Herbert HANSEN
Vapor Carburetor
Herb Hansen – Elgin, IL – Built a vaporizing carburetion system
for use with alcohol Fuel… Using 140 proof alcohol in a Ford Pinto
he says he gets 70 to 75 MPG and the engine produces more power
than it does on gasoline with a standard carburetor…
Chicago Tribune Aug. 12, 1979
Inventors roll right along -- on
alcohol, water fuel
by Bob Wiedrich

Herb Hansen (left) and Dale Pate point out how they converted a
1975 Ford Pinto engine to run on an alcohol and water fuel
mixture. "I'll be darned if it didn't finally work," Hansen says
of the experiment. The car gets 20 to 25 per cent better mileage
than with gasoline.
Herbert Hansen and his shipmates aboard an American submarine in
World War II used to sink Japanese shipping with torpedoes powered
by alcohol and water.
Now. 30 years later, Hansen and his fellow Inventor, Dale Pate,
use the same mixture to power a 1925 Model T-Ford and a 1075 Ford
Both cars, although 50 years apart in sophistication and
technology, run equally well on a vaporized fuel consisting of 90
per cent alcohol and 10 per cent water.
Each achieves 20 to 25 per cent better mileage on the fuel than
with gasoline. Neither pollutes the environment with its exhaust.
Neither suffers a loss in power or acceleration.
And between them, the two cars have rolled in excess of 1,000
trouble-free miles on the fuel mixture concocted by the two
imaginative Elgin inventors.
Now, I don't know -- and neither do they -- whether their
brainstorm can bail out the United States from its petroleum .
But after viewing the results of their work I'm hoping someone in
Washington will look up with interest.
Because at first blush, their system works beautifully. It scoots
you down the highway at the same speeds and with the same pickup
you would expect from gasoline.
So even if there is some hidden flaw Hansen and Pate have yet to
detect in their invention, certainly the technological geniuses of
the federal government and the automotive industry should be able
to solve it.
Hansen first got the idea last fall while reminiscing about the
days when he and the submarine crews launched torpedoes fueled by
90 per cent alcohol and 10 per cent water. And the torpedoes shot
through the water at 411 knots no hour for several miles to
deliver their bulk on target.
"I figured the same idea should work with a car," Hansen said. "So
Pate and I got our heads together and started experimenting. And
I'll be darned if it didn't finally work."
The secret of their success is in the system they up to heat the
fuel mixture to a temperature at which it would fire with maximum
Others, they said, have experimented with straight alcohol as an
lve . but with less than spectacular results. Cold alcohol just
doesn't work as well. For one thing, getting started is tougher.
However, Hansen and Pate pre-heat the fuel before It is ignited in
the cylinders. They also introduce water and moisturized air to
further enhance efficiency.
And the real beauty of their invention is that it does not require
drastically altering a car or installing an entirely new fuel
system. They merely add a few mechanical gimmicks and use the same
fuel tank with which the car was endowed by Detroit.
I went out to visit the two inventors in Hansen's home garage
laboratory last week.
Hansen is a mechanical engineer with senior status at Means &
Co. in Chicago. Pate is an Elgin police corporal in charge of that
department's juvenile division.
They first met in 1966, while working as volunteers restoring aged
steam locomotives at the Illinois Railway Museum in Union
Illinois. So as born tinkerers, it was inevitable that they should
marshal their talents.
Here is how the system works:
The alcohol-and-water blend goes from the regular fuel tank to the
fuel pump. Then it passes through a pre-heater using engine
coolant to heat the fuel to 170 degrees fahrenheit on its way to
the carburetor.
This works best, of course, when the engine is warm. So for easy
starting, on electric heater in the car does the same job the
engine worms up. Starting usually requires about a 1-minute wait.
In the carburetor, the alcohol and water mix is joined by
moisturized air heated by the exhaust pipe and fed from a
five-gallon tank of water that is refilled with every tankful of
The moisturized air helps vaporize the fuel. And the mixture is
Ignited in the cylinders, the moisture turns to super heated steam
with tremendous expanding capacity to further improve power and
fuel efficiency.
The Hansen-Pate system is that simple. Even I can understand It.
"The only exhaust produced is carbon and water," Hansen sid, "The
some things you and I are exhaling."
The only exhaust odor is that of burned alcohol. And the inventors
overcome that by sprinkling a few drops of aftershave lotion In
the fuel.
"I suppose if you were driving a Cadillac, you'ld want to use
Chanel No. 5 perfume instead," Pate quipped.
The Model T-Ford, the first car tested with the system, Is not
equipped with fuel heaters. So it doesn't run as well.
However, the Ford Pinto has a switch on the dashboard that permits
the interchange of fuels so that a driver can burn gasoline, if he
chooses. The :i activates the fuel heaters when alcohol and waler
are being used.
'Vehicles can run on straight alcohol, but they only get 5 to 8
miles to the gallon," Pate explained as he mixed a batch of
alcohol and water in a one-ounce shotglass for a mileage test with
the Pinto.
"We've gotten up to 32 miles to the gallon with two people riding
in the Pinto, which has a four-cylinder, 140-cc. engine with a
four-speed transmission.
"That was at 35 miles an hour. Naturally, at 55 m.p.h., you only
get about 27 miles to the gallon. With an automatic transmission
you'ld get about 2 miles less to the gallon ."
"You can buy alcohol in bulk for $1.27 a gallon," Hansen said.
'With 20 to 23 per cent better mileage, our fuel gets competitive
with gasoline selling for $1.18 to $1.20 a gallon. And the price
of gasoline is getting up there.
"Further, our fuel is a domestic source of renewable energy. You
can make alcohol from organic wastes, as well as plant matter.
Even garbage dumps can produce alcohol. That way, you don't have
to import anything.
"We believe this Is a revolutionary idea whose time has come and
that it is the only viable alternative to gasoline."
Pate and Hansen have applied for a patent. So now, all they are
for is someone to come to their door with sufficient capital to
bankroll their invention.
I hope the guy shows up soon.
Farm Show - Volume 5, Issue 3, 1981
100 Mpg Carburetors: Do They Really
...Herb Hanson, an engineer in Elgin, Ill., has developed a
preheating, vaporizing carburetor for alcohol -- the first of its
"We consistently get 70 to 75 mpg in a Ford Pinto on 140-proof
alcohol. The car got 32 mpg maximum on gasoline," Hanson told FARM
SHOW. "There's no pollution and the car has as much or more power.
We're trying to find a manufacturer right now to produce it."
Hanson's new fuel system uses both the heat of the engine and two
100-watt electric immersion heaters to vaporize alcohol before
it's fed to the cylinders through a conventional propane gas
regulator. The car actually starts on propane and runs on it for
about 5 min. until the engine warms up.
"In converting a vehicle, we remove the carburetor, radiator, fan,
and catalytic converter. The vaporizer mounts where the radiator
was. Because the engine burns cooler with alcohol, you don't need
that cooling system. And it burns clean enough so the catalytic
converter is wasted equipment," explains Hanson.
Vapour fuel system for an internal
combustion engine.
An internal combustion engine is operated with an alcohol fuel
heated by a heat exchanger and vaporized by a series of electric
heating elements prior to combustion. The heat exchanger uses
waste heat from the engine coolant. In addition, means for heating
and humidifying the combustion air is provided to insure complete
vaporization of the alcohol fuel and to overcome the lower caloric
power potential of alcohol as compared to gasoline.
Background of the Invention
The present invention relates generally to an internal combustion
engine operable with an alcohol fuel and, specifically, to a fuel
system for supplying a vaporized fuel to the engine. The term
alcohol as used herein includes a variety of hydroxyl derivatives
of hydrocarbons, such as, methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, tertiary
butanol and mixtures thereof with or without water.
Internal combustion engines operated with alcohol or a blended
gasoline-alcohol mixture have been in use for many years. Such
blending, however, lowers the boiling point of the gasoline and
thereby causes vapor lock in the fuel pump at a lower temperature
than would be the case with pure gasoline. In addition, the
introduction of water to a blended gasoline-alcohol fuel mixture
causes the mixture to separate into its constituent phases. Since
the resultant fuel supplied to the carburetor is not of constant
composition and does not correspond to the composition to which
the carburetor was initially adjusted, the engine malfunctions.
Thus, the need exists for a fuel system which, in addition to
overcoming the cold starting difficulties of an alcohol fueled
engine, can operate with either gasoline, propane or alcohol.
However, another problem exists. The use of a conventional
carburetor often leads to inefficient combustion with unburned
fuel passing through the exhaust manifold to the atmosphere. This
inefficient combustion is evidenced by an increase in hydrocarbon
As an alternative, the fuel can be injected. A fuel injected
system introduces small droplets of fuel into an air stream for
passage to a cylinder.
The injection inlets usually have an inside diameter of at least
0.050 inches. Although a fuel injected system is more efficient
than a conventional carburetor, the injection of such large fuel
droplets also results in incomplete combustion.
In an ideal fuel system, the size of each droplet would approach
that of a single molecule of fuel. If each fuel molecule could be
surrounded by air, complete combustion would be possible. This
would result in greater engine efficiency and power output as well
as the possible elimination of all emissions other than carbon
dioxide and water.
By removing the carburetor and vaporizing the alcohol fuel, the
present invention produces almost complete fuel combustion. In
addition, any dependence on gasoline to overcome the cold starting
difficulties normally associated with alcohol fueled engines is
Summary of the Invention
The invention provides means for reducing the dependence of an
internal combustion engine on hydrocarbon fuels derived from crude
oil. Specifically, the present invention provides a fuel system
which supplies alcohol vapors to an engine and produces nearly
complete combustion.
Electrical means is provided to heat and vaporize the alcohol fuel
prior to ignition and thus avoid the cold starting problems
associated with the use of alcohol as fuel. In addition, means are
provided to heat the alcohol prior to combustion using thermal
energy generated by the engine under normal operating conditions.
The method according to the present invention comprises the steps
of conveying the alcohol to a heat exchanging device in which is
incorporated an electric heating element, and transferring heat
from. the electric heating element or the heated engine coolant to
the alcohol. The heated alcohol flows through a conduit from the
heat exchanger to a vaporization chamber which contains a second
electric heating element.
In the chamber the alcohol is heated to its boiling point. The
alcohol vapors produced upon. boiling are then passed directly to
the intake manifold of the engine. All components of the fuel
system through which the heated alcohol and alcohol vapor flow are
insulated to minimize heat loss.
An additional heat exchanging device located on the exhaust line
heats a solution of 5-50% alcohol in water to boiling. As a
result, the vapor content and temperature of the air passing to
the intake manifold is increased, and steam is created to maintain
the alcohol that flows from the vaporization chamber in the
gaseous state.
It is an object of this invention to increase the efficiency of an
alcohol operated internal combustion engine by providing means for
vaporizing the alcohol fuel as well as means for heating and
humidifying the air used in combustion.
It is a further object of this invention to provide a means for
overcoming the cold starting problems of an internal combustion
engine operated with alcohol as fuel.
Other objects and advantages will be apparent from the following
detailed description made with reference to the accompanying
Brief Description of the Drawings
Figure 1 is a schematic representation of a preferred
embodiment of the invention.
Figure 2 is a cross-sectional view of a heat exchanging
device which heats the alcohol fuel with hot engine coolant.
Figure 3 is a cross-sectional view of a vaporization
chamber which heats and vaporizes the alcohol fuel prior to
Figure 4 is a side elevational view of an exhaust gas heat
exchanging unit.
Figure 5 is a sectional view taken along the line 5-5 of
Figure 4.

Detailed Description of the Invention
As illustrated in Figure 1, fuel is stored in a tank 10 and is
drawn therefrom via conduit 12 under pressure produced by a fuel
pump 14. The fuel may be selected from the group consisting of
methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, tertiary butanol or mixtures
thereof with or without water.
The alcohol fuel flows through the conduit 12 to a heat exchanger
16 at a pressure of anproxi- mately two pounds per square inch.
The heat exchanger 16, best shown in Figure 2, is a hollow
cylinder having a liquid coolant inlet 18 and outlet 20 plus a
fuel inlet 22 and outlet 24. Liquid coolant from the internal
combustion engine 26 is circulated by a water pump 28 through a
hose 30 to the coolant inlet 18. The coolant circulates through
the heat exchanger 16 and, via coolant outlet 20, returns to the
engine 26 through a hose 32.
Fuel flows from conduit 12 to the fuel inlet 22 of the heat
exchanger and through a tube 34 located within heat exchanger 16.
Tube 34 is connected to the fuel outlet 24. A conduit 36
communicates the fuel outlet 24 of the heat exchanger 16 with an
inlet 38 of a vaporization chamber 40.
An elongated, rod-like electric heating element 42 is located
within the heat exchanger 16, tube-34 being concentrically
disposed about the heating element. The electric heating element
supplements the heat from the engine to overcome the cold starting
difficulties associated with use of alcohol fuel. A thermostat 44
located between the heat exchanger 16 and the vaporization chamber
40 controls the electric heating element 42. Electric heating
element 42 is operated by power supply 47, which may be the
vehicle's battery.
The heated alcohol flows from the heat exchanger 16 through
conduit 36 to the inlet 38 of the vaporization chamber 40. As
illustrated in Figure 3, the vaporization chamber 40 has an outlet
48 in addition to the inlet 38. The level of fluid in the
vaporization chamber 40'is regulated by a valve 50 and a float 52.
Electric heating element 54 located below the fluid level within
the vaporization chamber 40 further heats the alcohol to boiling.
A thermostat 53 located between the chamber 40 and the intake
manifold 58 controls the electric heating element 54 and a ready
light 55. The ready light indicates when the alcohol fuel is
vaporized so that the engine can be started. The alcohol vapors
produced flow through the outlet 48 to a conduit 56 which is
connected to the intake manifold 58 of the engine 26. A butterfly
valve 60 controls the volume of alcohol vapor which flows to the
manifold. A safety valve 62 opens to release alcohol vapor if the
pressure within the vaporization chamber 40 exceeds a
predetermined value.
Referring again to Figure 1, a conduit 64 communicates a tank 66
with an exhaust gas heat exchanger 68. The alcohol-water solution
contained in the tank 66 flows by gravity to the exhaust gas heat
exchanger 68. The freezing of the alcohol-water solution at low
temperatures is prevented by increasing the alcohol concentration
within the range of 5 to 50% by volume to depress the freezing
point of the solution.
As further shown in Figure 1, the exhaust gas heat exchanger 68 is
a hollow cylinder comprised, in part, of exhaust gas inlet 70,
exhaust gas outlet 72, air inlet 74 and air outlet 76. Exhaust gas
inlet 70 is connected via exhaust pipe 78 with the exhaust
manifold 80 of the engine 26. The air outlet 76 is connected via a
hose 82 with the intake manifold 58 of the engine 26. Exhaust gas
outlet 72 and air inlet 74 are in communication with the
Referring now to Figure 4, the exhaust gas inlet 70 is connected
to exhaust gas outlet 72 by a plurality of heat transfer tubes,
generally designated by the numeral 82. Surrounding the heat
transfer tubes is a solution of 5-50% alcohol in water from tank
66. The alcohol solution enters the heat exchanger 68 through an
inlet 86. The level of the fluid in heat exchanger 68 is regulated
by a valve 88 and a float 90.
Hot exhaust gases are used to heat the alcohol-water solution in
heat exchanger 68 to boiling. The gases are admitted at exhaust
gas inlet 70, are passed through heat transfer tubes 84 and are
released as cooled gases to the ambient atmosphere through exhaust
gas outlet 72. Since the exhaust gases pass through a series of
tubes, rather than through a single heat transfer tube, the
surface area of the tubes in contact with the surrounding fluid is
increased and maximum heat transfer from the gases passing through
tubes 84 to the alcohol-water solution results.
Incoming air through the air inlet 74 is deflected toward the
surface of the boiling solution by a baffle 92. Thereafter, the
air passes over the surface of the boiling solution, absorbs
moisture and passes through the air outlet 76 to flow through hose
82 to the intake manifold 58.
The operation of the invention is as follows. Thermostat 44, which
controls electric heating element 42, is adjusted to a temperature
slightly less than the boiling point of the alcohol use For
example, the boiling point of methanol is 149'F./and that of
ethanol is 173°F./ The heated alcohol flows through conduit 36 to
the vaporization chamber 40. Thermostat 53, which controls
electric heating element 54, is adjusted to a temperature slightly
greater than the boiling point of the alcohol used. When the
alcohol reaches its boiling point, the light 55 illuminates to
indicate that the engine may be started.
The volume of alcohol vapor that flows from the vaporization
chamber 40 and the intake manifold 58 can be manually controlled
by the operator. As indicated, each thermostat is adjustable.
Thus, the fuel system is capable of using alcohols with different
boiling points. In addition, the system can adapt to ambient
temperature changes and pressure changes due to variations in
altitude. A thermostat adjustable within the range of 140.and
220°F/is suitable for this purpose.
When the engine reaches its normal operating temperature and the
engine coolant is heated sufficiently, a thermostatic valve 94
opens to allow the flow of heated engine coolant from the radiator
96 through heat exchanger 16. The heated coolant supplements the
electric heating element 42 to heat the alcohol fuel.
The incoming air to the carburetor used in combustion is heated
and humidified in the following manner. Tank 66 gravity feeds a
solution of 5-50% alcohol in water to exhaust gas heat exchanger
The exhaust gases passing through exhaust pipe 78 heat the
alcohol-water solution to boiling. As the incoming air passes over
the boiling solution, the air is heated and becomes saturated with
alcohol and water. The humidified air passes through air outlet 76
to the intake manifold 58 which is in communication with the
cylinders of engine 26. The heated air aids in the vaporization of
the alcohol fuel. The additional moisture creates steam in the
engine cylinder which results in a higher internal pressure than
in the case of a heated dry gas due to the steam:water volumetric
expansion ratio of 1800:1. A dry gas, on the other hand, only
expands in direct proportion to its absolute temperature.
A suitable corrosion inhibitor may be added to the fuel system to
inhibit the corrosive effects of the water present. Alternatively,
suitable corrosion-resistant materials may be utilized in the
fabrication of the system.
As an additional advantage of the invention, greater expansive
forces are realized upon combustion due to the presence of steam
in the engine cylinders at elevated temperatures. The addition of
water in the form of steam to the system may have the additional
advantage of reducing the generation of emissions because the
cooling effect of the condensed water lowers the combustion
temperature thereby reducing nitrogen oxide production which is
temperature- time dependent.
Vaporizer for internal combustion
steam engine
An alcohol/water fuel vaporizer for use in an internal combustion
steam engine. The vaporizer comprises an exhaust gas chamber
through which engine exhaust is passed and a vapor chamber for the
generation and retention of pressurized fuel vapor. The exhaust
gas chamber includes a plurality of baffles to direct the flow of
the gas against a crown sheet, the latter sheet being heated
thereby. The crown sheet forms the dividing partition between the
vapor and exhaust gas chambers. A fuel preheater is positioned in
the vapor chamber through which engine coolant is passed. A
plurality of switchable fuel injectors in the vapor chamber
controllably admit and spray fuel onto the preheater and crown
plate in response to engine power demands and vapor chamber
The present invention relates generally to an internal combustion
steam engine that operates with an alcohol fuel and, in
particular, to an alcohol/water fuel system for supplying a
vaporized fuel to the engine. Upon combustion, superheated steam
is generated within the cylinders to produce an elevated pressure
and temperature. More specifically, the present invention pertains
to a unique combination of internal combustion and external burner
steam technologies particularly adapted for recirculation of heat
energy to produce a highly efficient engine adapted for
automotive, farm, and other uses.
The present invention is further directed to an improved vaporizer
for use in connection with the above-described water/alcohol
internal combustion steam engine. Such an engine was fully
described in the prior U.S. Pat. No. 4,509,464 to the present
inventor, Hansen. Therefore, the construction and operation of the
engine itself will not be considered in detail herein except as it
relates to the implementation of the present vaporizer.
Indeed, the earlier '464 Hansen patent relates to improved
vaporizer technology, specifically, to a dual-chamber vaporizer
construction adapted to minimize the adverse effects of fractional
distillation. The vaporizer of the '464 patent has been found to
perform satisfactorily for alcohol/water fuels down to about 90
proof, particularly where the fuel is of substantially pure
quality, that is, uncontaminated by foreign solutes. In this
connection, as water and alcohol are both excellent solvents,
keeping the fuel free of solutes has proved to be a problem of
non-trivial proportion.
This problem of solutes or fuel contamination has been found to be
of substantial importance in connection with the commercial
exploitation of internal combustion steam technology. Although
high purity alcohol fuels are readily available, the cost of these
fuels can range from twice to as much as ten times that of fuels
produced under less exacting and controlled conditions.
The impact of the solutes problem is further accentuated when it
is realized that many of the potential users of the alcohol-based
internal combustion steam engine, e.g. farmers, are persons who
have ample access to the recyclable waste or home-produced
agricultural base stock from which alcohol may be produced. Such
consumers, therefore, can be expected to manufacture fuel for
their consumption as well as others in their locale. Fuels from
such indigenous and varied sources characteristically contain
higher impurity concentrations.
Even where uncontaminated fuel is available, the problems of
fractional distillation again surface when operating with fuels of
super-low proofage, i.e. generally below about 90 proof. For such
fuels, the residual affinity of the alcohol molecules (for water)
is insufficient `to bring` or capture the increasingly greater
proportion of water molecules as the alcohol is vaporized. This
problem is particularly acute at lower vaporizer temperatures
which, as noted below, have been found to track reductions in
alcohol concentrations.
It will be appreciated, therefore, that the improvements in
vaporizer technology described herein are directed, first, to
minimizing or totally eliminating the problems associated with
fuel impurities and, second, to permitting the use of
alcohol-based fuels of yet lower alcohol concentrations, for
example 80 proof.
Importantly, and directly associated with obtaining this latter
objective, the present invention results in yet another
improvement in the overall efficiency of the internal combustion
steam engine. Efficiencies of approximately 60 percent are now
obtainable which, in turn, result in typical fuel economies of
between 20 and 40 miles per gallon of 80 proof alcohol-based
fuel--such fuel being obtainable for as little as ten cents per
The internal combustion steam engine described in the Hansen '464
patent requires no radiator as the waste heat collected in the
engine's liquid cooling system is routed to the fuel vaporizer
where it is converted into useful energy in the processes of
vaporizing the alcohol based fuel. In this manner, one significant
source of engine inefficiency, the dissipation of engine heat by
the radiator, has been largely eliminated.
The Hansen '464 engine also reduced a second major source of
engine inefficiency by converting the otherwise wasted exhaust gas
heat energy into useful work by preheating the incoming carburetor
combustion air.
As noted, certain difficulties were experienced with the engine
configuration of Hansen '464 as the proofage of the fuel was
reduced, that is, as the ratio of water to alcohol was increased.
More specifically, it has been found that the amount of waste
engine heat available in the cooling system generally decreases as
the fuel proofage is reduced.
Coupled with this reduced waste heat generation is the
counterproductive requirement that the fuel itself requires more
heat energy to vaporize at these higher water concentrations--this
by reason that water requires more energy per pound to vaporize
than, for example, ethanol. Thus, even with the improved
two-chamber vaporizer described in Hansen '464, fractional
distillation was again found to be a problem for alcohol fuels of
very low proofage.
With respect to the second source of waste engine heat discussed
above, it was discovered that the exhaust gas heat energy actually
increases as the fuel proofage is lowered due, principally, to the
increased steam content of the engine exhaust. The available
exhaust gas heat energy significantly exceeds the combustion air
preheat requirement.
Unlike the vaporizer of Hansen '464, the present vaporizer has
been substantially reconfigured to facilitate collection and
conversion of waste heat energy from both the engine coolant and
exhaust systems. In this manner the unused exhaust heat energy is
meaningfully recycled thereby correcting inadequacies in vaporizer
operation at lower proofages while, importantly, raising the
overall efficiency of engine operation.
The vaporizer preferably defines a generally enclosed rectangular
volume having a form-factor adapted to fit into, and replace, the
radiator of a conventional internal combustion gas engine. More
specifically, the vaporizer comprises respective air-tight
`exhaust gas` and `vapor` compartments and chambers vertically
separated by a `crown sheet` barrier. The lower or exhaust gas
chamber has inlet/outlet ports at opposed ends thereof and
interior baffles whereby the flow of exhaust gas is routed through
this lower chamber in proximity to the crown sheet--such sheet
defining a shared common wall between the two chambers.
Particularly significant to the performance of the present
vaporizer (especially where low proofage and contaminated fuels
are used) is its efficacious utilization of the excess exhaust gas
energy. These exhaust gases are employed, not merely as a
supplemental source of heat energy, but as an energy source at
substantially greater temperature, typically between 500 DEG-600
DEG F., than available using the engine coolant approach of Hansen
The vaporizer crown sheet is heated by passage of the exhaust
gases to substantially the temperature of the gas itself. As
discussed in more detail hereinafter, vaporization is achieved
herein by spraying liquid fuel onto the crown sheet which, as
noted, has been raised to a temperature several hundred degrees
above the vaporization temperature of either water or alcohol
(ethanol). It will be appreciated, therefore, that the fuel
instantaneously vaporizes upon contacting the crown sheet without
regard to the proofage or solutes contained therein.
The upper vaporization region of the Hansen '464 vaporizer, by
contrast, receives the engine coolant at its hottest temperature,
typically 260 DEG F.--well above the 212 DEG F. vaporization
temperature of the hardest-to-vaporize fuel constituent, water.
For this reason, the Hansen '464 vaporizer operated well.
Problems with this prior art vaporizer, however, are found where
engine operations are attempted with alcohol fuel concentrations
below about 90 proof. As previously noted, such operation is
associated with a corresponding reduction in the available coolant
system heat energy resulting, in turn, in lowered coolant
temperatures. As coolant temperatures approach the vaporization
temperature of water, fractional distillation is again seen.
The present vaporizer does not, however, sacrifice the efficiency
advantages achieved through the recycling of waste engine heat. In
conformity with the teachings of Hansen '464, no radiator is
employed. Instead, a network of copper tubes defining a fuel
preheating heat exchanger is positioned in the vapor chamber above
the crown sheet through which the engine coolant is passed. Fuel
is sprayed onto this heat exchanger which, in turn, lowers the
coolant temperature and heats and/or vaporizes the fuel. The
unvaporized fuel thereafter contacts the crown sheet where
complete vaporization is assured.
A further advantage of the present vaporizer relates to its
ability to handle the wide fuel vaporization demands associated
with corresponding engine load changes. It will be appreciated
that substantially greater vaporization is required for high
vehicle speeds or uphill travel as compared with idle or low speed
Accommodation of these ranging load demands is achieved through
the use of a plurality of spray nozzles or injectors in the vapor
chamber, each injector being gated-on in response to predetermined
vapor chamber pressures. Two injectors have been found to be
sufficient for most applications.
Thus, at vapor pressures in excess of about 3.5 psi all fuel spray
injectors are off--the engine is operating from the residual
volume of pressured fuel vapor in the vapor chamber and from any
vapor being generated by the engine coolant heat exchanger. As the
vapor pressure drops below about 2.5 psi, the first vapor spray
injector is enabled. This injector, be placed in proximity to the
hottest region of the crown sheet, ordinarily provides sufficient
fuel vapor for continuing normal cruise vehicle operations. In
fact, excess vaporization ordinarily will occur with this single
injector resulting in the periodic shutting-off of the injector
as, again, pressures in excess of 3.5 psi are achieved.
At ever increasing engine/vehicle loads, the proportion of time
that the injector is "on" increases until the point is reached
where the injector must remain "on" continuously to maintain
sufficient operational vapor pressure. Under extreme load
conditions, the vapor pressure may continue to decrease,
notwithstanding that this first injector remains on continuously,
thereby necessitating use of the second or auxiliary spray
injector. This injector, like the first injector, is pressure
controlled, being enabled when vapor chamber pressures drop below
about 1.5 psi.
Advantageously the exhaust heat energy available to the vaporizer
increases with increasing engine power loads thereby providing the
necessary energy to vaporize the correspondingly increased fuel
requirements. Crown plate temperatures remain relatively constant
with changing engine loads. As a consequence, highly efficient
vaporization is realized under all load conditions.
And yet a further feature of the present vaporizer relates to the
highly effective sound muffling characteristics associated with
engine combustion. More specifically, the exhaust gas emitted by
the present engine, particularly where low proofage fuel is used
(e.g. 80 proof) contains a substantial percentage of superheated
steam (e.g. 40%) at temperatures of between 500 DEG-600 DEG F. As
the exhaust gas passes through the vaporizer, it is significantly
cooled--exiting the vaporizer at temperatures around 200 DEG F.
This cooling results in significant condensation and a
corresponding drop in pressure.
As a consequence, "noise" pressure waves are substantially
attenuated as the exhaust transits the vapor chamber thereby
eliminating or significantly reducing the need for a separate
noise reduction system. And due to the inherently pure,
nonpolluting character of the internal combustion steam engine,
mufflers and catalytic converters may be entirely avoided.
From the foregoing it will be appreciated that the vaporizer of
the present invention exhibits startling improvements in a number
of important categories critical to internal combustion steam
engine operation. These improvements include full and complete
vaporization, i.e. the elimination of fractional distillation,
under widely varying engine load conditions and where impure and
low proofage fuels are employed; the increase in engine efficiency
by more effectively recycling engine waste energies; the
elimination or reduction in the requirement for engine muffler
systems; and control over the quantity of vapor production under
extreme load variations.
FIG. 1 is a front elevation view of the present vaporizer
with portions broken away to reveal interior details thereof;
FIG. 2 is a right side elevation view of the vaporizer of
FIG. 1;
FIG. 3 is a top plan view of the fuel preheater of the
present vaporizer; and,
FIG. 4 is a graphic representation of the vapor chamber
fuel vapor pressure of the present vaporizer as a function of
time for several engine load conditions.
Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, the vaporizer 10 of the present
invention comprises an outer housing 12 preferably of an overall
size configuration to facilitate placement in the engine
compartment in the space otherwise generally occupied by the
radiator of a conventional automobile.
In this connection it should be understood that the internal
combustion steam engine, for example as described by Hansen in
U.S. Pat. No. 4,509,464, may advantageously be constructed using
conventional internal combustion gas engine blocks and
cylinder/piston assemblies or alternatively, simply by converting
the fuel, cooling, and exhaust systems of such readily available
engines. Thus, the engine technology of the present application,
and in particular the vaporizer described herein, finds
significant if not principal application in the conversion of
existing gas engine vehicles.
It is for this reason that the present vaporizer 10 is preferably
configured in size to replace conventional radiators. It will be
understood, however, that alternative vaporizer configurations are
Referring again to FIGS. 1 and 2, housing 12 defines a pair of
pressure-tight chambers separated by, and sharing a common
dividing wall, referred to herein as crown sheet 14. The lower or
exhaust gas chamber 16 extends along the full bottom width of the
vaporizer and has an exhaust gas inlet 18 and outlet 20 spaced at
respective opposed ends thereof. Engine exhaust is routed through
the carburetor (not shown) to heat the incoming combustion air (as
described in Hansen '464), thereafter to vaporizer inlet 18,
through chamber 16 and outlet 18, in turn, being expelled to the
ambient air through a conventional exhaust pipe (not shown).
More than sufficient energy is available from the engine exhaust,
even after heating the incoming combustion air, to aid in the
proper vaporization of the alcohol-based fuel. This is
particularly true in connection with engines operated from low
proofage alcohol fuels, e.g. below about 90 proof, where the
superheated steam content of the exhaust, with its corresponding
latent heat energy, is high. Indeed, exhaust gas temperatures at
the inlet 18 of the vaporizer are typically in the order of
between 500 DEG and 600 DEG F.
One or more baffles 22 are placed transversely across the exhaust
gas chamber to create exhaust gas turbulence and to force the
exhaust gas into proximity with the crown sheet 14 (transverse
being defined relative to the path of exhaust gas flow therein,
i.e. transverse to the path from inlet 18 to outlet 20). The
baffles defines apertures 24 along the upper ends thereof forcing
the exhaust gas to transit through the chamber in close proximity
to the crown sheet. In this manner the proper transfer of heat
energy from the exhaust gas to the crown sheet may be assured.
In one embodiment of the vaporizer the exhaust chamber is
approximately 22" in length, 2" in height, and 4" in width, with
respective exhaust gas inlets/outlets 16,18 spaced approximately
16" apart. The baffle apertures 24 are 1/4" high and, as noted,
extend along the entire chamber width.
Due to this close association or passage of the exhaust gas to the
crown sheet, the crown sheet is heated substantially to the
temperature of the exhaust gas, that is, to about 500 DEG-600 DEG
F. in the region of inlet 18. As the exhaust passes through
chamber 16, however, heat energy is extracted from the exhaust
gas, being absorbed by the crown sheet, thereby resulting in the
lowering of the exhaust gas temperature as it passes through this
chamber. Exhaust gas temperatures as low as 200 DEG F. may be seen
at outlet 18. The temperature of the crown sheet 14 exhibits a
corresponding decrease in temperature along its length.
The interior of outer vaporizer housing 12 above the crown sheet
defines a vapor chamber 26. Vaporized alcohol/water fuel is
maintained, as set forth hereinafter, at a pressure of between
about 1 and 5 psi within the vapor chamber and supplied to the
carburetor (not shown) according to the power demands placed on
the engine. Vapor chamber outlet 28 interconnects to the vapor
fuel inlet of the carburetor
As best illustrated in FIG. 3, a fuel preheater 30 is positioned
in the lower portion of the vapor chamber generally adjacent to
the crown sheet, but spaced therefrom a sufficient distance (i.e.
about 1/8 inch) to minimize or preclude conductive heating of the
preheater 30 by the exhaust-heated crown sheet.
Preheater 30 includes a plurality of spaced, generally parallel,
copper tubes 32 extending lengthwise along the vaporizer, each
tube being in fluid communication at its respective distal ends
with a cooling fluid inlet 34 and outlet 36. In the fuel preheater
illustrated in FIG. 3, copper tubes of 1/4" diameter are spaced
approximately 1/16" apart across substantially the full 4"
vaporizer width.
Coolant from the conventional engine liquid cooling system is
routed to vaporizer preheater inlet 34, through the plural copper
tubes therein, in turn, returned to the engine through outlet 36.
In the preferred arrangement, fuel preheater 30 functions not
merely in its fuel preheating capacity, but as a replacement for
the conventional engine coolant radiator.
Fuel is introduced into vaporizer 10 through one or more spray
nozzles or fuel injectors. It has been found that two injectors
are generally sufficient to accommodate the varying loads
encountered by most engine-driven vehicles. It will be
appreciated, however, that single injector vaporizers, or
vaporizers employing more than two injectors are contemplated
Thus, the vaporizer of FIGS. 1 and 2 illustrates the use of two
injectors. The first or primary injector 38 is positioned in
closest proximity to the exhaust gas inlet 18. In this manner the
fuel from this injector is exposed to the hottest regions of both
the preheater 30 and crown plate 14 thereby assuring the maximum
vaporization effectiveness with respect thereto. A second or
auxiliary injector 40 is positioned along the preheater/crown
sheet generally adjacent to primary injector 38.
More specifically, both injectors are oriented above preheater 30
such that the respective sprays therefrom define generally
circular patterns of about 4" diameter. In this manner fuel is
directed across the full corresponding width of preheater 30.
Primary injector 38 may be located inwardly from exhaust gas inlet
18 approximately 5" to assure exposure of the fuel therefrom to
the hottest regions of the preheater and crown sheet. The
auxiliary injector 40 is preferably positioned 6" closer to
exhaust gas outlet 20 such that the spray therefrom contacts a
virgin region of the preheater/crown sheet, that is, so the
respective spray patterns do not overlap.
As best shown in FIG. 1, the spray from the respective injectors
38,40 is directed downwardly against the copper tubes 32 of
preheater 30. This spray or fuel mist 42 acts, by reason of its
ambient, i.e. intrinsically cool, temperature, to correspondingly
lower the temperature of the engine coolant passing through
preheater 30--the engine coolant typically entering the preheater
at temperatures well-above ambient, often in the order of 250 DEG
F. It will be understood that this exchange of otherwise wasted
engine heat energy serves, not merely to maintain proper engine
operating temperatures, but as a mechanism to raise the
temperature of the incoming combustion fuel mixture.
The energy content and absolute temperature of the engine coolant
entering the vaporizer may be insufficient to vaporize the
required combustion fuel, and to do so without fractional
distillation, the latter resulting in excessively rich vapor
concentrations followed by the inevitably lean fuel mixtures
associated with the premature vaporization of the alcohol
constituent. As noted, these difficulties become more debilitating
where low proofage or contaminated fuels are used.
The present vaporizer solves this energy shortfall by
efficaciously converting excess exhaust gas energy to the
vaporization task. This use of a second source of energy is
extremely important as, at lower fuel proofages, the margin of
available exhaust gas energy, over that required to heat the
incoming combustion air, is increasing.
In short, a significant by-product of the internal combustion
steam engine would be expelled as waste heat but for the
innovations herein disclosed. The tapping of this heretofore
unused energy source translates and corresponds directly to
improved engine efficiencies--efficiencies which now render the
present alcohol-based engine competitive, on a miles per fuel
gallon basis, with the higher specific heat (per volume)
hydrocarbon fuels, i.e. gasoline.
In addition to this increase in engine efficiency afforded by the
present invention is the, possibly more subtle but equally
significant, improvement in vaporizer efficacy occasioned by
utilization of the exhaust gas energy source--a source available
at substantially elevated temperatures, generally in the order
between 500 DEG-600 DEG F.
Referring again to FIG. 1, it will be seen that the fuel mist 42
from injectors 38,40 is sprayed either directly onto the crown
sheet 14 or indirectly thereon after first contacting and
preheater 30. The advantage of this arrangement is that all fuel,
regardless of the water concentration or its solute content,
immediately flashes into the vapor state upon contact with the
superheated crown sheet.
Fuel to each of the injectors 38,40 is independently controlled,
i.e. turned "on" or "off", by individual valves that are
separately and electrically actuated in response to the sensed
pressure within the vapor chamber 26. Specifically, primary valve
44 is positioned in the primary injector 38 fuel supply line and
is actuated by switch 46. Switch 46 is mounted to and extends
through the vaporizer housing and is responsive to pressure
changes within the vapor chamber. Switch 46 is selected to enable
valve 44, i.e. to turn-on the spray of fuel from primary injector
38, when the vapor chamber pressure falls below about 2.5 psi and
to turn such injector "off" when the pressure therein exceeds
about 3.5 psi.
Similarly fuel to the auxiliary injector 40 is controlled by an
auxiliary valve 48 and pressure switch 50 combination. The
pressure settings of switch 50, however, are set to trigger
auxiliary injector operation only when vapor chamber pressures
drop below normal operational levels. Thus, the auxiliary injector
spray will be triggered should vapor chamber pressures fall below
about 1.5 psi and this spray will remain "on" until chamber
pressures recover to about 2.5 psi.
FIG. 4 is illustrative of vaporizer operation, specifically the
fuel vapor pressure within the vapor chamber 26, under varying
vehicle/engine load conditions. Referring first to the solid trace
line 52, there is depicted typical fuel vapor pressures where the
vehicle is operated under a "low cruise" condition, that is, at a
constant low to moderate speed, on level terrain.
For purposes of illustration, each of the operational curves of
FIG. 4 assumes an initial vapor chamber pressure of 4 psi. Such
increased chamber pressures would not be unanticipated under
certain operating conditions, for example, where the engine has
been reduced to idle following a period of higher power operation.
At time "zero", the high vaporizer pressure results in both
injectors being disabled, i.e. turned "off", such that no
additional fuel is being admitted to the vapor chamber. Under
sustained low-cruise power settings (again, as shown by trace 52),
the residual vaporized fuel within the vapor chamber is adequate
to sustain engine operation for a short duration, e.g. 1-2
seconds, without the introduction of additional fuel into the
chamber. The vapor pressure, however, drops steadily until the 2.5
psi trigger threshold, at 54, of the primary pressure switch 46 is
At this instant, fuel from injector 38 is sprayed onto both the
preheater 30 and crown sheet 14 in the respective hottest regions
thereof. In the case of the crown sheet, temperatures of 500
DEG-600 DEG F. are not uncommon. As a consequence, complete and
instantaneous vaporization of that fuel is achieved.
The volume of fuel entering the vaporizer through injector 38,
coupled with the heat capacity of the vaporizer, produces more
vaporized fuel than is demanded by the engine carburetor (not
shown) during low-cruise vehicle operations. Thus, the excess
vaporized fuel results in increasing vapor chamber pressures which
continue to climb until the 3.5 psi turn-off threshold of switch
46 is reached, shown at 56. At this juncture, the primary injector
is switched off and, as no fuel is being injected into the vapor
chamber, the vapor pressure declines until the pressure again
reaches the 2.5 psi trigger pressure of switch 46, shown at 58.
The primary injector 38 is thusly cycled to produce and maintain
the required vapor production.
It will be observed that, during operation at the abovedescribed
low-cruise power level, vapor chamber pressures remain constantly
above the 1.5 psi trigger threshold of the auxiliary injector
switch 50 and, consequently, operation at these lower power levels
may be sustained without actuation of such auxiliary injector.
The dotted line trace 60 of FIG. 4 similarly illustrates vehicle
operation, but under somewhat greater engine power demands, for
example, under sustained high-cruise level terrain vehicle travel.
Under such conditions, the consumption of fuel vapor increases
resulting in the correspondingly sharper negative slope of the
depicted vapor pressure curve during periods where fuel injector
38 is off, and, less rapid recoveries of vapor chamber pressuring
during injector "on" periods.
It will be understood that by continuing to increase the engine
power level, with its corresponding increased fuel vapor
requirement, a point of equilibrium may be reached where the
production of vaporized fuel from the primary injector 38, alone,
is just sufficient to meet engine fuel demands. This condition is
shown by line trace 62 of FIG. 4.
If the engine power requirements are increased beyond this level,
for example for extreme vehicle speeds, for towing heavy loads, or
for steep up-grade travel, fuel vapor production from the single
injector 38 may be insufficient. As shown by the line trace 64,
vapor chamber pressure, under such extreme load conditions,
continues to decrease even following actuation of the primary
injector 38 which occurs, shown at 66, when the pressure drops to
2.5 psi. Actuation of the primary injector slows the rate of vapor
pressure loss but, as noted, does not arrest its downward trend.
As the vapor chamber pressure continues to drop, the 1.5 psi
trigger threshold of auxiliary pressure switch 50 is reached, at
68, which, in turn, enables the corresponding auxiliary injector
40. The vapor generated by these combined injectors is sufficient
to provide the vaporized fuel requirements of the engine even when
operated under sustained full power conditions. Thus, vapor
chamber pressure increases until the 2.5 psi shut-down threshold
of the auxiliary switch is reached, at 70. Upon the closing of
auxiliary valve 48, chamber pressure again declines. Full or high
engine power operations are, therefore maintained in this manner
by cycling the auxiliary injector 40 while the primary injector 38
remains continuously enabled.
It will be appreciated that the use of multiple injectors and the
use of injectors having fully controllable duty cycles provides a
vaporizer having enhanced flexibility to handle the widely varying
engine load requirements, from idle to full power. Furthermore,
employment of the engine coolant fuel preheater provides an
effective means for maintaining proper engine operating
temperatures while simultaneously facilitating the recovery of
otherwise lost engine heat energy. This energy source, coupled
with the incorporation of an exhaust gas chamber, with its high
capacity, temperature heat exchange capability, further
contributes to the present invention, its improved vaporization
consistency in the face of varying quality and proofage fuels, and
its complementary attributes contributing to overall high engine
fuel efficiencies
A further contribution of the present vaporizer pertains to its
intrinsic noise attenuating capacity. Passage of the exhaust gas,
which gas contains a high content of superheated steam, through
the exhaust gas chamber results in the effective attenuation of a
large proportion of the ordinary engine combustion noise. Use of
the present vaporizer, therefore, obviates the requirement for any
further muffling system in most ordinary vehicular applications.
High efficiency internal combustion
steam engine
An internal combustion steam engine is operated with an
alcohol-water fuel mixture vaporized prior to combustion by heated
engine coolant that flows through a first heat exchanger. The
first heat exchanger or vapor generator uses the waste heat from
the engine coolant to heat and vaporize the alcohol-water mixture.
A second heat exchanger using exhaust gases heats the combustion
air before passage through the intake manifold. Complete
vaporization of the alcohol fuel is accomplished to overcome the
lower caloric power potential of alcohol as compared to gasoline
and to insure complete and regular combustion.
The present invention relates generally to an internal combustion
steam engine that operates with an alcohol fuel and, in
particular, to an alcohol-water fuel system for supplying a
vaporizing fuel to the engine. Upon combustion, superheated steam
is generated within the cylinders to produce an elevated pressure
and temperature. More specifically, the present invention pertains
to a unique combination of internal combustion and external burner
steam technologies particularly adapted for the recirculation of
heat energy to produce a highly efficient engine adapted for
automotive and other uses.
Conventional gasoline engines operate on what is known as the OTTO
cycle wherein a carbureted mixture of fuel and air is ignited
following compression in the well known manner and, thereafter,
expelled to the surroundings through an exhaust manifold and
muffler system. Such engines, however, exhibit substantial losses
of heat and other energy which, in turn, results in poor fuel to
mechanical work energy conversion. First, the burning gases
produce a mean effective pressure in the cylinder of about 100-200
psi but at an extremely elevated temperature of typically 3000 DEG
F. This excessive heat, which is generally dissipated through an
engine radiator to avoid cylinder and piston destruction, accounts
for an approximate 35 percent loss in the BTU energy of unburned
gasoline fuel.
Further, it is known that proper stoichiometric mixtures for
complete fuel burning do not ignite readily and, therefore,
excessive fuel (i.e. rich mixture) is generally provided. This, in
turn, results in partial or unburned carbon exhaust products
contributing to environmental pollution and further losses in
efficiency. As an alternative, conventional fuel injection systems
may be employed to directly inject fuel droplets into the
airstream. Although more efficient than conventional carburetors,
the injection of relatively large droplets, typically 0.050 inches
in diameter, still results in incomplete combustion.
In addition to the above described unburned fuel and coolant
energy losses, the exhaust gases are quite hot, often in excess of
1500 DEG F., thereby adding further to the heat energy loss.
Indeed, it is common to see exhaust manifolds heated to glowing,
and flames emitted from the exhaust pipe are not uncommon. In
total, these exhaust related losses account for another 35 percent
of the total gasoline fuel energy. Deducting yet another 10
percent for frictional losses, the overall efficiency of a typical
internal combustion gasoline engine is in the order of about 20
In sharp contrast to the elevated operating temperatures of
gasoline fueled internal combustion engines, a typical external
combustion steam engine operates at temperatures between about 440
DEG F. and 470 DEG F. corresponding to steam pressures between
about 400 psi and 500 psi. Thus, a conventional external
combustion steam engine produces the requisite cylinder pressure
but at a greatly reduced operating temperature which, in turn,
significantly lessens engine cooling and exhaust heat losses.
Conventional external combustion steam engines, however, have
several dissadvantages which render them unsuitable for use in
modern automobiles. First, a relatively bulky boiler is required
to generate the steam. In addition, significant time is required
to heat the boiler to operating pressures which delays productive
use of the engine upon initial start-up and, during low load
periods, renders the system relatively more inefficient.
Conventional external combustion steam engines are, in any event,
rather inefficient. These engines, which operate on the RANKINE
cycle, require the burning of fuel to heat and vaporize water
contained within a boiler. The resulting steam passes through
necessary piping and controls and, in turn, is admitted to engine
cylinder. Assuming that the boiler water is initially at 32 DEG
F., 180 BTU per pound must be added to raise the water to the 212
DEG F. boiling point and an additional 1030 BTU to convert the
water to the steam phase at 500 psi. Assuming, further, that a
typical steam engine exhausts the steam at as little as 20 psi, an
overall engine efficiency of 4 percent results. Even this low
efficiency figure is optimistic as other losses including boiler
efficiency were not considered.
The present internal combustion steam engine, by contrast,
represents a highly efficient combination of steam and internal
combustion technologies particularly suited to the reclamation of
otherwise lost heat energies. First, the energy in the engine
cooling system is recycled to vaporize the water-alcohol fuel
mixture. This vaporized fuel burns more rapidly thereby producing
the maximum pressure in the cylinder and the highest mean
effective pressure. The water enters the cylinder as a vapor with
an enthalpy already at 1150 BTU per pound requiring only an
additional 50 BTU to raise its pressure, as in the steam engine
example above, to 500 psi. Assuming, again, an exhaust pressure of
20 psi and substantially complete recirculation of the coolant
energy (actually, a few percent recirculation loss is typical), a
thermal efficiency of about 88 percent results.
Further, since substantially all the fuel of the present invention
is burned, there is correspondingly little lost fuel energy and
minimal environmental pollution. To further improve the efficiency
of the present engine, the exhaust gases may advantageously be
recirculated to preheat the carburetor inlet air to approximately
500 DEG F. thereby further reducing the heat which must be
subsequently added or generated in the steam combustion cylinder
cycle. In this manner, the exhaust losses are reduced to about 15
percent. Considering frictional losses, an overall efficiency of
slightly more than 50 percent may be achieved. This is about three
times the efficiency of a conventional gasoline internal
combustion engine, about twice that of a diesel, and over ten
times as efficient as a steam engine.
A further advantage of the present engine is that it may be
operated with many differing fuels including most alcohols. This
includes a variety of hydroxyl derivatives of hydrocarbons such as
methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, tertiary butanol and mixtures
thereof with water. The preferred fuel is ethanol which can
advantageously be made inexpensively from organic waste. In
addition, ethanol will support combustion when mixed with water
even at low concentrations. This heat of combustion turns the
water into, or superheats, the steam.
Internal combustion engines operated with alcohol or a blended
gasoline-alcohol mixture are well known. Such blending, however,
lowers the boiling point of the gasoline and thereby causes vapor
lock in the fuel pump at a lower temperature than would be the
case with pure gasoline. In addition, the introduction of water to
a blended gasoline-alcohol fuel mixture causes the mixture to
separate into its constituent phases. Since the resultant fuel
supplied to the carburetor is not of constant composition and does
not correspond to the composition to which the carburetor was
initially adjusted, the engine malfunctions.
According to the present invention, an alcohol-water fuel is
pumped from a fuel reservoir into a first heat exchanger or vapor
generator where the waste heat from the engine cooling system
vaporizes the fuel. The fuel then passes through suitable valves,
controls and a vapor carburetor before entering the engine
cylinders. The alcohol burns in the cylinders turning the water
vapor into superheated steam. A high alcohol content results in
high pressure and temperature. The reverse is also true. Alcohol
of 125 to 140 proof gives engine performance superior to gasoline
fuel with lower proofages, down to about 90 proof, performing
quite substantially. A higher proof alcohol is needed in cold
weather when the passenger compartment of the vehicle must be
heated, because engine heat losses are greater in cold weather.
In one embodiment of the present invention, an electrical means is
provided in a first heat exchanger to heat and vaporize the
alcohol fuel prior to ignition and thus avoid the cold starting
problems associated with the use of alcohol as fuel. According to
a second embodiment, warmed engine coolant is circulated through
the first exchanger similarly vaporizing the alcohol fuel. The
unique two-stage heat exchanger, having an upper first stage hot
plate, is particularly suited to the vaporization of low proofage
fuels while minimizing fractional distillation. In addition, means
are provided to heat the combustion air in a second heat exchanger
priot to combustion using thermal energy of the hot exhaust gases
generated by the engine under normal operating conditions.
According to the present invention, the alcohol-water mixture is
conveyed to the first heat exchanger, and heat is transferred from
the electric heating element or the heated engine coolant to the
water-alcohol. In the first heat exchanger the alcohol-water fuel
is vaporized. The alcohol and water vapors produced are then
passed to the intake manifold of the engine. All components of the
fuel system through which the heated fuel and the vapors flow are
insulated to minimize heat loss.
A second heat exchanger located on the exhaust lines heats the
combustion air which also flows to the intake manifold. As a
result, the temperature of the air passing to the intake manifold
is increased, and the vapors generated in the first heat exchanger
are maintained in a gaseous state prior to combustion.
It is an object of this invention to increase the efficiency of an
alcohol operated internal combustion engine by providing means for
vaporizing an alcohol-water fuel and means for heating and
humidifying the air used in combustion.
It is a further object of this invention to provide a means for
overcoming the cold starting problem of an internal combustion
engine operated with alcohol as fuel.
Other objects and advantages will be apparent from the following
detailed description made with reference to the accompanying
FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of a preferred
embodiment of the invention;
FIG. 2 is a cutaway perspective view of a first heat
exchanger or vapor generator which heats and vaporizes the
alcohol water mixture with hot engine coolant;
FIG. 3 is a sectional view taken along line 3--3 of FIG. 2;
FIG. 4 is a cutaway perspective view of the second heat
exchanger which heats the combustion air with exhaust gases.
FIG. 5 is a sectional view of an alternative embodiment of
the present vapor generator taken substantially along line 5--5
of FIG. 7 depicting the vaporizer hot plate;
FIG. 6 is a section view of the vapor generator of FIG. 5
taken substantially along line 6--6 of FIG. 7 depicting the
vaporizer heat exchanger;
FIG. 7 is a profile view of the vapor generator of FIG. 5
with portions broken away to reveal the positioning of the hot
plate and heat exchanger therein; and,
FIG. 8 is functional block representation of the oxygen
sensing carburetor control of the present invention.
Referring to FIG. 1, the fuel is stored in a reservoir 10 and is
withdrawn therefrom through a conduit 12 under pressure produced
by a fuel pump 14. As previously described, the fuel is an
alcohol-water mixture, the preferred alcohol being ethanol.
The fuel flows through a conduit 16 to a vapor generator 18, which
is essentially a heat exchanger, at a pressure of approximately
two pounds per square inch. The vapor generator 18, more clearly
shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, is a hollow container or cylinder 20
having a liquid coolant inlet 22 and outlet 24 in addition to a
fuel inlet 26 and outlet 28.
Positioned within the container 20 is a heater core 30 through
which engine coolant can circulate. Specifically, liquid coolant
from the internal combustion engine 32 is circulated by a water
pump 34 through a hose 36 to the coolant inlet 22. The coolant
then circulates through the heater core 30 and, after passing
through the coolant outlet 24, returns to the engine 32 through a
hose 38.
An elongated, rod-like electric heating element 40 is located
within the continer 20, the heating element 40 being immersed
within the fuel which surrounds the heater core 30. The electric
heating element 40, which is operated by a power supply 42 (for
example, the vehicle's battery), supplements the heat from the
engine coolant to overcome the cold starting difficulties
associated with the use of alcohol fuel. A thermostat 44
positioned between the vapor generator 18 and the vapor carburetor
47 of the engine controls the heating element 40 and a ready light
48, which indicates that the circuit is operating. The alcohol and
water vapors flow through the fuel outlet 28 to a conduit 50 in
communication with a demand valve 49 connected to the vapor
carburetor 47. The carburetor 47, in turn, is connected to the
intake manifold 46 of the engine.
A pressure relief valve 54 which is set, for example, at four
pounds pressure can be used as a safety device to prevent the
buildup of excess pressure within the container 20. The liquid
fuel level in the container 20 is regulated by a valve 56 and a
float 58 associated with the fuel inlet 26.
In operation, the fuel pump 14 fills the vapor generator 18 with
fuel to a level about one inch below the top of the heater core
30. This serves the purpose superheating the vapor and channeling
all the liquid to be vaporized by the submerged heating element
40. With alcohol proofage at 140 or below there is a tendency for
fractional distillation to occur when the engine coolant is being
heated to the operating temperature. As the temperature passes 175
DEG F., the alcohol would be distilled leaving the water behind.
This can create an imbalance in the air-fuel ratio. Later as the
engine reaches operating temperature, the remaining water would be
vaporized. Thus, the vapor would first be too rich and then too
lean. The heating element 40 and the channeling of the liquid
along the sides of the heater core 30 solves this problem.
A pressure relief valve such as valve 54, is required by law on
all pressure vessels. It can be connected to a hose (not shown) to
vent back to the fuel reservoir so no fuel is lost and most of the
heat is recovered. Normally the valve will not be used. If the
valve should start venting, it indicates too high a proofage of
fuel is used. Lower proofage produces a lower operating
The heating element 40 activated by a pressure switch 59 is on
when the pressure within the container 20 is less than three
pounds per square inch. Thus, the heating element operates when
starting from a cold start. In severely cold weather, when heat is
needed for the car and heat loss is substantial, the heating
element will operate continuously.
In practice, the heat of combustion produced as the ethanol water
fuel is burned raises the temperature and pressure of the vapor
from 212 DEG F. and 14.7 psi to superheated steam at 500 psi and
600 DEG F. by only adding 148 btu per pound of vapor. If the
typical boiler arrangement is used, 1270 btu would be required.
The expanding steam moves the piston to produce useful work. In a
preferred embodiment exhaust gas temperature and pressure are 280
DEG F. and 50 psi, respectively, with a heat content or enthalpy
of 1174 btu.
The flash point of ethanol is 70 DEG F. This means that ethanol
will not ignite at a temperature less than 70 DEG F. This is a
safety feature in the event of an accident. The flash points,
however, also present a problem in ignition because most of the
time the ambient temperature of the fuel mixture is below the
flash point. By vaporizing the fuel, the ignition problem is
solved except for the fact that if the engine is cold, the vapor
will cool and condense below the flash point.
As a solution to that problem, propane can be used as a starting
fuel. A small tank (not shown) with a pressure reducing valve and
a vaporizing valve furnishes propane vapor to the vapor generator
at one pound pressure. As long as the alcohol-water vapor pressure
is less than one pound, the propane is admitted. When the pressure
rises above that, the propane will no longer flow. By this time,
however, the engine is at operating temperature, and the
carburetor air is above the minimum of 212 DEG F.
Propane was selected as the auxiliary starting fuel because it is
compatible with alcohol and water. It can be heated in the vapor
generator to heat the elements of the vapor line and prevent
condensation when the alcohol and water vapor start to flow. The
transition from one fuel to the other is gradual and does not
impair the performance of the engine. The different air-fuel
ration of combustion is automatically changed by a pressure
control switch which energizes a solenoid valve.
As further shown in FIG. 1 and illustrated in greater detail in
FIG. 4, a second heat exchanger 60 comprises a chamber 62 divided
into at least two adjacent compartments A and B by a partition 64,
which extends from the top to the bottom of the chamber and from
one side substantially to the other side of the chamber.
The exhaust manifold 66 of the engine is connected by exhaust pipe
68 to an exhaust gas inlet 70 in one of the compartments (for
example, compartment A). A heat transfer tube 72, which has a
large circumference relative to the exhaust pipe 68, extends
within the chamber along the face of the partition 64 defining
compartment A, into compartment B, and to an exhaust gas outlet 74
which is in communication with the atmosphere.
An air inlet 76 adjacent the exhaust gas outlet 74 in compartment
B directs combustion air into the chamber 62 for flow through
compartment B and compartment A to an air outlet 78, which is
connected by a hose 80 to the vapor carburetor 47 of the engine.
During operation of the engine, hot exhaust gases flow through the
heat transfer tube 72 and compartments A and B of the second heat
exchanger 60 to heat the combustion air flowing in the opposite
direction through the heat exchanger. Because the heat transfer
tube 72 has a relatively large circumference, the surface area of
the tube 72 in contact with the surrounding combustion air is
increased and maximum heat transfer is achieved between the
exhaust gases flowing through the tube and the combustion air. In
a second embodiment of the second heat exchanger 60, a plurality
of heat transfer tubes can extend between compartments A and B.
The heated combustion air passes through air outlet 78 to the hose
80 connected to the vapor carburetor 47. Thereafter, the heated
air flows to the intake manifold. As the heated combustion air
combines with the alcohol and water vapors produced by the first
heat exchanger 18, the air becomes saturated with alcohol and
water. Likewise, the heated air aids in maintaining the vaporized
state of the alcohol-water fuel.
The moisture from the vaporized fuel creates steam in the engine
cylinders which produces a higher internal pressure than in the
case of a heated dry gas due to the steam-water volumetric
expansion ratio of 1600:1. A dry gas, on the other hand, expands
only in direct proportion to its absolute temperature. Thus,
greater expansive forces are realized upon combustion due to the
presence of steam in the engine cylinders at elevated
temperatures. The addition of water in the form of steam to the
system may also have the additional advantage of reducing the
generation of emissions because the cooling effect of the
condensed water lowers the combustion temperature thereby reducing
nitrogen oxide production which is temperature-time dependent.
The volume of alcohol vapor that flow from the vapor generator 20
and the intake manifold 46 can be manually controlled by the
operator. As indicated, the thermostat 44 is also adjustable.
Thus, the fuel system is capable of using alcohols with different
boiling points. In addition, the system can adapt to ambient
temperature changes and pressure changes due to variations in
altitude. A thermostat adjustable within the range of 140 DEG and
220 DEG F. is suitable for use in this invention.
In essence, the invention is an internal combustion steam engine
because superheated steam is generated within the cylinder. The
lower temperatures at the pressure involved as compared to
gasoline fuel, produce a high efficiency and a substantial energy
savings. The combustion characteristics of alcohol result in
minimal pollution, less engine wear and a longer life for the
The lower cylinder temperatures also mean much less energy is
transferred into the engine cooling system. Therefore, a large
radiator that dissipates energy to the atmosphere is not required.
Instead, a small unit immersed in the fuel in the vaporizer is
adequate. Moreover, instead of releasing this energy, it is
recycled to heat the fuel. Once the engine is at the operating
temperature, the same energy can be recirculated between the fuel
and the cooling system.
A second embodiment of the vapor generator 18 of FIG. 1 is shown
generally at 100 in FIGS. 5-7. This embodiment offers improved
performance where the present engine is operated with low alcohol
fuel proofages. Specifically, this alternative structure further
reduces fractional distillation which becomes an increasing
problem as the fuel proofage is reduced. Fractional distillation
occurs due to the higher volatility and lower boiling point of
alcohol as compared with water. More specifically, there exists a
certain molecular affinity between the water and alcohol molecules
which, at higher alcohol concentrations, limits the disassociation
of these disparate molecules. However, as the alcohol
concentration is lowered, the effects of molecular affinity are
reduced with a corresponding tendency that alcohol, with its lower
boiling point of 173 DEG F., will be evaporated more readily.
This phenomenon, known as fractional distillation, results in a
proportionately higher percentage of alcohol, than water,
vaporization. Thus, fractional distillation increases the
effective concentration of alcohol, initially, but ultimately
results in lowered concentrations as the liquid fuel mixture that
remains is comprised of an excessive proportion of water.
Vapor generator 100 includes a hot plate 102 positioned directly
above a finned heat exchanger 104, both of which are submerged
beneath the alcohol fuel in a vaporizer shell 106. A liquid fuel
inlet 108 is provided in the lower portion of shell 106 to admit
fuel substantially at ambient temperature. A liquid level
controller 110 is positioned in shell 106 immediately above heat
exchanger 102. Controller 110 is operatively connected to a fuel
pump 14, FIG. 1, thereby to maintain the vapor generator fuel
level at a predetermined level above the hot plate. As will be
explained in more detail below, the fuel is preferably maintained
approximately 1/8 inch above the upper hot plate surface which may
be contoured or include ridges or the like to dampen oscillatory
fuel movement thereover.
The hot plate is comprised of parallel heating tubes 112
interconnecting opposed manifolds 114, 116 whereby engine coolant
entering manifold 114 passes through the plural tubes 112 before
exiting through manifold 116. Each manifold is provided with an
appropriate liquid coolant inlet (outlet) 118 for interconnection
with the engine cooling system and the heat exchanger 104 as
considered below. Hot plate tubes 112 are preferably about--inches
in diameter with approximately 1/16 inch separating adjacent
Heat exchanger 104 may be of conventional finned design and
includes inlets (outlets) 120 at the ends thereof. One of the heat
exchanger inlets 120 is positioned substantially below, and is
interconnected with, an outlet 118 from the hot plate. The
remaining hot plate inlet 118 is connected to the coolant line
from the engine, for example line 36 of FIG. 1. In similar
fashion, the remaining inlet 120 of the heat exchanger is
connected to the return coolnt line 38, FIG. 1. Thus, hot plate
102 and heat exchanger 104 are series-configured such that the
hottest coolant directly from the engine passes through the hot
plate first.
A pressure relief safety valve 122 is provided above the liquid
level of the vapor generator shell. This valve is set at
approximately 4 psi and vents excessive vapor pressure through a
condenser (not illustrated) to the fuel tank 10. A vaporized fuel
outlet 124 is interconnected through a vapor pump 53, FIG. 1, to
the carburetor.
In operation, the coolant from the engine enters the hot plate
generally in the range of about 250 DEG-260 DEG F. This extremely
hot coolant passes through the relatively small mass comprising
the hot plate tubes 112 which, in turn, heats the fuel immediately
adjacent thereto. As the liquid fuel is maintained at a level just
above the hot plate and, further, the temperature of the hot plate
exceeds the boiling point both of alcohol and of water,
vaporization of the both liquids occurs substantially in
proportion to their respective constituent concentrations. Thus,
fractional vaporization is avoided in the hot plate region.
The engine coolant, having dissipated a portion of its heat energy
in vaporizing the fuel, next enters the fuel preheat exchanger 04
at a temperature of approximately 200 DEG F. where it serves to
preheat the incoming alcohol based fuel from ambient to a
temperature somewhat below the boiling point of alcohol, 178 DEG
F. Temperatures in excess of this boiling point increase
fractional distillation while substantially lower temperatures
decrease vaporizer efficiency. The coolant is returned through a
conduit 38, FIG. 1, to the engine for reheating.
It will be appreciated that the coolant of the present invention
not only functions to maintain proper engine operating
temperatures, but importantly, serves the dual purpose of
vaporizing the alcohol fuel thereby substantially improving engine
overall efficiency. It will be further noted that the alcohol
steam internal combustion engine of the present invention is
particularly adapted for energy reclamation for the following
reasons. First, the alcohol based fuel burns at lower cylinder
temperatures thereby lowering the overall cooling system loss of
heat and, further, rendering heat reclamation easier due to its
inherently lower temperature. In addition, the steam operation of
the present engine is uniquely suited for fuel preheating or
vaporization wherein the water must be vaporized in order to
produce useful work output. Conventional internal combustion
engines do not realize the same improvements in efficiency by
vaporizing the fuel and, in any event, the handling of vaporized
gasoline presents potential safety problems.
FIG. 8 illustrates the electronically controlled carburetor which
is required where low, or varying, fuel proofages (grades) are
contemplated. The typical vapor carburetor operates on the
volumetric ratio principle which provides marginal performance in
view of the range of volumetric ratios encountered. Thus, for
example, the air-fuel ratio of the propane utilized for cold
weather starting of the present engine is 17-to-1; ethanol is
10-to-1; while 100 proof ethanol, due to the concentration of
water which does not require oxygen, is only 5-to-1. This wide
variation between usable fuels prohibits the effective use of
conventional mechanical carburetors.
The electronic carburetor of the present invention utilizes an
oxygen sensor 140 in the exhaust manifold 142 interconnected
through conventional feedback control circuitry 144 to a servo
motor 146 actuated butterfly valve 148. Valve 148 is positioned in
the vapor fuel inlet 150 to the carburetor 152 and is
automatically manipulated to maintain a predetermined exhaust gas
oxygen content. In this manner a proper combustion mixture may be
maintained for any fuel and each environmental condition thereby
assuring minimal pollution due to complete fuel combustion. In
addition, the relatively low combustion temperatures associated
with the present internal combustion steam engine precludes the
generation of nitrous oxides thereby further assuring an engine of
very low pollution output.
As previously indicated, it is desirable to preheat the carburetor
inlet air to facilitate the generation of superheated steam in the
cylinders. A carburetor air preheater 154 may be positioned in the
exhaust manifold 142 as illustrated in FIG. 8 or, alternatively,
the previously described preheater 60, FIG. 4, may be utilized. In
either event, the temperature of the incoming carburetor air is
preferably heated between 500 DEG and 600 DEG F. It is important
that this incoming air not be heated substantially above 600 DEG
F. in order that the auto-ignition temperature of ethanol, 685 DEG
F., be safely avoided.