Robert HULL // Nathan
Hull Effect
The Hull Effect
Hello all, I am a new member...I am Robert W
Hull...inventor/co-inventor of The Hull Effect.
In July of 2009 a member scouted out my forum. For all those
people who are skeptics, the historical patent search performed
has the US Patent office decalring this as a new field of study
for the internal combustion engines. By improving the
thermodynamic heat exchange by several times, greatly reducing the
"drag" of all fluids, improving the viscocities of all fluids,
decreasing the aero-dynamic drag by creating and maintaining a
"static electrical field"... via the manipulations of the
frequencies created by the alternator. For these reasons...only
carbureted engines will allow for the many adjustments for
Recent dyno testing proved over 200 foot punds of torque out of a
134 cubic inch (2200 cc) at 1300 rpm's....using 6.67 to one
compression ratio. The oddity...when the engine stalled with
dynometer hooked up...it re-started without removing the torque
load of the friction brake dynometer...using just the 12V standard
starter....and one 12V battery.
That is 130 foot pounds of torque at start-up...almost
instantly...at 900 rpm ...a high idle. More than enough torque to
cruise at 60 mph in a 4000 pound vehicle. additional 70 foot
pounds of torque in the next 400 rpm's. Ergo the higher the
rpm's...the more torque...so no need for hypermilling. Fuel
consumption for moving a 12,500 pound machine...is less than 48
ounces per hour...no matter what the terrain...or altitude.
My point...for all the wonderful mpg.. posted on this
forum...great achievements... The Hull Effect is the next phase of
technology for the internal combustion engine. Many skeptics can
be secure in the fact....this is not snake oil or a scam. The 2
best patent attornies in the world have stated so.
Why do I post??? The Hull Effect, being a new field of study has
little to compare to...no existing authorities with PHD's. As it
stands, only three of us know the adjustments to make. I can state
that I have passed the 100 mpg marker in a full sized GMC pick-up
truck....with many modifications....3 years ago....using a
V-8...automatic transmission...lock out converter.
Best to all,
Robert W Hull
Group Description
This group is dedicated to the study of the HULL EFFECT.
Discovered by Robert W. Hull and Nathan R. in early 2009.
The Hull Effect Technology...converts/re-tunes the engine/motor
into a plasma reactor...extremely radical thermo-dynamics
Ice on outside of carburetor is NORMAL to SEE !
magnetic fields changing density surrounding the engines.(use
Feb 22 2011...this NEW technology is officially documented... as
an authentic/historical NEW field of study of the internal
combustion engine...By the US Patent Office...GO FIGURE !!!
Carburated engines is the NEW standard (VERY limited results with
The Hull Effect (Increased MPG)
Hello All
This is FrznWtr and I have been asked to start a thread on this
topic on this Forum by one of the very Prominent members (who
shall remain anonymous) Sooooo I'm Here to tell you about a group
I've had success with. Below is a synopses of what I've done with
a Honda Civic.
My car without anything done to it was getting 30-32 mpg a HHO
unit and EFIE took that to 40 mpg I took the HHO unit off for this
test of the Hull Effect
Go here if you would like to take a look after reading below
thehulleffect : ran ice cold plasma
I travel 50mi to work on the freeway - speed locked at 70. I have
about 5mi on both ends that are some stop & go but generally
travel about 35 with sincronized lights - so I'd say 90% highway
10% stop & go. Tach average just under 3k
> hi froze
> how many miles have you done on the civic since the switch
and when did the switch start to take affect?
Immediate I think but very mellow or subtle. I didn't notice
anything till I thought it wasn't running in the parking lot.
Still consider the power thing odd - yaknow hard to say BUT Here's
my actual data so far.
Date Odometer= Milage Gallons MPG
4-30-09 - 227129 - 548 - 7.755 ----Full Tank
5-05-09 - 227418 - 289 - 7.65 - 37
5-10-09 - 227823 - 403 - 9.981 - 40
5-14-09 - 228112 - 289 - 7.65 - 37
5-19-09 - 228604 - 488.5 -5.35 - Partial fill
5-21-09 - 228680 + 76 + 7.847 - 42.7 - Removed HHO unit
5-22-09 - 228681 - Install Remote Oil Filter and introduce signal
5-25-09 - 228952 - 76 - 1.76 - 43.18
5-26-09 - 229028 - 348.4 - 7.703 - 45.25
5-26-09 - 229060 - 109 - 3.883 - 28.07 - Found and repaired Fuel
5-31-09 - 229334 - 272.1 - 8.01 - 33.97
6-03-09 - 229582 - 248 - 7.135 - 34.75
6-11-09 - 229974 - 392.1 - 5.252 - 74.65
6-13-09 - 230276 - 302.1 - 8.01 - 37.71
These figures are from the actual receipts (Not just done in my
head then reported by memory) Don't know what's up w/6-11-09 -
Hadn't notices till siting down to do this.
Latest fill figured at 43.5 mpg But I don't have the receipt in
front of me. I don't beleave the Effect has fully occured and is
still building. Time will tell. But for about $75 and 4 hr work -
Big Smile
This is on a Fuel Infected car. (Which does not work well - We
need to figure out Why!) Need help :') Prob because of the
magnetic pulse from the fuel injectors. {A carberated engine is
found to do much better and has been replicated.}
The one who found this effect says Car-berated engine Is best and
dose Much Better. 200mpg+ ???? cool. I am working on one now.
Should be done in couple weeks.
I'm hoping for 1/4 the fuel usage w/twice the power.
Earlier today I pulled out onto the highway in a tight spot and
after looking at the rearview mirror, thought I'd speed up so I
wouldn't hamper the truck behind me. 2nd gear and she wound up to
about 4k and woosh 6-7k shift 3rd and man I'm doin 55mph shift to
5th and brake slightly so as to not gain on the car in frount, try
to act like Nothings Happening. HaHa. Cruse to town. Very
From: frozenwaterlab <Access4Skip@...>
> I'm trying to find out if I can get something to convert my
92 honda Fuel infected to a carb. By the way my civic has
increased to 37 mpg and I subjectively feel the power is
> FrznWtr
June5-09 Re: Effort
OK two tanks of gas. 2nd read was 27MPG - Found leak in fitting
when Engine running. Soon as shut off (As checked previous) would
evaporate off rather quick. so fixed that. 3rd read
(w/say 1/4 run with leak) was 34MPG. I think their is a slight and
I mean slight bit of power increase but this might be subjective.
NO other Positive attributes noticed. BUT it dose smell like its
running very rich. Sometimes when its running hot after long drive
it is very hard to start. Like its flooded. Have to sit and wait
5-10min. or it loads up agine and will run down the battery. I
have no idea how I might reduce the fuel delivered. Will wait till
I get the Holden done to mess with it any more. then want to try a
vapor can and HHO to see if i can get it to run with the injectors
shut off (Disconnected).
I wonder if my 300 to 400 guess is as accurate as I want. might be
to low maybe 5-600 but definitely lower. Need to get one of those
Diagnostic Tachometers. Will start looking. I filled up on the way
home this morning in the early hours. 345 miles 7.64 gallons =
44.67 mpg I think. But need to check Total miles to make sure I
Zeroed Odomiter last time I filled. Have to go through all the
reciepts - 2
hour job. Got to sleep more first. Normal milage w/out HHO or EFIE
is 30-32 mpg with HHO & EFIE 40-43 mpg. This run is w/out HHO
but EFIE for oxy sensor on. (EFIE fools Computer that full burn is
occurring so it wont dump more fuel in to burn up the excess Oxy
if their is any) I will add the HHO with Dry Cell soon - After
confirming MPG. Just for info pourpose. I intend to fully convert
this rig later. But this is with the fuel injection as is. OH had
to take my fuel regulator out of fuel line to get it to run day
befor yesterday. Teed it off and will add "Y" valve for later
conversion to carb type input. Need to put injector switch in so I
can shut it off. Important to be able to convert it back for
Till later FrznWtr
May26-09 Re: Effort
Still have the injectors working. This is said to hamper the
effect reaching full efect. IT'S NOT A FULL CONVERSION. Just want
to make that clear. I put a remote Oil filter kit on and put the
signal in the returne hose. Thats it so far. The idle went down
and I'm still cking milage but I think it is better. I had a EFIE
on the Oxygen sensor already from HHO experiments. I also have a
"T" in the fuel line I'm tempted to put the signal to but, want to
CK MPG this way first.
May24-09 Re: Effort
OK install on Civic done. Yippie Took it for 20mile run. Dident
notice anything till I came out of post office. Normal Idle has
always been around 1000rpm maybe 900. It was down to 600 and
just purring along. Brought it home and set Idle down to between
300 and 400 cant tell as tack is original and not segmented at
that point. 0100 tomorrow to work.
ucahyo sucahyo
Just finished reading the document at the groups's files section.
From what I learn the method to get the hull effect is: To use the
wire from alternator that go to battery positive as light dimmer
input and wire the combined light dimmer output to the streaming
engine oil.
My opinion of what happen is: The alternator create spike which
being transfered to the oil, which create HV bubble inside it.
When the egnine is running, charged oil will rotate at the same
speed as the engine rotation. This rotation of charged fluid will
create magnetic field maybe the same way as homopolar motor. The
magnetic force will be created perpendicullar with the rotation.
The magnetic force make the whole car body act like a huge magnet.
This magnetic force influence people, fuel, oil or even
surrounding environment.
According to local academic here, fuel or hydro carbon that
exposed to magnet will be more aligned and will combust more
easily. If three small magnet extracted from computer speaker can
noticably change the power on 100cc motor, a magnetic at the size
of a car should allow much more change to the fuel or the oil. The
fuel should burn more easily and may make the engine fuel ratio
too rich when the magnetic field increased. The oil may also burn
which translate to darker oil color and an increase of engine
temperature. The magnetic effect on people should be felt more
than any magnetic device sold. If water is placed on top of the
engine the water should now have the healing properties like what
anyone experience with a glass on top of small magnet.
cahyo sucahyo
Senior Member
If this effect caused by rotating HV magnetic force, I think we
should try wrapping rubber fuel line of the car with coil powered
- HV from car coil to the distributor or spark plug
- radiant oscillator HV secondary.
It would be dangerous if the increased engine heating of the hull
effects is caused by burning oil. It would be best to isolate the
effect. Thought I'd add another effort for you all to ponder. This
is what someone else on the group has done
> After experimenting for a few months I have finally managed
to install a stainless steel probe to the high pressure oil sensor
side of engine that yields improved MPG on this 85 Nissan 720
pickup with 2.0 liter engine, electronic carburetor, conventional
distributor. In place, was the Lutron switch mounted close to the
coil, an on/off switch in the engine compartment, one 1/8" hole in
thermostat, grounds to head and alternator, disconnected
distributer advance, no PCV valve with line into filter housing,
probe is a stainless steel needle inside an insulated wire cover
JB welded inside a brass fitting. Have photo of probe/fitting if
anyone is interested.
> Recent short trips (20-40 miles) letting the engine warm up
for five minutes before filling up and re-filling at the same pump
have yielded 39.8, 36.5, 46.2, 42.7 mpg. Probably need to take
longer road trips for a more reliable MPG tests. Also, need to get
a compass to check for changes in and around engine. Engine seems
to run more smoothly, with more power, and starts easily. Have not
noticed any reduced air noise slip stream effect yet.
> Previously this truck has been getting somewhere between
26-30 mpg before and during earlier testing.
> Before the successful probe to the high pressure oil I tried
various probes that I feel were not extended deeply into the
engine and oil flow or not insulated well enough or used copper
probe, and also experimented with dip stick probes with no
> With recent mileage improvements I am tempted to get a
Edelbrock carburetor and try for the rest of the HE !
> Anyone else have any encouraging responses.
The Tube Device
Originally my intention was to create a standard magnet driven
tube device, and study its effects on auto engine materials such
as oil.
I used the 7X GL only to make the device feel right. I wanted the
car to feel alive and as one conscious unit, within the bubble of
the oil cell effect on a running engine.
Adding this frequency over the top of everything would allow all
parts of the system to communicate, as the cells of a body, as
I call this a coherent vibrational field, and gives the machine
the sense of life force or being alive.
It also brings all the vibrations into a harmony, energy can move
between them and become synchronous at the nuclear mass vibration
I soon discovered the magnets were not needed.
Also that the most interactive location for the bismuth slugs is
not the center but the ends.
While the opposing magnet strings do produce an expansive
vibrational effect on a central bismuth core, this is a different
effect then what happens on the ends of the tubes.
Tape Migration
Noticing unusual effects when the electrical tape I was using for
spacing materials started to move on its own, in a rather
geometric pattern. The tape was not randomly repelled, it was
repelled with an order, and perfect pattern. The following is a
record of the first few days. [The tape was wrapped to over
thickness and then 1/2 layer cut off until the tubes slid together
easily with little drag.]
The tape stacks were wrapped perfectly straight.
It would seem the length of the tubes and materials are the active
element. The gap between the inner copper and middle iron layer is
generating the strongest torsion field.
This is the first time I have witnessed a torsion field actually
moving something.
I believe the stress on the tape, is a direct result of the 7X GL
length, in vibration, between dissimilar metals, with a proper gap
There appears to be an ability of torsion fields to move
dielectric materials, or Carbon based materials like all plastics,
and electric insulators.
This creates a field that feels hot to the touch, like fire on the
finger tips. Touching the tape while the device is assembled can
produce a surprise.
Oil cell experiments
Static effects on the bench.
A voltage on the Joe Cell filled with motor oil creates a large
hot field at approx 155 vdc. Either polarity of voltage will
generate a field, and the oil seems to be reactive, not holding a
normal JC type charge as water does. The oil will not sustain a
field over time and as soon as voltage is removed the fields
slowly dies.
The field has the basic geometry of a water field and manifests in
very accurately spaced rings around the cell. Layers go from hot
to neutral to hot on the compressed sections of the density rings.
The field gets stronger over time if the voltage is on, and weaker
over time when the voltage is removed. It build to a maximum
pressure if left with voltage for several hours.
Cross Coupling
To get the tube device to energize the oil, without using voltage,
I cross couple them. Connect one end of the tube device inner tube
to the outer tube of the Joe cell, connect the outer section of
the tube device to the inner Joe Cell tube. This cross coupling
causes each cell to raise the other vibrationally. This pattern is
present in many devices we have studied, from Sweets inner coil
arrangement, to the strange long electrical coils of old patents.
Cross coupling inner and outer copper layers of two tube devices
is a Torsion field effect and easily understood when one actually
feels it.
In this case the field goes cold rather then hot as with electric
Comparing the Hull Effect to
a Joe Cell on an electronic fuel injection system.
Honda Accord LXI
For reference purposes the fuel flow meter will read about 4.2
when cruising at 50 MPH without any devices installed., and the
sweet spot for economy feels to be around 50 MPH.
Hull Effect
In general it feels like the HE setup provides maximum boost at
the minimum rate of fuel flow. For example, the car at idle will
run approximately 25 Miles per hour.
When cruising at highway speeds of around 50 MPH, the fuel flow is
reduced to 3.8 but when starting up a hill, the flow needs to be
increased significantly before a power increase actually kicks in
– up to about 6 on the gauge.
The sweet spot felt to be closer to 55 MPH. With the gauge
indication 3.8.
Very little difference could be felt between the Lutron Skylark
device, and a standard lamp dimmer device.
Both devices had performance peaks at a couple locations in their
adjustment range, which could be felt in the engine performance,
provided the engine was not in an accelerating mode. IOW, the
lower the throttle setting, the more noticeable the peaks were.
Joe Cell
The Joe Cell connected with the cathode to the chassis, and the
anode connected to plus through the cigarette lighter seemed to
provide a similar increase in idle RPM, but gave a more consistent
boost across the throttle range. There was a cleaner transition
from cruising on level road to increasing power to climb a slight
grade. Probably only about a change from 4 to 5 on the gauge to
get increased power.
The sweet spot for cruising speed was also about 55 MPH with a
gauge reading of 3.8.
The dimmer and JC were tested together by inserting the JC between
the dimmer and the oil. In this mode the effects appeared to be
somewhat additive. The smoother transition from minimum cruising
fuel flow to increased power for a grade was maintained, as was
the more consistent boost across different throttle settings. It
was possible with careful adjustment of the dimmer setting to get
the sweet spot up to 60 MPH.
The gauge reading at 55MPH on level stretches dropped down closer
to 3.6.
MPG Increase
My last fill-up had the fuel economy at 31.5 MPG, as compared to
the normal 25.
8 - 23 - 2009
Bernie H
Meter referred to is an electronic Tachometer connected to one
Fuel Injector Lead. It shows average time injectors are on, as
fuel is being sent into cylinders. This gives an instant
indication of the fuel flow rate.
USP 8590516
Internal combustion engine
Apparatuses and methods related to an internal combustion engine
are disclosed herein. In some embodiments, the apparatuses and
methods include modifying a conventional internal combustion
engine to enhance an operating efficiency. In other embodiments,
an internal combustion engine of enhanced operating efficiency is
[0001] Embodiments of this invention relate generally to internal
combustion engines and, more particularly, to mechanisms and
methods for improving the overall performance and efficiency of
such engines.
[0002] An internal combustion engine (ICE) converts energy into
work. Indeed, these engines are used to power many of the devices
we benefit from every day, including, but not limited to,
automobiles, airplanes, and electric generators. In other words,
the internal combustion engine quite literally drives the world's
[0003] As used herein, the terms "engine" or "internal combustion
engine" include, for example, without limitation, any device that
converts energy, released by the combustion of a fuel, into
mechanical energy in an output shaft or the like of the engine,
regardless of size, application, or type of fuel. As also used
herein, the terms "fuel" or "hydrocarbon fuel" include, for
example, without limitation, any substance or material, organic or
inorganic, which may be burned to release energy. Such substances
or materials include, but are not limited to, crude oil, gasoline,
diesel, kerosene, bio-diesel, heavy oil, or other fuel oil or any
mixture thereof in any form. Although many of these fuels are
considered to be nonrenewable natural resources, the principles of
the present disclosure may be utilized with internal combustion
engines running on fuels derived from renewable resources.
[0004] In today's society, it has become increasingly important to
conserve energy and, in particular, hydrocarbon fuels. Societal
and governmental pressure is causing many automobile and other
manufacturers to rethink and redefine the definition of fuel
economy. Even with improvements in fuel economy, however, many of
the automobiles being manufactured and in use today continue to be
powered by internal combustion engines. In addition, the average
individual is driving more frequently and longer distances, which
in itself tends to offset the gains achieved by improved fuel
economies. Thus, because of the enormous amount of fuel converted
into energy by internal combustion engines, even a small
improvement in fuel efficiency can be a significant step towards
energy conservation goals.
[0005] Improved fuel efficiency can also provide substantial
environmental benefits. Since less fuel is being converted into
energy, a proportionately smaller amount of harmful emissions is
being produced. Again, because of the sheer number of internal
combustion engines in use, this can create a significant overall
improvement. Additional benefits may be obtained if the process of
converting fuel into energy itself may be improved to produce
cleaner exhaust.
[0006] Of course, the use of the internal combustion engine is not
restricted to the automotive field. Diesel engines, for example,
power many of the world's trains, and turbine engines power a
majority of the world's commercial airplanes and electric power
generating stations. In many cases, internal combustion engines
are also used to power agricultural and construction equipment.
[0007] Accordingly, there exists a need for an apparatus and
methodology for improving the overall performance and efficiency
of internal combustion engines.
[0008] Embodiments of the present disclosure provide apparatuses
and methods related to internal combustion engines.
[0009] An aspect of the present disclosure includes a method of
operating an internal combustion engine. The method may include
delivering an energy from an electrical energy source to a first
portion of the internal combustion engine and combining a fuel
with an oxidation medium to create a combustion mixture, wherein
the combustion mixture may include a plasma. The method may
further include combusting the combustion mixture.
[0010] Various embodiments of the disclosure may include one or
more of the following aspects: the oxidation medium may include
air; the plasma may include a cold plasma; the step of magnetizing
a second portion of the internal combustion engine; the step of
regulating the delivery of the energy to the first portion of the
internal combustion engine; the step of ionizing the fuel; the
fuel may include ionized fuel; the electrical energy source may
include at least one of an alternator and a battery; an energy
delivery device may connect the electrical energy source and the
first portion of the internal combustion engine; the first portion
of the engine may include a fluid within the internal combustion
engine; the step of delivering an energy from an electrical energy
source to the first portion of the internal combustion engine may
include delivering the energy directly to oil within the internal
combustion engine; the energy delivery device may include an
electrically conductive elongate member having a first end and a
second end; the first end is connected to an output of the
electrical energy source and the second end is in direct contact
with the fluid within the internal combustion engine; the step of
utilizing a central processing unit to automatically control a
variable parameter of the internal combustion engine; and at least
the step of delivering an energy from an electrical energy source
to a first portion of the internal combustion engine may be
controlled by a component having a central processing unit.
[0011] Another aspect of the present disclosure includes a method
of altering a combustion characteristic of a fuel. The method
includes ionizing the fuel and changing a phase of the fuel.
[0012] Various embodiments of the disclosure may include one or
more of the following aspects: the step of changing a phase of the
fuel may include changing fuel vapors to a plasma; the step of
changing fuel vapors to a plasma may include combining the fuel
vapors with an oxidation medium; the plasma may include a cold
plasma; the oxidation medium may include air; the step of ionizing
the fuel may include exposing the fuel to a magnetic field; the
step of ionizing the fuel may include exposing the fuel to engine
components including one of nickel and silver; and the step of
ionizing the fuel may include conditioning the fuel to absorb an
[0013] A further aspect of the disclosure includes an engine
system. The engine system may include a fuel system having a fuel
source for containing a fuel and a fuel delivery apparatus. The
engine system may also include an internal combustion engine
having an engine block, wherein a portion of the engine block is
configured to include a fluid therein; an energy source; and an
apparatus for delivering energy from the energy source to the
portion of the engine block configured to include the fluid.
[0014] Various embodiments of the disclosure may include one or
more of the following aspects: the internal combustion engine may
include at least one fastener having a portion made of one of
nickel and silver; the fuel source may include a fuel tank; the
fuel tank may be elevated relative to the internal combustion
engine so that the fuel may be gravity fed from the fuel tank to
the internal combustion engine; the fuel delivery apparatus may
include a fuel delivery conduit and a valve; the valve may include
a needle valve; the needle valve may include a needle having an
insert, and wherein the needle is made of a first material and the
insert is made of a second material different from the first
material; one of the first and second materials may include one of
nickel and silver; the fluid may include engine oil; the energy
source may include at least one of an alternator and a battery;
the apparatus for delivering energy from the energy source to the
portion of the engine block configured to include the fluid may
include a device for electrically connecting the energy source and
the portion of the engine block configured to include the fluid;
the apparatus may also include a component for regulating the flow
of energy through the apparatus; the component may include a
plurality of diodes; the apparatus for delivering energy from the
energy source to the portion of the engine block configured to
include the fluid may include an electrically conductive elongate
member having a first end and a second end; the first end may be
directly connected to an output of the energy source, and the
second end may be connected to the portion of the engine block
configured to include the fluid, so that the second end is exposed
to the fluid, and wherein the second end may be electrically
isolated from the engine block; the component may include a
central processing unit for automatically regulating the flow of
energy through the apparatus; a central processing unit; and the
central processing unit may control the internal combustion
[0015] Another aspect of the present disclosure may include a
method for operating an internal combustion engine having engine
oil circulating therein. The method may include the step of
delivering an energy from an electrical energy source directly to
the engine oil.
[0016] Various embodiments of the disclosure may include one or
more of the following aspects: the step of regulating the delivery
of the energy to the engine oil; the electrical energy source may
include an alternator; the step of delivering an energy from an
electrical energy source directly to the engine oil may include
delivering the energy via an energy delivery device having a first
end and a second end, and wherein the first end is connected to
the electrical energy source and the second end is in a direct
contacting relationship with the engine oil; the energy delivery
device may include an apparatus for regulating the flow of energy
through the energy delivery device; and the apparatus may include
a central processing unit for automatically regulating the flow of
energy through the energy delivery device.
[0017] A further aspect of the present disclosure may include a
method of operating an internal combustion engine. The method may
include delivering an energy from an electrical energy source to a
fluid within the internal combustion engine; regulating the
delivery of the energy to the fluid within the internal combustion
engine; magnetizing a portion of the internal combustion engine;
conditioning a fuel for delivery to the internal combustion
engine; combining the fuel with air to create a combustion
mixture; and combusting the combustion mixture.
[0018] Various embodiments of the disclosure may include one or
more of the following aspects: the electrical energy source may
include at least one of an alternator and a battery; the fluid may
include one of a lubricating agent or a heat transfer agent; the
step of conditioning the fuel may include ionizing the fuel; the
step of conditioning the fuel may include exposing the fuel to a
magnetic field; the step of conditioning the fuel may include
exposing the fuel to engine components including one of nickel and
silver; the step of combining the fuel with air to create a
combustion mixture may include combining fuel vapors with air; the
combustion mixture may include a plasma; the plasma may include a
cold plasma; the fluid may include an oil; the step of delivering
an energy from an electrical energy source to a fluid within the
internal combustion engine may include delivering the energy via
an energy delivery device; the energy delivery device may include
an elongate member having a first end and a second end, wherein
the first end may be connected to the electrical energy source and
the second end may be exposed to the fluid within the internal
combustion engine; the second end may be insulated from a housing
of the engine; the step of removing particulates from an exhaust
of the internal combustion engine; the step of regulating the
delivery of the energy to the fluid may include regulating the
delivery with a central processing unit; and the step of
controlling a parameter of the internal combustion engine with a
central processing unit.
[0019] An even further aspect of the present disclosure may
include a method of operating an internal combustion engine. The
method may include delivering an energy from an alternator to
engine oil within the internal combustion engine; regulating the
delivery of the energy to the engine oil; magnetizing a portion of
the internal combustion engine; delivering ionized fuel to the
internal combustion engine; regulating the flow of ionized fuel to
the internal combustion engine with a valve, wherein a portion of
the valve is made of one of nickel and silver; combining the
ionized fuel with air to create a combustion mixture, wherein the
combustion mixture may include a cold plasma; and combusting the
combustion mixture.
[0020] Various embodiments of the disclosure may include one or
more of the following aspects: an energy delivery device
electrically may connect the alternator to the engine oil; the
energy delivery device may include an electrically conductive
elongate member having a first end and a second end; the first end
may be electrically connected to a positive pole of the
alternator, and the second end may be electrically connected to an
electrically conductive probe; the probe may be in a contacting
relationship with the engine oil; the probe may be electrically
isolated from an engine housing of the internal combustion engine;
the energy delivery device may also include a component for
regulating the flow of energy through the energy delivery device;
the component may include a plurality of electrical components;
the plurality of electrical components may include diodes; the
ionized fuel may include liquid ionized fuel and vapor ionized
fuel; the step of combining the ionized fuel with air to create a
combustion mixture may include combining vapor ionized fuel with
air; the step of filtering an exhaust of the internal combustion
engine to remove hydrocarbon particulates from the exhaust; the
step of reintroducing the removed particulates into the internal
combustion engine; the step of combusting the combustion mixture
may include selectively altering an amount of current delivered to
an ignition mechanism of the internal combustion engine; the step
of including one or more fasteners within the internal combustion
engine, the one or more fasteners having portions made of one of
nickel and silver; the component may include a central processing
unit; and the step of controlling a parameter of the internal
combustion engine with a central processing unit.
[0021] Another aspect of the present disclosure may include an
engine system. The engine system may include an engine having a
portion containing engine oil therein; an electrical energy
source; and an apparatus for delivering energy from the electrical
energy source to the engine oil. The apparatus may include a
conductive elongate member having a first end and a second end.
The first end may be connected to the electrical energy source and
the second end may be exposed to the engine oil.
[0022] Various embodiments of the disclosure may include one or
more of the following aspects: a fuel source containing a fuel; a
fuel delivery apparatus, wherein the fuel delivery apparatus may
include a fuel conduit and a valve for controlling the flow of
fuel through the fuel conduit; the valve may include a needle
valve having a portion made of one of nickel and silver; the
apparatus may include a device for regulating the flow of energy
through the apparatus; the device may include a plurality of
electrical components; the plurality of electrical components may
include diodes; the engine may include a housing and the second
end may be insulated from the housing; the device may include a
central processing unit; and a central processing unit for
controlling a parameter of the engine.
[0023] Additional objects and advantages of the invention will be
set forth in part in the description that follows, and in part
will be obvious from the description, or may be learned by
practice of the invention. The objects and advantages of the
invention will be realized and attained by means of the elements
and combinations particularly pointed out in the appended claims.
[0024] It is to be understood that both the foregoing general
description and the following detailed description are exemplary
and explanatory only, and are not restrictive of the invention, as
[0025] The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated in
and constitute a part of this specification, illustrate
embodiments of the invention and, together with the description,
serve to explain the principles of the invention.
[0026] FIG. 1 is a schematic drawing of an exemplary
conventional automobile internal combustion engine.
[0027] FIG. 2 is a schematic drawing of an automobile
internal combustion engine having a carburetor in accordance
with the present disclosure.
[0028] FIG. 3 is a schematic drawing of an automobile
internal combustion engine having a fuel injection system in
accordance with the present disclosure.
[0029] FIG. 4A is a schematic drawing of an end view of an
exemplary exhaust particulate recovery apparatus in accordance
with the present disclosure.
[0030] FIG. 4B is a schematic drawing of a side view of the
exemplary exhaust particulate recovery apparatus of FIG. 4A.
[0031] FIG. 4C is a schematic drawing of a side view of
another exemplary exhaust particulate recovery apparatus in
accordance with the present disclosure.
[0032] FIG. 5 is a schematic drawing of an exemplary needle
valve apparatus in accordance with the present disclosure.
[0033] FIG. 6 is a schematic drawing of an exemplary oil
probe apparatus and its connection to the engine depicted in
FIG. 2, in accordance with the present disclosure.
[0034] Reference will now be made in detail to the present
exemplary embodiments of the invention, examples of which are
illustrated in the accompanying drawings. Wherever possible, the
same reference numbers will be used throughout the drawings to
refer to the same or like parts.
[0035] To facilitate an understanding of the principles of the
present disclosure, the following discussion of a conventional
automobile internal combustion engine and a selection of its
various components is provided. Although automobile engines are
discussed in detail below, the various embodiments disclosed
herein are not limited to these exemplary uses. As a non-limiting
example, the principles of the present disclosure may be also
utilized in, among other things, the engine of a watercraft, a jet
engine of an aircraft, an engine of a lawn mower or other
agricultural equipment, and in fuel-powered generators, just to
name a few.
[0036] Referring to FIG. 1, there is depicted an automobile
internal combustion engine 100. Although it is recognized that
automobile engines, and internal combustion engines in general,
may vary greatly in design, engine 100 depicted in FIG. 1 is
utilized for discussion purposes only. Engine 100 includes, among
other things, an engine block 102, which houses a number of
cylinders (not shown) and corresponding pistons (not shown).
Although many of today's engines include four, six, or eight
cylinders (and pistons), the principles of the present disclosure
may be utilized with engines having any number of cylinders and
corresponding pistons.
[0037] With continued reference to FIG. 1, engine 100 further
includes an oil pan 104 extending from engine block 102. Oil pan
104 typically includes a removable chamber or bowl that is secured
to a lower portion of engine block 102. As one having ordinary
skill in the art will recognize, oil pan 104 functions to collect
and store the oil used to lubricate the moving parts of engine
100. In addition to lubricating the moving parts of engine 100,
the oil within engine block 102 facilitates the removal of heat
from within engine block 102. Engine 100 may also include an oil
filter (not shown), which generally functions to remove
particulates and debris from the circulating oil, and an oil
pressure sensor 106, which functions to measure the pressure of
the circulating oil.
[0038] Engine 100 may also include a thermostat 108, a fan 110, a
water pump 112, and a radiator 114. Together, these components
function as a cooling system 103 for engine 100 so as to regulate
the temperature of engine 100. Specifically, water pump 112
functions to circulate a cooling fluid between engine block 102
and radiator 114. The cooling fluid may include water, a mixture
of water and ethylene glycol (C2H6O2), which is also known as
antifreeze, or any other suitable cooling fluid known in the art.
Radiator 114 functions as a heat exchanger and transfers heat from
the cooling fluid flowing from engine block 102 to the air blowing
through radiator 114 by fan 110. Thermostat 108 functions to
regulate the rate of cooling fluid flowing from engine block 102
to radiator 114. The cooling fluid is circulated between engine
block 102 and radiator 114 by an upper hose 116 and a lower hose
[0039] Engine 100 further includes an alternator 120. Alternator
120 may include any conventional alternator, such as, for example,
three-phase alternators. As those having ordinary skill in the art
will recognize, alternator 120 converts mechanical energy produced
by engine 100 into electrical energy, which may be used to power
an automobile's various electrical components, such as, for
example, the headlights or radio, and/or recharge a portable power
source, such as, for example, a battery. Like many power
generation devices, alternator 120 includes both positive and
negative poles. As illustrated in FIG. 1, the positive pole is
indicated by a "+" symbol and the negative pole is indicated by a
"-" symbol.
[0040] Engine 100 also includes a carburetor 122. As readily
recognized in the art, carburetor 122 includes a device that
combines air and fuel to produce an air/fuel combustion mixture
for engine 100. Although the principles of the present disclosure
will be largely discussed in connection with engines utilizing
carburetors, those of ordinary skill of art will readily recognize
that the embodiments described herein may be utilized with any
internal combustion engine, regardless of the fuel delivery
mechanism utilized. Indeed, the principles of the present
disclosure may be utilized with automobile engines utilizing fuel
injection technology, as will be discussed in greater detail below
and in connection with FIG. 3. Carburetor 122 may be secured to
engine block 102 by a plurality of suitable fasteners 190, 192
known in the art. Fasteners 190, 192 may include, but are not
limited to, bolts and/or screws. Although the illustrated
embodiments depict the use of two fasteners 190, 192 to secure
carburetor 122 to engine block 102, those of ordinary skill in the
art will readily recognize that a greater or lesser number of
fasteners may be used. Carburetor 122 may include a throttle plate
138, which serves to regulate the flow of air into carburetor 122.
In a conventional automobile internal combustion engine, the air
flowing into a carburetor, such as, for example, carburetor 122,
is approximately 600 cubic feet per minute (cfm). The air flowing
into carburetor 122 mixes with fuel supplied to carburetor 122 to
create an air/fuel combustion mixture, which is then supplied to
engine block 102 for combustion purposes. The air/fuel combustion
mixture is ignited with a cylinder by a spark provided by a spark
plug (not shown). Carburetor 122 may also include a lower plate
140, which serves to regulate the flow of the air/fuel mixture
into engine block 102. As will be appreciated by those of ordinary
skill in the art, both throttle plate 138 and lower plate 140 may
be selectively adjusted to increase the flow of air and air/fuel
combustion mixture, respectively.
[0041] With continuing reference to FIG. 1, carburetor 122
receives fuel 124 from fuel tank 126 via fuel line 128. Fuel line
128 may be any suitable fuel line known in the art. Generally,
fuel tank 126 may be spaced from engine block 102 and a mechanism
for transporting fuel 124 from fuel tank 126 to carburetor 122 may
be required. In these instances, fuel pump 130 transports fuel 124
from fuel tank 126 to carburetor 122 by increasing the pressure of
fuel 124, as readily known in the art. As already alluded to
above, fuel 124 may include, for example, any substance or
material, organic or inorganic, renewable or non-renewable, which
may be burned in a combustion process to release energy. In some
embodiments, fuel tank 126 may include a tank cap 134. Tank cap
134 may be removably secured to fuel tank 126 and may be removed
to replenish the fuel 124 within fuel tank 126 as necessary. Tank
cap 134 may include a plurality of openings or vents 136. Vents
136 may be configured to permit fuel vapors and/or atmospheric air
to traverse tank cap 134.
[0042] Once fuel 124 reaches carburetor 122, it is mixed with a
predetermined amount of air and delivered to engine block 102 to
form an air/fuel combustion mixture. This combustion mixture is
then supplied to engine block 102, which typically maintains a
vacuum of approximately 18 Hg, for combustion purposes. Once the
combustion process is complete, combustion exhaust gases are
evacuated from within engine block 102 by an exhaust 132.
[0043] In a conventional automobile internal combustion engine,
such as, for example, engine 100, the temperature of the exhaust
gases leaving engine block 102 is typically in the range of
400[deg.] F.-1400[deg.] F. These exhaust gases can be highly toxic
and typically contain carbon monoxide, unburned fuel, unburned
carbon, soot, and oil vapor. These toxic compounds are commonly a
result of incomplete combustion, which may be caused by a fuel
quality being incompatible with the required combustion process,
incomplete mixing of the fuel and air, or insufficient heat to
provide fuel decomposition, etc. Most fuels contain a wide variety
of dissimilar hydrocarbon compounds with corresponding variable
rates of vaporization, decomposition, and combustion reaction
intensities. Some fuels vaporize quickly, decomposing easily and
burning smoothly, while others vaporize very slowly, decomposing
incompletely to form unstable compounds that burn very fast and
even detonate. Still others simply polymerize into clusters,
absorb heat energy, and simply escape out the exhaust as
[0044] Ideally then, for an internal combustion engine, or
combustion equipment, to function at its optimum potential with
minimum toxic emissions and the greatest possible efficiency with
lower maintenance, vibration, and operating temperatures, the fuel
must be able to vaporize and decompose easily and to propagate
combustion reactions with controlled, stable velocities with an
absolute minimum of shock waves.
[0045] Fuels, such as aviation fuel, gasoline, diesel fuel,
propane, and natural gas are all made up of the same building
blocks, hydrogen and carbon. The difference between natural gas
and diesel, for example, is simply how many carbon and hydrogen
atoms are attached to each other in each molecule of fuel. The
molecules of natural gas, for example, are very small and light
since they contain only one carbon and four hydrogen atoms. This
means that each molecular cluster of natural gas contains only one
atom of carbon and only four atoms of hydrogen. It is so light
that it is a gas at room temperature. When it burns, it
essentially decomposes into carbon and hydrogen, which in turn
bond to oxygen separately to form carbon dioxide gas, CO2, and
water vapor, H2O. Every molecule of fuel produces one carbon
dioxide molecule and two water molecules during combustion, which
are the ultimate exhaust products of clean-burning natural gas.
[0046] In contrast, diesel fuel has many more atoms of carbon and
hydrogen stuck together, for example, C15H32. This means, in this
example, that every molecule contains fifteen carbon atoms and
thirty-two hydrogen atoms bonded into one molecular cluster. These
molecules are so heavy that they form dense liquids at room
temperatures. In order to burn (i.e., chemically combine with
oxygen to produce heat), each of the fifteen carbon atoms and
thirty-two hydrogen atoms must break apart from each other so that
the carbon atoms can combine with oxygen to form carbon dioxide,
CO2, and the hydrogen atoms can combine with oxygen to form water
vapor, H2O. This is exactly the same process as burning natural
gas, CH4, but because there are so many more atoms clustered into
each molecule, it is a lot more difficult to break all of the
atoms apart from each other. When the atoms do not break apart
cleanly and easily, they do not all form CO2 and H2O. Instead, a
lot of carbon atoms form their own clusters, without oxygen, to
form soot, which is usually seen as black smoke coming from the
exhaust system on many large diesel engines. In addition, many
molecules of partially decomposed fuel leave the exhaust
completely unburned, accounting for the acrid smell typically
associated with diesel engines.
[0047] Natural gas burns clean because it is composed of lighter
molecules having only one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms
stuck together, and diesel fuel burns poorly because it is
composed of heavier molecules of, for example, fifteen carbon
atoms and thirty-two hydrogen atoms stuck together. The burning
process itself does not change, disregarding the speed and
reaction time of combustion in this example-only the complexity of
molecular disintegration into atoms makes it more difficult to
completely burn all of the atoms. In order to burn all of the
atoms in any given fuel, therefore, the heavier molecules of
typical fuels, such as, for example, gasoline, diesel, and
kerosene, must be shattered.
[0048] Clean-burning, high-performance liquid fuels, such as
high-octane aviation fuel, are made of the same components as
diesel fuel and natural gas. However, the molecular structures of
these fuels are refined in such a way as to have weak molecular
bonds, which allows the fuels to decompose easily and quickly. The
refining process can be very simple or increasingly complex,
depending on the desired molecular bonding structure. To refine
fuel, it helps to understand that crude oil contains every type of
hydrocarbon cluster imaginable, from very light liquids to heavy
oils and even tar all mixed together. Refiners ideally want to
separate each group out so that the light liquids can be used for
aviation (high-octane properties) and the middle groups, which are
heavier, can be used as diesel fuel, etc. Distillation practices
help separate some of these fuels into their similar molecular
weight categories, but it is relatively slow and not an exact
science. The distillation process basically relies on the
principle that when heated at low temperatures, the lighter weight
molecules, because they are bonded with only a few carbon and
hydrogen atoms, become gases and subsequently rise to the top of
the distillation tower and are extracted. When the temperature is
raised slightly higher, the next heavier group of hydrocarbon
clusters rise to the top for extraction and so on. As the
hydrocarbon clusters become bigger, however, they do not easily
separate or break apart from each other. The bigger the molecule,
the stronger the forces of attraction hold them together.
[0049] Refiners soon learned that if they ran hydrocarbon fluids
through metal catalysts, the electro-chemical reactions between
the hydrocarbon clusters and the metal catalysts caused the
hydrocarbon molecules to break apart into smaller clusters. This
is because the electron orbits that are shared between the
clusters of atoms are drawn, or rather, detached from each other,
effectively breaking the links holding them together. These links
break apart randomly, forming smaller and lighter molecular
clusters, each of which may contain any random number of atoms.
Such processes are generally referred to as hydrocarbon "cracking"
[0050] The combustion of hydrocarbon-based fuels does not have to
produce toxic pollution. The chemical reactions involved in the
combustion process produces heat energy. Although this heat energy
is the desired product of combusting fuel, it is difficult to
manipulate and convert into controlled energy. The burning or
combustion of hydrocarbon fuels in an internal combustion engine
produces a wide spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, of which
only a portion can be converted into useable heat, or rather,
pressure. The rest is usually wasted because the gaseous molecules
in the combustion chamber are unable to absorb some of the intense
radiation produced during combustion reactions. Some of the energy
that is absorbed effectively accelerates the vibration levels of
the gaseous molecules, allowing them to apply greater pressure on
their surroundings. In an internal combustion engine, this
pressure is converted into mechanical movement or power. Only
about one third of the heat energy produced during combustion,
however, is converted into useable pressure. The remainder of this
energy is not entirely lost, but unfortunately can be responsible
for the production of nitrous oxide (NO-x) emissions, excessive
vibration, excessive heat in other parts of the combustion
apparatus, and even excessive noise. As well, spontaneous,
incomplete combustion reactions produce other types of unwanted,
toxic emissions, such as carbon monoxide and soot.
[0051] NO-x emissions can also be a result of a fuel's poor
combustion characteristics, assuming properly functioning
equipment and correct air/fuel ratios for complete combustion.
When the fuel does not vaporize and decompose easily, the reaction
time, once combustion is initiated, is delayed with a
corresponding increase in combustion intensity. The combustion
zone may accelerate from a relatively slow speed to an extremely
high speed almost instantaneously. This extreme imbalance in
velocity may produce significantly higher energy levels and
actinic radiation with shorter photon emissions. Photolysis is a
term used to describe chemical decomposition by electromagnetic
radiation. It can occur when combustion reactions accelerate to a
range where the photon emissions released contribute to further
chemical reactions rather than normal thermal decomposition
reactions of regular, controlled combustion. The actinic radiation
produced during non-uniform, intense combustion reactions tends to
decompose not only the fuel's molecular clusters but also the
otherwise inert nitrogen molecules, ultimately contributing to
undesirable chemical reactions and the production of unwanted
toxic NO-x emissions.
[0052] As alluded to already, combustion is a chemical process
involving the transfer of electrons between atoms known as
oxidation reduction. In this process, liquid fuels must be
vaporized and dissociated into atoms or free radicals before they
can combine with oxygen to form new substances. Under ideal
conditions, a great deal of energy is released and carbon dioxide
and water are formed. Combustion is a process that is not
completely understood. It seems, however, that free radicals may
be the key elements to promote and propagate controlled chemical
reactions. Radicals are the reactive intermediates responsible for
dissociating the large clusters making up the fuel's molecular
compounds into individual atoms when they only then can be
oxidized to produce heat. This is a chain branch disintegration
process that progresses throughout the combustion chamber until
the fuel is consumed. Under ideal conditions, the reaction rate
and chemical reactivity of high-quality fuels is rapid and the
combustion zone proceeds progressively but smoothly throughout the
combustion chamber. The intensity of the reaction zone, which
ultimately determines the intensity of electromagnetic energy
released, has a significant effect on the vibrational energies
imparted on the molecules in the combustion chamber, which
significantly affects their heat release potential. The
vibrational energies obtained by the gaseous molecules in the
combustion chamber, under ideal combustion reactions, are
transformed into organized molecular motion that in turn produces
maximum momentum, or rather maximum potential mechanical energy.
Organized molecular motion of a working fluid, namely, the
nitrogen and products of combustion in the combustion chamber,
enables the electromagnetic energy produced during combustion to
be transformed into controlled pressure with minimum entropy.
Entropy, or wasted heat energy, is largely a result of random,
chaotic vibration energies released during uncontrolled,
excessively rapid combustion reactions.
[0053] Ideally, therefore, for an engine to function at its
maximum potential with minimum toxic emissions and greatest
efficiency with lower maintenance, vibration, and operating
temperatures (minimum entropy), the fuel must be able to decompose
easily and to propagate combustion reactions with controlled,
stable velocities with an absolute minimum of shock waves.
[0054] Turning now to FIG. 2, the principles of the present
disclosure will be described in detail. In FIG. 2, there is
depicted an internal combustion engine 200 in accordance with the
present disclosure. Like engine 100, engine 200 may include an
engine block 202, which may house a number of cylinders (not
shown) and corresponding pistons (not shown), and an oil pan 204.
Engine 200 may further include many of the components discussed
relative to engine 100, including oil pressure sensor 206,
thermostat 208, fan 210, water pump 212, radiator 214, and
alternator 220. In some embodiments, it is contemplated that one
or more of the aforementioned components may be excluded or
duplicated as necessary.
[0055] In accordance with the present disclosure, engine 200 may
be provided with a mechanism 300 for delivering energy to engine
200. The energy delivered to engine 200 may include, but is not
limited to, mechanical energy, acoustic energy, electrical energy,
radiant energy, thermal energy, chemical energy, or any
combination thereof. Mechanism 300 may include any suitable
mechanism known in the art. As a non-limiting example, in some
embodiments, mechanism 300 may include a conductive element,
including, but not limited to, a conductive wire or rod. For the
purposes of this disclosure, it is contemplated that the
conductive element of mechanism 300 may be conductive to one or
more of the energies delivered to engine 200. As alluded to above,
such energy may include, but is not limited to, mechanical energy,
acoustic energy, electrical energy, radiant energy, thermal
energy, chemical energy, or any combination thereof. Further, it
is contemplated that mechanism 300, according to some embodiments,
may be constructed of a suitable material, which does not diminish
or retard in any way the quantity, quality, or intensity of energy
being conducted through mechanism 300. In some other embodiments,
mechanism 300 may be provided with an apparatus for amplifying the
energy delivered through mechanism 300. In still other
embodiments, mechanism 300 may include one or more components for
regulating the flow of energy through mechanism 300, as will be
discussed below in greater detail.
[0056] Mechanism 300 may be configured to deliver energy to engine
200, or any portion thereof, from any suitable source. As a
non-limiting example, in some embodiments, energy may be delivered
to engine 200 from an electrical source, including, but not
limited to, a battery (not shown) or an electrical energy
generator, such as, for example, without limitation, alternator
220. As alluded to above, alternator 220 may include, but is not
limited to, a three-phase alternator. In other embodiments, energy
may be delivered to engine 200 from any electrical field of
suitable frequencies. Such electrical fields may be generated by,
including, but not limited to, conventional generators, Muller
dynamometers, magnetos, and/or static electricity. Further, those
of ordinary skill in the art will readily recognize that energy
may be delivered to a portion or all of engine 200 from a source
disposed proximate to engine 200, spaced apart from engine 200, or
from another part of engine 200.
[0057] In the illustrated non-limiting example, mechanism 300 may
include a conductive wire 302 for delivering energy from
alternator 220 to the oil circulating within engine block 202.
Although those of ordinary skill in the art may recognize that
alternator 220 may be supplying electrical energy to wire 302, the
principles of the present disclosure account for wire 302
transmitting any of the aforementioned types of energy from
alternator 220. As alluded to above, wire 302 may be conductive to
one or more of mechanical energy, acoustic energy, electrical
energy, radiant energy, thermal energy, chemical energy, or any
combination thereof. Wire 302 may include any suitable conductive
wire known in the art. As a non-limiting example, in some
embodiments, wire 302 may include a conductive core surrounded by
an insulating sheath. The conductive core may be metallic. In
other embodiments, wire 302 may include, but is not limited to, a
cable such as a fiber optic cable and/or coaxial cable.
[0058] Wire 302 may include any desired cross-sectional shape
and/or configuration. As a non-limiting example, wire 302 may have
a substantially circular cross-sectional shape. Wire 302 may also
have one or more cross-sectional shapes and/or configurations
along its length, and any desired dimensions suitable for
transmitting energy to engine 200. As will be readily apparent to
those of ordinary skill in the art, the overall dimensions of wire
302 may be dependent upon application, engine size, and the type
and quantity of energy being transmitted through wire 302.
[0059] Wire 302 may include a first end 302a and a second end
302b. Although the depicted embodiment illustrates that first end
302a may be connected to alternator 220, those having ordinary
skill in art will readily recognize that first end 302a may be
connected to any suitable energy source. Further, it is
contemplated that first end 302a may be connected to a positive
output terminal or port of alternator 220. First end 302b, in some
embodiments, may be connected to a component 304 for regulating or
controlling the flow of energy from alternator 220 to engine block
202. In particular, it is contemplated that second end 302b may be
connected to an input terminal of component 304. In other
embodiments, however, second end 302b may be directly connected to
the oil or other fluids within engine block 202 via a probe 308,
which will be discussed below in greater detail. Regardless of how
second end 302b may be connected to engine block 202, second end
302b may be electrically isolated from engine block 202. Second
end 302b may be electrically isolated from engine block 202 by any
suitable means. As a non-limiting example, second end 302b may be
insulated from engine block 202 by disposing an insulating
material between second end 302b and engine block 202. Such
insulating materials may include, but are not limited to, rubber
or any other suitable material.
[0060] Component 304 may include any suitable apparatus for
regulating, modulating, and/or controlling the flow of energy from
alternator 220 to engine block 220. Component 304 may regulate
and/or control the flow of energy by any suitable means known in
the art. Of course, the specific means chosen to regulate and/or
control the flow of energy may depend on, among other things, the
characteristics and type of the energy being transmitted. Further,
the inclusion of component 304 within mechanism 300 may depend on,
for example, without limitation, the type, quantity, and
characteristics of energy being transmitted through mechanism 300,
and the energy source for a particular application.
[0061] In some embodiments, component 304 may regulate the flow of
energy through mechanism 300 by introducing a resistance,
filtering, amplifying, or otherwise altering the energy flowing
from alternator 220 so as to, for example, adjust or control the
amount of energy flowing through component 304. The resistance
introduced by component 304 may include a single fixed resistance
and/or a variable resistance. In instances where the resistance
introduced by component 304 is variable, a suitable mechanism for
selectively controlling the magnitude of resistance introduced by
component 304 may be provided.
[0062] In other embodiments, component 304 may serve to amplify
the energy being transmitted through mechanism 300. Component 304
may serve to amplify the energy being transmitted through
mechanism 300 by any suitable means known in the art. As a
non-limiting example, component 304 may include an amplifier (not
shown) that amplifies the energy input from alternator 220. Again,
the specific amplifier required to amplify the energy flowing from
alternator 220 may depend on, among other things, the
characteristics of the energy transmitted and the particular
application, such as, for example, engine type.
[0063] Component 304 may include, but is not limited to, any
suitable electrical dimmer switch, which, for example, without
limitation, may be configured to introduce a resistance to a flow
of current. As a non-limiting example, the Model No. GLS03-B16681
dimmer switch commercially available from Lutron Electronics, Inc.
may be used to adjust or control the amount of energy flowing from
alternator 220 to engine 200.
[0064] As another non-limiting example, component 304 may comprise
one or more electrical circuits or components electrically linked
together. Such electrical components may include, but are not
limited to, diodes, resistors, and/or transistors. These
electrical components may be electrically connected to one another
in any suitable manner. As a non-limiting example, such electrical
components may be connected together either in parallel or in
series. In particular, in some embodiments, component 304 may
include a plurality of diodes connected together in series. In
other embodiments, component 304 may include a central processing
unit and any suitable software or computer-controlled program for
controlling the aforementioned electrical components.
[0065] In embodiments where second end 302b of wire 302 is not
directly connected to engine block 202, mechanism 300 may further
include a second conductive wire 306. Wire 306 may be configured
to transmit energy from component 304 to engine block 202. To
avoid duplication, wire 306 may be substantially similar to wire
302, and may include many of the features and characteristics of
wire 302 described above. As a non-limiting example, wire 306 may
include a metallic core surrounded by an insulating sheath. Wire
306 may further include a first end 306a and a second end 306b.
The first end 306a may be connected to an output terminal or port
of component 304, and the second end 306b may be connected to the
oil or other fluids (e.g., engine coolant, hydraulic fluids, and
transmission fluids) within engine block 202.
[0066] Second end 306b of wire 306 may be connected to engine
block 202 at any suitable, desired location. As a non-limiting
example, second end 306b may be operably secured to a dipstick
(not shown) received in engine block 202. In other embodiments,
second end 306b may be connected to an exterior housing of engine
block 202. In still other embodiments, second end 306b may be
connected to a probe 308, as shown in FIG. 6, which depicts an
exploded illustration of oil pressure sensor 206 and its
connection to engine block 202.
[0067] Referring now to FIG. 6, probe 308 may include any suitable
apparatus for transmitting energy from wire 306 to the oil or
other fluids within engine block 202 with minimal losses or
resistances. In some embodiments, probe 308 may include a
generally elongate member configured to be suitably isolated from
engine block 202. However, those of ordinary skill in the art will
readily recognize that the physical characteristics and properties
of probe 308 may be dependent upon, among other things, the type
and quantity of energy being transmitted to the oil or other
fluids within engine block 202.
[0068] In the illustrated non-limiting example, probe 308 may
include a rigid metal rod. Probe 308 may be made from any suitable
material configured to transmit energy at rapid rates. As a
non-limiting example, probe 308 may be made of a metal, such as,
for example, without limitation, iron, stainless steel, nickel,
silver, gold, or any other suitable conductive material. In
another non-limiting example, probe 308 may also be made of
silicone or any other suitable composite material. Further, probe
308 may include any desired cross-sectional shape and/or
configuration. As a non-limiting example, probe 308 may have a
substantially circular cross-section. In addition, probe 308 may
have one or more cross-sectional shapes and/or configurations
along its length, and may have any desired dimensions. As a
non-limiting example, probe 308 may include a portion 308b having
an enlarged cross-sectional area.
[0069] Second end 306b of wire 306 may be secured to probe 308 in
any suitable manner known in the art for transmitting energy from
wire 306 to probe 308 with minimal losses. As a non-limiting
example, the metallic core (not shown) of wire 306 may be
soldered, welded, bonded, adhered, and/or mechanically fastened to
probe 308.
[0070] Although the illustrated embodiment contemplates that wire
306 and probe 308 may be manufactured as separate components,
those of ordinary skill in the art will readily recognize that
wire 306 and probe 308 may be of a one-piece construction, so long
as probe 308 may be electrically isolated from engine block 202.
As a non-limiting example, probe 308 may be integrally formed with
second end 306b of wire 306.
[0071] As alluded to above, FIG. 6 illustrates the connection
between oil pressure sensor 206 and engine block 202. In
particular, oil pressure sensor 206 may be fluidly connected to
engine block 202 by a hose 310, which extends between a port 312
in engine block 202 and oil pressure sensor 206. Hose 310 allows
oil to flow from within engine block 202 to oil pressure sensor
206 and back.
[0072] In some embodiments, probe 308 may be connected to engine
block 202 via hose 310 and/or any other source so that probe 308
is in fluid communication with the oil or other fluids circulating
within engine block 202. Probe 308 may be in either direct or
indirect contact with the oil or other fluids circulating within
engine block 202. As a non-limiting example, a portion of hose 310
may be cut to allow the introduction of probe 308 into the fluid
(i.e., oil) pathway within hose 310. In one embodiment, hose 310
may be cut to permit the introduction of a fitting 314. Fitting
314 may include any suitable fitting, including, but not limited
to, a T-shaped connector. As readily known to those of ordinary
skill in the art, a T-shaped connector is an apparatus that
includes three openings and may be used to connect a first fluid
pathway to a second fluid pathway at a right angle to the first
fluid pathway. Fitting 314 may be secured to hose 310 in any
suitable manner known in the art. Once fitting 314 is secured to
hose 310, probe 308 may be inserted into one of the openings of
fitting 314 so that probe 308 is in contact with the oil flowing
within hose 310. Although probe 308 may be connected to hose 310
by any suitable means, it is contemplated that the use of fitting
314 may facilitate selective insertion and removal of probe 308.
[0073] Those of ordinary skill in the art, however, will readily
recognize that probe 308 may be placed in contact with the oil
and/or other fluids within engine block 202 in any of a number
ways, and that inserting probe 308 into a portion of hose 310 is
but one non-limiting example of exposing the oil and/or other
fluids within engine block 202 to probe 308. As another
non-limiting example, an opening or port (not shown) may be
created in engine block 202 and probe 308 may be inserted into
engine block 202 through this opening so as to be placed in
contact with the oil within engine block 202.
[0074] Without wishing to be bound to any particular theory, it is
believed that the energy generated by alternator 220 is
transmitted through mechanism 300 to the oil circulating within
engine block 202. It is further believed that the energy
transmitted to the oil conditions the oil, changing one or more
characteristics or properties of the oil. These characteristics or
properties may be physical and/or chemical, and may include, but
are not limited to, viscosity, pour point, and flash point. While
not being bound to any particular theory, it is believed that
conditioning the oil within engine block 202 compresses the oil's
molecules and creates an energy field about the oil, which leads
to magnetizing engine 200. Once magnetized, engine 200 may be
surrounded by a magnetic field 280, which may extend to fuel tank
226 and, in some embodiments, surround all metallic components
associated with engine 200. It is also believed that conditioning
the oil results in the oil circulating through engine 200 at an
increased rate, which in turn facilitates increased removal of
heat from engine 200.
[0075] It is known that an engine 200 becomes magnetized because a
magnetic field has been detected at an engine constructed in
accordance with the principles of the present disclosure. In
particular, both a compass and a gauss meter were used to detect
the presence of a magnetic field at an engine constructed in
accordance with the principles of the present disclosure. The
gauss meter detected a magnetic field of approximately -8 to 15
gauss at the engine constructed in accordance with the principles
of the present disclosure. However, those of ordinary skill in the
art will readily recognize that an engine 200 having a magnetic
field of greater or lesser intensity than the field measured may
enhance the benefits afforded by the principles of the present
[0076] With renewed reference to FIG. 2, an engine 200 in
accordance with the present disclosure further includes a fuel
tank 226. Fuel tank 226 may be substantially similar to fuel tank
126. Unlike fuel tank 126, however, fuel tank 226 may be
positioned in a plane disposed above a plane of carburetor 222, as
shown, so that fuel 224 may flow to carburetor 222 under the
influences of gravity, magnetic field 280, and/or the
aforementioned vacuum typically maintained within engine 200,
eliminating the need to pump fuel 224 to carburetor 222 by
increasing the pressure of fuel 224. In other words, fuel 224 may
be gravity fed to carburetor 222.
[0077] Carburetor 222 may include any suitable up-draft,
side-draft, down-draft, or fuel injection body. As a non-limiting
example, carburetor 222 may include, but is not limited to, the
Performer Series(R) Carburetors manufactured by Edelbrock
Corporation. Specifically, such Edelbrock carburetors may include
any of the 1403-1407 and 1408-1413 Performer Series(R)
Carburetors. As further non-limiting examples, carburetor 222 may
include any suitable carburetor manufactured by Zenith Fuel
Systems LLC or Stomberg.
[0078] Fuel 224 may travel to carburetor 222 via a fuel line 228.
Fuel line 228 may be substantially similar to fuel line 128
discussed above. In some embodiments, however, fuel line 228 may
include nickel, silver, known nickel alloys, known silver alloys,
or any combination thereof. As a non-limiting example, an exterior
and/or interior of fuel line 228 may be coated with nickel,
silver, known nickel alloys, known silver alloys, or any
combination thereof. As another non-limiting example, embodiments
of fuel line 228 may be constructed with embedded particulates of
nickel, silver, known nickel alloys, known silver alloys, or any
combination thereof. As a further non-limiting example,
embodiments of fuel line 228 may include one or more inserts (not
shown) having nickel, silver, known nickel alloys, known silver
alloys, or any combination thereof.
[0079] Referring to FIGS. 2 and 5, the flow of fuel 224 within
fuel line 228 may be controlled or regulated by any suitable means
known in the art, so that a constant flow, rather than a pulsed or
otherwise irregular flow, of fuel 224 may be supplied to
carburetor 222. As a non-limiting example, fuel line 228 may be
provided with one or more valves 160. Valves 160 may include any
suitable valves known in the art. In some embodiments, valves 160
may include needle valves. In the illustrated embodiment, it is
contemplated that fuel line 228 may be provided with at least two
needle valves 160, as shown in FIG. 2.
[0080] Since the use and operation of a needle valve is widely
known to those of ordinary skill in the art, a detailed
description of needle valves 160 is omitted in the interests of
brevity. For the purposes of discussion, however, needle valves
160 may control the flow of fuel 224 within fuel line 228 by
moving a lower portion 162 of needle 161 in the directions
indicated by arrow 164. Specifically, when portion 162 is in the
shown lowered position, portion 162 may impede the flow of fuel
224 past valve 160. When portion 162 is raised, however, the fuel
flow pathway within fuel line 228 may be unimpeded.
[0081] Needle valves 160 may include any suitable needle valves
known in the art, such as, for example, without limitation,
commercially available stainless steel needle valves. In
accordance with the principles of the present disclosure, however,
each of needle valves 160 may include a core insert 166. Insert
166 may be fabricated by any known processes, such as, for
example, without limitation, casting or extrusion. Further, insert
166 may have any desired cross-sectional shape and/or
configuration. As a non-limiting example, insert 166 may have a
substantially circular cross-section. In addition, insert 166 may
also have one or more cross-sectional shapes and/or configurations
along its length, and may have any desired dimension suitable for
insertion into needle 161. As a non-limiting example, insert 166
may be configured to extend longitudinally within needle 161, such
that insert 166 may be disposed within the portion of lower
portion 162 closest to fuel 224 within fuel line 228. Insert 166
may have a material composition different from the material
composition of valve 160. As a non-limiting example, in the
illustrated embodiments, insert 166 may be fabricated from one of
nickel, silver, known nickel alloys, known silver alloys, or any
combination thereof. In addition, various configurations of wired
grids of nickel, silver, known nickel alloys, known silver alloys,
or any combination thereof may be secured to various surfaces of
engine block 202, radiator 214, and/or any fluid reservoir or
line. Such grids may be secured by any suitable means, including,
but not limited to, soldering, welding, and/or mechanical
[0082] Without wishing to be bound to any particular theory, it is
believed that allowing fuel 224 to be gravity fed to carburetor
222, without the pressure increases provided by a fuel pump,
facilitates complete exposure of fuel 224 to magnetic field 280 of
engine 200, so as to promote magnetization of fuel 224 before it
is supplied to carburetor 222. It is further believed that
magnetization of fuel 224 alters the combustion characteristics of
fuel 224, so as to increase fuel economy as well as reduce the
pollutants introduced into the atmosphere as a result of exhaust
gas emissions. In general, it is believed that these advantageous
results are obtained by changes in fuel 224, including, but not
limited to, changes in viscosity, boiling points, magnetic
susceptibility, electrical conductivity, volatility, atomization,
flammability, rate of oxidation, and surface tension.
[0083] As used herein, the term "combustion characteristics"
includes, but is not limited to, the expansion produced by the
fuel in the combustion chambers of an engine; the revolutions per
minute (RPM) of the engine produced by the combustion of a fuel;
the parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, and
other combustion by-products in the exhaust of the engine; the
miles per gallon achieved using the fuel; and the temperature of
the exhaust stream from the engine. The combustion characteristics
of a fuel indicate the efficiency and completeness with which a
fuel burns and indicate the power produced or work achieved by the
engine using the fuel. The combustion characteristics of a fuel
are considered to be improved when, among other things, the fuel
produces small quantities of carbon dioxide and other exhaustion
products, when the miles per gallon achieved with the fuel
increases, when the temperature of the engine exhaust decreases,
and when the engine efficiency, torque, and RPM increase.
[0084] While not being bound to any particular theory, it is
believed that fuel 224 may be polarized by exposure to magnetism.
The effect of such exposure is believed to be the production of a
moment created by the movement of the outer electrons of a
hydrocarbon chain to states of higher principal quantum number.
This movement, it is believed, breaks down the fixed valence
electrons that partake in the bonding process of fuel compounds,
thereby creating the condition for freer association of fuel
particulates. In doing so, fuel 224 becomes directionalized or
aligned, which does not necessarily create new hydrocarbon chains
within fuel 224, but aligns the conduced magnetic moment into a
dipole relationship within itself. This magnetic alignment then
permits rapid bonding with respective oxidizing media, such as,
for example, air. The result of which is, of course, an
improvement in the combustion characteristics of fuel 224 and more
complete and efficient burning of fuel 224.
[0085] Increased oxidation of fuel 224 is believed to cause
several effects. In particular, faster and more complete oxidation
of fuel 224 may result in more rapid and more complete combustion
of fuel 224. More efficient combustion may create a more
concentrated and more forceful driving force on the pistons (not
shown) of engine 200, which results in the desirable effect of
increasing the RPM of engine 200 for the same amount of fuel
burned. The net effect is believed to be increased power and/or a
corresponding decrease in fuel consumption for a given power
[0086] Another effect of increased oxidation is believed to be a
reduction in the toxic compounds, such as, for example, NO-x,
produced during combustion of fuel 224. Although an increase in
combustion temperature is generally associated with an increase in
the formation of NO-x, production of NO-x is believed to be
reduced because of a reduction in combustion burn time. In
addition, the increased heat produced during the combustion
process is more rapidly dissipated by increased gas expansion and
heat transfer through conductance to a greater available surface
[0087] As alluded to above, magnetization of fuel 224 is believed
to condition fuel 224 so as to permit entry of energy into fuel
224. Further, it is believed to break down the bonds between the
hydrocarbon chains of fuel 224. This results in decreased density
and, thus, smaller particulars and droplets during atomization or
injection within an internal combustion engine. Smaller particles
and droplets cause changes in evaporation rate, improved mixing of
fuel 224 and air, and improved promotion of oxidation. The net
effect is believed to be an increase in the rate of combustion, an
increase in power, and reduced pollutant formation.
[0088] Without wishing to be bound to any particular theory, it is
believed that the combustion characteristics of fuel 224 are
further improved by an electrochemical, quasi-catalytic reaction
promoted by the presence of nickel, silver, known nickel alloys,
or known silver alloys within needle valves 160. Specifically, it
is believed that exposing fuel 224 to magnetic field 280 saturates
fuel 224 with negative ions, effectively converting fuel 224 into
a plasma fuel, as discussed below. Thus, since the net charges of
the hydrocarbon molecules of fuel 224 and oxygen may be both
negative, repulsive forces instead of attractive forces may exist
between molecules of fuel and air. These repulsive forces tend to
keep the hydrocarbon and oxygen molecules separated. It is
therefore believed that the presence of nickel, silver, known
nickel alloys, or known silver alloys within needle valves 160
serves to promote ionization of fuel 224 as it flows past needle
valves 160. The ionization of fuel 224 is believed to (1)
facilitate the cracking of the complex hydrocarbon molecules in
fuel 224, and/or (2) create a hydrocarbon fuel with a net positive
charge. It is further believed that the effect of ionizing the
hydrocarbons within fuel 224 causes them to aggressively attract
and bond with available oxygen, thereby increasing the
combustibility of fuel 224.
[0089] In tested embodiments, it was observed that the fuel 224
being supplied to carburetor 222 was at a temperature of
approximately -40[deg.] F. This temperature was measured in fuel
line 228 at a location proximal to carburetor 222 by a digital
thermometer. Further, it was observed that the fuel mixture within
carburetor 222 was at a temperature of at least -100[deg.] F. This
temperature was also measured with a digital thermometer.
[0090] The resultant fuel supplied to carburetor 222 appears to
have characteristics of an ion saturated fuel, and thus will be
referred to herein as "ionized fuel." As discussed below, it is
further believed that the ionized fuel being supplied to
carburetor 222 may combine with air to create a plasma because a
bluish or whitish plume or glow, which is typically associated
with plasma, such as, for example, cold plasma, has been observed
in one of carburetor 222 and engine block 102, in embodiments that
have been tested. However, since the chemical and/or other
characteristics of the ionized fuel have not been completely
characterized, the term "ionized fuel" as used herein is simply
used as a title to refer to fuel conditioned as described herein.
[0091] In tested embodiments, it was observed that an engine
constructed in accordance with the principles of the present
disclosure maintains a vacuum of approximately 26-30 Hg, which is
significantly higher than the aforementioned 18 Hg typically
maintained by conventional internal combustion engines. In some
embodiments, this increased vacuum may be maintained by any
suitable means, including, for example, without limitation,
adjusting the positioning of one or both of throttle plate 238 and
lower plate 240. Without wishing to be bound by any particular
theory, it is believed that the increased vacuum maintained by
engine 200 may not only facilitate improved mixing of ionized fuel
and air but also facilitate faster introduction of the air/plasma
fuel mixture into engine block 202 from carburetor 222.
[0092] As those of ordinary skill in the art will recognize,
engine 200 may include a plurality of fasteners 290, 292, such as,
for example, without limitation, bolts or screws. These fasteners
290, 292 may serve to secure various components of engine 200 to
one another. In the illustrated embodiment, fasteners 290, 292 may
be used to secure carburetor 222 to engine block 202. To further
promote ionization of fuel 224, it is contemplated that one or
more of fasteners 290, 292 may include a core insert made of
nickel, silver, known nickel alloys, or known silver alloys. As
with needle valves 160, it is believed that increasing the
exposure of fuel 224 to nickel or silver components may serve to
further improve the combustion characteristics of fuel 224 through
the electrochemical, quasi-catalytic reaction discussed above.
Indeed, the principles of the present disclosure account for
providing engine 200 with any suitable number of fasteners with
inserts made of nickel, silver, known nickel alloys, or known
silver alloys.
[0093] As alluded to above, delivering ionized fuel to carburetor
222 results in either a decrease in fuel combustion for a given
output or a corresponding increase in power output for a given
rate of fuel consumption. For certain internal combustion engine
applications, such as, for example, applications in vehicles, an
increase in power output may be undesirable. Instead, it may be
preferred to maintain a given power output while reducing fuel
consumption. In such cases, it may become necessary to selectively
limit the flow of fuel 224 to carburetor 222, since excess fuel
may flood carburetor 222 and cause engine 200 to stall. As alluded
to above, the flow of fuel 224 from fuel tank 226 to carburetor
222 may be selectively controlled by needle valves 160. Of course,
however, those of ordinary skill in the art will readily recognize
that any suitable means of controlling the flow of fuel 224 within
fuel line 228 may be utilized with the principles of the present
[0094] As a consequence of reducing the flow of fuel 224 to
carburetor 222, less air may be needed to combust the ionized fuel
being supplied to carburetor 222. As those of ordinary skill in
the art will recognize, providing carburetor 222 with more air
than necessary may result in choking engine 200. Therefore, it may
be necessary to limit the quantity of air being supplied to
carburetor 222. The flow of air to carburetor 222 may be
controlled by any suitable manner known in the art. As a
non-limiting example, air flow into carburetor 222 may be
controlled by adjusting throttle plate 238. In addition, or
alternatively, the flow of air into engine 200 may be controlled
by adjusting the dimensions of the air intake mechanism (not
shown) of engine 200. As a non-limiting example, an opening into
which atmospheric air flows may be reduced in diameter.
[0095] In some embodiments, the ionized fuel introduced into
carburetor 222 may be so potent that it may not be necessary to
mix the ion saturated fuel with air to create a suitable
combustion mixture. Instead, the principles of the present
disclosure contemplate combining air entering into carburetor 222
with ion saturated fuel vapors to create a plasma fuel/air mixture
suitable for combustion. It is believed that conditioning the fuel
as described above and exposing the ionized fuel to air
facilitates a phase change of the ion saturated fuel vapors and
the creation of plasma, such as, for example, cold plasma. The air
entering carburetor 222 may be combined with ion saturated fuel
vapors in any suitable manner. In the illustrated embodiment, it
is contemplated that the ionized fuel level within the float
chamber (not shown) of carburetor 222 may be reduced so that the
fuel-side opening of the mixing tube (not shown) of carburetor 222
is not submerged in liquid ion saturated fuel. Reducing the liquid
ionized fuel level within the float chamber of carburetor 222 may
be accomplished by any suitable means known in the art. As a
non-limiting example, one or more characteristics of the float of
carburetor 222 may be modified to permit the float chamber to
maintain a reduced level of liquid ionized fuel.
[0096] Without wishing to be bound by any particular theory, it is
believed that reducing the ionized fuel level below the fuel-side
opening of the mixing tube of carburetor 222 allows the air
entering carburetor 222 to draw only ion saturated fuel vapors
into the throat of carburetor 222 from its float chamber. The ion
saturated fuel vapors drawn into the throat then combine with the
air flowing in the throat to form a plasma fuel/air mixture
according to the present disclosure.
[0097] As alluded to above, engine 200 may include a cooling
system 203 made up of a thermostat 208 (which will be discussed in
greater detail below), a fan 210, a water pump 212, and a radiator
214. Water pump 212 functions to circulate a cooling fluid (not
shown) between engine block 202 and radiator 214. As noted above,
the cooling fluid may include water, a mixture of water and
ethylene glycol (C2H6O2), which is also known as antifreeze, or
any other suitable cooling fluid known in the art. Radiator 214
may function as a heat exchanger and transfer heat from the
cooling fluid flowing from engine block 202 to the air blowing
through radiator 214 by fan 210. Thermostat 208 may function to
regulate the rate of cooling fluid flowing from engine 202 to
radiator 214. The cooling fluid is circulated between engine block
202 and radiator 214 by an upper hose 216 and a lower hose 218.
[0098] Without wishing to be bound to any particular theory, it is
believed that the exposure of the cooling fluid circulating within
engine block 202 to magnetic field 280 and/or fasteners having
inserts containing nickel or silver, such as, for example,
fasteners 290, 292, conditions the cooling fluid circulating
between engine block 202 and radiator 214. In particular, it is
believed that exposing the cooling fluid to magnetic field 280 may
induce many physicochemical changes in the cooling fluid. These
changes include, but are not limited to, changes in viscosity,
solubility, boiling point, magnetic susceptibility, electrical
conductivity, and surface tension. It is further believed that the
changes induced in the cooling fluid circulating between engine
block 202 and radiator 214 may serve to condition cooling fluid in
a manner so as to increase the overall efficiency of cooling
system 203. Stated differently, it is believed that cooling fluid
conditioned in this manner is capable of removing heat from within
engine block 202 at a faster rate than cooling fluid that has not
been conditioned by magnetic field 280 and/or exposure to nickel,
silver, or alloys thereof.
[0099] In some embodiments, however, it may be desirable to cool
engine block 202 at a rate faster than that possible with
conditioned cooling fluid, given that commonly employed
thermostats may not be capable of opening at the lower operating
temperatures of an engine in accordance with the principles of the
present disclosure. To accommodate faster cooling of engine block
202 in some embodiments, it may be desirable to replace the
existing cooling fluid with a cooling fluid having greater heat
capacity. In other embodiments, however, it may be desirable to
increase the flow rate of the cooling fluid. The cooling fluid
flow rate may be increased by modifying thermostat 208 in a manner
that allows a greater volume of cooling fluid to flow through
thermostat 208. As a non-limiting example, the area of thermostat
208 through which cooling fluid flows may be made larger, or one
or more bypass pathways may be provided. In the embodiments
tested, a plurality of additional cooling fluid flow pathways were
created to, for example, without limitation, facilitate a greater
flow rate of cooling fluid between engine block 202 and radiator
214. The plurality of fluid flow pathways may also facilitate
cooling fluid flow through thermostat 208 even if thermostat 208
inhibits normal cooling fluid flow by remaining in the closed
position. Stated differently, in some embodiments, the plurality
of fluid flow pathways may allow the cooling fluid to bypass the
closed thermostat 208. Such pathways may be created by any
suitable measures known in the art, including drilling, and may be
of any suitable dimension and configuration. In the tested
embodiment, four holes were drilled around the normal cooling
fluid flow pathway in a thermostat 208. Each of the drilled holes
included a dimension of 0.125 inches. Of course, those of ordinary
skill in the art will recognize that thermostat 208 may also be
replaced with another thermostat that provides not only
appropriate rate of coolant flow but also appropriate resistances
of the cooling fluid flow.
[0100] Again, without wishing to be bound by any particular
theory, it is believed that faster cooling of engine 200, along
with the improved combustion characteristics of the plasma fuel
being delivered to engine 200, allows engine 200 to operate more
efficiently by consuming less fuel for a given power output and/or
producing more power for a given consumption of fuel.
[0101] In some embodiments, the benefits realized as a result of
the principles of the present disclosure may be enhanced by one or
more modifications to the designs of conventional internal
combustion engines. In particular, one or more components of a
conventional internal combustion engine may be added, removed,
and/or combined to create an engine in accordance with the present
disclosure. As a non-limiting example, it is contemplated that the
various fluid-containing devices in an engine (e.g., 200) may be
combined to enhance the benefits realized as a result of the
principles of the present disclosure. As a non-limiting example, a
radiator, transmission cooler, engine oil cooler, and a power
steering fluid reservoir may be combined to achieve enhanced
benefits. Without wishing to be bound by any particular theory, it
is believed that locating fluid-containing devices close to one
another may serve to enhance the benefits described herein.
[0102] As discussed above, the principles of the present
disclosure provide for altering the combustion characteristics,
such as, for example, without limitation, flammability of fuel
224. As a result of supplying plasma fuel to carburetor 222, the
intensity of the spark required to ignite the final plasma
fuel/air mixture introduced into engine block 202 may be dependent
on the combustion characteristics of the mixture. Therefore, it
may be necessary to selectively control the intensity of the spark
provided to ignite the plasma fuel/air mixture. The intensity of
the spark provided may be controlled by any suitable manner known
in the art. In some embodiments, the intensity of the spark
provided may be controlled by limiting the electrical current
supplied to the spark plugs (not shown) of engine 200. The
electrical current supplied to the spark plugs may be limited by
any suitable means known in the art. As a non-limiting example, it
is contemplated that a resistance, including, but not limited to,
the resistance provided by a commercially available rheostat, may
be used to reduce the current provided to the spark plugs of
engine 200.
[0103] In embodiments where engine 200 may include a gasoline
spark-fired internal combustion engine utilizing an ignition
mechanism to ignite the fuel, it is believed that the current
provided to the ignition mechanism (not shown) of engine 200 may
be reduced by up to approximately 1,000,000 percent, in order to
produce a spark that will ignite the plasma fuel/air mixture
completely. By way of a non-limiting example, it is known that
some automobiles provide a current of approximately 3 to 5 amps to
the ignition mechanism of the automobile's conventional internal
combustion engine. Providing 3 to 5 amps to the ignition mechanism
generates a spark large enough to ignite gasoline, for example.
Should the engine be configured in accordance with the present
disclosure, however, it is believed that the current supplied to
the ignition mechanism may be reduced to approximately 0.003 mA to
result in an ignition mechanism still able to produce a spark that
will ignite the plasma fuel/air mixture completely. The
aforementioned ignition mechanism may include any suitable
ignition mechanism known in the art. As a non-limiting example,
the ignition mechanism of some gasoline engine embodiments may
include, among other things, a coil and a plurality of spark
plugs. In other embodiments, the ignition mechanism may simply
include, among other things, an elongate conductive wire, or any
other suitable means of providing a spark to the plasma fuel/air
[0104] Without wishing to be bound by a particular theory, it is
believed that the exhaust gases 251 leaving engine block 202 may
include, for example, carbon monoxide, unburned fuel, unburned
carbon, soot, and/or oil vapor. To, among other things, reduce the
quantity of harmful pollutants released into the atmosphere, and
potentially further increase the efficiency of engine 200, the
present disclosure contemplates processing the exhaust gases 251
leaving engine block 202 before they may be released into the
[0105] In accordance with the present disclosure, therefore,
engine 200 may be provided with a mechanism 250/250a for
processing the exhaust gases 251 leaving engine block 202, as
shown in FIGS. 4A-4C. Mechanism 250/250a may include any suitable
mechanism for removing fuel particulates, unburned hydrocarbon
molecules, and other harmful compounds from the exhaust gases 251
leaving engine block 202. In the illustrated non-limiting
examples, mechanism 250/250a may include an exhaust hose or pipe
232a extending from an exhaust manifold (not shown) of engine
block 202. Pipe 232a may be used to transport exhaust gases 251
away from engine block 202 and into reclamation device 252.
[0106] Reclamation device 252 may include any suitable device for
reclaiming and/or recycling particulates from exhaust gases 251.
Reclamation device 252 may be made of any suitable material, such
as, for example, stainless steel. Further, reclamation device 252
may be fabricated by any known process, such as, for example,
extrusion and/or welding. Additionally, it is contemplated that
reclamation device 252 may include any suitable, desired shape
and/or dimensions. In one non-limiting example, reclamation device
252 may include a diameter of 16.5 inches. In addition, as shown
in FIG. 4A, reclamation device 252 may include an upper depth
dimension B of approximately 4.25 inches, and a lower depth
dimension A of approximately 3 inches. With specific reference to
FIG. 4B, in some embodiments, pipe 232a may include a length C of
approximately 4.5 inches.
[0107] With renewed reference to FIGS. 4A-4B, exhaust gases 251
leaving engine block 202 may enter reclamation device 252 via pipe
232a. Exhaust gases 251 may be directed to the outer peripheries
of reclamation device 252 by any suitable geometrical structures
within reclamation device 252. In one non-limiting example,
reclamation device 252 may include internal structures 232a' and
232a'' for directing gases 251 towards an outer wall of
reclamation device 252. Structure 232a' may include an elongated
plate extending from an end of pipe 232a. In addition, structure
232a'' may include a curved plate extending from structure 232a'.
Structures 232a' and 232a'' may include any shape and/or
dimensions suitable for directing exhaust gases 251. For example,
structure 232a'' may include a curvature similar to that of an
outer wall of reclamation device 252. Furthermore, structure 232a'
may include a length dimension C of approximately 3 inches, and
structure 232a'' may include a length dimension D of approximately
1 inch. Still further, structures 232a' and 232a'' may be made of
any suitable material, such as, for example, stainless steel.
Moreover, structures 232a' and 232a'' may be fabricated by any
suitable process known in the art, including, but not limited to,
welding and/or extrusion. Reclamation device 252 may further
include an exhaust outlet 232c for allowing exhaust gases 251
within reclamation device 252 to exit reclamation device 252.
[0108] Reclamation device 252 may further include a plurality of
exhaust transmission lines 234, 235, and 236. Each of lines 234,
235, and 236 may include any hose or piping configuration suitable
for transporting exhaust particulates leaving the exhaust gases
251 away from reclamation device 252. As a non-limiting example,
lines 234, 235, and 236 may have substantially circular
cross-sectional configurations. Further, lines 234, 235, and 236
may be made of any material suitable for transporting the exhaust
particulates. In some embodiments, lines 234, 235, and 236 may
share one or more physical or geometric characteristics with
exhaust pipe 232a and/or exhaust outlet 232c. Further, although
the illustrated embodiments depict each of lines 234, 235, and 236
as being substantially similar to one another, those of ordinary
skill in the art will readily recognize that lines 234, 235, and
236 may differ from each other in, for example, without
limitation, geometry and/or composition. Moreover, each of lines
234, 235, and 236 may include any suitable dimensions. As a
non-limiting example, in some embodiments, lines 234, 235, and 236
may include a diameter of 0.0625 inches. Lines 234, 235, and 236
may be connected to reclamation device 252 by any suitable manner
known in the art. As a non-limiting example, lines 234, 235, and
236 may be connected to reclamation device 252 through openings or
ports (not shown) provided in reclamation device 252. Regardless
of the means of connection to reclamation device 252, it is
contemplated that the connection between each of lines 234, 235,
and 236 and reclamation device 252 may be substantially airtight
so as to avoid any undesired leakage of exhaust gases 251 and/or
particulates removed from the exhaust gases 251.
[0109] Lines 234, 235, and 236 may be used to recycle particulates
(e.g., unburned hydrocarbon molecules) removed from exhaust gases
251 by reclamation device 252. In particular, it is contemplated
that the particulates removed from exhaust gases 251 may be
returned to engine 200 to further improve the overall fuel
efficiency of engine 200. The particulates removed through lines
234, 235, and 236 may be returned to any suitable portion of
engine 200.
[0110] With renewed reference to FIG. 2, it is contemplated that
the particulates removed by line 234 may be returned to, for
example, without limitation, fuel tank 226; the particulates
removed by line 235 may be returned to engine 200 through, for
example, without limitation, intake manifold 202a; and the
particulates removed by line 236 may be returned to engine 200
through, for example, without limitation, an air intake of
carburetor 222.
[0111] The exit pressure of exhaust gases 251 may be sufficient,
in some embodiments, to push the removed particulates through
lines 234, 235, and 236 and back to engine 200. In other
embodiments, however, a motive force, such as, for example,
without limitation, a vacuum, may be needed to assist in the
transportation of particulates through lines 234, 235, and 236. A
vacuum may be generated in lines 234, 235, and 236 by any
suitable, conventional means. As a non-limiting example, a vacuum
pump (not shown) may be utilized to facilitate the transmission of
particulates through lines 234, 235, and 236. Alternatively, the
aforementioned increased vacuum pressure generated within engine
200 may be harnessed to facilitate the transmission of
particulates through lines 234, 235, and 236.
[0112] In the embodiments tested, the temperature of the exhaust
gases 251 leaving engine 200 and entering reclamation device 252
was measured to be between approximately 285[deg.] F. to 350[deg.]
F. Further, it was observed that the exhaust gases 251 cooled as
they traveled through reclamation device 252 to exhaust outlet
232c. In some embodiments, the temperature of exhaust gases 251 as
they approached line 235 were measured to be between approximately
165[deg.] F. to 212[deg.] F. Further, as the exhaust gases 251
approached line 236, the temperature of the exhaust gases 251 was
measured to be between approximately 118[deg.] F. to 122[deg.] F.
Finally, the temperature of the exhaust gases 251 leaving exhaust
outlet 232c was measured to be approximately 95[deg.] F. The
temperatures noted in this paragraph were measured with a digital
thermometer on embodiments constructed in accordance with the
principles of the present disclosure.
[0113] While not being bound by any particular theory, it is
believed that reclamation device 252 functions as a distilling or
refining apparatus for exhaust gases 251. In particular, the
construction of reclamation device 252, and the strategic
placement of lines 234, 235, and 236, may help to remove
hydrocarbon molecules of differing molecular weights from exhaust
gases 251. Specifically, it is believed that as exhaust gases 251
at ~310[deg.] F. enter reclamation device 252, the heavier
hydrocarbon molecules within exhaust gases 251 are still in a
gaseous state and therefore light enough to be extracted into line
234. As the exhaust gases 251 travel to the location of line 235,
it is believed that the temperature of exhaust gases 251 may cool
to ~200[deg.] F. At this temperature, it is believed that the
heavier hydrocarbon molecules may no longer be light enough to be
extracted from exhaust gases 251, but that the next lighter group
of hydrocarbon clusters may still be in a completely gaseous state
and therefore light enough to be extracted into line 235.
Similarly, as the exhaust gases 251 travel to the location of line
236, it is believed that the temperature of exhaust gases 251 is
reduced to ~118[deg.] F. At this temperature, the middle (and
heaviest) group of hydrocarbon molecules may no longer be light
enough to be extracted from exhaust gases 251, but that the next
lighter group of hydrocarbon clusters may still be in a completely
gaseous state and therefore light enough to be extracted into line
[0114] It is believed that processing exhaust gases 251 in this
manner facilitates the removal of, among other things, unused
hydrocarbon molecules, unburned fuel, and other harmful pollutants
from exhaust gases 251. The unused hydrocarbon molecules and fuel
may be returned to engine 200 as discussed above. Further, it is
believed that processing exhaust gases 251 in the manner discussed
above may serve to reduce the quantities of toxic compounds
ultimately leaving engine 200. In some embodiments, reclamation
device 252 may completely cleanse exhaust gases 251 so that only
ionized air at approximately 95[deg.] F. may be ultimately
discharged as exhaust from engine 200 via exhaust outlet 232c.
[0115] Referring to FIG. 4C, another embodiment of an exhaust
reclamation device is depicted as reclamation device 252a.
Reclamation device 252a may be substantially similar to
reclamation device 252 of FIGS. 4A-4B. Reclamation device 252a,
however, may include one or more internal geometrical structures
for assisting in the removal of particulates from exhaust gases
251. In the depicted embodiment, reclamation device 252 may
include a conduit or pipe 232b connecting an outlet of pipe 232a
to an inlet of exhaust outlet 232c. Pipe 232b may also serve to
direct exhaust gases 251 from pipe 232a to exhaust outlet 232c and
past lines 234-236, as shown in FIG. 4C. As also shown in FIG. 4C,
pipe 232b may include a plurality of openings 233. Openings 233
may be of any suitable configuration. As a non-limiting example,
openings 233 may be substantially circular. Further, openings 233
may have any suitable dimension for facilitating the removal of
particulates from exhaust gases 251. The particulates leaving
exhaust gases 251 may enter one or more of lines 234, 235, and
236, as discussed above in connection with FIGS. 4A-4B.
[0116] Although the principles of the present disclosure have been
discussed relative to engine 200 having a carburetor 222, those of
ordinary skill will readily recognize that the benefits of the
principles described herein may be also realized by engines that
do not include carburetors. Such engines may include, but are not
limited to, engines utilizing alternative fuel delivery
mechanisms. As a non-limiting example, as shown in FIG. 3, engine
200a may be substantially similar to engine 200, but may include a
fuel injection system 201 instead of a carburetor.
[0117] As alluded to above, the principles of the present
disclosure contemplate selectively controlling a number of
differing parameters within engine 200. These parameters may
include, but are not limited to, the flow of fuel from fuel tank
226 to carburetor 222, the flow of energy from alternator 220 to
the oil within engine block 202, the flow of air entering engine
200, the flow of exhaust gases 251 through mechanism 250, and the
flow of cooling fluid between radiator 214 and engine block 202.
While these various parameters may be controlled in any number of
different manners, those of ordinary skill will readily recognize
that engine 200 may be provided with a plurality of suitable
sensors (not shown) and a central processing unit (CPU) (not
shown) so as to automate the control of these exemplary
parameters. Further, one or more of the aforementioned parameters
may be selectively programmable by an external console, which may
be maintained at, for example, a gas station, mechanic, and/or an
automobile dealership. The external console may include any
suitable CPU or microprocessor known in the art. In embodiments
where an internal combustion engine according to the principles of
the present disclosure is utilized in non-vehicular applications,
the external console may be portable for transport to the engine's
location. In addition to programming the control of engine 200, an
external console according to the principles of the present
disclosure may be utilized for, among other things, diagnostics
and/or tuning of an engine 200. Those of ordinary skill will also
recognize that engine 200 may include a plurality of sensors (not
shown) to facilitate in the diagnosis of engine 200.
[0118] Those of ordinary skill in the art will also recognize that
the principles of the present disclosure and the embodiments
described herein may be incorporated into any suitable internal
combustion engine. As a non-limiting example, it is contemplated
that the principles of the present disclosure may be used to
modify or retrofit existing engines to improve the overall
performance and efficiency of such engines. The principles of the
present disclosure may also be incorporated into new engines to
produce engines of increased efficiency and performance.
[0119] In order to verify the principles of the present
disclosure, the embodiments described herein were implemented as
Example 1
[0120] A 1988, 305 cubic inch, V8 engine installed in a 1979 GMC
pickup truck was retrofitted in accordance with the principles of
the present disclosure. The engine was supplied with gasoline
having an octane rating of 87, and included a Quadrajet carburetor
having an electric choke. Prior to modifying the engine with the
principles of the present disclosure, an average gas mileage of
16-18 mpg was observed.
[0121] In accordance with some of the aforementioned embodiments,
the engine of this truck was modified in the following manner.
First, energies were delivered from the alternator of the truck's
engine to the oil circulating within the truck's engine block. A
Lutron switch was utilized to control the flow of energies to the
engine's oil, as discussed above. The energies were delivered to
the engine's oil via a stainless steel probe connected to a wire
made of 12 gauge copper. Second, a rheostat was installed to limit
the current supplied to the coil of the engine's ignition system.
Third, the main gas lines were rerouted so that there was a first
supply line to the carburetor and a second supply line from the
fill neck of the gasoline tank to the carburetor. The flow within
these supply lines was controlled by needle valves. Fourth, the
flow of air into the carburetor was regulated by adjusting the
position of the choke plate. Fifth, the fuel level in the
carburetor was lowered to approximately [1/8] inch, so that the
fuel-side opening of the mixing tube was not submerged in liquid
fuel, as also discussed above.
[0122] During testing of the engine with the first through third
modifications noted above, it was observed that, among other
things, fuel consumption decreased by approximately 25% when the
engine was operating at approximately 1800 to 2100 rpm, and the
truck was driving at speeds of approximately 60-70 mph. In
particular, it was observed that the truck was achieving an
average gas mileage of approximately 22-24 mpg when traveling
distances of approximately 100 miles. These data were verified by
four additional 100 mile tests and the results of each test were
within 2% of each other.
[0123] During testing of the engine with each of the modifications
noted above, it was observed that fuel consumption was greatly
reduced. In particular, it was observed that the truck was
achieving an average gas mileage of approximately 60 mpg when the
engine was operating at approximately 1800-2600 rpm and at speeds
of approximately 60-80 mph. These data were verified by four
additional 100 mile tests, and the results of each test were
within 3% of each other.
[0124] Further, a measurement of the magnetic fields in and around
the engine revealed that the fuel tank possessed a magnetic field
of approximately +2.0 to +3.0 gauss at the top of the fuel tank
and -5.0 gauss at the bottom of the tank. In addition, the engine
was examined after 500 hours of use and no signs of wear were
Example 2
[0125] A 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 Quadcab diesel truck having a weight
of 9826 lbs was retrofitted in accordance with embodiments of the
present disclosure. The truck included a four wheel drive
configuration and a six (6) cylinder, 5.7 liter engine. Prior to
modifying the engine with the principles of the present
disclosure, an average gas mileage of 13 mpg was observed for this
truck. Further, black smoke was observed from the exhaust upon
acceleration. In addition, during normal operation, an average
approximate radiator temperature of 195[deg.] F. was observed.
[0126] In accordance with some of the aforementioned embodiments,
energies were delivered from the alternator of the truck's engine
to the oil circulating within the truck's engine block. In
particular, one end of a 10 gauge, 19 strand, THNN copper wire was
connected to the positive pole of the alternator. The other end of
this wire was connected to a Lutron switch, as described above. A
second 10 gauge, 19 strand, THNN copper wire connected the Lutron
switch to the engine's oil sending unit. The second wire was
secured to the oil sending unit with a conventional alligator
[0127] Once the truck's engine was modified in the manner
described above, it was observed that the radiator operated at
much cooler temperatures. In particular, an average radiator
operating temperature of approximately 100[deg.] F.-110[deg.] F.
was observed. Further, driving tests of the truck revealed an
observable diesel mileage of approximately 30-32 mpg. In addition,
the exhaust of the truck no longer emitted the black smoke
previously observed upon acceleration, indicating a significant
reduction in exhaust particulates. Moreover, it was observed that
engine sound had diminished considerably. In particular, it was
noted that the diesel engine was emitting sounds comparable to
those of a conventional gasoline engine.
[0128] Further, from a stopped position, the truck was able to
travel 0.25 miles in 14.5 seconds. According to routine
calculations based on the truck's weight and the time the truck
took to travel 0.25 miles, it is estimated that the truck's engine
was producing approximately 825-875 hp and 1100-1200 ft/lbs of
torque. During this test, improved acceleration response was also
Example 3
[0129] A 1965 Ford Mustang having a 4.7 L, 289 cubic inch, V8
engine was also retrofitted in accordance with the present
disclosure. The engine included an Edelbrock Performance
carburetor having a manual choke. Prior to modifying the engine
with the principles of the present disclosure, an average gas
mileage of 14 mpg was observed for this car.
[0130] In accordance with some of the aforementioned embodiments,
the engine of this car was modified in the following manner.
First, a fuel line from the fill neck of the car's gasoline tank
was connected to the driver's side of the carburetor. Flow through
this fill line was controlled by a [1/8] inch needle valve.
Second, energies were delivered from the alternator of the truck's
engine to the oil circulating within the truck's engine block. A
Lutron switch was utilized to control the flow of energies to the
engine's oil. The energies were delivered to the engine's oil via
a probe connected to a wire made of 316 stainless steel. This wire
was insulated by electrical tape wrapped about the wire. In this
modification, the oil probe was installed in the external oil
cooler. Third, the engine's thermostat was provided with two
additional [1/8] inch coolant passageways, as discussed above.
Fourth, the pressure of the fuel being supplied to the engine's
carburetor was reduced to approximately 0.5 PSI.
[0131] During road testing, improved fuel mileage of approximately
22 mpg was observed during drives of approximately 100 miles.
Further, improved torque and acceleration by the truck's engine
were noted by operators. Moreover, a reduction in exhaust noise
was also observed. In addition, a magnetic field was detected in
oil samples removed from the car's engine. In particular, a
military grade compass was disposed approximately 8 inches away
from the oil samples, and the north designated needle of the
compass pointed to the oil container, regardless of the location
of the compass.
Example 4
[0132] A 1995 Ford F150, 4-wheel-drive, pickup truck having over
150,000 driven miles was also modified in accordance with the
principles of the present disclosure. This truck included a 351
cubic inch engine with electronic fuel injection. Prior to
modification of the truck's engine, this truck was achieving
approximately 8-10 mpg.
[0133] In accordance with the embodiments described herein, this
truck's engine was modified in the following manner. First, a
vapor recovery line was installed from the gas tank to the
passenger side of an Edelbrock Performance carburetor having a
manual choke. Flow through this line was controlled with a [1/8]
inch needle valve. Second, a rheostat was installed to limit the
current provided to the coil of the ignition system. Third, the
choke and throttle plates of the carburetor were adjusted to
control the flow of air into the carburetor. Fourth, energies were
delivered from the alternator of the truck's engine to the oil
circulating within the truck's engine block. Fifth, the engine's
thermostat was provided with two additional [1/8] inch coolant
[0134] During testing, the truck was fueled with gasoline having
an octane rating of 87 and improved gas mileage was observed. In
particular, it was observed that the truck was achieving
approximately 20-22 mpg during a particular test drive of
approximately 1000 miles. During a second test drive of
approximately 1000 miles, the truck was loaded with approximately
8600 lbs of payload. During this test, an improved gas mileage of
approximately 16 mpg was observed. In both tests, the truck was
driven at approximately 70-75 mph. During these tests, improved
power production by the truck's engine was noted by operators.
Example 5
[0135] A 1973 Case 580CK excavator having a rating of 55 hp was
also retrofitted in accordance with the principles of the present
disclosure. The excavator included a gravity-fed fuel system and a
Zenith carburetor having a manual choke. The excavator was running
on gasoline having a fuel rating of 87 octane. Prior to
modification, it was noted that between 1.25 to 1.75 US gallons of
fuel were being consumed when operating the excavator at [1/2] to
full capacity per hour. In general, the excavator's capacity is
approximately one (1) cubic yard of material in the front bucket.
[0136] In accordance with the embodiments described herein, this
excavator was modified in the following manner. First, energies
were delivered from the alternator of the truck's engine to the
oil circulating within the truck's engine block. In particular, a
12 gauge copper THNN wire was used to transfer energies from the
engine's alternator to the oil circulating within the engine. The
flow of energy through the copper wire was regulated by a Lutron
switch, as discussed above. Further, the energies were delivered
to the engine's oil via a 316 stainless steel probe between the
engine's oil sending unit and engine block. Next, a total of six
(6) periodic adjustments were made to the engine's fuel and air
supplies, with each adjustment further reducing the supplies of
air and fuel. The observations made during each of the six (6)
periodic adjustments are discussed below in greater detail. For
each adjustment, however, it was noted that the temperature of the
exhaust at the manifold was approximately 350[deg.] F. to
450[deg.] F. Within 28 inches of the exhaust manifold, the
temperature of the exhaust had cooled to approximately 80[deg.] F.
[0137] During operation, and after the first adjustment, it was
observed that the excavator consumed 1.25 gallons of fuel to move
a given load for one (1) hr. After the second adjustment, the
excavator consumed 1.10 gallons to move a similar load for the
same amount of time. After the third adjustment, the excavator
consumed 1.0 gallon to move a similar load for the same amount of
time. After the fourth adjustment, the excavator consumed 0.74
gallons to move a similar load for the same amount of time. After
the fifth adjustment, the excavator consumed 0.5 gallons to move a
similar load for the same amount of time. After the sixth
adjustment, the excavator consumed 0.35 gallons to move a similar
load for the same amount of time.
[0138] Other embodiments of the invention will be apparent to
those skilled in the art from consideration of the specification
and practice of the invention disclosed herein. It is intended
that the specification and examples be considered as exemplary
only, with a true scope and spirit of the invention being
indicated by the following claims.