Lewis LARSEN, et al.
LENR Gold Production
February 25, 2014
Alchemy 2.0 – Low Energy Nuclear
Reactor Creates Gold and Platinum
The transmutation from lead to gold has been mankind’s dream for
millennia. Lattice Energy LLC, a company from Chicago, IL, claims
to have developed a process for energy production, utilizing a
low-energy nuclear reactor (LENR) that, as a byproduct of neutron
captures on tungsten, will create a mix of precious metals.
To learn more about the technology, Tech Metals Insider spoke with
Lewis Larsen, president and CEO of Lattice.
Lattice was founded in 2001 upon the ruins of the “cold fusion”
failures that had caused much hope and disappointment back in the
late 1980’s. Larsen is part of a team that learned from cold
fusion’s mistakes: “their heat production measurements were
right”, said Larsen with respect to cold fusion, “but their
conclusions about the heat being produced by a fusion process were
completely wrong.”
What enabled Lattice’s new approach were recent advances in
nanotechnology. “Nanotechnology and LENR are joined at the hip”,
said Larsen. “It is one of the reasons why this could not be done
back in 1989-90. Before our work, nobody had a grasp on the theory
of neutron creation from protons and electrons in tabletop
apparatus; nor on exactly how to apply advanced nanotechnology to
build well-performing prototype devices.”
Combining the know-how of experts from a variety of disciplines
including electro-dynamics, quantum electro-dynamics, nuclear
physics and solid state physics, lead to the development of a
theoretical foundation which is now ready to be prototyped, and
put to the test.
The goal of Lattice is to build high performance thermal sources
with outputs ranging from single watts to 100 kilowatts, the
ultimate application being the use of LENRs in cars. Patents have
been filed and some were issued. At this point, financing is
provided by insiders and several angel investors, but larger
amounts of capital are needed to take the technology to its next
Larsen is labeling the LENR as “green nuclear technology” – green
because commercial systems could be operated very similar to
aluminum production using an electric arc. The process would emit
no energetic neutrons (LENR ultra low energy neutrons are all
absorbed locally deep inside the reactor and are thus not a safety
problem), and no gamma radiation.
When asked about differences compared to the deuterium-tritium
fusion process presented by the Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory last week, Larsen said: “Their dirty little secret they
don’t talk about is that they produce deadly, very energetic
neutrons and gamma radiation. Harvesting the energy from these
neutrons produced by fusion is quite difficult. Furthermore,
shielding requirements will make fusion unusable for mobile and
portable power generation applications.”
Larsen’s theory that gold, platinum and several other metals can
be created by his process is based on findings by Japanese
physicist Prof. Hantaro Nagaoka who successfully transmuted
tungsten into gold back in 1924. Nagaoka’s results have been
verified by several institutions in recent independent experiments
but so far there has been no effort to commercialize the process.
“Now that the LENR transmutation process is well understood the
use of nanotechnology may change all that”, believes Larsen.
“The neutron-catalyzed LENR process follows rows of the periodic
table of elements”, he went on, meaning that heavier metals than
the starting targets’ will be created. The work published by
Larsen and his team suggests that a tungsten target, for instance,
will absorb neutrons and gradually be transmuted to gold, platinum
and other platinum group metals. “And because LENR products are
not dangerously radioactive”, Larsen added, “conventional metal
recovery processes can be utilized.”
“Can we scale this up to a commercial process that makes money?” –
Larsen is convinced it may be possible.
By Bodo Albrecht
[ PDF ]
Also published as: WO2006119080 (A3)
US2008232532 (A1) EP1880393
Method and apparatus for generating ultra low momentum neutrons
(ULMNs) using surface plasmon polariton electrons, hydrogen
isotopes, surfaces of metallic substrates, collective many-body
effects, and weak interactions in a controlled manner. The ULMNs
can be used to trigger nuclear transmutation reactions and produce
heat. One aspect of the present invention effectively provides a
"transducer" mechanism that permits controllable two-way transfers
of energy back-and-forth between chemical and nuclear realms in a
small-scale, low-energy, scalable condensed matter system at
comparatively modest temperatures and pressures.
[0002] Co-Inventors: Lewis G. Larsen, Allan Widom
[0003] Cross Reference and Priority Claim
[0004] [0001] The present application claims the benefit of the
following provisional patent applications by the present
inventors: (a) "Apparatus and Method for Generation of Ultra Low
Momentum Neutrons," filed at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
on April 29, 2005 and having serial number 60/676,264; and (b)
"Apparatus and Method for Absorption of Incident Gamma Radiation
and Its Conversion to Outgoing Radiation at Less Penetrating,
Lower Energies and Frequencies," filed at the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office on September 9, 2005 having serial number
60/715,622. Background of the Invention
[0005] [0002] The present invention concerns apparatus and methods
for the generation of extremely low energy neutrons and
applications for such neutrons. Neutrons are uncharged elementary
fermion particles that, along with protons (which are positively
charged elementary fermion particles), comprise an essential
component of all atomic nuclei except for that of ordinary
hydrogen. Neutrons are well known to be particularly useful for
inducing various types of nuclear reactions because, being
uncharged, they are not repelled by Coulombic repulsive forces
associated with the positive electric charge contributed by
protons located in an atomic nucleus. Free neutrons are inherently
unstable outside of the immediate environment in and around an
atomic nucleus and have an accepted mean life of about 887 to 914
seconds; if they are not captured by an atomic nucleus, they break
up via beta decay into an electron, a proton, and an
anti-neutrino. Neutrons are classified by their levels of kinetic
energy; expressed in units measured in MeV, meV, KeV, or eV -
Mega-, milli-, Kilo- electron Volts. Depending on the mean
velocity of neutrons within their immediate physical environment,
energy levels of free neutrons can range from: (1) ultracold to
cold (nano eVs to 25 meV); (2) thermal (in equilibrium with
environment at an E approx. = kT = 0.025 eV); (3) slow (0.025 eV
to 100 eV - at around 1 eV they are called epithermal); (4)
intermediate (100 eV to about 10 KeV); (5) fast (10 KeV to 10
MeV), to ultrafast or high-energy (above 10 MeV). The degree to
which a given free neutron possessing a particular level of energy
is able to react with a given atomic nucleus/isotope via capture
(referred to as the reaction capture "cross section" and
empirically measured in units called "barns") is dependent upon:
(a) the specific isotope of the nucleus undergoing a capture
reaction with a free neutron, and (b) the mean velocity of a free
neutron at the time it interacts with a target nucleus.
[0006] [0003] It is well known that, for any specific atomic
isotope, the capture cross section for reactions with externally
supplied free neutrons scales approximately inversely proportional
to velocity (1/v). This means that the lower the mean velocity of
a free neutron (i.e., the lower the momentum) at the time of
interaction with a nucleus, the higher its absorption cross
section will be, i.e., the greater the probability that it will
react successfully and be captured by a given target
[0007] [0004] Different atomic isotopes can behave very
differently after capturing free neutrons. Some isotopes are
entirely stable after the capture of one or more free neutrons
(e.g., isotopes of Gadolinium (Gd), atomic number 64:
<154>Gd to <155>Gd to <156>Gd). (As used herein,
superscripts at the top left side (or digits to the left side) of
the elemental symbol represent atomic weight.) Some isotopes
absorb one or more neutrons, forming a more neutron-rich isotope
of the same element, and then beta decay to another element. Beta
decay strictly involves the weak interaction, because it results
in the production of neutrinos and energetic electrons (known as
[beta]-particles). In beta decay, the neutron number (N) goes down
by one; the number of protons (atomic number = Z = nuclear charge)
goes up by one; the atomic mass (A = Z + N) is unchanged. Higher-Z
elements are thus produced from lower-Z "seed" elements. Other
atomic isotopes enter an unstable excited state after capturing
one or more free neutrons, and "relax" to a lower energy level by
releasing the excess energy through the emission of photons such
as gamma rays (e.g., the isotope Cobalt- 60 [<60>Co], atomic
number 27). Yet other isotopes also enter unstable excited states
after capturing one or more free neutrons, but subsequently
"relax" to lower energy levels through spontaneous fission of the
"parent" nucleus. At very high values of A, de-excitation
processes start being dominated by fission reactions (involving
the strong interaction) and alpha particle (Helium-4 nuclei)
emission rather than beta decays and emission of energetic
electrons and neutrinos. Such fission processes can result in the
production of a wide variety of "daughter" isotopes and the
release of energetic particles such as protons, alphas, electrons,
neutrons, and/or gamma photons (e.g., the isotope <252>Cf of
Californium, atomic number 98). Fission processes are commonly
associated with certain very heavy (high A) isotopes that can
produce many more neutrons than they "consume" via initial
capture, thus enabling a particular type of rapidly escalating
cascade of neutron production by successive reactions commonly
known as a fission "chain reaction" (e.g., the uranium isotope
<235>U, atomic number 92; or the plutonium isotope Pu,
atomic number 94). For U, each external free "trigger" neutron
releases another 100 neutrons in the resulting chain reaction.
Isotopes that can produce chain reactions are known as fissile.
Deliberately induced neutron- catalyzed chain reactions form the
underlying basis for existing nuclear weapons and fission power
plant technologies. Significant fluxes of free neutrons at various
energies are useful in a variety of existing military, commercial,
and research applications, with illustrative examples as follows.
It should be noted that an advantage of the present invention is
mentioned in the following Table I: -A-
[0009] Table I [0005]
[0010] [0006] Locations and Reaction Products of Fluxes of Free
Neutrons Found in Nature:
[0011] [0007] Minor natural sources of free neutrons are produced
by relatively rare accumulations of long-lived radioactive
isotopes incorporated in a variety of minerals (e.g., Uraninite -
UO2; with U comprised of about 99.28% of <238>U and 0.72%
<235>U and a trace of <234>U) found in planetary
crusts, asteroids, comets, and interstellar dust. In addition to
such radioactive isotopes and various man-made sources of free
neutrons noted earlier, natural sources of significant fluxes of
free neutrons are found primarily in stellar environments. In
fact, since the Big Bang, nearly all of the elements and isotopes
found in the Universe besides hydrogen and helium have been
created by a variety of cosmic nucleosynthetic processes
associated with various stages of stellar evolution.
[0012] [0008] Stellar nucleosynthesis is a complex collection of
various types of nuclear processes and associated nuclear reaction
networks operating across an extremely broad range of
astrophysical environments, stellar evolutionary phenomena, and
time-spans. According to current thinking, these processes are
composed of three broad classes of stellar nucleosynthetic
reactions as follows:
[0013] [0009] 1. Various nuclear reactions primarily involving
fusion of nuclei and/or charged particles that start with
hydrogen/helium as the initial stellar "feedstock" and
subsequently create heavier isotopes up to <56>Fe (iron), at
which the curve of nuclear binding energy peaks. At masses above
<56>Fe, binding energies per nucleon progressively decrease;
consequently, nucleosynthesis via fusion and charged particle
reactions are no longer energetically favored. As a result,
isotopes/elements heavier than <56>Fe must be created via
neutron capture processes. [0010] 2. S-Process - short-hand for
the Slow (neutron capture) Process; it is thought to occur in
certain evolutionary stages of cool giant stars. In this process,
"excess" neutrons (produced in certain nuclear reactions) are
captured by various types of "seed" nuclei on a long time-scale
compared to [beta]-decays. Heavier nuclides are built-up via
successive neutron captures that ascend the so-called
beta-stability valley from <56>Fe (a common initial "seed"
nucleus in stellar environments) all the way up to <209>Bi
(Bismuth). Masses above <209>Bi require much higher neutron
fluxes to create heavier elements such as Uranium (e.g.
[0014] [0011] 3. R-Process - short-hand for the Rapid (neutron
capture) Process; -it is thought to occur in Type II supernovae
and various high-energy events on and around neutron stars. In
this process, intermediate products comprising very neutron-rich
nuclei are built up by very large neutron fluxes produced under
extreme conditions that are captured by various types of "seed"
nuclei. These intermediate products then undergo a series of
[beta]- decays accompanied by fission of the heaviest nuclei.
Ultimately, this process produces nuclei having even larger
masses, i.e. above <209>Bi, that are located on the
neutron-rich side of the "valley of nuclear stability".
[0015] [0012 ] As evident from the Table I discussed above,
various types of neutron generators have been known for many
years. However, the neutron generators of the prior art do not
produce ultra low momentum neutrons. Two prior publications have
mentioned or involve "ultracold" neutrons (which are created at
significantly higher energies and much greater momenta than "ultra
low momentum" neutrons), but these are easily distinguished from
the present invention. Specifically, RU2160938 (entitled
"Ultracold Neutron Generator," by Vasil et al, dated December 20,
2000) and RU2144709 (entitled "Ultracold Neutron Production
Process," by Jadernoj et al., dated January 20, 2000) both utilize
either large macroscopic nuclear fission reactors or accelerators
as neutron sources to create thermal neutrons, which are then
subsequently extracted and brought down to "ultracold" energies
with certain neutron moderators that are cooled-down to liquid
helium temperatures.
[0016] [0013] An object of the present invention is to provide
method and apparatus for directly producing large fluxes of ultra
low momentum neutrons (ULMNs) that possess much lower momentum and
velocities than ultracold neutrons. Illustratively, such fluxes of
ULMNs produced in the apparatus of the Invention may be as high as
~10<16> neutrons/sec/cm<2>.
[0017] [0014] Another object of the present invention is to
generate ULM neutrons at or above room temperature in very tiny,
comparatively low cost apparatus/devices.
[0018] [0015] A further obj ect of the present invention is to
generate ULM neutrons without requiring any moderation; that is,
without the necessity of deliberate "cooling" of its produced
neutrons using any type of neutron moderator.
[0019] [0016] A further object of the present invention is to
utilize controlled combinations of starting materials and
successive rounds of ULM neutron absorption and beta decays to
synthesize stable, heavier (higher-A) elements from lighter
starting elements, creating transmutations and releasing
additional energy in the process.
[0020] [0017] Yet another object of the present invention is to
produce neutrons with extraordinarily high absorption
cross-sections for a great variety of isotopes/elements. Because
of that unique characteristic, the ULMN absorption process is
extremely efficient, and neutrons will very rarely if ever be
detected externally, even though large fluxes of ULMNs are being
produced and consumed internally within the apparatus of the
invention. One specific object of the present invention is to
produce neutrons at intrinsically very low energies, hence the
descriptive term "ultra low momentum" neutrons. ULM neutrons have
special properties because, according to preferred aspects of the
invention, they are formed collectively at extraordinarily low
energies (which is equivalent to saying that at the instant they
are created, ULMNs are moving at extraordinarily small velocities,
v, approaching zero). Accordingly, they have extremely long
quantum mechanical wavelengths that are on the order of one to ten
microns (i.e., 10,000 to 100,000 Angstroms). By contrast, a
"typical" neutron moving at thermal energies in condensed matter
will have a quantum mechanical wavelength of only about 2
Angstroms. By comparison, the smallest viruses range in size from
50 to about 1,000 Angstroms; bacteria range in size from 2,000 to
about 500,000 Angstroms. The great size of the domain of their
wave function is the source of ULMNs' extraordinarily large
absorption cross-sections; it enables them to be almost instantly
absorbed by different local nuclei located anywhere within
distances of up to 10,000 Angstroms from the location at which
they are created.
Summary of the Invention
[0021] [ 0018 ] The present invention has numerous features
providing methods and apparatus that utilize surface plasmon
polariton electrons, hydrogen isotopes, surfaces of metallic
substrates, collective many-body effects, and weak interactions in
a controlled manner to generate ultra low momentum neutrons that
can be used to trigger nuclear transmutation reactions and produce
heat. One aspect of the present invention effectively provides a
"transducer" mechanism that permits controllable two-way transfers
of energy back-and-forth between chemical and nuclear realms in a
small-scale, low-energy, scalable condensed matter system at
comparatively modest temperatures and pressures.
[0022] One aspect of the invention provides a neutron production
method in a condensed matter system at moderate temperatures and
pressures comprising the steps of providing collectively
oscillating protons, providing collectively oscillating heavy
electrons, and providing a local electric field greater than
approximately 10<n> volts/meter. Another aspect of the
invention provides a method of producing neutrons comprising the
steps of: providing a hydride or deuteride on a metallic surface;
developing a surface layer of protons or deuterons on said hydride
or deuteride; developing patches of collectively oscillating
protons or deuterons near or at said surface layer; and
establishing surface plasmons on said metallic surface.
[0023] Another aspect of the invention provides a method of
producing ultra low momentum neutrons ("ULMNs") comprising:
providing a plurality of protons or deuterons on a working surface
of hydride/deuteride-forming materials; breaking down the
Born-Oppenheimer approximation in patches on said working surface;
producing heavy electrons in the immediate vicinity of coherently
oscillating patches of protons and/or deuterons; and producing
said ULMNs from said heavy electrons and said protons or
[0024] According to another aspect of the invention, a nuclear
process is provided using weak interactions comprising: forming
ultra low momentum neutrons (ULMNs) from electrons and
protons/deuterons using weak interactions; and locally absorbing
said ULMNs to form isotopes which undergo beta-decay after said
[0025] According to a further aspect of the invention, a method of
generating energy is provided. At first sites, the method produces
neutrons intrinsically having, upon their creation, ultra low
momentum (ULMNs). A lithium target is disposed at a second site
near said first sites in a position to intercept said ULMNs. The
ULMNs react with the Lithium target to produce Li-7 and Li-8
isotopes. The lithium isotopes decay by emitting electrons and
neutrinos to form Be-8; said Be-8 decaying to He-4. This reaction
produces a net heat of reaction.
[0026] The foregoing method of producing energy may further
comprise producing helium isotopes by reacting helium with ULMNs
emitted from said first sites to form He-5 and He-6; the He-6
decaying to Li-6 by emitting an electron and neutrino; the
helium-to-lithium reactions yielding a heat of reaction and
forming a nuclear reaction cycle.
[0027] The present invention also provides a method of producing
heavy electrons comprising: providing a metallic working surface
capable of supporting surface plasmons and of forming a hydride or
deuteride; fully loading the metallic surface with H or D thereby
to provide a surface layer of protons or deuterons capable of
forming coherently oscillating patches; and developing at least
one patch of coherently or collectively oscillating protons or
deuterons on the surface layer.
[0028] In addition, the present invention also provides apparatus
for a nuclear reaction. Such apparatus comprises: a supporting
material; a thermally conductive layer; an electrically conductive
layer in contact with at least a portion of said thermally
conductive layer; a cavity within said supporting material and
thermally conductive layer; a source of hydrogen or deuterium
associated with said cavity; first and second metallic
hydride-forming layers within said cavity; an interface between a
surface of said first hydride-forming layer, said interface being
exposed to hydrogen or deuterium from said source; a first region
of said cavity being located on one side of said interface and
having a first pressure of said hydrogen or deuterium; a second
region of said cavity being located on one side of said second
hydride- forming layer and having a second pressure of said
hydrogen or deuterium; said first pressure being greater than said
second pressure; said apparatus forming a sea of surface plasmon
polaritons and patches of collectively oscillating protons or
deuterons, and ultra low momentum neutrons in a region both above
and below said interface. Optionally, a laser may be positioned to
irradiate said sea and said interface. An electrically conductive
layer may form a portion of an inside wall of the cavity.
[0029] Another aspect of the present invention provides a neutron
generator for producing ultra low momentum neutrons ("ULMNs")
comprising: a metallic substrate having a working surface capable
of supporting surface plasmons and of forming a hydride or
deuteride, located above the substrate. The metallic substrate is
fully loaded with hydrogen or deuterium; a surface layer of
protons or deuterons. At least one region of collectively
oscillating protons or deuterons is on said surface layer, and
surface plasmons are located above the surface layer and said
region. A flux of protons or deuterons is incident on said surface
plasmons, surface layer, and working surface. Optionally, a
plurality of target nanoparticles can be positioned on the working
[0030] Preferably, in the ULMN generator just mentioned, the
Born-Oppenheimer approximation breaks down on the upper working
surface. The invention may further comprise laser radiation
incident on said working surface to stimulate and transfer energy
into said surface plasmons. Brief Description of the Drawings
[0031] [0019] In describing examples of preferred embodiment of
the present invention, reference is made to accompanying figures
in which:
[0032] [0020] Figure 1 is a representative side view of a
ULMN generator according to aspects of the present invention;
[0033] [0021] Figure 2 is a representative top view of the
ULMN generator of Figure 1 ; [0022] Figure 3 is a representative
side view of a ULMN generator according to aspects of the
present invention, including optional nanoparticles;
[0034] [0023] Figure 4 is a representative top view of the
ULM generator of Figure 3 with randomly positioned nanoparticles
affixed to the working surface;
[0035] [0024] Figure 5 is a representative schematic side
sketch of one alternative preferred embodiment of a ULMN power
generation system according to aspects of the present invention;
[0036] [0025] Figure 6 is a representative schematic block
diagram of another alternative preferred embodiment of a ULMN
power generation system according to aspects of the present
[0037] [0026] Figure 7 is a representative schematic block
diagram of another alternative preferred embodiment of a ULMN
power generation system according to aspects of the present
invention; and
[0038] [0027] Figure 8 is a sketch useful in understanding
some of the physics used in aspects of the present invention.

Apparatus and Method for Absorption of
Incident Gamma Radiation and its Conversion to Outgoing
Radiation at Less Penetrating, Lower Energies and Frequencies
[ PDF ]
Also published as: WO2007030740 // EP1934987
Gamma radiation (22) is shielded by producing a region of heavy
electrons (4) and receiving incident gamma radiation in such
region. The heavy electrons absorb energy from the gamma radiation
and re-radiate it as photons (38, 40) at a lower energy and
frequency. The heavy electrons may be produced in surface plasmon
polaritons. Multiple regions (6) of collectively oscillating
protons or deuterons with associated heavy electrons may be
provided. Nanoparticles of a target material on a metallic surface
capable of supporting surface plasmons may be provided. The region
of heavy electrons is associated with that metallic surface. The
method induces a breakdown in a Born-Oppenheimer approximation
Apparatus and method are described.
[0001] Applicants claim the benefit of their provisional patent
application 60/715,622 filed in the United States Patent and
Trademark Office on Sep. 9, 2005.
[0002] The present invention concerns apparatus and methods for
the shielding (absorption) of incident gamma radiation and its
conversion to less energetic photons. Gamma photons (often denoted
by the Greek letter gamma, [gamma]) are a form of very high
energy, very high frequency, very short wavelength, and very
penetrating electromagnetic radiation emitted by, for example:
Atomic nuclei making a transition from an initial excited nuclear
state to a subsequent lower energy state, or
Transmutation reactions (nuclear reactions in which one element
changes to another) in which prompt gamma rays are emitted by an
atomic nucleus after it has absorbed a type of neutral elementary
particle called a neutron, or
Radioactive decay of nuclei in processes such as fission of
unstable radioactive isotopes (e.g. Uranium-235, used in nuclear
weapons and some commercial nuclear power plants), and
Other subatomic processes involving elementary particles such as
electron-positron annihilation...

Flake-resistant multilayer thin-film electrodes and
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Widom Larsen Theory LENRs . . . Energy

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