
the electric force exerted on water vapor will be significantly
greater compared to other air components. As a result, the vapor
moves ahead of other components in the air flow produced along the
electric field lines. This microphysical process of separation of
water vapor from other air components by an atmospheric electric
current of unipolar ions (unipolar atmospheric electric current or
UAEC) is referred to hereinafter as selective moisture transport
(SMT). The latter leads to the re-distribution of the available
atmospheric vapor and the formation of buoyant parcels of
moistened air.
[0028] In general, SMT causes an increase in relative humidity in
some areas at the expense of it decreasing in others from which
the moisture was taken, i.e. closer to the origin of UAEC.
Although at first it may be not obvious, an increase in humidity
reduces the density of the air and vice versa. This is because the
number of molecules of all components in a volume of air is
constant at a given temperature and pressure. Adding or removing
water vapor with a molar mass of 1.8*10<-2 >Kg
mol<-1>, which is lower than the molar mass of air of about
2.9*10<-2 >Kg mol<-1>, will respectively reduce or
increase the mass per unit volume of the air, i.e. its density.
According to Archimedes' principle, dehydrated air parcels descend
while moisturized ones ascend. In this way, the moisture
separation achieved with the aid of a locally generated UAEC
appears as upward moisture transport on a larger scale, ultimately
due to the forces of gravity and reasonably long lifetimes of air
parcels with artificially modified humidity. The ascending
moistened air will reach saturation at and above a certain
altitude, and the initial updraft may further be augmented by
latent heat release and aerostatic non-equilibrium of vapor as
discussed previously.
[0029] Generating an atmospheric electric current requires
producing atmospheric ions acting as current carriers and a source
of electric field which drives the ions.
[0030] All air ionization methods are based on moving electrons
between gas molecules. If a gas molecule loses an electron, it
becomes a positively charged molecular ion. If a gas molecule
gains an electron, it becomes a negatively charged molecular ion.
Within nanoseconds, molecular ions bind up to 10 molecules of
water and possibly some trace gases, forming small air ions.
[0031] Accordingly, the instant apparatus includes one or more air
ionizers. Preferably, the air ionizer component utilizes high
energy particles produced in the process of radioactive decay. In
general, the radioactive decay produces alpha, beta, and gamma
emissions ionizing the air by moving electrons. Radioactive decay
produces bipolar ionization, i.e., ions of opposite sighs.
[0032] Accordingly, the one or more air ionizers comprise a source
of high energy particles in form of a radioactive solid substance.
Suitable substances include, but are not limited to, isotopes of
americium, polonium, plutonium, uranium, thorium, actinium,
radium, or combinations thereof, with Americium-241
(<241>Am), Plutonium-239 (<239>Pu), or Plutonium-238
(<238>Pu) being the preferred substances. In practice,
alloys of the said isotopes with a corrosion resistant metal
compound, for example nickel-chrome based, are preferred.
[0033] Alpha radiation is the main source of air ionization by
radioactive decay. The alpha particle, a helium nucleus consisting
of two neutrons and two protons, collides with air molecules
knocking out electrons, until it loses its energy over a definite
distance in the air. Such a distance, referred to hereinafter as
the alpha particle range, is defined as the distance traveled by
the alpha particle before it loses its energy. The alpha particle
range is determined by the energy of alpha particles which is
specific for a particular substance of the source. For example,
alpha particles produced by <241>Am have the energy of about
5.48 MeV and a range of about 3 cm, limiting the air ionization
zone by this distance. Plutonium isotope <239>Pu produces
practically only alpha particles with the energy of about 5.15
[0034] Air molecules that lose electrons become positive molecular
ions. The free electrons do not exist in air for very long before
they are captured by neutral gas molecules, forming negative
molecular ions. Molecular ions are further clustered into small
air ions. Alpha ionizers produce bipolar ionization, which means
that positive and negative ions are always created in equal
[0035] Producing ions alone, however, is not sufficient for the
SMT to occur, even if they are produced in large amounts. In order
to produce UAEC, an electric field may need to be generated to
dissociate ions of opposite signs and to form an atmospheric
electric current of the ions with preferred sign. Accordingly, the
instant apparatus also comprises a static electric field
[0036] Generating a static electric field can be achieved by
accumulating electric charges of the same sign in some area of
space, typically in an electrically conductive object confining
the charges, acting as a charge capacitor or electrically coupled
to a charge capacitor and acting as a charged electrode.
[0037] The generated electric field causes ions with the opposite
charge as the capacitor to drift towards and recombine on the
capacitor or electrode. For ions with the same charge, this field
drives them away from the capacitor thus forming a UAEC at
distances from the capacitor greater than the thickness of the air
ionization zone limited by the alpha particle range. Such a
continuous charge separation and removal of ions signed oppositely
to ions of the produced UAEC, which prevents the direct
recombination of ion pairs, is maintained by charging the
[0038] In principle, the sign of the accumulated charge may be
either positive or negative, but generating a current of negative
ions is preferred because the latter achieve higher velocities in
an electric field.
[0039] To produce a UAEC in the above method, the air ionizers are
preferably located in the vicinity of or, preferably, on the
surface of the charged capacitor or charged electrode. The air
ionization zone is the zone within the alpha particle range from
the air ionizer. The term "vicinity" means the distance from the
capacitor so the electric field generated by the capacitor in the
air ionization zone is sufficiently strong to dissociate the
opposite sign ions.
[0040] Compared to the short range of alpha particles, ranges of
generally less energetic beta and gamma emissions are much longer,
which makes it technically difficult to achieve the separation of
the bipolar ionization produced by beta and gamma emissions with a
static electric field. Furthermore, producing intensive long-range
beta and gamma radiations is not desirable as it may require
radiation safety procedures at distances over the alpha particle
range. Therefore, radioactive materials providing the highest
alpha and lowest beta and gamma radiation outputs are preferable.
[0041] To determine the strength of electric field sufficient to
dissociate the bipolar ionization, the atmospheric electric
current may be measured at different values of electric field
strength. For example, a plot for the atmospheric current produced
by a 0.9 [mu]Ci <241>Am source from a typical smoke alarm in
the applied electric field produced between the plates of a
capacitor is given in FIG. 4. The distance d between the plates is
3 cm (the maximum ionization distance is within the produced
electric field) and the measurements are taken at different values
of the voltage on the capacitor. The complete dissociation of
bipolar ionization corresponds to the saturation of atmospheric
current which occurs, as shown on the plot, at capacitor voltage
U=300 V. The corresponding electric field strength is
E=U/d=300/0.03=10 kV/m. This is the minimum value for the required
strength of the electric field to be achieved for this particular
source. In general, sources with a higher radiation output require
a stronger electric field.
[0042] FIG. 2 illustrates an embodiment of the instant apparatus
for weather modification 20, suitable for practicing the
invention. In this embodiment, the electric field generator
comprises a Van der Graaf generator (VDGG) 21 having a preferably
spherical capacitor 22 and a charging engine 23 placed on a base
26. The capacitor 22 is elevated above the surface of the Earth by
a non-conductive support structure 24. The charging engine 23 is
coupled to the capacitor 22 with an electrical conductor 25. The
base 26 of the charging engine 24 is grounded.
[0043] One or more air ionizers with sources of alpha ionization
27, preferably in the form of flat sheets of radioactive
substance, may be disposed on or near the surface of the bottom
hemisphere of a capacitor 22. The capacitor 22 is preferably made
from a corrosion resistant metal. It is preferable that air
ionizers are made from an alloyed metal comprising the same metal
that the capacitor is made from and an alpha radioactive element.
In this configuration, negative ions will flow away from the
capacitor tending aside of it and towards the surface of the Earth
which acts as a collector electrode for these ions, if the
capacitor is negatively charged.
[0044] Since the energy loss of the alpha particle per ion pair
formed is nearly constant, the specific ionization, i.e. number of
ion pairs produced per unit length of the particle path, is
proportional to the rate of the loss of alpha particle energy E
with the distance of penetration x, -dE/dx, and so a plot for
ionization as a function of the distance of penetration is of the
Bragg curve shape as shown in FIG. 3.
[0045] As shown in FIG. 3, most bipolar ionization is produced at
some distance from an ionization source, referred to hereinafter
as the maximum ionization distance. Referring to FIG. 3, the
maximum ionization distance extends from point 30 up to the
source-specific alpha particle range, indicated as 31.
[0046] Depending on the capacitor's size and charging engine
design, a voltage up to several megavolts can be achieved on a
VDGG capacitor. The strength of electric field is sufficient to
dissociate the opposite sign ions. The voltage U on spherical
capacitor of radius R is related to the accumulated charge q as
U=q/4[pi][epsilon]R, where [epsilon]=8.85*10<-12 >F/m is the
dielectric permittivity of the air. At the same time, the electric
field strength E at the distance r>R from the capacitor's
center is related to q as E=q/4[pi][epsilon]r<2>, therefore
E=UR/r<2>. For example, if the capacitor with a radius of
0.8 m is operating at a voltage of 2 MV, the electric field
strength at a distance of 3 cm from its surface (about maximum
ionization distance) is 2.32 MV/m. The electric field of this
strength is sufficient to dissociate bipolar ionization from
radioactive sources with an output much higher that of the source
discussed previously as an example.
[0047] As mentioned above, the most intensive ion generation by a
radioactive source attached to the capacitor occurs in a zone at
the maximum ionization distance from the source surface referred
to hereinafter as the maximum ionization zone. As a result, two
UAECs of opposite polarity ions and associated air flows originate
from the maximum ionization zone due to ion dissociation in the
electric field. For a negatively charged capacitor, negative ions
flow away from the capacitor and positive ions flow toward the
capacitor, leading to the formation of a low air pressure layer at
distances from the source of about the maximum ionization
distance. Bursts of fresh air parcels into the low pressure layer
may occur, in particular, between streams flowing out from the
alpha ionization sources, which are responsible for the SMT,
causing a partial mixing of the moistened and fresh air parcels.
[0048] To minimize the latter effect, the following optional
modifications to the design may be utilized. Referring back to
FIG. 2, conduits 28 to facilitate the fresh air supply from inside
the capacitor made of a non-conductive material may be provided
near one or more air ionizers 21. Each conduit 28 has an outlet
29, which is preferably positioned in the lower pressure zone
(i.e., maximum ionization zone), more preferably between the
middle and the outer limit of this zone. The capacitor 22 may also
be provided with a ventilation hole 30 on its top. For example,
conduits may have a threaded base which is screwed into threaded
holes in the capacitor. The rim of the ventilation hole is
preferably smooth and preferably shielded with an insulating
material to avoid unfavorable corona discharge. By way of a
non-limiting example, a rubber or flexible plastic ring with a
notch for the rim of the ventilation hole can be used.
[0049] A recommended option to mount alpha radiation sources and
conduits is presented in FIG. 5. The shape of the air ionizers 51
corresponds to a section of the top part of the sphere with a
radius r<<R, where R is the radius of the spherical
capacitor 52. Air conduit 53 made of a non-conductive material is
screwed into a threaded hole in the capacitor, passing through a
hole in the center of the air ionizer. To avoid corona discharge
on the edges of the air ionizer, all edges of the air ionizer are
made smooth and covered by non-conductive material. The edge of
the air ionizer's hole is covered by the conduit's flanges 54a and
54b and the side edge of the air ionizer is also covered by covers
55a and 55b in a similar way to the edge of the capacitor's
ventilation hole. Avoiding or minimizing corona discharge is
desirable because the production of hazardous gases such as ozone
and nitrogen oxides and high corrosive stress are likely to occur
on sharp points, especially in a highly ionized environment.
[0050] Such configuration may also generate a higher electric
field, compared to that of the capacitor, achievable in the
ionization zone as the conductive surfaces of the apparatus are
equipotential and r<<R. In this case where the ionization
source acts as a charged electrode electrically coupled to the
capacitor, free electrons produced by ionization and accelerated
in the electric field may achieve a velocity sufficient to ionize
air molecules in their path, the ionization energy of which is
about 35 eV. This secondary ionization, also known as
amplification, can additionally produce many free electrons and
further negative ions for each primary electron that was formed by
[0051] FIG. 6 illustrates another optional modification to the
apparatus aimed at the further reduction of the mixing of the
ascending moistened and the incoming fresh air flows. In this
configuration, one or more conduits 61 are connected to the
ventilation hole 62 of the capacitor 63 with air ionizers 64 and
air conduits 65 as described above. The conduits 61 extend beyond
the zone of the ascending moistened air represented by arrows 66a
and 66b.
[0052] The height of the capacitor, referred to hereinafter as the
elevation distance, is preferably as high as possible to treat a
large volume of air and, for increased safety, to minimize beta
and gamma ray intensities on the ground. At the same time, the
elevation distance preferably does not exceed the distance that
small air ions propagate in the applied electric field during
their lifetime, i.e. most of them should terminate on the surface
of the Earth (the collector).
[0053] The ion propagation distance is determined mostly by the
attachment of ions to atmospheric aerosol particles, also known as
large or heavy ions, which are not moved by the electric field and
do not contribute to the SMT. If the elevation is too high, too
many immobile large ions may accumulate above the surface as a
layer of space charge, which reduces the intensity of the electric
field along ion trajectories. The ion propagation distance can be
evaluated by measuring the vertical profile of the electric field
for a particular system and numerically integrating the ion motion
equation over time up to the ion lifetime which can be determined
experimentally using well-known methods. Elevating the ion source
to a distance between one half and two thirds of the ion
propagation distance determined in the abovementioned way is a
guide. In some embodiments, depending on the system design and the
concentration of pollutants in the air, the elevation distance may
vary between several and 10-15 meters, which is also acceptable in
terms of radiation safety for a number of typical alpha sources
including <241 >Am.
[0054] The operation of a typical VDGG is sensitive to leakage
currents. Any liquid moisture on the operating equipment can
negatively affect the system's performance. As a VDGG produces a
nearly constant electric current at a variable voltage on the
emitter electrode, leakage currents may cause the voltage to drop
below a threshold for effective ion separation. As a result of
SMT, drizzle may be produced around the operating apparatus even
under clear sky conditions. Condensational moisturizing may also
occur on the equipment. To prevent the accumulation of continuous
water film on moisture-sensitive parts of the system, including
the charging engine of the VDGG and the support for the capacitor
and ventilation hole conduits such as rigid structures or a
tethering rope which anchors a supporting lighter-than-air craft
to the surface of the Earth, these parts may be coated with a
water repulsive wax-like substance. Also, techniques to prevent
condensational moisturizing, such as, for example, sufficient
heating of moisture-sensitive parts is also recommended.
Preferably, the charging engine of the VDGG is hermetically
[0055] A source of renewable energy for the generator of
atmospheric electric current, such as rechargeable batteries
powered by solar panels and/or windmills, is recommended,
especially in the absence of a power supply infrastructure.
[0056] In another aspect, a method of weather modification is
provided, which is based on the modification of vertical humidity
profile by increasing the relative humidity at higher altitudes at
the expense of drying the air near the surface of the Earth. This
method may work even in a stable atmosphere when the convective
updrafts normally responsible for the vertical transport of humid
air do not form. The method comprises deploying and operating the
apparatuses described above. Operating the instant apparatuses
augments or creates a moisture updraft, which may lead to the
formation of new clouds and/or an increase in supersaturation in
existing clouds, thus enhancing the development of precipitation.
Operating the apparatus is most efficient in areas of high
humidity when the atmosphere is stable and convective updrafts of
moist air are weak or absent. Creating strong updrafts of moist
air near a shoreline, preferably in the presence of low-level
winds from the ocean, would facilitate the inflow of the
evaporated moisture from a water reservoir into inland, benefiting
the terrestrial hydrologic cycle. For example, such conditions can
be found in many locations along the shorelines of Middle Eastern
[0057] Although the invention herein has been described with
reference to particular embodiments, it is to be understood that
these embodiments are merely illustrative of the principles and
applications of the present invention. It is therefore to be
understood that numerous modifications may be made to the
illustrative embodiments and that other arrangements may be
devised without departing from the spirit and scope of the present
invention which is defined by the following claims.
Contact : Peter Stevens
+61 497 858 379
A.I.R. Rainmaker
Rainmaker History
1985 Peter Toyer displaying rainmaker
At an inventors meeting in Casino NSW in 1985, I met Jack
Toyer with his Toyer Rainmaking Machine. Previously I had
worked for the Bureau of Meteorology in Northern Territory as a
weather observer. My background is in Agricultural
Science and Engineering specializing in taking moisture out of
agricultural products. I asked Jack a series of questions all with
the view of discovering how the Toyer Rainmaker Machine worked and
the types of energy needed to bring rain out of the
atmosphere. I knew the value of such a machine to the agricultural
sector in Australia would be worth billions.
At that meeting Jack stated that whilst he was a sea captain in
the 1960’s static from the build up of coastal storms often
interfered with his afternoon short wave radio
transmissions. He believed if he could copy these conditions
of static and heat he could also make it rain. Jack
decided to build a machine that would cause this same static and
heat. He experimented with a series of magnetic coils in his
shed however his Palmer’s Island neighbours complained of the
noisy squawking and interference to their TV reception. This
lead Jack on a thirty year endeavor to make an effective
rainmaking machine.
Peters Involvement
When I met Jack I suggested a few modifications. I reverse
engineered what I was doing (taking moisture out of products) to
create a very effective rainmaker. Jack was successful and with my
modifications we now had a atmospheric ionization rainmaker. I
also quietened Jacks noisy squawking magnetic coils. We now had a
machine which would prove to be 100% effective in causing
rain. Jack and I became great friends until his death in
1993. As I was the only one to believe in old Jack the family
passed the rainmaker to me on his death.
Rainmaker Exposure
The rainmaker went on display at World Expo’88 in Brisbane. It has
featured on TV and radio news since the 1980’s and has been the
subject of many articles,The Jack Toyer Rainmaking machine (as it
was then called) was shown working Between Dubbo and Orange, NSW
on the “This Day Tonight” with George Negus and Mike
Although somewhat skeptical Jack had the last laugh with
rain falling all around Dubbo and Orange over a thousand Square
Rainmaker Effectiveness
In 1987 Jack was in Longreach running the machine for three days.
He drove back through flood water! He also ran the machine in the
Crows Nest area making rain within several hours. In1992 the Gold
Coast had been in severe drought. Jack offered to make it
rain which it did after twenty four hours of setting up his
machine. Jack proved many times how effective the rainmaker now
Rainmaker 2014
The defining moment was in 1994 when the Moree Cotton Growers
Association told me they didn’t want rain even though the country
was in drought. Because of lack of credibility I had had enough
and returned the rainmaker to the Toyer family
What followed was 12 years of drought. Then In 2006 I rebuilt the
rainmaker at the request of a former Commonwealth Magistrate Wayne
E Cross from the Gold Coast His words were “you are the remainder
man” and funded the rebuilding of the rainmaker. Wayne visited me
in Casino, NSW was amazed at how green Casino district was. Now a
believer Wayne saying my street was the greenest in
I then researched and fine tuned the Rainmaker forming the
“Atmospheric Ionization Research incorporated association ” It has
proved to be 100 percent in making it rain over large areas.
How To Make Rain
Exactly how do I bring Rain? With the help of the rainmaker I open
my mind and focus my intent
How the rainmaker works
rainmakerThe rainmaker has a 72inch diameter (1.8 metre)
variable focus octagonal mirror. I adjust this mirror to
reflect the suns rays into any region needing rain. This can be
anywhere in the world.
Magnetic Coils
There are magnetic coils under the mirrors. These coils are tuned
to cause a spinning vortex of magnetic flux combining with ionized
and heated air.
Negative Ionizers
The ionizers are placed around the mirror charge the air. This
ionized air vortexes up into the atmosphere and attracts moisture
to form rain. Even with blue skies there is plenty of relative
humidity, moisture in the atmosphere.
Infrared Lights
There are 4 infrared spectrum lights placed around the mirrors.
They allow the air to remain hot above the mirrors increasing the
intensity of the ionized air vortex. These lights replace the
sun’s heat at night allowing the machine to be operational 24
hours a day.
Pulsing Vibrations
While the rainmaker is operational we allow the magnetic
coils to relax their hold on the atmosphere every 6 hours This
prevents severe weather events
Tilting the Rainmaker
The machine is built to allow the mirrors to be tilted to focus
more intently on the region I’m focusing on. The whole
machine can rotate to track the sun.
Unwinding Cyclones and Hurricanes
By beaming in a contrary rotating magnetic field beside the
weather event I can cause cyclones and hurricanes to unwind or
change direction
How Long Until Rain Falls
Clouds usually form within hours and rainfall expected normally
within 24 to 36 hours over the focused site
How to Make Rain with the Rainmaker
Atmospheric Ionization creates a vortex that draws in surrounding
atmospheric water vapour which, depending on the charge, leads to
cloud or fog formation and ultimately rain precipitation in
targeted areas. Zonal Ionization can also deflect cyclonic storms
from protected areas.
While rainfall can usually be generated over hot dry areas like
Death Valley and Phoenix, Arizona, the results cannot always be
predicted as this depends upon the amount of relative humidity as
water vapour held in the atmosphere.
Atmospheric Ionization Rain in Casino NSW Australia
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Atmospheric Ionization Rain at Phoenix Arizona USA 360