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Hemp Husbandry

by Robert A. NELSON


Chapter 1

1.   Allen, James L.: The Reign of Law; 1900, MacMillan Co., NY
2.   Bensky, Dan, & Gamble, Andrew: Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica; 1993, Eastland Press, Inc., Seattle
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30.   Dornbush, R.L. & Kukkevi, A.: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.: 58-63, 313-322 (1976)
31.   NewsBank (1983): Law 67: E-14
32.   Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs: Report of the Expert Group on the Effects of Cannabis Use; 1982, Home Office, UK
33.   National Acad. of Sciences: Marijuana and Health; 1982, Nat. Acad. Press, Wash. DC
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35.   Bouhuys, A., et al.: Amer. J. Med. 46 (4): 526-537 (1969)
36.   Abel, Ernest L.: Marihuana, The First 12,000 Years; 1980, Plenum Press, NY
37.   Hsu, Cho-yun; Han Agriculture, pp. 282-283, 287
38.   Fraisier, Jack: The Marijuana Farmers; 1976, Solar Age Press, New Orleans
39.   Holmes, W.H.: 13th Annual Report, Smithsonian Inst., Bureau of Ethnology (1891-1892); "Prehistoric Textile Art of the Eastern United States"
40.   Little, Frances: Early American Textiles; 1931, NY; p.14
41.   Washington, George: The Diaries of George Washington; 1925, Houghton Mifflin
42.   Baron, Robert C.: The Garden and Farm Books of Thomas Jefferson; 1987, Fulcrum, Inc
43.   Betts, E.M. (ed.): Th. Jefferson's Farm Book; 1953, Princeton Univ. Press, p. 252
44.   Martin, Edwin T.: Th. Jefferson: Scientist; 1961, Collier Books, NY; pp. 88-90
45.   Clark, V.: History of Manufactures in the U.S.; 1929, McGraw Hill, NY, p. 34
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47.   Popular Mechanics (February 1938); "The New Billion Dollar Crop"
48.   Lower, G. A.: "Flax & Hemp: From the Seed to the Loom"; Mech. Engg. Mag. (26 Feb., 1937)
49.   Newsweek (16 Oct. 1942)
50.   Sackett & Hobbs: Hemp: A War Crop; 1942, Mason & Hanger Co., NY
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52.   Business Week (22 Jan. 1944), p. 29
53.   Malyon, T., & Henman, A.: New Scientist (13 Nov. 1980), pp. 433-435
54.   The Globe & Mail (15 June 1994), p. A-25; ibid., (7 June 1994), p. A1, A4
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57.   Wirtshafter, Don: The Schlichten Papers; 1994, The Ohio Hempery
58.   Osburn, Lynn: Hemp Line J. 1(2): 12, 13, 21 (1992)
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62.   Rosenthal, Ed.: Hemp Today; 1994, Quick American Archives; Oakland, CA
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68.   Folger, A.H.: "The Digestibility of Perilla Meal, Hempseed Meal, &c."; Bulletin #604 (January 1937), Univ. of Calif (Berkeley) College of Agriculture.
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70.   Kemmoku, A., et al.: Bull. Faculty of Educ., Utsonomiya Univ. 42 (2): 165-172 (1992)
71.   Herbal Pharmacology in the People's Republic of China; 1975, Nat. Acad. Sci., Wash. DC
72.   Weil, Andrew: Natural Health Mag. (March-April 1993), pp. 10-12
73.   Erasmus, U.: Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill; 1993, Alive Books, Burnaby (BC), Canada
74.   Bailey, Alton: Bailey's Industrial Oil & Fat Products, vol. 1; 1978, J. Wiley & Sons, NY
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76.   Tyagi, P. & Vasishtha. A.: J. Oil Technol. Assoc. India 16 (2): 84-86 (1984)
77.   Strempler, R., & Nelson: J. Analytical Toxicology 21: 283-285 (July/August 1997)

Chapter 2

1.  Antil, Edward: “Observations on the raising and dressing of HEMP” in Select Essays on Raising & Dressing Bulletin # 1935; USDA (1943)
2.  Anonymous: Essay on the Culture and Management of Hemp; 1775, Annapolis
3.  Painne, Timothy (ed.) / Marcandier, M.: Treatise on Hemp
4.  Bordley, John: Hemp (1799)
5.  Quincey, Edmund: A Treatise of Hemp Husbandry (1775, Boston)
6.  Marcus, David: Hemp Pages (1997), p. 10-15; "Hemp Agronomics"
7.  Robinson, B.B.: USDA Farmers Bulletin # 1935 (1913); "Hemp"
8.   Dewey, Listor: “Hemp” ; USDA Yearbook Flax & Hemp (1913)
9.   The Humorous Hemp Primer, 1943, Reich Nutritional Inst., Berlin; reprinted in Herer: Hemp & the Marijuana Conspiracy (The Emperor Wears No Clothes)
10.   Biol. Abstr.[BA]  73: 23 & 2048
11.   Van der Shaaf, A.: Fibra 11(1): 1-8 (1966)
12.   B.A. 47: 59205
13.   B.A. 46: 95756
14.   B.A. 44: 8016
15    Van der Werf, Hayo: Crop Physiology of Fibre Hemp (Cannabis sat.) ; Doctoral thesis, Wageningen Agric. Univ., Netherlands; ISN 90-9007171-7
16     Bocsa, Dr. Ivan, & Karus, Michael: The Cultivation of Hemp: 1998, Hemptech, Sebastopol, CA
17.   Chem. Abstr. (1924), p. 1359
18.   B.A. 24: 505; ibid., 6: 6636 & 24712; ibid., 4: 23899
19.   B.A. 47: 84006
20.   Boyce, S.S.: Hemp; 1900, Jorange Judd Co., NY
21.   B.A. 71:76296
22.   B.A. 31: 86533
23.   B.A. 37: 20262
24.   Dewey, Lyster: Plant Disease Reporter 27 (12/13): 1252-1253 (1942)
25.   Mothers, K., & Engelbrecht, L.: Flora 139: 1-5 (1952)
26    Pale, David W.: J. Intl. Hemp Assoc. 1(2): 31-37 (1994); ibid., 3(1 & 2)(1996)
27.   B.A. 52: 48211
28.   B.A. 52: 124326
29.   B.A. 52: 48211
30.   B.A. 46: 27121
31.   B.A. 42: 3599
32.   B.A. 24: 21727
33.   B.A. 23: 22233
34.   B.A. 35: 39415
35.   B.A. 47: 74264
36.   B.A. 19: 14132
37.   B.A. 31: 39299
38.   B.A. 60: 23356
39.   B. A. 4:23899; ibid., 6: 6636; ibid., 6:24712; ibid., 24:5015
40.   USDA Experimental Station Report 74-L-172 (1937)
41.   De Pasquale, A., et al.: Bull. Narcotics 26 (4): 27-40 (1974)
42.   DePasquale, A.: Planta Medica 25: 239-248 (1974)
43.   Pakistan J. Ind. Res. 32 (9): 617 (September 1989)
44.   Ram, H.Y.: Econ. Botany 15 (2): 133-136 (1961); ibid., 2: 158-169 (1948)
45.   B.A. 38: 27248; ibid., 47: 98748; ibid., 46: 95606; ibid., 48: 14919; ibid., 50: 83703
46.   Chemical Abstracts 71: 122667j (1969)
47.   Biol. Abstr.. 36: 61868
48.   B.A. 48: 51352
49.   B.A. 20: 16095
50.   B.A. 46: 81884
51.   B.A. 31: 12096
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53.   B.A. 47: 64177
54.   B.A. 46: 104891
55.   B.A. 47: 64175
56.   B.A. 47: 69147
57.   B.A. 24: 24827
58.   B.A. 56: 52509; ibid., 59: 46678
59.   B.A. 33: 27406
60.   B.A. 27: 17856
61.   B.A. 43: 11658
62.   B.A. 82: 78895; ibid., 27: 17856: ibid., 43: 11658
63.   B.A. 36: 61866 & 61870
64.   B.A. 36: 69792
65.   B.A. 40: 20663
66.   B.A. 46: 3783; ibid., 48: 14913
67.   B.A. 49: 36802; ibid., 51: 63086; 52: 133025; 54: 11687
68.   B.A. 69: 60490; ibid., 71: 12826; ibid., 55: 4630
69.   Slator, Lionel: Instructions for the Cultivating & Raising of Flax & Hemp (1724)
70.   B.A. 20: 16214

Chapter 3

1.   Biological Abstracts 20: 8707; ibid., 48: 9439
2.   B.A. 19: 11498
3.   B.A. 22: 4696
4.   B.A. 23: 19500
5    Boyse, S.S.: Hemp; 1900, Jorange Judd Co, NY
6.   B.A. 20: 15904
7.   B.A. 52: 23359
8.   B.A. 47: 94075; ibid., 50:54948
9.   B.A. 49: 21048
10.   B.A. 51: 109859; ibid., 54:17108
11.   Martin, Edwin T.: Thomas Jefferson: Scientist; 1961, Collier Books, NY, pp. 88-90
12.   Wirtshafter, Don: The Schlichten Papers; 1994, The Ohio Hempery
13.   Xylan/Xymax: Teleph.: 818-880-1411;
14.   Proc. Bioresource Hemp Symposium (March 1994), Frankfort, Germany
15.   Bedetti, et al.: Cellulosa e Carta 26: 27-36 (1976)
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17.   Dewey, Lyster & Merril, Jason: USDA Bulletin # 414 (14 October 1916)
18.   West, C.J.: Paper Trade J.: (13 October 1921)

Chapter 4

1.   Small, E. & Cronquist, A.: Taxonomy 25 (4): 405-435  (1976)
2.   Emboden, William A, Jr.: Economic Botany 28 (3): 304-310 (1974)
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4.   Schultes, R.E., et al.: Botanical Museum Leaflets (Harvard Univ.) 23 (9): 337-364 (1974)
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6.   Hammond, C.T. & Mahlberg, P.G.: Amer. J. Botany 60 (6): 524-528 (1973); ibid., 64 (8): 1023-1031 (1977); ibid., 65 (2): 140-151 (1978)
7.   Fujita, M., et al.: Tokyo College of Pharmacy 17: 99 (1967)
8.   Fairbairn, J.W.: Bulletin on Narcotics 24 (4): 29-33 (1972)
9.   Small, E. & Cronquist, A.: Taxonomy 25 (4): 405-435 (1976)
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11.   Small, E. & Beckstead, H.D.: Nature 245: 147-148 (1973)
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14.   Hirata, K.: J. Genetics 19: 65-79 (1927)
15.   B. A. 52 (1): 70617 (1971)
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17.   B.A. 83: 39827-8 & 65007
18.   B.A. 83: 39838
19.   B.A. 66: 60263
20.   Warmke, H.E.: Carnegie Inst. Washington Yrbk 41: 186-189 (1942); ibid., 43: 153-157 (1944)
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24.   BA. 65: 8
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26.   B.A. 52: 122533 & 19977; ibid., 54: 22295
27.   de Pasquale, A., et al.: Il Farmacoea Sci. 34: 841-853 (1979)
28.   B.A. 51:16703
29.   Burbank, Luther: Luther Burbank: His Methods & Discoveries & Their Practical Application; 1914, L. Burbank Press, London, vol. 8: 108, 303
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31.   Chemical Abstracts (1923), p. 2195
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33.   Neuer, H, et al.: Zucher 17/18: 33-39 (1946)
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35.   Neuer, H., & von Sengbusch, R.: Zucher 15: 49-62 (1943)
36.   Hoffman, W.: Zucher 13: 277-283 (1941); ibid., 17/18: 56-59 257-277 (1946)
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42.   B.A. 63: 38762
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47.   B.A. 72: 59642
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54.   B.A. 31: 23168
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60.   Yalle, J.R., et al.: Bulletin on Narcotics 30 91): 67-68 (1978)
61.   B.A. 33: 3317; ibid., 11: 11086
62.   Talley, P.J.: Plant Physiology 9: 731-747 (1934)
63.   Schaffner, J.H.: Ecology 4 (4): 323 (1923)
64.   Schaffner, J.H.: Amer. J. Botany 15: 77-85 91928); ibid., 18: 324-330 (1931)
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66.   Chemical Abstracts 77: 786 b
67.   Coombie, L. & Coombie, W.: Phytochemistry 14 (2): 409-412 (1975)
68.   McPhee, H.C.: J. Agric. Res. 28 (11): 1067-1080 (1924); ibid., 31 (10): 935-942
69.   B.A. 48: 24855
70.   B.A. 46: 26780
71.   Galoch, E.: Acta Soc. Botanicorum Poloniae 47 (1-2): 153-162 (1978)
72.   B.A. 52: 133025
73.   B.A. 71: 62433
74.   Ram, H. & Sett, R.: Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 88-B (2): 303-308 (1979)
75.   Saranth, G. & Ram, H.: Experientia 35 (3): 333-334 (1979)
76.   Black, C.A.: Botanical Gazette 107: 114-120 (1945)
77.   B.A. 48: 14913
78.   B.A. 31: 15249
79.   B.A. 48: 51352
80   Flowers, Tom: Marijuana Flower Forcing; 1997, Flowers Publishing Co., Berkeley CA
81.   B.A. 66: 17
82.   Lazarenko, B., & Gorbatovskaya: Applied Electrical Phenomena #6 (March/April, 1966)
83.   B.A. 84: 83306
84.   B.A. 35: 60889; ibid., 46: 17393

Chapter 5

1.   Lazarenko, B. & Gorbatovskaya, J.: Applied Electrical Phenomena #6 (March-April 1966)
2.   Gradenwitz, Alfred: Popular Science Monthly (June 1925)
3.   Lakhovsky, G.: The Secret of Life; 1939, W. Heinemann, London
4.   Briggs, Lyman, et al.: USDA Departmental Bulletin #1379 (January 1926)
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21.   Strevoka, et al.: Planta 12: 327
22.   Khevdelidze, M.A., et al.: Appl. Electr. Phenom. 1 (19): 52-59 (Jan.-Feb., 1968)
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Chapter 6

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