Norberto KEPPE & Cesar SOOS
"Vacuum Energy" Motor
Phone: (718) 285-6992 (USA)
E-mail: keppemotor@keppemotor.com
Keppe motor Club Forum --- http://keppemotor.wordpress.com/2008/12/30/the-keppe-motor-club-%E2%80%93-join-the-discussion/
Keppe Motor
Based on the principles outlined in 'The New Physics Derived from
a Disinverted Metaphysics ' by Norberto Keppe, especially the idea
that energy doesn’t come from matter. According to Keppe, the
process is actually the opposite, meaning that matter comes from a
previous, primary energy called Essential Energy, which is
infinite and exists everywhere in the entire universe.
The New Physics
In his landmark book, The New Physics, Dr. Norberto Keppe outlines
the basis for a new physics that transcends the postulates of
Newton and Einstein and even the proposals coming from the realm
of quantum physics. Keppe’s book is a bold and prophetic
re-thinking of the essential building blocks of science that
promises to lead humanity to profoundly higher levels of
technological and social development.
Keppe’s findings were the inspiration needed for STOP engineers
Cesar Soos and Roberto Frascari to discover the method by which to
capture the scalar energy perceived by Tesla (also refered to as
essential or divine energy by Keppe), thereby side-stepping the
traditional means used by all motors to this point. To learn more
about this revolutionary science, purchase the book.
The Keppe Motor is a highly efficient motor that was developed by
Cesar Soos and Roberto Frascari, two Brazilian engineers who based
this motor on totally new principles described in a book written
by the scientist Norberto Keppe called, “The New Physics”. This
motor significantly reduces the consumption of electricity to
generate the same mechanical power (torque) when compared to
conventional electric motors that operates in the range up to 200
Watts (Dec/08.)
Based on studies made with existing working models*, the Keppe
Motor saves between 70% and 93% of electric energy when compared
to conventional electrical motors.
Motor Kit
Following up on the successful launch of the Keppe Motor Manual in
late 2008, the STOP the Destruction of the World Association has
announced the release of the Keppe Motor KIT to begin 2009.
Containing all the parts necessary to build your very own
introductory version of the Keppe Motor, the Kit also contains an
illustrated manual with all the step-by-step instructions you’ll
need to put the Motor together. Inside the Manual is a detailed
exploration of the theory behind the Keppe Motor – Norberto
Keppe’s New Physics. This is a must read for anyone interested in
the scientific basis behind this revolutionary Motor. The Manual
also contains a number of experiments that you can conduct with
this version of the Keppe Motor.
The Keppe Motor uses 5 times less energy than a conventional
electric motor because it captures Scalar Energy from space. The
STOP Association has decided to release this technology to the
world in the hopes that many interested individuals will
contribute to the study and development of this landmark
Build and test your very own model and contribute to the
development of the Motor.
An excellent gift for young people to teach them the new
principles behind capturing energy that make this such a
revolutionary technology
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqvkrzYgjKI
Purchase : http://www.keppemotor.com/user.php
Purchase your Scalar Energy Keppe Motor KIT today for
only USD 320.00 (Shipping Included).
We’ll also include the book, The ABCs of Analytical Trilogy, by
Claudia B. S. Pacheco (available as a e-book).
Order your Premiere Version Keppe Motor Manual for only US$ 50.00!
Parts List
1) 2 pieces of 2x1 cm electrical cable duct 19 cm long.
2) 1 wood plate 15 cm long, 10 cm wide and 0.5cm thick.
3) 1 rectangular piece of wood 5 cm long, 1 cm wide and 0.5 cm
4) 1 piece of PVC tube with internal diameter of 2 cm and 3.5 cm
5) 1 on/off switch
6) 1 rectangular piece of Styrofoam (or wood) 4.5 cm long, 3 cm
wide and 1.5 thick, with a 2.6 x 1.6 cm rectangular hole in the
7) 1 neodymium magnet with diameter of 0.8 cm and 0.5 cm high.
8) 1 Reed switch for 3 Amps.
9) 1 rectangular piece of cardboard 8.5 cm long, 6.3 cm wide, with
a 6x3 cm rectangular internal hole.
10) 1 rigid and straight metal shaft. Dimensions: length=12 cm,
diameter=2 mm.
11) 2 equal square pieces of cardboard with 1.9 cm side.
12) 2 flexible blue (or black) wires for 1 Amp with an alligator
clip in one end and a female spade terminal on the other end.
13) 1 rubber cylinder with diameter=1.5 cm and central hole of
diameter=1 mm.
14) 2 ball bearings with flange. Dimensions: internal diameter=2
mm, external diameter=6 mm (without flange) and total diameter=8
mm (with flange).
15) 1 plastic support for the transformer. Dimensions: length=8.5
cm, width=6.2 cm and high=4.4 cm. Dimensions of the inner hole:
length=5.6 cm and width=3.2cm.
16) 2 block ferrite magnets, magnetized perpendicular to the large
faces. Dimensions: length=4 cm, width=2 cm and thickness=0.8 cm
17) 1 9V-Alcaline battery.
18) 2 male spade terminals.
19) 1 standard 9V battery connector with two female spade
20) 250g of enameled copper wire, AWG 28.
Jean-Jacques buys $350.00 kit from Norberto Keppe a
Keppe Motor Kit
I have received my Kit,
Opening it, it look nice. So I printed the manual (beside the typo
mistakes) and read it. And started to check parts.
I was surprised to see the spool with two red connectors. The
battery connector (black) was a flat male instead of a female one
So I went on corrected this in order to be able to mount the kit.
When finished, NOTHING RUNS !
Can you tell me more on this ! where to diag and what to find ?
I am more than disappointed it is a very expensive kit for having
in final a 9v battery !
Hope to have a quick answer.
Thank you
Paul gets ripped off by Norberto
Keppe Motor simular to
Newman-Bedini combination
I decided to take the risk and bought the manual a couple of hours
ago and am very disappointed Angry
It's a toy version of the Newman motor Roll Eyes
Ah well, nothing ventured nothing gained, hopefully the real motor
isn't a window type motor Grin I'm always willing to forgive and
January 26, 2009
A Personal Witness Account of the Keppe Motor
Will Lajeunesse of Canada traveled to Brazil where he witnessed
numerous demonstrations of the Keppe Motor. He also attended
their demo in San Diego. Recommends their manual and kit.
The first Keppe Motor public demonstration in Cambuquira Brazil,
July 6, 2008. They wrapped the motor in foil because this
was the first time the motor was shown in public, and the also the
first time the media was present. The patents had not been secured
at this time, so it was decide not to allow public photos of the
inside workings of the motor.
Will Lajeunesse of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and his friend,
Susan Berkley, who has been a member of the group for over 20
years and lives in New York City.
The following is an email received on Jan. 24, 2009. The
Keppe motor purportedly consumes just 7% of the energy to put out
as much torque as conventional motors.
Dear Mr. Allan,
I enjoyed very much your interview on Coast to Coast AM and it is
very good to hear of a person doing such good work, helping
humanity find solutions to one of its largest problems.
I am not sure if you have heard of the Keppe Motor yet, but there
have been some discussions about it at overunity.com.
Unfortunately some folks there do not do their proper research and
jump to unfair and even destructive conclusions about the Keppe
Motor and the scientists behind it.
The Keppe Motor is not a rip off of the Bendini, Newman motor nor
any other motor for that matter. Yes, it is similar to these
motors but it is very different in key ways. In addition, the
Brazilian Government asked the Keppe Motor team to accompany a
Brazilian delegation to Poznan, Poland for the UN Climate Change
Conference in Poznan, Poland.
I have done my proper research and traveled to Sao Paulo Brazil
& San Diego to see this fantastic device and especially to
meet the people behind it. I can tell you Sir, that this group of
researchers is one of the finest in the world and they are not
trying to deceive anyone. I have seen demonstrations of the Keppe
motor many, many times and I can confirm and prove that it is what
they say it is and they have the data to back it up. They have
many working prototypes and even offer the manual & small
experimental kit for sale online.
The Keppe Motor Manual is only $50.00 and it's over 44 pages long,
full of scientific explanations and how to build your own Keppe
Motor step-by-step. It is very cheap to build and takes little
effort, very simple concepts and design. However this is a working
model only and needs much more development before it is integrated
into everyday uses. The pre-assembled kit is also for sale, and
considering what this motor can do, it is a bargain at $350.00 US.
However it is not necessary to spend that much money to own your
own Keppe Motor as one should consider first building their own
motor via the manual. They even include a parts list for free on
their web site before you buy the manual. This is to show that
they have nothing to hide and that they are honest.
The Keppe Motor stands apart from all other electromagnetic motors
thus far. It has both the torque & high RPMs needed to be
practical, and it runs cold! Yes sir, I have touched the motor
directly many times after lengthy demonstrations, and it was cold
every time. As you know, this violates the laws of physics that we
are taught in school, yet I experienced it for myself many times.
In addition, when one Keppe Motor is running next to another, the
second motor begins to turn as well, at a lower speed. If you
connect multiple Keppe Motors together they become much more
efficient, and I have also seen this many times.
I own a copy of the Keppe Motor Manual and I am also currently
building my own for testing/development purposes. I have become
good friends with many of the people behind this new technology
and I am now helping them promote it. I would like to send you the
Keppe Motor Manual PDF for your review. Due to the legal terms of
use, I cannot just send you a copy for free, so I am paying for it
out of my own pocket. I also do not wish to steal from this
beautiful group of people who work very hard every day to help
humanity and need our support. I ask only that you please do not
distribute this manual as they need to raise funds for further
I look forward to your opinion of the manual and the device if you
choose to build it. We could certainly use your help getting the
word out. Please see my Google Video link for the first Keppe
Motor public demonstration located in Cambuquira Brazil. I took
this footage myself, at approx 6:20 into the demonstration, you
will see and hear this motor run.
The demo was on July 6, 2008, the first time the motor was
released for public demos. I was there. The media was also there
including local TV stations and newspapers. The public was very
interested; and the motor was received very well. The group of
scientists who created the Keppe Motor, including Dr. Keppe, are
very well known in their communities and throughout Latin America.
John Bedini's Response to the Norberto Keppe
via http://www.overunity.com
y.com/index. php?topic= 5601.10
From : Rick
Hello everyone,
I have viewed all of the videos presented here and I am sad to say
that what is being presented is a very cleverly devised promotion
of another inventor's work. The air-core stator designs are not
new and the switching technique is one in which I am very familiar
with. Does this mean I am saying that they are indeed mine? No
they most certainly are not.
In the midst of an energy and economic crisis of epic proportions,
it is with great disappointment for me to see people trying to
take advantage of a vulnerable public desperately seeking out new
more affordable and cleaner energy solutions.
Is the Keppe book "The New Physics" being given out for free? No
it is not. Obviously Dr. Keppe is trying to promote his book as
are the editors of this book as well. The Keppe Motor is merely a
ploy to generate interest in his books. Books he intends to make a
great deal of profit off of.
What does one of the real inventors think of "The Keppe Motor"? I
will allow him to speak for himself.
John Bedini's response --
Here is my response to the copy Window motor.
It would be nice if you would give credit where it is due. As I
and Ron Cole are the real inventor's of this motor, it's called
the window motor as I have shown for many years. If you think not,
just type Window Motor into Google under Bedini Window Motor. Why
don't you show the switching circuit or explain it? Also it could
only be MY circuits that capture this energy for recovery into the
second or third battery. The second switching circuit could only
be the bi-polar switcher circuit on the internet. Let's get real,
it's not a
good deal to take others work and call it your own!!!!!
The only other motor is Joe Newman's energy machine which uses
contact switching which you do not have, so the only other way to
capture Radiant or Scalar energy is the Bedini SG circuit, why
because you can stop it without any current input or heating.The
funny thing is everybody knows who put all the diagrams on the
internet, my patents clearly show the switching in the Mono Pole
motor and all the documentation on the internet surely shows no
capacitor but a diode or bridge collecting the excess energy.
This is what is wrong with humanity as to why you are very limited
in what can be done with your re-invented machine, the world will
know the truth some day. If you find you are in disagreement with
what I have said here it can be worked out as to who the real
inventor's are. It really burns my ass what great men of science
do with others work.You can not call this your motor at all, and
it is plain theft of my circuits and motor which are protected in
my patents. I would have wished we could have started on a better
foot, post your circuit's and rotor magnet arrangement let's
see!!!!!!!!! It's been on my internet pages forever.
John Bedini
Download :
On Oct. 20, 2008 Sterling D. Allan conducted a live, 1-hour
interview with Cesar Soos, Eduardo Castela, and Richard Jones from
the Keppe Motor group as part of the Free Energy Now radio show.
The interview turned into a business brainstorming discussing
about how the technology can be rolled out in an open source
How it Works
According to the company, in the Keppe Motor the movement is
mainly caused by the secondary component of electrical energy,
which comes directly from the energetic scalar field of space,
being that the electrical energy used is only to give a start to
the process of capturing this energy. And as a consequence,
because it has little consumption of electrical energy, the motor
does not heat and because the energy it uses is in accordance with
nature, it can benefit from it.
To move a fan that generally uses 60-80 watts, the Keppean motor
utilizes only 3 watts, an energy consumption 20 times less than
normal. The Keppe Motor never heats up even when using high
voltage such as 110 and 220 volts. It can greatly reduce the
consumption of the motor adding spirals in its solenoid being that
a small battery of 12 volts and 1.3 amps lasted 48 hours turning a
A larger model that was built began to spin with only .6 watts and
reaches a velocity of 3,000 RPMs comsuming only 15 watts and with
a good comparison to other motors.
Primary source of energy: scalar or essential energy (from space).
Secondary source of energy: battery or electrical current used
only to give the initial start.
Motor heating: none.
Environmental pollution: none.
Operating area: any place on the planet because it is not
dependent on other sources of energy such as atomic,
hydroelectric, eolic (wind) or coal.
RPM: adjustable in accordance with the applied voltage. 3500 RPMs
has already been accomplished with a motor whose rotor weighs 400
grams and consumes 15 watts and 4500 RPMs with a 250 gram rotor.
Torque: a minimum of 5 times greater than the best conventional
Efficiency: depending on the dimensions can be 20 times greater
than normal motors.
Iron cores of conventional electric motors are no longer
necessary, eliminating hysteresis loss;
Heat loss caused by electrical currents flowing through the coils
(Joule effect) is minimized;
Heat loss from induced currents (eddy currents) caused by the
movement of magnetic fields inside the metallic body of the motor
is eliminated.
WO 2009 140750
Electromagnetic Motor &
Equipment to Generate Work Torque
Inventors : Norberto Keppe,
Carlos C. Soos, Roberto Franscari
Abstract -- The present
invention refers to a high efficiency and cold electromagnetic
motor able to considerably increase the electromagnetic and/or
mechanic potential energy available to be used in any piece of
equipment fed by primary sources of energy. More specifically, the
present invention refers to a motor, or also a generator, that
comprises structural and functioning features that reduce the
consumption of electric energy and, at the same time, deliver
mechanic potential energy and work torque at least equivalent to
the conventional electric motors.
Field of Invention
The present invention refers to a cold and high efficiency
electromagnetic motor capable of increasing considerably the
electromagnetic and/or mechanical potential energy available to be
utilized in any piece of equipment supplied with primary forms of
energy. More specifically, the invention refers to a motor, or
even a generator, which comprises structure and functioning
characteristics that reduce the consumption of electrical energy
and, at the same time, produces similar mechanical potential
energy and torque to conventional motors.
In addition, the motor, object of the present invention has a more
simplified structure that can be applied to any electrical device,
specially those called electrical receptors, designed to produce,
at least, the same power efficiency, but consuming less energy,
without risks of overheating the equipment and, yet, reducing
manufacture costs of the said devices.
Besides, the electromagnetic motor of the present invention solves
a number of today's problems related to the use of conventional
energy sources and the scarceness of electric energy, for it has
the ability to deliver the same power, consuming less energy.
Many types of electromagnetic motors are known today, and they are
designed to deliver mechanical power - torque, from the
interaction of magnetic components of a closed circuit supplied
with electric current. All these motors known at the present state
of the art are developed according to scientific principles, laws
and theories pertaining to traditional physics and electricity,
and considered universal, natural and inflexible laws, i.e.,
immutable. Nevertheless, scientific theories are limited to the
understanding of the scientists who elaborated them, for example:
Newton's laws, Ohm's laws, etc.
Therefore, it must be clear that a different perspective of the
conventional scientific philosophy can lead to a new understanding
of physics and an upgraded technology, which is able to give a
practical solution to problems which are, so far, considered as
intrinsic factors to a specific physical process.
More precisely, the most utilized electromagnetic motors today are
the induction motors and the electric motors with rotor coils.
In general, the induction motors comprise a cylinder rotor made of
metal (aluminum, for example) - or shorted out coils mounted on
the said metallic cylinder, surrounded by electromagnets which are
fed with electric AC current to generate a first variable magnetic
field, so as to obtain electromagnetic induction. The magnetic
field produces a current on the surface of the metallic cylinder
(or shorted out coils), which, in turn, produces its own magnetic
field. These two magnetic fields interact, by pulling and pushing
each other, causing the cylinder to rotate and, consequently,
deliver the mechanical power to the rotor shaft.
The electric motors with rotor coils comprise a number of copper
wire coils mounted both on a metallic cylinder rotor and a stator,
through which, usually flows an alternating electric current (AC),
generating magnetic fields that attract and repel each other in
semi cycles of 180[deg.], describing a typical sinusoidal wave
function. Due to the polarity alternation of the magnetic field,
the rotor spins and delivers mechanical power.
According to the state of the art the electromagnetic motors are
usually based on two phenomena, as follows: 1) when we apply
electric current through a conducting wire, the magnetic field is
generated by the conducting material; and 2) if a conducting wire
is exposed to a variable magnetic field, it will present an
electric potential difference in both of its ends, and the
electric current generated inside the conductor generates, in
turn, a magnetic field which opposes to the external field that
caused it.
In addition to that, the electric motors of the present state of
the art are constantly fed with electricity, in order to generate
the polarity alternation of the magnetic components intending to
obtain the attraction/repulsion effect. Obviously, this process,
in order to keep the rotor spinning under load (torque applied to
the shaft), requires high energy consumption. As consequence, heat
losses are inevitable.
Thus, as exposed hereinbefore, particularly due to the action-
reaction interactions, one verifies that the electromagnetic
motors are said to have intrinsic heat losses, which are
impossible to be avoided. In other words, the alternating magnetic
fields produced by the passage of alternating electric current
through the stator and rotor coils of the motors cause them to
heat up in the same proportion to the intensity and variation rate
of these fields. Because of that, when an electric motor is fed by
any kind of power supply - either battery or AC power public grid
- the simple free-load spin of the shaft involves some mechanical
torque, which reacts to the electric power supply circuit and
represents a line voltage drop, against the feeding energy of the
motor, tending to stop it. This voltage drop is technically known
as counter electromotive force (back emf).
Nevertheless, to each mechanical load added to the line of the
motor, the extra electric power required to overcome it will
represent an increase in the back emf, i.e., a resistance
increase. As consequence to that, the temperature of the windings
rises and causes the efficiency of the motor to drop. In case the
mechanical load is too high and exceeds its design limit value,
overheating takes place and the motor burns.
In this sense, one can remark that the continuous supply of
electricity (AC or DC) to the conventional motors involves a
series of problems, especially those related to overheating and
performance drop.
According to the scientific theories utilized to develop these
electromagnetic motors, four intrinsic and opposing forces to the
movement of the motor are considered, as follows: counter
electromotive force, magnetic drag, hysteresis and eddy currents.
All of these resistive forces result in heating and possible
burning of the motors when they are subjected to heavy loads, for
they demand continuous electric supply from the power source.
After the above explanations, the inventors claim, in spite of
acknowledging the theoretical concepts known today, and complement
that the same are incomplete, because they ignore the essential
physical characteristics of the magnetic matter and/or electric
conductive matter in regard to its function of capturing energy
from the environment, as well as the structure of the
electromagnetic fields, the concepts of voltage and electric
current and their deficiencies. Taking into consideration that the
motors of the present state of the art are said to have these
resistive forces as intrinsic to their functioning, today's
projects are oversized and their electric consumption is more
elevated than they should, which contributes to cause negative
impact over the environment. As technicians in the field are
aware, one of the main problems in the world today is the
scarceness of natural resources for power generation, besides the
quantity of pollutants sent off to the atmosphere caused by the
burning of fossil fuels.
In order to briefly clarify the bases of the invention, according
to the theories and concepts researched and developed by Keppe
(refer to "The New Physics Derived From A Disinverted
Metaphysics", Keppe, Norberto da Rocha, published 1996, Proton
Publishing House, Paris) the present invention is based on the
hypothesis that matter captures and transforms immaterial energy,
called essential energy, into secondary forms of energy, namely
electricity and magnetism.
In short, besides other concepts explored by Keppe, the author
holds that the essential energy, in the case of the magnetic
fields, is twofold and bidirectional, i.e., it always acts in two
equal components, but in opposite and complimentary directions.
More specifically, what we know as voltage according to
traditional concepts, for Keppe, means essential energy itself, so
that when electric current flows through a conducting wire, caused
by an electric potential difference between its terminals, in
fact, just one component of the essential energy is in use. One
simply ignores the power of the second component of the essential
energy. As consequence to that, because this second component is
totally discarded, the motors of the present state of the art
present heat loss inconveniences. In other words, the
electromagnetic motors of the present state of the art utilize the
energy generated by the magnetic field during the electric current
input, ignoring or discarding the second component of the
essential energy, i.e., the back energy derived from the
collapsing of the magnetic field, which also involves higher
voltage/current peaks in opposite direction to those supplied by
the power supply.
Therefore, intending to overcome deficiencies and solve the
problems hereinbefore mentioned in relation to the electric motors
of the state of the art, the electromagnetic motor, object of the
present invention, was developed.
More specifically, it is the goal of the present invention an
electromagnetic motor that can replace any other motor powered by
primary forms of energy such as electric, electromagnetic,
mechanic, nuclear, piezoelectric, sonic, thermal, luminous,
hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, electromagnetic induction,
combustion of fossil fuels, biofuels, etc., preferably those
designed to deliver torque.
Yet, another goal of the invention is an electromagnetic motor
with technical and functional characteristics that can diminish,
or even eliminate in specific cases, the resistive forces acting
against the movement of the rotor through the application of the
concepts developed by Keppe.
Yet, the present invention has for goal an electromagnetic motor
which, besides utilizing the energy generated by the electric
current flow inside the wires of a coil, captures and uses the
essential energy in its complete form, i.e., a motor designed to
capture and use the two components of the essential energy trapped
in the magnetic fields.
In this way, it is the goal of the invention an electromagnetic
motor that does not heat up and makes it possible for the
manufacture of wireless versions of many electric household
appliances which are traded only with wires and currently designed
be plugged to 110/220V domestic electric outlets, like for
example, fans, vacuum cleaners, mixers, etc.
It is also object of the invention an electromagnetic motor that
enhances the useful life of conventional batteries utilized in
wireless devices and power tools, without diminishing their
mechanical power.
Yet, the electromagnetic motor of the invention is more efficient,
which reduces considerably the manufacturing costs of electric
equipment that embodies motors, for it is possible to reduce their
size and, consequently use less material to manufacture them.
Additionally, it is the objective of the invention a motor that
can be adapted to work as a power generator, small or big, and
help save energy in electric power plants based on primary driving
energies such as radioactive material, water potential, wind
potential, sun, coal etc. The electromagnetic motor according to
the invention can, still, be easily adapted to replace hybrid
(fuel/electricity) motors currently developed for the car,
nautical and aircraft industry, for its capacity and work
potential are considerably superior to those of the conventional
motors, in addition to consuming less electric energy.
In order to reach the goals hereinbefore proposed, the
electromagnetic motor of the present invention is equipped to
utilize the essential energy in its integrality, particularly its
second component, here called back component, or back energy,
which is obtained both 1) through the collapse of the magnetic
field caused by draining off the energy trapped inside the stator
coils when the electric current input ceases and 2) the high
voltage peaks caused by switching on and off the input current to
the coils.
More specifically, the electromagnetic motor of the present
invention works with electric current pulses provided by a power
supply in closed circuit that feeds the wires of stator coils,
inside which there is a magnetic rotor. The pulses are controlled
by means of sensors duly positioned so as to determine the exact
instant of the pulses, making possible the capturing and
harnessing of the said back energy.
The objectives and technical effects attained by the
electromagnetic motor, object of the present invention, shall be
clear to technicians of the field, starting with the following
detailed description referring to the enclosed sketches, in which:
- Figure 1 illustrates the
basic setup of the electromagnetic motor according to the present
- Figures 2A, 2B and 2C
illustrate the movement sequence of the rotor of the
electromagnetic motor in accordance with the invention;
- Figure 3 illustrates an
optional design of the electromagnetic motor of the invention;
- Figure 4 illustrates
other construction design that utilizes electromagnetic motors
according to the present invention;
- Figures 5A, 5B and 5C
illustrate alternative designs for the electromagnetic motor
according to the invention.
The electromagnetic motor, object of the present invention
comprises a structure that can utilize essential energy in its
integrality. Besides the energy generated to power the stator coil
during the electric current input, it also captures and uses the
back energy derived from the collapse of the magnetic field when
the energy supply is switched off and the magnetic energy of the
said stator coil is drained off.
More precisely, the electromagnetic motor of the present invention
is equipped with simple structure features which were developed
according to principles outlined by Norberto da Rocha Keppe, in
the book hereinbefore mentioned.
The present invention has for goal an electromagnetic motor that
generates work and mechanical torque with potential, at least
equivalent to that of the conventional motors of the state of the
art, but consuming less electric energy, for the electric power
supply is not constant.
More preferably, in the first working model of the invention, the
electromagnetic motor shown in Figure 1 is comprised of a stator 1
constituted by a coil 2 made with conducting wires whose terminals
T1 and T2 are respectively connected to the positive pole P1 and
negative P2 of a power supply 3, so that between the terminal T2
and the negative pole P2 there is a on/off switch 4 properly
positioned on the side and close to the end of the shaft 5 of the
magnetic rotor 6.
The said shaft 5 is positioned at the center and forming a right
angle with the body of the stator 1 , through the ball bearings 7,
so that inside the body of the said stator 1 , the shaft 5
supports the rotor 6, which is comprised of at least one permanent
Preferably, the coil 2 is formed by the windings of a conducting
wire, such as copper or aluminum, in two sectors with preferably
the same number of turns and axially positioned apart from one
another. Figure 1 shows the said sectors A and B connected to each
other and winded apart around the stator body 1.
The number of turns of each sector A and B of the coil 2 is set
according to the specifications of the design, for this factor is
essential to create the magnetic field desired and, consequently,
the power of the motor to be developed.
Yet, according to the attached sketches and a specific design of
the invention, the electromagnetic motor is powered by pulses of
DC current (from batteries or rectified AC current) with duration
times depending on the design. This arrangement is different from
the electromagnetic motors of the state of the art that use the
alternation of AC sinusoidal signals to produce the magnetic field
and, consequently the incompatibility of the magnetic polarities
and rotation of the rotor shaft. In addition to that, in one of
the shaft ends 5, outside the stator body 1 , an actuator 8 is
properly positioned to turn on and off the on/off switch 4 when
the shaft 5 rotates. Preferably, the said actuator 8 is a
permanent magnet whose magnetic field lies at right angle to the
rotation shaft 5, and the said on/off switch 4 is a Reed-type
switch that responds to the presence of the said magnetic field.
The actuator 8 can be replaced to suit other switches 4 like Hall
sensors, optic sensors or even discarded in the case of PWM
pulsating circuits. Thus, when the shaft 5 of the rotor 6 rotates,
the said actuator 8 turns on the switch 4, opening and closing the
electric circuit of the electromagnetic motor of the invention, so
as to provide electric current pulses to power the stator coil.
Alternatively, one (or more) synchronous pulsating electromagnet 9
can be properly positioned to help speed up the rotation of the
rotor 6. The said electromagnet 9 is preferably made of a soft
iron core enveloped by a number of turns of conducting wire which
generates a magnetic field to help the incompatibility between the
polarities and the magnetic poles of the rotor 6, thus causing
them to repel one another.
More specifically in regard to the sequence of sketches shown in
Figures 2A, 2B and 2C, the electromagnetic motor of the invention
works in the following way: the actuator 8, attached to the end of
the shaft 5 of the rotor 6 is positioned and adjusted so that its
magnetic field, when closing the on/off switch 4, is at a precise
point where the angle of the shaft of the rotor 6, in relation to
the magnetic field lines of the stator coil, is [alpha] =
-X<0>, as shown in Figure 2A. In this exact position, the
magnet of the rotor 6 starts its cycle of attraction, tending to
its neutral point, where [alpha] = 0[deg.] in relation to the
magnetic field lines of the stator coil, to immediately afterwards
enter the drag region, whose tendency is to stop it due to the
polarity of the magnetic field generated by the coil 2 and the
polarity of the rotor 6. At the moment the rotor 6 reaches its
neutral point, i.e., where [alpha] = 0[deg.], as indicated in
Figure 2B and is ready to enter the drag region, the on/off switch
4 is switched off.
At this moment when the on/off switch 4 is off, the force of the
magnetic drag ceases. Nevertheless, immediately after this neutral
point, where [alpha] = +X[deg.], indicated in Figure 2C, the
opposing force or back energy caused by the collapse of the
magnetic field inside the stator coil 2 acts upon the rotor 6,
inverting the polarity of the magnetic field and forcing the rotor
6 to move away in the attempt to reach equilibrium or the neutral
point of the movement of the rotor. It must be clarified that such
effect is a combined effect between the energy gained by the
observed negative peaks of voltage (and current) provoked by
turning on and off the switch 4, and the magnetic energy derived
from the collapse of the magnetic field, which inverts polarity of
the field trapped in the coil, thus exerting a force of repulsion
upon the magnetic rotor 6. As indicated in Figures 2A and 2C the
representative lines X of magnetic field invert direction,
provoking the polarity inversion of the magnetic field of the coil
Thus, according to the construction described above, the
electromagnetic motor of the present invention provokes two
phenomena almost at the same time due to the short time interval
between the electric current pulses generated. First, when the
on/off switch 4 is turned on, the battery feeds the stator coil of
the motor that builds up a magnetic field proportional to the
supplied voltage, which attracts the magnet of the rotor to the
position of equilibrium - immediately after that, the second
phenomenon takes place, when the on/off switch 4 is turned off,
causing the magnetic field of the coil to collapse, which is
responsible, together with the extra energy caused by the negative
voltage peaks mentioned before, for the generation of the back
energy, i.e., the second component of the essential energy trapped
inside the coil and built up by the first component supplied by
the power source. One can easily verify with the help of a scope,
that the voltage corresponding to this back energy ranges from 10
to 20 times more than the supply voltage of the first component.
Besides this evident power gain due to the back energy, the fact
of pulsating DC current, preferably supplied by a battery, without
phase alternation like in the case of AC current supply, gives the
following results: i) minimized counter electromotive force in the
case of constant and low torque applications, for the magnetic
rotor rotates freely along more than half the rotor cycle; ii)
minimized drag, for the magnetic field of the stator coil is
turned off immediately after the rotor magnet 6 passes the point
of equilibrium, which lets it rotate freely until other pulses are
applied at specific points; iii) zero hysteresis, for pulsed DC
has no polarity alternation to affect the magnetic dipoles of iron
cores. In addition, the motor of the present invention requires no
iron cores in many applications; iv) minimized eddy currents,
because the magnetic fields created inside the coil 2 - both
during power supply and back energy supply are parallel to the
body of the motor, thus yielding close-to-zero induced currents.
In addition, the stator bodies of the motor of the present
invention can be made of light non-metallic and/or plastic-like
materials that greatly reduce the negative effects of eddy
Besides the reduction and/or elimination of hysteresis and eddy
currents losses, the inventors remark that heat losses in the
conductors caused by the Joule effect are also greatly minimized
because the magnetic rotor in movement, builds up and maintains
its own alternating magnetic field inside the stator coils, which,
together with the second component of the essential energy,
maintains more magnetic energy trapped in the stator coils, thus
reducing the current flow necessary to apply the same torque to
the shaft. Consequently, there is no considerable temperature
rise, which improves both efficiency and useful life of the motor,
for there is no risk of overheating.
Besides this, as one can observe, during the functioning of the
electromagnetic motor according to the invention, the power supply
3 is not constantly active, for it only inputs energy into the
circuit when the pulses are given by the actuator 8 upon the
on/off switch 4. As result, the consumption of the battery is
greatly reduced when compared to the motors of the state of the
art, and this allows new battery-built-in designs for currently
non-portable equipment. Thus, in short, the electromagnetic motor,
object of the invention, is designed in principle to capture and
harness energy generated by the collapse of the magnetic field
which takes place when the energy contained in the coil 2 is
drained off. Such energy is responsible for the inversion of
polarity of the magnetic field that acts upon the magnetic rotor.
Figures 3 and 4 illustrate alternative constructions comprised of
a series of electromagnetic motors according to the present
invention. Figure 3 shows the combination of a series of rotors
6<1> sitting side by side along the same shaft 5'. Each
rotor 6' rests inside its own stator coil, so as to add torque at
the shaft ends.
This design is particularly used for power equipment with
longitudinal bodies, because the association of individual torques
in the same shaft adds. This combination can work with lower
voltages than those used for conventional motors and thus operate
with batteries and reach high efficiency. In addition, the use of
higher voltages increases torque considerably.
Figure 4 is a sketch of another combination of motors
interconnected by means of gears 10, which depending on their
rate, can increase or diminish torque (or speed) at the ends of
the rotating shaft.
Through this alternative design, the phenomenon of resonance
causes the motors to interact with one another at distance, still
increasing the efficiency of the mechanical system as a whole. In
other words, besides the action of the coils upon the magnetic
rotors, the entire system benefits from the resonance between the
magnetic rotors. As result, torque and consumption are optimized.
More specifically Figures 5A, 5B and 5C depict alternative designs
for the electromagnetic motor of the present invention, all of
them with the purpose of achieving better efficiency and
consequently work capacity. In these assemblies one observes that
the disposition of the coils is altered to increase the number of
pulses that generate voltage peaks and electric current along one
cycle of the rotor.
Figure 5A illustrates an assembly in which coil 2 is comprised of
four sectors axially positioned and 90 degrees out of phase, so
that two pulses are generated along the rotation cycle of rotor 6.
This is called biphasic assembly.
Figure 5B shows an assembly in which the coil comprises six
sectors out of phase with each other, so that the feeding pulses
of electric current are applied in three specific points of the
rotation cycle of the rotor. In this case the electromagnetic
motor is called triphasic assembly. Figure 5C shows a construction
in which the coil 2 is divided into eight out-of-phase sectors,
which requires four pulsation points along the rotation cycle of
the rotor, being called tetraphasic assembly.
These arrangements are more compact, and their configurations take
advantage of more pulses (direct and back - in both directions of
the coil) along the same cycle of the rotor, which speeds up the
rotor and stabilizes torque when heavier loads are applied to the
As a practical example of the advantages and technical effects
given by the electromagnetic motor according to the present
invention when compared to the conventional motors known in the
state of the art, one can utilize any electrical receptor like for
example a domestic fan.
A typical and regular medium size domestic fan found in the market
today is designed to consume around 120W of energy (P). The
voltage (U) of the public power grid used for such devices is
usually 127V (or 220V). Let's consider it 120V for easy
calculation. Therefore, according to basic electrical theories,
the electric current (i) flowing through the motor of this fan is
1 Amp, because: i = P / U = 120W / 120V = 1A
In other words, this electric appliance requires 1 Ampere of
electric current to produce 120W power, which rotates the fan at a
certain speed. When this motor of the state of the art was
actually replaced by one equivalent electromagnetic motor of the
present invention, it was possible to obtain the same mechanical
work (i.e., the fan rotating at the same speed) with two 12V
batteries in series (24V total voltage) and only 0.5 Amp flowing
through the motor of the fan. Therefore, the power required by the
motor of the fan to produce the same mechanical work was:
P = U x i = 24 x 0.5 = 12W
The comparison between the two fans, one with the conventional
motor of the state of the art and the other with the
electromagnetic motor of the present invention, revealed that this
latter is about ten times more efficient (consumed 10 times less
energy) than the motor of the current state of the art, due to the
fact that the electromagnetic motor of the present invention is
able to harness the back energy captured by the voltage peaks
together with the collapse of the magnetic field trapped inside
the coil, when the electric power supply is turned on and off at
precise positions, as mentioned hereinbefore.
Alternatively, the rotation shaft of the electromagnetic motor in
concern can be attached to a mechanism that, through the
mechanical torque generated by the motor, works as a power
generator. In addition, the adaptation in concern can be attached
to, or even replace generators ran on primary sources of energy.
Although the present invention is described in relation to the
motors utilized in devices called electric receptors, it is
possible, also, to wind a second coil around the first coil, so
that the second coil captures the back energy by induction and
stores it in capacitors, recharges batteries or uses it for
Thus, in regard to all of what has been exposed hereinbefore, it
is clear that the electromagnetic motor, object of the present
invention, can obtain a substantial energy gain, due to voltage
peaks and magnetic field collapses, as well as considerable
reduction of losses, considered intrinsic to the motors of the
current state of the art.
WO 2009140750
The present invention refers to a cold and high efficiency
electromagnetic motor capable of increasing considerably the
electromagnetic and/or mechanical potential energy available to be
used in all equipment supplied with energy in a primary forms.
More specifically, the invention refers to a motor, or even a
generator, which comprises structure and functioning
characteristics that reduce the consumption of electrical energy
and, at the same time, produces equivalent and even superior
mechanical potential and torque in relation to conventional
In addition, the motor, object of the present invention has a more
simplified structure that can be applied to any electrical device,
specially those called electrical receptors, designed to produce,
at least, the same power efficiency, but consuming less energy,
without risks of overheating the equipment and, yet, reducing
manufacture costs of the said devices.
Besides, the electromagnetic motor of the present invention solves
a number of today's problems related to the use of conventional
energy sources and the scarceness of electric energy, for it has
the ability to deliver the same power, consuming less energy.
Many types of electromagnetic motors are known today, and they are
designed to deliver mechanical power - torque, from the
interaction of magnetic components of a closed circuit supplied
with electric current. All these motors known in the prior art are
developed according to scientific principles, laws and theories
pertaining to traditional physics and electricity, and considered
universal, natural and inflexible laws, i.e., immutable.
Nevertheless, scientific theories are limited to the understanding
of the scientists who elaborated them, for example: Newton's laws,
Ohm's laws, laws of thermodynamic, etc.
Therefore, it must be clear that a different perspective of the
conventional scientific philosophy can lead to a new understanding
of physics and an upgraded technology, which is able to give a
practical solution to problems which are, so far, considered as
intrinsic factors to a specific physical process.
In this context, it is worth to mention that the machines have
basically, as a principle, the consumption and transformation of a
certain type of energy in, basically energy considered as loss,
usually heat, inherent to its functioning and, in the availability
of any other type of energy that is considered useful to the aimed
Thus, it is also known that electric motors are defined as
machines that are powered by energy in its electric form supplied
by a power source, i.e., the mains power supply with alternating
current (single-phase, bi-phase, three- phase) or batteries and
solar cells with direct current, in such a way that the referred
electric energy is transformed in energy in its heat form,
denominated as a loss provoked by attrition, magnetic drag,
hysteresis, eddy currents, joule effects, etc., and finally by the
energy supply in its mechanical form, useful and available for
work that is related to the torque and rotation of the motor
shaft. Conversely, it is also known that electric generators are
powered by some type of primary energy, as for example, chemical
combustion (diesel, gasoline, gas, alcohol, etc) or mechanical
(hydraulic power, wind power, etc.), and transform in losses in
the form of heat and electric current in the output to feed other
Thus, in machines of such a nature, its yield or efficiency is
calculated by the ratio between the output and the input. Merely
as an illustration, if a motor consumes 60W of the mains power
supply and produces 3OW of mechanical work, its efficiency is
given by the ratio 30W/60W, that corresponds to 0.5 or expressed
in percentage, 50%.
The same way, the generator that is powered by 1 KW of mechanical
power that can be supplied by a waterfall with constant "Q" flow
in m<3>/s, from a "h" height and that generates 850W of
electric energy in the output will have an efficiency of
850W/1.000W, that corresponds to an efficiency of 0.85, or in
percentage, 85%.
In this context, there are many types of electric motors, however
the electromagnetic motors which are currently the most used due
to its easy construction are known as induction motors that,
however, have a squirrel-cage type rotor or a coil rotor.
In general, the cage rotor induction motors comprise a cylinder
rotor made of metal (aluminum, for example) - or shorted out coils
mounted on the said metallic cylinder, surrounded by
electromagnets which are fed with electric AC current to generate
a first variable magnetic field, so as to obtain electromagnetic
induction. The magnetic field produces a current on the surface of
the metallic cylinder (or shorted out coils), which, in turn,
produces its own magnetic field. These two magnetic fields (from
the rotor and the stator) interact, by pulling and pushing each
other, causing the cylinder to rotate and, consequently, deliver
the mechanical power to the rotor shaft. The electric motors with
rotor coils comprise a number of copper wire coils mounted both on
a metallic cylinder rotor and a stator, through which, usually
flows an alternating electric current (AC), generating magnetic
fields that attract and repel each other the variable fields of
the rotor. Due to the polarity alternation of the magnetic field
in synchronicity, the rotor spins and delivers mechanical power.
According to the prior art the electromagnetic motors are usually
based on two phenomena, as follows: 1) when we apply electric
current through a conducting wire, the magnetic field is generated
by the conducting material; and 2) if a conducting wire is exposed
to a variable magnetic field, it will present an electric
potential difference in both of its ends, and the electric current
generated inside the conductor forms, in turn, a magnetic field
which opposes to the external field that caused it. In addition to
that, the electric motors of the prior art are constantly fed with
electricity, in order to generate the polarity alternation of the
magnetic components intending to obtain the attraction/repulsion
effect. Obviously, this process, in order to keep the rotor
spinning under load (torque applied to the shaft), requires high
energy consumption. As consequence, heat losses are inevitable,
i.e., with the so-called losses or transformation in heat energy.
Thus, in view of the foregoing, particularly due to the action-
reaction interactions, it is possible to note that the prior art
electromagnetic motors considering that the intrinsic heat losses
are impossible to
be avoided. In other words, the alternating magnetic fields
produced by the passage of alternating electric current through
the stator and rotor coils of the motors cause them to heat up in
the same proportion to the intensity and variation rate of these
Because of that, when an electric motor is fed by any kind of
power source - either battery or AC power public grid - the simple
free-load spin of the shaft involves some mechanical torque, which
reacts to the electric power supply circuit and represents a line
voltage drop, against the feeding energy of the motor, tending to
stop it. This voltage drop is technically known as counter
electromotive force (back emf). Nevertheless, to each mechanical
load added to the line of the motor, the extra electric power
required to overcome it will represent an increase in the back
emf, i.e., a resistance increase, in such a way that the feeding
source supply more power in order to overcome the load resistance.
As consequence to that, the temperature of the windings rises and
causes the efficiency of the motor to drop. In case the mechanical
load is too high and exceeds its project limit value, overheating
takes place and the motor burns.
In this sense, again it is observed that the continuous supply of
electricity (AC or DC) to the conventional motors involves a
series of problems, especially those related to the overheating
and performance drop.
According to the scientific theories utilized to develop these
electromagnetic motors, four intrinsic and opposing forces to the
movement of the motor are considered, as follows: counter
electromotive force, magnetic drag, hysteresis and eddy currents.
All of these resistive forces result in heating and possible
burning of the motors when they are subjected to heavy loads, for
they demand continuous electric supply from the power source.
After the above explanations, the inventors claim, in spite of
acknowledging the theoretical concepts known today, and complement
that the same are incomplete, because they ignore the essential
physical characteristics of the magnetic matter and/or electric
conductive matter in regard to its function of capturing energy
from the environment, as well as the structure of the
electromagnetic fields, the concepts of voltage and electric
current and their deficiencies.
Taking into consideration that the motors of the state of the art
are said to have these resistive forces as intrinsic to their
functioning, today's projects are oversized and their electric
consumption is more elevated than they should, which contributes
to cause negative impact over the environment.
As technicians in the field are aware, one of the main problems in
the world today is the scarceness of natural resources for power
generation, besides the quantity of pollutants discharged to the
atmosphere caused by the burning of fossil fuels.
In order to briefly clarify the bases of the invention, according
to the theories and concepts researched and developed by Keppe
(refer to "The New Physics Derived From A Disinverted
Metaphysics", Keppe, Norberto da Rocha, published 1996, Proton
Publishing House, Paris) the present invention is based on the
hypothesis that matter captures and transforms immaterial energy,
called essential energy, into secondary forms of energy, namely
electricity and magnetism.
Summarizing, besides other concepts explored by Keppe, the author
holds that the essential energy, in the case of the magnetic
fields, is twofold and bidirectional, i.e., it always acts in two
components, but in opposite and complimentary directions. More
specifically, what we know as voltage according to traditional
concepts, for Keppe, means essential energy itself, so that when
electric current flows through a conducting wire, caused by an
electric potential difference between its terminals, in fact, just
one component of the essential energy is in use, ignoring the
power and capacity of the second component of the essential
energy. As consequence to that, because this second component is
totally discarded, the motors of the current prior art present
inconveniences related to heat loss.
In other words, the electromagnetic motors of the present state of
the art utilize the energy generated by the magnetic field during
the electric current input, ignoring or discarding the second
component of the essential energy, i.e., the back energy,
expressed by transients in the line, direct and reverse peaks, at
the moment of the building up and collapsing of the magnetic field
of the motor coils.
Therefore, intending to overcome deficiencies and solve the
problems hereinbefore mentioned in relation to the electric motors
of the prior art, the electromagnetic motor, object of the present
invention, was developed. More specifically, it is the objective
of the present invention an electromagnetic motor that can replace
any other motor powered by primary forms of energy such as
electric, electromagnetic, mechanic, nuclear, piezoelectric,
sonic, thermal, luminous, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical,
electromagnetic induction, combustion of fossil fuels, biofuels,
etc., preferably those designed to deliver torque.
Yet, another objective of the invention is an electromagnetic
motor with technical and functional characteristics that can
overcome, or even eliminate in specific cases, the resistive
forces acting against the movement of the rotor through the
application of the concepts developed by Keppe. Yet, the present
invention has the objective of an electromagnetic motor which,
besides utilizing the energy generated by the electric current
flow inside the wires of a coil, captures and uses the essential
energy in its complete form, i.e., a motor designed to capture and
use the two components, action and complementation, according to
Keppe, of the essential energy trapped in the magnetic fields.
In this way, it is the objective of the invention an
electromagnetic motor that does not heat up and makes it possible
for the manufacture of wireless versions of many electric
household appliances which are traded only with wires and
currently designed be plugged to 110/220V domestic electric
outlets, like for example, fans, vacuum cleaners, mixers and many
other low power home appliances.
It is also object of the invention an electromagnetic motor that
enhances the useful life of conventional batteries used in
wireless devices and power tools, without reducing their
mechanical power.
Yet, the electromagnetic motor of the invention is more efficient,
which reduces considerably the manufacturing costs of electric
equipment that embodies motors, for it is possible to reduce their
size and, consequently use less material to manufacture them.
Additionally, it is the objective of the invention a motor that
can be adapted to work as a power generator, small or big, and
help save energy in electric power plants based on primary driving
energies such as radioactive material, water potential, wind
potential, sun, coal etc. Besides, it is the scope of the present
invention a motor that can be used in its generator mode in order
to recuperate the electromagnetic energy accumulated in the
coil(s) and send it back to the coil(s), generating a second power
source independently from the first source, which can be a
battery, the mains power supply or any other. Most precisely, this
alternative performance of the motor in the present invention can
be denominated as an electromagnetic feedback system or
electromagnetic turbo system, which comprises the coupling of one
or more capacitors in the output of one or more coils of the basic
embodiment of the motor object of this invention. The
electromagnetic motor according to the invention can, still, be
adapted to replace hybrid (fuel/electricity) motors currently
developed for the car, nautical and aircraft industry, for its
capacity and work potential are considerably superior to those of
the conventional motors, in addition to consuming less electric
energy as well as it allows the generation of feedback energy.
In order to achieve the above indicated objectives, the
electromagnetic motor of the present invention is equipped to use
the essential energy in its integrality, particularly its second
component, here called back component, back peak or back energy,
which is obtained both 1) through the collapse of the magnetic
field caused by draining off the energy trapped inside the stator
coils when the electric current input ceases and 2) the high
voltage peaks caused by switching on and off the input current to
the coils. More specifically, the electromagnetic motor of the
present invention works with electric direct current pulses
provided by a power supply in closed circuit that feeds the wires
of stator coils, inside which there is a magnetic rotor, coiled
and made of permanent magnets. The pulses are controlled by means
of sensors duly positioned so as to determine the exact instant of
the pulses, making possible the capturing and harnessing of the
said back energy. In the alternative construction, capacitors can
be added to the motor line so that its work resonance can be
More specifically the increase of work power in the motor-
generator proposed in the alternative construction of the present
invention is obtained when the motor initiates its movement
through the primary mains power supply (rectified current) or
through one or more batteries, that power, respectively the motor
coil(s) through a pulse of energy that interact, on its (their)
turn, with one or more magnetic or electromagnetic rotors fixed in
the rotation shaft, resulting in the rotation of said shaft. In
this sense, the alternating current generated in the terminals of
said coil(s) that involves one or more rotating magnetic or
electromagnetic rotors is rectified, in a half wave or complete
wave and deviated to one or more capacitors, or even to a
capacitor bank, that on their turn are able to accumulate a
voltage superior to the input primary power voltage of the first
motor pulse. This amplified voltage in the capacitor(s) is used as
a second direct current power source, being completely independent
from the primary power source and corresponding to the power
(electricity) generator aspect of the present invention. The
capacitor(s) positive and negative outputs are dully connected to
the motor coil terminals that supply sufficient current and
electric charge to power one or more extra pulses in the coil(s)
when the rotor is in the appropriate phases in relation to them,
in order to contribute to the rotation of the rotor. Finally, by
coupling one or more motors/generators in the same shaft, with two
coils duly connected in a series or in parallel, one in able to
increase indefinitely the gain of energy produced by the generator
aspect of the present construction in relation to the energy
consumed by the motor aspect of the present construction. In other
words, with the proposed feedback, the efficiency of the present
motor is not limited anymore to only 100%.
The objectives and technical effects attained by the
electromagnetic motor and generator, object of the present
invention, shall be clear to technicians of the field, starting
with the following detailed description referring to the enclosed
drawings, in which:
- Figure 1 illustrates the
basic embodiment of the electromagnetic motor according to the
present invention;
- Figures 2A, 2B and 2C
illustrate the movement sequence of the rotor of the
electromagnetic motor in accordance with the invention;
- Figure 3 illustrates an
alternative embodiment of the electromagnetic motor of the
- Figure 4 illustrates
other alternative embodiments that use electromagnetic motors
according to the present invention;
- Figure 5 illustrates an
alternative embodiment t o the motor illustrated in Figure 1 with
a feedback system according to the present invention;
- Figure 6 illustrates a
preferred rotor construction, according to the present invention;
- Figure 7A and 7B
illustrates a preferred construction of the primary motor coil,
according the present invention;
- Figures 8A, 8B, 8C 8D and 8E
illustrate alternative embodiments for the electromagnetic motor
according to the invention.
The electromagnetic motor, object of the present invention
comprises a structure that can use the essential energy in its
integrality. Besides the energy generated to power the stator coil
during the electric current input, it also captures and uses the
back energy derived from the collapse of the magnetic field when
the energy supply is switched off and the magnetic energy of the
said stator coil is drained off.
More precisely, the electromagnetic motor of the present invention
comprises simple structure features which were developed according
to principles outlined by Norberto da Rocha Keppe, in the book
mentioned above. The present invention has for objective an
electromagnetic motor that generates work and mechanical torque
with potential, at least equivalent to the conventional motors of
the prior art, but consuming less electric energy, since the
electric power supply is not constant, and yet it can promote the
feedback of the motor. More preferably, in the first embodiment of
the invention, the electromagnetic motor shown in Figure 1 is
comprised of a stator 1 constituted by a coil 2 made with
conducting wires whose terminals T1 and T2 are respectively
connected to the positive P1 and negative P2 poles of a power
supply 3, so that between the terminal T2 and the negative pole P2
there is a on/off key 4, or switch properly positioned on the side
and close to the end of the shaft 5 of the magnetic rotor 6.
The said shaft 5 is positioned at the center and forming a right
angle with the body of the stator 1 , through the bearings 7, so
that inside the body of the said stator 1 , the shaft 5 supports
the rotor 6, which is comprised of at least one permanent magnet.
Preferably, the coil 2 is formed by the windings of a conducting
wire, such as copper or aluminum, in two sectors with preferably
the same number of turns and axially or radially positioned apart
from one another.
Figure 1 shows the said sectors A and B connected to each other
and winded apart around the stator body 1.
The number of turns of each sector A and B of the coil 2 is set
according to the specifications of the motor design in order to
reach the resonance of the rotor/coil(s) pair, depending on the
characteristics and power desired.
Yet, according to the attached drawings and a specific design of
the invention, the electromagnetic motor is powered by pulses of
DC current (from batteries or rectified AC current) with duration
times depending on the design. This arrangement is different from
the electromagnetic motors of the prior art that use the
alternation of AC sinusoidal signals to produce the magnetic field
(AC motors), or inversion of the direct current during the rotor
cycle (DC motors) in order to obtain the magnetic fields and,
consequently the incompatibility of the magnetic polarities to
generate the movement of the rotor shaft.
In addition, in one end of the shaft 5, outside the stator body 1
, an actuator 8 is properly positioned to turn on and off the
on/off key 4 or switch when the shaft 5 rotates. Preferably, the
said actuator 8 is a permanent magnet whose magnetic field lies at
right angle to the rotation shaft 5, and the said on/off switch 4
is a reed-type switch that responds to the presence of the said
magnetic field. The actuator 8 can be replaced to suit other
switches 4 like Hall sensors, optic sensors or even discarded in
the case of PWM pulsating circuits.
Thus, when the shaft 5 of the rotor 6 rotates, the said actuator 8
turns on the switch 4, opening and closing the electric circuit of
the electromagnetic motor of the invention, so as to provide
electric direct current pulses to power the stator coil.
Alternatively, one electromagnet 9 can be properly positioned in
order to determine the supply pulses of the electric power, making
that the pulses be generated in the exact position of rotor 6
pushing it yet more in its movement.
The said electromagnet 9 is preferably made of a laminated silicon
steel core enveloped by a number of turns of conducting wire which
generates a magnetic field to help the incompatibility between the
polarities and the magnetic poles of the rotor 6, thus causing
them to repel one another.
More specifically in relation to the sequence of drawings shown in
Figures 2A, 2B and 2C, the electromagnetic motor of the invention
works in the following way: the actuator 8, attached to the end of
the shaft 5 of the rotor 6 is positioned and adjusted so that its
magnetic field, when closing the on/off switch 4, is at a precise
point where the angle of the shaft of the rotor 6, in relation to
the magnetic field lines of the stator coil, is [alpha] =
-X<0>, as shown in Figure 2A. In this exact position, the
magnet of the rotor 6 starts its cycle of attraction, tending to
its neutral point, where [alpha] = 0[deg.] in relation to the
magnetic field lines of the stator coil, to immediately afterwards
enter the drag region, whose tendency is to stop it due to the
polarity of the magnetic field generated by the coil 2 and the
polarity of the rotor 6.
At the moment the rotor 6 reaches its neutral point, i.e., where
[alpha] = 0[deg.], as indicated in Figure 2B and is ready to enter
the drag region, the on/off switch 4 is switched off.
At this moment when the on/off switch 4 is off, the force of the
magnetic drag ceases. Nevertheless, immediately after this neutral
point, where [alpha] = +X[deg.], indicated in Figure 2C, the
opposing force or back energy caused by the collapse of the
magnetic field inside the stator coil 2 acts upon the rotor 6,
inverting the polarity of the magnetic field and forcing the rotor
6 to move away in the attempt to reach equilibrium or the neutral
point of the movement of the rotor. It must be clarified that such
effect is a combined effect between the energy gained by the
observed negative peaks of voltage (and current) provoked by
turning on and off the switch 4, and the magnetic energy derived
from the collapse of the magnetic field, which inverts polarity of
the field trapped in the coil, thus exerting a force of repulsion
upon the magnetic rotor 6. As indicated in Figures 2A and 2C the
representative lines X of magnetic field invert direction,
provoking the polarity inversion of the magnetic field of the coil
Thus, according to the construction described above, the
electromagnetic motor of the present invention provokes two
phenomena almost at the same time due to the short time interval
between the electric current pulses generated. First, when the
on/off switch 4 is turned on, the battery feeds the stator coil of
the motor that builds up a magnetic field proportional to the
supplied voltage, which attracts the magnet of the rotor to the
position of equilibrium - immediately after that, the second
phenomenon takes place, when the on/off switch 4 is turned off,
causing the magnetic field of the coil to collapse, which is
responsible for the generation of the back energy arising from the
surrounding scalar field that corresponds to the complement of the
first component of the essential energy trapped inside the coil
and coming from the power source. One can easily verify that the
voltage corresponding to this back energy is tenths times superior
to the power supply voltage.
Besides this evident power gain due to the back energy (or
complementary energy), the fact of pulsating DC current,
preferably supplied by a battery, without phase alternation like
in the case of AC current supply, gives the following results: i)
minimized counter electromotive force in the case of constant and
low torque applications, for the magnetic rotor rotates freely
along more than half the rotor cycle; ii) minimized drag, for the
magnetic field of the stator coil is turned off immediately after
the rotor magnet 6 passes over the point of equilibrium, which
lets it rotate freely until other pulses are applied at specific
points; iii) zero hysteresis, since the feeding current is a
direct and pulsed current, so there is no polarity alternation of
the source; iv) minimized eddy currents, because, either there are
no iron or laminated silicon steel cores in the stator coils
and/or the magnetic fields created inside the coil 2 - both during
power supply and back energy supply are parallel to the body of
the motor, thus yielding close-to-zero the induced currents.
Besides the reduction and/or elimination of hysteresis and eddy
currents losses, the inventors remark that heat losses in the
conductors caused by the Joule effect are also greatly minimized
and consequently, there is no considerable temperature rise, which
improves both efficiency and useful life of the motor
(insulation), since there is no risk of overheating. Besides this,
as can noticed, during the functioning of the electromagnetic
motor according to the invention, the power supply 3 is not
constantly active, as it only inputs energy into the circuit when
the pulses are given by the actuator 8 upon the on/off switch 4.
As result, the consumption of the battery is greatly reduced when
compared to the prior art motors, and this allows develop new
battery-built-in for currently non-portable equipment, with higher
efficiency and durability.
Thus, in short, the electromagnetic motor, object of the
invention, is develop take in consideration the principle of
capture and harness energy generated by the collapse of the
magnetic field which takes place when the energy contained in the
coil 2 is drained off. Such energy is responsible for the
inversion of polarity of the magnetic field that acts upon the
magnetic rotor.
The Figures 3 and 4 illustrate alternative embodiments comprising
a series of electromagnetic motors according to the present
invention. Figure 3 shows the combination of a series of rotors 6'
disposed side by side along the same shaft 5'. Each rotor 6' rests
inside its own stator coil, so as to add torque to the shaft ends.
This embodiment is particularly used for power equipment with
longitudinal bodies, because the association of individual torques
in the same shaft adds. This combination can work with lower
voltages than those used for conventional motors, and thus operate
with batteries and reach high efficiency.
In addition, the use of higher voltages increases torque
The Figure 4 is a drawing of another combination of motors
interconnected by means of gears 10, which depending on their
rate, can increase or diminish torque (or speed) at the ends of
the rotating shaft.
Through this alternative embodiment, the phenomenon of resonance
causes the motors to interact with one another at distance, still
increasing the efficiency of the mechanical system as a whole. In
other words, besides the action of the coils upon the magnetic
rotors, the entire system benefits from the resonance between the
magnetic rotors. As a result, the torque and the consumption are
In an alternative embodiment of the present invention, as
illustrated especially in Figure 5, the motor of the present
invention comprises a secondary circuit incorporated to the
circuit of the motor illustrated in Figure 1 , being that its
objective is to promote the feedback and increase the motor work
Most specifically, the feedback circuit is aimed at powering the
stator coil(s) and/or eventually the rotors made by electromagnets
so that the motor of the present invention can work as a
mechanical power output amplifier. This circuit basically consists
in the addition of a full wave rectifying bridge, one or more
parallel capacitors and a synchronized switch system made by
relays, transistors, mechanical switch or any other one.
The Figure 5 constitutes a schematic representation of how the
secondary circuit is interrelated to the original basic circuit
indicated in Figure 1. The circuit in black lines is the primary
circuit, i.e., the one defined as basic original and similar to
the one in Figure 1 , being powered by the external power source,
battery or rectified mains power supply. The circuit in gray (or
lighter) lines is the secondary feedback circuit by capacitive
discharges, object of the present alternative embodiment.
As illustrated in Figure 5, in addition to the one illustrated in
Figure 1 , introduce firstly a second switch ChV, disposed between
the positive terminal P 1 of the power source 3 and the positive
terminal T1 of coil 2 of the primary circuit. The ChV switch is
synchronized to the Ch1 4 switch, i.e., it shall be
instantaneously switched in order to be always closed when the Ch
1 4 switch is closed and it should be opened when the Ch1 4 switch
is opened.
The secondary feedback circuit starts with the alternating current
rectification generated by rotor 6 turning magnet in terminals T1
and T2 of coil 2. This alternating current is rectified from
terminals P5 and P6 of the rectifying bridge 10, which supplies
full wave direct current between the positive P3 and negative P4
terminals. These terminals are connected, respectively, to the
positive P7 and negative P8 terminals of a capacitor or,
alternatively, to a capacitor bank disposed in parallel 11 ,
configured adequately in order to meet the needs and objectives
proposed herein.
The capacitor (or capacitors) 11 accumulates enough energy to keep
the voltage above the primary power voltage 3 due to the increase
in voltage coming from the rotor 6 turning inside the coil 2. This
characteristic allows it to work as a second independent and DC
power source that feeds a second pulse, inverse to the first one,
and/or other pulses in other coils coiled around the same rotor 6.
This process is denominated as "capacitive discharge feedback" and
constitutes the turbo-electromagnetic system described
The positive pole P7 of the capacitor 11 is connected to the
opposite polarity terminal, i.e., the negative terminal T2 of the
coil 2 through a third Ch2 switch, identical to the Ch1 4 switch
of the first circuit. The capacitor's negative pole P8 is
connected, on its turn, through a fourth Ch2' switch that is
synchronized with Ch2, to the positive terminal T1 of the coil.
This Ch2' switch shall be switched instantly in order to be always
closed when the Ch2 switch is closed and the other switches Ch1 4
and Ch1' of the other circuit are opened, and it shall always be
opened when Ch2 switch is opened and the other switches Ch1 4 and
Ch1' of the other circuit are closed. In other words, the primary
and secondary circuits switch status work inversely, when one
circuit is opened, the other should be always closed.
The closing and opening of the Ch 1 4 and Ch2 switches are
excluding, i.e., both should never be closed or opened at the same
time during the motor functioning.
The closing and opening of Ch 1' and Ch2' switches are
synchronized with the closing and opening of Ch 1 4 and Ch2
switches respectively. Always when Ch1 4 is opened, Ch1' will be
opened and always when Ch1 4 is closed, Ch1' will be closed. The
same is valid for Ch2', always when Ch2 is opened, Ch2' will be
opened and always when Ch2 is closed, Ch2' will be closed.
The closing moment of the main excluding switches Ch 1 4 and Ch2
is defined by the passage of the referred actuator magnet 8 fixed
in the turning shaft 5 of the rotor 6. Thus, one can obtain two
pulses, one directly from the power source 3 of the primary
circuit and another inverse coming from the secondary circuit
capacitor 11. As a result, the switches Ch 1 4 and Ch2 shall be
positioned with a discrepancy of 180 degrees one from another, in
such a way that when the actuator magnet 8 passes by the switch
Ch1 4, due to the turning of the shaft 5 and closes together with
the switch Ch1', the synchronized switches of the second circuit
Ch2 and Ch2' are opened, blocking the passage of current through
the secondary circuit. After half a cycle of rotor 6, the switch
Ch2 closes together with the switch Ch2', and the switches Ch1 and
ChT are opened, in such a way that this cycle repeats itself
This synchronicity of closing and opening of the pair of switches
Ch1 4 and ChV and the pair of switches Ch2 and Ch2' guarantees
that at each half a cycle of rotor 6 turn, the direction of the
magnetic flow lines of the coil of the stator 1 alternates 180
degrees due to the positive/negative polarity change of terminals
T1 and T2 of the coil 2 and contributes to the turn of rotor 6.
When the terminal T1 of coil 2 is positive and T2 is negative, the
pulse is called "direct pulse", since the primary circuit is
closed and the secondary circuit is opened. After half a cycle of
rotor 6, the switches commute and terminal T1 becomes negative and
T2 positive. In this latter case, the pulse is called "inverse
pulse", since the primary circuit is opened and the secondary
circuit is closed allowing the motor's feedback.
In a more advantageous way, the rotor used in the motor object of
the present invention comprises a sole compact piece manufactured
from a neodymium magnet with a magnetization degree varying
between N24 to N54. However, it becomes clear that the
above-mentioned rotor can also be manufactured from other
materials such as for example ceramic ferrite, or those that use
rare earth elements as raw material such as neodymium, samarium-
cobalt, praseodymium, cerium, etc. Also, preferably but not as a
limitation to the present invention, the above-mentioned rotor
comprises a sole and compact disc shape with a hole in the center,
that is magnetized radially such as illustrated in Figure 6.
However, it should be clear that this discoid aspect of the rotor
is only preferable and do not discard other geometries and magnet
configurations such as compacted cylindrical magnets with a hole
in the middle and magnetized axially, stacked cylinder magnets,
conic, ovoid and even spherical, the last ones being the most
efficient ones, but, presently reveal complexity and high
manufacture costs. Additionally, as illustrated in Figures 7A and
7B, in order to increase the motor efficiency and capacity of the
present invention, the coil that involves the radially magnetized
neodymium discoid comprises an asymmetric format with a topology
similar to a cone trunks, constituted by enameled or covered
copper or aluminum wire, of any gauge, projected to work with
tensions that vary from 9 to 12 volts, passing by the domestic
voltages of 127 and 220 volts or superior up to industrial
Similarly, it is worth to highlight the fact that the coil
topology is also only preferable and does not discard the
possibility of using coils with a symmetric cylindrical or annular
topology, that are normally used in many applications known in the
More specifically, Figures 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D and 8E depict
alternative embodiments for the electromagnetic motor of the
present invention, all of them with the purpose of achieving
better efficiency and consequently work capacity. In these
assemblies it is possible to noticed that the disposition of the
coils is altered to increase the number of pulses that generate
voltage peaks and electric current along one cycle of the rotor.
Figure 8A illustrates an assembly in which coil 2 is comprised of
four sectors positioned 90 degrees out of phase, so that two
pulses are generated along the rotation cycle of rotor 6. This is
called biphasic assembly.
Figure 8B shows an assembly in which the coil comprises six
sectors out of phase with each other, so that the feeding pulses
of electric current are applied in three specific points of the
rotation cycle of the rotor. In this case the electromagnetic
motor is called tri-phase assembly.
Figure 8C shows a construction in which the coil 2 is divided into
eight out-of-phase sectors, which requires four pulsation points
along the rotation cycle of the rotor, being called tetra-phase
These arrangements are more compact, and their configurations take
advantage of more pulses (direct and inverse pulse - in both coil
directions) along the same cycle of the rotor, which speeds up the
rotor and stabilizes torque when heavier loads are applied to the
The Figures 8D and 8E illustrate a coil configuration that is
especially advantageous, in which the coil in the primary circuit
holds an asymmetric format similar to the cone trunk. In the
secondary circuit, the coil holds a similar format, even though it
overlaps the spirals with a discrepancy of 90 degrees in relation
to the first one forming a kind of beehive.
As a practical example of the advantages and technical effects
given by the electromagnetic motor according to the present
invention when compared to the conventional motors known in the
state of the art, it is possible to use any electrical receptor
like a domestic fan, for example.
A typical and regular medium size domestic fan found in the market
today is manufactured to consume around 120W of energy (P). The
voltage (U) of the public power grid used for such devices is
usually 127V (or 220V). Let's consider it 120V for easy
calculation. Therefore, according to basic electrical theories,
the electric current (i) flowing through the motor of this fan is
1A (let's consider this conventional motor's power factor = 1),
= p / U = 120W / 120V = 1A In other words, this electric appliance
requires 1 Ampere of electric current to produce the power of
120W, which rotates the fan at a determined speed.
When this motor of the prior art was actually replaced by one
equivalent electromagnetic motor of the present invention, it was
possible to obtain the same mechanical work (i.e., the fan blade
rotating at the same speed) with two 12V batteries in series (24V
total voltage) and only 0.5 Amp flowing through the motor of the
fan. Therefore, the power required by the motor of the fan to
produce the same mechanical work is: P = U x I = 24 x 0.5 = 12W
The comparison between the two fans, one with the conventional
motor of the state of the art and the other with the
electromagnetic motor of the present invention, revealed that this
latter is about ten times more efficient (consumed 10 times less
energy) than the motor of the current prior art, due to the fact
that the electromagnetic motor of the present invention is able to
harness the back energy captured by the voltage peaks together
with the collapse of the magnetic field trapped inside the coil,
when the electric power supply is turned on and off at precise
positions, as mentioned hereinbefore.
Alternatively, the rotation shaft of the present electromagnetic
motor can be attached to a mechanism that, through the mechanical
torque generated by the motor, works as a power generator. In
addition, the present adaptation can be attached to, or even
replace generators ran on primary sources of energy.
Although the present invention is described in relation to the
motors used in devices called electric receptors, it is still
possible to wind a second coil around the first coil, so that the
second coil captures the back energy or back voltage by induction.
Through the adaptation of a filament equivalent to a diode, in
such a way to be opposed to the back energy flow, it is possible
to generate a resistance, which will be heat the said filament,
such as happened in the water heater.
Therefore, the electromagnetic motor, object of the present
invention would be work as an heater device, which obtain heat
through Joule effect, without consuming the energy from the
primary source, since the consumed energy for heat is provided by
the back voltage peaks.
Thus, in regard to all of what has been exposed hereinbefore, it
is clear that the electromagnetic motor, object of the present
invention, can obtain a substantial energy gain, due to voltage
peaks and magnetic field collapses, as well as considerable
reduction of losses, considered intrinsic to the motors of the
current prior art. Besides, in its alternative construction a
circuit with feedback properties promoting a yet superior
reduction of energy consumption and increase in the motor
performance is obtained.