Leon Raoul HATEM
Magnet Motor
Bicycle :
Tractor :
Planetarium :
Semi-magnetic engine assembly for e.g. recharging batteries of
electrical automobile, has magnets fixed on periphery of magnetic
disks to produce electrical energy, and generator mounted at end
of axle of each magnet to draw maximum energy
Abstract -- The assembly
has a series of magnetic disks comprising magnets of different
diameters, fixed on periphery of the disks for producing
considerable electrical energy. The magnetic disks are
successively placed under various configurations, in open/closed
circle or in square. A power generator is mounted at an end of
axle of each magnet for drawing maximum electrical energy. The
magnets are rotated at a speed of 3500 turns per minute.

This application of Certificate of Utility relates to a particular
case which is not envisaged in the statutes of the INPI, if not
for systematic refusal, because it is about a method of on-unitary
creation of Kinetic energy, based on the Mechanical atomic one and
planetary Universal not yet recognized by the Physical one, and of
which I have exposed the Principle in MAY 1955. This Principle is
governed only by the attractive and repellent Magnetic energies,
as by the “Gravitation” which into rises, just as the
“Degravitation” object main of the deposit of Patent, and Key of
the Perpetual Movement in Mechanical Atomic and Planetary one. So
that the readers is not shocked by this revelation, it is
necessary to reassure it by specifying that this Perpetual
Movement is exclusively that of the Universe, and that it will be
clarified although briefly. It must expect at the very least
extraordinary revelations which he will not regret to know on the
Mechanical Universal one, currently still been unaware of
scientific world. It is a question of explaining in the most
negligible detail, which is the Universe, why and how he is a
Perpetual Movement maintained in the state by a process
self-accelerator, since the most absolute rest, and producing his
own Energie Kinetic, its own speeds and its own movements for
Eternity, without discontinuity… Until the perfect and constant
Equilibrium which makes our Universe and whose NEWTON has exposed
the summary mathematical resulting of Mechanical the hatémienne
TERNARY, and for which he has established a BINARY “principle” in
1687. N.B. It is necessary to insist on the fact that this
Certificate of Utility does not constitute the deposit of a
scientific Theory which, in good time, was offered to gracious
title with the Academy of Science with WAGERINGS, (1955), rejected
for nonconformity with the conventional theories by “prohibition”
of immediate revelation by nona physicist, of some theory that it
is, contradictory in the recognized Laws and conventional
Principes. This Unitary, Integral Theory Atomic and Cosmogonic A
thus deposited with the Academy of Science under envelopes sealed
for fifty years the presumedly legal duration. This period being
now exceeded since 2005, and after as many years of not justified
deprivation of deposit of Patent. The INPI thus sees me authorized
to use of this scientific formula as for very other officially
recognized. I in application also the straight one, for the Good
of Humanity and Planet. “And it is not because I created the most
beautiful Encyclopaedia, that it is necessary me to disavow small
Dictionnaires ''' makes some, “the Physical one is the Shaft which
cache the Metaphysical Forest” which it single, can all explain in
the detail since it includes all Knowledge… AND KNOWLEDGE CAN ALL
BRING. It is obvious then, that the INPI must accept my inventive
proposals which can bring until the Planet waits to solve one of
the problèmescruciaux one which is posed today for the
nonpolluting power generation, allowing moreover many applications
of which the producing of ELECTRICITY, producing of vehicles using
the Principle of Mechanical Universal to reload in waiting of
better, the batteries in the course of use and to protect Io
planet from the pollution; magnetic motor bicycles making it
possible to save the muscular energy of the cyclist, by producing
two or three times more energy than it do not provide any. ; and
other applications like gears magnetic of safety, everlasting,
effective, silent, as well as apparatuses to be put at the point
for more powerful various electric motors, vehicles of handicapped
people, caddies and other machines easier use. It is enough to
know what is the Universe, and how it functions, to discreetly use
of them what he us offer liberally, but, so much so that null it
never had exposed. What was utterance in the wording of the
initial Patent should have been enough; how is it possible that
the Engineers of the INPI included/understood nothing there? But
is: To know that the Universe, in each point of Infinite is
precisely This Perpetual Movement governed by Magnetic Dualité and
that it product permanently its own Kinetic energy, independently
of very other, and in symbiosis with all the unit, is so
complicated? Gold, there is an Universe, and it is perpetual. It
is thus enough to know the mechanical process by which the
universe creates its clean Energy, to copy it and produce also
this so much coveted Energy, without for as much having to carry
out an atom or an artificial planetary system. But it is not in
conformity with the Physical one, and one should not anything
change there. All the elements constituting the Universe,
particles, stars and planets and others, imperatively consisting
of Magnetic Dualities, can in fact, to attract and to remotely
push back without any other “physical” bond objective, which gives
for result that the “material” attracts the “material”, and by the
“revolving” effect apparently which must thus consequently be
clarified attractive and repellent Dualité. A gigantic gift for
the Physical one! Can it refuse it? Without the Magnetic Duality,
there would be no possible communication between the Beings or the
objects which thus would not exist, since same the negligible
atomic particles could not communicate between them if they were
not Magnétiques. This Energy explains to it single, all the other
“energies”, and which, without its Duality, could neither “be”,
nor same to exist.
INDISPENSABLE Magnetic energy. Since 1985, thanks to my son Frank
who had taken knowledge of my book “AND the UNIVERSE” was appeared
in 1973, us soaps now exactly from which this Attractive and
Repellent Dualistic Energy comes which becomes Universe. The
Physical one can the knowledge on simple request if it wishes it.
It is essential that this curious Dualité is single “the Thing”
which can be, and without which, nothing could not exist; neither
atom, neither “material”, neither electricity, neither direction,
and thus not of possible life, nor nothing which can be conceived.
Delight we to be able to discuss it in the purpose accounting for
Creation and serving Planet. This Energy has in itself the
counterpart of its own existence, at the same time itself and its
opposite, which enables him to appear since the INFINITE one,
without any need to make call with an objective or physical entity
which one could wonder from where it could leave, but with this
unthinkable faculty TO ATTRACT and PUSH BACK remotely without any
tangible bond. It is more than gigantic. It is it which generates
all things of which Universe, and nothing other. METAPHYSICS,
SCIENCE OF THE CAUSE FIRST. The Universe has thus had a Cause the
First METAPHYSICS perfectly known for fifty years, and after
twenty five years of searches on the magnetic energies This Cause
First with it single, gives an account of all the others wrongly
regarded as such, as well as all things. Just as there can be one
Creative Principle, and than only one universe including the
whole, it is the Metaphysics which single, makes Knowledge,
guarantor of the existence of the Universe since its primitive
Cause farthest: INFINITE the, NULL one, ETERNAL, IMPOSSIBLE and
NECESSARY, and whose these five properties are those of the so
mysterious Universe for those which hopelessly seek the fine word
of the History, however perfectly known since 1955. And it is
thanks to Knowledge that we will produce a colossal Energy, with
the image of the galaxies comprising of the hundreds of billion
stars and planets, who function since billion billion millenia
occupant each point the Infinite one, per Perpetual Mouvement
maintained with average constant speed, thanks to a process
self-accelerator, without discontinuity since “last” Eternity and
for “future” Eternity. It is that the Metaphysical Universe, most
marvellous Mécanique which can be. How the Physical one can also
reject exposed sublimates? not to undoubtedly disavow an acquired
millenium which however still poses so many problems; and however,
nothing would be changed with the Life, to offer to the world the
most marvellous gift, KNOWLEDGE.
Dégraviter, it is “to remove the effect of brake” between two
poles, NORTH and SOUTH which attract each other, but which moves
away simultaneously one from the other with speeds inversely
proportional with the respective value of their mass, by
“défreinage” of the one and other, removing “the attractive
effect” without removing the attraction. In a magnet system in
symmetrical synchronized rotations whose two poles are dégravitent
in mutually move away one from the other, that makes it possible
the two other poles which them, on the other hand, approach
simultaneously, TO MUTUALLY ACCELERATE one and the other in
precipitating one towards the other, and to produce energy. Is it
necessary to make a long speech to show the reality of this
principle, which is somewhat accessible to the Physicist, without
him making the reproach of it; because it is effectively what
arrived to the Engineers of the INPI which did not
include/understand my Invention yet, undoubtedly by reprobation of
the Perpetual Movement, wrongly prohibited without the lesser
objective reason?. Whereas it is enough to observe the Universe.
And thus my Tractor prototype functions which transmutes simply '
Magnetic energy into USABLE KINETIC ENERGY.
It is all the secret one of Mechanical Universal, and which allows
the accelerated automatically Perpetual Movement of the rotations,
since planetary masses, as the atomic particles are dipoles,
contrary to the conventional designs. Not in it to believe, it is
to alienate any possibility of Knowledge of the Universe. 3C We
thus have magnets which two poles approach while accelerating
mutually, and on the other hand, the two other poles which “are
dégravitent” without being slowed down while moving away, allowing
the two first “to accelerate”. It is now easy to understand that
the poles which approached until the moment when they are on line,
will be able to their tower dégraviter while moving away L " one
from the other, and to allow both on the other hand others and
which now approach, to accelerate PRODUCING ENERGY in addition to
that existing already. But if, it is possible!! My apparatuses are
there to show it.
It is the Magnetic Duality which becomes “material” while becoming
atom by the Creative Principle hatéinien that we will know
further. It is this Duality which controls all in all the fields,
and null there so much so that it pass for does not realize single
groove-nails. Which derision. Also, without critical devaluing
towards the Theories, Principles, Lois and other Constant which
make the Physical one, it is at the very least necessary to
explain in this certificate of utility or balance of information,
Mechanical the Universal established one on three components which
all are indispensable to link masses between them, in a stable
TERNARY equilibrium for Eternity, producing moreover, its Kinetic
energy permanently by Perpetual Mouvement, and becoming: “The
Preserving, Evolutive Creative Principle and Adapter which governs
all the Mechanical Universal one by Perpetual Movement Self
Accelerated without any discontinuity, and which gives an account
of all the physical phenomena same the most strange ". It is thus
a question of specifying the very clear mechanism for which wants,
which is proposed in the Patent 01 08712 deposited June 2001,
based on Mechanical Universal the hatémienne, and refused for
nonconformity with the Physical one, although producing Kinetic
energy permanently, almost at will. Is it possible to
deprive Humanity of such a revelation? Should it be waited
until the Earth is dispossessed of all its Energy to understand
that it is necessary to leave something to those which will come
after us? Following three rejections of my “initial” Patent only
deposited in 2001 after several others which could not be proposed
by prohibition during these fifty years of foolish braking of
scientific progress, a lawsuit took place in Court of Call of May
18, 2006 against the INPI, and did not allow yet the change which
had been required of me before by the INPI itself, in 2001 for
explanation, and nonretained owing to the fact that a deposit
should not be modified. But this Patent was not rejected by the
Court recognizing the validity of the Invention, and was
recognized reliable same by the Lawyer of the Defense of the INPI,
and was returned in Cassation. It is now necessary to give these
precisions in this new deposit that this time, Engineers INPI
should accept and include/understand, thanks to the details
justified by this Certificate of Utility, in order to make my
Invention clear and accessible to comprehension for any
Let us note that the apparatuses and prototypes presented at said
Tribunal, were very appreciated, recognized scientific and in
state of correct operation, following what, in the sustained
waiting of the decision of this Court, the INPI accepted the fifth
annual instalment of the aforesaid Patent which he wanted to
refuse, without any explanation on the outcome of the received
Lawsuit only on August 28, 2006 this document is thus a prologue
with the Patent deposited, by a more complete formulation of the
apparently vague wording at the point not to be
included/understood in spite of its evidence, and in order to
bring the essential elements which were prohibited during fifty
years, in this first request, is necessary it to repeat? It is a
question of knowing that the Mechanical Universal one is
established on a process Perpétuel self-accelerator which has had
to be and will be offered to the World, will be prohibited as soon
as possible by a way of dictat against the Perpetual Movement
since generations and also for these fifty years, and which
product a considerable Energy with the image of the galaxy of
which it is obvious that current Science is unaware of still
operation, without him to make the reproach of it. Ignorance is
not a crime. What is a crime is to dissimulate Knowledge when it
is revealed, to account for the reality of the Invention stated in
the original Patent, we will discover the Creative Principle
hatémien which includes also, the Principle of Conservation, the
Principle of Evolution and the Principle of Adaptation, which do
only ONE, governed by a process perpetual self-accelerator, which
permanently creates its own Kinetic energy for Eternity, and
answers of all the physical phenomena. It is thus about a
perfectly scientific revelation necessary to the deposit of the
initial Patent, and which can only bring in more to the Physical
one if it accepts it, the responses with the large problems which
were never solved nor clarified, and which would be likely never
to be it. It is not a reproach, but that is allowed thanks to the
Metaphysics of which all other Sciences are the consequences, and
without making call with a divine Creator necessarily, that of
which each one will decide according to its proper conscience.
Some pages summarized on more than two hundred necessary with the
single knowledge of the atom and the planetary system in the most
negligible detail, it is the least which one can realize. These
features on the Mechanical Universal one were developed in
literary works that I write thus that my Frank son, since 1955-56
following twenty years of searches on the Perpetual Movement
started in 1935, then thirteen years old in the purpose creating
electricity; and because precisely prohibited by the Physical one,
which however is obvious within sight of what makes our existence
as of all that surrounds us. It is enough to observe and reflect.
A cherry tree gives always only cherries, and not of the oranges
which push only on one orange tree which itself does not give
bananas which push only on one banana tree. Aren't they governed
by Perpetual Movements? Of course, it is not a question of
mechanical of laboratory; it is necessary to have the intelligence
of the difference.
The Principle-Creator, Conservative, Evolutive and Adapter are
composed of three combinations exclusively Magnétiques, and which
becomes atom and planetary system, therefore Univers, on a TERNARY
equilibrium which is explained by these three indispensable
components, all connecting the masses between them. 1) The
MAGNETIC DUALITY which joins together the masses by their
attraction and their mutual repulsion, 2) ROTATION SYNCHRONISEE
and SYMMETRICAL of the magnetic poles by spontaneous movement due
to their attractive and repellent Duality becoming apparent
“gravitation”, but whose repulsion become inoperative, 3) the
Orbital motion by Magnétique drive and effect of centrifugal sling
of each mass by the other, and of each one around the other,
according to mass values', in an inversely proportional way, until
the orbital speed and the distance which separate them find in
perfect equilibrium with their attraction which results from this
distance, (Attraction which takes form “unipolar gravitation”
apparently universal). Indeed, all the masses in all the universe
function by couples of two elements at least since they must act
one on the other, justifying the Perpetual Movement, and without
limitation of amount of elements, with the manner of our galaxy
which can comprise hundred billion them. It is interesting of
knowing that all these couples are independent from/to each other,
organizing and living in an autonomous way without direct ratio
with any, although sensitized all and sundry by their entourage,
(like the human beings). But the destruction of the one, does not
involve the destruction of the others as in of other theories, and
as the Physical one believes it. With single attraction, it would
be enough to burn a match to cause the destruction in chain of all
the universe. This system is perfectly stable because TERNARY and
irreducible. Its three functions are feasible in laboratory and
are available with public in the Seine and Marne with the
Scientific Academy of Rozeille. All these indications on the
Mechanical Universal one are necessary to accredit the Inventions
presented, because it is substantial to have tangible proofs of
their functional reality and their means of performings. The
system hatémien allows and justifies moreover, the HARDNESS of the
“material”, the atoms making block by solidarity between the
particles, becoming all resistant to the deformation, either by
crushing, or by extension, owing to the fact that it is “almost”
impossible to bring closer the electrons the cores, and that in
the same way, it is “almost” impossible to move away them, thanks
to the Magnetic REPULSION which here, plays a dominating role. On
the other hand, they are modulatable according to their own needs;
for example in the physical one of fluid, fire, the solders, and
It is in fact indispensable to know that the Universe is governed
by PERPETUAL MOVEMENTS of the atom to the galaxy since “last”
Eternity and for Eternity “to come”, producing its own movements
in an autonomous way without discontinuity. But it is true also as
the Physical one thinks it, than such a made system of various
heteroclite objects: Gears, springs, weight, levers and other
accessory of kitchen, must be maintained by an OUTER auxiliary
energy with the system; energy which is spent, which is consumed,
which wears. It is not a question of that; but is to be unaware of
that in the universe, from the most negligible atoms to most
gigantic planetary systems, the ruasses are magnets, and all are
OUTER the ones with the others, acting by their single Magnetic
Dualité remotely, and thus by mutual attraction and repulsion,
although constituting autonomous sets, without any physical
contact the ones on the others. Thus the Mechanical Seule
Universal one can answer of Movement Perpétuel maintained constant
average speed by self-acceleration, and for Eternity; it was
enough to discover Dégravitation which governs all, in Perpétuelle
way in the Mechanical Universal one. Forgiveness, Sir Isaac
Newton. It as should be known as it is the Magnetic energy which
is the base of all bodies without the lesser exception, and of
which they are integrally made up, since more negligible
parcel of atomic particle to the most gigantic galaxy comprising
of the hundreds of billion elements: UNIVERSE. And it is
indispensable in the wording of this deposit, to specify the many
details of this marvellous and sublimates Mécanique which could
not be in conformity with conventional sciences which do not know
all, and whose Engineers of the INPI did not have steps
included/understood the nature, for a system capable to produce
Energy, copied from Mechanical Perpetual atomic and planetary one.
It is not the different one. Gold, it seems normal that Science
must teach only the actual one, in spite of the upheavals that
that can produce; and it is the case in this new millenium. It is
the object of my Patent and this Certificate of Utility, by
Knowledge that I offer with Humanity. Stars located in ends of arm
of galaxy-spirals slip by in Space at the speed of the light, and
much more still according to certain Physicist-Astronomers, to the
million kilometers a second. From which would come from such
speeds if not progressively, starting from the absolute rest,
until the limit noted in Mechanical atomic and planetary one, not
on a progressively attenuated initial impetus, and thus contrary
to the Big-bang which expanding continual, and would be rejected
by very many Physiciens, but on Mechanical intelligent. Also, it
is what proposes the Universe, hatémien which accounts for the
creative process, in perpetual self-acceleration, subtly limited
by orbital movement , with the manner of slings, and thus by Force
Centrifuged for Eternity.
In addition, peuton to think that the universe is without Cause
first, whereas any object has a prior reason with its existence.
It is not because it is universe, that it can excluded or be
exempted of it, the more so as any object which constitutes it, is
him same subjected to this requirement, forming this Universe,
since the most negligible apparently physical atomic particle, and
whose single existence poses already an enormous problem. From
which would this leave particle? Who would have created it? Why?
How? In which purpose? It is necessary to answer these questions.
It is what we will do. Metaphysics, with or without intervention
of which or anything, is thus the Cause first of which very other
is a “physical” effect. To reject Metaphysics is thus an error of
judgment; one does not separate the Cause from his effect, nor the
effect of his Cause. Not more than one does not separate the
positive one from negative in Energy. Knowledge is precisely the
response with this problem of the origins first of the Universe
and its actual operation. Science makes Metaphysics while seeking
to explain the Universe which according to any evidence, should
not exist. The Chemistry makes Metaphysics by peeling the Atom;
and it is necessary to determine of them the exact circumstances
thanks to the Knowledge which is not a single belief. It is a
certainty, without ambiguity, absolute, indisputable; each one
must be able to judge some by its lightness and its logic. Those
which know it in are dazzled and filled with wonder. Thus, to
include/understand the free producing of energy, it as should be
known as the universe is created permanently since last Eternity
and for Eternity to come; what makes it possible to
include/understand all that results from this, but from the
Infinite one; whereas to leave the existing object and to
retrogress to include/understand the true nature of it, is a
notorious impossibility. It is perhaps more with the span of all,
but that only results in being posed the same question
unceasingly: Or, WHY, HOW, IN WHICH PURPOSE. Gold, any
investigation scientific must start from NOTHING; if not it cannot
answer of true Knowledge. It will miss seed always there first;
the Blow of Inch of God, as say certain physicists. One could not
reproach Physical for seeking the scientific Truth where it thinks
of discovering it; but it is erroneous to refute any new solution
capable to bring a response to the problem. Gold, this problem is
now resolved in its whole, and it is logical now, after the fifty
years of “gestation” of Knowledge, period prohibiting any
scientific revelation not yet recognized officially and by non a
Physicist, to accept the omen of it.
By this Infinite and mental or spiritual Duality, becoming
Creative Principe the Universe are created. Is it necessary to be
astonished some? Yes of course; but also, to know this Creative
Principle which becomes ATOM, That is absolutely marvellous,
because nothing should neither Be, nor to exist; and yet, the
universe “EXISTS” same if it “IS NOT”, and we let us feel only the
appearance of it, in the form of SENSATIONS. Which difference with
the “material” which could have been, but which cannot it? None?
IF! The physical “material” would be unperceivable without direct
contact, with the object; whereas single, the Magnetic Duality
allows it by attraction and repulsion with outdistances. It is
what we will do simulating with magnets the atomic particles or
the planetary worlds which produce considerable Energies of which
it is absolutely impossible to define the nature without making
call with Mechanical Universal the hatémienne which reveals us the
secret one. By which miracle, the “material” could attract
remotely or push back, if it were not made only this original
single Duality since it results “” from Infinite whose clean
Nature is to be DUALITY? … At the same time, NOTHING and the
WHOLE, Null, + 5 - 5, + 10 - 10, or ZERO; and INFINITE since
unbounded. The Physical one should be aware of it; one does not
make the “material” attractive if it is not already made up
in itself of this curious faculty to attract without bond itself
“hardware”, but also to push back. Could one invent a similar
thing? If thus it were possible that single gravity was
“unipolar”, it should in the same way produce the EFFECT of
material; but that is perfectly impossible, if not by miracle;
because for the Physical one, it would be only attractive by
GRAVI'Y, and TO BE ONLY THAT. By which miracle could it be
consequently Répulsive occasion? And being one, it is imperatively
to be the different one. One does not separate the two ends from a
string and to have two pieces having each one only one end, which
would be the atom of the Physical one. Forgiveness Mr Niels BOHR.
And then, to create, it is necessary to be TWO. Single Gravity can
nothing generate that the fall of the bodies the ones on the
others in the short term; it is enough to play with magnets to
realize quela single attraction would be a true calamity. Because
in fact, if the planetary systems, as besides the atoms were all
in attraction by single gravity, they would be joined together
since good a long time in a single mass, informs, like would be
BIG CRUNCH before réexploser to reform a new universe. Curious
perpetual movement which makes the Physical one nowadays. And
then, without intention of critical towards NEWTON, all the
systems would count the ones on the others to be maintained in
permanent equilibrium; single comparison with the Universe
hatémien where the systems are created independently of all the
others, an autonomous way, separately, without launching of all
the “mass” in the space of some thousandths of second, and under
the terms of what?
Why the Earth and the Moon attract themselves•they by simulation
of “gravitation”, if they attract each other and are pushed back
mutually by magnetic duality? Small problem? When one puts in
rotations synchronized AND symmetrical the poles of two magnets
which normally attract each other and push back, one obtains two
magnets face to face which attract each other exclusively without
being pushed back, with sixteen times more attraction whatever
their relative positions, their distance, their mass and their
common rotational speed since synchronized. (HATEM) (2r) 2 /1
While with a single pole in movement, attraction is only four
times larger for twice less distance or of approach. (COULOMB)
r2/1 It is that which the world still believes to be the
gravitation or Universal Attraction according to NEWTON, whereas
it is about Magnetic Duality. WHAT BECOMES THE REPIJLSIONS? They
should well be placed some hand, these repulsions between the
poles NR, NR and S, S; because they are always there, and quite
living; or then, to ask them why they appear indifferent to the
point not to intervene in this synchronized rotation. Because it
is not so obvious to think only these same pole… When they go one
towards the other in attraction, act with frenzy, with sixteen
times more power instead of four times only according to COULOMB,
And lorsqu " they in rotation are synchronized but similar, they
are not pushed back and remain indifferent although they did not
lose their repellent faculty, Eh well, try to include/understand.
It is enough to think of what pass in these synchronized rotations
where one realizes that if the poles in attraction move away and
bring alternately one closer to the other, the poles in repulsion
on the contrary, are held always with the same distance from one
pole to another, as if they were joined together by rigid ranging,
sometimes going in a direction, sometimes returning in the
opposite direction. Gold, with a little reflectance, one can
understand that under these conditions, the actions are cancelled
completely between the poles which are pushed back, sometimes
moving both in a direction, and both ghost in the other direction
with each half-turn, as if it were bonded by rigid ranging. Any
action then is cancelled completely as if the repulsion were
neutral, but it is always well there, and discrete. This is why
when one puts the magnets in synchronized rotation, single the
attractive functions remain as we saw, while the repulsions do not
play any more any apparent role.
It is the GRAVITATION, thanks to the synchronized polar movements.
It should be known that during these synchronized rotations, two
of the four poles in attraction, only one North and only one South
approach simultaneously and symmetrically one the other,
attracting oneself with the same energy as if the four poles were
face to face in rest state, and parallel, in “closed” circuit.
Twice more way by each pole, sixteen times more attraction. To the
same instant the two other poles move away symmetrically and
simultaneously one from the other while “being dégravitant”,
without slowing down itself until the four poles are on a straight
same line or a same plane. Thus, two poles which attract each
other are facilitated in their movement with each half tower, by
the two others which are in degravitation and which does not slow
down paso ermettant the acceleration of two récédents him go back
to their tower as soon in degravitation to each half-turn, while
the two others which were in degravitation go back to their tower
in attraction, alternately. It IS THAT MOVEMENT PERPETUAL
AUTOACCELERE According to Law of COULOMB which is exact and that I
confirm by my clean experiment, when two poles in attraction are
face to face, of which one is fixed, and of which the other is in
movement, attraction is four times stronger for twice less
distance which separates them. r2/1 = 4 BUT, if the two poles
approach simultaneously one the other, the distance which
separates them finds spontaneously reduced twice rapidly like
front a mirror, and attraction is then multiplied by SIXTEEN
instead of being multiplied by four. According to Hatem: (2 R) 2/1
= 16 Sixteen times more attraction. And that answers exactly the
fact that the two magnets also attract each other them with
sixteen 2nd times more attraction when the four poles are face to
face “in closed circuit” and immobile. It is subtlety in
simplicity. It is complicated? But without a little working, there
is not point of pleasure. That they are two poles attracting with
sixteen times more force, or four poles attracting each one with
four times more de_force, the result is same the 3 A each half
rotation, the poles reverse their functions. Those which
approached start to move away and are dégravitent, while those
which moved away start to approach while accelerating with their
Thanks to the Lawsuit in Call which took place on May 18, 2006, it
are to be hoped that the INPI had the confirmation by their young
Lawyer, of the reliability of my performings which it had not
included/understood or had not accepted on the wording of my
Patent of 2001, and which he is good to specify for magnets in
synchronized rotations which were not supposed to produce energy
according to a anti-perpetual pseudo-scientific dictat. All those
which read our works, included/understood them by their evidence
and their simplicity; but was necessary it to attach some
importance to it and not to be Physicien. It should be known that
Physical the, same one if it is a honourable profession, is not
“the Knowledge” which is Métaphysique, bases first of any
Creation. In the magnet system utterance in the Patent with two
synchronized magnets, the motor of the primary magnet cannot
accelerate indefinitely, it is satisfied to be used as tutor for a
limited rotation. And in fact, the two magnets turn to the same
speed of 3500 revolutions per minute, according to the regime of
the motor at empty, making that the DOUBLE system the energetic
power of the unit, providing with only one secondary magnet, TWO
of the same motors useful power. With two secondary magnets, THREE
of the same motors useful power. With three secondary magnets,
FOUR of the same motors useful power… In theory, without
limitation of amount as in a galaxy. D'ailleurs, it is not there
question of Perpetual Movement as in the empty spatial one where
the masses are in suspension, free their mutual functions, the
difference being also that the planetary masses as in the atoms,
are at very large distance, and are put in mutual orbit
controlling the rotational speeds, which is very different our
magnets which work to very short distance, and without orbital
motion. But new technology allows the largest hopes. It is the
orbital motion which limits the self-acceleration of the rotations
in the universe, if not until where the speeds would go if they
were delivered to themselves without any means allowing the
automatic limitation of the accelerations. In that, we can be in
admiration in front of this superb Mécanique endowed with curious
Intelligence. It is astonishing that the Physical one sees only
one incidental impetus there or the masses would be put in stable
orbit by unexpected meeting which would be very natural, without
intelligence. Gold, whatever this Intelligence, and from where
that it comes, it EAST. As what the Physical one cannot be allowed
to reject arbitrarily what is capable to help it to
include/understand Ajoutons that this Certificate of Utility does
not constitute a deposit for a Perpetual Movement, but for a
complementary contribution with the Patent 01 08712, and for a new
Thus, when the magnets are in symmetrical synchronized rotations,
the poles which are in attraction precipitate simultaneously one
towards the other, while with the return, they move away in the
same way while being dégravitant, and in other words, WITHOUT
SLOWING DOWN. From where they produce twice more energy than they
do not consume any, although they are attracted with four times
more force on the one hand, and are slowed down with four times
less force on the other hand; but they work at double distance one
of the other. That is impossible into physical because of the
ignorance of the Universe which product its own Kinetic energy in
each atomic or planetary couple, in permanence, and which would be
rebuilt starting from the absolute rest if it were stopped.
It is necessary moreover consider that the rotations in
space, can reach colossal speeds without any embarrassment,
parasitic vibrations or disturbances, considering especially that
the masses can be very different and are organized by mutually
putting in orbit the ones by the others and the ones around the
others without any constrained thanks to their magnetic
relationships, and in a way inversely proportional with their
respective mass, which confirms the conventional theory by the
universe hatémien, and what spontaneously limits the acceleration
of the rotations to constant average speed for eternity. But also,
that tends to confirm the Newtonian universe who is supported on
the same mathematical ones. Here we are; metaphysics hatémienne
and the Physical Newtonian one meet, which is quite normal.
Without any initial impetus, the masses are placed thus at the
good distance, progressively sent in space by their mutual
magnetic field, to the manner of slings, in TERNARY equilibrium
according to Mechanical the hatémienne, following the Plane of the
Ecliptic, for eternity, from where NEWTON could establish a
perfectly mathematical BINARY “principle”. The opposite one had
been astonishing. It is substantial to consider by the term
“creation”, the permanent producing of the Universe in a PRESENT
eternal, which, by corollary, makes that the Universe is eternal
because CREATES without discontinuity, since the night of times,
and for eternity to come, by a Cause which single, is eternal: The
Magnetic energy whose true nature is to be the Infinite one. That
is explained clearly, but it is enough here to admit the fact,
remaining of it at the disposal of any person interested by
thorough knowledge of Mechanical Universal.
This precision, for curious that it is, is perfectly intelligible
and justifies the Perpetual Movement in the built Universe of
Magnetic Duality, without what nothing “would exist”. That does
not mean that it is possible to carry out an atom or a planetary
system artificial, which one should not confuse with the
artificial satellites which are aircrafts which turn around the
Earth, and which are provided with powerful computers and
gyroscopes, and resting on their speed orbital instead of resting
on the atmosphere. They do not have absolutely anything to see
with the Moon which counts only on its Magnetic Field, and not on
the Earth which itself does not rest on nothing other but on its
Magnetic energy in connection with that of Moon. It is somewhat;
and it is where the HARMONY of the rotations plays an
indispensable role to avoid their mutual fall since billion
billion years or millenia. But, let us see what it is: PROOFS
entering the menu detail, the system Earth-Moon is a formal proof
of the symmetrical synchronism of the magnetic polarities. Because
it is enough conclusive that the Moon which watch always the same
face with the Earth, and in the same position, is led in its tour,
by the magnetic poles which play with those of the Earth by
synchronized functions which are found permanently every twelve
hours for the Earth, with those of Moon in 12 hours 50 since it
takes delay on the terrestrial rotation, involved in orbit by the
single magnetic field. It would be absolutely impossible with an
attraction of the “revolved” kind which would not prohibit Moon
from modifying its position on its orbit under various angles
while falling on the Earth or moving overall in any direction. The
proof of the double polarity of the Earth and Moon in constant
relationships, is that the Moon balance in exposed movement
LIBRATOIRE by GALILEO without knowing the reason of it, with the
poles of the Earth, sometimes attracted by a pole, then attracted
by the other pole every twelve hours, whereas it did not have time
to make a complete half-turn, because of the lever arms on the
poles which are very close to its axis of rotation. But also, when
the Moon leaves its orbit to move away or approach twenty thousand
kilometers the Earth, it always joined its position on its orbit
systematically and in the same position, seeking the “plane of the
ecliptic”, this which peremptorily proves that the Moon and the
Earth are in magnetic relationships and not only gravific, which
would not answer of such an enthusiasm to find their position
without derogating about it, function of their double mutual
polarity, in spite of some variants due to the influences of other
planets. And let us not forget that the Earth turns also in orbit
around Moon, which can occur only by one intelligent and
nonincidental and unexpected link which would make following an
abrupt and uncontrolled impetus. Moreover, if it were possible to
send the Earth and Moon on a same impetus, they could not in no
case to turn one around the others but only to continue their
launching with the same speed, by conservation of the energy
according to the Physical one, remaining constantly in the same
position, except namely that they would be in gravific attraction
and that they would fall one on the other without remission. For
information, it should in addition be known that the Moon is not
only in attraction with the Earth, because when it tent to move
away, it is attracted with MORE “attractive” force, and pushed
back with LESS “repellent” force, which watch which the repulsion
is always active in the orbital motion. And when it tent to
approach the Earth, it is pushed back with MORE force repellent,
and attracted with LESS attractive force, going up on its orbit.
That allows the mechanical stability of the Earth with Moon, each
one around the other, and to maintain it “perpetually” constant,
why not eternal. This curious phenomenon of Mechanical stability
of the systems as well atomic as planetary, and which can
surprise, comes owing to the fact that the poles from the masses
which normally must be synchronized symmetrically, are
periodically into slight “desynchronism” by “angular deviations”
of the polar movements coming from the positions of the stars
compared to the PLANE OF the ECLIPTIC, explaining the LAWS OF
KEPLER. To meditate closely, as I did myself and
included/understood. With the requirement, to make the graphic
ones or on application. Extraordinary INTELLIGENCE of the Creation
which gives rise to think that the “Material” is endowed with
CONSCIENCE. Let there be no misunderstanding; there is Conscience
in the Material; and it is Métaphysique, nonconscious of its
state. And yet it acts as if it were endowed with reflectance,
which contributes to the Evolution and the Adaptation; and that,
thanks to the Magnetic Duality by the Principle-Creator. Us it
soaps since fifty years, proofs with the support; and us soaps
also that it is the material which is born from the Conscience,
and not the Conscience which is born from the “material”. But of
course, the “material” is not physical; it would be impossible; it
is Métaphysique; and the Conscience is already “inclusive” in the
Magnetic energy.
The Sun is a vortex of magma, far from being a self-checking
nuclear reaction, like are also the other stars. Fortunately,
because that gives him an almost infinite existence and risk not
to explode. Its rotation is 25 days at the equator, 27 days with
45 of lattitude, and 35 days with the poles; formal proof of the
rotation of the solar core which turns much rapidly to the center
of the magma, which justifies that the Sun is a world bubbling and
swirling without there not being the lesser fear which it does not
destroy by carelessness or forgetting. Its core which is a magnet
must necessarily turn in 24 hours or same in 48 hours, if not it
would not be in state of gravity with the Earth and other planets,
by their polar synchronism, or very approximately, taking into
account the orbital motions which produce apparent variations of
the rotations with the magnetic poles of the ones and others, as
the taken Earth for base of frequency of our galaxy, because its
core turns like the bark, of 24 hours. Thus, all the masses are
SYNCHRONISED by their magnetic poles of 24 hours, and of this fact
in gravific “appearance”. . With variants by multiple or
submultiples of TWO according to the importance of the relative
masses. The essential one being that the poles are found
constantly in phase, if not, not of cohesion in the system, which
explains why the polar relationships are indispensable and build
themselves besides spontaneously without being able to derogate
from it. A mass which turns on itself, involves the other masses
automatically to be turned in synchronism, or simply, to be put in
vibration, or only in magnetic relationships without actual
connection, and until the infinite one. It is obvious that the
central core of the Sun turns much more quickly than its magma.
What could justify of it if it itself were not involved in its
rotation by the rotation of the other elements of the galaxy, and
by magnetic field, if there were not remote ACCELERATION by the
rotation of the other masses of the galaxy since billion billion
millenia if not more, since the night of times, and consequently,
by revolving EFFECT? Thus, all the galaxy is in magnetic
connection by each one of its elements which constitute it,
although they are apparently independent and autonomous. In ours
which perhaps contains hundred billion stars and planets, all the
masses are in relationships of the magnetic poles, and rotation
the ones towards the others, of which our solar system. Think
there when you contemplate the celestial arch; you will discover
the UNIVERSAL HARMONY. And it is superb!! the GALAXIES All our
galaxy must thus have the same frequency which our solar system,
of 24 hours with the level of the planetary and stellar cores,
normally like the Earth, taking into account the stellar and
planetary positions in orbital rotations and which can be somewhat
different, function of the relative positions of each mass on its
orbit, as the Moon of 24. 50 compared to the Earth, and as MARCH
which turns in 24 hours 37 on itself, considering that it spends
two years to make its tour around the Sun. Each galaxy has its own
frequency, like each individual or each atom. Could Io Comment a
SINGLE initial impetus answer of all these frequencies which
amount of incalculable numbers of billion specimens both for the
atoms the planetary worlds? This is why it should be become aware
that the “material” builds place in place progressively,
independently of the entourage, and living in autarky without
requiring anything of its adjacent, and by Perpetual Mouvement.
How can one only imagine that it is otherwise? If not all the
systems would count the ones on the others to be maintained in
equilibrium, and the most negligible atom would be responsible
equilibrium of all the universe. But fortunately, the
Principle-Creator hatémien is there to reassure us.
It is indispensable to specify all that to justify these deposits
of present Patents and to come which use this exposed phenomenon
in MAY 1955, and which allows the free producing of Energy by the
synchronized and symmetrical polar rotations, thanks to the
attractive poles only, in our apparatuses. The poles in repulsion
can nothing “overproduce”, because they act contrary to the poles
in attraction which single can create on-unitary Energy. The
repulsions remain however indispensable to ensure the equilibrium
in the system stabiliser of the atoms and the planetary sets which
function on same Creative Principe. It would not know to have two
Mechanical also sublimes the repulsion can also be used for in our
apparatuses producers of on-Unitary Energy to maintain là-aussi
this equilibrium in the polar synchronism, by obliging the poles
which are pushed back, to preserve the same distances like
compressed springs, and in order to facilitate the symmetrical
synchronism of the rotations as if they were bonded by “rigid”
That shows that when two poles are in symmetrical synchronized
rotations, the poles which go one towards other accelerate, while
the poles which move away one of the other are released mutually
by Dégravitation. Thus, the Principle deposited in the Patent 01
08712 consists of semi whole a “magnetic” provided of an
unspecified motor which makes turn a dipole provided with soft
iron flasks, rotary in symmetrical synchronism with another of the
same dipole invoices. When the motor turns, it involves only one
of the magnets in rotation using one average unspecified, and the
secondary magnet starts to turn in symmetrical synchronism with
the magnet motor in progressive acceleration to 3500 revolutions
per minute for each one, the rotary secondary magnet by single
magnetic induction with the primary magnet, being coupled with the
wheels colouring a tractor weighing 25 kg, and being able to carry
an additional load of 25 kg out of post a coast with 5% or
supposedly 100 kg approximate on flat by coupling the primary
magnet with the wheels. Because the primary magnet-motor turns to
empty. At all events, the Tractor product an opposite on-unitary
Energy with the Physical one. It is possible to add as many
secondary magnets according to requirements', with the unit, and
all these magnets are put normally in rotation at the same speed,
and produce each one the same energy as the magnet motor, as in a
galaxy, and being added to the whole without consuming additional
energy, since each one becomes the motor of following and double
the power of this one, which is the same one as that of the
primary magnet, thus multiplying the energy of system. It will be
necessary well that that is however accepted, and the Court in
Call of May 18, 2006 the based good of my Invention recognized to
have noted the fact with my tractor and my galaxy which comprises
fifteen magnets in rotations synchronized which turn in spite of
various brakings, without any additional expenditure of supplied
energy by the magnet-motor. That is to say 43 milliamperes at the
beginning (small motor of clock industry) with only one magnet;
and 43 milliamperes unchanged with the fifteen magnets in
rotation, each one resistant with voluntarily caused braking and
preserving its energy without stopping, now the synchronism and
the rotational speed. But I am returned in Cassation by vice of
form to have omitted to specify my date and my place of rise.
Then, to follow.
This Certificat of Utility is not limited to supplement the Patent
01 08712 in order to make it more intelligible; the purpose of it
is also presenting a balance of extremely effective inventions
allowing inter alia compensating for the mechanical gears by
magnets in order to make them everlasting and of high safety. For
example for the startup of certain systems, and while creating a
more powerful energy necessary with the drive of various machines.
It is necessary for that to preferably use nonmagnetic discs of
material but without exclusive, on the circumference of which are
attached powerful magnets and enough brought closer from/to each
other, in order to produce various gears whose “teeth” are
replaced by these magnets. These discs form uninterrupted
continuations of attractions in relationship .avec of the discs of
different polarities which face them,
Semi-magnetic motor for producing
supplementary energy, comprises two adjacent magnets which
rotate in synchronism in opposing senses such that one
magnet is driven and the other produces energy
Two magnets (A,B) are able to rotate about parallel axes and
rotate in synchronism and opposite senses. The synchronism may be
ensured by the engagement of wide gap toothed wheels on the magnet
shafts. One pair of North and South poles gets closer as the
corresponding pair become further apart and this causes
supplementary energy to be available from one magnet when the
other is driven
The purpose of the present invention is particularly, by a
combination of couples of more or less powerful magnets according
to the use wished, of which one only is pulled by a motor, to
allow all the other magnets then actuated chains of them by
magnetism the ones by the others, to provide a " free " energy
additional to consumption of the aforesaid primary motor
unspecified, and functioning according to Mechanical Universal "
the hatémienne " established on a TERNARY equilibrium. Mechanical
universal the product thus its own Energy Kinetic in the atom as
in the planetary system; because it is obvious that the universe
could not be perennialized following an abrupt and accidental
impetus, but only by one " intelligence " either divine, or purely
mechanical, but fundamentally intelligent.
To admit the reality and the cogency of this apparently debatable
method of the viewpoint of Physical conventional, and yet feasible
in laboratory, it is thus indispensable to specify that it is
ADAPTER which governs the universe by this TERNARY system with
three components, which single allows an irreversible stable
equilibrium. But, that this phenomenon is copied or not from the
Mechanical Universal one, it is less exact than it product an
additional kinetic energy, object of the present application of
Patent. And, of course, it is not 1 comparable technical
viewpoint, with the Newtonian universe which apparent with an
equilibrium BINARY since reduced with two components only, that is
motion, fruit of an accidental initial impetus.
But this system is according to any likelihood, the consequence of
the foregoing Principle-Creator utterance whose three components
magnet as in any other mass, including the atomic particle or
2) the HARMONY or SYNCHRONISM of the polar rotations by couples or
with several masses, synthesizing the GRAVITATION or universal
ATTRACTION in all relative positions,
3) The Orbital motion by magnetic drive of each mass around the
other, and around the center of gravity of the unit, by
centrifugal force.
The orbital motion is necessary to ensure the stability, the
cohesion and the autonomy of the systems forming the universe. It
is wise to specify here, that the Mechanical Newtonian one is in
fact a mathematically exact summary of this Principle-Creator into
fine of formation of the atom like planetary system, where the
gravitation results from the synchronized polar movements, and of
which centrifugal orbital speed pulled by magnetism equilibrium
exactly the aforementioned attraction.
It is the single possible equilibrium for free magnetic masses in
suspension in space and allowing an irreversible mechanical
stability. It thus should well be considered that viewpoint of
physical conventional, to produce Energy, that " seems " still
impossible; but it should also be known that science in is always
to seek secret atom and planetary system of which the enormous
speeds relatively with the masses considered, remain to him
unexplained in spite of three hundred years since NEWTON on the
Mechanical Universal one, and with the more recent theory of BOHR
on the atom, although Nobel Prize. Also, whatever the creative
process of the universe, ignored academic science, us prions I.
NR. P. I. to agree to regard as perfectly justified, the present
proposal proven experimentally using scientific but new
apparatuses and as of now consultable with the Palate of Knowledge
The process accelerator is of course, exclusively magnetic. It is
necessary thus to use magnets and anything other, single power
source acting remotely without another bond hardware, and thus
without detrimental mechanical strength, others that the ball
bearings and the ambient air, and functioning by couples, as well
as a motor which can involve one only magnets in rotation with a
constant mean speed, manipulated the frequency of the unit.
Thus, in our proposal (simplified couple), the primary motor
maintained by a current energy which feed it, product with normal
speed a certain working like usually, and involves remotely,
another magnet dipole and thus provided its double attractive and
repulsive polarity, with a certain rotational speed, and which
him, will produce this additional kinetic energy. :
Let us suppose two bar magnets: One of them, A is stationary, the
other, B is in rotation on its central axis. : 2 Such as present
this model, the magnet B turns virtually at average constant speed
in the direction of the arrow, in average equilibrium equivalent
of brakings and the accelerations respectively by the two north
poles and SOUTH of A.
But let us suppose that as of the indicated position on the
drawing, magnet A is put also and spontaneously to turn on its
axis, symmetrically with B. : (à). We see whereas the NORTH one of
A decreases the distance compared to SOUTH of B which thus
accelerates its speed of approach towards NR of A by increase of
the attraction. (NEWTON) But also, we see the SOUTH one of A and
the NORTH one of B which move away simultaneously one from the
other, spontaneously doubling the movement which separates them
and decreasing attraction between these two poles. Thus, the NORTH
one of B is released by the SOUTH one of A and reciprocally by
increase of the distance and reduction from the attractive force,
decreasing thus braking, and each one releasing the other pole.
Gold, Si each bar magnet turns thus in polar synchronism with the
other by its inertia, we note that if a pole is released, it is
the same for the other; and whatever this release, the
acceleration is produced by the poles which them, approach
simultaneously. This is perfectly expérimentable.
In our system: 1 the second permanent magnet, relatively
comparable without exclusive, is laid out with some distance of
the first, but from which the poles are only distant from some
millimeters so that they do not put in contact the ones with the
others; and also in order to draw maximum energy of it, because
the magnets must work at low distance preferably. With large
distance, they become less effective, whereas in an atomic or
planetary system, the very large distance is indispensable so that
as of the whole first movements the rotating inertia of the masses
is larger than the force by which they attract each other, and
which these masses can continue their rotation without
retrogressing by “magnetic” braking. : 3 Moreover, the most
effective acceleration can occur only if the secondary magnet
remains in polar rotation best synchronized with the magnet-motor.
In this connection, it is sometimes necessary to maintain this
gears magnetic by addition of mechanical gears to very spaced
teeth, but which can bring back the poles opposed in position face
to face most precise possible during unexpected shifts or strong
resistances. : 4 a flywheel can also be adapt with the magnets so
that they are not disturbed by parasitic resistances, and
especially so that their rotating inertia is upper with the
attraction of the poles, which is of primary importance to produce
the excess energy; (useful restoring); because in the opposite
case, they could be desynchronized, eliminating any possibility of
profit from energy, and from where the advantage of the already
quoted gears.
The flywheel can be possibly eliminated, compensated by a very
large rotational speed which makes some, plays the same role,
using the inert mass then of the aforesaid magnet like flywheel.
It is also useful to specify that in the principle, the
magnet-motor itself is pulled by this secondary magnet thanks to
the polar synchronism; but that does not allow pacs for all that
to remove the energy of maintenance, the primary motor being the
base of average frequency indispensable to the harmony of the
In addition, It can be useful to envisage a possibility of
adjustment of the distance of the magnets in order to avoid too
abrupt functions of attraction per too much approach. But it is as
necessary to consider as the more isolated the magnets are, the
less the energy collected is large. That can be necessary for
certain applications: Motor vehicles for example with spacing of
the magnets at the moment of braking, by a disengaging, or other.
This distance is besides indispensable to allow the mounting of
the magnets in the course of manufacture of the various couples of
large powers.
NR. B.
The number of the secondary magnets can vary considerably, (as in
a galaxy), because they all are pulled by magnetic synchronism
exclusively the ones by the others. They thus do not consume any
energy, but they produce some, each one of them also actuating the
magnet-motor which does not make exception, and each one
facilitating the rotation of all the others. However, such a
mechanical system could not be compared totally with that which
governs the universe, because in an atom as in a planetary system,
the masses are at very large distances from/to each other; while
in our system, it is necessary to be satisfied to use the process
accelerator which is the synchronism of the rotations, working at
low distance from the poles, with addition of motor-primary which
single can maintain the average frequency and the synchronism in
order to create the additional energy. : 1. Prototypes are at
disposal. See further.
To note also: A method makes it possible to lay out the magnets so
that the four poles are in " closed circuit ", with low distance,
4, which allows a power much higher than when two opposite poles
are single on line. 1. The magnet used is then annular with a
polarity on each face; but it is not imperative according to the
desired use for low powers: Plays, animated showcases, etc, and
working at larger distance (a few centimetres or more according to
the desired power of the magnets).
When the primary motor starts, the magnet-motor puts him-also to
turn on its axis which can be the axis of the motor itself.
Consequently, the very near second magnet, is involved in
synchronized rotation of the poles, just as in the atom or the
planetary system: (masses at very large distances). The
synchronism is inescapable and spontaneous; but the starting of
the primary motor must be if possible, relatively slow so that
this secondary magnet can acquire the same speed without clash and
overcome its own inertia which could prevent it from starting with
its turn. Also, it is necessary let us recall it, to furnish each
magnet with gears with very spaced teeth as it is said higher, and
which prohibits the desynchronism by starting violate of the
aforesaid primary motor. : 4 very spaced teeth allow a larger
freedom the rotational motions, by avoiding the contacts between
the teeth of the gears of the two magnets; its advantages are to
avoid the unexpected desynchronism of the polar movements in the
course of operation, like ensuring the safety of the spontaneous
resuming of the rotations synchronized after braking, particularly
for the motor vehicles; but they can also be used for to transmit
another rotational movement for additional use. It is also
possible to assemble them on springs enabling them to turn
partially on their axis and to take again their initial position
after launching.
It is the second magnet who constitutes itself particularly a "
motor " which works in agreement with the first by magnetic
functions, and which product an additional free energy. It is the
same for all the magnets used in one coherent same set, each one
accelerating all the others, also by magnetic functions.
But single the mechanical capable one to produce its own kinetic
energy in each point of infinite by the single magnetism is that
of the atom and the planetary system, except the artificial
satellites. Also into physical, it is not question producing nor
to reproduce such mechanical artificially which would be dépouvue
of a conventional energy of maintenance; and let us recall that in
our system, it is not absolutely necessary to use the process
accelerator which is the HARMONY of the rotations by magnetic
fields, and a primary motor which maintains the frequency
NB: In a planetary or atomic system, this motor does not have any
reason dêtre, because the polar harmony product spontaneously
because of the conjugate rotations of the orbital motions, and
which adapt mutually according to the acquired speeds by each
member, the opposite poles finding itself spontaneously vis-a-vis
vis-a-vis each demitour, and in all relative positions, to note
that they are the cores of the masses which are synchronized.
(Mechanical Intelligence of the Principle-Creator).
The TECHNICAL one thus Let us suppose two magnets in rotations
synchronized of the magnetic poles: See 1. We see that two of the
four poles approach simultaneously one the other, while the two
others on the other hand, move away in the same time.
The two first, NORTH the 1 of A and the SOUTH 2 of B, attract each
other without possible discussion.
But we suppose according to NEWTON, that if one of them is
stationary, and that the other approaches single making the half
of the distance which separates them, attraction is then four
times larger.
Gold, they approach simultaneously one the other, which watch that
for a simultaneous movement of approach of these two poles NR 1
and S 2, the way traversed by each pole is spontaneously doubled.
Thus, attraction is either four times, but sixteen times larger
between these poles in the same time.
It IS the FORCE ACCELERATOR OF the ROTATION now See the two other
south poles 1 and NORTH 2 on the other hand, which simultaneously
move away one from the other. Gold, for a single N2 distance,
traversing the half of the distance, the attraction is four times
lower (NEWTON); but also, its speed of distance is slowed down by
the presence of the stationary pole S 1 which retains it, the more
so as the pole N2 must traverse progressively sailed round regions
length where attraction by S 1 is nearly constant, this speed
being thus reduced of four times its value. : 5 On the other hand,
if the pole S 1 moves away also in the opposed direction, and
simultaneously with the pole N2, the distance is spontaneously
Twice larger for the same way traversed by each one, and in this
case, attraction is being reduced either of four times only, but
of SIXTEEN times on each pole.
Way, while being reduced by four by always persistent attraction,
the speed of distance of S 1 and N2 is spontaneously and
simultaneously four times larger for each pole since braked with
SIXTEEN times less attraction enters the poles.
Thus, the speed on the one hand being divided by four by the
presence of the opposed pole, and on the other hand remultpliée by
four by the simultaneous distance of this same pole, each one of
them is spontaneously released by a distance twice larger thanks
to the symmetrical synchronism of the rotations. BRAKING is
removed. It IS the DEGRAVITATION In short, that results in a
conjunction of two laws which combine, one slowing down the speed
of the pole which moves away, the other restoring it
These various demonstrations are indispensable, which justify that
two poles in attraction can be released from their attractive
effect by their mutual distance and simultaneous It is in fact a
phenomenon which product when two opposed magnetic poles, NORTH
and SOUTH which are normally in attraction, move away
simultaneously one from the other by their inertia, with speeds
inversely proportional with their respective “mass”; actually with
their magnetic “load”.
Thus, between two poles of relatively different values which move
away simultaneously one from the other, lowest must move away with
a speed relatively faster than most powerful. Twice lower, twice
The " degravitation " is thus not the suppression of the
attraction; it is the suppression of magnetic braking between two
opposite poles which move away one from the other in the same
We note that this curious function is a compromise between the Law
of NEWTON and the law of braking which combine mutually on the
basis of twice simultaneously the reverse one of square, one
producing braking, the other eliminating it spontaneously One can
add that the DEGRAVITATION product thus contrary TO the
CROSS-SECTION of Twice the clean movement of each pole.
These observations make it possible to include/understand the
cogency of the present application for a magnet system in
rotations synchronized of the magnetic poles, whose two poles
accelerate one towards the other, while the two other poles on the
other hand, allow this acceleration, and without it not being
necessary to enter the mathematical subtle ones.
Two poles precipitate one towards the other; the two others move
away, facilitating the movement of the two first; the rotations
accelerate. And, whatever the called upon “laws”, that they are of
NEWTON, MAXWELL or others, it is indubitable that the rotations go
more quickly, producing an unexpected but actual energy, object of
the present application of Patent.
semi-magnetic motor is thus established on the process
accelerator, conservative and thus of permanent maintenance of the
universe in which each COUPLE of masses, whatever are dimensions,
of the particle to star, product its own Kinetic energy, its own
movement by the single magnetic field, without another
intervention. : 3 Gold, it is enough to place at large distance in
space, two or several provided masses of their double attractive
and repulsive polarity, so that these masses are put spontaneously
in rotations on themselves by mutual magnetic drive, and the ones
around the others, without the lesser initial impetus, to form one
or more coherent sets, and moreover in stable dynamic equilibria
because " ternary " and for eternity.
That prohibits by no means that Mechanical NEWTON and the atom of
BOHR, apparently stable BINARY equilibria, is exclusively
mathematical viewpoint, relatively valid because corresponding
ones with the reality of the Principle-Creator where the masses
are in synchronized polar rotations.
It is unnecessary to establish the mathematical complicated ones
to discover and include/understand the direction of them; but it
is obvious that when two poles simultaneously approach or move
away one the other, the established laws for the single distances
which separate the poles can be to be very different viewpoint of
the results according to circumstances'.
The purpose of these long demonstrations are accounting for the
various points of details of the system autoaccelerator which
allows the together-motor producer of kinetic energy of which it
is question in this patent application.
The present invention rises thus from Mechanical Universal the
hatémienne in which the atom as the planetary system produce their
own kinetic energy with all the levels, as well as the universe in
its entirety. Gold, and in addition, it is demonstrable in an
irrefutable way which it is nothing in all the universe, which is
not magnetic dualistic, including what pass to be the ETHER grain
which is not other than a magnetic duality OF the DOCUMENTS IN
PROOF As an indication, an apparatus colouring a formed galaxy
only of sixteen magnetic members distant from six centimetres
makes it possible to note that all the magnets are put in
travelling rotation with the poles of only one magnet pulled by a
small motor.
This last rotating with uniform constant speed constitutes the
BASE of FREQUENCY of the system, just as in an atom or a planetary
system whatever it is, where each one appears by its base of
frequency. Besides that constitutes the HARMONY in the universe;
but each system substantially has its own frequency for eternity.
A PLANETARIUM also accounts for the rotational motion of planets
around the Sun and their orbital motion per magnetic drive
Another magnet system in rotations watch that there is power
generation when the magnets are in spontaneous polar synchronism,
which they cannot avoid. And better still, the magnets in
synchronized rotations are in gravific attraction whatever are
their relative positions, whereas however they all are provided
with their double attractive and repulsive polarity, and produce a
free energy.
It should be known that when a magnet turns on itself, or if it
vibrates for an unspecified reason, ALL the magnets which are with
vicinity, but also those which are at very large distance and
“until” the infinite one, put themselves in rotation or vibration
SYNCHRONISEE with the polar movements of the first, without
consuming and same being able to produce energy, SOME POSSIBLE
APPLICATIONS Also, is it possible to extract the single process
accelerator of such magnetic systems for the practical use for all
industries, and particularly for the transport vehicles of all
natures, and thus, to carry out saving on the various fuel and
other power sources: electrical batteries inter alia, gas, etc, as
well as the muscular energy with the bicycles for example,
although the complementary magnetic system of energy input is
still very heavy in the current state of the mass of the magnets
and the support. More than ten to fifteen kilogrammes for a
bicycle. A prototype is at disposal for automobile. The
semi-magnetic motor also makes it possible to consider a strong
reduction in the pollution due to hydrocarbons, as well as the
harmful effects by the noises. Factories, highways, railway
tracks, etc At the hour of the electric vehicles, it is
interesting to design the automatic recharging of the batteries
without additional expenditure of current in the course of use,
while placing on the axis of each secondary magnet a dynamo
suitable of six or twelve volts, and connected into parallel in
order to reaching the useful power of recharging, thus allowing
the prolongation of the autonomy of the vehicle. It is also
possible to use batteries directly supplying the vehicle engine
with the supplied current by the dynamos, in complement of that of
the batteries, without however removing them, would be this only
for the lighting in parking, and especially for always
indispensable startings or serving of driving energy.
Without supposing possibilities of the system, it is certainly
possible to couple each vehicle wheel with one of the secondary
magnets, since as it is said higher, each one of these magnets
product an additional energy, in so far as he remains synchronized
with the whole of the other magnets, from where the preference to
use gears especially nonferrous, with teeth very to spaced apart
which bring back necessarily the synchronism of the polar
rotations following the braking of the vehicle.
The first searches on the subject, which go back to 1935, were
intended to provide light to the inhabitants of the desert, using
magnetic apparatuses producing of the electricity,
Clarification on Source of Hatem Magnetic Cogging
Device Plans
Yannick Van Doorne brings to our attention his role in
launching the plans that we featured last week. He said that
some replicators even claim to be running their homes on these
devices. Yannick thinks he has devised a way to enable the motor
to be removed from the system in self-running mode. (PESWiki; Oct.
14, 2010)
YouTube Videos
How to Build Your Own Free Energy
Device ...
10 min - Sep 25, 2010
1 min - Jan 5, 2008
Building a small Hatem magnetic
engine (attempt ...
5 min - Jun 7, 2010
Clarification on Source of Hatem Magnetic Cogging
Device Plans
Yannick Van Doorne brings to our attention his role in
launching the plans that we featured last week. He said that
some replicators even claim to be running their homes on these
devices. Yannick thinks he has devised a way to enable the motor
to be removed from the system in self-running mode. (PESWiki; Oct.
14, 2010)
Starting Member
OS: Hatem
Magnetic Cogging Device
From PESWiki
An open source project
Compiled by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
Oct. 5, 2010
This system was developed and patented in France by Raoul Hatem in
On May 6, 2010, YouTube user, "MindFreer" posted a video that
appeared to show one motor powering an alternator, producing twice
as much energy as was required to run it, via a magnetic cogging
coupling, which apparently harnesses free energy from the
environment somehow. It involves magnetic drive coupling, which is
not unique to this system. The particular arrangement of magnets
seems to be the key.
Then, on Sept. 25, "MindFreer" posted another video, this one
providing instructions on how to build this free energy device.
The video says: "I am giving away the plans for the Hatem Free
Energy device to the world for free." [2] (September 25, 2010)
It also says that they have not been able to self-loop the device
yet, but that it can act to magnify energy from another source,
whether it be solar, wind, or power from the grid.
The magnets mesh magnetically, not physically, as the drive motor
turns. Allegedly, adding additional alternator cogs in series
increases the output in relation to the input. [3] The magnets are
placed so that the poles on adjacent rotors are opposed and
thereby are always attracting the magnets they magnetically mesh
On Oct. 4, 2010, an associate said that it is likely that this is
not actually an overunity system, and that it is a function of
measurement errors. "Watt meters are not accurate outside of their
60 Hz specs; and they say nothing about reactive power or phase
difference." A more accurate measurement would need to be
conducted to convincingly show that this system is somehow
harnessing energy from the environment to thereby produce more
energy than it takes to run it.
Below, we have posted as much information as we have found
pertaining to the replication of this effect. We offer this page
as the home for this open source project. Feel free to log in and
edit to keep things current, accurate, and clear.
Jr. Member
Re: yannicksonic's youtube
magnetic gears overunity.
June 10, 2009
The guy [ Yannick v. Doorne ] is a relentless con man. He's the
one with the key ring 'proof of concept' nonsense. The batcap
obviously bumps up the output on a short term basis. It's funny
how he took the magnets from the other scam video and used them as
a linkage, as if it somehow facilitates overunity. Watch out for
this guy, he's selling plans on a scam website and will likely
keep trying.
Hero Member
Re: yannicksonic's youtube
magnetic gears overunity.
June 10, 2009
Yannick is supposed to be (Belgian) French.
The man speaking on this video is definitly not French. Not even
Canadian French.
I agree that yannicksonic is a con man because he is selling plans
via PayPal and he is using videos from various sources to attract
the unsuspicious YouTube visitor to his site which he mentions in
the description of those videos.
Yannick has not made this particular video, he is only using it to
attract visitors to his site where he sells bogus plans.
Can we now actually discuss this video?
First off, any setup with battery banks or caps is suspicious and
should be shown to run without draining.
If we need more info I would suggest tracking the maker of this
video down.
Sr. Member
Re: yannicksonic's youtube
magnetic gears overunity.
June 11, 2009
I speak of this man Hatem a few years ago see here
this scam does not work !!
1 Déc 2007
Prototype Hatem Motor
I experienced following the principle of Mr Hatem. I made two
rotors ø27 cm
Rotors are each composed of 30 magnets spaced 2.83 cm.
A vacuum that runs very well without resistance, finding it as a
magnetic gear.
To realize the so-called gravitational effect, I install a
coreless coil to the output of the 2 rotors ordered with a Hall
sensor itself by controlling the rotor magnets (This arrangement
consumes only 9 watts) .
If the gravitation existed!! The rotors would rise quickly, but
the opposite is happening speed stationed at 600 rpm = 10tr / s
equivalent to the passage of 300 magnets / s.
It is obvious that if each magnet took less force output q'en
entered the result would be an increase in speed that do not have
that happening, so I have that the air resistance and bearings.
Then the gravitational unlikely!!
Another thing if I run my rotors at 2000 rpm with a drill in
contact on a rotor, when I remove the power source, the rotor
stops in a few minutes, so if there was no gravitation rotors
should not stop seeing increasing their speed.
On the assembly of Mr Hatem I do not see the difference in torque
that can have on one or more secondary rotors, it is clear that if
we have more torque on the first rotor and the rotors after we
could take power on the motor shaft without risk of dropping out
of secondary disk. Example: If the secondary rotors gives only a
couple additional 20% automatically on this strength and the motor
I know very well the couple needed to provide power for. I am a
water turbine which provided 2 kW / h when there is water. I'm
running an old dynamo 110 Volt j ' 2 radiators have to modify them
to work at 110 volts without a thermostat, I heat my house when it
is not too cold for my real power is 48 kw / day. I made many
experiments on free energy I think we will soon have free energy.
Hatem Motor Replication Tests
Set up this weekend of new weights on the 3 machines to increase
the kinetic force recommended in the patent of Mr. Hatem.
Engine No. 1 with a voltage of 60 volts DC (speed 3750 rpm)
leading to the generators 2 & 3. Gap 2.5 Mm the generators 2
and 3 are not supported.
Consumption: 3.323 Amp / h X 60 Volts = Watts 199.38
Output = 0
The ammeter left corespond has consolidated the drive motor.
Right, ammeter load.
Engine No. 1 with a voltage of 60 volts DC (speed 3750 rpm)
leading to the generators 2 & 3. Gap 2.5 Mm the generators 2
and 3 are supported.
Consumption: 5.48 Amp / h X 60 volts = 328.8 watts
Production: 1.85 Amp / h X 60 volts = 111 watts
Balance: 328 - 111 = 217 watts of lost output for the least poor
......., .........., I see miserable shame ......... ...
Next test. remove two rows of magnets to further increase the
relative attraction force> force kinetics.
Much effort has provide insufficient magnetic torque, even by
running the three machines in motor mode and then shutting off the
supply of engines 2 & 3, the magnetic torque is to cause
insufficient 2 and 3 without charge.
The test is pathetic .......
Well, if someone has another idea, I'm prenneur .....
I do not give up, the next test I'll increase the diameter of the
No. 1 engine to speed on the aumenter 2.
Thank you for your comments ....
Ps, a video test here