Yat LI, et al.
Photoelectrochemical Cell
October 10, 2013
New device harnesses sun and sewage to
produce hydrogen fuel
by Tim Stephens
A novel device that uses only sunlight and wastewater to produce
hydrogen gas could provide a sustainable energy source while
improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment.
A research team led by Yat Li, associate professor of chemistry at
the University of California, Santa Cruz, developed the
solar-microbial device and reported their results in a paper
published in the American Chemical Society journal ACS Nano. The
hybrid device combines a microbial fuel cell (MFC) and a type of
solar cell called a photoelectrochemical cell (PEC). In the MFC
component, bacteria degrade organic matter in the wastewater,
generating electricity in the process. The biologically generated
electricity is delivered to the PEC component to assist the
solar-powered splitting of water (electrolysis) that generates
hydrogen and oxygen.
Either a PEC or MFC device can be used alone to produce hydrogen
gas. Both, however, require a small additional voltage (an
"external bias") to overcome the thermodynamic energy barrier for
proton reduction into hydrogen gas. The need to incorporate an
additional electric power element adds significantly to the cost
and complication of these types of energy conversion devices,
especially at large scales. In comparison, Li's hybrid
solar-microbial device is self-driven and self-sustained, because
the combined energy from the organic matter (harvested by the MFC)
and sunlight (captured by the PEC) is sufficient to drive
electrolysis of water.
In effect, the MFC component can be regarded as a self-sustained
"bio-battery" that provides extra voltage and energy to the PEC
for hydrogen gas generation. "The only energy sources are
wastewater and sunlight," Li said. "The successful demonstration
of such a self-biased, sustainable microbial device for hydrogen
generation could provide a new solution that can simultaneously
address the need for wastewater treatment and the increasing
demand for clean energy."
Microbial fuel cells rely on unusual bacteria, known as
electrogenic bacteria, that are able to generate electricity by
transferring metabolically-generated electrons across their cell
membranes to an external electrode. Li's group collaborated with
researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) who
have been studying electrogenic bacteria and working to enhance
MFC performance. Initial "proof-of-concept" tests of the
solar-microbial (PEC-MFC) device used a well-studied strain of
electrogenic bacteria grown in the lab on artificial growth
medium. Subsequent tests used untreated municipal wastewater from
the Livermore Water Reclamation Plant. The wastewater contained
both rich organic nutrients and a diverse mix of microbes that
feed on those nutrients, including naturally occurring strains of
electrogenic bacteria.
When fed with wastewater and illuminated in a solar simulator, the
PEC-MFC device showed continuous production of hydrogen gas at an
average rate of 0.05 cubic meters per day, according to LLNL
researcher and coauthor Fang Qian. At the same time, the turbid
black wastewater became clearer. The soluble chemical oxygen
demand--a measure of the amount of organic compounds in water,
widely used as a water quality test--declined by 67 percent over
48 hours.
The researchers also noted that hydrogen generation declined over
time as the bacteria used up the organic matter in the wastewater.
Replenishment of the wastewater in each feeding cycle led to
complete restoration of electric current generation and hydrogen
gas production.
Qian said the researchers are optimistic about the commercial
potential for their invention. Currently they are planning to
scale up the small laboratory device to make a larger 40-liter
prototype continuously fed with municipal wastewater. If results
from the 40-liter prototype are promising, they will test the
device on site at the wastewater treatment plant.
"The MFC will be integrated with the existing pipelines of the
plant for continuous wastewater feeding, and the PEC will be set
up outdoors to receive natural solar illumination," Qian said.
"Fortunately, the Golden State is blessed with abundant sunlight
that can be used for the field test," Li added.
Qian and Hanyu Wang, a graduate student in Li's lab at UC Santa
Cruz, are co-first authors of the ACS Nano paper. The other
coauthors include UCSC graduate student Gongming Wang; LLNL
researcher Yongqin Jiao; and Zhen He of Virginia Polytechnic
Institute & State University. This research was supported by
the National Science Foundation and Department of Energy.
Yat Li
September 11, 2013
DOI: 10.1021/nn403082m
Self-Biased Solar-Microbial Device for
Sustainable Hydrogen Generation
Hanyu Wang †, Fang Qian ‡, Gongming Wang †, Yongqin Jiao ‡,
Zhen He §, and Yat Li †*
† Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of
California, Santa Cruz, California 95064, United States
‡ Physical and Life Sciences Directorate, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550, United States
§ Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, Virginia
24061, United States
DOI: 10.1021/nn403082m
Here we demonstrate the feasibility of continuous, self-sustained
hydrogen gas production based solely on solar light and biomass
(wastewater) recycling, by coupling solar water splitting and
microbial electrohydrogenesis in a photoelectrochemical
cell–microbial fuel cell (PEC-MFC) hybrid device. The PEC device
is composed of a TiO2 nanowire-arrayed photoanode and a Pt
cathode. The MFC is an air cathode dual-chamber device, inoculated
with either Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 (batch-fed on artificial
growth medium) or natural microbial communities (batch-fed on
local municipal wastewater). Under light illumination, the TiO2
photoanode provided a photovoltage of 0.7 V that shifted the
potential of the MFC bioanode to overcome the potential barrier
for microbial electrohydrogenesis. As a result, under light
illumination (AM 1.5G, 100 mW/cm2) without external bias, and
using wastewater as the energy source, we observed pronounced
current generation as well as continuous production of hydrogen
gas. The successful demonstration of such a self-biased,
sustainable microbial device for hydrogen generation could provide
a new solution that can simultaneously address the need of
wastewater treatment and the increasing demand for clean energy.
This invention was made partly using funds from US Department of
Energy (USDOE) research grant number DE-FG02-05ER46232-A002, and
the United States National Science Foundation, Major Research
Instrumentation (MRI) Program grant number CHE-0521569. The US
Federal Government has certain rights to this invention.
Field of the Invention
The invention is drawn to novel compositions and methods for
generating an electric current. The invention also provides novel
compositions and methods for generating hydrogen as a fuel.
Background of the Invention
In recent years there is an increasing interest to find
sustainable alternative energy (SAE) sources due to the
heightening cost of fossil fuels and the detrimental effects of
global climate change. Photovoltaic (PV) cells have received
significant attention due to the limitless influx of photons from
the sun. Recent market energy analysis is predicting energy parity
between conventional energy production and PV costs in cents per
kilowatt hour (cents/kWh) in only 5-8 years (LoPiccolo, P. Solid
State Technology 2007, 50, 2). Efficiency of silicon solar cells
have attained a solar conversion efficiency of 20%, however the
manufacturing process is very expensive and involves the use of
toxic chemicals inherit in the semiconductor industry.
To date, there have been reports of two types of solar cells based
on nanostructured semiconductor materials: the Gratzel solar cell,
based on dye sensitized nanoporous semiconductor thin films and
the quantum dot solar cell, based on composite films of
semiconductor nanoparticles (CdSe) and conjugated polymers studied
by Greenham et al. (see, for example, O'Regan, B.; Gratzel, M.
Nature 1991, 353, 737; Greenham, N. C; Peng, X. G.; Alivisatos, A.
P. Phys. Rev. B 1996, 54, 17628). Gratzel's initial report in 1991
presented a nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cell converting
light to electrical energy with an efficiency of 7% (O'Regan et
al. supra). The dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) consists of TiO2
nanoparticles acting as a highly porous wide-bandgap semiconductor
electron acceptor layer. In the DSSC visible light absorbing dye
molecules adsorbed onto the TiO2 surface act as the sensitizer to
harvest more of the solar flux. Under irradiation, the
photoexcited dye molecules inject electrons to the TiO2 layer that
are 5 transported through the porous TiO2 layer and collected by a
conductive fluorine doped SnO2 layer on the glass surface. The
oxidized dye is regenerated by a liquid electrolyte, with the
highest reported efficiency of about 10%. Greenham et al. (supra)
investigated the processes of charge separation and transport in
the interface between a conjugated polymer and semiconductor
nanocrystal as a hybrid organic-inorganic system. A quantum
efficiency of up 12% has been reported with a high concentration
of nanocrystals, where both nanocrystals and polymers provide
continous pathways to the electrodes (Greenham et al. supra). The
absorption, charge separation and transport properties of the
composities were found to be a function of the size, material and
the surface ligands of the nanocrystals utilized.
TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles represent good examples of
nanocrystalline materials used for potentially low cost PV devices
for energy conversion, as an alternative to silicon solar cell
technology and for photocatalysis (Belver, C; Bellod, R.; Fuerte,
A.; Fernandez- Garcia, M. Applied Catalysis B -Environmental 2006,
65, 301 ; Gregg, B. A. J. Phys. Chem. B 2003, 107, 4688; Hagfeldt,
A.; Gratzel, M. Accounts of Chemical Research 2000, 33, 269;
Kamat, P. V. J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 2834; Lokhande, C. D.;
Park, B. O.; Park, H. S.; Jung, K. D.; Joo, O. S. Ultramicroscopy
2005, 105, 267; Smestad, G. P.; Spiekerniann, S.; Kowalik, J.;
Grant, C. D.; Schwartzberg, A. M.; Zhang, J.; Tolbert, L. M.;
Moons, E. Solar Energy Materials Solar Cells 2003, 76, 85;
Khaselev, O.; Turner, J. A. Science 1998, 280, 425; and Parsons,
C. A.; Peterson, M. W.; Thacker, B. R.; Turner, J.
R.; Nozik, A. J. J. Phys. Chem. 1990 94, 3381). Titanium dioxide
(TiO2), or titania, exists in three crystalline phases: anatase,
rutile and brookite. Anatase and rutile have found uses mainly in
PV cells, photoelectrochemical cells (PEC), and photocatalysis
applications (Colon, G.; Maicu, M.; Hidalgo, M. C; Navio, J. A.
Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2006, 67, 41; Kim, Y. G.;
Walker, J.; Samuelson, L. A.; Kumar, J. Nano Letters 2003, 3, 523;
Toyoda, T.; Tsuboya, L; Shen, Q. Materials Science &
Engineering C-Biomimetic Supramolecular Systems 2005, 25, 853; and
Wang, J. W.; Zhu, W.; Zhang, Y. Q.; Liu, S. X. J. Phys. Chem. C
2007, 111, 1010). On the contrary, the brookite phase has not
received similar attention, perhaps because it is the most
difficult to prepare in the form of a thin film (Djaoued, Y.;
Bruning, R.; Bersani, D.; Lottici, P. P.; Badilescu, S. 5 Mater.
Letters 2004, 58, 2618). Titania has a wide band gap (3.2 eV) and
absorbs only 5% of the solar spectrum, resulting in poor
conversion efficiency in solar cell applications. Non metal-doped
TiO2 nanoparticles and nanotubes have been shown to produce
electronic states in the TiO2 bandgap, thereby extending
photoresponse to the visible region and improving photoactivity
(Huang, D. G.; Liao, S. J.; Liu, J. M.; Dang, Z.; Petrik, L. J.
Photochem. Photobio. A-Chem. 2006, 184, 282; Huang, L. H.; Sun, Z.
X.; Liu, Y. L. J. Ceramic Soc. Jap. 2007, 115, 28; Nishijima, K.;
Naitoh, H.; Tsubota, T.; Ohno, T. J. Ceramic Soc. Jap. 2007, 115,
310). Recent studies of TiO2 :N and ZnO:N have found success in
narrowing the bandgap and increasing light harvesting efficiency
with nitrogen doping, and research has been focusing on the
resulting photoelectro-chemical properties and photocatalytic
activity for SAE production. Several different synthesis protocols
have been developed to produce TiO2 :N. The usual doping process
involves using ammonia as a nitrogen source by sol-gel, thermal,
or hydrothermal chemical methods (Moribe, S.; Ikoma, T.; Akiyama,
K.; Zhang, Q. W.; Saito, F.; Tero-Kubota, S. Chem. Phys. Lett.
2007, 436, 373; Sathish, M.; Viswanathan, B.; Viswanath, R. P.;
Gopinath, C. S. Chem. Mater. 2005, 17, 6349; Beranek, R.; Kisch,
H. Electrochem. Commun. 2007, 9, 761 ; Chen, H. Y.; Nambu, A.;
Wen, W.; Graciani, J.; Zhong, Z.; Hanson, J. C; Fujita, E.;
Rodriguez, J. A. J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 1366; and Yin, S.;
Ihara, K.; Aita, Y.; Komatsu, M.; Sato, T. J. Photochem. Photobio.
A-Chem. 2006, 179, 105).
An alternative method to obtain TiO2 :N involves using
hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) by chemical and mechanochemical
processes. The resulting effect on crystalline phase composition
showed increased photocatalytic activity and photovoltaic
properties, with specific morphologies produced (Wu, J. M.; Qi, B.
J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 666; Yin, S.; Komatsu, M.; Zhang, Q.
W.; Saito, F.; Sato, T. J. Mater. Science 2007, 42, 2399).
Nitrogen doping within TiO2 can be interstitial or substitutional,
with the latter being more effective, resulting in mixing of N 2p
states with O 2p states, and contributing to the bandgap
narrowing. Different techniques have been used to study N doped
TiO2 crystallographically, including XPS, EPR, Raman spectroscopy
and XRD and absorption spectroscopy (see Chen and Burda J. Phys.
Chem. B 2004, 108, 15446; Reyes-Garcia et al. J Phys. Chem. C
2007, 111, 2738; and Wan et al. Appl. Surf. Sd. 2007, 253, 4764).
5 Theoretical studies have supported the visible absorption and
the resulting yellowish color of TiO2:N thin films and powders
(see, for example, Asahi, R.; Morikawa, T.; Ohwaki, T.; Aoki, K.;
Taga, Y. Science 2001, 293, 269; Di Valentin, C; Pacchioni, G.;
Selloni, A.; Livraghi, S.; Giamello, E. J. Phys. Chem. B 2005,
109, 11414; Chen and Burda, supra; Reyes-Garcia et al. supra; Wan
et al. supra; Livraghi, S.; Paganini, M. C; Giamello, E.;
10 Selloni, A.; Di Valentin, C; Pacchioni, G. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
2006, 128, 15666; and Burda, C; Lou, Y. B.; Chen, X. B.; Samia, A.
C. S.; Stout, J.; GoIe, J. L. Nano Letters 2003, 3, 1049).
Alternative techniques to increase the photoresponse besides
doping include the utilization of tunable narrow bandgap
semiconductor nanoparticles or quantum dots (QDs) such as CdS,
CdSe, and CdTe to sensitize wide bandgap semiconductors such as
the metal oxides, e.g. TiO2 and ZnO (Leschkies, K. S.; Divakar,
R.; Basu, J.; Enache-Pommer, E.; Boercker, J. E.; Carter, C. B.;
Kortshagen, U. R.; Norris, D. J.; Aydil, E. S. Nano Letters 2007,
7, 1793; Levy-Clement, C; Tena-Zaera, R.; Ryan, M. A.; Katty, A.;
Hodes, G. Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 1512; Robel, L; Kuno, M.; Kamat,
P. V. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 4136; and Somasundaram, S.;
Chenthamarakshan, C. R.; de Tacconi, N. R.; Ming, Y.; Rajeshwar,
K. Chem. Mater. 2004, 16, 3846). QDs with their large extinction
coefficient strongly absorb visible light and inject electrons
into the conduction band of metal oxides, and thereby contribute
to increased solar energy conversion. Attachment of CdSe QDs to
nanocrystalline TiO2 has been shown to be successful with an
immersion method using a bimolecular linker (Robel, I.;
Subramanian, V.; Kuno, M.; Kamat, P. V. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006,
128, 2385). Sonochemical, photodeposition, and chemical bath
deposition of CdSe on TiO2 nanoparticles and nanotubes has also
been studied for photocatalysis applications (Liu, H. Y.; Gao, L.
J. Am. Ceramic Soc. 2005, 88, 1020; Nguyen, V. N. H.; Amal, R.;
Beydoun, D. J. Photochem. Photobio. A-Chem. 2006, 779, 57; and
Niitsoo, O.; Sarkar, S. K.; Pejoux, C; Ruhle, S.; Cahen, D.;
Hodes, G. J. Photochem. Photobio. A-Chem. 2006, 181, 306).
However, the use of QDs to improve TiO2 based solar cell
efficiency is still an area of active exploration.
Hydrogen is very attractive as a clean fuel due to its high energy
density and benign chemical byproduct, water (Bak, T.; Nowotny,
J.; Rekas, M.; Sorrell, C. C. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2002, 27,
(10), 991-1022; Yilanci, A.; Dincer, L; Ozturk, H. K. Prog. Energ.
Combust. 2009, 35, (3), 231-244). Producing hydrogen from water
splitting using solar energy based on photoelectrochemical (PEC)
cells, photovoltaic cells and photocatalysis is highly desirable
because it leaves less of a carbon footprint and the resources
used, water and sunlight, are abundant (Bak et al. supra; Yilanci
et al. supra; Li, Y.; Zhang, J. Z. Laser Photonics Rev. 2009, in
press; Fujishima, A.; Honda, K. Nature 1972, 238, (5358), 37-38;
Heller, A. Science 1984, 223, (4641), 1141-1148; Murphy, A. B. B.,
P.R.F.; Randeniya, L.K.; Plumb, LC; Grey, I.E.; Home, M.D.;
Glasscock, J.A. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2006, 31, 1999-2017; Chen,
D.; Gao, Y. F.; Wang, G.; Zhang, H.; Lu, W.; Li, J. H. J. Phys.
Chem. C 2007, 111, 13163-13169; Liu, J.; Cao, G.; Yang, Z.; Wang,
D.; Dubois, D.; Zhou, X.; Graff, G. L.; Pederson, L. R.; Zhang J.
G. Chem. Sus. Chem. 2008, 1, 676-697; Khaselev, O.; Turner, J. A.
Science 1998, 280, (5362), 425-427; and Osterloh, F. E. Chem.
Mater. 2008, 20, 35-54). A conventional PEC cell is established
with a semiconductor photoanode and a platinum electrode as the
cathode in an electrolyte solution. Electrons and holes are
created when a semiconductor anode absorbs light. The depletion
layer formed at the semiconductor-electrolyte interface leads to
energy band bending that facilitates separation of photo generated
electrons and holes. The electrons and holes perform chemical
redox reactions at the semiconductor photoanode and the platinum
cathode (Bak et al. supra; Fujishima and Honda supra). Typically,
the reaction is the splitting of water, 2H2O -> 2H2 + O2, but
hydrogen can also be generated by the use of sacrificial
electrolytes, such as Na2S and Na2SO3 (Rao, N. N.; Dube, S. Int.
J. Hydrogen Energy 1996, 21, (2), 95-98).
Wide bandgap semiconductors such as TiO2, ZnO and WO3 have been
demonstrated as promising candidates for photoanodes due to their
energy band position, thermal and chemical stability in solution
(Bak et al. supra; Fujishima and Honda supra; and Yang, X.;
Wolcottt, A.; Wang, G.; Sobo, A.; Fitzmorris, R. C; Qian, F.;
Zhang, J. Z.; Li, Y. Nano Lett. 2009, 9, (6), 2331-2336). However,
they are not ideal due to their weak absorption of visible light
(Murphy et al. supra). Doping of such wide bandgap metal oxides is
one of the most promising approaches to increasing their visible
light absorption. Asahi et al. first reported N-doped TiO2 films
prepared by sputtering that showed noticeable visible light
absorption at wavelengths less than 500 ran due to the bandgap
narrowing by mixing of N 2p states with O 2p states (Asahi, R.;
Morikawa, T.; Ohwaki, T.; Aoki, K.; Taga, Y. Science 2001, 293,
(5528), 269-271). On the other hand, sensitizing metal oxides with
small bandgap semiconductors is another attractive method for
increasing their visible light absorption, which has recently been
demonstrated for ZnO and TiO2 (Tak, Y.; Hong, S. J.; Lee, J. S.;
Yong, K. Cryst. Growth Des. 2009, 9, (6), 2627- 2632; Lee, Y. L.;
Chi, C. F.; Liau, S. Y. Chem. Mater. 2009, in press). When the
conduction band edge of a small bandgap semiconductor is higher
than that of the metal oxide, the photogenerated electrons in the
small bandgap semiconductor can be injected to the conduction band
of the metal oxide. To date, both sensitization and doping of
metal oxide nanostructures have been explored separately for solar
energy conversion applications, yet little work has been done on
combining the two approaches.
There is therefore a need in the art for compositions and methods
for synthesis of hydrogen that is both relatively inexpensive and
uses relatively simple compositions and components.
Summary of the Invention
The invention provides a thin film structure comprising a
conducting substrate, a thin layer comprising nanocrystalline
metal oxide doped with nitrogen thereon, and further comprising a
semiconductor quantum dot and a linker thereon said thin layer of
nanocrystalline metal oxide. In one preferred embodiment the
conducting substrate is selected from the group consisting of
indium tin oxide and fluorine tin oxide. In another preferred
embodiment the nanocrystalline metal oxide is selected from the
group consisting of titanium dioxide, tungsten oxide, and zinc
oxide. In yet another preferred embodiment the semiconductor
quantum dot is selected from the group consisting of cadmium
selenium and cadmium telluride. In a still further preferred
embodiment the linker is selected from the group consisting of
thioglycolic acid (TGA), mercapto- propanoic acid (MPA), and
cysteine and links the semiconductor quantum dot with the
conducting substrate. The invention also provides a photovoltaic
cell comprising the thin film structure as disclosed herein. In
one preferred embodiment, the photovoltaic cell has a power
conversion efficiency of between 1 <-> 10[deg.] and 5
[eta]%. hi a more preferred embodiment the power conversion
efficiency is of between 5 10<"3> and 1 [eta]%. In another
preferred embodiment the photovoltaic cell has an incident photon
to current conversion efficiency (IPCE) of between 1% and 99.5%.
In a more preferred embodiment, the IPCE is of between 13% and
95%. hi a still further preferred embodiment the IPCE is of
between 25% and 90%. In a yet further preferred embodiment the
EPCE is of between 50% and 85%.
The invention further provides a hydrogen synthesis system
comprising the photovoltaic cell comprising the thin film
structure as disclosed herein. In one embodiment the hydrogen
synthesis system further comprises hydrogen storage means wherein
the hydrogen is stored therein. In a preferred embodiment the
hydrogen storage means is selected from the group consisting of a
cylinder, a tank, a gas tank, a vessel comprising a fluid in which
the hydrogen is dissolved or dispersed under pressure, and the
like. In another preferred embodiment, the hydrogen is stored as a
phase selected from the group consisting of a gas, a liquid, and
as a liquid or gas in a composition, the composition comprising a
plurality of cavities, and the like.
The invention also provides a method for generating an electric
current, the method comprising the steps of (i) providing a
conducting substrate; (ii) doping a nanocrystalline metal oxide
with nitrogen; (iii) depositing said crystalline metal oxide doped
with nitrogen upon said conducting substrate; (iv) providing a
semiconductor quantum dot; (v) linking said semiconductor quantum
dot to said conducting substrate using a linker; (vi) irradiating
the surface of said conducting substrate with a photon source
thereby creating or inducing an electric current through the
conducting substrate; the method thereby generating an electric
current, hi a preferred embodiment the photon source is selected
from the group consisting of a tungsten lamp, a fluorescent lamp,
an arc lamp, a laser, a light-emitting diode, a liquid crystal
diode, a radionuclide, the sun, a gamma ray, a fluorescent
molecule composition, and the like. In one preferred embodiment
the conducting substrate is selected from the group consisting of
indium tin oxide and fluorine tin oxide. In another preferred
embodiment the crystalline metal oxide is selected from the group
consisting of titanium dioxide, tungsten oxide, and zinc oxide. In
yet another preferred embodiment the semiconductor quantum dot is
cadmium selenium and cadmium telluride. In a still further
preferred embodiment the linker is selected from the group
consisting of thioglycolic acid (TGA), mercaptopropanoic acid
(MPA), and cysteine and links the semiconductor quantum dot with
the conducting substrate.
In one embodiment the method herein disclosed comprises using a
photon source wherein the photons from the photon source have
power intensity of between 1 and 10000 mW/cm<2>. In a
preferred embodiment the photons from the photon source have power
intensity of between 10 and 1000 mW/cm<2>. In a more
preferred embodiment the photons from the photon source have power
intensity of between 25 and 250 mW/cm<2>. In a yet more
preferred embodiment the photons from the photon source have power
intensity of 100 mW/cm<2>. In an alternative more preferred
embodiment the photons from the photon source have power intensity
of 27 mW/cm<2>. For example, the photons from the photon
source can have a power intensity of 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, 25, 27, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65,
70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170,
180, 190, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700,
750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000,
8000, 9000, 10000 mW/cm<2> .
The invention also provides a method for generating hydrogen, the
method comprising the steps of (i) providing a conducting
substrate; (ii) doping a crystalline metal oxide with nitrogen;
(iii) depositing said nanocrystalline metal oxide doped with
nitrogen upon said conducting substrate; (iv) providing a
semiconductor quantum dot; (v) linking said semiconductor quantum
dot to said conducting substrate using a linker; (vi) providing a
hydrogen source in contact with the opposing surface of said
conducting substrate; (vii) irradiating the surface of said
conducting substrate with a photon source thereby creating or
inducing an electric current through the conducting substrate;
(viii) allowing the electric current to electrolyze the hydrogen
source, thereby producing hydrogen; the method thereby generating
hydrogen. In a preferred embodiment the photon source is selected
from the group consisting of a tungsten lamp, a fluorescent lamp,
an arc lamp, a laser, a light-emitting diode, a liquid crystal
diode, a radionuclide, the sun, a gamma ray, a 5 fluorescent
molecule composition, and the like. In one preferred embodiment
the conducting substrate is selected from the group consisting of
indium tin oxide and fluorine tin oxide. In another preferred
embodiment the nanocrystalline metal oxide is selected from the
group consisting of titanium dioxide, tungsten oxide, and zinc
oxide. In yet another preferred embodiment the semiconductor
quantum dot is selected from the group consisting of cadmium
selenium and cadmium telluride. In a still further preferred
embodiment the linker is selected from the group consisting of
thioglycolic acid (TGA), mercaptopropanoic acid (MPA), and
cysteine and links the semiconductor quantum dot with the
conducting substrate. In a preferred embodiment the hydrogen
source is a compound comprising hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, or any
combination thereof. In a more preferred embodiment the hydrogen
source is selected from the group consisting of methanol, ethanol,
water, formic acid, and an amine compound. For example, the
hydrogen source can be an alcohol, an organic acid, or an organic
waste compound, such as residual waste from households, commerce,
and/or industry.
In one embodiment the method herein disclosed comprises using a
photon source wherein the photons from the photon source have
power intensity of between 1 and 10000 mW/cm<2>. hi a
preferred embodiment the photons from the photon source have power
intensity of between 10 and 1000 mW/cm<2>. In a more
preferred embodiment the photons from the photon source have power
intensity of between 25 and 250 mW/cm<2>. In a yet more
preferred embodiment the photons from the photon source have power
intensity of 100 mW/cm<2>. In an alternative more preferred
embodiment the photons from the photon source have power intensity
of 27 mW/cm<2>. For example, the photons from the photon
source can have a power intensity of 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, 25, 27, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65,
70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170,
180, 190, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700,
750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000,
8000, 9000, 10000 mW/cm<2> .
Brief Description of the Drawings
Figure 1. Photovoltaic schematic of TiO2:N-TGA-CdSe cells
in (a) Na2S electrolyte (b) solid, (c) Representation of TiO2-3
and TiO2-4 nanoparticles functionalized with CdSe linked with a
bifunctional molecule TGA, in a porous film (using
hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) and HMT+ polyethylene glycol (PEG)
in the TiO2 synthesis respectively), d) Representation of
TiO2-I-TGA-CdSe film (without nitric acid) and TiO2-2-TGA-CdSe
film (using nitric acid in the TiO2 synthesis) with low
Figure 2. (a) ) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
Spectra of nitrogen doped TiO2-3 film on SnO2:F substrate
showing C, N, Ti, O and Sn spectra peaks, (b) A detailed NIs XPS
Figure 3. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterns of TiO2
films on the SnO2:F substrate prepared by sol-gel method, using
different chemicals in the TiO2 synthesis, annealed at
55O<0>C during 1.5h in a heat gun, for (a) TiO2-I film
(without nitric acid), (b) TiO2-2 film (using nitric acid), (c)
TiO2-3 film (using nitric acid and HMT) and (d) TiO2-4 (using
nitric acid, HMT and PEG). The phases found in the films are
anatase, rutile and brookite marked by A, R and B respectively.
SnF represents the crystal phase of the conductive glass
Figure 4. TiO2 films Raman Spectra of (a) TiO2-I (without
nitric acid, HMT nor PEG), (b) TiO2-3 (using nitric acid and HMT
in the synthesis), (c) TiO2-4 (using nitric acid, HMT and
polyethylene glycol (PEG) in the synthesis).
Figure 5. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of (left)
Nitrogen doped TiO2-3 thin film (175 run) and (right) N doped
TiO2-3 nanoparticles linked to TGA-CdSe nanoparticles (film
thickness ~1 lOOnm).
Figure 6. Representative transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) image of CdSe quantum dots showing an average particle
size around 3.5 run.
Figure 7. UV-VIS absorption spectra of the films (a) TiO2-I
(without nitric acid), (b) TiO2-2 (using nitric acid in the
synthesis without HMT), (c) TiO2-3 film (synthesized with nitric
acid and HMT), (d) TiO2-4 film (synthesized with HMT and PEG)
and (e) TiO2-3 - TGA-CdSe film. The blank was the substrate of
SnO2:F (of the conductive glass).
Figure 8. UV-VIS absorption spectra of (a) CdSe
nanoparticles and (b) Photoluminescence (PL) spectra of CdSe
nanoparticles in toluene excited at 390 nm. (c) PL of TiO2-3
film doped with nitrogen and sensitized with CdSe QDs.
Figure 9. 1-V characteristic of (a) TiO2-I-TGA-CdSe thick
film, (b) TiO2-3-TGA-CdSe thin film and (c) TiO2-3-TGA-CdSe
thick film. Using 1 M Na2S, excited with halogen lamp with
incident light intensity of I; = 27mW/cm<2>.
Figure 10. IPCE% of the different cells with (o) TiO2-3
film without QD sensitization, (this curve is amplified 1Ox),
(-) TiO2-I-TGA-CdSe film with QD sensitization and (-)
TiO2-3-TGA-CdSe film with QD sensitization.
Figure 11. IPCE% of the solid state cell of TO2-3-TGA-CdSe
film in open air conditions. Inset is a UV- vis and PL spectra
of CdSe QDs in toluene with an average size of 4.6 nm utilized
to sensitize the nitrogen doped TiO2-3 film.
Figure 12. Schematic electronic band structure of 3.5 nm
CdSe with an effective bandgap of 2.17 eV and nanocrystalline
TiO2:N with a 3.2 eV bandgap, associated with normal TiO2 and a
N dopant state approximately 1.14 eV above the valence band; as
reported by Asahi et al (as denoted by asterisk *; see Asahi,
R.; Morikawa, T.; Ohwaki, T.; Aoki, K.; Taga, Y. Science 2001,
293, 269). Different electron and hole creation, relaxation, and
recombination pathways are illustrated, including (A)
photoexcitation of electron from the valence band (VB) to the
conduction band (CB) of TiO2, (B) transition or photoexcitation
of electron from the N energy level to the CB of TiO2, (C)
recombination of electron in the CB OfTiO2 with hole in N energy
level, (D) electron transfer or injection from the CB of CdSe QD
to the CB of TiO2, and (E) hole transfer from the VB of CdSe QD
to the N energy level. Note that not all these processes can
happen simultaneously and many of these are competing processes.
Figure 13. UV-VIS absorption spectra of TiO2, TiO2:N,
CdSe-TiO2 and CdSe-TiO2:N nanoparticle films.
Figure 14. Linear sweep voltammograms collected from a)
TiO2; b) TiO2:N; c) CdSe- TiO2; and d) CdSe-TiO2 :N nanoparticle
films, at a scan rate of 10 mV/s in dark and with light
illumination of 100 mW/cm<2>. Figure 15. Proposed model
for the electron transfer at CdSe/TiO2 interface in a CdSe- TiO2
:N sample. All the energy levels are referenced to NHE scale. CB
and VB are conduction band and valence band. Green lines and
blue lines represent the energy levels of V0 and N0
respectively. The horizontal dashed line indicates H2O/H2
potential level. Red arrows highlight the hole and electron
transfer from CdSe to TiO2. Black dashed arrows highlight the
possible electronic transitions between the different energy
levels in TiO2. The schematic diagram shows three possible
competing pathways for the photogenerated holes in CdSe: (i)
oxidization of S<2"> to S2<2">; (ii) recombination
with electrons in the conduction band, and (iii) transfer to V0
levels in TiO2. Figure 16. Measured IPCE spectra of TiO2,
TiO2:N, CdSe-TiO2 and CdSe-TiO2:N nanoparticle films in the
region of 350 to 600 nm at a potential of 0 V vs. Ag/AgCl.
Figure 17. Linear sweep voltammograms collected at a scan rate
of 10 mV/s from TiO2, TiO2 :N, CdSe-TiO2 and CdSe-TiO2 :N
nanowire arrays, in dark and with light illumination of lOO
mW/cm<2>. Figure 18. A general illustration of
nanocrystalline TiO2 doped with nitrogen deposited on an indium
tin oxide (ITO) or fluorine tin oxide (FTO) conducting
substrate. CdSe QD sensitization occurs via a linking molecule
such as thioglycolic acid (TGA). Sunlight illustrated by the
lightning bolts excites both the CdSe QDs as well as the TiO2
:N. Phtotogenerated electrons from CdSe are then injected into
the TiO2 :N thin film and diffused to the backcontact as
Detailed Description of the Invention
In this disclosure, we demonstrate a relatively simple approach to
dope TiO2 nanoparticles with nitrogen and also efficiently
sensitize the doped nanoparticles with CdSe quantum dots (QDs).
The nanoparticle films have been characterized in terms of their
structural, optical and morphological properties using a
combination of experimental techniques. The results showed
substantially enhanced photoresponse and high-energy conversion
efficiency of the TiO2 nanoparticle films when nitrogen doping and
QD sensitization are used in unison. Possible explanations are
provided in terms of the morphological and optical properties of
the films. This method based on combined doping and QD
sensitization is promising for solid-state PV cells and
photoelectrochemical applications.
We also disclose the synthesis and photoelectrochemical (PEC)
studies of TiO2 nanoparticles and nanowires simultaneously doped
with nitrogen and sensitized with CdSe quantum dots (QDs). These
novel nanocomposite structures have been applied successfully as
photoanodes for PEC hydrogen generation using Na2S and Na2SO3 as
sacrificial reagents. We observed significant enhanced
photoresponse in these nanocomposites compared to N-doped TiO2 or
CdSe QD sensitized TiO2. The enhancement is attributed to the
synergistic effect of CdSe sensitization [alpha]nc? N-doping that
facilitate hole transfer/transport from CdSe to TiO2 through
oxygen vacancy states (V0) mediated by N- doping. The results
demonstrate the importance of designing and manipulating the
energy band alignment in composite nanomaterials for fundamentally
improving charge separation and transport and thereby PEC
The simultaneous application of nitrogen incorporation into
nanocrystalline TiO2 thin films along with CdSe quantum dot (QD/
nanoparticle) has shown to enhance photovoltaic performance and
can be utilized also for photoelectrochemical (PEC) water
splitting. While nitrogen doping of TiO2 has been performed, and
shown to increase visible light harvesting, it has never been used
in conjunction with CdSe QD sensitization. The two-fold advantage
of this system is that (1) nitrogen doping extends the absorption
of TiO2 to 600 nm into the visible range (without doping it is 380
nm) and (2) the CdSe QDs can be exploited to further collect light
depending on the size of the nanocrystals into the TiO2 :N
nanocrystalline thin film. A general illustration is given in
Figure 19.
When considering the band structure of the nanocrystalline TiO2 :N
in unison with the CdSe QDs, is where the unique aspects of this
system arise. While it is well known that various dyes and QDs can
inject electrons into the conduction band of nanocrystalline TiO2
(Graetzel et al. supra), what is new in our system is the added
benefit of the mid bandgap position of the nitrogen energy level
(see Figure 12). One embodiment encompasses the energy bands
associated with a 3.5 nm CdSe QD with a bandgap of 2.17 eV. Once
photoexcited by a photon of greater energy than the bandgap, an
electron-hole pair or exciton is generated. The electron now being
in the conduction band of CdSe is then injected into the
conduction band of TiO2:N (D) and the positive hole localized to
the valence band. Photoexcited electrons in the conduction band of
TiO2. N then diffuse through the network of interconnected
nanoparticles to generate a photocurrent. Other processes of
photoexcitation and relaxation include arrows (A, B and C), which
include excitation from the valence to conduction band of TiO2:N
(A), excitation from the nitrogen dopant energy level (B), and
nonradiative recombination from the conduction band to nitrogen
dopant level (C). Ultimately the most unique aspect of the doped
and sensitized system is the ability for dopant level electrons
from nitrogen to combine with valence band photogenerated holes.
In most photovoltaic applications, hole mobility becomes the
limiting factor for power conversion efficiency. The probability
of this pathway increases due to the localization of nitrogen
doping on the surface of TiO2 :N and the conjugation of CdSe QDs
through the TGA molecule.
Overall the performance of nitrogen doping of TiO2 with
sensitization of CdSe showed increased performance over simple
CdSe sensitization of undoped TiO2. Several types of TiO2 thin
films were produced with CdSe sensitization and during colloidal
synthesis of the TiO2, nitric acid was either not used or was used
to acidify the solution to a pH= 1.23. TiO2 thin films without and
with nitric acid addition achieved power conversion efficiencies
of 0.120 % and 0.729 %, respectively, when utilized with CdSe QD
sensitization. Comparatively, when hexamethylenetetramine (HMT)
was used as the nitrogen dopant source in conjunction with nitric
acid addition and CdSe QD sensitization we were able to achieve a
power conversion efficiency of 0.840 %, an increase of over 15 %
what was seen without nitrogen doping. We believe this is due in
large part to the electron recombination discussed above along
with increased light absorption of the TiO2 :N in the visible
region. While success has been definitively seen with the
combination of both nitrogen doping and QD sensitization, we
believe it can also be successfully applied to PEC cells as well
for water splitting.
TiO2 and TiO2 :N have both been shown to be able to split water
and oxidize species on their surface photoelectrochemically. Our
goal is to also extend this regime of work to include the two
prong doping/sensitization protocol to produce hydrogen through
photolysis. With increased photocurrents in the dual TiO2:N-CdSe
system we feel the water splitting to be a natural progression
from the characterization already performed in aqueous Na2S
solutions for photovoltaic applications.
1) Nitrogen Doped and CdSe Quantum Dot Sensitized Nanocrystalline
TiO2 Films for Solar Energy Conversion Applications
N-doping of TiO? nanoparticles with hexamethylenetetramine
It is known (Yin, S.; Komatsu, M.; Zhang, Q. W.; Saito, F.; Sato,
T. J Mater, Science 2007, 42, 2399) that
hexamethylenetetramineJ[Eta]MT) hydrolyzes in aqueous solutions to
form ammonia and formaldehyde above 70 <0>C, as shown in the
following equation:
C6H12N4 + 6H2o -^-<r>^[iota]-> [beta]HC[theta] + 4NH3. 0)
Ammonia reacts with Ti(OCH(CH3 )2)4 (TTIP) to form a nitrogen
containing precursor (TiO2-x[Nu]y*nH2O). Dehydration of the TiO2
complex in pure and doped TiO2 samples is completed at
temperatures below 200 <0>C and NH3 molecules remain until
the calcination temperature rises to 300 <0>C. Therefore,
crystallization of TiO2-xNy can be summarized as
TiO2 (TTIP) <H>*[deg.]'<NHi >etc> > TiO2^xN y x
nH2O <300[deg.] c> > TiO2_xN y .
A yellowish tint was observed in all films synthesized with HMT or
HMT plus PEG, suggesting the presence of a TiO2 :N sol-gel
solution (Livraghi et al. supra). The XPS spectra for all the
films showed two evident peaks corresponding to Ti 2p, O 1 s at
458.5 and 531.5 eV binding energies accompanying with traces of Sn
from conductive SnO2:F film over which the TiO2 films were formed.
Also traces of carbon at 284 eV were also present due to the
intentional hydrocarbon contamination used for calibration. Carbon
(C Is) atoms percentage increases from 29% for TiO2-I to 37% and
40% for TiO2-S and TiO2-4 respectively. The TiO2-4 prepared with
both HMT and PEG contains the highest carbon content, which may be
attributed to uncombusted material from the precursor solutions,
including HMT and PEG. The sample prepared with PEG, TiO 2-4,
contains the highest carbon content. Sample T1O2-2 prepared with
nitric acid and without HMT in vacuum present extremely weak
nitrogen signals at 401.2. However Ti[theta]2-S and Ti[theta]2-4
films exhibit N Is at -400 eV and 401.2 eV, which are indicative
of nitrogen incorporation. We attribute N Is at 400 eV to N atoms
from N-N, N-H, O-N or N- containing organic compounds absorbed on
the surface. It has been reported that N Is features appearing
above 400 eV is due to Ti-O-N linkage suggesting that doping
within the crystal lattice is in fact interstitial in nature
(Moribe et al. supra).
Based on the XRD patterns of different TiO2 films (Figure 3),
nitric acid, HMT and PEG seem to have a significant effect on the
TiO2 crystalline structure. The phase composition appears to be
strongly related to the added quantity of nitric acid, and
therefore to pH. The film prepared without nitric acid shows pure
anatase structure (Figure 3a). A reduction of the pH to 1.23
resulted in the appearance of rutile and brookite phases mixed
with anatase (Figure 3b). However, for the samples prepared with
HMT at pH~1.65, the antase phase decreases (Figure 3c). These
results suggest that nitric acid and HMT promote the formation of
brookite and rutile phases. The reason for this is not yet clear
and needs further study. When added, PEG increases the pH to ~
2.06, and the corresponding film shows a presence of the brookite
and rutile phases (Figure 3d). Further research is also needed to
understand the possible correlation between the different crystal
phases and their photovoltaic performance. The phases determined
by XRD are supported by Raman scattering spectroscopy measurements
of the films (Figure 4). The TiOj-1 thin film shows Raman peaks at
144, 399, 515 and 636 cm<"1> (Figure 4a), which indicate a
pure anatase crystal phase based on a previous report (Djaoued et
al.). Ti[theta]2-3 thin film shows vibrational modes at about 244,
281, 409, 501, 589, and 633 cm<"1>, indicative of the
brookite phase, and peaks at 230, 445, and 604 cm<"1>,
indicative of a rutile phase. The 7702-2 films contains a mixture
of peaks ' that can be attributed to anatase, brookite, and rutile
phases, as a result of nitric acid incorporation. The lowest
frequency mode shifts slightly for these films to 146 cm<"1>
as compared to 144 cm<'1> for the pure anatase (T1O2-I).
This might be caused by changes in crystallographic composition
due to nitrogen doping attributed to the vibrations of Ti-N-O
introduced by nitric acid and HMT. Raman spectrum of the TiO 2-4
thin film shows that PEG suppresses the formation of the rutile
and brookite phases, also consistent with XRD data. The intensity
of the 146 cm<"1> peak for the TiO 2- 3 film is higher and
sharper than undoped TiO2, indicating good crystallinity and size
uniformity of the TiO2 :N film.
Morphologic properties
Composition of the thin films was observed to be a mix of
individual particles interconnected with high porosity. However,
Ti[theta]2-3 and Ti[theta]2-4 films were far more porous than
TiO2-I and TiO2-2 films. This suggests that HMT and PEG promote
porosity as was previously demonstrated in the case of PEG
interacting with TiO2 systems (Liu, X. X.; Jin, Z. G.; Bu, S. J.;
Yin, T. J. Sol-Gel ScL Techn. 2005, 36, 103). The morphology was
noticeably more evident by AFM due to an atomically flatter
surface produced with thin films on the order of 150 nm in
thickness. The surface properties of the TiO2:N films are expected
to be important in determining how well the CdSe QDs can link to
and interact with the TiO2 nanoparticles. AFM images of all TiO2
films functionalized with CdSe QDs clearly show the presence of
QDs as evidenced by the apparent flattening of the films in the
AFM images (for example, Figure 5 for the TiO2- 3 -TGA-CdSe film).
Optical properties
Comparison of the absorption spectra of all samples under study
show that films without HMT and PEG (TiO2-J and TiO2-I) have
absorption around 340 and 400 nm respectively. However, TiO2-3 and
TiO2-4 films with HMT or HMT plus PEG have a red shift of the
absorption edge toward the visible region at 600 nm for samples
annealed at 550 <0>C due to the electronic transition of N
2p[pi] to Ti dxy (Figure 7c and 7d). The red-shift absorption can
be attributed to the doping of nitrogen into the crystal lattice
of TiO2 due to the addition of HMT in the sol gel solutions.
TiO2-3 and TiO 2-4 films and calcined powders are also yellowish
in color, attributed to the presence of nitrogen that results in
the effective narrowing of the bandgap. All the films sensitized
with CdSe QDs exhibit strong absorption at 560 nm, which is the
characteristic excitonic absorption band of CdSe QDs (Figure 7e).
As shown in Figure 8, CdSe QDs in solution exhibit strong and
narrow bandedge emission at 580 nm while the PL spectrum of the
TiO >2-3 '-TGA-CdSe film shows a weak and blue-shifted PL band
peaked at 575.5 nm. These results suggest interactions between
TiO2 nanoparticles and CdSe QDs and likely electron injection from
CdSe to TiO2. The small blue-shift of the PL peak could be due to
slight oxidation of the film exposed to the atmosphere and thus a
decrease in CdSe QD size during the sensitization process. The
electron transfer process indicated by PL quenching is supported
by photoelectrochemical measurements to be discussed later. TiO2-I
and TiO 2-2 films also have emissions in 580 nm due to CdSe QDs.
However, there is no blue-shift of the PL spectrum. This is
possibly because the TiO2-I-CdSe and TiO2-2-CdSe have lower
porosity than TiO2S and TiO2-4 and the CdSe QDs are not inside the
pores of the TiO2 film and thereby have weak interactions with
TiO2 nanoparticles. This is illustrated schematically in Figure
Id. The average QD size is estimated to be 3.5 nm based on the
absorption spectrum.
Photoelectrochemical and photovoltaic characterization
As summarized in Table 1, thin and thick films sensitized with
CdSe QDs show enhanced photocurrents and power conversion
efficiency under white light, in comparison to films without
sensitization of CdSe QDs. The greatest enhancement was observed
for TiO2 films doped with nitrogen and simultaneously sensitized
with CdSe QDs. What is interesting is that the QD-sensitized TiO2
:N shows much larger enhancement than the simple sum of just
N-doping and only QD sensitization, especially in terms of
photocurrents (Figure 9). One possible explanation is that
N-doping alters the surface property of the TiO2 film so that the
interaction between TiO2 and CdSe QDs becomes stronger and allows
for more efficient electron injection. XPS data also revealed a
localization of nitrogen upon the surface (Figure 2b), and binding
between exposed Cd<2+> and surface nitrogen atoms on TiO2
could also increase interaction The porosity of the TiO2 film
could also be affected by N-doping that in turn influences how the
CdSe QDs enter the pores and adsorb on to the TiO2:N
nanocrystalline surface. The mixed brokite and rutile phases could
also have some effect on the CdSe-TiO2 interaction. Table 1.
Summary of the fill factor and power conversion efficiency results
from our study OfN-TiO2-TGA-CdSe based solar cell in electrolyte
(Na2S). The power light was 27 mW/cm<2> (1/4 of AMI.5)
equivalent irradiance.
Cell -Uc -Voc, (JV)max
Fill Power Conversion
([mu]A/cm<2>)., (V vs ([mu]A/cm<2 *> V) Factor
Ag/AgCI (FF %) ([eta]%)
Thin films
TiO2-I 19 0.5 9.5 14.1 4.96x10<3>
TiO2-3 19 0.7 13.3 14.5 7.14x10<3>
TiO2-4 19 0.74 14.1 11.3 5.88x10<'3>
TiO2-3-TGA-CdSe 242 1.0 242 25.4 2.28 x10 <1>
Thick films
TiO2-I 25 0.5 12.5 24 1.11x10<'2>
TiO2-I-TGA-CdSe 169 1.3 219.7 14.8 1.20x10 <1>
TiO2-2-TGA-CdSe 400 1.2 480 41 7.29x10 <1>
TiO2-3-TGA-CdSe 683 1.2 819 27.7 8.40 x10<'1>
TiO2-4-TGA-CdSe 390 0.62 241 10.37 9.25x10<"2>
For the thick TiO2-I and TiO2-2 films, it was also observed that a
layer of CdSe QD film formed on the TiO2 film surface. This seems
to indicate that CdSe QDs did not all disperse into the pores of
the TiO2 films efficiently, and were instead localized upon the
TiO2 surface. Therefore, CdSe QDs inject electrons mainly in the
TiO2 film surface, with CdSe QDs in contact with a thin layer of
TiO2 nanoparticles, which could possibly explain why the short
circuit current, FF, and conversion efficiency are low for these
two films. However, the conversion efficiency of TiO 2-2 is higher
than that of TiO 2-1, probably due to nitrogen residues from the
nitric acid added to TiO2 sol. hi comparison to the thick TiO
<]>2-3-TG 'A-CdSe film with the highest power conversion
efficiency ([eta]=0.84%), the TiO 2-4 -TGA-CdSe (CdSe QD
sensitized with HMT and PEG) has lower conversion efficiency. This
could possibly be due to a weakened interaction between CdSe QDs
and TiO2 nanoparticles caused by hydrocarbon species on the TiO2
surface from uncombusted polyethylene glycol (PEG). It is clear
that IPCE is enhanced when the films were sensitized with CdSe QDs
(Table 2) due to their strong visible absorption and electron
injection. The highest IPCE percentage was found for TiO 2-3
-TGA-CdSe films (95% in 300 nm) where the larger content of
brookite and rutile phases of the TiO2 :N was present. The lower
IPCE in T1O2-I samples is possibly due to the lower porosity and
probably due to the presence of the anatase crystalline phase
(Figure 10). The performance of the solid solar cell is similar to
that reported previously, as shown in Figure 11 (Grant, C D.;
Schwartzberg, A. M.; Smestad, G. P.; Kowalik, J.; Tolbert, L. M.;
Zhang, J. Z. J. Electroanal. Chem. 2002, 522, 40). In this case,
the highest IPCE is 6% at 400 nm and a strong response, larger
than 4%, was observed at 600 nm. The first increase at 600 nm is
attributed to the absorption onset of the 4.6 nm QDs utilized to
sensitize the 7[Iota]O2-3-TGA-CdSe film. The direct overlap with
the first excitonic band (inset figurel 1) of the CdSe QDs with
the IPCE measurements confirms the electron injection into the
TiO2 conductive band. This in turn, confirms the important role of
the QDs to harvest photons and increase the generated
photocurrent. All these results indicate the sensitive dependence
of the cell performance on the film porosity, QD-TiO2 interaction,
and N-doping.
The electronic band structure of CdSe QD and TiO2:N could help to
better understand the reason behind increased performance in TiO2
:N thin films sensitized with CdSe. Figure 12 shows different
electron-hole relaxation, recombination pathways and band
structure of both CdSe QDs with a bandgap of 2.17 eV (3.5 nm in
average diameter) and nitrogen doped TiO2 with an overall bandgap
of 3.2 eV at pH=7. The band diagram of CdSe and TiO2 :N have both
been placed in relation to the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE).
CdSe QDs of 3.5 nm has a top valence band position of ca. +0.7 V
and a lower conduction band of ca. -1.4 V based on previous
reports (Robel, L; Subramanian, V.; Kuno, M.; Kamat, P. V. J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 2385). The band structure of TiO2 :N in turn
has a valence band at ca. +2.6 V and a conductive band at ca. -0.6
V based on the work by Sakthivel and Kisch (Sakthivel, S.;
Janczarek, M.; Kisch, H. J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 19384;
Sakthivel, S.; Kisch, H. Chemphyschem 2003, 4, 487). N doping
introduces a state at 1.14 eV above the valence band and 2.06 eV
(600 nm absorption onset) below the conduction band of TiO2 (Di
Valentin et al. supra). Several groups have also reported an
absorption onset at 600 nm via reflectance spectroscopy Chen, X.
B.; Burda, C. J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 15446; (Burda, C; Lou,
Y. B.; Chen, X. B.; Samia, A. C. S.; Stout, J.; GoIe, J. L. Nano
Letters 2003, 3, 1049; and GoIe, J. L.; Stout, J. D.; and Burda,
C; Lou, Y. B.; Chen, X. B. J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 1230).
Incorporation of nitrogen into nanocrystalline TiO2 acts as an
electron acceptor site within the TiO2 bandgap, and effectively
should be considered a p-type doping. This state acts as an
electron acceptor site within the TiO2 bandgap. Now it is still
important to consider the typical n-type behavior of TiO2 as a
result of oxygen vacancies in the crystal lattice, and therefore
act as donor sites within the structure, and effectively increase
the Fermi level (Ef) to more negative potentials (versus NHE). The
bandgap dopant N state is populated as evidenced by the weak
absorption onset at 600 nm (2.06 eV) explained by Asahi et al.
(2001 , supra) as a N 2p[pi] to Ti dxy transition. Due to the
relatively weak absorption of this N 2p[pi] to Ti dxy electronic
transition in comparison to the quantum confined CdSe transition
(ISh ISe) transition, we expect that, for the CdSe QD sensitized
TiO2 :N films, the optical absorption is dominated by the CdSe
To understand the charge transfer and recombination kinetics, we
will ignore the weak absorption due to N-doping for the QD
sensitized TiO2 :N film. In this case, photoexcitation of the CdSe
QD generates a hole in its valence band and an electron in its
conduction band. The electron in the conduction band of CdSe QD is
injected into the conduction band of TiO2 (left to right yellow
arrow) and the transfer of the hole in the valence band of CdSe
can be mediated by the electron occupied N state (right to left
yellow arrow). The energy level of the N state is close to the top
of the valence band of CdSe and this proximity in energy will aid
in the hole (or electron) transfer process. Since this only exists
for the CdSe QD sensitized and N-doped TiO2 film, the N-mediated
hole transport may be the key to the enhanced photoelectrical
response of this film compared to TiO2 films with only N doping or
only QD sensitization. This is possible, especially considering
that the hole transport is often the limiting step for overall
charge transport in nanoparticle films. It is clear that N doping
into TiO2 has introduced extra pathways for the charge carriers
that could be beneficial for overall chare transport and thereby
cell performance. Optimization of the system via an increased
dopant level (currently 0.6-0.8 %, see Table 1) and manipulation
of the capping agents of CdSe may further enhance the photocurrent
density as well as power conversion efficiency above that of 0.84%
currently observed.
Several TiO2 films with nitrogen doping and/or CdSe QD
sensitization have been systematically investigated using a
combination of synthetic, spectroscopic, XRD, XPS, microscopy, and
electrochemistry techniques. The structure of TiO2:Nhas been found
to be generally a mixture of anatase, brookite, and rutile phases.
Nitrogen doping into the TiO2 lattice results in a red-shift of
the electronic absorption and enhanced photocurrent response of
relative to undoped TiO2 films. In addition, CdSe QDs linked to
TiO2:N nanoparticles were found to significantly increase the
photocurrent and power conversion of the films compared to
standard TiO2 :N films without QD sensitization. The IPCE is 6% at
400 nm for TiO2:N-TGA-CdSe solid state solar cells and 95% for
TiO2 :N-TG A-CdSe films near 300 nm in a Na2S electrolyte, which
is much higher than undoped TiO2 with QD sensitization or TiO2 :N
without QD sensitization. A power conversion efficiency ([eta]) of
0.84% was found along with a fill factor (FF%) of 27.7% for 1100
nm thick TiO2:N-TGA- CdSe thin films. The results show that the
combination of nitrogen doping and QD sensitization of TiO2 thin
films is an effective way to enhance the photoresponse, which is
promising for photovoltaic (PV) and photoelectrochemical
One exemplary application comprises a photovoltaic cell comprising
the thin film structure as disclosed herein. In one embodiment,
the photovoltaic cell has a power conversion efficiency of between
1 <-> 10<~3> and 5 [eta]%. In another embodiment the
power conversion efficiency is of between 5-10<"3> and 1
[eta]%. For example, the power conversion efficiency can be
MO<"3>, 2.5- 10<'3>, 5- 10<'3>, 1 10<"2>,
2.5-10<"2>, 5-10<"2>, 1-10<"1>,
2.5-10<"1>, 5-10<"1>, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5,
and 5 [eta]%.
In another embodiment the photovoltaic cell has an incident photon
to current conversion efficiency (IPCE) of between 1% and 99%. In
another embodiment, the IPCE is of between 13% and 95%. In another
embodiment the IPCE is of between 25% and 90%. In yet another
embodiment the IPCE is of between 50% and 85%. For example, the
IPCE can be 1%, 2%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, 15%, 17.5%, 20%, 25%,
30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%,
95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99%, and 99.5%.
2) Synergistic Effect of CdSe Quantum Dot Sensitization and
Nitrogen Doping of TiO2 Nanostructures for Photoelectrochemical
Our lab has demonstrated a synergistic effect in combining CdSe QD
sensitization with N-doping of TiO2 that substantially increases
photovoltaic response and was tentatively attributed to increased
hole transport from the CdSe valence band to the N dopant level
(Lopez-Luke et al. supra). In this work, we report the first
example of CdSe QD sensitized and N-doped TiO2 nanomaterials for
PEC hydrogen generation with substantially enhanced photocurrent.
Again, significant synergistic effect between QD sensitization and
N-doping has been observed. A detailed study reveals that it is
still the enhanced hole transfer/transport that is responsible for
the observed synergistic effect, however, the enhanced hoe
transfer/transport is not directly coupled to the N energy levels
but is rather caused by oxygen vacancy states (V0) of TiO2 that is
mediated indirectly by N-doping. We have synthesized novel
nanocomposite materials based on visible light- absorbing CdSe QDs
and N-doped TiO2 nanoparticles and nanowire arrays with properties
tailored for PEC hydrogen generation. We have experimentally
demonstrated for the first time, to our best knowledge, that the
synergistic effect of sensitization and elemental doping
significantly enhances the photoelectrochemical activities of the
TiO2 nanostructured photoanodes. These composite nanostructures
show enhanced overall charge transport and improved PEC
performance when the relevant bandgap states are properly aligned
and utilized. Enhanced electron-hole separation and hole
transfer/transport through the oxygen vacancy states, V0, mediated
by N-doping has been proposed to explain the observed experimental
results. Such nanocomposite structures simultaneously enhance
visible light absorption and interfacial charge transfer. The
results provide useful insights for developing new nanostructures
tailored for PEC and other applications via controlled band
The invention will be more readily understood by reference to the
following examples, which are included merely for purposes of
illustration of certain aspects and embodiments of the present
invention and not as limitations.
Example I: Experimental Sample Preparation A. Materials.
Titanium(rV) iso-propoxide (#377996, 99%), technical grade
trioctylphosphine (TOP-#117854, 90%), trioctylphosphine oxide
(TOPO # 223301, 99%) , potassium chloride (KCl-#204099 , 99%),
polyethylene glycol (PEG-#25322-68-3, average Mn ca. 10,000 g/mol)
and sodium sulfide (Na2S-# 407410, 99%) were obtained from Sigma-
Aldrich (Milwaukee, WL). Cadmium oxide (CdO-# 223791000, 99%) and
selenium powder (Se 200 mesh-#198070500, 99%) were obtained from
Acros organics (Morris Plains, NJ). 1-tetradecylphosphonic acid
(TDP A-# 4671-75-4, 99%) was obtained from PCI synthesis
(Newburyport, MA). Nitric acid (2.0N-#LC178502) was purchased from
Lab. Chem Inc (Pittsburgh, PA). Thioglycolic acid (TGA-#103036,
98%) was obtained from MP Biomedicals Inc. (Solon, OH). F:SnO2
conductive glass (Tec glass 30 Ohms) was obtained from Hartford
glass (Hartford City, IN) and the reference electrodes Ag/ AgCl
from CH Instruments Inc. (Austin, TX). B. TiO2 film preparation.
Four kinds of TiO2 films (TiO2-I, TiO 2-2, TiO2S and TiO 2-4) were
made by a sol- gel method. All TiO2 films were made using 375
[mu]L of titanium iso-propoxide as a precursor which was stored in
a nitrogen filled glovebox. For TiO2-I, TiO2-2, TiO2-3 and TiO2-4,
titanium iso-propoxide was injected into 250 [mu]l of Milli-Q
water and 5 mL of ethanol within the glovebox. TiO2-I solutions
did not contain nitric acid, while TiO2-2 solutions contained a
drop wise addition of nitric acid until the solution reached a pH
~ 1.23. TiO2S solutions is similar to TiO2-2, but 0.05 g of HMT
was added under vigorous stirring. Solution TiO2-4 is similar to
TiO2-3 with an addition of 0.90 g of polyethyleneglycol (PEG-
10,000 g/mol) under vigorous stirring all within an O2 free
environment. As a point of clarification, acidification (TiO2-2,
TiO2-3 and TiO2-4) was performed outside of the glovebox prior to
titanium isopropoxide addition within the 5 glovebox. The sol was
then stirred for three days within the glovebox at ambient
temperatures (~ 25 <0>C). All TiO2 films were made by spin
coating at 2000 rpm for 60 seconds onto FTO (SnO2:F) conducting
substrates in ambient conditions. The thickness was estimated with
mass, area and density of the TiO2 films and was confirmed with
AFM measurements (~150 nm and ~1100 nm thick). The films were
annealed at 550 <0>C for 1.5 hours with a Leister heat gun
in open air conditions. For thin TiO2-I, TiO2-2, TiO2-3 and TiO2-4
films, 50, 200, 100 and 50 [mu]L of the sol solution was used,
respectively. For thick TiO2-I, TiO2-2, TiO2-3 and TiO2-4 films,
400, 2000, 700, 250 [mu]L respectively of the sol solution was
used. The sol solution was put on the conductive glass with 1
<[chi]>2.2 cm<2> areas, respectively. It was necessary
to apply different volumes in order to obtain approximately the
same film thickness because of the different viscosities of the
various solutions. C. CdSe QD synthesis.
High-quality CdSe QDs were synthesized based upon the protocol of
Qu, Peng, and Peng (2001) wherein CdO is utilized as the Cd
precursor, and TDPA and TOPO are the ligands and coordinating
solvents, respectively (see Qu, Peng, and Peng, Nano Letters 2001,
1, 333). The resulting CdSe nanocrystals were in the strong
confinement size regime and were synthesized in normal air-free
reaction conditions. The synthesis of the CdSe nanoparticle
follows the procedure reported by Robel et al. wherein 0.05 g
(~0.39 mmol) CdO, 0.3 g (-1.1 mmol) TDPA and 4 g of TOPO was
heated to 110 <0>C and degassed under vacuum and then heated
to 300 <0>C under a nitrogen flow (Schlenk line) (Robel et
al. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 2385). A SeTOP (0.7% by weight)
solution was obtained by adding 0.026 g of Se powder with 4.25ml
of TOP inside a glove box and stirred for lhr to insure complete
dissolution of the Se powder. After reaching 300 <0>C the
Cd-TDPA-TOPO solution was cooled to 270 <0>C prior to the
injection of SeTOP. Under a nitrogen flow, 3 ml of SeTOP was
injected, which resulted in the lowering of the temperature to 260
<0>C. The temperature was then increased to 280 <0>C
to facilitate particle growth and aliquots were removed and probed
to track nanocrystallite growth via UV-vis absorption spectroscopy
and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The CdSe solution was
cooled and was removed from the reaction flask at around
80<0>C and dissolved into - 10 mL of toluene. The QDs in
toluene were then cleaned twice through a precipitation and
decantation regime using methanol and centrifugation at 3000 rpm,
and the QDs were ultimately redissolved in toluene prior to their
use as a sensitizer. D. CdSe QD linkage to TiO2.
CdSe QDs were linked to nanocrystalline TiO2 and TiO2 :N thin
films using TGA as a molecular linker. TiO2 has a strong affinity
for the carboxylate group of the linker molecules, while the
sulfur atom of TGA binds strongly to CdSe nanoparticles through
surface Cd<2+> cations. The films were heated in a heat gun
at 100 <0>C for 4 hrs to remove H2O from the surface due to
ambient humidity adsorption. They were later immersed in undiluted
neat TGA for 12 hrs in a nitrogen environment in a glove box. The
films were then immersed in toluene, removing the excess TGA and
in turn immersed in a CdSe solution for 12 hrs inside the glove
box. Four films of 1 x 1 cm<2> were immersed in 5 ml of CdSe
QDs suspended in toluene as described earlier. The TiO2:N-TGA-CdSe
films were stored in a nitrogen filled glove box and not exposed
to light prior to PEC characterization. The solid state
TiO2:N-TGA-CdSe cell after PEC measurements remained stable for
months . The TiO2:N-TGA-CdSe cell in the electrolyte is very
stable, however, when is removed from the electrolyte the PEC
properties diminish after a hours of experimentation. Long term
stability need to be further studied in future research.
Example II: Structural and morphology characterization
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies of the films were
carried out on an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS, PHI
Quantera SXM) using a non- monochromatized Al KR X-ray source
(1486.6 eV). The energy resolution of the spectrometer was set at
0.5 eV. The binding energy was calibrated using a C Is (284.6 eV)
spectrum of a hydrocarbon that remained in the XPS analysis
chamber as a contaminant. Crystalline phase identification was
performed via X-ray diffraction (XPvD) in conjunction with Raman
spectroscopy. XRD analysis was conducted on a MINIFLEX
diffractometer operating at 30 kV/15 mA using Cu-Ka radiation and
scanning speed of 1[deg.] 2[theta]/min.
Raman spectroscopy of the films was performed using a Renishaw
micro-Raman setup with a (5/ 10/ 20/ 50) X objective lens and a
633 ran excitation wavelength. Renishaw' s WiRE (Windows based
Raman Environment) was used for collection and data analysis of 1
to 5 scans ranging in accumulations of 1 to 10 seconds.
AFM images of the films without and with QDs were acquired under
ambient conditions with a PicoLE SPM instrument (Molecular
Imaging) in tapping mode. The tapping mode cantilevers exhibit
resonant frequencies between 60 and 90 kHz (typical 75 kHz), force
constants of 2.5-5.5 N/m, and tip apex radii of -10 run. The
resulting images were flattened and plane-fit using software from
Molecular Imaging. Silica etched tips were purchased from
MikroMasch (Watsonville, OR).
A JEOL model JEM-1200EX microscope was used for the low-resolution
transmission electron microscope (TEM) studies of the CdSe QDs.
The TEM was equipped with a Gatan Model 792 Bioscan digital camera
running on a Windows 2000 computer with Gatan Digital Micrograph
as the analyzing software.
Example III: Optical and electrochemical characterization
UV-visible light (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy was conducted on
a Hewlett- Packard 8452A diode array spectrophotometer. UV-vis
absorption spectra were measured first by placing a blank FTO
glass substrate in the light path, subtracting the absorption
pattern, and then performing the UV-VIS absorption measurement on
the variety of TiO2 thin films.
Photo luminescence (PL) spectroscopy was gathered on a Perkin
Elmer LS 5OB with an excitation wavelength of 390 nm and 1%
attenuator. QDs in toluene were placed in an open sided 1 cm path
length quartz cuvette for both UV-vis absorption and PL
measurements. Thin films were placed in a thin film sample holder
from Perkin Elmer (#52123130) for PL spectra.
Photoelectrochemical studies (linear sweep voltammetry and
incident photon-to- current conversion efficiency (IPCE) in solid
state and in electrolyte were carried out with a CHI440
electrochemical workstation (Austin, TX). Linear sweep voltammetry
was used to obtain the I-V profiles. Actively investigated thin
films were the TiO2, TiO2:N and TiO2)N-CdSe thin films described
earlier. A Ag/ AgCl and Pt wire coil were used as reference and
counter electrodes, respectively. Before each measurement the Na2S
5 electrolyte solution was deaerated by bubbling ultra-high-purity
N2 for 20 minutes through the electrolyte solution and a nitrogen
flow was also subsequently blown over the surface during data
gathering. For I-V measurements a halogen lamp was utilized (75
watts) and for IPCE measurements and a IOOOW Xe lamp (Oriel
Research Arc Lamp assembly #69924 and power supply #69920) coupled
to a infrared (IR) water filled filter (Oriel # 6127), and then
aligned into a monochromator (Oriel Cornerstone 130 l/8m) for
spectral resolution from 300 to 800 nm,. An aqueous Na2S solution
serves as the redox couple to maintain the stability of the QD 's,
as discussed elsewhere (Mueller, N.; Tenne, R.; Cahen, D. J.
Electroanal Chem. 1981, 130, 373; Ueno, Y.; Minoura, H.;
Nishikawa, T.; Tsuiki, M. J. Electrochem. Soc. 1983, 130, 43). A
maximum photocurrent was produced with 1 M Na2S using 6.5 ml of
Milli-Q water (18 M[Omega]). Diminished molarities OfNa2S were
found to decrease overall photocurrent performance. EPCE
measurements were also conducted for solid state TiO2:N-TGA-CdSe
solar cells. A schematic of the photoelectrochemical setup is
shown in Figure l(a-b).
Example IV: Results
The amount of nitrogen in N-doped TiO2 nanoparticle films was
identified by the XPS technique. Figure 2 shows the XPS spectra
for the Ti[theta]2-3 film. Figure 2a shows the Ti2p, O Is, CIs,
NIs and Sn binding energy from 0 to 1000 eV (Sn is identified from
the conductive film). Figure 2b shows only the nitrogen binding
energy from 396 to 408eV, showing two peaks at 400 and above
401.2eV. To compare the effect of HMT and PEG, TiO2-3 film has
37.45 % of C, 0.60 % of N, 50.16 % of O and 11.79 % of Ti. TiO2-4
film shows elemental composition of C and N of 39.93% and 0.80%,
respectively, with 48% of O and 11.27 % of Ti.
Figure 3 shows the XRD patterns for all the films prepared,
respectively, for determining the crystal phases of both TiO2 and
TiO2 :N. All the XRD data show the crystal phase of the conductive
glass (SnO2 :F), which is marked as (SnF). The TiO2-I film
(without nitric acid) XRD pattern is representative of the anatase
crystal phase (Figure 3a). For the TiO2-2 film (with nitric acid),
the brookite and rutile phases appear, with a mix of anatase,
brookite and rutile phases (Figure 3b). With HMT added for the
TiO2S film, a mixture of brookite and rutile phases dominate with
a trace amount of anatase phase (Figure 3c). With further addition
of PEG and HMT, as in the TiO2-4 film, the brookite and rutile
phases decrease and the anatase is predominant. Additional
evidence for the various crystal phases of the different films
comes from their Raman spectra that show anatase as the primary
phase for TiO2-I and TiO2-4, (Figure 4a and 4c) and a mix of
anatase, brookite and rutile phases in TiO2-2 and TiO2S films.
Representative Raman spectrum of the TiO2S film is shown in Figure
4b. It can be seen that the characteristic peak for the anatase
phase at 144 cm<"1> shifts slightly to 146 cm<"1> with
nitrogen doping (TiO2S and TiO 2-4 films).
Morphology of the films with and without QDs was studied by AFM in
ambient conditions. The average TiO2 nanocrystal size was found to
be around 100 nm in diameter. Films with HMT (TiO2S) or HMT plus
PEG (TiO2-4) show more porosity than TiO2-I and TiO 2-2 films. A
representative AFM image for the TiO2S film with about 150 nm
thickness is shown in Figure 5a. For thicker films (for example,
1100 nm), TiO2 particles were observed to form clusters. All films
show the presence of CdSe QDs after they were sensitized, as
exemplified by the AFM image for the TiO2S-TGA-CdSe film shown in
Figure 5b. While it is not easy to determine the exact size of the
CdSe QDs based on AFM, the average size of the QDs appear to be on
the order of a few nanometers. To better characterize the CdSe
QDs, TEM measurements was conducted. Figure 6 shows a
representative TEM image of CdSe QDs. The image appears to show
reasonably uniform size distributions of the CdSe QDs with an
average diameter of 3.5 nm.
Optical absorption of the different films was characterized by UV-
Vis spectroscopy, with emphasis on comparing the effect of
nitrogen doping through HMT or nitric acid. Figure 7 shows a
comparison of the UV-vis absorption spectra of different films.
For films without HMT and PEG (TiO2-I and TiO2-2), the absorption
is primarily around 340 and 400 nm (Figure 7a and 7b). However,
for films with HMT (TiO2S and TiO[iota]-4), the spectra show an
obvious red-shift of the absorption edge towards the visible
region, with peaks around 350, 426, and 542 nm (Figure 7c) or 412
run, 532 nm and an absorption onset at 600 nm (Figure 7d). Figure
7e shows the UV-vis absorption spectrum of the TiO2-3-CdSe film,
with strong absorption around 560 nm due to the CdSe QDs. For
comparison, Figure 8a and 8b show the absorption and
photoluminescence (PL) spectra of CdSe QDs in toluene under
ambient conditions. The absorption spectrum shows the expected
strong and sharp excitonic peak around 560 nm while the PL
spectrum shows a narrow emission band near 580 nm, which is
clearly due to bandedge emisison. Figure 8c shows the PL spectrum
of the TiO 2- 3 -TGA-CdSe film, with a relatively weak emission
peak at 575.5 nm, which is slightly blue shifted with respect to
the PL peak of CdSe QDs in toluene solution.
The current-voltage (I- V) profiles for solar cells fabricated
using the films with different thicknesses (150 nm and 1100 nm)
were obtained using a halogen lamp and a 1 M Na2S. With the cell
configuration shown schematically in Figure 1, the I- V profiles
measured are shown in Figure 9. The cell without HMT
{Ti[theta]2-l-CdSe film) present a low short-circuit current
density of -169 [mu]A/cm<2> with an open-circuit voltage of
-1.3V (Figure 9a) within the voltage window of -1.4 to 0.3 V, and
the fill factor is 14.8% with a low power conversion efficiency of
[eta]=0.120%. For the cell based on Ti[theta]2-3-TGA-CdSe thin
film (150 nm), the I-V curve in Figure 9b shows a short-circuit
current (-242 [mu]A/cm<2>) with an open-circuit voltage of -
1.0 V, a fill factor of 25.4% and power efficiency of
[eta]=O.228%. The cell based on TiO2S-TGA-CdSe thick film (1100
nm) have the highest short-circuit (- 683 [mu]A/cm<2>) with
an open-circuit voltage of 1.2V (Figure 9c) and the highest fill
factor of 27.7% and power conversion efficiency of [eta]=0.840%.
Short-circuit current and open circuit voltage found in Figure 9
is summarized in Table 1. The fill factor (FJF) and power
conversion efficiency (7%) were calculated using short-circuit
current and open circuit voltage<45> and are also given in
Table 1.
FF=(jVmax)/Qsc V00) (3) where jsc is the short circuit current
density, Voc is the open circuit voltage, QV) max is the maximum
power observed from the current density-voltage curve for each
device and /, is the incident light power density (27
mW/cm<2>). It is clear that thick films (-1100 nm) exhibit a
higher FF and [eta]% than thin films (-150 nm). However, cells
with TiO2 :N nanoparticles sensitized with CdSe QDs exhibit a much
higher [eta]% than films without sensitization.
The incident photon to current conversion efficiency (IPCE) was
studied for solid cells and in electrolyte (IM Na2S) with
different thicknesses. EPCE at different wavelengths was
determined from the short circuit photocurrent (jsc), where V=O at
different excitation wavelengths ([lambda]) using the expression:
IPCE %=[(1240 x jsc(A/cm<2>)]/ [[lambda](nm)
xl,(w/cm<2>)] x 100 (5) where I,nc is the incident light
power. The IPCE results OfTiO2 and TiO2:N without and with CdSe
QDs are shown in Figure 10. It is clear that the photocurrent
response is much stronger with the presence of CdSe QD
sensitization. The TiO2-I-TGA-CdSe film (QD sensitized but without
N doping) shows photocurrent responses at 300, 530 and 620 nm,
with the highest response near 300 nm with IPCE=56%. The
TiO2S-TGA-CdSe film (QD sensitized and N-doped) shows similar
response but an overall stronger IPCE with the highest response
around 95% at 300 nm. The EPCE of both films closely match the
absorption spectrum of CdSe QDs, and TiO2:N as shown in Figure 7e.
The EPCE% is 1.06 at 300nm for TiO2:N (magnified 1OX in Figure 10)
showing photocurrent responses at 320, 360 and 420 nm also which
are close to absorption spectrum as shown in Figure 7c.
In addition, the EPCE% of TiO 2-3 -TG A-CdSe thin film (150 nm)
solid cell was studied and the result is shown in Figure 11. It
can be seen that peaks at 480 and 600 nm correspond to absorption
of the CdSe QDs (see Figure 11 inset that shows the absorption and
emission spectra of the CdSe nanoparticles in toluene). This cell
shows an EPCE response around 6% at 400 nm and the results are
summarized in Table 2. Table 2 Summary of EPCE results from our
study of thin and thick films based solar cell in electrolyte
(Na2S) and solid state. Was used a Xenon lamp (1000 Watts) varying
the wavelength with a monochromator.
Example V: Synthesis and Analysis of Nanoparticle Films and
Nanowires To understand the synergistic effect between N-doping
and CdSe sensitization, we synthesized and studied the PEC
properties of both anatase TiO2 nanoparticle films and vertically
aligned rutile TiO2 nanowire arrays. TiO2 nanoparticle films were
made by spin coating 150 [mu]L OfTiO2 sol-gel nanoparticle
solution at 2000 rpm for 1 minute on a piece of fluorine-doped tin
oxide (FTO) conductive glass. The films were dried at 50
<[deg.]>C for 30 minutes, followed by repeated coating and
drying, and eventually sintered in air at 550 [deg.]C, as
previously described (Guo, B.; Liu, Z.; Hong, L.; Jiang, H.; Lee,
J. Y. Thin Solid Films 2005, 479, (1-2), 310-315). TiO2 nanowire
arrays were grown on FTO glass based on a recently reported hydro
thermal method with slight modification (Liu, B.; Aydril, E. S. J.
Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 3985-3990). The FTO substrate was placed
in a Teflon-lined stainless steel autoclave consisting of a
mixture of aqueous solution of titanium n-butoxide and
hydrochloric acid. The autoclave was heated in an electric oven at
150 <0>C for 5 hours, and a uniform film of dense and
vertically aligned TiO2 nanowire arrays on a substrate was
obtained. N-doping of the nanomaterial films was achieved by
annealing in an ammonia atmosphere at 530 [deg.]C using a quartz
tube furnace (Yang et al. supra). Films were sensitized with CdSe
QDs by chemical bath deposition (CBD) following previously
published results (Kale, R. B.; Lokhande, C. D. J. Phys. Chem. B
2005, 109, (43), 20288- 20294). A concentrated ammonia solution
was added to 10 ml of 0.5 M aqueous solution of Cd(acetate)2
dihydrate to a pH of 12.5 followed by the slow addition of 30 ml
of 0.25 M Na2SeSO3 while being stirred for a few minutes. TiO2
films were placed vertically in the solution at room temperature
for about 15 hours to allow deposition of CdSe onto TiO2.
The resulting TiO2 nanoparticle films were characterized using
electron microscopy and spectroscopy techniques. Scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) studies verified that the sintered TiO2
nanoparticle film has good coverage of the substrate, with a
thickness of -200 nm. Atomic force microscopy studies confirmed
that the film is porous with particles -50-100 nm in size. X-ray
power diffraction results proved that the sintered TiO2
nanoparticles have anatase crystal structures. More importantly,
there is no phase change after annealing the nanoparticle films in
ammonia. After ammonia annealing, the color of the TiO2
nanoparticle films changed from colorless to pale yellow,
suggesting that the incorporation of N introduces bandgap states
of TiO2 and thereby enhances visible light absorption.
To gain a quantitative understanding on the concentration and
chemical state of the doped N, we performed X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of the TiO2 nanoparticle films. High
resolution XPS spectrum of the N Is region showed three peaks
centered at 402.4 eV, 400.0 eV and 397.2 eV respectively. The
peaks located at 402.4 eV and 400.0 eV can be ascribed to
chemisorbed N2 and/or amines (NHx) originating from ammonia
annealing (Asahi et al. supra; Saha, N. C; Tompkins, H. G. J.
Appl. Phys. 1992, 72, (7), 3072-3079). The peak at 397.2 eV is
typical of the N Is binding energy of oxynitride (O-Ti-N),
confirming that atomic N atoms incorporate substitutionally at O
sites (Vitiello, P. R.; Macak, J. M.; Ghicov, A.; Tsuchiya, H.;
Dick, L. F. P.; Schmuki, P. Electrochem. Commun. 2006, 8,
544-548). The atomic percentage for all nitrogen species found in
N-doped TiO2 sample was 1.94 %.
Both TiO2 and N-doped TiO2 (TiO2 :N) films were sensitized with
CdSe QDs using the CBD method. SEM studies showed that the films
were coated with very large particles of -200 ran in diameter,
which were aggregates of smaller CdSe QD. These CdSe aggregates
were formed on the surface of the TiO2 via a "cluster by cluster"
growth mechanism (Kale et al. supra; Froment, M.; Lincot, D.
Electrochim. Acta 1995, 40, (10), 1293-1303). These CdSe
sensitized TiO2 (CdSe-TiO2) and N-doped TiO2 (CdSe-TiO2:N)
nanoparticle films were orange in color due to the strong visible
absorption of the CdSe QDs. To quantitatively understand the role
of N-doping and CdSe sensitization in electronic transitions in
TiO2 nanoparticle films, their UV-visible absorption spectra were
measured, as shown in Figure 1(13). All spectra show an apparent
absorption peak near 325 nm, which was caused by blanking with a
conductive FTO glass substrate. For pristine TiO2, strong
absorption starts around 350 nm, and for TiO2:N slightly increased
absorption of visible light appears in the region of 350-520 nm.
The electronic energy level due to substitutional N-doping at O
sites (N0) has been estimated previously, using Density Functional
Theory calculations, to be only 0.14 eV above the valence band
OfTiO2 (Di Valentin, C; Pacchioni, G.; Selloni, A.; Livraghi, S.;
Giamello, E. J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, (23), 11414-11419). The
increased visible absorption for TiO2 :N is thus not likely to be
due to electronic transitions from the N0 energy levels to the
conduction band OfTiO2. A previous study also indicated that
transition from N0 to the conduction band OfTiO2, as mainly
originating from a N 2P[pi] to Ti d^ transition, is not strong
(Tak et al. supra). On the other hand, it has been reported that
N-doping facilitates the creation of oxygen vacancies (V0) in TiO2
lattice (Livraghi, S.; Paganini, M. C; Giamello, E.; Selloni, A.;
Di Valentin, C; Pacchioni, G. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, (49),
15666-15671; Nambu, A.; Graciani, J.; Rodriguez, J. A.; Wu, Q.;
Fujita, E.; Sanz, J. F. J. Chem. Phys. 2006, 125, (9),
094706-094708). In particular, the ammonia annealing process could
increase the V0 formation, since H2 generated from as ammonia
breakdown at 530[deg.]C can reduce Ti<4+> to Ti<3+>
(oxygen vacancy) (Irie, H.; Watanabe, Y.; Hashimoto, K. J. Phys.
Chem. B 2003, 107, (23), 5483-5486; Wang, J.; Tafen, D. N.; Lewis,
J. P.; Hong, Z. L.; Manivannan, A.; Zhi, M. J.; Li, M.; Wu, N. Q.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, (34), 12290-12297). The formation of
V0 creates midgap states about 0.7 - 1.18 eV below the conduction
band of TiO2 (Wang et al. supra; Sanjines, R. T., H. Berger, H.
Gozzo, F. Margaritondo, G. Levy, F. J. Appl. Phys. 1993, 75, (6),
2945-2951; Thomas, A. G.; Flavell, W. R.; Kumarasinghe, A. R.;
Mallick, A. K.; Tsoutsou, D.; Smith, G. C; Stockbauer, R.; Patel,
S.; Gratzel, M.; Hengerer, R. Phys. Rev. B 2003, 67, (3), 035110;
Kuznetsov, V. N.; Serpone, N. J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, (34),
15110-15123). The somewhat enhanced visible light absorption of
TiO2 :N is therefore attributed to excitation of electrons from
the N0 levels to the localized electronic levels of V0. (See Di
Valentin et al. supra; Nambu et al. supra; Wang et al. supra; and
Serpone, N. J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, (48), 24287-24293.)
In comparison to TiO2 and TiO2 :N films, CdSe sensitized TiO2
films exhibit a significant enhancement in absorption of visible
light. Both sensitized films showed similar absorption profile
with a dominant peak near 525 nm (Figure 1(13)), which corresponds
to the first excitonic absorption of quantum confined CdSe QDs,
with an average diameter of -2.6 nm estimated based on the peak
position of the exciton absorption (Yu, W. W.; Qu, L.; Guo, W.;
Peng, X. Chem. Mater. 2003, 15, (14), 2854-2860). To the blue of
525 nm, absorption due to transitions to higher electronic states
clearly occurs. These excitonic absorptions of CdSe QDs are
important for enhancing visible absorption of the CdSe-TiO2
Example VI: Photoelectrochemical Studies of Nanoparticles
Photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell studies on four TiO2 nanoparticle
films, TiO2, TiO2 :N, CdSe-TiO2 and CdSe-TiO2 :N, have been
carried out to understand the effect of N- doping and CdSe
sensitization on TiO2 nanoparticle-based photoanode for PEC water
splitting. All the PEC studies were conducted in a three-armed
cell with a coiled platinum wire as the counter electrode
(cathode) and Ag/ AgCl double junction reference electrode under
nitrogen atmosphere. Photoanodes fabricated from TiO2 films were
made by attaching a copper wire to a bare portion of the FTO
conductive glass with a high purity conductive silver paint.
Measurements were made on a Solartron 1280B potentiostat using a
IOOOW Xenon Arc Lamp as the white light source. The electrolyte
used was a mixture of 0.25 M Na2S and 0.35 M Na2SO3 aqueous
solution, where Na2S in solution acts as a hole scavenger and is
oxidized into S2<2"> to prevent the photocorrosion of CdSe.
To ensure efficient hydrogen production at the cathode, Na2SO3 was
added to reduce disulfides back to sulfides, S2 <"> + SO3
<'> -> S <"> + S2O3 <">, which has been shown
to significantly increase the amount of hydrogen produced
(Banerjee, S.; Mohapatra, S. K.; Das, P. P.; Misra, M. Chem.
Mater. 2008, 20, (21), 6784-6791; Buehler, N.; Meier, K.; Reber,
J. F. J. Phys. Chem. 2002, 88, (15), 3261-3268; Chi, C. F.; Lee,
Y. L.; Weng, H. S. Nanotechnology 2008, 19, (12), 125704).
The linear sweep voltammograms recorded from these samples in the
dark and with white light illumination of 100 mW/cm<2> are
shown in Figure 2(14). The results exhibit several key features.
First, all TiO2 film samples showed a substantial photoresponse,
indicating efficient charge separation upon light irradiation.
Pristine TiO2 and TiO2 :N samples showed relatively low steady
state photocurrent, ~25 [mu]A/cm<2>. Pristine TiO2 is
expected to be low due to the limited absorption of visible light.
However, it is somewhat surprising that the TiO2:N sample showed
more or less the same maximum photocurrent density as the pristine
sample. This can be understood in terms of the N doping energy
levels in TiO2. The observed visible light absorption in TiO2 :N
is attributed to the electron excitation from N0 levels to V0
levels. Since the V0 levels are located well below the hydrogen
reduction potential (H2O/H2), they are not able to result in
hydrogen generation and thus enhance the photocurrent, which is
consistent with our experimental observation.
Second, both CdSe sensitized samples showed a significant
enhancement in photocurrent. CdSe-TiO2 has a steady state
photocurrent density of 0.15 mA/cm<2> (Figure 2(14)), which
is an order of magnitude enhancement compared to pristine TiO2 or
TiO2 :N. The enhancement is somewhat expected due to strong
visible light absorption of CdSe QDs. Significantly, the
photocurrent of CdSe-TiO2:N almost doubles that Of CdSe-TiO2.
Since N-doping alone does not noticeably increase the photocurrent
and the photocurrent for CdSe-TiO2:N is much higher than the
simple sum of photocurrents for CdSe-TiO2 and TiO2 :N, a
synergistic effect between N-doping and CdSe QD sensitization is
clearly in operation and responsible for the enhanced photocurrent
in CdSe-TiO2 :N compared to CdSe-TiO2. Due to the importance of
this observation, major efforts have been made to ensure validity
of comparison and reproducibility of the results with proper
control experiments, including film thickness and light intensity.
Example VII: Model of Physical Chemistry
To better explain the observed trend in photocurrent density of
CdSe-Ti[theta]2tN > CdSe-TiCh " TiO2 ~ TiO[sum]tN, we develop a
model based on the relevant electronic states of the different
components in these composite nanostructures, as shown in Figure
3(15). The conduction band edge of TiO2 has been reported to be
located at -0.5 eV versus Normal Hydrogen Electrode (NHE), while
the conduction band edge of bulk CdSe is close to -0.8 eV versus
NHE (Graetzel, M. Nature 2001, 414, 338-344; Wang, C. J.; Shim,
M.; Guyot-sionnest, P. Science 2001, 291, 2390-2392). For CdSe
QDs, quantum confinement effect makes the energy level of
conduction band even more negative (on an NHE scale) with
decreasing particle size (Kongkanand, A.; Tvrdy, K.; Takechi, K.;
Kuno, M.; Kamat, P. V. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 4007-4015;
Norris, D. J.; Bawendi, M. G. Phys. Rev. B 1996, 53, 16338). This
alignment between the conduction band edges of CdSe QDs and TiO2
nanoparticles should allow for efficient electron transfer from
CdSe to TiO2. Therefore, the photoexcited electrons created in
small bandgap CdSe QDs are expected to inject efficiently into
TiO2 nanoparticles and lead to increased photocurrent. More
detailed discussion of the model, especially the effect of
N-doping, will be given after the IPCE results are disclosed
Example VIII: Photoresponse Studies
To further quantify the PEC performance, IPCE measurements have
been made to study the photoresponse of the TiO2 nanoparticle
samples with and without CdSe 25 sensitization as a function of
incident light wavelength. The IPCE was determined at no bias
voltage by the equation:
IPCE = ( 1240 x I) / ([lambda] x Jlight) (6) where I is the
photocurrent density, [lambda] the incident light wavelength, and
Jnght is the measured irradiance. Figure 4(16) shows the IPCE
results for the different TiO2 30 nanoparticle films with and
without N doping and/or CdSe QD sensitization. The unsensitized
samples have strong photoresponse in the near UV region but little
photoresponse in >400 nm. Pn contrast, the sensitized samples
show substantial photoactivity in the visible light region from
400 to 600 nm in addition to strong photoresponse in the near UV.
These results clearly confirm that CdSe sensitization 5 improves
the visible light absorption and the photogenerated electrons in
CdSe QD can be transferred to TiO2. While N-doping has little
effect on IPCE for the unsensitized sample, it significantly
increases the IPCE throughout the entire visible to near UV region
for the QD sensitized sample. This again indicates a clear and
significant synergistic effect between QD sensitization and
In comparison to the undoped sample, TiO2 :N has a higher density
of oxygen vacancy states, V0. It has been proposed that when both
V0 and N impurities are present in TiO2, the electrons from
occupied 3d states (Ti<3+>) would transfer to lower energy
empty 2p states (N<2> impurities) (Livraghi et al. supra;
Nambu et al. supra; and Torres, G. R.; Lindgren, T.; Lu, J.;
Granqvist, C-G.; Lindquist, S.-E. J. Phys. Chem. B 2004,108, (19),
5995-6003). This electron transfer mechanism is favorable since it
simultaneously lower the formation energy of V0 and stabilize the
N impurities (Livraghi et al. supra; Nambu et al. supra; and
Torres et al. supra). We suggest that this electron transfer
process results in partially occupied V0 levels located at -0.4 eV
above the CdSe valence band edge (as shown in Figure 3(15)) that
can facilitate hole transfer from CdSe to TiO2 following
photoexcitation of the CdSe QDs. This interfacial hole transfer
could improve the PEC photocurrent of CdSe-TiO2:N nanoparticle
films in two ways. First, it can lead to reduction in
electron-hole recombination in CdSe QDs. Second, the holes
transferred to the V0 levels in TiO2 can either oxidize the
sacrificial reagent on site or be further transported through the
TiO2 network to other oxidation sites, the latter being especially
important for thick nanocrystalline films. Both processes are
expected to lead to enhanced conversion efficiency of light to
photocurrent. This explanation is consistent with all the UV-vis
and IPCE results. This model is also modified from the previous
model we proposed to explain enhanced photoresponse in CdSe-TiO2
:N films for photovoltaic cells where N-doping was thought to
directly facilitate hole transport (Lopez-Luke et al. supra).
The present novel results strongly suggest that the enhancement in
photoresponse for the QD-sensitized and N-doped TiO2 is due to
improved hole transfer/transport enhanced by oxygen vacancy states
mediated by N-doping. Detailed kinetic studies on the interfacial
carrier transfer between CdSe QD and TiO2 need to be carried out
in the future.
Example IX: Photoelectrochemical Studies of Nanowires
To confirm this enhanced hole transfer/transport model first
developed for zero- dimensional (OD) TiO2 nanoparticle films and
extend it to one-dimensional (ID) nanostructures, we have also
conducted photoelectrochemical (PEC) studies on different TiO2
nanowire samples (TiO2, TiO2 :N, CdSe-TiO2 and CdSe-TiO2:N). High
density and vertically aligned TiO2 nanowire arrays were grown on
FTO glass using a hydrothermal method. Electron microscopy studies
showed that the as-prepared nanowires are single crystal rutile
structures and are uniform with diameters in the range from -100
nm to 150 ran. The typical nanowire lengths are 2 - 3 [mu]m, which
depends on the growth time. These TiO2 nanowire arrays were
N-doped in ammonia and sensitized with CdSe QDs using the CBD
method, as for TiO2 nanoparticles. The linear sweep voltammograms
recorded from these samples in dark and with light illumination of
100 mW/cm<2> are illustrated in Figure 5(17). TiO2 nanowires
exhibit a pronounced photocurrent density of 0.5 mA/cm<2> at
-0.2 V vs. Ag/ AgCl. The maximum photocurrent density of TiO2 :N
nanowires is similar to that of the pristine sample, as expected.
Significantly, both TiO2 and TiO2 :N nanowire samples showed a
great enhancement in photocurrent after CdSe sensitization. In
particular, the electrode with the greatest photocurrent density
of 2.75 mA/cm<2> is the CdSe-TiO2:N nanowires, -showing
almost two times enhancement compare to CdSe-TiO2 nanowires. These
experimental observations are fully consistent with those obtained
for TiO2 nanoparticle samples in terms of the synergistic effect
between QD sensitization and N- doping and indicate that the
proposed enhanced hole transfer/transport model is valid for both
anatase and rutile TiO2 nanostructures in OD or ID. In addition,
it is noted that the TiO2 nanowire-based photoanodes have almost
an order of magnitude higher photocurrent density than that of the
TiO2 nanoparticle-based photoanodes. This enhancement can be
attributed to improved vectorial charge transport in ID structures
and/or the increased thickness of nanowire film. Those skilled in
the art will appreciate that various adaptations and modifications
of the just-described embodiments can be configured without
departing from the scope and spirit of the invention. Other
suitable techniques and methods known in the art can be applied in
numerous specific modalities by one skilled in the art and in
light of the description of the present invention described
herein. Therefore, it is to be understood that the invention can
be practiced other than as specifically described herein. The
above description is intended to be illustrative, and not
restrictive. Many other embodiments will be apparent to those of
skill in the art upon reviewing the above description. The scope
of the invention should, therefore, be determined with reference
to the appended claims, along with the full scope of equivalents
to which such claims are entitled.
Design and Synthesis of Hydrogenated TiO2-Polyaniline Nanorods
While batteries are currently used for energy-storage, they
suffer ... Used lab equipment at University of California Santa
Cruz under the supervision of Dr. Yat Li.
Eesha Khare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Under the supervision of Dr. Yat Li at the Department of
Chemistry and ... "Eesha Khare, 18-Year-Old, Invents Device That
Charges Cell Phone Battery In Under ...
Jun 12, 2013 - Saratoga teen wins Intel award for
longer-lasting cell phone battery project ... Under the mentorship
of Yat Li, a chemistry professor at UC-Santa ...
Energy Environ. Sci., 2012,5, 6682-6702
Nanostructured hematite: synthesis,
characterization, charge carrier dynamics, and
photoelectrochemical properties
Damon A. Wheeler,a Gongming Wang,a Yichuan
Ling,a Yat Li*a and Jin Z. Zhang*a
DOI: 10.1039/C2EE00001F
16 Apr 2012
As one of the most prevalent metal oxides on Earth, iron oxide,
especially a-Fe2O3 or hematite, has been the subject of intense
research for several decades. In particular, the combination of a
relatively small bandgap and related visible light absorption,
natural abundance, low cost, and stability under deleterious
chemical conditions has made it ideal for many potential
applications. However, the short charge carrier lifetime or
diffusion length has limited its applicability. Nanostructures of
hematite offer the possibility of overcoming some of the
limitations through control of the structures and thereby its
optical and electronic properties. In this review, we provide an
overview of recent progress on the synthesis and characterization
of nanostructured hematite, with an emphasis on the charge carrier
dynamics and photoelectrochemical properties. Both current
challenges and future opportunities are also discussed.
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