Hadi GHASEMI, et al.
Solar Steam Generator
85% Efficient conversion of solar energy to
steam with carbon sponge -- 30% more efficient than
other systems
July 21, 2014
Steam from the sun
New spongelike structure converts solar energy into steam.
by Jennifer Chu
MIT News Office
A new material structure developed at MIT generates steam by
soaking up the sun.
The structure — a layer of graphite flakes and an underlying
carbon foam — is a porous, insulating material structure that
floats on water. When sunlight hits the structure’s surface, it
creates a hotspot in the graphite, drawing water up through the
material’s pores, where it evaporates as steam. The brighter the
light, the more steam is generated.
The new material is able to convert 85 percent of incoming solar
energy into steam — a significant improvement over recent
approaches to solar-powered steam generation. What’s more, the
setup loses very little heat in the process, and can produce steam
at relatively low solar intensity. This would mean that, if scaled
up, the setup would likely not require complex, costly systems to
highly concentrate sunlight.
Hadi Ghasemi, a postdoc in MIT’s Department of Mechanical
Engineering, says the spongelike structure can be made from
relatively inexpensive materials — a particular advantage for a
variety of compact, steam-powered applications.
“Steam is important for desalination, hygiene systems, and
sterilization,” says Ghasemi, who led the development of the
structure. “Especially in remote areas where the sun is the only
source of energy, if you can generate steam with solar energy, it
would be very useful.”
Ghasemi and mechanical engineering department head Gang Chen,
along with five others at MIT, report on the details of the new
steam-generating structure in the journal Nature Communications.
Cutting the optical concentration
Today, solar-powered steam generation involves vast fields of
mirrors or lenses that concentrate incoming sunlight, heating
large volumes of liquid to high enough temperatures to produce
steam. However, these complex systems can experience significant
heat loss, leading to inefficient steam generation.
Recently, scientists have explored ways to improve the efficiency
of solar-thermal harvesting by developing new solar receivers and
by working with nanofluids. The latter approach involves mixing
water with nanoparticles that heat up quickly when exposed to
sunlight, vaporizing the surrounding water molecules as steam. But
initiating this reaction requires very intense solar energy —
about 1,000 times that of an average sunny day.
By contrast, the MIT approach generates steam at a solar intensity
about 10 times that of a sunny day — the lowest optical
concentration reported thus far. The implication, the researchers
say, is that steam-generating applications can function with lower
sunlight concentration and less-expensive tracking systems.
“This is a huge advantage in cost-reduction,” Ghasemi says.
“That’s exciting for us because we’ve come up with a new approach
to solar steam generation.”
From sun to steam
The approach itself is relatively simple: Since steam is generated
at the surface of a liquid, Ghasemi looked for a material that
could both efficiently absorb sunlight and generate steam at a
liquid’s surface.
After trials with multiple materials, he settled on a thin,
double-layered, disc-shaped structure. Its top layer is made from
graphite that the researchers exfoliated by placing the material
in a microwave. The effect, Chen says, is “just like popcorn”: The
graphite bubbles up, forming a nest of flakes. The result is a
highly porous material that can better absorb and retain solar
The structure’s bottom layer is a carbon foam that contains
pockets of air to keep the foam afloat and act as an insulator,
preventing heat from escaping to the underlying liquid. The foam
also contains very small pores that allow water to creep up
through the structure via capillary action.
As sunlight hits the structure, it creates a hotspot in the
graphite layer, generating a pressure gradient that draws water up
through the carbon foam. As water seeps into the graphite layer,
the heat concentrated in the graphite turns the water into steam.
The structure works much like a sponge that, when placed in water
on a hot, sunny day, can continuously absorb and evaporate liquid.
The researchers tested the structure by placing it in a chamber of
water and exposing it to a solar simulator — a light source that
simulates various intensities of solar radiation. They found they
were able to convert 85 percent of solar energy into steam at a
solar intensity 10 times that of a typical sunny day.
Ghasemi says the structure may be designed to be even more
efficient, depending on the type of materials used.
“There can be different combinations of materials that can be used
in these two layers that can lead to higher efficiencies at lower
concentrations,” Ghasemi says. “There is still a lot of research
that can be done on implementing this in larger systems.”
Nature Communications 5, Article number: 4449
21 July 2014
Solar steam generation by heat
Hadi Ghasemi, George Ni, Amy Marie Marconnet, James Loomis,
Selcuk Yerci, Nenad Miljkovic, & Gang Chen
Currently, steam generation using solar energy is based on heating
bulk liquid to high temperatures. This approach requires either
costly high optical concentrations leading to heat loss by the hot
bulk liquid and heated surfaces or vacuum. New solar receiver
concepts such as porous volumetric receivers or nanofluids have
been proposed to decrease these losses. Here we report development
of an approach and corresponding material structure for solar
steam generation while maintaining low optical concentration and
keeping the bulk liquid at low temperature with no vacuum. We
achieve solar thermal efficiency up to 85%... This high
performance results from four structure characteristics: absorbing
in the solar spectrum, thermally insulating, hydrophilic and
interconnected pores. The structure concentrates thermal energy
and fluid flow where needed for phase change and minimizes
dissipated energy. This new structure provides a novel approach to
harvesting solar energy for a broad range of phase-change
On the left, a representative structure for localization of heat;
the cross section of structure and temperature distribution. On
the right, a picture of enhanced steam generation by the DLS
structure under solar illumination. Credit: Courtesy of the
Microwave Exfoliation of Intercalated
Robert Murray-Smith
About halfway through i cracked the glass. Boy did it make me
jump. Next time i think i will do 10 seconds then 10 seconds
rather than 20 all at once. Still the exfoliation volume was
truely astounding. In the first experiment I put a tespoon of the
intercalated graphite in a jam jar and it filled the jar!
Localized Solar Collectors
[US] +
A localized heating structure, and method of forming same, for use
in solar systems includes a thermally insulating layer having
interconnected pores, a density of less than about 3000 kg/m3, and
a hydrophilic surface, and an expanded carbon structure adjacent
to the thermally insulating layer. The expanded carbon structure
has a porosity of greater than about 80% and a hydrophilic
[0003] The present invention relates to structures that promote
localized heating, and more specifically to structures for
promoting the heating and phase change of liquids for use with
solar collectors and other heating systems to harvest solar
[0004] Solar irradiation is a promising source of renewable
energy, as the hourly incident solar flux on the surface of the
earth is greater than the annual global energy consumption. This
resource is utilized in a variety of applications divided mostly
into two main areas: photovoltaics and photo-thermal applications.
Photo-thermal applications for harvesting solar energy currently
suffer from low efficiency and require high concentrations of
sunlight, which add complexity and cost to the solar energy
harvesting systems. These applications are divided into three
categories: low, medium, and high temperature. Currently, low and
medium temperature applications are limited to small-scale
residential and commercial use. In high temperature applications,
concentrated solar power (CSP) systems have recently been used to
produce steam with the temperature of approximately 450° C. The
superheated steam drives a heat engine (efficiency of 35-40%) to
generate electricity. The thermal efficiency (?th) of these
systems are defined as
[mathematical formula]
[0005] where {dot over (m)} denotes the mass flow rate, hLV total
enthalpy of liquid-vapor phase change, Copt the optical
concentration, and qi the direct solar irradiation.
[0006] Solar collectors are one type of system to harvest
low-temperature solar energy. In these collectors, working fluid
(mostly water) flows through a solar panel to absorb irradiated
power. These collectors are divided into two groups: surface and
volumetric collectors. Conventional surface-based solar collectors
(e.g., those which use a black surface to absorb sunlight and
transfer the thermal energy to the adjacent working fluid) have a
typical efficiency, ?th, of 52%. Volumetric collectors have been
recently proposed and utilize nanofluids—fluids seeded with
nanoparticles—to harvest solar energy. A range of nanoparticles
(NPs) and fluids are considered for these collectors. For example,
Otanicar et al. in “Nanofluid-based direct absorption solar
collector,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 2, 033102
(2010) used nanofluids of carbon nanotubes (CNT), graphite, and
silver NPs in these solar collectors. The ?th efficiency of 55%
and 57% was achieved with graphite and silver NPs, respectively.
Tyagi et al. in “Predicted Efficiency of a Low-Temperature
Nanofluid-Based Direct Absorption Solar Collector,” Journal of
Solar Energy Engineering 131, 041004 (2009) showed 10% increase in
?th of solar collectors by using Al NPs-water as the working
fluid. The enhanced efficiency of volumetric collectors compared
to the surface collectors is attributed to three factors: higher
absorbance of nanofluids due to NPs, uniform temperature in the
fluid, and enhanced thermal conductivity of nanofluid. If NPs
smaller than the mean free path of the bulk material are used, the
absorption spectrum is typically broadened with no change in
absorption peak leading to enhanced absorption efficiency. The
measured absorbance of these nanofluids can reach 95% and the rest
is the reflectance. However, the critical drawback of these
systems is the high portion of heat loss by convection which is
between 28-41% as measured by Otanicar et al., mentioned above.
This limitation puts a cap on further development of volumetric
collectors. In both surface and volumetric collectors, nearly half
of the absorbed energy is dissipated to the surrounding medium and
is converted to low-quality energy. This suggests new approaches
are needed to minimize the dissipated heat in order to boost the
photo-thermal efficiency of the solar collectors.
[0007] With another approach, localization of thermal energy is
suggested to drive a thermally-activated phenomenon. Local heating
of NPs is achieved through illumination by electromagnetic waves
(e.g., generally, lasers). The local temperature rise around these
NPs is used for a range of applications. For example, Sershen et
al. in “Temperature-sensitive polymer—nanoshell composites for
photothermally modulated drug delivery,” Journal of Biomedical
Materials Research 51, 293-298 (2000) utilized the photo-thermal
local heating for drug-delivery. Specifically, Au NPs in a
microgel structure show enhanced temperatures with laser
illumination and cause a collapse in the surrounding hydrogel
matrix. The burst leads to the release of any soluble material
held in the hydrogel. Lowe et al. in “Laser-induced temperature
jump electrochemistry on gold nanoparticle-coated electrodes,”
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125, 14258-9 (2003)
locally heated the surface of gold nanoparticle-coated indium tin
oxide (ITO) electrodes in an electrolyte solution. The induced
temperature rise impacts the open-circuit potential of the
electrode. Jones and Lyon in “Photothermal patterning of
microgel/gold nanoparticle composite colloidal crystals,” Journal
of the American Chemical Society 125, 460-5 (2003) introduced
local photo-thermal heating for phase-change of a microgel/gold
nanoparticle composite colloid. By illuminating with a laser
resonant with Au plasmon absorption, they introduced local heating
to cause a crystalline-amorphous phase change in the microgel
matrix. In these approaches, high-quality energy is introduced
locally to drive a physical or chemical phenomenon.
[0008] For surface plasmon (SP) induced heating, Govorov et al.
developed a model to predict maximum temperature rise at the
surface of plasmonic NPs as
[mathematical formula]
[0009] where T8 denotes the temperature of the medium, RNP<2
>the radius of the NP, k the thermal conductivity of the
medium, ? the frequency of the incident wave, e0 dielectric
constant of the medium, eNP dielectric constant of the NP, I0 the
intensity of the electromagnetic wave in the medium, and c the
speed of light. This equation suggests that (T-T8)? RNP<2>.
Keblinski et al. in “Limits of localized heating by
electromagnetically excited nanoparticles,” Journal of Applied
Physics 100, 054305 (2006) studied the limit of the global
temperature rise of a NP under illumination by electromagnetic
waves. They solved the diffusive heat equation with constant heat
flux at the surface of the NP. In the liquid and amorphous phases
due to lack of crystallinity, the mean free path is on the order
of atomic distances and consequently the applicability of the
diffusive heat equation at the nanoscale is justified. The maximum
temperature rise on the NP is given by
[mathematical formula]
[0010] where sp denotes the cross-sectional area of the NP and tnp
the radius of NP. Similarly, by analogy with electrostatics, the
temperature rise for an ensemble of NPs that form an agglomerate
with the radius of Rag is
[mathematical formula]
[0011] where ?N denotes the concentration of particles per volume.
For plasmonic NPs, a comparison of the temperature rise calculated
from the existing theories and the measured temperature rise from
experiments generally does not show a good agreement between the
theory and the experiments. The discrepancy suggests that the
fundamental understanding of heat generation at this scale is
still unresolved. The interfacial thermal resistance, the role of
hot electrons, and the mechanism of heat transfer at this scale
(ballistic or diffusive) are among the open questions.
[0012] Local heating can be utilized in the heating or
phase-change of water to harvest solar energy. Efficient
harvesting of solar energy for steam generation is a key factor
for a broad range of applications, from large-scale power
generation, absorption chillers, and desalination systems to
compact applications such as water purification for drinking,
sterilization, and hygiene systems in remote areas where the only
abundant energy source is the sun. Current methods of generating
steam using solar energy rely on a surface or cavity to absorb the
solar radiation, and transferring heat to the bulk liquid directly
or via an intermediate carrier fluid. These methods, however,
require high optical concentration and suffer from high optical
loss and surface heat loss, or require vacuum to reduce convective
heat loss under moderate optical concentration. The steam
generated is usually in thermal equilibrium with the bulk liquid.
Nanofluids have been studied as volumetric absorbers, potentially
minimizing the surface energy loss by uniform temperature in the
fluid and enhanced thermal conductivity of the nanofluid. Local
generation of steam in a cold bulk liquid can be achieved through
high concentrations or illumination of nanofluids by
electromagnetic waves with high power intensity. Recently, Neumann
et al. in “Solar vapor generation enabled by nanoparticles,”
ACSNano 7, 42-9 (2012) and “Compact solar autoclave based on steam
generation using broadband light-harvesting nanoparticles,” Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110, 11677-81 (2013) succeeded in the
generation of steam in bulk water with Au NPs with the power of
10<3 >kW/m (optical concentration, Copt, of 1000). However,
the solar-thermal conversion efficiency of the approach was still
only 24%. High optical concentrations limit the utilization of
these approaches in stand-alone compact solar systems.
Furthermore, high optical concentrations add complexity and cost
to the solar-thermal conversion system.
[0013] In accordance with one embodiment of the invention, a
localized heating structure for use in solar systems includes a
thermally insulating layer having interconnected pores, a density
of less than about 3000 kg/m<3>, and a hydrophilic surface,
and an expanded carbon structure adjacent to the thermally
insulating layer. The expanded carbon structure has a porosity of
greater than about 80% and a hydrophilic surface. Methods of
forming the localized heating structure are also provided.
[0014] In some embodiments, the thermally insulating layer may
have a thermal conductivity of less than about 10 W/(mK). The
thermally insulating layer may include carbon foam and/or an
aerogel, such as a silica aerogel. The expanded carbon structure
may be an expanded graphite layer. The thermally insulating layer
may have a thickness of less than about 20 cm and/or the expanded
carbon structure may have a thickness of less than about 10 cm.
The pores of the thermally insulating layer may have an average
diameter of about 300-600 µm. The localized heating structure may
further include an aerogel layer adjacent to the expanded carbon
structure so that the expanded carbon structure is between the
aerogel layer and the thermally insulating layer. The aerogel
layer may include a silica aerogel and the thermally insulating
layer may also include a silica aerogel.
[0015] The foregoing features of the invention will be more
readily understood by reference to the following detailed
description, taken with reference to the accompanying drawings,
in which:
[0016] FIG. 1 schematically shows a localized heating
structure according to embodiments of the present invention;
[0017] FIG. 2 schematically shows a localized heating
structure in a container with water according to embodiments of
the present invention in a container with water;
[0018] FIGS. 3A and 3B show a perspective view and
cross-sectional view, respectively, of a localized heating
structure with an expanded graphite layer according to
embodiments of the present invention;
[0019] FIG. 4 schematically shows a localized heating
structure having an aerogel layer according to embodiments of
the present invention; and
[0020] FIG. 5 schematically shows a volumetric absorber
according to embodiments of the present invention.

[0021] Various embodiments of the present invention provide
structures that harvest solar energy efficiently in the form of
heat. These structures concentrate the solar energy locally where
it is needed and consequently minimize the dissipated thermal
energy. The structures described herein aim to enhance the surface
evaporation, to boost the efficiency of solar heating and to
achieve local boiling at low Copt by minimizing heat dissipation
to the surrounding medium.
[0022] As discussed in more detail below, one embodiment of a
localized heating structure provides a layered structure which
absorbs solar illumination and confines the thermal energy
(formation of a hot spot) to near the structure's surface while
efficiently wicking the fluid to this hot spot for enhanced
evaporation flux. This localized heating structure yields a
solar-thermal conversion efficiency of 85% at 10 kWm<-2
>solar illumination, while generating steam in open air. One
example of a localized heating structure includes a double layer
structure (DLS). The DLS includes a thermally insulating,
hydrophilic layer having a network of interconnected pores
supporting a porous, hydrophilic, expanded carbon structure. The
four main characteristics of the localized heating structure
include (1) high absorption in the solar spectrum, (2) low thermal
conductivity to suppress thermal conduction away from the hot
internal region, (3) hydrophilic surfaces (i.e., contact angle, ?,
<90°) to leverage capillary forces and promote fluid flow to
the hot region, and (4) interconnected pores for fluid flow to and
from the structure. Localization of heat is achieved by the
broad-spectrum absorbing and thermally insulating properties of
the heating structure while the fluid flow is channeled to the hot
spot by its hydrophilic and porous nature. The enhancement in the
fluid evaporation rate through the heating structure is an
increasing function of the solar concentration and for incident
power equivalent to one sun (1000 W/m<2>), this enhancement
is 1.9 times that of water without the heating structure. The
thermal efficiency of this structure is 71% and 80% for solar
power 1000 W/m<2 >and 2000 W/m<2>, respectively.
[0023] In another embodiment, a heating structure localizes the
solar energy internally for solar heating. The heating structure
includes a porous, expanded carbon structure sandwiched between
two thermally insulating layers, such as aerogel layers, e.g.,
silica aerogel layers. A hot region is induced in the expanded
carbon structure and the low surface temperature of the top
thermally insulating layer minimizes the energy dissipation by
convection and radiation. The thermal efficiency of this system
can reach close to 100% by proper design of the thermally
insulating layers.
[0024] In another embodiment, a hydrophobic, volumetric absorbing
structure promotes the nucleation of a vapor phase throughout the
liquid volume, which significantly enhances the rate of boiling.
With this volumetric absorber structure, the threshold
concentration of solar energy required for local phase-change is
reduced drastically compared to previous structures. The mechanism
of local phase-change may be extended to other micro- and
nanoparticles (NPs) and other base fluids. Details of illustrative
embodiments are discussed below. Although the discussion below
describes structures for the heating and phase change of water,
other liquids may also be used.
[0025] FIG. 1 schematically shows a localized heating structure 10
according to embodiments of the present invention, and FIG. 2
shows an exemplary heating structure in a container with water.
The heating structure 10 includes a bottom layer having a
thermally insulating, hydrophilic layer 12 with a network of
interconnected pores and a top layer having a porous, hydrophilic,
expanded carbon structure 14. Preferably, the thermally insulating
layer 12 has a thermal conductivity of less than about 10 W/(mK).
As shown in FIG. 3B, the thermally insulating bottom layer 12 is
configured with smaller pore sizes than the top layer 14 in order
to promote liquid supply and the expanded carbon structure top
layer 14 is configured with larger pore sizes than the bottom
layer 12 in order to promote vapor escape. Preferably, the density
of the thermally insulating layer 12 is less than about 3000
kg/m<3 >and the pores of the thermally insulating layer 12
have an average diameter of about 300-600 µm. The expanded carbon
structure 14 preferably has a porosity of greater than about 80%.
[0026] The low surface temperature of the heating structure 10
minimizes losses due to thermal convection and radiation to the
environment. For a constant heat generation, the steady state
solution of a diffusive heat equation with boundaries at T8
provides the maximum temperature at the center of the slab
[mathematical formula]
[0027] Where h denotes the thickness of slab. At low values of
Copt, by proper selection of the medium, the value of ? can be
tuned to achieve a hot spot in the center of slab. For example,
for a slab with thickness of 1 cm under solar illumination with no
optical concentration Copt=1 and the thermal conductivity of 0.03
W/(mK), the temperature rise can reach to 83° C.
[0028] The porous structure and hydrophilic surface of the
localized heating structure 10 promotes the flow of water to the
surface due to capillary force. For a pore with diameter of a, the
capillary rise (ht) is given by
[mathematical formula]
[0029] where ? denotes the liquid-vapor surface tension, ? the
contact angle, ? the density of fluid, and g gravitational
acceleration. For a hydrophilic surface (?<90), ht is positive
and for a hydrophobic surface (?>90), ht is negative. To
leverage the capillary force in the surface evaporation, the
surfaces of both layers of the heating structure 10 are made
hydrophilic. The capillary force in the expanded carbon layer 14
enhances the evaporation rate of fluid through a few mechanisms,
e.g., formation of thin films on the surface of graphite sheets,
enhanced roughness of the surface, and formation of three-phase
contact lines at the edges of the capillaries.
[0030] As shown in FIG. 2, the localized heating structure 10 is a
floating structure that includes two or more layers of which the
bottom layer is a porous, thermally insulating layer 12, such as
carbon foam or an aerogel, and the top layer is the porous,
expanded carbon structure 14, such as expanded graphite. The
bottom layer 12 helps to further suppress the thermal conduction
from the hot region in the top layer 14 to the bulk underlying
water. The combination of these two layers concentrates the
incident solar power locally near the surface of the liquid where
the thermal energy for evaporation is needed. As shown with the
arrows in FIG. 1, during the evaporation process, the fluid wicks
into the pores in the thermally insulating layer 12, then into the
hot spot in the expanded carbon structure 14, evaporates and forms
vapor, which leaves the heated structure 10 from the top surface
of the expanded carbon structure 14. Preferably, the thickness of
the thermally insulating layer 12 may be less than about 20 cm,
and the thickness of the expanded carbon structure 14 may be less
than about 10 cm, and preferably about 5 to about 8 mm, although
other thicknesses may also be used depending on the materials and
desired application. The top layer 14 may also be made to be
magnetic, which facilitates its collection after use, through the
addition of iron during the fabrication procedure, as described in
more detail below.
[0031] The reflectivity of the expanded carbon structure 14 is
preferably less than about 10% in the solar spectrum (250-2250
nm). Thus, 90% or more of the irradiated solar power is absorbed
within the top layer 14. Absorption in the top layer 14 induces
the hot spot or region in the top layer 14 of the heating
structure 10 where evaporation occurs. The thermal energy
concentrated in this region can be transferred through several
modes, e.g., liquid-vapor phase change, convection to the air, and
conduction to the bottom underlying water. The last two modes of
heat loss (convection and dissipation to the deeper water) should
be minimized to boost the thermal efficiency of the evaporation
process. Convection is strongly affected by the surface
temperature of the heating structure. With the solar illumination
of one sun, assuming h of 10 W/(m<2>K), this mode dissipates
approximately 10% of the incident solar power to the environment.
The porous, thermally insulating bottom layer 12 of the heating
structure 10 minimizes conduction to the water. Thus, embodiments
of the heating structure 10 enhance the evaporation rate while
keeping the underlying water temperature low by channeling the
heat and fluid to where they are needed. For example, when the
thermally insulating bottom layer 12 is formed from a carbon foam,
the foam structure itself has a thermal conductivity of 0.03-0.05
(W/(mK)) in air. Once it is immersed in the water, the thermal
conductivity of the bottom layer is determined by the effective
medium theory because water within the foam also conducts heat.
[0032] Therefore, the thermally insulating layer 12 is preferably
chosen so that it has a low thermal conductivity even when soaked
in water or the liquid to be evaporated. The thermally insulating
layer 12 is important for localizing thermal energy within the top
layer 14. Preferably, the thermally insulating layer 12 includes
both open and closed pores. The closed pores have several
advantages, e.g., floating the structure, lowering the thermal
conductivity, and limiting the fluid flow to the surface. Low
thermal conductivity and limited fluid flow lead to the formation
of the hot spot and generation of steam in the top layer 14 at low
optical concentrations. The open pores provide paths for fluid to
flow to the surface.
[0033] The top expanded carbon structure 14 may be formed from a
low thermally conductive expanded graphite layer which absorbs
solar irradiation volumetrically. For example, the expanded
graphite layer may be formed from acid-washed graphite flakes
(commercially available from Anthracite Industries Inc.). In one
embodiment, the acid-washed graphite flakes may be mixed with iron
(II) acetate anhydrous, 97% (commercially available from Strem
Chemicals) with a ratio of 60-40 wt %. The mixture or flakes are
heated in a microwave for about 7 seconds to form an exfoliated,
expanded fluffy structure. The trapped gases between the graphite
layers expand in the synthesis process and detach the flakes from
each other. The volumetric exfoliation during this process is
approximately 100 times. The surface area of the exfoliated
graphite layer is approximately 320 m<2>g<-1>, 32
times higher than unprocessed graphite flakes, which allows for
more efficient heat transfer to the fluid. The dispersed iron
species formed after the decomposition of iron (II) acetate
provides a ferromagnetic structure. The ferromagnetism of the
exfoliated graphite helps its collection after use. The
acid-washed graphite flakes originally have a hydrophobic surface.
However, in the exfoliation process, due to high temperature, the
graphite surface is oxidized and turns into a hydrophilic surface.
Other candidates for the porous, hydrophilic carbon structure 14
may include amorphous carbon foams and carbon nanotube (CNT)
[0034] The bottom thermally insulating layer 12 may be formed from
carbon foam, e.g., Duocel carbon foam of type PPI 80 (80 pores per
inch) (commercially available from K. R. Reynolds). In one
embodiment, the carbon foam is washed in 4% molar nitric acid for
2 hrs while stirring to make its surface hydrophilic. FIGS. 3A and
3B show a perspective view and cross-sectional view, respectively,
of a localized heating structure 10 with a top layer formed 14
from an expanded graphite layer and a bottom layer 12 formed from
carbon foam. FIG. 3A is shown with a 5× magnification, and FIG. 3B
is shown with a 43× magnification. A more detailed description of
the dual layer structure and its testing parameters are described
in Ghasemi et al., “Solar steam generation by heat localization,”
Nature Communications, 5:4449 (2014), incorporated by reference
herein in its entirety.
[0035] Alternatively, or in addition, the thermally insulating
layer 12 may be formed from an aerogel. Aerogel synthesis is well
known and established processing steps can be used to synthesize
the thermally insulating layer 12. For example, a procedure for
synthesizing wet silica gels by the sol-gel polymerization of
tetramethyl orthosilicate (TMOS) may be used. Because hydrolysis
of TMOS is much faster than that of tetraethyl orthosilicate
(TEOS), NH3 is used as a condensation catalyst rather than HCl as
a hydrolysis catalyst. TMOS is diluted by methanol (MeOH) followed
by adding NH3 and water. One possible mixing mole ratio of
chemicals is NH3:TMOS:water:methanol=0.07:1:4:6. Then, the sol may
be gelled in a disposal vial. For example, the sol may be gelled
in a disposal vial for about one week, and then the lid of the
sol-gel mold may be removed. By varying the pH during the aerogel
synthesis process, and/or the drying time during the drying
process, the pore size of the aerogel can be controlled. Although
silica aerogels are naturally strongly absorbing from 5-30 µm,
absorption from 3-5 µm can be further increased through the
addition of water or other dopants (e.g., carbon-based dopants)
into the aerogel. The thermal conductivity of aerogels also
depends strongly on its structures, which should be optimized in
conjunction with its optical properties.
[0036] Embodiments of the heating structure 10 provide the maximum
?th which is 68% at 1000 W/m<2 >The efficiency achieved
under 1× concentration of solar illumination is about 11% higher
than the maximum values previously reported. Thus, the heating
structure 10 of the present invention provides a significant step
forward in enhancing the efficiency of the phase-change process in
solar systems and other heating systems.
[0037] The localized heating structure 10 may also include one or
more additional layers on either side of or between the bottom and
top layers 12, 14. For example, as shown in FIG. 4, the heating
structure 10 may include an aerogel layer 16 adjacent to the top
layer 14, so that the expanded carbon structure 14 is sandwiched
between the aerogel layer 16 and the thermally insulating layer
12. This configuration of the localized heating structure 10
concentrates the solar energy in a specific flow region for solar
heating and minimizes the dissipated thermal energy. The aerogel
layer 16 is transparent in the visible spectrum but opaque in the
infrared region. Preferably, the aerogel layer 16 is formed from a
silica aerogel. The thermal conductivity of silica aerogel is
0.02±0.003 W/(mK). This low value of thermal conductivity allows
for localization of thermal energy in the expanded carbon
structure 14. In solar heating systems, the working fluid flows
through the expanded carbon structure 14 to absorb the thermal
energy. Since the surface temperature of the top aerogel layer 16
is low, the energy dissipation by the convection and radiation is
minimized. The thermal efficiency of this heating structure 10 can
reach close to 100% by proper design of the aerogel layer 16 and
the bottom layer 12. Furthermore, embodiments having this
configuration are economically a better choice than nanofluids
based solar collectors. Preferably, the top aerogel layer 16 is
transparent to solar radiation, but the transparency of the bottom
layer 12, when formed with an aerogel layer, is not necessary.
[0038] Embodiments of the localized heating structure 10 may be
formed with various materials and layers, but should include a
porous layer 14 for absorbing the solar radiation and an
insulating layer 12 between the liquid to be evaporated and the
porous layer 14. The porous, absorbing layer 14 allows water or
other liquids to be evaporated to be supplied to this region and
vapor to escape from this region. The porous, absorbing layer 14
could be designed with low thermal conductivity such that heat
does not leak out. The thermal insulation layer 12 helps to
prevent the solar radiation absorbed by the porous, absorbing
layer 14 from being lost to the environment by convection and by
thermal radiation. For example, other layers may be incorporated
below the porous, absorbing layer 14, to better supply water to
this layer 14 and/or to provide a path for the generated steam to
leave the layer 14. Other structures especially designed for the
vapor passage can be incorporated into the heating structure 10.
In addition, both layers 12, 14 are described as having
hydrophilic surfaces (i.e., contact angle, ?, <90°), but a
combination of hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces may also be
used. For example, a composite with mixed hydrophilic and
hydrophobic regions may be used to better control the liquid
supply rate. In addition, the porous absorbing layer 14 can also
be designed to have different porosities, smaller pores for liquid
supply and larger pores for vapor escape.
[0039] For applications that require heating throughout the entire
fluid volume, another embodiment of a heating structure is
provided that locally absorbs and concentrates the electromagnetic
illumination. As shown in FIG. 5, a volumetric absorber 20 is
formed from NPs 22 in an aqueous suspension 24. The volumetric
absorber 20 can form a homogeneous spherical agglomerate with the
radius of Rag. In this case, the steady state solution of the heat
equation provides the maximum temperature at the center of the
agglomerate of
[mathematical formula]
For low optical concentration, Copt, and in an aqueous solution,
the expected temperature rise, T, is much smaller than the
temperature required for vapor-phase nucleation. For low values of
Copt, the temperature rise on the NPs 22 in contact with water is
small. Thus, local boiling on the surface of NPs 22 requires
concentration close to Copt=100. The developed system consists of
an aqueous solution 24 of NPs 22 that have hydrophobic surfaces.
[0040] In one embodiment, a hydrophobic carbon is used, e.g.,
carbon black (CB) particles. For example, a nanofluid composed of
these particles and water are prepared with carbon concentration
of 1 wt %. The nanofluid is sonicated for 5 min to make a
homogenous solution. The particles precipitate after few minutes;
however, the nanofluid will undergo buoyancy-driven convection
once it is exposed to a threshold concentration of solar
irradiation and again becomes homogeneous. The transmittance of
this fluid is less than 0.01% suggesting that the most of solar
power is absorbed by the particles.
[0041] In an aqueous solution, if two hydrophobic surfaces are
brought close together, the liquid water is not a stable phase
between them and the liquid transforms to the vapor phase 26.
Although the formation of vapor phase is thermodynamically
feasible, a kinetic barrier may limit the formation of vapor phase
to only few nanometer gap between the hydrophobic surfaces.
[0042] A stability analysis is performed to demonstrate the
formation of a vapor phase once two hydrophobic surfaces come
close to each other. The thermodynamic potential of the system is
written as
[mathematical formula]
where U denotes the internal energy, T temperature, P pressure, S
entropy, V volume, µ the chemical potential, N the number of
moles, subscript C the composite system, superscript R the
reservoir (in this case, the liquid phase) and subscript i the
components in the system.
[0043] Consider the thermodynamic potential for the V-shape pore.
The reference state (state 0) is when the V-shape pore is
completely filled with water. If the thermodynamic potential of
the vapor state (B) is less than the value of the fully wetted
state (B0) (e.g., if B-B0<0), there exists the possibility for
the formation of a stable vapor phase. Thus, we evaluate
B-B0=(P<L>-P<V>)V<V>+(?<LV >cos
?)A<SV>+?<LV >A<LV > (9)
where ?<LV >denotes the surface tension of liquid-vapor
phase, A the surface area, superscript V vapor phase, superscript
L liquid phase, superscript LV the liquid-vapor phase, superscript
SV the solid-vapor phase. Since the radius of the liquid-vapor
interface (a) is much smaller than the capillary length of water
(2.6 mm), the liquid-vapor interface is assumed to be spherical.
[mathematical formula]
Assuming the Young-Laplace equation is valid at the liquid-vapor
interface of these nano-scale pores, the pressure drop across the
liquid-vapor interface is
[mathematical formula]
[0044] Combining eqs. (10)-(16), and eq. (9) for a given contact
angle of the fluid on the solid surface (?), the difference in
thermodynamic potential, B-B0, is determined as a function of the
angle of V-shape pore (2a). This suggests that for small contact
angle the vapor phase is a stable phase in a V-shape pore. For an
agglomerate of particles, these vapor phases could be
interconnected. This interconnection of the vapor phase drops the
thermal conductivity of medium surrounding the light-absorbing
particle from the relatively high liquid value of ~0.6 W m<-1
>K<-1 >to that of the vapor phase ( ~0.02 W m<-1
>K<-1>), which is a 30× reduction in the value of ?.
[0045] The rough surface on these particles provides the correct
condition for the formation a stable vapor phase. The density of
CB particles (?CB) is ~2000 kg/m<3 >and their radius (rp) is
~100 nm. Given this and assuming the thermal conductivity of vapor
phase surrounding the particles, for Copt=6, if the size of
agglomerates is more than 120 µm, then the temperature of vapor
phase exceeds the saturation temperature and stable vapor bubbles
[0046] Preferably, the size of the agglomerates ranges form
100-600 µm. The vapor temperature reaches 100° C. after a several
minutes, while the liquid temperature is still close to 80° C.
Copt=5.5 is the lowest concentration to generate steam with the
temperature of 100° C. Using this structure, steam is generated
with 200 times lower concentration than previous structures. This
drastic drop in the threshold Copt is attributed to the existence
of the stable vapor phase in the hydrophobic surface of
agglomerate of CB particles. As the thermal conductivity of vapor
phase is 30 times less than that of liquid water, the threshold
Copt drops significantly.
[0047] The bubble grows once it is supplied enough energy for the
phase transformation. As the bubble grows, the temperature inside
the vapor bubble is a function of the density of particles, ?N. We
assume ?N remains constant as the droplet grows. The supplied
energy to the bubble contributes to both phase change at the
liquid-vapor interface and thermal conduction to the liquid phase.
If the vapor phase is assumed to be an ideal gas, for a vapor
bubble with the radius of (Rag+r), combining the energy balance
and the Young-Laplace equation at the liquid-vapor interface gives
[mathematical formula]
where {dot over (q)} is equal qi(? r Rag<2>) and R denotes
the gas constant. For a given solar irradiation, {dot over (q)},
one can rewrite the equation in terms of the bubble growth rate,
{dot over (r)}, and solve the differential equation for r=r(t).
The initial condition of this ordinary differential equation is
r(0)=Rag. The bubble grows to 500 µm in around 160 seconds.
[0048] In conclusion, embodiments significantly enhance the
temperature rise on the surface of NPs and achieve local boiling
at much lower solar concentrations than reported before. This
approach provides the ability to tune the thermal conductivity of
the surrounding medium around the NPs. In one embodiment, carbon
black particles in a water solution were used. The hydrophobic
surfaces of these particles promote the formation of vapor phase
around these particles. Since the thermal conductivity of water
vapor is 30 times less than that of liquid water, the temperature
rise over these particles under the electromagnetic illumination
is much higher than the NPs in contact with liquid water. Thus,
local temperature for phase-change process is achieved at lower
solar concentrations. Embodiments of the present invention can be
extended to other absorbing and plasmonic NPs. By tuning the
surface characteristics of these particles, the temperature rise
over these particles can be adjusted.
[0049] Although the above discussion emphasizes hydrophobic
surfaces, it is understood that the important characteristics of
embodiments of the invention include clusters of micron-sized or
nano-sized particles clustered together in the liquids, the
clusters should strongly absorb solar radiation, and the clusters
should form to create thermodynamically stable nucleation sites.
Although hydrophobic materials can form such stable nucleation
sites, it is understood that such sites could be also formed by
using composites particles, or particles with some regions
hydrophilic and other regions hydrophobic, or particles with
adjusted hydrophilicity.
[0050] Embodiments of the localized heating structure 10 and the
volumetric absorber 20 have the potential to be utilized in a
number of applications. For example, embodiments may be used in
evaporative ponds for enhanced evaporation. These ponds are used
for desalination, mineral extraction, hazardous waste collection,
agricultural water treatment. High evaporation rate in these ponds
has both economic (fast processing) and environmental (land use)
advantages. In addition, embodiments may be used in solar
collectors for domestic water heating with up to 30% higher
efficiency than the current technologies. Embodiments may boost
the maximum temperature of water in these collectors and decrease
the surface area of these collectors. Embodiments may also be used
in superheated vapor generation systems, such as power plants,
distillation systems, and sterilizing systems. Currently, most of
these systems function with fossil fuels or electricity.
Embodiments provide an efficient approach to utilize solar energy
in these systems.