Ettore Majorana
Antimatter Cannon
Ettore Majorana
Ettore Majorana; born on 5 August 1906 – probably died after
1959[1]) was an Italian theoretical physicist who worked on
neutrino masses. On March 25, 1938, he disappeared under
mysterious circumstances while going by ship from Palermo to
Naples. The Majorana equation and Majorana fermions are named
after him. In 2006, the Majorana Prize was established in his

Ettore Majorana
Ettore Majorana
Ettore Majorana was probably the most famous Italian physicist-and
perhaps not only Italian of the twentieth century. But the name of
Ettore Majorana, this scientist who died mysteriously in 1938 at
only 31 years of age, immediately brings to mind a still
unresolved national enigma: he committed suicide? He took refuge
in a convent? Or he was kidnapped by foreign powers? Or he walked
away voluntarily in Argentina?
Because Ettore Majorana, even at a young age, in those years here
in Italy, had been one of the "via Panisperna boys" the famous
Italian physicists group headed by Enrico Fermi, ie the Nobel
prize in 1942 built in Chicago first 'atomic pile' and then,
unfortunately, he issued the 'bomb'.
Ettore Majorana, who had already refused the transfer prestigious
invitations at the universities of Cambridge, Yale and Carnegie
Foundation was noted for its outstanding value as a scientist and
researcher with theoretical works on nuclear physics and quantum
mechanics relativistic with particular applications of the theory
of neutrino.
Majorana obtained a professorship in theoretical physics at the
age of 28, and was then appointed, out of competition, and for
special merits, to the holder of the office of Theoretical Physics
at the University of Naples.
Here he held the inaugural address January 13, 1938 and continued
his lectures until 23 March. Two days later, March 25, 1938 he
disappeared after taking -sembra- passport and withdrew the salary
covered the first months of teaching.
The hypothesis of suicide, the most immediate and plausible, not
was confirmed in research conducted immediately or was found
later; the same can be said for other hypotheses advanced over
The same Fermi wrote to Benito Mussolini to ask an intensification
of research using clear words that express very well his
assessment of Majorana: "I do not hesitate to state that you are,
and I do not say that hyperbolic expression, that of all Italians
and foreign scholars I had the opportunity to approach the
Majorana is foremost that to depths of ingenuity struck me most. "
Many, over time, hypothesized in the disappearance a choice of
total and definitive estrangement.
In some parts of the Majorana work is a "quantum sociology",
indeterministic, clear example and mirror of the breadth of
interests such as to place it close to the tradition of the
"physical-philosophers" as Heisenberg, Bohr and Einstein than to
the Italian time physical this aspect-oriented experimental.
It was back to publish his works for both his sense hypercritical
(with himself) both for his shy and reserved nature, so a great
deal of his research has been in the form of manuscripts, partly
What remains of handwritten notes for lectures, his research and
articles published show a clear example of penetration in the laws
of physics as to anticipate the times means that Ettore Majorana
was understood and fully assessed until many years later, and even
still remains a precursor of scientific innovations.
Now, in the biographical testimony of Rolando Pelizza reported in
the book "The finger of God", although in this first part is that
the events until 1989, there is a concrete indication, connected
to real facts that would otherwise remain unexplained, for a flash
light on the mystery of the disappearance of this great Italian
Short bibliography.
E.Amaldi, The life and work of EM, Rome 1966
L. Sciascia, The M. disappearance, Torino 1975
E. Recami The Majorana case: collection of letters, documents,
testimonies, Rome 2002;
id., The case Majorana, Mondadori
[ ZIP – 47,56 MB ]
( 3-D Files )
[ Google Translation : http://itools.com/tool/google-translate-web-page-translator
On a strong platform in the high mountains, Rolando Pelizza in
1976 with a video transmission experiment shows to some
acquaintances as is capable of annihilating a rock through a small
machine and claims to use antimatter.
What comes out experiments and laborious negotiations with the
governments (USA, Italy, Belgium and NATO itself) and the interest
of these for that invention that our protagonist does not want to
give in fearing that it may be used for military purposes; hence
all a disinformation campaign in the media, and misdirection on
In his biography, he states that the machine built by him is used
for the experimental verification of nuclear physics theory
developed by Majorana with which it collaborates.
In many experiments performed, Pelizza get not only the
possibility of destroying elements with this machine - whose
peaceful use is the destruction of waste and radioactive waste -
but above all to be able to obtain large quantities of energy at
zero cost. In subsequent experiments, Pelizza seeking full
confirmation of the third phase, which was pointed by his master:
the transformation of matter.
The story in brief
From the first meeting in 1958 with the Master, the physicist
Ettore Majorana, the idea to build the car he designed, it's been
only three years. A device able to "annihilate" the matter, an
invention that brings extraordinary opportunities for development
for mankind, but also an enormous destructive potential. A machine
able to literally disappear anything or to create energy at zero
And this, only looking at the first two stages of development.
This book tells so the biographical events that happened to
Rolando Pelizza Brescia from 1958 to 1989, with the sole aim to
shed light on a discovery of the '70s, which still retains its
truly revolutionary character.
An outdoor silenced because its inventor did not want to
compromise with the US secret services, with the Belgian
government, with the Italian, and others; All interested as they
were in a development purely military equipment. A scope that, in
contrast with humanitarian intentions which have always guided
Pelizza, pushing him to suffer decades of abuse, physical and
psychological violence, blackmail and intimidation.
They tell the experiments, hopes, joys and defeats of a man and of
a theory.
It tells of a man who has been able to demonstrate several times
to the Italian government the effectiveness of its arguments: the
first time in 1976 to prof. Ezio Clementel CNEL and again in 1981
to the Minister Mancini. Surprising comments, the consequences
just as surprising. The stakes were so high as to make change
players; He needed a new player, stronger, much stronger. Someone
who was able to get into trouble Rolando, to wage against an
incredible "machine of the mud", to reduce it to poor and force
him into exile.
But history teaches us that great men reach their goals in any
situation. Sometimes even guided only by the case.
The meeting with a Swiss at the end of 1987 IT Pelizza allowed to
continue its research to try to reach experimentally the third
phase provided by his Master of theory development: the ability to
transform matter.
This paper concludes his account just a few days before this
incredible effort.
All the facts narrated in this book are supported by numerous
documents and evidence collected over the years.
To believe or not to believe? It does not matter!
The important thing for now is to know. Because it is clear that
any concerns could be allayed only by experiments carried out
according to the strictest canons, and that's what we all hope,
and we are waiting.
Not many great inventors and scholars that history remembers.
Ettore Majorana and Rolando Pelizza, certainly deserve to get into
this prestigious group, for a theory and its implementation, for
an invention that would be able to revolutionize the world,
although 38 years late!
Downloads :
01 Photographs and notes drawn up by Pugliese commenting on the
tests carried out for mr. Manniello, Science and Technology
Attaché of the US Embassy in Italy, August 1976
02 Exchange of letters between Pugliese and mr. Manniello and then
with mr. Tutino of the US Department of Defense, sent the US
President Ford, 1976
3 Report of Pugliese meeting with the US envoy mr. Tutino and the
meeting of the same with Pelizza (acts Palermo judge), October
04 Letter of prof. Clementel (President of the National Nuclear
Energy Council) Mr Fortuna with attached list tests to be
performed, November 26, 1976
05 handwritten report Prof. Clementel (CNEN) and technical
calculations on the findings of the tests performed, December 27,
06 Evaluation of the physical Piero Pasolini filmed on the
tests carried out for the CNEN, December 27, 1976
7 Charge to the notary Leroy and directions for a protocol to be
used with the US (acts Palermo judge), January 1977
08 Pugliese agrees on. Fortunately a date for an experiment that
does not accept Pelizza for short time, in February 1977
09 Mrs. Fortuna resumed negotiations and invites Pugliese with
Pelizza telegram to Rome to confirm the new date for the
experiment, February 1977
10 The recommended snail - letters from Mr. Luck to Pugliese and
Pelizza and confirmation telegram commitments, February 24, 1977
11 Telegram Pugliese the lawyer. Bossoni why not report the talks
if questioned by investigators in April 1977_Riservato
12 Convention and check 1bn lira issued by Pelizza to guarantee
the eventual failure of an experiment, in April 1977
13 Declaration of the surveyor. Piras on receipt of original
documents USA, June 1, 1977
14 Evaluation of Prof. Bouffard on warranty data paintings by
Pelizza, June 17, 1977
15 Assignment of Exclusive company Pelizza to build the prototype
for experimental Belgian Government, July 29, 1977
16 Telegram Minister Mancini the lawyer. Bossoni confirming
the support of the informal Italian Government, in December 1977
17 Letter of Major Leclerc to Pelizza indicating the elements
found in the experiment residues, December 1977
18 CDA Exclusive Resolution for appointment of the experiment
Pelizza with the Belgians, April 28, 1978
19 Appointment of Pelizza by Exclusive to interface with Prof.
Ronse representative of Belgium, May 8, 1978
20 Minutes of CDA Exclusive assigning various tasks to experiment
with the Belgian Government, July 13, 1978
21 Minutes of Exclusive CDA concerning a number of experiments
carried out by the Minister for Pelizza Mancini, 27 March 1979
22 Minutes seizing documents and intimidating letters to Pelizza,
June 12, 1987
23 History events that took place in 1976-77 with six witnesses
24 Apulian interrogation
25 Letter of 87 where Pelizza, abroad and in absentia, responds to
Pugliese. It shows the free energy and the only peaceful use of
the machine. The hand of God.
The videos
Testimony of Charles Tralamazza
Fundamental testimony of dr. Carlo Tralamazza, professor and Swiss
computer scientist, who has worked for years with Rolando Pelizza
in software development
How does the machine and experiments
This movie (and the other two related) is a part of a video of the
1986 reports of the sequences shot ten years earlier. Here Colonel
Massimo Pugliese of the Italian secret service SID (Defence
Information Service) and Eng. Aristide Saleppichi show the machine
and explain how they occurred experiments performed with it by
Rolando Pelizza in 1976 both John Luis Manniello, (Attaché for the
US Embassy in science and technology business in Rome), both the
prof. Ezio Clementel president of CNEN (National Nuclear Energy
Committee) the greatest Italian organization of this sector.
Interview with Brunella
This part of the interview (and its completion) reports the
testimony of Daniel Brunella, who accompanied Charles Rocchi
(collaborator of US intelligence information), and was an
eyewitness in November 1981 on the Fort Now to Baremone experiment
performed by Rolando Pelizza with the machine that used the
This part of the interview (see the first part for its completion)
reports the testimony of Daniel Brunella, who accompanied Charles
Rocchi (American information secret service employee) and was an
eyewitness in November 1981 on the Fort Now to Baremone experiment
performed by Rolando Pelizza with the machine that used the
Taini to Baremone
This short amateur video (and its related) shows the return in
2013, after more than 37 years, the Fort Now to Baremone (a fort
dating from World War II) the surveyor Antonio Taini, and the
testimony of the same that here was an eyewitness experiment
performed in 1977 by Rolando Pelizza for Colonel Jacques Leclerc
who demanded by acting as sent by the Belgian government and NATO.
This short amateur video (see also Part One) shows the return in
2013, after more than 37 years, the Fort Now to Baremone (a fort
dating from World War II) the surveyor Antonio Taini, and the
testimony of the same that here was an eyewitness experiment
performed in 1977 by Rolando Pelizza for Colonel Jacques Leclerc
who demanded by acting as sent by the Belgian government and NATO.
Interview with Bossoni
This interview shows the lawyer's testimony Pierluigi Bossoni who
was an eyewitness of the experiment desired by Colonel Jacques
Leclerc-on request of the Belgian government and the NATO- and
executed by Rolando Pelizza that his car through the use of
antimatter in 1977 Now to Strong (a fort dating from World war II)
to Baremone, destroyed a concrete slab.
Ettore Maiorana,La macchina venuta dal futuro
l'energia libera esiste
Rolando letter
Graphological opinion
Letter of 02.26.1964
Letter of 20.05.1965
Letter of 12.10.1968
Letter of 12.21.1972
Letter of 30.09.1976
Letter of 05.02.1980
Letter of 03.31.1981
Letter of 18.05.1993
Letter of 24.12.1996
Letter of 24.12.1996 to Recami
Letter of 20.12.2000
Letter of 12.07.2001
[ PDF – 3,43 MB ]

Pubblicati su YouTube i filmati segreti dell’energia proibita
On the evening of March 25, 1938 Ettore Majorana left Naples with
a steamer of the company Tirrenia to Palermo, where he stopped a
couple of days: the journey he had been advised by his closest
friends, who had invited him to take a rest period.
The same day, before leaving, had written to Connect Antonio
Carrelli, Professor of Experimental Physics at the Institute of
Physics, the following missive:
"Dear trucks, I made a decision that was now inevitable. There is
in it a single grain of selfishness, but I appreciate the trouble
that my sudden disappearance will procure for you and the
students. Even for this I beg you to forgive me, but above all for
letting all the trust, sincere friendship and sympathy you have
shown me over the months ... Please also remember those who have
learned to know and appreciate in your Institute; all of whom
cherish beloved memories at least until eleven tonight, and
possibly even later. "
Family members had written instead:
"I have only one wish: that no black to dress. If you want to bow
down to the use, flow rates as well, but for no more than three
days, some sign of mourning. After remind me, if you can, in your
hearts and forgive me. "
On March 26 trucks received by Majorana a telegram telling him not
to worry about what is written in the letter that he had
previously sent. On the same day it was written and even sent this
last letter:
Palermo, 26 March 1938 - XVI
"Dear trucks, I hope you have come together with the telegram and
letter. The sea has refused me and I will return tomorrow to the
hotel Bologna, perhaps traveling with this same sheet. But I'm
going to give up teaching. Do not take me for a girl Ibsen because
the case is different. I'm at your disposal for any further
details. "
But Ettore Majorana "appeared no more."
"The only certainty among many assumptions involves taking a
considerable amount of money (some back wages) that Majorana did
before to cover his tracks, the equivalent of about $ 10,000
today, as well as the disappearance of his passport . This fact,
combined with the rationality of Majorana mind, the hypothesis of
suicide "makes it unlikely ...
It succeeds rather difficult to accept that a person who decides
to commit suicide, retreats itself the day before his
"disappearance", by their bank, all their savings, and also
disappears her passport.
But we proceed with order: "Ettore Majorana was born in Catania
August 5, 1906, into a wealthy and educated family. The father
Fabio was a Physicist; uncle Quirino, the favorite of Hector, was
a well-known scientist in the field of experimental physics. Since
young Ettore Majorana is considered a young genius, for he had
exceptional ability to mathematical calculation, that made him
someone very special and unusual already in those first years of
your life and then even later. "
"Ettore Majorana initially undertook the engineering studies,
leaving soon to embrace those of Theoretical Physics under the
guidance of the great Physicist Enrico Fermi (later Nobel Prize in
Physics). He then became a member of the so called group of
physicists Via Panisperna, (named after the street in which it was
precisely the Institute of Physics of the University of Rome).
They were part of the group of Via Panisperna names like Edoardo
Amaldi, Emilio Segre, Rasetti, Oscar D'Agostino and Bruno
Pontecorvo, who all became famous later in theoretical and
experimental physics. Inside the "group of boys from Via
Panisperna", Ettore Majorana occupied immediately a special place
and important fact was considered by his companions a genius! One
day shortly after arriving at 'Institute of Physics of Via
Panisperna, Ettore Majorana gave a demonstration of their
computing skills also at the same Enrico Fermi, who later called
Ettore Majorana' Physicist very special, the importance of which
could be compared only to that of Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton
'. "
"Fermi was then working in the statistical model of the atom that
later took the name of Thomas-Fermi. The speech with Majorana fell
immediately on ongoing research at the Institute and Fermi quickly
exposed the general lines of the model, showed Majorana excerpts
of his recent work on the subject and, in particular, the table in
which numerical values were collected in the the so-called Fermi
universal potential. Majorana listened with interest and, after
asking for some clarification, went off without expressing his
thoughts and intentions. The next day, in the late morning, showed
up again at the Institute, he entered directly into the study of
Fermi and asked, without preamble, see the table that had been
placed under the eyes for a few moments yesterday. Avutala in
hand, drew from his pocket a piece of paper on which was written a
similar chart which he calculated at home in the last twenty-four
hours. He compared the two tables, and found that they were in
full agreement with each other, said that the Fermi table was fine
and left the studio, he left the Institute. Majorana was therefore
not returned to see if the table was fine by him calculated in the
last 24 hours, but to check if it was correct that of Fermi. "
This is the portrait that gives it, at that time, Laura Fermi:
"Majorana had, however, a strange character: he was too shy and
inward looking. In the morning, in going to the Institute tram, he
began to think of his forehead frowning. He could think of a 'new
idea, or a difficult problem, or the explanation of certain
experimental results that had seemed incomprehensible: he rummaged
his pockets, pulled out a pencil and a pack of cigarettes on which
to scribble complicated formulas. Fell from the tram was going
engrossed, his head bowed and a large tuft of hair blacks and
scarruffati drooping over his eyes. He arrived at the Institute
tried to Fermi or Rasetti and pack of cigarettes in hand,
explaining his idea. "
It's still:
"Majorana had continued to attend the Institute of Rome and to
work there from time to time, in its peculiar way, until in 1933
he had gone for a few months in Germany. The return did not resume
his place in the life of the Institute; indeed, he did not want to
be seen even by old comrades. The turmoil of his character must
certainly affect a tragic event that struck the Majorana family. A
baby in swaddling clothes, cousin of Hector, was burned to death
in the cradle, which had inexplicably caught fire. There was talk
of crime. He was accused of child and an uncle Hector. The latter
assumed the responsibility to prove the innocence of his uncle.
With great decisiveness is also personally involved in the
process, dealt with lawyers, he took care of the details. The
uncle was acquitted; but the effort, the constant concern, process
emotions could not fail to leave a lasting effect on a sensitive
person who was Hector. "
"Already from 1932 to 1936 Ettore Majorana he had not attended the
Institute of Via Panisperna. Alone and isolated, always deep in
thought, one day wrote to his brother Luciano confiding: "At the
Institute nobody understands anything. My theories may include
only four people: Bohr, Heisenberg, Dirac and Anderson ... "
"Ettore Majorana was disputed by prestigious universities and
research institutes. In 1937 Ettore Majorana accepted, after
refusing Cambridge, Yale and Carnegie Foundation, the chair of
Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Naples,
where he tied friendship with Antonio Carrelli, professor of
experimental physics at the Institute of Physics " .
"Ettore Majorana, he worked primarily as a theoretical physicist,
his most important works included the nuclear physics and
relativistic quantum mechanics, with particular applications in
neutrino theory."
"In those years Ettore Majorana becomes the protagonist of a
series of studies, insights and discoveries that make him one of
the greatest theoretical physicists of the last century (if not
the largest). In particular it postulates the 'existence of the
neutrino, years before it is discovered experimentally. Pioneering
and important is above all his dell'antiparticella intuition, for
example. electron / positron (which introduces the theme of
'existence of' "anti-matter").
And from here it takes the right moves your Free Energy, which I
want to be baptized: "Free Energy Ettore Mjorana". As we will see
later, it is a new source of energy, economic, unlimited and
clean, which already would be available to the 'Humanity!
"In physics, antimatter is the set of anti-particles,
corresponding to the mass to the particles that make up ordinary
matter, but with opposite charge. For example an atom of
"antihydrogen" is composed of a negatively charged antiproton,
around which orbit a positron (anti-electron) positively charged
"If the particle and antiparticle come into contact are destroyed,
emitting high-energy photons (gamma rays) or other
particle-antiparticle pairs, such that the sum of the total
energy, the previous and following the impact, remains constant."
"The Majorana studies made a fundamental contribution to the
development of modern physics and faced many issues in an original
way: in its first phase published his studies on problems of
atomic spectroscopy, the chemical bond theory (where he
demonstrated his deep knowledge of the mechanism exchange of
valence electrons), the calculation of the probability of the spin
reversal (spin-flip) of the atoms of a steam polarized beam when
it moves in a magnetic field rapidly variable. The greatest
scientific contribution of Ettore Majorana, however, is the second
phase of its production, which includes three works: the work on
nuclear forces today called the Majorana, work on arbitrary
intrinsic momentum particles and work on the symmetry of '
electron and the positron, is also famous equation Majorana.
Ettore is remembered by the international scientific community, to
have deduced the equation of infinite components that form the
theoretical basis of Open Quantum Systems ".
"On 12 April 2012, the journal Science published a study that
confirms the existence of fermions which he theorized in 1938,
which have the characteristic of not having the antimatter
"But for physicists from around the world, the name of Majorana is
also linked to a 'another mystery, that of the hypothetical
particle that bears his name and which would enjoy the
extraordinary property of being matter and antimatter at the same
time. Nothing more than a guess, at that time; Today, things seem
to be bound to change. In theory, matter and antimatter are
entirely irreconcilable. When they come into contact, they
annihilate each other, releasing energy ... "
"Ettore Majorana could have given a huge contribution to its
nuclear physics with these particles of" Majorana ". His
contribution to particle physics remains crucial, and now acquires
new validity in the light of supersymmetry theory, which supports
the thesis that all of Majorana particles have an antiparticle of
the family of fermions at zero charge. This implies the existence
of some supersymmetric partners of fermions, such as photino, the
partner of the photon, and higgsino, the enigmatic anchor
companion Higgs boson. "
"He went to Leipzig and Copenhagen, and was awarded by the
National Research Council for a grant for this journey that began
at the end of January 1933 and lasted about six months. The
meeting with Heisenberg was profitable, so much so that he was
able (there where Fermi and others had failed) to be published by
Majorana Über die Kerntheorie, in Zeitschrift für Physik. We have
some of his letters the German period. "
"On 20 January, in a letter to his mother he writes: 'At the
Institute of Physics have welcomed me very warmly. I had a long
conversation with Heisenberg that is extraordinarily polite and
nice person '. "
"In a letter to his father, February 18, writes: 'I wrote an
article on the structure of the nuclei to Heisenberg liked
although it contained some corrections to a theory'."
"In a letter sent to Giovanni Gentile jr. He talks about stupid
race theory; and his last published article Majorana expressed,
albeit in an indirect way, a positive view of free will, that
opinion seems incompatible with Nazism. "
"Subsequently Majorana went to Copenhagen, where he met Niels
Bohr. The friendship with Bohr took him to meet other important
physicists of the time, including C. Moller and Arthur H.
Rosenfeld, and attend George Placzek, who already knew for some
time. "
The historical, political, and cultural context in which they
occurred the facts that we are analyzing is that of fascism in
Italy and Nazism in Germany ... It is clear that the sad events
were already in place, and the winds of war were already intuitive
and perceptible, especially for a person like Ettore Majorana, who
was intelligence, culture (including humanities), and sensitivity
E = mc 2
"It is the physical equation that establishes the material
equivalence between energy (E) and the mass (m) of a physical
system. It was discovered in 1905 by the physicist and philosopher
Albert Einstein. In Einstein's report are summarized basic
properties of mass (matter), highlighted by his interactions with
the energy ... "
Surely Ettore Majorana was very forward in the understanding of
nuclear physical phenomena, as evidenced by his education: he
graduated in Theoretical Physics at the age of 23, on July 6,
1929, with a thesis on "Mechanics of Radioactive Nuclei",
supervisor Enrico Fermi, 110/110 cum laude; and as demonstrated by
its publications, such as "On the theory of nuclei", and also that
the "symmetrical theory of 'electron and the positron", just to
name two of the most important and still relevant; Moreover his
scientific discoveries, like the one anticipated the neutron (had
a little over 20 years!), and in particular that of "symmetric
theory of 'electron and' anti-electron", much in vogue today for
its application to neutrinos and anti neutrino ( "anti-matter").
Ettore Majorana was so secure more than aware of the large
intrinsic energy of matter itself, of the 'atom nucleus, and how
this type of studies and discoveries, then all' vanguard, could be
potentially dangerous in the wrong hands.
Let us return for a moment to the theory of the Neutron made by
Ettore Majorana, since I consider a key episode also to understand
the personality of the young scientist. In this case not only
highlights the scientist's stature, in his early twenties, but
also his "psychology"; In fact, despite having been widely
requested to publish this important even by the Fermi theory,
refused to do so ... Leonardo Sciascia expresses himself about in
his work The disappearance of Majorana: "And in doing so had given
up a possible Nobel prize! Also, when the Heisenberg theory was
accepted and celebrated not share the regret of the other Physical
Institute Roman ... But in regard to the German physicist
conceives a feeling of admiration (and this contributes to
self-awareness) and gratitude (and what contributes his fear).
Heisenberg is like an unknown friend, one that without knowing it,
without knowing it, as he saved from danger, avoided him as a
sacrifice. "
Ettore Majorana then became in 1937 Professor of Theoretical
Physics at the Royal University of Naples, following the proposal
of the jury took place "for special merits" (committee chaired by
the Enrico Fermi). He was appointed Professor of Theoretical
Physics at the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural of
the Royal University of Naples "because of the high reputation of
singular skill which has come in the field of theoretical physics
studies ..."
"In addition, the same Enrico Fermi is has gone to Sicily to visit
Ettore Majorana just a short time before his death, even after a
previous experiment in which the boys of Via Panisperna, having
bombarded uranium with neutrons, while their experiment, they did
not understand well what phenomenon was triggered ... And on this
occasion of the visit to Sicily, the same Enrico Fermi he left his
notebook on 'own uranium to Ettore Majorana, to maybe get him
"enlightenment" in about. Perhaps this circumstance gave to Ettore
Majorana the opportunity to understand in advance that physical
phenomena of potentially destructive nature of nuclear power would
be possible in the future, if the same phenomena were understood
and explained? "
This definitely Ettore Majorana was not wrong! If, as is true,
"Enrico Fermi he designed and led the construction of the first
nuclear fission reactor, which produced the first nuclear reaction
controlled chain, and was one of the technical directors of the
Manhattan Project, which led to the creation of the atomic bomb in
the laboratories Los Alamos ... a few years later, the morning of
August 6, 1945 at 8:16, the US Air Force launched on the Japanese
city of Hiroshima, followed three days later by the launch of the
bomb, "Fat Man" on Nagasaki. The number of direct victims is
estimated from 100,000 to 200,000, almost exclusively civilians. "
Then the hypothesis of a self isolation of Ettore Majorana
volunteer, who has had as its main aim is not to reveal to the
world his important insights and findings on the matter, and its
enormous intrinsic energy, (potentially destructive), which could
have have negative and destructive effects, which he certainly did
not want, on people's lives and 'all mankind, if this energy had
been devoted to evil, would be consistent with its voluntary
alleged "disappearance ..."
This hypothesis quite likely would agree with that formulated by
Leonardo Sciascia, in his book The disappearance of Majorana,
already mentioned above.
"Ettore Majorana would be locked up in the Carthusian monastery of
Serra San Bruno, to get away from everything and everyone, since
they could not stand the social life. The monastic hypothesis is
linked to the youth of Hector, who had attended the Institute
Massimiliano Massimo of the Jesuits in Rome. A possible link with
the past that shows up, a part of his youth. the researches of the
same family, who wrote to Pope Pius XII Pacelli, promising not
want to interfere at all the choices that may have accrued from
Hector, just to know the Vatican simply if he were alive on this
track were also addressed, but no answer, of any sign, was never
provided. "
The investigation into the "disappearance" of Ettore Majorana were
timely and important from the very beginning, such was the fame
that the character had already earned ... The same Duce, at the
request of Enrico Fermi, personally urged the police organs and
Italian secret services themselves if they occupied directly
behind your order. According to some testimonies Majorana would
have been spotted and recognized in Naples days after his apparent
"disappearance." C 'is the acts of the police the very important
testimony of a woman, that he should know him well, as had been
his nurse, and therefore could hardly be mistaken for the reported
circumstances. Just this witness in particular, would exclude the
'hypothesis (in my opinion of itself lacks credibility) of suicide
... Then c' is also a second important witness, (even for this
story) I continue always to police records, released by Jesuit
Father De Francesco, who reports that "a young, very resembling
Ettore Majorana, in the last days of March or in early April, it
was presented to the top of the said Church of Gesu Nuovo, Naples,
(located in Hotel is close to Bologna, where he then resided
Ettore Majorana, which the Institute of Physics, asking to be
hosted for a spiritual retreat, but then because of bureaucratic
difficulties do not reappeared ... "in recent years, also c 'is
also who claims to have met Ettore Majorana in Argentina ... it
seems that investigations in this regard on the "disappearance" of
Ettore Majorana have been recently re-opened in Italy, officially
by the judiciary, and hopefully make full light on the whole
Now I will give the sensational events, if confirmed, that they
gave rise to the title of this rather challenging my article:
"Antimatter, the Free Energy of Ettore Majorana".
There is a person who is still alive, his name is Rolando Pelizza,
(source press release: "The truth of Ettore Majorana. Comes a New
Science," by Pietro Panetta, President of 'International
Association Life Project, web site: progevita.com), who claims to
have met Ettore Majorana, "the Professor", after 20 years of its
alleged "disappearance", from the year 1958. And even to have it
later attended systematically, but does not say exactly where .
(Note of 'Author: perhaps the Charterhouse of Serra San Bruno,
near Lamezia Terme, in Calabria, as suggested by Leonardo Sciascia
in his The disappearance of Majorana?). Already this first
statement is so important and sensational, I wonder why it has not
yet been examined and verified by the Judiciary, which has
recently reopened the investigation into the alleged
"disappearance" (in Argentina?) Ettore Majorana , in order to make
full light, finally, on the events occurred.
But there is much more: "Rolando Pelizza argues that Ettore
Majorana, having taken a liking, as he too was gifted in
mathematics and scientific intelligence capabilities, he would
have sent all the theoretical principles of a new physics, and
that he himself Rolando Pelizza would be put in a position, from
this scientific knowledge of theoretical physics, obtained
directly from Hector Majrana, to create a "science fiction"
machine (now "Ray of Life" call), based on antimatter, whose beam
generated by it, allows to precisely treat and modulate the
antimatter, and would be able to annihilate the material through
the generation of a huge heat inside the target material itself
... "
But here it would open an important and serious chapter of the
story: namely the fact that such a device, which can trigger an
'enormous energy, and steerable beam, and can annihilate or
disintegrate the material itself, would lend itself well to be
used as a deadly weapon destructive ... and in the continuation we
will see that this will have negative implications on the
development of the story ...
But we proceed with order. I will say right away that the
allegation made by Rolando Pelizza (reported by Peter Panetta),
would be entirely consistent with many of the details that hand in
hand we revealed and reveal even later. It is not for me to judge,
in the sense of giving objective opinions, official and definitive
on the whole story, (although I've made a personal opinion which
makes me believe that it is likely ...). I add only that it would
be worthwhile to check the facts exposed by Pietro Panetta, in a
systematic and official, also in the interest of Ettore Majorana
family that still has the right to know the truth (if you still do
not know). About what happened to Ettore Majorana in the year
1938, but especially in the 'interest of the scientific community,
which has always considered Ettore Majorana a physicist and one of
the highest level scientist, perhaps the most important of the'
900, it would be definitely worthy of a Nobel prize…
Of course if this new physics introduced and enunciated by Ettore
Majorana, they talk about Rolando Pelizza, Pietro Panetta (and not
only them ...) was linked in particular to the antimatter
discovery, if confirmed, and if the aforementioned equipment
really existed, humanity would make enormous progress, because we
would have a new source of energy, economic, unlimited and clean!
Obviously if used for civilian purposes ... So it would be
especially World interest to shed light on the whole story!
"Already in the early 70's car Life radius, able to treat and as
we said modular antimatter, it had already been built by Rolando
Pelizza, and was running!"
I realize that the reader this may seem like a fantastic story,
but I would say that things are in all other way, are real! Many
were in fact in the past, the direct witnesses of the events
described, and could have him confirm whether they required. Even
in this there are still some people who were direct witnesses of
the facts and circumstances, and that they have elements in order
to confirm the above ...
But why, then, of this amazing invention "Ray of Life" made in the
early '70s, little if it is spoken? And above all, why the
positive effects of this new energy technology we have yet? And
for this reason we continue to use fossil fuels which pollute the
atmosphere (CO2), making us sick, and jeopardizing the survival of
this planet Earth, because of the resulting global warming?
Let us understand better.
The following text, which I reproduce in full, was taken from the
press release "The Truth about Ettore Majorana. Born a New
Science, "by Pietro Panetta, President of the 'International
Association of Project Life, downloadable from the website
Rolando Pelizza said that "after 20 years after his death, which
took place by his will, Ettore Majorana knows him, and we are in
1958. (Author's note: perhaps the Charterhouse of Serra San Bruno,
near Lamezia Terme, in Calabria, as suggested by Leonardo Sciascia
in his the disappearance of Majorana?) Ettore Majorana identifies
him as a young gifted and led naturally to mathematics, what you
probably wanted, and offered to work with him. Thus began for
Rolando Pelizza extensive training of studies on Physics and
Mathematics, Master gradually moved him all the knowledge to
complete his theoretical project, which was already working for
many years. Rolando Pelizza has the merit not only to have learned
the theoretical knowledge, physics and mathematics, but also to
have translated theory into practical application. In fact in the
early '70s he was in possession of a device that would unleash the
military world to hog that no metaphors that would be the most
powerful weapon in the world, at very low costs. Rolando and his
Master (Ettore Majorana) did not seek personal enrichment, and
never, ever build a weapon; but they were busy with the conviction
to give to the world of life and well-being tranquility. Here is
the commitment not to allow anyone to employ this new knowledge
for the purpose of mass destruction. "
"At this point, however, comes into play another character who
will have in this whole affair a leading role: Massimo Pugliese.
He was initially presented as a consultant for the funding and
development of new applications found initiatives; actually
Rolando Pelizza knew after it was Ten. Col. of Carabinieri
aggregate in SISDE on leave. By Massimo Pugliese it is involved
then the 'American Embassy in Rome with the attendant Officer John
Louis Manniello, who requested an experiment that demonstrates the
effects on various materials and possibly recorded on magnetic
tape. This happened later with the personal envoy of President
Ford, Ing. Matteo Tutino, who expressed congratulations for the
monumental discovery and the big American interest. The proposed
agreement was to create a company with the American Government and
Pelizza (then called the European Group) at 50%, evaluated a
billion dollars.
If it was not possible to change the law that prohibits the US
government to participate in private companies, an entity under
the control of the American government it would intervene. Pelizza
agreed and reiterated the condition that it was necessary to
complete the research that made the machine useful for peaceful
applications, excluding all that was of military nature. The time
required to conclude, as further proof, to knock down five
satellites in orbit, and handed over a list of coordinates with
the addition of being able to use the machine for both peaceful
and military purposes. To this request Pelizza firmly opposes and
truncates any negotiation.
Pugliese at this point is unleashed, sending reports and movies
right and left, informing Italian politicians, officials of both
Italian and foreign services, processing and putting into
circulation of contracts drafts, never authorized, holding
conferences and impromptu discussions of scientific theories, etc.
. "
"But not only Pugliese gave a lot to do: even the friends of
Brescia, whose number had now widened, never missed a chance to
propose meetings and contacts. So you get to Loris Fortuna, then
President of Industry Commission, which initially shows great
interest with bombastic promises, ended in nothing. While plotting
with Pugliese and was also entertained with Tutino, he gets to
give Prof. Ezio Clementel then President of CNEN appointed to the
request for an experimental test of the steel plates provided by
the same Clementel. Performed the tests for the treated sheets are
returned and accompanied by its movie, by Pugliese.
The Great Teacher concluded: "If the execution of the tests had
correctly place ...." Wrote cautiously in its report, and that
expression "correctly" was referring to the video recording where
you could see that the equipment of 'experiment was powered by a
small battery, "... the powers involved are huge ... and requested
the experiment results are not obtainable by currently known
technologies"; this in a powerful report delivered to the then
President of the Council of Ministers. Time lost, but not enough.
Request for a new experiment. The it is noted that since the
winter the area is inaccessible due to snow. The answer was an
ultimatum: if within the next 15 days, did not give himself over
to what is required, every Italian treaty was to be considered
"Thus began a relationship with the Belgian government: first, the
request for an experimental test in the presence of one of their
expert on lasers. Test performed, with the report produced by the
expert, which among other eras a NATO Army Colonel. Belgium is
proposed a deal in which the Belgian state and our society, which
was to be a Holding Luxembourg which confer ownership rights,
formed a joint venture to 50% each. The Belgian State undertook to
finance what is necessary for the continuation of the research and
would have paid five billion Belgian francs of the time a fee of
50%, subject to the outcome of an experiment to be performed in
Pugliese in this negotiation is, from us, put aside. And needless
to say the Italian Government, as an observer, gives mandate to
the then Minister Plenipotentiary Antonio Mancini, great person
for their professionalism, honesty and humanity that we remember
with affection and esteem. The Belgian Parliament, to authorize
the contract it should change their laws five. The drafting of the
contract, in French, and under the control of the Belgian State
Attorney; for our part we entrust the task to a lawyer of Brescia
who knows the language, by recommending the highest priority
non-negotiable points. Here comes the day of the signature in the
presence of the five Ministers. The Prime Minister and Pelizza
sign the contract, following the deposit, in a safe, the technical
documentation at the State Bank. The key was holding the Director,
the code figure in the Prime Minister and Pelizza. The release
would take place after payment. At home re-reading the agreement
carefully, you realize that the points of absolute priority that
must not be altered are expressed thus: "the Ministers agree to
abide by gentlemen ...", but the ministers are not eternal and who
will respect the ' commitment?"
"Start a dispute with meetings: the first in the private residence
of the Prime Minister with the lawyer of the Belgian State,
Pelizza, Mancini and Panetta, where it asks you to change the
points that had been accepted and verbally, while denied the
opportunity to correct the contract, the prime minister thumbed
through the dossier which could be glimpsed some of the
documentation sheet deposited in the bank. If this was true it
meant that the safe had been broken, there was no certainty, but
doubt s'alimentava and also explained certain attitudes. The
refusal received induces Panetta, who represented the absolute
majority of the company, to request an audience lawyer of the
Belgian State. Following several meetings and agreed at the end
the following: the lawyer of Belgian State agreed with the Prime
Minister by telephone in the presence of Panetta, of moving
forward the logged experiments in the contract, but that in case
of failure the contract would be automatically revoked, making
free the parties from any obligation. This forced him to do the
experiment to not be in default; so you decide to give during the
experiment with the intention not to make it succeed.
Fixed the day of the experiment, the Min. Mancini with the
Belgians organized the transfer of the machine Chiari (BS) on
board a van escorted by plainclothes political police, with the
destination airport of Ghedi military, where it was loaded onto a
military plane Belgian, aboard which climbed Pelizza, Panetta,
Mancini and Professional Rome. In addition to the pilots there was
the Belgian colonel who previously attended an experimental trial
in Italy, and the report of which the Belgian Government
authorized the contract, which earned him a promotion to General.
Destination military zone of Braschaat, Belgium. Arrived, he
locked the car, and the keys were handed over to Pelizza. The
following day, to attend the trials of the protocol beyond us
there were the Belgian General, three Professors of a European
Centre, two Italian researchers including Ezio Clementel, the
company Professionals, lawyers and other people who were not
submitted. In the narrow bunkers, where was placed the machine,
Pelizza start some evidence out of the Protocol of the materials
found in the local and perfectly managed. Panetta attended with
him and Mancini, and this gave rise to the evidence. The first,
not covered, was to destroy a tank...