Dr William F. KOCH

Glyoxylide Therapy

The Dr. Koch Concept

 (For the Scientifically Knowledgeable)
Today the dominant and orthodox concept of treatment of disease is and always has been destruction of the patho­genic factor, the germ, the cancer cell, etc. Today it is known as the cytolytic (cell destroying principle). Only homeopathy has carried a different or constructive idea.

The Koch Concept exhibits some of the features of homeopathy, and is constructive and corrective. Thus, in the performance of this Therapy, germs and virus are not killed but are changed to their normal non-pathogenic status. Cancer cells are relieved of their injurious factor and are given the chance to reconstruct to normalcy; the paralyzed nerve cells are cleared of the virus that has blocked their func­tion so the cell is free to perform its function again. Dr. Koch has used this circumstance to prove that the virus that had integrated with the nerve cell is actually removed, because as long as the virus occupies the vital positions within the cell, the cell function is paralyzed, and when function returns the virus must be absent.

There is also a principle in therapeutics, which combines the destructive idea with the constructive. For example, vaccines are killed germs or viruses, or very much injured germs or viruses and not in themselves able to produce a frank disease, although they have sufficient toxicity to excite a contrary protective action on the part of the body. When injected, the body produces an anti-toxic substance that is protective. However, the protective power of the vaccines is very limited, and after viral infection has taken place, the response in a protective way cannot be elicited.

This is seen in the vaccines that are used against viral diseases in cattle. * It is seen in the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines, showing only protective action before infection has taken place, and sometimes even causing the disease they are supposed to prevent, but no curative action whatsoever is possible. Drug houses have paid heavily in suits brought against them for injury caused by the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines.

(* The Survival Factor in Neoplastic and Viral Diseases.)

It is well known too that once a virus penetrates a cell, that cell is doomed, since no known orthodox system of treatment can separate the virus from the vital part of the host cell by any amount of anti-toxic serum, vaccine, or other measure of that kind. This is because the atomic bonding between the host cell and the virus are so firm that once the integration is made it cannot be broken by any orthodox means. This firm integration between the virus and the cell takes place within one and a half minutes after the virus has penetrated.

With the Koch System the situation is different. He has worked out a Postulate as to the nature of the functional mechanism of the cell, particularly the chemical structure of the energy-producing and energy-accepting mechanism to which he concluded that the pathogens attach themselves to produce not only paralytic disease, but also all other disturbances of function. He has demonstrated that all classes of disease fall into the same pattern and hence, are under the province of action of his system of correction. This includes cancer, rabies, and other fatal viral infections, and focal infections whose toxins are the pathogenic agents in such metabolic disorders as toxic goiter and diabetes. This wide range of disease, according to his clinical demonstrations, depends upon interference with the energy production and energy reception of the functional units of the cell.

In order to work out the state of combinations of a pathogen of any kind with the host cell, Dr. Koch had to identify the atomic groups of the pathogen that made the combina­tions. He decided that the pattern of combination is the same for all diseases he has investigated, and that one atomic arrangement and electronic disposition in the pathogen gives it the power to make the combinations, and. that two atomic groups associated together are essential to the energy producing mechanism and the energy accepting mechanism of the host cell. These he describes in detail in his reports, explaining the atomic groups and the electronic dispositions, the steric advantages, and the determining, bond strengths and the atomic distances that take part.

Dr. Koch identified the circumstances that disposed to the integration of the pathogen with the functional units. He found that anoxia was the disposing factor. In this finding the great Dr. Otto Warburg supports him but the rest of Koch’s Theory is quite different from that of Warburg. The latter’s proposal limits further progress in his clarification beyond the fact of anoxia, whereas Dr. Koch by demonstrat­ing how anoxia works in detail goes far beyond Warburg who claimed that cancer was irreversible. Dr. Koch showed not only that the carcinogenic process is reversible, but also the process by which the reversal can be accomplished.

Let us take a look at one disease entity that Dr. Koch has explained — cancer. His exposition identifies three factors in the production of cancer; a disposing factor responsible for the anoxia, an initiating carcinogen, and a supportive or propagative carcinogen.

The disposing factor is a fungus found in all specimens of cancer. Dr. Glover identified it in 1923. This author found it in 1942. Dr. Irene Diller, a leading bacteriologist at the University of Pennsylvania, identified it in 1948. So it is well identified and, as Dr. Koch claims, its product, an amine quite similar to the amines of the antibiotic class used so widely in medicine that causes the gelation of the blood in the area that develops cancer as well as in the general circulation, and this brings about the anoxia required for the further evolution of the pathogenic process.

The initiating carcinogen is described by Dr. Koch as quite often a bacterial, nitrogenous product, amines and mercaptans, sulfydryl compounds that are easily dehydrated to form a free radical that adds to one of the atomic groups of the energy producing and energy accepting mechanisms. The group to which the sulfur free radical adds in the host cell is an ethylenic linkage, which is essentially two carbon atoms joined by double bonds and possessing a rich quota of mobile electrons.

This double bond is conjugated with a Carbonyl group that does the dehydrating of fuels, viruses or carcinogens that enter its field to start their combustion that supplies the energy for function. By this act, when adequate molecular oxygen is at hand, it protects against disease. But when oxygen is lacking, the free radical formed by the dehydrogenation cannot combine oxygen and form a peroxide free radical to continue the combustion process.This free radical can do only one thing, and that is add to the closest double bond at hand, and this double bond is the very one that is conjugated with and activates the Carbonyl group which removed its hydrogen atom to form the free radical. Thereby the foreign substance, or fuel product, is integrated with the host cell’s functional mechanism and paralyzes its energy production, and normal function is blocked. However, the function can be forced beyond physiological control by receiving vicarious energy as the result of the following events, and thereby the various allergies and cancer can come about.

The addition of the free radical to the double bond as stated above, has an initiating significance, for the other terminal of this bond becomes a free radical which adds to one terminal of the most exposed double bond of the pro­pagating allergen or carcinogen if one happens to be pres­ent. This produces a free radical at the other pole, which adds to another molecule of the same substance in the same way to start a polymerization process that produces the energy, which passes right into the energy receiving mech­anism of some functional unit to force its activity. Thus the function of secretion as in hay fever, the contractions of bronchial muscles as in asthma, the continuous generation of impulses as in the fixed ideas, or compulsions of insanity. Or when the mitotic mechanism is affected, the uncontrolled cell divisions of neoplasia are produced. This is the concept of Dr. Koch offering a Least Common Denomi­nator in, pathogenesis as based on the properties of the double bond, its alpha-placed methylene groups and the free radical. He uses these same properties to accomplish an orderly reversal of the pathogenesis.

The substances that are able to serve as initiating carcino­gens are several products: the products of tobacco smoke and exhaust gases from combustion engines, illuminating gas, etc., as well as many industrial products and dyes. Among propagating carcinogens, according to Dr. Koch, are viruses, products of germ metabolism elaborated in anoxic foci that is in dense scars that healed some serious infection, as in the tonsils, the appendix, etc. Here the germ product does not receive enough oxygen to cause its de­structive combustion, and the free radicals liberated add to the double bond to constitute a polymerizationprocess. Such products can enter the bloodstream and penetrate tissue cells and combine with the energy producing mechanism or energy accepting mechanism, as described in Dr. Koch’s books, and continue polymerizations that yield the energy which forces the cell divisions of cancer. There is much more to it than this. However, enough is said to show that a definite process of carcinogenesis is exposed, and in this process the means for its reversal, the correction or if you wish, the cure of the disease is provided. Nature, herself, provides for the cure right in the pathogenesis.Viruses are initiating carcinogens that require the cooperation of the polymerizing bacterial products to complete the act of cancer production.


Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Instructor, Histology and Embryology, University of Michigan, 1910-1919

Professor, Physiology, Detroit College or Medicine (Wayne State University), 1914-19 19.
Pathologist, Woman’s Hospital, Detroit. Active and Honorary, 1915-1919

Director, Koch Cancer Clinic, 1919-1949


Natural Immunity Series

Cancer and Its Allied Diseases , 1926, 1929
Natural Immunity, 1934-1936
The Chemistry of Natural Immunity , 1939
The Survival Factor in Neoplastic and Viral Diseases, 1955, 1958-1961, Portuguese Edition, 1960, German Edition, 1966