Japanese Knotweed
The invasive Japanese Knotweed contains the
highest known concentration of resveratrol.
The leaves are edible, and the plant has many applications in
traditional Chinese medicine.
Patents : Extraction of
Resveratrol &c from Knotweed
CN102838456 : Technology
for preparing resveratrol by using traditional Chinese
medicine giant knotweed rhizome
CN102379930 : Method
for extracting total anthraquinone aglycones from giant
CN102320934 : New method for
extracting resveratrol from giant knotweed rhizome
CN102070410 : Microwave-combined
enzymatic method for extracting resveratrol from giant
knotweed rhizome
CN101993354 : Method
for extracting resveratrol
CN101870640 : Method
for preparing resveratrol extract from giant knotweed and
CN101811939 : Process
for dynamical countercurrent extraction of resveratrol in
giant knotweed
CN101735999 : Method
for improving content of resveratrol...
CN101643754 : New
technique for extracting and preparing high-purity resveratrol
from giant knotweed
CN101397242 : Technique
for extracting and purifying resveratrol from fresh giant
knotweed rhizome
CN101204428 : Substance
extracted from giant knotweed for diabetes mellitus and
complication thereof
CN101167975 : Method for
preparing polygonum paleaceum dry extract by hot water
CN1978473 : Resveratrol
imprinted polymer preparation and extraction method for
CN1800122 : Giant
knotweed rhizome active ingredient emodin extraction method
CN1546503 : Method for preparing polygonin and resveratrol
CN1621401 : Method for
extracting high purity resveratrol from giant knotweed rhizome
CN1251361 : Process for
extracting resveratrol from Chinese medicine giant knotweed
CN1513823 : Technology
of super critical caron dioxide extraction of resveratrol from
polygonum cuspidatum
CN1384088 : Extraction
process of resveratrol from giant knotweed
CN1341587 : Method for
preparing resveratrol from giant knotweed rhizome
Some "Traditional Chinese
Medicine" Patents incorporating Knotweed
Japanese Knotweed: Dreadable Edible
Green Deane
...Japanese Knotweed is listed by the World Conservation Union as
one of the world’s worst invasive species. Perhaps it should be
planted in countries where starvation is annual. Introduced into
Great Britain by 1825 Japanese Knotweed has been on the decimation
list for more than 30 years and has to be disposed at landfills
licensed to handle the dreaded edible. In fact they spend some two
billion pounds to combat it annually, which as of this writing is
about three billion dollars a year. It increased the construction
cost of the 2012 Olympic stadium by some 70 million pounds.
Japanese Knotweed is also “invading” New Zealand, Australia, and
Tasmania. It arrived in North America in the late 180os and is
officially found in 39 of the 50 United States, probably more, and
six provinces of Canada. It’s an invasive weed in Ohio, Vermont,
West Virginia, New York, Alaska, Pennsylvania, Oregon and
Washington. About the only place where they are not upset with the
plant is where it’s native, southeast Asia. What do they know the
rest of the world doesn’t? It is said that Japanese Knotweed out
lives the gardener and the garden.
Knotweed, in the Buckwheat family, is not liked in western nations
because it grows around three feet a month, sends roots down some
10 feet, grows through concrete, damaging roads, dams, buildings
and just about anything made by man. It’s a pain in the asphalt.
Forages take advantage of it eating — raw or cooked — young
shoots, growing tips of larger plants and unfurled leaves on the
stalk and branches. Many folks say it tastes like rhubarb but I
think a lemony green is more accurate, crunchy and tender. For the
health conscious it is a major source of resveratrol and Vitamin C
… a noxious weed AND very healthy. Tsk…Tsk… The California
Department of Food and Agriculture and the book Cornucopia II both
say the rhizomes are edible. No references are given as to how to
cook them nor have I tried. Usually the roots are used
medicinally. Giant Knotweed, Polygonum sachalinense (Fallopia
sachalinensis) is similarly consume except its fruit is eaten as
well, or stored in oil..
Green Deane’s “Itemized” Plant Profile:
Japanese Knotweed
IDENTIFICATION: Polygonum cuspidatum: A semi-woody perennial, fast
growing, hollow, bamboo-like stems forming dense, leafy thickets,
woody with age. Young shoots are red. Leaves simple, toothless,
hairless, alternating, broadly ovate with a pointed tip, 3 to 6
inches long, 2 to 4½ inches wide, on a long leaf stem. Flowers
branching in spike-like clusters, individual flowers are 1/8 inch
across, white to greenish or pinkish, with 5 petals, 8 stamens.
Male and female flowers separate (dioecious.) Female flowers can
produce small 3-angled black-brown fruit. Seed production is
TIME OF YEAR: Purple shoots appear in spring, flowers late summer,
early autumn.
ENVIRONMENT: Riverbanks, roadsides, moist, disturbed areas.
METHOD OF PREPARATION: Young shoots, growing tips, young leaves
boiled or steamed and eaten like asparagus, or chilled and served
with a dressing. Can be used in pies. soups, aspics, sauces, jams,
chutneys even wines. The roots, actually rhizomes, are sometimes
eaten. It is good fodder for grazing animals, including cattle,
sheep, goats, horses and donkeys. Old stems have been used to make
matches. It is high in oxalic acid so if you avoid spinach or
rhubarb you should avoid knotweed….
Bionic Knotweed Control
Peter G. Becker
Japanese Knotweed; the most pernicious weed in the northern
hemisphere has been rated as a biological catastrophe, for it`s
monstrous tendency of overrunning the sensitive wetland areas of
our nature reserves with monopolizing thickets due to which
endangered native plant societies are often permanently displaced
and their last occurrences extinguished.
So Japanese Knotweed is the most invasive plant on the northern
globe and often treated with massive amounts of highly toxic
herbicides. My goal is to teach folks how to take a bite out of
their knotweed invasion, because the costs for other means of
controlling polygonum cuspidatum and the damage done to
construction sites and real estate are horrendous, while this
project would not only save taxpayers their due, but yield a
fantastic new foodsource, supply employment to any willing sponsor
and protect our native environment; by turning this botanic pest
into an economical blessing.
Not until 2002 did I realize that Japanese Knotweed was not just
another edible wildplant, that I introduced to the attendance of
my herbwalks. I would bring a jar of Knotweed jam and buttered
breadslices along any excursion and whenever we passed a knotweed
stand I would pass forward my knowledge of it`s fascinating
culinary attributes as I was taught by Monsieur Dumaine and Euell
In order to expand my monologue I started surfing the internet and
learned that Fallopia japonica found mention mostly on gardening
websites where it`s victims exchanged their experiences about the
plants eradication or vice versa their failure to control it`s
Knotweed populations everywhere. A futuristic prediction would be
that this plant may change the face of our landscape. Why let this
precious regional produce go to waste ?
While counting hundreds of populations in the Wiesbaden Area I
learned that several nearby wetlands were infested even worse and
what damage common ignorance causes. Every m2 of Knotweed growth
produces an average 12-15 Kg of biomass.
Up to a hundred dry hollow stalks persist the elements for years
to come, withdraw and conserve the soils nutriments.
While I found numerous larger monopolizing patches where the
native habitat has been completely displaced,
I discovered several invasive species websites dedicated to
Knotweed management all collectively ignorant to the fact that
Knotweed is first and foremost a fantastic foodsource; which`s
became an invasive weed due to a lack of natural enemies.
Although it`s been predicted that knotweed`s in the process of a
culinary boom as Wild Garlic has been going through in the last
fifteen years and proven by the fact that ever more often the
plant finds mention in cookbooks, the idea to connect it`s
edibility against it`s invasive attributes, has not been really
recognized yet. Mainly because specialists und consumers generally
harvest the sprouts only over a span of ten days before it get`s
to fibrous. Here, my semi-cultivation makes all the difference.
In 2003 I had my booklet My Appetite; Your Herbicide completed,
eager to offer advice and avoid further damage of our ecosystem by
unnecessary, losses to native plant societies and waste of
potential capital.
But to volunteer with local control programs turned out to be the
hardest part; of establishing my Bionic Knotweed Control.
Specialists all over the world agree that a manual control is
virtually impossible and that successful management usually
requires herbicides.
Due to it`s vigorous growth of, especially in watersheds, up to 30
cm a day, harvest by wildfoodists has traditionally been limited
to a span of probably 10 days; before the stalks become to
fibrous. That`s why knotweed has never become a popular produce
item of any culinary or agricultural importance. Here`s the
significant difference between plain destructive mowing and
disposal of the biomass, compared to semi-cultivating designated
populations to reap an agricultural value and renature it`s native
While the manual control is hard labour, the bionic treatment has
an instant symptomatic impact on the plants aggressive tendency
because once your action is a harvest and your supplied with it ́s
beneficial profit; the entire measure gains a constructive and
very motivation aspect which no other mean of control can match.
In order to handle the advance of the knotweed invasion the most
sustainable way, I suggest to semi-cultivate any population that
suitable for human consumption in terms of the “Bio” standard.
That way a good percentage of general knotweed control may be
financially covered and communities would be able to save a lot of
tax money presently squandered by temporary means.
Each designated population is thoroughly cleaned, all stalks
removed, burned and the ashes, after Phase 1, returned to the soil
before the process of renaturing begins.
To attempt the control of a full grown population is useless
because the organism has already began it`s secondary metabolism
and all sprouts are too fibrous for Knotty Foods
The tolerable leaf development during harvest (Phase 2). This can
only be accomplished by daily operation throughout the entire 10
weeks of the plants primary growth period.
After the harvest, the populations have to be weeded from all the
tiny sprout bushels representing a secondary sort of growth that
develop their leafs immediately upon surfacing. These sprouts are
collected for the isolation of resveratrol and cosmetic
The sprouts reach a length of 30-40 cm a day and the average yield
is 70 g per day and m2..
…In 2004 four populations were threatening to form a huge thicket
to monopolize the meadow and displace the entire fauna and flora.
In 2005 the Bionic Control began and throughout the season all
leaf development was inhibited to weaken the plant, while 7 kg of
knotweed- sprouts per m2 were the average harvest.
In 2006 the combined effect of semi-cultivation and renaturing of
the native plant- society has proven that this sustainable method
is faster than all other current management approaches and yields
a profit of 140 Euros per m2.
Patents : Extraction of Resveratrol
&c from Knotweed
Method for extracting resveratrol from
giant knotweed by enzymolysis
The invention relates to a method for extracting resveratrol
from a natural plant giant knotweed, particularly a method for
extracting resveratrol from giant knotweed by enzymolysis. The
method comprises the following steps: by using commercially
available giant knotweed rhizome as the raw material, carrying out
enzymolysis reaction, alcohol deep extraction and separation
concentration, and drying to obtain the resveratrol crystal powder
product. The method has the characteristics of sufficient
enzymolysis, short time, low operating cost, high operation safety
and the like, fully utilizes the raw materials and organic
solvent, is beneficial to environmental protection since the waste
liquid is mainly water, and can easily implement industrialized
popularization and application. The resveratrol crystal powder
product prepared by the method has high purity, and the maximum
purity is 98.31%. The overall yield is high, and the maximum
overall yield is 1.40%. The method can be widely used for
producing the resveratrol crystal product. The product prepared by
the method can be widely used in fine chemical engineering
production of medical drugs for preventing cardiovascular
diseases, protecting the liver and resisting cancers and skin-care
beauty-treatment products.
An enzymatic method of extraction from Polygonum cuspidatum
resveratrol, relates to a method for preparing natural plants from
Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol. The present invention is a
commercially available Polygonum cuspidatum rhizome as raw
material, enzymatic reactions, the depth of extraction and
separation of the alcohol concentration, the dry process is simple
and prepared resveratrol crystalline powder products. The method
of the present invention has fully digested and the time is short,
low operating costs, operating safety, make full use of raw
materials and organic solvents, mainly for waste water, are
environmentally friendly, easy industrial application and so on.
Prepared by the method of the present invention, resveratrol
crystalline powder products with high purity, up 98.31 percent;
total yield, up 1.40% and so on. The present invention can be
widely used in the production of resveratrol crystal products;
prepared by the method of the present invention can be widely used
in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and liver cancer drugs
for medical and skin care cosmetics fine chemical production.
I. Technical Field
The present invention belongs to the field of resveratrol
extracted from natural plants, and more particularly from natural
plant Resveratrol Polygonum cuspidatum preparation method.
Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound containing a non-flavonoid
stilbene structure, chemical name 3,4 ', 5-hydroxyl Stilbene
group, white or pale yellow crystalline powder. Resveratrol not
only prevent cancer cancer disease, but also pre Preventing
cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, with liver,
antioxidant, regulating blood lipids balance, anti-aging and other
health effects, is On human health have a significant positive
effect of the active substance, and therefore it is widely used in
medicine and health aspects. Since Resveratrol is a stilbene
polyphenols substances, phenols and alkenes having properties when
exposed to air Or lighting conditions, resveratrol may be oxidized
or isomerization occurs irreversible transformation generated
substance, physiologically active Destruction loss, so in order to
improve the yield of resveratrol and extend storage time,
production of resveratrol and Paul Deposit process more stringent
requirements. Resveratrol exists in giant knotweed, peanuts,
mulberries, grapes and other natural plant Branch And mainly
relatively stable molecular form Polydatin inside the object.
Especially in C. quinoa Polygonum cuspidatum Resveratrol and
resveratrol glucoside total content higher than other natural
plants, industrial production huge potential benefits. therefore,
Resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum extract is the focus of
today's study.
Existing extracted from Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol, such as
April 17, 2013 published Publication No. CN 103044210A of "one
kind of Resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum preparation of the
production process" patent, a method is disclosed: In Polygonum
cuspidatum as raw material, enzyme dry, continuous countercurrent
extraction tank acetone reflux extraction, filtered and
concentrated, ethyl acetate Ester extraction, concentration,
chromatography on silica gel, and concentrated to obtain crystals
of resveratrol crystal products. The main disadvantage of this
method Is: ① constant enzymatic reaction time is long, long time
high temperature is not conducive to the stability of the chemical
structure of resveratrol; ② Since the exposure of resveratrol in
the light conditions to reduce the content of volatile leaving
live, so after drying operation is not digested Conducive to the
stability of the chemical structure of resveratrol; ③ due to the
low boiling point of acetone, volatile, with a certain toxicity,
Mixed prone to the risk of explosion with air, so its a
countercurrent extraction solvent, the insulation and the
corresponding device Sealing relatively higher; ④ using ethyl
acetate - petroleum ether as the eluting solvent separation,
wherein toxic petroleum ether Large and flammable solvent recovery
process involves a big security risk.
The present invention is directed to an existing shortage
extracted from Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol method provided a
tiger from The method of enzyme extract resveratrol rod having
fully digested, and time is short, simple equipment, into
operation The low, safe operation, environmental protection, easy
to promote industrial production and so on.
The main principles of the present invention are: Resveratrol from
Polygonum mainly in the form of the presence of resveratrol
glucoside, and its molecular Formula C 20 H 22 O 8, the chemical
name 3,4 ', 5-trihydroxy-stilbene -3-β-D- glucoside, which in the
hot water bath It has good solubility, soluble in organic solvent
such as methanol, ethanol and the like. Suitable pH values at a
certain temperature and stirred Under the conditions, Piceid
gradually dissolved from Polygonum cuspidatum, while the action of
the enzyme solution in the β-D polydatin Glycosidic bond to
hydrolysis resveratrol (C 14 H 12 O 3) and glucose. In addition,
the enzyme can also damage the plant Polygonum cuspidatum Cell
wall, is conducive polydatin dissolution and transformation.
Achieve the object of the present invention is technical solution:
A method enzyme extracted from Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol to
Commercially available Polygonum cuspidatum rhizome as raw
material, enzymatic reactions, the depth of extraction and
separation of the alcohol concentration, drying the simple process
Resveratrol prepared crystalline powder products. Specific steps
of the method are as follows:
(1) enzymatic reaction
The first commercially available feedstock is placed in the roots
of Polygonum cuspidatum mill pulverized, and then by 240 ~ 320
mesh sieve into Line sub-screen, to collect the powder sieved,
spare, unscreened particles return mill pulverized. then,
Polygonum cuspidatum powder mass (g): mass cellulase (mg): acetic
acid - sodium acetate buffer solution volume (mL) of Ratio of 1 (1
to 10): (10 to 50), the ratio, first with concentrated
hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide solution to adjust the
buffer solution pH value was 4-6 after the Polygonum cuspidatum
powder and adjusting pH value of buffer solution, followed by
placement in a batch Reactor, at 30 ~ 60 ° C and the thermostat 80
~ 200r / min speed, after stirring for 15 ~ 30min, plus The
cellulase, continued constant stirring, enzymatic reaction carried
out 15 ~ 30h, to obtain enzymatic reaction after the solid-liquid
mixture Compound.
(2) an alcohol depth extraction
Paragraph (1) after the step is complete, the first paragraph (1)
a solid-liquid mixture obtained in step enzymatic reaction after
the filter is placed in The solid-liquid separation, the filtrate
was collected separately (i.e. the filtrate extracted after
hydrolysis) and the solid residues. After following The solid
residue mass (g): the volume fraction of the volume of a methanol
solution of 50% to 75% (mL) of the ratio of 1 (5-20) The
proportion of the solid residue in methanol and placed in the
extraction tank, at a temperature of 35 ~ 65 ° C, For the first
stirring speed is 80 ~ 200r / min in a condition after the alcohol
extract 15 ~ 60mm, and the first Filtered, collected the first
alcohol extract filtrate and solid residues, respectively. Then,
take the first alcohol extract equal time Volume, equal
concentrations of methanol solution and the solid residue was
collected for the first time, and then back into the extraction
tank at a temperature To 35 ~ 65 ° C, stirring speed of 80 ~ 200r
/ min under conditions of a second alcohol extract after 15 ~
60min, And a second filter, and the solid residue was collected by
filtration second alcohol extract respectively, so repeat 1-3
times. The solid residue was used to extract the depth of alcohol.
Finally, each sub-alcohol extract combined filtrate collected,
placed in evaporator Concentrator, evaporative concentration to no
alcohol taste so far collected concentrate and solvent
evaporation, respectively. Collected Solvent (ie methanol), can be
reused. The combined filtrate and enzyme extracted various times
alcohol extract collected concentrate To obtain resveratrol crude
liquid separation and purification for the next step.
(3) Preparation of Resveratrol crystalline powder products
Initial separation and elution macroporous resin
Paragraph (2) after completion of step, according to the
macroporous resin mass (g): Volume (2) obtained in step
resveratrol crude liquid (ML) of the ratio of 1 (6-10) ratio by a
conventional macroporous resin filling method, macroporous resin
filled in The separation column, with constant flow pump, a volume
of 1 ~ 3BV (that is, 1 to 3 times the bed volume of the filler),
the volume Fraction of 10 to 20% ethanol, a flow rate of 1 ~ 3BV /
h is passed into the interior of the separation column, were
rinsed Run and collect effluent wash, recovery of ethanol solvent
by evaporation, can be reused. Then, said resveratrol Crude
alcohol solution at a flow rate 1 ~ 3BV / h is passed into the
separation column to adsorb and collect effluent solution.
Emissions after solution treatment collection compliance. Then, a
volume of 2 ~ 5BV distilled water to 1 ~ 3BV / h Within the
separation column flow was passed through the first elution for
the unadsorbed component (mainly sugar and Vegetable protein
substances) elution, collecting the first time out of the eluent,
the treated discharge standards. Then again, 3 ~ 5BV first volume,
the volume fraction of 20 to 30% ethanol, a flow rate of 1 ~ 3BV /
h through The separation column into the second elution portion
for the pigment elution, the second outflow Eluent, recovering
ethanol solvent by evaporation, can be reused. After 3 ~ 5BV
volume, the volume fraction of 30 to 50% ethanol, a flow rate of 1
~ 3BV / h through the separation column into the third elution,
The substance is used Polydatin elution, collecting the third out
of the eluent and concentrated by evaporation is carried out
Concentrated by evaporation, collected evaporative liquid (ie,
ethanol solvent) and concentrate (ie Polydatin enriched
concentrate), respectively. Polydatin enrichment of concentrate
collected reserved for other uses. Then the volume was 4 ~ 10BV
volume fraction 60 to 80% ethanol, and then at a flow rate 1 ~ 3BV
/ h were passed into the fourth eluting said separation column,
Resveratrol for eluting material, the fourth effluent was
collected eluate was concentrated by evaporation by means of
evaporation of the concentrated Shrink, were collected and
evaporated liquid (ie, ethanol solvent) and concentrate (ie
resveratrol-rich concentrate). Collected The evaporative liquid
(ie, ethanol solvent) can be reused; to concentrate collected (ie
resveratrol-rich concentrate) The next step for the preparation of
resveratrol crystal products. Macroporous resin within the
separation column by conventional hydrogen Sodium hydroxide -
Hydrochloric acid regeneration process can be recycled. Said
macroporous resin NKA-9 type or NKA-II-type or AB-8 type or HPD950
type or HPD400 type.
Preparation of Resveratrol crystalline powder products
Article (3) -① step after completion, according to the quality of
neutral alumina (g): Article (3) -① step collected concentrate
(i.e. Resveratrol concentrate enriched) has a volume (mL) of the
ratio of 1 (10 to 20), the ratio, by a conventional method to fill
Neutral alumina packed into a chromatography column, the first
with constant flow pump, a volume of 1 ~ 3BV of volume fraction 60
to 80% ethanol, the flow rate of 1 ~ 3BV / h is passed into the
rinse chromatography on a column, collecting the flow Run out of
the wash, and concentrated by evaporation, evaporator recovering
ethanol solvent recycling. Then the respective concentration
Condensing fluid (i.e. resveratrol enriched concentrate) 1 ~ 3BV
and volume, the volume fraction of 60 to 80% B Alcohol solution,
the flow rate of 1 ~ 3BV / h is passed into the column decolorized
effluent collected stainer (i.e. Resveratrol solution after
bleaching). Then, the collected destaining solution (ie
resveratrol solution after bleaching), Concentrated by evaporation
of the evaporator concentrate collected evaporative liquid (ie,
ethanol solvent), respectively, and a concentrated liquid (ie
resveratrol Alcohol concentrate). Evaporation of liquid (ie,
ethanol solvent) collected reusable; to concentrate collected (ie,
Resveratrol concentrate) is obtained first solution purified
resveratrol. Finally, according to the activated carbon Mass (g):
the first volume of the solution was purified resveratrol (mL) of
the ratio of 1 (50 to 100) ratio, the first A purified resveratrol
solution and activated carbon, placed in the bleaching tank, the
mixture was stirred at room temperature for the first 1 ~ 5h
Secondary purification (purified through active carbon), the
mixture of the second purified subjected to suction filtration
points Do not collect smoke residue (ie activated charcoal solid)
and the filtrate pump (second solution is resveratrol purified),
The collected smoke residue for recycling, reuse. The filtrate was
pumped (ie, the second purified resveratrol Solution),
concentrated by evaporation, a concentrated solution to be
concentrated by evaporation before the concentration by volume of
the volume of 1/5 ~ 1/30 So far were collected evaporative liquid
(ie, ethanol solvent) and concentrate (ie, the second purified
resveratrol concentration Condensing fluid). Evaporative liquid
(i.e., an ethanol solvent) collected reusable; of concentrate
collected (i.e., the second Resveratrol concentrate purified),
placed in a freezer oven, first at -10 ~ -18 ° C pre-freezing 2 ~
3h, And then at a pressure of 20 ~ 60Pa, at the temperature of -40
~ -60 ° C conditions, freeze-dried 24 ~ 30h, to obtain Quality
purity of 98.07% ~ 98.31%, a yield of 1.12% to 1.40% of the
crystalline powder resveratrol products.
After adopting the technical scheme of the present invention,
there are the following effects:
1. The present invention is commercially available Polygonum
cuspidatum rhizome as raw material, after grinding to a certain
mesh, cellulase and Under certain conditions the role of a buffer
solution of pH value, enzyme converted to resveratrol, and then
into a solution of methanol Line depth extraction, and therefore
the total yield of resveratrol product, the total yield up to
2. Macroporous resin separation process of the present invention,
a different volume fraction (ie, 20 to 30% 30 to 50%, 60 to 80%)
in ethanol solution were adsorbed resveratrol crude resin washed
punch Off, and finally has the further use of alumina and
activated carbon decolorization impurity, so the quality
resveratrol products High purity, the highest purity of 98.31%.
3. Cellulase of the present invention uses less, at least the
amount of enzyme converted into dry powder Polygonum cuspidatum
count about 1 ‰, Fully digested and the time is short, about 15 to
30 hours, greatly shorten the production cycle, reduce production
cost, easy push Wide industrial production;
4. Methanol extract of the present invention take the first
solid-liquid separation section extracting the way, a significant
reduction in methanol solution The amount of solvents to improve
extraction efficiency and yield of Polygonum cuspidatum
resveratrol raw materials;
5. The present invention is mainly used in the organic solvent is
methanol and ethanol, low toxicity solvent, the boiling point of
methanol and ethanol Moderate, easy recycling, make full use of
organic solvents and saving energy consumption, mainly waste
water, in line with environmental Production requirements and safe
6. The present invention, since the colored impurities are mainly
flavonoids and easy to combine with Al 2 O 3, so a Al 2 O 3, and
with the use of activated carbon has a method for purification of
resveratrol, resveratrol efficient removal of enrichment Parts of
residual colored impurities; Furthermore, Al 2 O 3 directly at 500
~ 700 ° C was calcined 1 ~ 2h, on renewable Recycling,
emissions-free, easy to operate. After Al 2 O 3 to remove most of
the pigment and impurities, residual color Prime only a small
amount of activated carbon can be removed, reducing the amount of
active carbon used, further reducing production costs.
The present invention can be widely used in the production of
resveratrol crystal products, the method of the present invention,
products can be Widely used in the prevention of cardiovascular
disease and liver cancer drugs for medical and skin care and
beauty fine chemical products.
detailed description
Below in conjunction with specific embodiments, the present
invention further.
Example 1
An enzymatic method specific steps to extract from Polygonum
cuspidatum resveratrol, the method is as follows:
(1) enzymatic reaction
The first commercially available feedstock is placed in the roots
of Polygonum cuspidatum mill pulverized, and then dividing by 280
mesh sieve Sieve powder, spare, unscreened screened to collect
particles and then return mill pulverized. Then, Quality Polygonum
cuspidatum powder (g): mass cellulase (mg): acetic acid - sodium
acetate buffer solution volume (mL) ratio 1:2:20 proportion of,
first with concentrated hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide
solution to adjust the pH of buffer solution 4.7 After the powder
Polygonum cuspidatum buffer solution to adjust the pH value and,
in turn placed in a batch reactor at 45 ° C At constant and 200r /
min speed, stirring 20min, and then added cellulase, continued
constant stirring, into Line enzymatic reaction 20h, the
solid-liquid mixture to obtain enzymatic reaction after.
(2) an alcohol depth extraction
Paragraph (1) after the step is complete, the first paragraph (1)
a solid-liquid mixture obtained in step enzymatic reaction after
the filter is placed in The solid-liquid separation, the filtrate
is collected (i.e. the filtrate extracted enzyme), respectively,
and the solid residue (i.e. enzymes Polygonum cuspidatum powder
solution after the reaction). After a mass of solid residue (g): a
volume fraction of 65% methanol solution of Volume (mL) ratio of
1:10 ratio, to the solid residue in methanol and placed in the
extraction tank At a temperature of 45 ° C, stirring speed after
the first alcohol extract 30min under 200r / min conditions, and
Filtration for the first time, collected the first alcohol extract
filtrate and solid residues, respectively. Then, take the first
alcohol Equal volumes picked up on time, and equal concentrations
of methanol solution and the solid residue was collected for the
first time, and then back into the extraction tank At a
temperature of 45 ° C, stirring speed after the second alcohol
extraction 30min under 200r / min conditions, and A second filter
for collecting filtered liquid and solid residues second alcohol
extraction respectively, repeat once with In the depth of the
solid residue of alcohol extract. Finally, each sub-alcohol
extract combined filtrate collected, concentrated by evaporation
in place Reduction reactor, evaporative concentration to no
alcohol taste so far collected concentrate and solvent
evaporation, respectively. The collected Solvent (ie methanol),
can be reused. The combined filtrate concentrated liquid extract
after enzymatic hydrolysis and each sub-alcohol extract collected
on Resveratrol obtained crude liquid separation and purification
for the next step.
(3) Preparation of Resveratrol crystalline powder products
initial separation and elution macroporous resin
Paragraph (2) after completion of step, according to the
macroporous resin mass (g): Volume (2) obtained in step
resveratrol crude liquid (ML) of the ratio of 1:6, the first
conventional macroporous resin filling method, the macroporous
resin is filled into the separation column The constant current
pump, a volume of 2BV, the volume fraction of 20% ethanol, to 2BV
/ h of flow rate Inside passage into said separation column for
rinse, wash and collect effluent run, recovery of ethanol solvent
by evaporation, Reusable. Then, the resveratrol crude liquid to
flow 1BV / h is passed into the separation column Adsorption and
collect effluent solution. Emissions after solution treatment
collection compliance. Then, the volume of 3BV of distilled water,
the flow rate 1BV / h is passed into the separation column was
first eluted, not for the Adsorption component (mainly sugar and
vegetable protein substances) elution, collecting the first time
out of the eluant Treatment discharge standards. Then again, the
first volume of 4BV volume fraction of 25% ethanol, to 2BV / h
flow through into the inside of the second separation column
eluting for the pigment portion of elution, collecting Second
outflow eluent recovering ethanol solvent by evaporation, can be
reused. After 4BV volume of body Fraction of 45% ethanol, the flow
rate of 2BV / h is passed into the third separation column eluted,
The substance is used Polydatin elution, collecting the third out
of the eluent and concentrated by evaporation is carried out
Concentrated by evaporation, collected evaporative liquid (ie,
ethanol solvent) and concentrate (ie Polydatin enriched
concentrate), respectively. Polydatin enrichment of concentrate
collected reserved for other uses. Then 8BV volume, the volume
fraction of 70% Of ethanol, and then to the 2BV / h flow into said
separation column was eluted fourth for the White Resveratrol
substance elution, collecting the fourth flowing eluent and
concentrated by evaporation of the evaporator concentrate,
respectively Collected evaporative liquid (ie, ethanol solvent)
and concentrate (ie resveratrol-rich concentrate). Evaporation of
liquid collected (Ie, ethanol solvent) can be reused; the
collected concentrate (ie resveratrol-rich concentrate) for the
next Step preparation of resveratrol crystal products. Macroporous
resin within the separation column by conventional sodium
hydroxide - Hydrochloric acid regeneration process, can be
recycled. Said macroporous resin NKA-9 type.
Preparation of Resveratrol crystalline powder products
Article (3) -① step after completion, according to the quality of
neutral alumina (g): Article (3) -① step collected concentrate
(ie, white Resveratrol-rich concentrate) volume (mL) of the ratio
of 1:15, using conventional filling method neutral oxygen After
the aluminum is filled into a chromatography column, first with a
constant flow pump, a volume of 2BV, the volume fraction of 70%
ethanol Solution, the flow rate of 2BV / h is passed into the
column were rinsed out of the collected washings were run, and
through Concentrated by evaporation, evaporative recovery of
ethanol solvent recycling. Then the respective concentrate (ie
resveratrol Concentrate Enrichment) and 2BV volume, the volume
fraction of 70% ethanol at a flow rate 2BV / h through Into the
chromatography column within decolorization, discoloration
collected effluent liquid (ie resveratrol solution after
bleaching). However After decoloration was collected (ie
resveratrol after bleaching solution), concentrated by evaporation
of the evaporator concentrate, divided Do not collect evaporative
liquid (ie, ethanol solvent) and concentrate (ie resveratrol
concentrate). Evaporation of liquid collected (ie, Ethanol
solvent), reusable; the collected concentrate (ie resveratrol
concentrate) is first prepared A solution of purified resveratrol.
Finally, according to the activated carbon mass (g): first
purified resveratrol Volume (mL) ratio is the ratio of 1:75 in a
solution, the first solution resveratrol purified and activated
carbon, Placed in the bleaching tank, and at room temperature for
3h second purification (purified through active carbon) After
Effects Second purified mixture subjected to suction filtration to
obtain a solution of resveratrol second purified. And then the
second Times the volume of the resveratrol was purified,
concentrated by evaporation, a concentrated solution to be
concentrated by evaporation with concentrated After shrinking the
volume of 1/5 up front, were collected and evaporated liquid (ie,
ethanol solvent) and concentrate (ie, a second purification
Resveratrol concentrate). Evaporative liquid (i.e., an ethanol
solvent) collected reusable; the collected and concentrated Liquid
(ie resveratrol concentrates second purified), placed in a freezer
oven, first in pre-freezing -18 ° C 2h, and then at a pressure of
20Pa, temperature conditions at -50 ° C, lyophilized 27h, to
obtain the quality of purity 98.31%, a yield of 1.40% resveratrol
crystalline powder products.
Example 2
An enzyme extracted from Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol method,
the same as in Example 1, wherein:
Paragraph (1) step, the sub-240 mesh sieve, quality Polygonum
cuspidatum powder (g): mass cellulase (mg): acetic acid - Sodium
acetate buffer solution volume (mL) ratio of 1:1:10, adjusting the
pH of the buffer solution to 4.0, in At 60 ° C constant
temperature, stirring speed 150r / min rotation speed conditions,
the enzymatic reaction 30h.
(2) step, the mass of the solid residue (g): the volume of
methanol solution of 50% volume fraction (mL) ratio of 1:20, a
methanol solution of 50% volume fraction, at a temperature of 35 °
C, the stirring speed is 150r / min speed Under the conditions,
for the first time alcohol extraction 60min. At a temperature of
35 ° C, the stirring speed is 150r / min speed of strip Next
member, a second alcohol extraction 60min, so repeated twice.
Article (3) -① step, macroporous resin mass (g): Volume (2)
obtained in step resveratrol crude liquid (mL) Ratio of 1:8, when
rinsed ethanol content was 10% by volume of ethanol 1BV, rinse
flow Is 1BV / h; on column flow resveratrol crude liquid was 2BV /
h; first elution, the elution volume of distilled water Is 2BV,
flow 2BV / h; eluted second, the volume fraction of ethanol
solution of 20% ethanol body 3BV volume of the elution flow rate
1BV / h; the third elution, the volume fraction of ethanol
solution of 30% acetic Alcoholic liquid is 5BV, elution flow rate
1BV / h; in the fourth elution, ethanol solution of 60% volume
fraction, Ethanol volume of 10BV of the elution flow 3BV / h; on
the macroporous resin AB-8 type.
Paragraph (3) -② step quality neutral alumina (g): Article (3) -①
step collected concentrate (ie resveratrol Enriched concentrate)
has a volume (mL) ratio of 1:10; when rinsed ethanol volume
fraction of 60% ethanol Volume of solution 3BV, rinse flow rate
1BV / h; decolorization, ethanol volume fraction of 60% ethanol
Resveratrol solution after the first purification: activated
carbon mass (g); volume of solution 1BV, flow rate 1BV / h The
volume (mL) ratio of 1:50, was stirred at room temperature 1h,
evaporated concentrate volume was concentrated to a volume of 1/15
the front; When freeze-drying, to pre-freezing at -14 ° C 2.5h,
and then at a pressure of 40Pa, temperature conditions at -60 ° C,
frozen Drying 30h, to obtain a purity of 98.07% mass yield of
1.12% resveratrol crystalline powder products.
Example 3
An enzyme extracted from Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol method,
the same as in Example 1, wherein:
Paragraph (1) step, the sub-320 mesh sieve, quality Polygonum
cuspidatum powder (g): mass cellulase (mg): acetic acid - Sodium
acetate buffer solution volume (mL) ratio of 1:10:50, adjusting
the pH of the buffer solution to 6.0, in At 30 ° C constant
temperature, stirring speed is 80r / min rotation speed
conditions, the enzymatic reaction 15h.
(2) step, the mass of the solid residue (g): the volume of
methanol solution of 50% volume fraction (mL) ratio of 1:5, a
methanol solution of 75% volume fraction, at a temperature of 65 °
C, the stirring speed is 80r / min bar speed Under parts, for the
first time an alcohol extract 15min. At a temperature of 65 ° C,
the stirring speed is 80r / min rotation speed conditions, A
second alcohol extraction 15min, so repeated 3 times.
Article (3) -① step, macroporous resin mass (g): Volume (2)
obtained in step resveratrol crude liquid (mL) Ratio of 1:10, when
rinsing, ethanol volume fraction of 15% ethanol solution volume
3BV, rinse stream Amount 3BV / h; the column flow resveratrol
crude liquid was 3BV / h; first elution, eluted with distilled
water body Volume of 5BV, flow 3BV / h; eluted second, the volume
fraction of ethanol solution of 30% ethanol solution 5BV volume of
elution flow 3BV / h; in the third elution, ethanol solution of
50% volume fraction, Ethanol body is 3BV, elution flow 3BV / h; in
the fourth elution, the volume fraction of the ethanol solution
80% ethanol solution volume 4BV the elution flow 1BV / h; on the
macroporous resin NKA- II type.
Paragraph (3) -② step quality neutral alumina (g): Article (3) -①
step collected concentrate (ie resveratrol Enriched concentrate)
has a volume (mL) ratio of 1:20; when rinsed ethanol volume
fraction of 80% ethanol Volume of solution 1BV, rinse flow 3BV /
h; decolorization, ethanol volume fraction of 80% ethanol
Resveratrol first purified solution: activated carbon mass (g);
volume of solution 3BV, flow 3BV / h The volume (mL) ratio of 100,
with stirring at room temperature 5h, concentrated by evaporation
of the liquid volume before concentration of 1/30 volume; When
freeze-drying, the first pre-freezing in -10 ° C 3h, then at a
pressure of 60Pa, a temperature of -40 ° C conditions, freeze dry
Dry 24h, to obtain a purity of 98.15% mass yield of 1.12%
resveratrol crystalline powder products.
Novel method for extracting resveratrol
from giant knotweed
The invention relates to a novel method for extracting resveratrol
from giant knotweed, which comprises the following steps: a.
pulverizing giant knotweed, and passing through a 40-60-mesh
screen; b. carrying out enzymolysis with composite enzymes; c.
carrying out continuous reflux ultrasonic assisted extraction; d.
passing through a macroporous resin column; and e. crystallizing.
By using the giant knotweed as the raw material, the method fully
utilizes enzymolysis to convert resveratrol glycoside in the raw
material into resveratrol, and uses a continuous reflux ultrasonic
process to extract the resveratrol, thereby achieving the goal of
enhancing the resveratrol yield. The method has the advantages of
simple technique, short production cycle, high yield and the like,
and is suitable for large-scale production.
The present invention relates to a new method for extracting
resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum, which process comprises the
steps: a. Polygonum cuspidatum sifted through 40 to 60 mesh sieve;
b. Enzymatic hydrolysis; c. Continuous countercurrent ultrasonic
assisted extraction; d. Macroporous resin column; e.
crystallization. The present invention uses as raw material
Polygonum cuspidatum, take full advantage of the raw material in
the enzymatic conversion of resveratrol resveratrol glucoside, and
then taken out in a continuous countercurrent ultrasonic Bo Fati
resveratrol, in order to improve the yield of resveratrol purpose.
The invention has simple process, short production cycle, yield
advantages for large-scale production.
The present invention is in the field of natural plant
extraction and separation, a new method of extracting resveratrol
from Polygonum cuspidatum relates, in particular, relates to an
enzymatic hydrolysis - continuous countercurrent method of
ultrasonic extraction of resveratrol.
Background technique
Polygonum cuspidatum Polygonum roots and root dry perennial
herb. Bitter, slightly cold, antibacterial, anti-viral and
anti-tumor efficacy, extensive clinical application. In recent
years, effective ingredients in Polygonum has conducted in-depth
studies, resveratrol, anthraquinone compounds and flavonoids as
its main active ingredient, with the highest content of
resveratrol. Modern pharmacological experiments show that
resveratrol has anti-bacterial anti-inflammatory, lowering blood
pressure, prevention of cardiovascular disease, anti-tumor
activity of inhibiting platelet physiology.
Currently, the extraction method of Resveratrol from Polygonum
mainly ethanol extraction, alkaline extraction and acid
precipitation, supercritical CO 2 extraction method, there is a
lack of these technologies, such as long extraction, extraction
time, solvent large amount of low extraction; alkali extraction
and acid precipitation, extraction rate, complex composition;
supercritical extraction require special equipment, high pressure,
high operating costs, and polar extracts have certain
Resveratrol Polygonum mainly in the form of glycosides. In recent
years, cellulase abroad widely used in various fields in the
country will be applied to herbal extract still in its infancy.
Most of the active ingredients of Chinese herbal medicines have
been wrapped in the plant cell wall, the cell wall is cellulose,
and cellulose to glucose is from the β- 1,4-β-D- glucoside linkage
of a glucose-β-D- composed of cellulose enzymatic hydrolysis will
generate glucose degradation polydatin lose Polydatin yuan to
improve the extraction rate of resveratrol. Based on the above
principles, the present invention is to extract resveratrol
provides a new approach and provide the basis for the application
of cellulase in the extraction of active ingredients of
traditional Chinese medicine.
Object of the present invention to overcome the deficiencies
of the prior art and to provide a hydrolysis - continuous
countercurrent ultrasonic extraction method resveratrol,
resveratrol improves dissolution rate and shorten the extraction
time, the process is simple, suitable for large-scale produce.
The present invention comprises the following steps:
a. Take raw material Polygonum cuspidatum, crushed, over 40 to 60
mesh sieve;
b. The pulverized to better Polygonum cuspidatum adding 2 to 4
times as much water, sodium acetate / acetic acid buffer solution
adjust PH 4.0 to 5.0, then add the weight of the raw material 3 ~
5 ‰ of cellulase and pectinase (ratio of 0.8: 0.2), temperature at
45 ~ 55 ° C, stirring, reaction time of 2 ~ 3h;
c. The enzymatic conversion of materials added after 3 to 5 times
of 80 to 90% ethanol into a countercurrent extraction apparatus
extracts the ultrasound, ultrasound power 150 ~ 250W, extraction
time is 60 ~ 90min;
d. The extract was centrifuged in step c, the supernatant was
removed, pretreated macroporous resin adsorption column, first
with distilled water and cleaning, with 50 to 70% 5 ~ 7BV ethanol
eluate, concentrated under reduced pressure to obtain a crude
e. The crude product obtained in step d was repeated with
crystallized twice from ethanol to obtain resveratrol.
Pretreatment step d macroporous adsorption of the present
invention, resin is first with ethanol wet packed column, the
column flow continues with ethanol cleaning, always check the
outflow of ethanol solution, when out of the water and ethanol
solution opaque white color mixing phenomenon can not, then wash
away with plenty of distilled ethanol, to no alcohol taste.
The present invention is described in step d macroporous resin
model NKA-9, H1020, NKAⅡ, D-101.
In the invention, the cellulase full destruction of plant cell
wall structure, the active ingredient intracellular easy
dissolution, while Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol glucoside in
the role of cellulase, converted into resveratrol, make
resveratrol greatly improve the yield of alcohol; and pectinase
can periwinkle and other insoluble pectin was dissolved. Recycling
countercurrent extraction technology and ultrasonic assisted
extraction technology to accelerate the dissolution of active
ingredients from Polygonum powder, facilitated diffusion and mass
transfer of the solvent to improve the extraction rate of
resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum, shorten the extraction time
and reduce solvent usage, simple process, high yield.
It will be further described with reference to specific
embodiments of the present invention, but the scope of protection
of the present invention is not limited to the following
detailed description:
Example 1:
Polygonum cuspidatum material crushed through a 40 mesh sieve,
taking powder 300g, was added 2 times water, sodium acetate /
acetic acid buffer solutions adjust PH 4.0, then add 3 ‰ weight of
the material of cellulase and pectinase (ratio of 0.8: 0.2),
temperature at 45 ° C, stirring, hydrolysis time 3h, then
enzymatic conversion material after adding 4 times 90% ethanol
into the countercurrent extraction ultrasonic extraction device,
ultrasonic power 200W, extraction time to 80min, liquid
centrifugal extraction, the supernatant was removed, NKAⅡ
pretreated macroporous resin adsorption column, first with
distilled water and cleaning, with 50 percent of 5BV ethanol
eluate, concentrated under reduced pressure to give the crude
product, crystallized with ethanol was repeated twice to obtain
resveratrol 2.55g, yield of 0.85%, a purity of 98.1%.
Example 2:
Polygonum cuspidatum material crushed through a 40 mesh sieve,
taking powder 300g, was added 4 times as much water, sodium
acetate / acetic acid buffer solutions adjust PH 5.0, then add 4 ‰
weight of the material of cellulase and pectinase (ratio of 0.8:
0.2), temperature at 50 ° C, stirring, hydrolysis time 2.5h, then
the material is added after the enzymatic conversion of 80%
ethanol and 5 times into the countercurrent extraction ultrasonic
extraction device, ultrasonic power 150W, extraction time is
90min, liquid centrifugal extraction, the supernatant was removed,
NKA-9 macroporous resin adsorption on the pretreated column, first
with distilled water and removing impurities, and then 70% ethanol
6BV the eluate under reduced pressure. concentrated to give crude
repeated crystallization with ethanol twice, to give resveratrol
2.76g, yield 0.92%, a purity of 98.6%.
Example 3:
Polygonum cuspidatum material crushed through a 40 mesh sieve,
taking powder 300g, water was added 3 times, sodium acetate /
acetic acid buffer solutions adjust PH 4.5, then add the weight of
the material 5 ‰ cellulase and pectinase (ratio of 0.8: 0.2),
temperature at 55 ° C, stirring, hydrolysis time 2h, then
enzymatic conversion material after adding 3 times 85% ethanol
into the countercurrent extraction ultrasonic extraction device,
ultrasonic power 250W, extraction time to 60min, liquid
centrifugal extraction, the supernatant was removed, D-101
macroporous resin adsorption on the pretreated column, first with
distilled water and removing impurities, and then 60% ethanol 7BV
eluate concentrated under reduced pressure , crude, crystallized
with ethanol was repeated twice to give resveratrol 2.88g, yield
0.96%, a purity of 97.9%.
Extraction method for resveratrol from
giant knotweed rhizome
The invention provides an extraction method for resveratrol from
giant knotweed rhizome. Plants like giant knotweed rhizome, peanut
rhizome, branches and leaves of grape and mulberry leaves having
undergone enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation can be used as raw
materials. The extraction method comprises the following steps:
adding superoxide dismutase according to the proportion of the raw
materials and then adding an ethanol solvent with a concentration
of 80% for extraction; combining obtained extracts, carrying out
vacuum concentration and complete recovery of ethanol, adding a
saturated chitosan solution into an obtained concentrate, and
allowing an extract to be precipitated in a deposition manner;
adding an ethanol solvent weighing 20 times of an obtained
precipitate and having a concentration of 40% to dissolve the
precipitate, then carrying out filtering, concentrating a
filtrate, adding a chitosan solution into the concentrated
filtrate and carrying out standing and centrifugation at normal
temperature so as to obtain a solid precipitate; and adding an
ethanol solvent weighing 20 times of the solid precipitate and
having a concentration of 40% to dissolve the solid precipitate,
then carrying out filtering, concentrating a filtrate, adding a
chitosan solution into the concentrated filtrate, carrying out
standing and centrifugation at normal temperature so as to obtain
a solid precipitate and washing the solid precipitate with
purified water until a washing liquid does not contain a pigment;;
and successively carrying out vacuum drying and crushing so as to
obtain a product with purity of 50 to 60%. Compared with a
conventional production method, the extraction method provided by
the invention enables yield of resveratrol to be increased by more
than 30%.
The present invention provides a composition of resveratrol from
Polygonum cuspidatum extract method used by the enzymatic
fermentation good feed, for Polygonum cuspidatum, peanut roots,
grape leaves, mulberry and other plants as a raw material. After
the material is added in accordance with the proportion of added
superoxide dismutase concentration of 80% ethanol solvent
extraction, extracts were combined and concentrated in vacuo and
complete closing of ethanol, the concentrate was added a saturated
solution of chitosan to precipitate precipitate manner extract was
added 20 times the weight of the precipitate was 40% ethanol
solvent and dissolving the precipitate filtered, the filtrate was
concentrated chitosan solution was allowed to stand at room
temperature, centrifuged to give a solid precipitate. The
precipitate was again added 20 times by weight of 40% ethanol
solvent and dissolving the precipitate filtered, the filtrate was
concentrated chitosan solution was allowed to stand at room
temperature to give a precipitate solid was isolated by
centrifugation, washed with purified water until the washing
liquid amelanotic under component state, after vacuum drying
pulverized acquired 50% -65% of the product; compared to
conventional production methods, the yield can be increased by
more than 30%.
An extract from Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol component method
I. Technical Field
The present invention relates to a method for extracting
resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum ingredients. Also applies to
the peanut roots, Grape leaves, mulberry and other plants as raw
material to extract resveratrol. Belonging to the field of
Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant, can reduce blood viscosity,
non-platelet inhibition Normal clotting, prevention impatient
cram, cerebral embolism, liver damage, ischemic heart protective
effect and move Vein vasodilatation maintain blood flow and
microcirculation, it can occur and prevent the development of
cancer, has anti Atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease,
ischemic heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, viral hepatitis,
gastric ulcer and Enhance wound healing immune system activity,
and inhibit tumor.
Preparation of resveratrol currently divided into chemical
synthesis method, plant cell culture, microwave extraction,
ultrasonic Extraction and solvent extraction method five
categories; chemical synthesis and plant cell culture conditions
harsh, complex Miscellaneous, low yield, difficult to implement
industrialization; ultrasonic method and microwave method has also
increased the role of yield but in This process, due to the
special nature of the product easily oxidized raw product, not
suitable, it is difficult to implement, use The most widely used
method or plant extracts.
Now used in production methods can be divided into two processes;
one is the alcohol extraction and then extracted with ethyl
acetate Take, then the anti-alcohol extracted, filtered and
concentrated and dried to give the product. The other is directly
extracted with ethyl acetate, Then the anti-alcohol extracted,
filtered and concentrated and dried to give the product. These
existing technologies are present long working hours, the More
equipment, solvent loss, the yield is not high, production
consumption, high cost common drawback; more It is essential that
the above method can not be excluded (blocked) due to the heat
extraction process fully, so that raw materials remain in Among
the enzymes accelerate the decomposition of low yield losses
Object of the present invention is to provide an extract from
Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol component method, which uses a
single Solvent extraction process is simple, efficient, low cost
production process is short, high yield production methods.
To achieve the object of the present invention, the present
invention employs the following technical implementation of the
(1), the enzymatic treatment by adding 1 ‰ good raw material
weight of superoxide dismutase, 5 80% times the weight
concentrations of ethanol solvent extraction, the temperature
control at 45-65 ° C degrees, every 2 hours Total extracted four
(2) After the extract obtained above were combined, the
temperature controlled at 55--60 ° C or less, and subjected to
vacuum Concentrated and complete recovery of ethanol, the
concentrate was added a saturated solution of chitosan in
accordance with the raw material weight ratio of 5%, standing
8--12 hours at room temperature the extract to precipitate a
precipitate manner, until complete precipitation was filtered, the
solid interception Precipitated fraction;
(3), the solid precipitate, the precipitate was added 20 times the
weight of the alcohol solvent is 40--45% ethanol, To precipitate
dissolved and filtered, the insoluble matter was discarded, and
the filtered liquid temperature control in real 55--60 ° C Empty
state, concentrated to ethanol-free ingredients, add a saturated
solution of chitosan material by weight proportion of 5%, in 8--12
hours standing at room temperature, centrifuged to obtain a
precipitate of a solid;
(4), the precipitate was again added 20 times the weight of the
alcohol degree of 40--45% ethanol solvent, the precipitate of
Dissolved and filtered, the insoluble matter was discarded, and
the filtered liquid temperature control heating 55--60 ° C in a
vacuum state State and concentrated to ethanol-free ingredients,
add a saturated solution of chitosan material weight ratio of 5%,
at room temperature 8--12 hours standing, a precipitate obtained
by centrifugation of the solid, to give a solid precipitate with
pure water Washing liquid to wash the non-pigmented component
(5), after washing the precipitate by vacuum drying and crushing
acquired 50% -65% of the product.
The method of extracting resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum
ingredients, add the raw material weight of 1 ‰ superoxide
Dismutase prevents the production process present in the feed
plant for decomposing enzyme inactivated polydatin No longer occur
over enzymatic decomposition; thereby protecting the losses during
extraction of resveratrol ingredient
The method of extracting a component from Polygonum cuspidatum
resveratrol, with 5% of the saturated solution of chitosan Quick
guide precipitated liquid concentrate product.
The present invention is a method of extracting ingredients from
Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol, which measured by the process of
amplification; its First, the extraction process continues to
inhibit the enzyme added to the reaction decarboxylase agents
'superoxide dismutase' in Present in the raw material extraction
process plant exploded polydatin enzyme activity for lose not
occur over Enzymes break down; thereby protecting the losses
during extraction of resveratrol ingredient than the existing
industry (companies) may mention High yield of more than 30%;
while reducing the content of the product produced by enzymatic
hydrolysis of harmful free radicals; second, mining With 40% of
the content of ethanol solvent with solvent from the chitosan
solution to accelerate the entry into aqueous solutions of
resveratrol Alcohol precipitation quickly and fully precipitated
by the turbid liquid to solid form. Change the traditional way of
the process 2-4 The day is part of the natural product
precipitated within 12 hours to complete; Third, lack of emodin
products 0.7% Far below the industry standard of 2.8% of the
enterprise; anthraquinone impurity content is less than 1/10 of
the traditional process.
The present invention is weight of raw materials added 1 ‰ of
superoxide dismutase to prevent and protect during extraction over
points Losses caused by the solution and reduce the content of the
product due to hydrolysis to produce harmful free radicals; by
adding 5% A saturated solution of chitosan fast boot concentrate
precipitated. Superoxide dismutase and chitosan are non-toxic Add
ingredients in the process does not cause unnecessary harm.
The present invention refers to components containing resveratrol
Polygonum cuspidatum, peanut roots, grape leaves, mulberry leaves,
etc. Plant as a raw material, especially Polygonum cuspidatum;
weight ratio of the raw material of the present invention is added
superoxide dismutase is insoluble Form solution state, chitosan is
dissolved in water refers to a saturated solution. Due to the
purity of industry products Typically 50% of the content of the
specification is not very high, the product contains half of the
accounting process using soluble impurities so Tim Plus chitosan
solution as a guide to speed up the process of precipitating agent
production process and accordingly reduced working hours.
The present invention provides a method for extracting ingredients
from Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol, its existing production
side Compared method, the yield can be increased by 30%.
The following examples further combining said fine description of
the invention.
The process steps of the present invention is obtained by using
parallel test optimization, and real vertical enlarged manner Shi;
Example 1:
After digestion by --- after taking resveratrol content of 1.4%
Polygonum cuspidatum Ingredients 1 kg (including exclusion Water
ratio) added 1 g of superoxide dismutase while adding 5 liters of
80% ethanol concentration of the solvent, the heating temperature
control After extraction 50 ° C and 2 hours at reflux, the extract
was filtered, then added to 5 liters of the ethanol extract 2
hours, e.g. This 4 times, the extract batches were combined to
control the temperature at 60 ° C recovering the ethanol was
concentrated in vacuo, The extract was concentrated under the
weight of the raw material ratio of 5% chitosan was added a
saturated solution was allowed to stand for 10 hours at room
temperature Precipitation, to be completely precipitated after
Interception solid precipitate portion was added 20 times the mass
of the precipitate concentration of 40% ethanol solvent to give
The precipitates were dissolved and filtration was repeated,
insolubles were discarded, filtrate control the heating
temperature 60 ° C in vacuo shape State added to the concentrate
to ethanol-saturated solution of chitosan raw ingredient weight
ratio of 2%, and allowed to stand at room temperature 10 hours
precipitation. Centrifuged to give a solid precipitate;
The precipitate was again added 20 times the weight of the alcohol
of 40% ethanol solvent to dissolve the precipitate and had
Filtered and insolubles were discarded, and then the filtrate was
concentrated to a temperature control without ethanol was heated
at 60 ° C under vacuum After adding a saturated solution of
chitosan material composition weight ratio of 5% and allowed to
stand for 10 hours at room temperature, centrifuged The extract
obtained solid precipitated. Washed with pure water until the
washing liquid under no pigment component state.
The washed precipitate was dried in vacuo to give 57% of the
ground product 23 g, yield 93.6%.
Example 2:
After fermentation by taking resveratrol content of 1.4% Polygonum
cuspidatum 10 kg of raw materials (excluding water content) Add 10
grams of superoxide dismutase while adding 50 liters of 80%
ethanol solvent concentration, heating temperature control 50 ° C
reflux extraction for 2 hours after the extract was filtered off,
then 5 liters of an ethanol extract of two hours, so 4 Times, the
extracts were obtained by controlling the temperature of each
batch in 60 ° C ethanol recovery was concentrated in vacuo, and
concentrated After extract the raw material weight ratio of 5% was
added a saturated solution of chitosan, stand for 12 hours at room
temperature, precipitation, After completion of the precipitation
to be filtered.
Interception solid precipitate portion was added 20 times the mass
of the precipitate concentration of 40% ethanol solvent to give
The precipitates were dissolved and filtration was repeated,
insolubles were discarded, filtrate control the heating
temperature 60 ° C in vacuo shape State added to the concentrate
to ethanol-saturated solution of chitosan raw ingredient weight
ratio of 2%, and allowed to stand at room temperature 12 hours
precipitation. Centrifuged to give a solid precipitate.
The precipitate was again added 20 times the weight of the alcohol
of 40% ethanol solvent to dissolve the precipitate and had
Filtered and insolubles were discarded, and then the filtrate was
concentrated to a temperature control without ethanol was heated
at 60 ° C under vacuum After adding a saturated solution of
chitosan material composition weight ratio of 5% and allowed to
stand 12 hours at room temperature, centrifuged The extract
obtained solid precipitated. Washed with pure water until the
washing liquid under no pigment component state.
The washed precipitate was dried in vacuo to give 55% of the
pulverized product 238 g, yield 93.5%.
Example 3:
After fermentation by taking resveratrol content of 1.4% Polygonum
cuspidatum 100 kg of raw materials (excluding water content) Add
100 grams of superoxide dismutase while adding 500 liters of 80%
ethanol concentration of the solvent, the heating temperature
control 50 ° C reflux extraction for 2 hours after the extract was
filtered off, then 5 liters of an ethanol extract of two hours, so
4 Times, the extracts were obtained by controlling the temperature
of each batch in 60 ° C ethanol recovery was concentrated in
vacuo, and concentrated After extract the raw material weight
ratio of 5% was added a saturated solution of chitosan, stand for
12 hours at room temperature, precipitation, After completion of
the precipitation to be filtered.
Interception solid precipitate portion was added 20 times the mass
of the precipitate concentration of 40% ethanol solvent to give
The precipitates were dissolved and filtration was repeated,
insolubles were discarded, filtrate control the heating
temperature 60 ° C in vacuo shape State added to the concentrate
to ethanol-free composition of raw materials after a 2% weight
ratio of chitosan saturated sugar solution and allowed to stand at
room temperature 12 hours precipitation. Centrifuged to give a
solid precipitate.
The precipitate was again added 20 times the weight of the alcohol
of 40% ethanol solvent to dissolve the precipitate and had
Filtered and insolubles were discarded, and then the filtrate was
concentrated to a temperature control without ethanol was heated
at 60 ° C under vacuum After adding a saturated solution of
chitosan material composition weight ratio of 5% and allowed to
stand 12 hours at room temperature, centrifuged The extract
obtained solid precipitated. Washed with pure water until the
washing liquid under no pigment component state.
The washed precipitate was dried in vacuo to give 54% of the
pulverized product 2.4 kg, yield 92.5%.
Example 4:
After fermentation by taking resveratrol content of 1.4% Polygonum
cuspidatum 500 kg of raw materials (excluding water content) Add
0.5 kg of superoxide dismutase while adding 2500 l of 80% ethanol
concentration of the solvent, the heating temperature control
System 50 ° C and extracted under reflux for 2 hours, filtered off
after the extract was added 5 liters of ethanol extract 2 hours,
So 4 times, the extract batches were combined to control the
temperature at 60 ° C recovering the ethanol was concentrated in
vacuo, The extract was concentrated under the weight of the raw
material ratio of 5% chitosan was added a saturated solution was
allowed to stand for 12 hours at room temperature Precipitation,
to be precipitated completely filtered.
Interception solid precipitate portion was added 20 times the mass
of the precipitate concentration of 40% ethanol solvent to give
The precipitates were dissolved and filtration was repeated,
insolubles were discarded, filtrate control the heating
temperature 60 ° C in vacuo shape State no ethanol was added to
the concentrated feed ingredient after weight ratio of 2% chitosan
solution was allowed to stand at room temperature for 12 hours
When precipitated. Centrifuged to give a solid precipitate.
The precipitate was again added 20 times the weight of the alcohol
of 40% ethanol solvent to dissolve the precipitate and had
Filtered and insolubles were discarded, and then the filtrate was
concentrated to a temperature control without ethanol was heated
at 60 ° C under vacuum After adding a saturated solution of
chitosan material composition weight ratio of 5% and allowed to
stand 12 hours at room temperature, centrifuged The extract
obtained solid precipitated. Washed with pure water until the
washing liquid under no pigment component state.
The washed precipitate was dried in vacuo to give 55% of the
pulverized product 11.5 kg, 90.4% yield.
Technology for preparing resveratrol by
using traditional Chinese medicine giant knotweed rhizome
The invention provides a technology for preparing resveratrol by
using traditional Chinese medicine giant knotweed rhizomes, which
comprises the following steps of: crushing dried giant knotweed
rhizomes, passing the crushed giant knotweed rhizomes through a
screen to obtain power, adding water for soaking, adding compound
enzymes and fermenting the mixture for 24-72h at constant
temperature being 35-60DEG C; and conducting extraction by using
ethanol, conducting elution, collecting the eluent, concentrating
the eluent and drying the concentrate to obtain the resveratrol.
The technology provided by the invention has the advantages that
the process is safe and economic, the operation is simple and
convenient, and the large-scale production and preparation of
high-purity resveratrol by using plants and/or extract containing
polydatin and/or resveratrol are easy to realize.
The present invention provides a process for preparing medicine
from Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol process which comprises the
dried herbs Polygonum cuspidatum crushed and sieved, added enzyme
complex after water infiltration at 35 ° C ~ 60 ° C at a constant
temperature of fermentation 24 ~ 72h; then ethanol extracted
eluate, concentration, drying derived resveratrol. The process of
the invention safe, simple and economical, operation, and easy to
implement from the group consisting of Polydatin and / or
resveratrol plants and / or extract resveratrol prepared
large-scale production of high purity.
The present invention relates to the field of active ingredients
from plants, particularly from a Chinese medicine Polygonum
cuspidatum resveratrol preparation process.
Background technique
Resveratrol (also known as three-stilbene phenol), a chemical
called 3,4,5, - non-flavonoid polyphenols trihydroxy stilbene
(3,4,5, -trihydrolystilbene), containing a stilbene structure .
Resveratrol is a plant, when subjected to stress in itself a
synthesis of antitoxin, an important success activity, inhibition
of cancer, lower blood lipids, prevention of cardiovascular
diseases, anti-oxidation, anti-aging and other aspects have a more
significant role, following Taxol has been hailed as another new
green anticancer drugs. Mainly in Polygonum cuspidatum, grapes,
peanuts and other plants, research shows that the highest
concentration of resveratrol in Polygonum cuspidatum.
New investigation found that on "Extract from Polygonum cuspidatum
resveratrol" aspects of literature and patents it has been
reported. China patent "preparation of high purity resveratrol
from Polygonum cuspidatum process" (ZL201110125337) disclosed the
use of an organic solvent extraction, alumina column
chromatography purification of resveratrol, Chinese patent "a
purified extract from Polygonum cuspidatum white a new method of
resveratrol "(ZL200510019788.1) disclosed is the use of acid
catalyzed hydrolysis, macroporous resin separation and
purification of resveratrol, Chinese patent" new Preparation
method "polydatin and resveratrol (ZL200310112538.3 ) disclosed is
the use of polyamide chromatography separation and purification of
resveratrol, Chinese patent "resveratrol extract from Polygonum
cuspidatum purification process more than 98%" (ZL200810032067.8)
after the first Polygonum cuspidatum extract fermentation using
dedicated flocculant precipitate alumina chromatographic
separation and purification of resveratrol, resveratrol currently
using alkaline elution literature has not been reported.
Object of the present invention is to provide a simple, low cost,
rapid method for preparing resveratrol, the process steps are as
1) The Polygonum cuspidatum herbs dried and pulverized to obtain
Polygonum cuspidatum powder;
2) adding water infiltration Polygonum cuspidatum powder enzyme
was added after the invasion of Polygonum cuspidatum powder,
temperature of fermentation, so that resveratrol analogs polydatin
transformed into resveratrol;
3) with ethanol reflux extraction;
4) The extracts were combined, filtered, and concentrated; the
precipitate with purified water, centrifuged, the supernatant;
5) The supernatant macroporous resin, eluted with purified water
began to colorless, then eluted with alkaline, alkaline eluent was
collected, adjusted pH = 2.5-3.5, centrifuged and the supernatant;
6) The supernatant continue on macroporous resin, eluting first to
colorless with pure water, the second with 10% ethanol, is
discarded, and the third with 50% to 95% ethanol, The eluent was
7) The collected eluate was concentrated to dryness.
A preferred embodiment of the present invention is:
1) The Polygonum cuspidatum herbs dried and pulverized to obtain
Polygonum cuspidatum powder;
2) adding water infiltration Polygonum cuspidatum powder enzyme
was added after the invasion of Polygonum cuspidatum powder, at a
temperature controlled within 35 ° C ~ 60 ° C container,
thermostat 24 to 72 hours of fermentation, so Polygonum cuspidatum
resveratrol analogs glycosides converted into resveratrol;
3) P. cuspidatum added weight of 6 to 12 times 40 to 95% ethanol
reflux extraction;
4) The extracts were combined, filtered and concentrated recycling
ethanol to no alcohol taste, add 1 to 3 times the water
sedimentation, centrifugation, and the supernatant;
5) the supernatant macroporous resin, eluted with purified water
began to colorless, and then with 0.4% to 1% of alkaline elution,
collecting the eluent alkaline with dilute hydrochloric pH =
2.5-3.5 , centrifuged and the supernatant;
6) The supernatant continue on macroporous resin, eluting first to
colorless with pure water, the second with 10% to 35% ethanol 2 ~
3BV, discarded, and the third with 50% 95% ethanol elution,
collecting 3 ~ 6BV eluent;
7) The collected eluent was concentrated to dryness.
More preferred aspect of the present invention to provide for:
(1) crushed dried herbs to Polygonum cuspidatum by ≥90% 80 mesh
(2) adding water infiltration Polygonum cuspidatum powder; adding
water, the enzyme complex enzyme with water in the proportion of 1
(g): 150-250 (ml), adjusted pH = 3-5, then added to the
infiltration after Polygonum cuspidatum powder , at a temperature
controlled within 50 ° C ~ 60 ° C container, thermostat 50 to 60
hours of fermentation, so that resveratrol analogs polydatin
transformed into resveratrol;
(3) P. cuspidatum added 8 to 12 times the weight of 80% ethanol,
reflux extraction twice, each 1 to 2 hours;
(4) The two Polygonum cuspidatum extracts were combined, filtered
and concentrated ethanol recovery to almost no alcohol taste, add
1 to 3 times the water sedimentation, centrifugation, and the
(5) The supernatant macroporous resin, begin with purified water
to elute substantially colorless, and then with 0.4% to 0.5% of
alkaline elution, collecting alkaline eluent and 0.5mol / L dilute
hydrochloric acid adjust pH = 3, centrifuged and the supernatant;
(6) The supernatant continue on macroporous resin, elute to
substantially colorless first with pure water, the second with 20%
to 25% ethanol 2 ~ 3BV, discarded, and the third with 50 % ~ 60%
ethanol, the eluate was collected 3 ~ 6BV;
(7) The collected eluate was concentrated to dryness.
More preferred aspect of the present invention provides, step (2)
of the complex enzyme with water use ratio of enzyme: water = 1
(g): 200 (ml), PH value is adjusted to 5; amount of enzyme
Polygonum cuspidatum powder weight ratio: enzyme: Polygonum
cuspidatum powder = 1-3: 80-100. The most preferred: with the
addition of Polygonum cuspidatum powder weight ratio of enzyme:
enzyme: Polygonum cuspidatum powder = 1: 100.
The present invention is preferably a strong base in the base.
Such as sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and the like.
The present invention has the following advantages:
1, Document only alkaline extraction, the present invention is the
first time alkaline elution, and at a certain concentration, the
target component targeted relatively strong, less impurities
2, the resin may be AB-8, D101 and other resveratrol with a
conventional resin adsorption using a broader scope;
3, the whole process cycle is short, simple equipment, low cost,
in addition to ethanol, other organic reagents no.
4, the product purity is over 65%.
FIG. 1 is a product of high performance liquid chromatogram.
FIG. 1 is a product of high-performance liquid chromatogram
Example 1:
The dried herbs Polygonum cuspidatum Polygonum cuspidatum crushed
into powder, over 80 mesh sieve, taking Polygonum cuspidatum
powder 100g, add water infiltration; 1g composite enzyme was added
200ml water, adjusted to pH = 5, then stir in flour Polygonum
cuspidatum, fermentation 48h on 50 ° C water bath. 80% ethanol was
extracted twice, first 12 times, 1.5h, 8 times the amount of the
second, 1h, filtered and the combined extracts were concentrated
to 500ml, 500ml of water was added, centrifuged and the
supernatant, the D101 resin (Tianjin sea Chemical Co., Ltd.), pure
water rinse to substantially colorless, then eluted with 0.5% NaOH
solution, collect 3BV, 0.5mol / L dilute hydrochloric pH = 3,
centrifuged and the supernatant, and then on D101 resin, eluting
first with pure water to a substantially colorless, the second
eluted with 25% ethanol, 3BV, the third time with 60% ethanol,
collected 5BV60% ethanol eluate, the eluate was concentrated, and
dried , HPLC assay 60.2% purity resveratrol.
Example 2:
The dried herbs Polygonum cuspidatum Polygonum cuspidatum crushed
into powder, over 80 mesh sieve, taking Polygonum cuspidatum
powder 100g, add water infiltration; 1g composite enzyme was added
200ml water, adjusted to pH = 5, then stir in flour Polygonum
cuspidatum, fermentation 52h on 50 ° C water bath. 80% ethanol was
extracted twice, first 12 times, 1.5h, 10 times a second, 1h,
filtered and the combined extracts were concentrated to 500ml,
600ml of water was added, centrifuged and the supernatant, the AB
-8 resin (Xi'an Xiao Lan Technology Co., Ltd.), pure water rinse
to substantially colorless, then eluted with 0.6% NaOH solution,
collect 3BV, 0.5mol / L dilute hydrochloric pH = 3, centrifuged
and the supernatant again on AB-8 resin, eluting first with pure
water to a substantially colorless, the second with 30% ethanol
3BV, the third time with 75% ethanol, collected 5BV75% ethanol
eluate, eluted It was concentrated, dried, HPLC assay 61.1% purity
Example 3:
The dried herbs Polygonum cuspidatum Polygonum cuspidatum crushed
into powder, over 80 mesh sieve, taking Polygonum cuspidatum
powder 100g, add water infiltration; 1g composite enzyme was added
200ml water, adjusted to pH = 5, then stir in flour Polygonum
cuspidatum, fermentation 60h on 50 ° C water bath. 80% ethanol was
extracted twice, first 12 times, 1.5h, 10 times a second, 1h,
filtered and the combined extracts were concentrated to 500ml,
600ml of water was added, centrifuged and the supernatant, the AB
-8 resin, pure water rinse to essentially colorless, then eluted
with 0.5% NaOH aqueous solution, was collected 3BV, 0.5mol / L
dilute hydrochloric pH = 3, centrifuged and the supernatant, and
then the resin AB-8, a first eluted with pure water to a
substantially colorless, the second eluted with 25% ethanol, 3BV,
the third time with 60% ethanol, collected 5BV60% ethanol eluate,
the eluate was concentrated, dried, HPLC determination, 65.1%
purity resveratrol.
Example 4:
The dried herbs Polygonum cuspidatum Polygonum cuspidatum crushed
into powder, over 80 mesh sieve, taking Polygonum cuspidatum
powder 80g, water infiltration; 1g composite enzyme was added
150ml water, adjusted to pH = 3, then stir in flour Polygonum
cuspidatum, fermentation 50h on 60 ° C water bath. 80% ethanol was
extracted twice, first 8 times the amount, 1.5h, 12 times a
second, 2h, filtered and the combined extracts were concentrated
to 500ml, 500ml of water was added, centrifuged and the
supernatant, the AB -8 resin, pure water rinse to essentially
colorless, then eluted with 0.4% NaOH aqueous solution, was
collected 5BV, 0.5mol / L dilute hydrochloric pH = 3, centrifuged
and the supernatant, and then the resin AB-8, a first eluted with
pure water to a substantially colorless, the second time with 20%
ethanol 2BV, the third time with 50% ethanol, collected 6BV50%
ethanol eluate, the eluate was concentrated, dried, HPLC
determination, 62.5% purity resveratrol.
Example 5:
The dried herbs Polygonum cuspidatum Polygonum cuspidatum crushed
into powder, over 80 mesh sieve, taking Polygonum cuspidatum
powder 100g, add water infiltration; 3g of compound enzymes added
250ml water, adjusted to pH = 4, then stir in flour Polygonum
cuspidatum, fermentation 24h on 35 ° C water bath. 40% ethanol was
extracted twice, first 6 times, 1.5h, 12 times a second, 2h,
filtered, and the combined extracts were concentrated to 500ml,
1500ml of water was added, centrifuged and the supernatant, the AB
-8 resin, pure water rinse to essentially colorless, then eluted
with 1% NaOH aqueous solution, was collected 4BV, 0.5mol / L
dilute hydrochloric pH = 2.5, centrifuged and the supernatant, and
then the resin AB-8, a first eluted with pure water to a
substantially colorless, the second with 10% ethanol 3BV, the
third time with 95% ethanol, collected 3BV95% ethanol eluate, the
eluate was concentrated, dried, HPLC determination, 61.5% purity
Example 6:
The dried herbs Polygonum cuspidatum Polygonum cuspidatum crushed
into powder, over 80 mesh sieve, taking Polygonum cuspidatum
powder 80g, water infiltration; 3g of compound enzymes added 220ml
water, adjusted to pH = 3.5, then stir in flour Polygonum
cuspidatum, fermentation 48h on 45 ° C water bath. 60% ethanol
reflux extraction twice, first 8 times the amount, 1h, 10 times a
second, 2h, filtered, and the combined extracts were concentrated
to 500ml, 800ml of water was added, centrifuged and the
supernatant, the AB- 8 resin, pure water rinse to essentially
colorless, then eluted with 0.5% NaOH aqueous solution, was
collected 5BV, 0.5mol / L dilute hydrochloric pH = 3.5,
centrifuged and the supernatant, and then the resin AB-8, the
first elution with purified water to a substantially colorless,
the second with 30% ethanol 2BV, the third with 80% ethanol,
collected 6BV80% ethanol eluent, concentrating the eluate and
drying, HPLC assay yield 62.5% purity resveratrol.
Obviously, the above-described embodiments of the present
invention is merely to clearly illustrate the present invention
made by way of example, and not limitative of the embodiments of
the present invention. Those of ordinary skill in the art that,
based on the above description may be made other changes or
changes in different forms. It could not be here without
exhaustive of all embodiments. Changes or changes in these
apparent spirit of the present invention belong to the corollary
still in the midst of the scope of the present invention.
Method for extracting total anthraquinone
aglycones from giant knotweed
The invention discloses a method for extracting total
anthraquinone aglycones from giant knotweed, and the method
comprises the following steps: smashing giant knotweed medicinal
material, then adding ethanol in a certain concentration,
performing heating reflux, filtering, diluting the filtrate,
degreasing through a low-polarity solvent, and then adding
n-butanol for extraction, evaporating extract liquor to obtain an
n-butanol extract, adding a low-polarity organic solvent and
inorganic acid into water phase after extraction for hydrolysis,
washing organic phase after hydrolysis with water till reaching
neutrality, evaporating to obtain a hydrolysis product, merging
the hydrolysis product with a n-butanol layer, performing
macroporous resin chromatography, and recrystallizing to obtain a
total anthraquinone aglycone pure product above 99%.; The method
is low in cost, simple in process and high in purity of the
The present invention discloses a method of extracting total
anthraquinone aglycone from Polygonum cuspidatum, the process by
adding crushed herbs Polygonum cuspidatum after certain
concentrations of ethanol, heated to reflux, filtered, and the
filtrate was diluted by the low polar solvent degreasing added
n-butyl alcohol extract was evaporated to dryness to give
n-butanol extract, the aqueous phase was extracted after adding a
low polar organic solvent and an inorganic acid hydrolysis, roar
and the organic phase washed with water until neutral and
evaporated to dryness to give the hydrolysis product, the
hydrolysis product butanol layers were combined, via a macroporous
resin chromatography, recrystallization, to obtain more than 99%
of the total pure anthraquinone aglycone, the method is low cost,
simple process, extraction of high purity.
The present invention relates to a method of extracting total
anthraquinone aglycone method, particularly relates to a extract
from Polygonum cuspidatum anthraquinone aglycone approach.
Background technique
Polygonum cuspidatum for the plants, surface brown to gray-brown,
with a clear vertical wrinkles, spots and fibrous roots fibrous
scar, and branches on the top section and the sheath-like scar bud
scales. Long section between 2-3cm. Quality hard and difficult to
break, fracture surface brown, fibrous, and the sheath Kibe easily
separated, the cortex is thinner, accounted for most of the wood
portion, radially, the central marrow cavity shape or form, a
longitudinal section of the diaphragm, gas micro, taste bitter,
Knotweed rhizomes can be for medicinal purposes, there is blood
scattered sputum, chills and detoxification, anti-inflammatory
pain, jaundice and other effects to heat, knotweed rhizome
containing free anthraquinone and anthraquinone glycosides, such
as emodin, rhein, , physcion, physcion -8-OD- glucoside and emodin
-8-OD- glucoside and so on. Said anthraquinone substance has
antibacterial, diarrhea, anti-inflammatory role of detoxification,
can be used in medical, health and household chemicals, and good
market prospects, but the current extraction methods exist to
extract total anthraquinone glycosides yuan is not high purity,
high extraction costs, complex extraction process and other
Object of the present invention is to provide a total
anthraquinone aglycone high purity extract from Polygonum
cuspidatum anthraquinone aglycone method of extracting low cost,
simple extraction process, the extracted.
The above object of the present invention is achieved by the
following technical solution to achieve: a method of extracting
total anthraquinone aglycone from Polygonum cuspidatum, comprising
the following steps:
(1) Polygonum added extraction solvent by heating reflux
extraction, the residue was removed by filtration, the extract was
concentrated to give a crude extract concentrate;
(2) The crude extract concentrate is diluted with water and then
with a low polar organic solvent degreasing, degreasing was after
(3) the addition of n-butanol in the dilution after degreasing,
the n-butanol extract was concentrated and n-butanol extract;
(4) to the water n-butanol phase after adding a low polar organic
solvents and inorganic acids, heating hydrolysis reaction, after
hydrolysis, remove the upper organic phase was washed with water
until aqueous phase was neutral, organic evaporated The solvent to
obtain a hydrolyzate;
Hydrolyzate of step (5) in step (4) obtained in (3) obtained in
n-butanol extracts were combined, dried macroporous resin
chromatography, alcohol-water system gradient to give the total
anthraquinone aglycone crude;
(6) The total anthraquinone aglycone crude product was
recrystallized to obtain high-purity total anthraquinone aglycone
In the above steps:
Extraction step of the present invention (1) the solvent is
aqueous ethanol, wherein the volume percent of ethanol is
preferably 70 to 90% aqueous ethanol used is preferably 3 to 5
times the mass of Polygonum cuspidatum. Wherein preferably from
the place of origin of P. cuspidatum Polygonum cuspidatum tubers,
dried and then pulverized by the extraction solvent extraction.
The present invention, in step (1) was heated under reflux time is
preferably 5 to 8 hours, the heating temperature is 75 ° C-80 ° C,
the extraction mixture is preferably 3 to 4 times.
The present invention, in step (1) is preferably in the extract
was concentrated to the original volume of 1/15 ~ 1/10.
The present invention in step (2) in the crude extract and
concentrate volume ratio of water mass 1g: 10 ~ 15mL, the low
polarity organic solvent is methylene chloride or cyclohexane,
preferably methylene chloride, in an amount dilutions of the crude
extract representing a total volume of 0.3 to 0.5 times, 2-3 times
the number of fat, skim combined extracts were obtained after
Inventive step (3) of the n-butanol is preferably added in an
amount accounting for 0.5 to 1 times the crude extract dilutions
of the total volume of extraction times and preferably 1 to 2
Step of the present invention (4) in the low polar organic solvent
is preferably methylene chloride, preferably in an amount
accounting for dilution of the crude extract of a total volume of
1/5 to 1/4.
pH value of the inventive step (4) of the n-butanol in the aqueous
phase after addition of an inorganic acid solution is preferably
adjusted to 4-5, heating hydrolysis reaction is preferably 5 ~ 6h,
the heating temperature is 60 ° C-70 ° C wherein the mineral acid
is preferably sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid, preferably
sulfuric acid.
Inventive step (5) in the low polar macroporous resin macroporous
resin, the low polarity is preferably a macroporous resin AB-8 or
HP-20, preferably HP-20, the alcohol-water system comprise a
volume percentage of 10%, respectively, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%,
70%, 80%, 90%, 100% ethanol solution, after macroporous resin
chromatography, collecting ethanol percentage of 40-80% as eluent
part segment, and evaporated to dryness to obtain a total of
anthraquinone aglycone crude.
Step of the present invention (6) in ethanol recrystallized volume
percent ethanol content of 90 to 98% of the total amount of
ethanol anthraquinone aglycone from 8 to 10 times the total mass
of the crude product, recrystallization when the temperature is -
5 ~ -10 ° C, allowed to stand for 5 to 8 hours, and then
crystallization purity higher than 99% of total anthraquinone
aglycone products.
The present invention has the following advantages: the extraction
process of the invention is simple, low cost, the total extract
anthraquinone aglycone product purity of over 99%, high purity,
can be widely used in medical, health care and household
chemicals, and good market prospects .
Below in conjunction with embodiments of the present invention
will be further described, but they are not limited to the present
invention, wherein the raw materials used in the absence of
exceptional indicated, are commercially available.
Example 1
The dried pulverized rhizome of Polygonum cuspidatum, take 500 g
was added to 2,500 g of 75% volume percent of ethanol was heated
under reflux in a water bath to extract eight hours, filtered, and
then after the filtration was repeated 2 times, the combined
extracts. The extract was concentrated to 200 g, diluted 3000mL
water, stir well. To the dilution was added 1200 ml of
dichloromethane and extracted, twice repeated and the combined
extracts recovered dichloromethane. Down the layers the aqueous
layer was added 1700 mL of n-butanol, stirred extraction was
repeated twice, and the combined extracts were concentrated and
recovering a n-butanol, to give 10.74 g of solid. To the aqueous
layer was extracted by n-butanol was added after the mass
percentage of 98% sulfuric acid to adjust the pH value to 5, and
then 650 ml of methylene chloride was added, stirred, the
hydrolysis reaction was heated in an oil bath for 6 hours and then
cooled to room temperature, separation of the upper The organic
layer was washed with water until the aqueous layer became neutral
basis, to recover the solvent was concentrated to give 9.45 g
solid. The 10.74 grams of n-butanol extract was combined with 9.45
g hydrolyzate with 1000mL volume percentage of 20% aqueous ethanol
and the dissolution liquid by ultrasound in addition to gas,
filtered, and then the sample through the current pump has been
installed to the column and by 500 g pretreated macroporous resin
HP-20 chromatography column. After loading is complete, eluted
with 3 column volumes of pure water in addition to sugar,
desalting, and then by a volume percent content of 10%,
respectively, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80 %, 100% (V ethanol:
V water) of the alcohol-water system gradient eluate 40% -80% of
the segment, combined and concentrated to give 6.32 g ethanol
recovery pale yellow solid crude product. The crude product was
dissolved in 60 g of 95% by volume percentage of alcohol, heated
to reflux for 30 minutes, filtered, and the filtrate was cooled to
room temperature and then stored at -8 ° C still 8 hours to
precipitate 2.12 g orange solid pure content tests showed a purity
of 99.31%.
Example 2
The dried pulverized rhizome of Polygonum cuspidatum, take 700 g
was added 3500 g of 80% volume percent of ethanol was heated under
reflux in a water bath to extract seven hours, filtered, and then
after the filtration was repeated 2 times, the combined extracts.
The extract was concentrated to 250 grams, diluted 3000mL water,
stir well. To the dilution was added 1400 ml of dichloromethane
and extracted, twice repeated and the combined extracts recovered
dichloromethane. Down the layers the aqueous layer was added 1800
mL of n-butanol, stirred extraction was repeated twice, and the
combined extracts were concentrated and recovering a n-butanol, to
give 12.86 g of solid. To the aqueous layer was extracted by
n-butanol was added after the mass content of 98% sulfuric acid to
adjust the pH value to 4.5, then 650 ml of methylene chloride was
added, stirred, the hydrolysis reaction was heated in an oil bath
for 5 hours and then cooled to room temperature, divided the upper
organic layer was washed with water until the aqueous layer became
neutral basis, to recover the solvent was concentrated to give
13.43 g of solid. The 12.86 grams of n-butanol extract was
combined with 13.43 g hydrolyzate with 1000mL volume percentage of
20% aqueous ethanol and the dissolution liquid by ultrasound in
addition to gas, filtered, and then the sample through the current
pump has been installed to the column and by 500 g pretreated
macroporous resin HP-20 chromatography column. After loading is
complete, eluted with 3 column volumes of pure water in addition
to sugar, desalting, and then were treated with the following
volume percent of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80 %, 100% (V
ethanol: V water) of the alcohol-water system gradient eluate 40%
-80% of the segment, combined and concentrated to give 8.12 g of
alcohol recovered crude pale yellow solid. The crude product was
dissolved in 80 g of 98% by volume percentage of ethanol was
heated to reflux for 40 minutes, filtered, and the filtrate was
cooled to room temperature and then stored at -5 ° C still seven
hours to precipitate 3.31 g orange solid pure, determination It
showed a purity of 99.25%.
Example 3
The dried roots of Polygonum cuspidatum powdered, was added 4500 g
1000 g take volume percent of 85% ethanol was heated under reflux
in a water bath to extract 6 hours, filtered, and then filtered
after extraction was repeated 3 times, the combined extracts. The
extract was concentrated to 400 g, diluted 4500mL water, stir
well. To the dilution was added 1700 ml of dichloromethane and
extracted, twice repeated and the combined extracts recovered
dichloromethane. Down the layers the aqueous layer was added
3000mL of n-butanol, stirred extraction was repeated twice, and
the combined extracts were concentrated and recovering a
n-butanol, to give 17.24 g of solid. To the aqueous layer was
extracted by n-butanol was added after the mass content of 98%
sulfuric acid to adjust the pH value to 4.7, then 1000 ml of
methylene chloride was added, stirred, the hydrolysis reaction was
heated in an oil bath for 5 hours and then cooled to room
temperature, divided the upper organic layer was washed with water
until the aqueous layer became neutral basis, to recover the
solvent was concentrated to give 15.53 g of solid. The 17.24 grams
of n-butanol extract was combined with 15.53 g hydrolyzate with
1000mL volume percentage of 20% aqueous ethanol and the
dissolution liquid by ultrasound in addition to gas, filtered, and
then the sample through the current pump has been installed to the
column and by 500 g pretreated macroporous resin HP-20
chromatography column. After loading is complete, eluted with 3
column volumes of pure water in addition to sugar, desalting, and
then were treated with a volume percent content of 10%, 20%, 30%,
40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80 %, 100% (V ethanol: V water) of the
alcohol-water system gradient eluate 40% -80% of the segment,
combined and concentrated to give 10.13 g of alcohol recovered
crude pale yellow solid. The crude product was dissolved in 90 g
of 95% ethanol was heated at reflux for 50 minutes, filtered, and
the filtrate was cooled to room temperature and then to -7 ° C
still save six hours to precipitate 4.86 g orange solid pure,
purity determination indicates that 99.11% .
Example 4
The dried pulverized rhizome of Polygonum cuspidatum, take 600 g
was added 1800 g of 90% volume percent of ethanol was heated under
reflux in a water bath to extract five hours, filtered, and then
filtered after extraction was repeated 3 times, the combined
extracts. The extract was concentrated to 500 g was added 5000mL
dilution water, stir well. To the dilution was added 1650 ml of
cyclohexane extraction was repeated 3 times, extracts were
combined, recovered cyclohexane. Down the layers the aqueous layer
was added 2750 ml of n-butanol, stirred extraction was repeated
once, and the combined extracts were concentrated and recovering a
n-butanol, n-butanol extract obtained, to the aqueous layer was
extracted by n-butanol was added after the mass percent adjusting
the pH of 98% sulfuric acid to 4, and then 1375 ml of methylene
chloride was added, stirred, the hydrolysis reaction was heated in
an oil bath for 6 hours and then cooled to room temperature,
separated and the upper organic layer was washed with water until
the aqueous layer became neutral basis, and concentrated recovered
solvent to give a hydrolyzate. The n-butanol extract and the
hydrolyzate combined with 1000mL volume percentage of 20% aqueous
ethanol and the dissolution liquid by ultrasound in addition to
gas, filtered, and then by the current pump has been installed to
sample column and pretreated 500 g of macroporous resin HP-20
chromatography column. After loading is complete, eluted with 3
column volumes of pure water in addition to sugar, desalting, and
then by a volume percent content of 10%, respectively, 20%, 30%,
40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80 %, 100% (V ethanol: V water) of the
alcohol-water gradient solvent system, from 40% to 80% of eluent
segment, combined, and concentrated to give a pale yellow solid
was recovered crude ethanol, the crude product was dissolved in
percent volume 95% alcohol, heated to reflux for 30 minutes,
filtered, and the filtrate was cooled to room temperature and then
stored at -8 ° C still 8 hours to precipitate an orange solid
pure, purity determination showed 99.15%.
The above embodiments of the present invention are illustrative
only, and the scope of the present invention is not limited to the
above embodiments. Ordinary skill in the art based on the above
parameters and content of the present invention disclosed taken
range, can achieve the object of the present invention.
New method for extracting resveratrol from
giant knotweed rhizome
he invention relates to a new method for extracting resveratrol
from giant knotweed rhizomes. The method comprises the following
steps of pulverization, extraction, concentration, hydrolyzation,
crystallization, filtration, drying, and the like. The method does
not require enzymatic hydrolysis or column chromatography,
extracts polydatin and resveratrol from giant knotweed directly by
using methanol (ethanol), decomposes glycosidic bonds on the
polydatin with acids, neutralizes redundant acids with alkalis,
and obtains resveratrol with a content of above 50%. The invention
does not require column chromatography, has less solvent
consumption, simple operations, a short production period, low
cost, and high yield, and is applicable to industrial mass
The present invention is a new method for extracting resveratrol
from Polygonum cuspidatum rhizome. The method includes crushing,
extraction, concentration, hydrolysis, crystallization,
filtration, drying and other steps. This method does not require
enzymatic hydrolysis, column chromatography, extracted from
Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol in polydatin and direct methanol
(ethanol) out, and then the acid glycoside bond Polydatin on
decomposition, plus soda and excess acid, obtained by the method
of resveratrol content of greater than 50%. The present invention
is not subjected to column chromatography, solvent consumption of
small, simple operation, short production cycle, low cost, high
yield and is suitable for industrial mass production.
The present invention relates to a new method for extracting
resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum rhizome, belonging to the
technical field of natural products chemistry.
Background technique
Polydatin (polydatin) aka Polydatin its structural formula is as
Resveratrol (resveratrol), the formula is as follows:
Resveratrol is extracted from the roots and rhizomes of grape
skins and grape branch knotweed Polygonum plants out of a
flavonoids. Resveratrol Polygonum medicine mainly in the form of
glycosides, a small amount of resveratrol in free coexistence,
herbs Polygonum cuspidatum is the main active ingredient.
Polydatin resveratrol and a variety of biological activity. Such
as anti-oxidation, anti-tumor, improve microcirculation, blood
fat, lowering blood pressure.
Currently, the method for extracting resveratrol from Polygonum
cuspidatum now include the use of herbs itself after enzymatic
hydrolysis extract plus extract or the like to extract plus
enzymatic hydrolysis such as patent CN1251361A, CN101698634A,
CN101338327, CN1896255A, etc. after enzymatic hydrolysis, most of
the extraction solvent is an organic solvent, these methods are
subject to hydrolysis polydatin into resveratrol. But need a
constant temperature digestion process, so as to ensure adequate
enzymatic and enzymatic production occupies a larger space, a long
reaction time, and fermented herbs if not promptly treated, it can
lead to the fermentation of resveratrol decreased, which takes a
large human and material resources, will inevitably lead to lower
productivity, higher costs.
Patent CN1513823 A discloses a supercritical CO2 extraction
process of resveratrol, which uses supercritical CO2 extraction
process, and mixed with ethanol and 2-propanol as a solvent
modifier. This process is simple, short production cycle, reduce
solvent consumption, low cost, high yield, but supercritical CO2
extraction technology is currently used in large-scale production
there is a certain degree of difficulty, can only stay in the
experimental stage.
Patent CN1546503A discloses a polydatin resveratrol and new
preparation methods and Patent CN101397242A discloses an extract
from fresh Polygonum cuspidatum The process of purification of
resveratrol, since the content of resveratrol in Polygonum
cuspidatum containing low , the vast majority is in the form of
glycosides to Polygonum cuspidatum. Because there is no such
preparation to glycosides transforming the resulting low yield
large losses. And the former polyamide chromatography, but
fine-grained polyamide, easy to plug the column.
Patent CN1724495A discloses a process for the preparation
of resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum herbal plants, through
ethanol extraction, concentration, and extracted with ethyl
acetate, cellulose as stationary phase column chromatography, as
required during operation ultrasound to ultrasound dissolved
extract can be extracted, and the ethyl acetate extraction process
emulsification obviously, big loss. Although cellulose as the
stationary phase for the first time, but still difficult to
promote use.
Patent CN1962592A discloses an isolated and purified from
traditional Chinese medicine Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol
glucoside and resveratrol approach. Extracted with ethanol,
macroporous resin column pre-separation, then the high-speed
countercurrent chromatography, the large amount of an organic
solvent, time-consuming and costly.
Patent CN1513822A discloses an extract resveratrol from
Polygonum cuspidatum process, the first use of special
microorganisms added to improve the bioconversion of Polygonum
cuspidatum resveratrol content, the use of 40% ethanol and
4-methyl-2-pentanol mixture as the extraction solvent, microwave
extraction. Although the present invention is to simplify the
process and operation process and shorten the production cycle,
reduce costs, but the microwave extraction technology is limited
to laboratory operations.
Patent CN101348805A discloses a new process to extract
resveratrol. Alkaline extraction, and the extract after adjusting
the pH, flocculant clarifying agent treatment, enzymatic
hydrolysis, filtration, the precipitate was dried to obtain
resveratrol content of 50%; which was further dilute alkali wash,
then washed to neutral, then dissolved in a lot of hot water, the
water was allowed to stand at room temperature, precipitation
sedimentation, filtration and drying to obtain resveratrol content
of 98% of the products. Alkaline extraction solution viscosity,
filtration long time, a large filtrate loss, high energy
consumption, long period, complicated operation.
Patent CN1621401A discloses a high purity extract from
Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol way is through different polar
solvent extract derived after multiple reflow, this method complex
process, the amount of solvent consumption, long production cycle,
solvent recovery difficult.
Patent CN1384088A discloses a method for extracting
resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum plant through the organic
solvent extract of Polygonum cuspidatum Polygonum cuspidatum
glycosides, organic synthesis by means of hydrolyzing enriched it
with their composite filler ratio after pressurizing the high
pressure column in a dedicated apparatus, the high pressure
principle by HPLC column chromatography, eluting with chloroform
and ethyl acetate gradient. This method is cumbersome, long
production cycle, and elution process using highly toxic
Patent CN1760166A discloses a new method of purifying
resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum extract, the extraction
method using water, and then extract enriched polydatin out by
acid catalyzed hydrolysis reaction, but after a certain enrichment
product the proportion of pre-treatment macroporous adsorption
resin column to separate and purify water and ethanol. Polydatin
slightly soluble in water, resveratrol is insoluble in water, with
water as solvent extraction, extraction polydatin incomplete and
raw resveratrol could not be extracted.
In recent years, patents have been reported, extracted with an
alkaline solution, the drawback is that alkaline extract
viscosity, filtration speed is very slow, easy to plug the
filtration time consuming.
Patent CN101811939A discloses a tank resveratrol group
dynamic countercurrent extraction process by alkali extraction and
acid hydrolysis and then ethanol precipitation, activated carbon
decolorization out some impurities in through the resin column and
a silica gel column. As a result of the present invention, the
tank extraction group, large equipment footprint, the extraction
solvent is alkaline, alkaline extract high viscosity, filtered
difficult, and large after hydrolysis, the subsequent processing
equipment pressure, high energy consumption. CN101805755A
discloses a purified extract from Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol
process, the method is to use its own enzyme hydrolysis knotweed,
fermentation product by alkali extraction and acid precipitation,
passed through the column. There is a long hydrolysis time,
hydrolysis is not sufficient, an alkali extract difficult to
filter its shortcomings process.
In order to solve the above problems, the present invention
provides a novel method for extracting the roots from the plant
Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol, without the enzymatic method,
column chromatography, to obtain direct polydatin alcohol extract
and resveratrol then add the acid to the glycoside bond polydatin
exploded, plus excess acid and alkali, placed crystallization.
This method is simple, less solvent consumption, short production
cycle, low cost, high yield and is suitable for industrial mass
The method of the present invention is based on the plant
Polygonum cuspidatum rhizome as raw material, extraction,
concentration, hydrolysis, crystallization, filtration, drying and
Follow these steps:
a. The Polygonum cuspidatum rhizome crushed.
b. Press 1: 8 ~ 1: 20 (m / v) ratio of Polygonum cuspidatum meal
and 60 to 90% methanol (ethanol) of Polygonum cuspidatum extract
c. Concentrated to no alcohol taste.
d. Concentrate and acid hydrolysis stabilizers stirring.
e. Adjusting the pH to neutral hydrolyzate.
f. Standing crystallization, filtration, drying crystals.
Wherein step a crushing granularity 10 mesh sieve to obtain a
coarse powder.
Wherein step b reflux extraction time was 1 ~ 3h, 0.5 ~ 2h, 0.5 ~
1h, extracted three times, extraction temperature control between
50 ° C ~ 85 ° C.
Wherein the acid used in step d of sulfuric acid, hydrochloric
acid, acetic acid, phosphoric any one stabilizer is sodium
citrate, hydrolysis temperature is between 50 ° C ~ 80 ° C,
hydrolyzing time of 0.5 to 3 hours. Concentrate: Acid: stabilizing
agent = 100: 0.5 to 5: 1
Wherein the pH adjusting step e the reagent used is sodium
hydroxide, sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate, calcium oxide,
calcium hydroxide or a solid solution.
The following examples further illustrate the invention, but the
present invention is not limited to the contents contained in the
following examples.
Example A:
Take Polygonum cuspidatum meal 500g, was added 65% methanol
5000ml, extracted three hours at 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux,
filtered extract was collected for the first time. The residue was
added 65% methanol 5000ml, extracted 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux
for 2 hours, filtered, and collected by a second extraction
liquid. The residue was added 65% methanol 5000ml, extracted 80 °
C ~ 85 ° C under reflux for 1 hour, collected by filtration third
extract. Three combined extracts were concentrated under reduced
pressure to no alcohol taste. Press concentrate volume of
hydrochloric acid and sodium citrate ratio of 100: 3: 1 ratio by
adding hydrochloric acid and sodium citrate, hydrolyzed by
stirring for 1 hour at 75 ~ 80 ° C water bath, let cool, add 10%
sodium hydroxide solution to adjust to neutral pH, crystallized on
standing overnight, filtered, and the crystals were collected and
dried under reduced pressure to obtain resveratrol 8.7g. HPLC
Determination of 51.18%.
Example Two:
Take Polygonum cuspidatum meal 500g, with 70% methanol 4000ml,
extracted for 2 hours at 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C reflux, filtered, and
collected the first extract. Residue added 70% methanol 4000ml,
extracted 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux for 2 hours, filtered,
collected the second extract. Residue added 70% methanol 4000ml,
extracted for 1 hour at 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C reflux, filtered, and
collected the third extract. Three combined extracts were
concentrated under reduced pressure to no alcohol taste.
Concentrate by volume of sulfuric acid and sodium citrate ratio
100: 2: 1 ratio of sulfuric acid and sodium citrate was added,
followed by stirring at 70 ~ 80 ° C water bath for 2 hours
hydrolysis, allowed to cool, adjusted with 5% sodium hydroxide
solution to neutral pH, crystallized on standing overnight,
filtered, and the crystals were collected and dried under reduced
pressure to obtain resveratrol 8.1g, HPLC content of 51.34% was
Example Three:
Take Polygonum cuspidatum meal 500g, added 80% methanol 9000ml,
extracted for 2 hours at 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C reflux, filtered, and
collected the first extract. The residue was added 80% methanol
9000ml, extracted 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux for 2 hours,
filtered, collected the second extract. The residue was added 80%
methanol 9000ml, extracted 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux for 1
hour, filtered, collecting the third extract. Three combined
extracts were concentrated under reduced pressure to no alcohol
taste. , Based on concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid and
sodium citrate volume ratio of 100: 3: 1 ratio of hydrochloric
acid and sodium citrate was added, followed by stirring at 70 ~ 80
° C water bath for 2 hours hydrolysis, let cool, add solid sodium
hydroxide to adjust the pH neutral, crystallized on standing
overnight, filtered, and the crystals were collected and dried
under reduced pressure to obtain resveratrol 8.5g, HPLC content of
51.75% was measured.
Example Four:
Polygonum cuspidatum meal 500g, 85% methanol was added 7000ml,
extracted for 2 hours at 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C reflux, filtered, and
collected the first extract. The residue was added 85% methanol
7000ml, extracted 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux for 2 hours,
filtered, collected the second extract. The residue was added 85%
methanol 7000ml, extracted 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux for 1
hour, collected by filtration third extract. Three combined
extracts were concentrated under reduced pressure to no alcohol
taste. Press concentrate volume ratio of phosphoric acid and
sodium citrate 100: 3: 1 ratio of phosphoric acid and sodium
citrate was added, followed by stirring at 70 ~ 80 ° C water bath
for 2 hours hydrolysis, allowed to cool, the solution was adjusted
with 5% sodium bicarbonate pH to neutral stand overnight
crystallization, filtration, crystals were collected and dried
under reduced pressure to give resveratrol 8.7g, determined by
HPLC content of 50.46%.
Example five:
Polygonum cuspidatum meal 5kg, 85% methanol was added 50L,
extracted for 2 hours at 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C reflux, filtered, and
collected the first extract. The residue was added 85% methanol
50L, extracted 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux for 2 hours, filtered,
and collected by a second extraction liquid. The residue was added
85% methanol 50L, extracted 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux for 1
hour, collected by filtration third extract. Three combined
extracts were concentrated under reduced pressure to no alcohol
taste. Press concentrate volume of hydrochloric acid and sodium
citrate ratio of 100: 4: 1 ratio by adding hydrochloric acid and
sodium citrate ,, stirred at 70 ~ 80 ° C hydrolysis for 2 hours
and let cool, add 5% sodium hydroxide solution to adjust pH to
neutral, crystallized on standing overnight, filtered, and the
crystals were collected and dried under reduced pressure to obtain
resveratrol 91g, determined by HPLC content of 51.27%.
Example VI:
Polygonum cuspidatum meal 500kg, added 80% methanol 5000L,
extracted for 2 hours at 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C reflux, filtered, and
collected the first extract. The residue was added 80% methanol
5000L, extracted 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux for 2 hours,
filtered, collected the second extract. The residue was added 80%
methanol 5000L, extracted 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux for 1 hour,
filtered, collecting the third extract. Three combined extracts
were concentrated under reduced pressure to no alcohol taste.
Hydrochloric acid was added to the concentrate according 100L 3L,
sodium citrate was added 1kg, at 70 ~ 80 ° C was stirred for 2
hours hydrolysis, allowed to cool, with 5% sodium hydroxide
solution to adjust the pH to neutral, crystallized on standing
overnight, filtration, crystals were collected by dried under
reduced pressure to give resveratrol 8.8kg, HPLC determination of
Example VII:
Polygonum cuspidatum meal 500kg, 85% methanol was added 4000L,
extracted for 3 hours at 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C reflux, filtered, and
collected the first extract. The residue was added 85% methanol
4000L, extracted 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux for 2 hours,
filtered, collected the second extract. The residue was added 85%
methanol 4000L, extracted 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux for 1 hour,
collected by filtration third extract. Three combined extracts
were concentrated under reduced pressure to no alcohol taste.
Press concentrate volume of hydrochloric acid and sodium citrate
ratio of 100: 3: 1 ratio of hydrochloric acid and sodium citrate
was added, followed by stirring at 70 ~ 75 ° C hydrolysis for 2
hours and let cool, add solid sodium hydroxide to adjust the pH to
neutral place overnight crystallization, filtration, crystals were
collected and dried under reduced pressure to give resveratrol
8.5kg, determined by HPLC content of 51.92%.
Example VII:
Polygonum cuspidatum meal 500kg, 85% methanol was added 5500L,
extracted for 2 hours at 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C reflux, filtered, and
collected the first extract. The residue was added 85% methanol
5500L, extracted 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux for 2 hours,
filtered, collected the second extract. The residue was added 85%
methanol 5500L, extracted 80 ° C ~ 85 ° C under reflux for 1 hour,
filtered, collected the third extract. Three combined extracts
were concentrated under reduced pressure to no alcohol taste.
Press concentrate, sulfuric acid and sodium citrate volume ratio
of 100: 3: 1 ratio of sulfuric acid and sodium citrate was added,
followed by stirring at 70 ~ 75 ° C water bath for hydrolysis of 2
hours, allowed to cool, add solid sodium hydroxide to adjust pH
neutral, crystallized on standing overnight, filtered, and the
crystals were collected and dried under reduced pressure to obtain
resveratrol 8.7kg, determined by HPLC content of 51.51%.
Microwave-combined enzymatic method for
extracting resveratrol from giant knotweed rhizome
The invention provides a microwave-combined enzymatic method for
extracting resveratrol from giant knotweed rhizome, which
comprises the following steps of: weighing a plurality of parts of
5.000g of giant knotweed rhizome, preparing into mixed solution in
a liquid-to-material mass ratio of 20:1 by using 80 volume percent
ethanol solution as an extracting agent, and adding 10mg of
cellulase for enzymolysis under the optimal enzymatic extraction
conditions, namely at the temperature of 50 DEG C and the pH value
of 5.0 for 30 minutes, wherein a microwave-assisted extraction
single factor experiment proves that microwave power has slight
influence on the yield of the resveratrol, so only the influence
of microwave time is considered; and performing microwave heating
on the mixed solution subjected to enzymolysis under the power of
510W, performing suction-filtering on extracting solution under
reduced pressure, concentrating, and drying at a low temperature
to obtain a resveratrol sample. The resveratrol is extracted by
the microwave-combined enzymatic method, so that on the one hand,
the extraction ratio is greatly improved, and on the other hand,
compared with a simple enzymatic extraction method, the
microwave-combined enzymatic method greatly shortens extraction
time; a simple microwave extraction method is high in speed but
low in the extraction ratio; and the microwave-combined enzymatic
method fully combines the advantages of the simple enzymatic
extraction method and the simple microwave extraction method, so
that production cost is reduced, and the method is more suitable
for industrial production.
The present invention provides a combination of microwave
Enzymatic extraction of Resveratrol from Polygonum method involves
enzymatic extraction and microwave extraction technology.
Polygonum cuspidatum, also known as big-leaf tongue mains, spotted
purple dragon root, its roots and stems contain anthraquinones and
stilbene compounds effective active substances in its class
component stilbene resveratrol (resveratrol) is an important
phytoalexins, can enhance plant resistance to pathogens, and have
antioxidant, free radical scavenging, anti-aging, anti-cancer,
cardiovascular protection and plant estrogen and hepatoprotective
effect, is a great value of natural substance.
Currently, there are more than ten countries and regions in the
development of the world's raw materials and preparations
resveratrol, another new green anticancer drug Taxol has been
hailed after being widespread concern. Major domestic extracted
from Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol, extracted with an organic
solvent and more, and with a solvent such as chloroform as eluent,
separated by a silica gel column, the time required is longer,
larger toxic solvents such as chloroform, solvent residue problems
difficult to solve, Polygonum cuspidatum only single component
extraction and separation, and can not make full use of the
resources of Polygonum cuspidatum, low economic value. Most of the
active ingredients of Chinese herbal medicines have been wrapped
in the plant cell wall and extracted with an organic solvent used
in general, difficult to destroy the cell wall, a lower extraction
rate, foreign-1980s has been treated by the enzymatic extraction
of natural products, researchers reported It showed that enzymatic
action can make the cell wall loose, broken, reducing the mass
transfer resistance, accelerate the release of the active
ingredient, thereby increasing extraction rate, enhance the value
of raw materials. The microwave heating method has a short time,
uniform heating, producing good quality products, easy to automate
control and so on. Microwave can be directly compared to the role
of molecules, the thermal motion of molecules increased, while
raising the temperature from this thermal effect can quickly
destroy the cell walls, making Chinese medicinal herbs have active
ingredients faster separations extracted. The present invention
uses the extraction of the enzyme, microwave technology combined
effect of resveratrol, enzymes and microwave and combination of
both methods give full play to their respective advantages, the
extraction time is short, high extraction rate, product quality,
easy to automate Available in factory production.
A microwave combination Enzymatic extraction of Resveratrol from
Polygonum method, the main problems to be solved is the most
suitable conditions for enzymatic extraction, microwave extraction
conditions, and how to combine the two extraction problems, the
present invention is determined by a series of experiments the
microwave digestion combined with resveratrol extract optimum
extraction conditions.
Weigh 5.000g Polygonum cuspidatum powder several parts, with the
volume fraction of 80% ethanol as extracting solvent, dubbed
liquid feed mixture 20:1 mass ratio, the optimum extraction
conditions enzyme that is 50 ° C temperature, ph value of 5.0
under the conditions of cellulase enzyme added 10mg 30min. Because
microwave assisted extraction single-factor test showed that
resveratrol has little effect on the yield of microwave power, so
only consider the impact of microwave time. By the hydrolysis
mixture over 510W power microwave heating, the extract reduced
pressure suction filtration, dried and concentrated to low
temperature, the sample was resveratrol.
Precautions: It was found that by increasing the microwave power
can increase the extraction yield, but little effect, likely to
cause excessive power within the container vigorously boiling
liquid, boiling medicine will produce large amounts of foam, rapid
discharge extraction vessel, causing the active ingredient loss
microwave should be used and intermittent, to control the
temperature, to prevent violent boiling liquid.
The present invention in combination with microwave Enzymatic
extraction of resveratrol on the one hand dramatically increase
the extraction rate, on the other hand, and simple enzymatic
extraction compared to shorten the extraction time, simply
microwave extraction although time is fast but the extraction
rate, the present method combines the full advantages of both
methods, reduce production costs, more suitable for industrial
Method for extracting resveratrol
The invention discloses a method for extracting resveratrol,
belongs to a method for preparing a compound by extracting and
distilling. The method comprises the following steps of: soaking
traditional Chinese medicine material of giant knotweed in water,
drying and crushing into giant knotweed powder; adding water,
which is 10 times as much as the giant knotweed powder in volume
ratio, processing with 300w ultrasonic for 10-15min; adding
1wt%-5wt% of cellulase and carrying out enzymolysis reaction at
constant temperature of 40-60 DEG C to obtain giant knotweed
powder subjected to enzymolysis; adding a mixed solution of
absolute ethyl alcohol and 2-propanol, which is 10 times as much
as the giant knotweed powder and used as a modifier;
supercritically extracting with CO2 and collecting extracts;
carrying out vacuum decompressed concentration to obtain a
concentrated filtrate containing resveratrol; and finally
chromatographing and refining by using macroporous adsorption
resin. By using the method, the consumption of an extraction
solvent can be greatly reduced, the cost can be reduced, the
process is easy to operate, the extraction solvent CO2 can be
recycled, little pollution to environment can be caused.
The present invention discloses a method for extracting
resveratrol, belongs with extractive distillation method for the
preparation of compounds. The present invention is a medicine raw
material Polygonum cuspidatum flooding after drying and
pulverizing a powdery raw material Polygonum cuspidatum, a volume
ratio of 10 times the amount of water added, the 300w ultrasonic
treatment for 10-15 minutes, then the weight percentage of 1% to
5% cellulase, at 40 ~ 60 ° C constant temperature obtained after
enzymatic hydrolysis reaction Polygonum cuspidatum powder; adding
10 times the amount of ethanol and a mixture of 2-propanol as
modifier, supercritical CO extraction, collection the extract was
vacuum concentrated to give the filtrate was concentrated under
reduced pressure to contain resveratrol, macroporous resin
chromatography refining. This method can greatly reduce the amount
of solvent extraction, reduce costs, the process is simple and
easy to operate, CO extraction solvent can be recycled,
environmental pollution and so on.
The present invention relates to a method for preparing compounds
of extractive distillation, in particular enzyme - supercritical
fluid extraction process of extracting resveratrol from Polygonum
Background technique
Giant knotweed (Polygonum Cuspidatum Sieb.et Zucc) Polygonum
Polygonum small shrubs, as China's traditional Chinese medicine,
mainly in the East, South, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan,
Guizhou and Yunnan and other places. With blood and pain, heat and
dampness, the role of cough and phlegm. Resveratrol (Resveratrol)
is one of the active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine
Polygonum cuspidatum, and its chemical name is 3,4 ', 5-trihydroxy
- trans - stilbene (3,4', 5-trihydroxystilbene), molecular formula
C14H12O3, molecular weight 228, which is structured as follows:
Resveratrol is a human health has a significant role in the
efficacy of natural active substances, has caused widespread
concern in the international community. By scientific research and
clinical applications show that resveratrol has anti-cancer,
anti-oxidation and prevent thrombosis, liver protection and free
radical scavenging and other effects, the elderly degenerative
diseases such as Parkinson's disease, dementia, Alzheimer's ,
rheumatic disease have a better prevention and treatment. In
cosmetics, it has to get rid of melasma and whitening effect; it
solidified lipid metabolism and platelet always make an impact,
can prevent coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis and other
diseases. Thus, resveratrol has become scientists attach great
importance to natural active ingredients, it has great medicinal
value and market prospects.
China Patent CN1621401A, discloses "a high-purity extract from
Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol method" which is extracted from
Polygonum dried after pretreatment of coarse roots added a certain
amount of organic solvent reflux recovered solvent, using
different pole the operation of the reflux solvent, the solvent
recovery section, centrifugation, sedimentation and water after
treatment with an adsorbent, to obtain a high-purity crystalline
This method uses large amounts of organic solvents, serious harm
to the environment, low product yield, high cost, is not suitable
for industrial production.
China Patent CN100340536C, disclosed "supercritical CO2 extraction
process of resveratrol from Polygonum" system using supercritical
CO2 extraction process, and with absolute ethanol and 2-propanol
mixed solvent as modifier, can greatly reduce the amount of
solvent extraction, reduce cost, simple process, high yield, good
product quality, CO2 extraction solvent can be recycled, for
environmental pollution.
Chinese patent CN1090603C disclosed "an extract from traditional
Chinese medicine in battle tiger resveratrol", the extraction
process is: Polygonum cuspidatum powdered material is added
cellulase enzyme reaction carried out at constant temperature for
48-72 hours to obtain enzyme raw materials; coupled with solvent
extraction was concentrated to obtain semi-finished products
containing resveratrol, and then refined to obtain. HSBC has a
source of raw materials, simple process, high yield advantage, the
end of the cost.
Supercritical CO2 fluid extraction is the high-tech field of
modern separation occurs, it can effectively reduce the amount of
organic solvent extraction efficiency; extraction solvent has
selected volatile extract more clean, less pollution to the
environment and other characteristics .
However, in the above technique, since just selected Polygonum
cuspidatum a simple pre-treatment process, thus affecting the
yield of the product.
The present invention addresses the above drawbacks of the prior
art, there is provided a method for enzymatic treatment to extract
resveratrol tiger battle.
The present invention is achieved by the following technical
A method for extracting resveratrol, Polygonum cuspidatum flooding
after Chinese medicine raw materials dried pulverized into powder
Polygonum cuspidatum materials by volume than 10 times the amount
of added water, treated by ultrasonic 300w for 10-15 minutes, then
weight percent 1% to 5% cellulase at 40 ~ 60 ° C constant
temperature obtained after enzymatic hydrolysis reaction Polygonum
cuspidatum powder; Polygonum cuspidatum powder was added to 10
times the amount of ethanol and 2-propanol as a mixture of
modifiers, supercritical CO2 extraction, the extract was
collected, concentrated under reduced pressure to give the
filtrate was concentrated under vacuum containing resveratrol;
macroporous resin chromatography refining.
The method of extraction of resveratrol, which is a powdery raw
material medicine Polygonum cuspidatum Polygonum cuspidatum soaked
in water 48 to 72 hours, remove and dry, pulverized and sieved
through a 40 mesh sieve charged.
The method of extraction of resveratrol, its enzymatic hydrolysis
reaction to adjust the pH value of 4.5 to 5.5, hydrolysis 60 ~
120min, take precipitate.
The method of extraction of resveratrol, the supercritical CO2
extraction from Polygonum powder is transferred after enzymatic
extraction kettle, adjust the extraction vessel pressure of 20 ~
35Mpa, extraction temperature is 40 ~ 55 ° C, parsing kettle
pressure 7 ~ 5Mpa, resolve temperature 40 ~ 55 ° C, to start the
cycle, while adding ethanol and 2-propanol to 8:2 volume ratio of
7/3 of the mixture as a modifier, supercritical CO2 60 ~ 120min
after extraction, the autoclave was adjusted parsed 5 ~ 6.5Mpa,
analytical temperature 40 ~ 50 ° C, collecting the extract.
The method of the resveratrol extract, the extract is at 40 ~ 50 °
C, under a vacuum of -40cmHg ~ -60cmHg conditions,
vacuum-concentrated under reduced pressure to recover the modifier
collected containing resveratrol The filtrate was concentrated.
The method of extraction of resveratrol, the purification is large
holes containing filtrate was concentrated resveratrol has washed
adsorption resin column chromatography, concentrated under reduced
pressure, freeze drying, purity ≥98 % of resveratrol.
Advantage of the present invention is that: 1, the use of
traditional Chinese medicine Polygonum cuspidatum enzymatic
methods and sonication, the raw material can be effectively
separated, greatly improving the utilization of resources; 2,
supercritical CO2 extraction technology, process is simple, yield
high, high purity, solvent consumption, no organic solvent
residue, the process of health hazards and environmental pollution
is small; 3, macroporous isolated and purified resveratrol, ideal
separation process is simple; resin recycling reusable, low cost,
simple equipment, low investment, better prospects for
Figure is a process flow diagram of the present invention.
The accompanying drawings and the following embodiments of the
present invention will be described in detail.
Example 1:
Weigh herbs Polygonum cuspidatum 10g, 20ml water for 48 hours,
remove and dry, crushed through a 40 mesh sieve; 100mL of
distilled water was added, treated by 300W ultrasound for 15
minutes and further pulverization, adjusting the pH value at 4.5
to 4.8 by adding cellulase 0.1g, maintaining the temperature at 45
~ 48 ° C, after hydrolysis 60min, fractionated precipitation,
drying into powder Polygonum cuspidatum after enzymatic
hydrolysis; the powder into the supercritical CO2 extraction
kettle, kettle regulating extraction pressure 20Mpa, extraction
temperature 40 ° C, pressure was resolved 5Mpa, a temperature of
40 ° C, extracted, while adding a mixture of 70ml ethanol and 30ml
of 2-propanol from the modifying agent, after extraction 60min,
the autoclave was adjusted resolves 5Mpa analytical temperature of
40 ° C, collect the extract, resveratrol was crude; recovering
modifier, at 40 ° C, vacuum degree of vacuum -40cmHg filtrate was
concentrated under reduced pressure and concentrated to give; and
finally, macroporous resin chromatography, and further purified
purity of 97.8% resveratrol product 0.056g.
Example 2:
Take herbs Polygonum cuspidatum 10g, 20ml water for 48 hours,
remove dry, sifted through a 40 mesh screen, added 100mL of
distilled water, treated by 300W ultrasound for 15 minutes and
further pulverized to adjust pH 4.8 to 5.0, was added cellulase
0.2g , maintaining the temperature at 45 ~ 50 ° C, hydrolysis
90min after dispensing precipitate was dried to a powder Polygonum
cuspidatum digestion; the powder into the supercritical CO2
extraction kettle, kettle regulating extraction pressure 30Mpa,
extraction temperature of 50 ° C analytical autoclave pressure
6Mpa, a temperature of 48 ° C, extracted, while adding 80ml of
ethanol and 20ml of 2-propanol as modifier, extraction 90min after
adjusting resolve autoclave pressure 5.8Mpa, resolve temperature
45 ° C, collect the extract, resveratrol was crude; finally
recovered modifier, at 45 ° C, vacuum degree of vacuum -50cmHg
filtrate was concentrated under reduced pressure and concentrated
to give; and finally, macroporous resin chromatography, further
refined purity of 98.5% resveratrol product 0.083g.
Example 3:
Take herbs Polygonum cuspidatum 10g, 20ml water for 48 hours,
remove dry, sifted through a 40 mesh screen, added 100mL of
distilled water, treated by 300W ultrasound for 15 minutes and
further pulverized to make tiger battle fibers become loose, it is
conducive to C. quinoa release resveratrol effective materials;
adjust the pH from 4.6 to 5.2, was added cellulase 0.3g,
maintaining the temperature at 47 ~ 52 ° C, after hydrolysis
120min, fractionated precipitation, drying into powder Polygonum
cuspidatum after hydrolysis, the powder loading the supercritical
CO2 extraction kettle, kettle regulating extraction pressure
35Mpa, extraction temperature of 55 ° C, the autoclave pressure to
resolve 7Mpa, a temperature of 53 ° C, extracted, while adding
80ml ethanol and 20ml of 2-propanol as modifiers, after extraction
120min, adjust resolve autoclave pressure 6.5Mpa, resolve
temperature 48 ° C. The extract was collected to give crude
resveratrol; and finally, recovery modifier, at 50 ° C, vacuum
degree of vacuum -60cmHg filtrate was concentrated under reduced
pressure and concentrated to give; and finally, by macroporous
resin adsorption chromatography have been washed further refined
to 98 percent purity resveratrol product 0.079g.
Method for preparing resveratrol extract
from giant knotweed and product
The invention discloses a method for preparing a resveratrol
extract from giant knotweed and a product. The method comprises
the following steps of: pulverizing giant knotweed, screening,
adding yeast accounting for 0.5-3 wt% of medicinal powder, evenly
stirring, and fermenting for 4-10 days; adding an organic solvent
which is 6-12 times of the medicinal powder by weight to reflux in
the water bath 2-4 times and 1-3 hours each time, concentrating
the extracting solution, and drying to obtain the crude extract;
and refluxing in the water bath of 20-50% ethanol (which is 3-6
times of the crude extract by weight) for 0.5-3 hours,
vacuum-filtering, concentrating the filtrate, filtering, and
drying the filter residues to obtain the resveratrol extract.;
Compared with the prior art, the invention has the advantages of
simple extraction process, low equipment investment, simple
operation, low production cost, higher conversion rate and
extraction yield of resveratrol, high resource utilization ratio
and favorable industrial production potential.
The present invention discloses a method for extraction and
product preparation Resveratrol extract from Polygonum cuspidatum
herbs, the method of P. cuspidatum is crushed, sieved powder was
added 0.5-3% by weight of yeast, stir, ferment 4- 10 days; adding
6-12 times the weight of the organic solvent in a water bath at
reflux for 2-4 times, 1-3 hours each time, the extract was
concentrated and dried to obtain a crude extract; crude extract
with 3-6 times the weight of 20- 50% ethanol-water bath under
reflux for 0.5-3 hours, filtration, and the filtrate was
concentrated and then filtered, the filter residue was dried to
obtain resveratrol extract. Compared with the prior art, the
present invention is used in the extraction process is simple,
small investment and easy operation, low production cost, high
conversion rate and resveratrol extract, resource utilization,
good prospects for industrial production .
The present invention relates to a method for extracting
resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum herbs, belonging to the
field of purification techniques pharmaceutically active
Background technique:
The current technical solution, resveratrol is mainly prepared by
chemical synthesis methods, but because there is a large
investment in equipment, process complexity, high cost and low
yield less than satisfactory, in recent years, people attempt to
extract polydatin (aka polydatin) and resveratrol from natural
plant Polygonum cuspidatum, resveratrol is a very beneficial to
human health, a variety of diseases have a significant role in the
efficacy of natural active substances , it has caused widespread
concern in the international community. By scientific research and
clinical applications show that resveratrol has anti-cancer,
anti-oxidation and prevent thrombosis, liver protection and free
radical scavenging and other effects, the elderly degenerative
diseases such as Parkinson's disease, dementia, Alzheimer's ,
rheumatic disease have a better prevention and treatment; in
cosmetics, it has to get rid of melasma and whitening effect; it
solidified lipid metabolism and platelet always make an impact,
can prevent coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis and other
diseases. With the continuous development of biological science
and technology, medicinal value and the amount of resveratrol in
the increasingly also surge. While inside it contains a lot of
natural plant Polygonum cuspidatum polydatin and resveratrol, but
because of complex components, difficult to extract, combined with
the current extraction process is not perfect, so the extraction
rate and purity are low.
Publication No. CN1724495A, entitled "prepared from herbal plants
Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol," the invention patent
application discloses P. cuspidatum with an organic solvent
extraction, extraction, concentration, silica gel column
chromatography to obtain resveratrol process ;
Publication No. CN1385535A, entitled "Chinese medicine to improve
the content of resveratrol in Polygonum cuspidatum approach"
invention patent application discloses the use of the water
infiltration natural fermentation, organic solvent extraction to
obtain a crude extract of Polygonum cuspidatum method
Publication No. as CN1896255A, entitled "microbial conversion
material Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol extract high purity
process," the invention patent application discloses the use of
special materials microbial bioconversion of Polygonum cuspidatum,
Polygonum cuspidatum extract preparation process;
Publication No. CN1384088A, name "a method for preparing
extracting resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum plant," the
invention patent application discloses the use of P. cuspidatum
organic solvent extraction, concentration, extraction,
concentration, hydrolysis, column chromatography, to obtain
resveratrol methods. Resveratrol above patent literature is the
result of the extraction process are extraction, enzymatic
reactions or acid hydrolysis, column chromatography steps, and the
process steps used in the present invention is completely
different. Moreover, existing technical solutions are present
complex process, complicated operation, high extraction costs,
resveratrol low conversion rate and other shortcomings, so the
degree of industrialization and its yield is still not
satisfactory yield.
Technical problem to be solved by the present invention are: to
overcome the deficiencies of the prior art, to provide a prepared
medicine extracted from Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol content
of more than 50% of the extraction methods and products thereof.
The method of extraction rate used in the present invention,
product purity, and can be reached kilogram quantities of
industrial production targets.
Aspect of the present invention: Preparation of resveratrol
extract extracted from Polygonum cuspidatum herbs as: the herbs
Polygonum cuspidatum crushing, screening, adding 0.5-3% by weight
of powder yeast, stir, ferment 4-10 days; then was added 6-12
times the weight of the organic solvent in a water bath at reflux
for 2-4 times, 1-3 hours each time, the extract was concentrated
and dried to obtain a crude extract; crude extract 20-50% by
weight of ethanol 3-6 times with water bath reflux for 0.5-3
hours, filtration, and the filtrate was concentrated and then
filtered, the filter residue dried to obtain resveratrol extract.
Specifically, the method comprising the steps of:
(1) The Polygonum cuspidatum crushed herbs, over 20-40 mesh sieve;
(2) Fermentation: take 0.5 to 3 parts by weight of yeast dissolved
in warm water after 26-32 ° C with 2.5 to 4.5 times the weight,
100 parts by weight of P. cuspidatum powder, stir, ferment 4-10
(3) Extraction: Add 6-12 times the weight of the organic solvent
to the fermented medicinal herbs, in a water bath at reflux for
2-4 times, 1-3 hours each time, the combined extracts were dried
and concentrated under reduced pressure to obtain a crude extract;
(4) Purification: The crude extract of crushed 3-6 times added 20
to 50% by weight of ethanol, water bath under reflux for 0.5 to 3
hours, vacuum filtration, the filtrate was concentrated to no
alcohol taste, filtration, the filter residue dried under reduced
pressure , that was resveratrol extract.
The above yeast wine yeast, baker's yeast or wine yeast.
Said organic solvent is ethyl acetate, ethyl acetate and petroleum
ether in any proportion or a mixed solvent system of ethyl acetate
and diethyl ether mixed solvent system in any proportion.
More specifically, the method of preparation of Resveratrol from
Polygonum cuspidatum extract herbs extract comprising the steps
(1) P. cuspidatum and crushed, over 20 mesh sieve;
(2) Fermentation: Take 1 part by weight of wine yeast, after 28 ~
30 ° C with 2.5 wt. Dissolved in warm water, 100 parts by weight
of P. cuspidatum powder, stir, maintaining the temperature at 28 ~
30 ° C, fermentation 6 days;
(3) Extraction: herbs fermented to 8 times by weight was added
ethyl acetate, 60-80 ° C water bath under reflux for 2 times, the
first two hours, one hour a second time, the combined extracts
were concentrated under reduced pressure after dried to obtain a
crude extract;
(4) Purification: The crude extract was pulverized, was added 6
times by weight of 40% ethanol, 60-80 ° C water bath under reflux
for 1 hour, vacuum filtration, the filtrate was concentrated until
no smell of alcohol, filtration, residues 40-70 ° C under reduced
pressure and dried to obtain resveratrol extract.
Using resveratrol extract preparation extracted from herbs
Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol extract preparation obtained
above. The resulting extract resveratrol content of more than 50%.
Here are the inventors experimental research in the process of
completion of the present invention carried out:
A crude extract preparation method thereof
1, yeast species of choice accurately weighed Polygonum cuspidatum
medicinal powder 20g, the following were added to the yeast 0.2g
(dissolved in 18mL of water was added), stir, sealed at room
temperature for 7 days, 90% ethanol was added 120mL After
fermentation, 60 ° C water bath reflux for 2 times, each time 1
hour, vacuum filtration, the combined extracts were concentrated
to recover the solvent, the crude extract was dried under reduced
pressure, accurately weighed 10mg, dissolved in methanol and set
the volume to 25mL, filtered through 0.45μm pore membrane
filtration, precision drawing continued filtrate 20μL injected
into the chromatograph to measure the content of resveratrol, the
results are as follows:
According to the results in Table 1, the selection of wines Angel
active dry yeast (average extraction rate of 0.88%).
2, fermentation time accurately weighed Polygonum cuspidatum
medicinal powder 20g, wine yeast were added 0.2g (dissolved in
18mL of water was added), stir, sealed room temperature for 1 to
12 days, 90% ethanol was added 120mL After fermentation, 60 ° C
water bath reflux for 2 times, each time 1 hour, vacuum
filtration, the combined extracts were concentrated to recover the
solvent, the crude extract was dried under reduced pressure,
accurately weighed 10mg, dissolved in methanol and set the volume
to 25mL, filtered through 0.45μm pore membrane filtration,
precision drawing continued filtrate 20μL injected into the
chromatograph to measure the content of resveratrol, the results
are as follows:
Due to the effect of the influence of temperature fermentation and
processing water that, considering, select appropriate
fermentation time to six days, the temperature is 28 ~ 30 ° C, 2.5
to 3 times the amount of water.
3, add water hydrolysis of the test precision that (after adding
the amount of water dissolved in the table) take Polygonum
cuspidatum medicinal powder 20g, were added to wine yeast 0.20g,
stir, sealed room temperature for 7 days, and ethyl acetate was
added 60mL after fermentation, 70 ° C water bath under reflux for
2 times, each time 1 hour, vacuum filtration, the combined
extracts were concentrated to recover the solvent, the crude
extract was dried under reduced pressure, accurately weighed 10mg,
dissolved in methanol and set the volume to 25mL, 0.45 μm filter
membrane, precision drawing continued filtrate 20μL injected into
the chromatograph to measure the content of resveratrol, the
results are as follows:
4, the amount of yeast test accurately weighed Polygonum
cuspidatum medicinal powder 20g, the amount added to the table
wine yeast (dissolved in 50mL of water was added), stir, sealed
room temperature for 6 days, 120mL ethyl acetate was added after
fermentation, 70 ° C water bath reflux for 2 times, each time 1
hour, vacuum filtration, the combined extracts were concentrated
to recover the solvent, the crude extract was dried under reduced
pressure, accurately weighed 10mg, dissolved in methanol and set
the volume to 25mL, filtered through 0.45μm pore membrane
filtration, precision drawing continued filtrate 20μL injected
into the chromatograph to measure the content of resveratrol, the
results are as follows:
5, the choice of solvent extraction from Polygonum accurately
weighed medicinal powder 20g, were added 0.3g wine yeast
(dissolved in 50mL of water was added), stir, sealed room
temperature for 6 days, the following solvents were added 120mL
After fermentation, 70 ° C water bath reflux for 2 times, each
time 1 hour, vacuum filtration, the combined extracts were
concentrated to recover the solvent, the crude extract was dried
under reduced pressure, accurately weighed 10mg, dissolved in
methanol and set the volume to 25mL, filtered through 0.45μm pore
membrane filtration, precision drawing continued filtrate 20μL
injected into the chromatograph to measure the content of
resveratrol, the results are as follows:
6, the extraction temperature is selected accurately weighed
Polygonum cuspidatum medicinal powder 20g, were added 0.3g wine
yeast (dissolved in 50mL of water was added), stir, sealed room
temperature for 6 days, respectively 120mL ethyl acetate was added
after fermentation, the following temperature water bath reflux
for 2 times, each time 1 hour, vacuum filtration, the combined
extracts were concentrated to recover the solvent, the crude
extract was dried under reduced pressure, accurately weighed 10mg,
dissolved in methanol and set the volume to 25mL, filtered through
0.45μm pore membrane filtration, precision drawing continued
filtrate 20μL injected into the chromatograph to measure the
content of resveratrol, the results are as follows:
7, the amount of solvent test accurately weighed Polygonum
cuspidatum medicinal powder 20g, were added 0.3g wine yeast
(dissolved in 50mL of water was added), stir, sealed room
temperature for 6 days, respectively, following the amount of
ethyl acetate was added after fermentation, 70 ° C water bath
under reflux for 2 times, each time 1 hour, vacuum filtration, the
combined extracts were concentrated to recover the solvent, the
crude extract was dried under reduced pressure, accurately weighed
10mg, dissolved in methanol and set the volume to 25mL, micro
through 0.45μm hole membrane filter, precision drawing continued
filtrate 20μL injected into the chromatograph to measure the
content of resveratrol, the results are as follows:
8, extraction time test: Precision Weigh Polygonum cuspidatum
medicinal powder 20g, were added 0.3g wine yeast (dissolved in
50mL of water was added), stir, sealed room temperature for 6
days, respectively 160mL ethyl acetate was added after
fermentation, the following temperature water bath under reflux
for 2 times at the following table, after reflow vacuum
filtration, the combined extracts were concentrated to recover the
solvent, the crude extract was dried under reduced pressure,
accurately weighed 10mg, dissolved in methanol and set the volume
to 25mL, 0.45 μm filter membrane, precision drawing continued
filtrate 20μL injected into the chromatograph to measure the
content of resveratrol, the results are as follows:
According to Table 8 and FIG. 8, FIG. 9, select reflux extraction
for 3 hours (i.e.: the first two hours, the second time 1 hour).
9, when the yeast fermentation whether sugar: Precision Weigh
Polygonum cuspidatum medicinal powder 20g, respectively, in the
following table wine yeast was added 0.3g (dissolved in water or
sugar was added 75mL), stir, sealed room temperature for 6 days,
respectively, after the addition of acetic acid fermentation ethyl
160mL, 70 ° C water bath under reflux for 2 times, the first two
hours, the second one hour after reflow, vacuum filtration, the
combined extracts were concentrated to recover the solvent, the
crude extract was dried under reduced pressure, accurately weighed
10mg, dissolved in methanol and set the volume to 25mL, through
0.45μm filter membrane, precision drawing continued filtrate 20μL
injected into the chromatograph to measure the content of
resveratrol, the results are as follows:
Second, the crude extract was purified
1, accurately weighed Polygonum cuspidatum crude extract 0.31g,
40% ethanol was added 15mL sonication and filtered. The filtrate
was evaporated done Sample No. 1, the transfer of the remaining
precipitation after adding 15mL dissolved in ethyl acetate,
petroleum ether was added 15mL, precipitation, did play No. 2
sample, determination of resveratrol, respectively. The results
showed that the higher the content of the sample 1.
Conclusion: 40% ethanol, high content of resveratrol, the election
of 40% ethanol as crude extract was purified extraction solvent.
2, accurately weighed Polygonum cuspidatum crude extract 0.2g, add
40% ethanol 10mL, 70 ° C water bath reflux for 1 hour, and
filtered. Residue of Sample No. 1, the filtrate evaporated to
dryness sample 2, weighed amount of sample 2 were added 3mL, 5mL
dissolved in ethyl acetate, filtered, and the filtrate evaporated
to doing sample No. 3 and No. 4 were measured white Resveratrol
content. The results are as follows:
3, accurately weighed Polygonum cuspidatum crude extract
(resveratrol content of 20 ~ 23%) 1.1206g, adding 40% ethanol
56ml, 70 ° C water bath under reflux for 1 hour, filtered, and the
filtrate was evaporated to dryness, weighed 0.7270g calculate the
transfer rate of resveratrol, and all were from the upper
crystalline extract Determination of resveratrol content. The
results are as follows:
Purification of Resveratrol Transfer rate: 98.72%; all of
resveratrol extract content: 35%; upper crystallization of
resveratrol content: 72%.
4, accurately weighed Polygonum cuspidatum crude extract
(resveratrol content of 20 ~ 23%) 0.2030g, adding 40% ethanol
10mL, 70 ° C water bath reflux for 1 hour, allowed to cool
filtered and the filtrate evaporated to no alcohol taste (
approximately 2mL), filtered, and the residue evaporated to
dryness. Determination of resveratrol. The results are as follows:
The filtrate was evaporated to 1/5 volume left resveratrol
content: 56.06%.
5, the crude extract was purified verification taking Polygonum
cuspidatum extract crude (resveratrol content of about 23%) 0.5g,
accurately weighed, add 40% ethanol 25mL, 70 ° C water bath reflux
for 1 hour, allowed to cool filtered, the filtrate was evaporated
to no alcohol taste (about 5mL), filtered, and the residue
evaporated to dryness. Determination of resveratrol. The results
are as follows:
6, accurately weighed crude extract from Polygonum 4g, add 40%
ethanol 200mL, 70 ° C water bath reflux for 1 hour, allowed to
cool filtered and the filtrate evaporated to no alcohol taste
(about 50mL), filtered, and the residue evaporated to dryness.
Determination of resveratrol is 64%.
7. Extraction - Purification of the whole process of verification
Both said powder P. cuspidatum, each 100g, were added cellulase
and yeast (300mL water was added after dissolution), placed in 30
° C water bath, and 6 days of fermentation, the fermentation to
the sample after the addition of ethyl acetate 800ml, 70 ° C water
bath under reflux for 2 times, the first two hours, the second
time 1 hour. The extract was concentrated to recover the solvent
and dried under reduced pressure, pulverized, 1:50 was added 40%
ethanol was refluxed for 70 ° C water bath for one hour, filtered,
and concentrated to no alcohol odor (about 160 ~ 200mL), allowed
to cool after filtration the residue dried under reduced pressure.
Determination of resveratrol.
6, accurately weighed crude extract from Polygonum 4g, add 40%
ethanol 200mL, 70 ° C water bath reflux for 1 hour, allowed to
cool filtered and the filtrate evaporated to no alcohol taste
(about 50mL), filtered, and the residue evaporated to dryness.
Determination of resveratrol is 64%.
7. Extraction - Purification of the whole process of verification
Both said powder P. cuspidatum, each 100g, were added cellulase
and yeast (300mL water was added after dissolution), placed in 30
° C water bath, and 6 days of fermentation, the fermentation to
the sample after the addition of ethyl acetate 800mL, 70 ° C water
bath under reflux for 2 times, the first two hours, the second
time 1 hour. The extract was concentrated to recover the solvent
and dried under reduced pressure, pulverized, 1:50 was added 40%
ethanol was refluxed for 70 ° C water bath for one hour, filtered,
and concentrated to no alcohol odor (about 160 ~ 200mL), allowed
to cool after filtration the residue dried under reduced pressure.
Determination of resveratrol.
8, plus a large number of verification
The said P. cuspidatum powder 1kg, added cellulase and yeast
(dissolved water 2.5L added), is placed in a water bath at 30 ° C,
fermentation for 7 days, to the sample after fermentation ethyl
acetate was added 8L, 70 ° C water bath reflux 2 times, the first
two hours, the second time for 1 hour. The extract was
concentrated to recover the solvent and dried under reduced
pressure, pulverized, 1:50 was added 40% ethanol was refluxed for
70 ° C water bath for one hour, filtered, and concentrated until
no odor of alcohol (about a 1/5 volume), allowed to cool after
filtration, the residue was dried under reduced pressure.
Determination of resveratrol content:
Results: The rate was 3.11% cream, the average content of crude
extract resveratrol was 23.68% and the purification was average
content of 61.81%.
Compared with the prior art, the present invention is used in the
extraction process is simple, small investment and easy operation,
low production cost, high conversion rate and resveratrol extract,
resource utilization, good prospects for industrial production .
Brief Description:
FIG. 1 is a diagram fermentation time study results;
Figure 2 is the amount of water results in Fig study;
Figure 3 is the amount of yeast examine the results of Fig;
Figure 4 is a kind of solvent examine the results of FIG;
Figure 5 is a diagram bath temperature results of the
Figure 6 is a diagram solvent usage results of the examinations;
Figure 7 is a diagram solvent usage results of the examinations;
Figure 8 is resveratrol extraction rate index reflux time study
results shown in Fig;
FIG. 9 is the content of resveratrol as an indicator of reflux
time study results in Fig.
Example 1:
The Polygonum cuspidatum herbs crushed, over 20 mesh sieve spare;
take Polygonum cuspidatum powder and wine yeast (weight ratio of
100: 1), 2.5 times the amount of yeast in warm water (28 ~ 30 ° C)
was dissolved, add herbs Polygonum cuspidatum powder, stir ,
maintain 28 ~ 30 ° C, 6 days fermentation; 8-fold amount of ethyl
acetate was added to the solvent the fermented medicinal herbs, 60
° C water bath under reflux for 2 times, 2 hours each time, the
combined extracts were dried and concentrated under reduced
pressure Polygonum cuspidatum extract was crude. The crude extract
of Polygonum cuspidatum pulverized, add 4 times the amount of 30%
ethanol, 60 ° C water bath under reflux for 0.5 hours, vacuum
filtration, the filtrate was concentrated to no alcohol taste,
filtration, residue 40 ° C under reduced pressure and dried to
obtain white Resveratrol extract. After testing, the resulting
extract resveratrol content of 61.32%.
Example 2:
The Polygonum cuspidatum herbs crushed, over 20 mesh sieve spare;
take Polygonum cuspidatum powder and white wine yeast (weight
ratio 200: 1), 3.0 times the amount of yeast with warm water (26 ~
28 ° C) was dissolved, add herbs Polygonum cuspidatum powder, stir
, maintain 26 ~ 28 ° C, 8 days of fermentation; to the fermented
medicinal 10-fold amount of ethyl acetate was added - diethyl
ether (arbitrary ratio) mixed solvent, 70 ° C water bath under
reflux 3 times, 1 hour each time, and the combined extracts
solution, dried and concentrated under reduced pressure to obtain
a crude extract of Polygonum cuspidatum. The crude extract of
Polygonum cuspidatum crushed 3 times the amount of 40% ethanol, 70
° C water bath reflux for 1 hour, vacuum filtration, the filtrate
was concentrated to no alcohol taste, filtration, residue 50 ° C
under reduced pressure and dried to obtain white Resveratrol
extract. After testing, the resulting extract resveratrol content
of 61.78%.
Example 3:
The Polygonum cuspidatum herbs crushed, over 30 mesh sieve spare;
take Polygonum cuspidatum powder and baker's yeast (weight ratio
of 100: 2), 3.0 times the amount of yeast with warm water (28 ~ 32
° C) was dissolved, add herbs Polygonum cuspidatum powder, stir ,
maintain 28 ~ 32 ° C, 6 days of fermentation; to the fermented
medicinal herbs is added 12-fold amount of ethyl acetate -
petroleum ether (arbitrary ratio) mixed solvent, 70 ° C water bath
under reflux for 2 times, the first two hours, second 1 hour
combined extracts were dried and concentrated under reduced
pressure to obtain a crude extract of Polygonum cuspidatum. The
crude extract of Polygonum cuspidatum crushed 3 times the amount
of 50% ethanol, 70 ° C water bath under reflux for 1.5 hours and
vacuum filtration, the filtrate was concentrated to no alcohol
taste, filtration, residue 60 ° C under reduced pressure and dried
to obtain white Resveratrol extract. After testing, the resulting
extract resveratrol content of 62.05%.
Example 4:
The Polygonum cuspidatum herbs crushed, over 40 mesh sieve spare;
take Polygonum cuspidatum powder and wine yeast (weight ratio of
100: 3), 4.5 times the amount of yeast with warm water (28 ~ 32 °
C) was dissolved, add herbs Polygonum cuspidatum powder, stir
maintain 28 ~ 32 ° C, fermentation seven days; adding 6 times the
amount of ethyl acetate solvent to the fermentation of herbs, 75 °
C water bath under reflux for 2 times, the first one hour, the
second two hours, and the combined extracts solution, dried and
concentrated under reduced pressure to obtain a crude extract of
Polygonum cuspidatum. The crude extract of Polygonum cuspidatum
pulverized, adding 6 times the amount of 40% ethanol, 65 ° C water
bath reflux for 2 hours, vacuum filtration, the filtrate was
concentrated to no alcohol taste, filtration, residue 70 ° C under
reduced pressure and dried to obtain white Resveratrol extract.
After testing, the resulting extract resveratrol content of
Process for dynamical countercurrent
extraction of resveratrol in giant knotweed
The invention relates to a process for dynamical
countercurrent extraction of resveratrol in giant knotweed, which
comprises the steps of: pulverizing giant knotweed drier; adding a
certain alkaline aqueous solvent; extracting in a tank group type
dynamic countercurrent mode; hydrolyzing extracted liquid acid;
converting resveratrol glycoside into the resveratrol; removing
partial impurities of the hydrolyzed product once by the methods
of alcohol precipitation and active carbon decoloration; purifying
by using macroporous absorbent resin; and finally obtaining 98% of
resveratrol product by silica gel column chromatography and
recrystallization refining. The yield of the obtained resveratrol
is 0.92%, the utilization quantity of the extracting solvent can
be reduced by 45% at least, thermal energy is correspondingly
saved by 60%, and the extraction rate is enhanced by 20%.
The present invention relates to a dynamic countercurrent
extraction process Resveratrol from Polygonum.
Giant knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb.et Zucc. ) Polygonum
quality of the grass like a small shrub, its roots contain a lot
of stilbene compound resveratrol (Resveratrol) and polydatin (aka
Polydatin), the chemical name is 3,4 resveratrol ', 5-trihydroxy
stilbene, natural resveratrol often aglycone and glycoside exists
in two forms. Polydatin activity differs from resveratrol, but the
human body contains glucosidase in the digestive process can be
hydrolyzed to polydatin resveratrol, which play resveratrol on
human physiology Features. The study shows that resveratrol has
anti-cancer, treatment of cardiovascular disease, lowering blood
pressure, anti-platelet aggregation, anti-oxidation and anti-free
radical, anti-bacterial, beauty and other effects, is a raw
material widely used drugs, and health care products, beauty added
products and health food ingredients.
Currently, most of the resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum
purified using conventional solvent extraction methods, including
dipping method, percolation method, boiling water extraction
method, reflux extraction method, etc., with the development of
technology continues to improve and new extraction device, Some
modern extraction methods for extracting resveratrol, a common
main enzymatic extraction, microwave assisted extraction,
ultrasonic extraction, supercritical CO2 fluid extraction method.
Pot groups dynamic countercurrent extraction process, is a series
of two or more dynamic extraction tank unit, an extraction solvent
solute concentration gradient of each spice jar reverse
transported through the tanks from low to high in turn along the
inner tank group, and with the drug material to maintain a certain
extraction time and times apply. The main advantage of this
technology to solid-liquid (solvent and herbs) active ingredient
concentration in the two phases gradient difference, gradual
diffusion of the active ingredients in the herbs to lower the
initial concentration of solvent extraction, to maximize the
transfer of active ingredients from herbs purpose. While using pot
groups countercurrent extraction process, can be utilized
effectively a concentration gradient of the solid-liquid
two-phase, increasing the concentration of poor extraction rate,
liquid extract concentration increased, the extraction cycle is
short, the use of herbs to extract the body as the filter layer,
may improve clarity.
Object of the present invention is to provide a low power
consumption, time is short, solvent extraction process of
Resveratrol from Polygonum with less dynamic countercurrent high
Dynamic countercurrent extraction of the invention Resveratrol
from Polygonum process comprising the steps of:
1, the dynamic countercurrent extraction: Take dried cuspidatum,
crushed, over 40 mesh sieve, weighed aliquot 3-7, 3-7 to extract
only the tank as a group, aliquots of Polygonum cuspidatum extract
only cans were placed 3-7 each jar at room temperature followed by
extraction cycle three times, each extraction times are 0.5 to 2
hours, stirring frequency dynamic extraction of 20 to 200 rev /
min, the first extraction the first extraction tank is added 6-10
times the amount of pH 8-12 alkaline water extraction liquid,
second and third extract were added 3-6 times the amount of water,
after the first extraction tank first extraction liquid into the
filter tank reserve, the first liquid extraction tank as a second
first second extraction solvent extraction, the extraction liquid
filter back after the third extraction liquid extraction tank as a
second second extraction solvent, the resulting liquid extract as
first third extraction solvent extraction tank, extracting tank
that is N times per extraction solvent are added on a first
extraction tank N + 1 times extract, the second extraction tank, a
third from cans, the first N extracted in the first extraction
tank is added on a tank of liquid extract were added on the basis
of 1-3 times the amount of the alkaline aqueous extract, collect
cans of each extract of the first extraction liquid;
2, and the resulting extract was at pH 2-5,50 ° C-100 ° C
conditions, hydrolysis for 1-5 hours, the reaction was cooled, the
3, the hydrolyzate was dispersed in 5 to 10 times by weight of 50%
-100% ethanol, add 0.5-1 times the weight of the activated carbon
was heated under reflux with stirring for 1-2 hours, allowed to
stand for cooling, the supernatant was concentrated to dip paste;
Extract water
4, the above steps the resulting dispersion, filtered and the
filtrate, according to a flow rate of 1-4BV / h on the pretreated
macroporous resin adsorption, 1-6 times the bed volume of
distilled water elution the flow rate was 1-4BV / h, discard the
water eluent, then 1-6 times the bed volume of 60% -100% ethanol
by 1-4BV / h speed eluate, and recovering ethanol concentrated to
a thick paste, drying, dry extract, resveratrol crude;
5, the upper and collected to resveratrol crude product was
separated by silica gel column chromatography, eluting with a
gradient mixed solvent, and then recrystallized twice from ethanol
to give white crystals of pure resveratrol.
The present invention is dynamic countercurrent extraction
Resveratrol from Polygonum process has the following advantages:
1, pot groups dynamic countercurrent extraction instead of the
traditional single tank multiple extractions, ensure inter-tank
groups larger concentration of active ingredient is poor, has
greatly increased the extraction impetus to accelerate the
extraction rate, shorten the extraction cycle, tank group
extractor through repeated use of the solvent, the solvent
concentration in the final to improve the active ingredients,
reduce the subsequent concentrated energy, compared with
conventional extraction process, the extraction solvent
consumption by at least 45%, and the corresponding energy savings
of about 60%, extraction rate increased by 20%, and increases as
the number of pots set, this advantage is more obvious.
2, stirred dynamically extract instead of the traditional static
extraction, can effectively avoid Polygonum cuspidatum powder
stick pan pasting;
3, by acid-catalyzed hydrolysis reaction can be greatly improved
Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol content, improve the utilization
of resources.
4, heavy alcohol use, activated carbon bleaching, macroporous
resin separation and purification technology of resveratrol, ideal
separation effect, simple process.
5, using normal phase chromatography on silica gel purified
resveratrol crude obtain content up to 98% pure resveratrol.
Specific implementation methods
Example 1:
Polygonum cuspidatum of dried herbs, crushed, over 40 mesh sieve,
weighed three, each 100g, respectively, set within the extraction
tank 1,2,3. Add 10 times the amount in the 1st tank pH = 10 of
aqueous sodium hydroxide solution at room temperature, stirring
means to open, so that up to 100 rev / min speed, one hour to
extract, the extract was filtered, stored as a stock solution; 1
No. canister added 8 times the amount of sodium hydroxide solution
at room temperature pH = 10, using the same conditions as the last
extracted a second extraction, after 1 hour, turn off the power,
the extract was transferred to a 2 tank, and 2 No. 3 times the
amount of supplementary tank pH = 10 at room temperature aqueous
sodium hydroxide solution, seal, open stirring means, so as to
extract the extraction conditions according to the 1st tank 1
hour, filtered extract, stored as stock solution 2; No. 1, then
after the second extraction liquor tank was transferred to the 2nd
tank, the tank is added to the 1st 8 times the amount of sodium
hydroxide solution pH = 10, according to the previous extraction
conditions to extract the last 1 hour extraction is completed, the
extract was transferred to a tank 2, and 1 tank were slagging
operations, in accordance with the conditions of the last 2 cans a
second extraction, extract the resulting liquid quickly
transferred to the tank 3, and 3 cans supplement 3 times the
amount of sodium hydroxide solution pH = 10, according to the
above conditions were extracted liquid was 3; and so on, 2 cans of
the third extract as 3 cans a second extraction solvent
extraction, stock solution was 4; 3 tank was added to 8 times the
amount of sodium hydroxide solution pH = 10, and a third
extraction liquid was 5; the above-mentioned liquid were combined
to give a total extract, Polydatin resveratrol extract a total of
20.4mg / g. The crude extract with 50% sulfuric acid to adjust pH
= 2,70 ° C hydrolysis was stirred for 1 hour and cooled for 24
hours, filtered and washed with water to give a neutral extract
containing resveratrol. After the hydrolysis of resveratrol
extract dispersed in 70% ethanol, activated carbon, with a small
amount of 70% ethanol soaked and heated to reflux 6min, cooling,
to join together the material, 70% ethanol added to the total
amount of material the 8-fold (W / V). Stirred for 1.5 hours, 24
hours, and an upper suction filtered supernatant was washed 6
times the 70% ethanol precipitation, centrifugation or suction
filtration, combined supernatant, recovering ethanol under reduced
pressure to obtain extract. The extract obtained above water
dispersion to the 3BV / h pretreated macroporous resin adsorption
separation column, eluting first with water, then water - ethanol
system gradient elution, TLC tracking and detection, collection
resveratrol segment eluent, concentrated to remove ethanol under
reduced pressure, to give crude resveratrol content of 50.5%. Take
resveratrol crude product was dissolved with a small amount of
ethyl acetate, the sample volume silica 1/40 (W / W). Petroleum
ether: ethyl acetate (5:1) as an eluent, 10mL / min gradient flow
rate, the resveratrol-containing fractions were combined,
concentrated and recrystallized twice from ethanol to give white
crystals, i.e., white Resveratrol, as determined by HPLC purity of
98% extraction rate 0.92%.
Example 2:
Polygonum cuspidatum of dried herbs, crushed, over 40 mesh
sieve, weighed five copies, each 100g, respectively, set within
the extraction tank 1,2,3,4,5. Was added in the 1st tank 8 pH = 8
times the amount of sodium hydroxide aqueous solution at room
temperature, stirring means to open, so that up to 150 rev / min
speed, 1.5 hours extraction, the extract was filtered, stored as a
stock solution; 1 No. 6 times the amount of the tank was added
aqueous sodium hydroxide solution at room temperature pH = 8,
using the same conditions as the last extracted a second
extraction, after 1.5 hours, turn off the power, the extract was
transferred to a 2 tank, and 2 No. 2 times the amount of
supplementary tank at room temperature sodium hydroxide aqueous
solution pH = 8, sealed, open stirring means, so that the
extraction conditions according to the 1st tank were extracted for
1.5 hours. The extract was filtered, stored as a liquid 2; then
after 1 second extraction liquor tank was transferred to the 2nd
tank to tank 1 was added 6 times the amount of sodium hydroxide
solution pH = 8, according to the former secondary extraction
conditions last extraction 1.5 extraction childhood ended, the
extract was transferred to a tank 2, and 1 tank were slagging
operations, in accordance with the conditions of the last 2 cans a
second extraction, extract the resulting liquid quickly
transferred to 3 tanks, 2 and 3 times the amount of supplementary
tank of sodium hydroxide solution pH = 8, according to the above
conditions, the extraction yield reservoir 3; the third and so on,
4 cans extract cans as 5 second extraction solvent extraction to
give the accumulator 6; 5 to 6 times the amount of the tank was
added aqueous sodium hydroxide solution pH = 8, a third extraction
liquid was 7; the said liquid were combined to give a total
extract, resveratrol glucoside and resveratrol extract a total of
18.6mg / g. The crude extract with 50% sulfuric acid to adjust pH
= 4,60 ° C hydrolysis was stirred for 2 hours and cooled for 24
hours, filtered and washed with water to give a neutral extract
containing resveratrol. The hydrolysis of resveratrol extract
dispersed in 80% ethanol, activated carbon, with a small amount of
80% ethanol and heated to reflux immersion 5min, after cooling,
the material was added together with 80% ethanol added to the
total amount of material 6 times (W / V). Stirred for 2 hours, 24
hours, and an upper suction filtered supernatant was then washed 4
times with 80% ethanol precipitation, suction filtration or
centrifugation, the supernatant combined, recovering ethanol under
reduced pressure to obtain extract. The extract obtained above
water dispersion to the 2BV / h pretreated macroporous resin
adsorption separation column, eluting first with water, then water
- ethanol system gradient elution, TLC tracking and detection,
collection resveratrol segment eluent, concentrated to remove
ethanol under reduced pressure, to give crude resveratrol in an
amount of 51.2%. Take resveratrol crude product was dissolved with
a small amount of ethyl acetate, the sample volume silica 1/40 (W
/ W). Petroleum ether: ethyl acetate (6:1) as an eluent, 10mL /
min gradient flow rate, the resveratrol-containing fractions were
combined, concentrated and recrystallized twice from ethanol to
give white crystals, i.e., white Resveratrol, as determined by
HPLC purity of 98% extraction rate 0.89%.
Method for improving content of resveratrol
by converting giant knotweed materials through immobilized
enzyme method
The invention discloses a method for improving the content of
resveratrol by converting giant knotweed materials through an
immobilized enzyme method. The method comprises the steps of
biologically converting a crude extract of the giant knotweed
materials with a specific immobilized enzyme to convert
resveratrol analogues therein into the resveratrol in a short time
and then obtaining the resveratrol with a high purity by
extraction and separation technologies.; The method can increase
the resveratrol content of the giant knotweed materials by 10 to
20 times, solves the problems of overlong conversion time,
difficult control on catalytic time as well as increased cost
caused by the fact that the enzyme cannot be recovered after the
reaction in the similar techniques, and simultaneously obtains
over 95 percent of resveratrol and a side-product archen with a
certain purity by adopting the separation and refining techniques
such as chromatography, crystallization and the like.
The present invention provides a method of transforming
immobilized enzyme Polygonum cuspidatum extract resveratrol to
improve the method, which uses a special material immobilized
enzyme crude extract of Polygonum cuspidatum biotransformation
short period of time in which resveratrol is converted to analog
resveratrol, then use extraction technology to obtain high purity
resveratrol. The present invention can improve the material
Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol 10-20 times, to avoid similar
technology conversion time is too long, time is not easy to
control, and the catalytic enzyme caused an increase in cost can
not be recovered after the completion of the reaction problem,
while using chromatography, crystallization and other separation
and purification technology, access to more than 95% of the
by-products of a certain purity resveratrol and emodin two
It was transformed into an immobilized enzyme material to improve
the content of resveratrol in Polygonum cuspidatum method
The present invention relates to a biological conversion
technologies in natural plant extract the active substance in the
field and in particular to provide a method of using immobilized
enzyme conversion material purified Resveratrol from Polygonum
Background technique:
Giant knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum Sie bet Zucc) Polygonum
Polygonum small shrubs, as China's traditional Chinese medicine,
which is rich in resveratrol (3,4 ', 5-trimethyl-hydroxy-trans-bis
styrene, Resvertrol). Resveratrol as an active non-flavonoid
polyphenols. Plant widely found in grapes, peanuts and other
natural foods or drugs, is a kind of clear physiological functions
of physiologically active substances, with the efficacy of
anti-cancer and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
New investigation found that, at home and abroad for the
"extraction biotransformation resveratrol" aspects of literature
and patents have been reported.
As Chinese patent CN101255449 process: select specific bacteria,
enzyme production in the culture medium, 25 ° C-50 ° C under the
culture supernatant was collected as a crude enzyme solution. Then
samples containing polydatin crushed to 60 mesh, by a certain
percentage added to the crude enzyme solution was allowed to stand
after conversion 10-24h, extracted by ethanol was heated to reflux
way to get resveratrol crude.
China Patent CN101338327A provided an extract from Polygonum
cuspidatum resveratrol purity of more than 98% of the process is
first crushed Polygonum cuspidatum extract ethanol, and
concentrated using an enzyme recovered in the 45 ° C-50 ° C
constant temperature hydrolysis 4-5 days and then inactivate the
enzyme was filtered, purified by chromatography using alumina
residue after filtration through flocculation, and finally
crystallized and dried to obtain the product.
"Traditional Chinese Medicine" (2009.09) Li Yi non-published
papers, et al, describes a enzymatic extraction of Resveratrol
from Polygonum process, "China Modern Medicine" (2008.02) silver
Sheng et al., Published papers, introduces a cellulase extraction
studies of resveratrol from Polygonum.
Documents of the new investigation showed that the current use of
biological conversion process to produce high purity resveratrol
has been a lot of methods. However, the prevalence of long
reaction time, reaction time is difficult to control, process
complexity, low conversion rate problem, the most important after
the other methods can not be transformed enzyme recycled again,
indirectly raises the production of resveratrol cost.
Object of the present invention is that in order to overcome the
above drawbacks, providing an immobilized enzyme technology to
produce high purity resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum of the
process that increases the material Polygonum cuspidatum
resveratrol 10-20 times, to avoid similar art conversion time is
too long, time is not easy to control, and the catalytic enzyme
caused an increase in cost can not be recovered after the reaction
was complete problem.
To achieve the above object, the process steps of the present
invention comprises:
a) selecting a viability of greater than or equal to 5000U / g of
β- glucosidase, an enzyme preparation concentration of 20%
b) sodium alginate in distilled water at room temperature and
stir, distilled water and sodium alginate weight ratio of 2 to
5:100, standing swelling 20min, then water heating at 70 ~ 100 °
C, the so its fully dissolved, cooled to 45 ° C after the
completion of the following;
c) The enzyme solution was poured into a sodium alginate gel,
stir, uniform dropped 2-5% concentration of CaCl2 solution to form
gel particles, adjusting the flow rate of the particles formed in
diameter between 2 ~ 4mm, complete after particulate filtration,
washed with distilled water again after use was added to a
concentration of 2 to 5% CaCl2 solution at 4 ~ 10 ° C was allowed
to stand at 4 ~ 6h, then filtered particles, rinsed thoroughly
with distilled water, using the water separator paper gauze the
particle surface water drain, that was immobilized enzyme, sealed
and stored at 4 ~ 10 ° C conditions;
d) Select cuspidatum, fully dried, crushed by the mill, over 40 to
60 mesh sieve;
e) The Polygonum cuspidatum pulverized added at a concentration of
80 to 95% ethanol, at 30 ~ 35 ° C under a mixed system for
ultrasonic treatment, solid-liquid ratio of Polygonum cuspidatum:
ethanol = 1g:3ml, power 80 ~ 150W, extraction 3 times, each time 1
~ 2h, after the completion of filtration and the combined
f) The filtrate was evaporated to 6-9% of the original volume,
then add water thereto to adjust pH to 4.0 to 6.0, alternate;
g) The resulting extract was added to step up the immobilized
enzyme extract: immobilized enzyme = 1ml:0.03 ~ 0.1g, at 45 ~ 55 °
C under low speed agitation 15 ~ 24h, after completion of
immobilized enzyme catalysis was filtered off;
h) after the crude extract is catalyzed by volume of body fluids
than the rough: ethyl acetate = extracted three times the
proportion of 1:3 to 5, were extracted with ethyl acetate to give
crude extract resveratrol;
i) and column chromatography separation, concentration,
crystallization, resveratrol products.
Step d), to optimize water heating temperature 80 ~ 90 ° C.
In step c), the most suitable concentration of CaCl2 solution is
2.5 to 3%.
Step g), the most suitable temperature of the catalytic reaction
is 49 ~ 50 ° C.
Utilizing enzyme immobilization technology to improve the
stability of the converting enzyme, but after the conversion can
be quickly separated from the immobilized enzyme reaction was to
avoid the impact of the conversion of residual enzyme after
subsequent separation and purification process and improve
material Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol content is more than 10
And enzyme can be reused several times, supplemented by microwave
low temperature, rapid extraction technology, to simplify the
production process and operation, shorten the production cycle,
dramatically reduce production costs, improve product quality,
combined with chromatography and crystallization separation and
purification technology, you can get 95 % purity resveratrol and
certain byproducts emodin and other two products.
Example 1:
1, the immobilized enzyme production:
a) acquisition of β- glucosidase, viability is greater than or
equal to 5000U / g, and an enzyme preparation concentration of 20%
was reserved.
b) the ratio by weight of distilled water and sodium alginate is
from 2 to 5:100 distilled water and weighed alginate, sodium
alginate in distilled water at room temperature, stir and let
stand swell 20min, then at 80 ~ 90 ° C under water heating to
fully dissolve, uniform color, non-condensing particulate
standard, cooled to 45 ° C or less to complete.
c) the prepared enzyme solution was poured into a sodium alginate
gel, stir until uniform, then using a syringe or a cross-flow
pump, a 7-gauge needle uniform dropped 2.5% to 3% concentration of
CaCl2 solution to form gel particles, flow rate was adjusted so
that the particle diameter is formed between 2 ~ 4mm, filtered off
after completion of the particles, the use of distilled water was
added again after 2.5 to 3% strength CaCl2 solution at 4 ~ 10 ° C
was allowed to stand at 4 ~ 6h, then filtered particles,
thoroughly rinsed with distilled water, using a water separator
paper gauze particle surface water drain, that was immobilized
enzyme, sealed and stored at 4 ~ 10 ° C conditions.
2. Preparation of crude extract of Polygonum cuspidatum:
d) Select cuspidatum, fully dried, crushed by the mill, over 40 to
60 mesh sieve.
e) ultrasonic extraction: The Polygonum cuspidatum crushed, using
80 to 95% ethanol at a ratio of 1g:3mL (Polygonum cuspidatum Dry
weight: ethanol, Polygonum cuspidatum units of g, methanol unit
mL) were mixed in 30 ~ 35 ° C under the hybrid system using
ultrasonic treatment, power control in 80 ~ 150W, extracted three
times, each time 1 ~ 2h, after the completion of filtration and
the combined filtrate.
f) The filtrate was evaporated to 6-9% of the original volume, to
which was then added the ethanol used in the step of 5 to 10%
water, pH adjusted to between 4.0 to 6.0, the standby.
3, crude extract of Polygonum cuspidatum extract and
j) step up the extract was added to the immobilized enzyme
extract: immobilized enzyme = 1ml:0.03 ~ 0.1g, at 49 ~ 50 ° C
under low speed agitation 15 ~ 24h. After completion of the
immobilized enzyme catalytic filtration, washed with distilled
water saving, can be reused.
h) after the crude extract is catalyzed by volume of body fluids
than the rough: ethyl acetate = 1:5 proportion extracted three
times, the combined ethyl acetate, acquired resveratrol crude
i) purified resveratrol: by column chromatography, concentration,
crystallization, resveratrol Gifts
Example 2:
1, the immobilized enzyme production: Example 1
2. Preparation of crude extract of Polygonum cuspidatum:
a) Select cuspidatum, fully dried, crushed by the mill, over 40 to
60 mesh sieve.
b) ultrasonic extraction: Use 80 to 95% methanol ratio of 1/3
(Polygonum cuspidatum Dry weight: volume methanol, Polygonum
cuspidatum units of g, methanol unit mL) at 30 ~ 35 ° C under
ultrasonic treatment on a mixed system, power control in 80 ~
150W, extracted three times, each time 1 ~ 1.5h, after the
completion of filtration and the combined filtrate.
c) The filtrate was evaporated to 6-9% of the original volume, and
added thereto ethanol of the original 5 to 10% of water, adjusting
the pH to between 4.0 to 6.0, the standby.
3, Polygonum cuspidatum extract crude and refined conversion
d) in the above Step extract added 5% by weight of the immobilized
enzyme extract, the extract according to the above crude extract:
ethyl acetate = 1:3 proportion of ethyl acetate was added, at 45 ~
52 ° C using a stirrer at low speed for 15 ~ 24h.
e) catalytic processes, replacement every 5 ~ 8h 1 ethyl acetate
three times and the combined ethyl acetate layers alternate.
f) after completion of ethyl completely removed, in order to
prevent contamination of the immobilized enzyme after the ethyl
acetate layer was completely removed, the immobilized enzyme was
filtered off, washed with distilled water after preservation, can
be reused.
4. Resveratrol refined
Using conventional methods column chromatography separation,
concentration, crystallization, resveratrol products.
New technique for extracting and preparing
high-purity resveratrol from giant knotweed
The invention provides a new technique for extracting and
preparing high-purity resveratrol from giant knotweed, belonging
to the technical field of extracting resveratrol from the plant
and solving the problems that the extraction ratio of extracting
resveratrol from giant knotweed in the prior art, the purity of
the extracted product is not high, the extraction cost is high and
the like. The production technique comprises the following steps:
crushing the materials of giant knotweed, extracting the crushed
the materials with a solvent by adopting a vacuum blasting means,
combining the extracted solution, and carrying out enzymolysis
fermentation the extracted solution after concentrating, adjusting
the pH value of resveratrol liquid after enzymolysis by dilute
acid, absorbing by macroporous resin, washing, crystallizing to
obtain the resveratrol with the purity of more than 98 percent.
The technique can lead the yield of resveratrol to be more than 90
percent, greatly reduces production cost and is suitable for
industrial promotion.
The present invention provides a new process for preparing high
purity extract resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum, belonging to
the technical field to extract resveratrol from plants to solve
the prior art resveratrol extracted from the extraction rate is
not in battle tiger high purity extraction is not high, high cost
of extraction. Production process: After grinding the raw material
Polygonum cuspidatum, vacuum blasting means, followed by a solvent
extraction, the combined extracts were concentrated and then
enzymatic fermentation, enzymes break down the resveratrol
solution pH was adjusted with dilute acid, macroporous resin
adsorption, washing, crystallization, to obtain more than 98%
content of resveratrol. The process can yield more than 90% of
resveratrol, greatly reduce production costs, suitable for
industrial promotion.
The present invention belongs to the extraction process of
resveratrol from plants, and more particularly relates to the
preparation of a high purity extract from Polygonum cuspidatum C.
Background technique
Polygonum cuspidatum (Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati) Polygonaceae
Polygonaceae plant Polygonum cuspidatum Polygonum cuspidatum
Sieb.et Zucc., dried rhizome and roots. Polygonum cuspidatum
Polygonum containing glycosides, organic acids, glucoside, a
polysaccharide Class, containing stilbene compounds: resveratrol
(resveratrol) that is 3,4 ', 5-trihydroxy stilbene (3,4', 5-tri
-hydroxystilbene), polydatin (Polydatin) ie resveratrol 3-O-β-D-
glucoside ( rerveratrol-3-O-β-D-glucoside), detoxification, cool
Solutions Department, stomach and clear food effect. Resveratrol
is Considered a phytoalexin produced in the plant pathogenic
attack deteriorates and the environment. Its pharmacological
effects: antibacterial , Anti-oxidation, prevent heart disease,
cancer, anti-platelet aggregation, protect the liver, the role of
estrogen, radiation, immune regulation Anti-AIDS activity and the
like. Resveratrol has been hailed as paclitaxel after another new
green anti-cancer drugs, it is food, medicine Medicine and other
aspects of the application more widely. Polygonum cuspidatum
extract resveratrol from the prior art have enzymatic extraction,
solvent extraction, microwave extraction And so on, but because of
a single extraction methods and extraction conditions employed and
so there is the extraction rate is not high, the product purity is
not extracted High extraction cost disadvantages.
Object of the present invention is to provide a new extraction
process for preparing high purity resveratrol from Polygonum
cuspidatum, the solution from the prior art Tiger battle to
extract resveratrol extraction rate is not high, the product
purity extraction is not high, high cost of extraction, this
extraction process Rate, high product purity, low extraction cost,
simple process steps.
The method of preparation of high-purity extract resveratrol from
Polygonum cuspidatum new process of the invention: After Polygonum
cuspidatum raw material crushing and vacuum Blasting (ie, first
with extreme pressure, then relief, momentary vacuum, cell wall
material damage), followed by a solvent extraction The combined
extracts were concentrated and then enzymatic fermentation
decomposition, enzymatic decomposition of resveratrol with a
dilute acid solution after pH adjustment, macroporous Adsorption
resin, washed, and then concentrated to crystallization to obtain
high-purity resveratrol.
Significant advantage of the present invention:
(1) of the present invention employs the Polygonum cuspidatum
crushed during vacuum blasting, Polygonum cuspidatum so thoroughly
pulverized, for subsequent extraction of reach Better results,
making extraction more fully.
Enzymolysis (2) of the present invention, the extract was
concentrated and Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol glycosides and
other substances off under enzymatic hydrolysis To be converted to
glucose-based resveratrol significantly improve the extraction
rate of resveratrol.
(3) In the present invention, after digestion macroporous resin
adsorption, washing, crystallization, purification of resveratrol
from Polygonum make better Before and after each step with each
other, forming an integral role, making the tiger battle
extraction rate of resveratrol in more than 95% white Resveratrol
purity of over 98% and shorten the extraction time, greatly reduce
production costs, greatly improve product quality, with There are
significant economic benefits for large-scale industrial
Ingredients: Polygonum cuspidatum: dried rhizome and root of
Polygonum cuspidatum Polygonum plants.
Extraction steps are as follows:
(1) raw material crushing Polygonum cuspidatum: Polygonum
cuspidatum grinding particle size of 10-100 mesh.
(2) vacuum blasting (vacuum instant expansion, which is to use
extreme pressure, then relief, momentary vacuum, so that the
material Cell wall damage. )
(3) solvent extraction: vacuum blasting solvent extraction step,
the mass ratio of solvent knotweed is 5:1-20:1, mention Take a
temperature 10-50 ° C, 1-5 times extraction times, extraction time
2-5 hours; the solvent is water or an alcohol or alcohols And any
water mixture ratio. Wherein the alcohol is methanol or ethanol in
one. (4) The combined extracts were concentrated to: control The
extract is concentrated at a temperature below 80 ° C, and
concentrated to a density of 1.03-1.08g / cm <3>.
Conduct (5) after enzymatic decomposition fermentation: the enzyme
is glucoamylase, dosage concentrate 0.1% to 1.0% by mass,
fermentation At a temperature of 25-50 ° C, the reaction time is
24-96 hours.
(6) resveratrol liquid enzyme decomposed with dilute acid to
adjust the pH value, the adjusted hydrolyzate as dilute
hydrochloric acid or dilute sulfuric Acid, sulfuric acid or dilute
hydrochloric acid at a concentration of 0.5 to 10% by weight, a pH
adjusted hydrolyzate 3-5.
(7) by macroporous resin, washed: macroporous resin after washing
with water to neutral, first with the volume concentration After
10-40% ethanol impurity, and then the volume concentration of 80%
ethanol to elute resveratrol, and then concentrated eluant Shrink:
control the temperature of the eluent was concentrated below 80 °
C, and concentrated to a density of 1.03-1.08g / cm <3>.
(8) Crystallization: concentrate resveratrol elution
crystallization solution was added, the crystallization solution
is chloroform or acetone, or two By a mixture in any proportion,
freeze crystallization temperature of -30-0 ° C, the
crystallization time is 5-12 hours, one or more times
Recrystallization; crystallization solution and the amount of
resveratrol concentrate was eluted in a volume ratio of 2-10:1.
The above steps to get resveratrol content of about 98%, more than
90% yield of resveratrol,
The following are several embodiments of the present invention,
further illustrate the invention, but the present invention is not
limited thereto.
Example 1
The Polygonum cuspidatum material crushed to 30 mesh after
blasting vacuum at room temperature, and extracted three times
with methanol, methanol and Polygonum cuspidatum quality ratio Is
5:1, extraction temperature at 10 ° C, extraction time 5 hours;
the combined extracts were concentrated to control the temperature
of the extract in 80 ° C or less, and concentrated to a density of
1.03g / cm <3>. The concentrate was added 0.3% by mass
glucoamylase decomposition, temperature controlled at 40 ° C,
Fermentation time 72 hours resveratrol was decomposed with enzyme
concentration of 0.5 wt% dilute hydrochloric PH value to 4.0,
macroporous tree Fat absorption, macroporous resin after washing
with water until neutral and then with the volume concentration of
30% ethanol wash impurity concentration by volume Of 80% ethanol
to resveratrol. The eluate was concentrated (control the
temperature of the eluant was concentrated below 80 ° C, and
concentrated to an airtight Degree of 1.03g / cm <3>) After
elution the concentrated solution was added 2-fold amount (by
volume) of a solution of crystalline (Anti-chloro-: acetone = 3
mixture of Co-solution) were dissolved, freezing the
crystallization temperature of -30 ° C, the crystallization time
is 12 hours to give 98.3% pure product, resveratrol Alcohol yield
of 93.2% can be achieved.
Example 2
The Polygonum cuspidatum material crushed to 10 mesh after
blasting vacuum at room temperature, extracted five times with
ethanol, ethanol and Polygonum cuspidatum quality ratio 20:1 is
extracted at a temperature of 50 ° C, 2 hours extraction time;
combined extracts control the temperature of the extract was
concentrated Below 80 ° C, and concentrated to a density of 1.08g
/ cm <3>. The concentrate was added 1.0% by mass
glucoamylase decomposition, temperature controlled at 25 ° C
Fermentation time 96 hours, resveratrol was decomposed with enzyme
concentration of 10% by weight sulfuric acid to adjust PH 5,
macroporous resin Adsorption, macroporous resin after washing with
water until neutral and then with the volume concentration of 10%
ethanol wash impurity concentration of 80% by volume The
resveratrol in ethanol. The eluate was concentrated (control the
temperature of the eluant was concentrated below 80 ° C, and
concentrated to a density of 1.03g / cm <3>) After elution
the concentrated solution was added 10 times (volume ratio) was
dissolved in chloroform, freeze crystallization temperature of -0
° C, Crystallization time of 12 hours, the product purity of
98.0%, the yield of resveratrol can reach 92.4%.
Example 3
The Polygonum cuspidatum material crushed to 100 mesh after
blasting vacuum at room temperature, extracted three times with
ethanol, ethanol and the quality of Polygonum cuspidatum 15:1
ratio, extraction temperature at 20 ° C, 3 hours extraction time;
combined extracts control the temperature of the extract was
concentrated Below 80 ° C, and concentrated to a density of 1.05g
/ cm <3>. The concentrate was added 0.1% by mass
glucoamylase decomposition, temperature controlled at 40 ° C
Fermentation time of 24 hours, resveratrol was decomposed with
enzyme concentration of 5% by weight sulfuric acid to adjust PH 3,
macroporous resin Adsorption, macroporous resin after washing with
water until neutral, after concentration by volume of 40% ethanol
wash impurity concentration by volume Of 80% ethanol to
resveratrol. The eluate was concentrated (control the temperature
of the eluant was concentrated below 80 ° C, and concentrated to
an airtight Degree of 1.05g / cm <3>), the solution was
added 5 volumes of eluate concentrate (volume ratio) was dissolved
in acetone, freeze crystallization, a temperature of -20 ° C, the
crystallization time of 10 hours to obtain a product with a purity
of 97.5%, the yield of resveratrol can reach 91.4%.
Example 4
The Polygonum cuspidatum material crushed to 80 mesh after
blasting vacuum at room temperature, extracted four times with
methanol, methanol and Polygonum cuspidatum quality ratio 10:1 is
extracted at a temperature of 30 ° C, 4 hours extraction time;
combined extracts control the temperature of the extract was
concentrated Below 80 ° C, and concentrated to a density of 1.07g
/ cm <3>. The concentrate was added 0.8% by mass of
glucoamylase decomposition, temperature controlled at 45 ° C
Fermentation time 80 hours, resveratrol was decomposed with enzyme
concentration of 6% by weight of dilute hydrochloric acid to
adjust PH 3, macroporous resin Adsorption, macroporous resin after
washing with water until neutral and then with the volume
concentration of 30% ethanol wash impurity concentration of 80% by
volume The resveratrol in ethanol. The eluate was concentrated
(control the temperature of the eluant was concentrated below 80 °
C, and concentrated to a density of 1.07g / cm <3>) After
elution the concentrated solution was added 8 times (by volume) of
chloroform and acetone, a mixed solution by dissolving any ratio,
Frozen crystallization temperature of -25 ° C, the crystallization
time is 8 hours, product purity of 98.7%, the yield of resveratrol
can be reached To 93.8%.
Example 5
The Polygonum cuspidatum material crushed to 30 mesh after
blasting vacuum at room temperature, extracted twice with
methanol, methanol and Polygonum cuspidatum quality ratio 8:1,
extraction temperature at 25 ° C, extraction time 4 hours; the
combined extracts were concentrated to control the temperature of
the extract in 80 ° C or less, and concentrated to a density of
1.06g / cm <3>. The concentrate was added 0.6% by mass
glucoamylase decomposition, temperature controlled at 45 ° C,
Fermentation time 65 hours, resveratrol was decomposed with enzyme
concentration of 2% by weight sulfuric acid to adjust PH 4.5,
macroporous resin Adsorption, macroporous resin after washing with
water until neutral and then with the volume concentration of 25%
ethanol wash impurity concentration by volume Of 80% ethanol to
resveratrol. The eluate was concentrated (control the temperature
of the eluant was concentrated below 80 ° C, and concentrated to
an airtight Degree of 1.06g / cm <3>), the solution was
added 5 volumes of eluate concentrate (volume ratio) mixed
solution of chloroform and acetone 4 to 1 by dissolving , Freeze
crystallization temperature of -15 ° C, the crystallization time
was 6 hours, the product purity of 99.2%, the yield of resveratrol
can 93.7%.
Technique for extracting and purifying
resveratrol from fresh giant knotweed rhizome
The invention discloses a process method for extracting and
purifying resveratrol from fresh giant knotweed rhizome, the
process method is characterized in that the process method
comprises the following steps: the collected fresh giant knotweed
rhizome is cleaned, air-dried, cut into slices and weighed;
ethanol with the weight which is 4 to 8 times of the weight of the
giant knotweed rhizome and the concentration of 60 percent to 85
percent is added, the soaking and the extraction are carried out
for 24 hours at 30 DEG C to 60 DEG C, extract liquid is collected
and filtered; the secondary extraction is carried out by using the
same method, filtrate is combined, the pressure is reduced as far
as possible and a thick paste is obtained by evaporation, 4 times
of inactivated silica gel with 70 to 140 meshes is added and
evenly stirred with the thick paste, the blow drying by cold air
is carried out, the chromatography is carried out by 6 times of
the sample amount of the silica gel with 70 to 140 meshes,
ethanol-ethyl acetate-petroleum ether is used for elution at the
temperature of 60 to 90 DEG C, the part containing the resveratrol
is guided to merge by using the thin layer chromatography result,
the pressure is reduced, the solvent is recycled, a crude solid is
obtained, and a pure resveratrol needle-like crystal is obtained
by recrystallization in ethanol. The process method has simple
manufacturing process, easy realization, low production cost and
high product purity.
The present invention discloses a method for extracting from fresh
Polygonum cuspidatum The process of purification of resveratrol,
comprising the steps of: collecting fresh Polygonum cuspidatum
washed, dried, cut into thin slices, weighed; Polygonum cuspidatum
added considerable weight 4-8 times of ethanol, 60% -85%, in the
30 ° C-60 ° C at 24 hours soaking extraction, the extract was
collected, and filtered; the above-described method to extract the
same time, the combined filtrate again evaporated under reduced
pressure to a thick possible paste, add 4 times 70-140 mesh silica
gel and inactivated a thick paste mix, cold dry, with six times
the sample size 70-140 mesh silica gel using ethanol - ethyl
acetate - petroleum ether 60-90 elution temperature ° C, combined
with a thin layer analysis guide section contains resveratrol, the
recovered solvent under reduced pressure to give a crude solid
recrystallized from ethanol to obtain pure resveratrol needles.
The present invention is a manufacturing process is simple, easy
to implement, low production cost, high product purity is
Extraction and purification process of the present invention
relates to a traditional Chinese medicine chemical composition, in
particular a new Fresh Polygonum cuspidatum extract, process for
purification of resveratrol.
Background technique
Resveratrol can reduce blood lipids, inhibit platelet aggregation,
anti-tumor, anti-aging, protection Cardiovascular system,
effective against cancer, its medical value and health value has
been full World recognized.
Practice has proved that traditional Chinese medicine Polygonum
cuspidatum resveratrol in the form of multi-glycosides exist, and
a small amount Free coexistence of resveratrol is Polygonum
cuspidatum important active ingredient, however, to extract from
Polygonum cuspidatum high Purity resveratrol need to go through a
certain process method. The investigation found that the new,
Chinese patent number: 200610031850,3 discloses a "microbial
conversion material Polygonum cuspidatum extract high purity
resveratrol work Art ", which is characterized by: its first use
of yeast and other microorganisms Polygonum material
biotransformation, so Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol resveratrol
analog conversion, then add a certain percentage of ethanol and
hydrocarbon alcohol, The use of microwave low temperature
extraction, filtered and concentrated to give resveratrol.
Patent disclosed above is dried using as raw material Polygonum
cuspidatum, Polygonum cuspidatum material needed for microbes
Material biotransformation, and ultrasonic vibration,
microwave-assisted extraction methods, such party Method process
more complicated operation, long cycle, the extracted resveratrol
purity is not high.
Object of the present invention is to solve the deficiencies of
the prior art, to provide a low cost of production in the new In
fresh Polygonum cuspidatum extract, process for purification of
high purity resveratrol.
Aspect of the present invention is implemented as follows: A fresh
extract from Polygonum cuspidatum, Purified Resveratrol process
comprising the steps of:
(1) to collect fresh Polygonum cuspidatum washed, dried, cut into
thin slices, weighing;
(2), 4-8 times added considerable weight Polygonum cuspidatum 60%
-85% ethanol at 30 ° C-60 ° C under immersion Soak 24 hours
extraction, the extract was collected, and filtered;
(3), extracted once with the same method as above, and the
combined filtrate again evaporated under reduced pressure to a
thick possible paste;
(4), the resulting paste subjected to silica gel column
chromatography, to isolate and purify Resveratrol: 4 with Times
70-140 mesh silica gel and inactivated a thick paste mix, cold
dry, with six times the sample size of 70-140 Mesh silica gel
chromatography, eluting with ethanol - ethyl acetate - petroleum
ether yielded at a temperature of 60-90 ° C, with TLC analysis
combined guide section contains resveratrol, the recovered solvent
under reduced pressure to give a crude solid, Recrystallized from
ethanol to obtain pure resveratrol needles.
Step of the present invention, (2) the optimal concentration of
ethanol was 80% and the extraction 5h at 60 ° C under.
Advantage of the present invention is that: 1, as a raw material
in fresh Polygonum cuspidatum, Polygonum cuspidatum can free
Resveratrol and glycosides state is not destroyed, improve the
extraction rate of resveratrol; 2, due to the new Adding fresh
Polygonum cuspidatum ethanol solution, which can effectively
isolate resveratrol and resveratrol analogues, The process is
simple, the cost of extracting the bottom; 3, the use of silica
gel column chromatography using ethanol - ethyl acetate -
Petroleum ether as eluent to obtain greater than 95% purity
resveratrol product, its isolation, purification treatment effect
miss you.
Specific implementation methods
The collection of fresh Polygonum cuspidatum washed, dried, cut
into thin slices, weighed 500g, was added 3000g Concentration of
80% ethanol, at a temperature of 60 ° C soak for 5 hours
extraction, the extract was collected, too Filtered, and then
extracted once again in the same manner, and the combined
filtrate, the combined filtrate was evaporated to a thick Cream,
with 4 70-140 mesh silica gel deactivated with a thick paste mix,
cold dry, with six times the amount of sample The 70-140 mesh
silica gel using ethanol - ethyl acetate - petroleum ether at a
temperature of 75 ° C Eluted, precipitated white needle crystal
was filtered to obtain crystals with a thin layer containing the
results of the analysis to guide the merger Resveratrol part,
solvent is recovered under reduced pressure to give a crude solid
recrystallized from ethanol to obtain pure resveratrol Needle-like
crystals, that was greater than 95% purity resveratrol products.
Substance extracted from giant knotweed for
diabetes mellitus and complication thereof
The invention relates to a substance which is extracted from giant
knotweed for curing diabetes mellitus and complicating diseases.
By using the substance extracted from the giant knotweed, the
medicine for curing diabetes mellitus and the complicating
diseases can be produced effectively, and the treatment problems
of diabetes mellitus and the complicating diseases are solved. The
substance is coarse powder of the giant knotweed and can be
prepared through the following steps: putting the giant knotweed
in a round flask, adding 6 times quantity of grain alcohol to soak
the giant knotweed; refluxing and extracting and filtering the
grain alcohol, and the reflux extraction and the filtering are
carried out to medical slag which is added with the grain alcohol
which is 6 times of the medical slag. The filtrate water are
combined for two times, the filtrate water is decompressed for
recycling the grain alcohol, and the filtrate water is added in
the pretreatment and reborn macro pore adsorption resin column;
the resin column is elutriated with distilled water until the
eluate is colorless, and the resin column is elutriated with the
grain alcohol, the mass concentration of which is 70 percent, the
eluate is collected till the eluate does not contain any component
of anthraquinone, and the grain alcohol is recycled, and the total
anthraquinone which is the extracted substance of the giant
knotweed can be gained when the eluate is volatilized on the water
bath. The invention has the advantages that the preparation method
of the product is scientific, the operation is easy, the quality
of the total anthraquinone which is the preparation substance is
good, the purity quotient is high and the effect is good. The
substance can be used for preparing the medicine which is used for
curing diabetes mellitus and the complicating diseases, and the
substance which benefits mankind is a creative of the development
and the application of the giant knotweed medicine.
The present invention relates to a method of treating diabetes and
complications of substance extracted from Polygonum cuspidatum,
the drug may be effective for treating diabetes and its
complications prepared to solve the problem of the treatment of
diabetes and its complications, the meal was the medicinal
substance, set round flask, add 6 times the amount of ethanol
soaking, reflux extraction, filtration, dregs and then six times
the amount of ethanol reflux extraction, filtration, twice
combined filtrate decompression recovery of ethanol, concentrated
pretreatment and regeneration macroporous resin column and eluted
with distilled water to the eluent a colorless, then the mass
concentration of 70% ethanol eluate, the eluate to contain
anthraquinones far, the recovery of ethanol, water bath Polygonum
cuspidatum extract evaporated to dryness to give the total
anthraquinone substance, its products of scientific preparation,
easy operation, good preparation material total anthraquinone
quality, high purity, good effect, for the preparation of
effective drugs for treating diabetes and its complications, the
drug is Polygonum cuspidatum development and application on a
major innovation, making benefit of mankind.
A method of treating diabetes and complications of substance
extracted from Polygonum cuspidatum
I. Technical Field
The present invention relates to the field of medicine, in
particular extracted from Polygonum cuspidatum and treating
diabetes and Complications substances.
Diabetes and its complications (diabetes mellitus, DM) is a
Chinese medicine "Diabetes" category, based on more Drink, eat,
polyuria, body weight loss, or turbid urine, urinary disorders
characterized by sweet. Modern medicine recognized Diabetes is a
by a variety of causes chronic metabolic diseases, due to the lack
of insulin Or antagonize the hormone insulin or the insulin does
not increase the normal physiological role to play in target cells
and cause Glucose, protein and lipid metabolism disorder syndrome.
Divided into insulin-dependent diabetes clinic Disease (IDDM) that
is type I and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) that
is type II of two types, the current Approximately 157 million
diabetics in the world, China has more than 20 million people, and
the prevalence in the year Growth, has become a threat to human
health in the top three killers, which occurs in addition to
genetic and environmental factors Vegetarian and diet related,
insulin resistance has become one of the important reasons for
diabetes, the relevant Data show that during the transition from
developing to developed countries significantly higher incidence.
Lifestyle Application and adjustment of antidiabetic drugs is the
main means to control type 2 DM and complications, hypoglycemic
drugs currently still In western medicine, there is hypoglycemia,
gastrointestinal reactions and other side effects and poor
efficacy of the symptoms of diabetes And other issues, and with
the extension of treatment time, also need to increase the dose,
and therefore need further research and development of long-term,
Efficient, low toxicity hypoglycemic agents, especially the
control of drug complications and improve insulin resistance is
still medicine Experts goal.
Chinese medicine in the prevention and treatment of DM has great
advantages, Chinese medicine, its occurrence and spleen, kidney,
gas Yin deficiency, blood stasis, and clinical take qi and yin,
kidney and spleen, traditional Chinese medicine treatment Diabetes
have a good effect, and the small toxic side effects of
traditional Chinese medicine, the role of mild-lasting, with
combined therapy Effect, can delay complications advantage, after
all, to find new drugs hypoglycemic an important way. First use
Advanced science and technology, a good grasp of Chinese
multi-target, multi-link, the combined effects of regulation and
functional characteristics, To focus on the prevention of
complications of DM, DM prevention are the advantages of
traditional Chinese medicine, but also the majority of diabetes
Common needs of patients and society as a whole.
Motherland medicine: basic pathogenesis of diabetes is Yin-chun,
loss, hot side wins. Jin homologous blood each other Zisheng
conversion, Yin deficiency blood will be insufficient, and heat
dissipation can be gravel body fluid, Hao Shang Yin, Yin make more
deficiency, Yin deficiency is not sufficient pulse Road may cause
poor blood, bleeding within the stop, stasis and qi stagnation.
Moreover, those who long Diabetes, The PVI inevitable injuries,
signs of deficiency Diego now, if Qi is weak transport blood,
blood deficiency is incomprehensible, from chronic illness Into
the network, into the network of long virtual blood stasis
syndrome, stasis Serve, then Chen who is not when to go, when the
new students who can not Health, more blood and more virtual
stasis, stasis and the more the more virtual, reinforce each
other, cross-phase infestation. Leading to bad blood yin and yang,
Blood stasis. So there must be Diabetes pathological bleeding.
Since most diabetics have blood stasis syndrome Like. Clinical
blood circulation method can improve patients' sugar, fat
metabolism and blood viscosity state and Neurovascular
complications symptoms.
Polygonum cuspidatum, also known as "Kowloon root", "Yin Yang
Lotus" tepid, bitter, liver, gall bladder, lung. Polygonum
Polygonum cuspidatum plants (Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb.et Zucc)
dried rhizomes and roots. main Function is expelling wind and
dampness, stasis and pain, cough and phlegm. Polygonum cuspidatum
as hypoglycemic blood stasis in folk medicine Already applied in
recent years, there are scattered reports of hypoglycemic
Polygonum cuspidatum, but not in-depth study more, for lack of
hypoglycemic Discussion on the mechanism. Polygonum cuspidatum as
antidiabetic medicine used more often in addition to the compound,
the single application and about its taste drop Modern research
sugar component and hypoglycemic effect is small.
Modern pharmacological studies have shown that Polygonum
cuspidatum hypoglycemic, anti-oxidation, inotropic, anti-shock,
improve microcirculation Ring, inhibiting platelet aggregation,
lowering blood pressure, cough, asthma, improve immunity,
pathogenic microorganisms, Ming Significant intestinal muscle
relaxation, anti-tumor, increasing the role of white blood cells
and platelets and anti-oxidation. For the treatment of Diabetes,
hyperlipidemia, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, hepatitis,
neonatal jaundice, leukopenia, lung Inflammation, arthritis,
burns, vaginitis, and vitreous hemorrhage embolism. Polygonum
cuspidatum containing mainly free anthraquinone and anthracene
Quinone glycosides, tannins, flavonoids, polysaccharides and a
small amount of amino acids and other ingredients. Experimental
studies have shown that the existing Polygonum cuspidatum Aqueous
extract of a- glucosidase strongly inhibited, and has been
reported that Polygonum cuspidatum anthraquinones compounds It was
a hypoglycemic active ingredient; rabbits intravenously has been
reported to be extracted from Polygonum cuspidatum oxalic acid,
can cause low blood sugar shock. Another report from Polygonum
tannin in alloxan diabetic mice have a good hypoglycemic effect.
But its Study on hypoglycemic effect also limited water decoction,
hypoglycemic active site and the active ingredient is not clear,
it Study on hypoglycemic mechanism is also limited to the overall
level, how to filter Polygonum cuspidatum extract containing the
active moiety The main chemical components - anthraquinone and for
the treatment of diabetes and its complications, there are so far
no reports.
For the above, an object of the invention is an active part of the
screening of Polygonum cuspidatum extract from Polygonum
cuspidatum treatment Substance diabetes and its complications,
drug therapy may be an effective preparation of diabetes and its
complications, resolve Problems treatment of diabetes and its
complications, its technical solutions to address is the substance
from the dried root of Polygonum cuspidatum Slice the stems and
roots made taking Polygonum cuspidatum slices, coarsely ground,
set a round-bottom flask, plus 6 times the amount of ethanol (70%)
After soaking 30min, extracted reflux 2h, filtered, residue 6
times the amount of ethanol (70%) and then reflux extraction 1
Times, extracting 2h, filtered, and the filtrate combined twice,
vacuum recovery of ethanol, and then concentrated to pretreatment
Students macroporous resin column and eluted with distilled water
to the eluent a colorless, then the mass concentration of 70%
Ethanol eluate, eluent free to Anthraquinones far, the recovery of
ethanol, water bath On evaporated to dryness to give the Polygonum
cuspidatum total anthraquinone substance, yield 2-2.5% purity
64-70.7%. Said preparatory Macroporous resin adsorption process
and regeneration column macroporous resin used for adsorption and
regeneration to be pretreated, Wherein the pretreatment is to take
the D301 macroporous resin with a concentration of 95% ethanol for
24h, constantly Stirring, after removal of air bubbles in a
column, with a concentration of 95% ethanol elution, the eluate to
thoroughly wash After the Ming and evaporated without residue,
then washed successively with 1mol / LNaOH 3 volumes of water, 2
volumes Distilled water, 1mol / LHCL 3 volumes of eluting
solution, and finally eluted with distilled water to neutral pH,
Thereafter, the macroporous resin regeneration, that is eluted
with 1mol / LNaOH aqueous wash eluent to transparent, Then eluted
with 2 volumes of distilled water, and then 1mol / LHCL aqueous
elution wash eluent to transparent, Finally eluted with distilled
water to neutral pH (reusable), the process flow process shown in
Figure 1.
Present Description Product Preparation science, easy operation,
good preparation material total anthraquinone quality, high
purity, using the results Well, for the preparation of effective
drugs for treating diabetes and its complications, it is the
development and application of drugs Polygonum cuspidatum A major
innovation, making benefit of mankind.
Figure 1 is a process flow diagram for preparing the product of
the invention.
Figure 2 is a product of the invention the determination of the
standard curve.
Figure 3 is a graph showing the different volumes of product
invention to α- glucosidase Vigor.
According to the aforementioned aspect, the present invention is
made in the implementation of the following specific ways.
The knotweed rhizome and roots to its soil, wash static, crushed
into coarse powder (50-80 mesh), take 1000 G meal, add 6000ml mass
concentration of 70% ethanol soaked after 30min, reflux extraction
2h, Filtration, liquid reserve, then add 6000ml dregs mass
concentration of 70% ethanol reflux extraction After 2h, filtered,
twice combined filtrates under reduced pressure to recover
ethanol, and concentrated to a volume of 50%, was added
pretreatment Management and regeneration of macroporous adsorption
resin column (called macroporous resin column and pretreated with
regeneration Before), eluted with distilled water until the eluate
is colorless, then is eluted with 70% ethanol concentration,
collecting Eluent eluent to contain Anthraquinones far, the
recovery of ethanol, evaporated on a water bath did Polygonum
cuspidatum extract Extract total anthraquinone 21.25 g, 70.7%
purity, it can be used to prepare an effective treatment of
diabetes and its complications Disease Drugs, the extract by the
test for the treatment of diabetes and its complications have a
prominent role in the disease, than the original Polygonum
cuspidatum The original drug is much better, the effect did not
expect for the development before the relevant experimental data
as follows.
(A) total anthraquinone Polygonum cuspidatum chromogenic
1. Feigl reaction
Take a little of Polygonum cuspidatum total anthraquinone in a
test tube, dissolved in water, 25% aqueous sodium carbonate, 4% A
5% solution of formaldehyde and benzene o-nitrobenzene, a little
different, a mixture heated on a water bath for 2 minutes,
resulting in significant The purple.
2. The reaction with an alkaline agent
Take polygonum anthraquinone 5mg, add water about 5ml, stir, take
the supernatant, add chloroform 10ml, Shaking extraction, get a
chloroform solution, evaporated and 2 drops of 5% sodium hydroxide
was dropped, was cherry red.
3. Magnesium acetate color reaction
Take a little polygonum anthraquinone, dissolved in ethanol, drops
on filter paper, drying, spray 0.5% magnesium acetate A Alcohol
solution, heated to 90 degrees minutes was cherry red.
4 .. TLC
Take polygonum anthraquinone 15mg, plus 2.5mol L sulfuric acid 5ml
/ solution, heating hydrolysis for 30 minutes, put Cold, extracted
with chloroform 2 times, each 5ml, combined chloroform solution,
evaporated and the residue dissolved in chloroform 1ml make
Solution, as the test solution. Another emodin reference substance
2mg, add methanol made per 1ml containing 1mg Solution as the
reference solution. Learn the test, reference solution 2ul,
respectively, point to the same silicon Gel G plate with ethyl
acetate volume: methanol: water = 100:16.5:13.5 as the agent,
exhibition Open out, drying, UV light (365nm), under review. Test
products for chromatography, in that the reference The
corresponding position chromatography was the same orange
fluorescent spots; smoked rear ammonia vapor, fluorescent under
inspection Visual, spot turns red.
(B) Determination of Polygonum cuspidatum total anthraquinone
Colorimetric determination of total content of anthraquinone,
emodin as standard, smoked spectrophotometry Received degrees.
1. Preparation of the reference solution
Emodin reference substance 10mg, accurately weighed, placed in
100ml volumetric flask, dissolved in methanol and diluted To the
mark (100ug / ml), shake, that was (per 1ml containing emodin
2. Preparation of standard curve
Precision drawing reference solution 4.0,6.0,8.0,10.0,12.0,14.0ml
respectively set 25ml capacity Bottle, recovering methanol on a
water bath, add 5% to 2% sodium hydroxide lye mix, shake, Dissolve
with a sintered funnel III filtration, the filtrate, the reagent
blank, according to spectrophotometry (2005 Edition Appendix VB),
30min later, in a wavelength of 520nm absorbance was measured (A),
respectively. In absorbance The vertical axis, the concentration
of abscissa, the absorbance (A) - concentration (C) of the curve,
the regression equation It is: A = 5.26 × C + 0.021, correlation
coefficient r = 0.9996. Linear range: 0.016 ~ 0.056mg / ml, Table
Table 1 Determination Polygonum cuspidatum total anthraquinone
standard curve data
Standard curve shown in Figure 2.
3. Determination of content of the sample:
Accurately weighed dried to constant weight polygonum
anthraquinone 7.5mg, a 100ml round-bottomed flask, add 2.5mol / L
sulfuric acid solution, 20ml, was heated under reflux for 1 hour,
coolish chloroform of about 30ml, reflux was continued 2 hours,
cooled, displacing the separating funnel, washed with a small
amount of chloroform container, lotion into the separating funnel
In, get a chloroform layer set 50ml volumetric flask, acid and
extracted with chloroform 2 times, each 8ml, and the chloroform
solution Into 50ml volumetric flask, add chloroform to the mark,
shake, that was the precise amount of the solution 10ml,
evaporated to dryness; precision Add equal amount of 2% ammonia
solution and 5% sodium hydroxide solution, a mixed solution of
20ml to dissolve, with weeping III Melt funnel filtration, the
filtrate, the reagent blank, at the wavelength of 520nm absorbance
was measured separately, Calculated by linear regression equation
polygonum anthraquinone emodin (C15H10O5) is the reference against
its total anthracene Quinone content.
Measured according to the above extraction method of total
anthraquinone in Polygonum cuspidatum total anthraquinone content
was measured 6 times and the results Table 2.
Table 2 polygonum anthraquinone assay results
Above table can be seen that the average content of this
experiment extracted from Polygonum total anthraquinone
anthraquinone is 67.33%.
Influence (c) polygonum anthraquinone large model of diabetes in
1 Materials
1.1 Drugs
Polygonum anthraquinone, press extraction process to extract;
metformin hydrochloride, Shanghai Pharmaceutical (Group) Co.,
Company Xinyi Pharmaceutical Factory, batch number: 060310,0.25g /
piece, 48 / box.
1.2 Reagents
Streptozotocin, sigma company; saline, Zhengzhou Yonghe
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., batch number: 060 810 012,
specifications 500ml / bottle; citric acid (AR), Hubei
Pharmaceutical company Bose station, batch No: 20020623; sodium
citrate (AR), Suzhou Chemical Reagent Factory, batch number:
20010624; conc. Sulfuric acid, Luoyang City Chemical Reagent
Factory, batch number: 051 102; glucose kit, Zhejiang Dongou
Biotechnology Ltd., batch number: 2006060350; glycated serum
protein (GSP) kit of Nanjing Jiancheng Institute of Biotechnology
of the first branch, batch number: 20061007; glycogen kit, Nanjing
Jiancheng Bioengineering Cheng Institute, batch number: 20060907;
glacial acetic acid (AR), China Laiyang both Chemical Co. Division
Lot: 20050321; SOD kit (measuring total), Nanjing Jiancheng
Institute of Biotechnology, batch number: 20,070,131;
malondialdehyde (MDA) test kit, Nanjing Jiancheng Institute of
Biotechnology, batch number: 20070206; LDL cholesterol assay kit
(LDL-C), Zhejiang East Ou Biological Engineering Co., batch
Number: 2006080265; high-density lipoprotein cholesterol assay kit
(HDL-C), Zhejiang East Ou biological Engineering Co., Ltd., batch
number: 2006120002; triglyceride assay kit (TG), Zhejiang East Ou
Health Engineering Co., Ltd., batch number: 2006110001; total
cholesterol assay kit (TCH), Zhejiang East Ou Biological
Engineering Co., Ltd., batch number: 2006090002; insulin (INS)
radioimmunoassay kit Beijing Chemclin Biotechnology Co., Ltd.,
batch number: 20063082; Leptin (Leptin) Radiation Immunoassay kit,
People's Liberation Army General Hospital, RIA Technology
Development Center, Lot 070126; C- Peptide (C-P) radioimmunoassay
kit (RIA), Beijing Chemclin Biotechnology Co., Ltd., batch number:
20,070,125; insulin antibodies (INS-Ab) radioimmunoassay kit,
Beijing Chemclin biotechnology Surgery Ltd., batch number:
1.3 Instrument
UV-2000 UV-Vis spectrophotometer: UNICO (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Instrument; heated water Bath, Beijing Guangming Instrument
Factory; centrifuge, Beijing medical equipment repair shop; FA (N)
/ JA (N) series Electronic balance, Shanghai People Bridge
Precision Instrument Co., Ltd.; adjustable pipette, the Hai Leibo
analytical instruments Limited; OLYMPUS optical microscope;
Hitachi H-7500 transmission electron microscope.
1.4 Animals
Mice: Kunming, male, weight: 18 ~ 20g; provided by the
Experimental Animal Center of Hebei Province, together Grid No:
611 040. Rat: Wistar, male, body weight: 180 ~ 200g; Hebei
Province experimental animals Was center, Certificate of
Conformity: 701,022.
1.5 test solution preparation
Before according to kit instructions, is added a certain amount of
concentrated sulfuric acid, stirring to dissolve, the use of: the
reagent formulation New feature.
Formulated citrate buffer pH: 4.2: citric acid 0.1mol / L + sodium
citrate 0.1mol / L 12.3 + 7.7
Weigh 1292.4mg citric acid and sodium citrate 1132.3mg dubbed
100ml solution, and the solution that is A citrate buffer Ph 4.2,
in order to ensure its accuracy available Ph instrument
calibration deployment.
(Streptozotocin is not very stable, and greater stimulation of
blood vessels with buffer formulated streptozotocin Reduce these
side effects that): prepared before use.
10% formalin fixative formulation: 36% formaldehyde solution 10ml,
paired with distilled water 100ml.
4% glutaraldehyde fixative formulation of: disodium hydrogen
phosphate 35.61g, paired with double distilled water 1000ml;
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate 27.60g, paired with double distilled
water 1000ml. Take disodium hydrogen phosphate solution and 40.5ml
Sodium dihydrogen after mixing 9.5ml solution of 25%
glutaraldehyde was added 16.0ml, coupled with double-distilled
water to 100ml.
2 Statistical
Data was analyzed by SPSS 10.0for windows statistical software,
measurement data between groups were compared using ANOVA, using
Ridit level data analysis.
3 Experimental methods and results
3.1 Effect of polygonum anthraquinone mouse model of
Take male mice, normal feeding for 3 days after fasting 12h,
intravenous injection of streptozotocin 80 (Mg / kg, 0.02ml /
10g), injection after the first 11 days of fasting 12h, trailing
blood test fasting blood glucose level, Select the blood
glucose> 11.1mmol / L and has significantly more drink, more
food, more urinary symptoms in mice 50, press Blood glucose levels
were randomly divided into five groups, namely large, medium and
small dose Polygonum cuspidatum, positive control group and model
group, Are fed large, medium and small dose polygonum
anthraquinone (400mg / kg, 200mg / kg, 100mg / kg, 0.2ml / 10g),
metformin (0.5g / kg, 25mg / ml, 0.2ml / 10g) and the same volume
of saline, Another 10 mice served as the control group, fed with
normal saline. Administered once daily, continuous Administered
for 30 days. The first day of administration 10,20,30 tail blood
test blood glucose level. The first 30 days of fasting 12h After
the last administration 1h, blood, blood sugar (according to kit
instructions), glycosylated serum protein (press agent Kit
instructions), the mice were sacrificed, the liver glycogen
measured (measured according to kit instructions); pancreas, 10%
formalin Lin was fixed, for biopsy. The results are shown in Table
Table on streptozotocin-induced blood glucose in mice 3 polygonum
anthraquinone <Img class = "EMIRef" id = "099981881-if0001"
**: Indicates Compared with model group P <0.01 *: represents
compared with the model group P <0.05
As can be seen from the above chart, compared with the control
group, the model group blood glucose levels at the start of the
first 10, 20, 30 days were significantly higher than the control
group (p <0.01), described streptozotocin diabetic model made
successful. versus Model group than in the administration of the
first 20 days, large, medium dose polygonum anthraquinone group
and metformin group can significantly Lowering blood glucose
levels (p <0.01), low-dose polygonum anthraquinone can
significantly lower blood sugar levels (p <0.05), In the first
30 days of administration, large, medium and small doses of
polygonum anthraquinone group and metformin group can
significantly reduce blood Sugar levels (p <0.01).
Table 4 polygonum anthraquinone streptozotocin-induced diabetic
mice glycated serum protein And the impact of glycogen <Img
class = "EMIRef" id = "099981881-if0002" />
**: Indicates Compared with model group P <0.01 *: represents
compared with the model group P <0.05
As can be seen from the table, compared with the control group,
the model group made glycogen levels were significantly reduced,
glycosylated blood Albumin levels were significantly higher (p
<0.01). Compared with model group, large dose of polygonum
anthraquinone and Second Metformin could significantly increase
glycogen levels (p <0.01), low-dose polygonum anthraquinone
significantly elevated liver Glycogen levels (p <0.05). Large
and small doses of polygonum anthraquinone and metformin
significantly decreased serum glycated Serum protein levels (p
<0.01), the dose polygonum anthraquinone can significantly
reduce serum glycated serum protein levels Level (p <0.05).
Table 5 polygonum anthraquinone streptozotocin-induced diabetic
mice pancreas tissue
"-" For the islet cell cytoplasm rich, atrophy, edema and vacuolar
degeneration were normal does not appear; "+" Islet cells showed
atrophy without edema and vacuolar degeneration; "++" Most of the
islet cells Shrink, a small number of cells without degeneration
of edema. "+++" Islet cells shrink, Meanwhile edema and
degeneration obvious.
As can be seen from the table, all rich white mice islet cell
cytoplasm, does not appear to shrink, edema And vacuolar
degeneration were normal, compared with the control group, model
group, the vast majority of islet cells shrink, with When edema
and vacuolar degeneration obvious by Ridit test P <0.01,
illustrate successful model. And model Group, the large, medium
and small doses of polygonum anthraquinone group and metformin
group most abundant islet cell cytoplasm, Islet volume increases,
a small cell atrophy, decreased cell cytoplasm and nucleus
presented crowding, By Ridit test P <0.01. Metformin group than
in large, medium dose polygonum anthraquinone islets Abundant
cytoplasm, shrink less, edema and vacuolar degeneration lighter by
Ridit test P <0.01. The results suggest that: large, medium and
small doses of polygonum anthraquinone streptozotocin-induced
islet injury protection Effect, obviously stronger than metformin.
3.2 Effect of polygonum anthraquinone diabetic rats
Take 100 male rats, fasting 12h, in which 90 intravenous injection
of streptozotocin 60mg / kg (with a pH 4.2 citrate buffer
preparation), another 10 to completely blank control group,
Intravenous injection of an equal volume of citrate buffer. Day 10
tail blood test blood glucose level, blood glucose level select
> 11.1mmol / L and has significantly more drink, more food, 50
urinary symptoms in rats, according to a random blood glucose
level Were divided into five groups fed large, medium and small
doses of polygonum anthraquinone (400mg / kg, 200mg / kg, 100mg /
kg, formulated at a concentration of 20mg / ml, 10mg / ml, 5mg /
ml, the volume of gavage was 2ml / 100g) Solution, metformin 208mg
/ kg (20.8mg / ml, 2ml / 100g), model group and control group Were
given the same volume of saline, administered once a day for
consecutive 30 days, respectively, in the first 10 administration,
20, 30 days fasting blood glucose level, in the last day of
fasting blood sugar before 12; drench 2h after taking Blood serum
was separated, blood glucose (FBG), insulin (Ins), insulin
antibodies, C peptide, leptin, Triglyceride (TG), cholesterol
(TC), low density lipoprotein (LDL-C), high density lipoprotein
(HDL-C) Level, superoxide dismutase (SOD), lipid peroxidation
product malondialdehyde (MDA) level. Big killed After the rat
pancreas and kidney for routine pathology and pancreas as
transmission electron microscope to observe the pathological
changes. Results Table 6,7,8,9,10.
Table 6 Effect of polygonum anthraquinone diabetic rats glucose
<Img class = "EMIRef" id = "099981881-if0003" />
Compared with model group, ** indicates P <0.01, * indicates P
As can be seen from the table: compared with the control group,
model group, blood glucose levels at the start of the first
10,20,30 Day was significantly higher than the control group (P
<0.01), described streptozotocin diabetic model made
successful. With the model group Than the first 20, 30 days
metformin significantly reduced the blood glucose level after
administration (P <0.01), on the 10th day of blood No
significant effect on glucose levels; high dose polygonum
anthraquinone can significantly reduce the blood glucose level on
the 20th day (P <0.05), may Significantly reduced blood glucose
levels on day 30 (P <0.01); dose polygonum anthraquinone can
significantly reduce the first 20, 30 Day blood glucose level (P
<0.01), lowering blood glucose level trends in the first 10
days; a small dose of polygonum anthraquinone have lower first 30
days blood glucose level trend.
Table 7 polygonum anthraquinone streptozotocin-induced diabetic
rats serum insulin, Effect of leptin, insulin antibody, C- peptide
<Img class = "EMIRef" id = "099981881-if0004" />
n = 6 **: compared with the control group indicates P <0.01 *:
representation than in the control group P <0.05
As can be seen from the table, compared with the control group,
the model group insulin, C-peptide levels were significantly lower
(P <0.01), Leptin levels were significantly higher (P
<0.01), insulin antibody levels did not change significantly.
Compared with model group, Metformin, significantly higher dose of
insulin polygonum anthraquinone group (P <0.01) insulin dose
group Significantly increased (P <0.05), low-dose group had
elevated insulin trend; middle dose group and low dose group C
Peptide was significantly higher (P <0.01) levels, metformin
group had elevated levels of C-peptide trend, but large doses
Obvious; large, medium and small and metformin group can
significantly reduce leptin levels (P <0.01); metformin
Guanidine had significantly lower insulin antibody levels (P
<0.01), and a large dose of insulin antibodies was
significantly higher in the water Level (P <0.05).
Table 8 polygonum anthraquinone streptozotocin-induced diabetic
rats serum malondialdehyde (MDA) And superoxide dismutase (SOD)
Activity in Rats <Img class = "EMIRef" id = "099981881-
if0005" />
**: Indicates compared with model group P <0.01 *: represents
compared with model group P <0.05
As can be seen from the table, compared with the control group,
the model group of lipid peroxidation (LPO) metabolites prop The
amount of the dialdehyde (MDA) was significantly higher than the
control group, and SOD activity was significantly lower than the
control group (P <0.01), Description lipid peroxidation injury
and SOD decreased streptozotocin induced diabetic model exists.
And the mold Type group, the medium and small doses of polygonum
anthraquinone and metformin significantly decreased serum levels
of MDA (P <0.01), high-dose polygonum anthraquinone can
significantly reduce the serum levels of MDA (P <0.05), large,
Dose Polygonum cuspidatum total anthraquinone can and metformin
significantly increased activity of SOD after making model (P
<0.01), Small doses of polygonum anthraquinone elevated SOD
activity trend (P> 0.05).
Table 9 polygonum anthraquinone induced diabetic rat model lipid
metabolism in streptozotocin
**: Indicates compared with model group P <0.01 *: represents
compared with model group P <0.05
As can be seen from the table, compared with the control group,
made streptozotocin diabetic rats model TG, TC, LDL-C levels were
significantly higher than the control group (P <0.01), HDL-C
levels were significantly lower than the control group (P
<0.01), It shows that the model exists lipid metabolism
disorders. Compared with model group, each group could improve
lipid perfusion to varying degrees Metabolic disorders. Large
doses of polygonum anthraquinone can significantly reduce TG, TC
and LDL-C levels (P <0.01), Significantly increased HDL-C
levels (P <0.01); dose polygonum anthraquinone can
significantly reduce TC, TG, LDL-C levels (P <0.01),
significantly increased HDL-C levels (P> 0.01); low-dose
polygonum anthraquinone Can significantly reduce LDL-C levels (P
<0.01), significantly increased HDL-C levels (P> 0.01),
Ariake Significantly reduce TC and TG levels (P <0.05);
metformin significantly reduced TC, TG, LDL-C water Level (P
<0.01) and significantly increased HDL-C levels (P <0.01).
Table 10 Effect of polygonum anthraquinone kidney and pancreas of
diabetic rats
For the islet cell cytoplasm rich, atrophy, edema and vacuolar
degeneration were normal does not appear; "+" It appears to shrink
as islet cells, without degenerative change and edema; "++" islet
cells found mostly wilt Shrink, few cells degeneration edema.
"+++" Islet cells shrink, and edema and Vacuolation.
As can be seen from the table, blank islets rich cytoplasm, cell
in the body, also showed the nucleus Loose state. Compared with
the control group, the model group significant portion of the vast
majority of islet cell atrophy, cell Pulp significantly reduced,
the cell body to narrow, dense nucleus, some cells appear edema
and vacuolation, by Ridit Test, P <0.01, illustrate successful
Compared with model group, high dose group polygonum anthraquinone
most pancreatic Cytoplasm rich island, islet volume increases, a
small number of cell atrophy, degeneration Edema by Ridit test, P
<0.01. Dose polygonum anthraquinone islets most cells atrophy,
cell Significantly reduced cytoplasm and nucleus presented
crowding, and a small part of cell degeneration edema, dried Ridit
test, P <0.05; metformin improved islet injury trend. The
results suggest that Polygonum cuspidatum Total anthraquinone of
streptozotocin-induced islet injury in rats.
(Iv) Effect of Polygonum cuspidatum total anthraquinone α-
glucosidase Activity
1 Materials
1.1 Reagents
α- glucosidase, sigma Company, Lot 081K7415; PNPG (4- nitrophenol
-α-D - Glucopyranoside), sigma company; glutathione, sigma
company; polygonum anthraquinone, double-distilled Water, 67mmol /
L phosphate buffer (pH6.8), 0.1mol / L Na2CO3.
1.2 Instrument
752 spectrophotometer, Shanghai Third Analytical Instrument
Factory; FA (N) / JA (N) series of electronic balance, on
Precision Instrument Co., Ltd. China Sea Bridge; TGL-16G
high-speed refrigerated centrifuge, Shanghai Anting Scientific
Instrument Factory; DZKW-4 electron temperature water bath,
Beijing Medical Instrument Factory Wing bright; adjustable
pipette, Shanghai Leibo Analytical Instruments Limited.
2 Experimental Methods
By detecting α- glucosidase activity decreased, indirect
determination polygonum anthraquinone glucose α- Glucosidase
inhibitory activity.
Control tubes α- glucosidase enzyme activity assay: the PNPG (4-
nitrophenol -α-D--gluco Glucoside) as substrate. Reaction system:
67mmol / L phosphate buffer (pH6.8) 1.7ml, 1mg / ml Glutathione
50μl, 20mg / mlα- glucosidase 5μl, 37 ° C for 10min after, Added
0.010mol / L PNPG50μl, after the reaction at 37 ° C 10min, was
added 0.1mol / L Na2CO3 Stop Solution 10ml. Measured under the
action of enzymes released amount (A2 value) nitrophenol at 400nm
Polygonum cuspidatum total anthraquinone inhibition assay
activity: Weigh Polygonum cuspidatum total anthraquinone 100mg,
treated with activated carbon removal Color, dry, add distilled
water to 5ml, formulated at a concentration of 20mg / ml solution
of polygonum anthraquinone. Minute Do not take 25,50,100,200,400μl
was added to the enzyme activity assay system (system buffer A
corresponding reduction in volume), followed by incubation with
the enzyme is first reacted (37 ° C) 10min, plus substrate 10min,
Na2CO3 The reaction was stopped, absorbance was measured at 400nm
(A3 values). Chinese medicine extract liquid plus buffer is empty
Tube reaction step above, measured at 400nm absorbance (A1 value).
Are buffer plus glutathione plus PNPG stop solution to zeroing
Statistical analysis
Data was analyzed by SPSS 10.0 for windows statistical software
using statistical curve fitting analysis.
Define α- glucosidase activity unit is: pH6.8,37 ° C per minute
when released 1μmolPNP A dynamic unit. The inhibitory activity was
defined units: pH6.8,37 ° C within the same time make a
Inactivation of enzyme activity unit as a suppression unit. = The
percent inhibition The inhibitory activity / enzyme activity test
× 100% The same determination into account in this experiment
enzymes and inhibitors vitality, consistent main reagent
consumption, it Percentage inhibition is calculated as simplified:
percent inhibition = A / B × 100%. Note: A = control tube A2 Value
- (the value of the test tube A3 - blank tube A1 value) B =
control tube A2 value. The results are shown in Table 11.
Table 11 Effect of different volume polygonum anthraquinone α-
glucosidase Activity
Figure 3 shows that within a certain range of different amounts of
polygonum anthraquinone α- glucosidase inhibitory Activity curve
fitting analysis showed different amounts of polygonum
anthraquinone with α- glucosidase activity inhibition rate deposit
Model relationships in S-shaped curve. Equation lny = 0.004141 +
(- 31.426988 / x) (F = 758.43959, P value (Signif F) = 0.0001
<0.0005, at 0.05 significance level, reject the null Suppose,
the equation can be considered significant. Wherein the value of
the independent variable T = -27.540, P = 0.0001, according to
inspection 0.05 Inspection standards, reject the null hypothesis
can be considered as independent variables X regression
coefficient is not zero. ) Was calculated by adding 45.07μl (20mg
/ ml) polygonum anthraquinone solution can generate more than 50%
of the inhibitory activity, suggesting that the α- glucosidase has
a good combination of power and a strong inhibitory effect.
(V) Conclusion
Anthraquinone is one of the main active ingredient knotweed, based
on a lot of relevant literature, laboratory The preliminary
research data and experimental results of this study, we believe
that the main active portion anthraquinone its hypoglycemic Bit.
Polygonum anthraquinone significantly reduced by the adrenaline,
had made alloxan hyperglycemia model mice blood sugar Level and
streptozotocin had made big mouse model of diabetes blood glucose
and glycated serum protein levels, there are pro Trends into
insulin secretion and hepatic glycogen formation, can reduce
diabetic rats triglycerides, cholesterol Alcohol, low-density
lipoprotein levels, increased HDL levels, reduce the lipid
peroxidation in the blood Between MDA level product, enhancement
of SOD activity. Pathological observation by light microscopy
analysis showed that: total anthraquinone Polygonum cuspidatum
Protect modeling large, islet cells in mice against drugs damage
modeling islet cells to make Model rats kidney has a protective
effect, reduce the distal convoluted tubule cells edema state;
Observation points Analysis showed that: Polygonum cuspidatum
total anthraquinone can increase the number of mitochondria in rat
renal tubular epithelial cells, reducing mitochondrial iso
Chromatin quantity, reduce the mitochondria is dissolved and
disappeared; by improving the organizational structure of certain
microscopic Extent, help slow the disease process in diabetic rat
kidney. Also polygonum anthraquinone can be reduced in vitro Low
α- glucosidase activity. Hypoglycemic effect polygonum
anthraquinone and its promotion of insulin secretion, promoting
glucose Original synthesis, metabolism of free radicals in a
certain relationship. At the same time, it can also reduce
glycated serum protein levels Flat, lower blood lipid levels,
thereby delaying the development of diabetic complications,
effectively applied to the preparation Diabetes and its
complications drugs, is a major innovation on medicinal Polygonum
cuspidatum, a prominent economic and social efficiency Benefits
for Chinese medicine has made creative contributions.
Method for preparing polygonum paleaceum
dry extract by hot water extraction and ethanol precipitation
and/or its purification part
The invention discloses a method for preparing a paleaceous
knotweed extract. Paleaceous knotweed and pure water are put into
the container, and bathed in the 100 DEG C water and reflowed to
lixiviate for 30-90min; alcohol is charged into the filter liquor;
the mixture is placed under the temperature of 0-8 DEG C till the
filter liquor and the alcohol are fully mixed, and then is
filtered to obtain spirituous filter liquor; the spirituous filter
liquor is decompressed and condensed into paleaceous knotweed
extract acquired by hot water extraction and ethanol precipitation
under the temperature of 70-85 DEG C, and the paleaceous knotweed
extract acquired by hot water extraction and ethanol precipitation
is condensed into 0.1-0.4 times of original volume and braised to
eliminate the alcohol and obtain the residue; the residue is
dissolved by distilled water and filtered the insoluble matter
toobtain the filter liquor; through strong-acid cationic ion resin
columns, the filter liquor is firstly washed into achromatic color
by water and then eluted by 3N of NH4OH; the ammonia eluent is
collected and condensed into ointment; and the ointment is put on
the silica gel columns and eluted by acetone-carbinol, the
acetone-carbinol eluent is kept on concentrating till the white
powder is deposited.
The present invention discloses a grass dragon's blood boiled dry
extract alcohol precipitation and / or preparation of purified
fraction. The grass dragon's blood into a container with water,
water at 100 ° C water bath reflux extraction 30 ~ 90min,
filtration to obtain filtrate was added ethanol, placed to the
filtrate mixed with alcohol in 0 ~ 8 ° C under then filtration was
alcoholic filtrate was concentrated under reduced pressure and
then placed in boiling alcohol precipitation grass dragon's blood
extract, then concentrated to the original volume of 0.1 to 0.4
times at 70 ~ 85 ° C after the residue was distilled ethanol , the
residue was dissolved with distilled water, insoluble matter was
filtered off and the filtrate, the filtrate was passed through a
strong acid cation resin column, washed with water until
colorless, and then eluted with 3N NHOH, ammonia eluate was
collected, concentrated to give paste, the paste on a silica gel
column with acetone - methanol to give the grass dragon's blood
boiled dry extract alcohol precipitation. The grass dragon's blood
alcohol precipitation boiled dry extract was concentrated to
precipitate a white powder precipitated partially purified.
The present invention relates to a grass dragon's blood boiled dry
extract alcohol precipitation and / or preparation of purified
fractions, which belongs Pharmaceutical fields.
Background technique
At present, many due to the antiviral drug resistance and side
effects of long-term and limit its clinical application Use, such
as commonly used in clinical treatment of influenza amantadine and
rimantadine methyl derivative structure on the existence of God
After toxic, easy to produce resistant strains and influenza B
viruses invalid defects; currently approved by the FDA for
Prevention and treatment of respiratory syncytial virus infection
drug ribavirin only, but there are bone marrow cell toxicity when
its intravenous administration And the presence of a small amount
when administered by aerosol through the respiratory tract
neutropenia, excessive doses can cause headache, can not Against
anemia and other side effects; anti-herpes virus drugs acyclovir
herpes simplex virus can lead to drug resistance, resulting in
Respiratory viral infection caused by the incidence of continued
Grass dragon's blood is more commonly used herbs, Polygonaceae,
perennial herb, the origin of Yunnan, Sichuan. Of bitter, acrid,
Slightly astringent, slightly warm. At present, experimental
studies with anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor herbs in the
dragon's blood applied research The results show that it has
anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effect. And it has been through
modern analytical chemistry methods of dragon's blood on the grass
Isolated chemical composition, purification, structural analysis
and identification of pharmacological activity, antioxidant
activity and anti-inflammatory analgesic, Dragon's blood drawn
grass may contain plant sterols or steroid saponins, glycosides
and anthraquinone or sugars, phenols and tannins Quality and other
substances, initially revealed the pharmacological foundation
grass dragon's blood detoxification role, but will be made of
dragon's blood grass Methods related to drugs has become a new
topic in the field of medical research.
Object of the present invention is to provide a grass dragon's
blood boiled dry extract alcohol precipitation and / or preparing
purified fraction Law, the purpose of using heat detoxification
grass of dragon's blood.
Purposes of technical solution of the present invention is: a
grass dragon's blood boiled dry extract alcohol precipitation and
/ or purification section Preparation, prepared as follows:
(1) The grass dragon's blood and water mass ratio 1:8 to 15 placed
in a container, dip in boiling water bath for reflux Mention 30 ~
90min, and then suction filtered and the filtrate residue were
(2) repeating steps (1) 2 to 3 times, and the resulting filtrate
was mixed, then add 95% to the mixing volume of the filtrate 98%
alcohol, placed in 0 ~ 8 ° C down to the filtrate mixed with
alcohol, then was suction filtered alcoholic liquid;
(3) the alcoholic filtrate under reduced pressure at 70 ~ 85 ° C
under grass dragon's blood boiled and concentrated to give alcohol
precipitation extract the grass Dragon's blood boiling alcohol
precipitation extract was concentrated to the original volume of
0.1 to 0.4 times the residue obtained after distilling off the
ethanol, distilled water The residue was dissolved, insoluble
material was filtered off and the filtrate, the filtrate was
passed through a strong acid cation resin column, washed with
water to Colorless, and then eluted with 3N NH4OH, ammonia eluate
was collected and concentrated to give a paste, the paste on
silica gel Column with acetone - methanol to give the grass
dragon's blood boiled dry extract alcohol precipitation.
The above-prepared grass dragon's blood alcohol precipitation
boiled dry extract was concentrated to precipitate a white powder
that prepared the purification unit Minute.
Wherein with acetone - methanol substance of ratio of 1:1.
The present invention provides a method of making simple, raw
materials required for a wide range of sources. The present
invention provides a method of manufacture Take the grass dragon's
blood boiled dry extract alcohol precipitation and / or purified
fractions yield, good quality. The experiment proved Preparation
Dragon's blood boiled grass dry extract alcohol precipitation and
/ or purification section has a good anti-virus prevalent role
Example 1
First, take the following steps to make the grass dragon's blood
alcohol precipitation boiled dry extract:
(1) will 130g grass dragon's blood and placed in a round bottom
flask 1850ml water, placed in boiling water bath for reflux 90min,
and then suction filtered and the filtrate residue were obtained;
(2) repeating steps (1) 2 to 3 times, and the resulting filtrate
was mixed, and then mixed with the volume of filtrate was added 98
% Alcohol, place overnight at 8 ° C under suction, the filtrate
was alcoholic;
(3) the alcoholic filtrate to 85 ° C and concentrated under
reduced pressure to give the grass's Blood 15ml boiling alcohol
precipitation extract.
Repeat steps (1) to (3) Preparation of 50ml grass dragon's blood
boiling alcohol precipitation extract;
(4) Preparation of 50ml grass dragon's blood boiling alcohol
precipitation extract was concentrated to 0.4 times the volume of
the residue obtained after distilling off the ethanol Residue, the
residue was dissolved with distilled water, insoluble matter was
filtered off and the filtrate, the filtrate was passed through a
strong acid cation resin column, Washed with water until
colorless, and then eluted with 3N NH4OH collected ammonia eluent
and concentrated to give a paste, the paste It was on a silica gel
column, using a molar ratio of 1:1 acetone - methanol to give the
grass dragon's blood alcohol precipitation boiled dry dip paste;
Dragon's blood boiled grass can dry extract concentrated alcohol
precipitation needed to precipitate a white powder, which obtained
purified fractions.
Example 2
First, take the following steps to make the grass dragon's blood
alcohol precipitation boiled dry extract:
(1) will 130g grass dragon's blood and 1300ml water placed in a
round bottom flask in a boiling water bath for reflux 60min,
Filtration, the filtrate and the residue were obtained;
(2) repeating steps (1) 2 to 3 times, and the resulting filtrate
was mixed, and then added to the filtrate mixed with an equal
volume of 97 % Alcohol, after standing overnight at 4 ° C under
suction, the filtrate was alcoholic;
(3) the alcoholic filtrate to 75 ° C and concentrated under
reduced pressure to give the grass's Blood 15ml boiling alcohol
precipitation extract. Repeat steps (1) to (3) Preparation of 50ml
grass dragon's blood boiling alcohol precipitation extract;
(4) Preparation of 50ml grass dragon's blood boiling alcohol
precipitation extract was concentrated to 0.3 times the volume of
the residue obtained after distilling off the ethanol Residue, the
residue was dissolved with distilled water, insoluble matter was
filtered off and the filtrate, the filtrate was passed through a
strong acid cation resin column, Washed with water until
colorless, and then eluted with 3N NH4OH collected ammonia eluent
and concentrated to give a paste, the paste It was on a silica gel
column, using a molar ratio of 1:1 acetone - methanol to give the
grass dragon's blood alcohol precipitation boiled dry dip paste.
The grass needed dragon's blood alcohol precipitation boiled dry
extract was concentrated to precipitate a white powder, which
obtained purified fractions.
Example 3
First, take the following steps to make the grass dragon's blood
alcohol precipitation boiled dry extract:
(1) will 130g grass dragon's blood and 1040ml water placed in a
round bottom flask in a boiling water bath for reflux 30min,
Filtration, the filtrate and the residue obtained respectively;
repeat 2 or 3 times.
(2) repeating steps (1) 2 to 3 times, and the resulting filtrate
was mixed, and then added to the filtrate mixed with an equal
volume of 95 % Alcohol, after standing overnight at 0 ° C under
suction, the filtrate was alcoholic;
(3) the alcoholic filtrate to 70 ° C and concentrated under
reduced pressure to give the grass's Blood 15ml boiling alcohol
precipitation extract. Repeat steps (1) to (3) Preparation of 50ml
grass dragon's blood boiling alcohol precipitation extract;
(4) Preparation of 50ml grass dragon's blood boiling alcohol
precipitation extract was concentrated to 0.1 times the volume of
the residue obtained after distilling off the ethanol Residue, the
residue was dissolved with distilled water, insoluble matter was
filtered off and the filtrate, the filtrate was passed through a
strong acid cation resin column, Washed with water until
colorless, and then eluted with 3N NH4OH collected ammonia eluent
and concentrated to give a paste, the paste He was on a silica gel
column, using a molar ratio of 1:1 acetone - methanol to give the
grass dragon's blood boiled dry extract alcohol precipitation.
The grass needed dragon's blood alcohol precipitation boiled dry
extract was concentrated to precipitate a white powder, which
obtained purified fractions.
Resveratrol imprinted polymer preparation
and extraction method for resveratrol
This invention relates to resveratrol imprinted polymers and the
method for the extraction of resveratrol. Imprinted polymer
preparation include: take trans-resveratrol as a template
elements, and functional monomers: 4-vinyl pyridine, crosslinker:
glycol dimethacrylate, initiator: azobisisobutyronitrile all
dissolved in acetone, water bath polymerization; Polymer crushing,
screening, using acetic acid-methanol to cleared out the template
molecule and un-reacted reagents, to product resveratrol imprinted
polymer particles. Extracting resveratrol from include: giant
knotweed rhizome extracted with methanol, concentration and add in
molecular imprinting column, take methanol-water as the mobile
phase to separate; collect outflow component, get resveratrol (80%
purity) and emodin (90% purity).; The invention of the molecular
imprinting stationary phase with high selectivity, and can
separate resveratrol cis-isomer, can also separate other
structural analogues (including the glycoside of giant knotweed
rhizome etc.).
Resveratrol Imprinted Polymer preparation and extraction methods
for resveratrol. Preparation of imprinted polymers include:
trans-resveratrol molecule as a template, and functional monomer:
4-vinylpyridine, a crosslinking agent: ethylene glycol
dimethacrylate, initiator: azobisisobutyronitrile nitrile was
dissolved in acetone, the polymerization bath; polymer was ground
and sieved with acetic acid - methanol and unreacted reagents
template molecules elute to obtain resveratrol imprinted polymer
particles. The method of extracting resveratrol from Polygonum
cuspidatum include: Polygonum cuspidatum extract was concentrated
in methanol was added molecular imprinting the column with
methanol - water as the mobile phase; eluting component was
collected to give resveratrol (80% purity) and emodin (purity
90%). The present invention has a high molecular imprinting
stationary phase selectivity, separable cis and trans isomers of
resveratrol, but also to separate other structural analogs
(including Polygonum cuspidatum Polygonum cuspidatum glycosides,
etc.). The present invention is a highly efficient separation and
purification results.
The present invention pertains to the synthesis of new chemical
separation material, separation and application of resveratrol in
Polygonum cuspidatum.
Resveratrol (Resveratrol) is a natural active substance, studies
suggest that resveratrol has significant anti-cancer, A wide range
of activity against high cholesterol, anti-bacterial,
anti-inflammatory, cardiovascular protection and prevention of
osteoporosis. Resveratrol exists naturally and trans Both cis
configuration, wherein the biologically active trans-isomer higher
than the cis isomer.
Polygonum cuspidatum is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine,
Polygonum Polygonum cuspidatum plant roots. Because it contains
trans-resveratrol, it can be used as resveratrol The main sources.
At present, there are several ways to extract from Polygonum
cuspidatum resveratrol.
Polygonum cuspidatum containing a variety of ingredients,
including Resveratrol glycosides; anthraquinones (emodin, rhubarb
phenol, etc.); phenols; HUANG Ketones and glycosides; also
contains polysaccharides, simple sugars, organic acids, trace
elements and tannin. Since the composition of complex, using pass
Conventional methods (such as a liquid - liquid extraction,
solid-phase bonded silica gel adsorption method) of Polygonum
cuspidatum extract resveratrol, steps still needed to compare
Cumbersome, resulting in increased time and cost of the solvent.
A technique of molecular imprinting polymer technology is based on
the target molecule as a template, prepare a molecular
recognition, molecular imprinting Polymer in clinical drug
analysis, separation of enantiomers and isomers, solid phase
extraction, membrane separation technology and other aspects have
to be good With prospects. Application of molecularly imprinted
polymer separation and extraction of the active ingredients of
traditional Chinese medicine, with high selectivity and efficient
characteristics, can Reducing the separation step, to reduce
costs, the technology has value and development prospects.
The purpose of the present invention is to solve using traditional
methods of Resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum extract more
complicated steps, leading to Solvent and increase the time cost,
there is provided a resveratrol molecularly imprinted polymer
(hereinafter referred to as Resveratrol Imprinted Polymer)
Extraction Method for the Preparation and resveratrol.
Preparation of resveratrol imprinted polymers of the present
invention to provide, comprising the steps of:
1), the resveratrol molecule as a template, the functional monomer
4-vinylpyridine, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate cross-linking
agent Ester, initiator azobisisobutyronitrile was dissolved in
acetone; wherein the molar ratio of template molecule and
functional monomer is between 1:4 to 1:6, The molar ratio of
functional monomer and the crosslinking agent is between 1:5 to
1:6; the total amount of the crosslinking agent and initiator
functionality to monomer molar ratio of about 1: 100; by function
and the total amount of crosslinking agent per gram of monomer
dissolved in about 1mL of acetone (in imprinted polymer
preparation, the template molecule, functional Application of the
monomer with the crosslinking agent more 1:4:20 molar ratio); the
solution after oxygen, sealed, polymerized in a water bath at 60 °
C 24h;
2), obtained in the previous step polymer was ground and sieved to
10% acetic acid - methanol solution and methanol elution to remove
the polymer The template molecule and unreacted reagents, having a
particle diameter of about 36μm resveratrol imprinted polymer
In the course of the study, compared with different functional
monomers: α- methacrylic acid (MAA), acrylamide (AM) and 4-
Vinylpyridine (4-VP), and different solvent: ethyl acetate,
acetone conditions imprinted polymer obtained, of which 4-vinyl
Pyridine monomer, acetone as a solvent to give a polymer with
optimal selectivity. The imprinted polymers with non-imprinted
polymer (to remove Without imprinted molecule, other synthesis
conditions with MIPs synthesized polymers) proved relatively
imprinted polymer having class Similar to the recognition site
immunoaffinity column, for resveratrol good selectivity.
A method of resveratrol imprinted polymer prepared as described
above is separated from Polygonum cuspidatum extract resveratrol,
with the method Body as follows:
1), after the crushing of Polygonum cuspidatum, extracted with
2) After the extract was concentrated, prepared as described above
containing resveratrol imprinted polymer particles of 150mm ×
4.6mm Molecular imprinting the column (can also be used for
semi-preparative column), a volume ratio of 80/20 methanol - water
as the mobile phase was separated;
3), in the separation step, in addition to resveratrol and emodin,
other components out of the column first, followed by resveratrol,
Finally emodin components sequentially collected effluent,
respectively resveratrol (80% purity) and emodin (purity 90%).
Advantages and effects of the invention:
The present invention provides a method for synthesizing new
separation materials and highly efficient separation method
resveratrol. The method in trans C. quinoa Resveratrol
(trans-resveratrol) as template molecule, using molecular
imprinting imprinted polymer prepared resveratrol. And C. quinoa
Resveratrol imprinted polymer is a chromatographic stationary
phase, the establishment of Resveratrol from Polygonum extraction
methods, this method can be separated in step For complete
Polygonum cuspidatum extract resveratrol separation and
extraction, recovery rate above 80%, while the separation of
Emodin Polygonum cuspidatum (Emodin), recovery rate of 98%.
The method of the present invention, the molecularly imprinted
stationary phase separation has good selectivity, it can be
separated trans and cis resveratrol.
Molecularly imprinted polymers of the present invention also
provides the ability to further structural analogs (including
Polygonum cuspidatum contained polydatin etc.) Isolation and
resveratrol. Trans-resveratrol and other structural analogues in
different methanol - water mobile phase under conditions have very
different The retention factor (k), can therefore be separated.
Resveratrol imprinted polymer can be used for complex systems
(such as plants) Belarus Efficient Extraction of Resveratrol
The present invention is applied to extract Polygonum cuspidatum
resveratrol, a highly efficient separation and purification
FIG. 1 is a cis and trans resveratrol in MIPs (with 4-vinyl
pyridine as functional monomer, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate
Ester as crosslinking agent, prepared in acetone as solvent)
Chromatographic Resolution Figure stationary phase, wherein, cis-
represents cis-resveratrol, Trans- It represents
Figure 2 is a mobile phase of water content on resveratrol and its
analogs retained molecularly imprinted column (retention factor k
to represent) Impact schematic diagram, ■, represents
trans-resveratrol; represents bisphenol A; ●, represents
polydatin; △, table It shows cis-resveratrol; represents catechol;
Figure 3 is a MIPs for three functional monomers resveratrol
adsorption curve. Figure, P1, P2, P3, respectively In α-
methacrylic acid, acrylamide and 4-vinylpyridine as functional
monomer preparation resveratrol imprinted polymer are acetate
Ester solvent;
Figure 4 (a), (b), (c) is imprinted polymer prepared from the
monomer for three functions of cis and trans resveratrol
chromatographic separation FIG. Figure, P1, P2, P3 respectively in
order to resveratrol methacrylic acid, acrylamide and 4-vinyl
pyridine as functional monomer prepared α- Alcohol imprinted
polymers, are ethyl acetate as solvent;
Figure 5 is Polygonum cuspidatum extract resveratrol and emodin
separation chromatograms;
Figure 6 (a), (b) is a reversed-phase liquid chromatography column
by MIP after the separation of pure resveratrol and emodin
Chromatogram; FIG, B resveratrol after fractionation (peak a
resveratrol) chromatogram, C is separated emodin Component (peak b
emodin) chromatogram.
Example 1:
Preparation of molecularly imprinted polymer:
The trans-resveratrol (template molecules), 4-vinyl pyridine
(functional monomer), ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (crosslinking
agent), Azobisisobutyronitrile (initiator) was dissolved in
acetone, weighing 0.45g (2.0mmol) of trans-resveratrol, dissolved
in about 9mL Acetone, were added successively 4-vinyl pyridine
0.84g (8.0mmol), ethylene glycol dimethacrylate 7.9g (40mmol),
even Azobisisobutyronitrile 0.094g (0.57mmol), was dissolved
ultrasound 15min, nitrogen-oxygen 10min, and then the mixture was
transferred into the ammeter Bottle, sealed, 60 ° C water bath for
polymerization 24h. The polymer was pulverized and sieved to
obtain particles having a particle size of amorphous. Has 10%
acetic acid - methanol solution and methanol elution, to remove
the template molecule polymer and unreacted reagents, the
particles are charged Chromatography Column (150mm × 4.6mm), and
for chromatographic separation. Molecularly imprinted stationary
phase separation has good selectivity, can be separated from the
anti Cis-resveratrol, see chromatograms (Figure 1, wherein, cis-
represents cis-resveratrol, Trans- represents trans-resveratrol).
Studies have shown that molecular imprinted polymers can be
separated other structural analogs (including polydatin contained
Polygonum cuspidatum). Trans White Veratrum alcohol and other
structural analogues in different methanol - water mobile phase
under conditions have very different retention factor (k), that is
able to Enough is separated (see Fig. 2, Fig., ■, represents
trans-resveratrol; represents bisphenol A; ●, represents
polydatin; △, It represents cis-resveratrol; represents catechol).
Example 2:
Ethyl acetate instead of acetone as the solvent, the other
conditions are the same, the preparation of molecularly imprinted
polymers were obtained for C. quinoa Isolated resveratrol
imprinted polymer.
MIPs compare different functional monomers (α- methacrylic acid,
acrylamide and 4-vinyl pyridine) obtained solid The experimental
results show that the acrylamide monomer the resulting polymer has
a certain selectivity, but lower than in 4-vinyl pyridine monomer
The resulting polymer adsorption properties of three polymers
comparison shown in Figure 3 (figure, P1, P2, P3 respectively,
methacrylic acid with α-, Resveratrol Imprinted Polymers of
acrylamide and 4-vinyl pyridine as functional monomers and
solvents are ethyl acetate). Three kinds of poly For chromatograms
compound cis and trans resveratrol isolated Figure 4 (Fig., P1,
P2, P3 respectively in α- methacrylic acid, Resveratrol Imprinted
Polymers of acrylamide and 4-vinyl pyridine as functional monomers
and solvents are ethyl acetate).
Example 3
Polygonum cuspidatum extract and chromatographic separation:
After Polygonum cuspidatum crushed, over 60 mesh sieve, add
methanol ultrasonic after extraction 24h. After 20min then
filtered ultrasound to obtain an extract . After the extract was
concentrated, molecularly imprinted column using methanol - water
(volume ratio of 80/20) as the mobile phase separation. Collected
stream The components, the solvent was evaporated to give
resveratrol (80% purity) and emodin (purity 90%). Polygonum
cuspidatum extract color separation Spectrum shown in Figure 5. In
separation, in addition to resveratrol and emodin, other
components out of the column first, followed by resveratrol And,
finally, emodin, efficient separation and purification results.
It was determined to prove that resveratrol and emodin recovery
this extract obtained were approximately 82% and 98%, five times
the separation Results (parallel experiments) obtained in the
table below.
Table 1 component recovery and purity molecularly imprinted
polymer Polygonum cuspidatum extract resveratrol and emodin
separation (Average of five)
By pure resveratrol imprinted polymer after extraction and
separation, reversed-phase liquid chromatography method for the
determination to get resveratrol and emodin Degree (column:
particle size 5μm containing the stationary phase Inertsil
ODS-2C18, a size of 150 × 4.6mm stainless Analysis Column)
chromatography shown in Figure 6 (wherein, B in FIG resveratrol
after fractionation (peak a resveratrol) chromatogram, Figure is C
After fractionation emodin (emodin peak b) chromatograms are shown
in Table 1 calculated purity.
Giant knotweed rhizome active ingredient
emodin extraction method
The invention provides a method for extracting the effective
component archin of the giant knotweed rhizome, which puts the
drugs into five extracting tanks after shattering them to in turn
extract the E, D, C, B, A tank with the extracting solution:
30%-70% alcohol whose amount is 8-12 volume of the drug's quality,
the temperature: 35-65 deg. and the time: 20-50 minutes, so that
the effect component of the extracting solution of the five tanks
descendent, it then discharges opening the tank which has the
highest effect component and discharges the dross of the tank
which has been five solution extracted, it dose interval removal
to the other extracting solution and dose four cycles and then
amalgamates the extracting solutions.
The present invention belongs to the field of natural medicine
extract the active ingredients, the active ingredients from herbs
relates Emodin Polygonum cuspidatum Extracting methods, in
particular to take a group of tank countercurrent extraction
process Emodin from Polygonum cuspidatum active ingredient party
Background technique
Shujin wine rheumatism is a mainly Polygonum cuspidatum
suberectstem water Korea and other herbs as raw materials, add
white wine dip Bubble extracted from the wine. It has rheumatism,
Shujin network functions. Mainly used for rheumatic arthralgia,
Bruises, aching pain, acid waist paralysis embolism rheumatism and
joint pain, bruises, aching pain, waist Pain embolism. The study,
whose main ingredient was the medicinal efficacy emodin. Emodin on
Staphylococcus aureus Bacteria, Escherichia coli, Shigella
flexneri significantly inhibited vascular smooth muscle cell
proliferation Inhibition, can inhibit mesangial cell
proliferation, inhibiting mesangial cell autocrine or paracrine
white fine Intracellular interleukin-1, interleukin-6, tumor
necrosis factor brought glomerular local inflammation effect on
people Lung cancer A-549 significantly inhibited cell division and
so on.
Currently, industrial production Shujin wine rheumatism mainly hot
liquor reflux and percolation method. Heat recovery Flow
percolation extraction of traditional Chinese medicine industry is
the most widely used extraction techniques, but both techniques
exist solution Dosage, long extraction time and low efficiency.
Group dynamic tank countercurrent extraction technology
(Multi-stage countercurrent extraction, MCCE) is a dynamic
extraction and countercurrent extraction Technology combined
<[1]> Chinese medicine extraction technology. It made full
use of the active ingredient between the solvent and herbs
Concentration gradient, gradual diffusion of the active
ingredients in the herbs to the starting concentration is
relatively low solvent sets mention that Active ingredients to
maximize dissolution, with low temperature extraction, extraction
efficiency, less solvent, and concentrated Process energy
consumption is low. At present, the application of technology
tends MCCE wide, as has been reported from motherwort Leonurine
extracted, extract alcohol from Millettia Millettia in.
Object of the present invention is insufficient for getting
rheumatoid wine traditional production process, from getting an
offer The main active ingredient emodin way wine rheumatism
medicine Polygonum cuspidatum extract.
Through the following technical solutions: (1) first reverse
gradient extraction: crush the herbs Polygonum cuspidatum, Were
weighed into the same amount of A, B, C, D, E five extraction
tank, tank E Xianxiang extraction solvent is added, Solvent
extraction using a concentration of 35 to 70% ethanol, the solvent
is used in an amount of 8 to 12 times the volume of the quality of
medicine, mention Take the temperature of 35 ~ 65 ° C, phase
extraction time is 20 ~ 50min, sequentially E, D, C, B, A
Extracting tank, so that A, active ingredient content B, C, D, E
five tank descending extract; (2) Countercurrent extraction:
Collect five tanks highest active ingredient content of the
extract, the next step was concentrated phase, Abandoned dregs of
medicine where the extraction solvent extraction has five tanks
were slagging and add herbs, other extraction Liquid separator in
accordance with a reverse cell migration (C to A, E to C, B to E,
A to D), after the migration Tank without a solvent supplemented
with fresh solvent, four cycles, combined extract.
The method of the present invention, the use of an extraction
solvent concentration of 35 to 70% ethanol; extraction temperature
is 35 ~ 65 ° C; The solvent is used in an amount of 8 to 12 times
the volume of crude drug; extraction time is 20 ~ 50min.
The present invention ensures that each unit of P. cuspidatum
extract the solvent remains large concentrated active ingredients
Poor, greatly increasing the driving force to extract and
accelerate the rate of extraction; extraction rate has the
advantage that the active ingredient, and Increasing the
concentration of active ingredient of the final solvent; the
solvent extraction unit for each participation of all tank herbs
Extracting, by recycling, greatly reducing the absolute amount of
the solvent, and concentrated to reduce the subsequent
consumption. Soxhlet back Flow extraction process compared to the
present invention uses a dynamic group tank countercurrent
extraction (MCCE) extraction rate slightly There are dropped, but
medicines reduce solvent consumption per unit of 37.5%, extraction
time is reduced by 92.5%; Compared to percolation extraction
process, the method of the present invention in a unit medicinal
solvent consumption under the same circumstances, Emodin
extraction rate MCCE technology improved 26.6%, unit herbs
extraction time savings of 88%; Compared with the hot reflux
extraction process, the extraction rate of the present invention
is a method of emodin improved by 12.5%, unit herbs Solvent
consumption reduced by 50%, unit herbs extraction time savings of
85%. Accordingly, the present invention party Pot method for
getting a group of rheumatoid wine countercurrent production, with
high extraction efficiency, low temperature, solvent, and other
significant savings Feature.
Figure 1 is a group of tank countercurrent extraction gradient
flow chart.
Figure 2 is a flowchart of a method of operating a countercurrent
extraction, wherein P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 represents one cycle Ring
five extraction stage, A, B, C, D, E represents five from cans,
circles represent herbs, square Graphical representation of the
solvent, and the black dots represent the content of the active
Embodiments of the present invention in conjunction with the
accompanying drawings for further instructions.
Embodiment 1
1. Reverse Gradient Extraction
Referring to Figure 1, the pulverized herbs Polygonum cuspidatum,
a certain amount weighed into five extraction tank, the tank was
added to the E The extraction solvent, the choice of 35% to 70%
alcohol solution of 8 to 12 times the volume, the temperature was
raised to 35 ~ 65 ° C, Extract 20 ~ 50min. After completion of the
extraction, the extract E tank was transferred to the tank D, E
was added to the tank Into fresh solvent, the temperature was
raised to 35 ~ 65 ° C, extracted 20 ~ 50min. After the extraction
is completed, D tank The extract was transferred to a C tank, the
tank extract E is transferred to tank D, E to the addition of
fresh solvent tank Addition, the temperature was raised to 35 ~ 65
° C, extracted 20 ~ 50min. After completion of the extraction, the
extract tank C switch Move tank B, the tank D extract was
transferred to a C tank, the tank extract E is transferred to the
tank D The tank E is added to fresh solvent, the temperature was
raised to 35 ~ 65 ° C, extracted 20 ~ 50min. Extraction End After
the extraction tank B was transferred to the tank A, the tank C is
transferred to the extract tank B, the D Extracts tank C is
transferred to a tank, the tank extract E is transferred to tank
D, E was added to the tank Fresh solvent, the temperature was
raised to 35 ~ 65 ° C, extracted 20 ~ 50min. (Fig. 1 P1 stage).
2. Countercurrent extraction
Referring to Figure 2, after stage P1, the A tank of the extract
was transferred to a storage tank, the tank C Extraction A tank
was transferred to the E tank extract was transferred to a C tank,
the tank has been discharged E extract five tiger Stick herbs, add
fresh herbs. Then, the B tank extract was transferred to a tank E,
the D tank mention Take was transferred to a tank B, adding fresh
solvent to the D tank. The temperature was raised to 35 ~ 65 ° C,
20 ~ 50min extraction (Fig. 2 P2 stage).
After phase P2, the tank E extract was transferred to a storage
tank, the tank B transferred to the extract E Tank, the tank D
extract was transferred to a tank B, D tank discharge have been
extracted five times Polygonum cuspidatum herbs, plus The fresh
herbs. Then, the A tank of extract was transferred to the tank D,
the tank C is transferred to the extract A tank to tank C by
adding fresh solvent. The temperature was raised to 35 ~ 65 ° C,
extracted 20 ~ 50min (Figure 2 The P3 stage).
After phase P3, the tank D extract was transferred to a storage
tank, the tank A is transferred to extract D Tank, the tank C
extract was transferred to the A tank, tank discharge C have been
extracted five times Polygonum cuspidatum herbs, plus The fresh
herbs. Then, the extract E tank C is transferred to the tank, the
tank B is transferred to the extract E tank, tank B was added to
the fresh solvent. The temperature was raised to 35 ~ 65 ° C,
extracted 20 ~ 50min (Figure 2 The P4 stage).
After the P4 phase, the tank C is transferred to the extract tank,
the tank extract E is transferred to C Tank, the B tank extract
was transferred to E tank, tank discharge B have been extracted
five times Polygonum cuspidatum herbs, plus The fresh herbs. Then,
the tank D extract was transferred to a tank B, the tank A is
transferred to the extract D tank to tank A fresh solvent was
added. The temperature was raised to 35 ~ 65 ° C, extracted 20 ~
50min (Figure 2 The P5 stage).
According to the above solvent migration patterns, continuous
cycle extraction. After completion of the extraction, collection
A, B, C, D, E five tank extract was concentrated to the next
stage, abandoned dregs. The method of the present invention, the
extraction solvent Using the concentration of agent 35 to 70%
ethanol; extraction temperature is 35 ~ 65 ° C;) solvent in an
amount of 8 to 12 times Volume medicinal quality; phase extraction
time is 20 ~ 50min.
Second Embodiment
The pulverized herbs Polygonum cuspidatum, each weighing 10g into
A, B, C, D, E five extraction tank to tank E Adding 8 to 12 times
the volume, 35 to 70% ethanol solution, the temperature was raised
to 35 ~ 65 ° C, the extraction stage 20 ~ 50min. The orthogonal
design factor level in Table 1, according to "reverse gradient
extraction" and "countercurrent extraction" Operation points
extracted. After completion of the extraction, the combined
extracts, the amount of volume, sampling and analysis emodin
content. The results in Table 2.
Table 1 factor level table
Table 2 orthogonal experiment
Third Embodiment
(1) Best tank countercurrent extraction process group
The pulverized herbs Polygonum cuspidatum, each weighing 10g into
A, B, C, D, E five extraction tank to tank E Added 10 volumes of
70% ethanol solution, the temperature was raised to 65 ° C, the
extraction stage 35min. Press the "reverse Gradient to extract
"and" countercurrent extraction "operation points extracted. After
completion of the extraction, the combined extracts were The
amount of volume, sampling and analysis of the content of emodin.
(2) heat reflux extraction
Weigh 10g of P. cuspidatum within 250mL round bottom flask was
added 100mL 70% medicinal alcohol, Fitted with a condenser, 90 ° C
under reflux after 2h, rapid cooling, herbs and extracts were
separated by filtration, in After the residue was added 100mL 70%
of a pharmaceutically acceptable alcohol, refluxing was continued
for 2h, the combined extracts were extracted Determination Liquid
(3) percolation extraction
Weigh 10g of P. cuspidatum, doubling the amount of solvent is
added, sealed 2h. Herbs installed infiltration Luk barrel, Since
the upper portion percolator Slowly add 10 times the amount of 70%
alcohol impregnated. Open the percolator after impregnation is
completed Under the mouth, collecting percolate. Percolation
process is time-consuming 3h, spent 100mL solvent.
(4) Soxhlet extraction
P. cuspidatum particles weighed 10g, placed Soxhlet extractor, add
70% ethanol 160mL at 90 ° C extraction 8h.
The Polygonum cuspidatum heat reflux, percolation, soxhlet
extraction technology and process MCCE comparing results shown in
Table 3. Compared with Soxhlet reflux extraction technology,
extraction rate MCCE process declined slightly, but the unit was
dissolved herbs Agent consumption by 37.5%, extraction time is
reduced by 92.5%; percolation extraction process compared to the
Units under the same circumstances herbs solvent consumption,
emodin extraction rate MCCE technology improved 26.6% Herbs
extraction unit time savings of 88%; and heat reflux extraction
process compared, MCCE process large Flavin extraction rate of
12.5%, solvent consumption per unit reduced by 50% herbs,
medicinal materials extraction unit Time savings of 85%. Visible,
tank group countercurrent extraction process, both to ensure a
high extraction efficiency, reduce Extraction temperature, the
biggest advantage is saving extraction solvent, reducing energy
consumption in the subsequent concentrated by evaporation.
Table 3 Comparison of Different Extraction Methods
Without further elaboration, we believe that the use of the
foregoing disclosure, those skilled in the art can most Maximize
application of the present invention. Accordingly, the foregoing
preferred embodiment be construed as merely illustrative, And not
in any way limit the scope of the present invention.
Method for preparing polygonin and
The invention relates to a method for preparing polygonin and
resveratrol which comprises, using the conventional technological
process for extraction from plants containing giant knotweed
rhizome glycosides and / or chenopodium album alcohols and / or
their extracts, separation by chromatography, and purifying.
The present invention relates to a self-contained polydatin and
resveratrol substance was isolated and prepared polydatin
Resveratrol A method, particularly to a method for separating and
preparing polydatin and resveratrol from plant extracts. The
method of the present invention can be Preparation and
industrialization polydatin resveratrol implementation.
polydatin (/ glycosides) (aka Polydatin polydatin, spruce
glycosides peicin). The chemical structure of 3,4 ', 5-trimethyl
-3-Β- hydroxy stilbene single -D- glucoside (3,4 ',
5-trihydroxy-stilbene-3-β-D-glucoside). Its structure is as
Resveratrol (resveratrol), chemical structure of 3,4 ',
5-trihydroxy stilbene, trans-stilbene (ie, stilbene, stilbene)
Compound. Its structure is as follows:
Polydatin and resveratrol have diverse biological activities such
as anti-oxidation, inhibit tumor formation and development,
Microcirculation and the role of shock therapy.
Separation and purification method polydatin and resveratrol are
set out in the literature include solvents (such as ethyl acetate,
diethyl ether) extraction France, silica gel column chromatography
(for example, Yang Yun, Feng Weisheng, the chemical composition of
traditional Chinese medicine extraction and separation Manual,
Chinese medicine Press, 1998: 205-207; Sun Wenji, natural medicine
ingredient extraction and separation and preparation, Chinese
Medical Science and Technology Press, second edition, 1999:
315-317). In recent years, also appeared in a number of patents
related to the preparation of documents and Polydatin its
aglycone. For example, "resveratrol Preparation of alcohol
polydatin "(Chinese Patent Application No. 01118461.2), the method
is the column chromatography and high-speed Countercurrent
chromatography together, namely a first step towards separation of
resveratrol and resveratrol glucoside by silica gel column
chromatography (Mobile phase chromatography halogenated
hydrocarbons (e.g. chloroform, methylene chloride, carbon
tetrachloride), fatty alcohols or ketones (e.g., methanol,
ethanol, propanol, propoxy Ketone)), then the first step of this
second separated product was isolated by countercurrent
chromatography to give the target product. In another Patent
"resveratrol and resveratrol glucoside Separation and Its
Application" (Application No. 00121100.5), the method involves
First mention was subjected to extraction with ethyl acetate, and
then using chloroform - methanol (or ethanol) or ethyl acetate -
ethanol as elution chromatography Was subjected to silica gel
column chromatography, and then with methanol - chloroform as a
solvent was recrystallized to give crystals resveratrol glucoside,
and through the secondary Chromatography (eluent: chloroform -
ethyl acetate) and recrystallization (crystallization solvent:
acetone - chloroform) to obtain resveratrol.
Obviously, The method also involves a large number of organic
solvents, repeated use. Extraction of resveratrol and resveratrol
glucoside from Polygonum cuspidatum reports Also found in Japanese
Patent Publication 60-9455 (1985). The patented method is the use
of ether as the extraction solvent to obtain the desired product,
A process which is more complex, volatile and ether, flammable,
toxic than ethyl acetate, methanol and other solvents stronger.
These methods have been disclosed above, more suitable for the
preparation of a small laboratory scale under the large-scale
industrial production, It limited its application. First, from the
separation process, the above-described methods are to varying
degrees by silica gel column chromatography as an essential
separation of the hand segment. Silica gel column there is a small
amount of sample separation, the amount of filler big
disadvantage, and silica filler is difficult to recycle, the
production Limited scale, the higher cost of industrial
production. The high-speed countercurrent chromatography
applications, such as the Chinese Patent 01118461.2, Is obtained
by silica gel column chromatography purity of more than 70% and
90% of the product was chromatographed twice counterflow, over the
entire process Part of a multi-step process involving a variety of
equipment. In general, as compared with silica gel column
chromatography, countercurrent chromatography sample amount is
more Little harder to meet industrial production requirements.
In addition, the solvent used, the solvent system used in the
above document are to varying degrees using a second class solvent
such as halogenated hydrocarbons (Chloroform, etc.) or methanol,
to ensure production safety conditions at the scale of production
is relatively difficult and high cost solvent, The final product
will inevitably involve harmful solvents residue problems.
The present invention provides a method comprising polydatin and
resveratrol from plants or plant extracts early separation and
purification of Polygonum cuspidatum Glycosides and methods of
resveratrol. The method is simple, easy to implement large-scale
industrial production.
The main feature of the present invention is that the first time
the combination of polyamide chromatographic separation applied
Polydatin and / or resveratrol Purified preparation.
Extraction and purification method of the present invention
polydatin and resveratrol feed comprises one or more polydatin
containing and / Or whole plant or plant part of a plant of
resveratrol chemical composition, such as roots and / or stems and
/ or leaves and / or flowers and / or fruit. example Such as
Polygonum cuspidatum (Polygonum cuspidatum), Polygonum (Polygonum
multiflorum), library spruce (Picea glehnii), Maple Ivy (Cissus
assamica), grapes (Vitis Vinifera), peanuts (Arachis hypogaea),
Rheum (Rheum palmatum), tanguticum rhubarb (Rheum tenguticum),
whole plant medicinal rhubarb (Rheum officinale) and other plants
or Its a part of the base of the original plant.
Extraction and purification method of the present invention
polydatin and resveratrol material may also be part of the base of
the original plant or above Extracts from the beginning, these
early extract include extracts of the above plants, for example,
water extract, an alcohol extract, ethyl acetate extract Etc., it
can also be extracted, extracts, etc. The resulting extract and
the like after treatment.
When the base of the original plant or part thereof as a raw
material in the polyamide before chromatography, using aqueous or
non-aqueous organic Solvents such as ethanol and the like, in
order to conventional techniques known in the art of flow at a
certain temperature extraction, to obtain containing Polydatin And
/ or resveratrol extract. These extracts may be appropriate with a
polyamide chromatography Before Li, for example, clarification,
extraction, concentration, drying and the like.
Polyamide chromatography process of the present invention
(1) containing Polydatin and / or the resveratrol extracts from
the beginning of the adsorption sample: the sample method can be
used in an appropriate The solvent extract was dissolved at the
beginning, such aqueous or non-aqueous solvents include methanol,
ethanol, acetone or the like solvent, which preferably contains
Aqueous ethanol as solvent; the sample can be loaded Polydatin /
or resveratrol-containing solution and can also be the solution
was poly Amide mixed solid sample after sample. Which contains
polydatin / or resveratrol solution using conventional techniques
and may contain from methods Polydatin containing and / or
resveratrol extract polydatin and / or resveratrol plant material
obtained, it can be extracted The solution was appropriate
pretreatment (such as clarification, concentration, extraction,
etc.) after the resulting solution.
(2) Chromatography eluant: After the sample was extracted on an
aqueous ethanol system as a mobile phase chromatographic elution.
The elution system So the concentration of a particular aqueous
ethanol, a concentration gradient may be aqueous ethanol. Elution
effluent was collected to afford containing Polydatin and / or
resveratrol fractions.
(3) collect or contain Polydatin were collected and eluted
fractions / or resveratrol.
(4) Treatment of fractions Polydatin and / or resveratrol:
polydatin collected containing and / or elution fractions
resveratrol, Further use one or more of the following treatment
processes: (1) The collected fractions were concentrated and
crystallization; or (2) The collected fractions were
chromatographed twice; or (3) using decolorizing charcoal to
fractions were collected, concentrated and recrystallization. thus
To obtain the target composition Polydatin and / or resveratrol.
The positive effect of the present invention is that: the present
invention will first be applied to the polyamide chromatography
polydatin (and resveratrol) sub From purification, through the
combination of the nature of the object, give full play to the
unique advantages of this technology in Polydatin scale
preparation of Potential. The salient features of the present
invention is embodied in a method: polyamide column can recycling,
no need to replace fill between batches Replace column materials;
control of industrial production conditions easy to implement,
required equipment is simple, easy operation, safety, production
Low cost, easy to implement process conditions under different
production scale conversion and transfer. On the basis of the
polyamide chromatography, In water - to complete all of the
production process of ethanol system, the solvent system is more
secure and significantly reduce the solvent used in the production
process Production staff as well as the potential impact on the
environment, more suitable for large-scale industrial production.
The following are specific examples of the process of the present
invention will be described, the scope of the present invention
does not pose any restrictions.
Example 1.1
polydatin new preparation methods and implementation of
1. Polygonum cuspidatum extract plant dry rhizome (Chinese Herbal
Medicine) 100g, at a temperature of 77-85 ° C to 800ml of 50%
Aqueous ethanol reflux extraction 2 times, each extraction for 2
hours. The combined extracts were concentrated under reduced
pressure (60 ° C, 0.07-0.1Mpa) to total Volume 300ml, 2N sodium
hydroxide solution concentrate to adjust the pH to 9-10, allowed
to stand for about 2 hours at room temperature, centrifuged (4000r
/ min × 5min), to the residue, the supernatant was used as loading
backup solution.
2. Separating the sample to an alternate polyamide column (column
volume of about 500ml), flow rate of about 100ml / hr on the
sample solution, the sample Adsorption to first move the ribbon
near the bottom of the column 1/2 stop loading. Successively with
300ml 20% aqueous ethanol, 1000ml 60% ethanol Water, 1000ml 90%
aqueous ethanol, atmospheric or superatmospheric pressure
chromatography gradient elution rate of about 300ml / hr. Collect
60%, respectively, Water fraction eluted with 90% ethanol, and
concentrated under reduced pressure to a volume of the original
1/20 (60 ° C, 0.07-0.1Mpa), filtration, respectively, to give the
product I, product II. (Suction filtrate is incorporated on the
next sample solution).
The product I about 1.6g, add water to dissolve 95-100% ethanol
solution to a final concentration of 30% alcohol, loaded onto an
alternate polyamide Column (column volume 100ml) were
chromatographed twice, with 100ml 25% aqueous ethanol, 400ml 60%
aqueous ethanol gradient elution, respectively, Off, elution rate
of about 50ml / min. 60% aqueous ethanol eluate was collected,
concentrated under reduced pressure (55 ° C, 0.07-0.1Mpa) to 30ml,
4 ° C crystallization conditions standing for 1 hour, filtered,
and the insoluble matter was dried under vacuum 12-72 hours (40 °
C, 0.08-0.1Mpa, pentoxide Phosphorus desiccant) to give the final
product Polydatin 1.2g. By HPLC containing Polydatin 99.1%.
The product I (Polydatin) Detection: <1> H-NMR (actone-d6)
δ: 8.35 (2H, s, C3,4'-OH), 7.43 (2H, d, C2 ', 6'-H), 7.08 (1H, d,
J = 16, aH), 6.89 (1H, d, J = 16, β-H), 6.83 (2H, d, J = 8, C3 ',
5'- H), 6.76 (2H, d, C2 ', 6'-H), 6.47 (1H, t, C4-H), 4.93 (1H, d,
1 "-H), 4.46-3.91 (4H, C2", 3 ", 4", 6 "-OH), 3.3-3.73 (6H, C2 ",
3", 4 ", 5", 6 "-H).
II product about 0.5g, after 95-100% ethanol to dissolve, add
water to an alcohol solution containing a final concentration of
50%, and loaded onto an alternate polyamide Amine column (column
volume 50ml) were chromatographed twice, respectively 100ml 60%
aqueous ethanol, 150ml 95% aqueous ethanol gradient Elution rate
of about 20ml / min. Of 95% aqueous ethanol eluate was collected,
concentrated under reduced pressure (50 ° C, 0.07-0.1Mpa) to 20ml,
4 ° C crystallization conditions stand for 1 hour, filtered, the
insoluble was vacuum dried for 24 hours (40 ° C, 0.08-0.1Mpa, dry
phosphorus pentoxide Drying agent) to give the final product
resveratrol 0.2g. Containing resveratrol by HPLC 97.5%.
The product II (resveratrol) Detection: EI-MS (m / z): 228 (100%).
<1> HNMR (Acetone-d6): 8.45 (1H, s, C4-OH), 8.18 (2H, s, C3
', 5'-OH), 7.40 (2H, d, J = 8.7, C2,6-H), 7.00 (1H, d, J = 16.2,
a-H), 6.86 (1H, d, J = 16.2, β-H), 6.81 (2H, d, J = 8.7, C3,5-H),
6.52 (2H, d, J = 2.1, C2 ', 6'-H) , 6.25 (1H, t, J = 2.1, C4'-H).
After the column with 90-95% ethanol followed by water, eluting
regeneration aside.
Example 1.2 polydatin new preparation methods and implementation
of resveratrol
Embodiment, atmospheric or superatmospheric pressure gradient
elution chromatography. Collected respectively 60% and 90% ethanol
aqueous fractions under reduced pressure and Is concentrated to a
volume of 1/3 (60 ° C, 0.07-0.1Mpa), other steps from Example 1.1.
The new preparation method of Example 1.3 polydatin and
resveratrol implementation
Embodiment, atmospheric or superatmospheric pressure gradient
elution chromatography. Collected respectively 60% and 90% ethanol
aqueous fractions and Save Pressure concentrated to the original
volume of 1/50 (60 ° C, 0.07-0.1Mpa), other steps same as in
Example 1.1.
Example 2
embodiment Polydatin
1. Polygonum cuspidatum rhizome 100g, appropriate ground to 800ml
ethanol percolation extraction, filtration, concentrated under
reduced pressure (50 ° C, 0.07 -0.1Mpa) To a final volume of 50ml,
100ml of water was added, and extracted three times with 200ml of
ethyl acetate, the extract was concentrated under reduced pressure
(50 ° C, 0.07-0.1Mpa) to 150ml, polyamide powder mixed sample, the
solvent evaporated under reduced pressure, as a backup sample
2. The samples were loaded on a dry sample in the alternate
polyamide column (column volume of about 600ml), followed by water
to 1000ml, 3000ml 30% ethanol and water as the mobile phase
chromatography with a flow rate 600ml / hr. 30% ethanol was
collected and eluted with water effluent, and The stream which
contains Polydatin were combined, concentrated under reduced
pressure to 100ml (60 ° C, 0.07-0.1Mpa), filtration to give the
crude product 2g, Wherein polydatin content of 84%.
3. First product was 95-100% ethanol solution, filtered and the
filtrate was added to water containing a final concentration of
30% alcohol, added 1% (ml / ml) medicine Boil 3 minutes with
charcoal powder, hot filtered and the filtrate concentrated under
reduced pressure to 50ml, 4 ° C under crystallization was allowed
to stand 0.5 hours, filtered, The resulting crystals were
vacuum-dried four hours (100 ° C, 0.08-0.1Mpa, phosphorus
pentoxide drying agent) to give the final product Polydatin 1.5g.
By HPLC containing Polydatin 99.82%.
Example 3.1
polydatin implement large-scale industrial production method
1. P. cuspidatum Pieces 500kg, by countercurrent extraction,
concentrated under reduced pressure (60 ° C, 0.07-0.1Mpa) have
concentrated liquid extract 1200L, with 2N sodium hydroxide
solution to pH 10 solution was concentrated and allowed to stand
at room temperature for about 2 hours, to the residue was
centrifuged, the supernatant was As loading backup solution.
2. The polyamide powder (100-200 mesh), to conventional techniques
known in the art of flow means a column (column volume of about
800L), total 2 Genzhu installed, installed after backup.
3. The sample solutions were loaded to the alternate adsorption of
two polyamide column, the sample flow rate of about 6L / hr., When
the sample solution is sucked The first ribbon is attached to the
bottom of the column moved nearly 4/5 stops on the sample.
Sequentially 800L 30% aqueous ethanol, 2000L 60% ethanol plus
water Pressure chromatography elution pressure 10Bar., 2 60%
ethanol was collected column fractions of water, the combined and
concentrated under reduced pressure to 100L (60 ° C, 0.07-0.1Mpa),
i.e. 1/20 of the original volume, allowed to stand for 0.5 hours
at room temperature, centrifuged to obtain a yellowish white
powder 7300g, By HPLC containing Polydatin 82.2%. Concentrated
under reduced pressure were recovered ethanol as an extraction
solution or a low concentration of elution Backup solution.
4. Column with 5% sodium hydroxide solution were soaked, replace
solvent once a day for 3 days after soaking in water Off until the
effluent pH of 8-9 with 10% acetic acid and then eluted 2000L, and
finally washed with water until neutral, the backup and recovery
column state.
5. Recrystallization purification: The above product was
chromatographed on 7300g, 80L 95% ethanol to dissolve, filtered,
and the filtrate add water to Alcohol containing a final
concentration of 30%, adding 0.3% (ml / ml) medicinal powder
activated carbon boil for 3 minutes, filtered hot and the filtrate
was concentrated under reduced pressure to 50L, allowed to stand
at room temperature for 3 hours and centrifuged to give nearly
white crystalline powder, vacuum, vacuum dried for 12 hours (60 °
C, 0.08-0.1Mpa, Phosphorus pentoxide drying agent) to give the
final product Polydatin 5500g.
Example 3.2
polydatin method of preparation
In embodiments may be used sequentially with 800L 30% aqueous
ethanol, 2000L 60% aqueous ethanol at atmospheric pressure
Chromatography eluant. collect 2 60% ethanol water column
fractions were combined and concentrated in vacuo to a rear 1/5 of
its original volume, at room temperature for 0.5 hours, which He
steps from Example 3.1.
3.3 Preparation Example embodiments Polydatin
The column was collected in two embodiments fraction eluted with
60% aqueous ethanol, the combined and concentrated under reduced
pressure to 1/10 of the original volume, Ethanol and water may be
pressurized Chromatography eluant to 800L 30% aqueous ethanol,
2000L 60% ethanol and water pressure chromatography eluting
standing at room temperature 4 hours. Other steps from
Example 3.1.
In the specific implementation process, increasing concentrations
of aqueous ethanol gradient also optionally water, 10 to 30%
aqueous ethanol, 30 to 60% Aqueous ethanol; water 0 to 20%
ethanol, 95% ethanol, 20% water; 30 to 60% aqueous ethanol, 60 to
95% aqueous ethanol.
Polydatin detection:
Content: This product is detected by HPLC, containing polydatin
Residue on ignition: 0.1% (under the relevant provisions of the
Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2000 edition of Appendix matching).
Heavy Metals: compliance with the relevant provisions under the
Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2000 edition of Appendix items:( Not use a
residual solvent, solvent II).
Microbial Limit Tests: According to Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2000
edition of Appendix checks compliance.
IR (KBr, cm <-1>): 3373 (a phenolic hydroxyl group υo-H),
3026 (benzene υC-H), 1605,1591,1514,1448 (benzene bone Frame
vibration), 1341 (a phenolic -OH, υC-OH), 1263 (unsaturated ether
C-O-C, υC-O-C), 1172 (methylene saturated ring and a C-H
Stretching vibration, υC-H), 1075 (six-membered ring stretching
vibration of secondary alcohols, υC-OH), 1019,996,961 (C-H bending
on the benzene ring Vibration, δC-H), 839 (para-substituted on the
phenyl ring C-H bending vibration, δC-H), 680 (m-substituted on
the phenyl ring C-H bending vibration, δ C-H).
UV: UV absorption of the sample and resolution (Table 1).
Table 1 Sample UV absorption and resolve
Between the measured value (M + H) <+> = 391.1378,
theoretical value (M + H) <+> = 391.1387, measured and
theoretical values: high resolution mass spectrometry The error is
in the range of measurement requirements, consistent with the
sample formula: C20H22O8. MS database error range of the formula
It is C20H23O8 (M + H) <+>, molecular formula C20H22O8
consistent with the sample.
Example Results Discussion and Analysis of implementation
Based on chromatographic separation method of choice First, the
nature of the object Polydatin see: it is soluble in methanol,
ethanol Alcohol, hot water, can be dissolved in ethyl acetate,
sodium bicarbonate and aqueous sodium hydroxide solution, slightly
soluble in water, insoluble in ether. Secondly, From the need to
produce the feasibility and cost accounting to see: First, the
production process should have the feasibility, routing the more
pure and simple, No cross, the greater the feasibility of
large-scale production; secondly with the operability and safety;
taking into account the low consumption, low cost in principle.
The present invention is applied to the polyamide chromatography
polydatin (and resveratrol) is isolated by the nature of the
target Organic combination, give full play to the unique
advantages in technology Polydatin scale preparation of.
two. Basis and purpose of chromatographic separation techniques to
determine embodiment employs clarification step of loading the
appropriate samples Pretreatment, aims to reduce the interference
of impurities, because herbs Polygonum cuspidatum extract,
containing not only the active ingredient, but also contains a lot
of Before invalid ingredients such as anthraquinone, tannins,
polysaccharides and flavonoids and other ingredients, so the use
of column chromatography, can be achieved by The column
appropriate sample pretreatment to simplify the separation of
work, but also reduce the pollution of the column, the column to
improve utilization. Sample pre-treatment sample may also be
realized by other technical methods, such as extraction liquid
extraction methods.
In the method of the present invention, the primary extract
containing resveratrol polydatin and can be used on wet or dry
samples. Chromatography eluant Preferably ethanol - water as the
eluting solvent, three kinds of organic solvent is ethanol, low
production cost, safe, and chromatographed eluting Using a
gradient of concentration series of ethanol - water as solvent
gradient system, 0-30% ethanol by water → 30 ~ 60% aqueous
ethanol, Enrichment achieved is the active ingredient (Polydatin),
the purpose of removing the interference of impurities, 30 to 60%
ethanol water column after elution, can Higher concentrations of
ethanol water continues to give eluted fractions containing
resveratrol. The method of the present invention is realized in
the same root Chromatography column, by changing the solvent
leaving a gradient elution system of active ingredient isolated
and enrichment purposes, chromatography and used Small elution
solvent, a small amount of post-processing. Column in the elution
component resveratrol has been completed, while preliminary column
again Students, after washing with water and then make the
appropriate change elution, the column can basically reach the
standby state. The process is simple, economic security,
Preparation of a large quantity of products.
Third, the outstanding feature of this embodiment is reflected in:
1. Solvent system: the method of the present invention may be
implemented in the water - complete extract and resveratrol
polydatin under ethanol system, divided From purified. Has been
disclosed in resveratrol polydatin and separation techniques, all
involving the use of a different degree, there are two types of
Solvent such as diethyl ether, chloroform, methanol and ethyl
acetate as the extraction solvent or solvent elution
chromatography. Obviously, Experimental and production operations
in the preparation process, the solvent system of the present
invention, the method more secure, significantly reduces the
solvent used in the production process Production staff as well as
the potential impact on the environment.
2. Industrialization, large-scale production: separation in the
preparation of documents disclosed polydatin and resveratrol, the
use of a silica gel column Chromatography, organic solvent
extraction, countercurrent chromatography and other methods.
Obviously, in these methods, their preparation and preparative
scale amounts Enlarge necessarily limited by its own technical
conditions. For example, when the silica gel column chromatography
to achieve the industrial production, since (1) as Regeneration
step chromatography on silica filler is too complex and generally
difficult to regenerate, and packed conditions and conditions of a
silica gel column chromatography Very strict requirements; (2) The
silica gel column chromatography elution solvent is generally an
organic solvent not containing water, such as chloroform, acetic
acid Ethyl, not only the high cost of these solvents, and the use
of more stringent process conditions; therefore, to achieve a
silica gel column chromatography Industrial production there must
be a substantial increase in production cost constraints and the
technical difficulty. The use of a solvent such as ethyl ether
extraction When taking, use and disposal of the solvent there are
similar problems. As high-speed countercurrent chromatography,
under the existing technical conditions, Its preparation batch
volume generally only milligrams, industrial production is
difficult to achieve under the technical conditions. In contrast,
in the present Out method, since (1) may be water - to complete
all of the production process of ethanol system; (2) a polyamide
column can be regenerated Use, no need to replace the filler
between the batch and re-packed; control (3) industrial production
conditions easy to achieve, it Required equipment is simple, easy
operation, safety, low production cost, easy to implement
conversion process conditions under different production scale and
Handover, so the applications, highlighting the advantages of the
present invention is a method of the prior art methods can not be
Method for extracting high purity
resveratrol from giant knotweed rhizome
The present invention is method of extracting high purity
resveratrol from giant knotweed. Pre-treated dry coarse giant
knotweed powder is added with certain amount of organic solvent
for reflux extraction, and after the organic solvent is recovered,
it is extracted with different kinds of polar solvent. Through
further recovering partial solvent, centrifugation, and
precipitate treatment with water and adsorbent, high purity
resveratrol crystal is obtained. The present invention has the
advantages of flexible technological process, simple operation,
simple apparatus, less solvent consumption and high product yield.
[ No Description ]
Process for extracting resveratrol from
Chinese medicine giant knotweed root
The extraction process of medicinal raw material resveratrol
includes the following steps: adding complex enzyme to powdered
bushy knotweed root raw material; making zymolysis reaction for
48-72 hr. under the condition of constant temp. to obtain the
enzymolyzed raw material; adopting solvent extraction and
concentration processes to obtain the intermediate product
containing resversatrol, refining to obtain the invented product.
It possesses the advantages of rich raw material source, simple
process, high yield and low cost.
Resveratrol (Resveratrol, 3,5,4 'trihydroxy trans - stilbene),
also known as Qi pyrogallol, because Pharmacological activity of
anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic,
anti-oxidation, blood fat and other aspects have been widely Pan
used in food, health products, cosmetics and other fields.
Currently the main source of resveratrol from grape skins And some
beans to extract content is extremely limited. The content of
resveratrol in grape skin is considered the most High, it is only
up to 0.5 to 1 / million. China Sichuan origin in the form of
traditional Chinese medicine Polygonum cuspidatum glycosides
present in C. quinoa Resveratrol content, the theoretical value of
the skins 200 times! And Polygonum cuspidatum has always been to
use only as
medicines, with A very small, resulting in a serious slow-moving
giant knotweed, a waste of valuable resources.
Object of the present invention is to develop sources of
resveratrol, there is provided a medicine extract resveratrol from
Polygonum cuspidatum Alcohol-forming process.
Resveratrol extracted from traditional Chinese medicine Polygonum
cuspidatum process of the present invention, wherein said
extraction process To: Add enzyme in Polygonum cuspidatum powdered
material is carried out at a constant temperature digestion for 48
to 72 hours to give Enzyme raw materials; followed by a solvent
extraction, concentrated to give semi-finished products containing
resveratrol, and then refined to obtain. this Extraction of the
invention containing from polydatin very rich raw materials for
traditional Chinese medicine Polygonum cuspidatum, resveratrol
hydrolysis Glycosides to extract resveratrol, has the following
1) Chinese medicine Polygonum cuspidatum easy planting, cuttings,
seeds can be broadcast, high yield, low price, convenient source,
Follow-up resource security.
2) the process is simple, attention is good, perfect glycoside
hydrolysis, high yield, good quality and low cost. Experimental
results show that after the expansion of three batches of
resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum extract yield of 85%.
Products by the China Medical ASTRI drugs test, the purity reached
99.63%, 99.68%, 99.78%. Higher than the international index 1.7
percentage points to 99.5% of the sigma standard purity
3) less investment in equipment, low cost, no pollution, safety.
The following is an embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 1 is a flow chart of the present invention.
Referring to Figure 1, taking traditional Chinese medicine
Polygonum cuspidatum milled into powder form, adding complex
enzyme hydrolysis reaction at a constant temperature 70 hours,
material obtained after hydrolysis by solvent extraction and
concentrated to obtain a mixture containing about 30% of
resveratrol semifinished Product, and then refined to obtain
Technology of super critical caron dioxide
extraction of resveratrol from polygonum cuspidatum
A supercritical CO2 process for extracting resveratrol from
giant knotweed rhizome features that supercritical CO2 extraction
is used, and the mixture of absolute alcohol and 2-propanol is
used as the modifier. Its advantages are less consumption of
extracting solvent, low cost, high output rate and quality of
product and no environmental pollution.
Giant knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum Sie bet Zucc) Polygonaceae
Polygonum small shrubs, as China's traditional Chinese medicine
and modern pharmaceutical research to prove that resveratrol
(Resveratrol) (3,4 ', 5-trihydroxy-stilbene) having a variety of
pharmacological effects, mainly Performance in terms of
anti-cancer and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
New investigation found that at home and abroad "Extract
Resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum" aspects of literature and
expertise Lee has been reported. As Chinese patent CN1251361
French patent FR2795964 extract process To: Add powdered enzyme in
raw material Polygonum cuspidatum enzymatic reaction is carried
out at a constant temperature, 48-72 Hours to get digested
material, solvent extraction and then concentrated to obtain
semi-finished products containing resveratrol, set 24--120 hours,
with stirring, and then extracted with ethyl acetate, ethyl
acetate, recovered, and then by Further purification process to
obtain resveratrol and resveratrol glucoside. "Tianjin Pharmacy"
(1999-11 -07) Published "knotweed chemical composition,
pharmacological effects and extraction and separation" is the root
of Polygonum cuspidatum meal With ethanol extraction, recovery of
ethanol to extract form, dissolved in water, filtered, and
concentrated aqueous solution, concentrated Polyamide shrink
liquid chromatography, eluted with 20% ethanol polydatin. China
Patent CN1239141 discloses a process for the extraction of
resveratrol from grape stems roots and leaves. but In general,
such methods complex process operation, long cycle, low quality
At home and abroad are using conventional solvent extraction
method, there is no mention by supercritical CO2 extraction Take
reports. Supercritical CO2 fluid extraction is the high-tech field
of modern separation occurs, you can Reduce the amount of organic
solvent is used, the extraction efficiency and high selectivity,
time-saving; volatile solvent extraction, Extract a cleaner, less
environmental pollution, easy to change operating conditions.
It is an object of the present invention is to provide a
supercritical CO2 extraction technology from Polygonum cuspidatum
extract resveratrol technology, which overcomes the conventional
solvent extraction long time and solvent consumption A large
amount of residual solvent quantity, the extraction rate is
relatively low, product quality is not high shortcomings. Ultra
CO2 extraction process is not only simple, high yield, and less
solvent consumption, product quality it is good.
For the purposes of the process steps of the present invention
(1) First Polygonum cuspidatum rhizome crushed, over 60 mesh
(2) charged supercritical CO2 extraction kettle, adjust extraction
(3) collecting the extract was concentrated;
(4) chromatographic separation, concentration, crystallization,
and finally ≥95% purity resveratrol.
Supercritical CO2 extraction conditions have a significant impact
on the effect of Polygonum cuspidatum extract resveratrol, the
test Inspection, extraction conditions of the invention as
follows: extraction pressure was: 35-25Mpa, temperature 60 ° C-40
° C, the autoclave pressure to resolve 8-5Mpa, temperature 60 °
C-40 ° C;
Hydrocarbon mixture with an alcohol such as ethanol and 2-propanol
as modifier
When the temperature has concentrated a great influence on the
stability of resveratrol, the test to determine the present
invention Concentrated optimum temperature 45 ° C-60 ° C, vacuum
degree ≤-65cmHg.
The present invention uses supercritical CO2 technology can
overcome the conventional solvent extraction solvent Large, long
extraction time, solvent residue and more complex procedure and
other issues, can greatly reduce the mention Take solvent
consumption, reduce costs, environmental pollution, mainly CO2
extraction solvent, can be recycled use. High product yield and
quality, first extract can be obtained more than 18% purity of
Polygonum cuspidatum C. quinoa Resveratrol extract, and then by
chromatography, concentration, crystallization, freeze-drying and
other refined the process can be prepared
Preparation of high purity (≥95%) of resveratrol.
The accompanying drawings, the present invention is a process flow
diagram 1 Polygonum cuspidatum cleaning materials, dry, Crushed 2
supercritical CO2 extraction filter 3, 4 and concentrated by
column chromatography eluting 5 6 Resveratrol Principal component
was collected and concentrated 7 8 9 High-purity crystalline
resveratrol 10 drying, storage 11 large flavin
concrete steps in this process are:
(1) The dried roots of Polygonum cuspidatum crushed, over 60 mesh
sieve, called Polygonum cuspidatum 50g powder;
(2) the powder into the extraction vessel, the extraction pressure
was adjusted, adjust the temperature set value Start the cycle,
while adding the modifier ethanol 2-propanol = 80:20 (ratio by
volume). extraction Conditions: extraction pressure was 25Mpa,
extraction temperature 50 ° C, the autoclave pressure to resolve:
6.0Mpa, Solutions Analysis of temperature 46 ° C;
(3) and extracted for 1.5 hours, the autoclave was adjusted
resolves 5.7Mpa, analytical temperature 45 ° C. Receive Set
extract, after a one-time extraction, extract resveratrol content
of more than 18%, the extraction rate of 75. 8%.
(4) and concentrated to recover the modifier. Concentration
temperature is 45 ° C, the degree of vacuum -50cmHg.
(5) by column chromatography, concentrated under reduced pressure,
crystallization, freeze drying, to obtain a purity of 95.1%
Resveratrol 0.25lg.
Extraction process of resveratrol from
giant knotweed
During the extraction of resveratrol from giant knotwood, giant
knotwood glycoside is hydrolyzed and enriched through organic
synthesis. The extraction process includes mixing giant knotwood
raw material and composite stuffing, high pressure chromatography
in a high-pressure chromatographic column apparatus, gradient
elution with chloroform and ethyl acetate and thin chromatographic
tracking detection. The said process can reach a kilogram level
yield and high product purity. The present invention may be used
in extracting resveratrol and other similar product from giant
knotwood material.
A method for preparing extracting resveratrol from Polygonum
cuspidatum plant
The present invention relates to a method for extracting
resveratrol, especially C. quinoa is an extract from Polygonum
cuspidatum plant Preparation of resveratrol.
Background technique:
In the current technical solution, resveratrol mainly through
chemical synthesis to complete, but Large investment in equipment,
process complexity, high cost and low yield and other failings of
its existence. In recent years, People are trying to extract from
natural plant Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol and has made
encouraging progress. Polygonum cuspidatum is our pass Chinese
herbal medicine system, which contains a large number of internal
polydatin (aka polydatin) and resveratrol, and C. quinoa
Resveratrol is a kind of human health has a significant role in
the efficacy of natural active substances, the international
community has caused Widespread concern. By scientific research
and clinical applications show that resveratrol has anti-cancer,
anti-oxidant and anti
Only the formation of thrombus, protect the liver and free radical
scavenging and other effects in the elderly degenerative diseases
such as Parkinson's , Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, rheumatic
diseases have better preventive and therapeutic effect; in the
dressing Produced in the country, it has to get rid of melasma and
whitening effect; it lipid metabolism and platelet coagulation
always make Influential, can prevent coronary heart disease and
atherosclerosis and other diseases. With biological science and
technology continue to send Exhibition medicinal value, the amount
of resveratrol and also in the increasingly dramatically. Natural
plant Polygonum cuspidatum, although its contents There are a lot
of polydatin and resveratrol, but because of complex components,
difficult to extract, combined with the current extraction work
Art is not perfect, so the extraction rate and purity are low.
Applicants Beijing Fu Man biotechnology research Which, in its
Publication No. CN1277954A, entitled "Separation of resveratrol
and resveratrol glucoside and Its application "discloses a
technical solution Polygonum cuspidatum roots were extracted with
an organic solvent, extraction, concentration, silicon Rubber plug
chromatography, crystallization, recrystallization and get
resveratrol process; patent applicants Beijing-dimensional days of
pure Tong Biotechnology Co., Ltd., in its Publication No.
CN1323776A, entitled "Resveratrol and C. quinoa Preparation
resveratrol glucoside "technical solution is characterized by:
extraction with an organic solvent containing resveratrol and
Polydatin plants, animals, microorganisms obtaining the extract,
and then were subjected to column chromatography and high-speed
Countercurrent chromatography is obtained. The above-described
Patent Document resveratrol extraction process is mainly through
the extraction enzyme Silicic acid hydrolysis reaction or plug
chromatography, were introduced with the claims of the invention
prepared in the same method. Summing up Above, the existing
technical solutions and patent literature, are separating
resveratrol and polydatin as separate projects Further
consideration mentioned standard, not the first by synthetic means
making Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol enriched to higher levels
when Pure, so the degree of industrialization and its yield, yield
is still unsatisfactory.
Object of the present invention to overcome deficiencies of the
prior art, by providing a Polygonum cuspidatum Polydatin plants by
means of hydrolyzing organic synthesis enriched it with their
appropriate composite filling material Ratio, after pressing a
dedicated high pressure column apparatus using a high performance
liquid chromatography column pressure principle Chromatography,
eluted with chloroform and ethyl acetate gradient, tracking and
detection by thin layer chromatography, thus achieving production
Product recovery, good purity and up to kilogram quantities of
industrial production of an extract from Polygonum cuspidatum
plant Preparation of resveratrol.
The basic process of the present invention are as follows:
1. extract:
The dried material Polygonum cuspidatum pulverized with an organic
solvent heated to reflux and extracted three times its amount of
organic solvent Volume ratio of the raw materials were 3-5 times,
2-4 times, 1-3 times, extraction time were small 3:2:1 When
combined extracts all times and recovering the organic solvent
under reduced pressure, distillation and concentrated to a thick
2. Water-soluble:
After the obtained paste is added to 10 to 20 times its volume
ratio of the amount of water, heated to the boiling point was
allowed to stand 1-3 Hours, at a temperature of not less than 50 °
C the upper part of the supernatant was decanted, and concentrated
to 30-40B ° C (Baume);
3. extraction:
The resulting Baume degree 30-40B ° C dilute solution, according
to volume ratio, respectively (3-5): (2 -4): (2-4) times the
amount of ethyl acetate was added, extracted three times after
various times extracts were combined, adjusted with its base PH
value of 8.0-10.0, allowed to stand, filtered, and concentrated
under reduced pressure to a volume of extract 1 / 15-1 / 20,
junction Polydatin crystallized crude extract;
4. Hydrolysis enrichment:
The resulting polydatin crude extract, according to volume ratio
plus 2-10% 2-10 times the amount of acid hydrolysis After 4-8
hours hydrolysis enrichment, cooling, for 24 hours, filtered,
washed acid eligible resveratrol crude;
5. Isolation and Purification:
The resulting crude was dissolved in ethyl acetate resveratrol,
pressure pump and its proportion to the preparation of compound
Special filler into a high-pressure chromatography column
apparatus, pressurized by HPLC column chromatography principle
Separation, eluting with chloroform and ethyl acetate gradient,
tracking and detection by thin layer chromatography, collecting
resveratrol Eluent segment, again concentrated under reduced
pressure to a small volume crystallization, high purity
resveratrol eligible for crude;
6. product:
The high purity resveratrol obtained crude repeated
recrystallization from ethanol, is eligible purity greater than
99% Resveratrol white crystalline solid product.
The basic process of the present invention, the extraction with an
organic solvent under reflux heating may be: methanol, ethanol,
The ratio of any combination propanol, acetone, ethyl acetate or
these solvents.
The basic process of the present invention, the PH value thereof
was adjusted extract bases may be used: ammonia, carbonate Sodium
bicarbonate, calcium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, potassium
hydroxide, etc., and all inorganic and organic bases.
The basic process of the present invention, the use of dilute acid
hydrolysis enrichment for: all except hydrochloric acid acid.
The basic process of the present invention, in proportion to the
preparation of the composite filler may be: silica gel and
trioxide Aluminum by weight 6:1 formulated.
The basic process of the present invention, the gradient of
chloroform and ethyl acetate of a volume ratio may be sequentially
It is: 6:1,3:1,1:1.
The basic process of the present invention, the dedicated high
pressure column pressure may range device: 2- 15MPa.
The basic process of the present invention, the pressurized column
chromatography mobile phase can be used: halogenated hydrocarbons
and carboxylic acid esters Volume ratio, or any mixture of fatty
alcohols or aliphatic ketones with water in any ratio,
respectively, constitute a group 2-8 Minute. The halogenated
hydrocarbon is chloroform, methylene chloride, carbon
tetrachloride; carboxylic ester is ethyl acetate, ethyl formate;
Fatty alcohols or aliphatic ketones as methanol, ethanol,
propanol, acetone.
Specific implementation methods:
Below in conjunction with embodiments of the present invention
will be further described.
Example 1:
The dried material Polygonum cuspidatum pulverized with ethanol
and ethyl acetate their volume ratio of 1:1 combination heating
back Stream extracted three times its volume of the extraction
solvent volume ratio of the raw material was 3 times, 2 times, 1
times, mention Take time respectively 3:2:1 hours combined each
time and extract the organic solvent recovered under reduced
pressure, distillation and concentration to Thick paste; paste is
obtained according to the ratio of the volume of 10-fold amount of
water was added, heated to boiling point for 1 hour standing When,
at a temperature of not less than 50 ° C the upper part of the
supernatant was decanted, and concentrated to 30B ° C (Baume); The
resulting Baume dilute solution 30B ° C, according to their volume
ratio was 3:2:2 times the amount of ethyl acetate was added, After
extraction three times each combined extracts were washed with
concentrated aqueous ammonia, and its PH value of 8.0, allowed to
stand, filtered and concentrated under reduced pressure The
extract was reduced to 1/15 of the volume, crystallized polydatin
crude extract; the resulting crude extract resveratrol glycosides,
After its volume ratio of 2% dilute sulfuric acid hydrolysis of 2
times the amount of 4 hours, cooled, allowed to stand for 24
hours, after Filter, wash acid eligible resveratrol crude; the
obtained crude product was dissolved in ethyl acetate resveratrol,
pressure pump Its silica and aluminum oxide with a weight ratio of
6:1 formulated by a composite filler, into a dedicated high
pressure layer
Analytical column pressurizing equipment pressurizing 5MPa column
chromatography, followed by volume ratio 6:1,3:1,1:1 A mixture of
chloroform and ethyl acetate gradient elution times, tracking and
detection by thin layer chromatography, collecting C. quinoa
Resveratrol eluent segment, again concentrated under reduced
pressure to a small volume crystallization, high purity
resveratrol eligible for crude; the The obtained high purity
resveratrol crude repeated recrystallization from ethanol, is
eligible purity greater than 99% as white Resveratrol crystalline
solid product.
Example 2:
The dried material Polygonum cuspidatum pulverized with ethanol
and ethyl acetate their volume ratio of 1:1 combination heating
back Stream extracted three times the amount of their extraction
solvent volume ratio was 4 times of raw materials, 3 times, 2
times, to mention Take time respectively 3:2:1 hours combined each
time and extract the organic solvent recovered under reduced
pressure, distillation and concentration to Thick paste; The
resulting paste is added 15 times its volume ratio of the amount
of water, heated to boiling point for 2 hours standing When, at a
temperature of not less than 50 ° C the upper part of the
supernatant was decanted, and concentrated to 35B ° C (Baume); The
resulting Baume dilute solution 35B ° C, according to their volume
ratio was 4:3:3 times the amount of ethyl acetate was added, After
extraction three times each combined extracts were washed with
concentrated aqueous ammonia, and its PH value of 9.0, allowed to
stand, filtered and concentrated under reduced pressure The
extract was reduced to a volume of 1/18, crystallized polydatin
crude extract; the resulting crude extract resveratrol glycosides,
After its volume ratio of 6% plus 5 times the amount of dilute
sulfuric acid hydrolysis of 6 hours, cooled, allowed to stand for
24 hours, after Filter, wash acid eligible resveratrol crude;
obtained as described in Example 1.
Example 3:
The dried material Polygonum cuspidatum pulverized with ethanol
and ethyl acetate their volume ratio of 1:1 combination heating
back Stream extracted three times its volume of the extraction
solvent volume ratio of 5 times the raw material, 4-fold, 3-fold,
mention Take time respectively 3:2:1 hours combined each time and
extract the organic solvent recovered under reduced pressure,
distillation and concentration to Thick paste; The resulting paste
is added 20 times its volume ratio of the amount of water, heated
to boiling point for 3 hours standing When, at a temperature of
not less than 50 ° C the upper part of the supernatant was
decanted, and concentrated to 40B ° C (Baume); The resulting Baume
dilute solution 40B ° C, according to their volume ratio was 5:4:4
times the amount of ethyl acetate was added, Extracted three times
each time after the extracts were combined, neutralized with
concentrated aqueous ammonia, and its PH value of 10.0, it was
allowed to stand, filtered and the filtrate The extract was
concentrated to a volume of 1/20 crystallized polydatin crude
extract; the resulting crude extract polydatin Thereof, the ratio
of its 10% volume of 10 times the amount of dilute sulfuric acid
hydrolysis for 8 hours, cooled, allowed to stand for 24 hours,
Filtered, washed acid eligible resveratrol crude; obtained as
described in Example 1.
Pressure column layer was separated according to embodiments of
the invention, the use of a variety can be formulated according to
the proportion of complex Combined filler being fed special
high-pressure chromatography apparatus therein, thus achieving up
to kilogram quantities of industrial Production needs.
As can be seen with the above embodiments, the present invention
has the following advantages over current technology:
1. Polydatin by using the means of hydrolyzing organic synthesis
enrichment after the line separation and extraction, reduced
Consumption of raw materials, improved product yield;
2. Using a dedicated high-voltage equipment for high pressure
column chromatography separation layer, changing the existing
atmospheric column The layers were separated mode, low cost, short
cycle, high degree of industrialization of production;
3. Technology played tight, easy operation, high product purity.
The present invention can be used in the extraction of resveratrol
and other similar products from Polygonum cuspidatum plant
industrialization Production, can also replace the current method
of producing various types of resveratrol.
Method for preparing resveratrol from giant
knotweed rhizome
The method for preparing resveratrol by using bushy knotweed root
includes the following steps: using fresh bushy knotweed root and
pulping, placing the obtained pulp material in a container,
storing for 24-120 hr. at 10-50 deg.C, and stirring, then using
ethyl acetate to make extraction, recovering ethyl acetate,
further making purification treatment so as to obtain resveratrol.
Because the resveratrol glycoside being in the bushy knotweed root
can be converted into resveratrol under the condition without
foreign enzyme added. so it has the advantages of simple
operation, high yield and low cost.
The present invention relates to a method of separating from
Polygonum cuspidatum extract resveratrol.
Background technique
Polygonum cuspidatum resveratrol (resveratrol) and its glycosides,
resveratrol with lowering blood pressure, Anti-oxidation, improve
microcirculation, lower blood pressure and inhibition of
staphylococcus, streptococcus and so on.
The method of extracting resveratrol mainly two categories firstly
by adding combined Enzymes Resveratrol The glycosides were
digested by solvent extraction, separation and purification, high
production cost. Another direct By solvent extraction, separation
and resveratrol glycosides and other ingredients, the product
yield is low.
The object of the present invention is to overcome the above
drawbacks of the prior art and to provide a simple process Single,
low-cost method for preparing resveratrol from Polygonum
cuspidatum collected high rate.
Object of the present invention can be achieved by the following
technical solution: A method of making resveratrol from Polygonum
cuspidatum Alcohols, characterized in that the process comprises
the following steps. First, fresh Polygonum beating placed
Container, placed in 10 ~ 50 ° C for 24 to 120 hours, with
stirring, and then extracted with ethyl acetate, Recycling ethyl
acetate, and further purification treatment to obtain resveratrol.
The same with the present invention, respectively Polygonum
cuspidatum comparison test, test and existing direct extraction
The results showed that the yield obtained by the present
invention, resveratrol than direct extraction can be increased
more than 2 times. Since the present invention Resveratrol from
Polygonum cuspidatum glycosides converted under conditions without
adding exogenous enzymes to resveratrol Alcohol, which has a
simple, high yielding, low cost.
Figure 1 is a flow chart of the invention.
The following specific embodiments and the accompanying drawings,
the present invention will be further described.
Example 1
Take fresh Polygonum cuspidatum I, was determined to contain
resveratrol 100g (not including glycosides) is 0.16g, weighed
500g, Crushed into pulp, placed in 30 ± 2 ° C for 96 hours, and
placed five minutes per hour during stirring with acetic acid
Extraction with ethyl acetate, solvent recovery, and then purified
to give white crystals namely resveratrol 1.89g. If the tiger Cane
syrup directly extracted with ethyl acetate, and purified in the
same manner to obtain resveratrol 0.61g.
Example 2
Take fresh Polygonum cuspidatum I, was determined to contain
resveratrol 100g (not including glycosides) is 0.16g, weighed
500g, Pulverized slurried and placed in 40 ± 2 ° C for 72 hours,
every two hours during placement stirred for 5 minutes, with ethyl
Ethyl extraction, solvent recovery, and then purified to give
white crystals namely resveratrol 1.80g.
Example 3
Take fresh Polygonum cuspidatum II, was determined 100g contains
resveratrol (not including glycosides) is 0.19g, weighed 500g,
Pulverized slurried in 96 hours at 20 ± 2 ° C, during placement
stirred for 10 minutes every three hours, with Ethyl acetate
solvent recovery, and then purified to give white crystals namely
resveratrol 2.02g. If the The Polygonum cuspidatum slurry directly
extracted with ethyl acetate, and purified in the same manner to
obtain resveratrol 0.65g.
Example 4
Take fresh Polygonum cuspidatum II, was determined 100g contains
resveratrol (not including glycosides) is 0.19g, weighed 500g,
Pulverized slurried in 96 hours at 20 ± 2 ° C, during placement
stirred for 10 minutes every three hours, with Ethyl acetate
solvent recovery, and then purified to give white crystals namely
resveratrol 2.01g.
Example 5
Take fresh Polygonum cuspidatum III, was determined 100g contains
resveratrol (not including glycosides) is 0.15g, weighed 500g,
Pulverized slurried and placed in 35 ± 2 ° C at 96 hours, every
two hours during placement stirred for 5 minutes, with ethyl Ethyl
extraction, solvent recovery, and then purified to give white
crystals namely resveratrol 1.75g. If this Polygonum cuspidatum
slurry directly extracted with ethyl acetate, and purified in the
same manner to obtain resveratrol 0.55g.
Example 6
Take fresh Polygonum cuspidatum III, was determined 100g contains
resveratrol (not including glycosides) is 0.15g, weighed 500g,
Pulverized slurry, placed in 25 ± 2 ° C at 120 hours, every two
hours during placement was stirred for 5 minutes, Ethyl acetate
solvent recovery, and then purified to give white crystals namely
resveratrol 1.81g.
Example 7
Take fresh Polygonum cuspidatum IV, was determined 100g contains
resveratrol (not including glycosides) is 0.12g, weighed 500g,
Pulverized slurried and placed in 35 ± 2 ° C at 96 hours, every
two hours during placement stirred for 5 minutes, with ethyl Ethyl
extraction, solvent recovery, and then purified to give white
crystals namely resveratrol 1.40g. If this Polygonum cuspidatum
slurry directly extracted with ethyl acetate, and purified in the
same manner to obtain resveratrol 0.45g.
Example 8
Take fresh Polygonum cuspidatum IV, was determined 100g contains
resveratrol (not including glycosides) is 0.12g, weighed 500g,
Pulverized slurry, placed in 25 ± 2 ° C at 120 hours, every two
hours during placement was stirred for 5 minutes, Ethyl acetate
solvent recovery, and then purified to give white crystals namely
resveratrol 1.45g.
Some "Traditional Chinese Medicine"
Patents incorporating Knotweed
Method for extracting stibene glucoside from vines of
multiflower knotweeds
Application of drug combination
Wine for relaxing muscles and tendons to activate
collateral flow and relieving pain
Traditional Chinese medicine for postpartum recuperation
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating qi
and blood deficiency type menstrual body pain
Medicine for treating lumbar muscle strain
Hair-growing traditional Chinese medicine composition and
preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating knee
joint meniscus injuries
Gargle for treating oral ulcer
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for appendicitis
treating and preparation method thereof
Pepper compound traditional Chinese medicine powder
grid-shaped suture fixed traditional Chinese medicine cap used
for treating alopecia and leukotrichia
Application of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine)
composition having functions of promoting blood circulation to
remove blood stasis, relieving pain and stopping bleeding
Externally-applied traditional Chinese medicine for
treating rheumatic bone diseases
Traditional Chinese medicine composition capable of
regulating heart autonomic nervous function
Plaster for treating allergic dermatitis by using herb of
nude fern
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating injury stasis
type femoral head necrosis and preparing method
Mucous membrane care solution
Fragrant pillow with sleep healthcare function
Silicate bacterial fertilizer with high content of organic
matters and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
postpartum depression and preparation method therefor
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating cardiovascular
and cerebrovascular diseases
Traditional Chinese medicine for postoperative recovery of
gallstone and preparation method of traditional Chinese medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for preventing
urinary calculus, and application thereof
Medicine for improving gastric motility
Honeyed pills for treating spleen deficiency and dampness
heat type hordeolum and preparation method therefor
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating acute
catarrhal conjunctivitis with cough
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
lumbar muscle strain and preparation method thereof
Application of traditional Chinese medicine composition on
preparation of medicines or health care products for treating
oligoasthenotspermia and infertility of men
Preparation method of loins-strengthening
kidney-invigorating pill as well as application
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating qi stagnation and
blood stasis type lung cancer
Application of traditional Chinese medicine composition to
preparation of acute renal failure treatment drug
Ointment for external application and for treating
rheumatic arthritis and preparing method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
diabetes and preparation method of traditional Chinese medicine
Epidermis local anaesthesia traditional Chinese medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine compound capsules for treating
atherosclerosis and preparation method thereof
Chitosan-containing health care capsule with blood lipid
regulation efficacy
Compound air disinfectant and preparation method thereof
Chinese herba preparation for treating radiation
Traditional Chinese medicine for oral administration for
adjunctively treating sepsis
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating jaundice
Dandelion and rhizoma smilacis glabrae medical preparation
for treating pelvic inflammation and detection method thereof
Chinese herba preparation for treating mucormycosis of
cyclemys trifasciata and preparation method of Chinese herba
Otitis media treatment drops and preparation method
Heart blood stagnation type palpitation treatment Chinese
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
insomnia and preparation method
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating lupous nephritis
Combined Chinese and Western anti-inflammation hemostatic
ointment for external use
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
eczema and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating cold
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
pelvic inflammation and preparation method thereof
Externally-applied traditional Chinese medicine lotion for
treating eczema
Sleep aid mattress
Production process of mildewed beancurd with effect of
tonifying middle-Jiao and Qi
Preparation method of medicament for treating
scapulohumeral periarthritis
Pharmaceutical preparation for treating arrhythmia
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
gynecological diseases during pregnancy, traditional Chinese
medicine preparation and application thereof
Chinese material medicine preparation for treating
sympathetic nervous cervical spondylosis and preparation method
Medicine for curing chronic heart rate disorder of elderly
Breast cancer preventing and treating drug
Traditional Chinese medicine for preventing chill after
anesthesia and preparation method of traditional Chinese
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating primary liver
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating hyperlipemia
diseases and preparation method
Oral administration medicine used for curing accumulated
damp heat type chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
Health-care external-application ointment for treating
rheumatic arthritis and preparation method of health-care
external-application ointment
Liquid medicine for treating rheumatism and rheumatoid
arthritis and preparation method of liquid medicine
Preparation method of flowery knotweed stem tonic wine
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating gallstones
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation used for treating
alcoholic cardiomyopathy and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
aspiration site infection caused by bone marrow aspiration and
preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating scald
Externally used heavy-metal-free ointment for treating skin
wound and preparation method
Pharmaceutical preparation for treating pelvic inflammation
Medicine for wounds after plasma cutting operations
Externally used traditional Chinese medicine powder for
Traditional Chinese medicine combination for treating
abundant-heat yin impairment type burn and preparation method
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating liver
diseases and preparation method thereof
Throat lozenge used for treating acute pharyngitis as well
as preparation method and application thereof
Hemorrhoid ointment and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
gynecologic inflammation
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
urinary system infection and traditional Chinese medicine
preparation and application thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
prostate infection and traditional Chinese medicine preparation
and application thereof
Qi and blood deficiency treatment traditional Chinese
medicine decoction
Traditional Chinese medicine decoction for treating chronic
Medicine for treating lumbar hyperosteogeny and preparation
method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating lupus
nephritis and application thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
chronic cholecystitis and preparation method thereof
Compound lipid-lowering linseed oil soft capsule
Dendrobium lily honey for clearing heat and disinfecting
and preparation method therefor
A pesticide for soil insect control for salix integra
Medicine for removing embryonic tissue residues
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating infantile
Traditional Chinese medicine plaster for treating stress
incontinence and preparation method of traditional Chinese
medicine plaster
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating trichomonas
Medicine used for nursing and treating burn due to invasion
of interior by toxic fire and preparation method of medicine
Traditional Chinese medicinal composition for treating
ascites due to cirrhosis
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating soft
tissue injury and joint sprains
Morus australis Poir. Traditional Chinese medicine
composition for treating wind-heat invading lung type nephrotic
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
wind-heat outside invading acute pharyngeal tumefaction
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
spleen deficient chronic cervicitis
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating pruritus vulvae
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating chronic
Natural shampoo soap
Red date blood enriching soybean milk and preparing method
Insecticide used for prevention and treatment of soil
insects attacking osier
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
children sleep terror disorder and preparation method thereof
Foot bath care solution for treating diabetic feet as well
as preparation method and application thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
delayed menstrual cycle in department of gynecology
Chinese medicinal composition for treating chronic
tonsillitis and preparation method
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
chronic nephritis and application
Medicament for treating active ulcerative colitis
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating esophageal cancer
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating cough
Chinese medicinal prescription for treating amygdalitis
Medicine for treating fundus hemorrhage
Chinese medicinal preparation for treating rheumatic heart
disease and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating lung cancer
Medicine for treating breast hyperplasia with disharmony of
thoroughfare and conception vessels and preparation method of
Oral traditional Chinese medicine composition for adjuvant
therapy of syndrome of aponeurotic space
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating stomach cancer
Chinese herbal medicine preparation for preventing and
treating hepatitis of palea steindachneri and preparation method
of Chinese herbal medicine preparation
Medicine composition used for treating neonatal jaundice
Processing method of giant knotweed rhizome
Traditional Chinese medicine pillow for treating migraine
Chinese herbal medicine additive for enhancing disease
resistance of Truogx sinensis and preparation method thereof
A capsule for treating hyperplasia of mammary glands and a
preparing method thereof
Medicine for treating liver cirrhosis and preparation
method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
nephropyelitis and preparation method of traditional Chinese
medicine preparation
Traditional Chinese medicine powder for treating recurrent
oral ulceration
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
lumbar disc herniation
A medicament for treating candidal vulvovaginitis in a
birth control room
Compound preparation for resisting heat stress of animals
and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating kidney-yang
deficiency kidney calculi
Traditional Chinese medicine health-care pillow and
preparation method thereof
Beautifying blood-enriching noodle and preparing method
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
chronic nephritis
Preparation method of traditional Chinese medicine
composition for treating fatty liver and fat hepatitis
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
chronic cholecystitis and preparation method thereof
External traditional Chinese medicine for treating pustule
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating scleritis
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating allergic rhinitis
Drug for treating bone tuberculosis having symptoms of yang
deficiency and phlegm stasis and preparation method thereof
Medicine for treating mania
Traditional Chinese medicine formula used in general
surgery department for treating hemorrhoids
Medicament for suppressing radiotherapy gastrointestinal
reaction and preparation method
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
allergic dermatitis
External-applied traditional Chinese medicine composition
for treating mange sickness
CN104771458 2015-07-15
154. Medicinal composition for treating rheumatoid
Heat-clearing and calculus-removing medicament for treating
renal calculus and preparation method thereof
Chinese medicinal composition for treating kidney-yang
deficiency and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating Qi
deficiency and blood stasis type lumbar spinal stenosis disease
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
chronic gastritis and preparation method of traditional Chinese
medicine preparation
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating accumulated damp
heat chronic pelvic inflammation and preparation method thereof
External medicinal composition for treating scalds,
external ointment for treating scalds and preparation method
Gargle containing chlorhexidine gluconate and preparation
method thereof
Herbal donkey-hide gelatin-coated quail egg product and
preparation method thereof
Detection method of hepatitis B treating capsule as
traditional Chinese medicine preparation
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
chronic atrophic gastritis
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating respiratory tract
infection of children
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating allergic rhinitis
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for improving
immunity of malignant tumor patient
Method for preparing traditional Chinese medicine
preparation for improving immunity of malignant tumor patient
Medicine for treating vascular injury and preparation
method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for preventing
chronic hepatitis B YMDD (tyrosine, methionine, d-aspartic acid,
d-aspartic acid) mutation
Application of traditional Chinese medicine composition to
preparation of blood platelet increasing medicines
Medicine containing traditional Chinese medicines for
preventing and treating caloric disease of live pig
Medicinal liquor for treating herpes zoster and preparation
method thereof
Medicine for treating liver-wind stirring type brain tumor
and preparation method of medicine
Traditional Chinese medicinal composition for treating
Calculus-removing traditional Chinese medicine pill capable
of inducing diuresis for treating stranguria
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating endocrine
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating scarlet fever
caused by toxin invading lung-defense phase
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating heat-toxin
accumulation type traumatic chronic osteomyelitis and
preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating heart disease and
preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese composition used for treating hepatic
Medicine for treating chronic leukemia and preparation
method thereof
Sun-screen cosmetic
Chinese knotweed herb evil fire reducing tea
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
pancreatic cancer and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating pelvic
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating purple blotch due
to blood-stasis obstruction in interior
Traditional Chinese medicine composite for treating spleen
deficiency and dampness-heat type hyperlipidemia
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating gall-stone
Preparation method for royal jelly soft shell capsule
capable of promoting sleep
Hair conditioner essence
Composition for preventing and treating Yangshan peach
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
scapulohumeral periarthritis of women
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for preventing
ventricular remodeling of myocardial infarction
Medicinal preparation for treatment of chloasma spleen
deficiency syndrome of accumulated dampness-toxicity and
preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for preventing
pediatric superficial vein introcan phlebitis
Foot bath composition for treating insomnia and preparation
method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating tubercular
Chinese herbal medicine prescription for treating gallstone
Traditional Chinese medicine composition ointment for
relieving itching
Traditional Chinese medicine health tea for tranquilization
and preparation method thereof
Formula and production method of prostatitis rehabilitating
tea containing giant knotweed rhizome
Liver health protection medicine
Medicine for treating neurasthenia due to insufficiency of
the heart-yin and preparation method of medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine for postpartum recovery of
department of gynaecology and obstetrics as well as preparation
method of traditional Chinese medicine
Anti-cancer analgesic medicine of Chinese yew and
preparation method of anti-cancer analgesic medicine
Traditional Chinese medicinal composition for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating toxic
heat flourishing lupus nephritis
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating hepatitis
Method for preparing disinfector for reeling chamber
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
hepatolenticular degeneration and preparation method of
traditional Chinese medicine preparation
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating prostatitis by
virtue of fumigation nursing
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for preventing and
treating ischemic cerebrovascular disease and preparation method
of traditional Chinese medicine preparation
Medicine for treating kidney yin deficiency type diabetic
retinopathy and preparation method thereof
Medicine for treating blood stasis stationary chronic
gastric ulcer and preparation method
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating purpura with
failure of keeping fluid due to qi deficiency
Pure traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
nasopharyngeal carcinoma and preparation method thereof
Preparation capable of nourishing yin and clearing away
heat for treating nasopharyngeal carcinoma and preparation
method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
irregular menstruation
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating phlegm-dampness
stagnation type knee joint wound synovitis
Traditional Chinese medicine sterilization composition for
department of clinical laboratory
Method for preparing agent for treating gout in internal
medicine room
Feed for producing eggs capable of treating hypertension
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating liver cirrhosis
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
postpartum hypogalactia of lying-in women and preparation method
Pharmaceutical composition for nourishingpost stroke
depression of lying-in women and preparation method of
pharmaceutical composition
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating helicobacter
pylori infected peptic ulcers
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating hepatitis B
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
thyroid adenoma due to phlegm-damp stagnation and preparation
method thereof
Medicine for treating diabetic foot and preparation method
of medicine
External eczema treatment medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
Medicine for treating gout in internal medicine room
Health care feed for big pigs and preparation method
Medicament for treating infantile intestinal spasm
Preparation method of medicament for treating infantile
intestinal spasm
Preparation method of medicament for treating vaginal
candidiasis in family planning room
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating bone
marrow cancer
Method for preparing ferment flour product from flaccid
knotweed herb and perilla meal
Disinfectant for reeling room
Traditional Chinese medicine multiflower knotweed leaf,
ginseng and cananga odorata toilet soap
Foot bath traditional Chinese medicine composition for
treating wind-cold-dampness arthralgia and application of foot
bath traditional Chinese medicine composition
Medicine for treating hepatitis B
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
essential hypotension
Medicinal composition for bone disease analgesia
Medicament for treating liver-stomach heat type chronic
gastritis, and preparation method
Traditional Chinese medicine formula for treating
Waitiezheng plaster
Bodybuilding weight-reducing cream
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating male
erectile dysfunction and application thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treatment of
chronic cholecystitis
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation with effects of
promoting digestion and reducing lipid and preparation method
Coating agent for treating interior dampness-heat type
external humeral epicondylitis
Hepatolithiasis liver-soothing and stone-removing
preparation and preparation method
Drug for treating chronic arteriosclerosis caused by
hyperlipidemia and preparation thereof
Medicinal composition for treating infectious
gastroenteritis of piglet
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
headache after craniocerebral injury or intracranial tumor
Preparation with effects of promoting digestion and
reducing lipid and preparation method
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating qi stagnation
type urinary retention after abdominal operation
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating qi deficiency
type urine retention after abdominal operation
New use of traditional Chinese medicine composition
External medicine for treating burning wounds and
preparation method of external medicine
Rapid hemostasis external application powder for clinical
nursing and preparation method of rapid hemostasis external
application powder
Medicinal liquor capable of treating constipation
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
gynecological postoperative pain and preparation method of
traditional Chinese medicine composition
Multifunctional Chinese herbal preparation
Medicine for treating osteoarthritis and preparation method
Composition for preparing traditional Chinese medicine
shower gel as well as shower gel and preparation method for
shower gel
Formula of hericium erinaceus soup capable of activating
blood circulation to dissipate stasis and production method of
hericium erinaceus soup
Formula and production method of ganoderma lucidum soup
capable of promoting blood circulation to dispel blood stasis
Traditional Chinese medicine capable of effectively
treating pneumonia
Traditional Chinese medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine formula for treating
craniocerebral injury or intracranial tumor postoperative
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating cardiovascular
Preparation method of medicament for treating sexual
Chinese herbal medicine decoction medicine for treating
abacterial prostatitis and preparation method
Medicament for treating chronic cholecystitis
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating pancreatitis and
preparation method thereof
Meridian and collateral dredging medicated wine for
treating rheumatic arthritis and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine application medicament for
sciatica postoperation recovery, and preparation method
Rheumatism-eliminating medicinal liquor and preparation
method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for effectively
relieving burn exudation
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating liver
Traditional Chinese medicine pillow for treating vertigo
after brain surgical operation or intracranial tumor operation
Health product for preventing peeling
Wicker treating agent
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
essential hypotension
Pharmaceutical composition for treating aged anal fissure
Traditional Chinese medicinal composition for treating
acute and chronic gastritis
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
wind-warm lung-heat disease
Externally applied medicine for treating senile skin
Externally-applied traditional Chinese medicine for
treating adhesive capsulitis of shoulders
Pure traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
dyspepsia of livestock and preparation method of pure
traditional Chinese medicine composition
Traditional Chinese medicine composition with whitening and
anti-aging effects and preparation method and application of
extract thereof
Externally used traditional Chinese medicine for traumatic
edema pain
Tea for improving eyesight and preparation method of tea
Medicine for treating haemorrhoids
Traditional Chinese medicine agent for treating cervical
spondylosis and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine combination for treating bone
injury and fracture and preparation method of traditional
Chinese medicine combination
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating chronic gastritis
and preparation method of traditional Chinese medicine
Medicine pillow for treating insomnia
Preparation method for bactericide
Medicine for treating recurrent oral ulceration
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation formula for
treating arthralgia
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating arrhythmia due to
heart-spleen deficiency and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating glaucoma
Traditional Chinese medicine particles for treating
erythema nodosum and preparation method of traditional Chinese
medicine particles
Chinese patent medicine for wind cold damp impediment
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
thyroid adenoma caused by qi stagnation and coagulated phlegm
Chinese herbal medicine composition for preventing and
treating viral laying rate reduction of chicken
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
primary dysmenorrhea with cold-damp stagnation
Chinese medicinal preparation for preventing and treating
excess-heat syndromes of cattle
Pharmaceutical composition for treating gout
Sleep-conducive liquid shampoo
Snakegourd fruit cough-relieving phlegm-eliminating type
beef and preparing method thereof
Lung clearing and phlegm eliminating loquat honey and
preparation method thereof
Herbal tea, herbal tea extraction process and extraction
Traditional Chinese medicinal formula for removing acne
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating qi stagnation and
blood stasis type chronic hepatitis B and preparation method for
traditional Chinese medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for assisting in
preventing and treating cardiomyopathy
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
Renal grafting type medicine prescription for treating
diabetic nephropathy
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating acute
and chronicamygdalitis
Traditional Chinese medicine composition and application
Traditional Chinese medicine external plaster used for
treating itchy skin eruption and stuck to navel and preparation
method of plaster
Method of manufacturing mind-calming silk quilt
Celery pine mushroom brown rice flour, and preparation
method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine formula for treating facial
Chinese medicinal preparation for treating hypnosia due to
heavy dampness
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for strengthening
spines and invigorating bones as well as preparation method
External ointment for treating scald
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation used for treating
silicosis, preparation method and application thereof
Method for improving yield of resveratrol through
fermentation of aspergillus niger
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating stomach cancer
Foot-massage product for clearing heat and removing
dampness, and drawing out poison and relieving itching
Traditional Chinese medicine granules for treating swine
influenza and preparation method of traditional Chinese medicine
Vital energy regulating and blood conditioning preparation
for treating diarrhea and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine oral liquid preparation agent
curing spider nevus and preparation method for oral liquid
preparation agent
Chinese herbal preparation used for curing allergic
Traditional Chinese medicine medicament for treating
chronic bursitis
Agent for treating qi deficiency and blood stasis type
ischemic stroke
Chinese and western compound medicinal tablet for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
phlebotomized wound infection and production method of
traditional Chinese medicine preparation
Traditional Chinese medicine for expelling parasite
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
urinary tract infection and production method of traditional
Chinese medicine preparation
Traditional Chinese medicine formula for treating severe
acute pancreatitis and preparation method thereof
Chronic dysentery preparation capable of invigorating
spleen and supplementing qi and preparation method
Spleen-warming and cold-dispelling preparation for chronic
diarrhea and preparation method thereof
Biscuit with capabilities of clearing away heat and toxic
materials and preparation method of biscuit
Purple sweet potato cake capable of nourishing Yin and
protecting liver and preparation method thereof
Botanical fungicide
Traditional Chinese medicine with functions of invigorating
spleen, supplementing qi, stimulating appetite and preserving
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
anti-tuberculosis medicament induced liver injury
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating pains
in necks, shoulders, waists and legs
Pharmaceutical composition for treating qi deficiency and
blood stasis-type apoplexy and preparation method thereof
Herbal medication for treating seborrheic dermatitis
Traditional Chinese medicine ointment for treating tinea of
feet and hands and preparing method thereof
Chinese medicinal composition for treating primary
Traditional Chinese medicine decoction for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating optic
atrophy caused by spleen-kidney yang deficiency
Traditional Chinese medicine anesthetic for tooth pulling
surgery and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese and western medicine composite drops
for treating onychomycosis and preparation method thereof
Blood circulation-promoting and dysentery-stopping
preparation for chronic dysentery as well as preparation method
Chinese medicinal decoction capable of clearing heat and
freeing strangury
Ciliatenerve knotweed root-containing traditional Chinese
medicine composition for treating diabetes
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating duck viral
hepatitis and preparation method of traditional Chinese medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treatment of
whooping cough
Traditional Chinese medicine decoction piece combination
preparation of herbal tea of Guangdong, preparation method and
combined package
Preparation method of traditional Chinese medicine
composition for treating chicken leucocytozoonosis
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
chronic dysentery and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
infertility caused by hypomenorrhea and preparation method
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
dysentery and preparation method thereof
External traditional Chinese medicine paste for treating
acutesuperficial lymphangitis
Oral administration medicine for diminishing inflammation
and arresting bleeding for department of gynecology and
Traditional Chinese medicine composition with functions of
clearing heat and promoting diuresis for acute bacillary
dysentery and preparation method
Medicine for treating burn, traumatic injury, trauma
hemorrhage and ulcer disease of lower limb
Chinese medicinal pills for treating ankylosing spondylitis
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating mania
and preparation method of traditional Chinese medicine
Pharmaceutical composition for treating hepatitis B and
preparation method of pharmaceutical composition
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
kidney deficiency type lumbar disc herniation and preparation
method of traditional Chinese medicine composition
External-use traditional Chinese medicine for treating
cervical spondylosis
Traditional Chinese medicine facial mask for removing acne
and whitening and preparation method of traditional Chinese
medicine facial mask
Health-preserving sesame paste and preparation method
Cactus faint-scent honeysuckle tea and preparation method
Culture medium capable of increasing resveratrol content of
gentrin knotweed and preparation method thereof
Heart-nourishing and nerve-soothing health persimmon
vinegar and preparation method thereof
Preparation method of perfoliate knotweed herb red pigment
Culture medium for white needle mushroom and preparation
method thereof
Nutrient flammulina velutipes culture medium and
preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine combination for curing
Capsule for treating prostatitis
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating hemophilia and
preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
primary hypotension
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating oral ulcer
Drug for curing hyperlipidemia
Tongmai Decoction
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating cough
and preparation method and application
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating acute
diarrhea with capability of clearing away heat and toxic
materials and preparation method of traditional Chinese medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine dispersible tablet capable of
nourishing blood and tranquilization
Chinese chestnut and apricot blood replenishing honey and
preparation method thereof
Lactating sow feed containing edible fungi residue and
preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating acute
icteric hepatitis
Chinese patent medicinal preparation for treating angina
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
bacterial pneumonia as well as preparation method and
application thereof
Pharmaceutical preparation for treating tinea pedis
Traditional Chinese medicine composition used for treating
whitecomb of chicken
Medicament for treating chronic obstructive pulmonary
Externally-used traditional Chinese medicine preparation
for treating burn and scald and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating acute
bacillary dysentery and for clearing heat and promoting diuresis
and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating rheumatoid
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for resisting
superbacteria NDM-1 drug resistance gene bacteria
Morning tea powder with effect of refreshing, and
preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicinal preparation for treating
damp-heat type uterine prolapse
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating fatty
Nerves-calming and qi-benefiting capsule and preparation
method thereof
Nutritious rice capable of promoting health of digestive
function and preparation method of nutritious rice
Summer sunstroke-prevention goose feed
Nutrient milky dry sauce and preparation method thereof
Interior decoration leveling putty with mosquito and insect
expelling function
Production method of fabric affinitive with skin
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
hand-foot-and-mouth disease and production method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating stomach ulcer and
duodenal ulcer
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating cholecystitis
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating chronic
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating upper respiratory
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating clustered acne
around eye sockets
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for curing
sciatica and preparation method and application method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating tinnitus cerebri
caused by syndrome of qi depression transforming into fire
Medicine for recovering plasma ablation operation wound
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating liver Qi
stagnation type globus hysteriocus
Pharmaceutical preparation for treating prosopalgia
Traditional Chinese medicine pills for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine decoction for treating
infantile pneumonia
Fish medicine for treating bacterial rotten gill disease
Herbal medicine for treating dysentery
Novel functional food for synchronously reducing
hyperglycaemia, hypertension and hyperlipidemia
Medicated food preparation for treating neurasthenia and
preparation method thereof
Use method of moult-preventing feed for ducks
Feed additive for enhancing immunity of piglets
Medical tea formula used for treating acute infectious
Cultivation method of polygonaceae perennial herbaceous
plants Japanese knotweed
Traditional Chinese medicine composition having
fat-reducing efficacy
Traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of bacillary
Growing method for multiflower knotweed root
Novel method for extracting resveratrol from giant knotweed
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating hepatitis B
Medicated wine for meridian unblocking, wind dispelling,
collaterals activating and pain relieving
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating mumps
Bone-strengthening powder
Traditional Chinese medicinal preparation for treating
arteriosclerosis and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating gastric ulcer
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for nursing
vaginas of women in puerperium
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating impetigo
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating chronic
laryngitis with low recurrence rate
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
hypertension due to vital energy and blood deficiency and
preparation method of composition
Preparation method of traditional Chinese medicine
composition for treating acne
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating
tubercular peritonitis as well as preparation method and
application of composition
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for preventing and
treating porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
Medicine for treating waist and neck osteoproliferation
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
blood-stasis obstruction type gastroparesis syndrome
Externally applied liniment for treating otitis media
Chinese medicinal preparation for lowering blood fat
Traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating
Preparation method of natural anti-dandruff and caring
Beverage for young peacock
Fish feed for preventing pancreatic necrosis disease of
salmon and trout
Externally applied ointment for treating eczema
Traditional Chinese medicine composition used for treating
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating damp-heat
stagnation type abdominal mass
Medicated bath powder for dispelling wind, eliminating
dampness and warming and activating meridians
Blood lipid and blood glucose reducing Chinese wolfberry
root-bark health care tea and preparation method thereof
Herba Taxilli health-care tea capable of lowering blood
pressure and blood lipid and preparation method thereof
Distiller's yeast and preparation method thereof as well as
method for making wine by virtue of distiller's yeast
Water purification drinking water bottle capable of being
carried with users
Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating acute
infectious jaundice type hepatitis
Traditional Chinese medicine for treating damp-heat type 2
diabetes mellitus and preparation method thereof
Traditional Chinese medicine powder for inhibiting viral
nervous necrosis of sea fish
Traditional Chinese medicine compound for treating
osteoporosis, and preparation method of traditional Chinese
medicine compound
Anti-inflammatory tincture and preparing method thereof