Geranium Extract vs HIV /
: Geranium Extracts
HIV Treatment Via Geranium Extracts:
Natural Way To Fight Infection, Inhibit Replication
By John Ericson
Geranium extracts may represent a natural way of treating HIV and
preventing it from progressing to AIDS.
German researchers have found that geranium extracts can inhibit
HIV type 1 by preventing the virus from invading human cells,
raising the possibility that the next big thing in AIDS prevention
may be found in your own backyard.
The new study, which is published in the journal PLOS ONE, shows
that the extracts from the geranium plant Pelargonium may
represent a previously overlooked method of fighting HIV-1 with
natural substances. “Global HIV-1 treatment would benefit greatly
from safe herbal medicines with scientifically validated novel
anti-HIV-1 activities,” lead author Dr. Ruth Brack-Werner and her
colleagues at the German Research Center for Environmental Health
in Munich wrote in the study.
“The root extract from the medicinal plant Pelargonium sidoides
(PS) is licensed in Germany as the herbal medicine EPs®7630, with
numerous clinical trials supporting its safety in humans,” they
added. “Here we provide evidence from multiple cell culture
experiments that PS extract displays potent anti-HIV-1 activity.”
HIV-1, one of the two known viral strains that cause AIDS,
accounts for virtually all infections in the U.S. The other
strain, HIV-2, is not widely seen outside Africa. Together, the
two subtypes infect nearly three million people every year.
What the new study shows is that the PS extract can attack HIV
particles and inhibit so-called viral replication — the process
whereby the virus hijacks healthy cells. In an experiment with
cell cultures, the researchers were able to trace the protective
effect back to polyphenols, a class of naturally occurring
compounds. According to Brack-Werner, the extracts thus set the
stage for the world’s first HIV therapy based on phytomedicine, or
plant-based medicine. “PS extracts attack HIV-1 with a
mode-of-action that is different from all anti-HIV-1 drugs in
clinical use,” she explained in a press release. “Therefore a
PS-based phytomedicine may be a valuable supplement for
established anti-HIV therapies.”
A Natural HIV Treatment?
Today, HIV affects 33.4 million people globally. Since the first
case was recorded in 1981, more than 25 million people have died
from AIDS, the final and typically terminal stage of the
The new study adds to the growing number of recent breakthrough in
HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention. In another study from last
year, researchers finally solved the mystery of how HIV progresses
to AIDS, illuminating for the first time the tremendously complex
process whereby the virus tricks the body’s immune cells into
committing suicide. Similarly, a potential vaccine candidate from
the OHSU Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute was shown to clear the
infection in nine out of 16 monkeys afflicted with a simian model
of the disease.
“PS extracts are attractive candidates for increasing anti-HIV-1
therapy options in resource-limited settings, since they are easy
to produce and do not require refrigeration,” Brack-Werner
concluded. “The results of our study and the proven safety of PS
extracts encourages their testing in HIV-1 infected individuals as
next step."
The Root Extract of the Medical Plant
Pelargonium siodoides Is a Potent HIV-1 Attachment Inhibitor.
Helfer M, Koppensteiner H, Schneider M, Brack-Werner R.
Global HIV-1 treatment would benefit greatly from safe herbal
medicines with scientifically validated novel anti-HIV-1
activities. The root extract from the medicinal plant Pelargonium
sidoides (PS) is licensed in Germany as the herbal medicine
EPs7630, with numerous clinical trials supporting its safety in
humans. Here we provide evidence from multiple cell culture
experiments that PS extract displays potent anti-HIV-1 activity.
We show that PS extract protects peripheral blood mononuclear
cells and macrophages from infection with various X4 and R5 tropic
HIV-1 strains, including clinical isolates. Functional studies
revealed that the extract from PS has a novel mode-of-action. It
interferes directly with viral infectivity and blocks the
attachment of HIV-1 particles to target cells, protecting them
from virus entry. Analysis of the chemical footprint of anti-HIV
activity indicates that HIV-1 inhibition is mediated by multiple
polyphenolic compounds with low cytotoxicity and can be separated
from other extract components with higher cytotoxicity. Based on
our data and its excellent safety profile, we propose that PS
extract represents a lead candidate for the development of a
scientifically validated herbal medicine for anti-HIV-1 therapy
with a mode-of-action different from and complementary to current
single-molecule drugs.

V Clear EPs 7630
V Clear EPs 7630 is an upper respiratory treatment containing a
proprietary extract of Pelargonium sidoides plant. This unique
homeopathic formula addresses the underlying cause of the symptoms
to help speed recovery and shorten the duration of upper
respiratory tract irritations.
Clinically Proven Extract
V Clear EPs 7630 contains a proprietary extract, obtained from the
roots of the Pelargonium sidoides plant, an herb long used to
treat cough and respiratory ailments.
Works Differently
V Clear EPs 7630 addresses the cause to help speed recovery and
shorten the duration of upper respiratory tract irritations.
Documented Benefits
EPs 7630 has been the subject of over 20 clinical studies
involving more than 9,000 patients, including 3,900 children. It
has been an effective, well-tolerated, leading European medicine
for more than a decade.
Pelargonium sidoides
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Geraniales
Family: Geraniaceae
Genus: Pelargonium
Species: P. sidoides
Binomial name
Pelargonium sidoides
Pelargonium sidoides is a medicinal plant native to South Africa.
Its common names include Umckaloabo and South African Geranium.
Root extract of Pelargonium sidoides is used as cold and flu
medicine under various brand names including Kaloba, Umcka and
Medicinal uses
Studies have suggested that extracts from the plant could be used
in treating acute bronchitis,[1][2][3] acute non-GABHS
tonsillopharyngitis (sore throat) in children,[4] and the common
A 2008 systematic review of these findings by the Cochrane
Collaboration concluded that extracts of the plant might be
effective in treating adults for acute rhinosinusitis and the
common cold in adults, but they noted that this conclusion is not
certain. They also wrote that it might be effective in relieving
the symptoms of acute bronchitis in adults and children, and also
the symptoms of sinusitis in adults.[6]
A 2009 systematic review concluded "There is encouraging evidence
from currently available data that P. sidoides is effective
compared to placebo for patients with acute bronchitis."[7]
A 2013 update summary of the Cochrane Collaboration however states
they "considered the quality of the evidence low or very low for
all major outcomes as there were few studies per disease entity,
and all were from the same investigator (the manufacturer) and
performed in the same region (Ukraine and Russia). Thus, in
summary, there is limited evidence for the effectiveness of P.
sidoides in the treatment of ARIs."[8]
It has been shown to be antimycobacterial with significant
antibacterial properties against multi-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus strains.[9] Gallic acid and its methyl ester present in
large amounts in P. sidoides and in its active extracts, were
identified as the prominent immunomodulatory principle.[10]
The Pelargonium sidoides extract EPs 7630 is an approved drug for
the treatment of acute bronchitis in Germany. Determination of
virus-induced cytopathogenic effects and virus titres revealed
that EPs 7630 at concentrations up to 100 µg/ml interfered with
replication of seasonal influenza A virus strains (H1N1, H3N2),
respiratory syncytial virus, human coronavirus, parainfluenza
virus, and coxsackie virus but did not affect replication of
highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus (H5N1), adenovirus, or
"Pelargonium sidoides extract modulates the production of
secretory immunoglobulin A in saliva, both interleukin-15 and
interleukin-6 in serum, and interleukin-15 in the nasal mucosa.
Secretory immunoglobulin A levels were increased, while levels of
IL-15 and IL-6 were decreased. Based on this evidence, we suggest
that this herbal medicine can exert a strong modulating influence
on the immune response associated with the upper airway
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of
200 patients concluded "EPs 7630 was shown to be efficacious and
safe in the treatment of acute bronchitis in children and
adolescents outside the strict indication for antibiotics with
patients treated with EPs 7630 perceiving a more favorable course
of the disease and a good tolerability as compared with
Aqueous ethanolic extract of the roots of Pelargonium sidoides -
New scientific evidence for an old anti-infective
phytopharmaceutical Kolodziej H. Planta Medica 2008 74:6 (661-666)
Matthys H, Eisebitt R, Seith B, Heger M (2003). "Efficacy and
safety of an extract of Pelargonium sidoides (EPs 7630) in adults
with acute bronchitis. A randomised, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial". Phytomedicine. 10 Suppl 4: 7–17. PMID
Chuchalin AG, Berman B, Lehmacher W (Nov 2005). "Treatment of
acute bronchitis in adults with a pelargonium sidoides preparation
(EPs 7630): a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial".
EXPLORE: the Journal of Science and Healing 1 (6): 437–445.
doi:10.1016/j.explore.2005.08.009. PMID 16781588.
Bereznoy VV, Riley DS, Wassmer G, Heger M (2003). "Efficacy of
extract of Pelargonium sidoides in children with acute non-group A
beta-hemolytic streptococcus tonsillopharyngitis: a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial". Alternative therapies in
health and medicine 9 (5): 68–79. PMID 14526713.
Lizogub VG, Riley DS, Heger M (2007). "Efficacy of a pelargonium
sidoides preparation in patients with the common cold: a
randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial".
EXPLORE: the Journal of Science and Healing 3 (6): 573–584.
doi:10.1016/j.explore.2007.09.004. PMID 18005909.
Timmer A, Günther J, Rücker G, Motschall E, Antes G, Kern WV
(2008). "Pelargonium sidoides extract for acute respiratory tract
infections". In Timmer, Antje. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews (3): CD006323. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD006323.pub2. PMID
Pelargonium sidoides for acute bronchitis: A systematic review and
meta-analysis Taofikat B. Agbabiaka, a, , Ruoling Guoa and Edzard
Ernsta aComplementary Medicine, Peninsula Medical School,
Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, Phytomedicine Volume 15,
Issue 5, 15 May 2008, Pages 378-385
cochrane 2013.
Pharmacological profile of extracts of Pelargonium sidoides and
their constituents Kolodziej H., Kayser O., Radtke O.A., Kiderlen
A.F., Koch E. Phytomedicine 2003 10:SUPPL. 4 (18-24)
Immunomodulatory principles of Pelargonium sidoides Krone D.,
Mannel M., Pauli E., Hummel T. Phytotherapy Research 2001 15:2
Investigation of the influence of EPs 7630, a herbal drug
preparation from Pelargonium sidoides, on replication of a broad
panel of respiratory viruses Michaelis M., Doerr H.W., Cinatl Jr.
J. [Article in Press] Phytomedicine 2010
Immune responses induced by Pelargonium sidoides extract in serum
and nasal mucosa of athletes after exhaustive exercise: Modulation
of secretory IgA, IL-6 and IL-15 Luna Jr. L.A., Bachi A.L.L.,
Novaes e Brito R.R., Eid R.G., Suguri V.M., Oliveira P.W.,
Gregorio L.C., Vaisberg M. [Article in Press] Phytomedicine 2010
Efficacy and tolerability of EPs 7630 in children and adolescents
with acute bronchitis: A randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled multicenter trial with a herbal drug
preparation from Pelargonium sidoides roots Kamin W., Maydannik
V., Malek F.A., Kieser M. International Journal of Clinical
Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2010 48:3 (184-191)
External links
Pelargonium sidoides (Umckaloabo)
For hundreds of years the Zulu, Basuto, Xhosa and Mfengi cultures
have used Pelargonium sidoides as a curative for coughs, upper
respiratory tract irritations and gastrointestinal concerns.
Today, with the advantages of modern science and clinical
research, we are able to better understand what makes this
traditional remedy work so effectively.
Pelargonium sidoides has been successfully used for the treatment
Respiratory infections like bronchitis, sinusitis, and pneumonia,
tonsillitis and rhinopharyngitis
It is often used as an alternative to antibiotics
Acute and chronic ear, nose and throat infections
Rapid improvement in the symptoms associated with colds and flu
Analgesic (absence of pain) effects
Pelargonium sidoides occurs throughout the eastern Cape, Lesotho,
Free State and southern and south-western Gauteng in the Republic
of South Africa.
Pelargonium sidoides is called by Kalwerbossie or Rabassamin South
Africa. However, the name Umckaloabo is most commonly known and
originates from the Zulu language "heavy cough".
The Englishman Charles Stevens already acknowledged the successful
treatment of tuberculosis with umckaloabo in the early 1920’s.
Extracts of the root have been available in German pharmacies
since 1983 without prescription and have found widespread usage
against infections of the sinus, throat and respiratory tract.
The traditional use of Pelargonium sidoides for coughs and chest
troubles may be explained by the presence of essential oils. It
has not yet been established which ingredients contribute to its
antibacterial properties.
Extracts of Pelargonium sidoides have clear antibacterial
characteristics against Streptococci, Staphylococci and Bacillus
Pelargonium sidoides is also rich in phytochemicals, vitamins,
minerals and amino acids that enhance the body’s functioning and
protects it against diseases. Treatment with Pelargonium sidoides
rapidly improves the typical symptoms associated with infections
such as cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue and weakness.
How a Zulu remedy became a best-selling new medicine:
With phenomenal growth, it's gone from being an obscure herbal
remedy to become one of Germany's top new medicines. In the past
two years sales have jumped over 700%--growing faster than any
other brand. It's success is attributed to impressive clinical
results, high consumer satisfaction and a fascinating history.
A Fascinating Story:
In 1897, an Englishman named Charles Stevens went to South Africa
hoping to cure himself of tuberculosis. He consulted with a Basuto
tribal healer who gave him a decoction of a local medicinal plant.
Fully recovered, Charles Stevens returned to England with his
mysterious remedy--which became popular throughout Europe as
"Steven's Consumption Cure". In 1920, a former missionary doctor,
Adrien Sechehaye, learned of Steven's cure. During the next nine
years he treated over 800 patients in Switzerland with a
homeopathic preparation of the medicine. In 1929 he published the
medical case studies.
But with the introduction of synthetic tuberculosis drugs,
Steven’s remedy became largely forgotten in Western
medicine--until its recent "rediscovery" by European researchers.
What the Basuto healer gave Charles Stevens was a traditional
remedy made from the roots of Pelargonium sidoides - a species of
geranium unique to South Africa. Among the Zulu, the medicine was
described as "umKhulkane' (denoting respiratory infection) +
'uHlabo' (roughly meaning chest pain).
Works Differently:
While most other cough, cold and sinus medications simply mask
outward symptoms, the mechanisms and actions of Pelargonium
sidoides actually support faster recovery.
Shortens Duration and Reduces Severity:
Clinical trials show that Pelargonium sidoides shortens the
duration and reduces the severity of upper respiratory
High Satisfaction:
In a physician assessment of adults and children suffering from
common cold, chest and throat irritations, was rated effective in
nearly 90% of cases!
Its success is attributed to impressive clinical results, high
consumer satisfaction and a fascinating history that has its roots
in South African heritage and culture.
Chemistry & Pharmacology:
The bioactive ingredients in P.sidoides are the tri- and
tetra-oxygenated coumarins, gallic acid and gallic acid methyl
ester (polyphenols), various flavonoids, as well as significant
levels of calcium and silica.
P.sidoides contains two distinct coumarins: umckalin and its
7-O-methyl ester, together with four other methoxycoumarins and
three unique coumarin sulphates. Scopoletin and
6,7,8-trihydroxycoumarin are also found. Most of the coumarins
contain a methoxy function at the C7 position and an OH group at
either the C6 or C8 positions; functionality that is responsible
for their antibacterial activity.
Gallic acid and its methyl ester are present in large amounts.
These were identified as the prominent immunomodulatory principle
for this herbal medicine. Macrophage activation was confirmed by
an in vitro study based on Leishmania parasites (Phytother Res
2001 Mar; 15(2): 122-6). The same authors, Kayser, O. and
Kolodziej, H. (Planta Medica 63, 508-510) also studied the
antibacterial performance of the various coumarins and gallic acid
compounds found in Pelargonium sidoides and found that with the
exception of the ineffective (+)-catechin, all the potentially
active compounds exhibited antibacterial activities with minimum
inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 200-1000 micrograms/ml. These
results provide for a rational basis of the traditional use of
Double-blind, placebo-controlled studies on patients with acute
bronchitis confirmed that extracts of p.sidoides were effective in
treating this ailment. Similar studies have also shown the
effectiveness of p.sidoides extracts for treating
tonsillopharyngitis in children in the age group 6-10 years
(Phytopharmaka VII, October 2001). Encouraging results have also
been achieved with children, especially those who have not
responded well to repeated treatment with antibiotics.
The alcoholic extract of the root has been shown to have a
three-way effect:
1.) Anti-bacterial: The p.sidoides extract prevents bacteria from
attaching to cells in the mucous membranes.
2.) Antiviral effect: Similarly, p.sidoides prevents viruses from
attaching to the mucous membrane cells and stimulates the body’s
immune system in such a way that both bacteria and viruses are
prevented from multiplying.
3.) Expectorant: the extract acts as an expectorant, allowing the
body to expel contaminated mucous making conditions less suitable
for the multiplication of the bacteria and viruses.
The three-way effect attacks the acute infection at its root, the
stabilization of the immune system prevents a re-infection and the
vicious circle of infection, short recovery phase and new
infection is broken. Due to its bacteriostatic and
immune-modulating characteristics p.sidoides appears to be a good
alternative to the conventional therapy of treating respiratory
illnesses with antibiotics.
The invention relates to the use of effective amount of
Pelargonium graveolens essential oil or extract or constituents
thereof selected from a group consisting of: (S)(-)citroneIlol,
linalool, menthone and isomenthone or any combination thereof,
in the preparation of a medicament for treating a mammal
suffering from or susceptible to a neurodegenerative condition
which can be improved or prevented by inhibition of
acetylcholinesterase (ACliE).
PURPOSE: A composition containing a Pelargonium extract is
provided to prevent crystallization by reducing the content of
alcohol of a final composition, thereby improving formulation
stability. CONSTITUTION: A pharmaceutical composition contains a
Pelargonium extract and sorbic acid or a salt thereof. The final
composition of the pharmaceutical composition contains alcohol
in a content of 1.0 wt% or less. The extract is prepared from
Pelargonium Sidoides, Pelargonium Reniforme, or a mixture
thereof using a solvent selected among water, ethanol, propanol,
butanol, and a mixture thereof. The pharmaceutical composition
additionally contains tartaric acid as a pH adjusting agent.
[Reference numerals] (AA) Example 1- Stationary sate at room
temperature (14 days,25 [deg.]C); (BB) Example 1- refrigerate
stationary sate (7 days, 4[deg.]C); (CC) Example 21- Stationary
sate at room temperature (14 days, 25[deg.]C); (DD) Example 21-
refrigerate stationary sate (14 days, 4[deg.]C)
An extraction method for extracts of Geranium or Pelargonium
with improved methylhexaneamine content is provided. The method
involves separating the oil phase from the aqueous phase;
concentrating the aqueous phase; purifying the oil phase; and
recombining the resulting material. Additionally, extracts of
Geranium or Pelargonium prepared by the extraction method are
provided. The extracts are useful in compositions, for example
as dietary supplements, and for appetite suppression.
Compound essential oil for improving skin properties
The invention discloses compound essential oil for improving
skin properties and aims to better satisfy people's appeal to
natural skin care in the aspect of skin care. The compound
essential oil provided in the invention comprises, by weight
percentage, 32 to 45% of rose essential oil, 5 to 10% of
lavender essential oil, 3 to 8% of Yilan essential oil, 20 to
30% of teaplant essential oil, 10 to 20% of fish pelargonium
essential oil, 2 to 6% of mastic essential oil and 3 to 8% of
aloe essential oil. The compound essential oil can effectively
solve the skin problems of a tarnished color, poor absorption
capability, dryness, poor elasticity, proneness to wrinkling,
too much secretion of grease, etc., and has a good effect on
improving skin properties.
A natural composition comprising extracts of at least three of
Petroselinum, Cymbopogon, Citrus, Apium graveolens, Aloysia,
Foeniculum, Melissa, Fortunella, Arisaema, and Pelargonium for
the treatment or prevention of cancer.
The invention relates to a hydrolyzate from at least one extract
of at least one plant material selected from the group
consisting of at least one genus: Equiseti, Juglandis,
Millefolii, Quercus, Taraxaci, Althaeae, Matricariae,
Centaurium, Levisticum, Rosmarinus, Angelica(e), Artemisia,
Astragalus, Leonurus, Salvia, Saposhnikovia, Scutellaria,
Siegesbeckia, Armoracia, Capsicum, Cistus, Echinacea, Echinacea,
Galphimia, Hedera, Melia, Olea, Pelargonium, Phytolacca,
Primula, Salix, Thymus, Vitex, and Vitis; and to a mixture
thereof and to a method of production and the use thereof. The
invention further relates to an agent and drug obtainable on the
basis of the hydrolyzate.
The invention relates to a method for producing storage-stable
solutions from pelargonium extracts, characterized in that the
oxygen quantity at atmospheric pressure in the head space of the
package used to store the solution of pelargonium extract is
reduced to a maximum of 0.025 parts by volume (preferably 0.015
parts by volume, especially preferably 0.005 parts by volume) per
volume part of the solution, wherein the content of
proanthocyanidines and 2H-1-benzopyran-2-ones after 9 months of
storage at 25Â DEG C and a relative humidity of 60% is reduced by
a maximum of 10 weight % each (preferably a maximum of 7 weight %,
especially preferably a maximum of 5 weight %, particularly a
maximum of 3 weight %)
[0001] The invention relates to methods for preparing
storage-stable solutions of pelargonium extracts, characterized in
that the oxygen quantity at atmospheric pressure in the head space
of the package used for storing the solution of pelargonium
extracts to a maximum of 0.025 parts by volume (preferably 0.015
parts by volume, more preferably 0.005 parts by volume) is reduced
per volume part of the solution, wherein the content of
proanthocyanidines and 2H-1-benzopyran-2-ones after 9 months of
storage at 25 deg.
C and a relative humidity of 60% to a maximum of 10 weight -%
(preferably not more than 7 weight -%, particularly preferably not
more than 5 weight -%, in particular up to 3 wt -%) is decreased.
[0002] In the solutions of pelargonium extracts used in the
inventive method may, on the one obtained directly in the extract
preparation liquid extracts or solutions of the dry extracts or
Spissumextrakten in pharmaceutically acceptable solvents,
especially water and aqueous alcohols and polyols such as glycerol
and act ethanol, and mixtures thereof.
[0003] also used as solutions of Pelargonium Pelargonium extracts
Liquid extracts can be prepared by methods known per se.
In principle, any liquid pelargonium extracts proanthocyanidins
and 2H-1-benzopyran-2-one can be used in the process of this
invention contain.
The solutions used in the inventive method of Perlargonium
extracts in the form of liquid extracts can for example be
obtained by first dried and crushed roots of Pelargonium sidoides
and / or Pelargonium reniforme with a solvent selected from the
group consisting of water, aqueous alcohols, aqueous polyols and
mixtures thereof, in a conventional manner, for example at
temperatures of 10 to 100 deg.
C, are extracted.
The drug residue is optionally slightly pressed and the crude
extract is filtered, if necessary.
[0004] Preferably, the production of pelargonium liquid extract by
percolation using an aqueous ethanolic solvent, optionally after a
previously performed mashing using an aqueous ethanolic solvent,
according to the EP 1 429 795th
[0005] Other suitable Pelargonium liquid extracts, for example, in
DE 10 2004 0639 10, in particular in paragraph [0017] and the
examples 3 and 4.
The disclosure of the latter two publications is hereby expressly
includes the production of Pelargonium liquid extracts by
reference herein.
The extract solution may either directly incurred in the
production or produced by dissolving a suitable dry extract.
[0006] extracts of Pelargonium species, in particular from
Pelargonium sidoides and / or Pelargonium reniforme can be used in
medicines or food and be ingested orally, usually as solid or
liquid dosage forms.
Major components of these extracts are proanthocyanidins and
substituted 2H-1-benzopyran-2-ones (coumarins).
[0007] solutions of pelargonium extracts, such liquid
pharmaceutical dosage forms which contain these extracts from
Pelargonium sidoides and / or reniforme in solution, however, have
the drawback of an insufficient storage stability.
When storing a decrease in the content of proanthocyanidins and
2H-1-benzopyran-2-ones is detected.
[0008] The object of the present invention is therefore to provide
storage-stable solutions of Pelargonium extracts available.
The content of proanthocyanidins and the content of
2H-1-benzopyran-2-ones for the desired storage time under defined
conditions may decrease by a maximum of 10%.
In particular, the contents of storage at a temperature of 25 °
C and a relative humidity of 60% within nine months to a maximum
of 10%, preferably not more than 7%, more preferably at most 5%,
and more than 3%, based on the weight decrease.
[0009] This object is erfindungemäss achieved by a process for the
preparation of solutions of pelargonium extracts, characterized in
that the oxygen quantity at atmospheric pressure in the head space
of the package used for storing the solution of pelargonium
extracts to a maximum of 0.025 parts by volume per volume part of
the solution is reduced, wherein the content of proanthocyanidines
and 2H-1-benzopyran-2-ones after 9 months of storage at 25 deg.
C and a relative humidity of 60% to a maximum of 10 weight -% is
[0010] proanthocyanidins are understood to be mono-, oligo-and
polymeric flavone derivatives, which are composed of flavan-3-ol
units, preferably from gallocatechin, epigallocatechin, catechin
and epicatechin, and usually with group determination methods,
Example, be measured photometrically according to Folin-Ciocalteu.
[0011] contained in Pelargonium species and stabilizing
2H-1-benzopyran-2-ones are 5 - to 8-position of two-to
tetrasubstituted by hydroxy, methoxy and / or Sulfooxy
2H-1-benzopyran-2-one .
The quantification is typically effected by HPLC with UV
detection, wherein one or more lead compounds such
B. 6,8-bis-(sulfooxy)-7-hydroxy-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one (compound I)
and 7-hydroxy-5 ,6-dimethoxy-8-sulfooxy-2H-1-benzopyran-2 -one
(compound II) can be selected for the determination.
[0012] It has surprisingly been found that such storage-stable
solutions of pelargonium extracts can be obtained if the volume of
oxygen is limited or reduced in the head space of the package used
for storage.
It is particularly surprising that this stabilization also in the
case of 2H-1-benzopyran-2-one succeeds, as these are not
considered as sensitive to oxygen.
[0013] The 2H-1-benzopyran-2-one basic structure is in neutral or
weakly acidic medium usually very stable, so that an instability
expects if by hydrolytic cleavage of sulfate residues in the
aforementioned substituted 2H-1-benzopyran-2-ones could be.
Thus, for example, should be to eliminate by adjustment of the pH,
the hydrolysis is not, however, be achieved by the inventive
measures to stabilize the compounds I and II.
It is therefore particularly surprising that with the process of
this invention, stabilization in the case of the
[0014] The inventive method for the reduction of the oxygen
content comprises selecting a container with a correspondingly
small head space and / or the displacement of oxygen by means of
modified atmosphere and / or the removal of oxygen from the
headspace of the container by an oxygen-removing agent ("oxygen
scavenger") , said means may consist of one or more substances,
and is such that it does not react or only to an insignificant
extent with ingredients of the solution of pelargonium extracts.
[0015] According to the invention the head space volume of the
container and / or the conditions of the protective gas to be
selected so that the oxygen volume in the headspace at atmospheric
pressure, a maximum of 0.025 parts by volume (preferably 0.015
parts by volume, more preferably 0.005 parts by volume) of oxygen
per part by volume of the solution of pelargonium species amounts.
As a protective gas, in particular nitrogen, carbon dioxide or
noble gases such as are
As argon and in mixtures, into consideration.
[0016] oxygen-removing agent ("oxygen scavenger") containing one
or more substances that are alone and / or in combination in a
position included in the headspace of the container oxygen by
adsorption and / or absorption and / or chemical reaction to
remove .
The composition of the oxygen-removing agent according to the
invention to be selected so that the oxygen content in the package
headspace to a maximum of 0.025 parts by volume (preferably 0.015
parts by volume, more preferably 0.005 parts by volume) of oxygen
per part by volume of the solution of pelargonium extracts is
[0017] As part of the oxygen scavenging agents are for example the
following substances are suitable: ascorbic acid, salts of
ascorbic acid such as sodium ascorbate, potassium ascorbate, or
calcium ascorbate, esters of ascorbic acid with fatty acids such
as palmitic or stearic acid, metals or metal salts in low
oxidation states, such as iron, iron (II ) oxide, iron (II)
hydroxide or iron (II) chloride or oxidizable polymers such as
MXD6, a condensed polymer of m-xylylenediamine and adipic acid.
[0018] From the literature are known numerous possible embodiments
of suitable oxygen scavenging agent.
[0019] The JP3014481 for example, discloses an oxygen-permeable,
iron and possibly other substances containing bags with low
moisture permeability, which can be used to remove oxygen from the
filled containers with liquids.
[0020] From JP2003081353 are adhesive films having a multilayer
structure including an oxygen-absorbing layer, are known which can
be fixed to the inside of the packaging used for the storage of an
oxygen sensitive material.
[0021] Screw caps with oxygen-absorbing insoles are described for
example in EP1742850.
[0022] Another possible embodiment is represented by multi-layer
plastic containers in which the oxygen is bound by a layer of at
least one oxidizable polymer, as disclosed for example in the
W02005 014 410.
[0023] The determination of proanthocyanidins (= total phenols)
and the 2H-1-benzopyran-2-one I and II is given below:
Determination of proanthocyanidins according to Folin-Ciocalteu:
The determination of proanthocyanidins photometrically in analogy
to the pharmacopoeia method for tannins (DAB 2000) after reaction
with molybdate-tungstate reagent.
To said extract is dissolved in aqueous ethanol, made alkaline
with sodium carbonate solution and combined with molybdate
tungstate reagent.
After centrifugation the absorbance of the supernatant at 720 nm
is measured against water.
The calculation is epicatechin.
Determination of the 2H-1-benzopyran-2-one I and II:
Determination of the compounds I and II is carried out by HPLC on
an RP-18 column.
The mobile phase acetonitrile / water / phosphoric acid gradient
(10:990:4 205:795:4) will be used.
Is detected in UV light at 330 nm
The calculation of the individual coumarin peak occurs as
[0024] For the determination of oxygen in the package headspace is
a standard method used (GC over a molecular sieve column with
thermal conductivity detection).
[0025] percentages are in the above description and in the
following examples, unless otherwise indicated, are by weight.
[0026] In Examples 1 to 4, the following ethanolic-aqueous extract
was used:
Ground roots of Pelargonium sidoides was at twice the amount by
weight of ethanol (35% by weight) and stored at room temperature
for 20 h.
Thereafter, the mixture was percolated on 10 and then filtered at
eight times the amount by weight of ethanol (6% by weight) h.
Example 1: (Comparative Example)
[0027] A solution containing 80 wt% of the above aqueous ethanolic
extract from Pelargonium sidoides and 20 wt
% Glycerol is filled under normal atmosphere (21% oxygen) in brown
glass bottles.
The filling volume is 20 ml, the head space volume of the bottle
is 5 ml
The bottles are provided with a dropper insert and sealed with a
screw cap.
The oxygen content in the headspace is 0.053 parts by volume of
oxygen per volume of solution.
After 9 months of storage at 25 deg.
C / 60% RH is the reduced specific content of the solution and the
specific proanthocyanidins by HPLC content of compounds I and II
by the method of Folin-Ciocalteu.
Substance <sep> Content relative to the initial value
Proanthocyanidins <sep> 85.4%
Compound I <sep> 89.0%
Compound II <sep> 90.9%
Example 2: (reduction of headspace volume)
[0028] A solution containing 80 wt% of the above aqueous ethanolic
extract from Pelargonium sidoides and 20 wt
% Glycerol is filled under normal atmosphere (21% oxygen) in brown
glass bottles.
The filling volume is 23 ml, the head space volume of the bottle
is 2 oz
The bottles are provided under a normal atmosphere with a dropper
insert and sealed with a screw cap.
The oxygen content in the head space of 0.018 parts by volume of
oxygen per volume of solution.
After 9 months of storage at 25 deg.
C / 60% relative humidity is determined by the method of
Folin-Ciocalteu proanthocyanidins content of the solution
determined by means of HPLC and the content of compounds I and II
is reduced significantly less than in Example 1 (comparative
Substance <sep> Content relative to the initial value
Proanthocyanidins <sep> 94.0%
Compound I <sep> 91.3%
Compound II <sep> 94.5%
Example 3: (protective gas with nitrogen)
[0029] A solution containing 80 wt% of the above aqueous ethanolic
extract from Pelargonium sidoides and 20 wt
% Glycerol is bottled under a normal atmosphere in amber glass
The filling volume is 20 ml, the head space volume of the bottle
is 5 ml
The bottles are covered with nitrogen, provided with a dropper
insert and sealed with a screw cap.
Measured after the closing of the oxygen content in the headspace
of the bottle is 7%.
The oxygen content in the head space of 0.018 parts by volume of
oxygen per volume of solution.
After 9 months of storage at 25 deg.
C / 60% relative humidity is determined by the method of
Folin-Ciocalteu proanthocyanidins content of the solution
determined by means of HPLC and the content of compounds I and II
is reduced significantly less than in Example 1 (comparative
Substance <sep> Content relative to the initial value
Proanthocyanidins <sep> 99.0%
Compound I <sep> 93.5%
Compound II <sep> 93.3%
Example 4: (filling under a nitrogen blanket in ampoules)
[0030] A solution containing 80 wt% of the above aqueous ethanolic
extract from Pelargonium sidoides and 20 wt
% Glycerol is filled under a nitrogen blanket in ampoules.
The filling volume is 5 ml
The ampoules are sealed by fusion.
The headspace volume of 1 ml ampoules is
Measured after the closing of the oxygen content in the headspace
of the vials was 1%.
The oxygen content in the head space of 0.002 parts by volume of
oxygen per volume of solution.
After 9 months of storage at 25 deg.
C / 60% relative humidity is certain by the method of
Folin-Ciocalteu content of the solution and the specific
proanthocyanidins by HPLC content of compounds I and II with
respect to the initial value comparable or hardly reduced.
Substance <sep> Content relative to the initial value
Proanthocyanidins <sep> 100.9%
Compound I <sep> 97.5%
Compound II <sep> 98.5%
[0031] In the inventive examples 2, 3 and 4 (in the headspace
oxygen content is less than 0.025 parts by volume of oxygen per
volume of solution), the contents of proanthocyanidins as well as
the compounds I and II after 9 months storage at 25 deg lie.
C / 60% relative humidity in each case more than 90%, thereby
satisfying the desired requirements of stability.
Conversely, two of the three respective levels in the comparative
example (Example 1, the oxygen content in the head space of more
than 0,025 parts by volume of oxygen per volume of solution) of
less than 90%, and thereby do not satisfy the desired requirements
for stability.
The invention relates to production methods for obtaining dry
extracts from Pelargonium sidoides and/or Pelargonium reniforme,
extracts obtainable according to said method, and pharmaceutical
products comprising such extracts.
001] The present invention relates to production methods for
obtaining dry extracts from Pelargonium sidoides and/or
Pelargonium reniforme, extracts obtained by said methods and
preparations containing such extracts.
[0002] The preparations obtained from the pelargonium species
Pelargonium sidoides and/or Pelargonium reniforme native to
southern Africa are traditionally used in this region for the
therapeutic treatment of respiratory disorders and
gastrointestinal symptoms.
[0003] The efficacy of an aqueous-ethanolic liquid extract of the
roots of Pelargonium sidoides, EPs 7630, in the treatment of
infections of the respiratory tract and the ENT region has
meanwhile been proven by numerous clinical studies and
observations of practical application (Kolodziej et al., Deutsche
Apotheker Zeitung 143 (12): 55-64 (2003)).
[0004] The effect of the extract is caused by several
therapeutically active components. Tanning agents and coumarin
derivatives are considered important therapeutic components in
Pelargonium sidoides. Such components are also contained in
extracts from Pelargonium reniforme.
[0005] Depending on their consistency, the European Pharmacopoeia
classifies extracts into liquid (liquid extracts and tinctures),
semi-solid (viscous extracts) and solid (dry extracts)
preparations. Dry extracts are prepared by evaporation or removal
of the solvent used for preparation and usually have a loss in
drying or water content of 5 wt.-% maximum. They have many
advantages vis-à-vis liquid and semi-solid extracts. They have
better stability, are easier to handle and may be used for
preparing solid galenic dosage forms. In particular, direct use of
an aqueous-ethanolic liquid extract is ruled out in those cases
where a liquid dosage form without alcohol is desirable, for
example in the administration to children.
[0006] Dry plant extracts are, for example, known from EP 0 589
921 B 1 and EP 1 037 674. These dry extracts contain carrier
substances, among other things.
[0007] EP 0 589 921 B 1 relates to thick and/or dry plant extracts
having the same or a very similar active ingredient spectrum as a
corresponding liquid extract, the use thereof and a method for
producing the same. EP 0 589 921 B 1 is based on the problem that
not all of the volatile drug ingredients of liquid extracts may be
contained in the resulting thick and/or dry extracts due to
evaporation of the solvent in case of conventional drying. In
addition, the extracts disclosed may contain pharmaceutical
excipients, carrier media and/or disintegrants. Preferred
substances cited are, among others, mono- and/or polysaccharides
and cellulose, cellulose derivatives, starch and starch
derivatives. The addition of the excipients which takes place
after removing the solvent of the original liquid extracts has the
object of preventing the escape of volatile components to any
significant extent during the subsequent processing to obtain
[0008] EP 1 037 647 B 2 relates to dry medicinal plant extracts
from Passiflora, Agnus castus, Crataegus, Gingko, stinging nettle
extract, valerian, Cimicifuga root or rootstock and/or Cynara for
peroral application wherein the non-volatile phase of the extract
is bonded to a carrier I which is solid at room temperature and is
selected from polyethylene glycols, polyvinyl alcohols, polyvidone
acetate and/or polyvinyl pyrrolidone as well as a carrier II which
is selected from alcohol-insoluble, water-insoluble,
water-swellable carriers solid at room temperature and or alkaline
earth metal and/or alkali metal carbonates including hydrogen
carbonates in micro-disperse form and/or in the form of a
semi-solid or solid solution, optionally in addition to other
excipients and/or additives. Such extracts are characterised by a
release of the plant ingredients which is defined with regard to
extent and speed.
[0009] However, we are faced with a problem in the preparation of
pelargonium dry extracts, namely that the dry extracts obtained by
direct drying of pelargonium liquid extracts will not dissolve
completely even in a large solvent excess in physiologically
compatible, primarily aqueous and or aqueous-alcoholic solvents
including mixtures of water and polyols and, optionally, alcohols
(cf. comparative examples 1-2). On the one hand, this makes the
production of liquid preparations from these dry extracts
difficult, while the efficacy of the dry extracts may be generally
affected on the other.
[0010] Therefore, it is the object of the present invention to
provide dry extracts from Pelargonium sidoides and/or reniforme
having improved solubility.
[0011] Dry extracts prepared by the method of the invention are at
least somewhat soluble in physiologically compatible solvents.
According to the European Pharmacopoeia, 5thed., they dissolve
practically without residues at a ratio of at least 1 g of dry
extract to 100 ml of solvent and thus yield a clear or opalescent
solution without any sediment. Said opalescence is not higher than
the opalescence reference suspension of the European
Pharmacopoeia, 5thed. (corresponding to 60 NTU=Nephelometric
Turbidity Units).
[0012] Surprisingly, it has now been found that the solubility of
dry extracts from Pelargonium sidoides and/or Pelargonium
reniforme is significantly improved if carrier substances selected
from the group of saccharides and sugar alcohols are added to the
extract solutions used before conversion to a solid form by
drying. This effect is particularly surprising as the solution
characteristics of dry extracts prepared by the conventional route
in physiologically compatible solvents cannot be improved by
simple admixing of these carrier substances (see comparative
examples 3-8).
[0013] The improved solubility of the dry extracts of the
invention is particularly advantageous if the dry extracts are
processed with the customary excipients to obtain (coated)
tablets. In this case, a particularly favourable release of the
active ingredient can be achieved by using the dry extract of the
invention. Typically, this will be demonstrated in accordance with
the method of the European Pharmacopoeia, 5thed., "Prüfung
der Wirkstofffreisetzung aus festen Arzneiformen" (testing the
release of active ingredients from solid dosage forms). A good
release of the active ingredient from the dosage form is a
prerequisite for a good efficacy.
[0014] The extract solutions of Pelargonium sidoides and/or
Pelargonium reniforme (i.e. solutions of the starting extract) to
be used in the method for preparing the dry extracts of the
invention may be obtained, for example, by first extracting dried
and comminuted roots of Pelargonium sidoides and/or Pelargonium
reniforme with water and one or more aqueous-alcoholic solvents or
one or more aqueous-ketonic (i.e. aqueous-acetonic) solvents by
the conventional route, for example at temperatures of 10 to
100[deg.] C. Where necessary, the drug residue is slightly
squeezed out and the crude extract optionally filtered. It is
preferred to use mixtures of water and a monohydric C1-C3 alcohol
selected from methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol and 2-propanol for
preparing the solution of the starting extract.
[0015] The water portion of the aqueous-alcoholic or
aqueous-ketonic solvents is preferably at least 50 wt.-% and
preferably at most 95 wt.-%. It is preferred to prepare the liquid
extract by percolation with an aqueous-ethanolic solvent,
optionally after prior mashing with an aqueous-ethanolic solvent
in accordance with EP 1 429 795.
[0016] Other suitable extract solutions are also described in DE
10 2004 063 910, for example, especially in para. [0017] and
examples 3 and 4. The disclosure of the two latter publications is
expressly included by reference with regard to the preparation of
extract solutions.
[0017] After that, a solid carrier substance is dissolved in the
liquid extract thus obtained. Alternatively, several solid carrier
substances may be used. The mass ratio of the carrier substance(s)
to the dry residue (determined in accordance with the European
Pharmacopoeia, 5thed., by three hours of drying at 100 to
105[deg.] C.) of the extract solution is 1:4 to 9:1, preferably
1:1 to 6:1, especially 2:1 to 5:1. The solution is concentrated
and dried by the usual methods, for example at a pressure of 0.001
bar to atmospheric pressure and a temperature of 20 to 100[deg.]
C. Alternatively, the carrier substance(s) may be added during the
concentration step.
[0018] Suitable carrier substances are monosaccharides such as
fructose, galactose, glucose, xylose and/or oligosaccharides such
as [alpha]-cyclodextrin, [beta]-cyclodextrin,
[gamma]-cyclodextrin, hydroxypropyl betadex, lactose, lactulose,
maltose, raffinose, saccharose, trehalose and/or polysaccharides
such as chitosan, chitosan hydrochloride, dextran, dextrin
guargalactomannan, gum arabic, hydroxyethyl cellulose,
hydroxypropyl cellulose, hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, inulin,
maltodextrin, methylcellulose, methylhydroxyethyl cellulose,
polydextrose and/or sugar alcohols such as erythritol, isomalt,
lactilol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol.
[0019] Another subject matter of the invention are dry extracts
from Pelargonium sidoides and/or reniforme that may be obtained by
the method of the invention.
[0020] Another subject matter of the invention are preparations
containing said dry extracts, optionally in combination with other
substances such as active ingredients and/or excipients.
[0021] These preparations may be drugs, food products, medical
products, cosmetic products or consumer products, for example.
Food products should especially be interpreted as dietetic food
products, food supplements as well as medical food, health food
and dietary supplements.
[0022] The dry extracts of the invention may be processed together
with the customary excipients to obtain solid preparations such as
powders, granulates, pellets, tablets, capsules or coated tablets.
Excipients suitable for use may be the customary fillers, binders,
disintegrants, lubricants and, optionally, aroma and flavouring
agents and coating agents for coated tablets. The customary
excipient oils and fats may be used as fillers in the preparation
of soft capsules; the shell of the soft capsules may be made of
gelatine, for example. The dry extracts according to the invention
may be processed with the customary excipients to obtain liquid
preparations such as solutions, sprays, emulsions and suspensions.
Common solvents, solubilisers, stabilisers as well as aroma and
flavouring agents may be used as excipients. Dosing is selected in
such a manner that a quantity of the dry extract is taken per day
which corresponds to 2 to 1,000 mg, preferably 5 to 400 mg, and
especially preferably 10 to 200 mg of dry residue of the liquid
extract used for preparation.
[0023] The following solvents A and B were used in the comparative
examples 1 to 8 and the examples 9 to 14:
Solvent A:
Ethanol 96 vol.-% 10 parts by mass
Glycerol 85 wt.-% 20 parts by mass
Water 70 parts by mass
Solvent B:
Glycerol 85 wt.-% 10 parts by mass
Xylitol 10 parts by mass
Water 80 parts by mass
Comparative Examples 1 to 8
[0026] 28 kg of ethanol (35 wt.-%) were added to 14 kg of ground
root of Pelargonium sidoides and stored at room temperature for 20
hrs. Afterwards, the mixture was percolated with 112 kg of ethanol
(6 wt.-%) for 10 hrs and then filtered. The dry residue of the
filtrate was 1.78 wt.-%.
[0027] 50 kg of this liquid extract were dried at 50[deg.] C.
under vacuum (up to 18 mbar).
[0028] 1 g each of the dry extracts obtained was mixed with 100 ml
of the solvent A or B, optionally after thorough mixing with 4.55
g of a carrier substance in a mortar.
example No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Dry extract 1.00 g 1.00 g 1.0 g 1.00
g 1.00 g 1.00 g 1.00 g 1.00 g
Mannitol - - 4.55 g 4.55 g -
- - -
Saccharose - - - - 4.55 g 4.55
g - -
Maltodextrin - - - - - -
4.55 g 4.55 g
Supernatant 1.5 6.5 1.84 3.8
1.8 4.2 14 115
Solvent A B A B A B
Sediment + + + + + +
+ +
[0029] The dry extract was not completely soluble. All of the
solutions showed a sediment.
Examples 9 to 10
Examples According to the Invention
[0030] 28 kg of ethanol (35 wt.-%) were added to 14 kg of ground
root of Pelargonium sidoides and stored at room temperature for 20
hrs. Afterwards, the mixture was percolated with 112 kg of ethanol
(6 wt.-%) for 10 hrs and then filtered. The dry residue of the
filtrate was 1.78 wt.-%.
[0031] 1.25 kg of mannitol were dissolved in 15.4 kg of this
liquid extract. The solution was dried at 50[deg.] C. under vacuum
(up to 18 mbar).
[0032] 5.55 g each of the dry extracts obtained (corresponding to
1 g of the native portion and 4.55 of mannitol) were mixed with
100 ml of solvent A or B.
Example No.
9 10
Dry extract with mannitol 5.55 g 5.55 g
Opalescence of the solution 3.2 2.6
Solvent A B
Sediment - -
[0033] The dry extract dissolved completely. Both solutions showed
no sediment.
Examples 11 to 12
Examples According to the Invention
[0034] 28 kg of ethanol (35 wt.-%) were added to 14 kg of ground
root of Pelargonium sidoides and stored at room temperature for 20
hrs. Afterwards, the mixture was percolated with 112 kg of ethanol
(6 wt.-%) for 10 hrs and then filtered. The dry residue of the
filtrate was 1.78 wt.-%.
[0035] 1.19 kg of saccharose were dissolved in 14.7 kg of this
liquid extract. The solution was dried at 50[deg.] C. under vacuum
(up to 18 mbar).
[0036] 5.55 g each of the dry extracts obtained (corresponding to
1 g of the native portion and 4.55 of saccharose) were mixed with
100 ml of solvent A or B.
Example No.
11 12
Dry extract with saccharose 5.55 g 5.55 g
Opalescence of the solution 4.2 2.0
Solvent A B
Sediment - -
[0037] The dry extract dissolved completely. Both solutions showed
no sediment.
Examples 13 to 14
Examples According to the Invention
[0038] 28 kg of ethanol (35 wt.-%) were added to 14 kg of ground
root of Pelargonium sidoides and stored at room temperature for 20
hrs. Afterwards, the mixture was percolated with 112 kg of ethanol
(6 wt.-%) for 10 hrs and then filtered. The dry residue of the
filtrate was 1.78 wt.-%.
[0039] 1.34 kg of maltodextrin were dissolved in 16.5 kg of this
liquid extract. The solution was dried at 50[deg.] C. under vacuum
(up to 18 mbar).
[0040] 5.55 g each of the dry extracts obtained (corresponding to
1 g of the native portion and 4.55 of maltodextrin) were mixed
with 100 ml of solvent A or B.
Example No.
13 14
Dry extract with maltodextrin 5.55 g 5.55 g
Opalescence of the solution 4.7 33
Solvent A B
[0041] The dry extract dissolved completely. Both solutions showed
no sediment.