Apparatus To Rectify Ether Energy ( ATREE )
General Report # 1
Tesla Technology
Washington Research Center (San Francisco, CA)In 1899, Nikola Tesla discovered the principle that now serves as the basis for the receiver unit that was first tested by peter Markovich in August of 1977. At this point, let us briefly review what was discovered by Dr. Tesla in July of 1899. If we look at US Patent # 725,605 entitled "System of Signaling", we will find diagrams that described the Tesla system. This system was based on what Dr. Tesla called a wave phenomenon that was not electromagnetic in nature. This wave was able to produce useable electrical energy that was taken from the Earth's atmosphere. This wave as described by Tesla and partially proven by Markovich had a number of unique characteristics. First, the wave train was stationary with a length of about 185,000 miles and a width of about 200 miles. Secondly, it had a frequency of 925 cycles per second. Finally, the wave's speed was equal to or greater than the speed of light.
To understand the instrument and how it is able to generate electrical power, we must divide the unit into three components. These parts are the windings or coils (a primary and secondary units), their shape, and the height and diameter of the capacitor electrode (electron pool). Included in the design of the receiver is the type and composition of the materials used in its construction. To understand the theory behind the device, one must remember that the Earth and its Atmosphere are electromagnetically charged. Further, an instrument that is properly "grounded into this system can be used to receive and transmit useable energy -- a point discovered and noted by Tesla on July 17, 1899 at his Colorado Springs Laboratory.
The Markovich device incorporates the basic principle discovered at Colorado Springs by Dr.Tesla -- namely, that the Earth is a giant condenser The Earth's surface can be seen as one plate and the ionosphere as the other plate through which an electric-like charge is constantly flowing. At present, the Markovich unit can be rated at 2.5 volts and 0.5 (or 0.025) amps. This rating yields approximately 1.25 (or 0.06) watts of power. If the presently loose connections were properly cleaned and soldered, the unit could produce an increased efficiency of about 18% or 1.48 (or 0.07) watts. Moreover, if the system were properly "grounded" by connecting it to another unit of oppositely wound coils, the efficiency could be increased from 30 to 60% or 1.63 (or 0.08) to 2.19 (or 0.10) watts. This rating can also be vastly increased by altering the composition of the materials used to make the device. Here Markovich has confirmed the importance of using materials (metals) of high electrical conductivity such as copper, silver, gold, etc. the ideal material is a metal alloy of copper and silver. This material was employed by Tesla in the transmitter built at Wardenclyffe (Shoreham, Long Island (NY) in the early 1900s.
Thus the immediate goals of the research program on the rediscovered Tesla power system is basically five-fold in nature. First, the wave phenomenon has to be correctly measured and its exact nature discovered. Second, the exact relationship between the energy utilized by the machine and the better known certain types of materials that act as more efficient conductors of this energy must be fully ascertained. Fourth, the effect of the use of this system on the various organisms that inhabit this planet must be discovered. Finally, the possible interface to the so-called "psychic energy" and any possible relationships must be fully researched.
By adequately learning the nature of the energy that is produced by the Tesla-Markovich energy unit, a general theory of the nature of electromagnetism and energies closely related to them may be possible. In so doing, one may be able to advance the "state of the art" of Man's technology. Moreover, in the long run, the new discoveries may not only solve the energy crisis, but also the "technology crisis" that presently distorts the potential of contemporary civilization.
Presented by: Dr. Peter Markovich
Witnessed by: [10 persons]
Disclosure Document
I, Peter T. Markovich, citizen of Canada, propose to explain the basis for what shall hereafter be known as the "Apparatus to Rectify Ether Energy" (ATREE)
I. Preface ~
Humanity has long been aware of a unique form of energy that appears to be related to the electromagnetic technologies of modern civilization. These energies have been referred to in all ancient civilizations under a number of different names such as chi, prana, mana, etc. In modern times, science has adopted new names for it. These terms, whterher "odic force", "orgone energy" or "bioplasmic effect" are no more than new terms for these ancient energies. In fact, research by modern physics indicates that this energy is related in part to the classic concept of the "ether" -- an energy that would be composed of all known and unknown forms of energy (those energies that occupy the electromagnetic spectrum and allied types). Indeed, it now seems that the new physics as created in the early part of this century has not completely disproven the existence of an "ether" that would "flow" throughout the universe, but has just established the need to determine whether the "ether" fits into a new general theory on the relationships between energy and matter. In this regard, the discovery of an instrument that could convert the "ether" into a more familiar energy form (e.g., electricity) would be a boon to the formulation of any new theory on the relationships of presently known energies to the "ether".
In the spring of 1977, Peter Markovich was able to convert this energy into direct current (DC) electricity by the use of a specially constructed apparatus. Here, an important point must be made, that the instrument in question is not a perpetual motion machine, but simply a machine that is able by the use of a unique induction process to convert an energy of extremely high frequency (teracycles) to one of practically no cycles (DC electricity). Following a series of modifications, the apparatus was able by the fall of 1977 to have raised its voltage from 2.5 volts DC to 36 volts DC and its amperage to 0.7 amps from an initial 0.025 amps. Further developments in the machine's technology had allowed Markovich to progress to instruments in the early part of 1978 that produced wattages in the vicinity of 0.5 kilowatts of DC electricity.
II. Apparatus To Rectify Ether Energy ~
The Apparatus To Rectify Ether Energy (ATREE) is a machine that is able to transform the energy of the ether into direct current (DC) electricity. In order to accomplish this feat, the instrument takes into account the nature of ether. As many scientists now know, the ether consists of a "compressible fluid" that has a density of 10127 to 1094 wattseconds per cubic centimeter. This high energy density permits a cubic centimeter of ether to be able to provide for the energy needs of a small city. In addition, many scientists have also speculated that the ether may be conducted as a tensor field (motion by compression of the wave) and therefore is a stationary wave. These stationary waves would be able to penetrate and pass through almost all the heavenly bodies known to inhabit the universe. As is the case with radio waves, a particular antenna design would be necessary to efficiently collect and rectify this energy. Since its wavelength is 10-32 centimeters and motion of the wave train is quite similar to that of stationary waves, a specially designed hollow ball construction of a highly conductive metal seems most appropriate for this task. In addition, the induction unit could take advantage of the modified "L" (electric) and "H" (magnetic) fields produced by the ether energy to induct a useful electric current.
To convert this energy into electricity, it is essential that a component be provided that can collect and begin the rectification of the ether energy found near the surface of the planet. This part must be able to receive, store and conduct the ether energy to the component of the ATREE that actually rectified the ether into DC electricity. Due to its almost corkscrew motion as well as its high frequency and near electrical properties, ether energy can be collected by a hollow ball whose diameter is approximately one-sixth that of the height of the rectification component. Moreover, the ball should be composed of a very thin (26 gauge or less) metal of high electrical conductivity, such as gold, silver or copper. In our case, a hollow ball composed of copper was employed. In operation, the ether will first collect around the outside of the ball and then easily penetrate the outer surface of the ball and collect in the form of a moving swirl on the inside surface of the ball. To get this pulsating energy to the unit that actually does the rectification, it is necessary to take advantage of the near electrical properties of the ether. At this time, a specially built copper core must be employed. The core of the converter is a copper rod that has the upper 5 % of its length inserted inside the copper collection ball. The top part of this element is needle shaped to permit the swirling ether energy to jump the gap to the tip of the copper core, much in the manner of an electrical spark completing a return to ground through a pointed electrode. This core is tightly wound with 26-gauge copper wire from a point directly beneath the ball down to the opposite end of the copper rod. Also, an outer coil built from insulated #14 household wire is used in the converter. This second coil is attached on one end to the outside of the collection ball and on its opposite end to the working electrical circuit.
The conversion of energy resembles in many ways the electromagnetic induction principle discovered in the 19th century. As noted previously, ether possesses two quasi-electromagnetic vectors. The first of these is the quasi-electric one that seems to carry a charge and to flow like electricity through wires. The second vector is a quasi-magnetism that differs only in the fact that the lines of flux are bent in an inward direction instead of the more well-known outward bend of magnetic flux. To induce electricity, the converter employs an unusual phenomenon related to these vectors. In the case of ether, the swirling energy flows into the rod and also into the tightly wound inner coil; however, the difference in rate and distance traveled allows the rod's energy to reach the bottom of this component way before that which goes by way of the inner coil. In doing so, the vectors cross and induce an electrical potential in the wires of the inner coil. To amplify this voltage, the outer coil must be wound counter to the winding of the inner coil. Here, the return circuit through this coil acts in the same manner as the secondary induction coil in a transformer.
To summarize the process mentioned above, let us quickly review the entire conversion process. First, the ether jumps to the tip of the converter's core and is conducted toward the opposite end of the rod that is connected to the electrical circuit. Simultaneously, the ether flows through the tightly wound inner coil to the opposite end of the rod. The difference in rate and distance allows the coil and the copper rod to induce an electrical potential that is greater at the bottom of the rod than at its top. Finally, the outer coil wound counter to the inner one acts as an amplifier of the electrical potential and current since its fields (the electrical circuit return to the ball) have the property to amplify the quasi-electricity produced by the induction process in the copper rod and the inner coil. In this fashion, the ATREE is able to convert ether energy into useable DC electricity.
To conclude, we have seen how a specially constructed instrument as first conceived and developed by Peter Markovich in the spring of 1977 has been able to conduct and convert ether into DC electricity. As future developments continue, it holds the promise of giving humanity a possible alternative to fossil and nuclear generation of electrical energy.
Presented by: Peter Markovich
October 1, 1977Witnessed by: [[8 persons]
General Report
Tesla Technology
Washington Research Center (San Francisco, CA)On February 8, 1978, a test of the Markovich Electric Power Source (MEPS) was conducted at the home of its inventor, Peter Markovich. Also in attendance for this demonstration was Don Murphy, Art Steele, and Sheldon Nidle. A series of tests were run in order to determine the current rating and closed and open circuit voltages of the MEPS. The first test was to hook the voltmeter in series with the device and then to add a number of resistors to determine the closed circuit voltage of the instrument. Following these tests, the MEPS was to be tested by having it light a 60-watt bulb. Current was to be determined by having the voltmeter connected in parallel to the MEPS and an ammeter connected in series to the electrical circuit of the MEPS. The results are as follows:
Open Circuit 180 Volts DC 3.0 Amps
60 Watt Bulb 150 VDC 2.5 A
10 M-ohm Resistor 150 VDC 0.000015 A
Shunt Motor 150 VDC -----The results of the tests were quite impressive. The motor was run at a very high speed while the bulb was able to shine very brightly; however, the actual lumens given off was not measured. In addition to the DC current, an AC component was also measured. This phenomenon may be due to the nature of the meter employed as well as to the pulsing nature of the DC electricity that comes from the instrument. The low current that was measured when the 10 megaohm resistor was shorting the MEPS was to be expected since such a high resistance did not lower the amount of voltage measured in the instrument. These tests indicate the fact that the unit is extremely more potent a power source than a battery since the instrument returned to its maximum measurements instantly after being disconnected and being drained for 5 to 10 minute periods.
Witnessed by: [5 persons]
Letter to W. M. Hill
(Canadian Patents & Development Ltd, Ottawa, Canada)August 31, 1978
Dear Sirs:
As requested during our meeting, I am enclosing a general outline of ongoing research at Markovich Technology Institute in regards to the Markovich Tesla Electrical Power Source, referred to as MTEPS. One of our basic research units was demonstrated at the US Dept. of energy on April 25, 1978.
I have developed my "Magnifying transmitter" based upon the initial research and the basic principle discovered at Colorado Springs, CO by Dr. Nikola tesla. As you are aware, Dr. Tesla received over 2,000 US Patents, developed the basic poly-phase electrical systems used by Westinghouse and Edison, and produced many other basic electrical devices still sued today. That particular research is based upon my improvements on US patent # 725,605 entitled "System of Signalling" by Nikola tesla.
I was first able to prove the Tesla Theory to my satisfaction while aiding in the development of the tracking equipment for the early Sputnik satellites launched by the USSR during 1956. Since this period, I have been able to satisfactorily prove a number of Tesla Theories including an electromagnetic scope and a basic theory to separate hydrogen and oxygen from seawater into conventional fuel.
The Tesla Colorado Experiments and Tesla Theory as well as my own research seem to indicate the possible utilization of cosmic energy rather than fossil fuels, nuclear, etc., in the production of either AC or DC electrical power.
MTEPS is a system based upon a stationary wave phenomenon described by Nikola Tesla that is not electromagnetic in nature. This wave as described by Tesla and partially proven by me has many unique characteristics. First, the wave train is stationary with a length of approximately 125,000 miles and a width of approximately 200 miles. Secondly, it has a frequency of 925 cycles per second. Finally, the wave's speed is equal to or greater than the speed of light at 185,000 miles per second.
Testing and new developments have been in progress for over one year with the following results:
Sept. 28, 1977 ~ Faraday Cage Experiment determined power rating and electrical potential at voltage of 2.5 V exactly; amperage at level of 0.5 A; wattage under ideal conditions at 1.25 W. resulting power source was attached to a series of loads which included a small incandescent light bulb used for flashlights and a 10 ohm resistor. Light remained bright and steady indicating device applicable for common electrical usage.
Nov. 15-16, 1977 ~ Continuation of research with modifications on MTEPS. Results included: Voltage increase from 2.5 V to 25 V; Amperage increased from 0.5 A to 0.6 A with a total increase of approximately 10x in potential and 20x in power. Note: It appears that some form of new energy is being induced to produce a useable DC electrical current.
Nov. 20, 1977 ~ Experiment by Marcel Vogel, Senior Scientist for IBM Research Center, San Jose, CA. Results included: Open circuit voltage of 36 volts; open circuit current of 0.8 amps. When a load of 1,000 ohms was added in a closed circuit, the potential dropped to 20 volts and the closed circuit current remained at 0.8 Amps. When the load was disconnected, the voltage rapidly returned to 36 volts in less than one minute (20 seconds). The oscilloscope verified the steady DC voltage emitted from the MTEPS Unit.
Feb. 8, 1978 ~ Continuation of witnessed experiment. Open circuit resulted in 180 V; current at 3.0 Amps, which lighted a 60 watt bulb. Both an AC and DC current component was measured.
These tests indicate that the MTEPS Unit is extremely potent as a power source.
May & July, 1978 ~ The current working model of the MTEPS Research is producing 360 volts; current at 14 amps; producing AC and DC electrical power capable of running a 5 hp motor to light 6 household light bulbs. This was successfully demonstrated at the US Dept. of Energy.
Based upon these successful experiments in a very short period, I expect that with proper funding, Markovich Technology Institute could produce a vastly improved, high performance MTEPS Unit demonstrating an entirely new energy technology.
The energy ramifications are quite evident. The applications of the MTEPS are unlimited. However, initial consideration should be given to the original Tesla concept of a new type of communications system that would be virtually an unjammable communications method and very effective beyond out solar system.
Additional areas for exploration include:
(1) Deep space magnetic propulsion vehicles;
(2) Heat ray satellites in geostationary orbits to be used for altering climate and weather;
(3) Multi-facility home and recreational energy systems;
(4) Applications relating to wireless electrical power system;
(5) Transmissions from point to point on earth as discovered by Tesla, improved by me.Thank you for your continued support.
Dr. Peter T. Markovich
General Report
Tesla Technology
Washington Research Center (San Francisco, CA)
(Nov. 15-16, 1977)Since our last series of tests a series of modifications of the Tesla-Markovich Power Source have been completed. Among these changes were the following:
(1) Alteration of the capacitor ball by substitution of a larger copper unit and the addition of a needle-shaped mast core that was entwined with 30-gauge copper wire (bare). Also, a series of copper wire prongs attached to the top of the unit with these prongs put through the top of the unit and attached to the inside of the ball.
(2) Alteration of the mast unit by substitution of a much larger unit (OD of 3/4") and the intertwining of the new copper core with 30-gauge wire. In addition, the use of #14 insulated electrical wire wound to the ID of the new brass mast with a winding of #14 bare electrical wire interwound with the insulated #14 wire.
(3) Addition of a solid connection between the secondary and the primary coils by the use of aluminum tape.
(4) Addition of two new coils. One that goes from the mast to the primary tube and one that goes from the mast core to the secondary-primary connection.
When testing was finally begun, a number of unusual phenomena were discovered. Among these were the following:
(1) Voltage was increased in the unit from 2.5 V to 25 V while amperage was increased from0.5 A to 0.6 A --- a total increase of approximately 10x in potential and 20x in power.
(2) The circuit was found to produce current when a number of different connection were attempted --- e.g., mast to ground, ball to secondary, etc. The device only failed to produce current when some connections involving the primary were attempted.
(3) It appears that some form of new energy is being induced to produce a useable DC electrical current.
At the present time, we are in the process of adding more windings to the capacitor unit and the mast. Hopefully, this action will boost the electrical potential to 36 volts.
General Report
Tesla Technology
Washington Research Center (San Francisco, CA)
(November 2, 1977)After the capacitor ball was altered by covering it with aluminum tape and the insertion of several prongs at various angles to the needle-shaped core of the mast inside the ball, the unit (M-1a) was taken to the home of Marcel Vogel in San Jose, CA. Here, it was set up with two high impedance voltmeters and an oscilloscope to measure any possible effects. In addition, a series of experiments which involved the use of Mr. Vogel's psychic ability to increase and decrease the voltage of the MTEPS were attempted. The results of the experiments were as follows:
(1) The readings of the units were increased as initially predicted: an open voltage of 36 volts and an open circuit current of 0.8 amps.
(2) When a load of 1,000 ohms was added in a closed circuit the potential dropped to 20 volts and the closed circuit current remained at 0.8 amps. When the load was disconnected the voltage rapidly returned to 36 volts in less than one minute (20 seconds).
(3) Marcel Vogel appeared to be able to increase and decrease voltage by about 3 volts. Mr. Vogel reported that the use of a clear quartz crystal left a feeling of coolness in his feet while the use of an amethyst crystal produced a feeling of warmth.
(4) The use of an oscilloscope again verified the steady DC voltage emitted by the unit. However, any attempt at looking for electrostatic fields has to be discounted since the research did not take place in a Faraday cage and the testing equipment was tied to extension cords feeding off standard AC house current.
These tests again proved the ability of the unit to perform as a battery and/or timed capacitor in the DC circuits employed. It also pointed out even more clearly the fact that the unit may be drawing off "life" or "cosmic" energies and acting as a transducer to turn them into useable DC electrical energy. Our next experiments will involve the use of a large Tesla air induction coil interphased with the MTEPS in order to test the wireless power transmission theories of Dr. Tesla as well as the upgrading of the unit to larger wattages so that the unit can be tested as a main and/or auxiliary power source. In so doing, we feel that it will be possible to eventually use the device as an AC power source.
Respectfully submitted,
Peter T. Markovich
(11-20-1977)Witnessed by: Sheldon Nidle, Daniel Haley, & Marcel Vogel
Peter T. Markovich & ATREE ~
Space Energy Receiver
Unknown Author
The device in question is one of a number of energy transducers that converts extremely high frequency energy to a form comparable to alternating or direct current electricity. The process involves in all cases, the utilizing of the instrument as a specially designed resonating cavity. This cavity can be composed of either a number of crystals, a series of coils, or a combination of the above. To understand how the unit operates, it is first necessary to briefly describe the nature of this energy source.
Research and experimentation have established that this energy is one that pervades the known universe and is constantly flowing through the Earth itself. It has been found to be quite dense, with enough power to light an American city of around 50,000 persons for a year. Because of its origins and immense power potential, this energy has been called "vacuum," "cosmic," "radiant," or "zero-point" energy. Dr. Nikola Tesla, the discoverer of the electric age, may have used this energy to create his most fantastic invention-the "Magnifying Transmitter."
At the beginning of this century, Tesla was able to send electrical energy through the earth without the use of wires. In a test transmission, he sent electricity to a receiver located twenty six miles away where a bank of 200 fifty watt light bulbs lit for as long as the transmitter operated. This demonstration convinced Tesla that he had learned the principles of operating the Earth as a gigantic resonating cavity. This resonating cavity had the ability to conduct not only electricity, but also radio waves and any other type of electromagnetic wave. However, the key part was the ability of the transmitter to magnify electromagnetic waves. Also, the device had the ability to transmit this energy at a frequency comparable to the Schuman cycle (6 to 13 hertz). This fact indicated that Tesla had stumbled onto a new form of energy directly convertible into electricity. Evidence of this discovery can be seen in two actions taken by Tesla after the success of the Colorado Springs Experiments. In July 1902, he wrote a letter to Robert Underwood Johnson in which there was mentioned a discovery of a new unknown energy that could be used to create "fuel-less motors." At the same time, Tesla was demonstrating these devices to other friends and refusing to apply for U.S. patents.
Recently researchers have discovered a number of interesting facts about Tesla's energy. First the energy traveled through the universe as a spiraling stationary wave or corkscrew. Second the energy can be conducted by electrical instruments (wires, etc.) composed of metals that are also excellent conductors of electricity (gold, silver, copper, etc). Strangely, those conductors that have no known natural magnetic property such as aluminum can not be used to collect these energies, but only to disperse them. Finally the energy in its corkscrew fashion carried itself around the outside of a wire and not through it as was the case with conventional electricity. Hence, it will be necessary to construct motors that are wound slightly differently in order to make the best use of this energy source. However it will be possible to inter-phase this energy into the modern electrical world and gradually "phase in" the new system.
It is one thing to acknowledge the presence of this strange form of energy, but quite another to construct a successful transducer device. To do so a potential inventor must realize that one should design a device that will have a number of interesting properties. First the instrument must be constructed of materials that can collect the energy, i.e., conductive metals such as copper, silver, etc. Second, the unit must be able to gradually step down the energy. This process can be accomplished by a series of tightly wound coils or else a specially faceted quartz crystal that is connected in series to a number of tightly wound coils. It is the purpose of the first set of spiral coils or of the crystal to act as the source of control for the "electrical energy" in the circuit. The crystal or spiral coil receives this "energy" from a "collector" and converter coils that are attached to it. For the system to operate efficiently, the collector and converter coils must be of a similar shape as the coils that directly surround the crystal or else a harmonic ratio of the crystal and its coils. By putting the energy through enough turns of wire and constructing a properly faceted crystal, one is able to drop the energy to a frequency that can be inter-phased with electrical circuitry. Such a device will only encounter two potential problems. First, there is the great amount of radiant energy that can be given off by an improperly tuned coil. This problem can be overcome by the use of a proper amount of windings and the substitution of materials that are more conductive than those used in previous models. Finally, one must overcome the problem of lower amperages in crystal units. This problem can be solved by the use of a system of specially constructed grounds and the use of smaller crystals in the circuitry between the crystal control system and the collection and conversion system. In this way, improper balances in the device can be overcome in the development of this new system.
As we have seen, there exists a number of ways to successfully convert space energy into electrical energy. This largely unknown energy can be used to perform all the important tasks that can be presently accomplished by electricity. That is, the energy can be utilized as a communications system, power system, or transportation system.
Space Energy Power System
To convert this energy into electricity, it is essential that a component be provided that can both collect and begin the conversion of the energy found near the surface of the planet. This part must be able to receive, store, and conduct the energy to the unit that actually rectifies this energy into dc electricity. Due to its corkscrew motion, high frequency and other near electrical properties, it has been found that this energy can best be collected by a hollow ball whose outside diameter is one sixth of the height of the rectifying unit. Furthermore, this ball should be constructed of a fairly thin conductive metal (#11 gauge sheet metal or less) In our case we chose a ball made of copper (Figure 2) In operation, the energy will first collect around the outside of the ball. This energy will then enter the inside of the ball and collect on the inner surface in a fashion similar to an electrostatic charge. Hence, the ball has received the energy and due to its conductivity and shape stored the energy as a "charge" on its inner plate. To get this energy to the rectifier, it is essential to devise a means to send the collected swirl of energy to the induction rod. This act is accomplished by employing an electrical property of "space energy." The top 5% of the copper rod is formed into a needle shaped tip that permits the energy's "charge" to flow down it like a standard electrostatic charge would by "jumping the gap" to an electrode (tip) in order to complete the fastest possible return to ground. Wound around the "induction rod" is #26 AWG seven stranded hook up wire, the wire is loosely wound over the first six inches of the rod and then tightly wound around the rest of the rod. Finally, the use of #14 AWG household wire is employed in a coil wound in the direction opposite of the coil on the "induction" rod. This coil is affixed on the top to the ball and on the bottom to the working electrical circuit. This entire unit is encase in 1¼ -inch copper tubing.
Conversion of "space energy" resembles in many ways the electromagnetic induction principle first discovered by Henry and Faraday in the last century. As noted previously, this energy has near electromagnetic properties. These properties include the presence of two quasi-vectors, a quasi-electrical (L) field and a quasi-magnetic (H) field. This second or quasi-magnetic field differs from the traditional concept of magnetism by having its flux (lines of force) bend inward instead of magnetism's outward direction. To induce electricity, it is necessary that two dissimilar energy flows be set up. The first is through the copper rod and the second through the coil wound around the rod. Apparently, this difference in distance and speed (wire resistance) off flow creates the conditions similar to the moving of an iron core through a magnetic field, that is, an electrical current is induced. This phenomenon is due to the quasi-magnetism present in both the copper rod and coil (Iron nails will stick to the outer copper tube). Thus, a corollary of the Faraday Law of Electromagnetic induction is clearly found in the induction unit. Further proof of this inductive effect comes from the fact that the counter-coil seems to act much in the manner of the secondary coil of a transformer (amplifies voltage).
Once the energy leaves the induction unit, it enters the "control unit." This unit is composed of a central piezoelectric quartz crystal that is mounted on a tuning (moveable) base attached to the bottom of a hexagonal hardwood resonating chamber. This instrument acts as the split or frequency tuning capacitor. That is, the "control unit" accomplishes the final tuning of the energy so that the maximum amount of energy can be converted into electricity. This circuit begins at the top of the box and passes to a flat spiral coil placed beneath the top of the box. This coil is glued to the copper sheathing that comprises the actual resonating chamber. This "roof coil" starts the process by directing the energy to the crystals upper facets into the working circuit. Next, the energy travels to the inner counter-wound vertical coil called "the crystal coils" through the use of a "slip ring." Here, it is exposed to the energy of the sides or long facets of the crystal. Finally, the energy travels through the main coils, a counter-wound vertical coil glued to the bottom sheathed resonance chamber. By this time, the resonance induced by tuning (turning) the crystal has increased the efficiency of the conversion process. This phenomenon is due to two factors. First, the crystal has the ability to control the amount of voltage in the circuit. This effect is found in standard electrical theory in the use of split capacitors to tune circuits and in this way increase the "Q" efficiency of an induction coil (commonly employed in microwave and radio circuits). Secondly, the unit has the property to increase or decrease the amount of resistance in a given circuit. This was demonstrated by the boxes ability to burn out a 70Vdc, 2 amp step-down transformer. By the use of these properties the control unit is able to transform the energy from the conduction unit into a more stable electrical form.
To sum up let us quickly review the entire conversion process. First, the energy jumps to the tip of the inductor rod and is conducted to the opposite end of the rod. Simultaneously, this energy flows through the tightly wound induction coil. The difference in rate and distance allows the rod and coil to induce an electrical current. Finally, the energy is sent to the control unit to stabilize the converted energy. The main working circuit for the system consists of a primary tube (core and coil assembly labeled C and D in diagram 2) and the secondary spiral tube (core and coil assembly labeled E in diagram 2) In this fashion the device is able to covert "space energy" into a useable form of DC electricity.;topicseen
« Reply #50 on: January 02, 2008, 07:32:57 PM »Re: Disclosed: Peter Markovich and his 'essential' A.T.R.E.E.
That is interesting, i will have to experiment with the location of the sphere connector.
I have some interesting results, can anyone confirm these 2 things for me??
1) the current appears fo be proportional to the size of the sphere
2) voltage appears to be proportional to the number of turns in the primary divided by the number of turns on the secondary windings. - i.e. - increase the total number of turns on both coils and thus should increase the voltage.
im running out of ferrite rods, my longest one thus far is 14 inches. If anyone could play with a larger set-up that would be helpful.
hyp .:: if my calculations hold true, a 1kw unit should be approx 2-ft diameter hollow sphere (copper or aluminum)
and approx 300 turns on the primary / 150 on the secondary.currently my biggest problem is an inconsstency in the curent when a load is attached, the current drops exponentially from 130ma down to 0 after a 10-15 seconds (with a 14-inch rod [60/30 turns] + 9-inch sphere)
This leads me to believe the sphere is acting as a sort of "capacitor", charging over time from the induced voltage diference. I need to experiment with completely discharging the sphere, then measure the "charge time" along a current-based-scale.
Im guessing there is relationship to the charging-time of the sphere, to its discharge
time (i.e. -current out) .Solution :::-- Construct two devices, discharge one intentionally, at the halfway mark of the discharge time, to offset them, then collect them as a low-voltage A/C signal, through a square-wave rectifier to produce a (steady) DC output.
any thoughts? or anyone that can test these things and confirm/deny what im seeing here? thanks.
sm0ky2, Hero Member
Re: Disclosed: Peter Markovich and his 'essential' A.T.R.E.E.
« Reply #53 on: January 04, 2008, 09:45:35 PM »my 2 largest voltages thus far have come from the 9-inch spheres (these are the argest i have)
copper sphere (9in) yields a consistent 0.13v DC potential between the lead from the secondary lead ot the bottom of the rod. (-0.13v if measured in the other direction)
the aluminum sphere (9in) yields a varying voltage potential between 0.04 - 0.9v DC, im not sure what causes the variance - my two best guesses are temperature and/or the mixture of different metals in the aluminum alloy.
[i could not obtain a hollow sphere made of pure aluminum - they are hard to come by, and i was also told that it would quickly form an oxide layer on the outer (and inner) surface, which would act like an insulator, destroying the effect we are trying to achieve.]My next attempt is going to be constructed with a hollow Brass sphere, im shooting for 12-14 inch if i can find one. if it has to be custom made, i'll get the biggest one my pockest can afford.
at best, what i have is approx 2/100th's of a Watt, which decreases over the discharge time of the sphere (capacitor).
i have not yet been able to achieve a non-stop DC output of any measurable current, the current is only present when i let it "charge" for a few seconds.
also i have found an increase in ferformance when you completely seal(air tight) the hole in the bottom of the sphere, around the rod shaft. - this seal also doubles as an insulator for the inner coil lead, between it and the sphere, allowing a much closer solder point at the top of the rod. - although my next one will be attached actually up INSIDE the sphere just under the "point", my mind keeps telling me to do this for some reason, so im gonna go with it..
Brass should perform slightly better than the copper, it lies between copper and silver on the list of metals
silver, gold, or even platinum/titanium are probably the best metals to build this device out of, but i am not rich enough to build a golden toy Smileyhonestly i think the "ground-battery" gives a much better power output for the cost of parts, but this does have the advantage of mobility, so im going to toy with it for a little while longer. - if anyone has suggestions to try, or results of their own i would appreciate as much input as i can get at this point.
p.s. i mentioned in an earlier post about using a ferrite rod - disregard this - continue using non-ferromagnetic rods, it does not have the advantage that i thought it would have, and may in fact decrease performance, or at least make it inconsistent.
the more i toy with this, the more i tihnk "comming from the aether" is not what is happening here at all.
If i had to describe this effect, it would be along the lines of a peltier effect, along a temperature constant. There is a voltage potential, but (almost) no current flow.
if the circuit is isolated (open) the cummulative charge density can build up.which "auto"-charges some types of capacitors over time.
This capacitor, just happens to be a sphere.
i have not been able to detect any ionic disturbances with my static-detectors, and they are extremely sensitive at a close range, so i am confident there are no ion accumulations involved.
If you want to see this effect in greater quantities, get a pelter thermoelectric "CPU cooler", and attach it to a capacitor at ambient temperaure on both terminals.
(you can increase the voltage obtained by placing it in a magnetic field.)i think the coils could essentially be replaced with a strip of dissimilar metal attached from the sphere to the bottom of the rod.
voltage would be obtained between the sphere and the top of the rod. this effect is achieved by the coils, not by induction, but by increasing the conductive path on one side of the circuit, which is (synthetically) the same as using a different metal.
many designs, in fact used different metal coilswhen there is a thermal difference between the two ends, the situation is extremely compounded with differing energy levels, but at a thermal equilibrium, there is simply a voltage potential, with current so low your meter probably will read 0.000, but will charge a cap over time.
hi saintsnick,
it says 5% of the rod inside the sphere, not 1/5, it's a big difference.
spiral, out.
The rod and sphere must be electrically isolated from one another.
we are talking about a hollow sphere here, not a ball with a hole drilled in it. It must be very thin and smooth inside and out.
The type of metal may vary, but they fall within the class of non-magnetic metals (copper,silver,gold,platinum)
iron or steel will not work, because it induces an opposing magnetic field within the material that cancels out the electric potential.
Be SURE that your wiring is NOT paramagnetic. you can test this by placing a magnet to the wire. If it is attracted, find a different wire. (if you're using copper wiring you dont have to worry about this)
The wires used in the 2 coils should be proportionally sized (meaning that the larger wire is divisible by the diameter of the smaller , or by a common denominator of the two)
Also the number of turns should be proportional to the opposite degree (2x size = 1/2x the # of turns)
the (inner) coil should be bare copper wire. an insulated copper wire actually has an inductance, which will prevent ANY current from flowing through it. rather we provide a circular (shorted) path for some of the energy to flow through (on the surface of....). The secondary coil is insulated to created the induction effect to drive the load.
Hope this helps.
[as for the mile long Tesla thing, it's size has no bearing on the effect Its massive size was designed for one reason and one reason only,
--To Achieve Incredible Ammounts of Energy from One Device - so he could play with it consistently without interupting the commercial power-grid his machines were hooked to. I dont believe he ever got a chance to actually make this large version of the device before his laboratory was confiscated.]
Hi All;
I was playing around with the
ATREE I had built earlier in this post and to my surprise there might be something to this design after all. Earlier I had tried many different things to try and get voltage from the device but my meter showed nothing.. Well It turns out my meter was faulty! When I tried checking the voltage with a new more sensitive meter I was getting a small but constant voltage of 80 to 100 m volts. I tried putting different capacitors across the two output leads and was able to vary the voltage substantially. With two 50 volt 22000 uF dc capacitors in parallel I am able to maintain .15 volts . I has gotten as high as .7volts. When I attached a 2500 volt ac microwave capacitor to the ATREE I was able to actually get a spark after about 10 minutes of charging. The output is definitely DC..I tried putting a resistor across th leads after the capacitor and it drained the voltage to 0. It will slowly build the charge after a while and return to a steady state. I don't have a low voltage LED to try on it but when I get one I will try it.I'm not sure how to harvest this voltage but it is definitely acting like a collector. I know my device is crude but maybe a properly built one will get better results.
I am currently building a RENE- RATER and will post some pictures soon for anyone that is interested.
NO, I did not change a thing. The primary is wound with #26 magnet wire just like the original diagram in this posting shows. The only things that I changed was my meter and the way I attached capacitors to it.