The Household Cyclopedia
The Household Cyclopedia of General Information,
Containing Over Ten Thousand Receipts in all the Useful and
Domestic Arts; Constituting a Complete and Practical
Description: 496 pp. 35 plates, including the frontispiece, of
quadrupeds, flowers, anatomy, military arms, etc. 22.5x14 cm.
(9x5?"), later green half-calf and cloth, spine lettered in gilt.
Second Edition.The same content as the first edition, published in
1871. In addition to recipes, this books is a catch-all on
instructions of a variety of home-making tasks such as making wine
and liquor, treating disease, painting, photography, tobacco,
book-keeping, angling, etc. OCLC Worldcat locates only 2 copies of
this edition.
Publisher: T. Ellwood Zell
Date Published: 1883
[ PDF , 14 MB ]
This work was digitized by Matthew Spong.
"One day while wandering through the Saturday markets in Glebe,
Sydney, I spotted an interesting book on one of the stalls. Bound
in decaying leather, with loose pages spilling from within, and
"The Household Cyclopedia" in faded gold on the frayed spine. The
text inside was small, but quite legible. The pages where only
slightly splotched with stains. It was only $10. I paid.
What a bargain! It was soon evident that this was no ordinary
book. It was the sort of book a pioneer of the old west would have
packed carefully into his covered wagon before heading off for a
boondock town. It was a book for people who need to be able, if
the circumstances demand, to amputate a limb, grow their own fibre
for material, take care of their horses, give birth to children,
and build houses, concoct medicines, all with the minimum of help
from others.
I work as a web designer, freelancing, and recently my clients
have often left me hanging for weeks without notification. This is
not a good thing, if you are a nail chewing workaholic like me.
Games, even excellent ones like Descent, Doom or Sim City, only
satisfy me for so long. They leave no tangible residue, for all
the effort they demand. There had to be something better to do, to
stop from going mad. One day, looking around for something to
justify the time I was spending with an idle computer and
perfectly good net account, I noticed the Cyclopedia again. How
good it would be, I thought, if the contents of this noble tome
were freely available to the world..."
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