Gerhard Leinenga &
Jürgen Götz
Ultrasound vs Alzheimer's
Scanning ultrasound removes
amyloid-ß and restores memory in an Alzheimer’s disease
mouse model
Gerhard Leinenga and Jürgen Götz
Amyloid-ß (Aß) peptide has been implicated in the pathogenesis of
Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We present a nonpharmacological approach
for removing Aß and restoring memory function in a mouse model of
AD in which Aß is deposited in the brain. We used repeated
scanning ultrasound (SUS) treatments of the mouse brain to remove
Aß, without the need for any additional therapeutic agent such as
anti-Aß antibody. Spinning disk confocal microscopy and
high-resolution three-dimensional reconstruction revealed
extensive internalization of Aß into the lysosomes of activated
microglia in mouse brains subjected to SUS, with no concomitant
increase observed in the number of microglia. Plaque burden was
reduced in SUS-treated AD mice compared to sham-treated animals,
and cleared plaques were observed in 75% of SUS-treated mice.
Treated AD mice also displayed improved performance on three
memory tasks: the Y-maze, the novel object recognition test, and
the active place avoidance task. Our findings suggest that
repeated SUS is useful for removing Aß in the mouse brain without
causing overt damage, and should be explored further as a
noninvasive method with therapeutic potential in AD.
Science Translational Medicine ( 11 Mar 2015 ) Vol. 7,
Issue 278, pp. 278ra33
DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaa2512
Scanning ultrasound removes
amyloid-ß and restores memory in an Alzheimer’s disease
mouse model
Gerhard Leinenga and Jürgen Götz
Amyloid-ß (Aß) peptide has been implicated in the pathogenesis of
Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We present a nonpharmacological approach
for removing Aß and restoring memory function in a mouse model of
AD in which Aß is deposited in the brain. We used repeated
scanning ultrasound (SUS) treatments of the mouse brain to remove
Aß, without the need for any additional therapeutic agent such as
anti-Aß antibody. Spinning disk confocal microscopy and
high-resolution three-dimensional reconstruction revealed
extensive internalization of Aß into the lysosomes of activated
microglia in mouse brains subjected to SUS, with no concomitant
increase observed in the number of microglia. Plaque burden was
reduced in SUS-treated AD mice compared to sham-treated animals,
and cleared plaques were observed in 75% of SUS-treated mice.
Treated AD mice also displayed improved performance on three
memory tasks: the Y-maze, the novel object recognition test, and
the active place avoidance task. Our findings suggest that
repeated SUS is useful for removing Aß in the mouse brain without
causing overt damage, and should be explored further as a
noninvasive method with therapeutic potential in AD.
Radio Interview

Jürgen Götz ( left ) & Gerhard Leinenga ( right )
Gerhard Leinenga: using ultrasound to treat
After completing undergraduate and honours studies at UQ, Gerhard
Leinenga joined Professor Jürgen Götz’s laboratory as the Clem
Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research’s first PhD student in
Now in the final year of his PhD studies at QBI, Mr Leinenga has
been caught in the whirlwind of excitement about his work into
treating Alzheimer’s disease using ultrasound.
The method, which uses microbubbles to bypass the blood-brain
barrier, then utilises ultrasound waves to vibrate the
microbubbles and activate microglia, resulting in amyloid beta
aggregates being dismantled in diseased Alzheimer’s brains.
“After studying an anti-inflammatory drug in an epilepsy model
during honours, I saw joining QBI and the new Centre as a
challenge, but one that provided many opportunities,” Mr Leinenga
“I spoke to Jürgen after he came back from a conference and said
he had an exciting project after hearing about ultrasound as a way
to disrupt the blood-brain barrier,” he said.
The importance of the opportunity was also highlighted by an
ageing population and increasing number of diagnoses of dementia.
“I saw that research treating dementia can potentially have a huge
impact on patients’ lives, their carers, and society as a whole,”
he said.
“So not only was there an intellectual challenge, but working on
something meaningful is also personally rewarding.”
The success of the work recently culminated with the release of a
paper in Science Translational Medicine with him as first author,
drawing wide domestic and international coverage.
“I had no idea how much interest there would be in the
work—ongoing interest; two months after the announcement we’re
getting requests to do appearances on American television.”
Although clinical trials are still a few years away from being
possible, the promise of the work is leading Mr Leinenga to
continue the research and tackle new challenges.
“The project is starting to open up a lot of physics and
engineering questions as well as it starts to move towards how it
could work as a device for human use,” Mr Leinenga said.
“We’re fundamentally biologists, so it’ll be an ongoing, evolving
challenge for us to marry the biological needs with the challenge
of creating something that can be manufactured and optimised.
“The field is rapidly accumulating knowledge about what happens in
our brains as we age, and how in some people this leads to
dementia is a fascinating scientific problem. As yet, we don’t
have a definitive answer on how to solve that.”
Scanning Ultrasound (SUS) Causes No Changes
to Neuronal Excitability and Prevents Age-Related Reductions
in Hippocampal CA1 Dendritic Structure in Wild-Type Mice
Robert John Hatch, Gerhard Leinenga, Jürgen Götz
Scanning ultrasound (SUS) is a noninvasive approach that has
recently been shown to ameliorate histopathological changes and
restore memory functions in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model.
Although no overt neuronal damage was reported, the short- and
long-term effects of SUS on neuronal excitability and dendritic
tree morphology had not been investigated. To address this, we
performed patch-clamp recordings from hippocampal CA1 pyramidal
neurons in wild-type mice 2 and 24 hours after a single SUS
treatment, and one week and 3 months after six weekly SUS
treatments, including sham treatments as controls. In both
treatment regimes, no changes in CA1 neuronal excitability were
observed in SUS-treated neurons when compared to sham-treated
neurons at any time-point. For the multiple treatment groups, we
also determined the dendritic morphology and spine densities of
the neurons from which we had recorded. The apical trees of
sham-treated neurons were reduced at the 3 month time-point when
compared to one week; however, surprisingly, no longitudinal
change was detected in the apical dendritic trees of SUS-treated
neurons. In contrast, the length and complexity of the basal
dendritic trees were not affected by SUS treatment at either
time-point. The apical dendritic spine densities were reduced,
independent of the treatment group, at 3 months compared to one
week. Collectively, these data suggest that ultrasound can be
employed to prevent an age-associated loss of dendritic structure
without impairing neuronal excitability.
Recently, our group has reported that repeated scanning ultrasound
(SUS) treatments reduced the amyloid plaque pathology in the APP23
transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and improved
hippocampal-dependent spatial memory performance by activating
brain-resident microglia [1]. In this approach, ultrasound was
combined with microbubbles to disrupt the blood-brain barrier
(BBB) which is achieved by mechanical interactions between the
microbubbles and the blood vessel wall as pulsed focused
ultrasound is applied, resulting in cycles of compression and
rarefaction of the microbubbles [2, 3]. This leads to a transient
disruption of tight junctions and the uptake of blood-borne
factors by the brain [4], which are likely to have a role in the
activation of microglia that were found to take up amyloid into
their lysosomes [1, 5].
If one intends to explore the ultrasound technology for
therapeutic applications, safety is an obvious concern [2, 6].
Fortunately, there are several studies that imply that a
bio-effect can be achieved in the absence of overt damage. One of
the reasons for this is that ultrasound is highly tunable, and
when its parameters are carefully chosen, BBB opening can be
achieved without causing overt histological damage as shown in
both transgenic AD mouse models and wild-type mice [1, 5, 7], but
also larger animals such as macaques [8, 9]. Importantly, it has
been reported that treatment with ultrasound for up to 20 months
in non-human primates does not alter neurological functions,
including visual, cognitive, motivational and motor functions
[10]. However, the short- and long-term effects of SUS treatment
on individual neuronal action potential (AP) firing and dendritic
morphology have not been investigated. To address this issue, we
evaluated the physiological effects of both a single and multiple
SUS treatments on short- and long-term neuronal excitability,
dendritic morphology and dendritic spine densities in the CA1
region of the hippocampus of wild-type mice (see Fig 1 for
experimental design). This allowed us to determine the effect of
different SUS treatments in a non-disease state system before
eventually moving to a more complicated disease model, where
alterations in neuronal function are already present at an early
age. For example, reductions in dendritic spine density, AP
firing, synaptic activity and long-term potentiation (LTP) have
all been reported to occur in amyloid-depositing mouse models of
AD [11–15]. In our study using wild-type mice, we found that the
different SUS treatment regimes had no deleterious effect on
neuronal function or morphology. In addition to this we made the
interesting observation that repeated SUS treatments prevented
reductions in the dendritic complexity and length of CA1 pyramidal
neurons that occur in age-matched sham-treated wild-type mice over
the course of three months, while a reduction in dendritic spine
density was not halted. Taken together, these findings suggest
that multiple SUS treatments ameliorate a reduction in the total
number of dendritic spines per neuron. A more extensive follow-up
study will determine, whether SUS treatments improves cognition in
aging mice and what the underlying mechanism is of such an effect.
Fig 1. Overview of experimental study design.
(a) Schematic of scanning ultrasound (SUS) setup. (b-f) Treatment
and experimental scheme. A cohort of wild-type mice was treated
with (b) a single SUS treatment, and (d) electrophysiological
recordings were performed 2 hours or 24 hours later to investigate
the acute affects of SUS on neuronal excitability. A second cohort
of mice was treated with (c) six SUS treatments once per week for
six weeks and allowed to age for one week or three months before
(d) electrophysiology, (e) neuronal morphology and (f) dendritic
spine density were investigated to determine how SUS treatment
affects neuronal excitability and synaptic connectivity...
Generation of microbubbles
In-house prepared microbubbles comprising a phospholipid shell and
octa-fluoropropane gas core were used [1]. DSPC and DSPE-PEG2000
(Avanti Polar Lipids) at a 9:1 molar ratio were dissolved in
chloroform (Sigma) and the chloroform solvent was evaporated under
vacuum. The dried phospholipid cake was then dissolved in PBS with
10% glycerol to a concentration of 1 mg lipid/ml and heated to
55°C in a sonicating water bath. The solution was placed in 1.5 ml
glass HPLC vials and the air in the vial was replaced with
octafluoropropane (Arcadophta). Microbubbles were generated on the
day of the experiment by agitating in a dental amalgamator at 4000
rpm for 40 seconds. Microbubbles were polydispersed and were under
10 μm in size at a concentration of 1-5x108 microbubbles/ml.
Sonication protocol
Ultrasound was generated by the Therapy Imaging Probe System
(TIPS, Philips Research) that is composed of an annular array
transducer with a focal length of 80 mm, an 80 mm radius of
curvature, an 80 mm spherical shell with a 31 mm central opening,
and a motorized 3D positioning system to target and move the
transducer in scanning mode. The ultrasound settings used for
treatments were 1 MHz centre frequency, 0.7 MPa peak rarefactional
pressure applied outside the skull, 10 Hz pulse repetition
frequency, 10% duty cycle and 10 ms pulse length. Ultrasound was
applied sequentially in a scanning mode by applying it for 6
seconds duration per spot, moving the focus 1.5 mm and repeating
the application until the entire brain was treated as described
previously [1]. The focus of the transducer had a volume of 1.5 mm
x 1.5 mm x 12 mm...
A single SUS treatment does not alter the short-term
excitability of hippocampal CA1 neurons...
Multiple SUS treatments do not impair the long-term
excitability of CA1 pyramidal neurons...
Multiple SUS treatments prevent CA1 dendrite loss...
CA1 dendritic spine density is not altered by SUS
In conclusion, we demonstrate here that SUS treatment can be
safely applied to the rodent brain as determined by the absence of
changes in neuronal AP firing. Furthermore, in addition to the
previously reported ability of SUS to clear amyloid from the
brains of APP23 mice, multiple treatments prevent a loss of
hippocampal dendritic length and complexity in wild-type mice that
occurs over a three month period, suggesting that this treatment
may ameliorate reductions in synaptic activity and cognitive
decline that can occur with age.
Neurodegenerative disease treatment
The present invention is directed to methods for treating
neurodegenerative diseases and/or improving cognitive function, in
particular those associated with protein oligomers, aggregates or
deposits, using acoustic energy, such as ultrasound. An 5 example
of such a neurodegenerative disease is Alzheimer's disease. The
present invention provides a method of improving cognitive
function and/or memory in an individual with impaired memory
and/or executive function, the method including the steps of
identifying a region of the brain of the individual to be treated
with acoustic energy, applying a clinically safe level of acoustic
energy to the region, thereby 10 saturating or substantially
saturating the region with acoustic energy, thereby improving
memory in the individual.
Field of the invention
The present invention is directed to methods for treating
neurodegenerative diseases and/or improving cognitive function, in
particular those associated with protein assemblies, oligomers,
aggregates or deposits, using acoustic energy, such as ultrasound.
An example of such a neurodegenerative disease is Alzheimer's
Background of the invention
Various neurodegenerative diseases are associated with or caused
by the aggregation and/or deposition of proteins in the brain. One
such disease is Alzheimer's disease (AD) which is characterized by
the presence of monomers of the ?ß peptide that first form soluble
oligomers and then aggregate into extracellular fibrillar deposits
known as amyloid plaques. Levels of ?ß are elevated in the AD
brain because of its increased production and/or impaired removal,
with recent therapeutic strategies targeting both processes. This
includes the inhibition of secretases to reduce ?ß production, as
well as active and, in particular, passive immunization approaches
for clearance. These strategies, however, are challenging;
secretase inhibition affects additional substrates with potential
off-target effects, whereas passive immunization may be costly
once effectiveness is demonstrated in clinical trials.
To date there are no effective treatments for improving cognitive
and/or memory function in individuals having Alzheimer's disease
or any other disease associated with or caused by the
extracellular presence of pathogenic protein, such as protein
oligomers, aggregates and/or deposits in the brain.
Reference to any prior art in the specification is not an
acknowledgment or suggestion that this prior art forms part of the
common general knowledge in any jurisdiction or that this prior
art could reasonably be expected to be understood, regarded as
relevant, and/or combined with other pieces of prior art by a
skilled person in the art. Summary of the invention
The present invention addresses one or more problems outlined
The present invention provides a method of improving cognitive
function in an individual with impaired cognitive function, the
method including the steps of: - identifying a region of the brain
of the individual to be treated with acoustic energy;
- applying a clinically safe level of acoustic energy to the
region, thereby saturating or substantially saturating the region
with acoustic energy; thereby improving cognitive function in the
individual. The present invention provides a method of improving
cognitive function in an individual with a neurodegenerative
disease characterized by aggregation of a pathological protein,
the method including the steps of: applying a clinically safe
level of acoustic energy to sites within a region of the brain
associated with the condition, thereby saturating or substantially
saturating the region with acoustic energy; wherein the
application to at least some of the sites does not direct the
acoustic energy to imageable deposits of the protein; thereby
improving cognitive function in the individual. Preferably the
location of imageable deposits of the protein in the brain of the
individual has not been previously determined by imaging. The
present invention provides a method of improving memory in an
individual with impaired memory function, the method including the
steps of:
- identifying a region of the brain of the individual to be
treated with acoustic energy;
- applying a clinically safe level of acoustic energy to the
region, thereby saturating or substantially saturating the region
with acoustic energy; thereby improving memory in the individual.
Preferably, identifying a region of the brain as described herein
includes determining a volume of the brain on the basis of
symptoms displayed by the individual, typically clinically
observable or biochemically detectable symptoms, or determining a
volume of the brain on the basis of a known association with a
neurodegenerative disease, in particular those associated with
protein oligomers, aggregates or deposits, or determining a volume
of the brain including a volume surrounding an site having
extracellular protein in a pathogenic form, such as oligomers, an
aggregate or deposit.
The method of the invention further includes determining a
plurality of discrete application sites for application of
acoustic energy to saturate or substantially saturate the region
with acoustic energy.
The method further includes determining a scanning path along
which acoustic energy is to be applied to saturate or
substantially saturate the region with acoustic energy.
Preferably, the method further includes determining a plurality of
discrete application sites for application of acoustic energy
along the scanning path. Typically, applying a clinically safe
level of acoustic energy to the region includes providing acoustic
energy continuously, or at application sites, along a scanning
In one embodiment, the scanning path is defined by a
pre-determined pattern. The scanning path may be selected from the
group consisting of linear, serpentine, a raster pattern, spiral
and random. Each application site may be spaced along the scanning
path or each subsequent application site may overlap with the
previous application site.
Applying a clinically safe level of acoustic energy to the region,
includes applying acoustic energy at an application site such that
a corresponding treatment volume is therapeutically affected by
acoustic energy, and wherein saturating or substantially
saturating the region with acoustic energy includes applying
acoustic energy at a plurality of discrete application sites or
one or more extended application sites such that the corresponding
treatment volume(s) correspond substantially with the region. The
plurality of application sites may be selected such that treatment
volumes of at least some sites overlap to form a group of
treatment volumes that corresponds substantially with the region.
The plurality of application sites may be selected such that their
corresponding treatment volumes overlap to form a contiguous
treatment volume that corresponds substantially with the region.
The method can further include determining an order or application
of acoustic energy at the plurality of application sites. The
order or application of acoustic energy may be determined to apply
a clinically safe level of acoustic energy. Typically this
involves minimising any one or more of heating, brain swelling,
red blood cell extravasation, haemorrhage or edema.
An order of application of acoustic energy to the plurality of
application sites may be determined so that a minimum delay period
is provided between an application of acoustic energy to
application sites with adjacent or overlapping treatment volumes.
Preferably, an order or application of acoustic energy does not
include sequentially applying acoustic energy to application sites
with adjacent or overlapping treatment volumes.
A region of the brain may the entire brain, hemisphere, forebrain
or a region of the brain of the individual known to be associated
with a condition involving the presence of proteins adopting
pathogenic structures in an extracellular region. Such structures
may be oligomers, aggregates and/or deposits. The region may be
any one or more of the following cerebrum, cerebral hemisphere,
telencephalon, forebrain, cortex, frontal lobe, prefrontal cortex,
precentral gyrus, primary motor cortex, premotor cortex, temporal
lobe, auditory cortex, inferior temporal cortex, superior temporal
gyrus, fusiform gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus, entorhinal cortex,
parietal lobe, somatosensory cortex, postcentral gyrus, occipital
lobe, visual cortex, insular cortex, cingulate cortex,
subcortical, hippocampus, dentate gyrus, cornu ammonis, amygdala,
basal ganglia, striatum, caudate, putamen, nucleus accumbens,
olfactory tubercle, globus pallidus, subthalamic nuclei, piriform
cortex, olfactory bulb, fornix, mammillary bodies, basal
forebrain, nucleus basalis Meynert, diencephalon, thalamus,
hypothalamus, midbrain, tectum, tegmentum, substantia nigra,
hindbrain, myelencephalon, medulla oblongata, metencephalon, pons,
cerebellum, spinal cord, brain stem and cranial nerves. In a
subject identified as having Alzheimer's disease the region may be
selected from the group consisting of Cerebrum, cerebral
hemisphere, telencephalon, forebrain, cortex, frontal lobe,
prefrontal cortex, precentral gyrus, temporal lobe, auditory
cortex, inferior temporal cortex, superior temporal gyrus,
fusiform gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus, entorhinal cortex, ,
insular cortex, cingulate cortex, subcortical, hippocampus,
dentate gyrus, cornu ammonis, amygdala, piriform cortex, olfactory
bulb, fornix, mammillary bodies, basal forebrain and nucleus
basalis Meynert. Preferably, the region is not solely identified
as a plaque.
In a subject identified as having frontotemporal dementia the
region may be selected from the group consisting of cerebrum,
cerebral hemisphere, telencephalon, forebrain, cortex, frontal
lobe, prefrontal cortex, precentral gyrus, primary motor cortex,
premotor cortex, temporal lobe, auditory cortex, inferior temporal
cortex, superior temporal gyrus, fusiform gyrus, parahippocampal
gyrus, entorhinal cortex, parietal lobe, somatosensory cortex,
postcentral gyrus, occipital lobe, visual cortex, insular cortex,
cingulate cortex, subcortical, hippocampus, dentate gyrus, cornu
ammonis, amygdala, basal ganglia, striatum, caudate, putamen,
nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, globus pallidus,
subthalamic nuclei, piriform cortex, olfactory bulb, fornix,
mammillary bodies, basal forebrain, nucleus basalis Meynert,
midbrain, tectum, tegmentum, substantia nigra, hindbrain,
myelencephalon, medulla oblongata, metencephalon, pons and
In a subject identified as having Parkinson's disease the region
may be selected from the group consisting of substantia nigra,
basal ganglia, striatum, caudate, putamen, nucleus accumbens,
cerebrum, cerebral hemisphere, telencephalon, forebrain and
cortex. As used herein the acoustic energy provide may provide
conditions for an increase in the permeability of the blood-brain
barrier, or activating microglia. Conditions for an increase in
the permeability of the blood-brain barrier are described further
Preferably, a clinically safe level of acoustic energy does not
result in detectable heating, brain swelling, red blood cell
extravasation, haemorrhage or edema. Acoustic energy used in the
invention may be ultrasound. Ultrasound may be focussed or
An individual with impaired cognitive and/or memory function may
be identified as having a neurodegenerative disease caused by the
pathological aggregation of one or more of the proteins: Amyloid
beta, amyloid fragments, amyloid precursor protein, amyloid
precursor protein fragments and British peptide.
Typically, an improvement in cognitive function or memory is
determined by standardised neuropsychological testing.
The present invention provides a method of improving memory in an
individual with impaired memory function, the method including the
steps of:
- providing an individual with impaired memory function;
- identifying a region of the brain of the individual to be
treated with acoustic energy;
- applying a clinically safe level of acoustic energy to the
region, thereby saturating or substantially saturating the region
with acoustic energy; thereby improving memory in the individual.
The present invention provides a method of improving cognitive
function in an individual with impaired cognitive function, the
method including the steps of:
- providing an individual with impaired cognitive function; -
identifying a region of the brain of the individual to be treated
with acoustic energy;
- applying a clinically safe level of acoustic energy to the
region, thereby saturating or substantially saturating the region
with acoustic energy; thereby improving cognitive function in the
individual. The present invention provides a method of treating a
neurodegenerative disease associated with an extracellular
pathogenic protein, the method including the steps of: - providing
an individual identified as having a neurodegenerative disease
associated with an extracellular pathogenic protein;
- identifying a region of the brain of the individual to be
treated with acoustic energy; - applying a clinically safe level
of acoustic energy to the region, thereby saturating or
substantially saturating the region with acoustic energy; thereby
treating the neurodegenerative disease in the individual.
In any aspect of the invention, the method may be conducted
without the addition of an exogenous therapeutic agent. Typically,
a method of the invention also includes the step of administering
an agent to promote the increase in permeability of the
blood-brain barrier. In a preferred form that agent promotes
cavitation. An agent that promotes cavitation may be a microbubble
agent as described herein. The microbubble may be provided to the
subject by continuous infusion or a single bolus. The infusion may
occur sequentially to, or following the start of, or
simultaneously with, the application of the ultrasound.
The present invention provides a method of treating a
neurodegenerative disease associated with an extracellular
pathogenic protein, the method including the steps of:
- providing an individual identified as having a neurodegenerative
disease associated with an extracellular pathogenic protein;
- identifying a region of the brain of the individual to be
treated with acoustic energy;
- applying a clinically safe level of acoustic energy to the
region, thereby saturating or substantially saturating the region
with acoustic energy; thereby treating the neurodegenerative
disease in the individual, wherein the location of the pathogenic
protein in the brain has not been previously determined in the
subject. Preferably, the location of the pathogenic protein has
not been determined by any imaging method such as magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI). The present invention provides a method
of treating a neurodegenerative disease associated with an
extracellular pathogenic protein including the steps of:
- providing a subject identified as having a neurodegenerative
disease associated with an extracellular pathogenic protein; -
applying ultrasound to a region of the brain of the subject to
increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, thereby
treating the neurodegenerative disease.
The present invention provides a method of treating a
neurodegenerative disease associated with an extracellular
pathogenic protein including the steps of: - providing a subject
identified has having a neurodegenerative disease associated with
an extracellular pathogenic protein
- applying ultrasound to the entire brain or a region of the brain
of the subject to increase the permeability of the blood-brain
- administering a microbubble agent to the subject, thereby
treating the neurodegenerative disease. Typically the step of
applying the ultrasound is repeated.
Any method of the invention described herein may further include
the step of determining that the permeability of the blood-brain
barrier has increased.
The present invention provides a method of treating a
neurodegenerative disease consisting of applying an ultrasound to
the brain of a subject, thereby treating the neurodegenerative
The present invention also provides a method of treating a
neurodegenerative disease associated with accumulation of an
extracellular pathogenic protein including
- positioning at least one ultrasound emitter at an anatomical
location proximate to a region of the brain of a subject
identified has having a neurodegenerative disease associated with
an extracellular pathogenic protein; - applying ultrasound to the
brain of the subject to increase the permeability of the
blood-brain barrier, thereby treating the neurodegenerative
disease. Typically the extracellular pathogenic protein is protein
that is present exterior to the cell when the ultrasound is
The present invention provides a method of improving cognitive
function in an individual with a neurodegenerative disease
characterized by aggregation of a pathological protein, the method
including the steps of: applying a clinically safe level of
acoustic energy to sites within a region of the brain associated
with the condition, thereby saturating or substantially saturating
the region with acoustic energy; wherein the application to at
least some of the sites does not direct the acoustic energy to
imageable deposits of the protein; thereby improving cognitive
function in the individual. Preferably the location of imageable
deposits of the protein in the brain of the individual has not
been previously determined by imaging. The sites may be
substantially uniformly distributed throughout the region or the
distribution of sites throughout the region does not correlate
with the distribution of imageable deposits of the protein at a
statistically significant level.
The acoustic energy may be applied in a method of the invention at
a pressure greater than 0.4 MPa. Typically this pressure is used
when application of the acoustic energy is outside the skull, i.e.
transcranial^. Otherwise, the acoustic energy may be applied with
a mechanical index of between 0.1 and 2.
In any method of the invention, the step of applying the acoustic
energy may be repeated.
Typically, the application of the acoustic energy in a method of
the invention is not image-guided.
Another embodiment of the invention is directed to an apparatus
for, or when used for, increasing the permeability of the
blood-brain barrier in a subject identified as having a
neurodegenerative disease including: an ultrasound emitting device
consisting of an ultrasound transducer with appropriate signal
generation and amplification, and a fluid coupler for transmitting
the ultrasonic output and a microbubble agent. The ultrasound
emitting device of the apparatus may use an unfocused ultrasound
transducer or an array of unfocused transducers or a phased array
ultrasound transducer (i.e., focused ultrasound). As used herein,
except where the context requires otherwise, the term
"comprise" and variations of the term, such as "comprising",
"comprises" and "comprised", are not intended to exclude further
additives, components, integers or steps. "Comprising" and
"including" are intended to have the same meaning.
Further aspects of the present invention and further embodiments
of the aspects described in the preceding paragraphs will become
apparent from the following description, given by way of example
and with reference to the accompanying drawings.
Brief description of the drawings
Figure 1 : Scanning ultrasound (SUS) restores memory in an
Alzheimer's mouse model. (A) Setup of SUS equipment. (B and C)
blood-brain barrier (BBB) opening by ultrasound was monitored by
injecting wild-type mice with Evans blue dye that binds to
albumin, a protein that is normally excluded from the brain. (B) A
single entry point revealed a focal opening of the BBB in response
to ultrasound treatment, with Evans blue dye able to enter the
brain at this point. (C) Widespread opening of the BBB 1 hour
after SUS was demonstrated with an Odyssey fluorescence LI-COR
scanner of brain slices using nitrocellulose dotted with
increasing concentrations of blue dye as a control. (D) Treatment
scheme for the first cohort of hemizygous male ?ß plaque-forming
APP23 mice (median age, 12.8 months). The mice received SUS or
sham treatment for a total duration of the experiment of 6 weeks.
Mice were randomly assigned to treatment groups. Using
histological methods, Western blotting, enzyme- linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and confocal microscopy, we measured
the effect of SUS treatment on amyloid pathology in mouse brain.
Before the last SUS treatment, all mice were tested in the Y-maze.
(E) The sequence of arm entries in the Y-maze was used to obtain a
measure of alternation, reflecting spatial working memory. The
percentage of alternation was calculated by the number of complete
alternation sequences (that is, ABC, BCA, and CAB) divided by the
number of alternation opportunities. Spontaneous alternation was
restored in SUS-treated compared to sham- treated APP23 mice using
non-Tg littermates as controls (n = 10 per group; one-way ANOVA
followed by Dunnett's posttest, P < 0.05). (F) Total number of
arm entries did not differ between groups.
Figure 2: SUSing reduces ?ß plaques in an Alzheimer's mouse
model. (A)
Representative images of free-floating coronal sections from 12
month-old APP23 mice with and without treatment. Campbell Switzer
silver staining reveals compact, mature plaques (amber) and more
diffuse ?ß deposits (black), see close-up (B). (C,D)
Quantification of amyloid plaques reveals a 56% reduction in the
area of cortex occupied by plaques (unpaired t-test, P=0.017) and
a 52% reduction in plaque number per section (t-test, P=0.014) in
SUSed compared to sham-treated APP23 mice (n=10 per group).
Representative sections of SUSed versus control brains stained
with Thioflavin S (E) and 4G8 (F). Scale bars: A=1 mm,
B,F,G=200pm. (G) Plaque load plotted as a function of age
confirmed that the SUS-treated group had significantly lower
plaque load than the sham-treated group. Baseline plaque load at
the onset of treatment is indicated by open circles. Scale bars, 1
mm (panel A) and 200 pm (panel B).
Figure 3: SUSing reduces ?ß and APP fragments in
Alzheimer's mouse model. (A to D) Western blotting of
extracellular-enriched (A) and Triton-soluble (B) fractions of the
brains of the first cohort of APP23 mice with 6E10 and 4G8 anti-?ß
antibodies revealed a reduction in distinct ?ß species in both
fractions in SUS-treated compared to sham-treated mice. These data
are quantified in (C) and (D), respectively. The Western blots
show significant reductions of HMW species (incl. sAPP and ?ß),
the 56-kD oligomeric ?ß*56 (*56) and trimeric ?ß (3-meryCTF , in
the extracellular- enriched fraction and of *56 and 3-?t??G/???ß
in the Triton-soluble fraction (unpaired t tests, P < 0.05).
GAPDH (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase) was used for
normalization. MWM, molecular weight marker. (E) ELISA for ?ß42 in
the Triton-soluble fraction revealed a significant reduction in
SUS-treated compared to sham-treated mouse brains (unpaired f
test, P < 0.05; n = 10 per group).
Figure 4: Microglial phagocytosis and lysosomal uptake of
?ß induced by SUS treatment. (A and B) Plaques in sham-treated
animals were surrounded by lysosomal CD68-positive microglia that
contained some ?ß. (C and D) In contrast, plaques in SUS-treated
mouse brains were surrounded by microglia that contained
significantly more ?ß in their lysosomal compartments, with some
plaques appearing to be completely phagocytosed by microglia. (E)
A twofold increase in microglia- internalized ?ß was observed in
SUS-treated compared to sham-treated mouse brains (unpaired t
test, P = 0.002). (F to I) Plaques imaged at high magnification in
3D. CD68 labeling revealed the extent of ?ß at the plaque site
that was internalized by microglia into lysosomes.
4',6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) was used to visualize nuclei.
(J) Confocal analysis of ?ß and CD68 revealed that 6 of 8
SUS-treated mice and 0 of 8 sham-treated mice had "cleared
plaques" in cortical areas, with ?ß being almost completely within
microglial lysosomes (Fisher's exact test, P = 0.007; n = 8 per
group, with four sections analyzed in each case). Scale bars, 100
pm (A and C) and 10 µ?? (B, D, and F to I).
Figure 5: Brains taken from age-matched APP23 mice where
only single entry points were used once; this did not result in
significant reductions in ?ß pathology.
Figure 6. SUS treatment rescues memory deficits in an AD
mouse model.
(A) Treatment scheme of a second cohort of 20 gender-matched APP23
mice and 10 non- Tg littermates to determine the functional
outcome of the SUS treatment protocol in more robust behavioral
tests. The mice were analyzed in the APA task, a test of
hippocampus dependent spatial learning in which mice learned to
avoid a shock zone in a rotating arena. After the APA test, the
APP23 mice were divided into two groups with matching performance
and received weekly SUS or sham treatment for 7 weeks. This was
followed by an APA retest and a novel object recognition (NOR)
test. One day after the final SUS treatment, mice were sacrificed
and brain extracts were analyzed by Western blotting and ELISA.
(B) Twenty APP23 mice and 10 non-Tg littermates tested in the APA
test, with a habituation session (labeled H) followed by four
training sessions (labeled D1 to D4). (C) In the APA retest,
SUS-treated mice showed better learning than did sham treated mice
when tested for reversal learning (P = 0.031 ). (D) SUS-treated
mice also showed improvement when the first 5 min (long-term
memory) and last 5 min (short-term memory) were plotted separately
(P=0.031 ). (E) The APA retest was followed by the NOR test to
determine the time spent with the novel object (labeled N)
compared with the familiar object. (F) Analysis of the
discrimination ratio that divides the above measure by the total
time spent exploring both objects revealed that SUS-treated APP23
mice showed an increased preference for the novel object compared
to sham- treated APP23 mice (P = 0.036).
Figure 7. Increased ?ß uptake by microglial cells in the
presence of albumin. ?ß42uptake increases by 65% by the presence
of albumin in BV-2 microglial cells (t-test, P=0.0188).
Cytochalasin D was included as control to inhibit uptake. A BV- 2
culture co-incubated with albumin is shown (green: LAMP2; red:
?ß). Scale bar: 25pm.
Figure 8. Altered morphology after ultrasound but unaltered
numbers of microglia in SUSed mice. (A) A two-fold increase in
microglia-internalized ?ß was observed in SUSed compared to
sham-treated brains (unpaired t-test, P=0.002). (B) Confocal
analysis of ?ß and CD68 reveals that 6/8 SUSed mice and 0/8
sham-treated mice had 'cleared plaques' in cortical areas, with ?ß
being almost completely within microglial lysosomes (Fisher's
exact test, P=0.007, n= 8 per group, with four sections analyzed
in each case). Sections of Non-Tg (C), sham-treated APP23 (D) and
SUSed APP23 mice (E) stained with the microglial marker Iba1 . (F)
The microglial surface area does not differ between the three
groups. (G) There is also no difference in the size of the
microglial cell bodies between the three groups. (H, l) A skeleton
analysis in which both the summed microglial process endpoints (H)
and the summed process length (I) were normalized per cell showing
that microglia in the SUSed group are more activated. (K-M) This
is also reflected by the fivefold increase in the surface area of
CD68 immunoreactivity (t-test, P=0.001 ) (K), a marker of
microglial/macrophage lysosomes, in SUSed (M) compared with
sham-treated APP23 mice (L). Scale bars: C-E, L,M=100pm.
Figure 9. Absence of brain damage after either repeated or
short term scanning ultrasound (SUS) treatment. (A,B) The BBB is
opened throughout the brain after SUS treatment, as evidenced by
prevalent Evans Blue extravasation as early as 30 min after the
treatment. (C-E) Absence of edemas, erythrocyte extravasation and
'dark' neurons revealed by Nissl staining (close-up: dentate
gyrus) of cohort 1 (APP23 mice, 5 treatments over a period of six
weeks) (C-D) and (E-H) hematoxylin and eosin staining, showing the
cortex (E, F), and the hippocampus (G,H). (I,K) Absence of
ischemic damage after SUS treatment of wild-type mice either 4 h
(I) or 24 h after SUS treatment (J) using acid fuchsin staining.
Scale bars: C=1 mm, E,F=50 pm, D,G,H=200pm, l, K=50 pm.
Figure 10. Analysis of SUS-treated mice for inflammatory
markers. (A,B) Immunoreactivity (percentage immunoreactive area)
for the astrocytic marker GFAP is increased in APP23 compared to
Non-Tg mice, but there is no difference between sham-treated (A)
and SUS-treated APP23 mice (B). (C,D) NFkB-positive nuclei as a
marker of excessive, chronic inflammation are absent in wild-type
mice. In APP23 mice NFkB-positive nuclei are low in numbers and
are confined to plaques, with no obvious difference between
SUS-treated (C) and sham-treated APP23 mice (D). (Blue, DAPI;
green, Iba1 ; red, nuclear NFkB). Scale bars: 200pm.
Figure 11. SUS treatment reduces ?ß in a second cohort of
AD mice. (A) A second cohort of APP23 mice was analyzed by Western
blot with the anti-?ß antibody WO-2; gel and transfer conditions
were optimized to reveal the monomer and trimer specifically. The
monomer was efficiently captured by using two sandwiched
membranes. (B) The blots showed significant reduction of the
monomer (fivefold reduction) and trimer (twofold reduction) in the
extracellular fraction (unpaired t tests, P < 0.05). (C) ELISA
for ?ß42 in the guanidine-insoluble fraction revealed a twofold
reduction in SUS-treated compared to sham-treated mice (unpaired f
test, P < 0.008; n = 10 per group).
Detailed description of the embodiments
Reference will now be made in detail to certain embodiments of the
invention. While the invention will be described in conjunction
with the embodiments, it will be understood that the intention is
not to limit the invention to those embodiments. On the contrary,
the invention is intended to cover all alternatives,
modifications, and equivalents, which may be included within the
scope of the present invention as defined by the claims. One
skilled in the art will recognize many methods and materials
similar or equivalent to those described herein, which could be
used in the practice of the present invention. The present
invention is in no way limited to the methods and materials
It will be understood that the invention disclosed and defined in
this specification extends to all alternative combinations of two
or more of the individual features mentioned or evident from the
text or drawings. All of these different combinations constitute
various alternative aspects of the invention. It will be
appreciated by persons skilled in the art that numerous variations
and/or modifications may be made to the invention as shown in the
specific embodiments without departing from the spirit or scope of
the invention as broadly described. The present embodiments are,
therefore, to be considered in all respects as illustrative and
not restrictive.
All of the patents and publications referred to herein are
incorporated by reference in their entirety. Any discussion of
documents, acts, materials, devices, articles or the like which
has been included in the present specification is solely for the
purpose of providing a context for the present invention. It is
not to be taken as an admission that any or all of these matters
form part of the prior art base or were common general knowledge
in the field relevant to the present invention as it existed in
Australia or elsewhere before the priority date of each claim of
this application. The inventors have developed a non-invasive,
non-pharmacological and regionally selective therapeutic approach
of restoring cognitive and/or memory function. It is believed that
this is achieved by removing pathogenic protein, such as amyloid-ß
The invention is surprising as it was believed in the field that
an increase in permeability of the blood-brain barrier was
associated with the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.
Unexpectedly, the methods of the invention do not require
additional therapeutic agents, such as antibodies against ?ß, for
Further, the method the invention does not require identification
of the location of the regions associated with pathogenic
extracellular protein, for example via magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI). In other words, the acoustic energy, such as ultrasound,
can be directed by simple aiming techniques, such as physically
orienting one or more transducers on a headpiece, thereby
eliminating the complexities of electronic focusing and reduces
the need for image guidance. This treatment also has the advantage
of treating conditions where the precise site of therapy is not
well defined. A highly focused approach is more likely to be
unsuccessful or only partially cover the targeted region.
Without being bound by any theory or mode of action it is believed
that increasing the permeability of the blood-brain barrier leads
to at least one of the following processes: i) clearance of the
pathological protein aggregates out of the brain, into the blood,
following opening of the blood-brain barrier, ii) delivery of
endogenous blood components such as albumin or enzymes to the
brain that can bind and de- aggregate protein deposits, iii)
delivery of endogenous antibodies and inflammatory molecules and
complement that can reduce the protein deposits to the brain, iv)
activation of microglia and astrocytes in the brain leading to
phagocytosis and reduction of the protein deposits, v) entry of
immune cells into brain from the blood or vasculature leading to
phagocytosis and reduction of the protein deposits and/or, vi)
activating processes in neuronal cells that can lead to clearance
of protein deposits.
Advantages of the invention described herein include that the
method is noninvasive and transcranial, does not require the
administration of a therapeutic compound and does not require
identification of the location of protein aggregates or deposits
in the brain. The methods described herein are also advantageous
as they facilitate removal of oligomeric deposits which do not
exist in imageable deposits.
The blood-brain-barrier structure surrounds blood vessels in the
brain and prevents most molecules in the blood from entering the
brain and having effects. Conversely, the blood-brain-barrier
prevents the movement or clearance of molecules in the brain from
entering into the peripheral circulation. Further, invention
allows a temporary increase in the permeability of the blood-brain
barrier thereby allowing the natural function of the blood-brain
barrier to be restored after a period of time.
A subject in need of treatment may be one that exhibits impaired
memory function, cognitive function or subclinical or clinical
symptoms of a neurodegenerative disease. The selection of an
individual for treatment may involve a screening step for
identifying whether the individual is displaying impaired
cognitive function, memory function or a clinical manifestation of
a neurodegenerative disease. A subject in need of treatment may be
one that is identified as having early, intermediate or late stage
disease and in the case of Alzheimer's disease may be identified
as having either diffuse ?ß oligomers or plaques.
In Alzheimer's disease there is a significant cognitive decline
from a previous level of performance in one or more areas of
cognitive domains, preferably documented by standardised
neuropsychological testing. The cognitive domains that are
affected in Alzheimer's disease include learning and memory,
complex attention, executive function, perceptual - motor, social
cognition, and language. This list of domains is not exhaustive In
addition, other neurodegenerative diseases that could be treated
by the invention are characterised by deficits in the listed
cognitive domains as well as motor function.
A decline of memory and learning is documented and at least one
other cognitive domain. The decline in cognition is progressive
and gradual.
Standardised neuropsychological tests of cognition that could be
administered to identify an individual in need of treatment or to
determine the effectiveness of the treatment include any of the
following tests or one or more of its components:
Neuropsychological Test Battery, Alzheimer's Disease Assessment
Scale-cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog), Mini-Mental State
Examination, Severe Impairment Battery, Disability Assessment
Scale for Dementia, Clinical Dementia Rating Scale Sum of Boxes,
Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study Clinical Global Impression
of Change, Wechsler Memory Scale Visual Immediate, Wechsler Memory
Scale Verbal Immediate, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test,
Wechsler Memory Digit Span, Controlled Word Association Test,
Category Fluency Test, Wechsler Memory Scale Visual Delayed,
Wechsler Memory Scale Verbal Delayed, RAVLT delayed, Wechsler
Memory Scale, Stroop Task, Wisconsin Card Sorting Task, or other
tests of memory and executive function.
A patient with cognitive dysfunction caused by a neurodegenerative
disease may have one or more of the following impairments in the
highlighted domains, for example:
- Learning and memory: Cannot keep track of plans, repeats
themselves in conversation, needs frequent reminders to perform
- Complex attention: Difficulty in environments with multiple
stimuli, difficulty holding new information in mind; - Executive
function: Inability to perform complex projects, inability to make
- Language: Difficulties with expressive or receptive language,
use of general terms instead of correct word, may not recall names
of friends and family; - Perceptual-motor: Difficulty with
previously familiar motor tasks and activities, navigation; and
- Social cognition: Changes in behaviour, digression from social
norms, makes reckless decisions, shows poor insight into these
decisions. A patient with frontotemporal dementia may show
impairments in one or more of the domains of language, social
cognition, perceptual-motor, executive function and complex
attention without learning and memory impairment, or learning and
memory impairment may be present. In Parkinson's disease motor
deficits may be present with or without deficits in other domains
of cognition, or deficits may be present. In Huntington's disease,
motor deficits may be present without deficits in other domains of
cognition, or deficits may be present. In Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis motor deficits may be present without deficits in other
domains of cognition, or deficits may be present.
The neurodegenerative diseases to which the invention can be
applied are those where pathogenic protein is extracellular and
cause or contribute to the disease or a symptom thereof. The
pathogenic protein may be in a pathogenic form when in an altered
structure such as an oligomer, an aggregate or a deposit.
Alzheimer's disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, Parkinson's
disease, frontotemporal lobar degeneration and British and Danish
familial dementia are non-limiting examples of diseases associated
with extracellular pathogenic protein. Alzheimer's disease is the
most common example of these diseases in which oligomers or
plaques composed of amyloid beta are formed in the brain. Other
neurodegenerative diseases are caused by the pathological
aggregation of one or more of the proteins: Amyloid beta, amyloid
fragments, amyloid precursor protein, amyloid precursor protein
fragments or British peptide.
In a preferable embodiment the condition, disease or syndrome is
Alzheimer's disease. In these embodiments the individual to be
treated may display impairment in the following cognitive domains
including learning and memory, complex attention, executive
function, perceptual - motor, social cognition, and language.
Alternatively, the individual may display one or more of the
following symptoms: Age-associated cognitive impairment,
Age-associated neuronal dysfunction not restricted to cognitive
impairment, short term memory loss, inability to acquire new
information, semantic memory impairments, apathy, mild cognitive
impairment, language, executive or visuoconstructional problems or
apraxia, long term memory impairment, irritability and aggression,
and exhaustion.
Treatment as used herein refers to therapeutic treatment and also
involves ameliorating a symptom associated with a disease.
Therapeutic treatment can be measured by an increase or recovery
in any one or more of the group consisting of cognitive function;
short term memory; ability to acquire new information; semantic
memory; apathy; language, executive or visuoconstructional
problems or apraxia; long term memory; irritability and
aggression; or exhaustion. Treatment can also be measured via
reduction in the presence of pathogenic protein or a reduction in
the particular forms of pathogenic protein such as protein
aggregates or deposits. The presence and reduction of the
pathogenic protein that can be visualised or detected by imaging
techniques or biochemical techniques described herein. For
example, in relation to Alzheimer's disease, treatment may relate
to a reduction in a soluble or insoluble isoforms of amyloid-ß
peptide or a reduction in the number of amyloid-ß plaques.
Alternatively, the outcome of the treatment may be determined by
neuropsychological or cognitive testing. Improving memory may be
determined by memory tests, typically a test administered by a
clinical professional. Standardised neuropsychological tests of
cognition that could be administered to test the effectiveness of
the treatment include any of the following tests or one or more of
its components: Neuropsychological Test Battery, Alzheimer's
Disease Assessment Scale- cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog),
Mini-Mental State Examination, Severe Impairment Battery,
Disability Assessment Scale for Dementia, Clinical Dementia Rating
Scale Sum of Boxes, Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study Clinical
Global Impression of Change, Wechsler Memory Scale Visual
Immediate, Wechsler Memory Scale Verbal Immediate, Rey Auditory
Verbal Learning Test, Wechsler Memory Digit Span, Controlled Word
Association Test, Category Fluency Test, Wechsler Memory Scale
Visual Delayed, Wechsler Memory Scale Verbal Delayed, Rey Auditory
Verbal Learning Test, Wechsler Memory Scale, Stroop Task,
Wisconsin Card Sorting Task, Trail Making Test, or any other tests
of memory and executive function alone or in combination.
Acoustic energy, such as ultrasound, can be applied to the entire
brain or a region of the brain. A region of the brain may be a
hemisphere or forebrain. The region may be at least 25% by volume
of the brain. The region of the brain may be one that is known to
be associated with pathogenic protein deposition. The particular
regions of the brain to be targeted for effective treatment will
differ depending on the disease. For example, for Alzheimer's
disease the areas that may be targeted include the hippocampus,
temporal lobe and/or basal forebrain, more specifically, the
hippocampus, formix, mamillary body and dentate gyrus, posterior
cingulate gyrus, and temporal lobe. For Frontal Temporal Dementia
the brain region to be targeted includes the cortex. For
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis the region to be targeted includes
the spinal cord, motor cortex, brain stem.
Identifying a region of the brain to which acoustic energy is
applied may include determining a volume of the brain on the basis
of symptoms displayed by the individual, typically clinically
observable or biochemically detectable symptoms, or determining a
volume of the brain on the basis of a known association with a
neurodegenerative disease, in particular those associated with
protein oligomers, aggregates or deposits, or determining a volume
of the brain including a volume surrounding an site having
extracellular protein in a pathogenic form, such as oligomers, an
aggregate or deposit.
The focus of the acoustic energy source, typically an ultrasound
transducer, may be moved in a pattern with space between the
individual sites of application over a region of the brain as
described herein or the entire brain. The focus may be moved by a
motorised positioning system. In a preferred form, the methods of
the invention involve the application of focussed ultrasound to a
plurality of locations in the brain. The focussed ultrasound may
be applied at 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or more locations in the
brain or on each hemisphere.
It is also contemplated that any disease, condition or syndrome
that is a consequence of or associated with aggregation or
deposition of proteins in the brain, may be treated by a method of
the invention. In addition, a symptom of a disease, condition or
syndrome that is a consequence of or associated with aggregation
or deposition of proteins in the brain, may be reduced in severity
or incidence by a method of the invention. Increasing the
permeability of the blood-brain barrier can be promoted by various
agents. These agents are based on the principle that biologically
inert and preformed microbubbles, with either a lipid or polymer
shell, a stabilized gas core, and a diameter of less than 10 µ?t?,
can be systemically administered and subsequently exposed to
noninvasively delivered focused ultrasound pulses. Microbubbles
within the target volume thereby become "acoustically activated"
by what is known as acoustic cavitation. In this process, the
microbubbles expand and contract with the acoustic pressure
rarefaction and compression over several cycles. This activity has
been associated with a range of effects including the displacement
of the vessel wall through dilation and contractions. It is
believed that the mechanical interaction between ultrasound,
microbubbles and the vasculature transiently opens tight junctions
thereby increasing the permeability of the blood-brain barrier.
The microbubble agent can be any agent known in the art including
lipid-type microspheres or protein-type microspheres or a
combination thereof in an injectable suspension. For example, the
agent can be selected from the group consisting of
Octafluoropropane/Albumin (Optison), a perflutren lipid
microsphere (Definity), Galactose-Palmitic Acid microbubble
suspension (Levovist) Air/Albumin (Albunex and Quantison),
Air/Palmitic acid (Levovist/SHU508A),
Perfluoropropane/Phospholipids (MRX1 15, DMP1 15),
Dodecafluoropentane/Surfactant (Echogen/QW3600),
Perfluorobutane/Albumin (Perfluorocarbon exposed sonicated
dextrose albumin), Perfluorocarbon/Surfactant (QW7437),
Perfluorohexane/Surfactant (lmagent/AF0150), Sulphur
hexafluoride/Phospholipids (Sonovue/BR1 ),
Perfluorobutane/Phospholipids (BR14), Air/Cyanoacrylate
(Sonavist/SHU563A), and Perfluorocarbon/Surfactant
The microbubble agent may be provided as a continuous infusion or
as a single bolus dose. A continuous infusion of microbubble,
preferably provided over the duration of the ultrasound
application, would be preferred. Typically, the microbubble agent
is delivered intravenously through the systemic circulation.
For methods of the invention that include the use of an agent such
as a microbubble or other cavitation based promotion of
blood-brain barrier permeability, the agent may be localized at,
or near, or in a region that is targeted with the ultrasound such
that the potential of unwanted damage from cavitation effects is
The applying step, for the delivery of ultrasound, may comprise
the delivery of ultrasound from an ultrasound source through a
fluid coupler applied directly to the head of the subject. In this
application, the fluid coupler may be applied to only one side or
aspect of the subject's head. The head may be an unmodified head
or a head with a surgically created window in the skull— the fluid
coupler being in contact with the window. The ultrasound may be
generated by an unfocused ultrasound transducer or a phased array
ultrasound transducer (i.e., focused ultrasound). Significantly,
the phased array ultrasound transducer may be a diagnostic phased
array. Diagnostic phased arrays are generally of lower power and
are commonly available. The fluid coupler may comprise a contained
volume of fluid (e.g., about 50 cc, about 100 cc, about 200 cc,
about 400 cc, about 500 cc, about 600 cc or about 1 litre). The
fluid may be, for example, water, ultrasonic gel, or a substance
of comparable acoustic impedance. The fluid may be contained in a
fluid cylinder with at least a flexible end portion that conforms
to the subject's head. In other embodiments, the contained volume
of fluid may be a flexible or elastic fluid container.
Increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier may be
determined by any suitable imaging method. Preferably, the imaging
method is MRI, an optical imaging method, positron emission
tomography (PET), computerized tomography (CT) or computerized
axial tomography (CAT) or ultrasound. If a level of acoustic
energy is applied, the increased permeability of the blood-brain
barrier could then be determined by any one of the methods
described herein and an increased level of acoustic energy could
be subsequently applied until the permeability of the blood-brain
barrier had increased to a clinically relevant level.
Any ultrasound parameters that result in clinically safe
application of acoustic energy are useful in the invention.
Typically, the ultrasound parameters that are preferred as those
that result in an increase the permeability of the blood-brain
barrier , or activate microglia phagocytosis. Various ultrasound
parameters can be manipulated to influence the permeability
increase in the blood-brain barrier and these include pressure
amplitude, ultrasound frequency, burst length, pulse repetition
frequency, focal spot size and focal depth. Several parameters are
now described that are useful in a method of the invention. Focal
spot size useful in a method of the invention includes about a 1
mm to 2 cm axial width. Typically, the focal spot size has an
axial width of about 1 mm to 1.5cm, preferably 1 mm to 1 cm, even
more preferably 1 mm to 0.5cm. The length of the focal spot may be
about 1 cm to as much as about 15 cm, preferably 1 cm to 10cm,
even ore preferably 1cm to 5cm. The focal size useful in a method
of the invention is one that allows an increase in the
permeability of the blood-brain barrier of the subject.
The focal depth of the ultrasound generally depends on the areas
of the brain affected by the disease. Therefore, the maximum focal
depth would be the measurement from the top of the brain to the
base, or about 10 to about 20 cm. Focal depth could be altered by
electronic focusing, preferably by using an annular array
Typically the ultrasound is applied in continuous wave, burst
mode, or pulsed ultrasound. Preferably the ultrasound is applied
in burst mode, or pulsed ultrasound. Pulse length parameters that
are useful in a method the invention include between about 1 to
about 100 milliseconds, preferably the pulse length or burst
length is about 1 to about 20 milliseconds. Exemplary burst mode
repetition frequencies can be between about 10 Hz to 100 kHz, 10Hz
to 1 kHz, 10Hz to 500Hz or 10Hz to 100Hz. The duty cycle (% time
the ultrasound is applied over the time) is given by the equation
duty cycle = pulse length x pulse repetition frequency x 100.
Typically, the duty cycle is from about 0.1 % to about 50%, about
1 % to about 20%, about 1 % to about 10%, or about 1 % to about
The ultrasound pressure useful in a method of the invention is the
minimum required to increase the permeability of the blood-brain
barrier. The human skull attenuates the pressure waves of the
ultrasound which also depends on the centre frequency of the
transducer, with lower centre frequencies of the ultrasound
transducer causing better propagation and less attenuation. A
non-limiting example of ultrasound pressure is between 0.1 MPa to
2 MPa, preferably about 0.4 or 0.5 MPa. Typically this pressure is
applied to the skull, i.e transcranial^. The mechanical index
characterises the relationship between peak negative pressure
amplitude in situ and centre frequency with mechanical index =
Pressure (MPa) / sqrt centre frequency (MHz) if this mechanical
index was free from attenuation / measured from within the skull,
the mechanical index would be between about 0.1 and about 2,
preferably about 0.1 to 1 or 0.1 to 0.5. A non-limiting example of
a system that is able to open the blood-brain barrier is the TIPS
system (Philips Research). It consists of a focused ultrasound
transducer that generates a focused ultrasound beam with a centre
frequency of 1 -1.7 MHz focal depth of 80 mm, active outer
diameter 80mm, active inner diameter 33.5 mm which is driven by a
programmable acoustic signal source within the console and
attached to a precision motion assembly. An additional example of
a system that is able to generate an ultrasound beam suitable for
blood-brain barrier disruption is the ExAblate Neuro ® (Insightec)
system. Suitable parameters for blood-brain barrier opening in
humans such as centre frequency and microbubble dosage may be
different to that in mice. For any of the method or apparatus of
the invention, the ultrasound transducer may have an output
frequency of between 0.1 to 10 MHz, or 0.1 to 2 MHz. The
ultrasound may be applied for a time between 10 milliseconds to 10
minutes. The ultrasound may be applied continuously or in a burst
Image contrast agents, used in any methods of the invention, may
be selected from the group consisting magnetic resonance contrast
agents, x-ray contrast agents (and x-ray computed tomography),
optical contrast agents, positron emission tomography (PET)
contrast agents, single photon emission computer tomography
(SPECT) contrast agents, or molecular imaging agents. For example,
the imaging contrast agent may be selected from the group
consisting of gadopentetate dimeglumine, Gadodiamide, Gadoteridol,
gadobenate dimeglumine, gadoversetamide, iopromide, lopamidol,
loversol, or lodixanol, and lobitridol.
The frequency of application of the ultrasound would generally
depend on patient severity. The parameters of the ultrasound and
the treatment repetition are such that there is an increase in
permeability of the blood-brain barrier but preferably wherein
there is no, or clinically acceptable levels of, damage to
parenchymal cells such as endothelial or neuronal damage, red
blood cell extravasation, haemorrhage, heating and/or brain
Any method of the invention may further include performing
magnetic resonance imaging on a subject comprising the steps of
(a) administering a magnetic resonance contrast agent to a subject
through the blood-brain barrier using any of the methods of the
invention and performing magnetic resonance imaging on said
subject. In this context the use of magnetic resonance imaging is
to confirm the increase in permeability of the blood-brain barrier
and not to locate the presence of a pathogenic protein.
Another embodiment of the invention involves providing an imaging
contrast agent to the whole brain including the steps of
administering an imaging contrast agent into the bloodstream of
said subject; and applying ultrasound to the brain of said subject
to open the blood-brain barrier to allow the image contrast agent
to cross the blood- brain barrier. The imaging contrast agent can
be administered to the subject simultaneously or sequentially with
the application of the ultrasound. In this embodiment the
sequential administration of the contrast agent can be prior to or
post application of the ultrasound. In a preferred embodiment, any
of the agents described herein may be administered to the
bloodstream between 1 to 4 hours, between 2 to 4 hours or between
3-4 hours after ultrasound treatment using one of the methods of
the invention.
The examples that follow are intended to illustrate but in no way
limit the present invention.
This aim of this study was to establish whether a transient
opening of the BBB by 'scanning' the brain with an ultrasound
focus could assist in ?ß clearance.
Here is presented a non-invasive and nonpharmacological
therapeutic approach of removing ?ß and fully restoring memory
functions in ?ß-depositing mice, by repeated scanning ultrasound
(SUS) treatments of the brain.
Experimental data has been generated by weekly scanning ultrasound
(SUS) treatments of the brain in a 12-13 month-old ?ß-depositing
APP23 mouse model. The researchers have found that SUS combined
with intravenously injected microbubbles temporarily disrupts the
blood-brain barrier (BBB) without causing tissue damage.
Importantly, SUS in combination with microbubbles achieved a full
restoration of spatial memory in the Ymaze, spatial memory and
learning in the APA test, short term memory, recognition and
visual memory in the NOR test, as well as a reduction of plaques
and ?ß levels with an efficacy comparable to that of passive ?ß
Example 1
It was first established in C57BL/6 wild-type mice that the BBB
can be opened repeatedly by ultrasound, without causing tissue
damage, either by using single entry points or by scanning
ultrasound (SUSing) the entire brain (Fig. 1 and 9). Mice were
anaesthetized, injected intravenously with microbubbles together
with Evans Blue (EB) in pilot experiments to demonstrate
successful BBB opening, and placed under the focus of a TIPS
ultrasound transducer (Philips), with ultrasound gel being applied
to the head (Fig. 1A). Brain dissection revealed that a single
pulse resulted in a 1 mm wide blue column demonstrating focused
opening of the BBB (Fig. 1 B). When the focus of the ultrasound
beam was moved in 1.5 mm increments until the entire forebrain of
the mouse was sonicated (SUSed), the BBB was opened throughout the
brain, as evidenced by prevalent EB extravasation as early as 30
min after the treatment (Fig. 1 B and Fig. 9A and B). We optimized
the ultrasound settings and established that 0.8 MPa peak
rarefactional pressure, 10 Hz pulse repetition frequency, a 10 %
duty cycle, and 6 sec sonication time per spot caused neither
edemas nor erythrocyte extravasation as shown by hematoxylin and
eosin staining, nor 'dark' neurons as revealed by Nissl staining
(Fig. 9).
We next SUSed ten 12-13 month-old male ?ß plaque-forming APP23
mice over a period of six weeks (Fig. 1 D). At this age, APP23
mice have a substantial plaque burden and spatial memory deficits
(L. M. Ittner et al., Cell 142, 387 (2010)). APP23 mice in the
control group (n=10) received all injections and were placed under
the ultrasound transducer, but no ultrasound was emitted. After
the four-week treatment period the mice underwent behavioural
testing in a two-week period in which they were not treated. We
analyzed spatial memory functions in the Y-maze. This revealed
that spontaneous alternation in the SUSed APP23 mice, but not the
sham-treated animals, was restored to wild-type levels (one-way
ANOVA, followed by Dunnett's multiple comparison, P<0.05) (Fig.
1 E). Total arm entries did not differ between groups (Fig. 1 F).
The mice received one additional ultrasound treatment and were
sacrificed four days later for histological and biochemical
analysis. We first used Campbell-Switzer silver staining that can
distinguish the compact core of mature plaques from more dispersed
?ß deposits (Fig. 2A,B). By analyzing every 8th section from -0.8
to -2.8 mm from bregma for each mouse (total of 8-10 sections per
mouse), we found that the percentage area of the cortex occupied
by plaques was reduced by 56 % (unpaired ttest, P=0.014) (Fig. 2C)
and the average number of plaques per section was reduced by 52 %
(unpaired t-test, P=0.017) (Fig. 2D) in the SUSed compared to
sham-treated mice. Thioflavin S (Fig. 2E) and immunohistochemistry
with the ?ß-specific antibody 4G8 (Fig. 2F) was used to confirm
the specificity of the silver staining. We also plotted plaque
load, as determined in Fig. 2C, as a function of age and included
untreated mice to demonstrate the baseline of plaque load at the
onset of treatment (Fig. 2G).
We then extracted the right hemisphere from 10 SUSed and 10
sham-treated APP23 mice and used these to obtain two lysates, one
fraction enriched in extracellular proteins and a Triton-soluble
fraction (S. Lesne et al., Nature 440, 352 (2006)). By Western
blotting with antibodies against ?ß we were able to identify
different species (Fig. 3A,B). Levels of the ?ß species were
quantified and significant reductions were found in the
extracellular fraction for SUSed compared to sham-treated mice for
high molecular weight species including soluble APP (HMW incl.
sAPPa; 58% reduction),<*>56 oligomeric ?ß (?ß<*>56;
38% reduction) and the thmeric ?ß/toxic APP carboxy- terminal
fragment (???ß; 29% reduction) (Fig. 3C), and for *56 (50%) and
trimeric ?ß ???ß (27%) in the Triton-soluble fraction (unpaired
t-tests, P<0.05) (Fig. 3D). By ELISA a 17% reduction was
revealed for ?ß42 in SUSed compared to sham-treated mice (unpaired
t-test, P<0.05, n=10 per group) (Fig. 3E).
The degree of ?ß reduction achieved by SUSing is comparable to
that achieved by passive ?ß immunization (A. Wang, P. Das, R. C.
Switzer, 3rd, T. E. Golde, J. L. Jankowsky, J Neurosci 31 , 4124
(201 1 ); J. L. Frost et al., Neurodegener Dis 10, 265 (2012)),
but remarkably SUSing works without an additional therapeutic
agent such as antibodies against ?ß. For passive vaccinations, a
range of mechanisms have been proposed to remove ?ß from the
brain, with variable effects on microglial activation. Blood-borne
immune molecules including ?ß-specific antibodies have been shown
to assist in the phagocytosis of ?ß by microglia and perivascular
macrophages. Albumin is another ?ß-neutralizing molecule that is
present in the blood and may establish a 'peripheral sink'. The
fact that Evans Blue-bound albumin can be detected in the brain
after SUSing suggests that it may assist in the engulfment of ?ß
not only in the periphery but also in the brain (Fig. 1A). It has
been shown that albumin enters the brain following disruption of
the BBB by ultrasound and is rapidly phagocytosed by glial cells
but not neurons. Albumin has also been demonstrated to bind to ?ß
and inhibit the aggregation of the peptide. We propose that
following SUS treatment, albumin enters the brain and binds ?ß and
the complex is then phagocytosed by microglia, explaining the
ability of SUS to increase phagocytosis of ?ß, as well as to
reduce the levels of ?ß oligomers.
To analyze microglial activation we used spinning disk confocal
microscopy, which revealed that microglia in SUSed brains engulf
plaques and that they contain twofold (unpaired t-test, P=0.002)
more ?ß in lysosomal compartments than in the sham treated APP23
mice, as shown by co-staining for ?ß and the microglial lysosomal
marker CD68 (Fig. 4A-D,E). High-resolution 3D-reconstruction
revealed extensive ?ß internalization in SUSed compared with
sham-treated brains (Fig. 4F to I). Confocal analysis of ?ß and
CD68 further revealed 'cleared plaques' in cortical areas in SUS-
treated mice for which ?ß was almost completely within microglial
lysosomes. These were observed in 75% of the SUSed mice and never
in the sham-treated mice (Fisher's exact test, p=0.007, eight mice
per group, with four sections analyzed in each case (Fig. 4J).
Together our results reveal that SUSing engages resident microglia
and promotes internalization of ?ß, although additional studies
are needed to determine the relative role of the different
endogenous mechanisms that are likely to remove ?ß. To avoid a
potentially excessive immune activation in a clinical setting (K.
M. Lucin, T. Wyss-Coray, Neuron 64, 1 10 (2009)), the ultrasound
treatment regimen might be done step-wise covering one brain area
at a time.
Spinning disk confocal microscopy and high resolution
3D-reconstruction reveal extensive internalization of ?ß in
microglia in SUSed compared with sham-treated brains. Cleared
plaques were observed in 75% of the SUSed mice but never in the
sham-treated animals. Given that repeated SUSing does not cause
brain damage, our study highlights its potential as a viable
therapeutic approach for AD.
Brains taken from age-matched APP23 mice where ultrasound was
applied at only single entry points did not result in significant
reductions in ?ß pathology (see, Figure 5). This highlights the
advantage of multiple ultrasound application sites as described
To determine the functional outcome of our SUS treatment protocol
in more robust behavioral tests, we next analysed a second cohort
of 20 gender-matched APP23 mice and non-Tg littermates (n = 10) in
the active place avoidance (APA) task, a test of
hippocampus-dependent spatial learning in which mice learn to
avoid a shock zone in a rotating arena (Fig. 6A, study design).
APP23mice and non-Tg littermates underwent 4 days of training
after habituation. There were significant effects of day of
training (F3,84 = 5.49, P = 0.002) and genotype (Fii2e = 5.41 , P
= 0.028, two-way ANOVA), with day as the within-subjects factor
(Fig. 6B). APP23 mice were divided into two groups with matching
performance on the APA test and received weekly SUS or sham
treatment for 7 weeks. Mice were retested in the APA test with the
location of the shock zone in the opposite area of the arena
(reversal learning). In the retest, there was a significant effect
of day (F3:84 = 2.809, P = 0.044) and treatment group (F2,28 =
3.933, P = 0.0312). Multiple comparisons test for simple effects
within rows showed that SUS- treated mice received fewer shocks on
days 3 (P = 0.012) and 4 (P = 0.033) (Fig. 6C). SUS-treated m ice
also showed improvement when the first 5 min (long-term memory)
and the last 5 min (short-term memory) of their performance were
plotted separately (F2,28 = 3.951 , P = 0.0308) (Fig. 6D). We also
performed an NOR test, which revealed improved performance after
SUS treatment, with SUS-treated m ice showing a preference for the
novel object (labeled N, Fig. 6, E and F) [F2,28 = 2.99, P =
0.066; t(20) = 2.33, P = 0.0356] compared to sham-treated control
Upon sacrifice, we conducted a Western blot analysis using the ?ß
specific antibody W0-2, which showed a fivefold reduction of the
monomer and a twofold reduction of the trimer in SUS-treated
compared to sham-treated APP23 m ice (unpaired t tests, P <
0.05) (Fig. 1 1 , A and B). ELISA of the guanidine-insoluble brain
fraction revealed a twofold reduction inAb42 in SUS-treated
samples (P < 0.008, unpaired t test) (Fig. 1 1 C). Together,
these data demonstrate that SUS has a robust effect on ?ß and
memory function in AD mice.
Phagocytosis of ?ß by microglia and perivascular macrophages has
been shown to be assisted by blood-borne immune molecules,
including ?ß-specific antibodies. Another ?ß-neutralizing molecule
is album in, which is present in the blood and may establish a
"peripheral sink". The fact that Evans blue dye-bound album in can
be detected in the brain after SUS treatment suggested that album
in may assist in ?ß engulfment not only in the periphery but also
in the brain. To determine whether album in may facilitate ?ß
uptake by microglia, we incubated m icroglial BV-2 cells in
culture with ?ß42 with and without albumin (1 0 mg/ml; equivalent
to 20% of the concentration in human serum) and found a 65%
increase in ?ß42 uptake in the presence of albumin (t test, P =
0.0188) (Fig. 7). This result suggested that after SUS treatment,
albumin may enter the brain and bind to ?ß, facilitating
microglial phagocytosis. We next sought to determine whether
microglia in SUS-treated compared to sham-treated APP23 mice
differed in other characteristics using sham-treated non-Tg
littermates as control. Using the microglial cytoplasmic marker
Iba1 (ionized calcium- binding adaptor molecule 1 ) (Fig. 8, C to
E), we first determined the total microglial surface area, but we
did not find differences between the three groups (t test) (Fig.
8F); there was also no difference in the size of microglial cell
bodies (t test) (Fig. 8G). Resting microglia have highly branched
extensions unlike activated phagocytic microglia. To quantify the
extent of branching, after staining with the activated microglial
marker Iba1 , we converted the images to binary images that were
then skeletonized (to obtain the most accurate tree geometry
possible). In this analysis, both the summed microglial process
endpoints and the summed process length were normalized per cell
using the Analyze Skeleton plugin in ImageJ (National Institutes
of Health) (Fig. 8H and I). This showed that microglia in the
SUS-treated group were more activated, a finding that was also
reflected by a fivefold increase in the area of immunoreactivity
for CD68 (t test, P = 0.001 ), a specific marker of microglial and
macrophage lysosomes (Fig. 8, K to M).
Finally, we determined whether SUS up-regulated inflammatory
markers associated with tissue damage. We first assessed the
astrocytic marker GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) and found
an increased immunoreactivity (percentage of immunoreactive area)
in APP23 compared to non-Tg mice, but no difference between
SUStreated and sham-treated APP23mice (Fig. 10, A and B). We also
investigated the nuclear localization of the transcription factor
NF-kB (nuclear factor kB), a marker of excessive, chronic
inflammation. NF-kB-positive nuclei were absent in wildtype mice.
In APP23 mice, they were confined to plaques, but we did not
observe differences between SUS-treated and sham-treated animals
(Fig. 10, C and D). Together, our analysis suggested that SUS
treatment did not lead to damaging inflammation.
Example 2
Study design. The study aimed to investigate how scanning
ultrasound treatment (SUS) would affect ?ß levels, plaque load,
microglial phagocytosis of ?ß and spatial memory. To this end, we
gave 12-13 month-old male APP23 SUS treatment or sham treatment
for a total duration of the experiment of six weeks. Using
histological methods, Western blotting, ELISA and confocal
microscopy we measured the effect of SUS treatment on amyloid
pathology. Mice were randomly assigned to treatment groups. The
treatment condition was kept blinded until the analysis. All
animals were included in the analysis. Sample sizes were chosen
based on previous experience and on the basis of studies of this
type conducted by others. Animal models and ethics. Hemizygous
male APP23 mice on a C57BL/6J background and their non-transgenic
littermates were treated once a week for four weeks with Scanning
Ultrasound (SUS), or were sham treated. APP23 mice express hAPP751
with the Swedish double mutation under control of the murine
Thy1.2 promoter (C. Sturchler— Pierrat et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci
U S A 94, 13287 (1997)). The mice were 12-13 month-old at the
start of treatment. APP23 mice of this age are characterized by
pronounced mature amyloid plaques, mainly in the cortex, as well
as associated memory deficits. Wild-type littermates of the APP23
mice were also tested in the Y maze. For sham treatment, mice
received all injections and were placed under the ultrasound
transducer, but no ultrasound was emitted. After the four-week
treatment period the mice underwent behavioural testing in a
two-week period in which they were not treated. Following this,
mice had one more ultrasound treatment and were sacrificed four
days later. Animal experimentation was approved by the Animal
Ethics Committee of the University of Queensland (approval number
SUS equipment. An integrated focused ultrasound system was used
(Therapy Imaging Probe System, TIPS, Philips Research) (R. Seip et
al., IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 57, 61 (2010)). The system consisted of
an annular array transducer with a natural focus of 80 mm, a
radius of curvature of 80 mm, a spherical shell of 80 mm with a
central opening of 31 mm diameter, a three-dimensional (3D)
positioning system, and a programmable motorized system to move
the ultrasound focus in the x and y planes to cover the entire
brain area. A coupler mounted to the transducer was filled with
degassed water and placed on the head of the mouse with ultrasound
gel for coupling to ensure propagation of the ultrasound to the
brain. The focal zone of the array was an ellipse of approximately
1.5 mm x 1.5 mm x 12 mm.
Antibodies and reagents. Antibodies to ?ß peptide epitope 1 -16
(6E10) and 17- 24 (4G8) were from Covance. Antibodies to CD68 were
from AbD Serotec (MCA195TT) and to GAPDH from Millipore. Secondary
antibodies were from Invitrogen, Cell Signaling and Dako. The
human Amyloid-p42 ELISA kit was from Millipore (EZH542). Total
protein levels were assayed with a BCA kit from Pierce (23227).
Chemical reagents were from Sigma.
Production of microbubbles. Lipid-shelled microbubbles with an
octafluoropropane core were manufactured and characterized
in-house. A 1 :5:2:1 ratio of PEG6000,
distearoylphosphatidylethanolamine, and pluronic F68 were
dissolved in a 0.9 % solution of sodium chloride. The solution was
added to glass HPLC vials and the air was removed and replaced
with octafluoropropane gas to fill the headspace of the vial
(Arcadophta). On the day of use, vials were heated to 37 °C and
then shaken in a dental amalgamator for 40 s at 4,000 rpm. The
concentration and size of the microbubbles was examined under a
microscope and found to be 1 -5 x 107 microbubbles/ml with a size
range of 1 -10 pm, and a mean diameter of 4 pm (data not shown).
SUS application. Mice were anesthetized with zoletil (20 mg/kg)
and xylazine (10 mg/kg) and the hair on the head was shaved and
depilated. Mice were injected retroorbitally with 1 µ?/g body
weight of microbubble solution and then placed under the
ultrasound transducer with the head immobilized. (Intravenous
injections were also tested but proved less efficacious due to the
small tail veins of the mice.) Parameters for the ultrasound
delivery were 0.8 MPa peak rarefactional pressure, 10 Hz pulse
repetition frequency, 10 % duty cycle, and a 6 s sonication time
per spot. The motorized positioning system moved the focus of the
transducer array in a grid with 1 .5 mm between individual sites
of sonication so that ultrasound was delivered sequentially to the
entire brain.
Monitoring blood-brain barrier opening and damage to brain tissue.
To determine successful opening of the blood-brain barrier (BBB),
4 ml/kg of a 2% solution of Evans blue (EB) dye in 0.9% NaCI was
injected together with a 1 pL/g dose of the microbubbles and SUS
or sham treatment was performed as described above. After 30 min
the mice were deeply anesthetized and transcardially perfused with
phosphate buffered saline (PBS) followed by 4% paraformaldehyde
(PFA) and photographed under a stereo microscope (Carl Zeiss). EB
is >99% bound to albumin in the blood and is BBB impermeable.
In addition, we found that SUSing increased the permeability of
the BBB to albumin and mouse IgG by immunofluorescence on sections
(data not shown). To determine damage, sections from SUS-treated
mice were stained with hematoxylin and eosin to assess erythrocyte
extravasation and tissue damage, as well as with cresyl violet
(Nissl staining) to assess damaged 'dark' neurons.
Tissue processing. Mice were deeply anaesthetized with
pentobarbitone before being perfused with 30 ml of ice-cold PBS.
The brains were dissected from the skull and cut along the
midline. The left hemisphere was fixed in 4% wt/vol PFA for 24
hours, cryoprotected in 30% sucrose and sectioned coronally at 40
pm thickness on a freezing sliding microtome. A one-in-eight
series of sections was stored in PBS with sodium azide at 4 °C
until staining. The right hemisphere of the brain was frozen in a
dry ice/ethanol slurry and stored at -80 °C until used for
biochemical analysis. Assessment of amyloid plaque load. A
one-in-eight series of coronal brain sections were cut at 40 pm
thickness on a microtome. An entire series of sections was
processed for Campbell-Switzer silver staining (D. R. Thai, U.
Rub, M. Orantes, H. Braak, Neurology 58, 1791 (2002)) using a
protocol available online at
switzer_protocol.htm. For plaque counting, an entire one-in-eight
series of sections were stained using the Campbell-Switzer method
and all sections -0.85 mm to -2.8 mm from bregma were analyzed
(8-10 sections per mouse) after being photographed at 16 x
magnification on a bright-field slide scanner. Plaque load in the
cortex was obtained by the particle analysis plugin of ImageJ
(NIH) on coded images of sections using the area fraction method.
Spinning disk confocal microscopy and 3D-rendering. Confocal
images were acquired using a spinning disk confocal head (CSU-W1 ,
Yokogawa) coupled to a fully motorized inverted Zeiss Axio
Observer Z1 microscope equipped with a 20x 0.8NA Plan-Apochromat
air objective, a 100x 1.4NA Plan-Apochromat oil objective (Carl
Zeiss) and an ORCA-Flash4.0 sCMOS camera (Hamamatsu) controlled by
Slidebook (v5.5; Intelligent Imaging Innovations, Inc.).
Each 3D image stack consisted of image planes of 2048 ? 2048
pixels (640 x 640 pm at 20x and 128 x 128 pm at 100x) that were
separated by 1.2 pm and 0.4 pm for 20x and 100x, respectively, and
acquired throughout the tissue section starting at the slide.
Exposure times (100 - 800 ms) were maintained consistently for
each marker across all experiments avoiding any incidence of pixel
saturation. Microglia (CD68-positive) were identified using
automatic segmentation in Imaris (Bitplane). The 3D surfaces of
microglia were used to mask ?ß labelling such that the volume of
internalized ?ß could be determined. 3D rendering of plaques was
created using 3D contouring tools in Imaris. For evaluation of the
proportion of ?ß contained within microglial lysosomes, five
sham-treated mice and five SUSed mice were analysed and
differences were tested with a t-test.
Protein extraction. We performed a serial extraction to obtain
fractions enriched for extracellular and a Triton-soluble fraction
proteins as described elsewhere (S. Lesne et al., Nature 440, 352
(2006)). The forebrain of the right hemisphere was placed in four
times weight/the volume of buffer containing 50 mM Tris-HCI, pH
7.6, 0.01 % NP-40, 150 mM NaCI, 2 mM EDTA, 0.1 % SDS, 1 mM
phenylmethanesulfonyl fluorid (PMSF), and Complete (Roche)
protease inhibitors. The tissue was dissociated with a syringe and
a 19-gauge needle and the solution centrifuged at 800 x g for 10
min to extract soluble extracellular proteins. Tritonsoluble and
intracellular proteins were obtained by homogenizing the intact
cell pellet in four volumes of 50 mM Tris-HCI, pH 7.4, 150 mM
NaCI, 1 % Triton X-100 and centrifuging for 90 min at 16,000 x g.
Total protein concentration was determined by BCA assay (Pierce).
All extraction steps took place at 4 °C and aliquots of the
samples were stored at -80 °C until use.
Western blotting. 40 pg each of extracellular-enriched and
Triton-soluble proteins were separated on 10-20% Tris-Tricine gels
(Bio-Rad) and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. Membranes
were microwaved on a high setting for 30 s, and stained briefly in
Ponceau-S to check transfer and equal loading. Membranes were then
blocked in PBS containing Odyssey blocking reagent (Li-cor) and
incubated overnight in a 1 :2,000 dilution of 6E10 and 4G8
antibody (Covance). For the loading control, rabbit anti-GAPDH
antibody (1 :2,000, Millipore) was used. Membranes were then
blotted with anti-mouse lgGIR680 and anti-rabbit lgG-IR800
fluorescent secondary antibodies (Li- cor) and imaged on a Li-cor
Odyssey scanner with detection settings of intensity 4.0 for the
700 channel and 0.5 intensity for the 800 channel. Signals from
detected bands were quantified with Image Studio software
(Li-cor). ELISA. For detection of ?ß by ELISA we quantified levels
of ?ß1 -42 in the
Tritonsoluble fraction, using ELISA kits from Millipore (EZH542).
Behavioural testing. The Y-maze was made of clear Plexiglas and
had three identical arms (40 x 9 x 16 cm) 120° apart. The centre
platform was a triangle with 9 cm side length. The room was
illuminated by 70 lux. Mice were habituated to the testing room
and the apparatus 24 h prior to testing by being in the maze for 5
min. On the day of testing mice were placed in one of the arms and
allowed to explore the maze for 8 min. Arm entry was defined as
having all four limbs inside one of the arms. Mice were videotaped
and the videos were analyzed blind. The maze was cleaned with 70%
ethanol between animals. The sequence of arm entries was used to
obtain a measure of alternation, reflecting spatial working
memory. The percentage alternation was calculated by the number of
complete alternation sequences (ABC, BCA, CAB) divided by the
number of alternation opportunities (total arm entries minus two).
Statistics. Statistics was done with the Prism 6 software
(GraphPad Software, USA). Values are always reported as mean ±
standard error. One-way ANOVA with Dunnett's post-hoc test was
used for three groups, and unpaired t-test was used to compare two
groups. Where there were significant differences in variance
between groups we applied Welch's correction.
Behavioral testing - Active place avoidance (APA) test. The APA
task is a test of hippocampus-dependent spatial learning. Mice
(APP23 mice and non-transgenic 9 littermate controls) were tested
over five days in a rotating elevated arena (Bio-Signal group)
that had a grid floor and a 32 cm high clear plastic circular
fence enclosing a total diameter of grid of 77 cm. High-contrast
visual cues were present on the walls of the testing room. The
arena and floor was rotated at a speed of 0.75 rpm and a 500 ms,
60 Hz, 0.5 mA mild shock was delivered through the grid floor when
the animal entered a 60 degree shock zone, and every 1 ,500 ms
until the animal left the shock zone. The shock zone was
maintained at a constant position in relation to the room.
Recorded tracks were analyzed with Track Analysis software
(Bio-Signal group). A habituation session was performed 24 h
before the first training session in which animals were placed in
the rotating arena for 5 min to explore but the mice did not
receive any shocks during this period. After this initial testing
APP23 mice were divided into two groups with mice matched so that
the performance of the two groups of mice on day four of the task
was the same. Four training sessions were held on consecutive
days, one per day with a duration of 10 min. Following a 7
week-period of treatment in which the mice were given SUS or sham
treatment (in which the sham mice received all injections but
ultrasound was not applied), they were retested in the task
(reversal learning). For retesting the shock zone was switched to
the opposite side of the arena and the visual cues were changed
but mice were tested in the same room. The number of shocks
delivered to the SUSed APP23 mice, sham-treated APP23 mice, and
sham-treated wild-type mice were compared over the days of
testing. As an additional measure we broke the 10 min interval
into two 5 min intervals, the first a measure of long-term memory
and the second of working/short-term memory. Data was analyzed
with a Two- Way ANOVA with day of testing as a within subjects
factor and simple effects of group tested with Fisher's LSD
post-hoc test. Behavioral testing - Novel object recognition (NOR)
test. Mice were also tested in the NOR test. A Y-shaped arena made
of white Perspex (30 cm height x 16 cm length x 8 cm wide) was
used. Mice were placed in a start arm and the other arms contained
the objects. A camera recorded the mice and Ethovision XT was used
to analyze the time the mouse spent investigating less than 2 cm
from the object with its nose pointed in the direction of the
object. Between each trial the maze was thoroughly cleaned with
paper towel and 70% ethanol. For two days prior to the test
session mice underwent habituation to the Y shaped maze for 8 min
each without any objects in the arms. On the third day a sample
phase was followed by a choice phase. In the sample phase two
identical copies of an object was placed at the end of two arms.
The mice explored the objects for 8 min. Following a 30 min delay
in which the animal was placed back in its home cage, a choice
phase was carried out in which the objects were replaced by a
third identical copy of one of the objects and a novel object to
which the mice had not been exposed. The choice phase was 4 min in
duration. Times when an animal climbed on an object were not
counted. Which objects were sample and novel objects and in which
arm the novel object was placed in were counterbalanced within and
across groups. We calculated the preference for the novel object
as the total time spent exploring the novel object subtracted from
the time spent exploring the familiar object. Differences between
groups were assessed by Student's t-test. We also calculated a
discrimination ratio, by dividing this measure by the total time
spent exploring both objects.
Microglial uptake. BV-2 microglia cells (kindly provided by Dr
Trent Woodruff, University of Queensland) were maintained in DMEM
containing 1 % fetal bovine serum, non-essential amino acids and
antibiotics. Cells were passaged when 80% confluent and a passage
number of 10-15 was used for the experiments. For phagocytosis
studies, cells were plated at a density of 30,000 cells per
chamber in eight well-tissue culture chamber slides (Sarstedt).
?ß42 biotinylated at the N-terminus (JPET) was dissolved in DMSO
and then diluted to a 1 mg/ml concentration in PBS and aggregated
at 37 °C for 7 days to obtain fibrillar ?ß (??ß42). Cells grown in
the chamber wells were treated with 10 mg/ml human serum albumin
(Sigma) in normal medium for 24 h or with normal cell medium alone
(control). As a negative control for phagocytosis, the actin
polymerization inhibitor cytochalasin D was added at a 5 µ?
concentration 1 h prior to the addition of ??ß42. Cells were then
treated with 2.5 pg/ml ??ß42 for 60 min and then washed twice with
normal medium and then fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 20 min.
Cells were permeabilized by adding 0.1 % Triton X-100 and blocked
with 1 % bovine serum albumin for 1 h, before being incubated with
the anti-LAMP2 (lysosomal- associated membrane protein 2) antibody
(1 :500, Sigma) overnight at 4°C. After washing with PBS, cells
were incubated with Alexafluor 594-conjugated streptavidin to
label biotinylated ?ß (1 : 1000, Invitrogen) for 1 h at room
temperature and then stained with DAPI and cover-slipped with
fluorescent mounting medium (Vectashield). Under confocal
microscopy, three or four areas containing more than 100 cells in
total were randomly chosen based on DAPI staining. Numbers of
microglia containing phagozytosed ??ß42 were determined by
counting the number of cells containing Alexafluor 594-labeled ??
42 within LAMP2 positive areas and expressed as a percentage of
the total number of cells counted. Data are representative of two
experiments and expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean
Microglia Skeleton analysis. A skeleton analysis was applied to
quantify microglial morphology in images obtained from fixed
brains as described (5). In brief, 40 pm sections were stained
with Iba1 using the nickel/DAB method. Two images from auditory
cortex overlying the dorsal hippocampus (an area rich in plaques)
were each converted to binary images and then skeletonized using
the Analyze Skeleton plugin by ImageJ. The number of summed
microglial process endpoints and summed process length normalized
to the number of microglia were determined. The Examples herein
demonstrate that repeated scanning (SUSing) of the entire brain is
sufficient to markedly ameliorate the pathology of ?ß-depositing
mice, histologically, biochemically and behaviourally. In
conclusion, this study highlights the potential of SUSing as a
viable therapeutic approach for AD, and other diseases with
protein aggregation, such as frontotemporal dementia and motor
neuron disease.