Waldemar AYRES , et
Artificial Gills
This will give you something to think
about whilst drowning or being water-boarded ...
Popular Mechanics (
December 1967 )
Wallace Cloud : "Artificial Gills :
They'll let you breathe like a fish "
Gill-type underwater breathing equipment and
methods for reoxygenating exhaled breath
My invention relates to equipment for underwater swimming,
exploration, construction Work, salvage, geologic prospecting,
marine scientific studies, under water sports, photography, etc.,
such activities being carried on by the aid of breathing equipment
being attached to the person (as scuba) or alternatively as
breathing equipment carried in underwater vessels, or in
non-propelled work regions or housing spaces such as diving bells,
underwater domes, etc.; this invention particularly including
methods and apparatus for rehabilitating exhaled air by extracting
from it poisonous carbon dioxide and dissolving this in the
surrounding water, plus extracting dis solved oxygen from the
surrounding water and adding this oxygen to the exhaled air to
replenish it, thus making it suitable for rebreathing, thereby
providing results for people similar to the results prow'ded for
fishes by their gills. Also, in one form of the invention, results
will be superior to those fishes can attain, whereby when in
polluted Water, or Water deficient in dissolved oxygen, operation
of a mixing valve can provide fresh breathable gases from a
separate supply, in any desired proportion to the gill-processed
exhaled air, Where a fish which cannot do this would sufiocate and
This is one of the oldest dreams of mankind. Throughout human
history men have enviously watched the fishes swimming serenely at
various depths in streams, lakes, and in the ocean, breathing by
the use of their gills, and men have longed for some way to devise
gills, or their equivalent, for themselves. In the centuries of
development and use of underwater swimming and diving equipment,
or in underwater vessels, etc., no one before has attempted and
succeeded in providing any equivalent to fishes gills, whereby
dissolved oxygen is extracted from the water, and whereby carbon
dioxide, one of the poisonous waste products of metabolism, is
disposed of by passing it into solution in the water.
To the best of our knowledge, all previous diving equipment
depends upon taking air or oxygen down to the diver, either taking
it with him when he descends, 0r pumping it down to him.
When the diver has the air pumped down to him the air hoses limit
his area of free movement, and also the hoses often become
entangled, leading to accidents which have caused many deaths.
Furthermore, the diver at all times is completely dependent on the
men and equipment at the surface for continuously supplying his
air. If they fail, he dies.
In recent years, equipment for the free diver (scuba), wearing
tanks of compressed air or oxygen, has become highly developed.
Elimination of entangling air lines, and the complete freedom of
movement thus provided has proved of great advantage for many
types of diving work and sports. However, when the compressed air
or oxygen in the tank is used up, the diver must return to the
surface. Also such compressed air is expensive. One published
statement, even several years ago in this growing field, was that
some 7 million US. skin divers buy 15 tanks full a year at $1.50 a
tankfull totaling over $150,000,000 a year.
In all types of diving equipment heretofore, no one else has
provided means for utilizing the dissolved oxygen in the Water for
respiration. That is the fundamental aim of this invention.
Extensive study of authoritative technical literature in various
related fields has been one important part of the development of
this invention. The following have proved to be useful sources of
information on various aspects of the physiology, the physics, and
the chemistry of respiration in men and in various other animals,
especially including fishes; and various facts cited by them are
used in this invention:
Cooperative Animal Physiology, by Clifford Ladd I Prosser, and
others; Anatomy of the Chordates, by Charles R. Weichert; Studies
of the Structure and Development of Vertebrates, by Edwin S.
Goodrich; Human Physiology, by Bernardo Housay; A History of
Fishes, by John R. Norman; A Guide to the Study of Fishes, by
David Star Jordan; The Study of Fishes, by Albert C. L. Gunther;
Biological Physics and Chemistry of the Sea Water, by W. B.
Harvey; Men and the Chemical Elements, by 1. Newton Friend;
Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology; Hackhs Chemical Dictionary.
A basic principle of respiration for nearly all species, including
both men and fishes, is the passage of oxygen and carbon dioxide
through thin membranes. In fish, oxygen dissolved in the Water
passes from the water, thru the thin membranes of the gills, and
into the blood stream of the fish. At the same time, the excess CO
in solution in the fishes blood in the gills, passes thru the same
thin membrane in the opposite direction and out into the sea
water, where the CO is dissolved in the Water.
In human lungs, the oxygen of the air passes thru the very thin
membranes of the lungs and into the blood stream, where it is
taken up by the hemoglobin of the red corpuscles. At the same
time, the excess CO carried by the blood passes out thru the thin
membranes of the lungs into the air of the lungs, where it is then
In providing, for men, equipment which will extract oxygen from
the water in a manner comparable to the gills for fish, we will
first ascertain what principles of physics and chemistry We can
In all the data studied, the passage of oxygen from one liquid
(such as water) thru a membrance (such as the gills of fishes)
into another liquid (such as the fishes blood) follows the laws of
partial pressures of gases in relation to permeable membranes.
That is, the gas moves from the region where it is at a higher
partial pressure, thru the membrane, into fluid where it is at a
lower partial pressure.
The same physical laws apply in the action of human lungs. Oxygen
in the air in the lungs, called alveolar air, is at a greater
partial pressure than in the venous blood, so oxygen from the
alveolar air migrates thru the permeable membranes of the lungs
into the blood stream.
Carbon dioxide follows these same laws. In men, the partial
pressure of carbon dioxide is higher in the venous blood stream
than in the alveolar air, so the CO in the blood migrates thru the
permeable membranes of the lungs into the alveolar air and is
Also in fish, the CO in the blood stream returning to the gills
(venous blood) is at a higher partial pressure than in the water
in which the fish is swimming, so the CO passes from the blood
stream, thru the permeable membrane, and into the water where it
is dissolved.
In the system disclosed in this invention, We provide a series of
pressure gradients for both oxygen and for CO so that these two
gases will move independently but simultaneously in the directions
we Want, by following these same laws of partial pressures of
gases in relation to permeable membranes. The series of pressure
gradients for oxygen are as follows:
As stated by W. H. Harvey in Biological Chemistry and Physics of
Sea Water, The surface layers of the sea are nearly at equilibrium
with the air in regard to both of these gases (oxygen and
nitrogen). The weight or volume at N.T.P. (normal temperature and
pressure) of dissolved oxygen per liter of water varies with the
temperature of the water, but the pressure is usually in the
neighborhood of 159 mm. (of mercuryHg), as it is in water
saturated with air at normal barometric pressure. From this, it is
established that we start with oxygen dissolved in fresh water or
sea water at approximately 159 mm. of Hg pressure.
As will be described in detail later, our equipment will include a
substantial area of man-made permeable membrane material permeable
to both oxygen and carbon dioxide. One side of this membrane
material will be immersed in and in direct contact with the fresh
water or sea water in which the user is submerged. The other side
of the gas permeable membrane material will form part of the
breathing circuit of the equipment which leads directly into the
users lungs. For the next step, we find in Comparative Animal
Physiology, by C. L. Prosser, the following information: In the
lungs of men, the blood is exposed to oxygen at a partial pressure
of approximately 100 mm. of Hg (in alveolar air). When the blood
leaves the lungs it carries 19 volumes percent of oxygen at 80 mm.
of Hg and 96% of its hemoglobin is saturated. In the capillaries
the blood passes thru tissues (elsewhere in the body) where the
oxygen pressure is low (5 to 30 mm. Hg). Here 25%-30% of the
oxygen is unloaded, and venous blood returning to the heart
carries 14 volumes percent of oxygen at about 40 mm. of Hg
pressure. The information in this quotation is important because
it establishes the approximate partial pressure of oxygen in the
venous blood returning to the lungs in man, as being 40 mm. f Hg.
According to the laws of gaseous diffusion we are utilizing, any
oxygen pressure higher than 40 mm. of Hg in the lungs will cause
oxygen to migrate thru the lung membrane and reoxygenate the
venous blood. The higher the oxygen pressure in the lungs above 40
mm., the faster this reoxygenation will take place.
In our system, we will provide fresh Water or sea water having
dissolved oxygen at approximately 159 mm. of Hg pressure. This
oxygen will pass thru the permeable membrane we provide, probably
with a slight drop in pressure. We note, from the data quoted,
that the pressure of oxygen going from alveolar air in the lungs
thru the lung membrane, and into the blood stream drops
approximately 20 mm. If the pressure of oxygen dissolved in the
sea water (159 mm. of Hg) drops by a comparable amount in passing
thru the man-made permeable membrane we shall provide, the oxygen
in the breathing circuit would be approximately 139 mm. pressure.
Since alveolar air normally contains oxygen at only 100 mm. of Hg,
and since any pressure above 40 mm. of Hg will carry on
oxygenation of the blood, it is apparent that our system clearly
will provide the basic conditions necessary for extracting oxygen
from the sea water and using it for respiration. This pressure
gradient series for oxygen may be reviewed and summarized as
We start with fresh water or sea water containing dissolved oxygen
at aproximately 159 mm. of Hg. This oxygen then passes thru a
man-made membrane into the breathing circuit of the apparatus at a
slightly reduced oxygen pressure. Any pressure above 40 mm. will
cause oxygen carried into the lungs to pass thru the lung
membranes into the blood stream and the higher the oxygen pressure
in the lungs the faster the reoxygenation of th blood will take
place. It is apparent that there is a great deal of latitude for
oxygen pressure to drop in passing thru the man-made permeable
membrane, because we have 159 mm, on one side of it, and anything
above 40 mm. on the other side causes reoxygenation of blood to
take place.
Also, mm. of oxygen in the alveolar air is all that is necessary
for ordinary breathing of air directly.
The other basic requirement is that the system dispose of the CO
of the exhaled air. In Comparative Animal Physiology by C. L.
Prosser and others, we find this information: The CO in the blood
of men for arterial blood is at a pressure of from 40-42 mm. of
Hg, and for venous blood is at a pressure of 45-47 mm. As compared
with this, the CO pressure in sea water is 0.23 mm. of Hg. We are
concerned with the venous bloodat 45- 47 mm. of Hg. Its pressure
relative to the 0.23 mm. of Hg in sea water provides a tremendous
pressure gradientthe higher pressure is over 18,000% greater than
the lower pressure. There is no question that CO from the venous
blood would migrate thru the lung membrane into the breathing
circuit of the apparatus and then thru the man-made permeable
membrane into the sea water where it would be dissolved.
The soundness of these principles has been proved by successful
tests, repeated for witnesses and for photographing, where I
demonstrated test equipment I designed and built, whereby, for a
substantial period of time, I exhaled into and inhaled from a
closed breathing circuit where my exhaled breath and CO extracted
from it and was dissolved in sea water, and Where dissolved oxygen
was extracted from the sea water and replenished my exhaled
breath, and I rebreathed such rehabilitated air over and over
A principal object of this invention is to extract dissolved
oxygen from the water and add it to the exhaled breath, and
extract CO from the breath and dissolve it in the water, and
return the oxygen enriched and purified breath for rebreathing.
A further object is to provide means whereby the pressure of the
air breathed by the user is automatically made equal at all times
to the pressure of the sea water, even though the water pressure
varies greatly because of the different depths at which the user
may be submerged.
Another object of the invention is to provide means, in one form
of the apparatus, whereby if the swimmer enters polluted water, or
water containing insufiicient dissolved oxygen, he will not be
injured or killed, as often happens to fish in such circumstances,
but will be able to partly or entirely switch to a reserve supply
of breathable gas until he returns to water of normal composition.
Another object of the invention is to provide a unit which we
shall call a Gill Respirator, the function of which will be to
recondition exhaled air thru disposing of excess CO by dissolving
it in the water in which the user is immersed, and also by
extracting dissolved oxygen from the water and releasing it in the
gas stream t be breathed by the user.
Another object, in two forms of the invention, is to provide
control of the buoyancy of the swimmer and the apparatus he is
Another object is to provide means whereby water which may have
leaked into the system may be readily removed from it.
Another object is to prevent foreign objects from entering the
gill unit and damaging it or interfering with its operation,
thereby performing the functions comparable to those performed by
the gill rakers in the gills of fishes.
Another object of the invention is to provide methods and means
for circulating Water across the gas permeable membranes to
enhance the reoxygenation operation.
Another object of the invention is to provide the method of
rehabilitating the exhaled air of a person in an undersea vessel,
or other underwater housing, work space, or living space, by
extracting dissolved oxygen from the water in which he is
submerged and replenishing said exhaled air with said extracted
oxygen for rebreathing.
Another object of the invention is to provide the method of
rehabilitating the exhaled air of a person in an underwater
vessel, or other underwater housing, work space, or living space,
by extracting carbon dioxide from said exhaled air and dissolving
it in the water in which the person is submerged.
Other objects and advantages of the invention will be apparent
during the course of the following description.
FIGURE 1 is a plan view of a gill respirator element.
FIGURE 2 is a cross section of FIGURE 1, taken along
the line AA, showing the construction of a spacer element
adapted to pass air from a main supply thru the individual
channels of a gill element.
FIGURE 3 is an exploded view of the elements in FIGURE
2, provided to show that construction more clearly.
FIGURE 4 is a cross section of FIGURE 1 taken along
the line 13-13, and includes similar cross sections of two
additional gill respirator units showing their arrangement when
FIGURE 5 shows a side elevation partly in fragmentary
cross section, showing the assembled gill respirator unit.
FIGURE 6 shows a perforated member used in
construction of valve means which are part of the gill
respirator unit.
FIGURE 7 shows a fragmentary view of such a perforated
member with the rubber valve flaps cemented in place.
FIGURE 8 shows a fragmentary enlarged view of edge
stiffener members, arranged in the position they occupy in the
assembled gill respirator unit.
FIGURE 9A shows a portion of one stiffener member
flat, before it is bent and installed.
FIGURE 9B shows an end view of this same strip.
FIGURE 9C shows how the strip is bent prior to being
FIGURE 10 shows a plan view of an assembled gill
respirator unit coupled by flexible air hoses with a mouthpiece,
snorkel and various valve controls constituting a complete
diving equipment suitable for extracting oxygen from the sea
water and dissipating CO into it when used by a swimmer under
FIGURE 11 shows a cross sectional view of the
adjustable air exit valve of FIGURE 10, taken along the line
FIGURE 12 is a plan view of an alternative form of the
invention including the added feature of a compressed air supply
for providing control of buoyance, and for other purposes.
FIGURE 13 is a detailed view showing part of the
construction of the three way valve in FIGURE 12 which connects
the compressed air supply with the rest of the system.
FIGURE 14 shows another alternative view of the
invention, similar to that shown in FIGURE 10 but with the added
feature of a compressed air supply including a conventional
demand regulator, and also including valve means whereby a user
may obtain a desired mixture of new air, with reoxygenated air,
or, if desired, can switch entirely to new air, as in the case
where he may find himself swimming in polluted water.
FIGURE 15 shows a cross section view of one type of
proportioning valve, two such valves being used in the system
shown in FIGURE 14.
FIGURE 16 shows a fragmentary cross section,
comparable to FIGURE 4, of an alternative type of construction
for gill respirator elements.
FIGURE 17 is a process diagram for methods of
rehabilitating the exhaled air of one or more persons in an
under water vessel, other housing, work space, or living space.
FIGURE 18 is a diagrammatic cross sectional view of
one type of gas exchange unit of the system shown in FIGURE 17.
Referring to the drawings:
In FIG. 1, 1 generally is an individual gill respirator element.
The completed gill respirator unit will contain a large number of
such individual elements in order to provide a large number of
square feet of surface of gas permeable membrances thru which
oxygen from the water surrounding the driver may pass into the air
breathing circuit and, at the same time, carbon dioxide may pass
from the air breathing circuit into the sea water Where it will be
Permeable membranes for the gill respirator elements may be made
from any one of a variety of materials. The one selected should
have a preferred combination of qualities such as the ability to
pass oxygen, ability to pass carbon dioxide, low absorption of
water, reason able dimensional stability, good mechanical strength
(particularly tear strength), good characteristics for being
sealed or cemented to itself or to other materials either by heat
or adhesive or other appropriate means, and reasonable cost. The
first requirement is that the material chosen should have good
ability to pass oxygen and CO In response to our inquiry, written
to E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., their polychemicals
department sent us a copy of an article titled Permeability of
Polymeric Films to Gases by V. L. Simril and A, Hershherger,
published in the July issue of Modern Plastics. This is a
technical report of studies made of The per-meabilities of 21
polymeric films to oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen,
ammonia etc. In this article, all gas permeability data obtained
in this study are reported here in terms of the permeability
constant P which is defined as the number of moles of gas passing
thru one square centimeter of film, one centimeter thick, per
second per centimeter Hg vapor pressure difference across the
film. Several of these materials show high permeability factors
which are expressed as P 10 Table 5 shows Glycerol V as having an
oxygen permeability of 546, and a C0 permeability of 754. Table 7
shows Vinyl Butyral as having an oxygen permeability of 464, and a
C0 permeability of 2280. The same table shows polyethylene
(ethylene polymer) at relative humidity (this is appropriate
because the film we use will be immersed in water) as having an
ggtggen permeability of 839 and a C0 permeability of The same
table shows ethyl cellulose (48.3 ethoxyl) plasticized with 15% of
butyl phthalyl butyl glycolate at 0% relative humidity having an
oxygen permeability factor of 3470 and a C0 permeability factor of
21,200. At 100% relative humidity the oxygen permeability is not
given but would probably be higher than 3470 and the CO
permeability factor is given as 22,500.
The article includes in its summary the further information that,
In general, it may be said that gas permeation increases with any
increase in the bonding forces between polymer molecules of the
film and with any increase in the attractive forces between film
and gas. Thus, highly polar, strongly bound polymers are less
permeable to non-polar gases than are the less polar, weakly bound
polymers. The introduction of side chains onto the main polymer
chains, the introduction of plasticizers, and the presence of
water, all tend to increase permeability.
From another source, The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular
Surgery, November 1960, we learn information on other tests on the
comparative ability of various sheet materials to pass oxygen,
carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide. In these test results, altho
the sheets tested were of varying thickness as produced
commercially, the calculations took this into account compensating
for these different thicknesses, and thereby provides comparative
permeability coefiicients of the materials themselves,
independently of thickness. Also the investigators found that the
ratio of permeability for carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and
oxygen is relatively constant for almost all membranes. All three
are given 'in the following table of permeability coefficients.
From this, it will be seen that various different materials may be
used as the gas permeable membrane and this invention specifically
includes any suitable membrane material.
This invention also includes a structure employing no membrane at
all, as illustrated by the following. There are a number of
instances in nature where various living creatures utilize the
migration of dissolved oxygen in water into an air space provided
by a submerged air bubble, trapped under water, without the use of
any permeable membrane or anything comparable to it. Also, in
these same situations, CO given off by the living creature passes
from the air space into the surrounding water where it is
dissolved without any permeable membrane being employed.
For example, in an article entitled Insect Breathing by Carroll M.
Williams, and published by the Scientific American, February 1953,
the following information is included: The diving bell insects
take oxygen along with them when they submerge. The bell consists
of a bubble of air collected at the waters surface and held on one
or more points of the body. During the dive the insect sucks
oxygen from the bubble. Students of the phenomenon were long
puzzled by the fact that the insect can stay under water long
after it should have exhausted the bubbles oxygen content. The
puzzle finally was unraveled by the Danish physiologist Richard
Edge. He found that the bubble can serve as a veritable under
water lung. As the oxygen pressure in the air-filled bubble falls
below that of the oxygen dissolved in the surrounding water,
oxygen from the water diifuses into it. The insect can remain
submerged until the nitrogen that keeps the bubble inflated
diifuses into the surrounding water. So, strange as it may seem,
the most important ingredient in the bubble of air which the
insect picks up at the surface is nitrogen, not oxygen. The
nitrogen, which makes it possible to use the bubble as a lung,
allows the insect to be submerged 13 times as long as an
equivalent bubble of oxygen would permit.
The last sentence shows migration of oxygen from the Water into
the air space and of carbon dioxide from the air space into the
water occurs without any permeable membrane being necessary and
enables the insect to breathe under water 13 times longer than he
otherwise could, and the earlier part of the paragraph indicates
that even this limit is due only to the air space ceasing to exist
because of the nitrogen also dilfusing away into the water. This
indicates that if we provide means whereby the air space can be
maintained, the oxygen can be extracted from the water and carbon
dioxide disposed of by dissolving it in the water even if we do
not use a permeable membrane. It is important that we distinguish
here between a permeable membrane and a porous membrane, sheet, or
barrier. A permeable membrane, sheet, or barrier will be
understood to mean a continuous sheet of material (that is,
homogeneous) as cellophane is continuous, or most plastic sheet
materials, and as our lung membranes are continuous, and fishes
gills are continuous, even though all of these may be penetrated
at various rates by the separate molecules of gases and vapors. We
are told that such penetration by gases is believed to be thru
intermolecular spaces of the membrane material similar in size to
the gas atoms but somewhat larger-- generally the same order of
magnitude. In contrast to this permeable material, porous
materials are discontinuous, having openings, pores, interstices
(as between paper or cloth fibers) or other discontinuities of
cross section, such pores usually being thousands or millions of
times larger than the gas atoms we are concerned with. Either
permeable or porous materials can be used for this invention, but
different factors are involved.
Certain well known previous experience indicates that one method
of extracting oxygen without using a permeable membrane would be
to use a closely woven material, such as cloth, or to use wet
strength paper, or perhaps very fine wire screening, or perhaps
sheet metal or plastic perforated with a very large number of very
small holes. In the old fashioned water wings for swimming, use
was made of ordinary woven cloth which, when saturated with water,
prevented the air from going out thru the pores between the
fibers, even though the water wings were subjected to very
considerable pressure due to the weight of the person being
supported in the water. The fundamental force involved in this
situation is the surface tension of the water, which becomes
comparatively quite high when the dimensions of the openings
involved become very small. The surface tension in this case
caused the water saturating the cloth to bridge the gaps between
the cloth fibers so tenaciously that even the weight of a large
person in the water was not sufiicient to disrupt this water film.
Another example is the experiment which can be performed using a
sieve made of closely woven wire screen. If the screen is first
wet with oil, then water, if carefully placed within the sieve,
can actually be carried in the sieve, whereas normally, of course,
the water would run right thru. Here again the surface tension of
the water is the primary operating force. Because of the
repellance between water and oil, the water cannot wet the sieve,
and because of the small holes between the wire mesh of the sieve
the surface tension of the water prevents it from flowing thru.
In a similar manner, this invention includes the use of sheet
material, whether woven, or perforated, or otherwise of porous
composition, having a large number of very fine openings which
will enable water to bridge these openings without flowing thru
them. In the case of cloth, the sheet material ordinarily would be
saturated with water. However, an alternative would be to treat
the cloth with a water repelling material such as an oil or wax,
in which case the cloth would not be saturated with water.
Alternatively, sheet material such as plastic or metal, or any
other appropriate material might be made with a very large number
of very fine openings where the surface tension of the water would
bridge these openings but would not flow thru. In these forms of
the invention the water itself would be exposed to and in direct
contact with the air in the air breathing circuit of the apparatus
to be described and the migration of oxygen from the water into
the air circuit and of CO from the air circuit into the Water
would follow the same physical laws as those utilized by the
insects in the article quoted. The construction of the gill
respirator could be the same, regardless of whether porous
materials or permeable membranes are used and FIGURES 1-8 and
FIGURE 16 and the associated specification apply to both types of
However, the apparatus described in detail hereafter, for purposes
of illustration, makes use of permeable membranes and these act in
the same way and follow the same physical laws as the permeable
membranes in the lungs of men and the gills of fishes, as
subsequent dis cussion will explain, but this illustration is not
limiting, and porous materials may be used, or other means for
accomplishing the Objects.
In FIGURE 1, the gill respirator element is formed of two sheets
of permeable membrane material, heat sealed or cemented, or
otherwise secured together by any appropriate means, all the way
around its edges as as shown at 2, 2, 2, 2. Subsequently, in this
description, the term heat sealed will be used, but it is to be
understood that cementing or any other appropriate means for
securing plastic to itself or to other materials is included in
this invention. The respirator element 1 is a basic type of unit
whereby air contained within it may pass excess CO thru the
permeable membrane into the surrounding water, and whereby, in the
opposite direction, oxygen from the outside water may pass into
the breathing circuit.
It is desirable to provide a maximum amount of surface area
between air, permeable membrane, and the water, in as small a
cubic space as possible. With this aim in view, a large number of
passageways 3, 3, are formed by heat sealing together the two
surfaces of the gill respirator envelope 1 along the lines shown,
two of which are designated as 44. Because small passageways
provided substantial resistance to the flow of air, it is
desirable to design a unit which consists of such passageways
utilized in parallel, whereby such resistance is very greatly
reduced. It is also necessary to supply air exhaled by the user to
one end of the gill respirator element and collect reoxygenated
air from the other end of the gill respirator element and to
conduct this air back to the user to be rebreathed. The two
elements 5, 5 in FIG. 1 are important in performing these two func
tions, and are identical in construction.
FIGURE 2 shows a cross section of one of these units taken along
the line A-A in FIG. 1 and the portions of this unit are shown
exploded in FIG. 3. In FIG. 3, 6 is the top sheet of permeable
membrane. 7 is one of two elongated washers stamped out of thin
sheet material, such as non-corrodable metal, or stifi plastic
sheet material. 9 is a second elongated washed identical with 7,
whereas 8 is a corrugated elongated washer having the same over
all dimensions as 7 and 9 but, due to its corrugations, 8 acts as
a spacer and separator holding 7 and 9 apart and also provides air
passageways thru the cross section of the assembled group 7, 8,
and 9.
in regard to their manufacture, by way of example, 7, 8, and 9 may
be made of thin sheet brass or stainless steel. 8 may be di-pped
into a plastic adhesive material which will become thermosetting
upon the application of appropriate heat. The washers 7 and 9
could be assembled with the spacer 8 between them in a heated
press whereby heat would be transferred thru the washers 7 and 9
to the corrugated separator 8 and the plastic adhesive coating on
separator 3 would be softened by the heat and then changed into
its permanent thermosetting adhesive form, whereby the washers 7
and 9 would become a permanent unitary subassembly. This is a very
feasible manufacturing procedure and large numbers of such
subassemblies could be made at comparatively low cost.
The next step in the manufacture of the gill respirator element 1
would be to utilize an hydraulic press with platens Which could be
heated and cooled, and in which a suitable pair of dies would be
mounted for performing the following procedure. With the dies cold
and separated, one sheet of permeable plastic membrane would be
laid on the bottom platen. Over this and in proper register would
be placed the two elongated washers 5, 5 in the form of the
previously described subassemblies. On top of these two would be
laid a second sheet of plastic permeable membrane material. The
platens of the press would then be closed and the platens would be
heated and then cooled to perform the heat sealing already
described. This heat sealing would also secure the permeable
membrane to the surfaces of the elongated washer subassemblies 5,
5. After the press had cooled, the gill element would be taken out
of the press and the plastic permeable membranes would be cut out
where they stretch across the inner openings of subassemblies 5,
5. This would complete the manufacture of a gill respirator
element 1.
It will be seen that this will produce a standard sealed unit
having two large surfaces of permeable membrane material formed
into a large number of parallel channels used in parallel and
including two separator elements 5, 5 to which air may be applied
thru the elongated center openings and then thru the air
passageways formed by the corrugated separators.
It is a matter of choice and experiment as to what type of
permeable material is used; as to how thin the sheet should be to
obtain, on the one hand, maximum gas permeability, which generally
will increase as the film used is thinner, while at the same time
maintaining good mechanical strength which, of course, would be
greater as the film is thicker.
It is even possible, if desired, to make films which are
exceedingly thin. One method is to release, under water, a plastic
lacquer, lighter than water, which will immediately rise to the
surface and spread out in the same manner that oil spreads on
water. As the solvent of the lacquer evaporates, this film will
harden and, with care, can be lifted off the surface of the water
intact. This film can be made so thin that it is comparable to the
thickness of a film of oil on water or the thickness of the wall
of a soap bubble. These films have a thickness probably in the
order of of an inch or less and probably are considerably thinner
than it would be necessary to use this apparatus, altho they would
be quite possible to use.
Thin films may be secured to an open mesh or net material, such as
metal or plastic screen, to provide very much enhanced mechanical
strength. I have already done this successfully with very thin
plastic films adhered to plastic window screen.
It is expected that a probably good compromise of design
characteristics would lie in the choice of films in the order of
of an inch of thickness. Some recently developed films of such
thickness made of polystyrene are said to have good oxygen and CO
permeability, and would have the further advantage that they
absorb practically no water. Silicone rubber has also been
recommended because of its high oxygen permeability.
Another factor which is important in the design of the gill
respirator unit is the amount of time the exhaled air will be
inside the permeable membrane material and undergoing
reoxygenation. Clearly, the longer this exposure time can be, the
greater the amount of reoxygenation that can take place. Also, if
this exposure time can be made longer it may be preferable to do
so as a means of decreasing the number of gill elements or of
decreasing the area of each gill element, or both. In this
invention, I have devised a principle for increasing the exposure
time for reoxygenation which is a principle not utilized in the
gills of fishes nor in the lungs of human beings.
By experiment, I have found that the volume of an average inhaled
breath is in the neighborhood of 40 cu. inches. In the gill
respirator and the associated breathing circuit disclosed in this
invention, two check valves are employed so that air in the
breathing circuit always progresses in the same direction. Also,
the volumetric capacity of the parallel passages of the gill
respirator unit is purposely made several hundred percent greater
than the average breath exhaled by the diver. The result is that
for any unit of exhaled air to pass completely thru the gill
respirator unit, it will take the time of a number of complete
breathing cycles of the diver. The utilization of these principles
provides an increase in the reoxygenation efiectiveness of several
hundred percent. For eX- ample, if we use a gill respirator
element 18" square its two sides will provide 646 sq. in. of gas
permeable surface. If it is made of sheeting $6, of an inch thick,
when deflated its thickness will be 5 of an inch thick; when
normally inflated to its usual partially inflated capacity, we may
allow A of thickness. We may also decide to allow 7 water space
between each of the gill respirator elements. Then, a gill
respirator assembly containing a 12" stack of 18" by 18" elements
would have 48 such units and would provide approximately 216 sq.
ft. of gas permeable membrane exposed to the surrounding water.
Further, if we assume that the flattened oval cross sections of
the passages of the gill respirator units occupy approximately /2
the volume that a continuous separation of the between the sheets
would provide, then the assembly of 48 gill respirator units would
provide an approximate volumetric capacity of 480 cu. in. Since an
average exhaled breath was found to be in the neighborhood of 40
cu. in., it is seen that the estimated volumetric capacity of the
gill respirator unit could be in the neighborhood of 1200% greater
than the volume of an average exhaled breath. This would indicate
that it would take approximately 12 exhaled breaths to move any
unit of exhaled air completely thru the gill respirator unit.
Checking the time of an average breathing rate indicates that it
maybe in the neighborhood of 16 complete breathing cycles per
minute. Applying this breathing rate to the 12 cycles resulting
from previous assumptions, we find a total exposure time of
approximately 45 seconds for any unit of exhaled air during which
it is exposed to reoxygenation. This is a very much more favorable
kind of condition than exists for human breathing. In the lungs of
man, the oxygenation of the inhaled air must take place in
approximately /2 the complete breathing cycle, or, according to
the preceding average figures given, in less than 2 seconds. Thus
we may obtain an improvement, as compared with human lungs, of
more than 2250%, in regard to the exposure time available for
reoxygenation in the gill respirator unit.
It will be informative to make a comparison between the factors
contributing to the extraction of oxygen by the gill respirator
unit as compared with the extraction of oxygen from the alveolar
air in the lungs of man. Generally speaking, we can utilize the
assumption that the oxygenation function will be the permeable
member area times the time system provides for reoxygenation,
other things being equal. In the book Human Physiology by Prof.
Bernardo Housay, we find the information that The total surface of
the alveoli (lung tissues) has been calculated to be between 80
and 100 square meters in man. The walls are sufliciently thin and
permeable to allow for rapid interchange of gases. (However, Dr.
Genero of the University of Florida Medical School, whom I
interviewed checking out the medical aspects of this invention,
showed me a more recent medical reference where the lung area has
been recalculated with the finding of 8 to square meters-one tenth
the former calculation. However, even using Housays figures to be
ultra conserva tive, we find the following favorable
Since a square meter is approximately a square yard, we may figure
(using Housays 80-100 sq. meters) that the area of the lungs in
man has been calculated as being from 720 to 900 sq. ft. We will
average these two figures using 810 sq. ft. If we multiply this by
the approximate two seconds during which the breath is inhaled in
an average breathing rate, we get 1,620 square-footseconds of lung
exposure for reoxygenation. It is useful to employ this new
measure of square-foot-seconds for the purpose of making
comparative calculations of reoxygenation devices in this new
field of designing gill respirators for extracting oxygen from
water for breathing purposes.
If we assume the design dimensions of the gill respirator unit
discussed previously having the major dimensions 18" by 18" by
12", this unit will provide an approximate permeable membrane area
of 216 square feet. If we multiply this by the 45 seconds of time
for any unit of air to pass thru the gill respirator unit, we find
that we have an approximate 9720 square-foot-seconds of gill
respirator exposure for reoxygenation. This indicates that we have
an extremely promising set of possibilities since the number of
square-foot-seconds for a gill respirator unit of quite moderate
size, 18 by 18" by 12", appears to provide 600% more
square-foot-seconds for reoxygenation than the average human
It is also a matter of design choice as to how large the gill
respirator element 1 shall be made and, further, it is a matter of
preference as to how many such elements may be used in an
assembled gill respirator unit. Furthermore, some persons
utilizing this invention may wish to employ more than one
assembled gill respirator unit, depending upon their own
preferences as to the most convenient size and shape of the
It should be understood that the purposes of this invention will
be fulfilled by the extraction of dissolved oxygen from the water
to any extent, for breathing purposes. In other words, design
characteristics may be chosen whereby the resulting amount of
oxygen extracted from the water acts merely to enable the
prolonging of the time a diver may stay under water (as compared
with holding his breath) whether he is relying solely on the gill
respirator unit, as shown in the form of the invention in FIGURE
10, or whether he is using the form of the invention including an
auxiliary compressed air supply as shown in FIGS. 12 and 14. Also,
the purposes and principles of the invention will be fulfilled if
design characteristics are utilized enabling the extraction of a
greater amount of oxygen from the sea water so that the user is
able to continuously breathe air which has been reoxygenated by
the gill respirator unit for extended periods, without being
replenished by mixture with new oxygen from a compressed air or
compressed oxygen supply.
One important principle of this apparatus enabling such thin films
to be used without fear of their being ruptured is that the
equipment is so designed that the air pressure inside the gill
respirator unit is always at precisely the same pressure as the
outside water, or very, very nearly so, despite great variations
in the pressure of the water in which a diver may be swimming,
depending upon the depth at which he is swimming. Very closely
connected to this important principle is the further fact that the
gill respirator elements disclosed in this invention are capable
of containing a volume of air which varies with each inhalation
and exhalation of the user.
I have found by experiment that it is impossible for a human being
to breathe air from the surface thru a simple tube when he is
submerged, if he is more than two or three feet below the surface
of the water. Analysis shows that this occurs because the air
inside a persons lungs is then at atmospheric pressure, whereas
water on the outside of his lungs is at a pressure considerably
greater than atmospheric pressure. The human body simply does not
have the muscular strength to expand the rib cage for inhalation
against a pressure difference of more than two or three feet of
water, balanced against atmospheric pressure. It may be taken as a
basic principle for equipment of this class, that the air supplied
for inhalation by the lungs must be at a pressure equal to, or
very nearly equal to, the pressure of the outside water in which
the swimmer is submerged. This alone, however, is not the complete
answer. I have found by further experiment that if :air is
supplied in any reasonably small closed rigid container even at
the same pressure as the outside water and is connected by a
mouthpiece to the lungs that a user would find it impossible to
inhale from such a container and exhale back into it, and such a
container may be taken as representative of a closed system
intended for circulating and breathing air. It becomes evident
that a flexible bag, or other flexible container, subjected to the
pressure of the sea water on the outside and carrying the air in
the breathing circuit on the inside needs to be one essential part
of the system. With this element included and with the water
pressure pressing equally upon both the flexible container and on
the rib cage of the diver, the divers chest muscles are again
effective in expanding the lungs for inhalation, whereupon the
flexible container of air is correspondingly compressed. Upon
exhalation, the reverse occurs. The muscles of the chest contract
the rib cage applying a slightly greater pressure to the air
contained in it and the exhaled air passes to the flexible
container which expands by a corresponding amount. Since the
outside water presses equally on the flexible air container and
upon the rib cage of the diver, his muscles can become fully
effective in the ordinary breathing movements. Also, because his
air container has a flex ible structure, the air contained in the
breathing circuit at all times is at precisely the same pressure
as the -outside water for the simple reason that the outside water
compresses a flexible container of air until the pressure of the
air inside is at equilibrium with the pressure of the water. It
will be noted that in all three forms of the invention disclosed
in this patent application, these essential principles are
in regard to the gill respirator elements in particular, the air
passageways formed by the parallel lines of heat sealing are
normally quite flat ovals in cross section. As the diver exhales
and additional air flows into the breathing circuit thereby, the
slight added air pressure will cause these passage ways to become
more rounded ovals in shape, thereby increasing their volumetric
capacity. Conversely, when the diver inhales and air is withdrawn
from the breathing circuit, the water pressure on the outside of
the permeable membranes of the gill respirator elements will cause
these parallel passage ways to assume a more flattened oval shape,
thereby decreasing their volumetric capacity. In this simple way,
the gill respirator elements, in addition to their functions of
providing oxygen and CO exchange with the water, also provide for
the breathing circuit a flexible element having variable
volumetric capacity. In addition, as the diver descends into
deeper water and the pressure of the water increases the
flexibility of the permeable membranes will result in
automatically increasing the pressure of the air in the breathing
circuit by an exactly corresponding amount. Similarly when the
diver swims toward the surface, and as he ascends, the water
pressure decreases, the air contained in the parallel passage ways
of the gill respirator unit will expand by an amount exactly
suflicient to maintain the air in the breathing circuit at a
pressure equal to the outside water at all times. Of course, a
separate conventional flexible breather bag can be added to the
breathing circuit, if desired.
In the forms of the invention shown in FIGS. 12 and 14, if use has
been made of the compressed air supply while the diver was
submerged, when the diver returns toward the surface, an
adjustable air exit valve is provided which will automatically
open and allow excess air to escape, if necessary as an aid in
maintaining the pressure in the breathing circuit exactly equal to
or very nearly equal to the pressure of the outside water.
FIG. 4 shows a cross section of three gill respirator element 1
taken along the line BB in FIG. 1. Here the flattened oval cross
sections of the individual parallel passage ways of the permeable
membrane material is clearly shown, as at 19. Note also the outer
edges are sealed together as shown at 11 and as shown at 2, 2, 2,
2 in H6. 1. In FIG. 4, three of the gill respirator elements are
shown to illustrate clearly how they may be spaced and how the sea
water may be made to flow between them, at 12, 12, 12. Means will
be shown and discussed later whereby the sea water is kept moving
in the same direction. At the outer edges of the gill respirator
elements bent strips of metal are shown, as 13, 13. These are
optional stiffener elements and their purpose will be discussed
FIG. 5 shows a fragmentary side elevation, partly in cross
section, of the assembled gill respirator unit. A
plurality of gill respirator elements 14 are stacked together
between an upper end plate 15 and a lower end plate 16. These gill
elements are held in register and the whole unit is held together
by the tie bolts 17 and 13 which pass up thru the bottom of end
plate 18, thru the opposite ends of the elongated openings of the
subassernblies 5, shown in FIG. 1, up thru the upper end plate 15,
thru the water tight gasket 19, and thru the respirator unit air
conduit 20. The tie bolts 17 and 18 are held securely in place by
the nuts 21, 21, as shown.
Refer to FIG. 10 which is a plan view of the assembled gill
respirator unit. Here it will be seen that two of the respirator
unit air conduits 20 are used in the parallel fashion shown. It
should be understood that when a series of gill respirator units
1, of FIG. 1, are piled in a stack in register, and to this stack
are added the end plates 15 and 16 and two respirator air conduits
20 are also employed as shown in FIG. 10, then air passage ways
are provided as follows. Air may be supplied by a flexible hose
connection as 22 in FIG. 5, and will pass through the respirator
unit air conduit 20 which leads to the elongated opening provided
by the stack of separators 5 of the gill respirator elements 1 of
FIG. 1; air can move down thru the central opening of the stacked
elements 5 and also can move in a parallel fashion thru the
passage ways provided by the corrugated separator 8 of each of the
subassemblies and thence thru the parallel channels formed in the
permeable membranes. The air then flows out thru the corrugated
elements 8 of the subassemblies 5 at the other end of the gill
respirator elements 1 and flows upwardly thru the elongated
openings of the stack of elements 5 and back out thru the second
respirator unit air conduit 20 and thence thru a second flexible
air hose.
It is desirable to cause new water to flow frequently across the
permeable membranes. If the Water stays motionless then the oxygen
dissolved in it will soon be used up and there will only be a very
small amount left for later respiration purposes. Because of this
same requirement, most species of fishes have means for passing
new water across the permeable membranes of their gill. Often this
is accomplished by opening and closing the mouth and some species
even have structures which act as valves which pump new water
across the gill surfaces each time the fish closes its mouth.
Particularly is this noticeable in the moray eel, which opens and
closes its mouth very noticeably even when completely at rest, as
a means of forcing new water across its gill surfaces.
To perform this same function, means are provided in the gill
respirator unit both for pumping water across the permeable
membrane surface and also, as the most eflicient method, means are
provided which cause such water to flow always in the same
direction, so that there will be a maximum exchange of new water
replacing tie-oxygenated Water.
In connection with this flow of water across the gill surfaces,
many species of fish also are equipped with gill rakers which
serve as a screen to keep out foreign objects which might
interfere with the functioning of the gills or which might damage
the delicate gill membranes.
In FIG. 5, coarse screen members 23, 23 are soldered to the inside
faces of angle members 24, 24, 24, 24 which, in turn, are secured
to the end plates 15 and 16 by the mounting screws 25, 25, 25, 25.
The screen members 23 act like the gill rakers of fish, to keep
out foreign bodies which might interfere with the action of the
unit or damage it.
Circulation of water across the gill units is provided for in two
ways. I have made extensive studies, in this connection, of the
water circulation across the gill surfaces of big fish, comparable
to the size of a man, particularly of big sharks at Marineland,
south of St. Augustine, Florida, and at the Seaquarium in Miami.
The curator at Marineland told me that the amounts of water
flowing thru the gills of big fish have never been measured.
However, I have developed a way of making a useful approximation
for our purposes. At the outdoor shark run at the Seaquarium it is
readily possible to get within a few feet of the sharks. I studied
nurse sharks there which (I was told) weighed approximately 400
pounds, as a basis for making a conservative comparison with a 175
pound man. They swam, much of the time, at approximately 1 ft. per
second. It could easily be seen that they were not working their
jaws in breathing, but as is common with sharks, with mouth
slightly open were depending entirely upon their forward movement
to pass water thru their gills. Also the gill slits did not
periodically distend in a breathing rhythm, but instead maintained
constant apertures.
All the water going over the gill membranes necessarily comes out
of the gill slits, so all we need to do is estimate the flow at
that point. This flow will be the total cross sectional area of
the gill openings times the rate of flow, this flow being
approximately equal to the speed of the fish thru the water. The
gill slits averaged approximately 3 inches long, with an average
opening of approximately 7 width, and these nurse sharks had 4
gill slits per side, making a total of eight. The total gill slit
cross sectional area therefore was approximately 3" (height) times
(width) times 4 (gill slits per side) times 2 (sides), equalling a
total of 4 /2 sq. in. cross section of water flow.
At the swimming speed of 1 ft. per second, and 4 /2 sq. in. of
water flow, this equals 54 cubic inches of water per second, which
equals approximately 14 gallons per minute.
This 14 gallons a minute is for a 400 pound shark. It might be a
fraction of this for a 175 pound man.
Now compare this 14 gallons a minute for the 400 lb. shark with
what we could readily provide for the man, swimming (with swim
fins) at the same very slow rate of 1 ft. per second.
We have previously described a gill unit having a frontal area 18"
wide by 12" high. The 48 gill units were planned at thick each
with spaces between. The total cross sectional area of water fiow
will therefore be 47 spaces times 18" wide times A high, which
totals slightly over 158 sq. in. of water flow. (Note the shark
had only 4.5 sq. in. of water flow). With the gill unit having
approximately 158 sq. in. of water flow, at a speed of 1 ft. per
second we would have approximately 492 gallons flowing across the
gill surfaces per minute. This obviously is far more than
necessary. Then, from another point of view, calculating what
reduced speed would provide the same flow as for the 400 lb.
shark, we find that approximately /3 of an inch per second would
do it.
This is such an extremely low speed that most bodies of water
probably have at least this much water movement as their natural
state, without a person having to swim at all, most of the time.
However, a great many fish swim all their lives to circulate water
over the gill surfaces. The nurse shark swims most of the time,
but can also stop, and then pumping action thru the gills is
Similarly, both methods for passing water over the gill units are
provided in this invention. Swimming action will continuously hold
open the valves (to be described below), while this will be
supplemented by pumping action when not swimming.
Referring to FIG. 5, water which has come thru the screen member
23 next passes thru a valve unit which is comprised of a
perforated plate 26, shown in FIGS. 5, 6, and 7, and a series of
flexible rubber-like valve strips 27, 27, which are cemented along
their upper edges to the perforated plate 26 and are mounted in an
overlapping fashion resembling shingles. These valve strips are
normally closed, but in FIG. 5 they are shown in a partially open
position with water passing thru the spaces between them. At the
right hand side of FIG. 5, after water passes thru the screen 23
into the perforated metal sheet 26 and the valve flaps 27a, it
then passes along between the gill respirator elements and flows
out thru the valve unit at the left and then out thru the screen
at the left. Water pressure, when swimming, holds both sets of
valves open continuously with water flowing right thru. When not
swimming, the force which provides the pumping action is as
follows. When the diver inhales and Withdraws air from the
breathing circuit, the volumetric capacity of the parallel
channels in the gill respirator units is correspondingly reduced
below the pressure of the outside water. The greater pressure of
the water on the outside forces the valve flaps 27b to close and
the valve flaps 27a to open, as shown at the right side of FIG. 5,
so that with these open the water flows into the spaces between
the gill respirator elements by an amount suflicient to make up
for the volume of these elements which are reduced when the diver
inhaled. Conversely, when the diver exhales, the volumetric
capacity of the parallel passages of the respirator gill element
increases, thereby increasing the pressure of the water between
these elements to a point Where this pressure is greater than the
pressure of the water outside the respirator unit. The increase of
pressure from the water on the inside causes the valve flaps 27a
to close and the valve flaps 27b shown at the left side of FIG. 5,
to open, thereby allowing water to flow outwardly and thru the
screen until the pressure of the water remaining within the gill
respirator unit equals the pressure of the air contained in the
parallel passages of the permeable membrane units. In this way,
with each inhalation by the diver, there is a flow of water into
the front of the gill respirator unit, and with each exhalation by
the diver there is a flow of water out thru the back of the gill
respirator unit.
It is to be understood however, that any suitable means for moving
water thru the gas exchange unit may be employed, as preferred.
For example, an electric pump could be used, with a rechargeable
storage battery for power; or the power might come from copper and
zinc plates with sea water as the electrolyte forming a primary
In FIG. 5, 28 is a sheet of sponge rubber or other resilient
material, cemented to the bottom plate and intended to make the
respirator unit more comfortable when worn by the diver.
FIGS. 8, 9A, 9B, and 9C show various details of an optional
element which may be used or not as found preferable. If it is
found that water flowing into the front of the respirator unit (at
the right as shown in FIG. 5) tends to bend over the sealed edges
of the thin flexible plastic of the gill respirator elements, and
if such action tends to close off these channels unduly, then
stiffener elements, described below, may be utilized to hold the
edges of the respirator elements in a preferred spaced and
separated relation.
FIG. 9A is a plan view of part of one of the stiffener elements
29. This may be made of a thin strip of noncorrodable material,
such as thin sheet brass, or stainless steel. It is shown in end
elevation in FIG. 9B. This strip carries small rounded raised
portions 30 which will serve as spacers. In the manufacturing
process, each strip 29 will be bent as shown in FIG. 9C and will
be laid along one of the heat sealed edges 2 of the gill
respirator elements 1 of FIG. 1. Then the metal strip 29 will be
bent closed so that it grips both sides of the heat sealed edge as
shown at 13 in FIG. 4. When these strips have been added to the
gill respirator elements 1 of FIG. 1 and these elements have been
assembled in a stack, their edges will appear as shown in FIG. 8.
Here it is clear that the raised portions 30 will act as spacer
elements reliably separated, thereby providing adequate spaces for
the passage of water therebetween.
. FIG. 10 is a plan view of a complete underwater breathing system
utilizing the previously described gill respirator 1 7 unit. Part
of this diagram is fragmentary, showing in cross section some of
the construction of the breathing circuit. The gill respirator
unit, generally designated as 31, is connected by a conventional
flexible air hose 32 to the right hand end of the central valve
group, generally designated as 33. This group consists of a
shutofl valve 34 of conventional design, which may be manually
operated by the diver; a check valve 35 shown in cross section; a
second check valve 36 also shown in cross section; a second
shutoff valve 41; and a mouthpiece 37. Although a mouthpiece alone
is shown in these diagrams, it is to be understood that the
invention specifically includes the use of a face mask, as an
equivalent, or a combined mouthpiece and face mask, or any
equivalent of these for introducing air into the divers lungs. 38
is a snorkle for breathing at the surface and 39 is a screw-type
valve cap for the snorkle, of well known design. 40 is a check
valve in the snorkle allowing air to be drawn into it but
preventing air from moving in the opposite direction. 42
is a flexible air hose of the same type as 32. Both of these air
hoses, 32 and 42, connect to the gill respirator air conduits, as
shown. 43 is an adjustable air exit valve, the construction of
which is shown in detail in FIG. 11. The purpose of this valve is
to allow air to escape from the breathing circuit out into the
surrounding water whenever the air pressure in the air breathing
circuit becomes enough greater than the pressure of the
surrounding water to compress the adjustable spring in this valve
and unseat the valve diaphragm. The spring is made adjustable so
that the amount of pressure obtainable in the air breathing
circuit above that of the outside Water pressure (at which point
the valve will open) is an adjustable factor.
In FIG. 11, 44 designates the body portion of the valve. 45 is the
valve diaphragm which normally holds this valve closed. 46 is a
gasket of rubber or other appropriate material, cemented to the
under side of the flange 45 as shown. 47 is a bridge member made
of appropriate metal secured to the body of the valve 44 by
attachment screws 48, 48, across the top of the valve as shown in
FIGS. 10 and 11. At the center of this bridge rnember 47, a
threaded stud 49 is riveted. The threads of this stud carry the
threaded adjustment knob 50 which includes a pointer 51. The
underside of the adjustment knob 50 is groove-d to receive the
upper end of coil spring 52. The lower end of spring 52 is
contained within the cup portion of the valve diaphragm 45, as
shown. It is intended that quite a light spring will be used as
the spring 52 and that when the ad ustment knob is set for least
pressure, the resultant spring pressure bearing upon the diaphragm
45 will be only a very small fraction of an ounce. Adjustment of
the knob clockwise in FIG. 10 will increase the spring pressure on
the valve diaphragm and it will then require a greater pressure
difference between the air inside the breathing circuit and the
water outside to unseat the valve diaphragm 45 and allow air to
This valve has two principal purposes. One of them is in
connection with charging the system with air at the surface, as
will be described later. The second purpose of the valve 43
becomes important in the forms of the invention shown in FIG. 12
and FIG. 14. In these systems, it is intended that at certain
times and for certain purposes compressed air will be introduced
into the breathing circuit from the auxiliary tanks shown. This
might result in a considerably higher pressure of air being in the
breathing circuit than is present in the outside water,
particularly when a diver is returning toward the surface and the
pressure of the outside water is rapidly diminishing. It is an
important safety factor that automatic valve means be included in
the equipment to release the excess air even if a diver should
forget to balance these forces manually. It is not only important
in protecting the permeable membranes of the equipment, it is also
extremely important that the air in the divers lungs has its
pressure reduced at the same rate as the pressure of the water
outside. If not, and if he should arrive at the surface with a
considerable pressure of air in his lungs, and then should breathe
air at atmospheric pressure, the delicate tissues of the lungs may
burst causing the condition known by the medical term of embolism,
and this condition is quite capable of killing the diver. The
automatic exit valve 43, therefore, is an important safety feature
of the invention. 53 is a handle attached to the air exit valve
diaphragm 45 and may be used to lift the diaphragm manually to
permit the escape of air.
The operation of the equipment shown in FIG. 10, is as follows.
Assuming that the diver is wearing the equipment and is in the
water at the surface, submerged except for his head and shoulders,
he will first unscrew the snorkle valve cap 39 and breathe in the
ordinary manner. Each inhalation will suck air in thru the cap 39,
down thru the snorkle tube 38, thru the check valve 40, thru the
mouthpiece 37, and into his lungs. In order to charge the gill
respirator unit with air he will turn off the shutoff valve 34.
Continued breathing on the part of the diver will result in each
exhaled breath passing thru check valve 36, thru shutoff valve 41
which is open, up thru air hose 42, down thru the left side of the
gill respirator unit 31, across toward the right side of the stack
of gill respirator elements, up thru the right side of the gill
respirator 31, and down thru the air hose 32. Because shutoff
valve 34 is closed, the exhaled air in the breather circuit is not
free to circulate and will build up pressure with each exhalation
until the air pressure unseats the air exit valve 43. The diver
will know when he has reached this condition because he will see
and hear the air escaping and bubbling. This is notice to him that
the operation of charging the equipment with air has been
completed. Then the diver, while holding his breath, will close
the snorkle valve cap 39 and open the shutoff valve 34.
Thereafter, he will continue breathing in the normal manner and is
ready to submerge. The check valves 35 and 36 will cause each
exhaled breath to pass upward thru air hose 42 and each inhaled
breath to pass downward thru air hose 32, and thru the air
breathing circuit already described. The exhaled air, as it passes
thru the gill respirator elements, will extract oxygen from the
surrounding water and at the same time will dispose of the excess
CO in the exhaled breath by passing this outward and dissolving it
in the surrounding water.
As previously pointed out, the flexibility of the per-v meable
membranes and the type of structure provided in this design will
enable the volumetric capacity of the air passages to be reduced
as the pressure of the surrounding water increases as the diver
submerges to increasing depths in the water. Because this factor
is provided for in this design the air pressure in the breathing
circuit will always adjust itself to the same pressure as the
surrounding water.
The system shown in FIG. 12 is the same as that shown in FIG. 10
with the exception that a small compressed air tank 54 has been
added along with an air pump 55, and their associated valves. The
tank 54 has a hand operated valve 56 controlling the air flowing
out of the tank and into the flexible hose 57 and thru the three
way shutoff valve 58.
FIGURE 13 shows a cross section of such a three Way valve. The
inner section may be rotated to control the flow of air between
the three parts in a manner well known to the art.
In FIG. 12, the hand pump 55 is connected internally thru a
conventional check valve at its Output side to the compressed air
tank 54. The hand pump takes in air thru the hand operated valve
59, thru the flexible connecting air line 60 and thru the three
way shutoff valve 61. The compressed air tank 54 is also equipped
with a pressure gauge 62 showing the pressure of the compressed
air within the tank. Compressed air tank 54 and hand pump 55 are
equipped with lugs 63, 63, 63, 63, for attaching a harness to be
worn by the diver.
The operation is as follows. While charging the equipment with air
at the surface, as previously described 1n connection with the
operation of the system shown in FIG. 10, the pump valve 59 may be
opened and the hand pump 55 may be operated to take air from the
breathing circuit and compress it in the small compressed air tank
54. When the gill respirator unit and the breathing circuit has
been fully charged with air at the surface, as previously
described, and when the diver closes the snorkle valve 59 and
submerges, if he goes down to an appreciable depth the air in the
breathing circuit will become more compressed as the pressure of
the water into which the diver descends increases. For example, if
the diver descends to 33 ft. of depth, the pressure of the water
doubles and the air in the breathing circuit also has its pressure
doubled and, therefore, will have-only half its former volume.
This will reduce the buoyancy of the diver and his apparatus. It
is usual practice today for divers to wear weight belts and to
carry a number of weights on the belt in accordance with personal
choice as to the buoyancy desired. It a diver using this equipment
had chosen to wear enough weights on his weight belt to have
neutral buoyancy at the surface, then as he descended and the
additional water pressure compressed the air in the breathing
circuit, he would have considerable negative buoyancy. If he
wished to restore his neutral buoyancy with this equipment, he
could do so while submerged by open ing the hand operated valve 56
and carefully allowing enough compressed air from tank 54 to enter
the breathing circuit to expand the gill respirator elements to
their former size, thereby displacing the same amount of water as
when at the surface If he should allow too much compressed air
into the breathing circuit for neutral buoyancy, so that his
buoyancy became positive, he could correct this by opening the
pump valve 59 and operating the hand pump 55 while under water,
thereby pumping some of the air in the breathing circuit back into
the compressed air tank 54. Similarly, as he might choose to swim
at various depths during his under water swimming, he can
repeatedly obtain his desired buoyancy for the varying pressure
conditions by opening valve 56 to increase buoyancy or by opening
valve 59 and operating hand pump 55 to decrease buoyancy. An
additional use for this system is in a situation where a diver may
wish to carry a heavy object to the surface. In this case, while
he may take hold of the object at the bottom when his buoyancy is
neutral, he may wish to increase his buoyancy as an aid in
carrying it to the surface and thereby reduce the effort of
swimming up. Similarly, a diver may wish to operate at negative
buoyancy at the surface as a means of getting to the bottom
The compressed air in the tank 54 can also be used as an auxiliary
air supply without affecting buoyancy by opening valve 56 to pass
new air into the breathing circuit and then by manually operating
the air exit valve diaphragm handle 53 to allow a corresponding
amount of the old air to escape into the water, or by pumping an
equivalent amount of old air from the breathing circuit back into
the compressed air tank 54.
Pump 55 can also be employed as a drainage pump for pumping out
water which may have leaked into the breathing system. Such leaked
water will first accumulate in the valve housing43, because this
is made the low point in the breathing circuit. A manually
operated valve (well known to the art-not shown) may be connected
to the bottom of the housing 43. This valve, in turn, may be
connected by a flexible hose to valve 59. Also, a manually
operated petcock and a check valve (both also well knownnot shown)
may be attached to the lowest point of the tank 54. Then if leaked
water accumulates in housing 43, the valve there may be opened and
also valve 59, and the manual pump 55 may be operated, which will
pump the leaked water from housing 43 into tank 54. Then the
manually operated drainage petcock in tank 54 may be opened, and
the air pressure in tank 54 will blow the water out. The check
valve will keep any water from coming in under any circumstancesa
safety precaution.
The system shown in FIG. 14 is identical with that shown in FIG.
10 except that the shutoff valves 34 and 41 of FIG, 10 are
replaced by proportioning valves 65 and 64 in FIG. 14.
FIG. 15 shows such a proportioning valve in cross section. It will
be seen that the rotatable central part can be rotated clockwise
or counterclockwise to completely close either branch of the valve
or can be positioned to vary the proportioning of the air flowing
in the two left branches of the valve, or can be rotated to shut
ofi? the fiow of air altogether. The valves 64 and 65 are
identical in operation. The air hoses 66 and 67 connect the
proportioning valves 64 and 65 with a demand regulator 68 which is
of well known type widely used in self contained under water
breathing apparatus. This regulator 68 also has a central push
button, also well known in the art, for manually depressing the
diaphragm of the demand regulator in order to pass air from the
compressed air supply into the breathing circuit. is a
conventional tank of compressed air and is equipped with the lugs
'71 which are provided for attaching a harness to be worn by the
The primary purpose of the system shown in FIG. 14 is to provide
the gill respirator unit for breathing under water most of the
time, but to also provide an auxiliary compressed air supply which
the diver may use if he gets into polluted water. Fish very
frequently die when they enter polluted water because the toxic
gases in such Water go thru the gill membranes and enter the blood
stream of the fish and there is no way the fish can prevent it. In
contrast, in this system, we supply an improvement over anything
the fish can make use of. The diver, as soon as he smells the
toxic gases of polluted water, can turn the handle of the
proportioning valve 64 clockwise so that his breathing circuit is
connected only with the air hose 66 and can also turn the control
handle of proportioning valve 65 counter clockwise so that his
beathing system is connected only with hose 67. Under these
circumstances, the gill respirator unit breathing circuit is
completely shut off from the diver and will remain inoperative.
The diver will continue to breathe in a normal manner and will
obtain his air exclusively from the compressed air tank 70 in the
well known manner characteristic of self contained under water
breathing apparatus.
If the diver, instead of entering polluted water, should find
himself in Water which has less than the normal amount of
dissolved oxygen in it, he may adjust the equipment to breathe a
mixture of air, reoxygenated by the gill respirator unit and new
air obtained from the auxiliary compressed air supply in tank 70.
For example, if he should like to have a mixture which is
approximately half and half, he would set the control handles of
the valves 64 and 65 as shown in FIGS. 14 and 15. Small changes of
the positions of these control handles would vary the proportion
Another use for the equipment is to pass air from tank 70 into the
breathing circuit of the gill respirator unit, which can be done
by turning valve 65 so that it connects only with the air hose 42.
If it is desired to increase the buoyancy of the equipment with
the valve setting just described, the manual button 69 may also be
operated which will release additional air into the total
breathing circuit and will expand the gill respirator elements,
thereby increasing the buoyancy of the equipment.
At any time after the diver has left either polluted Water or
water having less than normal oxygen content, he can reset the
valves 64 and 65 so that he is breathing thru the gill respirator
unit only.
While the systems discussed have talked in terms of use of air and
comrpessed air, it is to be specifically understood that the scope
of this invention includes also the use of oxygen and compressed
oxygen or any other breathable gas or gas mixture. For most
purposes, compressed oxygen is considered less useful because of
the danger of oxygen poisoning at depths greater than 25 feet,
unless used by persons well aware of the danger and extremely
skilled in the use of oxygen under such conditions. In contrast,
the compressed air equipment is regularly used at depths of 100,
200, and even 300 feet.
In connection with leaked water, in all three systems as shown in
FIGS. 10, 12, and 14, the air exit valve 43 is purposely located
directly below the air passage Ways leading to the mouthpiece of
face mask, so that leaked water will naturally flow down into the
internal space provided by this valve and there will be far less
likelihood that an inhaltion will suck water into the divers
lungs. Also, this is the best location for leaked water in
connection with expelling it. In the system shown in FIG, 10, the
diver may expel leaked water by first inhaling a deep breath, and
then turning off valve 41, and then expelling his breath sharply.
The exhaled breath can only escape by unseating the diaphragm of
air exit valve 43 and the air flowing out will carry the leaked
water with it. The process may be repeated if necessary to expel
all the leaked water.
In the system shown in FIG. 12, the same thing can be accomplished
by closing valve 58 and exhaling sharply, or leaked water can be
blown out by compressed air by opening valve 56 and passing enough
air into the breathing circuit so that the pressure provided for
by the setting of control knob is exceeded and the valve 43 will
open automatically, the air expelled thereby carrying out the
leaked water also.
In FIG. 14, leaked water may be blown out by the exhaled breath of
the diver by closing valve and exhaling sharply, or by also
turning valve 64 so that it connects only with hose 66, and then
operating button 69 which will release compressed air from tank 70
and blow out the leaked water.
FIG. 16 is a fragmentary enlarged cross sectional View, comparable
to FIG. 4, but shows an alternative form of construction for a
gill element. In this design, a central core member 73, having a
multiplicity of channels 7474 formed in its opposite faces
supports the permeable or porous membrane material 75-7 5.
Optional stiffener and spacing members 7676 may be used, like
those shown in FIGS. 9A, 9B, and 9C. Even though the channels
74-74 may be made quite small in size, the fact that they operate
in parallel for each gill element, and that the gill elements also
operate in parallel, readily suplies ample cross sectional area
for easy breathing. This core element 73 extends right up to the
elongated washer and spacer subassemblies 5-5 of FIG. 1, air
passing freely from one to the other.
FIG. 17 is a process diagram showing the principles of this
invention applied to rehabilitating the exhaled breath of one or
more persons in under water vessels, other under water housings,
work spaces, living spaces, etc. For example, successful
experiments have recently been made with an under water house
containing beds, cooking facilities, electric lights, and even
television, where two men lived for a week 33 feet below the
surface of the sea. This undoubtedly will be a growing field of
development, for one reason because it eliminates a great deal of
decompression time now required where extended under water work
needs to be done. Instead of taking air down in tanks or piping it
down, it would be very advantageous to use my invention of
extracting dissolved oxygen from the unlimited sea Water and
disposing of CO or to use this as an alternative system-safety
being much enhanced by having two kinds of systems for protection
of the lives of the persons there.
In FIG. 17, 76 represents the surrounding body of Water, a portion
of which is pumped in thru the hull of an under water vessel or
wall of a housing 77 by the pump 78 thru the conduit 79 and valve
80; into the gas exchange unit 81 and out by pump 82, thru conduit
83, thru valve 84 and back to the surrounding body of water 76.
This completes the water circuit.
The exhaled breath of the person or persons submerged is pumped by
pump 35 thru the conduit 86 into the gas exchange unit 81 and then
out thru conduit 87 back to be rebreathed. The gas exchange unit
81 can consist of any of the previously discussed gas permeable or
porous sheet materials used to form passage ways thru which the
exhaled air is pumped, such units being bathed by the flowing
water 76 whereby dissolved oxygen is extracted from the water and
carbon dioxide is extracted from the exhaled breath, such
extracted oxygen being added to the exhaled breath and carbon
dioxide being passed off into the water, and the rehabilitated air
being returned to the person or persons for rebreathing.
FIG. 18 shows an alternative form of gas exchange unit where the
transference of carbon dioxide from air to water and of oxygen
from the Water to the air takes place directly across the
air-to-water interfaces without any barrier material being used.
The wall 88 of the gas exchange unit 81 is partially filled with
the Water 76. Pipes or other gas conducting means 89 with spaced
apertures cause the exhaled air to bubble up thru the water. These
bubbles would preferably be very small and in enormous numbers so
that the air is provided with a very large surface area (relative
to its volume) in direct contact with the Water for enhancing the
gas exchange. FIG. 18 is not necessarily to scale, and its
vertical height may be increased as much as desired to provide
full gas exchange of the bubbles as they rise vertically thru the
There may be considerably greater pressure in the water 76 than in
the inside of the vessel or housing 77, with possible danger of
flooding if the pumps should fail. As a safety feature, the pumps
78 and 82 and valves 80 and 84 (these valves preferably being of a
type which can be actuated either manually or electrically) are
interconnected so that at any time that the pumps 78 or 82 fall
below their proper speed, or stop, the valves 80 and 84 will
automatically close, thus assuring against flooding, and the
alarms 90 or 91 will ring. This system will have an independent
power supply from that driving the pumps 78 and 82. The units on
the pumps sensing their speed can be Well known centrifugal
governors, but connected to actuate the valves and alarms instead
of being connected to control the speed of the pumps.
Journal of Membrane Science 2005 | 254 | 1-2 |
Rearrangement of hollow fibers for
enhancing oxygen transfer in an artificial gill using oxygen
carrier solution
Kenichi Nagase Fukashi Kohori Kiyotaka Sakai
Hiroyuki Nishide
Using the derived mass transfer correlations for hollow fibers,
hollow fiber arrangements were optimized for an artificial gill
that uses an oxygen carrier solution. FC-40, a perfluorocarbon
(PFC), was used as the oxygen carrier solution. In the oxygen
uptake module, a hollow fiber arrangement with parallel coiled
hollow fibers is preferred. The optimum outside diameter of the
hollow fibers and the transverse pitch between them are 300 and
500µm, respectively. In the oxygen release module, a hollow fiber
arrangement of straight parallel hollow fibers is preferred. The
optimum outside diameter of the hollow fibers and transverse pitch
between them are 300 and 500µm, respectively. In the case of
humans, the scaling up was estimated from the oxygen transfer
rates using these optimum hollow fiber arrangements. The required
total membrane surface area is 50.8m 2 , the total delivered
pumping energy is 124W, and the oxygen partial pressure in
inspiration is 17.8kPa. Importantly, the total membrane surface
area required was significantly reduced using the modules with an
optimum hollow fiber arrangement in comparison with that using
connected membrane oxygenators as a gas exchanger. The
optimization of hollow fiber arrangements in an artificial gill
significantly enhances oxygen transfer from water to air.
Artificial gills for deep diving
Inventors: Arnold J. Lande (St. Paul, MN, US)
The invention provides a system whereby oxygen can be derived from
seawater or from thin air at higher altitudes while simultaneously
eliminating carbon dioxide from the blood. This allows prolonged
underwater liquid breathing at greater depths without suffering
from the bends or, alternatively, the ability of workers to
breathe underwater or at high altitudes without having to rely
upon air tanks or the like. The artificial gill comprises a
plurality of concatenated modules each containing a semi-permeable
membrane operative to transfer oxygen in a first direction and
carbon dioxide in a second direction across the membrane. By
providing multiple concatenated interconnected modules, oxygen
becomes concentrated to allow breathing thereof. Because the
system is connected in series with a person's blood supply, CO2
produced in the body is extracted and disposed of via the
artificial gill. The semipermeable membrane preferably comprises a
plurality of tubular fibers, each with a relatively large lumen
when compared to present day blood oxygenators arranged as a
bundle in a housing such that seawater or rarefied air passes over
the exterior surfaces of the fibers while blood or Hgb flows
through the lumens. The larger diameter fibers reduce hemolysis
and clotting.
Related Patents
Strauss Lewis H
Gill type underwater breathing apparatus
Artificial gill
Bodell Bruce R
Structures and processes incorporating permeable
membranes for the support of animallife during unfavorable
Permeable protective suit in combination with means
for maintaining a viable atmosphere
Open-circuit self-contained underwater
breathing apparatus
Alan-Izhar Bodner
A self-contained open-circuit breathing apparatus for use within a
body of water naturally containing dissolved air. The apparatus is
adapted to provide breathable air to a diver. The apparatus
comprises an inlet means for extracting a quantity of water from
the body of water. It further comprises a separator for separating
the dissolved air from the quantity of water, thereby obtaining
the breathable air. The apparatus further comprises a first outlet
means for expelling the separated water back into the body of
water, and a second outlet means for removing the breathable air
and supplying it for breathing. The air is supplied so as to
enable all of it to be expelled back into the body of water after
it has been breathed.
Bio-mechanisms of Swimming and Flying
2004, pp 188-199
Efficiency of Biological and Artificial
Kenichi Nagase, Fukashi Kohori, Kiyotaka Sakai
Artificial Gills to breath air
Corporate Mission
The Like-A-Fish Corporate Mission is to become the leading
provider of revolutionary air supply systems that are able to
extract air from water, for both the leisure and the professional
scuba diving industries, as well as for submarines and underwater