Dr. Peter GARYAEV ( GAJAREV ), et al.
Wave Genetics ( II )

See also » GAJAREV, Pjotr, & POPONIN, Vladimir : DNA Biocomputer Reprogramming

Wave Genetics Can Cure Any Disease - Dr. Peter Garyaev

This video contains some mind-boggling information, it will change the way you perceive the world around you, the way you think about yourself and your life.

In this video you will learn about professor Peter Garyaev and his groundbreaking theory of wave genetics. Basically, professor Peter Garyaev has the keys to your immortality. Wave genetics enables us to find cures for all kinds of diseases and conditions, to regenerate organs and to make us generally healthier and to help us live longer and better.

And Peter Garyaev has proven that he is capable of doing magical stuff. In one of his dazzling wave genetics experiments he induced a complete recovery of the pancreases of laboratory rats.
The core basis of the treatment based on wave genetics is to expose you to the waves of encoded information. Professor Peter Garyaev uses biological quantum computers to transcribe your genetic information, the data contained in your DNA. Then, this information is encoded into sound waves and recorded on a DVD. You listen to this DVD once in a while, and when you do, it affects you — it makes you immortal.

The unique sound of your DNA will cure all of your diseases, will help you regenerate your organs and will help you avoid the process of getting older, the process of aging.

Human speech - the genetic material.

A well known story about the famous plant breeder Luther Burbank, who talked to an edible cactus and persuaded to hide its long spines, now had continued. The Russian scientist Dr. Peter Garyaev brings evidence that plants are able to react to human speech and execute requests. He developed an electromagnetic generator transforming speech into signals perceived by plants and instructing them what to do. Using this device, Dr. Garyaev helped wheat and barley grains to survive after lethal ionizing radiation. Worked with tens of thousands plants, and statistic treatment of experimental data demonstrated absolute reliability of the results obtained. It becomes a direct evidence of genetic potential of the human speech.

Dr. Peter Garieav - DNA Frequency Experiments pt 1

Dr. Peter Garieav - DNA Frequency Experiments pt 2

The history of wave genetics has been developing for more than 80 years. In 20s and 30s of the last century Russian scientists, A G Gurwitsch and A A Lubishev postulated that not only does genetical apparatus of living organisms on the Earth operate at material, physical level but also at certain waves/fields level and is able to transfer genetic data/information via electromagnetic (EM) and acoustic waves.

The science has recently taken a major leap in its advancements of the theory and reproducible experiments and thus the theory of wave genome has been put forward. One of the first attempts to rationalize and expound the wave genome theory in Russia had been made by P P Gariaev and A A Berezin from the department of Theoretical Matters of Russian Academy of Science, and also with participation of A A Vaciliev, a fellow member of Institute of Physics of Russian Academy of Science. As a theoretical foundation, principles of coherent physical radiations, holography and solitons, theory of physical vacuum, fractal representation of DNA and human verbal expression/speech have been employed to describe and substantiate the empirical results obtained through many experiments conducted.

The quintessence of the wave genome theory may be represented as following: genome of the highest organisms is considered to be a bio-computer which forms the space-time grid framework of a bio-systems. In that bio-system, as the carriers of a field epi-gene-matrix - wave fronts are being used, which are assigned by gene-holograms and so-called solitons on DNA -- distinct type of acoustic and electromagnetic fields, produced by biogenetic apparatus of the organism/bio-system under consideration and being a medium of strategic regulatory data/information exchange between cells, tissues and organs of the bio-system. It is also vital to note that the holographic grids/frameworks, which are also the elements of fluctuating structures of solitons, are, in fact, discrete simplest cases of code-originated information, anchored in chromosome continuum of an organism.

LLC “Institute Quantum Genetics”,
Malaya Gruzinskaya, 43, Office 7,
Russia 123557
Phone : +7 (925) 022-67-37 ( Leonova-Garyaeva Ekaterina ) / +7(915)463-25-99 ( Leonid Leonidovich )
Email :

What is Linguistic Wave Genetics and what are the prospects for humanity
Linguistics - wave genetics

Linguistics - The Wave Genetics a major offshoot from the main stem of biology and classical Genetics.
Institute Of Quantum Genetics translates the concept of GENE at a quantum level and actually displays Classical genetics of experimentally-theoretical impasse, in which she hit.

The impasse arose because, the basic model of genetic coding, the proposed Western scientists m. Nirenbergom and f. Screaming in 1968 year, is in fact erroneous, though it has positive points. This has led humanity to tragic term gradual genetic collapse and total degradation. And not only humanity, but all life on Earth. This is due primarily to the growing shaft of genetically modified viruses, bacteria, plants, animals. And in the end, Human.

The first consequence of this situation was genetically modified foods GMO, that has already led to severe consequences. The site will be given a detailed explanation about this. This state of things must end, before it's too late.

However,, Institute Of Quantum Genetics is unimaginable beneficial prospects, the first confirmation of what we've got.

Wave genetics, in principle, the, can cure ANY illness and prolong the lives of people on indefinitely.

Lingvistiko-Wave Genetics can create the technology of natural food without slaughterhouses, without wheat, corn, Rye, etc.. This will free up large areas of land and prevent forest trees.

Linguistic Wave Genetics can give a framework for the creation of quantum biokomp′ûterov, the power of superior all digital computers, taken together,.

Lingvistiko-Wave Genetics will provide the basis for the long-haul communications people without electronics, emitting harmful electromagnetic fields. It will be biointernet based on telepathy.

Institute Of Quantum Genetics enable quick learning of children and students. The Word, wave genetics will jerk of humanity on the other, the highest level of development.


Lingvistiko-wave genetics new branches of biology, medicine, Quantum biokomp'jutinga. Development lingvistiko-wave genetics comes from works.. Gurvich 20-x-40-ies. Unlike normal (Classic) Genetics and molecular biology, лингвистико-волновая генетика operates the concepts of distant wave workers transferred genes (Quantum equivalents or "phantoms" DNA) and considering the genetic apparatus as nano bio computer, able to take decisions and management biosistemoj on the principles of laser physics, holography, Quantum nonlocality and Linguistics.

Essential difference lingvistiko-wave genetics from classical Genetics is different understanding of principles of coding key regulatory metabolites organisms-their proteins. Otherwise in the, that classic Nobel model protein genetic code strategically wrong (Although tactically correct), and this has led humanity to the tragedy of genetically modified food and aims to ban genetic collapse the whole Biota, including humans. Official protein model error code, that it does not display the actual (not metaphorical) (a)) tekstovost', i.e.. lingvistichnost' (quasi reasonableness) and (b) genome) his landmark physical attributes-not locality and quantum golografichnost'. Hence the long-standing impasse in medicine-the inability to treat cancer, fight against HIV and other viruses, tuberculosis, to extend the active human life for hundreds of years, failure to use the capabilities of the chromosome apparatus model be the basis for the creation of quantum biokomp'juterov, exceeding the possibilities of all digital computers, taken together,. It is also a failure to raise the intellectual level of people orders due to quantum effects in not directed local landmark operation of neurons in the brain. Another fundamental characteristic of the genetic apparatus of biosystem-his ability to synthesize a specific protein, involved in cold fusion (HJaS) - TRANS mutations cores of atoms of isotopes in living cells, as shown in the examples of the work of specific bacteria [Kornilov A.a.] . This trance mutation biohimizm gives you the opportunity to receive any isotopes and isotope restructuring without accelerators and fusion reactions, work at low temperatures, reduce the level of radioactivity in the radiation contaminated lands, waters and atmosphere.

Methods lingvistiko-wave genetics allow for a wave by transferring genes-producers of proteins - radiation inaktivatorov - in plants, that can significantly simplify and accelerate technology bioHJaS compared to the use of bacteria. And finally, lingvistiko-wave genetics methods enable to install Instant telepathic channel between crews of spacecraft and ground due to torsional component of coherent electromagnetic radiation chromosomes neurons of the human brain through the electroencephalogram (My know-how). This same technique can be applied to create quantum bioelectronics, as a basis for future biointerneta.

Theoretical-experimental substantiation of principles of lingvistiko-wave genetics. Our core work (articles about 150).

1. Garyaev P., Vnuchkova V.a., Šelepina G.a., Commissioners., 1994,
Verbal-semantic modulation resonances of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam as a methodology of command and the figurative system of genome. Russian Journal of physical thought., N1-4, c. 17-28.

2. Peter P. Gariaev, Boris I. Birshtein, Alexander M. Iarochenko, Peter J. Marcer, George G. Tertishny, Katherine A. Leonova, Uwe Kaempf ., 2001, The DNA-wave biocomputer. “CASYS” – International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems (ed. D.M.Dubois), Liege, Belgium, v.10, pp.290-310. On materials of my speech in London.

3. Gariaev P. P., What And. A., Mukhina And. In the., Leonova-Garjaeva (E). A., What N. G. "Influence of modulated electromagnetic radiation on biostrukturami for alloksanovogo of diabetes mellitus in rats" // BJeBiM, 2007, t. 143, № 2., page. 197-199.

4. Garyaev P., 2009, Lingvistiko-wave gene. Theory and practice. 220with. Kiev. (3-I monograph).

5. Dr. Garyaev P.p., Thorns G.i., 2016, Theoretical and experimental foundations of Lingvistiko-wave genetics. Not published.

6. Garyaev P., 2016, Statement on radio slavyanskiy = DJDN9HWyqBQ&

A short list of examples of our practical use lingvistiko-wave genetics, based on listed 6 paragraphs.

1. Regeneration pojeludochnykh glands in experimental animals (rat) at a distance 20 km. from telecasting running genetic information quantum generator (Toronto, 2002g.). Independently reproduced in theses n. There in 2012. in Nizhny Novgorod. Approved By The WAC. Dissertation on medicine on the topic "the impact of low-intensity electromagnetic radiation for acute insulin insufficiency in rats". 005013322/ A manuscript. WHAT NIKOLAY GRIGOREVICH. EFFECT OF LOW-INTENSITY ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION FOR ACUTE INSULIN INSUFFICIENCY IN RATS (experimental study) 14.03.03 pathological physiology. The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of medical sciences. Нижний Новгород 2012.

2. Precedent: Human spinal cord regeneration. An official medical report. Johannesburg. 2016y.. Patient Matthew Cohen. Damaged spinal cord. Complete paralysis during 12 years. Applied quantum method of programming your own mesenchymal stem cells the patient followed by them in the bloodstream within 2 years. As a result, the patient returned motor activity. He leads the car, business leads, has an Office. Official honey. Conclusion: = Attach & type = post & id = 273538 (original) = Attach & type = post & id = 273539 (translation)

Other examples of, such as retinal regeneration from vosstanovvlenie of view etc. lists in :

as well as feedback from people, cured of incurable diseases our technologies.

Practical examples of successful application of the principles lingvistiko-wave genetics they say: 1) about the reality of existence and operation of the waveforms of genetic information, 2) about, that gene has a text entity with the rudiments of a quasi consciousness at the level of chromosome nanobiokomp'jutinga, 3) about, that, realizing this, We are entering other dimensions of genetic information, to enable us to operate with administering senses Geno-DNA and their quantum equivalents, as well as holograms chromosome continuum, Designer Spaces-Time construction of the Biosystems.
This all-new soft factors, not invasive quantum strategic functions of the human body and the whole biota.

Dr. Garyaev P.p.,
D.b.s., rans, RAMTN and LIST,
Member Of New York Academy Of Sciences,
Director Of "Institute Of Quantum Genetics".

Types of matrices

In our practice we use originals or pics of baby pictures. Or the originals, and scans of healthy relatives of patients of children. For Example, We have to adjust status in cystic fibrosis at the 8-year-old girl Alice. baby photos of her healthy sister, considered with the quantum information and enter it into the sick child in the form of sound in mp3 format. The disease completely gone. This success is unprecedented. Previously, as mentioned, Cystic Fibrosis disease considered incurable. The same result is achieved with sick children with Down syndrome. The disease is also considered an incurable disease.
All this applies to INDIVIDUAL PROGRAMS, for which must be pretty tough conditions.

Podrobnne about this:

To use these programs, we offer a customized matrices (programs) on photography, umbilical cord blood and placenta of newborn children or his grandchildren's healthy. In other words, man, wishing to improve their health and to return to a more youthful State, can go two ways- 1) give your baby photo or send it scan imèjlom (color and quality do not play a special role). If you give a photo personally, It should be on glossy paper , size approx. 3 on 4 see. IT IS IMPORTANT TO: the child in the photo MUST BE in a healthy state and one. Important head. Cosmo-geliofizičeskaâ atmosphere effect at the moment of shooting. The conscience of the patient and his ancestors should not be too burdened by. You can also use baby photos of his LIVING relatives with the same requirements. By reading the information from the children's photography, We get complex, multi-component spectrum, include as a central component of the spin information. This range has a strong, previously unknown, biological activity. The theoretical basis of the biological activity of spinornoj information with photos, see. in the monograph "Lingvistiko Gariaev Pp-wave gene. Theory and practice " (2009g.) Probably, a crucial role in the transmission of biological activity of the recipient plays photos, I repeat, the principle of Bomovskoj golografičnosti Universe. Picture (her mŠÈI image) There is an address, access to the genetic code, and wider, General regulatory information donor photo from birth to present, distributed hologram Boma. Read this address and its transfer request is our equipment.

Information with photos placed in the fractal broadband electromagnetic field (MBER), radiopriemnym device is written on kilogercovyh frequencies and translates into mp3 or wave, i.e.. in sound. The bearer of positive biological information are not only and not so much the radio waves and sound, and the associated spin component, secondarily generated by electronic readers-player or computer. This spin information has a positive impact on human organism, Therefore, the sound of the player or the computer plays no special role. The file can be listened to at minimum volume (the radio signal, an accompanying sign bearing spin component, not very pleasant on the ear). The mp3 format is convenient, Therefore, we often use it, along with the wave format. The, that cuts the low frequencies of the mp3 format and compresses the recording, does not play a role, because the original range of fraktalen, i.e.. samopodoben, information is redundant and pomehoustojčiv, and the record length is sufficient. This was stated above, but again because of the importance of information.

Lingvistiko-wave gene. Theory and practice

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The book raised fundamental questions of genetic code, which are associated with the structure, the functioning of the. It Is Clear, that we are still far from a complete solution of all issues of the genetic code, but the idea of Prof.. Garâeva P.p.. and his colleagues provide an opportunity to see something quite new in the chromosome apparatus of living cells. Is a new scientific-practical course, which might be called "genetic-wave navigation and control in biological systems". Presented by the author in the theoretical models, supported by in-house and independent experimental research. Quantum genetic component of cells is extremely important. I see, that giant in scale and complexity of the metabolism of cells, tissues and organism in general need to manage. In this connection, the author puts forward new and dramatic idea of genetic quantum biokomp′ûtinga. This approach is interesting and optoradioèlektroniki, radio engineering, computing, navigation and control systems. Moreover, wave mechanisms of cells are directly related to nanoelectronics. Living organisms clearly show us examples of nanobiotechnology, developers, effectively using own wave biocomputer regulation of such active nanostructures as enzymes, Ribosomes, mitochondria, membrane, cytoskeleton and chromosomes.

Nanotehničeskie mechanisms of cells and their genetic apparatus need theoretical and biological understanding and physical-mathematical analysis, that allows you to create, including, previously unknown innovative laser-radio wave technology of genetic control metabolism of multicellular organisms. The results of the use of such technologies by P.p. Garâeva impressive. The authors correctly and deployed, demonstrated dalnyaya (houses) wave transmission in real control of the genetic information from the donor (living tissue) to recipient (the body). Such transfer until recently was considered to be fundamentally impossible. Now this fundamental fact. You can create the perfect unique molecular and optical-electronic equipment, that will be able to carry out sophisticated navigation and regulatory functions for the positive management of genetic and physiological functions of organisms. The problem for creating genetic laser. The laser pumping of DNA and chromosomes ' in vitro ' teaching. P. p. Garâevym and his colleagues have already demonstrated and published in 1996 y.. and confirmed by Japanese researchers in the 2002 y.. The laser will perform many of the, previously unknown features of the genetic apparatus for solution of problems of biology, medicine and agriculture. The other side of this work is the possibility of application of coherent States and radiations of living cells and their information structures for the design biokomp′ûterov, working on the principles of holography, solitoniki and quantum nonlocality. In fact a prototype of such a biokomp′ûtera created by
P. Garâeva, that allowed for a unique results on quantum transmission of genes and other genetic management wave. Use chromosomal lasers and biokomp′ûterov is not limited to what was said and spread further beyond Biosystems-space link, having technical processes management, air navigation, etc.. In the work is allocated a number of outstanding tasks, including the study of wave replicas of DNA and laser-wave processes, taking place during the withdrawal and transfer of quantum of bioinformation from donor to recipient. Find, that the publication of the monograph p.p.. Garâeva will further the process of inquiry one of divine mysteries-the mysteries of the genetic code and will result in the application of new ideas for the benefit of mankind.

P.p. Gariaev, 2009 g., «Lingvistiko-wave gene. Theory and practice ". Monograph. 218with. Publishing House: Kiev, Institute Of Quantum Genetics. ISBN 978-966-16-48-22-6



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SUBSTANCE: present invention relates to the technology of obtaining topographic images of microscopic biological objects. The method is a physical process of creating, in space and time, a topographic image of the above mentioned DNA preparation under the effect of light electromagnetic waves, irradiating a non-uniform multifractal hologram in form of a group of DNA molecules. The device is a set of photographic recorders and a system of light sources in the infrared, visible and ultraviolet spectrum, in the operating range of which an air-dry DNA preparation is put. The device has an oscilloscope with electrodes. The photographic recorders display wave replicates from the moment the light sources are switched on. ^ EFFECT: possibility of obtaining wave images of DNA.


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SUBSTANCE: invention is related to bee keeping and is intended for controlled wave effect at parasitic varroa mite and its larvae in nesting space of bee hive. Method of action consists in change/damage of isolated varroa mite genome with the help of X-ray or ultraviolet radiation, scanning of isolated donor mite specimens with changed genome by optical wave device for measurement of their spectral characteristics, which are inherent in this biological organism, conversion of optical range of parasitic mite and its larvae frequencies-destructors into parametrically related radiowave spectrum, for blocking of varroa mite larvae development in case of radiation of healthy mite and its larvae with such radiowave spectrum in nesting space of beehive. ^ EFFECT: invention is aimed at more efficient elimination of varroa mite and its larvae in nesting space of beehive.


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A method for controlling the functional state of biological object mainly to correct a pathological condition

The closest to the invention is to a method of controlling the functional state of the biological object primarily for correction of a pathological condition, including a simultaneous effect on a biological object of a constant magnetic field, and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation.

The greatest effect, as practice shows, the use of this method occurs when the combined effects of the processes occurring in the cells of the biological object, in this case in this case, the electromagnetic effects of low intensity is created by emitting diodes, and the magnetic field - through coils surrounding the laser diodes.

Despite the effect of the highest compared to the above methods, the method does not allow to selectively affect strictly to a particular mechanism when particular metabolism, control predetermined biochemical reaction cells, alter the permeability of cell membranes. All this allows us to consider the method of the EPO application N 0228583 sufficiently effective.

The purpose of the invention - increasing effectiveness of the method, increased selectivity of action and increase the efficiency of stimulation necessary processes in the cell when the current pathologic condition correction.

This goal is achieved. further to a biological object to an alternating magnetic field with the intensity vector parallel to the vector of the constant magnetic field, this time with modulated rovannoenizkointensivnoe electromagnetic radiation in the range of modulation frequencies with a center frequency equal to the sum of the harmonic frequency of the alternating magnetic field, the harmonics and / or subharmonics and / or fractional harmonics of the cyclotron frequency of at least one kind of biological ion involved in the metabolism of the disease state, the impact on the bioobject permanent magnetic field. And also the fact that the amplitude is carried out, a pulse, or a single modulation frequency of electromagnetic radiation.

The searching of scientific literature has shown that the alleged collection of unknown, ie, application meets the criteria of novelty.

Check the system layout realizing these tangible impact and assessment of the effect allow to conclude that the criterion of industrial applicability.

Since this allows you to get new set of effect - a targeted and dosed impact on the reaction at a specific metabolism, that is, the effect of which was not received by all prior art means, the application meets the criteria of an inventive step.

The drawing shows a block diagram of an apparatus for carrying out the method. The circuit comprises means 1 for a permanent the magnetic field in kgchestve which can be used permanent magnets or adjustable DC sources with appropriate inductive elements as a load, raspolo0 APPENDIX which determines the geometry (ie the direction of the vector of tension) constant magnetic field in the area of ​​biological object. Means 2 to generate a magnetic field changing in time D at me5 one parameter, for example, the vector of the direction of the magnetic field magnitude or amplitude, which may be embodied as a combination of inductances or parts

The stator windings of multiphase electric machine communicated with the control unit 3 the parameters of a magnetic field, which can be configured as a generator with the tunable parameters of the amplifier power and switch ports to the corresponding part of the winding inductance or to the power amplifiers. In this embodiment, a system execution means 1 and 2 can be combined into one unit arranged as a series of oscillators associated with power amplifiers with the possibility of shifting the signal level in the latter, that is, obtaining a DC component, which means switch can be connected to the corresponding parts of the windings or inductors. Electromagnetic radiation source 4 may be implemented as a laser source or a microwave or UHF respective control unit 5 PA1 eters electromagnetic radiation. AT as blocks 4 and 5 may be used type laser unit system Harvest.

Output power 4 communicates with the block 6 as mo5 modulation which can be used in the case of laser Kerr cell. in the case of a microwave source - such as a mechanical modulator controlled curtains, etc. The control unit 7 an electromagnetic field modulation is in the form, for example.

Kerr cell control unit or the drive-controlled shutter associated with the modulation unit 6. The magnetometer will allow 8 to record the parameters of both DC and AC magnetic field (not exceeding 1 T).

The process is as follows. Determine the type of biological ion (or several species) which is involved in the metabolism of the pathological condition. A predetermined amount of tension constant magnetic field means 1 8 magnetometer can specify this option to correct it during the exposure. Include the source of electromagnetic radiation 4, for example, a laser whose output signal is a low-intensity non-ionizing radiation (the same holds in respect of microwave and EHF). Carry out phase, amplitude, frequency or pulse modulation of electromagnetic radiation or by means of block 5, or b, and 7 blocks. Further comprising an impact on the magnetic field bioobject implemented means 2 generate a magnetic field changing at least one parameter over time. Management value of the parameter changing unit 3 is carried out.

In this case, the vector of the alternating magnetic field created by the means 2 is parallel to the vector of the DC magnetic field generated by the means 1 and the electromagnetic radiation modulation frequency is equal to the sum of the harmonics of the alternating magnetic field frequency with harmonics and / or subharmonics and / or fractional harmonics of the cyclotron frequency of at least one type of biological ion involved in the metabolism of the disease state of exposure of the object a static magnetic field.

Examples of the method.

At the plant control and experimental parties acted depressing factor - watered with a high salt content, then stop watering and experimental batch was carried out the impact of low-intensity electromagnetic radiation of the microwave and DC and AC magnetic fields. Comparison of the results of experiments showed that the recovery of the normal state in an experimental batch plant occurred faster in 2 times. The effects on normal plants in the control batch in order to stimulate their growth showed that compared with the known impact (sm.zhurnal Electronic processing of materials. 1986, N 4, s.61-63) the totality of these effects allows for more efficient, almost 1.5-1.7 times to carry out stimulation 5 tion plants.

Comparison of effects of said method, when used as a source of low intensity electromagnetic radiation of the laser showed that compared to the impact, the system carried out by crop, the effect is increased by 40%.

Experiments carried out on animals have shown that compared with devices izvest5 governmental pattern or crop effect impacts i.e. localization of the pathology and its complete suppression is 25-30%.

The impact of the present method

when used as a source of electromagnetic radiation of the microwave generator enabled as compared with known devices, industrial microwave radiation to achieve increased efficiency 30-35% in the localization of the pathological zone and stimulation of the biological object - a mammal.

Comparison of the effectiveness of the claimed method and methods described in the book. V.K.Bu0 rilkova and G.M.Krochika Biological effects of laser radiation, Chisinau, Shtiintsa, 1989 led to the conclusion that the combined effect of the magnetic field and modulated nizkointensivno5 of electromagnetic radiation is very effective to stimulate the metabolic processes in plant cells, the same may be said of the animals after comparing the results of tests with the specifications book Hygienic aspects of the use of laser radiation to the National Economy, M ;. 1982 s..154. This combined effect is quite effective for plants and for any mammal, since the effect on the cellular level and at the level of biochemical metabolism reflecting the same.


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The control system functional state of biological object mainly to correct a pathological condition

The invention relates to means magnitoradioterapii and can be used predominantly in veterinary medicine and biology.

Known control system functional condition of a biological object, including the means of influencing the biological object postoyannym.magnitnym field. This effect carries a local correction in range, said correction promotes the growth of bone and other body tissues; and stimulates the regenerative processes.

The disadvantage of this system is that the impact is carried out not Vaneau dosage, when the correction is not possible to carry out the selective action of the field, and you can not work on a particular element of metabolism, responsible for this pathological condition.

It is also known to influence the regulation system of cellular functions, including a means of influencing cell weak non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, in which the implementation of the processes in cell stimulation or attenuation depending on the exposure parameters.

This system is not effective and does not possess the necessary selectivity for the correction of the relevant type of pathologies.

Known system for correction of a functional condition of a biological object, comprising: means for generating a magnetic field with a constant and a variable component of the vector of tension. This system allows the effect on metabolic processes in cells and control the biochemical reactions of the metabolism of a given, however, a small degree of selectivity and impact on cellular level does not suggest this system effective enough.

The closest to the claimed system is the management functional states of a biological object, mainly for the correction of a pathological condition, comprising means for creating a magnetic field and means for creating a low-intensity electromagnetic radiation and power supply.

The greatest effect, as practice shows, the use of this device comes with concomitant impact on the processes in the cells -proiskhodyaschie biological object, in this case, in this system the electromagnetic effects of low intensity is created by emitting diodes, and the magnetic field - through coils surrounding the laser diodes .

Despite the effect of the highest compared with the above mentioned systems, this does not allow the influence sismema strictly selectively to one or the other mechanism when the metabolism IU particular, to control the set of biochemical reaction of the cells to change the permeability of cell membranes. All this allows us to consider the system at the request of the EPO number 0228583 sufficiently effective.

The purpose of the present invention - increase the effectiveness of the actions, the increase of the electoral actions of stimulation necessary processes (biochemical reactions) in the cell when the current correction of a pathological condition.

This object is achieved by means of a magnetic field is designed as a means for creating a magnetic field with a constant and modulated components of the vector of tension, but a means to create low-level non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation is provided with a unit for modulating vapor rametroё radiation. In this case, a means for creating a low-intensity electromagnetic radiation is designed as a laser with a suitable control unit, to the input of which is connected the output modulation mode selecting unit, and the laser output optically coupled to the node for modulating the radiation parameters, and means for generating a magnetic field with constant and modulated components intensity vector is designed as control units of magnetic field parameters, the outputs of which are connected to the coils.

Further, the symmetry axis of the coils are arranged in the same plane STI and the symmetry axis of at least two inductors arranged in different planes, and the coils of at least two inductors arranged alternately.

In this case there is at least one pair of coils, one of which covers the other coils sectional performed, and in that the system is provided with a sensor of magnetic field components that are connected to the input of the magnetometer.

Moreover, the system is equipped with sensor options of low-intensity electromagnetic radiation associated with the input of the respective signal converter, as well as provided with a control unit with sootoetstvuyuschim parameter setting unit system, the first group of system control unit outputs connected to the inputs of the magnetic field parameters of the control unit, and a second group of block outputs the control system is connected to the input of the modulation mode selection unit and an input unit for modulating the parameters of the laser, and the signal converter output is connected to the corresponding input of the system control unit. that the output of the magnetometer is linked to a corresponding input system control unit.

Furthermore, means for generating a magnetic field with constant and modulated components made in the form of a magnetic field parameter control unit which outputs are connected to an induction coil and at least one permanent magnet.

The searching of scientific literature has shown that the alleged collection of unknown, ie, application meets the criteria of novelty.

Check the system layout and evaluation of the positive effect allows to conclude that the criterion of industrial applicability.

Since this allows you to get a set of new effects: a targeted and dosed impact on the biochemical reactions in a specific metabolism, ie, the effect of which was not received by all prior art means, the application meets the criteria of an inventive step.

The drawing shows a block diagram of the system.

The system includes means for generating a magnetic field in the form, for example, one block of the magnetic field control parameters to outputs of which are connected two coils. The latter may be a permanent magnet 3 dopolyeny. All this allows you to create a means for generating a magnetic field with a constant and modulated components of the intensity vector. Moreover, the two coil axes are disposed in the same plane, in different planes, and the coil turns can be vypopneny interleaved relative to each other, the coils may be nested one in another, etc. The magnets 3 can be placed in various ways relative to the coils 2.

The system also comprises means for creating a low-intensity electromagnetic radiation made, for example, a laser 4 with the respective control unit 5 and a modulation mode selecting unit 6. 4 laser is optically coupled to a node modulation of the radiation parameters. Instead four lasers or laser diodes, semiconductor lasers may be used as a source of low-intensity electromagnetic radiation can be used as a source of microwaves, such as a Gunn diode, or the microwave generator to the antenna path. system control unit 8 to the job control unit 9 allows the operation of the system in automatic mode, such as the controller unit 8 Series 580 may be used. For the control of the magnetic field using a sensor (or sensors) of the magnetic field control 10 is connected to the input 11 magnetometer. To control the low-level electromagnetic fields may be used (in the case of a laser) with a corresponding photodetector 12 signal converter 13. When using a microwave generator stripe sensor can be used. As the unit 7 can be used, for example, Kerr cell.

The outputs of the blocks 9, 11, 13 are connected to the inputs of the control unit 8 system, the output of the last associated with the block inputs 6, 7 and node unit 1.

The system works as follows. In reference block 9, for example, typesetting typed field controller system work program, and then switched 8h unit such as the controller, which sets the installation units 1, 6 and 7. In the area of ​​the object, for example, part of a plant, an animal organ, etc. a magnetic mall and low-intensity non-ionizing electromagnetic field, for example, the flow of the laser radiation. Said stream, modulated in some parameters to affect the object. Also an object affected by the magnetic field, having DC component, which can be obtained through the use ft of the permanent magnets, or a specific number of coils 2, which flows a constant current of 5, and a variable component obtained by a number of coils 2, in which the current flows with varying parameters. Creating a magnetic field with a constant component of tension and

The variable component of tension is possible as well, using the same reels 2, giving them current with the relevant components. Control of the magnetic field in the effects on the bioobject is carried out with a recording signal to the sensor (s) 10 11 magnetometer. Block 8 detects data signals and corrects the operation of unit 1, which may be in the form using adjustable level shift amplifiers or a plurality of currents with respective adders and corresponding switches that can perform switching two coils by energizing their respective components of the power amplifier current 1. The switch of this unit allows you to create the same spatial configuration of the magnetic field required to cover the relevant organ or part of the biological object. Block 8 registers not only the parameters of the magnetic and electromagnetic effects, but also registers the dose and exposure, then set the last block of 8 disables all si5 tem from the power source. The block 8 may also work in the process to set various operation modes, such as the laser 4 and the coils 2 and permanent magnets 3 with perhaps pe0 spatial displacement of the latter in the process.

Checking the system revealed the following. Comparison with the known effects of low-intensity device electromagnetic radiation found stated that the system is much more effective.

Comparison with the known devices mentioned above, for example with a device similar to the prototype showed that physiological effects in animals of this system is 20-30% more efficiently, especially in severe disease states.

A system as compared to known devices, such as crop, pattern allows a 30-40% speed up the localization of the area and improve the condition of a biological object.

Comparison of the effectiveness claimed., Languor and laser systems described in a. V.K.Burilkova G.M.Krochika and biological action of laser radiation. Kishinev. Shtiintse. 1989 led to the conclusion that the combined effect of the magnetic field and modulated nizkoin- tensionogo electromagnetic radiation can be very effective to stimulate the metabolic processes in plant cells, the same may be said of the animals after comparing the results of experiments with the data specified in the book Hygienic aspects of the use of laser radiation in the national economy. M .. 1982. from. 154. This combined effect is quite effective for the plant and for any mammal, since the effect on the cellular level and on the metabolism of biochemical level reflecting the same.


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PROCESS MANAGEMENT functional states bioobjects MAINLY FOR CORRECTION pathological conditions

The invention relates to methods and magnitoradioterapii may be used, preferably in veterinary medicine and biology.

Known method of controlling the functional state of the biological object, including the impact on biological object constant magnetic field (US patent N 3890953, A 61 N 1/42, 1975). This effect carries a local correction in range, with specified correction promotes growth of bone and other body tissues and stimulates the regenerative processes.

The disadvantage of this method is that the action is carried out is not metered, the correction can not realize the selective action of the field and can not affect the metabolism of the particular unit that is responsible for a given pathological condition.

It is also known to influence the regulation of cellular functions, including exposing the cell to a weak non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (a. S. USSR N 552 090 kl. A 61 N 5/02, 1971), the implementation of which the stimulation of processes in the cell or attenuation effects as a function of parameters.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is not sufficiently effective and does not possess the necessary selectivity for the correction of the respective type pathologies.

Also known method of correcting the functional state of the biological object, including the creation of a magnetic field with a constant and a variable component of the vector strength (see. US patent N 4932591, cl. A 61 N 1/40, 1990). This method allows the effect on metabolic processes in cells and control the biochemical reactions of the metabolism of a given, however, low selectivity and the degree of impact at the cellular level not suggest this system effective enough.

The closest to the invention is a method for controlling a functional condition of a biological object, mainly for the correction of a pathological condition, including the simultaneous effect on a biological object constant magnetic field, and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation.

The greatest effect, as practice shows, the use of this method occurs when the combined effects of the processes occurring in the cells of the biological object, in this case, in this case, the electromagnetic effects of low intensity is created by emitting diodes, and the magnetic field - through coils surrounding the laser diodes.
Despite the effect of the highest compared to the above methods, the method does not allow to selectively affect strictly to a particular mechanism when particular metabolism, control predetermined biochemical reaction cells, alter the permeability of cell membranes. All this allows us to consider the method of the known technical solution is quite effective.

The aim of the present invention is to increase the effectiveness of the method, increased selectivity of action and increase the efficiency of stimulation necessary processes in the cell when the current pathologic condition correction.

This goal is achieved by the fact that in addition to the biological object to an alternating magnetic field with the intensity vector parallel to the vector of the constant magnetic field, this time with a modulated low-intensity electromagnetic radiation in the range of modulation frequencies with a center frequency equal to the sum of the harmonics of the alternating magnetic field frequency harmonics and / or subharmonics and / or fractional harmonics of the cyclotron frequency of at least one type of biological ion involved in the metabolism of the disease state, the impact on the bioobject constant magnetic field. And also the fact that the exercise amplitude, pulse, phase or frequency modulation of the electromagnetic radiation.

Search conducted on the scientific and technical literature has shown that the proposed combination of features is not known, ie. E. The proposed technical solution meets the criterion of "novelty".

Check the system layout, material realizing these effects, and the effect appraisal allow to conclude that the technical solution to the criterion "industrial applicability".

Since this combination of features allows you to get a new effect - targeted and dosed impact on the reaction at a specific metabolism, that is, the effect of which was not received by all prior art means, the proposed technical solution meets the criterion of "inventive step".

The drawing is a block diagram of an implementation of the method. The system includes a means of creating a permanent magnetic field 1, as which can be used permanent magnets or adjustable DC sources with appropriate inductive elements as a load, the location of which determines the geometry (ie. E. The direction intensity vector) constant magnetic field in the biological object area . Means 2 generate a magnetic field with a time-varying at least one parameter, such as the direction of the intensity vector, or the magnitude of the magnetic field amplitude, which may be embodied as a combination of inductances or windings of the polyphase stator electric machine communicated with the unit 3 control the parameters of the magnetic field, which can be configured as a generator with tunable parameters, a power amplifier and a switch, a connecting portion corresponding to the inductance of the windings or to the power amplifiers. In the embodiment of the system, the means 1 and 2 can be combined into a single unit arranged in a series of oscillators associated with power amplifiers to shift the signal level of the latter, that is, produce a constant current component which, through a switch can be connected the respective inductors or coils parts.

Electromagnetic radiation source 4 may be implemented as a laser or a source of microwave or UHF unit 5 with the respective control parameters of electromagnetic radiation. In the "Crop" type laser unit system can be used as blocks 4 and 5. Yield 4 communicates with a source of a modulation unit 6, as which may be used in the case of laser Kerr cell, if the microwave source - controlled mechanical type modulator "blind", and so forth.. The control unit 7, the modulation of the electromagnetic field is in the form, for example, a cell control unit Kerr or actuator controlled shutter associated with the modulation unit 6. 8 magnetometer allows to register the parameters of both DC and AC magnetic field (not exceeding 1 tesla).

The method is as follows. Determine the type of biological ion (or several species) which is involved in the metabolism of the pathological condition. A predetermined amount of tension constant magnetic field means 1, 8 magnetometer can specify this option to correct it during the exposure. Include the source of electromagnetic radiation 4, for example, a laser whose output signal is a low-intensity non-ionizing radiation (the same is the case with respect to the microwave radiation, and EHF). Carry out phase, amplitude, frequency or pulse modulation of electromagnetic radiation or by means of block 5, or 6 and 7 blocks. Further comprising an impact on the magnetic field bioobject implemented means 2 generate a magnetic field changing at least one parameter over time. Management value of the parameter changing unit 3 is carried out. In this case, the means 2 creates a rotating magnetic field intensity vector perpendicular to the vector of the constant magnetic field, and the modulation frequency of low-intensity electromagnetic radiation is chosen equal to the sum of the harmonics of the magnetic field rotation frequency harmonics and / or subharmonics and / or fractional harmonics of the cyclotron frequency of at least one type of biological ion involved in the metabolism of the pathological state of exposure of the object and a constant magnetic field with a frequency shift equal to the last shift of the Bloch-Zeygerta.


At the plant control and experimental parties acted depressing factor - watered with a high salt content. Then stop watering and experimental batch was carried out the impact of low-intensity electromagnetic microwave radiation and direct and alternating magnetic fields. Comparison of the results of experiments showed that the recovery of the normal state in an experimental batch plant was faster in 1,8 times. The effects on normal plants in the control batch in order to stimulate their growth showed that compared with the known impact (see. The journal "Electronic Materials Processing" 1986 g., N 4, pp. 61-63), the totality of these effects allows more efficient, almost 1.5-1.7 times to carry out plant stimulation.

Comparing these effects of this method when used as a source of low intensity electromagnetic radiation of the laser showed that compared with the impact of the system "Yield" effect is increased by 35%.

The experiments on animals showed that in comparison with known devices "pattern" or "crop" the effect -.. Localization ie pathology and its complete inhibition - is 20-25%. The impact on the proposed method, when used as a source of electromagnetic radiation of the microwave generator enabled compared to known industrial microwave devices to achieve increased efficiency by 25-30% in the localization of the pathological zone and stimulation of biological object - a mammal.

Comparison of the effectiveness of the proposed method and the methods described in the book. VK Burilkova and GM Krochika "Biological effects of laser radiation", Chisinau, Shtiintsa 1989 led to the conclusion that the combination of the magnetic field and modulated low-intensity electromagnetic radiation can be very effective to stimulate the metabolic processes in the plant cells , the same may be said of the animals after comparing the results of experiments with the data specified in the book "Hygienic aspects of the use of laser radiation in the national economy", M., 1982, p. 154. This combination of effects is quite effective as a plant, and for any mammal, since the effect on the cellular level and on the metabolism of biochemical level reflecting the same.


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A method for controlling the functional state of biological object mainly to correct a pathological condition

The drawing is a block diagram of an implementation of the method. for its implementation system includes a means of creating a permanent magnetic field 1, as which can be used permanent magnets or adjustable DC source, DC with appropriate inductive elements as a load, the location of which determines the geometry (ie the direction of the vector of tension) constant magnetic field in the area of ​​the bioobject. Means 2 generate a magnetic field with a time-varying at least one parameter, such as the direction or magnitude of the vector of the magnetic field amplitude, which may be embodied as a set of inductive stey or multiphase stator windings of electric machines reported to the parameter control unit 3 magnetic field, which can be configured as a generator with tunable parameters, a power amplifier and a switch, a connecting portion corresponding to the inductance of the windings or to the power amplifiers.

In the embodiment of the system, the means 1 and 2 can be combined into a single unit arranged in a series of oscillators associated with power amplifiers to shift the signal level of the latter, that is, produce a constant current component which, through a switch can be connected to the appropriate inductance or parts of windings. Electromagnetic radiation source 4 may be implemented as a laser or a source of microwave or UHF unit 5 with the respective control parameters of electromagnetic radiation. As the blocks 4 and 5 may be used such as laser unit system yield. Yield 4 communicates with a source modulation unit 6, as which may be used in the case of laser Kerr cell, if the microwave source - controlled mechanical shutter type modulator, etc. The control unit 7, the modulation of the electromagnetic field is in the form, for example, a cell control unit Kerr or actuator controlled shutter associated with the modulation unit 6. 8 magnetometer allows to register the parameters of both DC and AC magnetic field (not exceeding 1 Tesla).

The method is as follows. Determine the type of biological ion (or several species) which is involved in the metabolism of the pathological condition. A predetermined amount of tension constant magnetic field magnetometer means 1 8 5 utoch- can adopt this option to correct it during the exposure. Include the source of electromagnetic radiation 4, for example, a laser whose output signal is a low-intensity radiation neioniziru10 yuschee (the same is the case with respect to the microwave radiation, and EHF). Carry out phase, amplitude, frequency or pulse modulation of electromagnetic radiation or by means of block 5, or blocks 6 and 7. Further comprising an impact on the magnetic field bioobject implemented means 2 generate a magnetic field with a time-varying at least one parameter.

Management value of the parameter changing unit 3 is carried out.

In this case, the modulated electromagnetic radiation has a modulation frequency equal to the cyclotron frequency at at least one ion species involved in the biological metabolism of the disease state of exposure of the object a static magnetic field and / or its harmonics and / or subharmonics and / or fractional harmonics. 2 wherein the means produces a magnetic field with a frequency equal to the modulation frequency of the electromagnetic radiation of the same phase or a predetermined phase shift therebetween.


At the plant control and experimental parties acted depressing factor - watered with psvyshen- nym salinity. Then stop watering and experimental batch was carried out the impact of low-intensity electromagnetic microwave radiation and direct and alternating magnetic fields. Comparison of the results of experiments showed that the recovery of the normal state of an experimental batch of plants was faster by 1.5 times, the effect on normal plants in the control the party in order to stimulate their growth showed that compared with the known impact (see. Journal of Electronic Materials Processing, 1986 g., №4, pp. 61-63), the totality of these effects allows more efficient, almost carry 1.5-1.7

Plant stimulation.

Comparing these effects of this method when used as a source of laser electromagnetic radiation nizkointensianogo showed that compared to the impact osuschestvlyavmym system Effe Harvest (ie increased by 30%.

The experiments carried out on animals have shown that in comparison with known devices or Pattern Vintage effect of, ie. localization of the pathology and its complete suppression - is 15-20%.

The impact on the proposed method, when used as a source of electromagnetic radiation of the microwave generator enabled compared to known industrial microwave devices to achieve increased efficiency by 20-25% at pagologiche- localization. tion zone and stimulation of the biological object - a mammal.
Comparison of the effectiveness of the proposed method ™ I eposoOoz described as a, n. V.K.Burilkono and GM.Krochi.a Bioloshchz- cal effect of the laser izluchonmch Chisinau Shtiintsa 1989 led to the conclusion that the combined effect of the magnetic field and modulated low-intensity electromagnetic radiation

allows very effectively stimulate the metabolic processes in plant cells, the same may be said of the animals after comparing the results of experiments with the data specified in the book Hygienic aspects of the use of laser radiation in the national economy, M., 1982, p. 154, This combined effect is quite effective for the plant and for any mammal, since the effect at the cellular level and at otradoyuts, it is the same level of biochemical metabolism.


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WO2012099496 / RU2011100698

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SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to physiotherapy and is intended for physiotherapeutic influence on human organism. Different skin areas are simultaneously exposed to high-frequency electromagnetic field, flows of silver and ozone ions from sources of cold plasma - plasmotrons, which have needle-shaped silvered tips. Electromagnetic field is supplied from general generator, whose pulses are filled with harmonic high-frequency fluctuations with gradual change of amplitude on anterior and posterior pulse front and pulse frequency. Influence is performed by scanning movements on area of vessels. Needle-shaped tips of plasmotron are placed at equal distance from skin surface, exceeding distance of electric puncture of surrounding air medium at the moment of procedure. Device for method implementation contains high-frequency generator, connected with controlled electronic switch, made with possibility to regulate discreteness and switched via matched contour LC to outlet transformer with constructively identical secondary windings connected with identical plasmotrons. Plasmotrons are installed on body-centered support construction, made with possibility of its scanning at equal distance of needle-shaped tips from skin surface. Contour LC is tuned at resonance frequency of high-frequency generator. Electronic switch is made with possibility to regulate discreteness within range 6-10 Hz. ^ EFFECT: claimed method and device allow to influence vascular system of organism


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The invention relates to medicine, in particular to methods and devices for producing a therapeutic action of cold plasma on the body areas. The inventive method for producing an action of equal energy cold plasma flows on the surface tissue areas consists in forming a corona discharge by means of a digital-coherent high-voltage electromagnetic field. The crown discharge is generated by emitting a high-frequency signal from a generator via a controllable electronic key to a matching output transformer, the output windings of which are connected to the primary low-voltage windings of identical plasmotrons. The plasmotrons are embodied in the form of a transformer which is wound on an insulating frame and the secondary winding of which is wound inside the primary winding by one end thereof and is connected to a metal needle provided with a silver-plated end by the other end thereof.; The controllable electronic key is embodied in such a way that it is enabled to adjust the high frequency signal emitted by the generator by means of infralow pulses within a range up to 10 Hz. The output transformer is provided with structurally identical output windings. The plasmotrons are secured on a scanning assembly at an equal distance between the needle points and the tissue surface which is greater than the distance of the air electric breakdown at atmospheric humidity at a time when the action is produced. The invention makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the effect, which is simultaneously produced by cold plasma flows with a coherent magnetic field and by a wave process for treating the disturbed dynamic balance of intra-cellular links, on the body without a current flowing through the body tissue.

Applications for patents

1. International application for invention PCT/RU2011/000790 "way to control metabolism of Biosystems and system for its implementation; Patent application No. (2008111912) 31 March 2008 y.. -"The way of non-contact control wave effects on age characteristics of the organism (inhibition of aging and life extension) and device for its implementation, Avt.: Garyaev P., Moustache V.p., P-region.: they are the same.

2. Patent application No. (2008123233) 11 June 2008 y.. -"The Way of wave action on the genome of multicellular organisms and device for its implementation. Avt.: Moustache V.p., Garyaev P., Mozhaev O.a., M.e. Nikolaev, P-region.: they are the same.

3. Patent application No. (2008127757) 09 July 2008 y.. -"The Way of correcting managed wave effects on pathologically changed blood cells and parasites in the blood of the body and the device for its implementation, Avt.:- Moustache V.p., Garyaev P., Mozhaev O.a., Snigireva R.i., Udalova I.yu., P-region.: -they are the same.

4. Patent application No. (2008141088) -"The way of regeneration of hair in alopecia and device for its implementation, Avt.: Garyaev P., Moustache V.p., Mansurov R.a., Ernest E. R, Leonova-Garyaeva E.; P-region.: Garyaev P., Moustache In. ...

5. Patent application No. (2008141087) -"The way of impact on the body fotoinformacionnoj rannevozrastnoj information and device for its implementation, Avt.: Moustache V.p., Garyaev P., Ernest E.r.; P-region.: Moustache V.p.,

6. Patent application No. (2009101389), 19 January 2009 y.. -"Personal audio device performance of ageing", Avt.: Moustache V.p., Garyaev P.; P-region. they are the same.

7. Patent application No. (2009101390), 19 January 2009 y.. -"The way of the individual sound of braking device for ageing and its implementation», Avt.: Garyaev P., Moustache V.p.; P-region. they are the same.

8. The international application PCT/RU2009/000325/. The date of filing of the 01 July 2009 y.. Priority date 31 March 2008 y.. The title of the invention: "Method and device of wave control action on the multicellular organisms", Applicants: Moustache V.p., Dr. Garyaev P.p..

9. Patent application No. 2009108819, 12 March 2009 : "Device for correction of human physiological processes-biohimiko, with extrapolation to wave immunity against viruses, and game console "m. Baranov, P Gariaev.
10. The draft of the international application. Way to the distant wave transmission of genetic and metabolic information for State management and device for its realization. Garyaev P., Sykora Yu.v., Leonova-Garâeva Ea.