Arturo Solis HERRERA
Melanin Battery
via : keelynet.com
A life-changing discovery from a Mexican scientist. Imagine not
having to buy batteries ever again... Just think about the amount
of battery-powered gadgets we use daily in our lives, and the
problem it is when we have to throw them away. Simply take a
moment to think how much our planet is damaged with this process,
and the number of people who use and dispose batteries every day.
Under such premise, and to address this problematic, Mexican
scientist Arturo Solis Herrera was motivated to start an important
research regarding this small and little lasting-power sources,
which pollute the planet in large amounts.
Bat gen is the name of this ever-lasting battery. It consists of a
biochemical process triggered by mixing water and melanin, which
results in a substance capable of separating oxygen from hydrogen
(the components of a water molecule), therefore liberating energy.
The process continues as the same molecule brings together both
elements turning them into water again; as a result one more
energy load is triggered.
According to Solis’ research, once this process is reached, it can
continue for 100 years! Moreover, there are several ways of
artificially producing the melanin found in human nails, hair and
retina; two of them, which he already patented, are based on
vegetables and oil.
Arturo Solis is head of Investigation and Development of the Human
Photosynthesis Research Center, which was founded by himself in
the state of Aguascalientes, in the center region of Mexico. For
twenty years, the Mexican scientist dedicated his own resources to
this study, and fortunately on April 2010 the Russian government
granted him the patent number 6017379. Currently he is very close
to obtaining it in the United States and Europe.
For now, Bat gen can only be used to power up household
appliances, but this is just the beginning, as it is planned that
it can boost the engine of an electric car very soon.
This invention relates to the processes or methods for obtaining
alternative energy, particularly the ones known as
photoelectrochemical processes, through which hydrogen and oxygen
atoms are obtained by means of the separation or partition of
water molecule with which we generate hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
Moreover, high energy electrons are generated, and very possibly
this method can be applied to the reduction of carbon dioxide,
nitrate and sulphate molecules.
Because the reactions occur in both ways, our invention can also
be applied to electricity generation, for our method permits to
bind hydrogen and oxygen atoms forming water molecules, and
collaterally generating electrical current.
About the related art, nowadays, the known processes used up to
now to separate the water molecule in hydrogen and oxygen atoms
are, among others:
a).—The application of intense electrical currents.
b).—The heating of water until two thousand degrees centigrade.
c).—The separation of water molecule by solar electrochemical
method: (photoelectrochemical), which integrates a semi-conductor
material and a water electrolyzer in a monolithic design to
produce hydrogen directly from water using light as the unique
energy source. Simple in concept, the challenge was to find a
material or base that could support the whole process, and up to
now, the ideal or the most adequate material had not found because
some materials are very expensive, some are polluting, others are
inefficient; most of them decompose fast, others are damaged with
water and some others require exceedingly strict work conditions;
that is why cost-effectiveness has not been feasible up to now
from an economical, environmental and political point of view, and
others are not appropriate for large scale application, their
usefulness being thus reduced to some specific and small processes
d).—Another method to separate water is by solar energy
concentration (with mirrors for example), with the object to
elevate water temperature until two thousand ° C. This is the
required temperature used in laboratory to divide the water
e).—One further method is by using photosynthetic microbes as
green algas and cianobacterium, those produce hydrogen from water
as part of metabolic activities using light energy as main source.
This photobiological technology is promising, but as oxygen is
produced as well as hydrogen, the technology must solve the
limitation that is the sensibility to oxygen in the enzymatic
systems. Besides, hydrogen production from photosynthetic
organisms is currently too low to be economically viable.
f).—Another method is water electrolysis, using electricity to
separate the water molecule in its compounds (hydrogen and oxygen
atoms). At present time, two kinds of electrolyzers are used for
commercial production of hydrogen: the alkaline, and the membrane
of protons interchange, but these approaches cannot compete now
from an economic point of view with the hydrogen produced from
natural gas. (Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Efficiency and
Renewable Hydrogen fuel cells and Infrastructure Technology
Program Hydrogen Production & Delivery).
A natural material that can also divide or separate the water
molecule and that has been studied is chlorophyll but because its
affinity with light is between 400 nm and about 700 nm the rest of
the light energy is lost. That is why it is estimated that 80
percent of used energy is wasted. Moreover, its production is
complex and expensive, requiring for example temperatures of -8°
C. These are the reasons by which we decided to use the melanins
as electrolyzing water element, because its affinity in the
spectrum goes from 200 to 900 nm or more, and because of the
physiological characteristics of the tissues in which melanin
generally occurs. Parameters such as the oxygen concentration call
the attention and that is why we decided to contrast the
hypothesis that when melanin is illuminated, we would get the
photolysis of the water molecules, generating thus oxygen and
hydrogen atoms, besides other products such as OH, hydrogen
peroxide, anion superoxide and high energy electrons, as well as
support and catalyze the reverse reaction.
Before our work, the photohydrolitic and hydrosynthetic properties
of melanin, the so called melanin response to electro-retinogram
only had historical interest. In the early sixties, it was
discovered that intense non physiological luminous stimulus
applied to the pigmented ephythelium of the retina, generated
potential changes throughout it. This response to melanin reflects
a physicochemical response to light absorption by melanin, similar
in some way to the early potential of electro-retinogram receptors
generated by opsin molecules.
The literature points out that researchers have not found the
clinical application to the melanin response yet. And we add that
this is due to the fact that the process of said event had not
been understood. Now we know that portions surrounding the
molecule collect photon energy and through it the water molecule
is divided, that is, they oxide it, separating hydrogen from
oxygen, then the hydrogen, the carrier of energy by excellence is
caught possibly by FAD and NAD for its further processing by
eukaryote cell to energize one or other reaction among the many
that occur every second and lead to life. But the wonder of the
event is that also the structure of (primary, secondary, third,
fourth) melanin permits the occurrence of the opposite reaction,
i.e. the union of hydrogen and oxygen, or in other words, the
reduction of oxygen, that produces water and electricity. The
absorption of light by the melanin starts an ionic event that
finally gives us electricity, because the sole division of water
molecule is not enough; the reversibility of the reaction has to
happen, i.e. the reunion of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
Any range or ranges disclosed in this description are deemed to
include and provide support for any sub-range within those range
or ranges. Any range or ranges disclosed in this description are
deemed to include and provide support for any point or points
within those range or ranges.
This invention consists essentially in obtaining under normal
temperature, and using natural or artificial light, as the only
source of energy, the division of water molecule to obtain
hydrogen and oxygen atoms as well as electrons of high energy or
join hydrogen or oxygen atoms to obtain water and electric
current; using as main or central electrolyzing melanin, melanin
precursors, melanin derivatives and melanin analogues:
polihydroxyindole, eumelanin, feomelanin, alomelanin,
neuromelanin, humic acid, fulerens, graphite, polyindolequinones,
acetylene black, pyrrole black, indole black, benzene black,
thiophene black, aniline black, poliquinones in hydrated form
sepiomelanins, dopa black, dopamine black, adrenalin black,
catechol black, 4-amine catechol black, in simple linear chain,
aliphatics or aromatics; or their precursors as phenoles,
aminophenols, or diphenols, indole poliphenols, ciclodopa DHI Y
DHICA1, quinones, semiquinones or hydroquinones. L-tyrosine,
L-dopamine, morpholin, ortho benzoquinone, dimorpholin, porphirin
black, pterin black, ommochrome black, free nitrogen precursors,
any of the above listed with any size or particles. (from 1
angstrom to 3 or 4 cms.). All afore mentioned the compounds,
electroactive, in suspension, solution, in gel, that absorb the
ultrasound in the interval of one MHz, natural or synthetic, with
vegetal, animal or mineral origin; pure or mixed with organic or
inorganic compounds, ions, metals, (gadolinium, iron, nickel,
copper, erbium, europium, praseodymium, dysprosium, holmium,
chromium or magnesium, lead selenure, and so on). Gadolinium is a
very effective metal. The metal is incorporated into the melanin
in ionic form or as a particle, as well as drugs or medication
energizing the photo electrochemical design with light (natural or
synthetic, coherent or not, monochromatic or polychromatic) with
wavelength mainly between 200 and 900 nanometers, though other
wavelengths and other energy types, for example, the kinetic, also
are efficient in various grades, according to the rest of the
conditions (pH, temperature, pressure, and so on). To this kind of
designs magnetic fields from soft to significant intensity can be
The events in this design may occur to a greater o lesser extent
under internal or external physical or chemical stimuli.
We propound the use of melanin (as mentioned before) as the
electrolyzer material of the water molecule, using light as main
or sole energy source, particularly at wavelength between 200 and
900 nm for the hydrogen production systems known as
photoelectrochemical methods. As aforementioned, these systems
integrate a semiconducting material and a water electrolyzer
inside a monolithic design to produce hydrogen atoms directly from
water, using light as the main or sole source of energy, though
sound, ultrasound, in an interval of one MHz, mechanical stir,
magnetic fields, etc. can also be used.
Although, it is a simple concept, the challenge was to find a
material that could withstand the whole process. At least two
basic criteria had to be met: one was the light absorbing system
or compound had to generate enough energy to start, lead and
support completely the electrolysis reaction, and it had to be low
cost, stable and long lasting in a water environment.
Melanin, melanin precursors, melanin derivatives, melanin variants
and analogues can meet reasonably and efficiently the above
mentioned requirements and this represents a progress to solve the
central problem of photoelectrochemical designs.
The shape of the container holding it in the appropriate equipment
can be very varied: cubic, cylinder, spherical, polyhedral,
rectangular, etc. Being one of the main requirements, to be
transparent, in order to permit the light to pass through and
depending on the wavelength of the illumination that is going to
be used, the walls could be made of quartz, for example, so that
the walls of the container do not absorb the ultraviolet
radiations, or if a specific wavelength is determined, the
material of which the container is made could be of a color that
allow maximum transparency or absorption of the wavelength from
the electromechanical spectrum which we are interested in. The
walls can be made of glass or of any other polymer whose
transmission characteristics of the electromagnetic radiations fit
to the final needs of the photoelectrochemical design. The
wavelengths that can be used to energize the design comprise from
200 nanometers to 900 nanometers.
Inside the cell, the main material, the essential solute, melanin
precursors, melanin derivatives, melanin variants and analogues,
mainly dissolved in water, because the basis of the design is the
notable capacity of melanin to capture photons of wavelengths
comprised between 200 and 900 nm, probably by the surrounding
portions of the molecule, followed by the generation of high
energy electrons from low energy electrons. These high energy
electrons go to the centers of free radicals of the compound where
they are probably captured by an element for example: a metal such
as iron, copper, gadolinium, europium, etc. from where they are
transferred to a primary electron acceptor from a nature that is
uncertain up to now because the union is complex and comprises
ionic interactions depending on the pH. This electron transfer
liberates energy which is used to establish the protons gradient.
The combination of the melanin molecule with water forms what can
be called a photosystem, which captures luminous energy using at
least two interrelated activities: removal of electrons from water
and generation of a protons gradient.
The melanin components are in very close contact among them which
makes a fast transfer of energy easy. At three picoseconds of
illumination, the melanin reaction centers respond transferring a
photo-excited electron to the primary electron receptor. This
transference of electrons generates a donator, positively charged
and a receiver negatively charged. The importance of the formation
of two species with opposite charges is seen when we consider the
reduction capacities of these two species, because one of them is
deficient in electrons and can accept electrons which makes it an
oxidizing agent. By contrast, the other compound has an extra
electron that can be lost easily, making it a reducing agent. This
event—the formation of an oxidizing agent and a reducing agent
from the light<-> takes less than billionesimal of second
and is the first essential step in the photolysis.
Because they are charged in an opposite way, these compounds show
an obvious mutual attraction. The separation of charges is
(probably) stabilized by their movement to opposite sides of the
molecule; being the negative compound the one that first gives its
electron toward a quinone (Q1) and possibly then the electron is
transferred to a second type of quinone (Q2), this producing a
semi reduced form of the quinone molecule which can be strongly
linked to the reaction center of the melanin molecule. With each
transfer, the electron gets closer to the reaction center of the
melanin molecule. The portion of melanin positively charged is
reduced, thus preparing the reaction center for the absorption of
another photon. The absorption of a second photon sends a second
electron along the way. (melanin negatively charged towards the
first and second quinone molecule — Q1 and Q2 -). This second
molecule absorbs two electrons, and thus combines with two
protons. The protons used in this reaction could derive from the
same melanin molecule or from the surrounding water, causing a
decrease in the concentration of hydrogen ions of the photosystem,
what contributes to the formation of a protons gradient. In theory
the reduced quinone molecule is dissociated from the reaction
center of melanin, been replaced reaction by a new quinone
molecule. These reactions occur at normal temperature but when you
modify for example the temperature you can favor the reaction in
one or other way, depending on the control of the other variables:
(pH, magnetic fields, concentrations, gases, partial pressures,
shape of cells, etc.) and the main objective of the process.
The separation of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen atoms
is a highly endergonic reaction due to the very stable association
of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The separation of the water
molecules (in hydrogen and oxygen atoms) in the laboratory
requires the use of a strong electric current or high temperature
of almost 2,000° C. the above (water electrolyzing) is obtain by
melanin at room temperature, using only the energy obtained from
light, wavelength mainly comprised between 200 and 900 nanometers,
either from natural or artificial source, coherent or not,
concentrated or disperse, mono or polychromatic. It is estimated
that the redox potential of oxidized form of quinone is
approximately +1.1 V, what is strong enough to attract the firmly
united low energy electrons from the water molecule (redox
potential of +0.82), separating the molecules in hydrogen and
oxygen atoms. The separation of the water molecule by
photopigments is named photolysis. It is believed that the
formation of the oxygen molecule during the photolysis requires
the simultaneous loss of four electrons from two water molecules
according to the reaction:
<img class="EMIRef" id="241089761-CUSTOM-CHARACTER-00002" />
A reaction center can only generate a positive charge or its
oxidizing equivalent at the same time. This problem is solved
hypothetically by the presence of four nitrogen atoms in the
reaction center of the melanin molecule, each one of them
transferring only one electron. This nitrogen concentration, adds
may be four positive charges upon transferring four electrons (one
each time) to the closest quinone<+> molecule.
The transfer of electrons from the nitrogens of the reaction
centers to the quinine<30 >is obtained by means of the
passage through a positively charged tyrosine moiety. After each
electron is transferred to quinone<+>, regenerating quinone,
the pigment is reoxidized (again a quinone<+>) after the
absorption of another photon to the photosystem. So the
accumulation of four positive charges (oxidizing equivalents) by
the nitrogen atoms of the reaction center is modified by the
successive absorption of four photons by the melanin photosystem.
Once the four charges have been accumulated the oxygen releasing
quinone complex can catalyze the 4e<-> removal from 2H2O
forming an O2 molecule, and regenerating the totally reduced
quantity of nitrogens in the reaction center.
The protons produced in the photolysis are released in the medium
where they contribute to the protons gradient. The photosystem
must be illuminated several times before the occurrence of O2
release and thus hydrogen can be measured; this indicates that the
effects of the individual photo reactions must accumulate before
O2 and hydrogen are released.
The quinones are considered carriers of mobile electrons. It is to
be kept in mind that all electron transfers are exergonics and
occur as the electrons are successively taken to carriers with an
increasing affinity for the electrons (more positive redox
potentials). The need of having electron moving carriers is
obvious. The electrons generated by the photolysis can pass to
several inorganic receivers, which are thus reduced. These ways
for electrons can lead (depending on the composition of the used
mix) to the eventual reduction of nitrate molecule (NO3) into
ammoniac molecule (NH3) or the sulphates in sulphydrides
(SH<->) reductions that change the inorganic wastes into
compounds necessary for life. So the sunlight energy can be used
not only to reduce the most oxidized form of a carbon atom (CO2)
but also to reduce the most oxidized forms or nitrogen and
The production of one O2 molecule requires the removal of four
electrons from two molecules of water, the removal of four
electrons from water requires the absorption of four photons, one
for each electron.
The design of the cell is an important parameter for the
optimization in obtaining the product of the reaction in which we
have a particular interest, because the addition of electrons, the
nature of them, the use of magnetic fields, the addition of
several compounds (organic or inorganic, ions, metals, drugs or
medications) to the photosystem that at the beginning was only
melanin and water, plus the addition of electrolytes, plus the
addition of medicines, and temperature management, the control of
partial pressures of gases, the management of the electrical
current generated, the application of magnetic fields, the level
of pH, the material used in making the cells and the shape and
disposition of its internal divisions, etc. Apart from other
variables, which are able to be controlled in such a way that the
final design can recover electrons, or protons, or oxygen, and the
resulting compounds according to the formulation of the medium in
the melanin is dissolved. Thus, the melanins, melanin precursors,
melanin derivatives, melanin variants and analogues (its
analogues, its synthetic or natural precursors, pure or combined
with organic compounds and inorganic compounds, metals) allow a
notable flexibility of the design according to the goals to reach.
The optimization of photoelectrochemical design relates to the
objectives, for example: for a higher generation of protons and
oxygen or generation of electricity; the largest possible area of
exposition of the liquid compound to the light in an extended
container, apart from other procedures such as the addition of
electrons carrier compounds, melanin doping, or positive microlens
to concentrate the light, etc.
The design of the container is not limited and can have a
spherical, cubic, rhomboidal, polyhedric, plain concave, plain
convex, biconvex, biconcave shape with microlens in a side (the
side exposed to light to concentrate it) and flat on the other
side cylindrical, circular cylindrical, hollow cylindrical,
circular cone (straight) truncated cone, rectangular prism,
oblique prism, rectangular pyramid, straight truncated pyramid,
truncated spherical segment, spherical segmented, spherical
sector, spherical with cylindrical perforation, sphere with conic
perforations, torus (circular section ring), cylinder with slanted
cut, cylindrical wedge, semi prism barrel, and combinations of
them, etc, because the liquid assumes any shape, only requiring to
be transparent to allow the passage of the maximum possible light,
and depending of the kind of melanin used (doped or not, for
example), it will be convenient to select a specific wavelength to
illuminate the soluble melanin, but until this moment one of the
big virtues of soluble synthetic melanin is that it absorbs the
majority of the wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. But
it appears to show its major absorption between 200 and 900
nanometers wavelengths. The control of the partial pressures of
the gases in the interior of the cell is an important variable,
and depending on the cell shape and the use given to it, these
pressures can go from 0.1 mm Hg until 3 or 4 atmospheres; another
variable that must be taken into account is the concentration of
different substances dissolved in the liquid, where the critical
concentration is mainly of melanin and can go from 0.1% to 100%,
the increase could be in steps of 0.1%; other variable that can be
modified is the ratio among the different components of the
formula (depending on the use), because potassium can be added in
a concentration from 0.1 to 10%; sodium in a concentration from
0.1 to 10%; chlorine in a concentration from 0.1 to 10%; calcium
in a concentration from 0.1 to 10%; iron in a concentration from
0.1 to 8%, copper in a concentration from 0.1 to 5%, arsenic in a
concentration from 0.1 to 8 or 9%, gold in a concentration 0.1 to
8 or 9%, silver in a concentration similar to gold, nickel in a
concentration from 0.1 to 8%, gadolinium, europium, erbium, etc.
The final volume can range from 1 microliter to 10 or 20 liters
depending on the size of the container and the available space;
the temperature can fluctuate from 2 to 45° C., the frequency of
change of solution can be from every 15 minutes to several months
or 2 or 3 years; the formation of compartments inside the little
cell, in the interior of the cell shapes ranging from small
spheres (microspheres, there can be several dozens of them) to
spheres the size of which could be included 3 or 4 times inside
the whole design, and in the shape of the interior of the little
cell cubic rhombic, polyhedral, concave plane, convex plane,
biconvex, biconcave with microcells, biconvex on one side (the
side exposed to light to concentrate it) and flat on the other
side, cylindrical, circular cylindrical, hollow cylindrical,
circular cone (straight), truncated cone, rectangular prism
(straight), oblique prism, rectangular pyramid (straight),
truncated pyramid, truncated spherical segment, spherical segment,
spherical sector, spherical with cylindrical perforation, sphere
with conic perforations, toro (circular section ring), cylinder
with slanted cut, cylindrical wedge, barrel, semiprism, can be
used including combinations of these, the power of the microlens
can range from 0.1 to 100 diopters, the redox properties of the
materials used in the formation of the compartments (iron, silver,
copper, nickel, gold, platinum, gallium arsenide, silicon,
gadolinium, europium, erbium, praseodymium, dysprosium, holmium,
chromium, magnesium, lead selenide and alloys of them, etc).
The use or not of cathodes y anodes, their material (for example
platinum, iron, silver, gold, steel, aluminum, nickel, arsenium,
gadolinium, europium, erbium, praseodymium, dysprosium, holmium,
chromo, magnesium; gallium), depending on the optimal
characteristics to recover electrons or hydrogen, but it has to be
kept in mind that in presence of metal or borium, the hydrogen
works with -1; another variable is initial pH of the solution that
can range from 2 or 3 to 8 or 9 units of pH, being the most used
about 7, the above mentioned variables that can be handled in
order to control the photoelectrolysis process depending on the
needs of the project in question.
The core of any efficient photoelectrochemical designs are the
melanins, i.e. melanin, melanin precursors, melanin derivatives,
melanin variants and analogues, water soluble, where they catalyze
the photolysis process, without undergoing significant changes
except the presence of elements such as magnesium, iron, copper,
lead, and others, the resulting products of which together with
the resulting products of the partial reduction of the oxygen atom
(superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide, quinones
and orthoquinones), can fast or slowly damage the effectiveness of
melanin, but in the case of pure melanin, at a 10% concentration,
for example, the duration of the compound is long enough to be
economically convenient (years), and the synthesis of melanin is a
very efficient process. Thus, from an economic and ecological
point of view it is very viable, because pure melanin is fully
biodegradable. Thus, the little cell only requires a periodic
supply of distillated water, as well as a periodic replacement of
soluble melanin, or eventually, the renewal of substances added to
the design to optimize or potentiate some of the processes
occurring as a result of exposing the photo-electrochemical design
to the light. The ecological advantage of the final products of
the reaction being water molecules, oxygen molecules or atoms,
hydrogen, high energy electrons, and electrical current can be
easily realized. There is little generation of greenhouse effect
CO2 molecules. The transfer of electrons releases energy, which is
used to establish a proton gradient.
The proton movement during the electrons transportation can be
compensated by the movement of other ions, so using membrane and a
solvent with adequate solutes, membrane potential can be formed
from photons capture by mean of melanin.
The electrolyzing properties of melanin (among many others) can
explain the light generated peak observable in the
electroretinogram, because if melanin is illuminated,
intracellular pH gets down, that activates the chlorine channels
sensitive to pH in the basolateral cellular membrane. (The light
peak is an increase of the potential that follows the FOT phase
(fast oscillation trough) and forms the slowest and longest
lasting component of the electroretinogram from direct current.
(Kris 1958, Kolder 1959, Kikadawa 1968, Steinberg 1982).
Melanins, melanin precursors, melanin derivatives, variants and
analogues, oxidize the water molecule to O, O2, and H2, absorbing
energy obtained by the light (photons), and reduce oxygen atom
with hydrogen atoms to H2O, liberating energy (electricity,
although it can “keep” the electricity, i.e. it can function as a
battery or accumulator, i.e. not only generating energy but also
keeping it for a while and within some limits). That is why the
cell design can be adapted to the requirements.
H2 and O2 atoms are produced with light, but the generation of
these elements can be increased by melanin doping (melanin, its
precursors, variants, derivatives, or synthetic or natural
analogues) with metals or adding organic and inorganic molecules,
also modifying the electrolyte concentrations, adding drugs or
controlling the characteristics of light, over the liquid
containing water and melanins (melanin, its precursors, variants,
derivatives, or synthetic or natural analogues), for example with
a design based on microlens to condensate or selecting determinate
wavelength, using coherent or disperse, monochromatic,
polychromatic, continuous, discontinuous, natural, artificial,
light; etc. The photoelectrochemical reactions happen in two ways,
i.e. the water molecule is separated but also formed, so it can
recover electric current of the design and it can also be
optimized through melanin doping with different substances (drugs,
metals, electrolytes, organic and inorganic molecules, and others)
or by light concentration by mean of lens, among others.
The box containing the liquid can have different shapes that adapt
to different needs, in the house roofs, car roofs, plants
buildings, industrial processes, etc. cells connected among them,
but the central component of the design is melanin (melanins, its
precursors, its derivatives, its variants, its analogues, water
soluble), that induces and carries out the photolysis of the water
molecule, in presence of light.
The melanins, melanin precursors, melanin derivatives, melanin
variants and analogues remove electrons from water and generate a
gradient of protons.
The light depending reactions can also generate energy to reduce
CO2 to CH2O, nitrates to ammonia and sulphates to sulphydriles.
A compound that has been reported in the literature and that has
shown to induce and carry out these processes is the chlorophyll
but because it absorbs light mainly in the extreme regions of the
visible spectrum, it is estimated that 80% of the irradiated
energy is wasted, in contrast, with our offer to use melanin,
because it practically absorbs soft and hard ultraviolet
electromagnetic radiations, all the visible spectrum and the far
and near infrared lengths (Spicer & Goldberg 1996). It would
not be surprising that it could absorb other types of energy such
as kinetic energy or other wavelengths of the electromagnetic
We conducted small scale experiments. Once we inferred these
interesting properties of melanins according the structure
activity relation, we placed soluble synthetic melanin in water,
forming a 1% solution in five 20 mL transparent, high density
polythene flasks, at room temperature. We measured the pH before
and after lighting them during 30 minutes with visible light of
natural source (sun) not concentrated; measuring the pH, we
obtained in average a decrease of two decimals of unit of pH (from
7.3 to 7.1), we consider it significant because melanins have
buffering property per se, so the change must be larger, but is
hidden by melanin intrinsic buffering property, and thus we only
detected part of this pH modification, a change of pH the
magnitude of which is related to the biological system, because if
it were greater, it would probably severely destroy or damage the
cell, but a change of this size is enough to induce biological
changes that involves said extraordinary compound. To determine
the biological magnitude of a decrease of 0.2 units of pH, we will
mention that, in the case of blood, this reduction increases more
than 10% the calcium concentration.
Besides, the total blood pH ranges from 7.38 to 7.44, the arterial
blood pH ranges from 7.36 to 7.41, and the vein blood pH ranges
from 7.37 to 7.45, i.e., the variations are within a very narrow
margin, and thus a difference of 2 decimals of unit of pH is
really significant in a biological system.
In an initial close design we estimated the liberation of hydrogen
in function of electric current generation, and obtained 50 mV on
average and 110 mV between each peak, corresponding to about one
to two units of pH, what is equivalent to the production of
1×10<-7 >mol/liter of hydrogen per each pH unit, because the
molecular weight of hydrogen indicates that a mol of it is equal
to a gram of hydrogen.
On the other hand, the melanocyte, is the cell showing most
affinity for calcium in the organism, showing an affinity one
thousand times higher than the bone, because although the latter
has a larger quantity, it is only deposited in mineral form.
It is to be noted that this change from 0.2 to 1.0 units of pH, as
well as its reversion when they were placed in flasks in a dark
place, was foreseen by our theoretical system, i.e. when we made
the experiment we knew the result we were going to obtain, in
other words, we did not make many experiments, we only made it
twice or three times, resulting as we expected. The solutions of
melanin used in the experiments had been prepared for at least 3
years, were not doped; and as pointed out by the theoretical
system, it is a very long lasting compound, very stable in water,
that does not require preservatives, or refrigeration, is not
contaminated with microorganisms despite the age of the
preparation, and these solutions only need to be kept in a fresh
and dry place; that is why we were relatively sure that the
reaction was going to happened, though we could not foresee its
magnitude because the buffering capacity of melanin is not known
or it is not possible to assess it exactly because the melanin
formula is not fully known.
This experiment also demonstrated that melanin does not require
preservatives and its electrolyzing properties are maintained
despite the time (3 years after being synthesized). We are now
working on improving the protocols to answer to some of the many
questions that are generated through these experiments, but
because of the extraordinary possibilities of industrial, medical,
energetic, and laboratory applications of the electrolyzing
characteristics of melanin, we decided to protect immediately its
use in the photoelectrochemical processes of energy generation.
A photoelectrochemical system was built that works with natural
light, the reactive cell of which contains up to 1.3% of melanin,
i.e. more than 98% is water. Optionally metals or drugs can be
used to increase its efficiency. The little cell has been
hermetically sealed to avoid that gases generated escape. Another
variable refers to the electrodes, their geometry and nature that
can be conductors, semiconductors or semimetals. Each millimeter
of electrolyzing material has produced 10 millivolts and
microampers day and night, during years, recharges of
electrolyzing material or water have not been required; it has
been conducted at room temperature showing that it is an
efficient, economical and versatile photolectrochemical system.
In this example, we managed to light the first light emitting
diode (LED), which remains lit six months later. The cells do
produce electricity and we are working on making them more
efficient and scaling them up to competitive costs. Initially, we
used a concentration of 1.3% melanin and 98.7% water. Later, when
we increased the concentration of melanin to 4%, the generation of
electricity increased exponentially. In terms of technological
development, we have achieved progress I consider to be
significant and which can reflect the potential of such cells.
Besides, we were able to connect up a small music player, since
each cell now produces 600 mV and 200 mA, that is, a thousand
times more than the 200 µA we used to achieve.
We have produced a liter and a half of melanin every three months
and our cells were of 30 mL and produced 400 mV and 10 µA.
However, currently, in our small laboratory, we produce about 200
liters of melanin daily.
An electrochemical process and system for producing glucose and
glucose precursors are described. The process and system allow for
the production of glucose from carbon dioxide and water, requiring
only melanin, or a precursor, derivative, analog, or variant of
melanin, and electromagnetic energy, such as visible or invisible
light energy.
[0002] The invention relates to processes and systems for
producing glucose. In particular, the invention relates to the
production of glucose from water, carbon dioxide, electromagnetic
energy, and melanin, melanin precursors, melanin derivatives,
melanin analogs, or melanin variants.
[0003] Glucose is a simple sugar having the general chemical
formula C6H1206. Glucose is a basic molecule of the food chain and
is consumed by many organisms as a primary source of energy. One
well studied process that results in the production of glucose is
plant photosynthesis.
[0004] In general, photosynthesis is the process of converting
light energy into chemical energy. More specifically, through the
process of photosynthesis, plants use light energy to convert
carbon dioxide (C02) and water (H20) into oxygen (02) and glucose.
Another critical component to this process is the pigment known as
chlorophyll. Chlorophyll initiates photosynthesis by absorbing
light energy or photons. For every photon absorbed, chlorophyll
loses one electron, creating a flow of electrons which
subsequently generates the energy necessary to catalyze the
splitting of water into hydrogen ions or protons (H<+>) and
02. The resulting proton gradient is used to generate chemical
energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This chemical
energy is then used to convert carbon dioxide and water into
[0005] Similar to chlorophyll, melanin is also classified as a
pigment. Melanin is composed of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and
carbon, although the exact structure has not been fully
elucidated. Melanin is ubiquitous in nature and methods are also
known in the literature for synthesis of melanin. For many years,
melanin had no biological or physiological function attributed to
it, other than it being considered a simple sunscreen with a low
protection factor equivalent to that of a 2% copper sulfate
solution. Melanin has also been considered the darkest molecule
because it is able to absorb energy of almost any wavelength, yet
it did not seem to emit any energy. This was unique to melanin,
and it contradicted thermodynamic laws because other compounds
capable of absorbing energy, particularly pigments, emit a portion
of the energy absorbed. The electronic properties of melanin have
thus been the focus of attention for quite some time. However,
melanin is one of the most stable compounds known to man and, for
a long time, it seemed that melanin was unable to catalyze any
chemical reaction.
[0006] Recently, the intrinsic property of melanin to absorb
energy and utilize the absorbed energy to split and subsequently
reform the water molecule was discovered. Thus, melanin absorbs
all wavelengths of electromagnetic energy, including visible and
invisible light energy, and dissipates this absorbed energy by
means of water dissociation and its consequent reformation. A
photoelectrochemical process for separating water into hydrogen
and oxygen, using melanin, and analogs, precursors, derivatives,
or variants of melanin is described in U.S. Patent Application
Publication No. US 2011/0244345.
[0007] Without wishing to be bound by any theories, it is believed
that the reaction inside melanin occurs according to the following
Scheme I:
2H20 ^?2H2+ 02+ 4e (I)
Upon the absorption of electromagnetic energy such as light energy
(visible or invisible), melanin catalyzes the dissociation of
water into diatomic hydrogen (H2), diatomic oxygen (02), and
electrons (e<">). Although the splitting of water into
hydrogen and oxygen consumes energy, the reaction is reversible,
and in the reverse process the reduction of oxygen atoms with
diatomic hydrogen to reform the water molecules liberates energy.
[0008] Thus, melanin is able to transform light energy into
chemical energy, analogous to the process by which plants use
chlorophyll to transform light energy into chemical energy during
photosynthesis. Therefore, by analogy, we have designated this
process "human photosynthesis." However, there are at least two
important distinctions between the water splitting reaction
carried out by melanin and that carried out by chlorophyll. The
first is that chlorophyll cannot catalyze the reverse process of
reforming the water molecule. The second is that the water
splitting reaction by chlorophyll can only occur in a living cell
and with visible light having a wavelength in the range of 400 nm
to 700 nm. Thus, the subsequent production of glucose can also
only occur inside the living cell. In contrast, melanin can split
and reform the water molecule outside of a living cell using any
form of electromagnetic energy, particularly with light energy
(visible or invisible) having a wavelength in the range of 200 nm
to 900 nm.
[0009] It is now discovered that upon the absorption of
electromagnetic energy, such as invisible or visible light energy,
melanin can split and reform the water molecule, and subsequently
catalyze a reaction that transforms carbon dioxide (C02) and water
into glucose.
[0010] The invention relates to electrochemical processes and
systems for utilizing melanin, melanin precursors, melanin
derivatives, melanin analogs, and melanin variants to produce
glucose from carbon dioxide and water. According to embodiments of
the invention, melanin can be used to produce glucose from carbon
dioxide and water, additionally requiring only a source of
electromagnetic energy, such as invisible or visible light energy,
gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation,
microwaves, and radiowaves. Unlike the ability of chlorophyll to
convert light energy into chemical energy, which is subsequently
used to produce glucose in living cells by the process of
photosynthesis, melanin can be used to produce glucose via an
electrochemical process that can be performed outside a living
cell. Thus, until now, such a process for producing glucose has
not been replicated in the laboratory.
[0011] In one general aspect, the invention relates to an
electrochemical process for producing glucose (C6H1206). According
to embodiments of the invention, the electrochemical process
comprises reacting water and carbon dioxide gas dissolved therein,
in the presence of at least one melanin material and a source of
electromagnetic energy. The at least one melanin material is
selected from melanin, melanin precursors, melanin derivatives,
melanin analogs, and melanin variants. Because melanin is able to
absorb electromagnetic energy and transform this
electromagnetic energy into usable chemical energy, an external
electric current is not required for the production of glucose
according to an electrochemical process of the invention.
According to a preferred embodiment, an electrochemical process of
the invention is a photoelectrochemical process, and the source of
electromagnetic energy is photoelectric energy selected from
visible and invisible light having a wavelength in the range of
200 run to 900 nm.
[0012] In another general aspect, the invention relates to an
electrochemical process for producing CnH2nOnspecies, wherein n
represents an integer. In a preferred embodiment, n represents 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, such that a CnH2nOnspecies produced by a process
of the invention is a glucose precursor, or glucose itself.
According to embodiments of the invention, the
electrochemical process comprises reacting water and carbon
dioxide gas dissolved therein, in the presence of at least one
melanin material and a source of electromagnetic energy,
preferably photoelectric energy selected from visible and
invisible light energy having a wavelength in the range of 200 nm
to 900 nm. [0013] In yet another general aspect, the invention
relates to systems for producing glucose and CnH2nOn species from
water, carbon dioxide, melanin and a source of electromagnetic
energy. According to embodiments of the invention, a system for
producing glucose via an electrochemical process comprises:
(i) a reaction cell for receiving water and C02gas dissolved
therein, and at least one melanin material, wherein the at least
one melanin material is selected from melanin, melanin precursors,
melanin derivatives, melanin analogs, and melanin variants; and
(ii) a source of electromagnetic energy, such that the
electromagnetic energy is transmitted into the reaction cell and
is absorbed by the melanin material.
[0014] The system for producing glucose according to embodiments
of the invention does not require any complicated operation or
set-up, and thus only requires a container for receiving water and
C02gas dissolved therein, and at least one melanin material, as
well as a source of
electromagnetic energy to provide the at least one melanin
material with sufficient amounts of energy to catalyze the
splitting and reformation of the water molecule and the subsequent
formation of glucose. According to a preferred embodiment, the
source of electromagnetic energy transmits visible or invisible
light energy having a wavelength between 200 nm and 900 nm into
the reaction cell.
[0015] The details of one or more embodiments of the invention are
set forth in the description below. Other features and advantages
will be apparent from the following detailed description and the
appended claims.
[0016] All patents and publications referred to herein are
incorporated by reference. Unless otherwise defined, all technical
and scientific terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly
understood to one of ordinary skill in the art to which this
invention pertains. Otherwise, certain terms used herein have the
meanings as set forth in the specification.
[0017] It must be noted that as used herein and in the appended
claims, the singular forms "a," "an," and "the" include plural
references unless the context clearly dictates otherwise.
[0018] As used herein, the term "electrolysis of water" refers to
the process of splitting water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen.
As used herein, "water-electrolyzing material" refers to a
substance that is capable of splitting the water molecule into
oxygen and hydrogen. According to embodiments of the invention,
melanin materials including melanin (natural and synthetic),
melanin precursors, melanin derivatives, melanin analogs, and
melanin variants are water-electrolyzing materials.
[0019] As used herein, the term "melanin material" refers to
melanin, melanin precursors, melanin derivatives, melanin analogs,
and melanin variants including natural and synthetic melanin,
eumelanin, pheomelanin, neuromelanin, polyhydroxyindole,
eumelanin, alomelanin, humic acid, fulerens, graphite,
polyindolequinones, acetylene black, pyrrole black, indole black,
benzence black, thiophene black, aniline black, polyquinones in
hydrated form, sepiomelanins, dopa black, dopamine black,
adrenalin black, catechol black, 4-amine catechol black, in simple
linear chain aliphatics or aromatics; or their precursors as
phenols, aminophenols, or diphenols, indole polyphenols, quinones,
semiquinones or hydroquinones, L-tyrosine, L-dopamine, morpholine,
ortho-benzoquinone, dimorpholine, porphyrin black, pterin black,
and ommochrome black.
[0020] According to embodiments of the invention, an
electrochemical process for producing glucose comprises reacting
water and C02gas dissolved therein, in the presence of at least
one melanin material and a source of electromagnetic energy. Forms
of electromagnetic energy suitable for use in an electrochemical
process of the invention include visible and invisible light,
gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation,
microwaves, and radiowaves. According to a preferred embodiment,
an electrochemical process according to the invention is a
photoelectrochemical process, wherein the source of
electromagnetic energy is photoelectric energy selected from
visible light and invisible (ultraviolet and infrared radiation)
[0021] According to embodiments of the invention, the at least one
melanin material is selected from melanin, melanin precursors,
melanin derivatives, melanin analogs, and melanin variants. In a
preferred embodiment, the at least one melanin material is
selected from natural melanin and synthetic melanin.
[0022] According to embodiments of the invention, melanin can by
synthesized from amino acid precursors of melanin, such as
L-tyrosine. However, melanin materials can be obtained by any
method known in the art in view of the present disclosure,
including chemically synthesizing melanin materials and isolating
melanin materials from natural sources, such as plants and
[0023] According to another embodiment of the invention, an
electrochemical process can be carried out in the presence of at
least one melanin device. The melanin device is comprised of a
substrate and at least one melanin material, such that the melanin
material is held on or within the substrate. The melanin material
can be dispersed throughout the substrate or adsorbed onto the
substrate. Preferably, the substrate is transparent to allow for
increased transmission of electromagnetic energy in the form of
light energy, and therefore increased glucose production. A
melanin device can comprise one type of melanin material, or more
than one type of melanin material. For example, a melanin device
for use in the invention can comprise melanin and eumelanin.
According to another embodiment of the invention, more than one
melanin device, with each device comprising a different type of
melanin material can be used. For example, a first melanin device
comprising melanin and a second melanin device comprising
eumelanin can both be used in a process of producing glucose
according to the invention.
[0024] A purpose of using a melanin device in an electrochemical
process of the invention is to prevent the melanin material from
dissolving in the water, diffusing through the water, or floating
freely throughout the water. The melanin device ensures that the
water retains its transparency and melanin is not lost during
replenishment of water or C02or removal of glucose. Thus, the
melanin device allows for the melanin material to remain in
contact with the water without being dissolved in the water. The
substrate of the melanin device can be any inert material,
including, but not limited to, silica, plastic, and glass. The
melanin device can be, for example, a melanin/silica plate, which
can be made by combining a cementing mixture of silica with an
aqueous melanin solution. Preferably, a melanin device for use in
the invention is melanin mixed with silica.
[0025] According to embodiments of the invention, the melanin
device can take on any size or shape, including but not limited to
a rod (cylindrical), plate, sphere, or cube-shape. At least one
melanin device can be used, but the number of melanin devices, or
the size or shape of the melanin devices, is not limited in any
way. The rate of the reaction will be controlled by the size,
shape, surface area, amount of melanin material and number of
melanin devices used in the reaction.
According to a preferred embodiment, the size, shape and number of
melanin devices are selected based on the desired reaction rate of
the electrochemical process. For example, using a larger number of
melanin devices will result in a faster rate of glucose
production. As another illustrative example, a larger amount of
melanin material in the melanin device will result in a faster
rate of glucose production.
[0026] An electrochemical process according to embodiments of the
invention will be initiated when the melanin material absorbs
electromagnetic energy and catalyzes the electrolysis of water
into H2and 02. According to one embodiment of the invention (batch
process), carbon dioxide gas is dissolved in the water only once,
prior to the initiation of the photoelectrochemical process.
According to another embodiment (continuous process), the
photoelectrochemical process further comprises continuously
dissolving C02gas in the water to continuously replenish the C0
gas as it is consumed and converted to glucose. Any suitable
method for continuously dissolving C02gas in the water can be
used. For example, the C02gas can be continuously injected into
the water by pipes or tubes connected to a gas pump. The pipes or
tubes can be made of any material that is inert and substantially
impermeable to C02gas, including but not limited to polyethylene.
[0027] According to a particular embodiment of the invention, a
process for producing glucose is a photoelectrochemical process
requiring a source of photoelectric energy. Preferably, the source
of photoelectric energy is either visible or invisible light
having a wavelength ranging from 200 nm to 900 nm. In a more
preferred embodiment, the source of photoelectric energy is
natural light.
[0028] According to another embodiment of the invention, the
electrochemical process can be performed at room temperature
(approximately 25°C), preferably at a temperature below room
temperature in the range of 0°C to 25 °C, and more preferably at a
temperature ranging from 2°C to 8°C. Although lower temperatures
can decrease the turnover rate of splitting and reforming the
water molecules, a lower temperature incubation preserves the
C02gas bubbles introduced at the start of the process and
eliminates the need to continuously inject C02gas into the water.
Thus, using lower temperatures has the main advantage of rendering
the electrochemical process technically simpler to execute.
[0029] An electrochemical process according to the invention can
further comprise a step of isolating the glucose obtained from the
reaction of carbon dioxide, water, and the at least one melanin
material. As an illustrative example, glucose can be isolated by
evaporating the aqueous reaction solution. However, glucose can be
identified and measured without being isolated by, for example,
[0030] The invention also relates to an electrochemical process
for producing CnH2nOnspecies, wherein n represents an integer.
Preferably n is 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, such that the CnH2nOnspecies
is a glucose precursor, or glucose itself. According to
embodiments of the invention, an electrochemical process for
producing CnH2nOnspecies can be the same as that used to produce
glucose, and comprises reacting water and C02gas dissolved
therein, in the presence of at least one melanin material and a
source of electromagnetic energy. Preferably, the source of
electromagnetic energy is photoelectric energy selected from
visible light and invisible (ultraviolet and infrared radiation)
light. Other embodiments of a process for producing CnH2nOnspecies
according to the invention can be the same as those described for
an electrochemical process for producing glucose according to the
invention. Preferably, an electrochemical process for producing
CnH2nOnspecies is a photoelectrochemical process.
[0031] The precise mechanism by which melanin is able use
electromagnetic energy to produce glucose, glucose precursors, and
other CnH2nOnspecies from C02and water in an electrochemical
process according to embodiments of the invention is not yet fully
understood. Without wishing to be bound by any theories, it is
believed that melanin absorbs the electromagnetic energy,
promoting conversion of low energy electrons to high energy
electrons. The high energy electrons are transferred by mobile
electron carriers within the melanin material. This electron
transfer releases energy and establishes a proton gradient
sufficient to initiate the splitting of water into diatomic
hydrogen (H2) and diatomic oxygen (02) along with the release of
four high energy electrons. Thus, melanin releases molecules of
H2and 02, as well as a flow of high energy electrons in all
directions, controlled by diffusion. The released hydrogen and
high energy electrons have different types of energy, and it is
thought that both types of energy play a role in the conversion of
C02and water into glucose and other CnH2nOnspecies. Although the
splitting of water into H2and 02consumes energy, the reaction is
reversible and the reduction of 02with H2to reform the water
molecules liberates energy. Thus, after the water molecule is
split, the water molecule must be reformed in order to supply
energy to the glucose production reaction that occurs from the
fusion of C02and water.
[0032] Many factors will affect the rate and efficiency of an
electrochemical process for producing glucose according to
embodiments of the invention. These factors include, but are not
limited to, the amount of energy released by splitting and
reforming the water molecules, the entropy of the dissolved
C02gas, the amount of dissolved C02gas, temperature, pressure, the
wavelength of electromagnetic energy supplied to the reaction, and
the amount of electromagnetic energy absorbed by the melanin
[0033] According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, an
electrochemical process for producing glucose is performed under
sterile conditions, meaning that there is substantially no
bacteria present in the reaction. Because bacteria can consume
glucose, the presence of bacteria can decrease the amount of
glucose produced by an electrochemical process according to the
invention. Reactions can be sterilized by any method known in the
art in view of the present disclosure, including but not limited
to filter sterilization and heat sterilization.
[0034] The dissociation and reformation of the water molecule to
produce energy that is subsequently used to produce glucose from
carbon dioxide and water can by catalyzed by at least one melanin
material, wherein the at least one melanin material is the only
water-electrolyzing material present in the reaction. Thus, in
particular embodiments of the invention, the at least one melanin
material is the only water-electrolyzing material used in an
electrochemical process for producing glucose. According to a
preferred embodiment, melanin (synthetic or natural) is the only
water electrolyzing material used in a process for producing
glucose. [0035] Another aspect of the invention provides a system
for producing glucose via an electrochemical process. According to
embodiments of the invention, the system is comprised of a
reaction cell and a source of electromagnetic energy. As used
herein, the term "reaction cell" refers to any container that can
receive and hold water and carbon dioxide gas dissolved therein.
The reaction cell can take on any shape, and can be made of any
suitable material including, but not limited to, plastics, glass,
and any other materials that allow for the transmission of the
desired wavelengths of electromagnetic energy into the reaction
cell, such that the electrochemical process can occur. The
material of the reaction cell is preferably transparent to allow
for the transmission of visible light. The material of the
reaction cell is also preferably substantially impermeable to
carbon dioxide.
[0036] According to another embodiment, the reaction cell is a
closed reaction cell. A closed reaction cell is sealed to prevent
carbon dioxide gas from escaping the reaction cell, and can be
made of any suitable material as discussed above. Preferably, the
reaction cell is closed. The reaction cell receives water and
C02gas dissolved therein, and at least one melanin material. The
at least one melanin material is selected from melanin, melanin
precursors, melanin derivatives, melanin analogs, and melanin
variants, and is preferably melanin (synthetic or natural). In
another embodiment of the invention, a system comprises the at
least one melanin material as part of at least one melanin device,
the device comprised of a substrate and a melanin material as
discussed above. Preferably, the melanin device comprises melanin
(natural or synthetic) and silica.
[0037] A system according to the invention is preferably sterile,
and lacks the presence of any bacteria. The system, including one
or more of its component parts (reaction cell, tubing, etc.) can
be sterilized according to any method known in the art that
eliminates or kills bacteria, such as by applying heat, chemicals,
irradiation, pressure, or filtration.
[0038] According to embodiments of the invention, the energy
provided by the source of electromagnetic energy to the reaction
cell is transmitted through the reaction cell, such that it is
absorbed by the melanin material. In a preferred embodiment, the
source of electromagnetic energy provides invisible or visible
light energy having a wavelength between 200 nm and 900 nm to the
reaction cell.
[0039] According to another embodiment of the invention, the
system can further comprise a device for continuously injecting
C02gas into the reaction cell. The device can be, for example, a
gas pump. The device can be connected to the reaction cell by
pipes or tubes. If the reaction cell is closed, the device is
preferably connected in such a way that allows for the closed
reaction cell to remain sealed to prevent C02gas from escaping.
Thus, using a closed reaction cell has the advantage of
eliminating the need to continuously inject carbon dioxide into
the reaction cell, provided that the container is sufficiently
sealed to prevent the carbon dioxide gas from escaping.
[0040] According to embodiments of the invention, a system for
producing glucose via an electrochemical process can also be used
to produce CnH2nOnspecies. Preferably the CnH2nOnspecies is a
glucose precursor, wherein n represents 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
[0041] The electrochemical process and system for producing
glucose according to embodiments of the invention, in addition to
C02gas dissolved in water, requires only the presence of a melanin
material and electromagnetic energy, preferably photoelectric
energy, and more preferably light energy, and thus is
environmentally friendly because no source of external energy,
other than that present in the natural surroundings is required.
Furthermore, no complex setup or maintenance is required. The only
maintenance required is the replacement of the water and dissolved
C02gas once C02has been consumed and transformed into glucose.
Because melanin is one of the most stable molecules known to man,
having a half-life estimated to be on the order of millions of
years, the melanin material or melanin device can be used for
decades before it needs to be replaced.
[0042] In a preferred embodiment, the at least one melanin
material in the system is melanin (natural or synthetic). In
another preferred embodiment, melanin is the only
water-electrolyzing material present in the system.
[0043] The electrochemical process and system for producing
glucose according to embodiments of the invention have at least
two important applications. The first application is the
production of glucose, as described above, which is a basic
molecule of the food chain. The second application is related to
the control of atmospheric C02. According to embodiments of the
invention, the production of glucose requires the consumption of
C02. Thus, the invention further provides a method for reducing
atmospheric C02levels.
[0044] Carbon dioxide (C02) is the principal greenhouse gas that
results from human activities, and the concentration of
atmospheric C02is increasing at an accelerating rate, contributing
to global warming and climate change. Although the upper safety
limit for atmospheric C02has been set at 350 parts per million
(ppm), atmospheric C02levels have remained above this limit since
early 1988. In addition, paleo-climate evidence and ongoing
climate change suggest that C02levels will need to be reduced in
order to preserve the planet in a state in which life on Earth has
adapted to.
[0045] Furthermore, calculations by NASA researchers indicate
that, despite unusually low solar activity between 2005 and 2010,
Earth continued to absorb more energy than it returned to space.
Thus, climate stabilization will also require a restoration of the
Earth's energy balance as well as a reduction of C02levels. In
other words, Earth will need to radiate as much energy to space as
it absorbs from the sun in order to slow down global warming.
[0046] Therefore, new methods for controlling the level of
atmospheric C02and for consuming absorbed solar energy are greatly
needed. In a photoelectrochemical process according to embodiments
of the invention, only light energy and at least one melanin
material such as melanin (synthetic or natural), a melanin analog,
or melanin precursor are required to convert C02and water into
glucose. Thus, both C02and solar energy are consumed in the
production of glucose by a photoelectrochemical process of the
invention, which will contribute to a reduction of C02levels while
simultaneously using absorbed solar energy.
Example 1 : Dissociation and reformation of the water
molecule catalyzed by melanin.
[0047] Two 1 liter closed containers (closed reaction cells) made
of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), were formed under sterile
conditions each containing 1 liter of purified water. C02gas was
dissolved in the water in each container at an initial pressure of
5 atm, and melanin mixed with silica was placed in one of the two
containers. The containers were exposed to visible light for six
weeks and incubated at a temperature of about 2°C to 8°C (35.6°F
to 46.4°F).
[0048] After 5 days, deformation of the plastic packaging of the
container containing melanin mixed with silica was observed. In
contrast, after 6 weeks of exposure to visible light, the plastic
packaging of the container that did not have any melanin mixed
with silica showed no visible deformation.
[0049] The results of the experiment support the claim that
melanin has the intrinsic ability to dissociate and reform the
water molecule in the presence of light energy. This dissociation
and reformation of the water molecule produced a vacuum, as
indicated by the deformation of the plastic packaging of only the
closed container that contained melanin. The energy that is
produced from splitting and reforming the water molecule catalyzed
by melanin can subsequently be used to convert carbon dioxide and
water into glucose.
Example 2: Production of glucose from CO2 dissolved in water,
melanin and light energy.
[0050] Ten sealed, 3 liter closed containers (closed reaction
cells) made of polyethylene, were formed under sterile conditions
each containing 1800 mL of purified water. C02was dissolved in the
water in each container under a pressure of approximately 2.20
PSI, in sufficient amounts such that numerous bubbles of C02gas
were easily observed. Five of the containers served as the control
group and contained no melanin device, and the other five
containers served as the experimental group. For the experimental
group, plates of melanin mixed with silica were placed at the
bottom of each container. The melanin/silica plates were made by
combining a cementing mixture of silica with an aqueous solution
of melanin. The melanin used was chemically synthesized in the
[0051] The containers of both the control and experimental groups
were placed in a refrigerator and incubated at a temperature
ranging between 2°C to 8°C (35.6°F to 46.4°F) for four weeks. The
purpose of refrigerating the containers was to preserve the C02gas
initially dissolved in the water. This eliminated the need for
continuous manipulation of the containers by having to dissolve
C02in the water either continuously or several times over the
course of the experiment. Because the refrigerator was composed of
metal walls, the source of energy supplied to the containers was
mostly invisible light present within the refrigerator. The
containers were kept sealed throughout the course of the
experiment and the visual observance of C02gas bubbles in the
control group containers throughout the four week incubation
confirmed that the containers were adequately sealed.
[0052] The dissolved C02gas bubbles were observed daily. At the
end of the first week, the C02bubbles in all of the control group
containers were still present and showed no change from the start
of the experiment. On the other hand, in all of the experimental
group containers, the dissolved C02bubbles disappeared completely
within a few hours. This indicated that carbon dioxide was being
consumed, but only in the presence of melanin. The experiment was
continued for four weeks, even though the carbon dioxide bubbles
in the experimental containers had disappeared within a few hours,
to determine if any other product or sediment was formed. At the
end of the fourth week, the seals of each container in both the
experimental and control groups were broken under sterile
conditions and a 10 mL sample of water was removed from each
container. It should also be noted that at the end of the fourth
week, the carbon dioxide in the containers of the control group
showed no change from the start of the experiment.
[0053] The 10 mL samples of water removed from each of the control
group and experimental group containers were noted to be both
transparent and odorless. For the experimental group, there was no
sediment observed in the samples of either group, indicating that
the melanin had not dispersed from the melanin/silica plates.
Additional parameters, including the density, pH, and glucose
concentration were measured in each sample.
[0054] The glucose concentration in each sample was determined by
spectrophotometry using a standardized glucose oxidase (GOD)
assay. Briefly, each sample was treated with glucose oxidase to
oxidize glucose, producing gluconate and hydrogen peroxide. The
hydrogen peroxide was then oxidatively coupled with
4-amino-antipyrene (4-AAP) and phenol in the presence of
peroxidase, producing a red dye quinoeimine. The absorbance of
quinoeimine at 505 nm, which is directly proportional to the
concentration of glucose, was then measured and used to determine
the concentration of glucose in the sample. The results are listed
below in Table 1.
Table 1
<img class="EMIRef" id="224889279-imgf000014_0001" />
[0055] The results of the above experiment demonstrate that
glucose can be produced from carbon dioxide and water, requiring
only melanin and electromagnetic energy, such as invisible light.
WO2008048082 / MX2008011478
The invention relates to a novel method for cooling and/or
refrigerating natural and artificial processes, i.e. natural,
industrial, domestic and/or automotive processes. The invention is
essentially characterised by the use of melanins and the
precursors, analogues and derivatives thereof in order to absorb
radiation which is emitted from heat or any other source and which
can be absorbed by said compounds, such that the process in
question, regardless of type, is cooled and can be surrounded or
have sufficient and suitable contact with the closed-geometry
melanin-containing designs so as to optimise the passage of heat
from one side to another. The melanin can convert said heat energy
into electrical energy, water, oxygen, hydrogen and high-energy
electrons, depending on the design geometry used. The by-products
obtained can be varied depending on the geometry of the
melanin-containing design and the position thereof in relation to
the heat source. The benefits are greater with nuclear power
stations since apart from reducing the temperature, providing
isolation and absorbing dangerous electromagnetic radiation,
electricity can also be generated. Any type of radiant energy can
drive biochemical reactions inside the melanin, which produce
photolysis and/or photohydrosynthesis.
The use of melanins, its precursors, analogs and derivatives
thereof as refrigerants industrial, automotive processes, and
home; generating electricity at the same time.
The present invention relates, patenting a method that allows us
to leverage the radiation generated by different processes
(especially in the infrared region of the electromagnetic
spectrum), both in nature, industries, nuclear power plants ; and
in automobiles and home. Y consists essentially, on cooling,
isolating, on cooling, the emitters or sources of heat and / or
radiation of any kind, natural or artificial; covering said events
based photoelectrochemical cells melanins, their precursors,
analogues and / or derivatives thereof in closed compartments that
allow photoelectrochemical properties thereof, we generate
electricity, resulting from the heat and / or irradiation of any
type as efficiently absorbing said substances, and converted into
electricity while a significant proportion isolated, temperature
decrease, improving conditions, or tempering the differences
between different interfaces of any system temperatures. The
variation in the characteristics of the continent of melanins,
i.e. the geometry of the cell; that is, types of electrodes,
interior volume, concentration, mixing ratios, doping; nature of
the continent; etc., will allow us to promote any of the known
products of melanins, their precursors, analogs and derivatives
thereof and which can be: water and electricity, hydrogen, oxygen,
and high energy electrons. The biochemical details of such
photoelectrochemical generation are described in PCT / MX2005 /
000092 patent. Any type of radiant energy can promote biochemical
reactions in melanin involving photolysis and / or
fotohidrosíntesis. So our patent application processes has natural
and / or artificial.
Heat generation mainly (but also of other wavelengths) is a common
event in most industrial processes, refining, generation, nuclear
power plants, home and automotive. Air, water is usually used, and
in the case of car engines propylene glycol derivatives are used
to cool and lower the temperature, so as not to get out of
control, but this heat energy is used to generate electricity in
any case only moves from one body to another. In the case of water
cooling nuclear reactors, cooled in water, and the resulting steam
is used to move a coil that generates electricity. In the case of
the melanins, its precursors, analogs and derivatives thereof,
directly energize electromagnetic radiation intra- and
intermolecular processes that result in the generation of
electricity and water, depending on the design or containing the
substrate can promote the generation opt hydrogen, oxygen, and
high energy electrons.
Our invention operates on the property of melanins, their
precursors, analogs or derivatives thereof, discovered by us and
described in detail in PCT / MX2005 / 000092 patent. to absorb
electromagnetic radiation in a very efficient, possibly the entire
electromagnetic spectrum, using this energy to break and join the
water molecule, one of the end products of this cycle power
generation .. The heat is transmitted primarily in the region
Infrared electromagnetic spectrum. Melanins efficiently absorb
such radiations (among many others), and according to the law of
Lavoisier, will be transformed into another type of energy, which
fortunately, in the case of melanins ultimately result in the
generation of electricity. It has already been described in other
patents of us (PCT / MX2005 / 000092) as detailed in that case the
event, summarizing have to melanin, its precursors, analogs and
derivatives thereof, in the presence of light (electromagnetic
radiation - all electromagnético-) spectrum and water, some water
molecule in 3 picoseconds, giving hydrogen and oxygen as well as
high-energy electrons, but as the reverse reaction supports the
same substrate (melanin) then we have to re-form water and
electricity, both reactions occur in the same medium, a stable
state, that is, if the variables are right is conditional; in the
continuous generation of electricity, which is very useful
product. The novelty of our invention is that then, heat and / or
radiation of any wavelength within the electromagnetic spectrum;
generated under different industrial processes, both at home or in
the case of combustion engines by gasoline, diesel or the like,
including nuclear, can be exploited to generate electricity.
Currently, none of the methods of cooling and / or insulating
these processes produces a product as useful as electricity, or at
least without requiring greater combustion. Our invention is based
on the colossal property of melanins, its precursors, analogs and
derivatives thereof to convert electromagnetic radiation into
electricity and water or, depending on the reaction equilibrium
obtain hydrogen, oxygen and high energy electrons. This discovered
by us, as described in PCT / MX2005 / 000092 patent.
Our invention begins with "wrap" virtually Photoelectrochemical
cells based melanins, its precursors, analogs and derivatives
thereof; "hot spots" or heat emitting and / or radiation of any
kind capable of being absorbed by melanin; industrial plants,
nuclear power plants; the roofs of the houses; and in the case of
cars, engines, ie any process of natural and / or artificial; so
that this wonderful substrate to absorb the heat or other energy,
we will generate photolysis of water and / or photo hydro
synthesis, giving oxygen, hydrogen and high-energy electrons in
the first case and water and electricity the second case. It is
obvious that by absorbing heat or radiant some energy, a decrease
in temperature of the "hot" areas either industrial structures,
nuclear reactors, houses and / or engines, either automotive or
other (nuclear occurs inclusive). In the case of engines to
generate electricity from the heat generated by combustion, allow
us called hybrid designs that currently rely on batteries or
accumulators that feed an electric motor that provides a small
part of horsepower needed to move the vehicle, and the batteries
or accumulators are recharged in part, by devices that generate
electricity by rotation or movement and which are placed on the
moving parts of the vehicle, for example on the axes; but also
need to be recharged by connecting to the power of the house. The
internal combustion engine moves based on burning gasoline, but
under imminent oil shortage is frantically looking for ways to
decrease significantly the consumption of fossil fuels; so the
application of melanins for cooling internal combustion engines,
with a consequent generation of hydrogen and / or electricity,
depending on the design of photoelectrochemical cell used, engines
allow vehicles to be smaller, much smaller than today, since
melanin efficiently absorb the heat radiation (among many others),
and then the electricity produced by them will recharge in varying
degrees or feed entirely on batteries and accumulators for
electric motors that count the vehicle, possibly with the
efficiency needed to avoid recharging is necessary (batteries or
accumulators) using household current. This will surely result in
a significant increase in the autonomy of the vehicle and lower
fuel consumption, since the engines would be smaller.
In the case of industrial plants, high consumption of electricity,
common in most industrial processes could be reduced to a greater
or lesser extent, thanks to optimal utilization of the detached
along supply chains radiant energy (heat or some other
wavelength), because in addition to cooling and hence cooling or
insulating areas that emit heat or radiation of some sort, which
is something very useful, we would have a product (electricity) to
energize us another link in the chain, allowing us greater or
lesser extent, optimize consumption electric current with the
consequent reduction of costs, a lower generation of greenhouse
gases, and perhaps even amazing optimizing the processes used in
the manufacture of countless articles that forms the current
economic activity. In the case of nuclear and / or nuclear sources
(reactors) this invention represents an additional advantage,
since the melanin has ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation
of high speed, so apart from insulation shield radioactive coolant
and also generate electricity. Needless to detail here, the many
economic policies advantages, ecological, environmental, legal;
etc; resulting from a lower power consumption and better use of
industrial processes, and already installed and widely used
engines. Furthermore, depending on the characteristics of the
photoelectrochemical cell based melanin, or their precursors,
analogs and derivatives thereof; We can obtain hydrogen, oxygen,
high-energy electrons or water and electricity. All depending on
the geometry of the designs of the "envelope" shaped base
fotoelectroquírnicas melanin cells. This application for cooling
and / or absorb heat radiation or some other form within the
electro-magnetic, capable of being absorbed by melanin, its
precursors, analogs and derivatives thereof, spectrum can be
applied to any process of natural origin and / or artificial. Any
type of radiant energy can promote biochemical reactions in
melanin involving photolysis and / or fotohidrosíntesis. So our
patent application processes has natural and / or artificial.
Melanins: For purposes of this patent, we define as meianinas,
their analogs, their precursors or their derivatives to the
following compounds, among IOS include, without being exclusive:
polihidroxiindol, eumelanin Ia, Ia pheomelanin Ia allomelanin, Ia
neuromelanine, humic-black-black pyrrole benzene acid, fullerenes,
graphite, the poliindolquinonas, the acetylene black
(acetylene-black), the (pyrrole-black), indole-black
(indoie-black), the ( biack benzene), the black thiophene
(thiophene-biack), Ia aniline-black (aniiine-black), the
poiiquinonas in hydrated form, the sepiomelaninas, Ia dopa black
(dopa-black), black Ia dopamine (dopamine-black) Ia black
epinephrine (adrenalin-black), black catecoi Ia (catechol-black),
ia 4aminocatecolnegra (4 amine catechol-biack), (in single linear
chain, or aromatic aiifáiicos.) and / or its precursors like
phenols, aminophenols, or .difenoles, indol-polyphenols,
ciclodopa, DHI and DHICA, quinones, semiquinones or hydroquinones,
L-tyrosine, L-dopamine, morpholine orto benzoquinone,
ortho-benzoquinone dimorphoüno, morfolincatecol, ortobenzoquinona,
porphirin-black, PIERIN-biack, ommochrome -black, free nitrogen
precursors, any of ios mentioned above with any size of particle
(from 1 Angstrom to 3 or 4 cm), all the abovementioned compounds,
electroactive, in suspension, solution, in gel, that absorb the
ultrasound in the MHz range from one natural or synthetic, of
vegetal origin, animal or mineral; pure or mixed with organic or
inorganic compounds, ions, metals, drugs and other
Photolysis: for purposes of this patent, we define photolysis as
the chemical reaction in Ia which, by means of the light and a
suitable substrate disuelio in water, Togra from or unfold the
water molecule itself or adjacent, obtaining hydrogen and oxygen
and high energy electrons, but may also be obtained, depending on
the conditions surrounding the event, chemical forms relating eg
OH (hydroxyl), superoxide anion, and other . Any type of radiant
energy can promote biochemical reactions in melanin involving
photolysis and / or fotohidrosíntesis .. As our patent application
processes has natural and / or artificial.
Light: For purposes of this patent, define light as spectrum
including electromagnetic radiation between 400 and 700
nanometers, i.e., the visible spectrum, but melanin captures
radiation outside these limits, which are designated as Ia unseen
portion of electromagnetic spectrum, depending on the experimental
conditions and / or environmental.
Electromagnetic Radiation: For purposes of this patent, defined as
electromagnetic radiation ia whole spectrum, including visible and
invisible spectrum (from 10 6 to 10 cm ~ 12 cm length wave). Since
both can energize Ia fotoeiecírolisis, ie Ia and Ia
fotohidrosíntesis photolysis efficiency variable, depending on the
experimental conditions and / or environmental. Any type of
radiant (any wavelength within the electromagnetic spectrum) can
drive energy in biochemical reactions leading to melanin
photolysis and / or fotohidrosíntesis. So our patent application
processes has natural and / or artificial.
Electrical movement of electrons is, for purposes of our patent,
the joining of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen, Io also gives us
water. Any type of radiant energy can promote biochemical
reactions in melanin involving photolysis and / or
Photoelecectricity : For purposes of this patent, we define
fotoelectrolizaníe the chemical reaction and / or biochemical
leading to Ia partition and / or splitting of the water molecule,
which allows us to obtain atoms and / or molecules of hydrogen and
oxygen, using as source the solar light energy. It is sometimes
used as a synonym for photolysis. Any type of radiant energy can
promote biochemical reactions in melanin involving photolysis and
/ or fotohidrosíntesis.
Photohydrosynthesis: For purposes of this patent, define the
meaning of this word, as that catalyzes the chemical reaction and
/ or sustained and / or support the meianinas, analogs, and
derivatives and precursors consisting of the union or combination
of atoms hydrogen and oxygen resulting giving us water and
electricity. Any type of radiant energy can promote biochemical
reactions in melanin involving photolysis and / or
fotohidrosíntesis. So our patent application processes has natural
and / or artificial.
Photolytic: for purposes of this patent, we define photolytic as
the event on the photolysis of water effected by means of the
melanins, its analogs, its precursors or derivatives, chemical and
/ or biochemical reactions that are powered by Ia light and / or
electromagnetic radiation. Of course in the presence of water. Any
type of radiant energy can promote biochemical reactions in
melanin involving photolysis and / or fotohidrosíntesis.
Industrial processes: Anyone design either structural or otherwise
generate radiation and / or heat, and therefore is likely to be
cooled or cooled by our method.
We cooled: We refer to the temperature decrease, not necessarily
water freezing occurs.
Cooling: It also refers to the decrease in temperature, generally
to extracting heat from one or more parts of a system, either in
homes, industrial, nuclear combustion engine or some kind of
source, resulting in benefit of the process itself. Applicable to
process natural and / or artificial.
Insulation: we used to refer to the fact that isolates, or tempers
particularly thermal differences between two or more interfaces,
although in the case of nuclear emitters (eg plants) also included
in the description dangerous electromagnetic radiation generated
by these nuclear and also absorb varying degrees in melanins, its
precursors, analogs and derivatives. We also include artificial
radioactive sources of natural and / or.
Heat sources: Anywhere, structure, liquid, gas; training, natural
or artificial origin with modifications or elevations in
temperature significantly. Any material, any structure, any issuer
of radiant energy, not only in the infrared region, but throughout
the electromagnetic spectrum that is capable of being absorbed by
melanin, its precursors, analogs and derivatives thereof; and
which can result in an increase in the temperature difference
between two or more interfaces. Including nuclear. Any type of
radiant energy can promote biochemical reactions in melanin
involving photolysis and / or fotohidrosíntesis. So our patent
application processes has natural and / or artificial.
1.- use us three Erlenmeyer flasks, where, in the first bottle we
put ei water, 500 mL, in a common second antifreeze ei
(polietiiengiicol) 500 mL; and the third melanin. The we exposed
to the radiation of a microwave oven for 1, 2, 3, and 5 minutes.
And the compound with lowest the temperature was increased melanin
in all cases.
2. Three Erlenmeyer flasks of 500 ml, put 250 mL of double
distilled water, and warmed in a microwave oven hasia 80 0 C, then
were filled with double distilled water, 250 mL at 22 0 C, with
polietüenglicol 250 mL at 22 0 C, and 250 mL of melanin 10%, at 22
° C, the mixture decreased more was Ia of melanin.
3. In closed vessels, placed 5 empty 5 with electrodes 5 melanin
alone five with electrodes and melanin. All ios containers with a
capacity of 50 mL. Radiographs are taken Ia IES purpose of
exposing to X-rays, and observe whether they were radiopaque. The
result was that containers with melamine alone with metal solos,
and those with metals and melanin were radiopaque. Alone
containers were completely transparent to X-rays
4. In all the above examples was also measured the generation, but
these results the reserve for a patent concerning particular
characteristics of the geometry of the cell based
photoelectrochemical melanins, their precursors, analogs and
derivatives thereof, a procedure that will begin shortly.
WO2007142502 / MX2008011476
A method for the synthesis of soluble melanin, in which there is
no requirement for enzymes, preservatives, accelerators,
stabilizers or anything similar. This method makes it possible to
convert 100% of the precursors used, without the formation of
pollutants that will subsequently have to be separated out. The
end product can be used immediately since it is biologically
active and free from undesirable pollutants or toxic materials.
The purity obtained makes it possible for the melanin to be used
immediately in compounds designed for human use, for cosmetic use,
for industrial use and for electronic designs. It requires no
preservatives, it is highly stable and it is highly uniform.
The aim of the present protocol is to protect intellectual
property priority concerning the use of melanins, analogues
thereof, precursors thereof or derivatives thereof in the
treatment of primary water and/or wastewater, since, owing to the
extraordinary properties of said compounds, it is possible to
improve significant variables relating to the physicochemical and
microbiological characteristics of the water. These include:
oxygenation, acidity, the presence of metals/heavy metals, the
presence of pesticides and the presence of radioactive compounds.
The structure/activity relationship of the melanins makes it
possible to monitor a wide range of uses and therefore, as the
cost of the melanins goes down by virtue of the increase in demand
and greater synthesis capacity in respect thereof, and as the
price of water is continuing to rise as hitherto, there will come
a time when they may reasonably be used in accordance with the
cost/benefit relationship of the method.
The present invention is based on methods for obtaining and using
solar radiant energy by unicellular or pluricellular organisms,
eukaryotes or prokaryotes, both in vivo and in vitro, with the
purpose of energizing one or some multiple biochemical reactions
that, as a whole, conform the life process, commonly known as
photo electro chemical reactions, in order to obtain or generate
hydrogen and oxygen atoms, mainly by water molecules separation or
break, with high energy electrons being additionally generated or,
inversely, the generation of an electron flow (electricity)
resulting from hydrogen and oxygen binding for forming water. The
present invention claims pharmaceutical compositions for
manufacturing medicines including an effective amount of a
compound affecting directly or indirectly the photochemical
activity of melanines in either sense (water photolysis or
photosynthesis), which are present in biological systems, with
therapeutic or prophylactic purposes.
Neuroscience & Medicine, Vol.2 No.3(2011), Article
The Unexpected Capability of Melanin to
Split the Water Molecule and the Alzheimer’s Disease
Maria del Carmen Arias-Esparza, Ruth Isabel Solís Arias,
Paola Eugenia Solís Arias, Martha Patricia Solís Arias, Arturo
Human Photosynthesis Study Center, Research, Development and
Innovation Department, Aguascalientes, Mexico.
Email: comagua2000@yahoo.com, comagua2000@gmail.com
We began a study about the three main causes of blindness in 1990,
because their incidence and prevalence have not changed in the
last forty years. Twelve years later we concluded that the main
source of energy for the human retina is water, not ATP. And this
is also true for the entire human body. Water is the main source
of energy. The amazing capability of eukaryotic cells to break or
dissociate the water molecule was unsuspected to us because it
takes 2000°C degrees to dissociate water in a laboratory
environment, and until today, it was believed that only plants
were capable of accomplishing this. Photosynthesis occurs in
humans as it does in plants. The water that we drink every day is
not just to wash away detritus and toxins; it is not just a
cleaner, nor a simple solvent. When our body dissociates the water
molecule, cells are able to get their energy from Hydrogen
(Hydrogen is the energy carrier that Nature uses the most). Water
is our main source of energy. If our body couldn’t acquire energy
from water, we would need to eat between 50 - 170 kg (110 - 374
lbs) daily. In any system, when a generalized failure occurs, we
must suspect energy first. Parkinson and Alzheimer’s Disease are
examples of a generalized failure. That explains why it is not
uncommon that patients improve dramatically with pharmacological
stimulation of the human photosynthesis process. Recall that the
brain needs energy not only to grow or to perform its functions,
but also to preserve its form and shape. The best energy for human
cells is Hydrogen.
1. Introduction
Many molecular changes have been detected in Alzheimer’s disease,
but the overarching theme that emerges from the data is that an
accumulation of misfolded proteins in the aging brain results in
oxidative and inflammatory impairment, like the damage that occurs
in other tissues, such as the eye, skin, liver, etc., which in
turn leads to energy failure and synaptic dysfunction1. However,
in light of our new knowledge and discoveries, we can say that
glucose is not a source of energy, rather, it is just a source of
biomass, therefore, the energy failure happens first, and
alterations to the biomass, happen secondly.
Cerebral plaques laden with ß-amyloid peptide (Aß) and dystrophic
neurites in neocortical terminal fields, as well as prominent
neurofibrillary tangles in medial tem poral-lobe structures, are
important pathological features of Alzheimer’s disease, however,
they are not specific. Loss of neurons and white matter,
congophilic (amyloid) angiopathy, inflammation, and oxidative
damage are also present, but are not pathognomonic of AD. Aß
peptides are natural products of metabolism consisting of 36 to 43
amino acids. Therefore it seems that the sequence of normal
metabolism does occur but with alterations difficult to assign to
the relationship activity-structure of the molecules themselves,
because their presence is normal at certain levels.
An imbalance between production and clearance, and aggregation of
peptides, causes Aß to accumulate, and this imbalance more than
the final excess of byproducts, may be the initiating factor in
Alzheimer’s disease. From our point of view, the imbalance is a
result of the low levels of energy available. On the other hand,
Aß spontaneously self-aggregates into multiple coexisting physical
forms, a common behavior in many molecules in Nature.
2. Amyloid ß
2.1. Alzheimer’s Disease Is an Energy, and Not a Biomass Troble In
brain-slice preparations, dimers and trimers of Aß are toxic to
synapses [1]. The severity of the cognitive defect in Alzheimer’s
disease correlates with levels of oligomers in the brain, not the
total Aß burden [2]. Neuronal activation rapidly increases Aß
secretion at the synapse, a process tied to the normal release of
vesicles containing neurotransmitters. Physiologic levels of
synaptic Aß may dampen excitatory transmission and prevent
neuronal hyperactivity [3]. Therefore, molecular changes described
in the literature concerning AD are based in compounds that are
not strange to the tissue, the main difference between normal and
ill tissue is the amount present, we could say; in general terms,
the changes in biomass composition observed in the brain of
patients with AD are not really significant, therefore Alzheimer’s
Disease is not a biomass problem, it is an energy problem.
Increased oxidative stress, the impaired protein-folding function
of the endoplasmic reticulum, and deficient proteasome-mediated
and autophagic-mediated clearance of damaged proteins—all of which
are also associated with aging—accelerate the accumulation of
amyloid and tau proteins in Alzheimer’s disease [4]. Therefore, a
generalized failure of the cell is evident, and in any system,
with a similar behavior, we must think of energy first.
2.2. Energy and Eukaryotic Cell
The main source of energy of the eukaryotic cell is water, not
ATP. The profound misconception that food, glucose or ATP are the
main source of energy has its basis in the lack of knowledge of
the hitherto unknown capacity of melanin to split the water
molecule [5]. Until today, the fact that human tissues have the
capability to take hydrogen from water—the energy carrier by
excellence in the whole Universe—arising from the splitting of
water, as plants do, was totally unknown before our work.
It was unthinkable that an expensive chemical reaction, from the
energetic point of view, such as water dissociation, that requires
2000°C in the laboratory to take place, might occur at room
temperature in our body. The sole possibility seemed berserk.
However, our studies researching the three main causes of
blindness allowed us to detect the hitherto unknown fact that
melanin is the “human chlorophyll”. This amazing compound absorbs
photonic energy and transforms it into chemical energy.
3. The Cycle of Solís-Herrer
An exhaustively review of melanin is out of the scope of this
work, therefore we will write only about the main characteristics
of the process. We refer the interested reader to the works of Dr.
Paul Meredith and Dr. Dadachova [6].
The reaction in chlorophyll is as follows:
2H2O 2H2 + O2
where as in melanin, the reaction is:
2H2O 2H2 + O2
Notice that the reaction in melanin occurs in both directions.
This apparently slight difference between the two is the hallmark
of mammal and human life. It is not about dissociating ad
infinitum, because hydrogen and the energy that it carries are the
basic fuel of the cell. Eukaryotic cells use hydrogen in many
ways, starting with the fact that hydrogen is without a doubt the
best-known antioxidant. Hydrogen could even reduce oxygen itself
and form that strange substance that we call water. Therefore, the
main product of the chemical reaction is hydrogen, the energy
carrier by excellence in Nature; oxygen is toxic at any level.
Furthermore, melanin could increase oxygen concentration in some
tissues, by means of water dissociation, up to 97% but not more,
because at that point the reaction changes direction and begins to
reform water, and produces simultaneously with the liquid an
orderly flux of electrons that could be registered with
appropriate instruments as an undulant direct current.
3.1. Mitochondria, the Power House of the Eukaryotic Cell
In many diseases without a defined or specific anatomic or
histological substrate, such as Alzheimer’s and other
neurodegenerative processes of unknown etiology, it’s very likely
that the ground alteration is a chronic shortage more than an
acute shortage of the supply and thereafter availability of
hydrogen from the water dissociation process. The main and
consistent findings should be mitochondrial alterations, because
hydrogen is the precise compound that drives ATP synthase, and
when hydrogen supply is not adequate, then the main function of
ATP synthase (synthesis of ATP) is impaired. Pioneering
biochemical studies have long forged the concept that the
mitochondria are the energy powerhouse of the cell. These studies,
combined with the unique evolutionary origin of the mitochondria,
led the way to decades of research focusing on the organelle as an
essential, yet independent, functional component of the cell [7].
However, mitochondria are organelles that function within an
integrated reticulum that is continually remodeled by both fusion
and fission events; therefore like any other cell component they
require energy. So, where is this energy for the mitochondria
coming from?
3.2. The Answer
Water dissociation is the answer. We could infer that the way the
human photosystem releases energy is completely adequate with many
diverse goals. The energy spreads out continuously and
symmetrically in all directions through the cytoplasm, night and
day. Furthermore, water splitting is not the source of energy for
the mitochondria alone, rather every organelle inside any
eukaryotic cell needs energy to stay in good function, shape and
therefore performance (Figure 1).
In regards to the relationship between water dissociation and ATP
formation we have that the hydrogen released by the Human
Photosynthesis process it is not solely or exclusively used by the
Mitochondria in the Oxidative Phosphorilation process, a set of
biochemical reactions not yet well understood. In fact, one of
these main reactions, known as Mitchell’s Chemo-osmotic Theory,
remains a theory decades away from being postulated. Rather, the
cell uses hydrogen in many metabolic pathways. To cite an example,
hydrogen is, without doubt, the best antioxidant.
The heterogeneity of pathways that could initiate and drive
Alzheimer’s disease has shown that there is no single linear chain
of events, therefore it is a generalized failure, so we must think
of a failure in energy first, an impaired water splitting process,
and not suspect ATP, blood or glucose metabolic pathway. To
complicate matters, some changes are not pathologic but
reactionary or protective.
3.3. The Brain
Anatomically, the brain is a good example to sustain our finding
that the main source of energy is water, not ATP, blood or
3.4. Aging-Related Process and Human Photosynthesis
It remains possible that many of these mechanisms, including the
amyloid hypothesis, are minor or wrong, and that some critical
aging-related process is the disease trigger (Ref. [1]). Human
Photosynthesis could explain this aging-related process, because
the capability of the human body begins to decline in the
mid-twenties. We lose our capacity to perform the photosynthesis
function at its peak during adulthood (which is less than that of
embryonic period) at an approximate rate of 10% with each decade
of life after the mid-twenties, and when we reach our fifties it
goes into free fall.
The potential risk factor for sporadic Alzheimer’s disease,
general anesthesia, promotes tau insolubility and Aß
oligomerization [9,10], and that is congruent with our findings
because the water dissociation capacity in the human body is very
sensitive to agents with an elevated
Figure 1. Convolutions of the cerebral cortex have been
traditionally explained as a solution to adapt the greatest amount
of neuronal tissue in a limited bone-confined intracranial-space.
However, from the point of view of our new knowledge, the real
goal is to keep every inch, every corner of neuronal tissue in
contact with the water of the ventricles and subarachnoid space.
The main source of energy is the water of the CSF in the
ventricles and subarachnoid space, not the blood vessels [8].
apparent distribution volume, such as anesthesia agents and
The axonal-transport deficits are an internal derangement that is
probably an effect rather than a cause of Alzheimer’s Disease;
therefore it is not hard to believe that it could be normalized
with an adequate level of human photosynthesis, or water splitting
process, because the first requirement of any process in our body
is energy, undoubtedly.
The fact that Glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes are
considered to be risk factors for dementia [11] is consistent with
our new knowledge that glucose is only the main source of biomass,
but the usual order of events are alterations in energy first, and
then biomass disorders in second place.
Iron poisons melanin itself, so elevated levels of this divalent
transition metal are linked with neuro-degeneration in several
ways [12].
The higher serum glucose levels that are common in normal aging
directly damage hippocampal structures [13], probably because
greater amount of water than normal is required by the eukaryotic
cell to move the glucose molecule, lessening the availability of
water to produce energy by means of dissociation of the water
Something similar happens in the imbalanced expression of
low-density lipoprotein receptor-related proteins and receptors
for advanced glycation end products, proposed by the neurovascular
uncoupling hypothesis [14].
4. Oxidative Stress
Dysfunctional mitochondria release oxidizing free radicals, and in
the brain of Alzheimer’s disease patients and in the normal aging
brain, they cause considerable oxidative stress [15]. However,
mitochondria cannot be dysfunctional if energy levels are
adequate, because after billions of years of evolution these
organelles know very well what they have to do. Experimental
models show that markers of oxidative damage precede pathological
changes [16]. Aß, a potent generator of reactive oxygen species
[17] and reactive nitrogen species [18], is a prime initiator of
this damage, but the best antioxidant, without question, is the
diatomic hydrogen, the main product of the water dissociation
process performed by the Human Photosystem, composed by
Light/Melanin/Water, arranged in order of abundance in Nature.
We can demonstrate that energy from water is a very important
source of hydrogen. The amount of food that we ingest every day
(about 700 g) cannot satisfy our daily requirements of ATP (11000
calories a minute). And devices such as this photo-electrochemical
self-renewable cell, which can light up LEDs during years, day and
night, have demonstrated the flux of electrons. (Figure 2)
Therapeutic Results
In our clinic we have treated with extraordinary results several
patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (Figure 3 and 4), as well as
patients with many other diseases by enhancing the Human
Photosynthesis process. Because Human Photosynthesis is the
chemical reaction that fully explains the origin of life, all
biochemical processes, tissues, organs and systems that comprise
the human body have been created after it and are owing to the
energy transduced by the Human Photosystem. The basis of the
treatment is the enhancement of the water splitting process with
pharmacological agents developed by our team. As we increase the
available energy in the cells, and because it is released
symmetrically in all directions, all intracellular organelles,
even the nucleus, as well as biochemical compounds present in the
cytoplasm and nucleosol, that require energy to be transformed,
activated, or modified benefit in many ways in order to perform
their function adequately.
5. Conclusions
The discovery that glucose is a source of biomass, and not a
source of energy, is groundbreaking knowledge. Therefore
Alzheimer’s Disease is an energy problem, not a biomass problem.
Any biochemical reaction requires energy as a first step.
Thereafter all changes in atoms, molecules, cells or tissues also
need energy to continue with all the different subset of
reactions, therefore, en
Figure 2. The image shows an LED arrangement energized with a
device that we have developed to demonstrate the biological event
in the test tube [19].
Figure 3. Shows an Alzheimer’s Disease patient on the first
examination, notice the aggressive look on her face.
Figure 4. Same patient five weeks after starting treatment using
Human Photosynthesis enhancer.
Energy is constantly needed. In other words, energy is required at
the begining, during and after the reaction, i.e. at all times.
In AD the chronic low levels of water dissociation mean a chronic
shortage of energy that will be manifested several ways along the
path of evolution of the disease. Histological findings are in
accordance with a generalized more than a punctual failure, and in
any system with this type of alteration we must think of energy
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