Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis ( RMS )
Popular Science, Vol. 252, No. 4 ( Apr
1998 ), Page 28
CNN.com : Invention may do for sound what
laser did for light
9th Annual Discover Magazine Awards for
Technological Innovation ( July, 1998 ) : MacroSonix's
Resonant Sound Technology
Eureka Magazine ( August, 1998 ) :
Bottled Sound is the Ultimate Power Source
Physics Today ( February 1998 ) :
Ultrahigh-Energy Sound Waves Promise New Technologies
Scientific American (
February 1998 ) : Boom Box ~ A resonator boosts sound
pressures to new highs
US5319938 -- Acoustic resonator having
mode-alignment-canceled harmonics
US5515684 -- Resonant
Macrosonic Synthesis
US5994854 -- Acoustic resonator
power delivery
US6163077 -- RMS energy
TW374827 -- RMS energy
WO9927636 -- Acoustic Resonator Power Delivery
MX9601981 -- Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis
EP0447134 -- Standing wave compressor.
US6388417 -- High stability dynamic force motor
US6230420 -- RMS process tool
US5357757 -- Compression-evaporation cooling system
having standing wave compressor
Telephone 804-262-3700
FAX 804-266-4627
1570 East Parham Road Richmond , Virginia 23228
MacroSonix - Sound, Macro
Waves and Reverberation

Our Technology
MacroSonix Corp. is a research and development company
specializing in commercializing products based upon its core
technologies, including its proprietary technology known as
Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis, or RMS. RMS utilizes
high-energy resonant sound waves inside closed cavities to perform
mechanical functions such as compressing gases. The sound waves
are typically actuated by a metal diaphragm driven by a linear
motor, and use a microprocessor-based controller to maintain
resonance. MacroSonix holds multiple patents on its core
Our Products and Services
MacroSonix is developing a number of compressor related products,
including air and gas compressors, refrigeration condensing units
and compressors, electronic cooling units, variable reluctance
linear motors and acoustic resonators. In addition, we have
recently begun working with outside organizations on early-stage
feasibility studies for selected chemical processing applications
for RMS, including atomization, powder processing, and chemical
reaction acceleration.
MacroSonix also offers contract R & D services to other
organizations which draw upon our core technical and prototyping
competencies and capabilities.
Popular Science, Vol. 252, No. 4 ( Apr 1998 ), Page 28
December 2, 1997
Invention may do for sound
what laser did for light
'It's doing something ... completely impossible'
by Jim Hill
SAN DIEGO (CNN) -- A researcher says he has done something
"completely impossible" by harnessing the power of sound, and that
eventually it will be available in everything from home appliances
to industrial compressors.
Tim Lucas says he made a radical discovery while working at the
Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico that enables him to
create more energy through sound waves than was ever thought
"It's not an incremental improvement in an existing technology,"
Lucas says, "it's suddenly doing something which before was
completely impossible."
Scientists have long known that sound is composed of pulsing waves
of energy, but it was considered useless as a power source because
at high levels sound waves distort into shock waves.
An example is the way sound distorts on a stereo or radio speakers
when turned up too loud.
But Lucas discovered that by sending sound waves through empty
containers of various shapes, the shock waves were eliminated.
Clean electric power generators?
"Once you've done that," he says, "you can add all the energy,
create all the pressure, and deliver all the power that you want."
Lucas calls his invention Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis -- RMS.
He has used it to power such things as a gas compressor, but
believes there is so much potential that he compares what he has
done with sound to what the laser has done with light.
His company, Macrosonix, is working on sound wave compressors
which might one day do everything from cool refrigerators and air
conditioners in the home to running compressors in factories and
on construction sites.
The beauty of a sound-wave compressor is that it would do what a
compressor does, but without the moving parts required in
conventional piston technology.
Mechanical engineering professor Mark Hamilton, who has followed
Lucas' work, says, "I don't think the idea struck people that you
could use sound waves to do, say, pumping that could be used on a
commercial scale. And I think that was the innovative part of the
idea here."
Macrosonix researchers say they also hope to use sound to create
clean electric power generators, replacing any number of machines
with the technology of an empty cavity.
9th Annual Discover Magazine Awards for Technological
Innovation ( July, 1998 )
MacroSonix's Resonant Sound
Imagine a compressor in your refrigerator with no pistons,
crankshafts, or lubricated bearings. Instead, all the work is done
by sound waves bouncing around in an empty cavity.
When this idea first began bouncing around Tim Lucas's head ten
years ago, his fellow physicists told him it would never work.
Sound waves, they pointed out, can store only a relatively small
amount of energy before turning into jagged shock waves that
dissipate any added energy as heat. At least that's what happens
when a wave travels through the open air, or through a cylindrical
"wave guide." Undaunted, Lucas experimented and found that by
shaping the sound chamber, or resonator, into something like a
cone or a bulb, he could keep shock waves from forming. "Most of
the research had been done in a simple cylindrical tube, and it
turns out that's the one resonator guaranteed to give you a shock
wave," says Lucas. "There's an infinite family of resonators that
can give you non-shocked waves." In his technology, which he calls
Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis, sound waves store thousands of
times more energy than previously thought possible.
Lucas, who started his own company, MacroSonix Corp. in Richmond,
Virginia, to develop RMS, has licensed it to one company (he won't
say which) for refrigerator compressors--the part that compresses
and circulates the coolant. The coolant passing through the cavity
would be compressed when it encounters the high-pressure portion
of the wave. Other applications might include cooling computer
chips; "micronizaton," which is the pulverizing of particles down
to microscopic size; and filtering out particles from factory
exhaust (the sound waves would cause the particles to clump
together). "We believe RMS is a new primary technology, something
that functions at a fundamental level of physics," says Lucas.
Eureka Magazine ( August, 1998 )
Bottled Sound is the
Ultimate Power Source
Sound waves could be a source of high energy in the future thanks
to a technique that can better control their awesome power.
The breakthrough is known as Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis (RMS)
and allows sound waves to be created - inside a closed resonator -
with energy densities thousands of times greater than previously
The developer, MacroSonix, already has ideas on how to create new
industry standards. These include clean electric power generation
for the national grid, on-site power on demand or even hybrid
electric vehicles. For these ideas RMS could be combined with
pulse combustion science to convert fuels such as natural gas into
electric power.
"RMS quite literally unlocks the power of sound," says Tim Lucas,
founder and CEO of MacroSonix. "Now that large amounts of energy
can be transferred into resonant sound waves, these waves can be
used to perform industry's high-powered tasks in a completely new
and simpler way.
It was always believed that there was an intrinsic limit for sound
levels in gases that would prevent such high energy levels from
existing - usually through the formation of shock waves. This
barrier was broken in 1990, allowing RMS to be developed - with
details now being released eight years later.
The key to RMS is the shape of the resonator. The resonator
controls the shape of-the wave and can prevent the formation of
shock waves. RMS allows the synthesis of non-shocked waveforms,
which in turn allows large amounts of energy to be added to the
wave, leading to extremely high dynamic pressures. Once an
acoustic standing wave is formed the resonator’s geometry
determines the resulting waveform, regardless of the wave’s
Now that RMS can transfer this much energy into a sound wave, a
wide range of physical effects becomes possible.
One example, says MacroSonix, is dynamic (oscillating) pressures
in gases exceeding 500psi. Pressures call be generated well in
excess of those needed commercial applications, with much higher
pressures provided, if required.
The fluid power industry can also benefit through RMS’s, ability
to compress gas or to pump liquids. This will remove the need for
moving parts, lubrication oil and cut the risk of fluid
contamination. Industries that may benefit from this include:
chemicals – thanks to the ability to drive and control thermal and
kinetic chemical reactions - pharmaceuticals, semiconductor
manufacture, natural and commercial gas handling, refrigeration,
air conditioning and air compression.
The technique might also be used for levitation for non-contact
manufacturing process, by levitating and positioning heavy object
within an RMS chamber.
One of the first areas to take advantage of the technology is a
lubricant-free acoustic compressor which eliminates the need for
CFCs and promises more energy efficiency. The compressor uses
sound to compress the gas and has no moving parts - such as
pistons, crank shafts and bearings - so needs no oil to lubricate
"The two waves which most apparently affect our everyday lives are
electromagnetic waves and sound waves, ' says Lucas.
"Electromagnetic waves have been commercialised for over 100 years
but the commercial application of sound waves has only scratched
the surface."
Physics Today ( February 1998 )
Ultrahigh-Energy Sound
Waves Promise New Technologies
by Ray Ladbury
Researchers in acoustics have long wondered whether sound waves
could replace mechanical components in devices such as
compressors, combustion engines, and pumps; now a team of
researchers in Virginia has answered - with a very loud, YES!
Perhaps because we are constantly bombarded by sound, it is easy
to forget that sound waves actually represent quite small pressure
variations. The sound of a jet engine a few meters away measures
only about 20 Pa (about 0.0002 atmospheres). As one increases the
energy going into a sound wave, nonlinear processes in the gas in
which the wave propagates direct more and more energy into
harmonics of the drive frequency. The harmonics distort the sound
wave and ultimately form shock waves. It is these shocks that
limit the amplitudes attainable. Sound waves’ low energy levels
and compression ratios (defined as the ratio of the waveform’s
peak and minimum pressures) have limited their usefulness in
high-power applications such as compressors and pumps.
Accordingly, many researchers have wondered whether the acoustic
saturation imposed by shock formation can be circumvented in some
special circumstances.
Although acoustic saturation has been found to be inevitable
(perhaps thankfully) for sound waves propagating in free space,
the question of whether acoustic saturation is also unavoidable
for standing waves in resonating cavities has received little
attention. Recently, researchers at Macrosonix Corporation
(Richmond, Virginia) have reported creating sound waves with
energy densities 1600 times higher than was previously possible.
According to Macrosonix founder and CEO Tim Lucas, pressures in
these sound waves oscillate from peak values of up to10
atmospheres down to hard vacuum, rendering the concept of
compression ratios all but meaningless.
Two papers presented by Macrosonix at the December 1997 meeting of
the Acoustical Society of America in San Diego, California,
discuss using resonator geometry to control the phases and
amplitudes of harmonics in a waveform, thereby tailoring the
waveform to a particular application. The researchers christened
this technique Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis (RMS). As an
application of RMS, they used a specifically designed resonator
called a horn-cone (shaped like the bell of an elongated trumpet)
to shape the waveform to avoid the discontinuity characteristic of
a shock. The resulting shock-free sound waves can then be driven
at much higher amplitudes.
Although the idea of using resonator geometry to control sound
waveforms is not new, previous advances have been less dramatic.
The newly synthesized sound waves are powerful enough to perform
tasks that previously required mechanical components. Moreover,
Lucas hopes to use RMS not only to attain high pressure
amplitudes, but also to tailor the shapes and characteristics of
waveforms to applications ranging from materials processing to
pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturing to electric power
Putting Sound to Work
Lucas originally became interested in generating large-amplitude
acoustic waves when he realized that such waves could drive
acoustic compressors that, in turn, could be used in
environmentally benign refrigerators and pumps. After founding
Macrosonix to tackle the technical problems involved in generating
and controlling high-amplitude sound waves, Lucas spent a year at
Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he worked in the lab of
acoustical physicist Greg Swift. Lucas and his collaborators at
Macrosonix then worked for the next seven years to develop methods
of modeling non-linear phenomena associated with high-amplitude
waves, find resonator geometries likely to achieve high
amplitudes, create efficient mechanical drivers for their
resonators and finally to harness a variety of high-energy
acoustic effects to perform power hungry tasks such as gas
compression, pulverization and electric power generation. By 1996,
they had developed an acoustic compressor suitable for a
commercially viable (and, yes, fairly quiet) acoustical
Developing viable acoustical technologies required a detailed
understanding of the nonlinear phenomena associated with
high-energy sound waves. Unfortunately most commercial software
for acoustics implicitly assumes a small amplitude approximation.
This forced the company to develop its own software for modeling
the behavior of sound waves in cylindrically symmetric resonators.
Beginning with conservation of mass and momentum (including
viscous dissipation) and the state equation for an ideal gas, the
team derived a set of coupled differential equations that could be
solved numerically. As reported at the ASA conference, Lucas,
Yurii Ilinksy, Bart Lipkens, Thomas Van Doren and Evgenia
Zabolotskaya used the resulting model to predict the behavior of
sound waves in a variety of resonators, including the horn-cone
and others shaped like a cylinder, a cone and a bulb. The model
was crucial for predicting which resonators were likely to avoid
shocks at high pressure amplitudes.
Shock waves tend to form when the relative phases of the wave’s
harmonics and fundamental frequency assume certain values. RMS
uses resonator geometry to force the phases and amplitudes of
harmonics to assume values other than those characteristic of
shocks. For example, in consonant resonators, like a simple
cylindrical cavity, the wave’s harmonics coincide with the higher
modes of the cavity, providing precisely the conditions needed to
generate shocks. In dissonant resonators (such as a cone), modes
are not equally spaced, and so harmonics are less likely to
coincide with cavity modes. As a result, resonators that achieve
high pressure amplitudes are most likely to be dissonant, although
even many dissonant resonators produce sever shocks at low
pressure amplitudes. Hence the importance of being able to
accurately model the physical processes occurring within the
The Macrosonix team also determined that efficient generation of
high amplitude sound waves required a more effective method of
driving the sound wave in the resonator. To effectively couple the
mechanical motion of the driving force to the acoustic wave in the
resonator, the team used a technique called entire-resonator
drive, in which the resonator is shaken along its axis. In effect,
this technique uses the entire inner surface of the resonator to
drive the gas, rather than just a diaphragm of piston at one end,
as was done in previous studies. As a result, entire resonator
drive minimizes energy inefficiency. Even so, energy dissipation
in the gas does raise its temperature and pressure, and therefore
its sound speed and resonance frequency. Consequently, sensors in
the cavity monitor the conditions in the gas and automatically
adjust the drive frequency to remain on resonance.
According to Lucas, a major (so far unnamed) manufacturer of
appliances has already licensed an RMS-based compressor design for
use in a refrigerator, which is expected to be available
commercially within two years. Lucas is confident that a range of
other applications will mature in the near future. At present,
however, researchers in acoustics are as interested in the
characteristics of the high-amplitude acoustic waves as they are
in their applications.
In the other paper presented by the company at the San Diego
conference, Lucas, Van Doren, Lipkens, Christopher Lawrenson and
David Perkins described measurements of waveforms and their
dependence on driving-force amplitude and frequency (near
resonance), as well as the effects of different gases on the
waveform for a variety of resonator geometries, including
cylindrical, conical, horn-cone and bulb. In general, regardless
of the resonator, as the driving force (and therefore pressure
amplitude) increased, the sound waves first changed from smooth to
distorted sine waves, then developed ripples and finally
discontinuous shock waves. However, resonator geometry was crucial
in determining the pressure at which those transition occurred:
Dissonant resonators achieved higher pressures than consonant
resonators, and the horn-cone significantly outperformed the other
dissonant resonators, as predicted by the Macrosonix model. The
horn-cone was also more efficient at generating so-called DC
pressure, a nonlinearly generated steady-state (nonoscillatory)
pressure distribution that changes the local equilibrium pressure
about which the sound waves oscillate. According to Lucas, such
steady-state pressure differentials within the resonator up to 3.3
atmospheres and can be used in valveless pumps and compressors, as
well as to levitate heavy objects.
The researchers also observed interesting hysteresis in which
nonlinear processes in the gases caused an upward or downward
shift in the resonance frequency as resonance was approached from
below relative to that measured when resonance was approached from
above. Moreover, whether the shift was null, upward or downward
was determined by the resonator geometry, rather than by the
properties of the gas. Indeed, aside from small differences in the
pressures attained that depended on how nonideal the gas was, the
waveforms looked the same for the three different gases
investigated - R-134 (1,1,1,2-tetrafluroethane, a refrigerant),
propane and nitrogen. This finding suggests that the same
resonators may be used with different gases.
A Sound Future
Although Macrosonix nature as a startup high-tech firm has forced
Lucas and his collaborators to maintain an applied, technical
focus, Lucas is excited about the prospects for RMS in basic
research as well as in technology. "RMS is a primarily
technology," he stresses. "This is the first technique capable of
generating sound waves of such amplitudes. I can’t wait to see
what other researchers will do with these techniques." If the
reception given to the papers presented in San Diego is any
indication, Lucas’s fellow researchers are equally enthusiastic
about potential applications of RMS in their own areas of
research. As Steve Garrett of Pennsylvania State University put
it, "If he ever puts these in commercial fridges, I’d buy one,
throw away the fridge and just keep the pump to do science."
1. Y.A. Ilinskii, B. Lipkens, T.S. Lucas, T.W. Van Doren, E. A.
Zabolotskaya, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., in press.
2. C.C. Lawrenson, B. Lipkens, T.S. Lucas, D.K. Perkins, T.W. Van
Doren, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., in press.
3. D.F. Gaitan. A.A. Atchley, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93, 2489 (1993)
and references therein.
4. See for example, A.B. Coppens, J.V. Sanders, J. Acoust. Soc. Am
58, 1133 (1975).
Acoustic compressors replace most of the mechanical parts in
conventional compressors with standing sound waves. During one
acoustic cycle, the pressure oscillates from high (red) to low
(blue). In the first part of the cycle (upper image), low pressure
in the narrow portion of the resonator closes the discharge
(upper) valve and opens the intake (lower) valve. Allowing
low-pressure gas into the resonator. In the second part of the
cycle (lower image), high pressure in the narrow portion of the
resonator closes the intake valve and allows high-pressure gas to
flow through the discharge valve. Because they use no oil and have
few moving parts, acoustic compressors are expected to be clean
and reliable.
Scientific American ( February 1998 )
Boom Box ~ A resonator
boosts sound pressures to new highs
Blowing across the lip of a bottle to produce that satisfying hum
would not seem the basis for new discoveries. But that is
essentially what Timothy S. Lucas claims he has made. Reporting at
the Acoustical Society of America meeting last December, the
founder and president of Macrosonix Corporation in Richmond, Va.,
says his torpedo-shaped "bottles," when shaken back and forth
hundreds of times a second, can create standing sound waves within
them that pack energy densities 1,600 times greater than that
previously achieved in acoustics. The process, which Lucas calls
"Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis," can produce pressures exceeding
3.5 million pascals (500 pounds per square inch), more than enough
for industrial applications such as compressing and pumping.
The key is the shape of the bottle, or resonator. In the past,
resonators were often cylindrical, and shock waves formed inside
them if they vibrated too quickly. A shock wave - a compression
wave that delineates a sharp boundary between high and low
pressures - dissipated energy, preventing the internal pressure
from getting too high. As a result, driving the resonator faster -
the equivalent of blowing harder across the top of a bottle -
would no longer boost the volume the volume of the internal sound.
Acoustic resonator having mode-alignment-canceled harmonics
An acoustic resonator includes a chamber which contains a fluid.
The chamber has a geometry which produces self-destructive
interference of at least one harmonic in the fluid to avoid shock
wave formation at finite acoustic pressure amplitudes. The chamber
can have reflective terminations at each end or a reflective
termination at only one end. A driver mechanically oscillates the
chamber at a frequency of a selected resonant mode of the chamber.
The driver may be a moving piston coupled to an open end of the
chamber, an electromagnetic shaker or an electromagnetic driver.
1) Field of Invention
This invention relates to an acoustic resonator in which
near-linear macrosonic waves are generated in a resonant acoustic
chamber, having specific applications to resonant acoustic
2) Description of Related Art
My earlier U.S. Pat. No. 5,020,977 is directed to a compressor for
a compression-evaporation cooling system which employs acoustics
for compression. The compressor is formed by a standing wave
compressor including a chamber for holding a fluid refrigerant. A
travelling wave is established in the fluid refrigerant in the
chamber. This travelling wave is converted into a standing wave in
the fluid refrigerant in the chamber so that the fluid refrigerant
is compressed.
Heretofore, the field of linear acoustics was limited primarily to
the domain of small acoustic pressure amplitudes. When acoustic
pressure amplitudes become large, compared to the average fluid
pressure, nonlinearities result. Under these conditions a pure
sine wave will normally evolve into a shock wave.
Shock evolution is attributed to a spacial change in sound speed
caused by the large variations in pressure, referred to as
pressure steepening. During propagation the thermodynamic state of
the pressure peak of a finite wave is quite different than its
pressure minimum, resulting in different sound speeds along the
extent of the wave. Consequently, the pressure peaks of the wave
can overtake the pressure minimums and a shock wave evolves.
Shock formation can occur for waves propagating in free space, in
wave guides, and in acoustic resonators. The following
publications focus on shock formation within various types of
acoustic resonators.
Temkin developed a method for calculating the pressure amplitude
limit in piston-driven cylindrical resonators, due to shock
formation (Samuel Temkin, "Propagating and standing sawtooth
waves", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 45, 224 (1969)). First he assumes the
presence of left and right traveling shock waves in a resonator,
and then finds the increase in entropy caused by the two shock
waves. This entropy loss is substituted into an energy balance
equation which is solved for limiting pressure amplitude as a
function of driver displacement. Temkin's theory provided close
agreement with experimentation for both traveling and standing
waves of finite amplitude.
Cruikshank provided a comparison of theory and experiment for
finite amplitude acoustic oscillations in piston-driven
cylindrical resonators (D. B. Cruikshank, "Experimental
investigation of finite-amplitude acoustic oscillations in a
closed tube", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 52, 1024 (1972)). Cruikshank
demonstrated close agreement between experimental and
theoretically generated shock waveforms.
Like much of the literature, the work of Temkin and Cruikshank
both assume piston-driven cylindrical resonators of constant
cross-sectional (CCS) area, with the termination of the tube being
parallel to the piston face. CCS resonators will have harmonic
modes which are coincident in frequency with the wave's harmonics,
thus shock evolution is unrestricted. Although not stated in their
papers, Temkin and Cruikshank's implicit assumption of a saw-tooth
shock wave in their solutions is justified only for CCS
For resonators with non-harmonic modes, the simple assumption of a
sawtooth shock wave will no longer apply. This was shown by Weiner
who also developed a method for approximating the limiting
pressure amplitude in resonators, due to shock formation (Stephen
Weiner, "Standing sound waves of finite amplitude", J. Acoust.
Soc. Am. 40, 240 (1966)). Weiner begins by assuming the presence
of a shock wave and then calculates the work done on the
fundamental by the harmonics. This work is substituted into an
energy balance equation which is solved for limiting pressure
amplitude as a function of driver displacement.
Weiner then goes on to show that attenuation of the even harmonics
will result in a higher pressure amplitude limit for the
fundamental. As an example of a resonator that causes even
harmonic attenuation, he refers to a T shaped chamber called a "T
burner" used for solid-propellent combustion research. The T
burner acts as a thermally driven 1/2 wave length resonator with a
vent at its center. Each even mode will have a pressure antinode
at the vent, and thus experiences attenuation in the form of
radiated energy through the vent. Weiner offers no suggestions,
other than attenuation, for eliminating harmonics. Attenuation is
the dissipation of energy, and thus is undesirable for energy
Further examples of harmonic attenuation schemes can be found in
the literature of gas-combustion heating. (see for example, Abbot
A. Putnam, Combustion-Driven Oscillations in Industry (American
Elsevier Publishing Co., 1971)). Other examples can be found in
the general field of noise control where attenuation-type schemes
are also employed, since energy losses are of no importance. One
notably different approach is the work of Oberst, who sought to
generate intense sound for calibrating microphones (Hermann
Oberst, "A method for the production of extremely powerful
standing sound waves in air", Akust. Z. 5, 27 (1940)). Oberst
found that the harmonic content of a finite amplitude wave was
reduced by a resonator which had non-harmonic resonant modes. His
resonator was formed by connecting two tubes of different
diameter, with the smaller tube being terminated and the larger
tube remaining open. The open end of the resonator was driven by
an air jet which was modulated by a rotating aperture disk.
With this arrangement, Oberst was able to produce resonant
pressure amplitudes up to 0.10 bar for a driving pressure
amplitude of 0.02 bar, giving a gain of 5 to the fundamental. The
driving waveform, which had a 30% error (i.e. deviation from a
sinusoid), was transformed to a waveform of only 5% error by the
resonator. However, he predicted that if more acoustic power were
applied, then nonlinear distortions would become clearly evident.
In fact, harmonic content is visually noticeable in Oberst's
waveforms corresponding to resonant pressure amplitudes of only
0.005 bar.
Oberst attributed the behavior of these finite amplitude waves, to
the noncoincidence of the resonator modes and the wave harmonics.
Yet, no explanations were offered as to the exact interaction
between the resonator and the wave harmonics. Oberst's position
seems to be that the reduced spectral density of the resonant wave
is simply the result of comparatively little Q-amplification being
imparted to the driving waveform harmonics. This explanation is
only believable for the modest pressure amplitudes obtained by
Oberst. Oberst provided no teachings or suggestions that his
methods could produce linear pressure amplitudes above those which
he achieved, and he offered no hope for further optimization. To
the contrary, Oberst stated that nonlinearities would dominate at
higher pressure amplitudes.
A further source of nonlinearity in acoustic resonators is the
boundary layer turbulence which can occur at high acoustic
velocities. Merkli and Thomann showed experimentally that at
finite pressure amplitudes, there is a critical point at which the
oscillating laminar flow will become turbulent (P. Merkli, H.
Thomann, "Transition to turbulence in oscillating pipe flow", J.
Fluid Mech., 68, 567 (1975)). Their studies were also carried out
in CCS resonators.
Taken as a whole, the literature of finite resonant acoustics
seems to predict that the inherent nonlinearites of fluids will
ultimately dominate any resonant system, independent of the
boundary conditions imposed by a resonator. The literature's
prediction of these limits is far below the actual performance of
the present invention.
Therefore, there is a need in the art to efficiently generate very
large shock-free acoustic pressure amplitudes as a means of gas
compression for vapor-compression heat transfer systems of the
type disclosed in my U.S. Pat. No. 5,020,977. Further, many other
applications within the field of acoustics, such as thermoacoustic
heat engines, can also benefit from the generation of high
amplitude sinusoidal waveforms.
It is an object of the present invention to provide acoustic
resonators which eliminate shock formation by promoting the
destructive self-interference of the harmonics of a wave, whereby
near-linear acoustic pressures of extremely high amplitude can be
It is another object of the present invention to provide acoustic
resonators which minimize the nonlinear energy dissipation caused
by the boundary layer turbulence of finite acoustic waves.
It is a further object of the present invention to provide
acoustic resonators which minimize boundary viscous energy
dissipation and boundary thermal energy dissipation.
It is a still further object of the present invention to provide
an acoustic driving arrangement for achieving high acoustic
pressure amplitudes.
It is an even further object of the present invention to provide
an acoustic resonator which can maintain near-sinusoidal pressure
oscillations while being driven by harmonic-rich waveforms.
The acoustic resonator of the present invention includes a chamber
containing a fluid. The chamber has a geometry which produces
destructive self interference of at least one harmonic in the
fluid to avoid shock wave formation at finite acoustic pressure
amplitudes. The chamber has a cross-sectional area which changes
along the chamber, and the changing cross-sectional area is
positioned along the chamber to reduce an acoustic velocity of the
fluid and/or to reduce boundary viscous energy dissipation. The
chamber may comprise a resonant chamber for a standing wave
compressor used for fluid compression for heat transfer
The acoustic resonator driving system of the invention includes a
chamber containing a fluid, wherein the chamber has acoustically
reflective terminations at each end. A driver mechanically
oscillates the chamber at a frequency of a selected resonant mode
of the chamber. The acoustic resonator and drive system of the
present invention may be connected to heat exchange apparatus so
as to form a heat exchange system such as a vapor-compression
As described above, the acoustic resonator and acoustic driving
arrangement of the present invention provide a number of
advantages and achieve non-linear acoustic pressures of extremely
high amplitude. In particular, the actual performance of the
present invention is far beyond the results predicted in the
literature of finite resonant acoustics.
These and other objects and advantages of the invention will
become apparent from the accompanying specifications and drawings,
wherein like reference numerals refer to like parts throughout.
FIG. 1 is a graphical representation of a resonator having
higher modes which are harmonics (i.e. integer multiples) of the
FIG. 2 is a graphical representation of a resonator having
higher modes which are not harmonics of the fundamental;
FIG. 3 is a sectional view of an embodiment of a resonator
in accordance with the present invention, which employs an
insert as a means of mode tuning;
FIG. 4 is a table of measured data for the resonator shown
in FIG. 3;
FIG. 5 is a table of theoretical data for the resonator
shown in FIG. 3;
FIG. 6 is a sectional view of an embodiment of a resonator
in accordance with the present invention which employs sections
of different diameter as a means of mode tuning;
FIG. 7 is a table of measured data for the resonator shown
in FIG. 6;
FIG. 8 is a table of theoretical data for the resonator
shown in FIG. 6;
FIG. 9 is a sectional view of an embodiment of a resonator
in accordance with the present invention showing further
optimizations in resonator geometry;
FIG. 10 is a table of theoretical data for the resonator
shown in FIG. 9;
FIG. 11 is a sectional view of an apparatus used in a
resonator driving system in accordance with the present
invention, in which the entire resonator is oscillated along its
longitudinal axis;
FIG. 12 is a sectional view of the resonator shown in FIG.
9 which employs porous materials for enhanced cancellation of
higher harmonics; and
FIG. 13 is a sectional view of the resonator and driving
system of FIG. 11 as connected to heat exchange apparatus to
form a heat exchange system.

Shock Elimination via Mode-Alignment-Canceled Harmonics
It is well known that "pressure steepening" at high acoustic
pressure amplitudes leads to the classic sawtooth waveform of a
shock wave. It is also understood that a sawtooth waveform
implies, from Fourier analysis, the presence of harmonics.
If finite amplitude acoustic waves are generated in a constant
cross-sectional (CCS) resonator, a shock wave will appear having
the harmonic amplitudes predicted by the Fourier analysis of a
sawtooth waveform. At first this would not seem surprising, but it
must be understood that a CCS resonator has modes which are
harmonic (i.e. integer multiples of the fundamental) and which are
coincident in frequency with the harmonics of the fundamental. CCS
resonators can be considered as a special case of a more general
class of resonators whose modes are non-harmonic. Non-harmonic
resonators hold a previously unharnessed potential for providing
extremely high amplitude linear waves. This potential is realized
by non-harmonic resonators which are designed to promote the
self-destructive interference of the harmonics of the fundamental.
The present invention employs this principle and provides a new
resonator design criterion; to optimize the self-cancellation of
wave harmonics. This new design criterion for
mode-alignment-canceled harmonics (MACH) eliminates shock
formation. MACH resonators have achieved pressure amplitudes of
100 psi peak-to-peak, with mean pressures of 80 psia, without
shock formation. This translates into a peak acoustic pressure
amplitude which is 62% of the mean pressure.
Once the MACH design criterion is understood, many different
resonator geometries can be employed for aligning a resonator's
higher mode to promote self-cancellation of harmonics. A
straightforward approach for exploiting the MACH principle is to
align resonator modes to fall between their corresponding
The bar graph of FIG. 1 illustrates the relationship between the
harmonics of the fundamental and the resonator modes for a CCS 1/2
wave length resonator. The vertical axis marks the wave harmonics
of the wave, and the bar height gives the resonant frequency of
the mode. At a fundamental frequency of 100 Hz the wave will have
harmonics at 200 Hz, 300 Hz, 400 Hz, etc. From FIG. 1 it can be
seen that the harmonics of the wave are coincident in frequency
with the modes of the resonator. Stated differently, the nth
harmonic of the wave is coincident with the nth mode of the
resonator. Consequently, little or no self-destructive
interference of the wave harmonics will occur, and a shock wave
can evolve without restriction. For a well developed shock wave,
the pressure amplitude of the 2nd harmonic will be within 6 dB of
the fundamental's amplitude.
The bar graph of FIG. 2 illustrates one of many possible
arrangements for promoting the destructive self-interference of
harmonics. In FIG. 2, the resonator modes are aligned to fall
between the wave harmonics. For this example, the resonator modes
have been shifted down in frequency so that the nth mode lies
between harmonics n and n-1. With this arrangement a large degree
of destructive self-interference of the wave harmonics can occur.
FIG. 3 is a sectional view of a resonator which was constructed
and tested, and whose modes are shifted down in frequency. The
resonator in FIG. 3 is formed by a hollow cylindrical chamber 2,
an end flange 4, an end flange 6, and tapered rod insert 8, with
all parts being aluminum. Tapered rod insert 8 was welded to end
flange 4 with end flange 4 being welded to chamber 2. End flange 6
was welded to chamber 2, and was drilled to accommodate a process
tube and a pressure transducer. Chamber 2 has an inside diameter
of 5.71 cm, and an inside length of 27 cm. Tapered rod insert 8
has a half-angle end taper of 34.98 DEG, and a length of 10 cm,
measured from end flange 4. Sharp edges on tapered rod insert 8
were rounded off to an arbitrary curvature to reduce turbulence.
Tapered rod insert 8 serves to create a smaller cross-sectional
area along its length inside of chamber 2. In this way, the
resonator of FIG. 3 is divided into two sections of different
cross-sectional area, each section having its own acoustical
impedance. This impedance change results in a shifting of the
resonator modes to non-harmonic frequencies. The degree to which
the modes are shifted can be controlled by varying the diameter
and length of tapered rod insert 8. The manner in which the
resonator is driven is described below.
FIG. 4 is a table of measured data obtained for the resonator of
FIG. 3. The last column provides a relative measure of the degree
of mode shift, by calculating the difference between the frequency
"fn " of the nth mode and n times the fundamental frequency "nf1."
The ideal mode shift, for placing the resonator modes at the
midpoints between neighboring harmonics, is equal to 1/2 the
fundamental frequency. For the FIG. 3 resonator, the ideal shift
is f1 /2=166.97 Hz. For CCS resonators, the mode shift fn -nf1 =0
for each mode by definition.
The resonator design of FIG. 3 does not provide ideal mode shifts,
but comes close enough to provide significant results. This is due
to the fact that the Fourier sum of the first few harmonics
contributes heavily to shock formation. Thus, significant
cancellation of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th harmonics will reduce shock
formation greatly. When the resonator of FIG. 3 was pressurized to
80 psia with gaseous refrigerant HFC-134a, 11.8 Watts of acoustic
input power was required to achieve a 42 psia peak-to-peak
pressure amplitude (measured at end flange 4). This is within 30%
of the required driving power predicted by a strictly linear
theory which accounts for only thermal and viscous boundary layer
losses. At these operating conditions the amplitude of the 2nd
harmonic was 20 dB down from the fundamental, with higher
harmonics being down 30 dB or more.
FIG. 5 is a table of theoretical data which was generated for the
FIG. 3 resonator. Ideally, fn -nf1 should be approximately equal
to the ideal shift for each of the resonator modes. However, it
can be seen in FIG. 5 that the degree of mode shifting increases
with mode number. At the 6th mode, shifting has increased so much
that the mode frequency is now nearly coincident with the 5th
harmonic of the wave. With more advanced resonator designs, many
modes can be simultaneously tuned to lie between the wave
harmonics. As the number of properly tuned modes increases, the
resonator's linearity increases.
FIG. 6 is a sectional view of another resonator which was
constructed and tested. The resonator in FIG. 6 has a chamber
which is formed by a small diameter section 10, a conical section
12, a large diameter section 14, a conical taper 16, and an end
flange 18. The chamber comprising the small diameter section 10,
the conical section 12, the large diameter section 14, and the
conical taper 16 were all machined from a single piece of
aluminum. Aluminum end flange 18 was welded to conical end taper
16. Small diameter section 10 has a length of 7.28 cm and a
diameter of 3.81 cm. Conical section 12 has a half-angle of 25.63
DEG and an inside length of 3.72 cm. Large diameter section 14 has
an inside length of 13.16 cm and an inside diameter of 7.38 cm.
Conical taper 16 has a half-angle of 26.08 DEG and an inside
length of 2.84 cm. Section 10 and section 14 divide the resonator
into two sections of different cross-sectional area, each section
having its own acoustical impedance. This design results in a
downward shifting of the resonator modes to non-harmonic
The FIG. 6 resonator eliminates the tapered rod insert of FIG. 3,
thereby reducing the internal surface area of the resonator, which
in turn reduces the thermal and viscous boundary layer losses. The
degree to which the modes are shifted can be controlled by varying
the dimensions of section 10, section 14, conical section 12, and
taper 16. Taper 16 compensates for excessive downward shifting of
the higher modes, by shifting primarily the higher modes up in
frequency. The manner in which the resonator is driven is
described below.
FIG. 7 and FIG. 8 are tables of the measured data and theoretical
data, respectively, for the resonator of FIG. 6. In comparison
with the FIG. 3 resonator, the FIG. 6 resonator has improved the
tuning of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th modes, as well as reduced the
excessive shifting of higher modes. The FIG. 6 resonator brings
the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th modes much closer to the ideal shift, and
results in improved performance.
When the resonator of FIG. 6 was pressurized to 80 psia, with
gaseous refrigerant HFC-134a, pressure amplitudes of up to 100 psi
peak-to-peak (measured at an end 10a of small diameter section 10)
were achieved without shock formation. However, turbulence was
evident, indicating that the acoustic velocity was high enough to
cause non-laminar flow. As shown below, resonator geometry can be
altered to greatly reduce acoustic velocity. At 60 psi
peak-to-peak (measured at the end 10a of small diameter section
10) all harmonics were more than 25 dB down from the amplitude of
the fundamental, for the FIG. 6 resonator.
In general, the modes of a given resonator geometry can be
calculated from the general solution of the wave equation written
for both pressure and velocity:
P(x)=Acos (kx)+Bsin (kx)
V(x)=i/(pc)(Acos (kx)+Bsin (kx))
where i=(-1)@1/2, p=average fluid density, c=speed of sound. The
arbitrary complex constants A and B are found by applying the
boundary conditions of the resonator to the above equations for
P(x) and V(x). Resonators embodying the present invention were
designed by iterating P(x) and V(x) in the frequency domain across
finite elements of the resonator, until zero velocity is reached
at the resonator's end. As demonstrated above, the mid-harmonic
placement of resonator modes provides one of many ways to exploit
the MACH principle. For more exact predictions of harmonic
cancellation, the harmonics can be treated as waves traveling
within the boundaries of the resonator, while accounting for their
self-interference. The goal of which is to show harmonic
self-cancellation as a function of changes in the resonator
Importance of the MACH Principle
It is revealing to compare the performance of MACH resonators with
that of CCS resonators which do not restrict shock formation. As a
comparison, consider the normal evolution to shock formation which
occurs as a finite amplitude wave propagates. Using the method of
Pierce, it is possible to calculate the distance a 60 psi
peak-to-peak pressure wave must travel for a fully developed shock
wave to evolve (Allan D. Pierce, Acoustics, p. 571 (Acoustical
Society of America 1989)). For a mean pressure of 80 psia (in
gaseous HFC-134a), the waveform will evolve from a sinusoid to a
shock after traveling only 22 cm, which is less than one traverse
of the 27 cm length of the FIG. 6 resonator! From this it is easy
to appreciate the longstanding assumption that at extremely high
amplitudes, intrinsic nonlinearities of a gas will dominate any
resonator design considerations.
Other Resonator Design Parameters
To efficiently create high amplitude resonant acoustic waves, it
is important to keep the resonator boundary layer viscous and
thermal losses as low as possible. Also, the acoustic velocity
associated with a desired pressure amplitude should be minimized
to avoid excessive turbulence.
For a pure sinusoidal standing wave in a resonator of constant
cross-sectional area, the peak acoustic velocity is equal to
P/(pc), where P.ident.peak acoustic pressure amplitude,
p.ident.average fluid density, and c.ident.speed of sound at the
average pressure. In practice, the peak acoustic velocity can be
decreased by the proper resonator geometry. For example, the
resonator of FIG. 6 has a peak acoustic velocity equal to
0.82(P/(pc)) (P being measured at the end 10a of small diameter
section 10), due to the expansion at the center of the chamber
provided by conical section 12. This increase in cross-sectional
area occurs just before the velocity maxima at the center of the
chamber, thereby lowering the acoustic velocity.
Expansions, like those of the FIG. 6 resonator, have other
advantages as well. When the acoustic velocity is reduced,
boundary layer viscous losses are reduced. Also, the expansion
reduces the peak acoustic pressure amplitude at end flange 18,
thereby reducing boundary layer thermal losses at this end of the
resonator. Similarly, the expansion provided by end taper 16 of
FIG. 6 further reduces the boundary layer thermal losses. When the
position of an expansion, like conical section 12 of FIG. 6, is
varied along the length of the resonator, the boundary layer
thermal losses and the boundary layer viscous losses will vary. It
has been found theoretically that the sum of these losses reaches
a minimum when the expansion is centered at approximately 0.3 of
the length of the resonator.
In general, practical energy efficient resonator designs require a
compromise between mode tuning for harmonic cancellation,
minimizing acoustic velocity, and minimizing thermal and viscous
losses. FIG. 9 is a sectional view of a resonator which represents
one of a vast number of possible compromises between these design
The FIG. 9 resonator chamber has a conical expansion section 20, a
curved expansion section 22, a curved end taper section 24, and an
end flange 28. Ports 21a, 21b, such as an inlet and outlet or
valves, are provided at an end 20a of the resonator. Although not
shown, such ports are also provided in the resonators of FIGS. 3
and 6. The resonator chamber is preferably formed by a low thermal
conductivity material such as fiberglass, since this will reduce
the boundary layer thermal losses. However, any material, such as
aluminum, which can be formed into a desired configuration can be
used. The FIG. 9 resonator is similar in principle to the FIG. 6
resonator in its method of modal tuning, except for the curved
sections which provide greater mode tuning selectivity. This
selectivity is due to the varying rate of change of
cross-sectional area provided by the curved sections, which is
explained as follows. The magnitude of frequency shift of a mode,
caused by a given area change, depends on which part of the
standing wave pattern encounters the area change. Each of the many
superimposed standing wave patterns in a resonator will encounter
a fixed area change at a different point along its wave pattern.
Thus, an area change which tunes one mode properly may cause
unfavorable tuning for another mode. Curved sections can provide
compensation for this unfavorable tuning by exposing different
modes to different rates of area change. The term "curved section"
is not intended to refer to a specific mathematical surface.
Rather, the term "curved section" is understood to mean in general
any section which provides a rate of change of area, as a function
of the longitudinal dimension, whose derivative is non-zero. Any
number of mathematical surfaces can be employed. It is
contemplated that one possible set of equations for the curved
expansion section 22 and curved end tapered section 24 could be as
In FIG. 9 the constant diameter section at end 20a of the
resonator has an inner diameter of 2.54 cm and is 4.86 cm long.
Conical expansion section 20 is 4.1 cm long and has a 5.8 DEG
half-angle. Curved expansion section 22 is 3.68 cm long. To the
right of curved section 22, the diameter remains constant at 5.77
cm over a distance of 11.34 cm. Curved end taper 24 is 2.16 cm
long. To the right of curved end taper 24, the diameter remains
constant at 13 cm over a distance of 0.86 cm. Curved expansion
section 22 was described in a finite element program by the
equation Dn =Dn-1 +0.00003(7+n), and curved end taper 24 was
described by the equation Dn =Dn-1 +0.00038(n), where Dn .ident.
the diameter of the current element, and Dn-1 .ident. the diameter
of the previous element, and with each element having a length
0.00108 meters.
FIG. 10 is a table of theoretical data for the FIG. 9 resonator,
which shows that the point at which modes and harmonics overlap in
frequency has been significantly extended to higher frequencies.
The FIG. 9 resonator also reduces the acoustic velocity to a value
of 0.58 (P/(pc)) (P being measured at a small diameter end 20a of
the resonator), which represents a significant reduction in
acoustic velocity for the desired pressure amplitude. In addition,
the FIG. 9 resonator reduces the total thermal and viscous energy
dissipation of the FIG. 6 resonator by a factor of 1.50.
Neglecting turbulent losses, the total rate of thermal and viscous
energy loss, at a given pressure amplitude, is equal to the
acoustic input power required to sustain that pressure amplitude.
Thus, reducing thermal and viscous energy losses will increase
energy efficiency.
Half-Peak Entire-Resonator Driving
The odd modes of a resonator can be effectively driven by
mechanically oscillating the entire resonator along its
longitudinal axis. This is the preferred method used by the
resonators of the present invention. Although the resonators of
FIG. 3, FIG. 6, and FIG. 9 could be driven by coupling a moving
piston to an open-ended resonator, this approach has certain
disadvantages which are avoided by the entire resonator driving
Entire resonator driving can be understood as follows. If the
entire resonator is oscillated along its longitudinal axis, then
the end caps will act as pistons. The odd mode pressure
oscillations at the two opposite ends of a double-terminated
resonator will be 180 DEG out of phase with each other.
Consequently, when the entire resonator is oscillated, its end
caps, or terminations, can be used to drive an odd mode in the
proper phase at each end of the resonator. In this way, the
fundamental mode can be effectively driven.
FIG. 11 is a sectional view of one of many approaches which can be
used to drive an entire resonator. In FIG. 11 an electrodynamic
shaker or driver 29 is provided, having a current conducting coil
26 rigidly attached to end flange 28 of resonator 34, and
occupying air gap 30 of magnet 32. Magnet 32 is attached to end
flange 28 by a flexible bellows 36. Bellows 36 maintains proper
alignment of coil 26 within air gap 30.
When coil 26 is energized by an oscillating current, the resulting
electromagnetic forces will cause resonator 34 to be mechanically
oscillated along its longitudinal axis. Magnet 32 can be rigidly
restrained so as to have infinite mass relative to resonator 34.
In the preferred embodiment, magnet 32 is left unrestrained and
thus free to move in opposition to resonator 34. In either case,
an appropriate spring constant can be chosen for bellows 36 to
produce a mechanical resonance equal to the acoustic resonance,
resulting in higher electro-acoustic efficiency. Bellows 36 could
be replaced by other components such as flexible diaphragms,
magnetic springs, or more conventional springs made of appropriate
Entire resonator driving reduces the mechanical displacement
required to achieve a given pressure amplitude. When driving the
entire resonator, both ends of the resonator act as pistons. In
most cases, entire resonator driving requires roughly half the
peak mechanical displacement which would be needed for a single
coupled-piston arrangement.
Half-Peak Entire-Resonator (HPER) driving provides the following
advantages. As discussed above, the proper tuning of modes of a
chamber is critical to efficiently achieving high acoustic
pressure amplitudes. It follows that this tuning must remain
constant during operation. Resonators which are terminated on both
ends will maintain precise tuning during operation and throughout
the lifetime of the resonator.
A further advantage relates to the use of HPER driving for
acoustic compressors. Since HPER driven chambers are sealed, there
are no oil-dependant moving parts that come in contact with the
fluid being compressed; resulting in an inherently oil-free
compressor. The suction and discharge valves needed for acoustic
compressors would typically be placed at the narrow end of a
resonator, where the pressure amplitudes are the greatest. For
example, valve placement for the resonator of FIG. 9 would be
positioned at ports 21a, 21b at end 20a. The ratio of pressure
amplitudes at the two ends of the FIG. 9 resonator is
approximately 3:1 (left to right).
Non-Sinusoidal Driving
As discussed above, a properly designed MACH chamber will cause
the higher harmonics of its fundamental to be self canceling. For
the same reason, a MACH chamber will tend to cancel out harmonics
which may be present in the driver's displacement waveform. Thus,
MACH chambers can convert a non-sinusoidal driving displacement
into a sinusoidal pressure oscillation. In addition, any
mechanical resonance present in a driver, like the driver of FIG.
11, would tend to convert a non-sinusoidal driving current into a
sinusoidal displacement waveform.
In some applications, the use of non-sinusoidal driving signals
can result in greater overall efficiency. For example, the power
amplifiers needed for driving linear motors can be designed to
operate very efficiently in a pulsed output mode. Current pulses
can be timed to occur once every acoustic cycle or to skip several
acoustic cycles.
Another type of non-sinusoidal driving, which MACH chambers can
facilitate, is a fluid's direct absorption of electromagnetic
energy, as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,020,977, the entire
content of which is hereby incorporated by reference. Pulsed
microwave and infrared energy, when passed through an absorptive
fluid, will create acoustic waves in the fluid. This
electromagnetic-to-acoustic conversion will tend to result in very
harmonic-rich acoustic waves. MACH chambers will tend to cancel
the resulting harmonics, thereby promoting a sinusoidal pressure
oscillation. Electromagnetic pulses can be timed to occur once per
acoustic cycle, or to skip several acoustic cycles.
Porous Materials
Porous materials, such as sintered metals, ceramics, and wire mesh
screensare commonly used in the field of noise control. Porous
materials can provide acoustic transmission and refection
coefficients which vary as a function of frequency and acoustic
velocity. Properly placed within a resonator, these materials can
be used as an aid to mode tuning.
FIG. 12 is a sectional view of a resonator 34 illustrating one of
many possible uses of porous materials. In FIG. 12 a porous
material 38 is rigidly mounted near end flange 28 of resonator 34.
Porous material 38 will have a minimal effect on the fundamental
of the resonator, whose acoustic velocity becomes small near the
surface of end flange 28. The higher modes of the resonator can
have velocity maxima near the position of porous material 38.
Thus, the higher harmonics of the wave can experience larger
reflection coefficients at the porous material and be reflected so
as to promote destructive self-interference. Tuning can be
adjusted by varying the position of porous material 38 along the
length of resonator 34.
In this way, a porous material can be used as an aid in optimizing
the destructive self-interference of harmonics. The design
flexibility provided by porous materials allows more aggressive
optimization of specific resonator parameters, such as reducing
the fundamental's acoustic velocity, without losing the desired
mode tuning.
For microwave driven resonators, porous material 38 could also act
together with end flange 28 to form a microwave cavity for the
introduction of microwave energy into resonator 34. FIG. 12
illustrates an electromagnetic driver 39 coupled to the resonator
34 by a coaxial cable 41 having a loop termination 41a inside the
resonator 34 in the area between the porous material 38 and end
flange 28. The microwave energy would be restricted to the area
between porous material 38 and end flange 28.
FIG. 13 is a sectional view of resonator 34 and drive apparatus 29
as used in a heat exchange system. In this case, ports 34a and 34b
of resonator 34 are connected to a heat exchange apparatus 45 via
conduits 47 and 49. Port 34a is provided with a discharge valve
52, and port 34b is provided with a suction valve 54. Discharge
valve 52 and suction valve 54 will convert the oscillating
pressure within resonator 34, into a net fluid flow through heat
exchange apparatus 45. The heat exchange apparatus may include,
for example, a conventional condenser and evaporator, so that the
heat exchange system of FIG. 13 may form a vapor-compression
While the above description contains many specifications, these
should not be construed as limitations on the scope of the
invention, but rather as an exemplification of one preferred
embodiment thereof. This preferred embodiment is based on my
recognition that acoustic resonators can provide significant
self-cancellation of harmonics, thereby providing extremely high
amplitude acoustic waves without shock formation. The invention is
also based on my recognition that other nonlinearities associated
with finite amplitude waves, such as turbulence and boundary layer
losses, can be reduced by proper resonator design.
Application of the MACH principle can provide nearly complete
cancellation of wave harmonics. However, the present invention is
not limited to resonators which provide complete cancellation. As
shown in the above specifications, cancellation of a harmonic need
not be complete to obtain shock-free high amplitude acoustic
waves. Nor do all harmonics need to be canceled. There is a
continuous range of partial harmonic cancellation which can be
practiced. Harmonics can be present without shock formation, as
long as their amplitudes are sufficiently small. Resonators which
cancel one, two, or many harmonics could all be considered
satisfactory, depending on the requirements of a particular
application. Thus, the scope of the invention is not limited to
any one specific resonator design.
There are many ways to exploit the basic features of the present
invention which will readily occur to those skilled in the art.
For example, shifting resonator modes to the midpoint between
adjacent harmonics is only one of many ways to exploit the MACH
principle. Resonator modes can be shifted to any degree as long as
adequate self-destructive interference is provided for a given
In addition, many different resonator geometries can support
standing waves and can be tuned to exploit the MACH principle. For
example, a toroidal resonator can be tuned by using methods
similar to the embodiments of the present invention. Although the
present specification describes resonators whose modes are shifted
down in frequency, similar resonator designs can shift modes up in
frequency. For example, if the diameters of section 10 and section
14 in FIG. 6 are exchanged, then the resonator's modes will be
shifted up in frequency rather than down. Furthermore, resonators
can be designed to operate in resonant modes other than the
fundamental, while still exploiting the MACH principle. Still
further, the shock suppression provided by MACH resonators will
occur for both liquids and gases.
Also, it is understood that the application of MACH resonators to
acoustic compressors is not limited to vapor-compression heat
transfer systems, but can be applied to any number of general
applications where fluids must be compressed. For example, there
are many industrial applications where oil-free compressors are
required in order to prevent contamination of a fluid. Finally,
many different drivers can be used with HPER driven resonators.
For example, electromagnetic and piezoceramic drivers can also
provide the forces required for entire resonator driving. In
short, any driver that mechanically oscillates the entire
resonator and provides the required forces can be used.
Accordingly, the scope of the invention should be determined not
by the embodiments illustrated, but by the appended claims and
their equivalents.
Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis
Abstract -- An acoustic resonator includes a chamber containing a
fluid. The chamber has anharmonic resonant modes and provides
boundary conditions which predetermine the harmonic phases and
amplitudes needed to synthesize a non-sinusoidal, unshocked
1) Field of Invention
This invention relates to acoustic resonators which are designed
to provide the specific harmonic phases and amplitudes required to
predetermine the waveform of extremely large acoustic pressure
oscillations, having specific applications to acoustic
2) Description of Related Art
It is well known in the field of acoustics that when acoustic
pressure amplitudes are finite compared to the medium's
undisturbed ambient pressure, the resulting nonlinear effects will
generate sound waves at harmonics of the fundamental frequency. We
will hereafter refer to these nonlinearly generated sound waves as
For both traveling and standing waves, the presence of high
amplitude harmonics is associated with the formation of shock
waves, which severely limit a wave's peak-to-peak pressure
amplitude. Shock formation requires harmonic amplitudes that are
significant relative to the amplitude of the sound wave at the
fundamental frequency. We will hereafter refer to these as high
relative amplitude harmonics.
For finite amplitude traveling waves, the harmonic relative
amplitudes will depend primarily on the nonlinear properties of
the medium. For finite amplitude standing waves occurring in a
resonant cavity the harmonic relative amplitudes will likewise
depend on the medium, but also are strongly influenced by the
resonator's boundary conditions. The boundary conditions of the
resonator are determined by the geometry of the walls and by the
acoustical properties of the wall material and the fluid in the
As explained in U.S. Pat. No. 5,319,938, acoustic resonators can
now be designed which provide very large and nearly sinusoidal
pressure oscillations. FIG. 1 shows the waveform of a sinusoidal
pressure wave. A sinusoidal wave is pressure symmetric implying
that P+ = P- , where P+ and P- are the maximum positive and
negative pressure amplitudes respectively. If a sinusoidal
pressure oscillation is generated in a resonator having an ambient
pressure P0, then (P0 + P+ ) cannot exceed 2P0, since otherwise
the pressure symmetry would require that (P0 - P- ) be less than
zero absolute, which is impossible. Thus, the maximum peak-to-peak
pressure a sinusoidal oscillation can provide is 2P0. This ignores
any changes in the ambient pressure caused by nonlinear processes
driven by the acoustic pressures.
The '938 patent provides shock-free waves by preventing formation
of high relative amplitude harmonics. However, there are acoustic
resonator applications where the resulting sinusoidal waveforms
present a limitation. For example, resonators used in acoustic
compressors must at times provide compressions requiring P+ to be
larger than P0 by a factor of 3 or more. An acoustic compressor
used in low-temperature Rankine-cycle applications may require P+
to exceed 215 psia for a P0 of only 70 psia. The acoustic wave
needed to fit these conditions would require an extreme pressure
asymmetry (about the ambient pressure P0) between P- and P+.
Previously, the generation of resonant pressure-asymmetric waves
presented specific unsolved problems. For a waveform to deviate
significantly from a sinusoid, it must contain high relative
amplitude harmonics. These harmonics would normally be expected to
lead to shock formation, which can critically limit peak-to-peak
pressure amplitudes as well as cause excessive energy dissipation.
Resonant acoustic waves have been studied theoretically and
experimentally. With respect to the present invention, these
studies can be grouped into two categories: (i) harmonic
resonators driven off-resonance, and (ii) anharmonic resonators
driven on-resonance.
A resonator is defined as "harmonic" when it has a set of standing
wave mode frequencies that are integer multiples of another
resonance frequency. For the following discussions only
longitudinal resonant modes are considered. Harmonically tuned
resonators produce shock waves if finite amplitude acoustic waves
are excited at a resonance frequency. For this reason harmonic
resonator studies which examine non-sinusoidal, non-shocked
waveforms focus primarily on waveforms produced at frequencies
off-resonance. Driving a resonator off-resonance severely limits
the peak-to-peak pressure amplitudes attainable.
The following references are representative of the harmonic
resonator studies: (W. Chester, "Resonant oscillations in closed
tubes," J. Fluid Mech. 18, 44-64 (1964)), (A. P. Coppens and J. V.
Sanders, "Finite-amplitude standing waves in rigid-walled tubes,"
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 43, 516-529 (1968)), (D. B. Cruikshank, Jr.,
"Experimental investigations of finite-amplitude acoustic
oscillations in a closed tube," J. Acoust Soc. Am. 43, 1024-1036
(1972)) and (P. Merkli, H. Thoman, "Thermoacoustic effects in a
resonance tube," J. Fluid Mech. 70, 1161-177 (1975))
A resonator is defined as "anharmonic" when its does not have a
set of standing wave mode frequencies that are integer multiples
of another resonance frequency. Studies of anharmonic resonators
driven on-resonance are usually motivated by applications in which
the elimination of high relative amplitude harmonics is necessary.
For example, thermoacoustic engine resonators require high
amplitude sine waves, and thus are designed for the greatest
possible reduction of harmonic amplitudes. An example of such a
study can be found in the work of D. Felipe Gaitan and Anthony A.
Atchley (D. F. Gaitan and A. A. Atchley, "Finite amplitude
standing waves in harmonic and anharmonic tubes," J. Acoust. Soc.
Am. 93,2489-2495 (1993)).
Gaitan and Atchley provide anharmonic resonators by using
geometries with sections of different diameter. The area changes
occurred over a distance that was small compared to the length of
the resonator. As explained in U.S. Pat. No. 5,319,938 this
approach tends to provide significant suppression of the wave's
harmonics, thus providing sinusoidal waveforms.
In summary, those resonators driven on-resonance at finite
amplitudes either produced sinusoidal waves or shock waves.
Resonators driven off-resonance resulted in very low peak-to-peak
pressure amplitudes.
The ability to provide high peak-to-peak pressure amplitude,
non-sinusoidal, unshocked waves of a desired waveform would
represent a significant advance for high compression acoustic
resonators. Such waveforms require high relative amplitude
harmonics to exist when the resonator is excited at a resonant
Consequently, there exists a need for resonators that can
synthesize unshocked waveforms at high pressure amplitudes.
It is an object of the present invention to provide acoustic
resonators whose boundary conditions maintain the predetermined
harmonic phases and amplitudes needed to synthesize a desired
A further object of the present invention is to provide acoustic
resonators whose boundary conditions are designed to exploit the
relative phases of harmonics as a means to dramatically extend the
pressure amplitude shock-limit normally associated with high
relative amplitude harmonics.
A still further object of the present invention is to provide
extremely high-amplitude pressure-asymmetric waves at resonance.
The acoustic resonator of the present invention includes a chamber
containing a fluid. A chamber's geometry, as well as the acoustic
properties of the chamber wall material and the fluid, creates the
boundary conditions needed to produce the harmonic phases and
amplitudes of a predetermined waveform. The chambers have a
continuously varying cross-sectional area in order to avoid
turbulence due to high acoustic particle velocities, and in order
to allow high relative amplitude harmonics.
The acoustic resonators of the invention can be used in acoustic
compressors to provide large compressions for various
applications, such as heat exchange systems.
As described above, the acoustic resonators of the present
invention provide a number of advantages and can achieve
peak-to-peak acoustic pressure amplitudes which are many times
higher than the medium's ambient pressure. In particular, it is a
surprising advantage that these extremely high amplitude pressure
oscillations, which have precisely controlled waveforms, can be
provided with very simple resonator geometries.
These and other objects and advantages of the invention will
become apparent from the accompanying specifications and drawings,
wherein like reference numerals refer to like parts throughout.
FIG. 1 is a graphical representation of the absolute
peak-to-peak pressure amplitude limit for a sine wave;
FIG. 2 is a graphical representation of the mode
frequencies and harmonic frequencies for a harmonically tuned
FIG. 3 is a graphical representation of the waveforms
produced within a harmonically tuned resonator, when the drive
frequency is varied about the fundamental resonance;
FIGS. 4A-4C is a graphical representation of the relative
harmonic phases corresponding to the three waveforms shown in
FIG. 3;
FIG. 5 is a sectional view of a resonator which provides a
stepped impedance change;
FIG. 6 is a sectional view of a resonator which provides a
partially distributed impedance change;
FIG. 7 is a sectional view of a resonator in accordance
with the present invention which employs a distributed impedance
change geometry for producing asymmetric positive waveforms;
FIG. 8 provides theoretical and experimental data for the
resonator shown in FIG. 7;
FIG. 9 is a sectional view of a resonator in accordance
with the present invention which employs a distributed impedance
change geometry for altering the harmonic amplitudes of the
resonator in FIG. 7;
FIG. 10 provides theoretical and experimental data for the
resonator shown in FIG. 9;
FIG. 11 is a sectional view of a resonator in accordance
with the present invention which employs a distributed impedance
change geometry for producing asymmetric negative waveforms;
FIG. 12 provides theoretical data for the resonator shown
in FIG. 11;
FIG. 13 is a sectional view of a resonator in accordance
with the present invention which employs a distributed impedance
change geometry for producing asymmetric negative waveforms;
FIG. 14 provides theoretical and experimental data for the
resonator shown in FIG. 13;
FIGS. 15A and 15B are sectional views of a resonator in
accordance with the present invention which is employed in an
acoustic compressor; and
FIG. 16 is a sectional view of a resonator in accordance
with the invention shown within a compressor/evaporation system.
Anharmonic resonators having localized impedance changes
As described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,319,938, anharmonic resonators
with abrupt changes in cross sectional area will significantly
reduce the relative amplitudes of the harmonics. These abrupt
changes in area introduce a localized acoustic impedance change
within the resonator. An example of an abrupt impedance change is
shown in FIG. 5, where a resonator 2 is formed by joining a large
diameter section 4 to a small diameter section 6. This abrupt
change in cross sectional area creates an impedance step 8, which
is highly localized with respect to the resonator's length.
Since localized impedance change (LI hereafter means Localized
Impedance change) resonators tend to maintain harmonics at low
relative amplitude, the waveform remains substantially sinusoidal.
Anharmonic resonators having distributed impedance changes
The preferred embodiment of the present invention includes a
resonator having a distributed impedance change (DI hereafter
means Distributed Impedance change). Unlike LI resonators, DI
resonators can easily allow high relative amplitude harmonics to
The resonators shown in FIGS. 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 13 illustrate the
differences between LI and DI resonators. FIG. 6 shows a resonator
10 which is reproduced from FIG. 6 of U.S. Pat. No. 5,319,938.
Resonator 10 includes conical section 16 which joins large
diameter section 12 to small diameter section 14. Unlike the
resonator of FIG. 5, this change in cross sectional area is not
completely localized, but is partially distributed. This partially
distributed area change results in a partially distributed
impedance change, which occurs along the length of conical section
Here, and throughout, the term partially distributed is used to
imply less than the entire length of the resonator. The terms LI
and DI are not used to imply a specific extent of distribution.
For example, between the LI resonator of FIG. 5 and the fully DI
resonators of FIGS. 7, 9, 11 and 13 there exists a continuum of
partially DI resonators. Thus, the present invention's scope is
not limited to a specific degree of distributed impedance.
Conversely, the scope of the invention includes the employment of
the specific distributed impedance required by a given application
or desired waveform.
The resonators shown in FIGS. 7, 9, 11 and 13 provide embodiments
of the present invention which avoid abrupt area changes in order
to provide high amplitude harmonics. When compared at the same
fundamental amplitude, the present invention's resonators can
provide higher amplitude harmonics than the more abrupt area
change resonators shown in FIGS. 5 and 6.
Due to their comparatively low relative amplitude harmonics, the
resonators of FIGS. 5 and 6 would need much higher fundamental
amplitudes to generate the relative harmonic amplitudes needed to
cause an appreciable change in the waveform. However, the
excessive turbulence caused by abrupt area changes makes higher
fundamental amplitudes extremely difficult and inefficient to
For example, when the resonator of FIG. 6 has an average pressure
P0 of 85 psia and a peak-to-peak pressure amplitude of 60 psi, all
harmonic amplitudes are at least 25 dB below the fundamental,
resulting in a nearly sinusoidal waveform. At peak-to-peak
pressures of 60 psi and above, turbulence begins to dominate the
performance, as evidenced by high-amplitude high-frequency noise
riding on the fundamental, and by excessive power consumption.
In order to avoid turbulence at the design conditions the
preferred embodiment of the present invention includes resonators
having a radius r and an axial coordinate z, where dr/dz is
continuous wherever particle velocities are high enough so as to
otherwise cause turbulence due to the discontinuity. The preferred
embodiment also avoids excessive values of d@2 r/dz@2 where
particle velocities are high, in order to prevent turbulence which
would otherwise occur as a result of excessive radial fluid
Harmonic phase within harmonic resonators
In order to provide some helpful insight into the resonators of
the present invention it is instructive to first examine the
simpler case of harmonic resonators.
Within harmonic resonators, harmonic phases have a strong but
predictable frequency dependence when the drive frequency is in
the vicinity of a mode frequency, as shown in the literature (see
for example, W. Chester, Resonant oscillations in closed tubes, J.
Fluid Mech. 18, 44-64 (1964)).
These effects are considered for harmonics 1-5 as follows for the
example of a harmonic resonator driven at frequencies very close
to a mode frequency. FIG. 2 illustrates the case of a perfectly
harmonic cylindrical resonator for three drive frequencies: f1
below, f2 equal to and f3 above the resonance frequency of mode 1.
The bottom horizontal axis indicates the resonance frequencies of
the first five modes of the resonator (denoted by the vertical
lines at 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 Hz). The three horizontal
lines with superposed symbols provide axes for the wave's
fundamental and associated lower harmonics (denoted by the
symbols) at drive frequencies f1, f2 and f3.
The frequency-dependent harmonic phase relationships can be
qualitatively demonstrated by the following:
where E(t) is the acoustic pressure(which adds to the ambient
pressure P0), An is the amplitude of each harmonic n, f is the
##EQU1## fundamental (or drive) frequency of the acoustic wave and
.phi.n is the frequency-dependent phase of each harmonic n.
FIG. 3 provides the resulting waveforms, as measured at either end
of the cylindrical resonator, for the three drive frequencies f1,
f2 and f3 of FIG. 2. All of the drive frequencies f are near the
lowest resonance frequency of the resonator. For this example, the
amplitudes of the fundamental and harmonics are given by An =1/n
for each of the three waveforms (note that this ignores any
frequency dependence that An may have). In FIG. 3, time is the
horizontal axis and pressure is the vertical axis, where P0 is the
ambient pressure of the medium.
Referring to FIG. 2, drive frequency f1 is below the mode 1
frequency, causing the frequency of harmonic n (nf1) to fall
between the frequencies of modes n-1 and n. The resulting
fundamental and harmonic phases are .phi.n =-90 DEG for each n.
The pressure waveform is calculated using Equation 1 and is
denoted by f1 in FIG. 3. This waveform is referred to as
asymmetric negative (AN), since P- > P+ .
Drive frequency f2 in FIG. 2 is equal to the mode 1 frequency,
causing the frequency of harmonic n to be equal to the frequency
of mode n. The resulting fundamental and harmonic phases are
.phi.n =0 DEG for each n. The pressure waveform is denoted by f2
in FIG. 3, where the wave is shocked and P+ = P- .
Drive frequency f3 in FIG. 2 is greater than the mode 1 frequency
but less than the mode 2 frequency, causing the frequency of
harmonic n to fall between the frequencies of modes n and n+1. The
resulting fundamental and harmonic phases are .phi.n =90 DEG for
each n. The pressure waveform is denoted by f3 in FIG. 3, and is
referred to as asymmetric positive (AP), since P+ > P- .
The relative phases of the first three harmonics (with frequencies
f, 2f and 3f) for each waveform shown in FIG. 3 are demonstrated
in FIGS. 4A-4C. Note that the amplitude of each harmonic has been
normalized. For different phase angles .phi.n the relative
positions in time of each harmonic component of a wave change.
When the harmonic resonator's drive frequency is swept up through
the lowest resonance frequency the phases .phi.n sweep from -90
DEG through 0 DEG (at resonance) to +90 DEG taking a continuum of
values within the range. Note that as the drive frequency f is
swept through the resonance frequency of mode n=1, each harmonic
frequency nf will be swept through the resonance frequency of the
nth mode. Phases .phi.n between -90 DEG and 0 DEG will produce AN
waves, and phases .phi.n between 0 DEG and +90 DEG will produce AP
waves. When .phi.n =.±.90 DEG the waveforms will be symmetric in
time like f1 and f3 of FIG. 3, and when -90 DEG<.phi.n <+90
DEG, the waveforms will be asymmetric in time. As the .phi.n
approach 0 from a value of .±.90 DEG, the waveforms become
progressively more time asymmetric as they evolve towards a
sawtooth waveform (i.e., a shockwave). For simplicity, nonlinear
effects which cause the resonance frequencies to change (such as
hardening or softening nonlinearities) are not considered in the
previous example. Another effect that has been ignored is that, as
the phases .phi.n approach 0 DEG, the relative amplitudes of the
harmonics will increase.
The above example of the behavior of a harmonic resonator gives
some insight into how pressure waveforms can be altered by
changing the phases of the harmonics. The present invention
exploits the phenomenon of variable harmonic phase in anharmonic
resonators driven on resonance by altering the resonator's
boundary conditions.
Phase determination in anharmonic resonators
In creating the resonator boundary conditions needed to control
both harmonic phase and amplitude, the present invention provides
a means to synthesize a desired waveform over a wide range of
acoustic pressure amplitudes. This new capability is referred to
as Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis (RMS).
The so-called pressure amplitude "shock-limit" is commonly
associated with high relative amplitudes of the harmonics. RMS
demonstrates that shock formation is more precisely a function of
harmonic phase. The present invention exploits the ability to
alter the phase of the harmonics, thereby dramatically extending
the shock-limit to permit heretofore unachievable pressure
Some insight into the significance of phase variations can be
gained in reference to FIGS. 3 and 4A-4C. The fundamental and
harmonic amplitudes (An of Equation 1) of f2 and f3 are the same.
By changing only the harmonic phase, f2 experiences a 30% increase
in peak-to-peak pressure amplitude. In practice, the gain in the
maximum possible pressure amplitude will be much greater. When the
phases of the harmonics are changed from 0 DEG to +90 DEG, the
classic shock is removed and the power once dissipated due to the
shock front can contribute to much higher pressure amplitudes.
As shown in FIGS. 2, 3 and 4A-4C, the frequency dependence of the
phases of the harmonics seen in harmonic resonators is
predictable, and uniformly imparts a phase shift of like sign to
the lower harmonics of the fundamental. This phase shift (and the
resulting waveform change) occurs as the resonator is swept
through resonance. The anharmonic resonators of the present
invention are designed to give a desired waveform (determined by
the harmonic amplitudes and phases) while running at a resonance
frequency. Even though the mode-harmonic proximities of anharmonic
resonators are fixed (while the drive frequency is kept equal to a
resonance frequency), phase and amplitude effects similar to those
of harmonic resonators still exist. These effects are exploited in
the design of the boundary conditions (determined by the geometry
of the walls and by the acoustical properties of the wall material
and fluid in the resonator) of the present invention, whereby
different phases and relative amplitudes can be imparted to
individual harmonics as required for a desired waveform.
In the following embodiments, only the fundamental (of frequency
f, where f is the drive frequency) and harmonics 2 (of frequency
2f) and 3 (of frequency 3f) are considered. The greater a
harmonic's relative amplitude the greater its potential effect on
the net waveform. The nonlinear processes through which energy is
transferred to higher harmonics tend to result in harmonics that
diminish in amplitude as the number of the harmonic rises. Thus, a
fairly accurate representation of the final waveform can be
achieved by considering the fundamental and harmonics 2 and 3. In
practice, the same analytical methods used to determine the
amplitude and phase of harmonics 2 and 3 can be extended to
harmonics 4 and higher, in order to determine their impact on the
net waveform.
Specific mechanical means for providing the driving power to the
following embodiments of the present invention are described in
U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,319,938 and 5,231,337 the entire contents of
which are hereby incorporated by reference. The driving method
used in FIGS. 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 13 assumes a resonator having
reflective terminations at each end, which is oscillated (driven)
along its cylindrical axis at the frequency of a mode.
Alternatively, a resonator can be driven by replacing one of the
reflective terminations with a vibrating piston. Drive power can
also be thermally delivered, as in the case of a thermoacoustic
prime mover (as in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,953,366 and 4,858,441) or by
exploiting a fluid's periodic absorption of electromagnetic energy
as in U.S. Pat. No. 5,020,977. Detail driving methods are omitted
in the following discussions and drawings for simplicity, although
FIGS. 15A, 15B and 16 show block diagrams of a driver connected to
drive a resonator which is also connected to a flow impedance.
For an anharmonic resonator it is difficult to predict a
harmonic's phase merely by its proximity to a given resonant mode.
However, the harmonic phases and other properties of the resonator
can be predicted with existing analytical methods. Such properties
can include the particle velocity, resonant mode frequencies,
power consumption, resonance quality factor, harmonic phases and
amplitudes and resulting waveforms. Determination of the acoustic
field inside a resonator depends on the solution of a differential
equation that describes the behavior of a fluid when high
amplitude sound waves are present. One nonlinear equation that may
be used is the NTT wave equation (J. Naze Tj.phi.tta and S.
Tj.phi.tta, "Interaction of sound waves. Part I: Basic equations
and plane waves," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 82, 1425-1428 (1987)), which
is given by ##EQU2## where the coefficient of nonlinearity is
defined by .beta.=1+B/2A. The Lagrangian density L is defined by:
##EQU3## The variable p is the acoustic pressure; u is the
acoustic particle velocity; t is time; x, y, and z are space
variables; c0 is the small signal sound speed; .rho.0 is the
ambient density of the fluid; B/2A is the parameter of
nonlinearity (R. T. Beyer, "Parameter of nonlinearity in fluids,"
J. Acoust Soc. Am. 32, 719-721 (1960)); and .delta. is referred to
as the sound diffusivity, which accounts for the effects of
viscosity and heat conduction on a wave propagating in free space
(M. J. Lighthill, Surveys in Mechanics, edited by G. K. Batchelor
and R. M. Davies (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England,
1956), pp. 250-351).
For the embodiments of the present invention described in FIGS. 8,
10, 12 and 14 the theoretical values are predicted by solutions of
Equation 2. The solutions are based on a lossless (.delta.=0)
version of Equation 2 restricted to one spatial dimension (z).
Losses are included on an ad hoc basis by calculating
thermoviscous boundary layer losses (G. W. Swift, "Thermoacoustic
engines," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, 1145-1180 (1988)).
The method used to solve Equation 2 is a finite element analysis.
For each finite element the method of successive approximations
(to third order) is applied to the nonlinear wave equation
described by Equation 2 to derive linear differential equations
which describe the acoustic fields at the fundamental, second
harmonic and third harmonic frequencies. The coefficient of
nonlinearity .beta. is determined by experiment for any given
fluid. The analysis is carried out on a computer having a central
processing unit and program and data memory (ROM and RAM
respectively). The computer is programmed to solve Equation 2
using the finite element analysis described above. The computer is
provided with a display in the form of a monitor and/or printer to
permit output of the calculations and display of the waveform
shapes for each harmonic.
The comparisons of theory and experiment shown for the embodiments
of the present invention in FIGS. 8, 10, 12 and 14 reveal good
agreement between predicted and measured data. More accurate
mathematical models may be developed by solving Equation 2 for 2
or 3 spatial dimensions. Also, a more exact wave equation can be
used (Equation 2 is exact to quadratic order in the acoustic
For the embodiments of the present invention described in the
remainder of this section the solutions of Equation 2 are used to
provide predictions of harmonic phase and amplitude. The simple
concepts developed for illustration in the previous section for
harmonic resonators (i.e., the relative position of modes and
harmonics in the frequency domain) are considered as well and are
shown not to be uniformly valid.
First, a simple embodiment of the present invention which will
provide AP waves is considered. Referring to FIGS. 2 and 3, the
phases which provided AP wave f3 were obtained by placing the
frequencies of the lower harmonics (nf) between the frequencies of
modes n and n+1. Similar mode-harmonic proximities can exist in
anharmonic resonators which provide AP waves.
Anharmonic DI resonator 22 of FIG. 7 provides an on-resonance AP
wave. Resonator 22 is formed by a conical chamber 24 which has a
throat flange 26 and a mouth flange 28. The two open ends of
conical chamber 24 are rigidly terminated by a throat plate 30 and
a mouth plate 32, fastened respectively to throat flange 26 and
mouth flange 28. The axial length of chamber 24 alone is 17.14 cm
and the respective chamber inner diameters at the throat (smaller
end) and mouth (larger end) are 0.97 cm and 10.15 cm.
FIG. 8 shows the calculated design phases and pressure
distributions along the axial length L of resonator 22 for the
fundamental and 2nd and 3rd harmonics, e.g., graphs (a), (b) and
(c) respectively. Also shown is the net pressure waveform, graph
(d), obtained by the summation in time (using Equation 1) ) of the
fundamental, 2nd and 3nd harmonics with the proper phases .phi.n
and amplitudes An at the throat end (z=0) of resonator 22 using
Equation 2. For comparison is the waveform, graph (e), constructed
from the amplitudes and phases of the fundamental and 2nd and 3rd
harmonics measured when the resonator was charged with HFC-134a to
a pressure of 85 psia. As in the case of an AP wave in a harmonic
resonator the frequencies of the lower harmonics (nf) are between
the frequencies of modes n and n+1.
When a 7/4 scaled-up version of resonator 22 was pressurized to 85
psia with HFC-134a, waveforms were generated with acoustic
particle velocities above MACH 1 and associated peak-to-peak
pressure oscillations above 400 psi.
DI resonators, like resonator 22 of FIG. 7, can provide AP waves
which are useful in Rankine-cycle applications, as discussed
above. Other applications may require different wave properties.
For example, a given application may require keeping P+ constant
and increasing P- by 25% while reducing power consumption.
Anharmonic resonator 34 of FIGS. 9 and 10 provides one of the many
possible approaches to meet the design requirements of increased
P- and reduced power consumption. Using resonator 22 as a starting
point, we can see from the (+90 DEG ) curves in FIG. 4 that
reducing the 2nd harmonic amplitude will increase P- if phase
remains unchanged. Alternatively, increasing the 3nd harmonic
amplitude will increase P- . As shown in FIG. 8, conical resonator
22 allows very high relative amplitude harmonics to exist. In
order to alter the harmonic amplitudes, a change in the boundary
conditions of conical resonator 22 is required, such as making d@2
r/dz@2 non-zero at some point. Resonator 34 of FIG. 9 provides an
appropriate boundary condition change and is formed by a chamber
36 having a curved section 38, a conical section 40, a throat
flange 42 and a mouth flange 44. Resonator 34 is rigidly
terminated by a throat plate 46 and a mouth plate 48. The axial
length of chamber 36 alone is 17.14 cm and the mouth inner
diameter is 10.15 cm. Curved section 38 is 4.28 cm long, and its
diameter as a function of axial coordinate z is given by: ##EQU4##
where z is in meters, m=33.4 and Dth =0.097 m.
FIG. 10 shows the calculated design data for resonator 34, (graphs
(a)-(d)) including the waveform constructed from measured data
(graph (e)) for a 85 psia charge of HFC-134a. The relative
amplitude of the 2nd harmonic has been reduced from 0.388 for
resonator 22 (29.2 psi for the second harmonic divided by 75.3 psi
for the fundamental), to 0.214 psi for resonator 34 (18.88 psi
divided by 88.02 psi). This reduction in 2nd harmonic leads to a
25% increase in P- . Power consumption has also been reduced.
Another simple embodiment of the present invention is anharmonic
DI resonator 50, which is designed to provide AN waves. Resonator
50 is formed by a curved chamber 52, having a throat flange 54 and
a mouth flange 56. The two open ends of curved chamber 52 are
rigidly terminated by a throat plate 58 and a mouth plate 60,
fastened respectively to throat flange 54 and mouth flange 56. The
axial length of chamber 52 alone is 24.24 cm and the mouth inner
diameter is 9.12 cm. The inner diameter of chamber 52, as a
function of axial coordinate z, is given by:
where z is in meters, and z=0 is at the throat (amaller) end of
the chamber. FIG. 12 shows the calculated design data for
resonator 50. The calculated time waveform shows the desired AN
symmetry, which results from the -90 DEG phase of the 2nd
harmonic. Referring to FIGS. 2, 3 and 4A-4C, the phases which
produced AN wave f1 for a harmonic resonator were obtained by
placing frequencies nf of the harmonics between the frequencies of
modes n-1 and n. Anharmonic DI resonator 50 of FIGS. 11 and 12,
which produces AN waves, also has harmonic frequencies nf between
the frequencies of modes n-1 and n for n=2 and 3.
In the anharmonic resonators 22 and 50 of FIGS. 7 and 11
respectively, AP and AN waves were provided. In both cases, the
simple concepts illustrated for harmonic resonators which relate
harmonic phase to the relative position in the frequency domain of
harmonics and modes were also valid for the anharmonic resonators.
While these simple cases help to provide some insight, the simple
concepts illustrated for harmonic resonators are not always valid
for anharmonic resonators and are not sufficiently sophisticated
to realize the present invention's potential. Rigorous
mathematical models such as the one based on Equation 2 are best
suited to the design of the present invention.
For example, a resonator's modes need not be shifted up in
frequency, as in resonator 50, in order to provide AN waves. FIGS.
13 and 14 show a resonator 62 whose modes are shifted down in
frequency, similar to resonator 22. Unlike resonator 22, which
produces AP waves, resonator 62 provides AN waves.
Resonator 62 is formed by a curved chamber 64, having a throat
flange 66 and a mouth flange 68. The two open ends of curved
chamber 64 are rigidly terminated by a throat plate 70 and a mouth
plate 72, fastened respectively to throat flange 66 and mouth
flange 68. The axial length of chamber 64 alone is 24.24 cm. The
inner diameter of chamber 64, as a function of axial coordinate z,
is given by: ##EQU5## where z is in meters and the coordinate
origin is at the throat open end of the resonator 62.
FIG. 14 shows the calculated design data for resonator 62,
including the waveform constructed from data measured when
resonator 62 was charged with HFC-134a to a pressure of 85 psia.
The desired AN wave symmetry, which results from the -90 DEG 2nd
harmonic phase is present for the theoretical and measured
The resonators of the present invention are ideal for use in
acoustic compressors. Acoustic compressors and their various valve
arrangements are discussed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,020,977, 5,167,124
and 5,319,938, the entire contents of which are hereby
incorporated by reference. In general, acoustic compressors can be
used for many applications. Some examples include the compression
or pumping of fluids or high purity fluids, heat transfer cycles,
gas transport and processing and energy conversion.
FIGS. 15A and 15B illustrate an acoustic compressor in a closed
cycle, which uses a resonator of the present invention. In FIG.
15A, resonator 74 has a throat flange 76 and a mouth flange 78.
Resonator 74 is rigidly terminated by a mouth plate 80 fastened to
mouth flange 78. A valve head 82 is attached to throat flange 76
and has a discharge valve 84 and a suction valve 86, which are
respectively connected to flow impedance 88 by conduits 90 and 92.
Discharge valve 84 and suction valve 86 serve to convert the
oscillating pressure within resonator 74 into a net fluid flow
through flow impedance 88. Flow impedance 88 could include a heat
exchange system or an energy conversion device. The resonator 74
may be preferably driven by a driver 94, such as an
electromagnetic shaker well known in the art, which mechanically
oscillates the entire resonator 74 in a manner described in either
of U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,319,938 and 5,231,337 incorporated herein by
reference. Resilient mountings 96 are provided to secure the
resonator 74 and driver 94 to a fixed member 98 which secures the
resonator/driver assembly.
FIG. 15B is similar to FIG. 15A wherein the mouth plate 80 of the
resonator 74 is replaced by a piston 80' in which case driver 94'
takes the form of an electromagnetic driver such as a voice coil
driver for oscillating the piston. This arrangement is well known
to those of skill in the art.
FIG. 16 illustrates the use of the resonator 74 as a compressor,
in a compression-evaporation refrigeration system. In FIG. 16, the
resonator is connected in a closed loop, consisting of a condenser
124, capillary tube 126, and evaporator 130. This arrangement
constitutes a typical compression-evaporation system, which can be
used for refrigeration, air-conditioning, heat pumps or other heat
transfer applications. In this case, the fluid comprises a
compression-evaporation refrigerant. The driver 94" may be either
an entire resonator driver per FIG. 15A or a piston type driver
per FIG. 15B.
In operation, a pressurized liquid refrigerant flows into
evaporator 130 from capillary tube 126 (serving as a pressure
reduction device), therein experiencing a drop in pressure. This
low pressure liquid refrigerant inside evaporator 130 then absorbs
its heat of vaporization from the refrigerated space 128, thereby
becoming a low pressure vapor. The standing wave compressor
maintains a low suction pressure, whereby the low pressure
vaporous refrigerant is drawn out of evaporator 130 and into the
standing wave resonator 74. This low pressure vaporous refrigerant
is then acoustically compressed within resonator 74, and
subsequently discharged into condenser 124 at a higher pressure
and temperature. As the high pressure gaseous refrigerant passes
through condenser 124, it gives up heat and condenses into a
pressurized liquid once again,. This pressurize liquid refrigerant
then flows through capillary tube 126, and the thermodynamic cycle
The advantages of resonators having changing cross-sectional area,
such as reduced particle velocity, viscous energy dissipation and
thermal energy dissipation, are explained in U.S. Pat. No.
5,319,938, which is hereby incorporated by reference for these
It is noted that in the preferred embodiments of the resonator
chamber illustrated in FIGS. 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15, the chamber has
an interior region which is structurally empty and contains only
the fluid (e.g., refrigerant). Production of the desired waveform
is achieved by changing the internal cross sectional area of the
chamber along the longitudinal, z, axis so as to achieve the
desired harmonic phases and amplitudes without producing undue
While the above description contains many dimensional
specifications, these should not be construed as limitations on
the scope of the invention, but rather as exemplifications of
preferred embodiments thereof. The preferred embodiments focus on
the resonant synthesis of a desired waveform within resonators of
very simple geometry. Thus, the scope of the present invention is
not limited to a specific resonator design, but rather to the
exploitation of a resonator's boundary conditions to control
harmonic amplitude and phase, thereby providing Resonant
Macrosonic Synthesis.
The number of specific embodiments of the present invention is as
varied as the number of desired properties. Such properties could
include energy consumption, the ratio of throat-to-mouth pressure
amplitudes, resonance quality factor, desired pressure amplitudes,
exact waveform and the operating fluid. There is a continuum of
resonator geometries having the boundary conditions needed to
provide a given property. A resonator's boundary conditions can be
altered by changing the wall geometry, which includes flat or
curved mouth plates and throat plates. Variation of plate
curvature can be used to alter mode frequencies, acoustic particle
velocity, resonance quality factor and energy consumption. The
exact geometry chosen for a given design will reflect the order of
importance of the desired properties. In general, a resonator's
geometry could be cylindrical, spherical, toroidal, conical,
horn-shaped or combinations of the above.
An important characteristic of the invention is the ability to
achieve steady state waveforms which are synthesized as a result
of selection of the chamber boundary conditions, i.e., the
waveforms persist over time as the compressor is being operated.
Thus, in one preferred application to relatively low pressure
compressors, the steady state operation of the compressor would
supply steady state peak to peak pressure amplitudes as a
percentage of mean pressure in the ranges of 0.5-25%, or more
selectively between one of: 0.5-1.0%; 1.0-5.0%; 5.0-10.%; 10-15%;
15-20%; 20-25%; 10-25%; 15-25% and 20-25%. In relatively moderate
pressure applications, the percentages may range from 25-100% and
more selectively between one of: 30-100%; 40-100%; 50-100%;
60-100%; 70-100%; 80-100% and 90-100%. In relatively high pressure
applications these percentages may include values greater than
100% and more selectively values greater than any one of: 125%;
150%; 175%; 200%; 300% and 500%.
There are many ways to exploit the basic features of the present
invention which will readily occur to one skilled in the art. For
example, the waveforms provided by the present invention are not
limited to those discussed herein. The present invention can
provide different phases and relative amplitudes for each harmonic
by varying the boundary conditions of the resonator, thereby
providing a wide variety of means to control the resulting
waveform. Also, the phase effects imparted to a harmonic by a
resonant mode are not restricted to only longitudinal modes.
Furthermore, non-sinusoidal waves do not have to be pressure
asymmetric. Shock-free waves can be non-sinusoidal and pressure
symmetric by providing low even-harmonic amplitudes and high
odd-harmonic amplitudes with non-zero phases. Thus, the present
invention can provide a continuum of pressure asymmetry.
Still further, the resonators of the present invention can be
scaled up or down in size and still provide similar waveforms,
even though operating frequencies and power consumption can
change. Accordingly, the scope of the invention should be
determined not by the embodiments illustrated, but by the appended
claims and their equivalents.
Acoustic resonator power delivery
A vibrational acoustic unit comprises a dynamic force motor, a
power take-off spring having one end attached to the dynamic force
motor and the other end attached to a fluid filled acoustic
resonator. The motor oscillates the entire acoustic resonator so
as to excite a resonant mode of the acoustic resonator. A method
of delivering power to an acoustic resonator comprises resiliently
connecting a motor to the resonator, and driving the motor to
oscillate the entire acoustic resonator so as to excite a resonant
mode of the acoustic resonator.
1. Field of Invention
This invention relates to power delivery systems for the
transduction of mechanical power into acoustic power through the
oscillation of an entire resonator to excite a resonant mode,
having applications to any acoustic resonator shape.
2. Description of Related Art
There are a number of different ways to deliver power to a
standing acoustic wave which are known in the field of acoustics.
The method of entire resonator driving, as described in U.S. Pat.
Nos. 5,319,938 and 5,515,684, depends on vibrating the entire
resonator back and forth in order to use the resonator's inner
surface area as the power delivery surface. This approach requires
a motor that provides a dynamic force to create the resonator
As shown in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,319,938; 5,231,337; and 5,515,684,
incorporated herein by reference, motors used for entire resonator
driving typically comprise two moving motor components. FIG. 1
illustrates a prior art device where motor component 4 is rigidly
connected to the fluid-filled acoustic resonator 2, and motor
component 6 is resiliently mounted to motor component 4 by a
spring 8. When a dynamic force is generated between these two
motor components, they move dynamically in reactive opposition to
each other, thus causing the entire resonator to oscillate so that
power is delivered to the fluid. The heavier motor component 6 may
be resiliently connected to ground.
FIG. 2 shows a lumped element diagram of the prior art device of
FIG. 1. The fluid within the resonator is modeled as spring 14 and
mass 12. Associated with each spring is a damper. Since motor mass
4a and resonator mass 2a are rigidly connected they comprise a
single moving mass of the system.
Power is delivered to the standing wave according to
1/(2.omega.)FA sin .theta., where .omega.=2.pi.f with f being the
drive frequency, F is the magnitude of the force exerted at the
face 10 of motor mass 4a, A is the magnitude of the acceleration
of motor mass 4a and the resonator mass 2a, and .theta. is the
(temporal) phase angle between F and A. The motor must supply not
only the force needed to deliver power to the acoustic load but
also to directly oscillate motor mass 4a and resonator mass 2a
back and forth. The force required to oscillate masses 2a and 4a
is not delivered to the acoustic load. However, generating this
mass-driving force results in energy losses due to the motor's
transduction efficiency and thus reduces the overall efficiency of
the power delivery system.
A further source of inefficiency in the prior art system shown in
FIGS. 1 and 2 is its limited control of the power factor sin
.theta.. If .theta.=90 DEG then the power factor sin .theta.=1. If
.theta. assumes values progressively less or greater than 90 DEG
then the required motor force increases thus minimizing the energy
efficiency of the power delivery system. Adjusting the resonator
mass 2a and the motor mass 4a can help tune the power factor
toward unity, but structural stiffness and pressure rating
requirements for the resonator as well as design requirements for
the motor will limit the degree of freedom to make such
It is well known in the art of vibrational motors that adjusting
the stiffness of spring 8a of FIG.2 in order to tune the
mechanical resonance close to the acoustic resonance will reduce
the required motor force for a given power delivery. However, this
can result in greatly amplified displacements between the moving
components which generate excessive noise and higher spring
stresses. A control is generally required to keep the drive
frequency locked to the acoustic resonance since sound speed
changes due to heating and other effects will cause the acoustic
resonant frequency to drift during operation. If the mechanical
resonance frequency is tuned close to the acoustic resonance, then
severe control problems can occur due to resonance repulsion
phenomena if the resonant frequency drift brings the two resonant
peaks too close together.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a power take
off (PTO) spring between a dynamic force motor and a resonant
acoustic load which for a given acoustic power delivery reduces
the required motor force, reduces the motor size requirement,
allows greater control of mechanical power factor, reduces motor
energy dissipation losses due to lower required forces thus
improving system efficiency, allows tuning of all the relative
displacements and phases of all oscillating mass components, and
allows greater design flexibility on overall motor topology. These
and other objects and advantages of the invention will become
apparent from the accompanying specifications and drawings,
wherein like reference numerals refer to like parts throughout.
The invention may be characterized as a vibrational acoustic unit
comprising a dynamic force motor, a power take-off spring having
one end attached to the dynamic force motor and the other end
attached to a fluid filled acoustic resonator, wherein the entire
acoustic resonator is oscillated so as to excite a resonant mode
of the acoustic resonator.
The invention may also be characterized as a method of delivering
power to an acoustic resonator comprising the steps of resiliently
and exclusively connecting a motor to the resonator, and driving
the motor to oscillate the entire acoustic resonator so as to
excite a resonant mode of the acoustic resonator.
The invention may further be characterized as a method of driving
an acoustic resonator comprising the steps of connecting a motor
to the resonator using a resilient connection, and driving the
motor to oscillate the entire acoustic resonator so as to excite a
resonant mode of the acoustic resonator, the motor exciting the
resonant mode through the resilient connection.
FIG. 1 illustrates a prior art acoustic power delivery
FIG. 2 is a lumped element diagram of the FIG. 1 prior art
FIG. 3 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention
having a two-mass dynamic force motor;
FIG. 4 is a lumped element diagram of the embodiment of
FIG. 3;
FIG. 5 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention
having a two-mass dynamic motor including a flat lamination
variable-reluctance EI motor;
FIG. 6 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention
having a two-mass dynamic motor including a tape-wound
lamination variable-reluctance motor;
FIG. 7 illustrates an alternative magnetic structure for a
variable-reluctance two-mass dynamic motor; and
FIG. 8 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention
having a single-mass flexing motor, which could include a
piezoelectric element or a magnetostrictive element.

FIG. 3 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention where a
power take off (PTO) spring 20 has been added to the prior art
device of FIG. 1 between the moving motor mass 18 and resonator
22. In operation, an dynamic force of frequency f is created
between motor mass 14 and motor mass 18 which causes motor masses
14 and 18 to oscillate at frequency f in reactive opposition to
each other. The periodic displacement of motor mass 18 causes a
dynamic force to be transmitted through spring 20 to resonator 22
which in turn causes a periodic displacement of resonator 22 at
frequency f. If frequency f is equal to a standing wave mode
frequency of the resonator which can be excited by the resonator's
motion, then the periodic displacement of resonator 22 will
transfer energy to that mode.
FIG. 4 provides a lumped element diagram of the embodiment of FIG.
3, comprising motor mass 14a, motor mass 18a, motor spring 16a,
PTO spring 20a, resonator mass 22a, fluid spring 24 and fluid mass
26. When a mode of resonator 22 is being driven, the phases
between the displacements of all masses 14a, 18a, 22a, and 26 are
determined by the respective mass values and by the respective
stiffness and damping values of motor spring 16a, PTO spring 20a,
and fluid spring 24.
Adjusting the stiffness of PTO spring 20a of FIG. 4 provides a
means to tune the mechanical power factor seen by the motor
(represented by masses 14a and 18a) as it delivers power to the
resonator, thus reducing the motor force required for a given
power delivery to the load. PTO spring 20a also prevents rigid
coupling of resonator mass 22a with motor mass 18a, thereby making
possible designs which reduce the motor force required for a given
power delivery to the load. Reducing the required motor force
results in reducing energy losses resulting from the motor's
transduction efficiency and thus improves the overall efficiency
of the power delivery system. Reducing the required motor force
also reduces the required size of the motor, thus reducing the
amount of motor materials required for a given power delivery to
the load.
PTO spring 20a of FIG. 4 allows power factors approaching unity to
be achieved without having to tune any of the mechanical
resonances, associated with springs 16a and 20a, close the driven
acoustic resonance. Thus, component displacements are minimized,
noise is reduced, and excessive spring stresses are avoided.
Providing high power factors, without the risk of crossing
acoustical and mechanical resonance frequencies, eliminates the
severe control problems which occur due to resonance repulsion
The stiffness of each mechanical spring can be chosen so that (i)
the mechanical resonance frequency where motor spring 20a sees its
maximum displacement is above the acoustic resonance frequency and
(ii) the mechanical resonance frequency where spring 16a sees its
maximum displacement is below the acoustic resonance frequency.
This design provides two preferred operating characteristics.
First, fluid heating may cause the acoustic resonance frequency to
increase during operation and this design assures that the
acoustic resonance frequency will not cross the mechanical
resonance frequency associated with the maximum displacement of
spring 16a. Second, provided that the mechanical resonance
frequency associated with the maximum displacement of spring 20a
is sufficiently above the acoustic resonance frequency so that the
two resonances never overlap during operation, then some benefit
can be derived. As the acoustic resonance frequency increases,
accelerations can also be made to increase thereby transferring
more power to the load for the same motor force. Proper selection
of component mass and spring stiffness can also cause the power
factor measured at the air gap to improve as the acoustic
resonance frequency increases.
In general, the addition of PTO spring 20a allows greater system
design flexibility, since the properties of each mechanical
element are more independent. PTO spring 20a allows tuning of all
the relative component displacements, relative displacement
phases, and component masses.
The power delivery unit should be resiliently mounted to ground,
since each component of the system oscillates. For a given design,
the specific acceleration of masses depends on the mass of each
component and stiffness and damping of each spring. The mass with
the lowest acceleration provides a good point for resilient
mounting to ground.
FIG. 5 shows a cross sectional view of a variable reluctance motor
used as a two-mass dynamic force motor in accordance with the
present invention. The variable reluctance motor consists of a
first motor mass 28 formed by a stack of flat "E" laminations
rigidly joined together so that the stack forms a single unit, a
second motor mass 30 formed by a stack of flat "I" laminations
rigidly joined together so that the stack forms a single unit, a
conducting coil 32 wound around the center leg of the E lamination
stack, leaf springs 34, with levels 34a and 34b, which resiliently
join the first and second motor masses 28 and 30 together via
carriages 35 and 37, and a PTO leaf spring 36 which resiliently
connects the second motor mass 30 to resonator 38. Second motor
mass 30 is rigidly connected to carriage 35, and first motor mass
28 is rigidly connected to carriage 37. Carriages 35 and 37 slide
back and forth relative to one another. The motor laminations can
be constructed of silicon steel laminations which are typically
used in transformers. The mass of carriage 35 may be considered to
be part of the second moving mass, and the mass of carriage 37 may
be considered to be part of the first moving mass. The space
between the three legs of the E laminations and the I laminations
comprises an air gap 40. The two levels of leaf springs 34, levels
34a and 34b, allow planer relative motion of second motor mass 30
and first motor mass 28 so as to keep the instantaneous air gap 40
everywhere uniform. Single level springs or any other spring
topology could also be used which provide planer motion of the
In operation, when an alternating current is established in coil
32 a time varying magnetic flux is created within air gap 40 which
is accompanied by a static attractive force and a time varying
attractive force between the first and second motor masses 28 and
30. Motor masses 28 and 30 respond to this time varying force by
oscillating in reactive opposition to each other. Leaf springs 34
provide a bias force to prevent the attractive force from drawing
motor masses 28 and 30 together while still allowing them to
oscillate. The periodic oscillation of motor mass 30 applies a
dynamic force through PTO spring 36 to resonator 38, thus causing
resonator 38 to oscillate along its cylindrical axis. If the
oscillation frequency of resonator 38 is equal to one of the
standing wave mode frequencies which can be excited by the
resonator's motion, then the periodic displacement of resonator 22
will transfer energy into that mode. Variable reluctance motors
provide high energy efficiency when small displacements and large
forces are required, which is typically the case for acoustic
FIG. 6 shows a variable reluctance motor used as a two-mass
dynamic force motor in accordance with the present invention,
which reduces the portion of total magnetic losses caused by
non-grain oriented magnetic flux. The variable reluctance motor
consists of a first motor mass 40 formed by tape-wound laminations
and joined to each other so as to form a single unit, a second
motor mass 42 formed by tape-wound laminations and joined to each
other so as to form a single unit, a conducting coil 44 wound
around the center leg of the first motor mass, leaf springs 46
which resiliently join the first and second motor masses 40 and 42
together via carriages 47 and 49, and a PTO leaf spring 48 which
resiliently connects the second motor mass 42 to resonator 50. The
mass of carriage 47 may be considered to be part of the second
moving mass, and the mass of carriage 49 may be considered to be
part of the first moving mass. In operation the motor of FIG. 6
operates in the same manner as the motor of FIG. 5.
FIG. 7 illustrates an alternative magnetic structure for a
variable-reluctance motor having first motor mass 52 formed of two
tape-wound laminations and a second motor mass 54 formed of a
single tape-wound lamination. While second motor mass 54 does not
prevent cross-grain field orientation, it does provide a simple
and very rigid structure having ends 56 and 58 which provide
convenient connection points for springs, carriages or other
hardware. Many combinations of tape-wound and stacked flat
lamination components can be combined based on given design
requirements and will suggest themselves to those skilled in the
The PTO spring of the present invention can be used in combination
with any type of dynamic force motor. All motors may be thought of
as providing a dynamic force to a member causing some movement in
that member, however small. Thus, all the motors, including all
motors described herein are dynamic force motors.
FIG. 8 describes another type of dynamic force motor. FIG. 8
illustrates an embodiment of the present invention having a PTO
spring 64 with one end connected to a flexing dynamic force motor
60 and the other end connected to a resonator 66. Reaction mass 62
is preferably rigidly connected to flexing dynamic motor 60 at an
end 61 thereof. Reaction mass 62 may be also be resiliently
connected to flexing dynamic motor 60 at end 61, and in this case
it is preferred that the resilient connection be relatively stiff
compared to the spring constant or stiffness of PTO spring 64.
Flexing dynamic motor 60 can be a piezoelectric element, a
magnetostrictive element, or any other element which provides a
dynamic force by periodically flexing or changing its overall
In operation motor 60 of FIG. 8 undergoes a periodic change in its
dimension thus creating a dynamic force of frequency f which is
communicated to resonator 66 through PTO spring 64. In embodiments
in which the dynamic force motor 60 has a small mass relative to
that of the reaction mass 62, the force of the motor 60 is
effectively transferred to the resonator 66 by virtue of the
reaction mass 62 and PTO spring 64 which causes the periodic
displacement of resonator 66 at frequency f. Reaction mass 62
prevents excessive accelerations of the reaction mass end 61 of
motor 60 and maximizes the force of motor 60 applied to PTO spring
64. If the frequency f is equal to a standing wave mode frequency
of the resonator which can be excited by the resonator's motion,
then the periodic displacement of resonator 66 will transfer
energy into that mode. The embodiment of FIG. 8 can be operated
without PTO spring 64 by rigidly connecting motor 60 to resonator
66. However, this would eliminate the advantages described above.
It may be seen that the embodiments of the invention utilize the
PTO spring as the exclusive mechanism to couple the active force
components of the motor to the resonator. Thus, the moving
elements of the motor which are effective in causing oscillation
of the resonator are isolated from the resonator by the resilient
coupling mechanism, i.e., the PTO spring. In contrast, prior art
devices couple the motor to the resonator by a rigid connection
and do not utilize a PTO spring as the primary force path from the
motor to the resonator.
While the above description contains many embodiments of the
invention, these should not be construed as limitations on the
scope of the invention, but rather as an exemplification of
preferred embodiments thereof. Other embodiments which will occur
to those skilled in the art are within the scope of the present
invention. For example, any motor which generates a dynamic force
can be employed such as off-concentric rotational motors,
electrodynamic motors, and electromagnetic motors. Variable
reluctance motors need not use only laminations but can be formed
from pressed materials that have multidirectional grain properties
so as to avoid off-axis grain magnetic losses. The springs may
comprise any spring type which accommodates a particular design
such as coil springs, leaf springs, bellville springs, magnetic
springs, gas springs or other devices that provide a resilient
coupling. The fluids within the resonators of the present
invention can be either liquids or gases. Any type of acoustic
resonator can be used including cylindrical resonators or Resonant
Macrosonic Synthesis (RMS) resonators of any shape as described
for example in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,515,684, 5,319,938, and 5,174,130
the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference.
It should further be appreciated that an excited resonance mode of
the resonator may generally take place anywhere on the resonance
response curve as, for example, at full or near full power, at
half power points, quarter power points or the like. Thus a
resonant mode can be excited over a range of frequencies.
The scope of the present invention is not limited to particular
applications of the acoustic resonator to which power is
delivered. For example the present invention can be applied to
acoustic resonators for oil-less acoustic compressors and pumps
for air compression, refrigeration, comfort air-conditioning,
hazardous fluids, ultra-pure fluids, natural gas, and commercial
gases; acoustic resonators for process control; acoustic
resonators used as process reactors for chemical and
pharmaceutical industries; acoustic resonators for separation of
gases including pressure swing adsorption; and acoustic resonators
for agglomeration, levitation, mixing, and pulverization to name a
few. Such applications may or may not include RMS resonators.
While omitted for clarity, such applications of the invention may
utilize inlet/outlet valves and heat exchange apparatus as shown
in FIG. 13 of U.S. Pat. No. 5,319,938 and FIG. 16 of U.S. Pat. No.
Accordingly, the scope of the invention should be determined not
by the embodiments illustrated, but by the appended claims and
their equivalents.
RMS energy conversion
An energy conversion device comprises an acoustic resonator, a
pulse combustion device for creating a standing wave within said
resonator, and an electric alternator. The alternate is coupled to
the resonator to convert acoustically driven mechanical vibrations
into electrical power.
1) Field of Invention
This invention relates to Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis (RMS)
resonators which are either pulse combustion driven or
thermoacoustically driven for the purpose of energy conversion,
having specific applications to electric power production.
2) Description of Related Art
History reveals a rich variety of technologies conceived for the
purpose of electric power production. Of particular interest are
those technologies designed to combust liquid or gaseous fuels in
order to produce electric power.
Many types of internal combustion engines have been employed which
convert the chemical potential energy of fuels into mechanical
energy which is used to drive an electric alternator. However,
internal combustion engines need frequent periodic maintenance and
provide low conversion efficiencies. Currently, turbines provide
the most efficient conversion of fuels, such as natural gas, into
electric power. The design and manufacturing sophistication which
is inherent in turbine technology can be seen in both their
initial cost and operating cost.
Some effort has been directed to the field of standing acoustic
waves as a means of electric power production. For example, it was
suggested by Swift that the oscillating pressure of
thermoacoustically driven standing waves could be utilized for
driving an alternator to produce electric power (G. W. Swift,
"Thermoacoustic Engines," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, 1166 (1988)).
This would be accomplished by coupling a piston to an open end of
the acoustic resonator and allowing the vibrating piston to drive
a linear alternator The piston would require a gas seal such as a
diaphragm or bellows which raises issues of reliability. Moving
pistons also limit the dynamic force which can be extracted from
the standing wave, thereby limiting the thermoacoustic generator's
Another application of standing acoustic waves to the production
of electric power was reported by Swift which exploited Magneto
Hydrodynamic effects in a thermoacoustically driven liquid sodium
standing wave engine (G. W. Swift, "Thermoacoustic Engines," J.
Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, 1169 (1988)).
Pulse combustion (PC) is a further field of research where
electric power production has been proposed in connection with
standing acoustic waves. Other than Magneto Hydrodynamics the PC
field has apparently received little attention as a means of
producing electric power. Considerable research and development
has occurred in the PC field dating back to the previous century.
In the early 1920s pulse combustors first received attention as a
means to drive electric power producing turbines as seen in U.S.
Pat. No. 1,329,559 to Nikola Tesla. Most of the applications
research performed today relates to producing either heat or
propulsive thrust. For these applications, pulse combustors have
always been comparatively attractive, due to their self-sustaining
combustion cycle, inherent simplicity, and low production of
pollutants. Putnam, Belles, and Kentfield provide a comprehensive
history of pulse combustor development showing many of the
embodiments and applications in the art of pulse combustion (A. A.
Putnam, F. E. Belles, and J. A. C. Kentfield, "Pulse Combustion,"
Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 12, 43-79 (1986)). The field of PC
research is very active with significant efforts taking place at
institutions such as the Gas Research Institute, Sandia Combustion
Labs, and various universities.
In summary, thermoacoustic engines have been proposed as a means
of driving piston-actuated electric alternators to produce
electric power.
However, the concept is in need of certain optimizations,
practical improvements, and simplifications. Little effort has
been directed toward developing a practical system for utilizing
PC-driven standing waves as a means of electric power production.
When compared to contemporary technologies, such as gas turbines,
a PC electric power generator would provide a fuel-to-electric
conversion system of extraordinary simplicity.
It is an object of the present invention to provide pulse
combustion (PC) driven acoustic resonators whose vibratory motion
is used to drive an electric alternator.
A further object of the present invention is to employ resonant
macrosonic synthesis (RMS) resonators as a PC chamber in order to
maximize the acoustic reaction force for a given fuel consumption
rate, thereby improving fuel-to-electric transduction efficiency.
A still further object of the present invention is to increase the
power density of a PC by providing tuned induction as well as
pre-heating and premixing of the combustion reactants.
An even further object of the present invention is to provide a
comparatively inexpensive technology for converting fuels such as
natural gas into electric power.
An additional object of the present invention is to provide needed
optimizations and practical improvements to thermoacoustic
electric power generators.
These and other objects and advantages of the invention will
become apparent from the accompanying specifications and drawings,
wherein like reference numerals refer to like parts throughout.
FIG. 1A shows an alternate embodiment of the embodiment of
FIG. 1.
FIG. 1 is a sectional view of a pulse combustion electric
power generator in accordance with the present invention;
FIG. 2 is a graphical representation of the fundamental
mode's peak pressure distribution corresponding to resonator 2
of FIG. 1;
FIG. 3 is a graphical representation of a pressure-time
waveform which can be provided by RMS resonators having certain
advantages for the present invention;
FIG. 4 is a sectional view of a pulse combustion electric
power generator in accordance with the present invention having
a resonator geometry which increases the acoustically-driven
dynamic forces on the resonator;
FIG. 5 is a graphical representation of the fundamental
mode's peak pressure distribution corresponding to resonator 32
of FIG. 4;
FIG. 6 is a sectional view of a pulse combustion electric
power generator in accordance with the present invention having
tuned induction compressors and reactant pre-combustion mixing;
FIG. 7 is a graphical representation of the static and
dynamic pressures associated with the induction compressors of
FIG. 6.
FIG. 8 is a sectional view of a thermoacoustically driven
electric power generator in accordance with the present

Acoustically driven structural vibration of the combustion chamber
(the resonator) is typically an unwanted byproduct of PC
operation. Considerable research is directed toward minimizing
this unwanted effect. In contrast, the present invention exploits
these vibrations as a means of creating electric power by allowing
the entire resonator to be driven back and forth in response to
the standing wave's dynamic pressure.
FIG. 1 shows an embodiment of the present invention where a RMS
resonator 2 is provided, which is resiliently mounted to the
stationary surrounding environment by springs 3 and 5 thereby
being unrestrained and free to vibrate along its cylindrical axis
z. Resonator 2 has a rigid end wall 26, an annular exhaust port
24, annular exhaust plenum 25, optional throttle valve 14, spark
plug 22, and a valve head 4. Valve head 4 comprises a
fuel-oxidizer plenum 6, a fuel inlet 8, an oxidizer inlet 10 and
reactant inlet valves 12.
Connected to resonator 2 is alternator 16 comprising armature 18
which is rigidly connected to resonator 2 and stator 20 which is
resiliently connected to armature 18. The resilient connection is
shown schematically as spring 28 and damper 30. The term stator is
not used here to imply that stator is stationary. On the contrary,
stator 20 can be unrestrained and free to vibrate or alternatively
it can be rigidly restrained. Optionally, armature 18 could be
spring mounted to resonator 2 in order to provide further control
of the relative vibrational phases of stator 20, armature 18, and
resonator 2.
Many methods exist for starting pulse combustors and spark plug 22
provides one such approach. In operation, spark plug 22 creates a
spark which initiates the combustion of the fuel-oxidizer mixture
inside resonator 2. This initial combustion starts the well known
self-sustaining PC cycle which is driven by the resultant
oscillating pressure inside resonator 2. Once started, the spark
plug can be deactivated and the PC system will run at its
characteristic resonant frequency.
Other methods can be used to vary the resonant frequency such as a
spark timing control circuit 7 in FIG. 1 and rotary valves both of
which are per say well known. Variably-tuned resonator branches
could also be used to vary the resonant frequency. For example, a
variably tuned branch could comprise a narrow cylindrical tube
having one end which opens into the combustion resonator and the
other end fitted with a tuning piston. The resonant frequency of
the combustion chamber could be varied by sliding the tuning
piston within the tube.
Combustion products exit resonator 2 through annular port 24 which
must have sufficient flow area to support the design exhaust flow
rate. FIG. 2 illustrates the fundamental mode's peak pressure
distribution along the length of resonator 2, where z is its
axi-symmetric axis for which z=0 at the narrow end and z=L at the
wide end. Although port 24 can be placed anywhere within the walls
of resonator 2, the preferred placement corresponds to the
fundamental's pressure node shown in FIG. 2 which will tend to
minimize the transmission of dynamic pressure through port 24. If
dynamic pressure is transmitted through port 24, then it can no
longer be converted into useable force as described below. In
general, exhaust port placement should be chosen so as to maximize
the resonator's internal dynamic pressure. Port 24 could be fitted
with optional throttle valve 14 or could be equipped with
compressor-type discharge valves such as reed valves or plate
valves which would open in response to the pressure difference
across the valve.
Once the standing wave is established its oscillating pressure
exerts dynamic forces against the inner walls of resonator 2
causing it to vibrate as a rigid body along the z direction at the
acoustic frequency. Armature 18 is attached to resonator 2 and so
is set into vibration with it. The resulting relative motion of
armature 18 and stator 20 will create electric power in a manner
determined by the generator's topology. In the preferred
embodiment, stator 20 is not stationary but free to move at some
phase angle with respect to the motion of armature 18. Alternator
16 could be a voice coil alternator, a variable reluctance
alternator as shown in U.S. Pat. No. 5,174,130 the entire contents
of which are hereby incorporated by reference, an alternator as
shown in U.S. Pat. No. 5,389,844 the entire contents of which are
hereby incorporated by reference, or any other of a great number
of linear alternators. Other designs that could be employed, but
which lack a literal armature and stator, include piezoelectric
and magnetostrictive alternators. Alternator selection will
reflect the specific design requirements including frequency of
operation, the resonator's vibrational displacement amplitude, and
transduction efficiency between mechanical and electrical power.
The characteristics of the resilient mounting, shown schematically
as spring 28 and damper 30, between armature 18 and stator 20 will
affect the transduction efficiency of the system. Optimal power
factors can be found by modeling the system dynamics and
accounting for all the moving masses, springs and damping in the
system. The specific analytical model will reflect the type of
alternator employed by the system.
The resistance presented to the exhaust flow by port 24, plenum
and optional throttle valve 14 will influence the average pressure
P0 upon which the dynamic pressure is superimposed as shown in
FIG. 2. Other factors influencing the average pressure P0 will
include the inlet flow resistances, the fluid properties, and the
resonator geometry. Throttle valve 14 can be used to adjust the
exhaust flow resistance and thus vary the average pressure P0.
Increasing the outlet flow resistance will increase P0 and
decreasing the outlet flow resistance will reduce P0. For a given
power input, increasing P0 will generally increase the
peak-to-peak dynamic pressure, thereby increasing the dynamic
forces on the resonator, resulting in increased electric power
output. Thus, in order to maximize fuel-to-electric transduction
efficiency the average pressure P0 should be as high as possible
as long as the negative peak pressure -P does not rise above the
reactant supply pressure which would interrupt the intake of fresh
reactants. If discharge valves are used in combination with port
24, then both the flow area of the valve system and the valve's
spring loading, if any, will influence P0. Alternatively,
compressor-type dynamic discharge valves could be located at z=0
where discharge pressures are higher resulting in reduced exhaust
volume flow rates, as shown by FIG. 1A as element 12as.
Preferred embodiments of the present invention use the resonator's
first longitudinal mode as illustrated by FIGS. 1 and 2 in order
to maximize the reaction forces and thus the fuel-to-electric
transduction efficiency as described. Alternatively, rigid wall 26
could be resiliently attached to resonator 2 with a flexible seal,
such as a bellows, which would allow wall 26 to vibrate
independently of resonator 2. Resonator 2 could be rigidly
restrained while allowing wall 26 to vibrate along the z axis in
response to the dynamic acoustic pressure, thereby driving
armature 18 of alternator 16. Also, Helmholtz type resonators
could be used within the scope of the present invention with an
alternator also being connected to the resonator as in FIGS. 1 and
Resonator design plays an important role in optimization of the
present invention. The particular resonator design chosen will
determine the dynamic pressure amplitude which can be achieved for
a given acoustic power input and thus plays an important role in
determining the fuel-to-electric transduction efficiency of the
present invention. RMS resonators for obtaining unshocked
ultrahigh dynamic pressures with specific predetermined waveforms
are described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,515,684 and 5,319,938 and their
divisional and continuing applications, the entire contents of
which are hereby incorporated by reference.
In general, the vibrating resonator can provide large amounts of
vibrational mechanical power that can be used to drive an
electrical alternator, as previously described, or it can be used
as a linear motor for many other applications. Linear motors are
widespread and their uses are well known to those skilled in the
The extremely high amplitude shock-free dynamic pressures of RMS
resonators can provide another important advantage for pulse
combustors. RMS resonators can provide compression ratios high
enough for compression-ignition (CI). Pulse combustors commonly
rely on the existence of a residual flame to cause ignition after
fresh reactant intake has occurred. If at any time the residual
flame is extinguished, then the pulse combustor will cease to
operate. Operating in CI mode eliminates the need to maintain a
residual flame inside the combustor chamber, thus providing a more
robust combustion cycle.
RMS resonators can provide air compressions from 1 atmosphere to
over 230 psig. An acoustic compression is isentropic and thus can
provide significant increases in air temperature. For example, an
isentropic compression of 27 DEG C. air from 1 atmosphere to 100
psig will raise the air temperature beyond the ignition
temperature of propane. With approximately 100 DEG C. of preheat,
this same isentropic 100 psig air compression can reach the
ignition temperature for methane. When predicting the amount of
preheat needed for CI to occur the already high temperatures of
the gas within the combustion chamber must be taken into
consideration. These high ambient gas temperatures can cause
significant heat transfer to the incoming reactants and thus
reduce the amount of preheat required.
Depending on the type of fuel used it may be necessary to use air
and/or fuel preheating, or a catalyst inside the resonator, to
initiate compression ignition if a low compression ratio is
desired by the designer. The addition of small amounts of a
secondary fuel (e.g. diesel) with a lower ignition Temperature can
also be used to provide CI of fuels like methane at low
compression ratios.
RMS pulse combustors can be operated in either residual flame mode
or CI mode. In either mode, fuel injection can be used, instead of
pressure operated reed valves, to control the timing of when fuel
is introduced into the pulse combustor. As shown in FIG. 1
pressure actuated flapper valves can be used to admit combustion
reactants into the combustion chamber. Of course, air preheat is
also an important ignition timing variable regardless of whether
flapper valves or fuel injection is used.
Regardless of the exact design chosen, combustion must first be
initiated by a spark plug, glow plug, or other means. For CI
operation, a spark plug can be used to control the initial
combustion timing during start-up transients when the dynamic
pressure is to low to reach ignition temperatures.
One of the advantages of operating in CI mode is that complete
combustion does not depend on the characteristic time delays of
flame propagation. In CI mode complete energy release from the
fuel can occur much faster and thus the pulse combustor can run at
higher frequencies. This allows a pulse combustor of given power
output to be downsized, thus increasing its power density and
reducing its cost. Further increases in power density could be
made by using hydrogen as a fuel due to its comparatively fast
combustion. Hydrogen would also provide the environmental
advantages of not producing the combustion products associated
with hydrocarbon fuels.
In addition to providing ultrahigh dynamic pressures, RMS
resonators offer other advantages derived from waveform synthesis.
For example, FIG. 3 shows an RMS resonator waveform that provides
.vertline.-.vertline.>.vertline.+P.vertline., where
.vertline.-P.vertline..tbd.P0 +(-P) and
.vertline.+P.vertline..tbd.(+P)-P0. This waveform will allow the
pulse combustor to run at a higher average pressure P0 while still
keeping the negative peak pressure -P below the reactant supply
pressure so that the reactant flow is not interrupted. As
explained, running higher P0 values improves the fuel-to-electric
energy transduction efficiency. To those skilled in the art, RMS
resonators will provide numerous enhancements to the present
invention all of which are considered to be within the scope of
the present invention.
Another consideration for maximizing P0 is the placement of inlet
valves 12 in FIG. 1. The small diameter end of resonator 2 will
provide the largest dynamic pressures and thus the lowest negative
peak pressure -P for a given value of P0. Consequently, this valve
placement allows the PC to operate at the highest P0 value with
all of the advantages cited above. Optionally, the valves could be
placed at any other location within the walls of the resonator
where the dynamic pressure of the fundamental exists.
FIG. 4 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention
employing a RMS resonator 32 whose longitudinal symmetry increases
the acoustic forces on the resonator created by the fundamental
mode's pressure distribution. The curvature of resonator 32 is
determined by D(z)=Dth +k[sin(.pi.z/L)], where D is the diameter,
Dth is the throat or starting diameter, z is the axi-symmetric
axis of resonator 32, k is a weighting coefficient and L is the
resonator's total axial length. Alternatively, the curvature of
resonator 32 could be described by any number of other functions
including hyperbolic, parabolic or elliptical all of which will
give different force characteristics.
Resonator 32 is resiliently mounted to the stationary surrounding
environment by springs 35 and 37 thereby being unrestrained and
free to vibrate along its cylindrical axis z. Mounted to each end
of resonator 32 are identical valve heads 34 which allow 2
combustion events per acoustic cycle thereby increasing the PC
generator's power density. Alternatively, the pulse combustor of
FIG. 4 can run with only one valve head at the cost of reduced
power density. Resonator 32 has an annular exhaust port 39 and
annular exhaust plenum 38 whose functions are identical to annular
exhaust port 24 and annular exhaust plenum 25 of FIG. 1. A
generator 40 is shown schematically which converts the z axis
vibration of resonator 32 into electric power as described above
in relation to FIG. 1.
FIG. 5 shows the peak pressure distribution of the fundamental
mode along the length of resonator 32, where z is its
axi-symmetric axis and +P is the positive peak pressure and -P is
the negative peak pressure. For the fundamental mode, the local z
components of the inner surface area are directed so that all the
local products of pressure and area at any time will produce
forces on the resonator walls having the same z axis direction.
This condition will hold as long as dr/dz changes mathematical
sign wherever the peak pressure distribution changes mathematical
sign. For resonator 32 this condition occurs at z=L/2, where L is
the resonator length. In addition to z=L/2, there is a continuum
of z values at which both dr/dz and the peak pressure distribution
can be made to change sign together.
The relative dimensions of resonator 32 can be adjusted to further
increase the acoustically exerted forces by changing the
maximum-to-minimum diameter ratio. For resonator 32, the maximum
diameter occurs at z=L/2, and the minimum diameter occurs at z=0
and z=L, where the diameter=Dd,. For example, if the max/min
diameter ratio of resonator 32 begins at 1.7 and is increased a
factor of 7, then the force increases by a factor of 40. This
assumes that the peak-to-peak dynamic pressure, as measured at Dth
remains the same for both cases.
Under some circumstances air, or a given oxidizer, must first be
forced under pressure into the resonator before the reactants can
be ignited. This same starting method will work with the present
Another starting scheme for the present invention is to use the
alternator as a starting motor so that the PC generator is
temporarily operated as an acoustic compressor. In start mode, an
alternating voltage is applied to the motor which then drives the
resonator back and forth thereby exciting its fundamental resonant
mode. The valves respond to this mechanically-driven dynamic
pressure and reactants are drawn into the combustion chamber at
which time an applied spark can initiate the PC cycle. To avoid
abruptly switching from motor to alternator mode, the motor could
be switched off just prior to the firing the ignition spark. Once
the PC cycle is started the motor is switched back to alternator
mode, and electric power is provided as described above.
As explained, large P0 values increase the PC generator's
efficiency and power density. FIG. 6 illustrates another
embodiment of the present invention which provides even higher P0
values by means of tuned induction compressors for induction
ramming. The embodiment of FIG. 6 also provides reactant
preheating and thorough premixing. These features promote high
efficiency due to complete burning of reactants as well as rapid
burn rates for high frequency operation.
In FIG. 6 a resonator 42 is provided whose internal geometry is
similar in form and function to resonator 32 of FIG. 4. Resonator
42 is resiliently mounted to the stationary surrounding
environment by springs 53, 55, 57, and 59 thereby being
unrestrained and free to vibrate along its cylindrical axis z.
Resonator 42 has spark plug 43, annular exhaust port 44 and
annular exhaust plenum 46 whose functions are identical to annular
exhaust port 39 and annular exhaust plenum 38 of FIG. 4. Mounted
to each end of resonator 42 are identical acoustic induction
compressors 48 consisting of tuned plenums 50, first stage valves
52 and second stage valves 54. Plenums 50 are designed so as to
have approximately the same resonance frequency as resonator 42.
Identical heat exchanger cowlings 56 are provided with fuel inlets
58 and oxidizer inlets 60. Cowlings 56 need not be rigidly
attached to resonator 42 but must at least form a seal with
resonator 42 to prevent reactant leakage. If cowlings 56 were
resiliently mounted so that they need not vibrate with resonator
42, then they could provide both heat insulation and noise
suppression. Also, a single inlet could be provided in each
cowling for fuel and oxidizer rather than the two respective
openings shown.
Many alternator topologies can be annularly configured so as to
wrap around resonator 42. For example, FIG. 6 shows a variable
reluctance alternator 45 which is wrapped annularly around
resonator 42. Alternator 45 has annular armature 47 which is
rigidly connected to flange 62 of resonator 42, annular stator 49
which is resiliently connected to armature 47 via annular spring
51 and annular linkage 61, drive coil 65 within annular stator 49,
and drive coil leads 67. Dynamically, alternator 45 will respond
to the z axis vibration of resonator 42 in the same manner as
alternator 16 of FIG. 1 responds to the z axis vibration of
resonator 2.
FIG. 7 illustrates the dynamic and static pressure relationships
of the various stages of compression. In operation, the pulse
combustion driven standing wave is initiated by spark plug 43.
Reactant flow proceeds through inlets 58 and 60 at the inlet
pressure Pinlet-1 and through cowlings 56 where the reactants pick
up heat from the wall of resonator 42 and experience some degree
of flow mixing. The vibration of the entire generator assembly
will excite the fundamental resonance of tuned plenums 50. The
resulting dynamic pressure inside tuned plenums 50 will draw in
the heated reactants from cowling 56 through valves 52 and into
tuned plenums 50 thereby compressing the reactants to the average
plenum pressure P0-plenum. Inside tuned plenums 50 the reactants
experience further mixing due to the initial turbulent valve flow
and then due to the cyclic acoustic particle displacement.
The dynamic pressure inside plenums 50 will compress the reactants
again from the average plenum pressure P0-plenum up to the plenum
discharge pressure Pinlet-2 at which time the reactants are
discharged from plenums 50 through the 2@nd stage valves 54 and
into resonator 42. The overlap of the plenum's peak acoustic
pressure and the minimum acoustic pressure of resonator 42 forces
second stage valves 54 open once per cycle thereby discharging the
heated and mixed reactants into resonator 42 for combustion. The
passage of reactants through valves 54 induces further mixing. The
result of this process as seen in FIG. 7 is an elevated average
resonator pressure P0-res due to the pressure lift provided by
induction compressors 48.
Additional induction compressors could be staged if desired to
provide even higher P0-res values. Cowlings 56 also lend
themselves to acoustical resonance and could provide additional
dynamic pressure boost.
Consideration must be given to the acoustic design of resonant
plenums 50. As shown in FIG. 7, the phase between the plenum's
standing wave and the resonator's standing wave is essential to
the compression process. The plenum's resonance is driven by two
sources: the opening of 2@nd stage valves 54 and the vibratory
motion of the entire plenum. The superposition of these two
driving sources must be taken into account when designing the
plenum geometry. If the plenum resonant frequency is to be equal
to the resonator's, then the plenum design should ensure that the
valves are the weaker source.
Many improvements on the embodiment of FIG. 6 will suggest
themselves to those skilled in the art of tuned compressor or
engine plenums and pulse combustors. For example, the plenums
could be tuned to the resonator's 2@nd harmonic in which case the
2@nd stage valves could act as the sole driving source and the
proper phases for induction ramming would be provided. Further,
the ratio of 1@st and 2@nd stage valve areas can be used to
increase P0-plenum and therefor P0-res. Still further, if
premixing of the reactants inside cowlings 56 is objectionable for
safety reasons, then individual oxidizer and fuel cowlings can be
used which would keep the reactants separated up to the induction
compressors. Similarly, individual fuel and oxidizer lines could
be wrapped in annular fashion around the exterior of resonator 42,
thereby being placed in thermal contact with the hot resonator
If a gaseous fuel supply pressure is high enough, then induction
compressors 48 could be used to compress only the oxidizer and the
fuel could be provided through a typical gas distributor within
resonator 42.
Electrically-driven motors are commonly used to drive standing
wave compressors as is well known in the art. These electric
motors supply the oscillating force needed for entire resonator
drive. The induction compressors of the present invention are in
fact standing wave compressors. As described above the pulse
combustor of the present invention can be used to directly drive
these induction, or standing wave, compressors by means of entire
resonator drive and is referred to herein as engine-drive. In the
same manner, the is engine-drive can be used to drive a standing
wave compressor for any application, such as refrigeration and
air-conditioning, air compression, acoustic vacuum pumps,
compression of commercial gases, compression of natural gas, to
name a few. In general, engine-drive can be used to drive a RMS
resonator for any of the many RMS applications.
As an alternative to PC, the standing acoustic waves of the
present invention can be driven thermoacoustically. As described,
current proposals for thermoacoustically driven electric
generators require the coupling of a piston to an open end of the
acoustic resonator and allowing the vibrating piston to drive a
linear alternator. This piston would require a gas seal such as a
diaphragm or bellows which raises issues of reliability. The
dynamic forces produced by this system are limited by acoustic
pressure amplitude and by the surface area of the piston.
Rather than being limited by a piston's surface area, the present
invention utilizes the entire inner surface area of the resonator
and so can generate very large dynamic forces. The use of RMS
resonators further increases the desired dynamic forces by
providing extremely high dynamic pressures.
FIG. 8 illustrates a thermoacoustically-driven embodiment of the
present invention. An explanation of thermoacoustic engine
fundamentals can be found in G. W. Swift, "Thermoacoustic
Engines," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, 1169 (1988). In FIG. 8, a rigid
walled resonator 63 having heat plate stacks 64 is operated in the
prime mover mode as is well known in the art of thermoacoustic
engines. Resonator 63 is resiliently mounted to the stationary
surrounding environment by springs 72 and 74 thereby being
unrestrained and free to vibrate along its cylindrical axis z.
Heat is applied at heat exchangers 66 and extracted at heat
exchangers 68 so as to provide a temperature gradient along the
plate stack sufficient for driving the standing acoustic wave.
Once the standing wave is established its oscillating pressure
exerts dynamic force, against the walls of resonator 63 causing it
to vibrate as a rigid body along z at the acoustic frequency in
response to these dynamic forces. As before, a generator 70 is
shown schematically which converts the z axis vibration of
resonator 32 into electric power.
The art of thermoacoustic engines is well developed and will
suggest many methods and techniques to one skilled in the art for
implementing the embodiment of FIG. 8. For example, the use of two
plate stacks is optional. In addition, plate stacks can be used
with RMS resonators to achieve high pressure amplitudes for a
desired waveform and with all of the advantages previously
described. Further, heat sources used for the embodiment of F IG.
8 could include waste heat from a PC generator of the type
described above, waste heat from other processes, direct
combustion of fuels as well as solar energy to name a few.
While the above description contains many specifications, these
should not be construed as limitations on the scope of the
invention, but rather as an exemplification of preferred
embodiments. Thus, the scope of the present invention is not
limited to specific pulse combustor designs or thermoacoustic
The present invention can be applied wherever electrical power is
needed. Frequency locking the PC embodiments of the present
invention to the local power grid frequency may be achieved for
example with spark timing, the timing of actuated valves such as
rotary valves or with variably-tuned resonator branches. In this
way, the generated electric power could be linked to the local
grid. The AC output from the alternator could be converted to
other frequencies or to DC. PC generators could be used as the
onboard power source for hybrid electric vehicles, including those
that store energy in mechanical flywheels where gas turbines are
currently used. The present invention can be sized for various
power output requirements.
The PC literature provides a diversity of pulse combustor designs
and enhancements including the use of gaseous or liquid fuels,
fuel distributor heads, the number of valves used, valved and
areovalved combustors, multiple combustors, fuel-oxidizer mixing,
valve styles including flappers, Tesla valves, and rotary valves.
Many of these concepts can be seen in the following publications:
A. A. Putnam, F. E. Belles, and J. A. C. Kentfield, "Pulse
Combustion," Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 12, 43 (1986), J. C.
Griffiths, E. J. Weber, "The Design of Pulse Combustion Burners,"
Research Bulletin 107, American Gas Association Laboratories
(1969), P. S. Vishwanath, "Advancement of Developmental Technology
for Pulse Combustion Applications," Gas Research Institute Report
No. GRI-85/0280 (1985) the entire contents of which are all hereby
incorporated by reference. The application of currently available
PC design information to the present invention will suggest itself
to those skilled in the art.
Accordingly, the scope of the invention should be determined not
by the embodiments illustrated, but by the appended claims and
their equivalents.
RMS energy conversion
1) Field of Invention
This invention relates to Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis (RMS)
resonators which are either pulse combustion driven or
thermoacoustically driven for the purpose of energy conversion,
having specific applications to electric power production.
2) Description of Related Art
History reveals a rich variety of technologies conceived for the
purpose of electric power production. Of particular interest are
those technologies designed to combust liquid or gaseous fuels in
order to produce electric power.
Many types of internal combustion engines have been employed which
convert the chemical potential energy of fuels into mechanical
energy which is used to drive an electric alternator. However,
internal combustion engines need frequent periodic maintenance and
provide low conversion efficiencies. Currently, turbines provide
the most efficient conversion of fuels, such as natural gas, into
electric power. The design and manufacturing sophistication which
is inherent in turbine technology can be seen in both their
initial cost and operating cost.
Some effort has been directed to the field of standing acoustic
waves as a means of electric power production. For example, it was
suggested by Swift that the oscillating pressure of
thermoacoustically driven standing waves could be utilized for
driving an alternator to produce electric power (G. W. Swift,
"Thermoacoustic Engines," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, 1166 (1988)).
This would be accomplished by coupling a piston to an open end of
the acoustic resonator and allowing the vibrating piston to drive
a linear alternator The piston would require a gas seal such as a
diaphragm or bellows which raises issues of reliability. Moving
pistons also limit the dynamic force which can be extracted from
the standing wave, thereby limiting the thermoacoustic generator's
Another application of standing acoustic waves to the production
of electric power was reported by Swift which exploited Magneto
Hydrodynamic effects in a thermoacoustically driven liquid sodium
standing wave engine (G. W. Swift, "Thermoacoustic Engines," J.
Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, 1169 (1988)).
Pulse combustion (PC) is a further field of research where
electric power production has been proposed in connection with
standing acoustic waves. Other than Magneto Hydrodynamics the PC
field has apparently received little attention as a means of
producing electric power. Considerable research and development
has occurred in the PC field dating back to the previous century.
In the early 1920s pulse combustors first received attention as a
means to drive electric power producing turbines as seen in U.S.
Pat. No. 1,329,559 to Nikola Tesla. Most of the applications
research performed today relates to producing either heat or
propulsive thrust. For these applications, pulse combustors have
always been comparatively attractive, due to their self-sustaining
combustion cycle, inherent simplicity, and low production of
pollutants. Putnam, Belles, and Kentfield provide a comprehensive
history of pulse combustor development showing many of the
embodiments and applications in the art of pulse combustion (A. A.
Putnam, F. E. Belles, and J. A. C. Kentfield, "Pulse Combustion,"
Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 12, 43-79 (1986)). The field of PC
research is very active with significant efforts taking place at
institutions such as the Gas Research Institute, Sandia Combustion
Labs, and various universities.
In summary, thermoacoustic engines have been proposed as a means
of driving piston-actuated electric alternators to produce
electric power.
However, the concept is in need of certain optimizations,
practical improvements, and simplifications. Little effort has
been directed toward developing a practical system for utilizing
PC-driven standing waves as a means of electric power production.
When compared to contemporary technologies, such as gas turbines,
a PC electric power generator would provide a fuel-to-electric
conversion system of extraordinary simplicity.
It is an object of the present invention to provide pulse
combustion (PC) driven acoustic resonators whose vibratory motion
is used to drive an electric alternator.
A further object of the present invention is to employ resonant
macrosonic synthesis (RMS) resonators as a PC chamber in order to
maximize the acoustic reaction force for a given fuel consumption
rate, thereby improving fuel-to-electric transduction efficiency.
A still further object of the present invention is to increase the
power density of a PC by providing tuned induction as well as
pre-heating and premixing of the combustion reactants.
An even further object of the present invention is to provide a
comparatively inexpensive technology for converting fuels such as
natural gas into electric power.
An additional object of the present invention is to provide needed
optimizations and practical improvements to thermoacoustic
electric power generators.
These and other objects and advantages of the invention will
become apparent from the accompanying specifications and drawings,
wherein like reference numerals refer to like parts throughout.
FIG. 1A shows an alternate embodiment of the embodiment of
FIG. 1.
FIG. 1 is a sectional view of a pulse combustion electric
power generator in accordance with the present invention;
FIG. 2 is a graphical representation of the fundamental
mode's peak pressure distribution corresponding to resonator 2
of FIG. 1;
FIG. 3 is a graphical representation of a pressure-time
waveform which can be provided by RMS resonators having certain
advantages for the present invention;
FIG. 4 is a sectional view of a pulse combustion electric
power generator in accordance with the present invention having
a resonator geometry which increases the acoustically-driven
dynamic forces on the resonator;
FIG. 5 is a graphical representation of the fundamental
mode's peak pressure distribution corresponding to resonator 32
of FIG. 4;
FIG. 6 is a sectional view of a pulse combustion electric
power generator in accordance with the present invention having
tuned induction compressors and reactant pre-combustion mixing;
FIG. 7 is a graphical representation of the static and
dynamic pressures associated with the induction compressors of
FIG. 6.
FIG. 8 is a sectional view of a thermoacoustically driven
electric power generator in accordance with the present

Acoustically driven structural vibration of the combustion chamber
(the resonator) is typically an unwanted byproduct of PC
operation. Considerable research is directed toward minimizing
this unwanted effect. In contrast, the present invention exploits
these vibrations as a means of creating electric power by allowing
the entire resonator to be driven back and forth in response to
the standing wave's dynamic pressure.
FIG. 1 shows an embodiment of the present invention where a RMS
resonator 2 is provided, which is resiliently mounted to the
stationary surrounding environment by springs 3 and 5 thereby
being unrestrained and free to vibrate along its cylindrical axis
z. Resonator 2 has a rigid end wall 26, an annular exhaust port
24, annular exhaust plenum 25, optional throttle valve 14, spark
plug 22, and a valve head 4. Valve head 4 comprises a
fuel-oxidizer plenum 6, a fuel inlet 8, an oxidizer inlet 10 and
reactant inlet valves 12.
Connected to resonator 2 is alternator 16 comprising armature 18
which is rigidly connected to resonator 2 and stator 20 which is
resiliently connected to armature 18. The resilient connection is
shown schematically as spring 28 and damper 30. The term stator is
not used here to imply that stator is stationary. On the contrary,
stator 20 can be unrestrained and free to vibrate or alternatively
it can be rigidly restrained. Optionally, armature 18 could be
spring mounted to resonator 2 in order to provide further control
of the relative vibrational phases of stator 20, armature 18, and
resonator 2.
Many methods exist for starting pulse combustors and spark plug 22
provides one such approach. In operation, spark plug 22 creates a
spark which initiates the combustion of the fuel-oxidizer mixture
inside resonator 2. This initial combustion starts the well known
self-sustaining PC cycle which is driven by the resultant
oscillating pressure inside resonator 2. Once started, the spark
plug can be deactivated and the PC system will run at its
characteristic resonant frequency.
Other methods can be used to vary the resonant frequency such as a
spark timing control circuit 7 in FIG. 1 and rotary valves both of
which are per say well known. Variably-tuned resonator branches
could also be used to vary the resonant frequency. For example, a
variably tuned branch could comprise a narrow cylindrical tube
having one end which opens into the combustion resonator and the
other end fitted with a tuning piston. The resonant frequency of
the combustion chamber could be varied by sliding the tuning
piston within the tube.
Combustion products exit resonator 2 through annular port 24 which
must have sufficient flow area to support the design exhaust flow
rate. FIG. 2 illustrates the fundamental mode's peak pressure
distribution along the length of resonator 2, where z is its
axi-symmetric axis for which z=0 at the narrow end and z=L at the
wide end. Although port 24 can be placed anywhere within the walls
of resonator 2, the preferred placement corresponds to the
fundamental's pressure node shown in FIG. 2 which will tend to
minimize the transmission of dynamic pressure through port 24. If
dynamic pressure is transmitted through port 24, then it can no
longer be converted into useable force as described below. In
general, exhaust port placement should be chosen so as to maximize
the resonator's internal dynamic pressure. Port 24 could be fitted
with optional throttle valve 14 or could be equipped with
compressor-type discharge valves such as reed valves or plate
valves which would open in response to the pressure difference
across the valve.
Once the standing wave is established its oscillating pressure
exerts dynamic forces against the inner walls of resonator 2
causing it to vibrate as a rigid body along the z direction at the
acoustic frequency. Armature 18 is attached to resonator 2 and so
is set into vibration with it. The resulting relative motion of
armature 18 and stator 20 will create electric power in a manner
determined by the generator's topology. In the preferred
embodiment, stator 20 is not stationary but free to move at some
phase angle with respect to the motion of armature 18. Alternator
16 could be a voice coil alternator, a variable reluctance
alternator as shown in U.S. Pat. No. 5,174,130 the entire contents
of which are hereby incorporated by reference, an alternator as
shown in U.S. Pat. No. 5,389,844 the entire contents of which are
hereby incorporated by reference, or any other of a great number
of linear alternators. Other designs that could be employed, but
which lack a literal armature and stator, include piezoelectric
and magnetostrictive alternators. Alternator selection will
reflect the specific design requirements including frequency of
operation, the resonator's vibrational displacement amplitude, and
transduction efficiency between mechanical and electrical power.
The characteristics of the resilient mounting, shown schematically
as spring 28 and damper 30, between armature 18 and stator 20 will
affect the transduction efficiency of the system. Optimal power
factors can be found by modeling the system dynamics and
accounting for all the moving masses, springs and damping in the
system. The specific analytical model will reflect the type of
alternator employed by the system.
The resistance presented to the exhaust flow by port 24, plenum
and optional throttle valve 14 will influence the average pressure
P0 upon which the dynamic pressure is superimposed as shown in
FIG. 2. Other factors influencing the average pressure P0 will
include the inlet flow resistances, the fluid properties, and the
resonator geometry. Throttle valve 14 can be used to adjust the
exhaust flow resistance and thus vary the average pressure P0.
Increasing the outlet flow resistance will increase P0 and
decreasing the outlet flow resistance will reduce P0. For a given
power input, increasing P0 will generally increase the
peak-to-peak dynamic pressure, thereby increasing the dynamic
forces on the resonator, resulting in increased electric power
output. Thus, in order to maximize fuel-to-electric transduction
efficiency the average pressure P0 should be as high as possible
as long as the negative peak pressure -P does not rise above the
reactant supply pressure which would interrupt the intake of fresh
reactants. If discharge valves are used in combination with port
24, then both the flow area of the valve system and the valve's
spring loading, if any, will influence P0. Alternatively,
compressor-type dynamic discharge valves could be located at z=0
where discharge pressures are higher resulting in reduced exhaust
volume flow rates, as shown by FIG. 1A as element 12as.
Preferred embodiments of the present invention use the resonator's
first longitudinal mode as illustrated by FIGS. 1 and 2 in order
to maximize the reaction forces and thus the fuel-to-electric
transduction efficiency as described. Alternatively, rigid wall 26
could be resiliently attached to resonator 2 with a flexible seal,
such as a bellows, which would allow wall 26 to vibrate
independently of resonator 2. Resonator 2 could be rigidly
restrained while allowing wall 26 to vibrate along the z axis in
response to the dynamic acoustic pressure, thereby driving
armature 18 of alternator 16. Also, Helmholtz type resonators
could be used within the scope of the present invention with an
alternator also being connected to the resonator as in FIGS. 1 and
Resonator design plays an important role in optimization of the
present invention. The particular resonator design chosen will
determine the dynamic pressure amplitude which can be achieved for
a given acoustic power input and thus plays an important role in
determining the fuel-to-electric transduction efficiency of the
present invention. RMS resonators for obtaining unshocked
ultrahigh dynamic pressures with specific predetermined waveforms
are described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,515,684 and 5,319,938 and their
divisional and continuing applications, the entire contents of
which are hereby incorporated by reference.
In general, the vibrating resonator can provide large amounts of
vibrational mechanical power that can be used to drive an
electrical alternator, as previously described, or it can be used
as a linear motor for many other applications. Linear motors are
widespread and their uses are well known to those skilled in the
The extremely high amplitude shock-free dynamic pressures of RMS
resonators can provide another important advantage for pulse
combustors. RMS resonators can provide compression ratios high
enough for compression-ignition (CI). Pulse combustors commonly
rely on the existence of a residual flame to cause ignition after
fresh reactant intake has occurred. If at any time the residual
flame is extinguished, then the pulse combustor will cease to
operate. Operating in CI mode eliminates the need to maintain a
residual flame inside the combustor chamber, thus providing a more
robust combustion cycle.
RMS resonators can provide air compressions from 1 atmosphere to
over 230 psig. An acoustic compression is isentropic and thus can
provide significant increases in air temperature. For example, an
isentropic compression of 27 DEG C. air from 1 atmosphere to 100
psig will raise the air temperature beyond the ignition
temperature of propane. With approximately 100 DEG C. of preheat,
this same isentropic 100 psig air compression can reach the
ignition temperature for methane. When predicting the amount of
preheat needed for CI to occur the already high temperatures of
the gas within the combustion chamber must be taken into
consideration. These high ambient gas temperatures can cause
significant heat transfer to the incoming reactants and thus
reduce the amount of preheat required.
Depending on the type of fuel used it may be necessary to use air
and/or fuel preheating, or a catalyst inside the resonator, to
initiate compression ignition if a low compression ratio is
desired by the designer. The addition of small amounts of a
secondary fuel (e.g. diesel) with a lower ignition Temperature can
also be used to provide CI of fuels like methane at low
compression ratios.
RMS pulse combustors can be operated in either residual flame mode
or CI mode. In either mode, fuel injection can be used, instead of
pressure operated reed valves, to control the timing of when fuel
is introduced into the pulse combustor. As shown in FIG. 1
pressure actuated flapper valves can be used to admit combustion
reactants into the combustion chamber. Of course, air preheat is
also an important ignition timing variable regardless of whether
flapper valves or fuel injection is used.
Regardless of the exact design chosen, combustion must first be
initiated by a spark plug, glow plug, or other means. For CI
operation, a spark plug can be used to control the initial
combustion timing during start-up transients when the dynamic
pressure is to low to reach ignition temperatures.
One of the advantages of operating in CI mode is that complete
combustion does not depend on the characteristic time delays of
flame propagation. In CI mode complete energy release from the
fuel can occur much faster and thus the pulse combustor can run at
higher frequencies. This allows a pulse combustor of given power
output to be downsized, thus increasing its power density and
reducing its cost. Further increases in power density could be
made by using hydrogen as a fuel due to its comparatively fast
combustion. Hydrogen would also provide the environmental
advantages of not producing the combustion products associated
with hydrocarbon fuels.
In addition to providing ultrahigh dynamic pressures, RMS
resonators offer other advantages derived from waveform synthesis.
For example, FIG. 3 shows an RMS resonator waveform that provides
.vertline.-.vertline.>.vertline.+P.vertline., where
.vertline.-P.vertline..tbd.P0 +(-P) and
.vertline.+P.vertline..tbd.(+P)-P0. This waveform will allow the
pulse combustor to run at a higher average pressure P0 while still
keeping the negative peak pressure -P below the reactant supply
pressure so that the reactant flow is not interrupted. As
explained, running higher P0 values improves the fuel-to-electric
energy transduction efficiency. To those skilled in the art, RMS
resonators will provide numerous enhancements to the present
invention all of which are considered to be within the scope of
the present invention.
Another consideration for maximizing P0 is the placement of inlet
valves 12 in FIG. 1. The small diameter end of resonator 2 will
provide the largest dynamic pressures and thus the lowest negative
peak pressure -P for a given value of P0. Consequently, this valve
placement allows the PC to operate at the highest P0 value with
all of the advantages cited above. Optionally, the valves could be
placed at any other location within the walls of the resonator
where the dynamic pressure of the fundamental exists.
FIG. 4 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention
employing a RMS resonator 32 whose longitudinal symmetry increases
the acoustic forces on the resonator created by the fundamental
mode's pressure distribution. The curvature of resonator 32 is
determined by D(z)=Dth +k[sin(.pi.z/L)], where D is the diameter,
Dth is the throat or starting diameter, z is the axi-symmetric
axis of resonator 32, k is a weighting coefficient and L is the
resonator's total axial length. Alternatively, the curvature of
resonator 32 could be described by any number of other functions
including hyperbolic, parabolic or elliptical all of which will
give different force characteristics.
Resonator 32 is resiliently mounted to the stationary surrounding
environment by springs 35 and 37 thereby being unrestrained and
free to vibrate along its cylindrical axis z. Mounted to each end
of resonator 32 are identical valve heads 34 which allow 2
combustion events per acoustic cycle thereby increasing the PC
generator's power density. Alternatively, the pulse combustor of
FIG. 4 can run with only one valve head at the cost of reduced
power density. Resonator 32 has an annular exhaust port 39 and
annular exhaust plenum 38 whose functions are identical to annular
exhaust port 24 and annular exhaust plenum 25 of FIG. 1. A
generator 40 is shown schematically which converts the z axis
vibration of resonator 32 into electric power as described above
in relation to FIG. 1.
FIG. 5 shows the peak pressure distribution of the fundamental
mode along the length of resonator 32, where z is its
axi-symmetric axis and +P is the positive peak pressure and -P is
the negative peak pressure. For the fundamental mode, the local z
components of the inner surface area are directed so that all the
local products of pressure and area at any time will produce
forces on the resonator walls having the same z axis direction.
This condition will hold as long as dr/dz changes mathematical
sign wherever the peak pressure distribution changes mathematical
sign. For resonator 32 this condition occurs at z=L/2, where L is
the resonator length. In addition to z=L/2, there is a continuum
of z values at which both dr/dz and the peak pressure distribution
can be made to change sign together.
The relative dimensions of resonator 32 can be adjusted to further
increase the acoustically exerted forces by changing the
maximum-to-minimum diameter ratio. For resonator 32, the maximum
diameter occurs at z=L/2, and the minimum diameter occurs at z=0
and z=L, where the diameter=Dd,. For example, if the max/min
diameter ratio of resonator 32 begins at 1.7 and is increased a
factor of 7, then the force increases by a factor of 40. This
assumes that the peak-to-peak dynamic pressure, as measured at Dth
remains the same for both cases.
Under some circumstances air, or a given oxidizer, must first be
forced under pressure into the resonator before the reactants can
be ignited. This same starting method will work with the present
Another starting scheme for the present invention is to use the
alternator as a starting motor so that the PC generator is
temporarily operated as an acoustic compressor. In start mode, an
alternating voltage is applied to the motor which then drives the
resonator back and forth thereby exciting its fundamental resonant
mode. The valves respond to this mechanically-driven dynamic
pressure and reactants are drawn into the combustion chamber at
which time an applied spark can initiate the PC cycle. To avoid
abruptly switching from motor to alternator mode, the motor could
be switched off just prior to the firing the ignition spark. Once
the PC cycle is started the motor is switched back to alternator
mode, and electric power is provided as described above.
As explained, large P0 values increase the PC generator's
efficiency and power density. FIG. 6 illustrates another
embodiment of the present invention which provides even higher P0
values by means of tuned induction compressors for induction
ramming. The embodiment of FIG. 6 also provides reactant
preheating and thorough premixing. These features promote high
efficiency due to complete burning of reactants as well as rapid
burn rates for high frequency operation.
In FIG. 6 a resonator 42 is provided whose internal geometry is
similar in form and function to resonator 32 of FIG. 4. Resonator
42 is resiliently mounted to the stationary surrounding
environment by springs 53, 55, 57, and 59 thereby being
unrestrained and free to vibrate along its cylindrical axis z.
Resonator 42 has spark plug 43, annular exhaust port 44 and
annular exhaust plenum 46 whose functions are identical to annular
exhaust port 39 and annular exhaust plenum 38 of FIG. 4. Mounted
to each end of resonator 42 are identical acoustic induction
compressors 48 consisting of tuned plenums 50, first stage valves
52 and second stage valves 54. Plenums 50 are designed so as to
have approximately the same resonance frequency as resonator 42.
Identical heat exchanger cowlings 56 are provided with fuel inlets
58 and oxidizer inlets 60. Cowlings 56 need not be rigidly
attached to resonator 42 but must at least form a seal with
resonator 42 to prevent reactant leakage. If cowlings 56 were
resiliently mounted so that they need not vibrate with resonator
42, then they could provide both heat insulation and noise
suppression. Also, a single inlet could be provided in each
cowling for fuel and oxidizer rather than the two respective
openings shown.
Many alternator topologies can be annularly configured so as to
wrap around resonator 42. For example, FIG. 6 shows a variable
reluctance alternator 45 which is wrapped annularly around
resonator 42. Alternator 45 has annular armature 47 which is
rigidly connected to flange 62 of resonator 42, annular stator 49
which is resiliently connected to armature 47 via annular spring
51 and annular linkage 61, drive coil 65 within annular stator 49,
and drive coil leads 67. Dynamically, alternator 45 will respond
to the z axis vibration of resonator 42 in the same manner as
alternator 16 of FIG. 1 responds to the z axis vibration of
resonator 2.
FIG. 7 illustrates the dynamic and static pressure relationships
of the various stages of compression. In operation, the pulse
combustion driven standing wave is initiated by spark plug 43.
Reactant flow proceeds through inlets 58 and 60 at the inlet
pressure Pinlet-1 and through cowlings 56 where the reactants pick
up heat from the wall of resonator 42 and experience some degree
of flow mixing. The vibration of the entire generator assembly
will excite the fundamental resonance of tuned plenums 50. The
resulting dynamic pressure inside tuned plenums 50 will draw in
the heated reactants from cowling 56 through valves 52 and into
tuned plenums 50 thereby compressing the reactants to the average
plenum pressure P0-plenum. Inside tuned plenums 50 the reactants
experience further mixing due to the initial turbulent valve flow
and then due to the cyclic acoustic particle displacement.
The dynamic pressure inside plenums 50 will compress the reactants
again from the average plenum pressure P0-plenum up to the plenum
discharge pressure Pinlet-2 at which time the reactants are
discharged from plenums 50 through the 2@nd stage valves 54 and
into resonator 42. The overlap of the plenum's peak acoustic
pressure and the minimum acoustic pressure of resonator 42 forces
second stage valves 54 open once per cycle thereby discharging the
heated and mixed reactants into resonator 42 for combustion. The
passage of reactants through valves 54 induces further mixing. The
result of this process as seen in FIG. 7 is an elevated average
resonator pressure P0-res due to the pressure lift provided by
induction compressors 48.
Additional induction compressors could be staged if desired to
provide even higher P0-res values. Cowlings 56 also lend
themselves to acoustical resonance and could provide additional
dynamic pressure boost.
Consideration must be given to the acoustic design of resonant
plenums 50. As shown in FIG. 7, the phase between the plenum's
standing wave and the resonator's standing wave is essential to
the compression process. The plenum's resonance is driven by two
sources: the opening of 2@nd stage valves 54 and the vibratory
motion of the entire plenum. The superposition of these two
driving sources must be taken into account when designing the
plenum geometry. If the plenum resonant frequency is to be equal
to the resonator's, then the plenum design should ensure that the
valves are the weaker source.
Many improvements on the embodiment of FIG. 6 will suggest
themselves to those skilled in the art of tuned compressor or
engine plenums and pulse combustors. For example, the plenums
could be tuned to the resonator's 2@nd harmonic in which case the
2@nd stage valves could act as the sole driving source and the
proper phases for induction ramming would be provided. Further,
the ratio of 1@st and 2@nd stage valve areas can be used to
increase P0-plenum and therefor P0-res. Still further, if
premixing of the reactants inside cowlings 56 is objectionable for
safety reasons, then individual oxidizer and fuel cowlings can be
used which would keep the reactants separated up to the induction
compressors. Similarly, individual fuel and oxidizer lines could
be wrapped in annular fashion around the exterior of resonator 42,
thereby being placed in thermal contact with the hot resonator
If a gaseous fuel supply pressure is high enough, then induction
compressors 48 could be used to compress only the oxidizer and the
fuel could be provided through a typical gas distributor within
resonator 42.
Electrically-driven motors are commonly used to drive standing
wave compressors as is well known in the art. These electric
motors supply the oscillating force needed for entire resonator
drive. The induction compressors of the present invention are in
fact standing wave compressors. As described above the pulse
combustor of the present invention can be used to directly drive
these induction, or standing wave, compressors by means of entire
resonator drive and is referred to herein as engine-drive. In the
same manner, the is engine-drive can be used to drive a standing
wave compressor for any application, such as refrigeration and
air-conditioning, air compression, acoustic vacuum pumps,
compression of commercial gases, compression of natural gas, to
name a few. In general, engine-drive can be used to drive a RMS
resonator for any of the many RMS applications.
As an alternative to PC, the standing acoustic waves of the
present invention can be driven thermoacoustically. As described,
current proposals for thermoacoustically driven electric
generators require the coupling of a piston to an open end of the
acoustic resonator and allowing the vibrating piston to drive a
linear alternator. This piston would require a gas seal such as a
diaphragm or bellows which raises issues of reliability. The
dynamic forces produced by this system are limited by acoustic
pressure amplitude and by the surface area of the piston.
Rather than being limited by a piston's surface area, the present
invention utilizes the entire inner surface area of the resonator
and so can generate very large dynamic forces. The use of RMS
resonators further increases the desired dynamic forces by
providing extremely high dynamic pressures.
FIG. 8 illustrates a thermoacoustically-driven embodiment of the
present invention. An explanation of thermoacoustic engine
fundamentals can be found in G. W. Swift, "Thermoacoustic
Engines," J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, 1169 (1988). In FIG. 8, a rigid
walled resonator 63 having heat plate stacks 64 is operated in the
prime mover mode as is well known in the art of thermoacoustic
engines. Resonator 63 is resiliently mounted to the stationary
surrounding environment by springs 72 and 74 thereby being
unrestrained and free to vibrate along its cylindrical axis z.
Heat is applied at heat exchangers 66 and extracted at heat
exchangers 68 so as to provide a temperature gradient along the
plate stack sufficient for driving the standing acoustic wave.
Once the standing wave is established its oscillating pressure
exerts dynamic force, against the walls of resonator 63 causing it
to vibrate as a rigid body along z at the acoustic frequency in
response to these dynamic forces. As before, a generator 70 is
shown schematically which converts the z axis vibration of
resonator 32 into electric power.
The art of thermoacoustic engines is well developed and will
suggest many methods and techniques to one skilled in the art for
implementing the embodiment of FIG. 8. For example, the use of two
plate stacks is optional. In addition, plate stacks can be used
with RMS resonators to achieve high pressure amplitudes for a
desired waveform and with all of the advantages previously
described. Further, heat sources used for the embodiment of F IG.
8 could include waste heat from a PC generator of the type
described above, waste heat from other processes, direct
combustion of fuels as well as solar energy to name a few.
While the above description contains many specifications, these
should not be construed as limitations on the scope of the
invention, but rather as an exemplification of preferred
embodiments. Thus, the scope of the present invention is not
limited to specific pulse combustor designs or thermoacoustic
The present invention can be applied wherever electrical power is
needed. Frequency locking the PC embodiments of the present
invention to the local power grid frequency may be achieved for
example with spark timing, the timing of actuated valves such as
rotary valves or with variably-tuned resonator branches. In this
way, the generated electric power could be linked to the local
grid. The AC output from the alternator could be converted to
other frequencies or to DC. PC generators could be used as the
onboard power source for hybrid electric vehicles, including those
that store energy in mechanical flywheels where gas turbines are
currently used. The present invention can be sized for various
power output requirements.
The PC literature provides a diversity of pulse combustor designs
and enhancements including the use of gaseous or liquid fuels,
fuel distributor heads, the number of valves used, valved and
areovalved combustors, multiple combustors, fuel-oxidizer mixing,
valve styles including flappers, Tesla valves, and rotary valves.
Many of these concepts can be seen in the following publications:
A. A. Putnam, F. E. Belles, and J. A. C. Kentfield, "Pulse
Combustion," Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 12, 43 (1986), J. C.
Griffiths, E. J. Weber, "The Design of Pulse Combustion Burners,"
Research Bulletin 107, American Gas Association Laboratories
(1969), P. S. Vishwanath, "Advancement of Developmental Technology
for Pulse Combustion Applications," Gas Research Institute Report
No. GRI-85/0280 (1985) the entire contents of which are all hereby
incorporated by reference. The application of currently available
PC design information to the present invention will suggest itself
to those skilled in the art.
A vibrational acoustic unit comprises a dynamic force motor
(28), a power take-off spring (34) having one end attached to the
dynamic force motor (28) and the other end attached to a fluid
filled acoustic resonator (38). The motor (28) oscillates the
entire acoustic resonator (38) so as to excite a resonant mode of
the acoustic resonator (38). A method of delivering power to an
acoustic resonator (38) comprises resiliently connecting a motor
(28) to the resonator (38), and driving the motor (28) to
oscillate the entire acoustic resonator (38) so as to excite a
resonant mode of the acoustic resonator (38).
Field of Invention
This invention relates to power delivery systems for the
transduction of mechanical power into acoustic power through the
oscillation of an entire resonator to excite a resonant mode,
having applications to any acoustic resonator shape.
Description of Related Art
There are a number of different ways to deliver power to a
standing acoustic wave which are known in the field of acoustics.
The method of entire resonator driving, as described in U. S.
patents 5,319,938 and 5,515,684, depends on vibrating the entire
resonator back and forth in order to use the resonator's inner
surface area as the power delivery surface. This approach requires
a motor that provides a dynamic force to create the resonator
As shown in U. S. patents 5,319,938 ; 5,231,337 ; and 5,515,684,
incorporated herein by reference, motors used for entire resonator
driving typically comprise two moving motor components. FIG. 1
illustrates a prior art device where motor component 4 is rigidly
connected to the fluid-filled acoustic resonator 2, and motor
component 6 is resiliently mounted to motor component 4 by a
spring 8. When a dynamic force is generated between these two
motor components, they move dynamically in reactive opposition to
each other, thus causing the entire resonator to oscillate so that
power is delivered to the fluid. The heaver motor component 6 may
be resiliently connected to ground.
FIG. 2 shows a lumped element diagram of the prior art device of
FIG. 1. The fluid within the resonator is modeled as spring 14 and
mass 12. Associated with each spring is a damper. Since motor mass
4a and resonator mass 2a are rigidly connected they comprise a
single moving mass of the system.
Power is delivered to the standing wave according to 1/(2X)
FAsinE,(2X) FAsinE, where Z = 2wf with f being the drive
frequency, F is the magnitude of the force exerted at the face 10
of motor mass 4a, A is the magnitude of the acceleration of motor
mass 4a and the resonator mass 2a, and 0 is the (temporal) phase
angle between F and A. The motor must supply not only the force
needed to deliver power to the acoustic load but also to directly
oscillate motor mass 4a and resonator mass 2a back and forth. The
force required to oscillate masses 2a and 4a is not delivered to
the acoustic load. However, generating this mass-driving force
results in energy losses due to the motor's transduction
efficiency and thus reduces the overall efficiency of the power
delivery system.
A further source of inefficiency in the prior art system shown in
FIGS. 1 and 2 is its limited control of the power factor sin0. If
0 = 90 then the power factor sinA =1. If # assumes values
progressively less or greater than 90 then the required motor
force increases thus minimizing the energy efficiency of the power
delivery system. Adjusting the resonator mass 2a and the motor
mass 4a can help tune the power factor toward unity, but
structural stiffness and pressure rating requirements for the
resonator as well as design requirements for the motor will limit
the degree of freedom to make such adjustments.
It is well known in the art of vibrational motors that adjusting
the stiffness of spring 8a of FIG. 2 in order to tune the
mechanical resonance close to the acoustic resonance will reduce
the required motor force for a given power delivery. However, this
can result in greatly amplified displacements between the moving
components which generate excessive noise and higher spring
stresses. A control is generally required to keep the drive
frequency locked to the acoustic resonance since sound speed
changes due to heating and other effects will cause the acoustic
resonant frequency to drift during operation. If the mechanical
resonance frequency is tuned close to the acoustic resonance, then
severe control problems can occur due to resonance repulsion
phenomena if the resonant frequency drift brings the two resonant
peaks too close together.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a power take
off (PTO) spring between a dynamic force motor and a resonant
acoustic load which for a given acoustic power delivery reduces
the required motor force, reduces the motor size requirement,
allows greater control of mechanical power factor, reduces motor
energy dissipation losses due to lower required forces thus
improving system efficiency, allows tuning of all the relative
displacements and phases of all oscillating mass components, and
allows greater design flexibility on overall motor topology. These
and other objects and advantages of the invention will become
apparent from the accompanying specifications and drawings,
wherein like reference numerals refer to like parts throughout.
The invention may be characterized as a vibrational acoustic unit
comprising a dynamic force motor, a power take-off spring having
one end attached to the dynamic force motor and the other end
attached to a fluid filled acoustic resonator, wherein the entire
acoustic resonator is oscillated so as to excite a resonant mode
of the acoustic resonator.
The invention may also be characterized as a method of delivering
power to an acoustic resonator comprising the steps of resiliently
and exclusively connecting a motor to the resonator, and driving
the motor to oscillate the entire acoustic resonator so as to
excite a resonant mode of the acoustic resonator.
The invention may further be characterized as a method of driving
an acoustic resonator comprising the steps of connecting a motor
to the resonator using a resilient connection, and driving the
motor to oscillate the entire acoustic resonator so as to excite a
resonant mode of the acoustic resonator, the motor exciting the
resonant mode through the resilient connection.
FIG. 1 illustrates a prior art acoustic power delivery
FIG. 2 is a lumped element diagram of the FIG. 1 prior art
FIG. 3 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention
having a two-mass dynamic force motor;
FIG. 4 is a lumped element diagram of the embodiment of
FIG. 3;
FIG. 5 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention
having a two-mass dynamic motor including a flat lamination
variable-reluctance EI motor;
FIG. 6 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention
having a two-mass dynamic motor including a tape-wound
lamination variable-reluctance motor;
FIG. 7 illustrates an alternative magnetic structure for a
variable-reluctance two-mass dynamic motor; and
FIG. 8 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention
having a single-mass flexing motor, which could include a
piezoelectric element or a magnetostrictive element.

FIG. 3 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention where a
power take off (PTO) spring 20 has been added to the prior art
device of FIG. 1 between the moving motor mass 18 and resonator
22. In operation, an dynamic force of frequency f is created
between motor mass 14 and motor mass 18 which causes motor masses
14 and 18 to oscillate at frequency f in reactive opposition to
each other. The periodic displacement of motor mass 18 causes a
dynamic force to be transmitted through spring 20 to resonator 22
which in turn causes a periodic displacement of resonator 22 at
frequency f. If frequency f is equal to a standing wave mode
frequency of the resonator which can be excited by the resonator's
motion, then the periodic displacement of resonator 22 will
transfer energy to that mode.
FIG. 4 provides a lumped element diagram of the embodiment of FIG.
3, comprising motor mass 14a, motor mass 18a, motor spring 16a,
PTO spring 20a, resonator mass 22a, fluid spring 24 and fluid mass
26. When a mode of resonator 22 iq being driven, the phases
between the displacements of all masses 14a, 18a, 22a, and 26 are
determined by the respective mass values and by the respective
stiffness and damping values of motor spring 16a, PTO spring 20a,
and fluid spring 24.
Adjusting the stiffness of PTO spring 20a of FIG. 4 provides a
means to tune the mechanical power factor seen by the motor
(represented by masses 14a and 18a) as it delivers power to the
resonator, thus reducing the motor force required for a given
power delivery to the load.
PTO spring 20a also prevents rigid coupling of resonator mass 22a
with motor mass 18a, thereby making possible designs which reduce
the motor force required for a given power delivery to the load.
Reducing the required motor force results in reducing energy
losses resulting from the motor's transduction efficiency and thus
improves the overall efficiency of the power delivery system.
Reducing the required motor force also reduces the required size
of the motor, thus reducing the amount of motor materials required
for a given power delivery to the load.
PTO spring 20a of FIG. 4 allows power factors approaching unity to
be achieved without having to tune any of the mechanical
resonances, associated with springs 16a and 20a, close the driven
acoustic resonance. Thus, component displacements are minimized,
noise is reduced, and excessive spring stresses are avoided.
Providing high power factors, without the risk of crossing
acoustical and mechanical resonance frequencies, eliminates the
severe control problems which occur due to resonance repulsion
The stiffness of each mechanical spring can be chosen so that (i)
the mechanical resonance frequency where motor spring 20a sees its
maximum displacement is above the acoustic resonance frequency and
(ii) the mechanical resonance frequency where spring 16a sees its
maximum displacement is below the acoustic resonance frequency.
This design provides two preferred operating characteristics.
First, fluid heating may cause the acoustic resonance frequency to
increase during operation and this design assures that the
acoustic resonance frequency will not cross the mechanical
resonance frequency associated with the maximum displacement of
spring 16a. Second, provided that the mechanical resonance
frequency associated with the maximum displacement of spring 20a
is sufficiently above the acoustic resonance frequency so that the
two resonances never overlap during operation, then some benefit
can be derived. As the acoustic resonance frequency increases,
accelerations can also be made to increase thereby transferring
more power to the load for the same motor force. Proper selection
of component mass and spring stiffness can also cause the power
factor measured at the air gap to improve as the acoustic
resonance frequency increases.
In general, the addition of PTO spring 20a allows greater system
design flexibility, since the properties of each mechanical
element are more independent. PTO spring 20a allows tuning of all
the relative component displacements, relative displacement
phases, and component masses.
The power delivery unit should be resiliently mounted to ground,
since each component of the system oscillates.
For a given design, the specific acceleration of masses depends on
the mass of each component and stiffness and damping of each
spring. The mass with the lowest acceleration provides a good
point for resilient mounting to ground.
FIG. 5 shows a cross sectional view of a variable reluctance motor
used as a two-mass dynamic force motor in accordance with the
present invention. The variable reluctance motor consists of a
first motor mass 28 formed by a stack of flat"E"laminations
rigidly joined together so that the stack forms a single unit, a
second motor mass 30 formed by a stack of flat"I"laminations
rigidly joined together so that the stack forms a single unit, a
conducting coil 32 wound around the center leg of the E lamination
stack, leaf springs 34, with levels 34a and 34b, which resiliently
join the first and second motor masses 28 and 30 together via
carriages 35 and 37, and a PTO leaf spring 36 which resiliently
connects the second motor mass 30 to resonator 38. Second motor
mass 30 is rigidly connected to carriage 35, and first motor mass
28 is rigidly connected to carriage 37. Carriages 35 and 37 slide
back and forth relative to one another.
The motor laminations can be constructed of silicon steel
laminations which are typically used in transformers.
The mass of carriage 35 may be considered to be part of the second
moving mass, and the mass of carriage 37 may be considered to be
part of the first moving mass. The space between the three legs of
the E laminations and the
I laminations comprises an air gap 40. The two levels of leaf
springs 34, levels 34a and 34b, allow planer relative motion of
second motor mass 30 and first motor mass 28 so as to keep the
instantaneous air gap 40 everywhere uniform. Single level springs
or any other spring topology could also be used which provide
planer motion of the components.
In operation, when an alternating current is established in coil
32 a time varying magnetic flux is created within air gap 40 which
is accompanied by a static attractive force and a time varying
attractive force between the first and second motor masses 28 and
30. Motor masses 28 and 30 respond to this time varying force by
oscillating in reactive opposition to each other. Leaf springs 34
provide a bias force to prevent the attractive force from drawing
motor masses 28 and 30 together while still allowing them to
oscillate. The periodic oscillation of motor mass 30 applies a
dynamic force through PTO spring 36 to resonator 38, thus causing
resonator 38 to oscillate along its cylindrical axis. If the
oscillation frequency of resonator 38 is equal to one of the
standing wave mode frequencies which can be excited by the
resonator's motion, then the periodic displacement of resonator 22
will transfer energy into that mode. Variable reluctance motors
provide high energy efficiency when small displacements and large
forces are required, which is typically the case for acoustic
FIG. 6 shows a variable reluctance motor used as a two-mass
dynamic force motor in accordance with the present invention,
which reduces the portion of total magnetic losses caused by
non-grain oriented magnetic flux. The variable reluctance motor
consists of a first motor mass 40 formed by tape-wound laminations
and joined to each other so as to form a single unit, a second
motor mass 42 formed by tape-wound laminations and joined to each
other so as to form a single unit, a conducting coil 44 wound
around the center leg of the first motor mass, leaf springs 46
which resiliently join the first and second motor masses 40 and 42
together via carriages 47 and 49, and a PTO leaf spring 48 which
resiliently connects the second motor mass 42 to resonator 50. The
mass of carriage 47 may be considered to be part of the second
moving mass, and the mass of carriage 49 may be considered to be
part of the first moving mass. In operation the motor of FIG. 6
operates in the same manner as the motor of FIG. 5.
FIG. 7 illustrates an alternative magnetic structure for a
variable-reluctance motor having first motor mass 52 formed of two
tape-wound laminations and a second motor mass 54 formed of a
single tape-wound lamination.
While second motor mass 54 does not prevent cross-grain field
orientation, it does provide a simple and very rigid structure
having ends 56 and 58 which provide convenient connection points
for springs, carriages or other hardware. Many combinations of
tape-wound and stacked flat lamination components can be combined
based on given design requirements and will suggest themselves to
those skilled in the art.
The PTO spring of the present invention can be used in combination
with any type of dynamic force motor. All motors may be thought of
as providing a dynamic force to a member causing some movement in
that member, however small. Thus, all the motors, including all
motors described herein are dynamic force motors.
Fig. 8 describes another type of dynamic force motor.
Fig. 8 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention having a
PTO spring 64 with one end connected to a flexing dynamic force
motor 60 and the other end connected to a resonator 66. Reaction
mass 62 is preferably rigidly connected to flexing dynamic motor
60 at an end 61 thereof. Reaction mass 62 may be also be
resiliently connected to flexing dynamic motor 60 at end 61, and
in this case it is preferred that the resilient connection be
relatively stiff compared to the spring constant or stiffness of
PTO spring 64. Flexing dynamic motor 60 can be a piezoelectric
element, a magnetostrictive element, or any other element which
provides a dynamic force by periodically flexing or changing its
overall dimensions.
In operation motor 60 of FIG. 8 undergoes a periodic change in its
dimension thus creating a dynamic force of frequency f which is
communicated to resonator 66 through PTO spring 64. In embodiments
in which the dynamic force motor 60 has a small mass relative to
that of the reaction mass 62, the force of the motor 60 is
effectively transferred to the resonator 66 by virtue of the
reaction mass 62 and PTO spring 64 which causes the periodic
displacement of resonator 66 at frequency f.
Reaction mass 62 prevents excessive accelerations of the reaction
mass end 61 of motor 60 and maximizes the force of motor 60
applied to PTO spring 64. If the frequency f is equal to a
standing wave mode frequency of the resonator which can be excited
by the resonator's motion, then the periodic displacement of
resonator 66 will transfer energy into that mode. The embodiment
of FIG. 8 can be operated without PTO spring 64 by rigidly
connecting motor 60 to resonator 66. However, this would eliminate
the advantages described above.
It may be seen that the embodiments of the invention utilize the
PTO spring as the exclusive mechanism to couple the active force
components of the motor to the resonator. Thus, the moving
elements of the motor which are effective in causing oscillation
of the resonator are isolated from the resonator by the resilient
coupling mechanism, i. e., the PTO spring. In contrast, prior art
devices couple the motor to the resonator by a rigid connection
and do not utilize a PTO spring as the primary force path from the
motor to the resonator.
While the above description contains many embodiments of the
invention, these should not be construed as limitations on the
scope of the invention, but rather as an exemplification of
preferred embodiments thereof.
Other embodiments which will occur to those skilled in the art are
within the scope of the present invention.
For example, any motor which generates a dynamic force can be
employed such as off-concentric rotational motors, electrodynamic
motors, and electromagnetic motors.
Variable reluctance motors need not use only laminations but can
be formed from pressed materials that have multidirectional grain
properties so as to avoid off-axis grain magnetic losses. The
springs may comprise any spring type which accommodates a
particular design such as coil springs, leaf springs, bellville
springs, magnetic springs, gas springs or other devices that
provide a resilient coupling. The fluids within the resonators of
the present invention can be either liquids or gases. Any type of
acoustic resonator can be used including cylindrical resonators or
Resonant Macrosonic Synthesis (RMS) resonators of any shape as
described for example in U. S. patents 5,515,684,5,319,938, and
5,174,130 the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated by
It should further be appreciated that an excited resonance mode of
the resonator may generally take place anywhere on the resonance
response curve as, for example, at full or near full power, at
half power points, quarter power points or the like. Thus a
resonant mode can be excited over a range of frequencies.
The scope of the present invention is not limited to particular
applications of the acoustic resonator to which power is
delivered. For example the present invention can be applied to
acoustic resonators for oilless acoustic compressors and pumps for
air compression, refrigeration, comfort air-conditioning,
hazardous fluids, ultra-pure fluids, natural gas, and commercial
gases; acoustic resonators for process control ; acoustic
resonators used as process reactors for chemical and
pharmaceutical industries ; acoustic resonators for separation of
gases including pressure swing adsorption ; and acoustic
resonators for agglomeration, levitation, mixing, and
pulverization to name a few. Such applications may or may not
include RMS resonators.
While omitted for clarity, such applications of the invention may
utilize inlet/outlet valves and heat exchange apparatus as shown
in Figure 13 of patent 5,319,938 and Figure 16 of patent
Accordingly, the scope of the invention should be determined not
by the embodiments illustrated, but by the appended claims and
their equivalents.
RMS process tool
Physical effects produced within RMS resonators are utilized as a
means to process materials within the resonator including for
example one or more of comminution, converting liquids into vapors
and gases, drying of powders, rapid mixing of gases and various
materials, agglomeration, de-agglomeration, granulation, chemical
reactions, stratification/separation, and the destruction of
biological material.
1) Field of Invention
This invention relates to the application of Resonant Macrosonic
Synthesis (RMS) for the purposes of processing materials within an
RMS resonator including, for example, comminution, converting
liquids into vapors and gases, drying of powders, mixing of
dissimilar materials, agglomeration, de-agglomeration,
granulation, sterilization of gases, destruction of biological
materials, separation by stratification, and coal gasification.
2) Description of Related Area
Previously, the processing of materials such as comminution,
converting liquids into vapors and gases, drying of powders, rapid
mixing of gases and various materials including mixtures of
particulate solids, agglomeration, de-agglomeration, and
granulation required a wide range of different processing
equipment. Examples of such equipment can include rotary cutters,
hammers, rollers, fluid-energy mills, ovens, and various
filtration machines.
If the manufacture of a product requires more than one of these
processes, then the product will often be progressively
transferred from one machine to another. This can create
disadvantages, due to reduced yield, product contamination, longer
process time, and high production costs and worker exposure to
processing agents.
A single process tool that can provide multiple process steps
without product transfer and in a simpler manner would provide a
significant advantage to the process industry.
It is the object of an embodiment of the present invention to
utilize the physical effects produced within RMS resonators as a
means to process materials within the resonator including for
example one or more of comminution, converting liquids into vapors
and gases, drying of powders, rapid mixing of gases and various
materials, agglomeration, de-agglomeration, granulation, chemical
reactions, stratification/separation, and the destruction of
biological material.
A further object of an embodiment of the invention is to provide a
method for processing materials in a self-contained, scaled tool
for batch.
A still further object is to provide a process tool capable of
generating a broad range of physical effects, such that multiple
process steps can be performed within a self-contained, sealed
tool, which may include simultaneous and sequenced process in a
batch and/or continuous manner.
Yet another object of an embodiment of the invention is to apply
an RMS acoustic process tool to process materials.
The RMS acoustic process tool (APT) of the present invention
consists of an RMS system including an acoustic resonator capable
of producing: an extremely large range of dynamic pressures, both
pumping and levitation via nonlinearly-generated DC pressures,
high acoustic particle velocities, streaming velocities, and
turbulence. The APT also includes an entire-resonator drive system
capable of providing the power necessary to produce these effects.
The shape of the APTs resonator is chosen to promote the specific
effect(s) listed above, which will provide the desired process or
processes. Inside the resonator is a fluid that serves as the
medium within which an acoustic standing wave is created. The
fluid can consist of a liquid, a gas, a vapor, a vapor-gas
mixture, a liquid or particulate aerosol, or a mixture of any
number of the forgoing fluids. The method of operation is such
that as the actuator oscillates the entire resonator at the
frequency of one of its acoustic modes, a standing acoustic wave
is produced.
One of the advantages of the APT is the number of different
process that can be performed within the same tool during a single
processing session. Materials within the resonator are exposed to
physical effects, such as high dynamic pressures, levitation via
nonlinearly-generated DC pressures, acoustic particle velocities,
streaming velocities, and turbulence. The relative magnitude of
these effects is determined by the resonator's shape and the power
delivered Depending upon the materials introduced into the
resonator, these physical effects promote various types of
processing including one or more of: the size reduction of solid
matter (comminution), agglomeration, de-agglomeration,
granulation, the vaporization/atomization of liquids, the drying
of powders, the nixing of dissimilar materials such as gases,
vapors, and powders, destruction of biological material, and
chemical reactions.
The rate at which these processes occur can be controlled by
varying the power delivered to resonator. Many of these individual
process can be combined to occur concurrently or in a desired
sequence within a single APT by varying the input power level.
Another advantage of the APT is that the high kinetic energy
required for certain processes such as rapid mixing, rapid
de-agglomeration, and communition are created within the resonator
via the stored energy of the standing wave. This internal energy
source eliminates the need for external energy sources that are
outside of the tool, such as external pumps or compressors.
These and other objects and advantages of the invention will
become apparent from the accompanying drawings, wherein like
reference numerals refer to like parts throughout.
FIG. 1 is a sectional view of an acoustic process tool
(APT) in accordance with the present invention;
FIG. 2 is a partially sectional view of a batch operation
as applied to the de-agglomerating of a pharmaceutical cake
inside of a blister.
FIG. 3 is a sectional view of an APT in accordance with the
present invention that provides various targets for improving
process results and various inlet and outlet tubes for either
batch or continuous operation;
FIG. 4 is a graphical representation of the DC pressure
distribution within the APT of FIG. 3,
FIG. 5 shows an alternate piston arrangement for driving
the resonator.
FIG. 1 illustrates an acoustic process tool (APT) 2 having driver
4 and resonator 6 being constructed so as to provide a sealed
(air-tight) chamber and being filled with a fluid. Materials to be
processed are placed in the interior 8 of resonator 6. The
material to be processed can be added to resonator 6 in many ways
as for example through conduit 10, which can be located anywhere
on the process tool 2. In general, the internal geometrical shape
of resonator 6 will determine the pressure and velocity
distributions and waveforms within interior 8 as described in U.S.
Pat. No. 5,515,684 incorporated herein by reference. Entire
resonator driving, as illustrated in FIG. 1, is described in U.S.
Pat. No. 5,515,684, U.S. Pat. No. 5,319,938, and U.S. patent
application Ser. No. 08/979,931 now U.S. Pat. No. 5,994,854, the
entire contents of which are all hereby incorporated by reference.
FIG. 5 is derived from FIG. 15B of U.S. Pat. No. 5,515,684, and
illustrates an alternate driving mechanism for the RMS resonator
74 using piston or diaphragm 80' and electromagnetic driver 94'.
The scope of the present invention is not limited to the shape of
resonator 6 in FIG. 1, but instead can have an infinite variety of
shapes. The specific resonator shape and its resulting
characteristics will be chosen by the designer to fulfill the
requirements of a particular application.
In operation driver 4 oscillates resonator 6 at the frequency of
an acoustic standing wave mode thereby creating a standing
acoustic wave within resonator 6. The driver is supplied with a
variable power supply 3 to permit control of the acoustic energy
within the chamber. In this way standing waves with extremely high
energy densities can be generated, which provide a range of
physical effects employed by the present invention. The physical
effects produced include one or more of high dynamic pressures,
high ambient temperatures, high dynamic temperatures, levitation
via nonlinearly-generated DC pressures, high acoustic particle
velocities, high streaming velocities, and turbulent flow volumes
of high scale that can fill a substantial portion of the
resonator's internal volume. U.S. Pat. No. 5,515,684 teaches that
excessive turbulence can increase the energy dissipation within a
resonator and also teaches methods to minimize the turbulence. For
certain RMS applications, such as acoustic compressors, energy
efficiency can be increased by minimizing turbulence. In contrast,
many of the processes of the present invention are enhanced by the
turbulence that is easily created by the high acoustic velocities
that RMS resonators can provide.
RMS resonators generate the high energy densities and physical
effects required for APT's to function and enable the new
processing approaches that ATP's provide. These physical effects
and their application to particular processes are described as
1) Comminution
Acoustic comminution is facilitated by high amplitude standing
waves that produce high acoustic velocities, high streaming
velocities, turbulent flow, and levitation.
The acoustic standing wave exists in the host gas that fills
resonator 6. The host gas can be air or any number of other gases
and will be at a pressure that is appropriate for a given process.
Assuming for example that the first longitudinal mode of resonator
6 is excited, then the host gas within the resonator will
oscillate back and forth along the resonator's cylindrical axis,
changing direction twice during a single acoustic cycle. In RMS
resonators, these oscillating axial velocities can approach and
potentially exceed the quiet condition sound speed (MACH 1) in
that gas.
Other flows within the gas that exert forces on the process
particles are nonlinearly-driven streaming velocities and
turbulent flow. At high acoustic amplitudes streaming flow loops
are generated between pressure nodes and anti-nodes and are also
created by the particles themselves. The streaming velocities
created by the particles can exceed the node-to-antinode streaming
velocities. Also, at high amplitudes the oscillating axial flow
transitions from laminar flow to turbulent flow.
Another effect due to the presence of the high amplitude acoustic
wave within resonator 6 is the nonlinearly driven, so called, "DC
pressure." As known to those skilled in the art, the DC pressure
varies along the axis of the resonator forming a static pressure
gradient. This static gradient can levitate objects within the
resonator. The shape and symmetry of resonator 6 will result in a
DC pressure distribution having a maxima at ends 12 and 14 and a
minima at the half-length point 16. FIG. 4 illustrates the type of
static pressure distribution that would be expected within
resonator 6. This DC pressure gradient will tend to push the
process particles away from ends 12 and 14 and towards the center
of resonator 6.
When the particles to be comminuted are placed within resonator 6
of FIG. 1 they are typically subjected to all of the forces
described above. Levitation tends to push the process particles
away from ends 12 and 14 and keeps them where oscillating axial
flow, turbulent flow, and streaming flows are high The oscillating
axial flow will exert a force on the process particles that will
tend to move them in the direction of the instantaneous axial
flow. As the particle is accelerated back and forth in response to
these oscillating axial forces it is also propelled through the
turbulent flows and streaming flows. The particle itself also
creates streaming flows that in turn create further unbalanced
forces that will accelerate the particle.
Consequently, the process particles experience collisions with the
walls of resonator 6 and with each other. RMS resonators can
provided energies high enough such that these particle-wall and
particle-particle collisions will break the process particles into
smaller pieces, and thereby provide comminution. The present
invention has been used to comminute materials such as whole
coffee beans, salt, sugar, and other materials. Micron and
sub-micron (i.e. nano-phase) sizes can be achieved.
The actual velocities achieved by the process particles will vary
inversely with particle size. When particles are first introduced
within resonator 6, their oscillating axial displacement will
typically be a fraction of the host gas' displacement.
It is the nature of an APT that nearly all of the resonator's
interior volume can be substantially filled with high velocity
flow so that process particles are almost continually undergoing
comminution. In this way the results of the process are enhanced
and rapid efficient comminution is provided.
The APT comminution process can be employed in many processes such
as the comminution of pharmaceutical agents, manufacture of
printer toner, gasification of coal, recovery of precious metals
from stone and other geological specimens, and plastics recycling.
2) Destruction of biological materials
The extremely high dynamic, pressures, dynamic temperatures, axial
and turbulent velocities generated within an RMS resonator can be
used to sterilize air and other gases by destroying bacteria and
viruses via exposure to high temperatures and through high energy
impacts as previously described for comminution.
3) Agglomeration and de-agglomeration
As acoustic amplitudes are increased from very low levels, the
different physical effects previously described will vary in
magnitude. At amplitudes low enough to avoid substantial
turbulence, the combined effects of levitation and acoustically
generated flows will lead to agglomeration of particulate process
materials. Applications for agglomeration include pollution
abatement through the removal of ash and other combustion products
from air. Also, by injecting a granulation-promoting substance (a
"binder" as it is commonly called) inside of resonator 6 of FIG.
1, granulation can be accomplished inside the APT.
When the acoustic amplitudes are increased beyond the
agglomeration level the agglomerated materials within resonator 6
of FIG. 1 will be de-agglomerated in the same manner and according
to the same principles as described above for comminution. If so
desired, low amplitude agglomeration inside the APT can be avoided
by starting the process at energy levels high enough for
de-agglomeration. For many applications, de-agglomeration involves
the breaking of weak bonds between preexisting particles which
were formed prior to the de-agglomeration process. As such, the
acoustic amplitudes required for de-agglomeration will be less
than those required for comminution. This will be the case for
applications such as pharmaceutical processing where care must be
taken not to alter the de-agglomerated particle size nor to alter
the properties of the process materials with excessive
temperatures and pressures. The APT can be adjusted to run at the
energy level appropriate for a given application by reducing the
drive power to the motor.
De-agglomeration applications are found for example in the
pharmaceutical industry both for continuous and batch operations.
One particular manufacturing process results in an agglomerated
cake inside of a sealed blister as shown in FIG. 2. The cake must
be de-agglomerated into a powder to place the product in its
intended form for use. In FIG. 2 a pharmaceutical blister pack or
strip 18 includes a series of blisters 20 with each blister 20
containing an agglomerated cake 22. In this embodiment of the
present invention, each blister 20 is supported on blister strip
18 and serves as the resonator. Each blister 20 is filled with an
appropriate gas and has a shape that is designed to provide
acoustic de-agglomeration as previously described. A blister
volume is typically less than 1 cc and contains an agglomerated
cake of even smaller volume. Entire resonator drive is employed
via ultrasonic horn 24, which is driven by ultrasonic driver 28
connected to variable power supply 23. Axial displacements of the
horn are small enough to allow the blisters to remain connected to
the blister strip during resonant driving. Many other types of
drivers can also be used Horn 24 is temporarily but rigidly joined
to horn cap 26 during resonant driving. Ultrasonic horn 24 and
horn cap 26 are shown in cross section and provide a means to
oscillate the entire blister 20 along its cylindrical axis at the
desired resonance frequency and also provide extra rigidity to
blister 20 if needed.
To minimize electronic controls the ultrasonic horn can be swept
through the blister's resonance frequency once or multiple times
to excite the acoustic mode and de-agglomerate the cake. The sweep
rate would be adjusted so as to allow the acoustic amplitude
within blister 20 to reach the appropriate level for
de-agglomeration. This process can be automated into steps so that
horn 24 and horn cap 26 separate and retract after
de-agglomeration of a blister, the sheet of blisters is advanced
and horn 24 and horn cap 26 reengage the next blister. Many
transducers can be operated in parallel at once to increase the
yield of the same process.
4) Reduction of liquid-to-vapor and liquid-to-gas
The process of vaporizing liquids is accomplished, within
resonator 6 of FIG. 1, in the same manner and according to the
same principles as described above for comminution. RMS resonators
can provide enough energy not only to vaporize liquids into
droplets but to further reduce droplets to the gas phase. As in
the case of de-agglomeration, care must be taken to use the energy
required to provide the desired result, whether it be a vapor, a
gas, or disassociated molecules The APT can be adjusted to run at
the energy level appropriate for a given application by reducing
the drive power to the motor.
Typical applications can include vaporization of fuels for
combustion processes and combustion engines; vaporization of
liquids for chemical, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, materials
science, and electronic device manufacturing; and vaporization for
respiratory drug delivery, where liquid and solid particulate
aerosols must be created.
5) Mixing of various process materials
The process of mixing various materials, such as liquid vapors,
gases, and powders is accomplished, within resonator 6 of FIG. 1,
in the same manner and according to the same principles as
described above for comminution. APTs can rapidly generate
high-density aerosols. The complex flow field created by the
superposition of the oscillating axial flow, the turbulent flow,
and the streaming flows can provide extremely rapid mixing of
various materials. For each particular combination of process
materials, care should be taken to use energy levels that will not
alter the desired properties of the materials.
Typical applications include rapid gas mixing for chemical and
pharmaceutical applications, rapid fuel-air mixing for combustion
engines and other combustion processes, and mixing of gases and
nanophase particles for film depositions, and electronic device
manufacturing processes.
6) Drying
The physical effects previously described for comminution will
accelerate the drying of process materials. A drying process
within a APT may require a flow of dry and/or heated gas through
the tool. In FIG. 1, a superimposed dry gas flow can be provided
by pumping the dry gas into resonator 6 via tube 10 and allowing
the used gas to exit resonator 6 through tube 11. The application
of microwaves provides another means of applying heat to the
process materials during processing, wherein the resonator can act
as a microwave cavity. While RMS resonators provide the advantage
of a sealed system, they can also operate when opened to the
external environment as required by the presence of tubes 10 and
11. The tubes can be provided with appropriate filters to prevent
any loss of the process materials.
7) Abrasion or "sand blasting"
Abrasive particulates can be used within the APT to "sand blast" a
solid object rigidly fixed within the resonator. Repeated high
velocity impacts of such abrasive particulates with the surface of
the solid object will result in the abrasion of the object's
surface. In this way, highly complex shapes may be processed so as
to, for example, clean the object of scale, paint, rust, oxides,
and other undesired surface coatings without exposure of human
operators to dust and particulates resulting from the abrasion
8) Chemical processes
The process tool of the present invention can also be used to
drive chemical reactions. RMS resonators can provide extremely
high dynamic pressures, dynamic temperatures, and kinetic energies
for use in enhancing chemical reactions.
For example, the process time required for thermally-driven
chemical reactions will normally include time for heating and
cooling the reactor. Thermally-driven chemical reactions can be
controlled in a new way in the APT. The high dynamic temperatures
generated within a RMS resonator can be used to turn a chemical
reaction off and on at the acoustic frequency. By varying the
input power to the resonator the dynamic temperature amplitude can
be varied, which in turn will change the fraction of the acoustic
cycle during which the reaction temperature requirement (high or
low) is met. Thus, by varying the power input to the resonator, a
nearly instantaneous control over the rate of reaction would be
High kinetic energies achieved within an RMS resonator can be used
to accelerate catalytic reactions, when a catalyst is placed
within the resonator. A catalyst can be added to the material to
be processed, formed on the resonator wall, or added as sheets or
plates oriented in the direction of the oscillating axial flow.
When filled with a liquid, the APT has the flexibility to provide
cavitation for sono-chemical reactions at ultrasonic frequencies
or well below the ultrasonic range. In sono-chemistry systems that
use ultrasonic sources, it is much more difficult to create
uniform cavitation throughout the reactor's volume and to transfer
the power needed for commercial practicality. The APT provides a
means to fill a very large volume of the reactor (i.e. resonator)
with cavitation and to do so at very high power levels.
Other chemical reactions and process steps that may be achieved
within an APT include oxidation, reduction, metal coating, metal
scrubbingor ablation, dissolution of solids into liquids,
crystallization, polymerization, de-polymerization, separation
processes such as high-speed pressure swing adsorption, sparging
(aeration/deaeration), gas/liquid reactions (chlorination), and
VOC abatement. The application of microwaves provides another
means of applying heat, or a more complex interaction, during a
chemical process, wherein the resonator can act as a microwave
The batch and continuous methods described previously can also be
used for chemical reactions within the APT. Chemical reactions can
be combined with many of the previously described processing steps
inside the same APT. In short, the APT provides a single tool, or
reactor, with which the process engineer can design a wide range
of processes that may have previously required multiple tools or
8) Separation
Stratification by particulate size along the axis of a resonator
is well known in the field of acoustics. An APT provides a
practical means for delivering large amounts of power and greatly
increasing the yield of an acoustic stratification process. This
particular use of an APT can be applied to the separation of
9) Enhancing processing results
The degree of axial, streaming, and turbulent velocities can be
changed by altering the internal surface finish and internal
geometry of the APT's resonator. As described in U.S. Pat. No.
5,515,684 the peak axial velocities achieved, for a given pressure
amplitude, will depend on the resonator's overall shape. Once a
given shape is chosen, local streaming and turbulent velocities
can be altered by changing the internal surface finish, or
roughness, and by inserting targets in the flow stream. Increasing
the turbulent and streaming velocities can increase the processing
rate for applications such as mixing, de-agglomeration, drying,
vaporization, and comminution, and thus can provide a significant
FIG. 3 shows example embodiments of targets that can be used to
increase yield where a resonator 30 has a screen 32 which spans
the internal volume of resonator 30 in a direction transverse to
the axial acoustic velocities. The mesh size of screen 32 can be
chosen so as not to overly impede the axial flow, but to promote
the early development of turbulence during a given acoustic cycle.
In this way, both the turbulent duty-cycle, with respect to an
acoustic cycle, and the turbulent intensity can be increased,
thereby providing more processing during a single acoustic cycle.
Multiple transverse screens can be added to further accentuate the
effect. Surface protrusions 34 provide another style of target to
increase processing performance, by promoting turbulence. The
resonator 20 is driven by driver 4 and connected to variable power
supply 3 as shown in FIG. 1.
The targets described have a two-fold effect First they will
increase the rate of particle-particle collisions as well as their
impact velocities and second they can provide increased surface
area for particle-resonator collisions.
Many other geometrical arrangements to promote turbulence will
suggest themselves to those skilled in the art and are considered
to be within the scope of the present invention. It is also
understood that the addition of targets is a matter of increasing
yield and efficiency and that a RMS resonator can provide the
processing features of the present invention without targets.
In general, the location, size, geometry, and quantity of these
targets, or obstructions, can be modified to optimize the process
as desired. Other approaches can be used to increase the
processing rate and to alter the processing characteristics such
as the particle size distribution for comminution. For example,
passive media, such as beads of various materials, can be placed
within the resonator to optimize comminution, mixing, and
de-agglomeration. Such enhancements are not limited to a batch
mode system, but can also be applied to a continuous mode system
described herein.
The APT of FIG. 3 provides outlet tubes 40 and 42 as a means to
remove processed materials from the tool. For batch operations,
resonator 30 can be fitted with flanges for direct opening of the
resonator in order to add and remove process materials.
Alteratively, materials can be placed within resonator 30 through
inlet tube 38 and valve 46 and can be removed through either
outlet tube 42 and valve 44 or through outlet tube 40 and valve
48. During processing, valves 44, 46 and 48 can be closed to
provide a sealed processing environment. Removal of processed
materials through outlet tube 42 can be assisted by "swept air
cleaning" consisting of an external pressure source connected to
inlet tube 38 which would create flow through tube 38, into
resonator 30, and out through tube 42. In this way the processed
materials would be entrained in the flow and carried out of
resonator 30.
Another means for discharging the processed materials is to use
the nonlinearly generated DC pressure created by the standing
acoustic wave inside the resonator. The graph of FIG. 4
illustrates the type of DC pressure distribution that would be
expected within resonator 30. Po represents the at-rest pressure
within resonator 30 when no standing wave is present. The curve
PDC shows how the local at-rest pressure PO is altered in the
presence of a high amplitude standing wave. Unlike the at-rest
pressure PO the altered static pressure PDC is high at the
resonator's ends and lowest at the center of the resonator.
If valves 46 and 48 are opened at the same time, then the DC
pressure will discharge gas through tube 40 and draw gas in
through tube 38. The resulting flow will entrain the processed
materials and discharge them from resonator 30, thus eliminating
the need for an external pressure source for sweeping the
resonator. Any RMS resonator can provide DC pressure and need not
have the specific shape shown in FIG. 3. The placement of inlet
tube 38 and outlet tube 40 provides the greatest DC pumping
pressure, as illustrated in FIG. 4. However, DC pressure pumping
can occur with inlets and outlets being located anywhere along the
length of resonator as long as there is a DC pressure difference
between the inlet and outlet positions. Multiple inlets and
outlets can be used to increase material flow and another outlet
tube similar to tube 40 could be located at the other end of
resonator 30.
10) Continuous process
In addition to batch processing, the APT of FIG. 3 can also
operate in a continuous process mode. An external pressure source
can continuously deliver move process materials through tube 38,
into resonator 30, and out through tube 42. Process materials can
also be continuously delivered by allowing the DC pressure to move
them through tube 38, into resonator 30 where processing occurs,
and out through tube 40. For both nthe externally-driven and DC
pressure-driven versions, the flow rate of the gas through the
chamber 32 can be controlled with the respective valves
independently from the acoustic processing.
For continuous comminution processes, a classification screen 36
can be added to the APT of FIG. 3 having a mesh size so as to
prevent particles from leaving the resonator until they have been
reduced to the desired size. By locating classification screen 36
inside resonator 30, a self-cleaning action is provided by the
oscillating acoustic flow and pressure, thus preventing clogging
of the screen.
Additional parallel layers of classifying screens can be located
along the cylindrical axis of resonator 30 having progressively
smaller mesh sizes from inlet to outlet. In this way, large
initial particles will not have to travel far along the
resonator's axis before impacting a screen through which it cannot
pass until the particle is broken down to a smaller size. Once
reduced in size, it will experience greater axial accelerations
and displacements allowing it to hit the next smaller mesh size
screen. The process continues until the particle can pass through
the last screen mesh.
It is particularly advantageous to use an APT in continuous mode
for processes such as therapeutic aerosol generation. Aerosol
generators or "nebullizers" used for therapeutic purposes often
utilize high velocity air strews to impart the energy needed to
create aerosols from liquids. A distribution of droplet sizes is
thereby created, only a fraction of which are the correct size for
inhalation. In addition, the high velocity air streams required
are generally of sufficiently high volumetric flow as to require
deceleration by externally placed baffles prior to delivery to a
patient. Because the energy needed to break a liquid into droplets
is acoustically supplied in an APT, it is possible by varying the
geometry of the chamber to independently regulate the air flow
through the resonator at a level required for human inhalation and
to optimize the air flow velocity so as to entrain only droplets
of therapeutic size.
11) Process Control
Every degree of each physical effect created within an RMS
resonator can be continuously varied by varying the input power to
the motor driving the resonator. Also, a transition can be made
from one physical effect to another by varying the power input, as
in the case of switching from agglomeration to de-agglomeration
and from stratification to mixing. Acoustic stratification of
particles by size occurs at lower acoustic amplitudes.
Controls can be provided to select the desired process and adjust
its rate by varying power input to the motor. Information
regarding percent completion of a given process can be inferred by
measured parameters such as power consumption at a reference
acoustic pressure amplitude and change in resonant frequency. For
example, at a given dynamic pressure amplitude a batch comminution
process may require less power as particle sizes are reduced. The
periodic addition or discharge of process materials, gases,
liquids, vapors, powders and reactants can be automated by those
skilled in the art of process control and electromechanical
There are many ways to exploit the new features of the present
invention that will readily occur to one skilled in the art of
process engineering. One of the principal advantages of the APT is
provided by the wide range of physical effects that can be
generated within a single chamber. As such, there are innumerable
ways to combine simultaneous and sequenced processes within a
single APT, thereby unifying and simplifying formerly complex
processes. For example, a process requiring comminution of solids,
mixing the comminuted product with gases and other powders,
vaporization of liquid reactants, controlling a chemical reaction,
agglomeration, and discharge of the final product can all be
performed within a single APT by simply supplying the proper
materials and controlling the power input to provide the
respective physical effects. The number of other combinations of
parallel and sequenced processes that can be realized with an APT
is virtually endless but is in fact made possible by the unique
features of the present invention. Thus, the performance of
multiple complex processes within a single APT is considered to be
within the scope of the present invention.
As with any process tool, APTs of varying sizes and designs can be
placed in series and used to process materials in stages.
An APT requires no specific physical orientation to create the
desired physical effects, and so the designer is free to orient
the APT in any manner that facilitates a particular design
requirement, such as a gravity feed of process materials or
loading and unloading process materials, or controlled entrainment
of liquid droplets or solid particulates by a gas flowing through
the unit. A resonator can be removed from its driver and used to
transport the pressed materials in order to avoid contamination.
An APT can be operated at extreme temperatures if required by a
particular process and can be heated or cooled with conventional
methods, Construction materials can be chosen as appropriate for
compatibility with given process materials. The number of
resonator shapes that will provide the physical effects described
herein is unlimited and the specific shape chosen for a given APT
design will reflect the given process or processes of interest.
Resonator size should not be considered as a limitation on the
scope of the invention, since resonators can be scaled to
extremely small sizes (e.g. micromachines) and to very large sizes
capable of delivering thousands of watts of processing power.
Further, modes of operation can involve using a fluidized bed
approach to prevent the process materials from becoming
acoustically opaque, thereby maximizing the volume of materials
that can be loaded into a single resonator, while still being able
to excite the standing wave mode.
APT resonators have no mechanical frictional moving parts and so
provide great flexibility in materials selection Resonators can be
constructed from materials that provide long-life,
non-contamination, and non-reactivity such as stainless steel,
monel, hastalloy, glass, ceramic or plastic.
Monitoring of APT processes can also be provided by means of
transparent windows in the resonator. Windows can be used for
noninvasive optical measurements to determine the degree of
process completion.
Standing wave compressor.
A compressor for vapor-compression cooling systems, which exploits
the properties of acoustic resonance in fluids for fluid
compression, and provides a discharge pressure which can be varied
during operation in response to changing operating conditions,
thereby providing an oil-less compressor and reducing the
compressor's energy consumption. The thermoacoustic properties of
standing acoustic waves are exploited to provide a refrigerant
subcooling system which is contained within the compressor.
Refrigerant subcooling occurs when heat exchange is provided
between the refrigerant and a heat pumping surface, which is
exposed to the standing acoustic wave within the compressor.
Acoustic energy can be provided by either a mechanical driver, or
by direct exposure of the fluid to microwave and infrared energy,
including solar energy. Inlets (4) and outlets (6) arranged along
the chamber (2) provide for the intake and discharge of a fluid
refrigerant, and can be provided with optional reed valve
arrangements, so as to increase the compressor's compression
ratio. The performance of the compressor can be optimised by a
control circuit which holds the wavelength of the standing wave
constant, by varying the driving frequency in response to changing
operating conditions.
High stability dynamic force motor
Motor control of a variable reluctance motor is obtained by
providing a periodic voltage waveform to a coil of a motor. No
coil current control or current or flux feedback is needed to
obtain flux waveforms that allow for low-distortion or
distortion-free operation of the motor. The periodic voltage
waveform may be a sinusoidal or sawtooth signal, for example, and
has a substantially zero mean for each cycle of the signal. The
periodic voltage waveform may be offset to compensate for the
resistance of the coil, and the coil current may be monitored in
order to determine the amount of offset required. By providing a
zero-mean or substantially zero-mean periodic voltage waveform,
the coil current and flux in the gap between the core and the
moving part are guaranteed to reach a zero value at some point
during each period (or cycle) of the periodic voltage waveform.
Compression-evaporation cooling system having standing wave
A compressor for compression-evaporation cooling systems, which
requires no moving parts. A gaseous refrigerant inside a chamber
is acoustically compressed and conveyed by means of a standing
acoustic wave which is set up in the gaseous refrigerant. This
standing acoustic wave can be driven either by a transducer, or by
direct exposure of the gas to microwave and infrared sources,
including solar energy. Input and output ports arranged along the
chamber provide for the intake and discharge of the gaseous
refrigerant. These ports can be provided with optional valve
arrangements, so as to increase the compressor's pressure
differential. The performance of the compressor in either of its
transducer or electromagnetically driven configurations, can be
optimized by a controlling circuit. This controlling circuit holds
the wavelength of the standing acoustical wave constant, by
changing the driving frequency in response to varying operating
Resonant macrosonic synthesis (rms) energy conversion
An energy conversion device comprises an acoustic resonator (2), a
pulse combustion device for creating a standing wave within said
resonator, and an electric (16) alternator. The alternator (16) is
coupled to the resonator (2) to convert acoustically driven
mechanical vibrations into electrical power.
An acoustic resonator includes a chamber containing a fluid. The
chamber has anharmonic resonant modes and provides boundary
conditions which predetermine the harmonic phases and amplitudes
needed to synthesize a non-sinusoidal, unshocked waveform.