Moritz KUEHNEL, et al.
Hydrogen Photocatalyst
way of using waste plastic to create car fuel
How unwanted plastic could
help keep us motoring in the future
Swansea University
Discarded plastic could be used to fuel cars in the future thanks
to a ground-breaking process developed by scientists from Swansea
University. They have been able to transform unwanted plastic into
hydrogen which in turn could be used to run cars.
Dr Moritz Kuehnel, of the University's chemistry department, told
the BBC how light-absorbing material are added to the plastic,
before it is placed in an alkaline solution and then exposed to
sunlight, which creates hydrogen.
He said this process could be cheaper than recycling because any
kind of plastic can be used and it does not need to be cleaned
"There's a lot of plastic used every year - billions of tonnes -
and only a fraction of it is being recycled. We are trying to find
a use for what is not being recycled," he said.
Most plastic bottles are made from PET [polyethylene
terephthalate] which can be recycled but often end up being burned
or thrown into landfill.
Dr Kuehnel said: "But even if you do recycle it, it needs to be
very pure - so only PET, nothing else mixed in with it... and it
has to be clean, no grease, no oil.
"Potentially you need to wash it which is very expensive, and even
if you do all of that, the plastic you get isn't always as nice as
virgin material."
He added: "The beauty of this process is that it's not very picky.
It can degrade all sorts of waste.
"Even if there is food or a bit of grease from a margarine tub, it
doesn't stop the reaction, it makes it better.
"The process produces hydrogen gas. You can see bubbles coming off
the surface. You can use it, for example, to fuel a hydrogen car."
However, he warned that rolling out the project on an industrial
level may still be years away.
Dr Kuehnel added that the work, funded by the Engineering and
Physical Sciences Research Council and an Austrian petrochemical
company, had also shown how the remains of the plastic could be
recycled to make new plastic.
Just one part of PET is used to produce the hydrogen and carbon
dioxide - the other part stays intact and remains in the solution.
He said: "We get the hydrogen fuel and we get a chemical we can
use to make new plastic.
"We don't make a full new plastic, we use just half of the
material to make new plastic and the rest can be recycled - a
clean, clear water bottle out of plastic."
Moritz Kuehnel
Kuehnel Publications
Energy & Environmental
Science 11(10), 2853-2857.
as a feedstock for solar-driven H2 generation.
Uekert, Taylor., Kuehnel,
Moritz F.., Wakerley, David W.. & Reisner, Erwin. (2018).
Solar-driven reforming of plastics offers a simple and low-energy
means to turn waste into H2. Here, we report the efficient
photoreforming of three commonly produced polymers – polylactic
acid, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyurethane – using
inexpensive CdS/CdOx quantum dots in alkaline aqueous solution.
This process operates under ambient temperature and pressure,
generates pure H2 and converts the waste polymer into organic
products such as formate, acetate and pyruvate. We further
validate the real-world applicability of the system by converting
a PET water bottle into H2. This is the first demonstration of
visible light-driven, noble metal-free photoreforming of plastic.
enhance the photocatalytic stability of CdS/CdOx quantum dots.
Chemistry - A European Journal
Wakerley, David W.., Ly, Khoa.,
Kornienko, Nikolay., Orchard, Katherine., Kuehnel, Moritz F..
& Reisner, Erwin. (2018).
Nature Energy 2(4), 17021
of lignocellulose to H2 with a CdS/CdOx photocatalyst
Wakerley, David W.., Kuehnel,
Moritz F.., Orchard, Katherine L.., Ly, Khoa H.., Rosser,
Timothy E.. & Reisner, Erwin.
could fuel cars of the future thanks to scientific
Swansea University say the process could also be a cheaper
alternative to recycling as the plastic does not need to be
cleaned first
by Anthony Cuthbertson
[ PDF ]
The present invention provides a method of producing hydrogen, the
method comprising the step of exposing a photocatalyst to visible
and/or ultraviolet light in the presence of an organic substrate,
wherein the photocatalyst has a semiconductor core having an
oxide- and/or hydroxide-functionalised surface, thereby to
generate hydrogen from the organic substrate, and the hydrogen is
optionally collected. The photocatalyst semiconductor core may be
CdS having oxide- and/or hydroxide-functionality at its surface
(CdS|CdOx). The organic substrate typically contains a component
having a molecular weight of 50 or more, such as 500 or more.
Field of the Invention
The present invention provides a photocatalyst and the use of the
photocatalyst in photocatalytic methods for degrading an organic
substrate, such as biomass or an organic polymer. Also provided is
the use of the photocatalyst in photocatalytic methods for
generating hydrogen.
As of 2016 the global consumption of fossil-derived oil has
reached 1 ,100 barrels (10<5>litres) per second and
continues to climb annually. Low-cost fuel cannot be produced at
this rate indefinitely, and securing and combusting crude oil is
causing irreversible environmental damage.
Investigations into sustainable alternatives have consequently
identified H2as a promising energy carrier, which can be used
directly in an emission-free fuel cell, or as a hydrogenating
agent in the synthesis of renewable liquid fuel. To date however,
isH a2lmost exclusively attained through reforming/gasification of
fossil-derived coal, gas or oil. It is also possible to produce
H2by electrolysis. However, such methods are not regarded as
renewable where the electrical power is ultimately sourced from
coal, gas or oil. Biomass conversion is one of the most affordable
routes to generate sustainable H2, but this process requires the
demanding chemical transformation of lignocellulose.
Lignocellulose is the main constituent of biomass and can be
cultivated worldwide, even on unfertilised, marginal land.
Lignocellulose conversion to H2has predominantly been realised
through gasification, which uses high temperatures (> 750°C) to
decompose its organic structure and release H2, alongside other
gases, such as CO, CO2 and CH4.
In the interest of increasing the selectivity and efficiency of
this conversion, it is possible to replace the thermal input with
sunlight. Solar light offers an essentially inexhaustible source
of globally available energy and therefore the photoreforming of
biomass-derived compounds is a fast growing field of research. A
particular attraction of photoreforming is the ability to perform
the reforming reaction at ambient temperature. Photoreforming
requires a photocatalyst able to oxidise lignocellulose and use
the resultant electrons to undertake the two-electron reduction of
aqueous protons to H2. Lignocellulose adopts the role of a hole
scavenger, replacing the expensive sacrificial electron donors
commonly used when studying photocatalytic proton reduction. Thus
far, this field has focused on H2evolution from substrates that
could be derived from lignocellulose, such as methanol, glycerol
or glucose, however lignocellulose refining is expensive and
inefficient, usually requiring acid hydrolysis, enzymatic
hydrolysis or pyrolysis to produce more manageable substrates.
These processes are followed by hydrogenation or fermentation
depending on the desired product. Viable H2 production systems
must therefore reform lignocellulose directly to compete with
thermochemical processes. This is a considerable challenge at
ambient temperatures, as the structure of lignocellulose has
evolved to prevent its consumption by microbial and animal life.
Lignocellulose is mainly comprised of cellulose (> 40% in wood
stems), a crystalline polysaccharide of anhydroglucose monomers.
Cellulose is surrounded by branched polysaccharides, called
hemicelluloses (20-40%), which are heteropolymers of pentose and
hexose sugars. The two cellulosic polymers are further encased in
the cross-linked phenolic polymer, lignin (< 35%), and the
combined structures form microfibrils that are resistant to
chemical transformation. Examples of the direct photoreformation
of lignocellulose or even purified cellulose to H2are consequently
rare and until now have exclusively required a UV-light absorbing
T1O2 architecture loaded with expensive, non-scalable noble-metal
catalysts, such as Pt and RUO2. Li et al. report the direct
catalytic conversion of raw woody biomass into two groups of
chemicals over a carbon supported Ni-W2C catalyst (see Energy
Environ. Sci. 2012, 5, 6383). The carbohydrate fraction in the
woody biomass, principally cellulose and hemicellulose, was
converted to ethylene glycol and other diols with a total yield of
up to 75.6% (based on the amount of cellulose and hemicellulose),
while the lignin component was converted selectively into
monophenols with a yield of 46.5% (based on lignin).
Matson et al. describe the quantitative catalytic conversion of
wood and cellulosic solids to liquid and gaseous products (J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 2011 , 133, 14090). A single stage reactor is used,
operating at 300-320°C and 160-220 bar. Little or no char is
formed during this process. The reaction medium is supercritical
methanol (sc-MeOH) and the catalyst, a copper-doped porous metal
oxide, is composed of earth-abundant materials. The major liquid
product is a mixture of C2-C6 aliphatic alcohols and methylated
derivatives of these alcohols, and these products are, in
principle, suitable for applications as liquid fuels.
Photocatalysts have also been used to treat refined (or processed)
biomass substrates. These methods are not necessarily desirable,
as the biomass must be pre-treated to provide the refined
material. However, these methods may be suitable under some
circumstances, for example where the pre-treatment (refining)
process is not costly or time consuming.
Xia et al. describe the direct hydrodeoxygenation of raw woody
biomass into liquid alkanes with mass yields up to 28.1 wt % using
a multifunctional Pt/NbOP04catalyst in cyclohexane (see Nat.
Commun. 2016, 7, 11 162). The reactions were conducted at 190°C
and 5 MPa H2for 20 h and a total mass yield of liquid alkanes of
greater than 20 wt % was achieved for all woods, among which birch
wood gave the highest mass yield of 28.1 wt %. This method
requires, however, hydrogen to be consumed in the degradation
Zhang et al. describe the photocatalytic conversion of cellulose
to sugars and carbon dioxide with simultaneous production of
hydrogen under UV or solar light irradiation (see Chem. Commun.
2016, 52, 1673). Here, degradation of the cellulose was achieved
with immobilisation of the cellulose onto a platinised T1O2
photocatalyst (P25, BET surface area B50 m<2>g-<1>,
particle size B20-30 nm, loading of 0.5 wt % platinum for H2
Kawai et al. (Nature) have reported the reaction of aqueous
mixtures of carbohydrates, including cellulose, in the presence of
a RuO2/TiO2/Pt photocatalyst powder with irradiation from a 500 W
Xe lamp (Nature 1980, 286, 474). The evolution of hydrogen was
Kawai et al. (Chemistry Lett.) have also described photocatalytic
production of hydrogen from water and synthetic and natural
organic molecules (Chemistry Lett. 1981 , 10, 81). The authors use
a platinized T1O2 photocatalyst to photoreform PVC, gelatine and
turf, amongst others, under incident light generated from a Xe
Speltini et al. have described the evolution of hydrogen during
the degradation of cellulose in an aqueous suspension together
with Pt/TiO2 under irradiation at 366 nm (UV-A) or under natural
light (Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 2014, 13, 1410). The present
inventors have identified an alternative class of photocatalysts
having use in methods of degrading biomass, and also more
generally in methods of degrading organic substrates.
Summary of the Invention
The present inventors have identified a particular class of
catalysts that have useful reduction and oxidation properties when
exposed to visible light, such as sunlight, or simulated visible
light. These photocatalysts may be reliably used in photocatalytic
methods for degrading organic substrates, such as biomass, and
photocatalytic methods for producing hydrogen. The catalyst is
therefore a photocatalyst. The photocatalyst of the invention is
typically a particle, and the photocatalyst has a surface that is
oxygen functionalised (which may be referred to as passivated),
such as hydroxide- or oxide-functionalised. Exemplified in the
present case is an oxygenated CdS photocatalyst (which may be
referred to as CdS|CdOx). A photocatalyst may be obtained or is
obtainable by treatment of a semiconductor with aqueous base, for
The photocatalysts of the invention have excellent catalytic
activity in methods for degrading biomass, such as those biomasses
having a high cellulose content, and this degradation may be
accomplished at ambient temperatures and pressures using natural
light or simulated natural light. Thus, the photocatalyst may be
used to degrade tree material, such as branches, as well as
processed biomass products such as paper and cardboard, which may
be obtained as waste materials. Advantageously, the photocatalyst
is also capable of catalysing the degradation of lignin, which is
also a component of many biomasses. Further, the photocatalyst may
also be used to degrade semi-refined biomass, for example the
photocatalyst may be used to degrade cellulose extracted from a
biomass. Here, degradation may refer to oxidative degradation or
depolymerisation degradation.
The photocatalyst of the invention may be used in a photocatalytic
method for the generation of hydrogen, for example from biomass.
Thus, the photocatalyst is therefore capable of producing a useful
fuel from abundant raw and waste biomasses. The methods of the
invention may also allow hydrogen to be produced that is
substantially free of carbon dioxide. The photocatalyst of the
invention is active under incident visible light, and may be used
for sustained periods, for example for more than two days, without
appreciable loss in activity. The photocatalyst may also be
regenerated with ease, for example by simple changes to the pH of
a catalyst mixture. The rate of substrate degradation, such as
biomass degradation, is remarkably high, and the hydrogen
evolution that is observed is comparable to that observed for
catalysts using purified monosaccharides. However, the
photocatalyst of the invention has a significant advantage in that
no substrate processing is required in order to obtain the
hydrogen product.
A photocatalyst may be used to generate hydrogen without
photocorrosion and without the need to use noble metal
In a general aspect there is provided a photocatalyst and the use
of the photocatalyst to degrade organic materials and/or to
generate hydrogen. The photocatalyst has a semiconductor core with
a hydroxide- and/or oxide-functionalised surface, which may be
referred to as an oxygenated surface. Accordingly, in a first
aspect of the invention there is provided a method for degrading
an organic substrate, the method comprising the step of exposing a
photocatalyst of the invention to visible and/or ultraviolet light
in the presence of the organic substrate. The degradation of the
organic substrate may produce hydrogen, and the hydrogen is
optionally collected.
In a second aspect of the invention there is provided a method for
producing hydrogen, the method comprising the step of exposing a
photocatalyst of the invention to visible and/or ultraviolet light
in the presence of the organic substrate. The method may also
comprise the step of collecting the hydrogen. Carbon dioxide or an
organic compound, such as a carboxylic acid, is optionally
produced in this method.
In the methods of the invention, the photocatalyst and the organic
substrate may be provided as an aqueous mixture, and typically a
basic aqueous mixture. The aqueous mixture may have a pH of at
least pH 10, such as at least pH 11 , such as at least pH 12.
Where carbon dioxide is produced, it may be provided as carbonate
in the aqueous mixture. Any hydrogen that evolves in the methods
of the invention is therefore substantially free of carbon
dioxide. The organic substrate may be or comprise a
hydroxyl-functionalised compound, such as a
hydroxyl-functionalised compound having a molecular weight of 50
or more, such as 500 or more. The organic substrate may be or
comprise a polyol.
The organic substrate may be or comprise an oligosaccharide or a
polysaccharide, such as cellulose, and preferably the organic
substrate may be or comprise a polysaccharide.
The organic substrate may be a biomass, such as wood, paper,
cardboard or grass. The organic substrate may contain cellulose
and lignin.
The organic substrate may be selected from the group consisting of
general waste, plastics, packing materials, waste food, aliphatic
polyols, algae, sugars, starches, biomass, sewage and/or domestic
The organic substrate may be mechanically processed, such as
chopped (including chipped), prior to use in the methods of the
invention. However, in the preferred method of the invention no
mechanical processing is required, and the organic substrate may
be used directly.
The organic substrate may be pre-treated, for example with an
aqueous base, to at least partially degrade the organic substrate
and/or to improve the aqueous solubility of the organic substrate.
Such a pre-treatment is associated with an increased hydrogen
evolution rate in the subsequent photocatalytic reaction.
Additionally or alternatively, the organic substrate may be an
organic polymer, such as a polymer having hydroxyl, ester, amide,
ether, carbonate, and/or urethane functionality, either in the
backbone chain or a side chain. The organic polymer may be
selected from polyester, substituted polyethylene, polyether,
polycarbonate, and polyurethane.
The organic substrate may be a polymer selected from the group
consisting of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), poly(lactic
acid) (PLA), polyvinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP), and poly(ethylene
glycol) (PEG). Additionally or alternatively, the organic
substrate may be selected from the group consisting of
polyurethane (PUR), a polypeptide and a polysaccharide. Optionally
the polymer may be further selected from low density polyethylene
(LDPE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), poly(methyl methacrylate),
polystyrene (PS) and polycarbonate. Here, the polymers may require
pre-treatment, such as with aqueous base, prior to the
photocatalytic reaction.
The organic polymer may have a molecular weight of 500 or more,
such as 1 ,000 or more, such as 5,000 or more.
The incident light may be ultraviolet light, such as light having
a wavelength in the range from 100 to less than 400 nm, and it may
be visible light, such as natural light (such as sunlight), such
as light having a wavelength in the range from 400 to 700 nm, or a
combination of visible and ultraviolet light, such as natural
light (such as sunlight, which has visible and UV components). The
incident light may be a combination of natural and non-natural
The intensity of the light may be in the range 1 to 150
mW/cm<2>, such as 10 to 150 mW/cm<2>, such as 50 to
150 mW/cm<2>, such as 90 to 150 mW/cm<2>, such as 130
to 145 mW/cm<2>. The light intensity may be around 100
In yet another aspect of the invention there is provided a
photocatalyst, which may be used in the methods of the invention.
The photocatalyst has a passivated surface, such as an oxygenated
surface, typically in the form of hydroxide and/or oxide
functionality, which is present as a thin layer on the surface of
a photocatalytic core material, such as CdS. The core material is
a semiconductor material.
In a further aspect of the invention there is provided the use of
the photocatalyst as a photocatalyst. The photocatalyst may be for
use under incident visible light, including natural light.
The photocatalyst may have a passivated surface.
The photocatalyst may have an at least partially oxygenated,
surface, such as a surface that is at least partially
functionalised with hydroxide- or oxide-functionality.
The core material may generally consist essentially of one or more
metals with one or more chalcogenides. Thus, the core may have a
mixed metal combination.
The core material of the photocatalyst may consist essentially of
a metal sulfide or a metal selenide, such as CdS or CdSe. The core
material of the photocatalyst may consist essentially of a mixed
metal, such as CdTe or ZnTe. The photocatalyst may be a
CdS|CdOxphotocatalyst. The photocatalyst is obtained or obtainable
by oxygenation of the surface of CdS, for example under basic
aqueous conditions
The photocatalyst may be substantially free of precious metals,
such as substantially free of Pt, AU, Ag and Pt. The photocatalyst
may be substantially free of Ni, Zn and Pt.
Also provided by the present invention is a method of preparing a
photocatalyst, the method comprising the step of oxygenating the
surface of a semiconductor material, thereby to provide a
photocatalyst of the invention.
The method may comprise the step of treating the semiconductor
material with aqueous base having a pH of at least pH 10, thereby
to provide a photocatalyst of the invention. The photocatalyst is
typically retained within a basic aqueous mixture having a pH of
at least pH 10.
In a further aspect of the invention there is provided a method
for regenerating a photocatalyst, where the photocatalyst is
provided in an aqueous mixture, such as a basic aqueous mixture,
the method comprising the step of increasing the acidity of the
mixture (lowering the pH), and then subsequently increasing the
basicity of the mixture (increasing the pH), thereby to provide
the photocatalyst.
Summary of the Figures
Figure 1 shows (a) a schematic of lignocellulose showing cellulose
surrounded by the less crystalline polymers hemicellulose and
lignin; (b) a schematic of photocatalytic degradation of
lignocellulose to H2on a photocatalyst of the invention, where
semiconducting CdS is coated with CdOx(the CdOxsurface is believed
to contain some -OH functionality, but H atoms are omitted for
clarity); (c) images of biomass substrates degraded in the
presence of a photocatalyst of the invention.
Figure 2 shows (a) a TEM image of ligand-free CdS particles
(quantum dots); (b) the size distribution (counts per particle
size (nm)) of the ligand-free CdS particles shown in (a); (c) the
change in binding energy (eV) for CdS particles untreated and
treated with aqueous KOH (M); (d) the Raman spectra of ligand-free
CdS particles with 514 nm excitation at different KOH
concentrations, which is shown as change in normalised Raman
intensity with change in Raman shift (cm<-1>). The peaks at
305 cm<-1>and 604 cm<-1>are attributed to LO and 2LO
phonon scattering of CdS; (e) the Raman spectra of ligand-free CdS
in 10 M KOH and in water, which is shown as change in normalised
Raman intensity with change in Raman shift (cm<-1>). In 10 M
KOH an interfering spectral signature of CdO can be identified.
The reference spectrum of CdO is shown in purple; (f) a TEM image
of CdS|CdOxparticles obtained from treatment of CdS particles with
10 M KOH; (g) the size distribution (counts per particle size
(nm)) of the CdS|CdOxparticles of (f); (h) the change in Zeta
potential (mV) for CdS particles with change in pH, when particles
untreated and treated with aqueous KOH; (i) the change in relative
photoluminescence with change in wavelength (nm) for a range of
CdS particles untreated and treated with aqueous KOH (M). Figure 3
shows (a) the H2evolution (μηιοΙ H2/nmol catalyst after 18 h.) in
a cellulose degradation reaction using a photocatalyst, where the
photocatalyst was generated from CdS particles untreated and
treated with aqueous KOH at different concentrations (M); (b) the
H2 evolution (mmol H2/g catalyst) over time (days) with and
without the presence of the substrate cellulose, in the presence
of a photocatalyst of the invention; (c) the<13>C-NMR
spectra of the supernatant from a suspension
of<13>C-labelled cellulose (after 3 days irradiation) with
and without a photocatalyst of the invention. Photocatalysis was
carried out under simulated solar light (AM 1.5G, 100 mW
Figure 4 shows (a) the H2 evolution (mmol H2/g catalyst
hr<1>) in a biomass degradation reaction using a
photocatalyst of the invention, where the substrate was, from left
to right, a- cellulose, hemicellulose (xylan) and lignin; (b) the
H2 evolution (mmol H2/g catalyst IT<1>) in a biomass
degradation reaction using a photocatalyst of the invention, where
the substrate was, from left to right, printing paper, cardboard,
newspaper, wooden branch, bagasse, grass and sawdust. All values
are background corrected by the activity without substrate.
Figure 5 is a schematic showing the proposed mechanism of
lignocellulose reforming on a photocatalyst of the invention,
illustrating lignocellulose degradation to carbonate
(C03<2->) and H<+>reduction to H2upon irradiation.
Figure 6 are X-ray photoelectron spectra of CdS untreated and
treated with aqueous KOH (0.1 M and 10 M KOH), in the region of
(a) O (1s) and (b) S (2p). The spectra show the change in
normalised intensity with change in binding energy (eV).
Figure 7 is a series of Raman spectra where (a) is the Raman
spectra of ligand-free CdS QDs (10 μΜ) under 514 nm excitation at
different concentrations of KOH and reference spectra of Cd(OH)2,
CdO and KOH (wet and dry). Overlapping bands of CdO in the
reference spectrum and in the spectrum of CdS in 10 M KOH are
denoted by the dashed lines; and the band deconvolution of the LO
band at 305 cm-<1>(highlighted in red) of CdS in different
media are presented in (b) at 0 M KOH, (c) at 0.1 M KOH and (d) at
10 M KOH. Arising bands with increasing KOH concentration are
indicated with arrows (frequencies are 260 cm<-1>; 292
cm<-1>; 365 cm<-1>, blue lines) and associated with
the presence of CdO. The Raman spectra show the change in
normalised Raman intensity (a.u.) with change in Raman shift
(cm<-1>). Figure 8 shows the X-ray diffraction patterns for
CdS QDs after isolation from pH 7 (bottom) and pH 15 (top)
solutions, alongside the diffraction pattern expected from cubic
CdS. The spectra show change in intensity with change in 2Θ (°).
Figure 9 is a series of UV-visible and photoluminescence emission
spectra where (a) is the spectra for CdS in DMF (0.72 μΜ, lower
line) and CdS|CdOx(0.72 μΜ in 10 M KOH, upper line), as recorded
at room temperature; (b) is the spectra for CdS|CdOx QDs in 10 M
KOH (0.72 μΜ) and photoluminescence emission spectra
(excitation/emission bandwidth = 5 nm) at an excitation wavelength
of 360 nm of CdS QDs (0.5 μΜ) at room temperature. The UV-visible
spectra show the change in normalised absorbance with change in
wavelength (nm). The photoluminescence emission spectra show the
change in photoluminescence intensity with change in wavelength
Figure 10 shows the mass spectra of headspace gases collected
after a 24 h treatment of a-cellulose (50 mg/mL) with CdS|CdOx
(0.5 μΜ) in aqueous NaOH (2 ml_, 9.75 M) or NaOD (2 ml_, 9.75 M)
in D20, under an anaerobic atmosphere. The incident light was
simulated solar light (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>). The
background trace was collected by opening the sampling inlet to
air. The spectra show change in normalised intensity with change
in m/z.
Figure 1 1 shows H2evolution (μηιοΙ) over time (h) for
photocatalytic experiments using suspended cellulose (top line) or
the supernatant of a cellulose suspension (bottom line) using
CdS|CdOx QDs (0.5 μΜ) under an anaerobic atmosphere at 25°C with
50 mg mL<-1>suspended a-cellulose or suspension free
a-cellulose in 1 ml_ aqueous 10 M KOH.
Figure 12 is a series of NMR spectra where (a) is the<1>H
NMR spectrum of a filtered sample collected from a mixture of
a-cellulose (100 mg/mL) and CdS|CdOx(1 μΜ) in 10 M
NaOD/D20 (2 ml_) following a 3 day irradiation (AM 1.5G, 100 mW
cm<-2>) at 25°C under an anaerobic atmosphere; (b) is
a<13>C NMR reference spectrum of NaC02H in 10 M NaOD/D20;
(c) is a<13>C NMR reference spectrum of Na2<13>C03in
10 M NaOD /D20; (d) is a<13>C NMR reference spectrum of
5-(hydroxylmethyl)furfural in 10 M NaOD in D2O; and (e) is
a<13>C NMR spectrum of<13>C-cellulose in ZnCb (1.00
g), LiCI (200 mg) and D2O (360 μΙ_) after 12 hours irradiation (AM
1.5G, 100 mW cm-<2>) either with or without CdS|CdOx QDs (1
nmol) at 25°C under an anaerobic atmosphere. New peaks are
indicated by the shaded regions. The spectra show changes in
relative intensity with change in chemical shift (δ, ppm).
Figure 13 shows (a) the H2evolution (μηιοΙ H2) over time (h) from
a mixture of a-cellulose (50 mg/mL) and CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) in
aqueous KOH (2 mL, 10 M) following irradiation (AM 1.5G, 100 mW
cm<-2>) at 25°C under an anaerobic atmosphere. The reactions
were conducted in the absence or presence of different
concentrations of Co(BF4)2(0.17 to 1.4 mM); and (b) the
H2evolution (mmoWgcds) over time (days) from a mixture of
a-cellulose (50 mg/mL) and CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) in aqueous KOH (2 mL,
10 M) following irradiation (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>) at 25°C
under an anaerobic atmosphere. The reactions were conducted in the
absence (squares) or presence of Co(BF4)2 (0.34 mM, circles). A
control experiment with the co-catalyst and without α-cellulose
was also performed
(triangles). Figure 14 is the X-ray photoelectron spectrum of
CdS|CdOx(3.15 μΜ) and Co(BF4)2
(0.34 mM) in aqueous KOH (10 M, 2 mL) following irradiation with
monochromatic light (450 nm, 5 mW cm<-2>) for 5 min under an
anaerobic atmosphere. The spectrum is of the Co (2p) region. The
spectrum shows the change in normalised intensity with change in
binding energy (eV).
Figure 15 is the UV-visible spectra of CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) in in
aqueous KOH (2 mL, 10 M, top line), and lignin (0.25 mg/mL) in
aqueous KOH (2 mL, 10 M, bottom line). The spectra show the change
in normalised absorbance (a.u.) with change in wavelength (nm).
Figure 16 shows (a) the UV-visible spectra of lignin (0.25 mg
mL<-1>) in aqueous KOH (10 M, 2 mL) without (blue and pink
traces) or with (red and black traces) CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) after
various periods of irradiation (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cnr<2>) at
25°C under an anaerobic atmosphere. The mixtures were filtered
before the measurement to remove CdS|CdOx; (b) the change in
absorbance at 300 nm over time (days) for the mixtures in (a) with
and without CdS|CdOx; and (c) the change in absorbance at 350 nm
over time (days) for the mixtures in (a) with and without
CdS|CdOx. The absorbances in (b) and (c) were calculated by
subtracting the peak absorbance by the absorbance at the base of
the peaks.
Figure 17 shows (a) the photoluminescence emission spectra
(bandwidth 2 nm) at an excitation wavelength of 315 nm (bandwidth
2 nm) for 10 mM terephthalic acid solution (2 mL) with CdS (0.5
μΜ) at various pH (adjusted by adding 0 to 5 M KOH) after 18 hours
of irradiation (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>, λ > 420 nm). The
background spectrum of 10 mM terephthalic acid was taken at pH 5.2
after 18 hours of irradiation without CdS. The emission at 420-430
nm arises from 2-hydroxyterephthalic acid; and (b) selected
spectra from (a) relative to 1 mM 2-hydroxyterephthalic (2 μηιοΙ)
at various pH values (pH 5.2, 12.9 and 13.9). Figure 18 is a
series of photoluminescence emission spectra (bandwidth 2 nm) at
an excitation wavelength of 315 nm (bandwidth 2 nm) of a 10 mM
terephthalic acid solution (2 mL) before and after exposure to OH
through the photolysis of 0.5 mM H2O2 where the spectra show the
recorded intensity for reactions conducted in (a) 1 mM KOH (pH
5.2); (b) 0.1 M KOH (pH 12.9); and (c) 5 M KOH (pH 14.7).
Photolysis was induced during each measurement by the excitation
beam. A 100% photolysis yield would generate a maximum of 2 μηιοΙ
of ΌΗ, but the actual yield will be much lower than this value. A
peak from 2-hydroxyterephthalic at 430 nm arises after addition of
H2O2 in all cases. This does not differ significantly from the
background of terephthalic acid (410 nm) as only minimal amounts
of the 2-hydroxyterephthalic are present, but the peak is clearly
distinguishable. These controls confirm that even minimal ΌΗ
formation is detectable by the probe. Figure 19 is (a) a TEM image
of an a-cellulose film obtained from a mixture of a-cellulose (50
mg/mL) with CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) in 10 M KOH (2 ml_) after 18 hours of
photocatalysis (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>) under an anaerobic
atmosphere; and (b) a close up of (a) showing CdS|CdOxembedded in
the film. The scale bars are 100 nm (a) and 20 nm (b).
Figure 20 shows the hydrogen evolved (μηιοΙ H2) from different
polymers (between 20 to 200 mg) in the presence of CdS|CdOx(0.5
μΜ) in aqueous KOH (2 ml_, 10 M) following irradiation (AM 1.5G,
100 mW cm<-2>) at 25°C under an anaerobic atmosphere after
24 hours. Error bars assume 10% error in the measurement.
Figure 21 is the hydrogen evolution (μηιοΙ H2) from different
polymers (around 100 mg) in the presence of CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) in
aqueous KOH (2 ml_, 10 M) following irradiation (AM 1.5G, 100 mW
cm<-2>) at 25°C under an anaerobic atmosphere after 24
hours, with and without the addition of Co(BF4)2(0.25 mM).
Figure 22 is the hydrogen evolution (μηιοΙ H2) from different
substrates (100 mg PVP or α-cellulose) in the presence of
CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) and Co(BF4)2(0.25 mM) in aqueous KOH (2 ml_, 10
M) following irradiation (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>) at 25°C
under an anaerobic atmosphere after 24 hours, with and without
heat-treatment of the substrate prior to photocatalysis (1 h
stirred at 100°C in 10 M aqueous KOH).
Figure 23 is the hydrogen evolution (μηιοΙ H2after 4 h
irradiation) from different substrates (100 mg for each) in the
presence of CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) in aqueous NaOH (10 M) or following
irradiation (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>). Hydrogen evolution is
shown without and with pre-treatment of the substrate prior to
irradiation (24 h stirring in 10 M NaOH at 40°C, followed by
centrifugation and removal of the precipitate).
Figure 24 is the hydrogen evolution (μηιοΙ H2after 4 h
irradiation) from different substrates (100 mg for chitin,
chitosan, casein and BSA) in the presence of CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) and
in aqueous NaOH (10 M) following irradiation (AM 1.5G, 100 mW
Figure 25 is the hydrogen evolution (μηιοΙ H2after 4 h
irradiation) from different substrates (100 mg for chitin and
chitosan) in the presence of CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) and in aqueous NaOH
(10 M) following irradiation (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>). The
organic substrates are pre-treated prior to irradiation (24 h
stirring in 10 M NaOH at 40°C, followed by centrifugation and
removal of the precipitate).
Figure 26 is a series of<1>H NMR spectra for (a) polylactic
acid (PLA) and the intermediate degradation product, lactic acid
(LA), (b) PET and its intermediate degradation products
terephthalic acid (TA) and ethylene glycol (EG), and (c)
polyurethane, where each polymer sample is shown before and after
photoreforming (PR) of that sample. The photoreforming was carried
out for 24 hours in 10 M NaOD in D2O under simulated solar light
(AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm-<2>).
Figure 27 is the hydrogen evolution (μηιοΙ H a2fter 4 h
irradiation) from PET that has been pre-treated with base under
conditions A to F or not pre-treated, prior to photoreforming in
the presence of CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) in aqueous NaOH (10 M) following
irradiation (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>).
Figure 28 is the hydrogen evolution (μηιοΙ H2after 4 h
irradiation) from different substrates (100 mg PET or a-cellulose)
in the presence of CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) in aqueous KOH (10 M) or
aqueous NaOH (10 M) following irradiation (AM 1.5G, 100 mW
Detailed Description of the
The present inventors have found that a particular class of
photocatalysts may be used to degrade organic substrates under
visible light, such as to provide hydrogen and optionally other
products, including carbon dioxide, such as in the form of a
Generally, a photocatalyst of the invention comprises a
semiconductor core, such as a metal- or metal-containing core,
which may be a mixed metal-containing core, the outer surface of
which is oxygenated (passivated), and more specifically may have
metal hydroxide and/or metal oxide functionality. The
photocatalyst may be prepared from a metal-containing substrate by
oxygenation (passivation) of the metal surface. The photocatalyst
may be regarded as having an at least partial oxide and/or
hydroxide coating. Typically the core consists essentially of a
metal sulfide or a metal selenide.
The oxygenation of the surface alters the catalytic activity of
the material, such as to provide or improve the photocatalytic
activity. The worked examples in the present case show that
incorporating oxide- and hydroxide-functionality into CdS surfaces
provides an oxygenated material, referred to herein as CdS|CdOx,
having excellent photocatalytic activity against a broad range of
organic substrates, including unreformed biomass.
The passivation of metal sulfides has previously been described,
though these materials are not shown to be useful for the
treatment of biomass.
For example, Kalisman et al. (Nano Lett. 2016, 16, 1776) have
described the preparation of nanoparticle photocatalysts having
CdSe embedded within CdS, with a Pt-reduction catalyst located on
a tip of the material. The photocatalyst is used at high pH, and
this is observed to shift the valance band of the CdS material.
The use of the photocatalyst at high pH exponentially increases
the catalytic activity. The photocatalyst is used to generate
hydrogen, with isopropyl alcohol provided as an electron donor in
the reaction mixture. Simon et al. (Nat. Mater. 2014, 13, 1013)
described the use of cadmium sulfide nanorods that are decorated
with Ni nanoparticles. The nanorods were dispersed into basic
hydroxide solutions of varying pH together with ethanol. The
photocatalytic generation of hydrogen from the resulting mixture
was seen to increase significantly with increases in pH.
Petrov et al. (J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106, 5325) describe the
preparation of CdS nanocrystals which optionally contain Zn. The
CdS surfaces of the nanocrystals were passivated by treatment with
aqueous base. The use of the nanocrystals as a photocatalyst is
not described.
CN 102181283 describes the preparation of nanowires from CdS/CdO
nanocrystals, which is treated in order to generate hydroxyl
functionality. This document does not apparently describe the use
of the photocatalyst for degrading organic substrates or for
generating hydrogen.
Anku et al. describe the use of a ZnS/ZnO composite as a
photocatalyst. However,
Anku et al. use such materials doped with Ni. The photocatalyst of
the present invention typically does not include materials that
are doped with metals such as Ni. Anku et al. do describe the use
of the ZnS/ZnO composite to catalyse the degradation of an organic
dye under visible light. There is no mention by Anku et al. that
the photocatalyst could be used to degrade biomass, or that they
could be used specifically to generate hydrogen.
Emin et al. describe the preparation of ZnS microspheres that are
subsequently heat treated to give ZnO microspheres. Intermediate
mixed products, of the type ZnS/ZnO, were also formed and studied.
These materials are shown to have use as photocatalysts for the
degradation of an organic dye under incident UV light. Emin et al.
do not suggest that the catalysts could or would be useful for
generating hydrogen, nor for degrading biomass.
The photocatalyst of the invention is a material, which may be in
the form of a particle, having an oxygenated surface. Typically
the material is a semiconductor material, and the properties of
the semiconductor are modified by the oxygenation of that surface,
which introduces oxide and/or hydroxide functionality to the
surface. The treatment of the semiconductor material (or precursor
material) may have the effect of altering the surface charge of
the material, such as to increase the negative surface charge.
The oxygenation of the surface may result in other changes. For
example, the electron binding energy of the precursor material at
the surface of the material (for example, as measured by XPS) may
change. Here, the electron binding energy may refer to that of a
metal, such as Cd, that is present within the material, and is
present within the surface layer, for example present within 10 nm
of the surface. Typically, the oxygenation of the surface may be
associated with a reduction in the binding energy for the metal.
This is observed in the present case where the electron binding
energies for Cd decrease with oxygenation. Spectral
characterisation of the material may show evidence for oxygenated
metal on the surface, for example through its identification using
Raman spectroscopy. In the worked examples of the present case the
oxygenation of CdS is seen to result in a product having CdO
bonds. Also observed on oxygenation of the surface is an
alteration in the photoluminescent properties of the
semiconductor, particularly within the visible range, with the
development of emissions within this range.
The photocatalyst of the invention is typically a particle, such
as a nanoparticle. Thus, the average largest dimension, such as
the diameter, of the photocatalyst may be at most 7, at most 10,
at most 25, at most 50, at most 100, or at most 250 nm.
The average largest dimension, such as the diameter, of the
photocatalyst may be at least 0.1 , at least 0.5, at least 1 , or
at least 5 nm.
The average largest dimension, such as the diameter, of the
photocatalyst may be within a range with the upper and lower
limits selected from the values given above. For example, the
average largest dimension, such as the diameter, of the
photocatalyst may be in the range 1 to 100 nm.
The particle size may be about 4 nm or about 5 nm. The size of a
particle may be determined by, for example, measurements taken
from the transmission electron microscopy imagery of the particle
or measurements based on the UV-visible absorption spectrum of the
particle. Such measurements are described in the worked examples.
Particle size may also be determined by dynamic light scattering
(DLS). The photocatalyst particle may have a low size
distribution. For example, the standard deviation may be at most
0.5%, at most 1 %, at most 2%, at most 3%, at most 4%, at most 5%,
at most 10%, at most 15%, at most 20%, or at most 25%.
The worked examples in the present case show that a photocatalyst
of the invention may be prepared from a precursor material, such
as CdS, having a low size distribution (such as a distribution
with the limits set out above), resulting in a photocatalyst
product having a substantially unaltered size distribution. Thus,
the methods of preparation are not associated with a significant
loss of homogeneity in the material. The inventors have found that
the size of the particles may be altered very slightly by the
passivation treatments described herein. However, the change in
size, which is typically a reduction in size, is very small and is
uniform cross the population. Consequently the homogeneity in the
sample is retained.
The photocatalyst has a negatively charged surface, which is
formed by the oxygenation, of the surface of the precursor
The photocatalyst has an oxygenated surface that may be generated
under basic conditions. The surface may contain metal hydroxide
and/or metal oxide functionality, and the recorded zeta potential
is negative. The inventors have found that the zeta potential of
the photocatalyst of the invention is relatively large (that is,
large and negative). Increasing the surface metal hydroxide and/or
metal oxide content increases the magnitude of the zeta potential.
In the worked examples of the present case a significant increase
in the zeta potential is observed during the treatment of CdS
particles with strong aqueous base. Where the basic aqueous
mixture has a pH of 11 or more, there is a significant alteration
in the zeta potential, which becomes considerably more negative at
higher pH values.
The photocatalyst may be regarded as having a surface that is
oxygenated (passivated). As noted above, the surface may contain
hydroxide and/or oxide groups, such as metal hydroxide and/or
metal oxide groups. The hydroxide and/or oxide functionality may
be present across at least part of the available surface area, and
it may be present across the entire surface. The oxygenated
surface need not, and typically does not, extend far into the bulk
of the metal substrate. The oxide and/or hydroxide functionality
may be a thin layer, perhaps a few atoms only, that is provided at
the surface of the photocatalyst. In one embodiment, the
oxygenated surface is not more than 10 nm deep, and may be no more
than 5 nm deep, such as no more than 1 nm deep.
The extent of the oxygenated surface may be determined in part
from XPS analysis of the photocatalyst. Here, the presence of the
oxygenated surface may be seen from the change in the electron
binding energies observable in the XPS spectrum. The presence of a
relatively thin oxygenated surface layer may be inferred from the
presence of binding energy peaks associated with the core, bulk
material, such as the metal. Such signals are observable only when
the oxygenated surface layer is thin, as XPS experiments can
generally only provide information regarding the uppermost (such
as within 1 to 10 nm) surface of the tested material. Direct study
of the oxygen environment by XPS (for example 0 1s) may be
difficult: the inventors have found that the use of hydroxide base
as the oxide source generates residual hydroxide at the sample
surface, and this residual hydroxide dominates the signal. Whilst
the XPS analysis may focus on the metal environment of the
photocatalyst, other environments may be analysed, where such are
present. For example, many photocatalysts of the invention have a
core that contains both metal and sulfur as a metal sulfide, and
the sulfur environment at the surface may be considered.
Raman spectroscopy may also be used to analyse the surface of a
Vibrational bands that are associated with oxide- and/or
hydroxide-functionality, such as metal oxide and/or metal
hydroxide, at the surface of the photocatalyst may be visible in
the Raman spectrum.
In the worked examples of the present case, a photocatalyst having
a CdS core and an oxygenated surface is prepared and used to
degrade cellulose and cellulose-containing biomass. Here, the
oxygenated surface comprises Cd-OH and/or Cd-0 (which may be
Cd-0-) functionality (metal hydroxide and metal oxide
functionality respectively). Raman measurements of the
photocatalyst give rise to vibrational bands associated with Cd-0
(for example in comparison to a reference spectrum of CdO (bulk)).
The photocatalyst may comprise a material that is selected from
the group consisting of CdS, CdSe, CdTe, ZnS, ZnSe, ZnTe, PbS,
PbSe, PbTe, CulGaS, Cd(i-x)Zn(x)S(i-y)Se(y),
CuGa3S5, ZnO(i-x)S(X), FeS2, SiC, CuO, SnS2, SnSe and carbon
nanoparticles. The surface of these materials is oxygenated. Here,
the material may be regarded as core material, with a coating that
is the oxygenated surface. The oxygenated surface may comprise
hydroxide and oxide functionality bonded with the metal or other
atoms at the surface. Thus, the surface may have metal hydroxide
and/or metal oxide groups. Where S and Se is present within the
material, these may be displaced by O at the surface.
The photocatalyst may have an oxygenated surface containing a
material that is selected from the group consisting of ZnO, T1O2,
AI2O3, and SnC>2, and combinations thereof. These materials may
be provided onto a core material, such as a semiconductor, in the
form of a precursor material that is subsequently oxygenated to
give the ZnO, T1O2, AI2O3, and Sn02 forms, for example. For
example, ZnO may be obtained from ZnS and T1O2 may be obtained
from TiCI4. The photocatalyst of the invention may be
substantially free of additional metals, such as Pt, Zn and Ni.
The beneficial photocatalytic effects may be achieved without the
need for the addition of such metals. However, additional metals,
such as Pt, Zn, Co and Ni, may be present to enhance the
photocatalytic effect. Thus, in one embodiment, the photocatalyst
of the invention, such as a CdS-based photocatalyst, is doped with
such metals.
Other metals may be use in place of Cd, in alternative
sulfur-based systems. For example, the photocatalyst may be based
on CdS, ZnS, PbS, or FeS2. Mixed-metal sulfur-based systems may
also be used, for example the photocatalyst may be based on
CulnGaS, CuGasSs or ZnO(i-X)S(X), where x is typically in the
range 0 to 1.
Sulfur may be replaced with selenium in the photocatalyst, or the
photocatalyst may contain a mixture of both sulfur and selenium.
For example the photocatalyst may be based on CdSe, ZnSe, or PbSe,
or combinations thereof.
Mixed metal sulfides and selenides may be used. For example,
Cd(i-X)Zn(x)S(i-y)Se(y) may be used, where x is typically in the
range 0 to 1 and y is in the range 0 to 1 , such as where x is
0.5, and such where y is 0.5.
As an alternative to the systems described above, which are based
on metal sulfides and/or metal selenides, a mixed metal material
may be used as the photocatalyst core. For example, the
photocatalyst may be based on CdTe, ZnTe, or PbTe, or combinations
As a further alternative, non-metal-based materials may also be
used, including in particular SiC and carbon nanoparticles (also
known as carbon quantum dots). Additionally or alternatively, the
non-metal-based material may be selected from carbon nitride and
silicon nanoparticles.
In each case, the photocatalyst has a core of one or more of the
materials described above, the surface of which is passivated, or
oxygenated. In a preferred embodiment, the core of the material
consists essentially of a material as described above. Thus,
additional components, such as additional metals, are preferably
not present.
The photocatalyst of the invention may be prepared directly from
the base material by treating the surface of that material, such
as oxygenating the surface thereby to provide the oxygen
functionality. The surface is typically hydroxide- and/or
oxide-functionalised. In one embodiment the photocatalyst has a
band gap of 3.0 eV or less, such as 2.7 eV or less, such as 2.5 eV
or less. The band gap of the photocatalyst may be determined by
standard methods.
The photocatalyst of the invention has catalytic activity when
exposed to visible light. The photocatalyst is capable of
catalysing the degradation of cellulose under aqueous conditions
under incident visible light, for example to generate hydrogen,
such as to generate hydrogen at a rate of at least 0.1 , at least
0.5, at least 1.0, at least 2.0 or at least 5 mmol
The photocatalyst may not have a ligand bound to its surface.
Ligands may be present on the semiconductor material from which
the photocatalyst is prepared, but these are displaced in the
oxygenation of the material. Without wishing to be bound by
theory, it is thought that the photocatalyst coating - the
oxidation layer at the surface of the semiconductor material -
reduces photocorrosion and extends the lifetime of the
photocatalyst. The photocatalyst coating is preferably equal to or
less than 1 nm in thickness.
Basic Aqueous Mixture
The photocatalyst is typically provided and used in a basic
aqueous mixture. The photocatalyst is suspended in the mixture.
A basic aqueous reaction mixture may be used to form the
oxygenated surface on the photocatalyst, and retaining the product
photocatalyst in that basic aqueous mixture can maintain that
oxygenated surface, for example during the use of the
photocatalyst in the methods of the invention.
The aqueous mixture is basic and the aqueous mixture may have a pH
of 10 or more, such as 1 1 or more, such as 12 or more, such as 13
or more, such as 14 or more.
A high basicity (high pH) is associated with extensive
oxide/hydroxide formation, and a higher degradation rate in the
degradation reaction described herein, and a higher hydrogen
evolution rate. The inventors have found that the highest rates of
degradation are generally achieved when the pH of the aqueous
mixture is pH 11 or more, and most preferably pH 12 or more, such
as pH 14 or more. The degradation and evolution reactions may
occur when the aqueous mixture is less basic (lower pH), however
the rate is significantly lower than the rates achieved at higher
pH values.
The increase in pH is associated with an increase in the surface
passivation of the photocatalyst. The inventors have also found
that the increase in pH is associated with an increase (larger
negative value) in the Zeta potential of the photocatalyst.
Unexpectedly, there is a large increase (toward more negative
values) in the Zeta potential at around pH 11 , such as for a
photocatalyst based on CdS. The changes in Zeta potential here
show a substantial increase in the negative surface charge of the
photocatalyst, and this is associated with a substantial increase
in the photocatalytic activity of the material.
A reduction in the basicity of the aqueous mixture may be
associated with a reduction or loss of the oxygenated surface,
therefore the pH of the aqueous basic mixture may be maintained at
a level sufficiently high to maintain the oxygenated surface and
therefore to maintain the beneficial photocatalytic activity. The
pH of the aqueous mixture may be adjusted as required, such as the
pH increased, for example by the addition of further base to the
aqueous mixture.
In the methods of the invention, an organic substrate may be
degraded with the resulting production of a carbon dioxide product
and/or an organic product, such as a low molecular weight organic
compound. Here, where carbon dioxide is generated, the carbon
dioxide product may be dissolved into the aqueous mixture as
carbonate. As such, the carbon dioxide may be regarded as
sequestered in the aqueous mixture. This may result in a change in
the pH of the aqueous mixture. Suitable adjustment of the pH level
may be required.
In the worked examples of the present case the amount of carbon
dioxide generated in the degradation reaction (as carbonate) was
not of a level sufficient to significantly alter the pH of the
basic aqueous mixture, therefore it was not necessary to make any
adjustments to the pH of the basic aqueous mixture during the
course of the degradation reaction.
The use of high pH may also promote the dissolution of the organic
substrate, thereby promoting the interaction between the
photocatalyst and the substrate. This is shown in the worked
examples, where high pH solutions promote the dissolution of
lignocellulose. As described herein, a pre-treatment of the
organic substrate with, for example, aqueous base, may improve the
dissolution of the organic substrate.
A reduction in basicity may be used to deliberately remove the
oxygenated surface in a regeneration method. After removal of the
oxygenated surface, the photocatalyst may be regenerated by an
increase in basicity, which provides a new oxygenated surface. The
photocatalytic activity may be restored in this way.
The basic solution contains the photocatalyst, which may be
present at a concentration selected for an appropriate rate of
reaction for the degradation reaction. The inventors have found
that the photocatalyst of the invention may be used at relatively
low concentrations with a sufficiently high rate of substrate
degradation and a sufficiently high rate of hydrogen evolution
and/or carbon dioxide (which may be carbonate generation) or
organic product generation. The photocatalyst may be used at
relatively low concentrations and at relatively low levels with
respect to the organic substrate. At these concentrations and
levels the rate of organic substrate degradation and the rate of
hydrogen evolution and/or product generation, such as carbon
dioxide generation (for example as carbonate), is relatively high.
Minimising the amount of photocatalyst required in the methods of
the invention will clearly minimise the processing cost. The
photocatalyst may be present in the basic aqueous mixture at a
concentration of at least 1.0, at least 5.0, at least 10, at least
50 or at least 100 nM. The photocatalyst may be present in the
basic aqueous mixture at a concentration of at most 0.5, at most
1.0, at most 5.0, at most 10, at most 50, at most 100, at most 500
at most 1 ,000 or at most 5,000 μΜ. The photocatalyst may be
present in the mixture at a concentration within a range where the
lower and upper limits are selected from the values given above.
For example, the photocatalyst may be present at a concentration
in the range 50 nM to 1.0 μΜ.
The photocatalyst may be present in the mixture at a concentration
of around 0.5 μΜ.
For the values given above, concentration refers to nanomoles of
photocatalyst particles per litre.
The photocatalyst may be present in the basic aqueous mixture at a
concentration of at least 0.01 wt %, at least 0.05 wt %, or at
least 0.1 wt % with respect to the total amount of organic
substrate in the basic aqueous mixture.
The photocatalyst may be present in the basic aqueous mixture at a
concentration of at most 0.5 wt %, at most 1.0 wt %, at most 5.0
wt %, at most 10 wt %, or at most 20 wt % with respect to the
total amount of organic substrate in the basic aqueous mixture.
The photocatalyst may be present in the mixture at a concentration
within a range where the lower and upper limits are selected from
the values given above. For example, the photocatalyst may be
present at a concentration in the range 0.1 to 10 wt %, such as
0.1 to 1.0 wt %.
The amount of photocatalyst present in the basic aqueous mixture
may be based on the amount of precursor material that is added to
the basic aqueous mixture during the method of preparation.
The photocatalyst may be used with organic substrates across a
wide concentration range. The organic substrate may be provided in
the basic aqueous mixture, together with the photocatalyst, at a
concentration of at most 50, 75, 100, 150, 200 or 500 mg/mL.
The organic substrate may be provided in the basic aqueous
mixture, together with the photocatalyst, at a concentration of at
least 1 , 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 mg/mL.
The organic substrate may be provided in the basic aqueous mixture
at a concentration in a range with upper and lower limits selected
from the values given above. For example, the organic substrate
may be present at a concentration in the range 15 to 100 mg/mL.
The organic substrate may be provided in the basic aqueous mixture
at a concentration of around 50 mg/mL. The inventors have found
that the use of an organic substrate, such as cellulose, at this
concentration provides the highest catalytic activity, for example
where a CdS|CdOxphotocatalyst is used. When the photocatalyst and
the organic substrate are present together in the amounts given
above, it is possible to degrade the organic substrate under
incident visible light, and the degradation rate is sufficiently
high as to allow for an efficient degradation of the substrate.
The degradation rate of the organic substrate may be determined
from the amount of hydrogen evolved and/or carbon dioxide
generated (for example as carbonate) from the reaction mixture
during the time course of the degradation reaction. In the worked
examples of the present case hydrogen evolution rates determined
from the degradation of biomass, such as wood, and a-cellulose and
hemicellulose is high. For example, the amount of hydrogen evolved
over time with respect to the amount of photocatalyst may be 1 or
more, 2 or more, or 5 or more mmol gcat<-1>h<-1>, such
as measured over a 24 h photocatalytic reaction period, where the
photocatalyst is used at 0.5 μΜ, and the organic substrate is
present at 50 mg/mL.
The inventors have found that the quantum yield for the
photocatalysts of the invention is relatively high, at around 1.2
%, at 430 nm, which is comparable to the reported efficiencies for
the Pt/TiC>2 photocatalyst. It is noted that higher quantum
yields are known, but these yields are reported for incident light
having a wavelength less than 400 nm, and therefore within the
UV-range, and not the visible range.
The present photocatalysts achieve these efficiencies when used to
degrade a complex organic substrate, such as cellulose, under
visible light, whereas the Pt/TiC>2 photocatalyst achieves the
reported efficiencies only when used under UV light.
The pH of the basic aqueous mixture may be determined by standard
analytical techniques. Alternatively, the pH of the basic aqueous
mixture may be estimated from the amount of base present in (or
added to) the aqueous mixture.
Use of the Photocatalyst
The present invention provides for the use of the photocatalyst as
such, for example in the degradation of an organic substrate. The
degradation may also be referred to as reformation or reforming,
and more specifically as photoreformation or photoreforming.
Accordingly, the invention provides a method for degrading an
organic substrate, the method comprising the step of exposing a
photocatalyst of the invention to visible and/or ultraviolet light
in the presence of the organic substrate. The photocatalyst and
the organic substrate may be provided in an aqueous mixture, and
preferably a basic aqueous mixture.
Degradation may refer to a reduction in the molecular weight of
the organic substrate due, for example, to the oxidative cleavage
of bonds within the organic substrate. The degradation may be
accompanied by the formal loss of hydrogen and/or carbon dioxide
from the organic substrate. The methods of the invention also
provide for the generation of hydrogen and/or a product such as
carbon dioxide (for example as carbonate) or an organic product
such as formic acid, the method comprising the step of exposing a
photocatalyst of the invention to visible and/or ultraviolet light
in the presence of the organic substrate.
The photocatalyst and the organic substrate may both be provided
in an aqueous mixture. The aqueous mixture may be a basic aqueous
mixture, such as a mixture having a pH of 10 or more, such as 1 1
or more, such as 12 or more, such as 13 or more, such as 14 or
more. In the methods for generating hydrogen, the source of
hydrogen may be the organic substrate, the basic aqueous mixture
or both. The present inventors have found from deuterium
experiments that the predominant source of hydrogen is water.
In the methods for generating carbon dioxide (or carbonate) the
source of carbon is the organic substrate. Similarly, in the
methods for generating an organic product, the source of carbon is
the organic substrate.
Carbon dioxide may be retained in the reaction mixture, such as
the aqueous reaction mixture, for example as the carbonate form.
Where carbon dioxide is produced together with hydrogen this
ensures that the hydrogen evolved from the mixture is
substantially free of carbon dioxide. The methods of the invention
therefore provide the possibility of preparing clean hydrogen.
The organic product may be retained in the reaction mixture, such
as the aqueous reaction mixture, and the organic product may be in
ionic form. Example organic products produced in the methods of
the invention include formic acid, acetic acid, pyruvic acid, and
terephthalic acid, and the ionic, such as anionic, forms thereof.
The method may include the subsequent step of collecting the
hydrogen and/or a product, such as carbon dioxide or the organic
product. Hydrogen may be removed from the headspace over the
reaction mixture as it is evolved. Carbon dioxide may be recovered
from the basic aqueous mixture, as its carbonate form or as
gaseous form, after appropriate processing of the basic aqueous
mixture. The organic products may be recovered by standard work-up
and purification techniques. This may include recovery of an
aqueous solution of the organic product after filtration to remove
insoluble components of the reaction mixture.
The photocatalyst is active ("excited") under incident light in
the visible or ultraviolet range, and preferably the photocatalyst
is used under incident visible light. Here, visible light refers
to light having a wavelength in the range 400 to 700 nm, and
ultraviolet light refers to light having a wavelength in the range
100 to 400 nm, such as 315 to 400 nm. The incident light may be
natural light, such as sunlight. Natural light may include light
in both the visible and ultraviolet ranges.
The incident light may be artificial light, such as provided by a
solar simulator, or light from a xenon or mercury lamp, or an LED.
Examples of simulated solar light include AM1.5D, AM1.5G and AMO.
The incident light may be monochromatic.
The incident light may be a combination of natural and artificial
The methods of the present invention may be performed under light
having an intensity that is similar to that of natural light.
Thus, in the methods of the invention it is not necessary to
expose the photocatalyst to intense light.
The intensity of the incident light may be at most 140, at most
150, at most 160 or at most 200 mW/cm<2>.
The intensity of the incident light may be at least 1 , at least
10, at least 20, at least 50, at least 70, at least 80, at least
90, or at least 100 mW/cm<2>.
The incident light maybe of an intensity within a range where the
upper and lower limits are selected from the values given above.
For example, the intensity of the incident light may be in the
range 1 to 150 mW/cm<2>, such as 10 to 150 mVV/cm<2>,
such as 50 to 150 mVV/cm<2>, such as 90 to 150
mW/cm<2>, such as 130 to 145 mW/cm<2>.
The light intensity may be around 100 mVV/cm<2>. In the
worked examples of the present case, artificial light of 100
mW/cm<2>is used (AM 1.5G).
The methods of the invention may be conducted at ambient
temperatures, for example at a temperature in the range 5 to 30°C.
Accordingly, it is not necessary to apply heat to the reaction
mixture in order to promote the reaction. Photocatalytic reactions
previously reported in the art described heating the reaction
mixture, and such is not required in the methods of the present
However, if needed, the methods of the invention may be performed
at an elevated temperature, such as a temperature greater than
30°C, and for example at a temperature no more than 60°C, such as
no more than 50°C, such as no more than 40°C.
Additionally or alternatively, the organic substrate may be
pre-heated prior to its contact with the photocatalyst or prior to
irradiation, and preferably prior to its contact with the
photocatalyst. Typically, the organic substrate is provided in the
basic aqueous mixture, for example at a pH of at least 10, such as
at least pH 1 1 , and the mixture is heated to a temperature above
room temperature, for example a temperature greater than 30°C. The
mixture may be a heated to a temperature that is no more than
100°C, such as no more than 80°C, such as no more than 60°C, such
as no more than 50°C, such as no more than 40°C
The heating of the mixture may be maintained during and after the
addition of the photocatalyst, and throughout the catalytic
reaction. Alternatively, the heating of the mixture may be
discontinued during or after the addition of the photocatalyst.
Indeed, the mixture may be allowed to cool, for example to a
temperature in the range 5 to 30°C, prior to the addition of the
photocatalyst. The present invention also provides the use of the
photocatalyst in a method of synthesising a carboxylic acid, the
method comprising the step of exposing a photocatalyst of the
invention to visible and/or ultraviolet light in the presence of
an alcohol, thereby to generate a carboxylic acid. The inventors
have found that the photocatalyst may be used more generally to
generate organic products, such as carboxylic acids, from organic
substrates. The present invention therefore also provides the use
of the photocatalyst in a method of synthesising an organic
product, the method comprising the step of exposing a
photocatalyst of the invention to visible and/or ultraviolet light
in the presence of an organic substrate, thereby to generate an
organic product, such as a carboxylic acid. For example, the
organic product may be selected from the group consisting of
formic acid, acetic acid, pyruvic acid, terephthalic acid,
ethylene glycol, glycolic acid, ethanol, diaminotoluene, lactic
acid. The method may also yield a combination of organic products,
including those listed. For example, the photodegradation of
polylactic acid is associated with the production of lactic acid
and pyruvic acid. The photodegradation of polyethylene
terephthalate terephthalic acid is associated with the production
of terephthalic acid (and its salts), ethylene glycol, glycolic
acid, acetic acid, formic acid and ethanol. The photodegradation
of polyurethane is associated with the production of
diaminotoluene, formic acid, acetic acid, lactic acid and pyruvic
The methods of the invention may be performed as a batch process,
or as a flow process where the organic substrate is permitted to
flow across the photocatalyst, which may be immobilised to a
After a degradation reaction is deemed complete the photocatalyst
may be recovered for future further use. Here, the photocatalyst
may be separated from remaining unreacted organic substrate and
any reaction intermediates, such as partially degraded organic
substrate. If appropriate, the recovered photocatalyst may be
rejuvenated prior to reuse, such as described in further detail
The method of the invention may additionally comprise the step of
pre-treating the organic substrate prior to its use in a
photocatalysed hydrogen production method or degradation reaction.
Such a treatment may at least partially degrade the organic
substrate as a preliminary step. Additionally or alternatively,
such a treatment may increase the aqueous dissolution of the
organic substrate prior to photocatalytic degradation. The
pre-treatment step may subsequently include the step of separating
insoluble materials from the pre-treatment mixture, such as by
filtration or centrifugation. The solubilised components may then
be used in the photocatalysed hydrogen production method or
degradation reaction.
The pre-treatment step is a treatment to reduce the molecular
weight, such as weight or number average molecular weight, of the
organic substrate. The pre-treatment step may be the treatment of
the organic substrate with base, such as inorganic base. The base
may be an aqueous base.
Preferably, the base used in the pre-treatment step is the same
base for use in the subsequent photocatalytic reaction, which base
is used to provide the photocatalyst and the organic substrate in
an aqueous mixture having a pH of 10 or more. Thus, the
pre-treatment reaction mixture may be used directly in the
photocatalytic reaction after the pre-treatment is deemed
complete. Here, the pre-treatment reaction mixture may be
optionally separated to remove solids, and it may then be mixed
with the photocatalyst components. The base may be used in the
pre-treatment step at a concentration that is suitable for the
photocatalytic reaction. Preferably, the organic substrate is
treated with a basic aqueous mixture having a pH of 10 or more,
such as a pH of 11 or more, such as a pH of 12 or more.
Thus, most preferably the organic substrate is pre-treated with
aqueous NaOH or aqueous KOH, such as aqueous NaOH. The
pre-treatment step may include heating the organic substrate in
the presence of the base. The organic substrate may be heated to a
temperature of at least 30°C, at least 40°C or at least 50°C. The
organic substrate may be heated to a temperature of at most 60°C,
at most 70°C, at most 80°C, or at most 90°C.
The organic substrate may be heated to a temperature of around
The organic substrate may be treated with base for at least 1
hour, at least 2 hours, at least 12 hours, or at least 24 hours.
The organic substrate may be treated with base for at most 26
hours, at most 48 hours, or at most 96 hours.
The organic substrate may be treated with base for around 24
Preferably, the mixture of the organic substrate with the base is
agitated, such as stirred, to promote any degradation of the
organic substrate.
The at least partial degradation of the organic substrate, and the
treatment of the organic substrate with base, may result in a
product mixture having insoluble materials, and these materials
may be separated from solubilised components, for example by
filtration or centrifugation. The solubilised components may then
be used in the photocatalytic reaction. The inventors have found
that pre-treatment of the organic substrate may cause degradation
of the polymer substrate, and this degradation is associated with
an increase in the amount of material that is solubilised in the
reaction mixture, which is typically an aqueous basic mixture.
This at least partial degradation of the polymer is associated
with an increase photoreforming rate, as is seen from the
collection of hydrogen over a set time period.
Associated with an improvement in substrate solubility is an
increase in the reaction mixture transparency. An increased
transparency allows for great light penetration into the mixture,
and thereby greater exposure of the photocatalyst to the incident
light. An increase in the photoreforming rate is thereby provided.
The pre-treatment step often produces insoluble material, and such
may be beneficially removed from dissolved organic substrate.
Solid materials are thereby prevented from contacting the
photocatalyst, and this means there is no contamination of
unreacted material.
Organic Substrate
The photocatalyst of the invention may be used to degrade, or
reform, an organic substrate, and preferably the degradation
reaction yields hydrogen and/or carbon dioxide. The methods of the
invention may be used to degrade waste material as part of the
disposal process of that material. Alternatively, the methods of
the invention may be intended for the generation of a fuel
material, such as hydrogen, for downstream use. Advantageously the
methods of the invention may be used to dispose of unwanted
biomass and also to generate commercially relevant fuels or
commercially useful organic products, such as formic acid, acetic
acid, pyruvic acid, and terephthalic acid. The organic substrate
typically contains both hydrogen and carbon atoms, and most
typically contains multiple carbon-carbon and multiple
carbon-hydrogen bonds. The photocatalyst is most useful in the
degradation of higher molecular weight organic substrates, and is
also most useful in the degradation of hydroxyl functionalised
organic substrates. The photocatalyst may also be used to directly
degrade biomass without any prior refining of the biomass. Thus,
the photocatalyst is suitable for use with relatively simple
organic materials as well as complex biomass mixtures, which
contain a wide variety of different chemical structures, often
with a wider distribution of molecular weights.
The photocatalyst has tolerance to a range of substrates, and such
tolerance has not previously been reported in the art. The ability
to use the photocatalyst with unrefined substrates therefore
provides flexibility for the process, which may be used anywhere
where there is a source of biomass materials, such as wood and
grass. In contrast, many of the degradation and hydrogen evolution
reactions reported to date rely on the use of refined substrates
for use in the photocatalytic reaction, and therefore the methods
can only be performed where there it the ability to refine biomass
materials, or where there is a ready commercial source of the
refined material.
The degradation of the organic substrate may yield hydrogen, which
has use as a commercial fuel and a chemical feedstock.
Accordingly, the degradation reaction allows for the valorisation
of the organic substrate. The ability to generate hydrogen from
any organic substrate, including wood and cardboard as well as
refined cellulose and lignin, is highly advantageous, as the
methods of the invention are not limited to locals where refined
materials are available, which is a clear limitation of the prior
art methods. It is possible that other degradation products are
also produced, such as carbon dioxide. The inventors have also
found that the degradation of an organic substrate may yield
formic acid (or formate) as a product, which product also has
commercial value. The production of formic acid therefore provides
an additional or alternative pathway for creating value from the
organic substrate.
The production of ethanol from cellulose has been described
previously as a route to preparing a fuel stock. However, in many
cases cellulose-derived ethanol requires purification of glucose
from lignocellulose, followed by the subsequent fermentation of
that glucose to yield ethanol. As noted above, the present
invention allows for the production of hydrogen or formic acid
directly from any source of unprocessed lignocellulose.
The organic substrate typically has hydroxyl functionality.
Without wishing to be bound by theory, the present inventors
believe that the hydroxyl functionality of an organic substrate
strongly interacts with the surface of the photocatalyst, and more
particularly the oxygenated portions of the photocatalyst. This is
seen from TEM images of a photocatalyst with an organic substrate
after a degradation reaction: the photocatalyst is clearly closely
associated with organic substrate.
The organic substrate may contain one or more, such as two or
more, hydroxymethyl groups (-CH2OH). For example, cellulose,
hemi-cellulose and lignin contain a plurality of hydroxymethyl
groups within their core structures (see, for example, Figure 1
The organic substrate may be a polyol, for example a polyol having
two or more, such as five or more, such as ten or more hydroxyl
groups. The photocatalyst of the invention may be used to degrade
a high molecular weight component within the organic substrate. In
the worked examples of the present case, the photocatalyst is
shown to be useful in degrading cellulose, hemi-cellulose and
lignin. Indeed, the photocatalyst may be used to degrade biomass
directly, and without any refining.
Thus, the photocatalyst may be used to degrade an organic
substrate that is or contains a component having a molecular
weight of 70 or more, such as 100 or more, such as 200 or more,
such as 500 or more, such as 1 ,000 or more. Here, the organic
substrate may have a molecular weight of at most 1 ,500.
The photocatalyst may be used to degrade an organic substrate that
is or contains a component having a molecular weight of 2 kDa or
more, 5 kDa or more, 10 kDa or more, 20 kDa or more, 25 kDa or
more, 30 kDa or more, or 50 kDa or more.
In the worked examples of the present case, the molecular weight
of the cellulose used (see also Figure 4(a)) is believed to be
around 30 kDa.
It is noted that Kalisman et al. only describe the reaction of the
small molecular weight substrate isopropyl alcohol in the presence
of a passivated photocatalyst. Similarly, Simon et al. describe
the reaction of ethanol in the presence of a passivated CdS
material. Zhensheng also describes the use of CdS materials to
photocatalytically dehydrogenate alcohols. There is no suggestion
that the photocatalysts could or would be useful in the treatment
of larger molecular weight substrates or biomass. The organic
substrate may be a biomass or a refined biomass. In the preferred
embodiments of the invention, refining of the biomass is not
required, and a biomass may be used directly (or after mechanical
processing). Here, refining refers to a process where components
of the biomass, such as lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose are
separated from each other, of from other components of the
biomass. Refining may refer to a thermal, chemical or biochemical
processes for achieving this separation.
The organic substrate may be or comprise a polysaccharide.
In the preferred methods of the invention, the organic substrate
is a cellulose, such as a-cellulose.
The organic substrate may be or comprise a polypeptide.
A mixture of different organic substrates, such as those described
above, may be present. In the worked examples of the present case,
the organic substrate is a complex biomass material, such as paper
or wood. The organic substrate may contain many different types of
biomass in a mixture.
In one embodiment, a mixture of lignin, cellulose and
hemicellulose may be present as organic substrates. Such materials
typically feature within biomasses such as paper and wood or a
biomass that is plant matter.
The organic substrate may be wood, paper, cardboard, bagasse,
grass and/or sawdust. The organic substrate can be general waste,
plastics, packing materials, waste food, aliphatic polyols, algae,
sugars, starches, biomass, sewage and/or domestic waste. The
organic substrate preferably comprises lignocellulose or one or
more of its constituent components.
A biomass for use in a method of the invention may be mechanically
treated prior to used, for example to reduce the size of the
biomass and optionally to provide the biomass in a uniform size
distribution. Such mechanical treatments are for optimal
processing of the biomass in the methods of the invention, for
example to increase the available surface area of the substrate or
simply to ensure that the organic substrate can be handled and
distributed within a processing facility.
The inventors have found that the photocatalyst of the invention
can be used directly to catalyse the reaction of biomass, and each
of the major components of lignocellulose is reactive in the
presence of the photocatalyst when it is exposed to light.
Accordingly, the methods of the invention do not require the
biomass to be chemically treated prior to use. Many methods
contained in the prior art have described the preparation of
monosaccharides from cellulose components as a preliminary step,
prior to the use of the photocatalyst. Additional Organic
In addition to, or as an alternative to, the organic substrates
described above, the present inventors have found that the
photocatalyst of the invention has broad application in degrading,
or reforming, organic substrates that are organic polymers, and
preferably the degradation reaction yields hydrogen and/or carbon
dioxide (for example as carbonate).
In their initial work, the inventors found that the photocatalyst
could be used to degrade organic polymers such as polysaccharides,
including cellulose and hemicellulose, and lignin. The
photocatalyst is now found to have use in the degradation of other
organic polymers, and may be used to generate hydrogen from those
organic polymers.
Without wishing to be bound by theory, the inventors believe that
the organic polymers are at least partially hydrolysed or
solubilised under the reactions conditions. The hydrolysis of the
polymer may result in the formation of dissolved hydrolysis
products having hydroxyl functionality. From their earlier work,
the inventors have established that hydroxyl-containing materials,
such as hydroxyl-containing organic polymers, are substrates for
the photocatalyst.
The standard reaction conditions for the use of the photocatalyst
are aqueous basic conditions, and such are sufficient for the at
least partial hydrolysis or at least partial dissolution of many
organic polymers. For example, substituted polyesters, polyethers,
polycarbonates, and polyurethanes are all degradable under aqueous
basic conditions, and are therefore shown or expected to be
suitable substrates for the generation of hydrogen using the
photocatalyst of the invention.
The organic polymers described here may be used in the same way as
the organic substrates described in the section above. Thus, the
organic polymers may be provided together with the photocatalyst
in an aqueous mixture having a pH of 10 or more, such as pH 11 or
more, such as pH 12 or more, optionally together with a
An organic polymer may refer to a polymer that contains multiple
monomer units, and typically each monomer unit contains at least
one carbon-carbon bond in the backbone chain of the polymer. Where
a monomer does not contain a carbon-carbon bond in the backbone
chain of the polymer, it may contain a carbon-oxygen in the
backbone, for example as seen with paraformaldehyde polymers. The
monomer units may be covalently linked by carbon-carbon bonds,
such as in a substituted polyethylene, but this is not necessary,
and monomers may be linked by carbon- oxygen or carbon-nitrogen
bonds. For example, carbon-oxygen bonds are present in polyethers.
The organic polymer may be a homopolymer or a copolymer.
Typically each monomer (repeat) unit within the organic polymer
contains one or more heteroatoms, such as one or more heteroatoms
selected from oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur. A heteroatom may be
present within the covalent bond connecting monomers, and/or a
heteroatom may be present within a side chain of the monomer.
The organic polymer may be a polymer that is hydrolysable or at
least partially soluble under basic conditions, such as the
aqueous basic conditions mentioned above, for example at aqueous
pH 10 or more, such as aqueous pH 1 1 or more. Organic polymers
that are not hydrolysable or partially soluble under basic aqueous
conditions, such as polyethylene, polypropylene or polystyrene,
are not seen to evolve hydrogen under the reactions conditions
described herein.
In certain methods of the invention, an organic substrate such as
an organic polymer may be at least partially degraded or
solubilised prior to its treatment with the photocatalyst. This
pre-treatment of the organic substrate may be undertaken to
improve the solubility of the substrate in the aqueous basic
The organic polymer may therefore comprise functionality, either
in the backbone chain or the side chain, which is hydrolysable
under basic conditions. For example, the organic polymer may
contain ester, amide, ether, carbonate, and/or urethane
(carbamate) functionality. The organic polymer may additionally or
alternatively contain hydroxyl functionality, and such polymers
are believed to be substrates for the photocatalyst. As previously
noted in the section above, the organic substrate may be a polyol,
such as a polysaccharide, including cellulose, or lignin.
Additionally or alternatively, the organic polymer may be a
polyester, such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or polylactic
acid (PI_A), a substituted polyethylene, such as polyvinyl
pyrrolidone (PVP) and optionally also polyethylene, a polyether,
such as polyethylene glycol (PEG), a polycarbonate (PC) or a
polyurethane (PUR).
Additionally or alternatively, the organic polymer may be a
polyamide, such as a protein.
For example, the organic polymer may be a polyester, a substituted
polyethylene, or a polyether.
The photocatalyst may be used together with an organic polymer
that is a polyester. The polyester may be an aryl-containing
polyester (aromatic polyester) or an alkyl-containing polyester
(aliphatic polyester). The polyester may contain both aryl and
alkyl functionality.
Examples of aryl-containing polyesters include polyethylene
terephthalate, polyethylene naphthalate, polybutylene
terephthalate and polytrimethylene terephthalate.
Examples of alkyl-containing polyesters include the homopolymers
polylactic acid, polycaprolactone (PCL), polyglycolic acid,
poly-3-hydroxyvalerate, poly-3-hydroxybutyrate,
poly-4-hydroxybutyrate. Examples of alkyl-containing polyesters
include the copolymer polybutylene succinate and
The worked examples in the present case show that the
photocatalyst can catalyse the oxidation of the polyesters PET and
The photocatalyst may be used together with an organic polymer
that is a substituted polyethylene. Thus, the polyethylene has a
side chain. Typically, the substituted
polyethylene is a polymer having one or more heteroatoms, such as
selected from oxygen, sulfur or nitrogen, within the side chain.
The heteroatom functionally may be a component of a functional
group that is hydrolysable under the reaction conditions, or it
may assist in the dissolution of the polymer in the reaction
The polyethylene may be substituted with, for example, a
heterocycle, such as a C4-7 heterocycle having one ring
heteroatom. The heterocycle may be pyrrolidone.
The polyethylene may be substituted with, for example, a cyano
group. Thus, the polymer may be a polyacrylonitrile (PAN).
The polyethylene is typically not an acrylate polymer, for example
the polyethylene is not a poly(methyl methacrylate). The
photocatalyst may be used together with an organic polymer that is
a polyether, including for example polyethylene glycol.
A polyether may be an alkyl-containing polyether (aliphatic
polyether) or an aryl-containing polyether (aromatic polyether).
The polyether may contain both aryl and alkyl functionality.
Examples of alkyl-containing polyethers include polyethylene
glycol, polypropylene glycol, paraformaldehyde (PFA) and
poly(tetramethylene ether) glycol (also known as
Examples of aryl-containing polyethers include polyphenyl ether
and poly(p-phenylene ether) (PPE).
An example of a complex polyether containing both alkyl and aryl
functionality, together with further substituent groups, is
lignin. Here, lignin is a polymer of linked and crosslinked
phenolic monomers. In one embodiment, a polyether is not lignin.
The organic polymer may be a component of a consumer product. For
example, polyethylene terephthalate is found in fibres for
clothing and containers for foods and liquids.
For the purposes of the present case, a polysaccharide may not be
considered a polyether.
An example of a polyamide is a polypeptide. Example polypeptides
include bovine serum albumin and casein.
As with the organic substrates previously described, the organic
polymer may have a molecular weight that 500 or more, such as 1
,000 or more. The photocatalyst may be used to degrade an organic
substrate that is or contains a component having a molecular
weight of 2 kDa or more, 5 kDa or more, 10 kDa or more, 20 kDa or
more, 25 kDa or more, 30 kDa or more, or 50 kDa or more.
As previously noted, the organic substrate, such as the organic
polymer, may be pre-treated prior to its mixing with the
photocatalyst. For example, the organic substrate may be
pre-heated to assist the hydrolysis or dissolution of the organic
polymer. In a further example, the organic polymer may be
pre-treated with base to assist the hydrolysis or dissolution of
the organic polymer.
The organic polymer may also be mechanically treated, for example
by cutting, grinding and milling and other such techniques. The
mechanical treatment may be particularly advantageous where the
organic polymer is a component of a consumer product, and a size
reduction in the product will assist in the rate of degrading the
product and its organic polymer component. The organic substrate,
such as an organic polymer, may be used to generate hydrogen,
optionally together with carbon dioxide and/or an organic product,
such as formic acid, acetic acid, pyruvic acid, and terephthalic
acid. The pre-treatment steps, which may include mechanical or
chemically pre-treatment, may provide an increased production rate
for these products.
Methods of Preparation
The present case provides methods for preparing a photocatalyst.
Generally the methods include the step of modifying the surface of
a base material, which is a semiconductor, such as a
metal-containing semiconductor, to provide an oxygenated surface,
which is typically a metal hydroxide or metal oxide surface.
The semiconductor may be a metal chalcogenide, such as a metal
sulfide, metal selenide or a metal telluride, for example. Example
materials for use as the core materials are described above in
relation to the structure of the photocatalyst. In one embodiment,
the method for preparing a photocatalyst comprises the step of
treating a semiconducting material, such as a particle of a
semiconducting material, with aqueous base, where the pH of the
aqueous base is 10 or more, such as pH 1 1 or more. The method may
be performed in the substantial absence of ligands. In the worked
examples of the present case CdS|CdOxis prepared from ligand-free
CdS quantum dots.
Annealing methods performed in air may also be used to generate an
oxygenated surface, for example a CdO layer in a photocatalyst
(see Zhensheng et al. J. Mol. Catal. 1989, 50, 315). The present
case also provides a method for rejuvenating a photocatalyst,
where the photocatalyst is provided in an aqueous mixture, such as
a basic aqueous mixture, the method comprising the step of
increasing the acidity of the mixture (lowering the pH), and then
subsequently increasing the basicity of the mixture (increasing
the pH), thereby to provide the photocatalyst.
The photocatalyst for rejuvenation is a photocatalyst that has
previously been used in a photocatalytic reaction, such as the
degradation, hydrogen generation and carbon dioxide generation
methods described herein. The photocatalyst may have reduced
activity, for example due to poisoning of the catalyst, including
the loss of functionality, or some other change resulting in a
loss of activity. Here reduced activity refers to a reduction in
catalytic activity compared with the photocatalyst activity as
first used, for example within the first hour of use. The steps of
decreasing then increasing the pH of the aqueous mixture has the
effect of "stripping" the surface of the photocatalyst, then
regenerating the active surface, thereby substantially restoring
catalytic activity.
Other Preferences
Each and every compatible combination of the embodiments described
above is explicitly disclosed herein, as if each and every
combination was individually and explicitly recited.
Various further aspects and embodiments of the present invention
will be apparent to those skilled in the art in view of the
present disclosure.
"and/or" where used herein is to be taken as specific disclosure
of each of the two specified features or components with or
without the other. For example "A and/or B" is to be taken as
specific disclosure of each of (i) A, (ii) B and (iii) A and B,
just as if each is set out individually herein.
Unless context dictates otherwise, the descriptions and
definitions of the features set out above are not limited to any
particular aspect or embodiment of the invention and apply equally
to all aspects and embodiments which are described.
Certain aspects and embodiments of the invention will now be
illustrated by way of example and with reference to the figures
described above.
Experimental and Results
Described below is a photocatalytic system based on semiconducting
CdS quantum dots (QDs) that is capable of degrading cellulose,
hemicellulose and lignin into H2at room temperature. CdS is an
inexpensive, visible-light absorbing photocatalyst with a bulk
electronic band gap of around 2.4 eV that can be increased through
quantum confinement effects. The CdS conduction band has a
potential of -0.5 V vs. the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE, pH 0),
providing sufficient driving force for proton reduction and is
responsible for several of the highest reported rates of
photocatalytic evH2olution.
The CdS valence band is located at roughly +1.9 V vs. NHE, which
is adequate for saccharide oxidation, however it is also
sufficient for the photooxidation of its constituent sulfide. This
photocorrosion has brought the viability of CdS as a sustainable
photocatalyst into question, as H2evolution has depended on the
use of easily-oxidised sacrificial reagents to outcompete sulfide
oxidation. To circumvent these issues CdS is treated under highly
alkaline conditions, and typically under ligand free conditions,
that promote Cd(OH)2/CdO (henceforth CdOx) formation on the CdS
surface (Fig. 1 b). The resultant CdS|CdOxmaterial is able to
undertake demanding photocatalytic reactions without
photocorrosion, such that light-driven evHo2lution is achievable
through the oxidation of completely unprocessed lignocellulosic
substrates. Beneficially, the use of highly alkaline conditions
may also solubilise the organic substrate, such as lignocellulose,
thereby providing highly accessible substrate for the
photocatalyst. The synergistic interplay between the active
photocatalyst formation and the increase in dissolved
lignocellulosic substrate produces a system with previously
unmatched rates of H2 evolution.
Ligand-free CdS quantum dots were synthesised as reported
previously (see J. Mater. Chem. A 2016, 4, 2856). a-Cellulose,
hemicellulose (xylan from beechwood), CdO and CdS04and lignin
(alkali) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich and used without
further processing.
Semiconductor-grade KOH (99.99%) was used to ensure impurities
were not present during photocatalysis. Cobalt(ll)
tetrafluoroborate hydrate, 96% (assumed to be Co(BF4)2-6H20) was
purchased from Alfa Aesar. NaOD (40 wt % in D20, 99% atom% D) and
D2(99.8% atom D) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich.
<13>C cellulose was purchased from IsoLife. Wood from the
branch of a London plane tree was obtained from a tree on
Lensfield Road, Cambridge, UK. Sawdust was obtained from a local
sawmill (B&Q, Cambridge, UK) and grass was attained from a
garden in north
Cambridge, UK. Cardboard was obtained from a Sigma Aldrich box,
newspaper from an issue of the Cambridge News, bagasse from a Duni
bagasse plate and paper from Office Depot. Waste cellulose and
biomass sources were cut roughly into pieces < 0.25 cm long
before use. All other reagents were obtained from commercial
sources at the highest available purity.
Equipment UV-Visible spectra were recorded on a Varian Cary 50
UV-Vis spectrophotometer.<1>H and<13>C NMR spectra
were recorded on a Bruker 400 MHz Avance spectrometer at room
temperature. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images were
collected using a FEI Philips Tecnai 20 microscope, with 200 kV
accelerating voltage. XPS analysis was carried out at the
Cambridge Microelectronics centre on a Thermo Scientific ESCALAB
Xi<+>XPS Microprobe in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber. Freeze
drying was carried out in a VirTis SP Scientific freeze dryer.
Powder X-ray diffraction measurements were carried out on an
X'Pert PRO by PANalytical BV instrument. Photoluminescence
measurements were carried out on an Edinburgh Instruments FS5
spectrofluorometer. pH was measured on a Mettler Toledo pH meter
and probe, with the exception of the pH of solutions containing
[KOH] > 1 M, which was estimated based on the assumption [OH-]
~ [KOH]. Characterisation of CdS\ CdOx
CdS|CdOxwas synthesised from ligand-free CdS quantum dots with a
diameter of 5 nm, as confirmed by transmission electron microscopy
(TEM, Fig. 2a, b). The ligand-free CdS is passivated by
weakly-bound tetrafluoroborate anions and N,N-dimethylformamide
(DMF), presenting an accessible surface that can be modified for
improved catalytic activity.
Addition of the quantum dots to basic solution caused CdOxto
instantaneously form on the particle surface through OH- binding
to Cd surface sites.
This was confirmed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of
CdS QDs after suspension in various concentrations of KOH. The
expected Cd 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 binding energies for emissions in CdS
are 405 and 412 eV, respectively, which was observed in the
photoemission spectrum of QDs isolated from a pH neutral solution
(Fig. 2c, see Fig. 6 for S and O spectra). After isolation from
0.1 M KOH the Cd emissions tail towards lower binding energies and
after isolation from 10 M KOH the peaks shift 1 eV lower to 404
and 41 1 eV. The lowered binding energy is consistent with
CdO/Cd(OH)2 environments on the CdS at high pH.
Raman measurements provided in situ evidence for the formation of
surface-bound CdOx. Under 514 nm laser excitation, highly resolved
off-resonant Raman spectra of ligand-free CdS QDs in 0, 0.1 and 10
M KOH aqueous solutions were obtained (Fig. 2d). In agreement with
literature, vibrational bands at 305 cm<-1>and 605
cm<-1>were observed that can be assigned to scattering and
double-scattering on the longitudinal optical phonon of CdS (LO
and 2LO), respectively. As the KOH concentration is increased, a
broadening of the LO peak on the low frequency side is observed
that cannot be accounted for by the KOH (Figs. 2e and 7). Spectral
deconvolution by band-fitting analysis revealed contributions from
two bands located at 260cm<- 1>and 292cm<- 1>. These
bands can be attributed to CdO by comparison to a reference
spectrum of CdO (bulk) and literature values. The positions of
these bands are slightly lower than those reported for bulk CdO
(265-268cm<- 1>and
298-305 cm<-1>). Although the formation of Cd(OH)2 was not
visible in the Raman spectra (see Fig. 7 for reference spectrum),
this does not confirm that the surface consists solely of CdO, as
the dynamic nature of the QD modification would introduce numerous
Cd-0 functionalities.
TEM images of CdS|CdOxafter isolation from 10 M KOH show that the
surface change occurs with a concomitant decrease in average
particle size by 0.6 nm (Fig. 2f,g). Formation of CdOxin highly
basic solution was corroborated by zeta potential analysis of the
QDs (Fig. 2h), which shows a rapid increase in negative surface
charge above pH 12. This shift is similar to that observed on
ZnS/Zn(OH)2 surfaces, and is indicative of Cd-O<">forming on
the particle surface.
The decrease in size is a result of the removal of a few layers of
CdS to generate a CdOxpassivation. This does not affect the bulk
properties of the particle as the X-ray diffraction pattern (Fig.
8) displays only marginal changes after dissolution in 10 M KOH.
The UV-visible spectrum after dissolution in 10 M KOH also retains
the visible-light absorption consistent with CdS QDs, although the
spectrum is broadened and slightly red- shifted relative to the
spectrum in DMF (Amax= 450 nm in DMF and 470 nm in 10 M KOH, Fig.
9). This red-shift is attributed to a lower QD dispersibility in
the aqueous solvent, which leads to a degree of particle
aggregation, as seen previously for ligand-free CdS QDs.
Considering the presented data it is proposed that CdOx exists as
a monolayer or at most as a few layers on the CdS surface at high
concentrations of KOH. This is evidenced by the spectroscopic
confirmation of CdOx (Fig. 2c,d and e), combined with the
still-present bulk properties of CdS (Figures 8 and 9) and lack of
a larger, visible CdOx shell in the TEM image (Fig. 2f).
The influence of the CdOxsurface passivation on the CdS QD
photoluminescence is presented in Fig. 2i. As OH- is added a
stronger near band-gap emission is visible at 480 to 490 nm, which
is most pronounced in 10 M KOH. A comparison between the emission
and absorption spectra in 10 M KOH is presented in Fig. 9b. The
increasing intensity of the emission is attributed to the
formation of CdOx, which blocks CdS defect sites that promote
radiationless charge-carrier recombination. The near band gap
energy of the emission also indicates that CdOx may provide
shallow trap-states (below 0.1 eV in depth) above the valence band
and below the conduction band that increase the lifetime of charge
separation. These effects lead to more efficient light-harvesting
capacity, and thereby photocatalytic activity, of the QD and may
also enhance particle stability through prevention of S* radical
formation that is responsible for CdS degradation.
Photoreforming (Degradation) of
To test the efficacy of the CdS|CdOxphotocatalyst for
lignocellulose reforming, we initially focused on the oxidation of
its major component, cellulose. We used the most crystalline and
unreactive form, referred to as 'a-cellulose', as its conversion
is most crucial if complete lignocellulose reformation is to be
achieved. Photocatalysis was carried out with CdS QDs (1 nmol) and
a-cellulose suspended in a deaerated aqueous solution (2 ml_) kept
at 25°C, which was irradiated with simulated solar light (AM 1.5G,
100 mW cm<-2>). The cellulose exists as a suspension due to
its low solubility and optimisation revealed that a loading of 50
mg mL<- 1>led to the highest photocatalytic activity (Table
1). Large volumes of H2 could be produced provided strongly
alkaline conditions were employed (Fig. 3a) with the activity
rapidly increasing towards pH 15 (10 M KOH). This concurs with the
in situ formation of CdOx on the QD surface (Fig. 2) and a similar
pH dependence was observed when photoreforming other substrates
(Table 2), as seen in other CdS-based systems. H2 evolution by the
photocatalyst originates mostly from reduction of aqueous protons,
as photocatalysis in D2O produced D2 and HD in a 4: 1 ratio (Fig.
10). Formation of the latter originates from H/D exchange with
cellulose OH groups. No H2evolution was observed without QDs or
light (see Table 1).
In addition to promoting the formation of CdOx, the high
concentration of KOH provides the added benefit of solubilising a
portion of the suspended cellulose, as seen for NaOH-water
systems. Dissolved cellulose chains were confirmed to be the major
substrate through use of a 10 M KOH solution that had been stirred
in the presence of a-cellulose for 24 hours and subsequently
centrifuged to remove the suspended, insoluble cellulose. The
supernatant was then added to a vial containing ligand-free CdS
QDs and irradiated (Fig. 11 , Table 3). Here, photocatalytic H2
evolution (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm-2) from CdS|CdOx QDs (0.5 μΜ) was
studied under an anaerobic atmosphere at 25°C with 50 mg
rnL<-1>suspended a-cellulose in 1 ml_ aqueous 10 M KOH (top
line) and 1 ml_ of a suspension-free α-cellulose solution in 10 M
KOH (bottom line). The suspension-free solution was prepared by
irradiating 50 mg ml_<"1>α-cellulose for 24 hours at 25°C in
anaerobic conditions (shaded region) and subsequently centrifuging
the solution to remove the solid material.
The H2 evolution rate from this solution was initially faster
relative to the rate observed when using suspended cellulose, as
more dissolved substrate was available. Without the suspended
cellulose present however, the activity dropped over time as the
solubilised substrate depleted. The photoreforming reaction
therefore occurs through continuous dissolution of the suspended
cellulose by the basic solution followed by its fast oxidation by
the CdS|CdOxphotocatalyst. The presence of the dissolved
polysaccharides is confirmed in Fig. 3c (discussed below) and was
also evidenced by an increase in solution viscosity after several
days of photocatalysis.
Long-term photocatalytic H2 evolution activity from cellulose is
illustrated in Fig. 3b. After 6 days there was no evidence of
photocorrosion and nearly 600 ΓΤΙΓΤΙΟΙΗ29CdS-<1>had been
produced in the headspace of a closed photoreactor, equating to a
turnover number of 100,000 with respect to the QD. The activity of
CdS|CdOxis over an order of magnitude higher than the
aforementioned T1O2 systems, even without the use of prohibitively
expensive noble metal co-catalysts or the need for UV light to
operate. No evolution of CO was observed during catalysis (gas
chromatograph CO detection limit = 35 ppm), resulting in
inhibitor-free H2 in the photoreactor headspace. All CO2 generated
was sequestered by the basic solution as CO3<2">(see Fig.
3c), removing any potential environmental impact of the oxidation
reaction. CdS|CdOxwithout cellulose present (Fig. 3b, black line)
shows 10% of the photocatalytic H2 evolution activity for the
first 24 h irradiation and then ceases (4% after 6 days), which
originates from oxidation of residual DMF from the stock solution
or sulfide displaced from the quantum dots.
The narrower bandgap of CdS also allows the system to function
effectively under visible light and 50% of the catalytic activity
was maintained by CdS|CdOxwhen UV-light
(λ < 400 nm) was filtered from the solar spectrum (Table 1).
The drop in activity is due to the decrease in the number of
photons available to the CdS, demonstrating that UV-light is not
needed to facilitate the photoreforming reaction. Cellulose
photoreforming may therefore be undertaken with visible light
only, an essential development if this process is to be undertaken
in realistic operating conditions. An external quantum yield of
1.2 ± 0.4 % was achieved when irradiating with 430 nm
monochromatic light (Table 4), which is comparable to reported
efficiencies of Pt/Ti02 for the much simpler glucose reforming
reaction under UV light. The yield was substantially higher when
photoreforming MeOH (17.7 ± 1.5 %, Table 5), indicating that the
efficiency is reduced by the slow oxidation rate of the
polysaccharide chains, as well as light-scattering by the
cellulose suspension.
The products of a-cellulose oxidation were identified
by<13>C-NMR spectroscopy using uniformly<13>C-labelled
cellulose in 10 M NaOD in D2O (Fig. 3c). Photocatalysis was
carried out with 10 mg of<13>C a-cellulose in NaOD for 3
days, after which the reaction solution was filtered of insoluble
cellulose and analysed. A control experiment
wherein<13>C-cellulose was irradiated without CdS|CdOx
produced signals between δ = 55-110 ppm (see Fig. 3c, black line,
i), corresponding to C-environments in the anhydroglucose
repeating unit. This confirms that the basic conditions are able
to partially dissolve the α-cellulose, providing solvated
cellulose chains as a substrate for photocatalysis.
After irradiation in the presence of CdS|CdOx the polymeric
cellulose resonances (δ = 55 to 1 10 ppm, i) are reduced in
intensity, indicating that the photocatalyst is able to break down
the large cellulose chains. This leads to a broad polymeric
carboxylic acid resonance (δ = 182 ppm, ii), from oxidised
polysaccharide end groups.
Decomposition of the cellulose by CdS|CdOx forms smaller
saccharides, however sharp monosaccharide peaks are not present in
the spectrum. This suggests that if smaller saccharides do form
they are rapidly consumed by the photocatalyst. The fast affinity
of the photocatalyst for smaller saccharide oxidation was
confirmed by photoreforming 0.1 M glucose, which produced hh at a
rate of 10.0 mmolH2 gcds<-1>IT<1>(Table 2); 130%
higher than with a-cellulose (4.4 mmolH2
gcds<-1>IT<1>). At an a-cellulose loading of 50 mg
mL<-1>the potential anhydroglucose concentration (0.3 M) is
three times higher than glucose. Dehydration of monosaccharides
produces furfural species, such as 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF),
as intermediates in the oxidation of cellulose by Pt/TiO2 systems.
HMF resonances are not visible in the<13>C spectrum after
photocatalysis, as confirmed by reference to an authentic sample
(Fig. b). This illustrates that either HMF is not formed as an
intermediate in photocatalysis or that upon its formation it is
rapidly decomposed. The latter is unlikely as photoreforming HMF
by the photocatalyst proceeded at a relatively slow rate of 4.7
mmolH2 gcds<-1>IT<1>(Table 2).
Instead, formate was identified as the major intermediate during
catalysis (δ = 171 ppm, iii), which is a common product of biomass
oxidation by thermally-driven metal oxide catalysts. The
accumulation of formate was assigned to its slow oxidation by
CdS|CdOx, as its photoreformation generated H2 at an even slower
rate of 1.3 mmolH2 gcds<-1>IT<1>(Table 2). A
combination of decarboxylation of carboxylic acids and formate
oxidation then produces CO2, which was solubilised as carbonate
(CO3<2">) at the employed pH (δ = 169 ppm, d) (Fig. 3c).
These assignments were corroborated by reference to authentic
samples and<1>H NMR spectroscopy (Fig. 12).
<13>C-NMR spectroscopy was also undertaken of insoluble
cellulose that had been irradiated for 12 hours in 10 M NaOD/D20
both with and without CdS|CdOx. The suspended cellulose was
collected after photocatalysis via centrifugation and dissolved in
molten ZnCI2before measuring a spectrum (Fig. 12e). Both spectra
showed the expected cellulose resonances, as well as numerous
sp<2>C-environments. When CdS|CdOxis present there are a
number of extra peaks that can be assigned to the heterogeneous
oxidation of the cellulose. This indicates that there is both
homogeneous and heterogeneous oxidation of the cellulose chains
during photocatalysis, however due to the mass-transport
limitations of the heterogeneous reaction, oxidation of the
dissolved cellulose will provide the major contribution to the H2
evolution activity.
Proton reduction occurs on CdS through Cd° sites formed by
electron accumulation on the photocatalyst surface, however this
leads to slow rates of H2evolution. Transition metal co-catalysts
are typically added to semiconductor systems to accelerate the
proton reduction activity, but showed a limited effect in the
present system. Addition of Ni(BF4)2 lowered the H2 generated and
K2PtCI4halted activity completely over 24 h of photocatalysis (see
Table 6). The addition of Co(BF4)2 increased the H2 produced by
12%, but only after several days of photocatalysis (Fig. 13).
XPS analysis of Co(BF4)2 in 10 M KOH showed emissions consistent
with Co(OH)2/CoOOH (Fig. 14), which is believed to be the
co-catalyst in this case. When replacing cellulose with more
easily oxidised glucose the addition of Co ions had a larger
influence on the photoactivity, increasing the H2 generated by
over 100% (see Table 2). This indicates that the cellulose
oxidation reaction limits the rate of photocatalytic H2 generation
on CdS|CdOx. This was further confirmed through studies of the
kinetic isotope effect in a solution of FbO/NaOH vs. D20/NaOD.
When the rate of reaction is dictated by breaking/making a
H-containing bond the activity drops substantially upon changing
to deuterated substrates, due to the lower vibrational frequency
of the D-containing bond. In the deuterated solvent, the rate of
photocatalysis was lowered by only 25% (kH/kDof 1.35 ± 0.16)
(Table 7), indicating that the formation/cleavage of an O-H bond
is not rate-limiting. The limiting oxidation rate is reflected in
the conversion yield of cellulose to H2, which reached a maximum
of 9.7% after 6 days (Table 8, this data was corrected by
background activity and assumes a theoretical maximum of 12
equivalents of fHo2rmed per anhydroglucose monomer).
The yield is not yet comparable with the conversion attained by
thermochemical reforming processes, due to the inaccessibility of
the undissolved cellulose, however this disadvantage is offset by
the high purity of the H p2roduced and significantly reduced
energy input of the presented system. It is likely that much
higher conversions will be realised as study of the system
Photoreforming of Lignocellulose
Study into the reformation of the other lignocellulose components,
lignin and hemicellulose, is presented in Fig. 4a (Table 9).
Hemicellulose, in this case xylan from beech wood, could be
reformed at similar rates to a-cellulose, as expected from its
similar chemical composition. A lowered loading of hemicellulose
at 25 mg ml_<- 1>was used to reflect the levels of
hemicellulose present in lignocellulose. The heightened specific
evH2olution performance is due to the higher solubility of
hemicellulose, which presents more accessible oxidation sites for
the particulate CdS|CdOxphotocatalyst.
Lignin is strongly light-absorbing and consequently its
light-driven oxidation to form haHs2rarely been reported. UV
visible spectroscopy of lignin shows a broad absorption peaking at
300 nm with a shoulder at 350 nm that tails into visible
wavelengths of light; the region over which wide-band gap
semiconductors absorb most strongly. The smaller band gap of
CdS|CdOxabsorbs wavelengths above 420 nm, where there is little
competition for light between the photocatalyst and substrate
(Fig. 15), allowing photocatalysis to occur effectively.
At lignin loadings of 0.25 mg rnL<-1>, CdS|CdOxwas able to
evolve at aHn2unprecedented rate of 0.44 mmolH2
gcar<1>IT<1>(Fig. 4a). The decomposition of lignin
during photocatalysis was followed by UV-visible spectroscopy over
5 days of irradiation, which showed a decrease in the peak at 300
nm and growth of the shoulder at 350 nm (Fig. 16a). This change is
a result of oxidation of phenols within lignin to quinone
functionality. This also occurred without CdS|CdOx present, due to
UV-light absorption and self-oxidation by lignin, but 3.7 times
slower with no evolved H2(Fig. 16b/c).
Solar-driven H2evolution from unprocessed lignocellulose stands as
a long-sought objective for progress in the field of biomass
conversion. Fig. 4b (Table 10) summarises the rate of H2evolution
from suspensions of raw biomass available in areas local to
Cambridge, UK and lignocellulosic waste. Each source was added to
the reaction mixture after a rough cutting procedure to attain
pieces < 0.25 cm long, and theH2produced by CdS|CdOxwas
measured after 24 hours of solar irradiation. Rates of up to 9
mmol gcds<-1>h<-1>were observed using wood from a tree
branch, whereas the other natural lignocellulose sources (bagasse,
sawdust and grass) exhibited lower activity.
Waste paper, cardboard and newspaper were also reformed to H2,
despite the highly crystalline cellulose present in their
structure. The rate at whichH2is evolved from each substrate is
remarkably high, competing with the activity of purified
monosaccharide reforming systems (typically 1 to 9
mmolH2gcds<-1>IT<1>) and reaches values two orders of
magnitude higher than previous reports of photocatalytic
lignocellulose reforming. The high activity is assigned to the
employed conditions that benefit both the photocatalyst and the
substrate; the alkaline conditions provides an in situ
pre-treatment of the lignocellulose, dissolving hemicellulose,
lignin, cellulose and other saccharides into the solution, which
are then accessible for oxidation by CdS|CdOx. This provides a
one-pot system that is responsive to highly unprocessed
substrates, thereby allowing facileH2generation from the most
ubiquitous lignocellulose in a given area. Mechanism of
Lignocellulose Reforming on CdS\CdOx
Photocatalytic lignocellulose oxidation is often believed to occur
through the formation of hydroxyl radicals (OH), which
subsequently oxidise the substrate. This possibility was explored
using the OH-scavenger benzene-1 ,4-dicarboxylic acid
(terephthalic acid, TPA). TPA reacts with ΌΗ to form
2-hydroxyterephthalic acid (TPA-OH), which can be characterised by
its fluorescence at 430 nm when excited with 315 nm light. CdS QDs
irradiated for 18 hours in the presence of TPA showed low levels
of TPA-OH formation below pH 14 (Fig. 17a), typically amounting to
< 2 μηιοΙ ΌΗ when compared to a TPA-OH reference (assuming the
reaction yield of ΌΗ and TPA to be 35%, Fig. 17b). Above pH 14,
when CdS|CdOxis formed, no TPA-OH was detected and therefore it is
unlikely that ΌΗ plays a role in the presented system.
The function of the probe above and below pH 14 was confirmed
through controlled generation of ΌΗ by H2O2 photolysis (see Fig.
18). Here, photoluminescence emission spectra (bandwidth 2 nm)
were recorded at an excitation wavelength of 315 nm (bandwidth 2
nm) for a 10 mM terephthalic acid solution (2 ml_) before and
after exposure to ΌΗ through the photolysis of 0.5 mM H202 with 1
mM KOH (pH 5.2), 0.1 M KOH (pH 12.9) and 5 M KOH (pH 14.7).
Photolysis was induced during each measurement by the excitation
beam. A 100% photolysis yield would generate a maximum of 2 μηιοΙ
of OH, but the actual yield will be much lower than this value. A
peak from 2-hydroxyterephthalic at 430 nm arises after addition of
H2O2 in all cases. This does not differ significantly from the
background of terephthalic acid (410 nm) as only minimal amounts
of the 2-hydroxyterephthalic is present, but the peak is clearly
distinguishable. These controls confirm that even minimal ΌΗ
formation is detectable by the probe
Instead it is proposed that the CdOxcoverage promotes effective
binding between the photocatalyst and the substrate, which would
contain numerous alkoxide groups at the employed pH. This
interaction may be similar to T1O2, which forms Ti-O-R bonds
during photocatalysis, facilitating effective hole transfer and a
weakening of the C-C bonds in the bound substrate, leading to
efficient oxidation to CO2. Lignocellulosic substrates may bind to
the CdS|CdOxsurface through analogous Cd-O-R bonds, as evidenced
by the formation of the decarboxylation product, CO3<2->.
Such binding is not normally possible on CdS QDs as available
Cd-binding sites are passivated by surface ligands or sulfide. It
is speculated that dissolved lignocellulose chains bind to the
CdS|CdOxsurface, possibly through multiple alkoxide groups,
allowing the photocatalyst to undertake fast oxidation of alcohols
to aldehydes. At this point, C-C bond cleavage can generate
formate, or the aldehyde can be further oxidised to a carboxylic
acid, which is decarboxylated to CO3<2->. The fast
realisation of these reactions is further assisted by the
efficient charge separation in the photocatalyst, as a result of
the CdOxsurface modification, and the basic pH, which rapidly
facilitates deprotonation steps necessary during oxidation.
This reaction almost completely occurs in the homogeneous phase
using solubilised lignocellulosic biomass, although a small amount
of photoreforming on the surface of insoluble substrates may occur
based on<13>C-NMR evidence (Fig. 12e). A strong interaction
between the CdOxsurface and insoluble cellulose is also apparent
in TEM images after reforming, which show the particles embedded
in a cellulose matrix (Fig. 19).
Photocatalytic generation of H2
Photocatalysis was carried out in a Pyrex glass photoreactor
thermostated at 25°C. Solar irradiation was emulated by a solar
light simulator (Newport Oriel, 100 mW<2>)c emq-uipped with
an air mass 1.5 global filter (AM 1.5G) and a water filter (10 cm
path length) to remove IR radiation. In a typical experiment,
ligand-free CdS QDs in DMF (1 nmol) were transferred to a
photoreactor and the DMF was removed in vacuo while stirring. Upon
removal of the solvent, the substrate and 2 mL of 10 M KOH were
added. Co-catalyst solutions were made through dissolution of the
metal salt in 10 M KOH and were added to the reaction solution
when required. The photoreactor was sealed with a rubber septum
and purged with N2 (containing 2% CH4for gas chromatographic
analysis) for 10 min, after which the vial was irradiated whilst
stirring at 600 rpm. The accumulation of wH2as quantified through
periodic headspace gas analysis (50 μΙ_) by gas chromatography.
Synthesis of Oleic Acid Capped
CdS Quantum Dots (CdS-OA)
CdS-OA were synthesised following a modified literature procedure.
A mixture of CdO (0.64 g) and oleic acid (OA, 29 mL) in octadecene
(89 mL) were heated under an Ar atmosphere to 280°C. Separately, a
solution of sulfur (0.08 g) in octadecene (20 mL) was prepared.
Half of the sulfur solution was then added rapidly to the
Cd-containing solution and the other half was added continuously
over the course of 2 minutes. The vessel was then immediately
cooled to 220°C with N2 gas and rapidly cooled in a water bath.
The solution was diluted with 1 : 1 hexane:methanol (100 mL) and
the particles were precipitated using excess acetone (c.a. 300
mL). Isolation of the particles was achieved by centrifugation at
5000 rpm for 3 min, after which they were re-dispersed in hexane.
Two further washing steps were carried out by dispersion in hexane
and precipitation with acetone, before finally dispersing in
Ligand-free CdS Quantum Dots (CdS-BF4) A solution of CdS-OA in
hexane (3 mL) was reduced to dryness and re-dispersed in a mixture
of anhydrous CHCI3(15 mL) and anhydrous /V,/V-dimethylformamide
(DMF, 1.9 mL) under a N2 atmosphere. Et30BF4(1.0 M in
dichloromethane, 9 mL) was added and the reaction solution was
stirred for 1 hour. Me3OBF4(1.0 M in acetonitrile) was added
slowly until the particles precipitated (around 3 mL). The
precipitate was collected by centrifugation (6,000 rpm, 3 min),
and re-dispersed in a minimum of DMF. The quantum dot
concentration and particle size was determined by UV-visible
spectroscopy based on the position and size of the absorption
maximum around 440-450 nm in DMF.
Gas Analysis
Gas chromatography (GC) was carried out on an Agilent 7890A gas
chromatograph with a thermal conductivity detector. H2/D2 were
analysed using a HP-5 molecular sieve column (0.32 mm diameter)
and N2carrier gas with a flow rate of approximately 3 mL
min<-1>. CO and CO2 were analysed using a HP-PLOT/Q column
(0.53 mm diameter) attached to a HP-5 column (0.32 mm diameter)
with a He carrier gas at an approximate flow rate of 2 mL
min<-1>. The GC oven temperature was kept at 45°C in both
cases. Methane (2% CH4in N2) was used as internal standard after
calibration with different mixtures of known amounts of ...
Mass spectrometry was carried out on a Hiden Analytical HPR-20
benchtop gas analysis system with custom-designed 8-way microflow
capillary inlet to a HAL 101 RC electron impact quadrupolar mass
spectrometer with a Faraday detector. The sample inlet was
connected to the reactor headspace and the composition of gases
with mass/charge ratios between 1 and 10 was analysed.
External Quantum Yield (EQY)
CdS-BF4(1 nmol) in DMF was added to a quartz cuvette (1 cm path
length) and evacuated to dryness while stirring. Cellulose (100
mg) and 10 M KOH (2 ml_) were added and the cuvette was sealed
with a rubber septum. The solution was purged with N2 containing
2% CH4for 10 min in the dark. Each sample was irradiated by a Xe
lamp (LOT LSH302) equipped with a monochromator (LOT MSH300) that
was used to focus a single wavelength of 430 nm (accurate to a
full width at half maximum of 5 nm). The light intensity was
adjusted to 796 mW cm<-2>, which was measured using a power
meter (ILT 1400,
International Light Technologies). The cuvette was irradiated
across an area of 0.28 cm<2>. The evolved headspace gas was
analysed by gas chromatography and the EQY (%) was calculated
according to equation (3).
Where nH2is the amount of H2 generated (mol), NA is Avogadro's
constant (mol<-1>), h is Planck's constant (J s), c is the
speed of light (m s<- 1>), tmis the irradiation time (s), λ
is the wavelength (m), / is the light intensity (W rrr<2>)
and A is the irradiated area of exposed to the light beam
Raman Analysis Raman spectra were recorded using a confocal Raman
spectrometer LabRam (Horiba Jobin Yvon) equipped with a liquid
nitrogen cooled Symphony CCD detector (Horiba Jobin Yvon). A
514.73 nm line of an Ar ion laser (Coherent Innova 300c) was used
as excitation wavelength. CdS-BF4QDs in water (10 μΜ), KOH (100
mM) and KOH (10 M) were measured in a rotating quartz cuvette. The
accumulation time of the Raman spectra was 60 seconds. The laser
power was set to 2.5 mW. The laser light was focused into the
solution using a 20<χ>objective (Nikon, 20<χ>NA 0.5).
Cd(OH)2 was obtained by slowly adding 1.5 mL 1 M NaOH into 10 mL
of a 0.1 M CdS04solution. The white precipitate was centrifuged
and washed with Millipore water (p > 18.2 ΜΩ cm) three times.
Band fitting of the Raman spectra was employed to evaluate the
band structures with low intensities arising at high KOH
concentrations around the LO band at 305 cm<-1>. For this,
the spectra were first cut in the region from 225 cm<-1>to
475 cm<-1>. Then, the spectra of ligand- free CdS in water
were fitted. As the LO band dominates the spectra, this band was
fitted first using a Lorentzian band profile. The frequency is
directly derived from the local maximum in the measured spectrum
(i.e. 305 cm<-1>). The band width was adjusted until the
experimental band is properly accounted affording a width of 13
cm<-1>, which is comparable to values reported in the
literature. Small bands with frequencies around the LO frequency
had to be included to enhance the match of generated and
experimental spectrum (see Figure 7b, green dashed lines). These
bands do not necessary reflect real bands but may be a result of
artefacts due to difficulties in baseline subtraction. The
baseline at lower frequencies was dominated by a very strong
polynomic increase of intensity towards the Rayleigh line, which
made it difficult to properly estimate the baseline. As a result,
the band width can be slightly inhomogeneous, which then requires
inclusion of smaller bands around the middle frequency to achieve
a match with convergence criteria of the fit. Importantly, the
intensities of these bands are typically very low compared to the
actual band. In this case, the integral intensities are smaller
than 5 % and can therefore be neglected. The spectra of
ligand-free CdS in 10 M KOH were evaluated next using the bands
already derived from the water spectra. To reconstruct the spectra
properly, more bands needed to be included, particularly on the
low frequency side of the LO band. To account for the additional
spectral contribution, the local intensity maxima were searched
for and, at each frequency maxima, an additional Lorentz band was
included with a pre-defined width of 20 cm<-1>.
Subsequently, the widths of these bands and their intensities were
iteratively altered until the best convergence between overall fit
and experimental spectrum was achieved (see Figure 7c). This set
of bands was then used to fit the 0.1 M KOH spectra by allowing
only the relative intensities of the bands to change. The fit
allowed a very good reconstruction of the spectra (see Figure 7d).
Zeta Potential Analysis
A range of aqueous solutions with different pH values were made
through addition of various amounts of KOH or HCI to deionised
water. The ionic strength of each solution was kept constant at
0.5 M through addition of KCI. CdS-BF4(2 nmol) in DMF was injected
into a vial and dried. An aliquot of a given solution (1 ml_) was
added to the vial, the solution was sonicated for 20 min and the
pH was recorded. Zeta potential was measured in a disposable
folded capillary cell on a Malvern Zetasizer Nano Z zeta potential
analyser. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
CdS-BF4(10 nmol) in DMF was injected into a vial and the solvent
was removed. An aqueous solution (2 ml_) containing various [KOH]
was added and the solution was stirred for 5 min. The particles
were isolated from solution through centrifugation (10,000 rpm, 10
min), the supernatant was removed carefully and the resultant
yellow precipitate was transferred onto a gold-coated silicon
substrate and dried. N.B., the dried sample is very hygroscopic,
and as much supernatant as possible must be removed for the sample
to dry effectively.
<13>C-NMR Spectroscopy of
Prior to use,<13>C-cellulose (50 mg) was stirred for 20 min
in 0.1 M NaOH (10 ml.) at 80°C in air. The solid was collected by
filtration, washed with water (500 ml_) and freeze dried,
producing a fine white powder. A photoreactor was charged with
CdS-BF4in DMF (1 nmol) and dried.<13>C-cellulose (10 mg) and
10 M NaOD in D20 (1 ml_) were added, the solution purged with N2
(cont. 2% CH4) and was irradiated for 3 days. Subsequently, the
reaction mixture was filtered through a hydrophilic syringe filter
and a<13>C-NMR spectrum was taken of the resultant solution.
To attain a spectrum of the insoluble cellulose, a photoreactor
was charged with 1<3>C-cellulose (10 mg) and 10 M NaOD in
D2O (1.0 ml_), either with or without CdS-BF4QDs (1 nmol). The
resultant solution was purged with N2 and irradiated, as described
above, for 12 hours.
The reaction mixture was centrifuged (15 min, 12,000 rpm) and the
solid residue was washed with water and freeze-dried to give a
pale yellow powder. The yellow powder was added to an NMR tube
containing ZnC12 (1.00 g), LiCI (200 mg) and D2O (360 μΙ_). The
mixture was degassed by three freeze-pump-thaw cycles, sealed and
heated to 100°C overnight. The resulting brown melt was cooled to
room temperature before a<13>C NMR spectrum was taken.
<1>H-NMR Spectroscopy of
A photoreactor was charged with CdS-BF4(2 nmol) and dried,
a-cellulose (100 mg) and 10 M NaOD in D20 (2 ml_) were added, the
solution purged with N2(cont. 2% CH4) and irradiated for 3 days.
Subsequently, the reaction mixture was filtered through a
hydrophilic syringe filter and a<1>H-NMR spectrum was taken
of the resultant solution.
Transmission Electron Microscopy CdS|CdOxparticles were prepared
for TEM by adding CdS-BF4(1.5 nmol) to a vial and drying in vacuo.
Aqueous KOH (0.2 ml_, 10 M) was added and the resultant solution
was sonicated for 5 min. The suspension was centrifuged at 10,000
rpm for 5 min and the supernatant was removed. The particles were
re-suspended in diethyl ether (around 1 ml_) and 10 μΙ_ of the
suspension was loaded onto a Cu TEM (TAAB) grid and dried.
Treatment of Data
All analytical measurements were performed in triplicate and are
given as the unweighted mean ± standard deviation (o). The
standard deviation of a measured value was calculated using
equation (4).
Image available on "Original document"
Where n is the number of repeated measurements, x is the value of
a single measurement and is the unweighted mean of the
measurements, σ was increased to 5% of in the event that the
calculated σ was below this threshold.
The specific activity (molH2gcds<-1>) was calculated by
equation (5) from the molar weight of the quantum dot (QD).
Where nH2 is the H2 produced (mol), reds is the radius of the QD
(cm), pcds is the density of CdS (4.84 g cm<-3>), Nais
Avogadro's number (mol<-1>) and HQD is the number of moles
of QD (mol).
Table 1 illustrates photocatalytic H e2volution from cellulose
reforming. 0.5 μΜ CdS quantum dots were irradiated at 25°C with
simulated solar light (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>). Solution
volume was 2 mL in a sealed photoreactor under an anaerobic
atmosphere with an internal volume of 7.91 mL. Samples in the 'no
light' control were wrapped with foil and stirred at room
temperature. Photocatalysis solutions for glucose reforming
contained 0.1 M glucose.
Table 2 illustrates photocatalytic H2evolution from various
organic substrates. 0.5 μΜ CdS quantum dots were irradiated at
25°C with simulated solar light (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>).
Solution volume was 2 mL in a sealed photoreactor under an
anaerobic atmosphere with an internal volume of 7.91 mL. The
substrate concentration was 0.1 M.
Table 3 illustrates photocatalytic H2evolution from suspended
cellulose and suspension-free cellulose. 0.5 μΜ CdS quantum dots
were irradiated at 25°C with simulated solar light (AM 1.5G, 100
mW cm<-2>). Solution volume was 1 mL in a sealed
photoreactor under an anaerobic atmosphere with an internal volume
of 7.91 mL. The suspension-free cellulose solution was prepared by
combining 50 mg mL<-1>of a-cellulose in 10 M KOH and
irradiating with simulated solar light (AM 1.5G, 100 mW
cm<-2>) without photocatalyst for 24 hours at 25°C. The
solution was centrifuged (5,000 rpm, 10 minutes) and the
supernatant was used for photocatalysis as described previously.
Table 4 illustrates the external quantum yield measurements from
photocatalytic cellulose reforming. CdS|CdOxquantum dots (5.29 nm,
0.5 μΜ) were irradiated with monochromatic light (430 nm,
full-width at half maximum: 5 nm, intensity: 796 ± 15 mW
cm<-2>) with KOH (2 ml_, 10 M) and 50 mg
rnL<-1>a-cellulose at room temperature in a sealed
photoreactor under anaerobic conditions with an internal volume of
3.83 ml_. Each sample was irradiated over an area of 0.28
cm<2>. The 48 hour time point is not included in the
Table 5 illustrates the external quantum yield measurements from
photoreforming MeOH. CdS|CdOxquantum dots (5.19 nm, 0.5 μΜ) were
irradiated with monochromatic light (430 nm, full-width at half
maximum: 5 nm, intensity: 725 ± 15 mW cm<-2>) with 2 ml_ KOH
(10 M) and 0.1 M MeOH at room temperature in a sealed photoreactor
under anaerobic conditions with an internal volume of 3.83 ml_.
The sample was irradiated over an area of 0.28 cm<2>. The 1
hour time point is not included in average. Table 6
Table 6 illustrates photocatalytic H e2volution from cellulose
reforming in the presence of varying co-catalysts. CdS|CdOx (0.5
μΜ, 4.77 nm) was irradiated at 25°C with simulated solar light (AM
1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>) in KOH (10 M, 2 mL) with 50 mg
mL<-1>a-cellulose under an anaerobic atmosphere in a sealed
photoreactor with an internal volume of 7.91 mL.
Table 7 illustrates kinetic isotope studies of photocatalytic
cellulose reforming. CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ, 4.96 nm) and 50 mg
mL<-1>a-cellulose irradiated at 25°C with simulated solar
light (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>) for 24 hours. Solvent volume
was 2 mL in a sealed photoreactor under an anaerobic atmosphere
with an internal volume of 7.91 mL.
Table 8 illustrates percentage conversion of photocatalytic
cellulose reforming. CdS|CdOx(2 μΜ, 5.29 nm) was irradiated with
simulated solar light (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>) at 25°C in 1
mL KOH (10 M) over 6 days with 0.34 mM Co(BF4)2 in a sealed
photoreactor under an anaerobic atmosphere with an internal volume
of 7.91 mL. Moles of anhydroglucose were calculated by dividing
the weight of added α-cellulose by the molar mass of an
anhydroglucose repeating unit (162.14 g mol<-1>) assuming
weight contribution from polysaccharide end groups is negligible.
Background correction was achieved by subtracting the H2 produced
in the equivalent experiment without α-cellulose. Conversion was
calculated assuming a theoretical maximum of 12 equivalents of H2
form per anhydroglucose repeating unit. Table 9
Table 9 illustrates photocatalytic H e2volution from reforming the
components of lignocellulose. CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ, 5.30 nm) was
irradiated with simulated solar light (AM 1.5G, 100 mW
cm<-2>) at 25°C in KOH (10 M, 2 ml_) over 24 h with 0.34 mM
Co(BF4)2in a sealed photoreactor under an anaerobic atmosphere
with an internal volume of 7.91 ml_.
Table 10 illustrates photocatalytic H2 evolution from raw
lignocellulosic biomass reforming. CdS|CdOx (0.5 μΜ, 5.30 nm) was
irradiated with simulated solar light (AM 1.5G, 100 mW
cm<-2>) at 25°Cover 24 hours in KOH (10 M, 2 ml_) with
Co(BF4)2(0.34 mM) in a sealed photoreactor under an anaerobic
atmosphere with an internal volume of 7.91 ml_. Raw biomass
substrates were cut roughly into pieces < 0.25 cm long before
Additional Experimental and
In addition to the oxidation of organic substrates such as
biomass, the photocatalyst of the invention is capable of
degrading and/or generating hydrogen from common organic polymers,
including those used as commercial plastics in consumer products.
The photocatalyst of the invention was used together with the
following organic substrates: poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET),
poly(lactic acid) (PLA), polyvinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP), and
poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). In a typical experiment, CdS-BF4(1
nmol) was added to a pyrex photoreactor and dried. The desired
polymer (from 20-200 mg) was weighed into the photoreactor and
aqueous KOH (2 ml_, 10 M) was added. Optionally, Co(BF4)2-6H20
(0.25 mM) was added to the solution as a co-catalyst. The mixture
was purged with N2 (containing 2% CH4) for 10 minutes prior to
photocatalysis, and the solution was irradiated as described
previously. Thus, a sample mixture was irradiated with simulated
solar light (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>) at 25°C under an
anaerobic atmosphere for 24 hours.
PVP was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, having a Mw of 55,000. PEG
was purchased from Sigma- Aldrich, having a Mw of 1 ,500. PET and
PLA were purchased from Goodfellow Cambridge Ltd.
The photocatalyst works adequately without the need for a
co-catalyst (see Figure 20), however activity can be enhanced upon
addition of Co(BF4)2 catalyst (Figure 21).
An increase in photocatalyst activity should also be achievable
with other transition metal co-catalysts, such as Ni and Pt.
An increase in photocatalyst activity was seen when an organic
polymer or an organic biomass was pre-heated in aqueous base prior
to irradiation (Figure 22). In this experiment, the PVP or
a-cellulose substrate (100 mg of each, a-cellulose as used in the
experiments described above) was suspended in aqueous KOH (1 mL,
10 M) and heated to 100°C for 1 h whilst stirring. After cooling
to room temperature, the resultant suspension was transferred to a
pyrex photoreactor, containing dried CdS-BF4(1 nmol) and KOH (1
mL, 10 M). Optionally, Co(BF4)2-6H20 (0.25 mM) may be added to the
solution as a co-catalyst. Each mixture was purged with N2
(containing 2% CH4) for 10 minutes prior to photocatalysis, and
the solution was irradiated as described previously. Thus, a
sample mixture was irradiated with simulated solar light (AM 1.5G,
100 mW cm<-2>) at 25°C under an anaerobic atmosphere for 24
hours. The amount of hydrogen evolved is shown in Figure 22.
Further Experimental and Results
As noted in the experimental section above, the photocatalyst of
the invention may be used to degrade and generate hydrogen from
common organic polymers. For example, the inventors have shown
that poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), poly(lactic acid) (PLA),
polyvinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP), and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) are
suitable substrates for the photocatalyst. In further work, the
photocatalyst of the invention is shown to be capable of degrading
and/or generating hydrogen from other polymer types, including
polyurethane (PUR), polyethylene glycol (PEG) and low-density
polyethylene (LDPE). The photocatalyst may also be used to
generate hydrogen from a polymer substrate pre-treated with base
prior to the photocatalytic reaction.
Substrates for Use
It is now established that the photocatalysts of the invention may
be used for photocatalytic reforming of a broad range of natural
and synthetic organic polymers. It has been found that some
organic polymers are poor substrates for the photocatalyst, but
the hydrogen production rate may be enhanced or initiated after
pre-treatment of the polymer with base, such as NaOH, prior to the
photocatalytic reaction. The pre-treatment of a polymer is
described in further detail in the section below.
In a series of reactions, different organic polymers were treated
with a photocatalyst, and the hydrogen evolution over time was
monitored. In a typical experiment a polymer substrate (100 mg)
was treated with CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) in 10 M NaOH. The mixture was
irradiated with simulated solar light (AM 1.5G, 100 rnW
cm<-2>) at 25°C for 4 h under an anaerobic atmosphere.
Photoreforming of each of the polymers was also studied after
pre-treatment of the polymer with base. Here, each polymer (100
mg) was mixed with 10 M NaOH (2 ml_), and stirred for 24 h. at
40°C. The mixture was centrifuged, and the precipitate removed.
The supernatant was then added to CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ), and the
mixture was irradiated as before (thus, simulated solar light (AM
1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>at 25°C for 4 h, under an anaerobic
The polymers tested included a-cellulose, PLA (polylactic acid),
PET (polyethylene terephthalate), PUR (polyurethane), PVP
(polyvinylpyrrolidine), PEG (polyethylene glycol), LDPE
(low-density polyethylene), PVC (polyvinyl chloride), PMMA
(poly(methyl methacrylate)), PS (polystyrene), PC (polycarbonate),
chitin, chitosan, casein and BSA (bovine serum albumin).
Polycarbonate (pellets, Mw45,000), polyethylene glycol (Mw1 ,500),
polymethyl methacrylate (Mw 350,000), polypropylene (amorphous),
polystyrene (pellets, Mw 35,000), and poly(vinylpyrrolidone)
(powder, Mw55,000) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used
without further purification.
Low density polyethylene (powder, 300 μηι), polyethylene
terephthalate (powder, 300 μηι), polylactic acid (pellets, 3 mm),
polyurethane (foam, 10<χ>100<χ>100 mm<3>,
density 0.08 g cm<-3>), and unplasticised polyvinyl chloride
(powder, 250 μηι) were obtained from Goodfellow Cambridge Ltd.
Polylactic acid and polyurethane were ground in a coffee grinder
to provide powders with particles having diameters of
approximately 900 and 1 ,400 μηι, respectively.
NaOD (40 wt% in D20), and NaOH were purchased from Fischer
Scientific. D20 (99.96 atom% D) was obtained from Euriso-Top. The
plastic water bottle was purchased from M&S Cambridge Rail
Simply Food, Station Rd, Cambridge CB1 2JW, drained of water,
dried and then ground using a coffee grinder into pieces≤ 1
Figures 23 and 24 show the amount of hydrogen evolved from a range
of polymers with and without pre-treatment of that polymer with
base. The amount of hydrogen collected is the amount collected
after 4 hours of irradiation.
The results show that many polymers may be degraded under the
photocatalytic reaction conditions, and frequently the
pre-treatment of the polymer substrate with base enhances hydrogen
evolution. In some cases, hydrogen evolution is not observed when
a polymer substrate is irradiated in the presence of the
photocatalyst (for example, for the polymers PVC, PS and PC).
However, hydrogen evolution is seen when these polymer substrates
are pre-treated with base. A summary of the results is set out
below for each polymer tested.
Polylactic acid (PLA). Very high hydrogen production was observed,
and the hydrogen evolution was not greatly affected by a
pre-treatment. The polymer is believed to degrade to lactic acid
when it is added to the basic photocatalyst-containing mixture. It
is also believed that pyruvic acid is formed during
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Moderate hydrogen production was
observed, and the hydrogen production rate was increased greatly
(by around five times) when the substrate was pre-treated with
base. The inventors were also able to repeat the work using a PET
sample taken from a consumer product water bottle.
During the reaction it was observed that terephthalic acid was
produced, and this precipitated from the reaction mixture as its
disodium salt (disodium terephthalate) and could be recovered.
Other products of the reaction were likely to include ethylene
glycol, glycolic acid, acetic acid, formic acid and ethanol.
Polyurethane (PUR). Low hydrogen production was observed, and the
production rate was increased greatly (by around six times) when
the substrate was pre-treated with base. The products of the
photoreformation reaction likely included diaminotoluene, formic
acid, acetic acid, lactic acid and pyruvic acid.
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Low hydrogen production was observed,
and the production was increased greatly (by greater than ten
times) when the substrate was pre-treated with base. Polyethylene
glycol (PEG). Low hydrogen production was observed, and the
production was increased greatly (by around three times) when the
substrate was pre-treated with base.
Low density polyethylene (LDPE). A very low hydrogen production
was observed, both with and without pre-treatment of the polymer
Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), Polystyrene (PS) and
Polycarbonate (PC). No hydrogen production was observed without
pre-treatment of the polymer substrate. With pre-treatment a very
low hydrogen production was observed. The results for the polymers
described above are shown in Figure 23, and are set out in Table
11 below.
Table 11
Chitin, chitosan, casein and bovine serum albumin (BSA). Low
hydrogen production was observed. The casein and BSA polymers were
not pre-treated. The results are shown in Figure 24, and are set
out in Table 12 below. In further experiments, chitin and chitosan
were pre-treated, and the results are shown in Figure 25.
Table 12Analysis of Substrate and Substrate Degradation Products
The reaction of the polymer substrates under the photodegradation
methods of the present invention was studied by<1>H NMR
spectroscopy. In a series of experiments the degradation of PL-A,
PET and PU was investigated.
Similar to the photoreforming experiments describe above, a
polymer substrate (50 mg) was treated with CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) in 10
M NaOD in D20 (2 ml_). The mixture was irradiated with simulated
solar light (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>) at 25°C for 24 h under
an anaerobic atmosphere.
Samples of each polymer were taken before and after
photoreforming, filtered and analysed by<1>H NMR
spectroscopy using a Bruker 400 MHz Avance spectrometer at room
temperature. The spectra are shown in Figure 26.
Pre-Treatment of Organic
The inventors have found that hydrogen production, such as the
hydrogen production rate, in the photocatalytic treatment of an
organic substrate may be enhanced when that organic substrate is
pre-treated with base. It has also been found that this
pre-treatment prevents contamination of the solid photoreforming
leftovers with Cd.
The improvement in hydrogen production rate is shown in Figures 23
and 25 and Table 11 for a range of organic substrates. The
conditions for the pre-treatment were studied in order to identify
an optimal set of conditions. In each pre-treatment a PET
substrate (at 25 mg/mL) was treated with 10 M NaOH for a set time.
After this time undissolved substrate was optionally removed by
centrifugation, and the supernatant was used in a photoreforming
The supernatant (2 mL) was added to CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ), and the
mixture was irradiated with simulated solar light (AM 1.5G, 100 mW
cm<-2>at 25°C for 4 h) in a sealed photoreactor under an
anaerobic atmosphere with an internal volume of 7.91 mL. The
conditions investigated for the pre-treatment are set out below:
A: 24 h stir at 40°C, centrifuge
B: 24 h rest at room temperature, centrifuge
C: 24 h stir at 80°C, centrifuge
D: 24 h stir at 40°C, no centrifuge
E: 48 h stir at 40°C, centrifuge
F: 24 h stir at room temperature, centrifuge
None: no pre-treatment The amount of hydrogen evolved after 4
hours in the subsequent photoreforming reaction was recorded. The
results are shown in Figure 27. The results show that condition A
provided the highest rate of hydrogen evolution, and these
conditions were used in the experiments described above for the
range of organic substrates.
Base for Use
In the experimental preparation of the photocatalyst described
previously, CdS|CdOxwas formed in a highly basic aqueous solution
of KOH. It has now been shown that aqueous NaOH can be used in
place of aqueous KOH to lower the cost of photoreforming without
affecting the performance of the CdS|CdOxphotocatalyst.
Thus, the CdS|CdOxphotocatalyst was prepared as described
previously except that 10 M KOH was replaced with 10 M NaOH. The
resulting photocatalyst was used to treat a-cellulose and PET.
Thus, a-cellulose (100 mg) and PET (100 mg) were exposed to
CdS|CdOx(0.5 μΜ) in the presence of 10 M NaOH or KOH (10 mL) under
simulated solar light (AM 1.5G, 100 mW cm<-2>) at 25°C under
an anaerobic atmosphere. The evolution of hydrogen from the
photoreforming reaction was monitored, and the amount of hydrogen
collected after 4 hours of irradiation was measured. The results
are shown in Figure 28. References
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