Joseph H. Hotchkiss
Carbonated Milk
Milk Kept Fresh In The Fridge For
Months? Yes!
Imagine milk kept fresh in the refrigerator for months.
Far-fetched? Not at all, say Cornell University food
scientists, who believe they have a way to keep dairy products
fresh and fortified for several months -carbonation, the same kind
added to carbonated drinks, but at lower levels.
"This will further enhance the safety of refrigerated, pasteurized
milk by ensuring that pathogenic bacteria will not grow," said
Joseph H. Hotchkiss, Cornell professor of food science. He and
colleagues previously demonstrated that dissolved CO2 can extend
the shelf life of cottage cheese by about 200 percent. Modified
milk has been found to last more than two months in a
refrigerator, and it still tastes fresh and contains no dangerous
While carbonation has been used in soda for more than a century,
the process has not been applied to milk because the microbial
activity of low amounts was unknown and because the carbonation
would dissipate in milk cartons. Further, the method for inserting
the carbonation was not efficient. Thanks to advanced packaging
technologies and more efficient carbonation processes, a new style
of fortified milk now is possible.
Consumers needn't worry that milk now will start tasting like
soda: the amount of carbonation injected into the milk is below
the threshold of taste detection, according to Hotchkiss, but it
is enough to stave off harmful bacteria. "How much CO2 must
be added depends on a number of factors," he said. "The upper
limit is the amount which can be tasted in the fluid milk. The
lower limit depends on the desired shelf life and degree of
barrier in the package."
The research was reported in an article, "Modified Atmosphere
Packaging of Fluid Dairy Foods for Consumer and Institutional
Markets," as part of the 1995 annual report of the Northeast Dairy
Foods Research Center, the group that funded the study.
"The amount of CO2 used is very small. The equipment to store and
add the CO2 are relatively simple, and they are a one-time cost,"
Hotchkiss said. "The largest cost generally is in the improved
packaging materials and equipment. Longer shelf life requires
better carton barriers, which cost more."
While the technology used to insert the CO2 was tested in the
cottage cheese industry, the cartons to contain the fortified milk
are made for the orange juice industry. Thanks to ethylene vinyl
alcohol (EVOH) coated cartons, Hotchkiss believes that fluid milk
will be able to maintain the carbonation.
"Right now, it's our barrier of choice," he said. "Whether
consumers accept this new technology or not will be settled in the
marketplace." The technology could have far-reaching effects
beyond the grocer's shelves. Hotchkiss said that fluid milk
carbonation might have uses during the transport of raw milk over
long distances. In some parts of the country, during the summer in
Florida for example, milk is imported from northern states because
Florida's heat severely reduces dairy production. Injecting CO2
into raw milk before it is processed improves the chances that the
milk arrives safely.
A process like this could mark a significant shift in how
consumers regard milk. About 11 percent of consumers' total food
expenditures are for dairy products, according to the report.
"Consumers demand high quality, and they are sensitive to quality
defects when purchasing dairy products. Off-flavors are easily
detected, especially in fluid milk," Hotchkiss said. "Adding CO2
is an economical way to extend the shelf life and improve the
quality of perishable foods in home storage as well as in retail
Joseph H. Hotchkiss, Ph.D. -- The
Guru of Active Packaging
Professor Joseph Hotchkiss is one of the nation’s leading experts
in the relatively new field of active food packaging. Director of
Graduate Studies in the Field of Food Science and Technology at
Cornell University, Hotchkiss’ research efforts focus on the
introduction of biotechnology to food packaging in order to
improve the quality, taste and/or safety of the product within.
Among the most recent successes of Hotchkiss’ research team: the
development of a juice container that removes the bitterness from
grapefruit juice while the product is enroute to the grocer’s
DOI: 10.1111/j.1541-4337.2006.00008.x
Addition of Carbon Dioxide to Dairy
Products to Improve Quality: A Comprehensive Review
Changes in distribution patterns and demand for increased food
quality have resulted in a desire to improve the shelf life of
nonsterile dairy products. Refrigerated shelf life extension
typically requires, at a minimum, reductions in the growth rate of
spoilage microorganisms and subsequent product deterioration.
Reducing initial bacterial loads, increasing pasteurization
regimes, and reducing postprocessing contamination have all been
employed with measured success. The use of antimicrobial additives
has been discouraged primarily due to labeling requirements and
perceived toxicity risks. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a naturally
occurring milk component and inhibitory toward select dairy
spoilage microorganisms; however, the precise mechanism is not
fully understood. CO2 addition through modified atmosphere
packaging or direct injection as a cost-effective shelf life
extension strategy is used commercially worldwide for some dairy
products and is being considered for others as well. New CO2
technologies are being developed for improvements in the shelf
life, quality, and yield of a diversity of dairy products,
including raw and pasteurized milk, cheeses, cottage cheese,
yogurt, and fermented dairy beverages. Here we present a
comprehensive review of past and present research related to
quality improvement of such dairy products using CO2.
Microbiological Effects of Carbon Dioxide
Milk and dairy products are excellent growth media for pathogenic
and spoilage microorganisms, hence the major (but not only)
mechanisms of the deterioration of dairy foods are directly or
indirectly microbiological (Muir 1996a, 1996b, 1996c). The
composition of most dairy products provides a favorable physical
and chemical environment for the growth and propagation of a broad
spectrum of microorganisms. Microbiological deterioration of
refrigerated raw and pasteurized milk, cottage cheese, and similar
products is often caused by the growth of psychrotrophic
gram-negative bacteria species (Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter,
Flavobacterium, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Aerobacter, Escherichia,
Serratia, Proteus, Aeromonas, and Alcaligenes), yeasts, and molds
(Geotrichum, Scopulariopsis, Mucor, Alternaria and Penicillium)
(Ternstrom and others 1993; Jay 2000; Boor and Murphy
2002;Chambers 2002), resulting in flavor, textural, and visual
spoilage. In a study of pasteurized milk samples from 3 commercial
dairy plants, Fromm and Boor (2004) identified the heat-resistant
psychrotrophic gram-positive rods Paenibacillus, Bacillus, and
Microbacterium as the predominant spoilage organisms. It has been
estimated that 25% of all milk shelf life problems are due to
thermoduric psychrotrophs, primarily Bacillus spp. (Ternstrom and
others 1993; Sorhaug and Stepaniak 1997). These organisms produce
extracellular protease and lipase activity, which reduces the
functionality of milk proteins, and often produce undesirable
aromas, many of which can be described as “fruity.” Gram-positive
organisms, particularly those producing lactic and acetic acids,
can spoil dairy foods, but the numbers of organisms required are
generally higher than for gram-negative bacteria and the changes
can be less noticeable. The growth of heat-resistant lactic
acid-producing cocci is responsible for the depression of
pasteurized milk pH to the point where curdling occurs (Jay 2000).
Over the last 4 decades several investigators have demonstrated
that adding CO2 to the atmosphere surrounding a product reduces
the rate of growth of many food spoilage and pathogenic
microorganisms (Farber 1991; Hanlin and others 1995; Devlieghere
and others 1998; Devlieghere and Debevere 2000). The largest
inhibition occurs with gram-negative psychrotrophs, particularly
Pseudomonas spp., and the least inhibition effect generally
observed with gram-positive psychrotrophs, particularly
Lactobacillus spp. (King and Nagel 1967, 1975; Molin 1983;
Hendricks and Hotchkiss 1997). Factors such as species, substrate,
and CO2 concentration influence the effect on pathogenic
psychrotrophs (Bennik and others 1995).
There are at least 3 general mechanisms by which CO2 inhibits
microorganisms. The 1st and simplest is by the displacement of O2.
The 2nd mechanism is a lowering of the pH in the medium or food
due to the dissolution of CO2 and formation of carbonic acid in
the aqueous phase of the food in the following equilibrium (Butler
The 3rd mechanism is a direct effect on the metabolism of
microorganisms as opposed to the indirect effects of pH reduction
and displacement of O2 (Daniels and others 1985).
Several reports on the effect of CO2 on microbial growth and
survival have appeared in recent years. The most common
experimental design in defined media replaces some portion of the
air surrounding the growth media with CO2. Unfortunately, the
media has not always been buffered to negate large shifts in pH
due to CO2 dissolution and formation of carbonic acid in the
media, so it is unclear if the effect is simply due to a reduction
in pH or if CO2 has an inhibitory effect not associated with
reduced pH. Furthermore, these experiments are often conducted in
film pouches that allow permeation of both O2 and CO2 and the
composition of the atmospheric changes over the course of the
experiment. Microbial and/or fruit and vegetable respiration also
contributes to the atmospheric changes. Thus, the relative
importance of each of these factors in inhibiting growth or
respiration may not be apparent due to several factors changing at
the same time.
The effects of CO2-modified atmospheres on the growth of
Pseudomonas fluorescens and Listeria monocytogenes in highly
buffered nutrient solution under either constant O2 (20%) and
varying concentrations of CO2 (0 to 80%) or constant CO2 (20%) and
varying concentrations of O2 (0 to 40%) (balance N2) have been
investigated. Bacterial suspensions were incubated at 7 °C under a
continuous flowing atmosphere of each gas mixture in order to
better understand the relative significance of pH, O2 depletion,
and direct effects of CO2 on growth (Hendricks and Hotchkiss
1997). The results showed that CO2 suppresses growth, even when
the amount of O2 in the atmosphere is held constant at 20% and the
media does not change pH. This agrees with previous workers who
concluded that CO2 directly inhibits microbial growth in dairy
products as opposed to the indirect effects of pH and O2
displacement (King and Mabbitt 1982). Using empirical data and
modeling, Devlieghere and others (1998) have concluded that the
main variable controlling microbial growth in modified atmosphere
packaging (MAP) is the dissolved CO2 concentration.
While these experiments show that CO2 has a direct effect on the
metabolic processes of certain microorganisms, the mechanism
through which this effect is manifested is not well characterized.
There is evidence to support at least 3 mechanisms, including
changes in membrane fluidity due to CO2 dissolution (Sears and
Eisenberg 1961), reductions in intracellular pH, and direct
inhibition of metabolic pathways, including decarboxylation
reactions and DNA replication (Dixon and Kell 1989; Hong and Pyun
Because CO2 is highly soluble in hydrophobic materials such as
lipids, it may be that the CO2 concentrates in the lipid bacterial
cell membrane, disrupting the physiochemical properties of the
membrane. It may also be that the lipophilic nature of CO2 allows
it to pass through membranes and concentrate inside the cell,
lowering intracellular pH. Intracellular CO2 could stimulate
“futile cycles”; carboxylation and decarboxylation reactions,
which are common to all cells, could be stimulated without
beneficial outcomes, resulting in a net energy expenditure and
loss of ATP. Lastly, CO2 may interfere directly with required
enzymatic processes within cells, including gene expression
(Stretton and others 1996; Stretton and Goodman 1998).
CO2 Processing and Packaging Technology
Modified atmosphere packaging compared to direct addition
of CO2
One of several general approaches to extending the shelf life of
refrigerated nonsterile food products is MAP technology (Farber
and Dodds 1995). MAP is defined as the replacement of the
headspace gas surrounding a food product with a gas mixture
different from air. The objective of this technology is to slow
the growth of spoilage microorganisms and/or inhibit senescence
and respiration of fruits and vegetables. MAP has become widely
practiced in food storage and distribution (Brody 1995). In
addition to altering the gas composition surrounding the food, a
barrier packaging material is often employed to retard the
dissipation of the modified atmosphere through the package
material. The shelf life of MAP products often directly correlates
with the barrier properties of the package. Unfortunately, higher
barrier materials are more costly and a cost-benefit trade-off
must be determined. Surrounding a food with a gas mixture is an
indirect method of adding the gas to the product due to
solubilization of the gas in the water phase. This is particularly
true for CO2, which dissolves rapidly in foods and can create a
vacuum inside of rigid packages containing high moisture foods
(Parry 1993).
MAP of dairy products, including cottage cheese and fluid milk,
has been reported to retard microbial growth (Kosikowski and Brown
1973; Mannheim and Soffer 1996) but requires substantial changes
in the form of the traditional package. In most cases, packaged
dairy foods do not have sufficient headspace to serve as a
reservoir for the active gases (for example, CO2) and insufficient
CO2 may be available to retard microbial growth. In the case of
dairy products, MAP may not provide sufficient control and the
shelf life of the product may be inconsistent (Moir and others
1993). However, flushing packages with CO2 before sealing is
commonly used to inhibit mold growth in certain cheeses (Farkye
and Vedamuthu 2002).
The direct injection of 5.68 to 22.7 mM CO21 directly into
products coupled with high barrier packaging has been developed as
a method to inhibit undesirable microorganisms in dairy products
and thus extend shelf life (Chen and Hotchkiss 1991a, 1991b).
Liquefied or compressed CO2 gas can be incorporated directly into
a flowing stream of product via a gas-sparging unit, a process
commercially practiced in several areas of the world. The device
that is most often employed consists of a sintered stainless steel
frit with porosity in the range of 7 to 30 μm. The process has
been termed “direct addition of carbon dioxide” in order to
distinguish it from conventional MAP. The net effect is similar to
MAP; the gas is added to the product for the purpose of increasing
shelf life by inhibiting microbial activity. The cost of the
addition of CO2 to dairy foods via this method is generally
economically feasible, and the incorporation of CO2 typically
occurs within the normal stream of product in a production system.
Only a minimal one-time investment is required for equipment, and
the cost of CO2 gas is low; the most significant and recurring
cost involved is in barrier packaging.
Several authors have pointed out that in extending shelf life,
atmospheric CO2 first dissolves in the undissociated form into the
liquid phase of the product before inhibiting respiratory and
microbial systems (Barnett and others 1971; Daniels and others
1985). Thus, CO2 in the atmosphere in MAP is not the effective
agent per se in the inhibition of microorganisms. The CO2 must
first dissolve into the product and eventually into microbial
cells. The amount of CO2 dissolved in water is governed by the
partial pressure of the CO2 above the water as well as the amount
of CO2 available, which is determined by both the volume of the
headspace and the concentration of CO2 in that headspace.
Rather than rely on an equilibrium being established between the
headspace in a package and the product, it has been suggested that
the direct addition of CO2 into products may result in improved
microbial control by ensuring a constant low concentration of
dissolved CO2 (Gorski 1996). Henry's law illustrates that as the
aqueous concentration of CO2 increases, the partial pressure of
CO2 (pCO2) increases accordingly at a fixed temperature. If the
temperature of the product is controlled, the concentration of CO2
within the aqueous liquid will remain constant, assuming a closed
system and no loss of CO2. This process has advantages over
conventional MAP in that no headspace is required and the amount
of dissolved CO2 can be carefully controlled.
Fluid whole or reduced fat milk comprises both hydrophilic aqueous
and hydrophobic fat portions. Both the temperature at which direct
CO2 injection occurs into milk and the milk fat content influence
the degree to which CO2 is dissolved in the skim portion of the
milk. Ma and Barbano (2003a) looked at freezing point and pH of
milk with different fat contents in response to CO2 injection at 0
and 40 °C. Their data showed that at the low injection temperature
the CO2 content in the skim portion can be very different between
milks having different fat contents. Data also indicated that CO2
injection into milk at low temperatures results in more gas
dissolved in the skim portion of the cream, suggesting that the
antimicrobial effect of CO2 would be maximized as more of the gas
is available in the aqueous phase.
Effect of packaging materials
One of the most important factors affecting the use of direct
addition of CO2 to dairy products has been the lack of sufficient
barrier in the packaging materials. There is little benefit to
adding CO2 to a product if the gas is allowed to dissipate.
Packaging is the principal means of preserving the original
concentration of CO2 within the product. CO2 has been found to
decrease rapidly during storage when dissolved in cottage cheese
samples and packaged in conventional polystyrene plastic tubs
(Moir and others 1993). The conventional polyolefin tubs used in
cottage cheese packaging are highly CO2 permeable and the simple
friction closure offers little resistance to outgassing. The CO2
is lost through the gaps between the cover and the tub since the
container is not airtight. A solution to this problem is to add a
high CO2 barrier foil/polyolefin laminant seal over the opening of
a high CO2 barrier tub or shrink-wrapping the standard polystyrene
container with a high barrier film (Gorski 1996). Another solution
is to package the cottage cheese in high CO2 barrier film pouches.
This could also facilitate disposal, especially at an
institutional level.
Lee and Hotchkiss (1997) studied the increase in standard plate
counts in CO2-modified cottage cheese packaged in 2.3 kg high
barrier polymer bags. As expected, the combination of the high
barrier bags and the addition of CO2 to the product reduced
microbial growth rate and increased shelf life. CO2 concentration
did not decrease from initial levels over 29 d of storage,
suggesting that the combination of temperature (4 °C) and high
barrier material was successful at maintaining the residual CO2
Safety issues
The safety risks associated with extending the shelf life of a
nonsterile food must be understood. With refrigerated products,
including MAP or CO2-treated dairy foods, the major risk is that
the increased shelf life will allow development of slow-growing
pathogenic microorganisms that would not be manifest in products
with shorter shelf lives; an additionally important risk is that
certain pathogens will be stimulated. Understanding the effects of
CO2 on pathogenic psychrotrophs such as L. monocytogenes is of
particular importance. CO2 has the added concern that it could, in
theory, enhance the outgrowth (germination) of pathogenic
spore-forming organisms such as Bacillus cereus and Clostridum
botulinum (Dixon and others 1988).
We have investigated the effect of added CO2 on B. cereus and C.
botulinum growth and toxigenesis in milk (Glass and others 1999;
Werner and Hotchkiss 2002). While CO2 at levels of <20 mM
inhibits the growth of selected spoilage organisms and extends
refrigerated shelf life, CO2 could influence the risk of botulism
from milk. In the latter study (Glass and others 1999),
pasteurized 2% fat milk was modified with approximately 0, 9.1, or
18.2 mM CO2 and inoculated with a 10-strain mixture of proteolytic
and nonproteolytic C. botulinum spore strains to yield 101 to 102
spores mL-1. The milk was stored at 6.1 °C for 60 d or 21 °C for 6
d in sealed glass jars or high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic
bottles. Milk stored at 21 °C curdled and exhibited a yogurt-like
odor at 2 d and was putrid at 4 d. Botulin was detected in milk
containing 9.1 mM CO2 after 4 d and in all treatments after 6 d of
storage at 21 °C. All toxic samples were grossly spoiled based on
visual evaluation at the time the toxin was detected. Although
botulin appeared earlier in milk treated with 9.1 mM CO2 compared
to both the 18.2 mM and untreated milk, gross spoilage would act
as a deterrent to consumption of toxic milk. No botulin was
detected in any treatment stored at 6.1 °C for 60 d. At 6.1 °C,
the standard plate counts (SPC) were generally lower in the
CO2-treated samples than in controls, with 18.2 mM CO2 milk having
the lowest SPC. These data indicate that the low-level addition of
CO2 retards spoilage of pasteurized milk at refrigeration
temperatures and does not increase the risk of botulism from
treated milk stored at refrigeration or abuse temperatures.
We have conducted similar studies of the effects of 11.9 mM CO2 on
the growth of B. cereus spores inoculated into sterile homogenized
whole milk at 101 and 106 spores mL−1 and stored at 6.1 °C for 35
d (Werner and Hotchkiss 2002). B. cereus counts from CO2-treated
and control milk both decreased over 35 d. There was no
consistency as to whether the control or test milk was higher in
counts. Added CO2 reduced the pH of the milk from an average value
of 6.61 to an average value of 6.31; however, this drop did not
correlate with changes in any other parameter measured. The data
indicated that moderate levels of CO2 neither enhance the
outgrowth of B. cereus over long-term storage nor increase the
risk of foodborne illness due to the organism.
The effects of CO2 on growth of L. monocytogenes and C. sporogenes
in cottage cheese have also been investigated (Chen and Hotchkiss
1993). C. sporogenes did not grow under any conditions tested
while L. monocytogenes grew slowly in control cheese at 4 and 7
°C. The addition of CO2 resulted in a slight inhibition of growth
of L. monocytogenes. Other workers have shown that the addition of
CO2 does not promote growth and is likely to cause a small but
significant inhibition. For example, Fedio and others (1994) found
that CO2 inhibited growth of L. monocytogenes in cottage cheese.
To our knowledge, no data to date indicate the use of CO2 to
extend the keeping quality of dairy products increases the risks
from pathogenic microorganisms. The data generated from
investigations of L. monocytogenes suggest that CO2 treatment may
result in enhanced safety for this pathogen, which has been the
causative agent in human disease in which dairy foods were the
Carbon Dioxide as a Natural Ingredient of Raw Milk
It has been known for over 100 y that milk as drawn from animals
contains significant amounts of dissolved CO2. However, early
quantitative data must be viewed with caution, as analytical
methods for dissolved gases were less reliable than those more
currently employed. Early researchers were interested in how CO2
affects processing (Noll and Supplee 1941), collection (Marshall
1902; Jackson 1936), freezing point (Moore and others 1961; Smith
1964), and the ability to distinguish pasteurized from raw milk
(Van Slyke and Baker 1919; Van Slyke and Keeler 1920; Frayer
Van Slyke and Baker (1919) suggested that a third of the CO2 in
milk exists as carbonic acid and two-thirds as bicarbonate.
However, modern physical chemistry shows that the fraction of
carbonate, bicarbonate, and CO2 ions varies in solution as a
function of pH (Daniels and others 1985). In milk at pH 6.3 to
6.5, approximately 88% of CO2 exists as dissolved CO2 gas, 2% as
carbonic acid, and the remaining 10% as bicarbonates. At 15 °C,
concentrations of CO2 added to raw milk in the range of 0.4 to
33.6 mM lowered the pH from 6.80 to approximately 6.1 (Martin
2002). In autoclaved raw milk similarly amended at lower
temperatures (4 °C) with 0 to 35 mM CO2, the pH was lowered from
6.70 to 5.9 (Loss 2001).
The CO2 content of raw milk decreases when milk is exposed to air
after milking while O2 and N2 levels increase (Marshall 1902). The
loss in CO2 results from gradual equilibration of the milk gas
content with that of air, which has a lower atmospheric pCO2.
Jackson (1936) suggested that “anaerobically drawn” milk contained
11.1 to 12.5 mM CO2. Noll and Supplee (1941) analyzed 63 samples
of mixed raw milk as received at a commercial milk plant,
reporting the CO2 level to be 2.0 mM. This agreed with Frayer
(1941) who showed that, prior to receipt at the processing plant,
there is a significant loss in CO2 from milk. Noll and Supplee
(1941) showed that CO2 levels are significantly reduced in several
processing steps. Our limited analyses for CO2 content of raw milk
from a single local herd using modern methodology averaged 5.5 mM,
with a range of 3.9 to 7.5 mM (n= 10 animals) (Lee 1996).
CO2 losses occur during the pasteurization treatment in response
to temperature and pressure changes during processing. Smith
(1963) found a drop in the CO2 content from 1.6 mM in raw to 0.68
mM in processed milk. The CO2 loss was attributed to the aeration
of milk during pumping and nonhermetic storage of milk. Further
significant decreases in CO2 were observed for vacuum-treated and
pasteurized milk. Moore and others (1961) reported an average loss
of CO2 from milk after pasteurization of 72% when a single vacuum
chamber was placed after the raw regeneration loop.
Applications of CO2 Addition to Dairy Products
Raw (unpasteurized) milk
Introduction Reports on the use of CO2 at elevated pressures as an
antimicrobial agent in milk date back to the turn of the 20th
century. Hoffman (1906) reported that the addition of 50
atmospheres2 of CO2 reduced the rate of increase in the microbial
counts in milk. While untreated milk curdled within 24 h at room
temperature, milk kept under 10 atm of CO2 was not observed to
curdle, even after 72 h. Van Slyke and Bosworth (1907) observed
that elevated CO2 pressures delayed lactic fermentation. They
suggested that the best results in the preservation of milk were
secured when newly pasteurized milk or “cleanly drawn” raw milk
was treated with CO2 in tanks such as is used in bottling
establishments to prepare carbonated drinks. Similar discoveries
regarding the relationship between pCO2 and microbial activity in
raw milk were reported by other laboratories in the early part of
the century (Prucha and others 1922; Donald and others 1924;
Valley and Rettger 1927).
Storage and transport More recent investigations have documented
the chemical and microbiological effects of low levels of added
CO2 in raw milk (Skudra 1983). In a series of pioneering studies,
King and Mabbitt (1982), Mabbitt (1982), and Law and Mabbitt
(1983) added 10 to 40 mM CO2 to untreated whole and
bacteria-inoculated sterilized skim milk stored at 4, 7, and 10 °C
for up to 6 d. Increasing CO2 concentrations and decreasing
temperatures were shown to inhibit microbial growth rates; these
effects were greatest when the 2 parameters were manipulated
together. The enhanced effects were most likely due to the
combination of reduced growth rate and increased solubility of CO2
as the temperature is lowered. The lower the initial counts in the
untreated milk and the lower the holding temperature, the greater
the effect. They also demonstrated that the initial microbial
quality of the raw milk influences the effect of CO2. The
difference between SPC in <4 log cfu mL−1 milk treated with CO2
and the same milk left untreated was as much as 3 log units after
6 d, while the difference between >5 log cfu mL−1 milk treated
with CO2 and controls was less than 1 log cycle (Mabbitt and King
1982). Milk with an initial count >5 log cfu mL−1 held at 10 °C
demonstrated only a small benefit from CO2. Addition of 20 to 30
mM of CO2 to milk collected from tankers unloading farm milk had
approximately 3 log cfu mL−1 fewer counts than untreated milk
after 4 d storage at 7 °C. Milk acidified with HCl to the same pH
as the CO2-treated milk failed to demonstrate the same degree of
microbial inhibition. King and Mabbitt (1982) concluded that the
effect was directly due to the presence of CO2, not due to
lowering the pH or to the displacement of oxygen. These data
indicate that greater benefit from the addition of CO2 is gained
in a high-quality product as compared to a poor-quality product.
Roberts and Torrey (1988) inoculated sterile milk with several
common proteolytic psychrotrophic bacteria isolated from milk and
investigated the effects of 20 to 30 mM CO2 on growth at 7 °C.
They found that lag time increased and exponential growth rate
decreased in the presence of increasing dissolved CO2 for both
inoculated and uninoculated raw milk. There was no evidence that
CO2 increased the growth of anaerobic and facultative organisms,
including spore formers. They concluded that refrigerated storage
of raw milk could be extended 1 to 3 d by the addition of low
amounts of CO2. Amigo and others (1995) investigated the effects
of “acidification” of inoculated, sterilized, and raw milk as well
as the effects on sensory properties; CO2 was used to reduce an
initial milk pH of 6.7 to 6.2 and 6.0. Unfortunately, the
concentration of CO2 required for these reductions in milk pH was
not determined, making it difficult to directly compare results
with other studies. CO2 treatment increased generation times and
decreased growth rates for several Pseudomonas spp. Sensory
evaluation of degassed and pasteurized milk resulted in no
detectable differences between treated and untreated samples.
Samples that were not degassed scored significantly lower than
controls, perhaps due to the tactile sensations associated with
higher levels of dissolved CO2.
Espie and Madden (1997) reported the effects of 30 and 45 mM CO2
on the indigenous microbial populations in raw milk stored at 6 °C
for up to 7 d. Sample analysis included enumeration of SPC,
coliforms, psychrotrophic count, and lactobacillus. All with the
exception of lactobacillus demonstrated inhibition with the
addition of CO2. The authors concluded that an extension in
keeping quality could be achieved by the addition of CO2 to the
raw milk.
Martin and others (2003) examined the effects of 0.6 to 61.4 mM
CO2 on bacterial growth in both raw and inoculated sterile milks
during storage at 15 °C and found that these concentrations
significantly inhibited the growth of raw milk bacteria. SPC of
natural populations in raw milk and populations of Pseudomonas
fluorescens, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Listeria
monocytogenes, Enterococcus faecalis, and Bacillus licheniformis
in inoculated sterile milk were examined. For raw milk SPC, as CO2
concentrations increased, the time to maximum growth and lag time
increased while the growth rate decreased. For each specific
microorganism studied, CO2 reduced the growth rate, with a greater
effect toward gram-negative than toward gram-positive bacteria.
The lag time for P. fluorescens incubated with 0.4 mM CO2 was 3.3
h compared to 26.1 h with 46.3 mM CO2. Similar effects were noted
for L. monocytogenes. For B. cereus, slight decreases in growth
rate and no change in lag time were noted with increasing CO2
concentration; the growth rate of B. licheniformis did not change
while the lag time increased. These results show that, even at
above-refrigeration temperatures, CO2 can reduce the growth of
milk pathogens and spoilage organisms.
Rajagopal and others (2005) examined microbial growth in aged and
fresh raw milks from a single herd after treatment with 68 to 689
kPa CO2 at 5, 6.1, 10, and 20 °C, and storage for up to 9 d,
parameters that did not result in protein precipitation. All
treatments significantly reduced raw milk SPC, even those
incorporating above-refrigeration temperatures. At the highest CO2
pressure, a reduction in SPC, total gram-negative bacteria, and
lactobacillus were measured at the end of storage. At 6.1 °C, the
time to reach 4.30 log cfu mL-1 increased by 4 d as compared to
the untreated control. Coliform levels remained unchanged in these
treated samples while levels doubled in the control milk. The
level of thermoduric bacteria was significantly lower after 9 d in
the treated milk than in the control milk. In the United States,
the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) Grade A regulations specify
an upper SPC limit for raw milk prior to pasteurization of 5 log
cfu mL−1 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1999); at
6.1 °C, this limit was reached in the control milk before 4 d of
storage while this limit was not reached in 689 kPa CO2-treated
milk until day 8. These data suggest that pressurized CO2 might be
an effective method of preserving raw bulk milk, adding to storage
shelf life and overall milk quality.
A scaled-up field application trial of this work by our research
group (unpublished data) supports these laboratory data, by
preliminarily showing that application to 18,900 L raw bulk milk
of 45 mM CO2 under pressures of 138 to 345 kPa can significantly
extend storage time. Milk was stored in a stainless steel liquid
bulk tank used for rail shipment under ambient (20 to 25 °C)
conditions outdoors. The temperature of the milk loaded was
initially 2 °C, which slowly increased to about 10 °C by day 14 of
storage. Standard plate count analysis shows that the treated milk
did not reach the PMO quality limit until day 14, 4 d longer than
that for the control milk, suggesting that moderate CO2 pressures
can be an effective method of storing bulk raw milk and extending
possible transport time.
ProcessingCalvo and De Rafael (1995) suggested that CO2 should be
removed prior to pasteurization to minimize buildup of deposits on
the walls of the pasteurizer. Beaulieu and others (1999) showed
that in a model milk system, increasing soluble protein content
and decreasing pH increases aggregation of caseins under HTST
pasteurization temperatures, a condition that could result in the
fouling of heat processing equipment. The pH of milk treated with
0 to 54 mM CO2 during pasteurization was found to decrease in
response to increases in pressure and in CO2 concentration; at a
fixed CO2 concentration, the effect of pressure on decreasing milk
pH was greater at higher temperature treatments, while at a fixed
temperature, the effect of pressure on decreasing milk pH was
greater at higher CO2 treatment concentrations (Ma and Barbano
2003c). Ma and others (2001) found that pH depression caused by
modification of milk with up to 23 mM of CO2 could be reversed by
vacuum removal of CO2. At 80 °C and 345 kPa pressure, the pH of 55
mM CO2-modified milk can be as low as 5.63; thus, pasteurization
temperatures and pressures as well as the initial CO2 content of
milk are important factors to regulate to prevent milk degradation
during pasteurization (Ma and Barbano 2003c). If these factors are
modulated, CO2 may be used as a processing aid during
pasteurization to increase microbial kill. Loss (2001) showed that
increasing concentrations of dissolved CO2 in raw milk between 1
and 36 mM linearily decreased the decimal reduction time at 50 °C
(D50 values) for P. fluorescens, and CO2 concentrations of 44 to
58 mM significantly reduced the z value for SPC (63 to 93 °C). A
more comprehensive review of the bactericidal effects of dissolved
CO2 during pasteurization has been prepared by Loss and Hotchkiss
If left in the milk postpasteurization, 23 mM CO2 was not found to
significantly impact antibiotic residue, freezing point, infrared
milk component, or alkaline phosphatase tests, important analysis
used in the United States to determine antibiotic contamination,
water adulteration, protein/fat/lactose content, and effectiveness
of pasteurization in reducing microbial load (respectively) of
fluid milk (Ma and others 2001). Ruas-Madiedo and others (1996)
reported the results of a pilot-scale study in which sufficient
CO2 was added to 200-L batches of raw milk to lower the pH to 6.0
or 6.2 (CO2 concentrations not reported). The milk was held at 4
°C for 4 d, vacuum treated to remove residual CO2, and
pasteurized. The milk samples were evaluated organoleptically,
microbiologically, and chemically. Neither caseins nor whey
proteins were affected by the combined treatment of CO2 addition,
vacuuming, and pasteurization. Generally, the organic acid content
of the milk was not different, with the exception of lactic acid,
which was slightly lower in CO2-treated milk. The volatile organic
compound concentration of the treated product was lower,
presumably because of lower microbial activity. No significant
differences in sensory properties were detected. The only major
difference was that the CO2-treated milk had lower coliform,
psychrotrophic, proteolytic psychrotrophic, and lipolytic
psychrotrophic counts compared to untreated raw milk after 4 d of
storage. The authors concluded that CO2 could be added to raw milk
to inhibit microbiological deterioration during storage and easily
removed during processing without detrimental effects. Later, this
same group and others reported that the additional shelf life
gained by the addition of CO2 did not affect fat- or water-soluble
vitamin (Ruas-Madiedo, Bada, and others 1998a, 1998b) or free
monosaccharide (Ruas-Madiedo and others 2000) content of raw milk.
The effects of direct addition of CO2 to raw milk on milk quality
after CO2 removal and pasteurization have been recently
investigated (Thongoupakarn 2001). Carbon dioxide (14.8 to 22.7
mM) was added to raw milk, which was held at 4 °C for up to 10 d
before CO2 removal and subsequent HTST pasteurization and storage
at 6 °C for 30 d in HDPE plastic bottles. Raw and pasteurized
milks were assayed for SPC, gram-negative psychrotroph counts
(Gm–), proteolysis, lipolysis, and pH. The percentage of casein
nitrogen over total nitrogen (CN/TN) was used as an index for
proteolysis, while acid degree value (ADV) was used as an index
for lipolysis.
CO2-treated raw milk had lower microbial counts prior to
pasteurization, exhibiting lower growth rate and longer lag phase
after pasteurization than non-CO2-treated milk. The degree of
proteolysis and lipolysis of pasteurized milk was also reduced by
CO2 addition. The differences in ADV and casein content of
CO2-treated pasteurized milk as compared to non-CO2-treated
pasteurized milk were greatest for raw milk, which had reached SPC
values of >6 log cfu mL−1 prior to pasteurization (those stored
raw for 10 d). The time to reach SPC of 6 log cfu mL−1
postpasteurization was also affected by CO2 treatment. Similarly,
Ma and others (2003) showed that raw milk stored under 34 mM CO2
at 4 °C resulted in reduced growth of milk bacteria and subsequent
reduced overall proteolysis and lipolysis.
It is clear that the addition of CO2 to milk retards the growth of
selected psychrotrophic gram-negative organisms as well as the
deterioration of raw milk stored under refrigeration. Moreover,
inhibition of microorganisms in raw milk improves the overall
quality of pasteurized milk. While the use of CO2 in refrigerated
raw milk has been investigated, less work has focused on the
potential effects of CO2 on raw milk held at temperatures above
normal refrigeration temperatures (7 to 10 °C) or under changing
temperature conditions experienced during bulk transport. While
the inhibitory effects of CO2 are diminished as the temperature
increases, relatively small reductions in growth rates could be
important for raw milk that is not adequately refrigerated. CO2
addition could be a low-cost means for improving milk quality in
regions where low-temperature refrigeration is inadequate. Rashed
and others (1986) reported that CO2 had little effect on raw milk
held at 20 °C compared to storage at 7 °C. However, the initial
bacterial counts in the raw milk were high (approximately 106 cfu
mL−1) and it is possible that lower initial counts would have
resulted in a significant difference in growth rates.
CO2 removal CO2 removal from raw milk immediately prior to
pasteurization is feasible by applying vacuum treatment. Such
equipment is commercially available; for example, the Feldmeier
Aro-Vac (Syracuse, N.Y.), to remove off-flavors or to deaerate
milk. Moore and others (1961) used commercially available nonsteam
flavor removal equipment to degas CO2-treated raw milk prior to
HTST pasteurization. Ruas-Madiedo, Bada-Gancedo, and others (1996)
constructed a pilot-scale pasteurizer and vacuum degassifier
system to remove CO2 prior to subsequent HTST pasteurization. Raw
milk was modified with CO2 (quantities not reported) to reduce the
milk pH to levels between 5.9 and 6.3. CO2- treated raw milk was
first heated to 55 to 60 °C in a plate-pasteurizer, pumped into a
secondary tank where a 300-mmHg vacuum was applied, pumped into
another plate pasteurizer for a HTST treatment of 72 °C/15 sec,
and finally cooled to 38 °C. Gevaudan and others (1996) applied
5.8 mmHg vacuum at room temperature to remove CO2 from milk that
had been similarly acidified. In the Bada-Gancedo and others
(1996) study, analysis of the milk before and after pasteurization
showed little difference in terms of sensory and biochemical
properties. Similarly, results obtained from by Amigo and others
(1995) showed that sensory properties of CO2-treated milk after
degasification and pasteurization were no different than for
untreated pasteurized milk. Recent research reports
laboratory-scale vacuum treatments combined with mild heating for
the effective removal of CO2 from raw milk (Ma and others 2001;
Santos and others 2003; Rajagopal and others 2005).
Other methods have been used to successfully degasify CO2-treated
raw milk prior to pasteurization. In an early study (Noll and
Supplee 1941), it was found that gas flushing, vacuum treatment,
or the treatments in combination were effective in removing low
levels of CO2. More recently, Thongoupakarn (2002) used a flowing
stream of nitrogen gas immediately prior to HTST pasteurization to
reduce CO2 levels from 14 to 19 mM to 1 to 2 mM. Rajagopal and
others (2005) used a combination of depressurization and mild
temperatures (30 to 35 °C) to degas CO2 amended milks.
Pasteurized milk
The feasibility of using direct addition of CO2 to pasteurized
milk for shelf life extension has not been extensively
investigated, probably due to the assumption that added CO2 would
detrimentally affect the organoleptic quality of milk (King and
Mabbitt 1982). However, preliminary work has suggested that the
levels of CO2 below the organoleptic threshold are inhibitory for
selected microbial growth (Shipe and others 1982; Duthie 1985;
Duthie and others 1985). Carbon dioxide levels of 1.81 to 3.18 mM
in full-fat pasteurized milk stored in paperboard cartons at 6 °C
for up to 14 d improved keeping quality. Trained sensory panelists
found no difference between the control (no CO2) and CO2-treated
milk prior to 14 d. However, at day 14 the highest CO2-treated
samples scored significantly higher than untreated milk.
Psychrotrophic and total bacterial counts were similarly lower in
treated samples. Control milk coagulated during testing while the
treated samples did not. The sensory threshold for CO2 in this
work was 740 mg L−1, which was above the highest CO2 level tested.
These preliminary data suggested that the addition of CO2 to
pasteurized milk could significantly improve keeping quality
(Duthie and others 1985).
The use of CO2 in pasteurized milk has been investigated in more
detail. Work with inoculated milk packaged in pouches with
different CO2 barrier properties showed that the addition of low
levels of CO2 inhibits the growth of psychrotrophic microorganisms
and provides a moderate extension of shelf life (Chen and others
1992; Hotchkiss and others 1998). Lag-phase extension, growth rate
reduction, and maximum bacterial counts in 0 to 21.5 mM
CO2-treated inoculated whole milk increased directly with
increasing CO2 content. The inhibitory effect of CO2 was greater
at 4 °C than at 7 °C.
CO2 and storage Hard and semi-hard cheeses, such as cheddar, are
commonly packed in 100% CO2 or mixtures of CO2–N2 using horizontal
form-fill-seal (FFS) pouch-pack equipment. MAP cheese packed in
polypropylene film has a shelf life of up to 4 wk, compared to
only 14 to 15 d when packaged under normal conditions. The major
effect of CO2 on these cheeses is the inhibition of surface mold
growth (Maniar and others 1994), although high CO2 MAP atmospheres
have been shown to inhibit growth of lactic and mesophilic
bacteria as well as that of molds and yeasts on shredded
mozzarella cheese (Eliot and others 1998). CO2 acts both directly
on molds and by indirectly displacing O2; molds have an absolute
requirement for O2. Vacuum packaging does not remove all of the O2
and thus mold and yeast growth can still occur (Hocking and Faedo
1992), particularly in regions of the food product–packaging
interface where package wrinkling occurs. MAP with reduced O2
combined with increased CO2 concentration will allow mold growth
but at a substantially reduced rate, thus extending shelf life.
CO2 also is absorbed into the cheese and creates a vacuum within
the pouch. Sliced and grated cheeses can be pillow-packed under
MAP (Fierheller 1991). The gas mixture typically used is 70%
N2:30% CO2 to inhibit mold growth, to keep the package from
collapsing around the shreds, and to prevent shred matting (Parry
1993). In this case, the N2 acts as filler to prevent package
collapse and formation of a vacuum as the CO2 is absorbed. Alves
and others (1996) have compared 100% N2 and 100% CO2 with 50%
N2:50% CO2 for packaging sliced mozzarella cheese in high-barrier
laminated films. They reported that atmospheres of ≥50% CO2 were
more effective than air or 100% N2 in improving shelf life of
sliced mozzarella cheese. Atmospheres of 100% N2 had only a minor
effect on sensory shelf life but atmospheres of 100% CO2 increased
shelf life by 385%. Molds, yeast, and psychrotrophic bacteria were
all inhibited by the 100% CO2. Eliot and others (1998) found
similar benefits of CO2 in shredded mozzarella cheese.
Gonzalez-Fandos and others (2000) recently demonstrated that
packaging in 50% CO2:50% N2 or 40% CO2:60% N2 effectively
inhibited undesirable chemical and microbiological changes in
cheese and extended shelf life. Juric and others (2003), however,
found that packaging atmospheres of 100% CO2 resulted in
undesirable changes in texture and flavor of sliced Samso cheese
stored under light. Elevated CO2 packaged cheese became dry and
crumbly, and developed off-flavors, colors, and aromas due to
increased photooxidation.
CO2 and cheese manufacture The effect of CO2 treatment of raw milk
intended for manufacturing cheese has been investigated. Calvo and
others (1993) found that acidification of raw milk with CO2 to pH
between 6.0 and 6.5 reduced psychrotrophic bacteria counts,
resulting in improved cheese yields. However, the differences were
small and the initial microbial counts were in the range of 105 to
107 cfu mL−1 in the controls, making it unclear if similar results
would been seen with lower initial counts. Other studies
(Ruas-Madiedo, Alonso, and others 1998; Ruas-Madiedo, Bada
Gancedo, and others 1998) looked at milk of lower microbial load
and found that cheese yields from CO2-treated and -untreated
stored milk did not differ significantly. In poor quality milk,
however, yield of the control milk was significantly less than
yield achieved in the CO2-treated milk. In this study, CO2 was
removed prior to cheese making, and the cheese was acid
coagulated. McCarney and others (1995) have also investigated the
effects of CO2 addition to milk used to make cheese. They
concluded that the addition of 30 mM of CO2 reduced the time to
reach psychrotrophic counts of 106 cfu mL−1 and that this in turn
improved grading scores. The cheese made from CO2-treated milk
showed fewer products of casein and lipid breakdown, presumably
due to reduced proteolytic and lipolytic activity. Montilla and
others (1995) showed a 75% reduction in the amount of rennet
necessary for coagulation along with a small reduction in
proteolysis in cheeses made with CO2-treated milk. The effect of
CO2 on cheese yield was not clear from the data. There was no
significant difference in the organoleptic properties of the
cheeses. The authors suggested that use of CO2-treated milk would
not have detrimental effects on cheese properties or yield and
would extend the keeping quality of the raw milk.
In a later study, Ruas-Madiedo and others (2002) examined the
effect of CO2 addition to raw milk on the manufacture of
rennet-coagulated Spanish hard cheeses, both made from pasteurized
milk and aged for 30 d and from a 90:10 mixture of raw milk from
cows and ewes and aged 75 d. CO2 was removed from raw milk prior
to pasteurization and/or the cheese-making process. Compared to
cheese made with pasteurized milk, CO2-treated milk showed slower
initial growth of lactic acid bacteria with lower levels of acids.
Compared to cheeses made from unpasteurized milk, both CO2-treated
cheeses exhibited no change in volatile compound production, a
reduction in clotting time, a higher cheese yield, and an increase
in cheese hardness. In a later study (Ruas-Madiedo and others
2003) the group extended this work by examining the effects of the
treatments on proteolysis. Cheeses made from CO2-treated milk
exhibited lower amounts of hydrophilic peptides and no change in
hydrophobic peptides at the end of ripening. β-casein breakdown
was not affected while αs1-casein breakdown was enhanced during
aging; no difference in taste was detected, as measured by a
sensory panel.
Nelson and others (2004a, 2004b) similarly found no change in
β-casein breakdown and an increase in α-casein breakdown during
the aging of cheese made with CO2-treated milk. In this study,
however, milk was preacidified with 35 mM CO2, which was not
removed prior to cheese making. A significant reduction in make
time was observed compared to the control milk cheese. Cheese
manufactured from CO2-acidified milk had less total fat and
calcium than the control cheese, and higher total salts, while
total crude protein did not change. During aging, the use of
starter and coagulant cultures was the same for both treated and
untreated milks; however, proteolysis was found to be higher in
the CO2 treated cheese.
Ultrafiltration (UF) and microfiltration (MF) of raw milk to allow
separation and concentration of milk components can produce a
concentrated milk with optimized protein content; such modified
milk can be used in cheesemaking. Ma and Barbano (2003b) examined
the effect of protein concentration and type in CO2-treated UF and
MF milks on freezing point and pH, and found that increasing
either casein or soluble protein increased the buffering capacity
of milk. At low CO2 injection temperatures, where the amount
dissolved in the milk skim portion is maximized (Ma and Barbano
2003a), pH reduction was influenced by the protein concentration
and type. Work by Gevaudan and others (1996) with skim milk
modified with moderate pressures of CO2 showed that the buffering
capacity of the milk shifted to a slightly lower range, which was
thought to be due to an irreversible increase in milk salts; pH
change, however, was reversible. Thus, if a specific CO2 level in
the milk is desired, pH cannot be used as an estimate of CO2
levels; direct measurement of CO2 content should be performed for
more accurate analysis.
Cottage cheese
The use of CO2 has been found to be commercially beneficial in the
preservation of cottage cheese. Creamed cottage cheese sealed in
flexible containers following CO2 flushing and storage at 4 °C
showed repressed growth of psychrotrophs, yeast, and molds
(Kosikowski and Brown 1973). Fresh flavor was maintained for 73 d,
but due to the high level of CO2 the cottage cheese had a “fizzy”
character. Other laboratories have subsequently investigated gas
flushing of the headspace for the preservation of cottage cheese
(Rosenthal and others 1991; Moir and others 1993; Fedio and others
1994). Maniar and others (1994) reported that gas flushing with
100% CO2 was preferred over other gas mixtures for maintaining the
microbiological and sensory quality.
Gas flushing is reportedly used commercially in Germany (Honer
1987). Cups are flushed with CO2 before filling with cottage
cheese and at the end of the filling the headspace is again
flushed with CO2. The tubs are sealed with aluminum foil and
Moir and others (1993) suggested that addition of CO2 throughout
the cheese before packaging was necessary to inhibit psychrotrophs
both on the surface and within the depth of the cheese. They
reported a significant difference in the microbial counts between
the surface and the interior of cottage cheese packaged in
conventional, thermoformed, high-impact polystyrene cups. CO2
concentrations were found to have decreased throughout the storage
period, as the CO2 permeability of the containers was high.
Many of the problems associated with CO2 in cottage cheese have
been overcome by the direct addition of CO2 into the cream
dressing prior to mixing with the curd to form cream-style cottage
cheese (Chen and Hotchkiss 1991a, 1991b, 1993). The quality of
CO2-containing cottage cheese packaged in polystyrene tubs
overwrapped with a high-barrier heat-shrinkable film can be
maintained for 63 and 42 d at 4 °C and 7 °C, respectively (Chen
and Hotchkiss 1991b).
The commercial procedure for manufacturing cottage cheese with a
low level of CO2 involves injecting CO2 into the cream dressing
via an in-line sparging unit designed for food applications. CO2
gas is injected into the moving stream of cream dressing at a
controlled rate in a pressurized line. The treated dressing is
mixed with the curd and filled into containers. Several parameters
should be controlled, including the size of the CO2 bubbles,
backpressure within the line, residence time in the line,
temperature, and the filling process (Hotchkiss and Lee 1996).
The question of the “taste” (or more precisely, mouth feel) of CO2
in cottage cheese and other products is often raised. The amount
of CO2 used is often below that which is capable of producing the
common tactile sensation associated with CO2-containing beverages
or sodas. Using trained sensory panelists in triangle tests we
have found that the lowest threshold for CO2 in milk is between
4.54 and 9.10 mM (Chen and others 1992; Lee 1996). The flavor
threshold for untrained “consumer” panels is likely to be higher.
Moir and others (1993) found that 10 mM CO2 injected into cottage
cheese cream dressing and package headspace could significantly
increase shelf life while not affecting pH or flavor.
Yogurt and fermented dairy beverages
Mold and yeast growth and development of off-flavors can be a
major determinant of shelf life of yogurts (Robinson and others
2002; Viljoen and others 2003). In addition, the survival of
probiotic organisms is of importance in some yogurt products.
Technologies that extend shelf life must therefore take into
account the effect on both spoilage and desirable organisms in the
product. As with cottage cheese, headspace flushing of yogurt
packages with CO2 can extend shelf life by inhibiting spoilage
organisms (Tamime and Deeth 1980), and it is possible that direct
incorporation of CO2 into the product may also beneficially impact
shelf life. A method whereby spoonable yogurt could be carbonated
has been patented and modifications of a more optimized method and
model for carbonation of viscous fluids have been published
(Taylor and Ogden 2002). As with production of CO2-injected
cottage cheese, the economic investment in equipment and supplies
is minimal, with packaging costs the most significant expense.
Karagul-Yuceer and others (2001) recently reported that high
levels (1.1 to 1.2 volumes) of dissolved CO2 incorporated into
yogurt had little effect on desirable (typical or nontypical
starter cultures) or undesirable (spoilage and pathogenic)
microorganisms. It had been hypothesized that the addition of CO2
to the product could feasibly stimulate growth of starter
bacteria, reducing production time. The growth of only 3 different
spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms, E. coli, L. monocytogenes,
and B. licheniformis, was monitored. L. monocytogenes was not
affected by dissolved CO2 and populations slowly declined in both
CO2-treated and -untreated product during storage. Populations of
E. coli decreased to nondetectable levels in the CO2-treated
yogurt during 60 d storage, while B. licheniformis was reported
not to grow under any conditions.
In an earlier study, Karagul-Yuceer and others (1999) showed no
differences in shelf life sensory properties or consumer
acceptance between CO2-modified and nonmodified yogurts. Wright
and others (2003) determined that the sensory carbonation
threshold in yogurt is on average 5.97 mM, at considerably lower
levels than those tested in the previous study. The threshold
could be used by manufacturers to develop carbonated yogurt
products or to make CO2 amendments to yogurt to extend shelf life
without changing sensory properties.
As previously discussed, raw milk modified with CO2 during storage
prior to dairy product manufacture can result in improved
microbial quality with no noticeable changes to the finished
product characteristics. Calvo and others (1999) reported that
yogurt made from CO2-amended skim milk was not significantly
different, including lactic acid production, from control yogurts
made from nontreated milk. They concluded that the addition of CO2
to raw milk destined for yogurt production would be feasible.
Gueimonde and others (2003) also found no difference in the
evolution of organic acids between yogurts made with CO2-treated
and -untreated milk. These authors also found no difference in
sensory properties and in the growth of starter cultures used.
Neither study, however, reported the levels of CO2 applied.
Carbon dioxide-modified raw milk has also been evaluated for its
use in the manufacture of fermented milk beverages. Vinderola and
others (2000) found that CO2 modification decreased milk
fermentation time in both Streptococcus thermophilus/Lactobacillus
acidophilus (AT) and S. thermophilus/ L.
acidophilus/Bifidobacterium bifidum (ABT)-fermented milk products;
no negative impact on sensory characteristics of the milks was
noted. Similarly, Gueimonde and de los Reyes-Gavilan (2004) found
shortened incubation times in carbonated fermented milks using a
variety of L. acidophilus and S. thermophilus starter strains.
Noriega and others (2003) later examined B. cereus-inoculated ABT
milk, finding significant inhibition of growth of the pathogen in
CO2-modified milk during incubation at 37 °C. During storage at 4
°C, proteolysis and acid production were reduced in inoculated
milk. The authors conclude that CO2 can be an effective method of
reducing the risk of B. cereus contamination in ABT milk during
the required prolonged incubation period. In both studies, no
impact on the growth of the probiotic Bifidobacterium was noted.
Addition of CO2 to butter during the churning stage has been
investigated (Hunziker 1924; Prucha and others 1925). The gas was
allowed to flow into the cream during the entire churning
operation. No pronounced effect on microbial growth was observed.
The “sourish” taste (undoubtedly due to residual CO2 levels that
were above the taste threshold) of the butter immediately after
carbonation disappeared during storage. This latter phenomenon
suggests that the CO2 level was not maintained within the butter
sufficiently to have an inhibitory effect. Prucha and others
(1925) observed that bacterial growth was suppressed only when
carbonated butter was packaged in airtight vessels. It is unclear
why, in these studies, CO2 did not remain dissolved in the butter;
it is generally recognized that CO2 is highly soluble in nonpolar
lipids (Fogg and Gerrard 1991). However, the injection
temperatures used may have influenced overall solubility. In a
study of the effect of CO2 injection temperature on CO2 solubility
in milk and cream, Ma and Barbano (2003a) found that at higher
temperatures where milk fat is liquid, CO2 solubility in the fat
increased; at temperatures where milk fat was in a solid phase,
CO2 solubility decreased. To the best of our knowledge, more
recent work on CO2 in butter has not been reported.
Dry milk powders
Dry milk powders packaged in cans or drums for long-term storage
are commonly commercially packaged in modifed atmospheres,
including mixed CO2 and N2, 100% N2, or reduced O2 atmospheres.
Packaging strategies for dry milk powders seek to improve shelf
life through elimination or reduction of O2 to prevent or slow fat
oxidation that can cause undesirable off-flavors and odors,
particularly in whole-fat milk powders. Gas flushing as well as
insertion of oxygen absorbers can be used to achieve the desired
in-package storage atmosphere. In an early study by Driscoll and
others (1985), the sensory quality of instant and regular nonfat
dry milk after 4 years of storage in cans or polybags at 10, 21,
and 32 °C and modified atmospheres (air, 100% CO2, 100% N2) was
measured. At 21 °C, milk stored in cans or in polybags under air
was less desirable in sensory qualities (off-flavors) than milk
stored under either N2 or CO2 at the same temperature. The 100%
CO2 atmosphere was created by addition of a pellet of dry ice to
the package, which was allowed to sublime. Holm and others (1927)
found that dry whole milk stored under air or vacuum developed
off-flavors and odors sooner than milk stored in CO2. Neither
group reported the effect of high CO2 and O2-depleted storage
environments on pathogens or spoilage organisms. Quality
variations in dry milk powder stored in cans with modified
atmospheres can occur, particularly over very long-term storage. A
survey by Lloyd and others (2004) of 10 brands of nonfat dry milk
stored in No. 10 cans obtained from 7 different manufacturers
within a broad distribution area showed wide variability in
headspace oxygen content, water activity, and sensory ratings
(aroma, flavor, and overall acceptance) as well as package
integrity. This variability was attributed to differences in
packaging and manufacturing processes occurring between
manufacturers and inconsistencies in initial quality control
Summary and Conclusions
The relatively short shelf life and rapid loss of quality coupled
with the desire to consolidate manufacturing in larger plants has
necessitated the requirement of an increased shelf life for many
dairy products. Thermal processes such as ultra-high temperature
(UHT) and pasteurization of cottage cheese have been developed to
meet this need; however, in many cases these processes alter the
organoleptic properties of the products. Use of antimicrobial
agents such as sorbic acid and nisin has been adopted but there
are concerns over labeling these additives. The direct addition of
CO2 to dairy products coupled with increasing the barrier
properties of the containers has been commercially successful and
economically feasible with cottage cheese and other fluid
products. Shelf life extensions of 200% to 400% have been
achieved. Substantial research exists to show that direct addition
of CO2 to raw bulk milk during storage prior to processing or
further manufacturing of different dairy products can
significantly improve and extend the shelf life of the products,
increase product safety, and in some cases improve product
quality. Additionally, increases in shelf life can enable longer
distance transport of fluid raw milk than what is currently
achievable, leading to the opening up of new markets. Milk
intended for consumption as a pasteurized fluid product would
require that the CO2 be reduced to a level that was similar to the
levels found in untreated raw milk; vacuum treatment is one
available technology to achieve this reduction. Additional
research can increase the efficiency of the process and contribute
to a better understanding of the fundamental basis of the
biostatic action of CO2.
Carbonated milk could boost dairy
March 20, 2001 -- Taking direct aim at the youth sports drink and
carbonated soft-drink industry, food science researchers at
Cornell University have developed a carbonated, milk-based
beverage. It is anticipated that e-Moo, made by Mac Farms, Inc. of
Burlington, MA, will be in supermarket dairy cases within months.
"The carbonation does the same thing in soft drinks as in e-Moo.
It provides a carbonated sensation. Also, it extends the shelf
life of what you would expect from milk," says Joseph Hotchkiss,
Cornell professor of food science and one of the researchers who
worked with Mac Farms on the product's development. "With
refrigeration, we believe that e-Moo can last six weeks."
But unlike carbonated soft drinks, supercharged with sugar,
flavoring, and little - if any - nutrition, e-Moo is good for
children. "The time might be right for e-Moo," says Hotchkiss.
"The nutrition base is right. If you are 5 or 6 years old, you
might like this. It has the nutrition profile of milk and could be
made better than milk."
The fluid idea of the e-Moo beverage began when George and Mary
Ann Clark of Mac Farms noticed children, teens and young adults
drinking large amounts of sports beverages and soft drinks. "At
the same time, we also noticed that sales growth in the fluid
dairy industry was flat. There had been no recent technical
innovations that were of any direct benefit to the consumer," says
Mary Ann Clark, vice president of marketing at Mac Farms.
Mac Farms turned to Cornell's food science expertise to produce a
formula and to provide data on product stability, nutritional
efficacy and the modifications to standard milk processing
equipment for production. "They wanted folks with experience ? and
we helped turn this concept into a product," says Hotchkiss, who
has been working with the company and Eric Hallstead, manager of
the Cornell food science department's pilot plant, for about a
St. Albans Cooperative Creamery, Inc. of St. Albans, VT, a
consortium of over 600 dairy farmers from Vermont, New York, New
Hampshire and Massachusetts, provided the initial funding for the
development of e-Moo. In addition to the carbonation, Cornell and
Mac Farms tested a variety of flavors to add to the product.
Initially e-Moo will come to the market in three flavors: Orange
Cremecicle, Cookies and Cream, and Fudge Brownie. The product
contains all the nutrition of nonfat milk with added calcium and
only half the sodium found in other flavored milks. Named for the
Internet world that children live in, e-Moo is sweetened with
fructose instead of refined sugar.
Says Hotchkiss: "If there is a salvation for the fluid milk
business, which has been on an economic downslide, it is making a
beverage with milk components. And this could be one successful
September 01, 2003
Couple looks to carbonation to help
turn kids onto milk
MILFORD, N.Y. (AP) — Adding bubbles to milk is tricky. Pump in too
many, and it foams over. Add too few and why bother.
George and Mary Ann Clark, husband-and-wife entrepreneurs, have
spent the past seven years trying to find the balance. Last week,
they started production on a carbonated milk-based drink called
Refreshing Power Milk — RPM — and they already have orders coming
in from school districts.
Mary Ann Clark, a registered nurse, said she was pained to see
children drinking cola and shunning milk when she worked in
schools so she decided to do something about it.
"If you take water and add carbon dioxide to make soda, why can't
you do that with milk?" she asked.
She and her biochemist husband started work on a carbonated milk
drink in 1996 and founded Mac Farms Inc. in 1998.
The company already sells eMoo, another carbonated milk drink. On
Wednesday, in a factory with a barn-red roof and purple-and-yellow
cow out front, the first batch of RPM was bottled.
The Clarks combined water and powdered milk to create slightly
fizzy, mildly milky-tasting drink with the nutritional value of
skim milk and 40 percent of the recommended daily amount of
Each 12-ounce serving contains 90 calories and 12 grams of sugar,
compared to 150 calories and 40 grams of sugar in a 12-ounce can
of Coca-Cola. RPM contains 9 grams of protein compared to none in
a can of Coca-Cola, but is higher in sodium: 115 grams to 52 grams
per 12-ounce serving.
The flavors: vanilla cappuccino, Brazilian chocolate and chocolate
Researchers at Cornell University had been looking for ways to
extend the shelf life of dairy products using carbonation when the
researched teamed up with the Clarks several years ago.
Joe Hotchkiss, chairman of the Department of Food Science at
Cornell University, said the drink was designed to attract people
who like soda.
"People consume food based on their sensory properties, taste,
what kind of emotional feelings it gives them," said Hotchkiss.
"Our role is to provide that similar kind of satisfaction in
foods, but also couple that to foods that are more nutritionally
J. Agric. Food Chem., 1998, 46 (4), pp 1552–1555
DOI: 10.1021/jf970914d
March 13, 1998
Influence of Carbon Dioxide Addition
to Raw Milk on Microbial Levels and Some Fat-Soluble Vitamin
Contents of Raw and Pasteurized Milk
Patricia Ruas-Madiedo , Victoria Bascarán , Alfredo F. Braña
, Juan Carlos Bada-Gancedo , and Clara G. de los Reyes-Gavilán
Instituto de Productos Lácteos de Asturias (CSIC), Crta. de
Infiesto s/n, 33300 Villaviciosa, Spain, and Area de
Microbiología, Departamento de Biología Funcional, Facultad de
Medicina, Universidad de Oviedo, c) Julián Clavería s/n, 33300
Oviedo, Spain
The effect of the application of CO2 to extend the cold storage of
raw and pasteurized milk on the content of fat-soluble vitamins of
milk was investigated. CO2-treated milk (pH 6.2) was compared with
a control (unacidified) milk. CO2-treated and control raw milk
samples were stored at 4 °C for 4 days. CO2-treated milk was then
vacuum degasified, and both control and treated samples were
pasteurized and stored at 4 °C for 7 days. CO2 addition inhibited
the growth of microorganisms in raw milk without affecting the
stability of vitamin A (retinol and β-carotene) and vitamin E
(α-tocopherol). Acidity and pH data indicated that subsequent
vacuum degasification and pasteurization on a pilot scale
partially removed CO2, making milk acceptable for liquid
consumption. However, the residual CO2 present extended the
cold-storage period of pasteurized milk by inhibiting bacterial
survivors without detrimental effects on retinol, β-carotene, and
α-tocopherol. Slightly higher (not statistically significant, p
> 0.05) concentrations of retinol, β-carotene, and α-tocopherol
were detected during cold storage in raw and pasteurized
CO2-treated milk with respect to the control milk, which could be
related to a certain protective effect of the CO2.
Extended Shelf Life and Bulk Transport of Perishable
Organic Liquids with Low Pressure Carbon Dioxide
Carbon dioxide is dissolved in liquid dairy products loaded and
transported in bulk containers so as to improve product shelf
life, thereby providing options for more economical shipment, as
by rail and ocean vessels and for extended transport by truck and
to facilitate extended storage of perishable products and to avoid
the necessity of multiple treatments for pathogen
[0001] The present application is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No.
11/134,831 filed May 23, 2005 and claiming priority to the May 21,
2004 filing date of U.S. provisional patent application, Ser. No.
[0002] The present invention relates to techniques to extend the
shelf life and facilitate the bulk transport of perishable organic
liquids whereby the liquids are mixed with carbon dioxide gas and
held under carbon dioxide pressure, in order to extend the time
before the liquid spoils or sustains material undesirable
biological changes.
[0003] Assuring the safety of fluid milk, related dairy products,
and juices while maintaining quality and increasing the shelf life
of products is a significant challenge for the food industry. Many
perishable organic liquids, including juices, but especially raw
milk, serve as suitable growth mediums for microorganisms.
Benefits in distribution and organic liquid quality could be
derived from reducing microbial growth.
[0004] The bulk transport of perishable organic liquids generally
requires at least one of the following: pasteurization or similar
treatments to reduce, eliminate or control pathogens; rapid
shipment; and in some cases, refrigeration. Each of these options
imposes additional cost and or limitations. For instance, shipment
by truck may be the quickest transport time but still may not be
sufficiently rapid to reach all markets. Shipment by rail or ocean
cargo vessel is slower but more economical. Refrigerated shipping
costs are substantially higher than the cost for shipments not
requiring refrigeration. Furthermore, refrigeration is not
effective to adequately restrain the growth of psychrotrophic
microorganisms capable of activity at temperatures below 7° C.
over sustained intervals of time. Each process of pasteurization
or similar pathogen reduction treatment imposes not only expense,
but may also negatively impact the flavor quality, nutritional
content, and other sensory characteristics, such as color, of the
treated organic liquid with a resulting negative market impact.
Additionally, thermoduric microorganisms that are potential
pathogens or cause spoilage may survive the pasteurization
[0005] As a result of these concerns, today when arranging for the
shipment of fresh milk from the continental United States to
Hawaii or a Caribbean island without significant dairy herds,
there are two principal options, namely:
Milk is pasteurized before bulk shipment and is re-pasteurized
prior to local packaging for retail sale. The result is a flavor
not as fresh as with single pasteurization and a higher cost due
to multiple handling.
Milk is pasteurized and packaged for retail sale at or near the
origin and then shipped in refrigerated containers to the
destination. The result is higher cost and a loss of shelf life at
retail due to the transit period.
[0008] The repeated pasteurization of the first option is also
particularly undesirable because while most milk borne
microorganisms are neutralized by pasteurization, their lipolytic
and proteolytic enzymes can survive and result in undesirable
lipolysis and proteolysis.
[0009] The major strategy to extend shelf life of unpasteurized
perishable organic liquids has been to provide rapid
refrigeration. For instance, decreasing the storage temperature
from 6° C. to 2° C. increases the time for the psychrotrophic
count to reach 10<6 >cfu (colony forming units)/ml from 2.9
to 5 days (Griffith, 1987).
[0010] Several authors have reported on the use of unpressurized
carbon dioxide as an anti-microbial agent in foods including dairy
products. The concept of using CO2 to inhibit the growth of
unwanted microorganisms in dairy products stems from the
technology of modified atmosphere packaging. This method of shelf
life extension has been adapted to fluid dairy products by
directly injecting the inert gas (CO2) thereby enhancing its
inhibitory effect. The direct post-pasteurization addition of
carbon dioxide (DAC) to neutral and acidic pH products can be used
to control contaminating organisms. DAC is widely used by cottage
cheese processors in North America. Carbon dioxide has also been
shown to extend the shelf life of yogurt, to improve the keeping
quality of raw milk, and to extend the yields of cheese
subsequently prepared from such milk. However, under specific
combinations of pressure and temperature, CO2 effectively
precipitates the proteins from milk. For example, at 38° C. and
pressures above 5514 kiloPascals (kPa), or about 800 psi, complete
precipitation of the casein proteins that give milk its
distinctive white color results. CO2 pressure treatments applied
at a pressure of only 294 kPa (about 43 psi) at 20° C. may result
in casein aggregation. Accordingly, pressurization has been
avoided due to potential deleterious effects upon the treated
liquids. In addition, and not unrelatedly, there is an absence of
suitable pressure vessels for pressurized bulk storage and
transport of organic liquids. The studies utilizing CO2 pressure
treatments have been principally directed to pathogen reduction
treatments with high CO2 pressures as an alternative to thermal
pasteurization. Lower CO2 pressures have not been previously
utilized as conditions of storage and transportation to reduce
microbial growth.
[0011] The present invention provides a method that extends the
stability of raw milk and other perishable organic liquids
sufficiently to permit their transport by rail or cargo ship, or
by truck for greater distances than is ordinarily accomplished
today; or shipment by any mode that would benefit the end user by
being more cost effective or offering more time to handle or
package the product for human consumption or for other food, feed
grade, pharmaceutical, or industrial use or extended storage. In
furtherance of the invention, raw milk or other perishable organic
liquids are preferably cooled to the greatest extent practical and
injected with carbon dioxide as they are loaded in food grade
storage and transport containers that are pressure vessels
according to applicable pressure vessel codes, so that the filled
containers can be pressurized with about 20 to 50 psi (138 to 345
kPa), and more preferably about 30 to 50 psi (207 to 345 kPa), of
carbon dioxide. Such carbon dioxide head pressure does not result
in protein precipitation and maintains concentrations of
sufficient parts per million in the raw milk or other organic
liquids so as to suppress pathogen growth, at least of the most
common obligate aerobic varieties, by lowering the ph and by
initiating deleterious intercellular activity and by surrounding
the pathogens in what is equivalent to their own output. In such a
state, the pathogens' animation and reproduction ceases or is
suitably reduced so as to inhibit their growth and multiplication,
which would otherwise result in spoiled product.
[0012] The pressurized carbon dioxide rich raw milk and other
perishable organic liquids may then be shipped or stored in the
container without spoilage for periods of time greater than
untreated and un-pressurized products, provided the storage tanks
are sufficiently insulated or refrigerated to prevent excessive
heating of the contents. Upon delivery, or when the milk or other
organic liquid is needed for production, the container is unloaded
and the carbon dioxide is released from the liquid by some form of
agitation, stirring or mixing independent of or in conjunction
with negative (vacuum) pressure and the liquid is then processed
in its usual fashion.
[0013] The present process can effectively extend the life of a
wide variety of perishable organic liquids including dairy
products, vegetable juices, fruit juices, plant extracts, fungal
extracts, flavoring agents, and combinations thereof.
[0014] FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of milk
collection from dairy farms to processing facilities as commonly
practiced in the United States, showing the integration of a new
carbon dioxide injection system according to the present
[0015] FIG. 2a is an alternative of FIG. 1, showing the
prior art Hawaii Model for shipping milk for extended times and
[0016] FIG. 2b is a schematic illustration showing a Hawaii
Model for shipping milk for extended times and distances;
[0017] FIG. 3a is a top plan view of a tank container
suitable for use in practicing the invention;
[0018] FIG. 3b is a side plan view of the tank container of
FIG. 3a.
[0019] FIG. 3c is an end plan view of the tank container of
FIG. 3a.
[0020] FIG. 3d is a detail drawing of the pressure relief
valve of the tank container of FIG. 3a;
[0021] FIG. 3e is a detail drawing of the air inlet used to
pressurize the tank container of FIG. 3a;
[0022] FIG. 3f is a detail drawing of the loading/discharge
valve of the tank container of FIG. 3a;
[0023] FIG. 4 is a schematic illustration of the carbon
dioxide injection system suitable for use when filling the
transport containers with organic liquids;
[0024] FIG. 5 depicts the loading and unloading connection
with a tank container suitable for use in the present invention;
[0025] FIG. 6 illustrates a food grade pump for loading or
unloading transport tanks;
[0026] FIG. 7 illustrates carbon dioxide or air being used
to pressurize the transport tank;
[0027] FIG. 8 is a representative three stage filter to
clean the air prior to pressurization.
[0028] FIG. 9 is a schematic illustration of the carbon
dioxide batch pressurization system utilized in connection with
Example 1.
[0029] FIGS. 10(a-e) are bar charts illustrating the
changes in gram-negative lactose, Lactobacillus spp. and
Standard Plate Count in raw milk treated at (a) 68 kPa, (b) 172
kPa, (c) 344 kPa, (d) 516 kPa, and (e) 689 kPa of CO2 pressure
at 6.1° C. for four days as described in Example 1.
[0030] FIG. 11 is a bar chart of total counts, thermoduric
bacteria, total coliforms and E. coli counts in raw milk treated
at 4° C. and 689 kPa of CO2 pressure after 4, 6, 8 and 9 days as
described in Example 1.
[0031] FIG. 12a is a chart plotting bacterial growth in raw
whole milk treated with 2000 ppm CO2 against an untreated but
refrigerated control over 13 days as described in Example 2.
[0032] FIG. 12b is a chart plotting temperatures of the
milk of Example 2 and the daily local temperatures.
[0033] As is described in this patent, milk injected with carbon
dioxide and the application of pressurized carbon dioxide in a
transport vessel retards the growth of pathogens in the raw milk.
Raw milk has been used as an example in this text not to limit the
usefulness of the patent but rather to explain the invention with
reference to one of the more commonly transported liquid products
that is also one of the more perishable products. The same process
may be utilized to retard the growth of similar pathogens in other
perishable organic liquids. Accordingly, the invention may also be
practiced in connection with liquids such as fruit juices, wine,
malt beverages, beverage preparations, liquid eggs, feed grade
bulk liquids as well as pharmaceutical or industrial grade liquids
and other similar materials susceptible to detrimental
microbiological activity.
[0034] For example, the present invention is applicable to any
liquid dairy product, including, but not limited to, cream, light
cream, light whipping cream, heavy cream, heavy whipping cream,
whipped cream, whipped light cream, sour cream, acidified sour
cream, cultured sour cream, half-and-half, sour half-and-half,
acidified sour half-and-half, cultured sour half-and-half,
reconstituted or recombined milk and milk products, concentrated
milk, concentrated milk products, reverse osmosis (RO) milk, ultra
filtered (UF) milk, fractionated milk, whole milk, reduced fat or
low fat content milk (e.g., 1% fat milk, 2% fat milk, etc.),
nonfat (skim) milk, evaporated and condensed forms of whole milk,
eggnog, buttermilk, cultured milk, cultured reduced fat or lowfat
milk, cultured nonfat (skim) milk, yogurt, lowfat yogurt, nonfat
yogurt, acidified milk, acidified reduced fat or lowfat milk,
acidified nonfat (skim) milk, low-sodium milk, low-sodium reduced
fat or lowfat milk, low-sodium nonfat (skim) milk, lactose-reduced
milk, lactose-reduced reduced fat or lowfat milk, lactose-reduced
nonfat (skim) milk, reduced fat or lowfat milk or nonfat (skim)
milk with added safe and suitable microbial organisms and any
other milk product made by the addition or subtraction of milkfat
or addition of safe and suitable optional ingredients for protein,
vitamin, or mineral fortification of milk products defined by
governmental regulation.
[0035] The present invention is also applicable to other products
derived from dairy ingredients, including whey and whey products,
caseinates, lactalbumin, cottage cheese, ice cream mix, ice milk
mix, yogurt mix, shake mixes, batter mixes, and other dairy mixes,
probiotic dairy products, including milk treated with
Lactobacillus cultures or Acidophilus cultures, flavored milks,
spreads, dips, sauces, eggnogs, flavored creamers, boiled
custards, puddings, cheesecakes, milkshakes, smoothies, dairy
shakes, and other shakes, as well as other products containing
milk or other ingredients derived from dairy products.
[0036] The present invention is applicable to milk and milk-like
products derived from crop plants or grains, including but not
limited to soy, rice, wheat, corn, and oats.
[0037] The present invention is applicable to avian eggs,
including both in-shell and liquid preparations. The present
invention is also applicable to products containing added
nutritional components, e.g., protein, minerals, vitamins, fat,
fiber, sugars, salts, starches, amino acids, and alcohols.
[0038] The present invention is further applicable to milk and
products derived from the milk of bovine species, goats and sheep.
[0039] The present invention is also applicable to water,
carbonated water, and products containing water, as well as a
variety of beverages and drinks. The present invention is also
applicable to fermented foods, food products, and beverages.
[0040] The present invention is also applicable to juices,
extracts, liquid supplements, and liquid pharmaceuticals derived
from fresh, dried, frozen or canned plants, vegetables, fruits,
grasses, yeasts, fungi, and combinations thereof, including but
not limited to juices or extracts derived from apples, apricots,
pineapples, peaches, bananas, oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit,
plums, cherries, grapes, raisins, prunes, nectarines, kiwi, star
fruit, papayas, mangos, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries,
choke cherries, boysenberries, cranberries, lingenberries,
pomegranates, melons, tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, celery,
lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, broccoli, potatoes, sweet potatoes,
yams, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage, rutabaga, corn, peas,
green beans, yeast, including brewer's yeast, and mushrooms. The
present invention also is applicable to blended, liquefied whole
plants, fruits, vegetables, grasses, yeasts, fungi, and
combinations thereof, including but not limited to the whole
plants, fruits, vegetables, grasses, yeasts, fungi disclosed
[0041] The present invention may be applicable to a mixture of a
liquid dairy product, e.g., skim milk, and one or more juices,
extracts, liquid supplements, and liquid pharmaceuticals.
[0042] The amount of vegetable, fruit, yeast, or fungal juice, or
combination thereof, in the product can be between 0.05% to 100%,
preferably between 0.1% to 75%.
[0043] The present invention may further be applicable to products
containing any added flavoring agent, including any of the usual
flavors, such as a fruit flavor (natural or artificial, or both),
vegetable flavor, chocolate flavor, vanilla flavor, and any of the
usual soft drink flavors, such as the cola flavor, ginger ale
flavor, etc., or a traditional malt flavor.
[0044] The term “shelf life” is defined as the amount of time a
product remains acceptable for organoleptic, nutritional, and/or
safety purposes, for the consumer or the retailer.
[0045] The term “undesirable biological changes” includes changes
in the liquid or product such that the liquid or product is
unacceptable for organoleptic, nutritional, and/or safety
purposes, for the consumer. These changes may include, but are not
limited to, changes in the color (brown color), decreases in the
flavor quality (cooked flavor), and decreases in the nutritional
content (i.e., vitamin loss or protein precipitation).
[0046] The term “liquid” is defined as being a fluid or
semi-fluid, e.g., a pourable or flowable substance intended for
human or animal consumption.
[0047] The terms “pathogens” and “food pathogens” are defined to
include microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, and fungi, including
but not limited to psychrotrophic bacteria; lipolytic
psychrotrophic bacteria; proteolytic psychrotrophic bacteria;
mesophylic bacteria; Bacillus species, including B. cereus;
Clostridium species, including C. perfringens and C. botulinum;
Cryptosporidium species; Campylobacteria species, including C.
jejuni; Listeria species, including L. monocytogenes; Escherichia
species, including E. coli and pathogenic E. coli strains;
Mycobacterium species, including M. paratuberculosis; Pseudomonas
species, including P. fluorescens; Helicobacteria species;
Yersinia species, including Y. entercolitica; Arcobacter species;
Aeromonas species; Toxoplasma species, including T. gondii;
Streptococcus species; Staphylococcus species, including S.
aureus; Shigella species; Salmonella species, including S.
enteritidis, S. Montevideo, S. typhimurium; Cyelospora species,
including C. cayetanensis; Cignatera species; Vibrio species;
Plesiomonas species; Entamoeba species, including E. histolytica;
Hepatitis viruses; Astroviruses; Calciviruses; enteric
Adenoviruses; Parvoviruses; and Rotaviruses.
[0048] CO2 is a ubiquitous environmental bacterial stress. In
accord with the present invention, purified CO2 may be safely and
inexpensively utilized at low pressures to improve overall quality
and safety of dairy products, as well as other liquid products,
juices, extracts, liquid supplements, and liquid pharmaceuticals.
The combination of refrigeration below 7° C. and application of
CO2 pressure may result in a synergistic effect.
[0049] As previously stated, milk and dairy products are generally
very rich in nutrients that provide an ideal growth environment
for many microorganisms. A principal class of microorganism that
may find its way into milk is bacteria. Bacterial growth generally
proceeds through a series of four phases: (1) a lag phase during
which time the microorganisms become accustomed to their new
environment with little or no growth; (2) a log phase during which
bacterial logarithmic or exponential growth begins; (3) a
stationary phase where the rate of multiplication slows down due
to the lack of nutrients and build up of toxins; and (4) a death
phase in which bacteria numbers decrease as growth stops and
existing cells die off. In addition, fungi such as yeast and
molds, as well as bacterial viruses may also be present in milk
and dairy products. Typically, microbial growth will vary
according to a number of factors including nutrient content,
moisture content, pH, available oxygen, and temperature.
[0050] The 2003 Revisions of the Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk
Ordinance promulgated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
establish chemical, physical, bacteriological and temperature
standards for Grade “A” Raw Milk and Milk Products for
Pasteurization, Ultra Pasteurization or Aseptic Processing.
Principal among these are that milk be cooled to 10° C. (50° F.)
or less within four hours or less of the commencement of the first
milking and to 7° C. (45° F.) or less within two hours after the
completion of milking provided that the blend temperature after
the first milking and subsequent milkings does not exceed 10° C.
Bacterial limitations provide that the individual producer milk is
not to exceed 100,000 cfu per mL prior to commingling with other
producer milk and not to exceed 300,000 mL as commingled milk
prior to pasteurization. Bacterial counts are performed according
to the Standard Plate Count (SPC) which determines the number of
visible cfu's or colony-forming units (numbers of individual or
tightly associated clumps of bacteria) in 1 mL of milk incubated
at 32° C. (90° F.) for 48 hours.
[0051] Milk is an excellent food source for humans, bacteria, and
microorganisms alike as it is full of vitamins, fats, minerals,
nutrients, and carbohydrates. Milk is rich in the protein casein
which gives milk its characteristic white color, and the most
abundant carbohydrate is the disaccharide lactose “milk sugar.” At
room temperature, milk undergoes natural souring caused by lactic
acid produced from the fermentation of lactose by fermentive
lactic acid bacteria. Spoilage is a term used to describe the
deterioration of a food's texture, color, odor, or flavor to the
point that it is unappetizing or unsuitable for human or animal
consumption. Microbial spoilage of food often involves the
degradation of protein, carbohydrates, and fats by microorganisms
or their enzymes.
[0052] Several authors have reported on the use of CO2 as an
antimicrobial agent in foods including dairy products (Dixon and
Kell, 1989; Haas et al., 1989). In raw milk, bacterial growth was
reduced by 50% after addition of CO2 and storage at 6.7° C. for 48
h (Shipe et al., 1978). King & Mabbitt (1982) demonstrated an
extension in storage life of both poor and good quality milks by
the addition of 30 ppm CO2. CO2 is effective in reducing the rate
of growth of organisms detected in aerobic plate count assays
(Roberts and Torrey, 1988). Compared to control milk, the SPC of
milk containing 20-30 pmm dissolved CO2 was 3 log10 cfu/ml lower
after 4 days of storage at 7° C. (Mabbitt, 1982). In the presence
of CO2, the time for SPC to reach 7 log10 cfu/ml was extended from
3 to 9 days at 7° C. and 6 to 11 days at 4° C., whereas in the
control this level was reached in just 5 days at 7° C. and 8 days
at 4° C. (Hotchkiss, 1996). Coliforms and psychrotrophs were also
significantly reduced compared to control milk under the same
conditions (Roberts and Toney, 1988). Generally, gram-negative
psychrotrophs are more susceptible to the effects of CO2, whereas
gram-positive bacteria and spores are more resistant;
Lactobacillus spp. are relatively CO2 resistant, or their growth
may be enhanced by a CO2 enriched environment (Hendricks and
Hotchkiss, 1997). Excessive growth of Lactobacillus spp. in raw
milk may lead to spoilage or development of off-flavors due to
fermentation. Treatments that reduce microbial populations may
result in outgrowth of thermoduric spore-forming bacteria due to
reduced competition, increasing the likelihood of
post-pasteurization spoilage or reduced food safety.
[0053] The addition of CO2 has been shown to increase the lag
phase of growth and decrease the growth rate of microorganisms
(Martin et al., 2003). In CO2-treated milk, extension of the lag
phase increased the generation times of the Pseudomonas species
(Roberts and Torrey, 1988). Increasing concentrations of CO2
increased lag phases and extended growth rates. King and Mabbitt
(1982) demonstrated an extension in storage life of poor quality
milk (10<5 >cfu/ml) by 1.2 days and good quality milk
(10<3 >cfu/ml) by 3 days with the addition of 30 ppm CO2.
The extension of keeping quality of milk due to CO2 was maximized
when the initial counts in the milk were low. Low-level
carbonation of bulk tank milk inhibits the increase in microbiota
for 3 to 4 days. The reduction in counts would, in turn, reduce
the thermotolerant lipases and proteases secreted into the milk,
post-pasteurization (Espie and Madden, 1997).
[0054] Several theories explaining the mechanism of CO2 action on
microorganisms have been proposed. The exclusion of oxygen by
replacement with CO2 may contribute to the overall effect by
slowing the growth rate of aerobic bacteria (Daniels et al.,
1985). CO2 can also readily pass through cell membranes, form
carbonic acid within the cell with a resultant decrease in
intracellular pH which slows intracellular enzyme activities
(Wolfe, 1980). CO2 has been demonstrated to be inhibitory of
certain enzymes, especially decarboxylating enzymes (Gill and Tan,
1979). Carbon dioxide can also accumulate in membrane lipid
bilayers, altering membrane properties and inhibiting membrane
functions (Enfors and Molin, 1978). The effect of CO2 has been
found to be enhanced at lower temperatures (Gill and Tan, 1979).
The increasing solubility of CO2 at lower temperatures increased
the relative inhibitory effect of CO2 on P. fragi (Enfors and
Molin, 1981).
[0055] These studies have all addressed the use of CO2 injections
or atmospheres without subjecting the treated liquid to pressure.
To some extent this may be due to the paucity of food grade
pressure bulk storage vessels. However, because the application of
pressure to milk is known to lead to undesirable biological
changes, specifically the precipitation of proteins, research has
taught away from the present invention. When pressure has been
applied to other perishable liquids, it has typically been at high
pressures to achieve the substantial elimination of pathogens. The
maintenance of milk and other bulk perishable liquids under low
pressures of CO2 at about 138 kPa and 350 kPa for the purposes of
retarding microbial growth during storage and transport is
heretofore unknown to the inventers.
[0056] While details of the carbon dioxide treatment according to
the invention may be slightly varied according to the particular
organic liquids involved, the invention will be explained below in
connection with milk collection and processing, which may be best
understood with reference to FIG. 1.
[0057] FIG. 1 illustrates the movement of raw milk from a large or
small dairy farm 11,12 to a milk bottling or processing facility
15. Dairy farms vary in size from a few cows to as many as 12,000
or more. The farms milk at least twice daily in milking parlors 21
and the milk is chilled and pumped into on-farm storage tanks 13.
Milk is picked up by transport tankers 22 at least every other day
and in the case of large farms 12, multiple times a day. Milk from
small farms 11 is often taken to consolidation facilities 14 where
it is tested before commingling with other farms' milk. The
process of this invention is to station carbon dioxide injection
systems 16 comprising tanks of liquefied or compressed carbon
dioxide with the appropriate hoses, regulators, valves, fittings,
injectors and appurtenances necessary to dissolve the CO2 into the
milk at the farm 12 or consolidation facility 14 or in some cases
the carbon dioxide system 16 may be mounted on the transport
vehicle so as to be mobile and not require separate systems 16 for
each point of loading.
[0058] Once the raw milk is sufficiently infused with carbon
dioxide for stabilization, the transport tank, a bulk pressure
transport vessel 17 such as intermodal tank 30 shown in FIG. 3, is
pressurized to preserve the appropriate concentration of dissolved
CO2. The tank 30 can be pressurized using the same carbon dioxide
source as for the infusion by then rerouting the gas through the
air inlet 33 as shown in FIG. 7. Alternatively, solid carbon
dioxide, commonly referred to as “dry ice,” can be inserted into
the liquid through the manway 35 shown in FIG. 3, at amounts
calculated to create the required pressure when vaporized in the
sealed tank. This approach also has the added benefit of lowering
the temperature of the product, further slowing the growth of
pathogens and enhancing the effectiveness of the invention.
[0059] The loaded tank 30 is transported to a milk bottling plant
or processing plant 15 where the milk is agitated 18 to remove the
carbon dioxide. This may be done in-situ by air injection into the
transport tank or may be done in a separate agitation tank to
remove CO2 to acceptable levels or this may involve the use of
vacuum or negative pressure. The unloading process is otherwise
essentially the same as with untreated milk except for this step.
[0060] The milk is then processed according to its end use 19
which may be to pasteurize, homogenize, process, condense,
culture, or perform other customary processes before packaging for
retail sale or preparing for further transport or sale. Even in
the event that the milk processing plant 15 is reasonably close to
the dairy farm 11,12, there may still be a need to extend the life
of the raw milk. The dairy farm or purchaser of the milk may want
greater flexibility in processing the milk when supply and demand
are imbalanced. For instance, rather than diverting excess milk to
an alternative use, such as milk powder, a lower value product,
the milk processor may want to retain inventory at or near the
plant 15 in times of greater supply for use later in times of
greater demand. This preserves the milk for its highest and best
use and eliminates unnecessary transportation cost. In the event
it is desired to transport the raw milk long distances, it is
necessary today to use relatively expensive express truck delivery
from farm 12 or consolidation facility 14 to processing plant 15
as lower cost alternatives are typically too slow. Even with
express truck delivery, it is generally impractical to transport
raw milk long distances within the three days desired or
stipulated by industry or regulatory agencies due to the
perishable nature of milk. With the greater shelf life of raw milk
stabilized according to the present invention, raw milk may be
loaded at a dairy farm with a carbon dioxide mixture and sealed
with pressurized carbon dioxide and the tank delivered to a rail
carrier for conveyance anywhere in North America or to an ocean
carrier for conveyance to much of the world.
[0061] FIG. 2 shows the process that has been utilized to supply
milk to Hawaii, a variation of the milk distribution system
described in FIG. 1. Here, raw milk is collected from farms 11, 12
by transport tankers 22 and delivered to milk processing
facilities 15 near the ports 27 in California using traditional
transport means. At the processing facilities 15, the raw milk is
pasteurized 23, chilled and pumped into tank containers 24. The
tank containers are taken to the shipping docks 27 at the port and
transported by cargo ship to Hawaii. In Hawaii, the tank container
is discharged from the ship and delivered to another milk
processing facility 28 which re-pasteurizes 23 the milk prior to
packaging 25 for retail. Alternatively, packaged milk 25 in
Southern California may be placed in refrigerated containers 26
and transported by cargo ship 27 to Hawaii for delivery to the
customer 29. This alternative eliminates the necessity of
pasteurizing the milk twice, but incurs the additional expense of
refrigerated shipment and each prepackaged unit has fewer days
remaining on its shelf life when delivered to Hawaiian retailers
than it would if the milk were processed locally. According to the
present invention, these problems are solved by placing raw milk
in pressured tank containers 17 with carbon dioxide 16,
pressurized, and shipped 27 without either pre-pasteurization or
[0062] A preferred transportation container for use in practicing
the invention is a vessel sufficiently large so as to hold maximum
legal highway weights of product (in the United States roughly
50,000 pounds) and of a sufficient volume to allow the head space
to be pressurized. Depending upon the design and tare weight of
the pressure vessel and upon the specific gravity of the product
hauled, such a unit is preferably between about 4500 and 6500 U.S.
gallons in capacity. The container should be food grade or
sanitary grade depending upon the product hauled, insulated
against significant temperature gain or loss, built as a pressure
vessel with a bottom discharge outlet, pressure/vacuum relief
valve, and an air inlet. To meet pressure vessel codes and be food
grade, construction of a good grade of stainless steel such as 304
or 316 is most typical, but manufacture from other metals such as
titanium or of a composite material such as carbon fiber is also
possible. The preferred insulating material is a cellular foam,
and it is desirable that the insulation provide the container with
an R-value of at least about 27.5 and preferably between about 28
and 36. A particularly preferred container is a super-insulated
food grade tank container 30, typified by the 22,000 liter model
HO4 tank utilized by Agmark Foods, Inc., as shown in FIG. 3.
[0063] As shown in FIG. 3, the food grade tank container 30 is
constructed as a cylindrical pressure vessel 37, mounted within
frame 31 to enable the container to be shipped by truck, rail or
ocean. However, suitable tanks may be built for dedicated truck
use or as railcars in carload service or adapted to other modes of
transportation including bulk ocean shipments. The tank 30 in FIG.
3 has a pressure relief valve 32, an air inlet 33, and a bottom
discharge outlet 34. In addition, a manway 35 is located at the
top of the tank.
[0064] A preferred method of loading a transport container 30 as
shown in FIG. 3 according to the present invention is to pump the
milk with a food grade pump 40, shown in FIG. 6, the pump 40 being
either on-farm or truck mounted, from its on-farm storage
container 13 or by air pressure applied to the on-farm tank 13 (if
it is a pressure vessel) or by vacuum applied to the tank
container 13, if so designed. The milk will flow through the hoses
41 from the storage tank 13 to an inlet of the transport container
30, generally the bottom discharge assembly 34 shown in FIG. 3. If
the product has not already been treated with carbon dioxide, the
carbon dioxide will be dissolved into the milk 49 by use of a
sparge or fritted nozzle 48, as illustrated in FIG. 4. The nozzle
breaks the gas into microscopic bubbles that are easily dissolved
into the liquid while the liquid is under some amount of back
pressure between the storage tank 13 and the transport tank 17.
The amount of carbon dioxide applied is regulated by traditional
gas regulators 46 between the carbon dioxide source 45 and the
fritted nozzle 48 so that the absorption is achieved at the rate
appropriate for the liquid involved. For milk, a CO2 concentration
of between about 200 and 2000 parts per million is desired,
although levels at 2400 ppm may be realized with satisfactory
[0065] Unloading is accomplished by attaching a hose or stainless
steel pipe to the discharge valve 34 of the tank container 30, and
to a pump 40. The pump empties the contents of the transport tank
30 through the hose 41 into a plant 15 storage tank for use in the
plant's system. According to this invention, it is also possible
to unload milk or other organic liquids without use of a pump.
This is accomplished by attaching a compressed purified air system
such as from triple filtered system 50 in FIG. 8 to the air inlet
33 on the tank 30 and using both the original CO2 pressure and
purified air to push the product out of the tank. In the case of
milk, it is widely understood that pumping is both necessary and
undesirable; necessary in that current milk transport equipment
does not accommodate pressure and undesirable in that pumping has
a tendency to shear fat molecules in a way that can encourage
rancidity. The invention facilitates a completely new set of
business practices that can dramatically improve the quality,
price, and service associated with moving perishable organic
[0066] The first example is a laboratory scale experiment to
investigate the effect on raw milk spoilage and pathogenic
microbia of holding raw milk under positive CO2 pressures that do
not result in precipitation of milk solids. Changes in total
Lactobacillus spp., lactose fermenting and non-lactose fermenting
gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli, thermoduric bacteria and
SPC were examined as indicia of potential milk quality and safety.
Test System Design
[0067] The apparatus for pressurizing and holding raw milk samples
is shown in schematic form in FIG. 9 and consisted of two 13-ml
stainless steel 1.27-cm OD cylindrical vessels 60, 61; one vessel
60 was pressurized while the other served as a control 61.
Compressed and filtered CO2 from a high-pressure tank 62 was used
(Empire Airgas, Inc, Elmira, N.Y.). The system consisted of
pressure regulator 63, a fine metering valve 64 (NUPRO Company,
Willoughby, Ohio), an on-off valve 65 (Circle Seal, Anaheim,
Calif.) and a check valve 66 (NUPRO Company, Willoughby, Ohio).
The fine metering valve controlled gas flow such that the time to
reach desired pressure was less than five seconds. The gas entered
the vertically positioned treatment vessel 60 from the bottom and
was thus bubbled through the milk until the set pressure was
reached. A check valve 66 was placed immediately before the inlet
to the pressure vessel to prevent the backward flow of the fluid
milk into the gas inlet line. The outlet of the vessels consisted
of a pressure gauge 67 and a high-pressure release valve 68 (High
Pressure Equipment, Erie, Pa.). The release valve 68 was kept
tightly closed during treatment. The control vessel 61 was closed
off from both ends but not connected to the carbon dioxide line
inlet and outlet lines.
[0068] The apparatus was cleaned and sanitized before and after
each treatment as follows: water rinse, Conquest sodium hydroxide
(Ecolab Inc., St. Paul Minn.) soak (20 min, 23° C.), warm tap
water rinse (50° C.), Monarch CIP phosphoric acid bath immersion
(Ecolab Inc., St. Paul, Minn.) (20 minute, 23° C.), warm tap water
rinse (50° C.); Tricholoro-o-cide XP (Ecolab Inc, St. Paul Minn.)
soak (30 min, 23° C.), sterile water (50° C.) rinse (3×). This
protocol was validated by testing swab samples of critical control
points in the dismantled apparatus for microbial load, and testing
equipment rinse water pH and residual chlorine content (Hach
Company, Loveland, Colo.). Temperature was controlled by a
circulating water bath 70 (VWR 1145 Refrigerated Temperature
Constant Circulator), which circulated hot/cold water through
copper coils 71, immersed into water in a vacuum dewar flask that
held the treatment and control vessels. Copper-Constantan
thermocouples 72 measured the temperature of the treatment and
control vessels, and were continuously logged onto a temperature
recorder 73 (Omega Engineering Inc, Stamford, Conn.).
Milk Samples and Treatments
[0069] Whole, unhomogenized, raw milk was obtained from two
sources. Commingled milk samples were obtained from the Northeast
Dairy Herd Improvement Association, Inc. (Ithaca, N.Y.), a dairy
analytical consulting laboratory. These samples were commingled
bulk milks from 236 farms from New York, Pennsylvania, and New
Jersey and thus, could be considered representative of a wide
range of milk flora. Milk was also obtained from the Cornell
University Teaching and Research Center bovine herd (T&R
Center; Dryden, N.Y.). All milk was stored at 6° C. until use. Raw
milk from the T&R Center was received in less than 12 hours
after milking in sterile bottles and held on ice until it could be
moved to a 6° C. cooler.
[0070] Milk samples were mixed and 5 ml of milk added into the
treatment and control vessels. The treatment vessel was connected
to the apparatus and the control vessel closed off. Both vessels
were placed in the water bath. When the desired temperatures were
attained in both treatment and control vessels, CO2 was introduced
through the bottom of the treatment vessel until the set pressure
was reached. The CO2 pressure was maintained throughout the test
period. When the desired time was reached, the CO2 inlet was
turned off, the pressure release valve on the outlet line opened,
and the pressure released in under one minute. After
depressurization, the treatment and control vessels were removed
from the water bath and their external surfaces were wiped dry,
sanitized with 95% ethanol, detached from the apparatus and
transferred into sterile containers for dilution and plating.
[0071] The effect of CO2 pressures and temperature combinations on
protein precipitation was measured at CO2 pressures of 344, 689,
1378, 2067, 2757, and 3446 kPa at 20, 10, and 5° C. for 5, 15, 30
and 60 min. The amount of protein precipitation was quantified and
expressed as percentage precipitated solids by the method of
Tomasula (1995).
[0072] Short (<1 h) and longer term (1, 4 and 9 day)
experiments were conducted. Raw milk (Northeast Dairy Herd
Improvement Association, Inc.; Ithaca, N.Y.) in 5 ml aliquots was
treated at each of the following combinations of CO2 pressure,
temperature, and time (kPa/° C./min): 1378/5/15, 2757/5/5,
3446/5/5. In longer term studies, raw milk from the T&R Center
was first stored at 6° C./48 h so that the SPC were at detectable
levels at treatment initiation. Five ml of milk were treated with
CO2 pressures of 0 (control), 68, 172, 344, 516 and 689 kPa for 1
to 9 days at 4.1 to 10° C.
[0073] Raw milk from the T&R Center was monitored for changes
in aerobic bacteria, gram-negative bacteria and total
Lactobacillus spp. as follows: CO2 pressures of 0 (control), 68,
172, 344, 516 and 689 kPa, at 6.1° C. for 4-days. SPC,
gram-negative bacteria and total Lactobacillus spp. were
enumerated before (day 0) and after (day 4) treatment. Gram
negative bacteria were enumerated on MacConkey Agar (Difco Manual,
Becton Dickinson & Co., Sparks, Md.), a selective and
differential media which can be used to discriminate between
lactose fermenting and non-lactose fermenting gram-negative
bacteria. Use of this media allows a one-step method of obtaining
estimates of both coliform and non-coliform gram negative
bacteria. Coliform bacteria may include species of Escherichia,
Klebsiella and Enterobacter, potential pathogens and/or spoilage
organisms. Non-coliform gram negative bacteria may include
spoilage organisms such as pseudomonads or potential pathogens
such as Salmonella spp. or Shigella spp. Numbers of Lactobacillus
spp. populations were estimated using acidified (adjusted to pH
5.5 with glacial acetic acid) Lactobacillus MRS agar (Difco
Manual, Becton Dickinson & Co., Sparks, Md.) after incubation
under anaerobic conditions; suspect colonies were confirmed by
gram stain.
[0074] The time to reach an SPC of 2×10<5 >cfu/ml was
determined using raw milk (T&R Center) without a 2-day storage
time. Equal volumes were transferred into treatment and control
vessels and held at 0 and 689 kPa CO2 and 4.1° C.
[0075] The progression of these counts (total, Coliform/E.coli and
thermoduric bacteria) in the treatment and control samples was
tracked by conducting checks on the total aerobic counts (SPC) on
treatment days 4 and 6. Based on the levels of total counts on
days 4 and 6, analyses of total coli forms/E.coli and thermoduric
bacteria after day 6 were conducted either in 1-day or 2-day
intervals. The control sample final count was measured on days 4
and 6.
Microbiological Methods
[0076] For all microbiological assays, milk sample aliquots of 1
ml were used in dilution series. Standard Plate Counts (SPC) were
performed by the method described in Standard Methods for the
Examination of Dairy Products (Houghtby et al., 1992).
Gram-negative bacteria were enumerated on MacConkey agar (Difco
Manual, Becton Dickinson & Co., Sparks, Md.) after spread
plating and incubation at 30° C. for 48 h. This selective,
differential media was used to estimate total lactose fermenting,
non-lactose fermenting and total gram negative bacteria.
Lactobacillus spp. were estimated by pour plating in acidified
Lactobacillus MRS agar (Difco Manual, Becton Dickinson & Co.,
Sparks, Md.), incubated at 32° C. for 48 hours under anaerobic
conditions. Representative and distinctive suspect colonies were
gram stained, and confirmed gram positive bacilli colonies were
counted as an estimate of total Lactobacillus spp.
[0077] Initial total, coliform, and thermoduric counts were each
determined for control and treated samples. Thermoduric organisms
were enumerated by the laboratory pasteurization count (LPC)
method described in the Standard Methods for the Examination of
Dairy Products (Houghtby et al., 1992). The 3M Petri film count
plate (3M Microbiology Products, St.Paul, Minn.) was used to
enumerate total coli forms and Escherichia coli in the raw,
treated and control milk samples.
Statistical Methods
[0078] MINITAB Release 13.1 (Minitac Inc, State College, Pa.) was
used for statistical analyses of the data. Analysis of Variance
(ANOV A) was used to determine the effect of CO2 pressure, and the
interaction effects of pressure and temperature.
[0079] Application of CO2 pressures greater than 1378 kPa (200
psi) for 15 to 60 min resulted in more than 1% precipitation of
milk solids at 20° C. (data not shown). Treatment for 30 min at
2067 kPa (300 psi) resulted in 2.6% (w/w) solids which approached
the maximum (2.8%) found by sulfuric acid precipitation
(Southward, 1986); However, lowering the holding temperature
reduced the amount of precipitation; at 5° C. and pressures of
less than 2067 kPa precipitation could not be detected, even after
60 min. Treatment combinations of 689 kPa for 60 min, 1378 kPa for
30 min, 2757 kPa for 5 min and 3446 kPa for 5 min did not cause
detectable precipitation at 5° C.
[0080] These results generally agree with previous reports
including Jordan et al. (1987), Tomasula (1995), and Calvo and
Bacones (2001), who independently investigated the precipitation
of caseins from raw skim milk using pressurized CO2. Tomasula
(1995) found that CO2 pressures between 2757 and 5514 kPa and
temperatures between 38 and 49° C. caused complete casein
precipitation. Calvo and Bacones (2001) precipitated 85% of raw
skim milk caseins by applying CO2 pressures above 1998 kPa for 3 h
at 40° C. Jordan et al. (1987) obtained 99% precipitation of skim
milk casein by treatment with 3515 kPa at 50° C.
[0081] Protein precipitation occurs when the pH of the milk has
been reduced below the isoelectric point of the casein (pH4.6).
The addition of CO2 to milk leads to the formation of carbonic
acid and a decrease in pH. In addition, pressurization with CO2
can cause precipitation of caseins at a pH higher than its
isoelectric point (Tomasula et al., 1999). Ma and Barbano (2003)
found that increasing CO2 concentration and pressure decreased the
pH of skim milk; the pressure effect was greater as CO2
concentrations increased. These researchers also determined that
increasing temperature affected the solubility of milk colloidal
calcium phosphate, resulting in a decrease in milk pH. Jordan et
al. (1987) found that precipitation of casein occurred between 40
and 70° C., and that the yield at any specific temperature was
dependent upon a minimum pressure; this minimum pressure was
inversely related to temperature. Thus, specific
pressure/time/temperature treatment combinations must be
manipulated so that the conditions do not cause precipitation of
proteins from raw milk.
[0082] All time-pressure combinations significantly reduced the
SPC of the raw milk compared to untreated controls, even at a low
pressure and high temperature combination of 68 kPa and 20° C. At
1378 kPa, the control SPC was 7.89 log10 cfu/ml while the treated
milk SPC was reduced by 0.33 log10 after 15 min and 0.39 log10
after 30 min. Twenty-four hour treatments at 20° C. and pressures
≧344 kPa resulted in microbial inactivation. The SPC of milk
treated at 344, 516 and 689 kPa was significantly reduced from
initial SPC by 0.39, 0.62 and 0.82 log10, respectively, while the
SPC of the control milks significantly (P<0.05) increased by as
much as 2.06 log10 cfu/ml. SPC in milk held at 68 and 172 kPa
significantly increased by 1.07 and 0.59 log10 cfu/ml,
respectively, however this population increase was significantly
less than that exhibited by the control milk.
[0083] Carbon dioxide pressure treatments of 68 and 172 kPa at 10°
C. applied over 24 h were more effective at curtailing growth than
similar pressure-time treatments at 20° C. As found at 20° C.,
there was a loss in viability at pressures ≧344 kPa and the
differences between control and test counts increased with
increasing holding time; significant decreases in counts of 0.31,
0.56 and 0.71 log10 cfu/ml at 344, 516 and 689 kPa CO2,
respectively, were achieved. The difference in SPC between control
and test milks at 689 kPa was 2.68 log10 cfu/ml. These data
indicate that holding raw milk under CO2 pressure not only slowed
the growth of the microorganisms in the raw milk but in some cases
also surprisingly resulted in a loss in viability of the
microorganisms at relatively low pressure levels of only 344 kPa.
[0084] The pH of the treated and control milk samples (as measured
at atmospheric pressure) was 6.6 to 5.9 at CO2 pressures ≦516 kPa
and 5.7 when treated at pressures ≧516 kPa and 20° C. The pH of
the treated and control milk samples, when treated at 10° C., was
5.5 at CO2 pressures ≦516 kPa and 5.8 when treated at pressures
≧516 kPa.
[0085] Others have shown inactivation of microbiota in raw and
pasteurized milk with CO2 at significantly higher pressures
(Erkman 1997 and 2000; Calvo and Bacones, 2001). Calvo and Bacones
(2001) found a decrease in bulk raw milk microbiota of 2 log10
cfu/ml upon treatment with 3997 kPa (or 5800 psi) CO2 at
temperatures ≧40° C. for 30 min. Erkman (2000) demonstrated a
reduction in aerobic microorganisms in whole milk of 6 log10
cfu/ml after a 24 h treatment under 6044 kPa CO2 pressure at 45°
C. Erkman (1997) also demonstrated a reduction of 8 log10 cfu/ml
after a 5-h 14598 kPa CO2 treatment at 25° C. However, the use of
these CO2 pressures would in our experience result in complete
precipitation of the caseins and would require the use of
specially designed equipment. Calvo and Bacones (2001) reported
that pressures of 3997 kPa caused precipitation while Erkman (1997
and 2000) made no mention of the state of the milk. These high
pressures, over 3000 kPa, are more appropriate as substitutes for
thermal pasteurization of liquids that do not suffer from protein
precipitation, but due to equipment requirements are not generally
suitable for bulk storage and transportation purposes.
[0086] Lowering the holding temperature to 6.1° C. significantly
reduced microbial growth compared to control milks when CO2
pressures of 68, 172, 344, 516 and 689 kPa were applied for 4
days. For example, the SPC of milk held at 689 kPa was 0.89 log10
cfu/ml lower than initial counts and 3.48 log10 cfu/ml lower than
the controls. Over the course of 9 days, storage under 689 kPa CO2
at 4° C., the ratios of treated to untreated SPC, thermoduric,
coliform, and E. coli counts were consistently lower than the
ratios of control to untreated counts for the comparable groups
(cfu/ml) as summarized below in Table 1.
Counts, cfu/ml
Untreated, Treated Control
Day 0 4 Days 6 Days 8 Days 9 Days 4
Days 6 Days 8 Days 9 Days
3.0 * 10<3a>7.8 * 10<2b>4.4 * 10<4c>9.7 *
10<4d>2.4 * 10<5e >1.4 * 10<5e>1.2 *
10<6f>7.3 * 10<6g>9.7 * 10<6h>
1.0 * 10<0 >1.0 * 10<0 >9.0 * 10<0m>2.1 *
10<1n>3.7 * 10<1o >1.0 * 10<0 >8.1 *
10<1p>9.6 * 10<1q>1.0 * 10<2r>
1.1 * 10<2h>1.0 * 10<2h>1.0 * 10<2h>9.3 *
10<1h>9.0 * 10<1h >4.0 * 10<2h>4.3 *
10<2i>5.5 * 10<2i >7.8 * 10<2j>
2.0 * 10<1k>1.7 * 10<1k>1.7 * 10<1k>1.7 *
10<1k>1.5 * 10<1k >3.6 * 10<1l>3.9 * 10<1l
>6.1 * 10<1l>7.4 * 10<1l>
The effect of 689 kPa CO2 pressure at 4° C. after 4, 6, 8 and
9-day treatments on the SPC, thermoduric bacteria, coliforms and
E-coli counts in untreated, treated and control raw milks.
Experiment conducted in duplicate, n = 2 (2 milk samples
analyzed), each sample plated in triplicate. Counts with different
letters are significantly different (P ≦ 0.05).
[0087] Milks treated at 68, 172, 344 and 516 kPa significantly
increased from an initial SPC of approximately 3.30 log10 cfu/ml
by 1.28, 1.10, 0.94 and 0.82 log10 cfu/ml, respectively, while the
control SPC increased by 2.86, 2.85, 2.86 and 2.93 log10 cfu/ml,
respectively. Milk held at 689 kPa treatment at 6.1° C. for 4 days
exhibited greater inactivation than that exhibited after the 10 or
20° C. 24 h treatments (P<0.05). The pH decreased from 6.6
before treatment to 5.5 in milks treated at 516 kPa, 5.8 at 344
kPa and 5.9 at 68 kPa.
[0088] In addition to SPC, there were significant differences in
gram-negative lactose fermenting and non-lactose fermenting
bacteria and Lactobacillus spp. between CO2 treated and control
milks as shown in FIGS. 10a-10e. In these bar charts, the first
bar is gram-negative lactose fermenting bacteria, the second
gram-negative non-lactose fermenting bacteria, the third
Lactobacillus spp.; and the final bar is SPC. Thus, levels of
gram-negative fermenters and non-fermenters were reduced at all
pressures compared to untreated controls. Likewise, Lactobacillus
spp. counts were approximately 1 to 2 log10 cfu/ml lower in the
test milks compared to control milk. At 689 kPa, gram-negative
lactose fermenting and non-lactose fermenting bacteria exhibited
significant decreases of 0.80 and 0.64 log10 cfu/ml, respectively,
compared to initial counts. Under 516 kPa CO2 pressure, SPC of
treated samples were not significantly different from initial
untreated samples while SPC of control samples increased by 2.95
log10 cfu/ml Reductions in total microbial populations as well as
reductions in gram-negative and Lactobacillus spp. populations
would result in improved quality of the raw milk. Ruas-Madiedo et
al. (1996) found that lower levels of volatile compounds (ethanol,
2-propanone, and 2-butanone, which are microbial metabolites) were
produced in carbonated milk during storage and that higher sensory
scores were achieved than in untreated milks. In a later study,
Ruas-Madiedo et al. (2000) found a direct association between
reduced microbial growth and reduced levels of microbial
glucosidases in raw milk stored with CO2; degradation of milk
glucose was subsequently reduced in the treated milks. It has also
been found that levels of fat-soluble vitamins (retinol,
-β-carotene and a-tocopherol) in milk treated with CO2 and stored
at 4° C. for 7 days were higher than that measured for untreated
raw and pasteurized milks (Ruas-Madiedo et al., 1998a, b).
[0089] In the current study, populations of Lactobacillus
decreased after CO2 pressure treatment. Others have found that
treatment with CO2 concentrations between 0 and 2000 mg/l had no
impact on the lag phase of Lactobacillus sake when grown at 7° C.,
and influences on the maximum specific growth rate was least
affected as compared to species of Pseudomonas, Aeromonas,
Bacillus, Brochothrix and Shewanella (Devlieghere and Debevere,
2000). Espie and Madden (1997) reported no effect of 30 and 45 ppm
CO2 on the growth of Lactobacillus spp. Neither of these
investigations, however, incorporated pressures above atmospheric
in their treatments. Reductions in populations of Lactobacillus
plantarum of more than 6 logs was achieved after treatment with
CO2 pressures of 13 MPa at 30° C. for 30 minutes (Hong and Pyun,
1999). In subsequent studies, these researchers found that high
pressure CO2 treatment of L. plantarum resulted in irreversible
cellular membrane damage and reduced activity of some
intracellular enzymes, physiological changes that could result in
microbial inactivation (Hong and Pyun, 2000). Combined or enhanced
effects of low pressures and CO2 treatments could explain the
observed reductions in total Lactobacillus populations.
[0090] The effect of 689 kPa CO2 at 4° C. on the time to reach an
SPC of 10<5 >cfu/ml was investigated. Pasteurized Milk
Ordinance Grade A regulations specifies the SPC for raw milk
should be less than 10<5 >cfu/ml prior to pasteurization. As
shown in FIG. 11, where the columns sequentially represent total
counts, thermoduric bacteria, total coliforms, and E. coli, the
treated milks reached 10<5 >cfu/ml after 8 days of
treatment, whereas the control milk reached this level after just
four days. Treatment at 689 kPa and 4° C. extended the treatment
holding time at least four days as compared to the control. At the
end of four days treatment, treated milk SPC had decreased to 2.89
log10 cfu/ml from 3.48 log10 cfu/ml while control milk SPC
increased by nearly 5 log10 cfu/ml. This reduction in SPC in
treated milk agrees with the trend observed in the four-day
experiments conducted at 6.1° C. (FIG. 10). Milk SPC increased to
4.64, 4.99 and 5.37 log10 cfu/ml after 6, 8 and 9 days treatment,
respectively (FIG. 11). Neither E. coli nor total thermoduric
bacteria counts increased in the treated milk but both
significantly increased in the controls. The pH of the treated
milk samples changed from an initial value of 6.6 to 5.5 at the
end of days 4, 6, 8 and 9 of treatment.
Example 2
[0091] This second example was an experiment designed to confirm
the preliminary results of the first example on a commercial or
bulk scale.
Test System Design
[0092] The apparatus pressurizing and holding raw milk samples
consisted of a 5300 U.S. gallon (20,000 liter) food grade,
insulated, pressure vessel shipping container of the model HO4
type utilized by Agmark Foods, Inc. Compressed and filtered CO2
from high pressure tank was used, including a Praxair inline 3A
sparger. The Agmark shipping container was sanitized on Aug. 4,
2004. The following day, the tank was pre-chilled with a spray of
CO2 and filled with 3,291 U.S. gallons of fresh raw milk obtained
from the Cornell University Teaching and Research Center Bovine
Heard (T&R Center; Dryden, N.Y.) on Aug. 5, 2004. The raw milk
from the T&R Center was received less than 12 hours after
milking and was introduced from a holding tank into the pressure
vessel at a temperature of approximately 1 to 2° C. Prior to
filling the pressure vessel, the vessel was sealed and pressurized
with carbon dioxide to a pressure of 25 psi (172.5 kPa). Milk was
pumped into the tank through the discharge valve at the rear of
the tank and CO2 was injected into the flow of the milk with an
inline Praxair 3A sparger at a rate sufficient to infuse
approximately 2000 parts per million at a gas flow rate of
approximately 16 cubic feet per minute. The raw milk was pumped
into the vessel at a flow rate of 70 to 80 gallons per minute with
flowing CO2 under a 40 psi line pressure and 25 psi tank pressure.
At the conclusion of loading, the temperature of the milk was at
2.5° C. with a tank pressure of 43 psi.
[0093] Samples were taken daily from 17 consecutive days from both
the top and bottom of the pressure vessel. A control sample of
five gallons of untreated milk was held at approximately 2° C. for
the duration of the study and similarly sampled. Microbiological
methods consistent with those described in the first example were
[0094] The data in Table 2 reflects bacterial growth (SPC log
cfu/ml), thermoduric count psychrotropic count, E. coli and
coliform count, pH, and CO2 content, while Table 3 provides
measurements of milk and environmental temperatures.
Laboratory test data for control and CO2 treated whole raw milk:
SPC, Thermoduric count, Psychrotrophic count, E. coli and Coliform
count, Ph, CO2 content
Thermo- durics
SPC cufu/ml E. coli/Coliforms
Date Day Control Top
Bottom Control
Top Bottom Control
80504 1 3.69E+03 2.99E+03 3.19E+03
<1e0 9.15E+01 <1e0 8.95E+01
<1e0 1.10E+02 3.15E+02
80604 2 6.00E+03 2.04E+04 5.05E+02
<1e1 4.50E+01 1.00E+01 9.95E+02
1.00E+01 1.00E+01 8.20E+02
80704 3 3.00E+03 4.30E+02 3.40E+02
1.00E+01 1.75E+02 <1e1 <1e1
1.50E+00 <1e0 5.10E+02
80804 4 3.95E+03 2.69E+02 1.02E+02
1.00E+00 3.00E+01 1.00E+00 4.00E+00
<1e0 1.00E+00 5.20E+02
80904 5 3.95E+03 2.00E+02 1.05E+02
2.00E+00 3.15E+01 <1e0 5.00E+00
<1e0 <1e0 5.20E+02
81004 6 2.75E+03 1.89E+03 1.01E+02
2.00E+00 2.95E+01 1.50E+00 1.85E+01
<1e0 <1e0 2.81E+02
81104 7 2.84E+03 1.76E+03 3.25E+02
1.00E+00 2.90E+01 <1e0 1.15E+02
<1e0 1.45E+01 1.89E+02
81204 8 3.49E+03 1.61E+04 1.77E+02
<1e0 2.15E+01 <1e0 2.72E+02
<1e0 6.30E+01 2.80E+02
81304 9 4.45E+03 1.27E+04 4.20E+01
<1e0 2.10E+01 <1e0 2.84E+02
<1e0 <1e0 1.89E+02
81404 10 3.65E+03 9.55E+03 4.50E+01
— — — — — — 6.15E+02
81504 11 8.65E+04 3.14E+04 5.05E+01
<1e0 1.40E+01 <1e0 1.60E+02
<1e0 <1e0 2.05E+02
81604 12 1.76E+05 4.50E+04 2.05E+01
— — — — — — 4.55E+02
81704 13 1.12E+06 4.10E+05 2.00E+01
<1e0 1.50E+01 <1e0 <1e0
<1e0 <1e0 4.75E+02
81804 14
<1e0 9.15E+01 <1e0 8.95E+01
<1e0 1.10E+02 3.15E+02
81904 15
<1e1 4.50E+01 1.00E+01 9.95E+02
1.00E+01 1.00E+01 8.20E+02
82004 16
1.00E+01 1.75E+02 <1e1 <1e1
1.50E+00 <1e0 5.10E+02
82104 17
1.00E+00 3.00E+01 1.00E+00 4.00E+00
<1e0 1.00E+00 5.20E+02
82204 18
2.00E+00 3.15E+01 <1e0 5.00E+00
<1e0 <1e0 5.20E+02
Ph ppm CO2
Thermodurics Psychrotrophics Con-
Bot- Con- Bot-
Date Day Top Bottom Control
Top Bottom trol Top tom
trol Top tom
80504 1 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 <1e1
<1e1 <1e1 6.6 5.9 5.9
129 2001 2190
80604 2 4.25E+02 5.00E+01 6.50E+00
<1e0 <1e0 6.6 5.9 5.9
103 1988 2004
80704 3 4.50E+02 3.50E+00 8.00E+00
5.00E+00 5.00E+00 6.7 6 5.9
103 2125 1985
80804 4 6.00E+00 1.00E+00 2.10E+01
2.00E+00 3.00E+00 6.7 6 5.9 94
2091 1950
80904 5 1.00E+00 1.00E+00 3.10E+01
<1e1 <1e1 6.8 6 6 90
2070 2071
81004 6 5.00E+01
3.50E+00 6.8
6 5.9 90 2055 2128
81104 7 4.00E+01
2.00E+00 6.8
6 5.9 90 2274 2043
81204 8 2.22E+03
1.50E+00 6.7
6 6 90 2898 1970
81304 9 1.15E+03
<1e0 6.8
6 6 90 2884 1920
81404 10 6.45E+02
3.00E+00 6.8
6 6 90 2250 2146
81504 11 5.20E+02
<1e0 6.7
6 6 90 2740 1943
81604 12 8.05E+03
<1e0 6.8
6 6 90 2477 2060
81704 13 1.77E+02
1.00E+00 6.8
6 6 100 2250 2146
81804 14 1.00E+01
1.00E+01 6.8
6 6 103 2236 2126
81904 15 4.25E+02
5.00E+01 6.7
6 6 103 3311 2198
82004 16 4.50E+02
82104 17 6.00E+00
82204 18 1.00E+00 1.00E+00
Temperature date (° F. in the vicinity of the Hartford, NY Cornell
University Teaching and Research Center (CLIMOD database) from
Tompkins County, Ithica station
Sample Temperature ° C. Sample Temperature ° F.
High Low Avg
Day Day Control Top Bottom
Control Top Bottom Temp Temp Temp
80504 1 2 2.6 2.6 36.6
36.6 36.6 75 61 68
80604 2 2 2.3 2.6 35.6
36 36.4 69 47 58
80704 3 2 4.6 2.7 35.6
40.3 36.7 62 52 57
80804 4 2 4.1 2.9 35.6
39.4 37.3 65 53 59
80904 5 3 4.1 3.8 37.4
39.8 39 74 51 63
81004 6 2 7 4.9 35.6
44.7 40.5 80 57 69
81104 7 2 8.5 4.8 35.6
47 40.3 80 61 71
81204 8 2 8.9 5.6 35.6
47.6 41.9 75 60 68
81304 9 2 8.8 5.8 35.6
47.4 42.1 66 60 63
81404 10 2 10.1 6.4 35.6
49.5 43 72 59 66
81504 11 2 10.1 8.9 35.6
50 47.7 73 53 63
81604 12 2 10.4 8.2 35.6
50.4 46.5 75 55 65
81704 13 2 10.4 8.4 35.6
50.6 47 74 50 62
81804 14 2 10.7 8.5 35.6
50.8 47.2 80 53 67
81904 15
Comment: Bottom tank sample averaged a daily increase of 0.75
degree F. while the top tank sample averaged a daily increase of 1
degree F.
[0095] A microbial quality limit of 5 log cfu/ml SPC was adopted
from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public
Health Service and Food and Drug Administration Grade A PMO
standards for individual producer grade “A” raw milk. As shown in
FIG. 12a, the total microbial growth did not reach levels of the
quality limit until day 11 for the control milk and day 12 to 13
for the top tank milk. Bacterial levels in the bottom of the tank
did not reach the limit during the entire 17 day study and
actually decreased from the first day's measurement although the
temperature had increased to approximately 9° C. (FIG. 12b) The
low pressure CO2 storage extended the shelf life of the raw milk
by 4 to 5 days with no added refrigeration or measurable increase
in food safety risk. Due to the stationary nature of the test,
milk fat separated and formed a denser layer at the top in which
most pathogens were concentrated. A natural agitation of raw milk
product during transit would mitigate this effect. Certain low fat
products may actually achieve reduced microbial counts over time
under similar CO2 pressures.
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Carbon dioxide as an aid in pasteurization
The present invention provides processes to inhibit or reduce the
growth of bacteria and other pathogens in a liquid by adding
carbon dioxide (CO2) to the liquid, and thermally inactivating the
bacteria and other pathogens in the liquid, wherein the added CO2
cooperates with the thermal inactivation process so that the
efficacy of the thermal inactivation process is enhanced.